TAKE NOTICE. Dont let yourselves be deceived, bought orcaught by fictitious prices, that are pub lished in the papers. The undersigned sell as low as . our next neighbors, and in fact as low as any commission house in Allentown. We do not deem it necessary to publish prices, in order to inform the public that we sell at lower rates than others all we ask, is, that such who purchase Iron, Hardware, &C. should give us a call, and they will find that "Saeger's Hitrdwarc Store" sells as low if not lower than any house in town. 0. & J. SAEGER, Iron 4. llardiv are Store, Sllentoun. January 11. 4 F, —sw - EWARRITAL - OF Hardware. The undersigned have just returned from " sortm la • ‘ & 4ll e,zi., Phidelphia with a large as ' ent of Hardware, Cut lery and Saddlery, with. Coach-triinings and Shoeilindingu, all of which will be sold at reduced prices at the Store of U.& J. SAEGER. ¶-Ow Novetither 14 IRON.—•A good lot: of Ilatrunered and Rolled Iron, Sheet Iron, American and Eng lish Band Iron, Ilttop Iron. Cast and Shear Steel, .square, flat and round, just received with Anvils and Vices, and for sale cheap at the Store of O. & J. SAEGER. GLASS.-150 boxes Glass of all sizes, for sale by 0..1'-. J. SAEGER. WHITE LEAD.-1 ton of White Lead just received, Pure and Extra, and for sale by O.& J. SAEGER. NAILS.-200 Kegs of the best Nails, Brads and Spikes, just received, and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. SHOE-FINDINGS.—A large assortment of Shoe-Findings, just received and for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. TO BUILDERS.—A. large assortment of Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts with Mine ral Knob Locks. German Locks and Latch es, &c., just received and for sale by O. & J. SAEGER LOOKING-GLASSES.—A.splendid lot of Looking Glass Plafes, and Frames of all sizes for sale Lt U. & J. SAEGER. OILS '& IARNISI-1.-0ii:: of all kiwis, boiled and ran•. Turpentine, Newark Var nish' of all kinds, Olne, be sold 0. J. SAEGER chcap by PLANES.—A full assortment of Planes of John Bell's best make, also a large assort ment of Carpenter's Tools, for sale cheap by O. & 1. SIEGER. 1-101;SE KEEPERS.—A good supply of articles for House keepers. such as elnl meted Boilers, oval and round. Plates, &c., for sale by 0. & J. SAEGER. Nov. 11. I!;—litv Guni Shoes. Gin Shoes. Just received a very larre assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen and (Mitchel's' Gum Shoes, at prices from ZtO cents to $1,37, for sale at the store of LOCHNIAN & BROTHER 11-4 w January II Lamps, Lamps, Lamps, Just received a splendid lot of Candlebra, Lard, Camphine and Fluid Lamps, which will be sold cheap by LOCHMAN & BROTHER January 11 A Frame House For Sale. A new and convenient one and a half story friune pee!R, ",' Dwelling House, situated in a pleasant part of the Borough of Allentown. The I louse is 16 by 24, on a lot 20 feet front by 2:30 deep. The terms can be made very accomodat ing, and the property will - be sold very rea sonable. For particulars enquire at this Of fice. Jan. 25. 11-1 w Hiram Brobst, 1)e - nlast i» allaitown. llespectinliy informs his friends and the public in .retteral, that lie still continues the practice of his profession in all its various branches, such us tiling, cleaning, plugging and inserting from a sin gle tooth to a lull set, on moderate terms. . Ills office is in the second story, above the Store of Grim & Reninger, on the North west corner of Market Square, entrance on Allen street. Recoanmendatioss: Mr. limo! BnoosT has pructrced as Den tist in this place for the last three months, and in consequence of his superior abilities in the profession, we recommend him to the public. CYRESIES WILLIAMS, M. D. FLENTIE, M. D. N. C. llALsr.v, M. D. SAMUEL. B. PRICE, M. D. Nesquehoning, Pa., August tio, November 9. T--3m LANGENHEINUS Daguerreotype Establishment, Exchange, Third Story, Phil. The tion.,,HENRY CLAY visiting this Establishment for the purpose of having a Daguerreotype taken, expressed flattering opinions on this favorite place of the "beau ty and fashion" of Philadelphia, and vast numbers. of strangers resort to it to procure a really good Daguerreotype. The Propri etors will make every exertion to extend the long established fame of this well known Establishment. Family .Groupes, Groupes •of Children, and single Portraits of all sizes are executed equally well. Philadelphia April, 25. • The Account of JOSHUA HANSE, Esq., Treasurer of the County of Lehigh, for the year commencing on the Ist day of January 1848, and ending the 31st day of December, 1848. To amount received of Tilghman H. Martin, Esq., as per report of Auditors, $6,125 46 To amount received of David Stem, Esq., Juror fees, &c. Abraham Ziegenfuss, Collector of Salir MI Peter Miller, Collector of Heidelburg township, in full of his duplicate, AlllO3 Bucher, Collector of Allentown, balance in full, 456 71 Henry Miller, Collector of Salisbury, balance in full of his duplicate, Charles Colver, Collector of Hannover, balance in full, 188 85 Charles E. Roeder, Collector of Upper Milford, balance in full Daniel ;Mohr, Collector of Lower Macun gy, in full of his duplicate, Samuel Misemer, Collector of Upper Ma cungy, balance in full, 603 44 Jonathan Werly, Collector of Lowhill, balance in full of his duplicate, 87 03 William Stein, Collector of Weissenburg, balance in full of his duplicate, - SO 93 Charles Everitt, Collector of Lynn town ship, balance in full, - - 189 52 Jesse M. Line, Collector of Allentown, on account of his duplicate, Jonathan Trexler, Collector of Northamp ton township, on uccount. Israel 'Tesler, Collector of Hannover, in full of his duplicate, John Flexer, Collector of Salisbury town ship, on account of his duplicate, Charles E. Roeder, Collector of Upper ~tili'ord, on account of his duplicate, Daniel Collector of Lower Ma cungy, on account of his duplicate, Philip Person, Collector of Upper Saucon, in !lilt of his duplicate, - William Woodring, Collector of tipper Nlacungy,on account of his duplicate, Dennis Bachman, Collector of Weissen burg, in full of his duplicate. Reuben Ross. Collector of Lynn town ship, on account of his duplicate, Adam German, Collector of Heidelberg, in full of his duplicate, - - Stephen Hex, Collector of Washington township, on account of his duplicate, 335 00 Jacob Shirer, Collector of North White hall, on account of his duplicaie, 1060 00 j --4w George Miller, Collector of South White hall, on account of his duplicate, Jonas Mertz, Collector of Lowhill town ship, in full of his duplicate, - Amount of Taxes exonerated and since received by Charles Colver, Do. by henry Miller, Do. by Dapel Mohr, COUNTY erAxEs 0 Districts. 1 Coll eters. 1 Quota. 1 Borough, ! Jesse M. Lit e, 12342 17 2 Northampton Tsp., Jonathan Tr xler,• I 511 55 3 Hannover, !Israel l'rexl - , ; 1989 02 4 Salisbury, ;John Flexer. 11724 43 5 Upper Milford, ! Charles E. Render, ! 2872 37 6 Lower Mactingy, i Daniel Romig, ; 2558 90 7 Upper Sauccin, I Philip Person, I 2292 61 8 Upper Macungy, ! William Woodring, • 2096 63 9 Weissenburg, • Dennis Bachman I 764 44 10 Lynn, Reuben Ross, i 1537 12 11 Heidelberg, Adam German, I 560 90 12 Washinnion, Stephen Rex, I 714 43 13 North Whitehall, I Jacob Shirer, ! 2036 28 I 4 South Whitehall, ! George Miller, • :, 2634 40 I 15 Lowhill, Jonas'Mertz, I 521 43 To Amount of Loans, remaining unpaid, on the $ 14,242 50 Ist of January, A. D. 1846. - talVe, the undersigned Auditors of the , county of Lehigh, and state of Pennsylvania, do certify, that we have met and did audit, settle and adjust the foregoing account of :10811UA HANSE, Esq., Treasurer of said county, commencing January 1, 1848, and ending December 31,1848, both days included. Thaaid account as above stated, is correct, and that we find a balance in the hands of the said Joshua Hanse, Esq., Treasurer,'of $7,781 05. Witness our hands thiS sixth day of January, 1849. approved January 31,1849. C. L. NEWHARD, . CHARLES HITTEL, auditors. JOHN K. CLIFTON, PETER BREINIG, J. LICHTENWALLNER, Commeasionera. BENJAMIN BREINIG, - February S. THE COUNTY STATEMENT. RECEIPTS. T.t.xEs of 1846. balance in full Texxa of »47. l'AxEs of 18-1 S Statement of T Financial. Account of the County of Lehigh, on the first day of January, 1849. By Cash paid for services to Grand Jurors, $ 264 87 44 Petit Jurors, 991 34 46 i 4 Court Crier, - 58 50 66 Constables and Tip-statTs, 118 13 Clerk of the courts and commonwealth costs, 153 80 00 00 LOANS AND INTEREST. By Cash paid amount of Loans to sundry persons, 41 Interest, 22 03 By Cash paid for repairs at Jordan Bridge, at Allentown, 62 60 " " Shearer's, in S. Whitehnll, 229 97 ~ 66 near Holben's, in Heidleburg, 25 67 ~4, German's in Heidelburg, 3 75 4, At Kern's Mill, in N. Whitehall, 927 1, 44 Ruchsville, in North do. 31 00 ~ ~ in Washington township, 3 50 el 6, near Haas's, in Lynn township, 5 59 44 ,6 Apple's, in. Salisbury township, 1 19 Trout Creek, do. do. 312 4, " . Lehigh Bridge, in Macungy, 694 " - near Berger's, in Up. Saucon, 72 40 170 68 ISS OS COURT HOUSE AND JAIL. By Cash paid for a Perpetual Insurance of Conn House 2 465 00 and Jail, - - 413 07 212 36 By Cash paid to the. Assessors, for making assessments, &c By Cash paid to Judges, Inspectors, Clerks, Assessors and Constables, for their attendance at the • several elections, By Cash paid to Justices, Coroner, &c., for holding Inquisitions. By Cash paid on Warrants drawn by the Directors of the Poor, ABATEMENT ON COMMISSIONS. By Cash paid Abatements, to wit :—Btirotigh of Allentown, 72 00 North Whiteh'all tsp. 144 72 66 Upper Saucon, - 161 31 46 ~ Hanover. - - 68 03 " 66. . South Whitehall ; 191 49 46 66 Lower Macungy, - 182 83 44 Weissenburg, - 48 29 .., . " " Upper Milford, - 154 00 • 4. 46 • Salisburg, - - 109 98 66 . 64 Ileidlehuror , - 81 93 _ .. " , Lowhill. ' - - :31 67 41 64 Upper Macungy, 129 81 " Lynn. - - 98 32 66 64 Up. Saucon, in 1848, 155 67 ~ Hanover, - 90 81 700 00 280 00 1100 05 tri4 00 1506 62 1418 82 By Cash paid to 1:322 50 1093 17 496 74 807 00 By Cash paid Collectors and others for Taxes overpaid, 370 08 By Cash paid for Red Fox Scalps, By Cash paid to 1341 00 330 14 By Cash paid Commissioners, for salary, - - . 209 25 Salary' of county Commissioner's clerk, 150 00 Salary of county Auditors, - 53,00 1 02 On Receiving $21,873 70 together $ 35,610 25, at 1 per cent. On Paying 13,736 55 Balance in the hands of the Treasurer, January 1, 1849, $ 21,873 70 axes of Lehigh' County for the Year IS4S. 4't paid. • 1594 72 459 72 3 30 1861 18 97 95 1460' 51 2469 38 2346 061 2,66 2147 00 113 00 1878 761 75 723 901 38 90 ,1378 931 • 4 94 535 35; 28 17 h 589 46 ' 1780 89 2311 00 494 08 '' - $14,242 50 ~~l►.i;iar.ii~y~tllt~a~~ REPAIRS - OF - BRIDGES for support of Prisoners;&c., in Jail, for repairs at the Jnil, -, - at the Court House, - for scrubbing Court House, - A SSESSORS ELECTIONS INQUISITIONS POOR HOUSE PUBLIC PRINTING, STATIONARY AND BINDI\O Rafferty and Hannum, for Printing, James IV. Wilson, Guth, Young and Trexler, •• Gross and Keiper, Augustus L. Ruhe, Blurrier and Bush, Blumer and Bush, for Stationary. John Oerter, for Book Binding, Henry Hamman, for Deed Docket, TAX FUND FOX. SCALPS. MISCELLANIOUS EXPENDITURES Joseph Lehr, for bawling coal, 8 00 Postage to April 3548, and for Charcoal, 453 Solomon Gangewer , for Lumber, - -74 72 Selfridge and Wilson, for Coal, - 31 50 Water permits for Courthouse and Jail, 25 00 James H. Bush, for repairing Stoves; 3 77 Edwin Butz, for bawling corps to grave yard, 75 Pretz, Kern and Co. for Merchandise, 84 42 8.. E. Wright, Professional services, 5 00 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, AUDITORS AND CLERK. COUNTY TREASURERS COMMISSION. Loss.l Due. i 747 45 51 83 :33 19 Com's 1 263 94 402 99 212 84 :35 27; 1217 87 3 20 158 19 EU I 127 97 255 39 323 40 ma 26 00 By Amount of Loans paid during the year 1845, $l,lOO 00 46 Taxes assessed for the year 1848, 2,220 71 remaining uncollected, in the hands of the.Treasurer,i . 7,781 05 Jcinuary 15t,,1849.. 44 County Deficit, - - 3,190 74 Attest—JESSE M. LINE, Clerk. STATE TAXES OF 1848. A't paid. 7UO 00 280 00 1099 25 ED Duplicate •1,288. 07 1 1,307 93 1,168 73 . 1 94 1,067 301 1,794 481 1,557 13 1,347 791 59 1,281 92 480 12 12 70 914 111 359 8414 60 475 72 1,263 45 1,615 60 315 99 874 00 1506 62 1418 82 1266 83 1093 17 451 87 807 00 340 02 335.00 1060 00 1341 00 298 21 I M 0 REMOV.RL OF THE •VEIiNVORK STORE. The subscribers respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and the surround ing country, that they have again removed to their "old stand" a few doors below Ha genbuch's Hotel, in Hamilton street, where they will be happy to supply their old cus tomers to g ether with Thousands of new ones, with allthat is good and cheap. It is useless to say that WAGNER & HUBER have on hand, goods of every description, style and quality, alSoGrOceries, 0-neenswareAc. In fact they have every article on hand that appertains to the business, all of which they -will-sell-25-per-cent-lower-than-any-other Store in Allentown. $ 1,586 64 1100 00 774 93 1,874 93 lIMMTEILP .11 Competitor in Selling CHEAP Goods. It is admitted by all, that we have out stripped every house in "these diggins" in the way of selling cheap ;roods. We now offer a reward of $7,000 for the person that can be produced, within a scope of a dais journey, who is able to sell as cheap as we do. 454 89 Have the pleasure of exhibiting the first arrival of Fall and Winter Goods, which is much handsomer, larger and cheaper than any stock ever before opened in this place, Owing to the great decline of Goods in the eastern cities, they are selling many articles one fourth less than before. 210 12 167 70 135 01 17 50 995 33 Come from the East, the 11 est, the North and the South, to the Emporium of great Bargains r. ! • 399 63 "A penny saved is a penny earned." Ilre are determined to sell more goods for the same amount of money. than any other es tablishment in town. Should any doubt the fact, we invite them to call, and if they do not find things, as stated, we will pay them their lost time, and let them slope. Their stock consists of a general assortment of Genllemen's, Ladies' and Children's Dress Goods, of every descripton, amonrr which mays be found all the latest styles o f' 797 35 100 21 4,500 00 black, Mode colored, stripped. plain, chame leon and satin stripped dress Silks, brillian tine, lustre, satin stripped modonna cloths. figured delisle, brocades, gala plaids, tibbet cloth, patomatas, black, brown and mode col ored French morinoes, mohair plaids, bar rell, corded, limtred, satin stripped; mode colored and black alpaccas, as low ns 121 cents a yard, cashmeres and mouslin de laines, from 121 to 621 cents a yard. Pink, blue, white and black bonnet silks and satins, with a large stock of brantiful French ginghams, English chin tees and ca licoes. Calicoes as low as 4 cents, and such as heretoloae sold for 121, for 6 and 8 cents, and I,S. cent calico at 121, also a beautiful 4 quarter calico at 10. 1,720 ts (1 98 50 113 50 '25 00 81 . 25 100 00 101 50 105 :35 2 25 13 00 200 Shawls of every style and quality, black and mode colored tibbet, silk fringe, terkerrian blanket, long shawls, black silk crape, lac Wiles, t e 4lack and mode colored cloth, and other fitney shawls. 640 :35 The cheapest in town, of every descrip tion color and quality, 6 quarter brown cloth from $ I to $3 per yard, Cassimeres, plain and fancy, at reduced prices, Sntinets and Jeans, at any price asked for, Cloaking and Cloak-linings. Tassels, &c. 10 dozen Um brellas from 50 cents to $2,00. WAGNER &'l-IUBER. ¶-4w INEI 13 52 237 6t 359 25 350 10 7,781 05 $21,873 '7O Loss Due Corn's 588 07 27 90 57 85 EMS 263 94 287 86 138 31 66 67 15 88 188 75 EXEI EBB 107 1i 17 89 rim 140 72 203 45 274 60 4 55 15 68 $14,242 50 ¶-4w California Gold. WAGNER & HUBER. • Allentown, Dec. 21. Wagner . 4 Haber, Ladies' Dress Coal's, Cloths and Cassimercs, Dec. 21 Groceries 400 tisteenstra re. ' A reduction in • figtrl GROCERIES. . cre Prime Rio Coffee —“-^ at 10 cents a pound, and as low as (U cents. Sugars, Teas, and all other kinds of Groce ries they will sell cheaper than ever before. offered in this place. Butter, Eggs, Lard, and all other kinds of country produce, will be taken in exchange for which the highest price will be paid. WAGNER & HUBER. 11--hv Dec. 21 Winter Clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS. AT GEORC;E CULIN'S, Southeast corner of Second and Market Strs Putt.ADELPIHA. Gentlemen visiting the city, and wishing to supply themselves with Cheap and Fash ionable Winter. Clothing. will find a large, complete and choice assortment of Ban gup Coats, Cloaks, Business Coats, Dress and Frock Coats, Boys Coats in great varety, made of dmeri . can English 4. French Cloth's. ALSO—Pantaloons for men and Boys made of Cassimeres, Doe Skins, • Satinetts, &c., &c.,—Vests for men and Boys of Silk, Satin, Velvet, Cloth and Cashmere: Also, Shirts; Stocks, Handkerchiefs, &c., at the lowest possible prices for CASH. Remem ber, we will sell as cheap as any Clothing Establishment in the United States. GEORGE CULIN Southeast corner of Second and Marlftt Streets Philadelphia. 111-Iy. Sept. 21 Mrs. Matilda Heckman. - Respectfully informs the citizens of Allen town, that she has again established her self opposite the Academy, where she will always keep on hand Fresh Bread, Pound, Rotation 4. all other kind of Cakes. She will also bake and make up Bread and Pies to order, and hopes that a feeling community mill extend to her'their former patronage. - Allentown, Jima :47 r 184 S. 11-3 w New Apothecary Store IN ALLENTOWN. Dr WILLIAM V. DANOWSIIT, Takes this method to inform his friends, and the public in general, that he now oc cupies his new building, a feiv doors east of Flagenbuch's Hotel, and has again • opened a very large and splendid • Apothecary and Drug Store. His building the public will remember is one door east of Mertz's Store, in Hamilton street in the Borough of Allentown. As the whole of his stock of Drags, Medi: cines and Fixtures, besides House and Fur: niture, have been destroyed by the devour ng-el erren.ts - on - the-Ist-of-June-hist—made it necessary for him to lay in an entire , new stock of DRUGS AID MEDICINES; • , V al. of which he can warrant to b be` ir I genuine, and of the best quality. All kinds of Medicinal preparations such as Balsam do Malta, Gold Tincture, Pills; Horst ...powders &c. &.c., put up in suitOlei Pams for the convenience of his cc tilikerk He also keeps an assortment of Shiecai. Instruments, Tritsses, Paint Oil, off" which he will sell lower than ever befog offered in this place. He also keeps an assortment of hanging and counter. Lambs, Lamp glasses, all kinds. of fashionable Perfumeries, such as Oil of Rose. Nlillfiener, Burgamot, &c.; Hair oils,' of dilli!rent kinds; Fancy and Shaving Soap;' Letter Soap ; Hair and Tooth Brushes; Tooth Powder, and a large assortment of Fancy Articles, all of which will be sold at' the very lowest cash prices. He invites Physicians, Country merclr.: ants and others, to g ive him a call at his new. estab,ishment, and examine his stock of Drugs and Medicines, and he can assure them that they are not only all fresh and! newly selected with the greatest care, but that he is a lsonble to sell them at least 30 per cent cheaper than ever before offered in Al lentown. Thankful for the many favors he has re ceived before the fire, he trusts that a gen erous public will not forget to continue their patronage freely, in order that he may be able to make up the heavy loss, that he has sustained by the fire on thelst of June. November 9. ¶-2w Dr. William F. Danowsky, Returns his thanks to his friends for the confidence reposed in him, and at the same time elll!rs his professional services by day or night.' In chronic. diseases, he relies upon his faMe. In midwifery he prides himself to say, that he never attended a case with fatal results. Ile treats without mercury, and can say, that no case of salivation can be proven. in a practice of twelve years in Lehigh county. November 1). ¶ -6w Dank icotc (Coratted Weekly from Bielentlrm, Van Courra and Thompon's Defector.) Bk of N America par • Mechanics bank of Bk of Penns).lv. par , Newark 3. Bank of Commerce Mechanics bank at late Moyamensing par : Burlington par Bk of N Liberties par +Mechanics & Man- Bk of Penn Towns. pit. ufacturers bank par Farmers & Mechan.par Newark banking & Kensington . par Ins. Company f Manuf. & Meehan par New Hope & Dela- Mechanics , par ware Br. Comp. failed Girard , par Orange hank i Philadelphia par Peoples bank it Schuylkill par Plainfield bank 50 Southwark - par Princeton bank par Western par Salem banking Co. par Commercial Bank State bank at Eliza of Pennsvl v. par bethtown, Newark, Bk of the U States 25 Camden,N. Bruns- COUNTItY•BANKS• ! wick, Morristown,par Ilk of Chambersburg 1 Sussex bank 1 , Union bank i 13k of Gettysburg 1 Trenton bank. co' • ar Bk of Pittsburg a ! • BI: Yardleyvale bridge 13k of Susq: County 5 , company 25 Ilk of Chester Co. par , Bk of Germantown par' DELAWARE. 13k of Lewistown failed Ilk of Delaware Co. par Bk orMiddletown 1 13k of Montg. Co. par Bk of Northumberl. par Columbia Bank & Bridge Comp. par Carlisle Bank 1 Doylestown Bank par Easton Bank par. Exchange Bank Erie Bank 35 Farmers & Drovers Bank Franklin Bank 1 Farmers Bank of Bucks County par Farmers Bank of Lancaster par Farmers Bank of Reading par Farmers' Bank of Schuylkill co. par Harrisburg Bank Honesdale Bank 1 Lancaster Bank par' Lancaster Co. Bank par Lebanon Bank ' Lehigh Co. Bank 50 1 Lehigh Navigation Co. Script. 10 Miners Bank of Pottsville par Merchants & Manaf. Batik, Pittsburg. Monongahela'Bank, Brownsville, 1 Taylorsviiie Del. Bridge Company,; 50 West Branch Bank, 1 Wyoming Bank, 1 York Bank,' NEW JERSEY. Belvidere Bank Burlington County Bank par Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank par Farmers . Bank par Farmers & Mechan ics Bank,RahWay Farmers & Merchants Bank, Mkt Point, Morris Comity bank (CrThe notes on all It (—) are not!rarchased The Banks of the state • Of Delawire are all et par. NEW YORK. New York City bks Chelsea bank 80 • Clinton bank 60 • Commercial hank 10 Lafayette bank 50 Washington bank 70 COUNTIIT Alleghany county bank 70 Bank of America 95 do of Commerce 40 do of Brockport 35 do of Lodi do of Olean 35 do of Tonawanda 50 do of Lyons 2.4 . • • do of Western . New York 30 1 Bingharapton bank 40' Canal bank 2 Cattarangus county bank 35 • Erie county bank,. 50 ;Farmers dr. Drovers bank • 6 • ; Farmers bank of Se neca county 3b' Hamilton bank, 30' Lewis county bank 60• Mechanics bank at 46; Buffalo' 45 , • Merchants bank at Buffalo 40 • ; Millets bank of New York 10 ' Oswego bank 20 • Phenix bank 35 t ! Staten Island bank 50 ' State bank ofN Y 80 • St. Lawrencebank 73 Union bank . 25 United States bank 30 • N. York bank. CO. 70 Tenth Wark bank, 26 White Plains bank 6 ozytAll other banks not• mentioned in thi above list are from 1' to 2 per' cent discount. anks marked with a Oat, ' by the brokers...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers