ME Ir Boot, Shoe and Hat Store. The undersigned have just opened a New Boot, Shoe, Flat and Variety Store, in the well known stand, formerly occupied by Ludwig Schmidt's Drug Store, Allentown. Their stock comprises every variety of Boots and Shoes for the present and approaching season, viz : Men's and. Boys' Thiele. and Calf Boots, Boots mid Shoes, Lathes' Mo rocco, Kid_pitlLeather boots and shoes of every variety, superior Gaiter and half Gni ters,-together with an extensive assortment of Gum shoes for men, women and children ; children's shoes and.gaiters of every varie ty, Trunks, &c. Also a larger and more fashionable stock of Hats and Caps than wag ever exhibited in Allentown. Extra Moleskin Silk, and Beaver hats of Fall and Winter style, got up in the most exquisite manner; also Fur, Brush and Wool hats of%very description. A large and beautiful assortment of Cloth,-Plush, Glazed.and Vel-. vet Caps, Umbrellas, Camphine, Fluid and Lard Lam ps,•Stockings, Gloves, &c. &c., all of which will be sold at the very lowest .prices, for cash. Come and See. LOCIIMAN & BROTHER. 111'C. L. Lochman has removed his Da guerreotype Gallery to the same building, (second floor,) where he will continue to lithe likenesses in his well known beautiful style. November 9. .ROGER BROWN'S WINE & LIQUOR. STORE, NO. 323 MARKET STREET, Between Eighth and Ninth Strs, North side Philadelphia. All kinds of Foreign Wines and Liquors such as—. Lt. Old Cognac Brandies, Dark tJE T . ; and Pale, Ilol!and Gin, .1a ;1171--;ii 1 maica Spirits, Irish and SCotch NVlilskey, of the very finest quality. WINES.--Eueli as Madeira, Port, Sherry, Teherilio. Sweet Malaga, Muscat, - C - laret and Champagne, very choice and old. Also, Manufacturer of Domestic Distilled Brandy and Gin, Pure Spirits, Deodorized Alchohol, Peach Brandy, Lavender Bran dy, Wild Cherry Brandy, and Fine Cordi als, Raspberry Brandy, New England Rum, &c., &c., also a large supply of fine Old Monongahela Whishey on hand. The above Liquors will be sold at the ve ry lowest prices. Country Merchants and Tavern Keeper: , , will do well to give the un dersigned a call befgre purchasingelsewhere, and examine the Liquors, which he vouch es, will bear ,the closest scrutiny, recollect numbet 323 Market. street. ROGER BROWN. Philadelphia August 8. 117-1 y gram' aolvaloaQ, The undersigned give public notice, that they have entered into Partnership, in the Mercantile business on the Ist of October last, and are trading under the firm of Merit Landis. 'Phe establishment is opened in the old stand, which has been rebuilt. They have just received and are now opening a very heavy stock of Goods. ELIAS MERTZ, BENJ. LANDIS, 11-4 w Nov. 8 New Mercantile Firm, .JPlessrs. IP _Landis; Respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have opened • their new establi:liment. in the new brick building, one door nest to Dr. Danowsky's Apothecary and Drug Store, in Hamilton street, in the Borough of Allentown, where they are now unpacking a very large as sortment of DRY GOODS, 1;/.6 ,- ih Grocericsttp - Queens, Claess 'and Earthenware, all of which they will dis pose of at the very lowest prices or exchange them for country produce. They will sell all kinds of woolen Clothes, at least $1 cheaper per yard, than before, Satinetts, 25 cents, Calicoes 3 cents . per yard, white red and yellow Flannels, 12. 1 1 cents per yard, handsome fine Ginghams and Muslin le .Laines at 121- cents per yard, other goods comparatively cheap. The have both been in the mercantile bu siness for a number of years, and are fully satisfied that they have selected a stock of goods as cheap if not cheaper than ever be fore offered in Allentown, and arm determin ed to - sell them 1,11 n very small advance. They hope therefore that through strict tendon to Their business, they will be able to draw a large share of public patronage for which they will ever be thankful. MERTZ & LANDES. ¶-2m Nov. 10. Look 'fere! All kinds of country produce hiked in exchange for goods, such as Clover seed and Grain, Butter, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Wax, Soap; Haws, dried Apples, Cherries, Flax, Tags, - carpets, wood, yarn, potatoes, fowls, Corn, &c. &c., for Which we will pay the highest market prices: MERTZ & LANDIS. 11-4 w November 16. C.. 71. 11 U.?i'K, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Has when the Office of the late Samuel Runk, Esq., and will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in this and the.adjoining counties. Llr. RUNK may be consulted in the Ger man, as well as English. Refer to Hon. J. M. Porter, Easton, Pa. Prof. S. Greenleaf, Cambridge, Mass. .1-lon. W. Kent, New York City. _ June 14. 4--4 w • Poor Douse A6count. • The Account of Charles Saeger, TreaSurer of the Directors of the Poor, of Lehigh County, from Jan. 1, 184.8, to Jan. 1, 1849. 1848,. Jan. 1. To balance as per. last year's account, 236 37 To cash received of Edward Koh let, Esq., on account for hoard. ink Levi Mint, - To cash of Thomas Faust, for a Horse sold him, - - To cash of Edward Kohler, Esq., - balance for boarding and funeral expenses of Levi Kern, - To cash of Grim and' Reningeri for Oats sold them, • - 04 27 •To - cash of - John 'Sager, Esq. the amount of fine for gambling paid into his office, -- To cash drawn froni the County Treasury, as per orders, - 4,500 00 Total, itEcaPirruzaTlOM - Of the Expenses of the Poor House of Lehigh County, for 184.8 Sundry Expenses during the year. Dry Goods & Groceries, $ 515 32 Making a coat, - 250 Weavina, - - 44 33 Stone Coal, - 245 61 Stove and Pipe, - 863 Tables Benches, Bedsteads, 44 43 Potatoes, for 1817, 5 CO Beef and Bacon, - 25 95 ' Dried Apples, - 512 Cider and Apples, 23 57 Tobacco, - 18 36 Wheat and Rye, . - 227 69 Ashes and Wool, 12 60 Wool Carding o in 1847, • 720 in 1848, • 4 74 Cleaning a Clock, - 75 Making Shoes, &c. 35 33 Making Brooms, - 7 41 Costing Dourt , , Grates, &c. 23 16 Tin Ware, . -- • 20 62 Medicine, &c. - , :35 14 Collins, - - It) 50 -- 4,324 56 Farming Utensils. For Butcherimr, - 6 68 1 Servants and Laborers, 145 60 Chestnut Rails, - 103 80 Making Post Fence, 18 50 2-1 Head Horned Cattle, 579 20 1 Horse, - - 100 00 Wheel-wright Work, 19 08 • Black-smiths Work, 49 74 Sadler Work, - 26 80 . State and Road Tax, 36 31 Lumber : and Sawing, 27 06 Ca Tent. Work & Repairs, 72 06 Plaster, T - - 455 Clover Seed, - - 12 00 Apple Trees & Grafting, 23 (30 1,227 03 Orders of Relief for Outdoor Paupers. Borough of Allentown. Executing Orders. 12 80 • Attendinggyo. Ross, 10 00 22 80 Northampton township Taking the body of John White out of the Lehigh, 3 00 An order for Mary Taylot, 40 3 40 Hanover Township. Conveying John Laubach, to the Poor house, 2 00 Executing orders, Upper Saucon Township Conveying C. Gougler, and C. Bauer to the Poor Elouse, Upper Milford Township Conveying Samuel Diehl. to the Poor llouse, Lower Maeungy Township. Boarding and conveying S. - Sicher, to the Voor House, 4 00 Cogs in suit, vs. Geo. Sich: • er, (her husband) - 39 00 43 00 Cuie for tVe, Toothatite. Persons who are troubled with this pain ful diseuse, can procure a positive remedy from the undersigned, at a very moderate price. It also possesses the 'quality of pre serving the teeth from further decay. Such therefore who are troubled with the tooth ache, will know where to find a cure for it. DANIEL KEIPER. The undersigned citizens of Allentown, have used the Tooth Ache Drops of Daniel Keiper, and can recommend theM as an ef fectual remedy for the painful disease. J. W. Middy, William Burger, Geo. Kistler, Jeremiah Schnobel, Sarah NlasSey, Henry llardner, Dan. Zacharias, - Hiram Bvers, Hobert Kramer, ['eter Diehl, Henry-Schwartz, E Gangwere, • W. 'l'. Derr, G. A. Gangwere, November 9. 11-41 m II W.l‘ IL (01/1 ck The Partnership of the late firm of Set: FRIDGE & WiLsoN, having been dissolved, notice is hereby given to 411 persons indebt ed to said firm,' either by note, book account or otherwise; to make payment to the under signed, surviving partner of said firm, (who is the only person authorized to settle the ac counts) between now and the first of March next, as all notes, accounts, &c. remaining unphid after that time, will be placed in the hands of a magistrate for collection. All persons having claims against said firm will present them to the undersigned lor settle ment, in the above specified time. The subscriber is always to be found at his.residence a few doors below Stettler and George's Confectionary establishment. THOMAS B. WILSON. Jan un ry . l 1. JON .PIZIMTIMG; Neatly executed at the "Register" Office. 1 ,13' y Cash paid 101 orders $ 4,448 8 9 \ lEly error in last years report, al 22 By Balance in the Treasury, 520 18 60 00 75 00 31 65 3 00 Total, $ 5,000 29 Upper Macungy Township Executing orders, Trieisenburg Township. Executing orders, Ileitlelberg Township. Conveying Elizabeth Boy er to the Poor House, 10 51 Atttendance to Julian Boyer, 1 "50 N. Whitehall Township Boarding and attending to Thomas Boyer, Medical attendagte do. Conveying Lenh Moyer to the Poor House, Executing orders, South Initehall Township Attending M. \Vert, 5 00 Medical Attendance, 10 03 Conveyinrr Paupers to the Poor House, Henry Leichty, travelling Pauper, 1 50 Philadelphia films-house Herman Foeringer, 42 97 Sarah Ann Brechall, 4 00 Prinling, Stationary, 4.6 Printing and Stationary, for 1846-47-48, Print., Stationary, for 1818, 21 40 Postage, .45 • Hospital. For Carpenters Work, & Drafts, 5.18 00 Bricks, Hauling Brick, 8 87 Lime, 97 35 Sand, . 41 94 Lumber, 25 97 Dressing stones for steps, 200 Plaster of Paris, 1 2S Hardware, 205 71 Bloclc-smith's Work for Railing, StilarieB. Thomas Faust, Esqr. 360 00 Dr.' , Charles L. Martin, - 50 00 do. for out door paupers, 10 91 Henry J. Huberacker, 50 00 Samuel A. Bridges, Esq. 20 00 Chas. Saeger, (Treasurer) 40 00 Jesse Cahn, 20 00 ITIE I 4 20 ENE Michael D. Ebeihard, 20 00 John Blank, 20 00 1 80 Examined and' approved by the under signod Auditors of Lehigh county, the 29th day of January, 1849. CHARLES HITTLE, CHAS. L. NEWHARD, JOHN K. CLIFTON, DOCTOR YOURSELF ! For 25 Frills ! BY MEANS OF THE POCKET ESCULAP-. lUS, or every one his Own physician! twenti ("Alt edition, with upwards ofa hundred engravings, showing private diseases in every shape and form, and malformations of the generative system, By W. YOUNG, M. D. The time has now arrived, that persons suffering from secret disease, need nomore become the VICTIM OF QUACKERY, as by the prescriptions contained in this booliany one may cure himself, without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge of the most inti mate friend, and with dne tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease, it .fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, With,pbserva tions on marriage—.beside,s many other de rangements which it would not be, proper to enumerate in the public prints. i-TAliy person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy bf this book, by mail,' or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, "DR. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PIIII.ADgLPIIIA " Post Paid. LeWANTED—Proprietors of Drug or Book Stores, and Pedlers, in every town in the United States, to act as agents for the above work. Sept. 14 Brandreth and Wrights Pills, Country merchants and others, are here by notified, that the far famous Pills of Doctors William A. Wright, and Benjamin Brandreth, are constantly kept for sale at the office of the "Lehigh , Register" by the Dozen boxes, at Wholesale prices. April 17 ¶-4w $ .5,000 20 49 00 18 00 1 GO 40 .'.alsbrieg Township 3 00 58 97 16 68 26 60 TAKE NOTICE.' • Dont let yourselves be deceived, bought or caught by fictitious prices, that are pub lished in the papers. The undersigned sell as low as our next neighbors, and in fact as low as any commission house in Allentown. We do not deem it necessary to publish prices, in order to inform the public that we sell at lower rates than others all we ask, is, that such who purchase Iron, Hardware, &c. should give us a call, and they will find that "Saeger'a Hardware Store" sells as low if not lower than any house in town. & J. SAEGER, Iron 4- Hardware Store, .1111entown. -January 11. ¶-5w NEW ARRIVAL OF Hardware. The undersigned have just yeturned from A:..,arh a Philadelphia with a large as sortment of Hardware, Cut lery and Saddlery, with Coach-trimings and Shoe-findings, all of which will be, sold at reduced prides at-the Store of 0. & J. SAEGER. November 14. 11--6 w IRON.—A good lot of Hammered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and Eng lish Band Iron, Hoop Iron. Cast and Shear Steel, square, flat and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the Store of 0. & J. SAEGER. 2 20 1 00 GLASS.—LriO boxes Glass of all sizes for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. 12 0 WHITE LEAD.-1 ton of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by • t 7. & J. SAEGER. 'NAILS.-200 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received, and for sale by 0. & J: SAEGER. 69 00 • SPIOE-FINDINGS.—A large assortment of Shoe -Findings, just received and for sale • 0. & J. SAEGER. TO BUILDERS.—A large assortment of HingeS, ScreWs, Nails, Bolts with Mine ral Knob Locks, German Locks and Latch es, &c., just received and for sale by 15 00 LOOKING-GLASSES.—A splendid lot of Looking Glass Plates, and Frames of all sizes for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER.. 4 50 OILS & VARNISH.—OiIs of all kinds, boiled and raw, Turpentine, Newark Var nish of all kinds, Glue, &c.,—will be sold cheap by 0. &. J. SAEGER. 46 97 PLANES.—A 101 l assorttnent of Planes of John Bell's best make,alsci a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by 0. & J. SAEGER. SO 82 HOUSE KEEPERS.—A good supply of articles for House keepers, such, as ena meled Boilers, oval and round, Plates, &c., for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. Nov. 14. Gum Shoes, Gum Shoes, Just received a very large assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen and Childrens' Gum Shoes, at prices from 50 cents to $1,37, for sale at the storeof LOCHMAN & BROTHER. January 11. 1I —4w 074 40 Lamps, Lamps; Lamps. Just received a splendid lot of Caudjebra, Lard, Camphine and . Fluid Lamps, which Will be sold cheap by LOCHMAN & BROTHER. 'January 11. APrame House For Sale. 010 91 A new and convenient one and a 0 half story frame iv it, Dwelling House, situated in a pleasant part of the Borough of Allentovin. The House is 16 by 24, on a lot 20 feet front by 230 deep. The terms can be made very.accomodat ing, and the property will be sold very rea sonable. For particulars enquire at this Of fice. Jan. 26• . 11-4 w Hiram Brobst, Vlentist in Allentown. Respectfully informs his friends lit:. and the public in general, that he still continues the practice of his profession in all its various branches, such as filing, cleaning, plugging and inserting from a sin gle tooth to a full set, on moderate terms. flis office is in the second story, above the Store of Grim & Reninger, on the North west corner of Market Square, entrance on Allen street. lleconintendation: Mr. HIRAM BROBST has practiced as Den tist in this place for the last three months, and in consequence of his superior abilities in the profession, we recommend him to the public. CYRENIUS WILLIAMS, M. D. L. FLENTIE, M. D. N. C. HALSEY, M. D. SAMUEL B. PRICE, M. D. Nesquehoning, Pa., August 30, 1848. November 9. ¶-3m LANGENHEINPS Daguerreotype Establishment, ,Exchange, Third Story, Phil. The Hon. HENRY CLAY visiting . this Establishment for the purpose of having a Daguerreotype taken, • expressed flattering opinions on this favorite place of the "beau ty and fashion" of Philadelphia, and vast numbers of strangers resort to it to procure a really good Daguerreotype. The Propri etors will make every exertion to extend the long established fame of this well known EstabHshment. Family Groupes, Groupes of Children, and single Portraits of all sizes are executed equally well. Philadelphia April, N. ll—ern. REMOVAL OF THE ME IP VOIFIK STORE. The subscribers respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and the surround ing country, that they have again removed to their "old stand" a few doors below Ha genbuch's Hotel, in Hamilton street, where they will be happy to supply their old cus tomers together with Thousands of new ones, with all that is good and cheap. It is useless to say that WAGNER & HUBER have on hand, goods of every description, style and quality, also G roceries, Queensware,&c. In fact they have -ry article_on_hand_that appertains tothe business, all of which they will sell . 25 per cent lower 'than any other Store in Allentown. .11 Competitor in Selling CHErIP Goods. It is admitted by all, that we have out stripped every house in Whese dig iris" in the wapof selling cheag goods. We now oiler a reward of $1,000:Tor the person that can be produced, within a scope of a days journey, who is able to sell as cheap as we do. 0. & J. SAEGER 1- 1 3' California Gold. Ezia WAGNER & HUBER. Allentown, Dec. 21: 0-4 w eff" TiVIMTE .D Wagfler 4' Wilber, Have the pleasure of exhibiting the first arrival of Fall and Winter Goods, which is much handsomer, larger and cheaper than, any stock ever before opened in this place. Owing to the great decline of Goods in the eastern cities, they are selling many articles oile fourth less than before. Come from the East, the ;Test, the North and the South, to the Emporium of great Bargains ! ! ! • penny saved is a penny earned." 'We are determined to sell more goods for the same amount of money, than any other es tablishment in town. Should any doubt the fact, we invite them to call, and if they do not find things, as stated, we will pay them their lost time, and let them slope. Thei r stock consists of a general assortment of Gentlemen's, Ladies' .and Children's Dress Goods, of every . descripton, among which may be found all the latest styles of Ladies' Dress Viaods, black, mode colored, stripped, plain, chame leon and satin stripped dress Silks, brillian tine, lustre, satin stripped modonna cloths, figured deli*, brocades, gala plaids, tibbet cloth, patomatas, black, brown and mode col ored French morinoes, mohair plaids, bar rel', corded, figured, satin stripped, mode colored and black alpaccas, as low as 121 cents a yard, cashmeres and mouslin de_ laines, from 121 to 621 cents a yard. Pink, blue, white and black bonnet silks and satins, with a large stock of beautiful French ginghams, English chic tees and ca -1 licoes. Calicoes as low as 4 cents, and such as heretofoae sold for 121, for 6 and S cents, and 18it.cent calico at 121, also a beautiful 4 quarter calico at 10. 200 Shawls of every style and quality, black and mode colored tibbet, silk fringe, terkerrian blanket, long shawls, black silk crape, lac laines, black and mode colored cloth, and other fancy shawls. • Cloths and Cassimeres, The cheapest in town, of every descrip tion color and quality, 6 quarter brown cloth from $ 1 to $ 3 per yard, Cassimeres, plain and fancy, at reduced prices, Satinets and Jeans, at any price asked for, Cloaking and Cloak-linings, Tassels, &c. 10 dozen Um brellas from 50 cents to $ 2,00. WAGNER & HUBER. ¶-4w Dec. 21 Groceries &Queestsware. ;',•. , 14, A reduction in - el i de/n.41 GROCERIES. ilggi ct' Prime Rio Coffee=== - ' at 10 cents a pound, and as low as 6 cents. Sugars, Teas, and all other kinds of Groce ries they will sell cheaper than ever before offered in this place. . 4 Butter, Eggs, Lard, and all other kinds of country produce, will be taken in exchange for which the highest - price will. be paid. WAGNER & HUBER. • ¶-4w Dec. 21 Winter Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS. AT GEORGE CULIN'S, Southeast corner of Second and Market Strs PHILADELPHIA. Gentlemen visiting the city, and wishing to supply themselves with Cheap and Fash ionable Winter Clothing, will find a large, complete and choice assortment of Bangup Coats, Cloaks, Business Coals, Dress and Frock Coats, Boys Coats . in great variety, made of .dmeri . can English (5- French Cloths. ALSO—Pantaloons for men and Boys made of Cassimeres, Doe Skins, Satinetts, &c., &c.,—Vests for men and Boys of Silk, Satin, Velvet, Cloth and Cashmere. Also, Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, &c., at the lowest possible prices for. CASH. Remem ber, we will sell as cheap as any Clothing Establishmentin the United States. • GEORGE CULIN Southeast corner of Second and Market Streets Philadelphia. Sept. 2h Mrs. Matilda Heckman. Respectfully informs the citiaens of Allen town, that she has again established -her self opposite the Academy, where she will always keep on hand Fresh Bread, Pound, RoLation 4. all other ki.nd of Cakee. She will also bake and make up Bread and Pies to order, and hopes that 4 feeling community will extend to hettlleir former patronage. Allentown, June 27, 1848. • New Apothecary Store IN ALLENTOWN. Dr WILLIAM F. DOOM, 'rakes this method to inform .his !Winds, and the public in general, that he now oc cupies his new building, a few doors east of Hagenbuch's Hotel, and has again opened a very large and splendid Apothecary and Drug Store• His building the public will remember is one door east of Mertz's Store, in Hamilton street in the Borough of Allentown. As the whole of hie stock of Drugs, Medi -eines and-Fixtutes i -besides-House-and Fur niture, have been destroyed by the devour ing elements on the Ist of June last—made it necessary for him to lay in an entire new stock of • i DRUGS AND MEDICINES, `::.s all of which he can warrant to be i IL genuine, and of the best quality. • A I kinds of Medicinal preparations such as Balsam de Malta, Gidd Tincture, Pills, Horse-powders &c. &c., put up in suitable forms for the convenience of his customers. He also keeps an assortment of Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Paint Oil, &c., all of which he will sell lower than ever before offered in this place. He also keeps an assortment of hanging and counter Lamps, Lamp glasses; all kinds of fashionable Perfumeries, such as Oil of Rose; Millfleuer, Bergamot, &c.; Hair oils, of d i ice s rent kinds ; Fatty and Shaving Soap ; Letter Soap ; Hair and Tooth Brushes ; Tooth Powder, and a large assortment of Fancy Articles, all of which will be sold at the very lowest cash prices. . He invites Physicians, Country merch ants and others, to give him a call at his new establishment, and examine his stock of Drugs and Medicines, and he' can assure them that they are not only all fresh and newly selected with the greatest care, but titet he is also able to sell them at least 30 per cent cheaper than ever before offered in Al lentown. Thankful for the many favors he has re ceived before the fire, he trusts that a gen erous public will not forget to continue their patronage freely, in order that he may be able to make up the heavy loss,' that he has, sustained by the fire on the Ist of June. November 0. ¶-2w Dr. William F. Danowsky, Returns his thanks to his. friends for the confidence reposed in him, and at the same time offers his professional services by day or night. In chronic diseases, he relies upon his fame. In midwifery he prides himself to say, that' ho never attended a case with fatal results.. He treats without mercury, and can say, that no case of salivation can be proven, in a practice of twelve years in Lehigh county. November 9. 2 ¶-6w sank Note Cot. Corrected Weekly from Bicknelra,VanCourg's and Thompson'a Defector.) Bk of N America par Bk of Pennsylv. par Bank of Commerce late Mbyamensing par Bk of N Liberties par Bk of Penn Towns. par Farmers & Mechan.par Kensington par Manuf. & Meehan par Mechanics par Girard par Philadelphia par Schuylkill par Southwark par Western par Commercial Bank of Pennsylv. par Bk of the U States 25 COUNTUT BANKS Bk of Chambersburg 1 Bk of Gettysburg 1 Bk of Pittsburg Bk of Susq. County 5 Bk of Chester Co. par Bk of Germantown par Bk of Lewistown failed Bk of Delaware Co. par Bk of Middletown 1 Bk of Montg. Co. par Bk of Northumberl. par . Columbia Bank & Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Bank 1 Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank par Exchange Bank Erie Bank 35 Farmers & Drovers Bank 1 Franklin Bank 1 Farmers Bank of Bucks County par Farmers Bank of Lancaster par .Farmers Bank of Reading par Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill co. ' par Harrisburg Bank 1 Honesdale Bank 1 Lancaster Bank par Lancaster Co. Bank par Lebanon Bank Lehigh Co. Bank 60 Lehigh Navigation Co. Script. 10 Miners Bank of Pottsville par Merchants & Manaf. Bank, Pittsburg. Monongahela Bank, Brownsville, 1 Taylorsqle Del. Bridge Company, 50 West Branch Bank, I Wyoming Bank, York Bank, NEW JERSEY. Belvidere Bank Burlington County • Bank par Commercial. Bank Cumberland Bank par farmers Bank par Farmers & Meehan- - ics Bank,Rahway I Farmers &Merclonts Bank, Mid. Paint, MorillSOWltr Pink -I • !The toitcupl:l4l4 (—) are not purchased ¶-3w 2 NM. Mechanics bank of Newark Mechanics bank at Burlington par Mechanics & Man ufacturers bank par Newark banking & • ins. Company New Hope & Dela- ware Br. Comp. failed Orange bank Peoples bank Plainfield bank 50 Princeton bank . par Salem banking Co. par State bank atEliza bethtown, Newark, Camden,N:Bruns wick, Morristown,par Sussex bank 1 Union bank - • Trenton bank. vo. par Yardleyville bridge company 25 DELAWARE. Tlie Banks of.thilitater of Delaware are all at par. ClintonEW YORK. N York City bks . i C elsea bank 80 bank 60 Commercial bank 10 Lafayette bank 50 Washington bank 70 • Coy xyar Minis. Alleghany county • bank 70 Bank of America .A 5 do of COMMCITG -. 40 do of Brockport 35 do . of Lodi 25 do of Olean 70 do of do of Lyons 24 do of Western New York 80 Binghampton bank 40 Canal bank a Cattaraugus county bank 35 Erie county bank. 50 Farmers &Droves, bank . • It Farmers bank of Se neca county • 50 Hamilton bank, 'BO Lewis county bank 60 Mechanics bank at 45 Barna° 45 Merchants,bank at . Buffalo • , 40 Millets bank of Naw. York, • ••. 15 Oswego bank ' .:- 20 • Phenix bank ' • 415. Staten Island bank , 50 State bank ofN Y •B4 St. Lawrence bank, 75 Union bank:,:. 25 United Stateit benli ' : so N. York batik! Co: : '7O Tenth Wark hanks , 25 White Pled* bank:, .I 5 _ ' mrAll otherbanksnol mentionediti the above , list are &Op.!, to 7..p,r . -.eenY. / . 4t •ti 'll 3 AP I C Mrk1 4 .... , 111 . 1 0.9 4 I by the b rokers.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers