GOOD NEWS! eilt THE ARRIVAL OF ME Steams~nip ; "C amlnia." WILLIAM S. WEIL, at hid Wholesale and Retail Dry' Goods and Fancy Store, 3d.door below Hagentrach's Hotel, takes this meth od of inforthing his friends and custoineri, that he has just arrived--from-New York, with a splendid assortment of Fancy Dry Goods. Although the Cholera is raging so fear fully in New York, and the decease keeping merchants from going there to buy, in con sequence of which goods are vety low ; yet it has not detained him from going there . and therefore ho has bought 20 per cent cheaper than ever. He is thankful for pastlavers, and hopes by moderate charges and strict futon/ion, to, merit a continuance of their patronage. June 28. Steel Beads. Just received IMO bunches Steel beads, at reduced prices. W. S. WEIL. June 28. Silk Twist. • Just received from N. York, 10 boxes shaded and plain Silk twist. June 28 Steel Clasps, Plain and Figured, Rings, Tassels and Fringes, a large and splendid assortment. W. S. WEIL. —tf June 28 in 'Baskets, a large lot of French Willow Baskets, of all sizes, to which he calls the attention of the citizens of Allentown. ALSO.—Ladies dressing cases. June 28 •Iccordeons, 8, 10, 124- and 14 keys of Sanderson's, best French Accordeons of Paris, which he has received of his agent direct from New York. W. S. WELL. June 28. • Received per Ship "Wellington" from Europe. 500 Violins of different manufactures and BEM 50 Dozen violin bows. 500 Rings of the best E. A. and D. Ital ian violin strings. 100 Doz. silver violin strings. 200 Rings of the well known Roman red end violin strings. FLUTES.--A lot of extra Flutes from 75 els. to 5,00. TOYS. r --A large lot of French and Ger man Toys. June 28 TO THE L.RDIES I have received a large lot of new style Lawns, Silk and Mohair Lustres, and other dress goods, also a splendid lot of Turtle, Buffalo and imitation Buffalo combs, Polka Twist, and side combs of sizes and prices. June 29 Jewelry. A new assortment of Gold and plated Breast Pins, Ear Rings,Pinger Rings, Sil ver pencil cases with gold pens, German silver pencils, a variety of Vest,.Fop and Guard chains. June 28 RIBBONS. A large and elegant assortment of Bonnet ribbons also plain and Figured cap ribbons, plain Satin and Mantua ribbons, &c. W. S. WEIL. t—tf June 28 To Storekeepers and Milliners. I have paid every attention to the selec tion of my wholesale assortment, which con sist among many other things of the fol lowing article; viz : Suspenders, German pins, Spool thread, Sewing silk of all kinds, Shoe and Corset laces, all kinds of Buttons, the best quality needles, Pantaloon and Vest buckles, a large variety of Combs, Whalebone, Corset bones of extra finish, Cotton and Silk . Fiala's., Jew elry of every description, Perfumery, Cotton oord, a general assortment of Ribbons, im ported Slates and slate pencils, which I have bought considerable below market prices. His assortment is unequalled in Allen town, and will be kept complete the entire year, and orders can be promptly supplied at all times, to any extent. June 28 Cheap Hat and Cap Store, Hamilton. Street 'nearly opposite Weiss Hotel, dllentown. Jacob D. Boas, Takes this method to inform hi , : friends and customers, that he still continues the Hattnaking and Cap business, and keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment of the most fashionable, Beaver, Nutre, Brush, Russia ' Silk and Napped Hats, which he will sell at - the lowest prices. Also—a large assortment of Mena, Boys and Childrens Caps, at . very reduced pmts. He is likewise prepared to manufacture to ord - 6. - Hats at the shortest possible notice. Thankful for past favors he hopes to en joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels confident that his flats, fully recommend themselves. OrSuch who are indebted to him for some length of time, will please recollect, that their. accounts should be promptly sett led, and it is expected will not be neglected. Nov. 9. y• Owen Hoff Man; Clock, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Next door to the New of Kern The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has just returned fronvNet%_!..YOrk and Philadel phia, with a very large and well ' selected stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, • , 8 . day and 24 hour int‘ 9 3 )1 , . ) CLOCKS ) l i l . B from two to fifteen dollars, 1. and a full assortment of I • II : . I Jewelry. Among others it 0.7 , . , comprises the following ar ticles : Gold and Silver Levers, Anker Le vers, Lapines, English, French and Swiss watcheS, Gold, Silver aad Steel Spectacles, for all - ages, Silver Combs, Gold Breastpins, Ear-rings and Finger .rings, Gold pea, Gold and Silver pencils, Silver. Tea and Ta ble-spoons, and a large variety of articles in his line of business. He has also on hand a large assortment Accordians,&c. The above stock is entirey new, and se-' lected with the greatest care, and of the lat est fashions and styles. lie invites the public to give him a call, • particularly the Ladies, and to examine his beautiful stock of Jewelry ; and he feels con fident that he can satisfy them that his goods are not only as cheap as can be found in town, but will bear the strictest examina tion fur their purity. He is thankful for past favors and trusts that his- prices and iris beautiful assortment will bring him many new customers, to whom he will ever feel grateful. W. S. WEIL t--tf W. S. WEIL Ltopairing done at the shortest no tice, all of which he warrants to ne well, at the usual prices. V. S. VEIL f May 3 Daguerreotype Likenesses. C. L. LOCHMAN, returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he re ceived in this beautiful art, and would an nounce to his numerous-friends and public generally, that he has lately received a new Apparatus and is now enabled to take larg er pictures than heretofore, and in the most elegant manner. Ile will assure the LADIES, that his pictures shall beam with every charm the original possesses, and that he is enabled to adorn them with "A grace beyond the reach of art," Every Young Man Should get his portrait taken, before the win ter of age nips the fitir blossom of youth and leaves a rugged and care worn brow. And especially OLD PEOPLE in whose younger days thitrtir e lWas — nW known, should not fail Ao,.procure their like nesses fur their . cbildren or relatives—and CRILDREN who so much charm and gladden the hearts of all, excepting misanthropists, on whose smiling facgs sits joy and innoCence . in their heavenly puritk, should also have their 'net ty facestaken, which will e'er be looked upon by i'rents as inestimable gems. Ladicis should wear black or dark figured, and avoid pink or light blue dresses. For children, figured or plaid dresses. For Gentlemen, Dark vests and coat. Ills romps will be found iu the house for merly ocapied by Mr. Lewis Schmidt as Drug Store. July 12. 11-2 in Lamps, Temps, Lamps. Just received a_splendid lot of Candlebra, Lard, Camphine and Fluid Lamps, which will be sold cheap by LOCHMAN & BROTHER. January 11. W. S. WEII, t-tf IV. S. WEIL • t-tf W. S. WE IT, t-tf A Large and Rich Stock of Carpets, For Fall Trade. The subscriber, in addition to his former stock, has just received, a\nl has now in store, a large and rich assortment of New Styles English and American CARPETING manufactured to order, and decidedly the handsomest goods in the market, all of which are offered for sale, on the most favorable tern's. Country Merchants and Strangers visit- Philgdplphia, who may be in want of Car petS,lre requested to look in and examine this stock of desirable goods previous to pur- Chasing elsewhere . , as.they will find all goods sold to be as represented, and at the lowest .market prices. The assortment, in pail., consists of: English TapeMry, English and American Brussels, • 66 Three-plylmperial, 64 16 Super. Ingrains, with low priced Carpetings of all descrip tions, Oil Cloth, WindokAltodes, Rugs, Piano and Table Covers,...4lkop!kias, Stair Rode, 13indings, &c. • Also, a large assortment OlPag, List and Cotton Carpets, from 121 toittOieents per yard, at the Cheap Carpet Ware 7 Roams, of No. 25 North Second: Street, Directly opposite Chritt?Church, P June 29. • W. S. WELL; t-tf Mt 1111) PHILADELPHIA MDB 14 . /AVON,. Willow St., abovelkleventh St. PHILADELPHIA. HIDES taken in titith great care, as re gards cuts and tlawi cr rirCountry . Onners supplied on the most liberal ter9o4., AYKROYD & GROSS. ¶,—Ont April 10.. and Samoa, in Hamilton Street, Allentown Pa. OWEN HOFFMAN ¶-41n • i" • - It- , L J Grand Exhibition ADMITTANCE FREE Cake Along! Which Way? TO, C. 1...71.E.PR1F"S ramily Grocery Store!, where, y will be sure to get Fresh Groce ries an us cheap as the cheapest. Ile has ihebestitssorunent in Allentown and war rants Ih V.? be all fresh and good. C. I. DEPEW. July 11—tf - - Coffee, Sugar and Teas. • • The undersign e d hasj ust re- N ;I ceived a large ass assortment of C . of-. L fee; Sugar and 'Peas, and are of fered. for sale nt the lowest possi ble prices by July 12. Molasses, Oil and Fish. Syrup; Sugar House, and N. 0. 111o1as sei, Salmon', Mackerel and Herring, for sale cheap at Depew7s Grocery Store July.l2. CHEESE, T, Brooms, Pails, Brtigges, Dried Peaches, 'Ap ples and Cherries for sale,by C. I. DEPE W. 11—tf July 12 ROASTED COFFEE Ground and in the Grain, warranted fresh and pure, foi sale cheap at Depew's Grocery Store. July 12. ,and Liquors. Brandy of all kinds from 37i p ilo t yur to $3,09 per gall., Port, Lis *MVO 4 1 4 bon and IVladaira Wirws, Gin. Whiskey and Ruin, for Sale cheap at Depew's Grocery Store. July 12. ¶—tf tail./LklUVerci No 1. Pickled Salmon, just received and for sale cheap, at the Store of June 11 - - GROUND NUTS. 25 Bags best Southern Ground Nuts, just received and for sale by June 11 Pertimgcry. A splendid assortment of Perfumery con sisting in part as follows: Roussers . Genuine Bears Oil. Magical Hair Oil. Brigg's Russian Cosmetic for the hair. Italian Medicated Soap. American Shaving compound. Genuine Cologne water. Genuine extracts of Musk Patchouly. Jesmin, &c. &c. Fancy Soap of all kinds. Just received and' for sale cheap by • '• C. J. DEPEW. April 26.. ¶—tf The alleniown FEMALE SEMINARY. The summer session of this institution commenced on the first day of May, and will continue twenty-two weeks. The principal Mrs. Elizabeth Young hay ingsecu red the assistance of coin petent teach ers, confidently hopes to render satisfaction to all who may entrust their 4.ughters to her care. She will be glad to have the parents of the pupils visit the school, and observe what progress is made by?their children. Scholars entering aftertliecommencement of the session will pay only front the time of their entrance. .) TERMS. For board, washing, Sris„ per session $4B 00 Tuition :—For those Older eight , 600 " For those bet*een 8 St, 12 10 00 " For those over twelve 12 00 ELIZABETH YOUNO, Principal. June 21. 11—Om LEE & WALKER, SUCCESSORS TO GEO. WILLIO, HAVE removed their stock of Music and Musical Instrunients, to the new and spa cious store in Swaim's Building, No. 162 Chestnut Street,'.below Seventh, PHILA DELPHIA, where they invite the attend ance and pritrOnage of the public. LEE & WALKER having purchascd the . entire stock of C4eo. Willig, (who has de clined business,) are now prepared to exe cute all orders in their line. Their assort ment of Music end Musical Instruments, is as extensive as that of any • other establish. Men!, in the country. PIANO FORTES, from various well known. and approved . manulactories,.oo* in store, and will be constantlared.for sale. .ICountry dealers I n very rea sonable terms. • Feb. B'. A. kl ttir Oagrees 9 9 Vet erinary Surgeon, (Or Farrier,) MECHANICSVILLE, LEIIIOII CO., PA. Respectfully informs his friends ~v i d and the public in general, that he has now permanently located himselfin Mechanicsville, South Whitehall. township, Lehigh county, where he continues to treat all diseases of the Horse, with the greatest success. In the diseases of Pole-Evil, Thistle, Spa. yin and Ring-bone, his motto is "No Cure, no Pay.'' He. invites such who have diseased hor ses to give him a call, ns he will always be in readiness to attend, be it far or near, so that persons can rely upon being attended to punctually. May :31. ¶--:3m• Tin and Copper Onfith, IN ALLENTOWN. Takes this method to inform his old friends and customers, that he still, continues the above business at his "old stand," tvhere he has now on hand 100 COVVeMiXeItiCS, containing from two taAirty-scven gallons, which in point of beauty'and durability can not be superceded, and whicinvill be sold at reduced prices. lie also keeps, on hand , an assortment of BR.ISS 'KETTLES 4- TIAV from a whistle to a still, a new kind of Pumps for Cisterns or Wells, of different MEI Tin Roofing will be done in a workman like manner, and at such prices that no one will have reason to complain, who calls on him to execute this branch of business. Lie has prepared himself in such a manner, that he can contract to-day and finish to-morrow. if7tishey,Stills are manufactured at the shortest notice, and at the most. reasonable prices. C. I. DEPEW • ¶-tf CM In short, all kinds of jobs, either, in Cop per or in Tin, will be done in a most perfect manner, and will stand good for its durabili.: ty in every respect. To convince yolfrself of what is stated above, it is only necessary to call at the first of the three story brick buildings, on the south side of I lamilton street, iti - the burnt district, nearly opposite Ihtgenbuch's Hotel. two doors cast of,the "old stand."• 14 - lle keeps on hand an assortment of Tin, which he will sell by the box or in single sheets. lie will also take in ex change fir Copper or Tinware, all kinds 01 old Copper, Brass, Pewter, and Lead, or pay in Cash for the . same May 17. CHEAP BOOK STORE, 161 Chestnut steeel l corner of Seventh, Swaim's Buildings, C. I. DJ PD 11-tf KNOWING the wants of the communi• ty, the Proprietor of this Establishment has fitted up a Store in the most elegant manner. having due regard to the comfort of his cus tomers, so that .every Stranger visiting hi: Book Store, may feel entirely at home. C. I. DEPEW 11-tf HIS IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the vari ous Departments of Literature, so that visi tors can find the Books they are in search of for themselves. Buying his Stock for the•. most part at the .duetion fin/es, and being connected with one of the Largest Pub!M ing Houses in this country, besides publish ing largely himself, enables him to sell all Books at than any other house-of a similar character on this continent. H is facilities for the Fm porlalion of Books from Europe are unsur passed, having a Branch of his Establish ment in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and for warded to - this Country by every Steampt and Packet of Books with the prices attached is issue quarterly, contain inc , Lists of iNc w Addition made to his large collection, which are in al cases for sale at the LOWEST PRICES. or, from 23 to 75 per cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a RIO Books. quite a considerable amount is saved. A a still further INDUCEMENT, to strangers visiting the city, every one win purchases One Dollar's worth of Books will receive a copy of the Stranger in 'Philadelphia, an elegant 18mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cts. IV'The limits of an advertisement are ton confined to enumerate the prices of any of the Books, or to give even a faint idea of the immense advantages to be derived from purchasing at the Great Central Cheap Book Store, but let all who are in search of Books "send for a Catalogue, and buy the Books they are in want of, and when visit ing the city, give Appleton one call, and you will be sure to call again. STATIONARY in all its branches. furnished at the lowest prices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and. Note Paper, neatly stamped in the corner, without charge. Orders for any , article may be sent by mail, addressed to the Proprietor, and thv directions in all cases will be fully carried out, with great puncwality and despatch. Orders her Catalogues should be pre-paid. • GEO. S. APPLETON. Ilona, 164 cheenfa Street, corner of Seventh, Stottim's 11-8 m May 10. That application will be made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, to incorporate a Bank,with general Discount and other Bank ing privileges, to be located in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, to be called "The Farmers and Mechanics Bank," with a capital •of one hundred thousand dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and further providing to commence the usual Banking privileges *hen , iffy thousand dol lars are paid in. • •• • . • Christian Prel.z, 'Peter Wyckoff, Carloi*SainsOrW.; WM. Newhard, , . Amos Ettinker, - , :; J. D. Lawall, William Kern, J. D. Stiles, Nathan Dresher, -J. Saeger, jr. Jonathan Cook, James H. Bush, Jesse Schaffer, P. B. Weidner, A. G. Bellinger, joseph Burke, Joshua Hanse, Jonathan Kolb, July 6 Amos Ettinger; APPLETON'S GREAT CENTHA L 1111 LA DELPHIA LOWER PRICES A CATALOGUE 1 2131 1 1 101113 A new louse and a new Landlord. The subscriber re spectfully informs his friends and the public genbrally, t! at he has taken the newly erec i;. ted three story b3•lcic tavern of Jesse Grim, at the northwest corner of Marlcet &Num, in the borough of Allentown, called 7'llE ESGLE HOTEL. • L.., • ' "- ii-f:?-12f: 11111110t11)1t-7-,' t 4. ( The House is known as one of the most spacious and convenient in the State—none more so out of Philadelphia—and conOtins 11 rooms. Ile therefore feels assured that he can accommodate satisfactorily all who May favor him• with n call. • Ellis TA ISLE shall at all times be supplied with s the best the season and the Markets aflbrUnd the BAR with the choicest Wines and Liquors. Thelleds and Bedding, together with all his furniture being entirely new, the pat rons of j this house may rely upon finding those tyo great essentials—cleanliness and comfort: Thti Stabling is large and commodious, and us he will have none but kind and attentive Ostlers, a due regard will be had to the pro per entertainment of the House 'as well as his master. in short, the subscriber intends to spare neither pains nor expense to keep his house in the best man ner, and he therefore re spectfully invites the public to give !lima call. r? - BOARDERS will be taken on rea sonable terms, and as the rooms are spud-, ous and .well adapted to their wants, they can be accommodated in a satisfactory man ner. Families from town or country ac commodated with Boarding. ELI STECKEIL. Allentown, May 3, 18.19. 11-1.1) t--4w C.. 111 . 11 UAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Has taken the Office of the late Samuel Runk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in this and the adjoining counties. Mr. RUNIC may be consulted in the Ger man, as well as English. Refer to Hon. J. M. Porfer, Easton, Pa. Prof. S. Greenleaf, Cambridge, Mass. Hon. W. Kent, New Yaik'Cit3i. _ .June 13. LLAUt - k la0111)10/8,;) Notice is hereby all persons who are yet indebted in the books of the under signed, for lumber or other building timber, or in bonds, notes or otherwise, are politely requested for the last time, to make payment within four weeks from the present time, if they wish to save costs. June 21 N.'S. LAWRENCE; ,dgenl for the sale of Southworth Alan tflitchtring Co's Writing Papers. Ware - house iNo. 3 illimor St. 100 cases of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of— Fine thick• Flat Cup, P 2, 11, 13, and 16 lbs., blue and white. Superfthe Aledium and Demi Writings blue and white. Extra stiller and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and flue Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled; blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes. "Lawyer's" Brief Pavers. Superfine and line CapS and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoo Papers, Bonnet. Boards, white and assorted Tissue, Tea, 'ra pping, Envelope, assorted and blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Hard ware Papers, &c. July 5. • - WOMAN'S SPRING The undersigned takes this method to in form his friends and the public in general, that lie has taken the well known lirrrman's Spring, whichvit,l)c opened on the 19th instant, with all kindabf.refrvArytents &c. JAMES Wilak May 17. trammED: A Journeyman Blacksmith. ..._ The undersigned, residing near Kreidersville, Allen township, Northampton county, wishes to engage a g ood Journeyman Blacksmith, to do heavy Farm work. A young man s of sober arid industrious habits, can hear of . a permanent situation, by. making immediate application to JOSEPH LERCH. June 21. 5 -4 w. Brandreth and Wrights Country merchants and others, are here by notified, that, the far famous Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at the Lace of the "Lehigh Register" by the Dozen boxes, at Wholewle prices. Auril 17 11 —4 w 1- Um SOLOMON GAMIEWER: T-4 w PHILADELPHIA ROGER BROWN'S WINE & LIQUOR STORE, . NO. 323 MARKET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth Sirs, North side: Philadelphia. All kinds of Foreign. %Vines and Liquor 4 such as— - oid Cognac Brandies, Dark e g; r ) i.,-AIR- and Pale, Holland Gin, J o : 11F.I.At maica Spirits, Irish and Scotchl Malt Whiskey, of the very wircEs.—Stich as MNileira, Port; Sherry, Tenerilre, Sweet :Malaga,, Muscat; Garet aha elTatupague, t;er . 9 diotee doti. h 1 . , Also, Manufacturer of Drittlestje Distlt Brandy and Gin, Pure Spirits, DRiderited . Alchohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brail:' dy, Wild Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordi:. - Ms, Raspberry Brandy, New Engllttid Rum, &c., &c., also a large supply of Arie Old' Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ve:Fr ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and' Tavern Keepers, tvill do well to give the tin- - dersigned a call before, purchasing elsewhere, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch- - es, will bear' the closest scrutiny,. recollect' number 323 Market street. ROGER BROWN:. Philadelphia August 8. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 163 i CHESNUT STREET near Fifth street. Chat les N. Banckcr, Geo. W. Richards, llamas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolp. F. Rorie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, m town and country, at rates as low as arc consis. tent wittusecurity. The Company have reserved a large Contin gent Fund, which with their, Capital and Premi ums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on Januaiy Ist, 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As ;,embly, were as follows, viz: Mortgages, $890,558 65 • Real Estate, Temporary Loans, Stocks, Cash, dm., 11-4 w $1,220,097 G 7 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million, two hundred thousand dollars,losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu rance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. CHARLES a BANCKER, Sec'y. The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and ate now prepared to make insurances on every descrip tion •f property, at the lowest rates. A UOITSTITS 1.. RUBE. Allentown. C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem. Allentown, June 13, 1848. Bank Note tist. Wcekly from IlicknelPe,VanCourea i,4 Mompson'tt Detector.) Ella Bk of N America par Mechanics bank of Bk of Pennsyl v. par Newark 4 Bank of Commerce j Mechanics bank at late Moynmensing par Burlington par Ilk of N Liberties par Mechanics & Man ilk of Penn Towns. par' ufacturers bank par Farmers & Mcchan.par Newark banking & Kensington par I Ins. Company !daunt*. & Meehan par New Hope & Dela- Mechanics par ware Br. Comp. failed Girard par Orange bank Philadelphia par Peoples bank Schuylkill pal Plainfield bank 50 Southwark par! Princeton bank par Western par Salem banking Co. par Commercial Bank State bank at Eliza of Pennsylv. parbethtown,Newark, Bk of the States 25 I Cnmden,N. Bruns wick, Morristown,par Sussex bank Union bank Trenton bank. co. par Yardleyville bridge company , 25 DELAWARE. The Banks of the state of Delaware are all as par. COUNTRY BANKS Bk of Chambersburg I Bk of Gettysburg 1 Bk of Pittsburg Ilk of Sum'. County 5 13k of Chester CO. par Ilk of Germantown par Ilk of Lewistown failed Ilk of Delaware Co. par Bk of Middletown 1 Bk of Montg. Co. par III: of Northumbeo •oar Columbia Bank & Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Bank . 1 Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank par Exchalfge Dank 11. Eric Bank I'o Farmers & Drovers Bank Franklin flank Farmers Hank of Bucks County par Farmers Bank of Lancaster par Farmers Bank of Reading par Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill co. par Harrisburg Bank 1 Honesdale Bank 1 1 Lancaster Bank par Lancaster Co. Bank par Lehamin Bank i high Co. Bank 50 Lehig Navigation' •• Co: ript. 10 tt ati Miners ank of Pottsville- .cy—par Merchants & Minaf.',,. • Bank, Pittsburg. t Monongahela Bank, Brownsville, Taylorsviile Del. Bridge Company, 50 West Branch Bank, I Wyoming Bank, I York Bank, NEW JERSEY. Belvidere Bank Burlington County Bank par Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank par Farmers Bank par Farmers & Meehan- les liank,Rahway 3 Farmers & Merchants • Bank, Mid. Point, Morris County bank R ri•Thc notes on all 13 (-) are nut purchased INDEMNITY Directors 108,358 90 125,459 00 51,563 25 40 1 158 87 NEW YORK. New York City bka Chelsea bank 60 Clinton bank 50 Commercial bank 10 Lafayette bank 50 Washington bank 70 COUNTUT DAMEN. AlleghanY cotifitti' bank . 719 Bank of America as , do of Commerce 40' do of Brockport 35' do of Lodi' 25' do of Olean 35' do of Tonawanda 50' do of Lyons do of Western New York I Binghampton bank 40' Canal bank ' Cattaraugus county bank Erie county bank, /50 1 Farmers & Drovers bank 5' Farmers bank of Se neca county 30' llamilton bank, 30 ) Lewis county bank 60' Mechanics bank at 46' But al , 45' Merchants,ank at Buffalo 40' Millets bank ofiVew York 10' Oswego bank '14,20' Phenix bank • 11X Staten Island bank 504, State bank of N Y 60' St. Lawrence bank 76( Union bank2s' United StatesEink N. York bank. Co. 70' Tenth Wark bank, 25 . ' White Plains bank 6/ (0 All other banks imc mentioned in the above list are from I to 2 per . cent discount. nks marked witha dabb , by the brokers:-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers