WHITE SWAN HOTEL In Race Street. The Undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has lately taken the White Swan Hotel, in Race Street, Philadelphia, (formerly kept by Jacob Peters.) The Swan Hotel, ?[111.,,: has lately undergone complete repairs and now stands second to none in the city in point of style and ac commodation. The TABLE is well sup plied with the best the. season affords, the BAR with the choicest of Liquors, and prompt and obliging servants. lle has sev eral rivate arlors, in order to accommo- I ate amt tes, wto may eem proper o vot him with their custom. He has taken the house with a determi nation to spare no pains, or expense in ma king it convenient to his customers. He has large and commodious stables, good and attentive ostlers who will at all times be in attendance. By punctual attendance to his customers, and a desire to render them comfortable in every respect, he expects a share of public patronage Philadelphia, Jan. 10, Ibso, GEORGE; HAIIN 1M 111131111111112, The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 169 Chestnut Street, Charter Perpetual, CAPITAL 300 ) 000. Continue to make Insurances on Lives on the most favorable terms. The capital being paid up and invested,' together with the accinulated'pretnium fu ad affords a perfect security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payments. The company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurance fur life. The first bonus was appropriated in December, 18.1 , 1, amounting to 10 per cent. on the suns in sured under the oldest policies, to 81.• per cent, 71 per cent, &c., on others in propor tion to the time of standing making an addi- Aion_of_sloo,.sB7, 50, &c.,_on every $lOOO originally insured, which is an aver age of more than 50 per cent on the preini urns paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. No. of Sum Bonus Amount of policy and • or bonus payable at the l'olicy.lusured , Addicon, party's decease. No. 58: j 1000 $ 100 .. 88j 3500 250 .' 205' 4000 4OO 276 2000 i 124 .. 333 5000 • 437 50 Pamphlets containing tables of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms of appli cation ; and further information can be had at the office in Philadelphia, or on applica tion to A. L. liunc, Agent in Allentown. B. W. RIC . ILARDS, President JNO. F. JAMES, ./C.ittary December 1:3 ROGER-BROWN'S WE'VE & LIQUOR STORE, No. 323 MARKET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth Strs,Nurth side, Philadelphia. All kinds of Foreign \Vines and Liquors such as— Old Cognac Brandies, Dark eittle:44f and Pale, Holland Uin, maica Spi rits,lrish and Scotch Malt Whiskey of the very finest quality. VINES,—Such as Madeira, Port, Sherry, Teneriffe, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret and champagne, very choii.c and " old. Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distilled Brandy and Gin, Pure Spirits, Deodorized Alcohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Wild-Cherry Brandy, and, Fine Cordials, Raspberry Brandy, New England Ruin, &c., also a large supply of tine Old Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern-keepers, will do well to give the un dersigned a cull before purchasing elsewere, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch es, will bear the closest scrutiny, recollect NO. 323 Market Street. ROGER BROWN. Philadelphia, Dec 6 —1 y. • FASHIONABLE Jewelry Establishment.! Cheap and Good Watches, l Jewelry & Silver-ware, whole-1 A4 llO sale and retail, at No. 96 North Second street, corner of guar ry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, IS caret cases, $2O and over. Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, . $l6 and over. Silver Lepine Watches, jew elled, . $ll and over. Silver Quartier Watches, $5,00 to 10 Gold Pencils, $1.50 to 7 Pine Gold Rings, 371 cts. to 80 Other articles •in proportion. All Goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Constantly on Hand, a full assortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE. Also, an assortment of M. J. To bias & Co., E. Simpson, Samuel & Broth ers, E. S. Yates & Co.,•John Harrison, G. 4- R. Beesley, and other superior Patent Lever illoveinenls, which will be cased in any style desired. Arrangements have been made with all the above celebrated limiters, the best man. ufaCturers of Liverpool, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken and the name and residence of the person ordering put on if requested, fI..CONRAD, No. 06 North 2nd.. St. Importer of Watches. Philadelphia, Nov. :29. Fire Insurance. Poor House Account, Mertz & Landes ,28 lbs. 6 oz. sea , 2 83 Do 12 lbs. white rage p at 6, Insuring all the buildings' and CHARLES SAEOER Esq., Treasurer, in ac- and 11. a lbs. mixed rags, at 2, 99 count with the Direetors of the Poorand Six different persons for horse feed, 63 house furniture belonging to , of E mp i o y mea t for I. Fassbinder, a pauper, being pan pay- the Institution of the Rouse meat for conveying him to the poor county of Lehigh, f rom Jan. !2d, 1819, to , January Ist, 1850, both days inclusive. house,so Issuing and Executing orders of Relief i Tobacco sold, 10 and Supporting Out Door Paupers. Discharged . during the year Dr. 5 different persons for 13 bushels limo, 130 . Indentured - - To balance front las: , account - $520 1.9 A. &0. Faust, for hides and skins, 19 0 BOROUGH OF ALLENTOWN. . Died Cash from County Treasurer. 500 00 Peter Ludwig, hides and 'skins, 43 48 i Conveying Lewis Hirt to the - - - do do 1,000 00 Joseph Good, to, hides and skins, 796 , Poor House Corpse when received Nathan Fritzinn'er, guardian of Elia- •J. Grim. 530 feet poplar plank, at 22, 11 66 ' , Conveying Henry Shaw to the 50 ..Absconded both Peter, by hands of :51. D. El). David Mertz 1 ^6O bushels lime, at 8, 20 80 ' erhard. - - t 53 Do 14 bundles straw, at 10, 140 : Poor House ;in Clerk of Court of Lehigh county, the 1)o one day planting core, 25 Conveying . the corpse of J.CIY . distributive share of John Yundt Daniel Snyder, being a balance doe to tai is child to the Poorhouse. (a pauper)as one of the heirs of Peter Sofireiber, a pauper deceased, , 23 Collin fur said child John Yundt, dec!d • - • 118 67 G. tw t. ,„, e Housman, do 1 00 Collin and funeral expenses o f Elizabeth Clark, administratrix of .L Gabriel Scheirer, do 100 I Jacob Zenner z.t ar k„atatutat of fonural expen- i Miohael-W-nodringr-----do :)7 ses, of said J. Clark. - - - 4. 28 : Jonas Fenstermacher, do 66 00 Coffirfur - hrunb - Z - rlhim 's LH& John Saeger, Esq., amount received 00 Conveying F. Westfall to the .-.. Christian Derr, do from sundry hucksters, who I Daniel Senimel, do 31 15 Poor House were informed upon for selling • • - I Found in the pockets of 6 paupers died, 812 Boarding & medical attendance spirituous liquors on the occa- Nathan Weiss, for returning Cecilia • for J. C Yoch sion of the laying of the corner Shads, a girlt:oupd to him stone of the Hcidclburg church. 40 00 : ) S P O Collin and funeral expenses for County treasurer(at different times.) 1,000 00J. C. Yoch. do do l,OOO 00 534 08 Vendee expenses of J. C Yoch M. 1). Eberhard, being the amount • ' I Issauing orders of relief • that was received for the proper ty, with the money found in the possession of John Charles.Joch at the time of death. - :_Thomas Fan,,t, Steward 1 ' du in do -'iW By Amount of Orders paid to the following persons,to wit: Gritn&Renin” ' er ;52 45 Galli Grail. 1 00 ; Solomon ileberly, 28 50 Joseph Weaver 38 19 , John Donley, 16 00 Jonas Diehl 30 00 i Thomas Faust, 200 00 Chas. Meyer 15 89 John Schantz, 81 GO John Huth 6 50 Henry Sterner, 4 00 do do 100 Abel, Wilson &c., 4 28 John Blank, 20 00 E. 11. Newhard, 3 12 do do 5 00 , C. W. Eckert, 5 84 Grim and Renin'r 1 05 J.Q. Cole 3 50 J 8 Wolfe 2 25 George Spinner, 4 25 George Bortz 67 57 Elias Kei pc r, 1 00 Kern and Samson 38 82 • Ephraim Yolie, 15 62 Henry Shantz 9 95 Pretz Korn &.c. 118 54 .do do 20 00 1, Schmidt lict:n. 25 44 AnthonyGotschall 15 00 James W Wilson 41 00 Chrisen Ebert 9 60 11 Schnurman 1 13:Geo Snyder 18 00 Mary Weiser 50 Snyder and Wood- Nieh. Mink . 19 78 ring 32 61 George Spinner 3 00:Bondi Fatzinger 11 13 Win Killdare 2 00 Benj Stealer 1 75 Joseph Fulton 1 50 Samuel - Wilson 7 10 A Rube. agent,&e. 601 50 Dan Saeger Esq 2 55 Mary Derr 16 00 John Yost 72 00 , Thomas Faust 180 00:Joe Harlacher 51 b 7 Jonas Faust 19 76 Samuel Hartman 50 Solomon Heborly 16 00 Samuel Bridges 20 00 Ant. Goteholl 15 00 Polly Drolinger 23 John Shiver 8 41 .Joseph M Minch 35 11 .1 llaberacker 25 00 Samuel Burger 1 25 David Shall 1 80 I F Ruhe 1 50 Reuben Schaller 102 Yager and Slemmerl 50 Blunter & 13nA 21 73 Samuel Henn 843 Dißinger &Craig 37 79 Win Danowsky 23 30 Dan Saeger, Fig 100 George Henry 200 Laury 4- Saeger 60 45 M D Ederhard 20 00 Jacob Beisel 23 54. do du 500 C I, Martin 25 00 Mertz and Landis 17 36 E H Newhard .20 I,ee and Kurz 74 00 J.D. hawall 2 67 John Baer 93 12 'l'homas Newhard 3 00' Jacob 1) Boas 13 12 Henry Levan 200 Ephraim Yoh.: 11 85 Cath Grail 1 00 Weikel andHolmans 37 George Spinner 75 Reiss and Sieger 4 50' do do 4 00 Wm R Craig 95 Mary Derr 12 00 Wader and Young 5 d 5 Mary Weiser 1 00 William Fry 2 25 John Blank 3 50 , do do 125 George Spinner , 3 50 ,1 do do 1 25 Samuel Burger 2 G 5; do do 50 Joshua Fink 6 36: do do 1 00 Wm II Eckert 6 22' do do 50 Jerse B. Nehs 1 00' do -- do (order Owen Frederick 300 of 1848) 50 Ant Gotchall 15 00 Ant Gotschall 10 00 Yager 4- Weidner 24 91 J and D Dorney 45 22 Evait Guth 23 98 do do' 16 78 Wm Klotz 16 00 Henry Schwartz 55 91 Jacob Beisel 10 00 Grim and Itenn'r 44 40 A and 0 Faust 12 00 J F Rube Esq 497 Jesse Yohe 1 00 E 11 Newhard 2 41 Henry Schantz 865 Kern and Samson 56 11 A. N Loras 160 00 0 and J Saeger 11 07 Keck Saeger and co 29 Fret/. Guth co ' 71 31 Grim44leninger 107 2C. Eli J Saeger Esq 340 Barber anilYoung 15 53 Wagner & Huber 30 87 Jonas Diehl 33 00,Chas Saeger 40 00 J B Moser 27 00 Samuel Burger 1 25 Jonas Bachman 7 41:IGeorge Roth 16 GS George Spinner 75 David Shall Esq. 60 C I. Martin .25 00 H J Schants 19 17 11 J Haberacker 25 011 Mary Derr 12'00 Henry Robinson 300 John Schants 51.11 Reuben Troxell 227 50 Wm Mertz 267 A 0 Wilson 2 50,11alance 582 17 MaryDerr I l2 00' , Thos Newhard 3 001 ~ .1100 2/50 4400 2175 5137 11-1) Stesvards .lecount of Thomas Faust, S'leward of the Lehigh County Poor House for 1850. To cash received on sundry accounts as fol lows, to wit: Balance of last year's account, w3B 08 Received of John Blank, for a dower of Dewald Kuhns, sopervh , or, for work 900 .dune on the road, 11 50 Fritzinger, for one horse, • 80 00 Widow Doha, try the hand of Henry Qratnlicli, for expenses on an agree- meat, 1 50 Anthony Gottschall, 10 bush. oats at 33, 332 DI) Do , lot of Corn, 222 Do Do one pair of shoed, 100 Samuel Samos, 5 sheep, al 3 50 17 50 Joseph Steer, of Bucks county, by hands of John Blank, a deposit for the use of l\lary Sheller) 4-8 00 Daniel Knauss, for one old slacking box, 75 Dewy SchantS, 4 quarts clover seed, . 50 Do . 12a lbs. tallow, at 0 cts,, 110 ‘Villiatn Klotz,' 12 bushels oats, at 28, a 36 M. 1). Eberhard, residue of A. (hies, 1 82 Do for 2 hogs, ' 350 NVilliam Mert/...12 bushels oats, at 30, 3 (10 Do 6I lbs. tallow. at. 9, • 56 Grim & Reilin,ger; IRS lbs. tallow, at 9, 16 65 Do 203 lbs. tallow, at 8, 16 2-1 Do 23 lbs. white rags. at 6, 1 36 Do 37 lbs. mixed rags, at 2 cents, George Renner, of Northampton coun ty, returning Isabella Xander, boiled girl, Samuel Lobavh, for keeping his father. in the hospital, 2 25 C. Seem, 21 bushels flax seed, at 1 40, 29 50 Jonathan Stetter, for reuniting F. 11. Stu ber, a boy bound to Hut ‘Villiarn U. Swi:b t n ;=l:p)ort cif Russel I'. Smith, on Recount, • r l'orn ps to!d. • JOhil LalUderltlehlitger, foi boarding, &c., Jacob Baer, 1 50 .Charles Glick, for returning Sam. Zool ner, a boy bound to hint, 5 00 George Snyder, for 269 lbs. old iron at 3, 807 . 45 . 115 $ .1,41:3 98 1351 $1,413 98 Dr. 4 00 4 00 10.05 4 tit ' Cr. By cash paid out as follows Joseph Weiss, repairing 2 . watches, George Stein, cleaning and repairing 2 clocks, _ 150 Charles_S_Massey, one spectacle, 37 John Bernhard, one spectacle, 25 Daniel Eshbach, , 1 bushels lime, 50 Jesse B. Nehs, two wooden legs, 1 00 Charles Guth, two sills, ' 1 00 John Shutt; for matches, 37 Owen Kern, 1 Ilynet and ear tops, 1 50 Do 6 lbs. cottun yarn, 1 02 Glint' & Reninger, for merchandize, 36 31 John U. Cole, for cooperware, 12 Nathan Berner, 3 bushels seed wheat, 360 Reuben Reiss, 1 easy chair, 2 25 henry Erdman, 3 sheep ; 5 70 F. Miller, for delivering shoemaker's tools of John White to John Sehimpl's tavern, 50. Peter Staufier, wheelwright work, 86 Solomon Itabenhold, 1 barrel vinegar, 250 Dewald Kuhns, for road tax for 1518, 19 67 Henry Weaver, tinware, 1 10 Stephen Acker, 3 books, 35 Henry Kramlich, being a balance due to Widow Goho, Abraham Georg e, fresh shad, Solomon Butz, 211- lbs. veal, ' William Klotz, haymaking, Sol. Reinbold, pruning hogs, - Elias - Muhsgenum one hog, William Mertz, for 2.1 days harvesting, Lucius A. T. Wartman, for saddlery- - ware, John Held, cider and apples, Charles Saeger, Esq., treasurer, being money I received of several persons due to P. Schreiber, a pauper, dec'd., 115 74 Same, being money I received MI dif ferent accounts, A. S.: 0. Faust, for leather, Peter Ludwig, do Joseph Good, do Nine different persons for ashes, Simeon Kemerer f conveying 7 panpers to the poor house from N. Whitehall, Moses Lititz, conveying 2 paupers to the poor hoose from Heidelberg, IlenrySmith, do do 'Thomas Craig, for conveying 2 paupers to the poorhouse irotn Ilanover, Peter Miller,- conveying 1 pauper to the poor house from Heidelberg, -Petei' Ertel and John Weidknecht, con veying, 2- paupers to the poor house from Macungie. Reber! Steckel, do 2 from Hanover, David Sowerwine, do 1 trout Washing ton township, John Vomit and G. A Weaver, convey ing 2 paupers to the poor house from Solomon Diehl, conveying Ilenry Win dick to the poor house front Salsburg, Charles Halms, do 1 from Allentown, Solomon Diehl, do from North White: hall, William Nfellz, do S. ‘Vhitehall, Gabriel Shirer, boarding and lodging D Balliet, a pauper, during sickness, George Harduer, do from Carbon co., Mrs. Moll, boarding and attending Chris. tiau Greene wait, a pauper of Ilanover, Charles Sorbe, issuing orders of relief, Jacob Zimmerman, •1 orders of relief, Travelling paupers, Traveling expense for team, do steward, Balance in the hands of the Steward, January 1, ism, 534 08 Household Expenses for 1849. Paid for Dry goods and groceries, $ 680 28 For Stone Coal, - - - 70 47 For Fire wood, For Cooper ware, For Chairs, tables and 1 clock, For Shoemaking, - - 12 00 For Nik,'ool, For WooIca! ding, 24 08 For Weaving, For flats ana caps, - 24 30 For Hardware, - 39 53 For Tobacco, For Cider, For freight for 1549, - 4 25 For Medicine, - - - 52 44 - 63 00 ,Fur Coffins, Farming Expenses For male and female servants, 137.00 Por haymaking and harvesting, • 33 25' Paid for Chestnut rails, 73 85 ‘, Fence Posts,' •31 43 Lumber for repairs, 16 78 Carpenters work for repairs, 13 75 One new sled, 16 00 Cutting box, 0 50 Wheeki , right work, 18 00 Blacksmith work, . 85 50 17 heads of Cattle, 461 50 Repairing threshing machine, 5 05 Sawing boards and scantling; 12 03 Schdol tax for 1818 and 1849, 24 30 State tax. for 1849, 23 98 I Timothy seed, Seed wheat, Plaster of Paris, Building a new horse Stable. Lumber, 84 01 Mason work, 69 57 Carpenter work, 7787 Slate, 60 45 Nails, Sc., 7 80 MB NORTHA NIPTON Maintainingand attending Hen- ry Barker,(colo'd) Coffin, shroud and conveying same to the I'oor [louse Loftin & conveying 'the corpse of Andrew Eck Digging a grave fora boy drow ned in the L. Canal Coffin for a man drowned in the L. Canal, in 1819 Conveying ti paupers to the Poor House • Coflin and funeral expenses for James Clark Coffin and funeral expenses of J. D. Ihrie • Muslin &c., for the shroud for the child of Jonas Burger 6 00 2 00 JS 500 1 61 4 73 2 75 UPPER SALTON. Conveying Wirm. nottenstein to the Poor (louse UPPER MILFORD Medical attendance for Charles Weaver 92 3 6 i SALISBURY. Collin and furferal expnnses for Sarah Miller Conveying Jacob Wagner to the Poor[ louse 0,500 27 58 13 57 12 00 7 72 LOWER MACUNGIE Issuing orders of Relief UPPER MACUNGIE OM 5 20 5 00 Issuing orders of relief. ' - HEMELBUIZG Maintaining, Julia Ann Boyer • 150 NORTH WEIJTEHALL. 5 10 2 60 Issueing orders of relief • Medical services for Daniel Bal het • 250 1 90 SOI_TTII WHITEHALL Coffin and funeral expenses fur MD Sarah Brechel's In court for John Yundt, jr., une of the heirs of John Yundt, 118 ;3 00 7-5 deceased, Serving notice to John lundt, jr 50 1 00 4 62 Printing:, Stationary and Postage. Printing and Stationary for 1848 27 73 do do 18.19 39 00 Postage 20 5 9 1 5 97 5 57 80 80 3 03 3 61 14 00 Salaries. Thomas Faust, steward 380 00 Charles L. Martin, M. D. 50 00 Henry J. Haberacker, M. D. 56 00 M. D. Eberhard, Director' 20 00 do. do extra 5 00 Mtn Blank, Director ' 2O 00 do do extra 5 00 Henry Schantz, Director 20 00 do do ' 2 00 Samuel A Bridges, Esq., for pro- _ . .. 88 95 28 50 113 lIEB fessional services 20 00 Charles Saeger, Esq., treasurer 40 00 - 55J1 1113 EBB Balance in the hands of the Treasurer, 682 17 6 00 362 bushels of wheat, 898 bushels rye, 536 bushels oats, 21 bushels flaxseed, 61 bushels clover seed, 430 bushels Potatoes, 1304 bushels corn iq the ears, 145 bushels turnips, 25 bushels onions, 50 bushels red beets t 25 bushels radishes, 4 bu. soup beans, 3 'barrels pickled cucumbers, :1500 heads cabbage, 31 hogshead sour trout, 46. four horse loads hay, 25 loads of corn fodder, 18 00 bushels lime put on the land, 152 four horse loads of manure put on the land, 1035 pounds hatcheled flax, 1514 lbs beef hid . - es, 1091 pounds calf skins, 1118 pound tal low, 883 lbs lard, 1504 lbs butter. 1,098 07 Srtieles made in the House 102 men's shirts, fifty three pair pantal oons, 5 vests, 73 chetnesis, 68 women frocks, IS petticoats, 45 short gowns, 70 aprons, 12 women caps, 19 sun bonnets, 35 child ren shirts, 12 boys dresses, 23 shrouds, 42 pairs stocking knitted, 70 pair stockings footed, 8 pair mittens knitted, 2 straight jackets, 4 grain bags, 8 chaff bags, 3 bolst ers, 16 bed cases, 48 pillow cases, 22 sheets, 25 towels, 51 cuts sewing thread, 95 cuts stocking yarn, 64-1 yards linen check, 024 yards tow linen, 104 f yards liiidsey wolsey, 441 lbs hard soap, 15 barrels soft soap. • • Meat Slaughtered. Pork, 6067 lbs.; beef, 11093 lbs ; veal, 781 pounds. • 4 50 :345 7 02 1020 58 299 20 Number of Inmates, Remaining in the house, Jan. 1, 1949 114 Received during the year • - - `2OOl 601 50 ; Born - - - - . 2 un or tie same age, o w tic are lunatics. 1 001 Children Indentured. 31 43 ; Lavina Milky to Franklin Hirsh, Upper Macungie, Joseph Kneller to Geo. Fabien, 10 051 Sprinalield, Bucks county, Cecelia Shoudt, 3 50 to Nathan Weiss, Lynn. , 8 37 ! SOIIN BLANK, Directors of the Poor i HENRY SCHANTZ, . . of 02 30 ' JONAS BROBST, -- Lehigh County 1 Titomns FAUST, Steward, i l Feb, 12, 1850 2 SIT' 5 001 HANOVER $3,831 81 $1,413 98 Stock of the Farm 59 Remaining in the house on January 1, 1350 . 73 105. This amount consists of •!tl male adults, ' 1 95 19 boys under 12 years of age, and 11 girls ~.. li numbiTr-111 Paper Hangings ! THE. Cheapest Manufacturing Warehouse 7 81 Philadeiphia, Is in SIXTH STREET, one door below Race, where purchasers and dealers can se-1 lect from New Style Gold. and Satin Popo• for parlors, with Velvet and Gold Seolloprd Borders, as well as Hall or Entry, Chamber and Din- I ing-room wall papers, which will compete j in style and quality, with any in Philadel phia, or any other city in the United States, and at a saving of 25 per cent. WM. H. PATTON, Manufacturer of Wall & Curtain Papers, No. 93 North 6th I door below. Race. December, 6th 4 25 2 00 3 00 1.1 15 ENE BE Brandreth's rills FOR THE CURE OF I Consumption, Coughs, Colds, 4.c., TO TuE PUBLIC!! THOSE who are suffering front remit ting or intermitting Bilious Complaints, should read the following, and be guided thereby : cause of Pain.—Pain is the consequence of the exertion of the organ or part where it is present to throw Off morbid or corrupt hu mors, for no pain can exist but from the pre sence of those matters which are of an un healthy character.. When We have pain in the head, in the bciwels, or in any other part of the body, it, only proves the presence of matters which the blood is trying to re move, and it is this struggle which is the oc casion of pain. To be bled, only removes the anguish in proportion as the amount of life is reduced; and. the same may be said of all lulling or soothing remedies. Not so with Brandreth's ; they at once go to the assistance of the blood in aiding it to discharge bad humors, to conquer the Dvath Principle. To relieve pain in .this way does not leave any bad effects, The Lift. Principle k not reduced, nor are the teeth destroyed ; but all the organs are cleansed and their health insured. Is7The, above Pills are for sale by the dozen or single box at the Register Office in Allentown. January 10 30 01 3 30 INIB EEM 1 00 LIM ENE EMI MEM IKE 2 07 50 Pure Fresh Cod Liver Oil. This new and valuable Medicine, now used by the Medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ofpulmona ry consumption, scroltda,chronic rheuma tism, gout, general debility, complaints of the kindeys &c., 4.c., is prepared from the liver of the cod fish for medicinal use, ex pressly for our sales. (Extract from the London Medical Journal.) Williams, Mr, D., F. R. S., Professor of Medici: e in University College, London, Consulting Physic;alts to tad Hos pital for consumption, &c., says ; i have prescribed the Oil in the above four hun dred cases of tuberculous disease of the Lungs, in different stages, which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the large number, of cases, 200, out of 23.1, its use was followed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases from a temporary retardation of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing symptons, up to a more or less complete restoration to ap parent health. "The effect of Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradu ally unproved. "In conclusion, I repent, that the pure fresh oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, that has.yet been em ployed." . 1 1s we have made arrangements' to pro cure the Cod Liver" Oil, fresh from head- , quarters, it can now be had chemically pure by the single bottle, or to boxes of one doz eneach. Its wonderful efficacy has induced numer ous spurious imitations. As , its success de pends entirely on its purity, too much care cannot be used procuring it genuine. Every bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended upon as gemt ine. 66 93 612 00 Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with notice of it from Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address use free of poitage. JOHN C. BAKER & CO. • Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, No.loo North third street, Philadelphia., Oct., 11. 11-6m-64 IRIBUICO7aLtic. The undersigned takes the liberty of in forming his friends and customers that he removed his Store, from No. North 4 St. TO NO. 140 MARKET STREET, between 4 and sth, where he has for sale, at very low prices, an extensive assortment of 376 19' • I/ooluilw, Glasses, in Gilt, Mahogany, and Common Ft:lmo,, well adapted to to the-Southern and West. ern Market. BE Large French Plate Mirrors framed to or der, of approved Style, either plain or rich ly ornamented. Toilet, Dressing and Swing Glasses, ea varie , (Jilt and — Faiscy — Wwdi or trait and picture Frames, also Commorr Frames without glasses. Looking-glass Plates by the box, or in less gaunt Him ALSO FOR SALE, Brans and Gilt Curtain Cornices and Mr.' nnments, Brass Andirons and Fenders, Sho vels and Tongues and Standards, Fine Go thic 'l'ea Trays and Waiters, Ivory and Self . Tip H Handle Knives and Fork t:4, in setts and: dozens, Fine plated on German Silver Spoons, Forks and Butter Knives, Fine and Common BrittanniY - Ware, Plated Castors, Candlesticks, Cake Baskets, Snuffers and , Trays,&c., &c., ' A general assortment of Clocks for Sale.• Eli - Looking-glasses packed in the safest manner, and insured against breakage. JOSHUA CONVPLA ND. December, 6 11-IY. W. MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED CARCLINC OIL . i .. . ; ..: ~..-± :-...... ...._. _ . k.:•••„,..,•-• ...„. __• ~-----..-. 04-5 - 6 . :-. ; 4„;„.„,;.: - :,; ;r „, 7 •7_,•,_2'i , • ,, -.. ,: :.•..,-- .: _---.., i ' i k• FOR HORSES, UNPARILLELLED in THE lllSTOltiot MOM' Remarkable E.rternal Application rvcr Dircootred Facts are Stubborn Thingsl: WtIAT HAS BEEN DONE CAN BE DUNE vitivir;\ Ignorance of facts and philosophy, howew , e , r4. start at the assertion that any one remedy, cair possess within itself the virtue of curing manyx diseases. Experience of more than fourteenTeurs• has nevertheless established the fact that !tfiTch• ant's celebrated Gargling Oil, or Universal 'gam , ily Embrocation, w, r. cult g most cases, aird•re ,, lieve all shell as Sparins, Sweeny, flingbone, WindgaHs, Poll Evil: Callous, Cracked Heels, Calla of nil kinds, Prods Icounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fistula, Silfasi;. .Slrains Lamenc,ys, ..Sand Cracks, Foundered„ FM, Scratches or Greese, Mange, Rheumns • limn. Biles of Animals. Erlernaloisims;. flit, 1 . 111 Nr . l'l7lllB Affed Frail Barx,,, Boi m Corns,. trh Wows, Burns and &aids,. Chilblains, Chapped Hands Cramps, Contraction qf lhe Muscles, Swellings, Meekness of the Joints, Caked- Breasts, ,Vc„ ,Ve, The celebrated Doct. Parker also writes as follows :—llear : I have precribcd your Uart - 4- ling Oil in Various cases of 11-13 as a liniment, with marked success ; and would commend it to physicians generally for external use in all comutions.tumors, sprains, white swell. inus, and in all rho ins tic affection, where exter— nal means are necessary. As a diseutent it is harmless where the febrile symptoms have been reduced by general treatment. In such cases it is the most efficient remedy within the circle of means now in use. I would also recommend it to community ar large as a safe and powerful remedy where there is no general. fever in all the aboveiliseas es to be used freely and to conatitamation in a remarkable miktiner. In bruised wounds it prevents swelling and consequent soreness in but weather. From the peculiar nature of this Oil, and the unparalleled success it has met within the hands of iuA - Farrier, Farmer and Stage Proprietor; it is but i„.;tice to say, that of the great number• of medicines whici, have been offered, none have been so well adapted to the j;:pmpt cure of dis eases t. to which horses are liable ; it h.as been very justly called a complete P.or.tox4 roll Tux House. For instance read the.fullowing : To Otmers of Horses. This may certify that I have had for many years the care of from 100 to 200 Horses and having- made use of Merchant's Gargling Oil for 2. years past and can safely say, that fur all the dis-• eases that horses are liable to, I never saw ihr. , equal. ruse about one bottle per month, aniii recommend it to the public, is the best medicine for horses now in use: E. D. MINOR. Caution 10 Pllrella3era. Beware of COUNTERFEITS, and be sure the name of the Sole Proprietor GEO. W. MERCH ANT, Lockport, Sr. Y., is blown in the side - of the bottle, and in his hand writing over the cork. hoot be persuaded to take anythi g e se with the promise it Is just as good &c. This is prac tised by those unprincipled dealers whose eon. science will stretch like India Rubber, and who are of a kindred spirit of those in cur large cities, whose nefarious practices hate so re cently been exposed to the action of Vongress. . All nrders.addressed to the prOprittor will be promptly responded to. act a pamphlet of the Agent, and sec what' wonders are accomplished by the me of this medicine. Sold by respectable dealers generrily in the United States and Canada. Also by Ninon Rau Bethlehem, Pomp & Kensy, Easton, 0. B. Dor. fin, South Easton, Lewis Smith &.Co..Allentown C. Freiley, Orwigsbure. J. C. C. Hushes, Pon.. ville. M. A Malloy, Northumberland.H. J. /Thea ter, Milton. Henry Masser, Sunbury.:f, G* de J. s. Allen, Jers,ey Shore, S. Martin, Millilmsport, C. W. Shaine; Lewisburg, J. Seeboli i New Ber lin, Huston & Porter; Towanda; C • Remick, Athens, Smith & Grog, Bedford, V M Bickley & Chalfonte & Hughes, Danville,' iseph rrosh. Mauch . Chunk, A. Turrell, M, rose, W. 'F. Jones & Bro., Cowdersport, B. hi Ailey, H 00 4 ,. & Beach, Mans fi eld, R. Rog, Ilsboro, 0: F. Taylor, Covington, C. 8, Neu nb & Co., dr.' Trough & Hurd, huvren(6l.yil . Dr.• A,Altim- • phrey,'Tioga, 4, H. (;slick,. ,FAtiv4S ; 44:1 , 1 , , Shill/se , 4 , Atelc Hat:eil.. il e feniAer II! . \I 1= l'ructical .Yurgery S --1 i „
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers