Charming News to the Public. The undersigned have the pleasure to inform the public generally, that they have oat returned from New York and Philadel phia, with- a large and desirable lot of Dry Goods, which they have unpacked and are now displaying to a great crowd of custom ers. To the Ladles and Gentlemen, ' We would say, that such a handsome lot of dress goods was never before exhibited in this place, as it will be utterably impos sible for us to enumerate various articles that compose this stock of goods; we will only say. thOt we invite one and all to come and see us. We show goods very willing ly free of charge. We dor make it our business to say that we se 20 or 40 per cent cheaper than our competitors—but we do say that we sell as cheap and durable goods as any of our neighbors. Our motto is, that the goods will recommend them selves the best PRETZ, GUTH' & Co t—tf May 10 HATS• A large and general assortment of men's and boy's Leghorn, Panama and Palm Leaf Hats, just received, and for sale wholesale and retail, very chatty, by PRETZ, GUTH & Co. " May 10. Ciro eries• A complete assortment of sugar, coffee,' molasses, honey, teas &c., just arrived and for sale,yvholesale and retail, by PRETZ, GUTH & Co. t—tf May 10. M'ackerel. 10 Barrels No. 1 Mackerel, 20 44 t. 2 41 25 II 3 ~ 60 halts and quarters, No's 1 2 and 3. Also a few barrel of salmon. This lot of mackerel we warrant to be of the best kind and quality, and will dispose of them very cheap PRETZ, GUTH & Co t—tf May 10 An Inducement. Just received direct from the manufac turer 10 pieces 3 ply, twilled Venetian, sup. Ingrain and other carpets. All those that are in want of a good carpet, we would advise to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as.we know we can give satis faction in quality, colors and prices. PRETZ, GUTH & Co. t—tf May 10. Swiss Cheese. A quantity of the genuine Swiss cheese, just received and for sale, by PRETZ, GUTH, & Co. t—tf May 10 COAL. 5000 tons stove, 1000 tons nut, 600 tons lump and Egg coal, also a lot of pea coal and coal dust on hand and for sale by PRETZ, GUTH' & Co. t—tf May 10 ROGER BROWN'S WINE & LIQUOR STORE, NO. 323 MARKET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth Strs, North side Philadelphia. All kinds of Foreign Wines and Liquors s uch as— ••••,., Old Cognac Brandies, Dark ; r "IP and Pale, Holland Gin, :la- MIMS 411. a ."■ si maica Spirits, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, of the very finest quality. WINES.—Such as Madeira, Port, Sherry, Teneriffe, Sweet Malaga, Muscat, Claret and Champagne, very choice and old. • Also, Manufacturer ofklomestristillel ) Brandy and Gin, Pure irits, eoderize Alchohol, Peach Brandy, ay nder Bran dy, Wild Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordi als,-Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a large supply of fine. Old Monongahela Whiskey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern Keepers, will do well to give the un dersigned a call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch es, will bear the closest scrutiny, recollect number 323 Market street. ROGER BROWN. Philadelphia August 8. 1-1 y LEEIk WALKER, SUCCESSORS TO OEO. WIWI), HAVE removed their stock of Music and Musical Instruments, to the new and spa cious store in Swaim's Building, No. 162 Chestnut Street, below Seventh, PHILA DELPHIA, where they invite the attend ance and patronage of the public. LEE & WALKER having purchased the entire stock of Geo. Willig, (who has de clined business,) are now prepared to exe cute all orders in their line. Their assort ment of Music and Musical Instruments, is as extensive as that of any other establish ment in the country. PIANO FORTES, from various well known and approved manufactories, now in store, and will be constantly offered for sale. • UrCountry dealers supplied on very rea sonable terms. Feb. S. 31111D2011 HILADELPIILI HIDE ASSOCIATION, Willow St.., above Eleventh St PHILADELP.H lA. HIDE I S taken in with great care, as re gards cuts and flaws. lar6 ountr y Tanners supplied on the most. lilleraliterms, LYKROYD•& GROSS April P._ RE.7IIOP.IL. OSVAIIII 17 4 / MAYER, , Lumber Merchant In illcntown. Respectfully informs his friends and the public in geneml, that he has lately remov ed his Lumber-Yard to the south side of Hamilton street, near Weaver's Hotel. He has lately received a very large supply of all kinds of Boards and building timber, comprising over 600,000 Feet, Such as YelloW and White Pine, Floring boards, Poplar boards, Scantling, Joists and Planks, Mapel boards and Planks, Rafters, Ash Planks, Laths, Ladder trees, besides all kinds of other Boards, Scantling, Posts, Lath and Shindies, all 'of which he will sell at very reduced prices. Farmers, Carpenters and Builders, who have occasion to use the different sorts of timber he has for sale, will do well to give him a call before they purchase elsewhere, as he is willing to have his stock examined without charge. He returns his sincere thanks for the I many favours he has heretofore received, and feels confident that his extreme low prices will be the means of many new customers JOSEPH WEAVER. November 16. 41-4 m DAD11911)111 9 3 )369111L In the Orphan's Court of Le itt). 1.1• high county. In the matter of the account of _ Peter Haas, Esq., surviving exe cuter, of Christian Brobst dec'd, late of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh county. • And now May 4, 1849, the Court ap point Jacob Dilinger, A. L. Ruhe, and Jesse Samuels, auditors to audit and make distri bution and report the same to the next stated Orphans Court. From the Records, TESTS-J. D. LAWALL, Clerk. The undersigrted, will meet the parties interested on Saturday the 9th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, P. M., at the house of Jonathan Kolb, in the Borough of Allentown. J. DILINOER, • A. L. RUNE, J. SAMUELS, May 9. ¶-4w EMPORIUM OFFASHION ! IN ALLENTOWN. The undersigned have formed a Co-part nership, in the Fashionable Tailoring busi ness under the firm of Stealer 4. Getz. They have rented the building, one door east of Meyer's Allentown Hotel, formerly occupied as the "'Lehigh Register" printing office, on the north side of Hamilton street, in the Borough of Allentown, where they will be ready to receive their customers at the shortest notice. They have made ar rangement to receive the Spring and Fall Paris and London fashions, which will ena ble them to dress a man off in real Bun combe style. STETTLER & GETZ. May 10. —4 tv Cheap Hat and Cap Store. Hamilton Street nearly opposite Weiss Hotel, Allentown. Jacob D. Boas, Takes this method to inform hie friends and customers, that he still continues the Hatmaking and Cap business, and keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment of the most fashionable, Beaver, Nutre, Brush, Russia, Silk and .Arapped Hats, which he will sell at the lowest prices. .1718 o—a large assortment of Alen:, . Boys and Children: Caps, at very reduced prices. He is likewise prepared' to manufacture to order Hats at the shortest possible notice. Thankful for past favors he hopes to en joy a continuance of patronage, as he feels confident that his Hata, fully recommend themselves. 126" Such who are indebted to him for some length of time, will please recollect, that their accounts should be promptly sett led, and it is expected will not be neglected. Nov. 9. 11-1 y Spring Millenery Goods, John Stone & Sons, Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second St., above Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. • WOULD call the attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their large and rich assortment of Spring Millinery Goode, Received by late arrivals from France, such as Glace Silks fdr casing bonnets; Fat2cy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons—a large and beautiful assortment, of all prices ; Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons, from No. 1 to No. 12 ; French and American Artificial Flowers (in great variety ;) Colored and White Crapes ; Fancy Laces and Nets ; French Chip. Hats ; ' Face Trimmings—Cluillings ; Covered Whalebones—Cane ; Buckrams—Willow ; Bonnet Crowns and Tips, Together with every article appertaining to the Millinery trade March 22 "11-6 m Brandreth and Wrights Pills. Country merchants and others, are here by notified, that the far famous Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Bmndreth, are constantly kept for sale at the office ,of the "Lehigh Register" by the Dozen boxes, at Wholesale prices. April 17 ¶-4w Itavoupact Don't miss the chance to Purchase Cheap. The subscriber, late of the firm of Sel fridge 4• Wilson, takes this method to in form his old - friends and customers, that he just returned, from Philadelphia and New York, with an entire new stock of DO Goods, Groceries &c., and hhs opened the same for sale, in the new brick building ofJesse Grim, in Hamil ton street, near the Market Square, imrnedi ately between the stores of Yeager & Weid ner and Grim & Reninger. He flatters himself in saying that a more fashionable stock of Dry Goods never was brought to this or any other country-town in Pennsylvania, and which will be sold at the lowest Cash prices. He invites the publie to give him a call, examine his goods, and convince them selves of what is said above. No deception in his goods—they bear inspection. His LADIES DRESS GOODS, consist of Silks, Alpacas of any quality and prices, Mouslin de Laines„ Marinos, Cali coes, Ginghams, Chinces, &c., which in point of neatness cannot be beat in 'Allen town. Ladiesare requested before purchas ing dresses, to give him a call, as goods are shown with great pleasure, and without charge. All are invited to call, and nobody is bbund to buy if his goods do not suit them. •For the gentlemen he has Cloths Cassimeres, arid Vestings. In this branch of business, lie lacks none. His stock is of the newest and most fashion able styles and colors, and of the best manu factories, and suitable for the season, besides Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, he has other fashionable Dress Goods for Summer wear, all of which was selected by him with the greatest care,both in regard to quality and price. He does not deem it necessary to attach to his goods the foreign names, such that but few understand. He ensures the public that he has all in his line of business and that he will dispose of them at the low est terms. T. B. WILSON. ME Groceries Sugar of all kinds, from the :---!,....... mi . )cheapest brown, to the highest .. 1 - refined, Molasses, Coffee, Li - --- ..1 quors, Spices, Tea &c. a large quantity of fresh, just received and for sale at the New Store of T. 13. WILSON. April 12. t—tf Wllackeet No 1, 2 and 3 in quarter, half and whole barrels, for sale cheap at•the New Store of T. B. WILSON. April 12. t—tf SALT. • Ground and Fine Salt, a large quantity just received and for sale at the Store of T. WILSON. April 12. f Wanted. 1000 bushels potatoes for which the high est market price will be paid at the New Store of THO. B. WILSON. April 12. t—tf Queensware. A new and splendid assortment of Queens ware, consisting of a general assortment of Plates, Cups and Saucers, all kinds of Dish es, Bowls, Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, Cham ber Setts, and all kinds of Glasiware for sale at the New Store of THOM. B. WILSON. • t—tf April 12 Produce. • Such as Butter, Eggs, Smoked Mea and Lard taken in exchange for goods a he New Store of THO. B. WILOON April 12. COJL. Lump coal, Egg and Stove coal, Nut coal and Coal dust for Sale at the New Store of T. B. WILSON: April 12. t—tf Looking Glasses. A very handsome assortment of Mahoga ny Frame Looking Glasses for sale at the New Store of 1'..8. WILSON. April 12. t—tf A Cabinet Maker Wanted. A journeyman Cabinet maker can receive &instant employment, if application be made soon to the undersigned, in Catasauqua, Hanover township, Lehigh county. None but a good workman need apply. OWEN FREDERICK. April 26. Winter Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS. , AT GEORGE CULIN'S, Southeast corner of Second and Market Strs PHILADELPHIA. Gentlemen visiting the city, and wishing to supply themselves with Cheap and Fash ionable Winter Clothing, will find a large, complete and choice•assortment of Bangup Coats, Cloaks, Business Coats, • Dress and Frock Coats, Boys Coats • in great variety, made of .firneri can English i• French Cloths. . ALSO—Pantaloons for men and Boys made of Cassimeres, Doe Skins, Satinetts, &c., &c.,—Vests for men and Boys of Silk, Satin, Velvet, Cloth and Cashmere. Also, Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, &c., at the lowest possible prices for CASH. Remetn ber, we will sell as cheap as any Clothing Establishment in the United States. GEORGE CULIN Southeast corner of Second; and Market Streets Philadelphia. 5-Iy. ¶-4w Sept. 2 THE SECOND ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods, MERTZ & LANDIS, Having just received and are now un packing their second supply of Spring and Summer• Goods, invite their customers and the public in general, to give them an early call as they feel confident that their stock being purchased so low and will be sold at so small an advance, will find a brisk sale, call therefore before the cheap and fine goods are all sold, and make yourselves sure of a good bargain. Their stock consists in part as follows : A variety of plain and fancy Cloths and Cassimeres, a handsoine article of Black and Drab Cashmarett for Summer Coats, Tweed and Merino Cassimere Summer Cloth, Silk Cobrington, Croton Cloth Gambroons, and a large assortment of plain Plaid and Striped Goods for pantaloons, also Silk, Velvet, Sat in, Marsailles and Valencia Vestings. A large assortment of dress goods for La dies wear such as Silk and Bombazines, Manchester Linen and domestic Ginghams, Mous de Lains, Lawns, a good assortment of Black, Colored and fancy Alpacca Lustre, a general supply of English Merimack and domestic prints of all prices and patterns Silk Cravats and dress Handkerchiefs, plain and fancy Summer shawls, a supply of white goods as Jaconetts, ambrias, Bobi nets, Lace and Edgings, also Parasols and Umbrellas, an assortment of Gloves and Hois ary, Boys and Men's Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats, Looking Glasses, Carpets, &c. GROCERIES. Imperial, Young and Black Teas, Rio Java and St. Domingo Coffee, Syrup, Sugar House, N. Orleans and Trinidad Molasses, a good assortment of Sugars, Honey, Common and Sperm oil, Salt, Mackerels, Shad, Choc olate, all kind of Spices, Dye stuffs, &c. A large stock of China, Queens and Glass ware they have also on hand a good stock of Earthen and Stoneware, which with all goods not named here we offer at the lowest price, and therefore hope to receive a libe ral share of public patronage for which we will ever be thankful. t-tf I May 3. 411—tf INDEMNITY THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 183/ CHESNUT STREET, near Fifth street. Directors : Charles N. Bancker, Geo. W. Richards f Thomas Hart, Mord. D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, • Adolp. E Borie, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson. CONTINUE to make Insurance, permanent and limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consis tent with security. The Company have reserved a large Comm. gent Fund, which with their Capital and Premi• nms, safely invested, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, 1848, as published agreeably to an Act of As sembly, were as follows, viz Mortgages, Real Estate, Temporary Loans, Stocks, Cash, he., Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one million, two hundred thousand dolbos, losses by fire, there by affording evidence of the advantages of insu rance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES W. BANCKER, President CHARLES G. BANCKER, Seey." The Subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and are now prepared to make insurances on every descrip tion of property, at the lowest rates. AUGUSTUS 1,. RUBE, Allentawn C. F. BLECK, Bethlehem Allentown, June 13, 1848 CHOICE Garden, Field and Flower SEEDS, a. 'Mb Ornamental Plants, TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, GRAPE TINES, &e. For Sale at Maupay's Garden, Rising Sun Village, near Philadelph3a, and in the Market below • Sixth street, every dok, a large assortment of all kinds of Seeds. Green-house & Hardy Plants , which will be sold wholesale and retail. A( orders promptly attended to by • S. MAUPAY. rami kinds or vegetable plants, &c. in season. ---rVrThe above are all raised by the sub scriberat his extensive horticultural grounds, where the collection can be seen-Plants, &c. packed to carry with safety. Address S. MAUPAY, Seedsman. Rising Sun Post-office, Philadelphia county. April 6. 41.1-2 m. 3. if. 3. M. RONNY., Brm and Wooden Ware Store, No. 63 North Third Street, One door above Arch,east side, Philadelphia.' Manufactureis and .Wholestile Dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Ce dar Ware, Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Mats, Blacking, Eastern made Wooden ware of every description; &c. at the lowest market prices. ' MC✓lS'Hpaid for Broom Corn. MANLY ROWE. :JOHN M. ROWE. March 15. 'll-43tri Lamps, Lamps, Lamps. Just received a splendid lot of Candlebra, Lard, camphine and Fluid Lamps, which will be sold .cheap by LOCIIMAN & BROTFIER. January 11. '5-4w New Family Grocery Store. . READ THIS ONE AND ALL I The subscriber would respectfully infolin the citizens of Allentown and vicinity that he has opened on the corner of Market Square and Allen Street, in Allentown. for merly occupied by the Lehigh County Bank a new Family Grocery Store, where he will always keep on hand, a large assortment of Groceries of every decription, which he will sell, at the lowest CASH prices or in exchange for country produce. His stock consists in part as follows : Imperial, Young Hyson, Black ~ , ,...pr4,.. ti, ,-, :s . F., and other Teas, New Orleans, ", ' 4104 ' Muscovado, Refined, Pulverized l E- - -I.= and crushed Sugars. Molasses of all kinds, Oil, Candles, Soap, Rice, Rio, Ja va and other Coffee, Cheese, Salt, Brushes, Brooms, Pails, Wash-machines, &c. ••••• ALSO a large assortment•of J li r ga tz , t il m_iit; Wines, such as Lisbon, Port SVIIIMiat and Madeira, Brandy of all ''—kinds, Gin, Whisky, &c. The undersigned will make it his busi ness to buy none but the best of Liquors, and can confidentially recommend them to his customers. He trusts that by punctual attendance to business he will partake of a share of pub lic patronage. So don't forget the place, the stand formerly occupied by Grim & Reninger. C• I. DEPEW. April 12. f--3m Gum Shoes, Gum Shoes. Just received a very large assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen and Childrens' Gum Shoes, at prices from 50 cents to $1,37, for sale at the store of LOCHMAN & BROTHER. January 11. ¶-4w Oh! Gentle, liailies All The subscriber takes pleasure in announc ing, that on Saturday May 12th, they will publish in beautiful style, a new and re markable fine ballad called "OM flentic Ladies All, or I Want a wire,'' the poetry by Mamas Fitzgerald, Esq., Editor of the Philadelphia City lion, ar ranged for the Piano by Prof. E3ellak, and for the Guitar by Prof. l'que. This song•is a bright, sparkling, dashing affair, full of life and spirit, and it must be coMe widely popular. All orders must be addressed to LEE & WALKER, No 162 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. May 10. t--4w A splendid assortment of Perfumery con sisting in part as follows: Roussel's Genuine Bears Oil. Magical Hair Oil. Brigg's Russian Cosmetic for the hair. Italian Medicated Soap. American Shaving compound. Genuine Cologne water. Genuine extracts-of Musk Patchouly. Jesmin, &c. &c. • Fancy Soap of all hinds. Just received and for sale cheap C. J. D'EPEW April 26. 411—tf $890,558 65 108,358 90 125,459 00 51,563 25 46,158 87 $1,220,097 67 From .allentown to :Easton; via Bethlehem, Daily and returning. The travelling public are respectfully in formed, that this line of stages has commenc ed running on Monday, the 2.3 d instant. flours of Starling. Leave Weaver's Hotel, in Allentown, daily at 0 o'clock A. M. precisely, and ar rive in Easton at 9 o'clock A. M. Returning. [Zig Leave VVltitesell's Hotel in Easton, at 3 o'clock P. M., and arrive in Allentown at 6 o'clock I'. M. The Fare will be as follows : From Allentown to Easton 62:1 cents. From Bethlehem to Easton 50 cents. From Allentown to Bethlehem 25 cents: Excursion trips from Allentown to Easton and back same day, one dollar. This line has been fitted up with great care and considerable expense. The coach es are new, the horses gentle, and the driv ers will be found obliging and.attentive, and no pains or care will be spared by the pro prietors to. ensure the comfort and safety of passengers, travelling by this line. rirErrands attended to and packages de livered with promptness and dispatch, on reasonable terms. April 26 Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Has resumed the practice of his profes sion in Lehigh and the adjoining counties. His office is in the residence of the late Hon. Jon W. Hornbeck, in Hamilton street, Bor ough of Allentown January 11 P. WYCKOFF ATTORNEY A r LAW. Office East of theCt tirt House and nearly, opposite, at the corner of Margaret and Hamilton streets Mat- 25 afah mialloonlry zatavn. Informs his old friends and the public in general, that he has' moved into his new building, ,at the "old stand," and that he is again ready at all times to attend to pro fessional duties. Nov. 16. OR I Want a Wife ! Perfumery. THE PEOPLE'S Nem - m - 110 (Vatl On Line, 31A,',0111 JACOB BURNFIETER, Agent for the Proprietors. $7--Ow Henry C. Longneeker, Storekeepers, Milleners, Farmers SND 111ECHSNICS: . WILLIAM S. WEIL'S, Wholesale & Retail • DRY GOODS AND VARIETY STORE, The subscriber takes this method of in• forming his frinds and the citizens generally in Allentown and its vicinity, that he has just arrived from Philadelphia and New York, with a most magnificent stock of goods, viz : Unbleached muslin from 3to 9 cents, • Bleached do, from 3 to 12 cents, best qual. Calicoes from 3 to 121 cents, Clothes from 0 1,00 to 154,00, Cassitneres from 25 cents to $l,OO, do. French Doe Skin from 81 to 11M,25. Alpaca and Mohair Lustre from 121 to 50 cts. Ginghams, Linens, Lustres, 121 to 50 cts. A great variety of Shawls, at all prices. Stockings and Gloves, 64 to the finest goal. Linen Cambric Htlkfs. 04 to the finest quali Suspenders 3, to 50 cts. Ribbons of the greatest variety ever exhibia ted in Allentown. Ready made shirts with Linen bosoms, from 371 to 81,50. Shirt collars •124 to 25 cts, Linen bosoms 25 to 50 cts• N. B. Just arrived from New York . 300 Violins froni 50 cents to $lO. French and German Accordenns, at all prices, also a lot of cheep' Flutes: To the Ladies. Plated Breast Pins, 01 to 25 cts. Gold (10. do. 50 to $2,00i Ear and Finger rings, 37i to lit2,ooJ Steel Beads, Bags and Purses: Gold and Silver Ladies Pencils. Guards and Slides of all kinds. Fans and Parasols of all kinds. Turtle and Buffalo COmbs, a great variety. Lots of Lancaster twist, and side combs. Perfumery of different kinds. A lot of the finest cloth and hair brushes. French paper weights. N. B. He keeps on hand a regular as sortment of watch amd gnat' keys 3 to 121. A great variety of Sin& andl Breast pins. Silver & German silver pencils with gold pens. Violin strings of all kinds. ALSO—A great variety of other goods too numerons to mention. Having for a long time been in the busi ness, he *hall continue to keep on hand a general assortment of "Yankee Notions," which he will at all times . dispost of Wholesale and Retail at the m ost - reditced• prices. He returns his sincere thankslotrthe . a vors thus far received, and trdSts that they will be continued, for which ho will ever . feel thankful. Country produce taken in exchange !hr . Wm. S. Et Fit , 5, goods Bank "N (Corrected iVtek(y from Thompson' Bk of N Amcrica par 13Ic of Permsylv. par 13anIc of Commerce late Moyamensitte par ! Burlington Bk of N Liberties pars Mechanics & Man- Mc of Penn Towns. par i uracturers bank par Farmers & Meclinn.par 1 Newark banking & Kensibgton par 1 Itui.Company I Woolf. & Meehan par i Nair Hope & Dela- Mechanics par i Ware Br. Comp. failed. Girard par 1 Orange bank i Philadelphia par. Peoples - bank ~ t . Sebnyllcill par . Plainfield bank file Southwark par; Prineeton bank par' Western par Salem banking Co. par Commercial rank State bank at Eliza of Pennsidv. par bethtown, Newark, Bk of the 1.1 states 25 Camden,N. Bruns- Coe:milt BANKS. wick, Morristown,par Bit rifChambersburg 1 Sussex bank 1 Ilk of Gettysburg 1 Union bank I Bk of Pittsburg ~, i 1 reason bank. co. par' Bk of sum ,. comity 5 Yardleyville bridge Bk of Chester CO. par • company I& Ilk of Germantown par DELAWARE. Bk of'l.ewistuwn failed The Banks of the state' Bk of Delaware Co. par of Delaware ate all eV Bk of Middletown 1 par. Bk of Monte. Co. par NEW YORK.. Bk of Northumberi .oar Columbia Bank & New York City bks & Bridge Comp. pea. Chelsea bank 150 0 Carlisle Bank i Clinton bank 50' Doylestown Bank par Commercial bank 10' Easton Bank par Lafayette bank 50. Exchange Bank i Washington bank 70 1 Eric Bank 35 COUNTRY II&PICO. Farmers & Drovers . Allegitany county Batik • ' bank 70 Franklin Rank / Bank of America 35 Farmers Bank of , do of Commerce 40 • Bucks County par do of Brockport 35 Farmers Bank of do . of Lodi 25 Lancaster par do of Olean ' 36 Farmers Bank of do of Tonawanda 50 Reading par, du o f Lye ., n Farmers' Bank of do of Westertb Schaylkill co. par New York . 301 Harrisburg Bank 1 Binghaninton bank 40t Honesdale Bank I Canal bank t Lancaster Bank par Cattaraugus county ' Lancaster Oo..Bank par b an k Mk Lamina Rank 2 Erie county bank,' 50 Lehigh CO. Bank 60 Farmers - & Drovers Lehigh Navigation bank 15 Co. Script. 10 rarmers bank of Be- Miners Bank of neca county 30 Pottsville. par Hamiltbn bank, 30. Merchants &Manaf. Lewis county bank 60 Bank, Pittsburg.. i Mechanics bank at 4G Monongahela Bank, Buffalo 45 Brownsville, 1 Merchants bank at Taylorsvillc Dcl. Buffalo Bridge Company, 50 Millets bank of New 40' West Branch Bank, 1 Wyoming Bank, 1 York 10 Oswego bank . 20 York Bank, 1 Phenix bank 35 NEW JERSEY. Staten Island bank 50 Belvidere Bank 8 State bank ofN Y tRY Burlington La wrence County bank 76 St. Bank i. par Union bank 25 Commercial Bank United States bank 30 Cumberland Bank par N. York bank. Co. 70 Tenth Wark bank, 25 Farmers Bank par White Plains bank 5 Farmers &Meehan- ies Bank, Rahway 3 1:CAll other banks not Farmers & Merchants mentioned in the above Bank, Mid. Point. i list are from Ito .2 per Morris County bank 3 cent discount. co - -The notes on all Banks marked with a dash (—) are not purchased 11-6 m •—f>rn ¶.•-4W tiot. . . iichnell'nfianCourra and '8 Detector.) Mechanics bank of Newark Mechanics bunk at BM by the broken.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers