Sist9undli%lntelligeucei. The French Minister Dismissed The Nation in a Rage. • Old Sci u an The NAPOLEON of Storekeepers has declar ed war with the peaceable citizens of "Little Lehigh," and the way he adopts to have satisfaction, for the prompt •discharge of M. Poussin, by "Old Zack," is, to sell them the cheapest lot of Fancy Fall and Winter Dry Goods, ever offered for sale in Allentown. Here follows his declaration of war : Throe cases of French Cloths, Black, tie b rown, 0 ME and an unprecedented assorunent Five cases Cassimeres, French, Black, Doeskin, Blue Black Middlesex, Fancy and Common, at prices to suit the times, cheap er than ever. Eight cases SMinens, Black, Blue and all kinds of Mixed from ets and ninvards. Vesting, Black Satin, Fancy Satin, Sill:- Velvet and Fancy - Vesting or all shades and ptices, and without making further•enu merations, I would merely state that my se lection of Goods for gentlemans wear is hen . vier and will be disposed of at the lowest profits ever offered in this Borough. LADIES DRESS GOODS Silks, Chamelion, changeable, figured and plain all shades and cheaper than they can be bought at any other place, blue-black gro de naples, gro de Rhine, and all other kinds of silks that you may think of men tioning, all new styles. Alpaccas, Black warp, Blue black, Blue, Light blue, purple, brown, mode colored. figured, and satin striped and plain. Call and see, before you buy elsewere, I am cer tain you may save from 15 to 20 per cent. 50 pieces English inerinoes. received by the last European Steamer, such as blue sky-blue, black, mode colored, figured and plain from 12:1 to 374 cents , 20 pieces French and German merinoes, in short, call for anv color you please, and you are sure to find it, and about the price we will leave it to yourselves ; the stock is large ttnd it must be sold at any price, also, bombazines, alpaccas, figured and plain, clOakings &c. &c. 8 cases ginghams and prints. Abou tthe colors, we have any you want, and then I am determined to sell without any profit. Shawls of every possible description from the lowest to the highest price. 10 cases bleached maslins, brown sheet ings and colored cambrics. HENRY SCIINURMAN September 27 GROCERIES 12 Hhds. Porto Rico, Santa Cruz, and New Orleans Sugar. 25 Hhds. Brown, Pulverised, crushed, and Loaf Sugar. 12 Inds. Sugar-House, Trinadad, New Orleans Syrup Molasses. 25 Sacks Java, Laguira, Rio coffee, all of which is sold at reduced prices by HENRY SCHNUR:VIAN. MACKEREL 125 Whole, Half, and Quarter, barrels, No. 1,2, and 3, Mackerel, just received and for sale, cheaper then ever offered at this SCIINURMAK. CA RPETS 20 Pieces three Ply Ingrain, Stair, En try, and Rag, Carpets, just received and for sale by HENRY SCHNURMAN. SALT One Boatload Liverpool ground salt, in bulk and in sacks, also Ashton and Dairy fine Salt, now unloading and for sale by IRON 20 tons American HaMmered Iron on hand, which will be sold extreamly low by HENRY SCIINURMAN. PRODUCE All kinds of country Produce, such as. Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Potatoes, Dried Apples, Cherries, &c., taken in exchange for goods, for which the highest market price will be paid by Hurkaty SCIINUItMAN. September '27. availicow, To the president and directors of the Phil adelphia & Wilkesharre Telegraph Com pany. We the u n dersigned stockholders of the Philadelphia and Wilkesharre Tele graph Company, residing in the Borough of 'Allentown, are determined not to pay any further Instalments on our shares subscribed for, in said Company. Epharim Grim, E. U. Newhard,. Yeager & Weidner, Thos. 0. Ginkinger, J. P. Newhard, Benj. J. Flagenbuch, A. 0. Reisinger, Samuel Lightcap, J. F. Rube Esq. Israel Yingling, • Joseph Burk, John Wagner, Guth Young &Trexler, Nathan Lan iensclager C. W. Edleman, Kern & Samson, J. Q. Cole, E. J. Ably, C. I. Depew, Walter P. Huber, T. B. Wilson, David Schwatz, James W. Meekly, Reuben Reiss, Wm. F. Danowsky, Amos Ettinger, Joseph Weiss, Eli Steckel: Allentown, 11, • Washington Printing Press FOR SALE. A Superior iron printing press, Washing ton's patent, with a bed 22 by 34 inches, in first rate order, for sale nt this office, on ac commodating terms.—Address A. L. Ruhe, post paid. • Allentown, July 1% Brandreth and Wrights Pills, Country . merchants and others, are here by riotffied, that the far famous Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at the office of the ~ L ehigh Register" by the Dozen boxes, at Wholesale prices. April 17 New Goods! New Goods! Have just returned from Philadelphia, and are now unpacking a very large stock of Fall and Winter goods, which they offer to their customers and the public in gener al at the very lowest prices. GEOrTILEWIEM rour attention is particularly invited to the well selected stock of English,. French, and Belgium Cloths, which . we can sell cheaper than ever, from $1,25 to $5,00. A od abbuktment-idd-lese-x-r-and—fanc. casimeres,silk and satin vestings. All they ask of the public is a friendly call, and an examination of their stock will, they feel confident as to cheapness and quality, satisfy the most acute purchaser. Lail _YE S prices EK:i Fur you we have n very large assortment of Dress-Goods, Black mode, and fancy Striped Plaid Alpaccas, — Mahair - Lustre, a very handsome article;of changeable silk, Plain and Fancy Cashmeres, Mousse de laines, Coburg Cloths, Parramettos, Alpines, &c. &c. Suptember 27, Groceries s9•Queensware. Earthernware &c. of which we always keep on hand a large and well selected stock. !HERTZ & LANDES 1000 Bushels Potatoes for which the. highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for goods. MERTZ & LANDES. Cheap hat and Cap Store, Hamilton Street nearly opposite Weiss Takes this method to inform friends and customers, that he still continues the Flatmaking, and Cap business, and keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment of the most fashionable, Beaver, Nutre, Brush, Russia, Silk and lie is likewise prepared to manufacture to order Hats at the shortest possible notice. Thankful for past favors he hopes to en joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels confident that his Hats, fully recoinnmd themselves. E,W - Such who are indebted to him for some length of time, will please recollect, that their accounts should be promptly sett led, and it is expected will not be neglected. Nov. 9. MEI II a fre 11 gI2, 31 4 William Wilson, 5 r, ! tvtlk. alf4. -. . vs .. = := A t...., r William W. Selfridge, = . Ar 1, s. .7 ';4"0.:. - 4 4- Administrator, &c., of p' 0 *4-111;‘ Mathew ,Selfridge, de- , L . S 0 ceased, Hannah Selfridge, widow F',-. g ~ of said deceased and guardian of o - -- 0 Mathew M. Selfridge, Jiimes • L. Selfridge, Mathew M. Selfridge, cn n cc 0 Moses E-Coolbaugh and Jane his - a B wife, late Jane Selfridge, and 0 o Oliver P. Stark and Margaret his 5 - a wife, lat 6 Margaret Selfridge, heirs and legal representatives of said 1-3 a a w deceased. - ...?: a; And now, Sept 13, 1949, on motion of M r. King, the Court inane a rule and-order, that notice in due form to the said widow and heirs named as Defendants in this case, be published in the Friedensbote and Le high Register, in Allentown, and in the Pennsylvania Inquirer, in Philadelphia, said notice to be published at least once in each for four weeks, in each of said news , papers. the last of said publications, to be at least fifteen days before the first day of next Term, requiring said Defendants to appear on said first day of next Term, to wit: On the first Monday of December next, and if they, or any of them, shall fail so to appear on said day, Judgement will be rendered against them, or such of them as shall so fail to appear, for default.of appearance. HENRY SWIM:IOIAS From /he Records, Tesfe—NATIIAN MILLER, Proth'y October •1. ¶-4w zeta4. l - iyaw, 12 4 It* 4 , • iaiacs Lackey, #6 4 William. W . 1( lliam. . Selfridge, • Administrator. &c., of Mathew Selfridge, de ceased, IlanniTh Selfridge, widow of said deceased, and guardian of - t. o 0 Mathew M. Selfridge, James L. -, —, Selfridge, Mathew M. Selfridge, 0 rn c , Moses E. Coolbaugh, and Jane m 8 hiS wife, late Jane Selfridge, and gt, Oliver P. Stark and Margaret his 0' wife, late Margaret Selfridge, heirs I and legal representatives of said de- ctr w ceased. R. a, And now September 13, 1849, on motion of Mr. King, the Court make a rule raid or der that notice in due form, to the mid wid ow and heirs, named as. Defendepts in this case, be published in the Friedensbote and' Lehigh Register, in Allentowii, and in the Pennsylvania Inquirer in Philadelphia ;said notice to be published at least once in each week for four weeks, in each of said news papers, the last of said' publications to 'be at least fifteen days hefare the first day of next' Term; requiring said Defendents to appear on said first day9f next I'erm, to wit: On the first Monday of December next, and if they or any of them, shall fail to appear . on said. day, Judgement will be rendered against them, ,'or such of them, as shall so fail to appear, for default of appearance. ¶-4w 4 -4 w Rom the Records, TCStC4-NATHAN MILLtn, Proth'y. October 4, 4 1,1-4 • Pall Arrival. lVlcrtz &Landes, TED. Hold, .Vlcnlown. Jacob B. Boas, .11 7 apped Jlats, which he will sell at the lowest prices. Also—a large assortment of .11lens, Boys and Childrens Caps, at very reduced prices. New tnublorbs I .7114 . nth Chnnk Motel. • The subscribers take this method to inform - -lu rz. the citizens of Mauch cr.-] Chunk, and the public . general, that they 1111A1,1.11111,7,—"", m .; have rented and now occupy the well known tavern-stand of Mr. Alexander Stedman, in Mauch Chunk, so extensively known as the . a/ImM Chunk Hotel, which has been refited in the most comfort ncr. They have occupied the ?time from the first of Au gust last, and they will make it their busi ness to add many other improvements, to the convenience of theSe who may favor them with their custom, and make it equal if not supefior to any public house in the place. Their liar will be supplied with the choic est of liquors, there Table set with all the season aflords, and their Beds are all new and clean ; in - short, neither-trouhle—orex pense will be saved, to accommodate their customers in the very hest manner. Their stabling is large and convenient. with the hydrant water in the yard, and an attentive ostler to attend to customers. They trust their streneous exertions to ac- comodate those who may favor them with their calls, will be the means of bringing them numerous new customers. ESSER & PETERS. Septvmber 13, 1849. 4 I( P °did BoOli Stlanufactorn, No. 52 Chestnut St, above Seventh, PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber respectfully solicits ptiblic attention to his superior and tasteful stock of Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and Banker's Cases, other. fine Cutlery, Bill Books, Gold Pens 4. Pencils, Dressing Cases, &gar Bases, Card Cases, Chess Men, Port Monaies, Back Gammon Boards, Purses, Dominos 4.c., 4.c., His assortment consists of the most fashion able and modern styles, of the finest quality and excellent workmanship, embracing eve ry desirable fancy pattern, which he will at all times be prepared to exhibit and furnish wholesale or retail on the most pleasingterms. IV - Purchasers who desire to supply them selves with articles of the best quality will consult their own interest by calling at this establishment. F. H. SMITH, Pocket Book Manufacturer, 52q Chesnut Street, Phil'a, August 30, 1849. 11—lim-44 avib (Successor to Solis cc; Brothers.) Importer and illaunfocturer of every description of FURS, Having just returned from. Europe with a SELECT STOCK OF Funs, Is now manufacturing them in n very su perior style, and trimming them in the most elegant manner, and would invite the atten tion of Merchants and others, to his superior and extensive assortment, which, as lie man ufactures as well as imports, he is enable to otter et such prices as few houses in the United States can compete with. C.V'''Store always closed on Saturdays. L 7 tirThe highest Cash price paid for Ship ping Furs, titrliemember the place, next to Louden & Co's Family Medicine Store. • DAVID 11. SC/LIS, 86 Arch (Mulberry) Strcct, 6 doors below 3d st August to. TEA WAREHOUSE. aNia 11,avI.en, No. 7:3, Chestind Si., corner of Bank SI PHILADELPHIA, Has for sale the following TEAS, to which he invites the attention of the trade: 200 half chests Young Hyson Tea. ' 100 do Gunpowder do 100 do Imperial do 20 do finest Company Ilyson do 20 cases, each containing 4 13 lb boxes, finest Curious Young 'Tyson. 20 cases finest Currious Gunpowder. 10 do do Imperial.. 200 half chests finest Chulan Powchong, 100 do Ningyong. Powchong. 30 • do very finest Oolong. 100 do second• quality. 100 do Ningyong do 50 chests English Congon. 100 Id. do 25 chests Pad re Sou c hong 25 do fine Motion do 1500 pounds prime Company Nutmegs. These Teas have been selected by . D. with great care from the various late cargoes, and will be found to fully sustain the high and unrivalled • reputation which this estab lishment has enjoyed for the last forty years, and his prices, as heretofore, will be found as low as at any house in the United States. ' August 10. ¶-3el t . 4 FOB 12 4 0 - gr: 9 C 0 . 4 C Muffs, Boas, V ictarias, AND FUR TRIMMINGS. M. D. COHEN, Would most respectfully call the attention of all persons in want of any article in the FANCY FUR business, that he has now ready a splendid assortment of the above mentioned articles, made of every description of Furs, and in the great variety of shapes that are now fashion able, which he offers to sell at very reasona ble profits, at his • FANCY FUR STORE, No. 52 North Second St. (two doors below • .Rrch Street.) Philadelphia. Merchants purchasing to sell again, would find it considerably to their advantage to call and examine his stock and judge for them selves before purchasing elsewhere, •M"The full market price always given for SKINS of every description. tonne Store is always closed on Satur days. M. D. COHEN, Ye. 5 li. d el., Philadelphia. September 13. ¶—4 nvi.3 Charles S. Hassey, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends that he has recieved at his establishment, nearly opposite the .German Reformed church in Allentown, a large. assortment of JEWELRY, CLOCKS, alk WATCHES, imp / 74 ? consisting of GOLD and ,Z,c) SILVER. Patent Levers, et . Q.uartier and plain Eng. lish and French. Watch es sold by him are warranted, and as low as hesauwAn. • . s lt other ' establishments in town or elsewhere. is assortment of Clocks consists of Brass eight day, thirty hours, and alarm, from' 3 to 12 dollars. flis selection of Jewelry consists in part of Gold rings, Bracelets.Breastpins, Broach es, Gold end Silver Pencils, Watch-chains, Keys, Gold Pens, of a superior quality, &c. I Ile has also on hand a variety of— "MATT ARTICLES, Such as steel-beads for purses end work bags, Silver tea and table Spoons, Gold and Silver Spectacles, to suit all ages, Spectacle glasses, Silver thimbles. Every article sold by him, is warranted to be such as represented, and should they prove otherwise can be returned, and the money will be refunded. lis stock has been purchased with a view to supply the citizens of this county with good and genuine articles in his branch, and which have been selected from the best and most extensive houses in New-York and Philadelphia. Ile hopes by due attention to his business, and liberal prices, to have a share of patronage. EirClocks, Watches and Jewelry, repair ed in the best manner and at the shortest no tice. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex change for Goods. Call and see, then judge for yourselves. August 2, 1819. ir m 1171111 N. S. LAWRENCE, Sgent for the sok of Southworth Alan tfActuring Co's Writing Papers. Warehouse No. 3 Minor St. PHILADELPHIA. 100 cases of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of— Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15, and 16 lbs., blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House_Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white.. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts: Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and railed. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, NV rapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums; Cap Wrappers, Hard ware Papers, &c July 5 1 • alas been, replenished by the subscriber, with an entirely fresh and well selected as sortment of every description of Groceries includingprinze coffee . , choice flavored Teas, genuine Wines and Liquors, Spiecs&c. &c. Every article is strictly good of its kind and 611 be supplied to consumers and dealers at a small profit for cash. ' li. LEVIN Jr (late Wm. Stoover& Sons, Phil.) I.l'Country produce bought and taken in exchange for groceries. September 27. ---4 VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY. Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 139 4- 143 South Second Street, below Dock Si., Keeps always on hand a large and fash ionable assortment of Wide and Narrow Slat Window Blind 3, manufactured in the best manner, of the best materials, and at the lowest cash prices. Haying refitted and enlareed his establiih meat, he is prepared to complete orders to any amount at the shortest notice. Constant ly on hand an assortment of, • "11'1.11100.9NY FURNITURE of every variety, manufactured expressly for his own sales, and purchasers may there fore rely on a good article. Ek'Open in the evening. Orders from a distance packed carefully and sent free of porterage. to any part of the MI Cloeks and Watches. MUM LATE WILLIAM STOVEh SONS, (9 . 1 .-aocox i a, AND DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No. 185 North Thiid Street, corner of Wood Street, Philadelphia, BLIND MANUFACTORY, H. CLARK, PHILADELPHIA Phil'a. August 30 1849.. 11--1y77 A new House • and a new= Landlord. The stihscriber re .spectfully,informa, his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the newly erec t ted three-story brick tavern of. Jesse Grim, at the northwest corner of IVliirket Square, in the borough of Allentown, Called - : a r tit; alit; The [louse is known as orle of the most spacious arid convenient in the State—none •-Philattelyrhitp÷a" nd-contain 44 rooms. He therefore feels assured that he can accommodate satisfactorily all who may favor him with a call. [IisTABLE shall at all times be supc is with the best the season and • the markets afford, and the BAR with the choicest Wines and Liquors. The Beds and Bedding, to' b rvether with all his_furniture being entirely)iew, the pat rons of this house may rely upon finding those two great essentials—cleanliness and comfort. The Stabling is large and commodious, and es he Aril' have none but kind and attentive Ostlers, a due regard,will be had to the pro per entertainment of the House as well as his master. In short, the subscriber intends to spare neither pains nor expense to keep his bodge in the best man ner, and be therefore re spectfully invites the public to give him a call. re — BOARDERS will be taken on rea sonable terms, and ns the rooms are spaci ous and well adapted to their wants, they can be accommodated in a satisfactory man ner. Families from town or country ac commodated with Boarding. ELI STECKEL. Allentown, May 3, 1849. 111—tb Pure Fresh Cod Liver Oil. This new and valuable Medicine, now used by the Medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ofpulniona ry consumption, scrolala, chronic rheuma tism, gout, general debility, complaints of the kindcys &c., 4-c., is prepared from the liver of the cod fish for medicinal use, ex pressly for our sales. (Extract from Me London Medical Journal.) C. J. B. Williams, Mr, D., F. R. S., Professor of Medicine in University College, London, Consulting Physicians to the Hos pital for consumption, &c., says ; I have prescribed the Oil in the above four hun dred cases of tuberculous disease of the Lungs, in diflitrent stages, which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the large number of cases, 206. out of 233, its use was followed by marked and unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases from a temporary retardation of the progress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing syrn ptons, up to a more or less complete restoration to ap parent health. "The efiii•ct of Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradu ally unproved. "In conclusion, I repeat, that the pure fresh oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been em ployed." .Rs we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil, fresh from head quarters, it can now be had chemically pure by the single bottle, or ut boxes of one doz en each. if —Gin Its wonderful efficacy has induced numer ous spuriousbnitations. As its success de pends entirely on its purity, too much care cannot be used procuring it genuine. Every bottle bavint- on it our written signature, may be depended upon as genu ine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with notice of it from Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address use free of postage. . JOHN C. BAKER & CO., Wholesale Druggists and Chetnists,No.loo Niorth third street, Philadelphia. Oct., 11. .11-6m—(ll Philadelphia Mourning Store, No. 52. South 2d Street, near Chesnut, MOURNING; EXCLUSIVELY ! Resson Son pay exclusive attention to Mourning Goods, and would invite the at tention of all buyers, visiting the city to an examination of their stock. As the utmost care is taken,in the import ing and selection of their goods, keeping a large assortment at all seasons, offering for sale only what is good and of the proper shade of black, no deception as to make or quality, no deviation in price,,and every ar ticle sold as low as can be purchased else where, those requiring mourning attire, can be satisfactorily suited, without the trouble, fatigue and 'loss of time of proceeding from store to store, by visiting at once this estab lishment. Lupin's . Bombazines, Bombazine finish Al paccas, Plain Cashmeres, Silk Cashmeres, French Merinos, Wide Black Silks; Lup in's Mousselines, Mourning flungari ans,MourningChintzes,Long Shawls Black Thibet,Sack Flannel Patent English Crapes, Mourning Veils, Collars,Fleecy Silk Hose,,l3ajous Gloves &c &c &c. They open daily, new black and half mourning mate rials from low.priced to the most costly. IWNVholesale cash buyers will find it to their advantage to call. • Philadelphia, Sept.'27, ¶-2m-2 JOB .P111:1 4 TIMG, Neatly executed at" the “Regiater" Office. II CLARK, 1416111 Ittilnlic. THE E.I2GLE HOTEL LOOK HERE!! The undersigned has just received a large and splendid. assortment• of • • PERFUMERY, to which he most respeCtfully calls the at tention of the lashionable public—his varie ty consists in part of the following articles to wit : Ve!no's Parisian Curling Fluid, Jules flatters Hair Restorative, Pomade, Phil osome and JUaccasser Oil, Ox-mar row, Mc'Curdes Crystaline, Med icated, Sand, Palmyrine, Hatters Comic and other Soaps, Ex - . tract o Colo ne Bri rniCosmet ie, Pat ch ny, Rose, Musk s-c., Steel Beads, Rings, Tassels, Dressing, Side, and Back Combs, Toil et Powder, , Flair and Tooth Brushes. ALSO. - -A large variety of other articles,- to numerous too mention, all of which will be sold nt the most reduced prices. ['Please call and see Sept. 20 C. I. DEPEW, Has constantly on hand and offers for sale, at his Family Grocery Store, n complete as sortment of fresh groceries, which he will sell cheap for Cash or in exchange for Coun try Produce. • SUG.4I?, COFFEE, TEA, RICE,. Molasses, Chocolate, Cocoa and Starch, for sale at Depew's Grocery Store. Brooms, Buckets, Brushes, Ropes, Baslcets, &c., for sale cheap by C. I. DE PE %V . Brandy, Gin, Ruin, Wines of all kinds, Whiskey, &c., for Salo at Depew's Grocery and Liquor Store. • Salmon. No. 1 Pickled Salmon, just received and for sale by C. I. DEPEIV. Mackerel, 11am, Oil, Salt, Herring. Tobacco, Segars. Snuff, Prime Roasted Coffee warranted - aresh, Perfumery. &c., &c„ for sale at Depew's Grocery and Variety Store. September (1, Ground Nuts, Bc.c. 25 Bags Best Ground Nuts, 10 " " Almonds, 5 " " Cream Nuts, 5 " " English Walnuts, on hand and for sale cheap by C. I. DEPEW. $--4w September 6 Revolutionary Soldiers LOOK MERE I The subscriber offers to the public in gen ral, his services for the prosecution of all manner of claims .against the general gov ernment, and in particular in the following cases. Viz : Suspended and subjected claims under all P.ension laws. Applications for increase of pension, under any of the Pension laws, where the pensioners are dissatisfied with their present allowance. For all those wid ows who received, or who are entitled to re ceive, the ten years pension due on the 9th of Nlarch, 1818, under the acts of July 7th 11838, March 3d 1843, and June 17th 1844, being those who were married before the Ist of January 1794, he will undertake to estab lish, under the act of Febuary 2d, 1848, their claims to a pension for life, commen cing on the 4th of March,lB4B, when their pensions under the foregoing acts termina ted. For all those widows of Revolutionary officers or soldiers, who were married ,after 1793, but before January 2d 1800, he will undertake to establish their claims to pension for life, commencing on the 4th of March, 1848, under the act of July 20th 1848. For all those widows of Revolutionary pen sioners, whose claims have been rejected or suspended for want of proof of service : or those who are in the receipt of a pension less than that received by their hus bands tinder the acts of May 15th 1828, or June 7th 1832, he will insure the same amount per annum, that their husbands re ceived ; from the time the pension is made to commence by the law under which they claimed or have been pensioned. All pensioners having claims against the General Government, groing out of our re cent difficulties with Mexico, will find the subscriber a prompt, experienced and atten tive agent. Terms moderate, where the claim is es tablished, otherwise no charge. All com munications must be post paidond directed • to the subscriber, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. JOHN W. MECKLY, • Office South Queen St. with Jac. it. Arnwake, esg... September 13, 1849. 'IL-0 re ' _ . Z11).2 cg 15 Q . That application will be made to the nest '• Legislature of Pennsylvanig. to incorporate si , ' Bank,with general Discount and other Bank ing privilege's, to be located in the Borough of Allentown; Lehigh county,,to be called "The Farmers and Mechanics' Bank," with.. a capital of one hundred thousand dollars,- with the privilege of increasing the same to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and further providing to commence the usual • Banking privileges when fifty thousand dol lars are paid in. Christian Pretz, Peter Wyckoff; • , .Carlos Samson ,-- .. .-N Wm. Hewhard, Amos Ettinger, J. D. Lawall., William Kern, J. D. Stiles,'. • Nathan Dresher, J. Saeger, jr.• Jonathan Cook, James H. Bush;- Jesse Schaffer, T. B 'Maker; A. G. Reninger, Joseph Burke. Joshua Hanse, Jonathan Kolb, July p. *—ant C. I. DEPEW. t-4w $.-4w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers