Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, September 09, 1863, Image 2

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    ttt Vatiot tE . dint
Vonnnuniestlona will not be published in the PATRIOT
an Timor unless accompanied with the nut* of th
f. then_
N.. $7 Park Raw. N.Y., and s State St., Belton,
.alai OW its for the PAM°, AN UNION in those
@lliac Sad are atithodoed to tike Advertisement" and
abierfottonse for as 4 our Lowest Rates.
I Ao 0€ • T C:N ; . CI ;) k. -
The levelai County Counuitteee of Superintendence
are reineirtedlto communicate the amass end pat efitee
address of their members to the Chairman of the State
Central Committee.
CHARLES 7. BIDDLE, Chairman.
At ', (11.1CIL 11.1 1 0 30,
nOlOlll5 144 S. Sixth Street, Second Story. .v
CliairMa*--11011. CBARLICS J. BIDDLE.
Hecroury—Panno P. tillittsz, Rag-
Treasoret--Col. Wria.tan H. Rincamos.
The officers are in attendance daily at the Committee
Wednesday, Sept. 9.
Chandlerville, Chester county.
Thursday, September 10.
Frankford Springs, Beaver coturtv. [To be addressed
by Hon Wiliam Hopkins, K M. Gibson, Eel, and
Hon. William Glenn, of Washington county, and S.
B. Wilson. Bsq , and N. B. Dougherty, Beg., of
Beaver county.]
County Line, Crawford and Mercer counties, near At
lantic and Great Western R. R. [Severed eminent
speakers will be in attelloaddree.)
Taylorsville, Greene county.
Bast Waterford Juniata county. [To be addressed by
Hon. Wm. H. Miller.]
Manheim, Lancaster comity. [To be addressed by Hon.
Isaac N. Mester, H. B. Swan., and Samuel H. Rey
nOlds ]
Leiperville, Delaware county.
Saturday, September 12:
Hamburg, Berks county.
Newton, Omens county.
Kraemer, Snyder county. [To be addressed by Hon. W.
H. Miller ]
Milleessille, Lancaster county. [Te be addressed by
Samuel H. Reynolds, F.sq., and others ]
Monday, Septesaber 14.
Bncbbora, Columbia county.
Tuesday, September 15.
Brookville, haulm cQSBty, [To be addressed by /lon.
Rideable Clymer.]
Montrose, Susquehanna county.
Jolleytown, Greene county.
Jerseytown, Columbia county.
Hilton, Northumberland county_ [To be addressed by
HMI- All4Oll T. Parson, Judge Findley and George
Northrop, sal of Philadelphia, and Gen_ Wm. H.
Miller, of Harrisburg, and des C. Bucheriof Lewis
Wednesday, September 16.
Leek Haven, Clinton county.
Bloomsburg, Columbia county.
Tinundayr September 17. ' 1
City of Lancaster. ITo be addressedby Hon. T. bilancy
donee, Hon. Henry Clay Dean, Hon. Wm. A. Porter, .
B. B Monaghan, Bra s and others.]
Williamaport, ITc:coming county.. [To be addressed by
Hen A. V, Paraoda, Hon Mester Clymer.-George
Northrop, Bag , $Oll. Wm. H. Miller, and others ]
Meadville, Crawford -county. iTe be addressed by Hon.
Will B. Reed and Hon. Chas. W. Carrigan.]
Scranton, Luzern. county. To be addressed by Hon.
Wm. H. Witte, Hon F. W. Hughes,itobt..p. Rene,
and others ]
Murray e School Home f fireene emtnty_
Aaron Horner's, Frederick township, Montgomery eo.
Orangeville, -Columbia county;
Berwick, Columbia county.
Friday s September 13.
Slibtown,oolUulble eellnty-
CatawineryColumb a county.
Union Corner, Nortnumberland county.
Saturday, SepteMber 19.
Mauderbaoh , s, Barks county.
Cheater Springs- Chester county. fTo be addressed byy
Hon. Wm. Sigler and Ron. Richard V ann, John C.
BiGlitt,ll.4,B. Markley Boyer. llsq., T. U. oat_
anger, hog/
Dingman, Pike munty. [To be addressed by Dr. P. N.
Fulmer, Thomas A. Haller, Seq., and Hon. G. H.
Clarkemille, -mono county.
Thursday, September 24.
Washington Equate, Wbitepain township, Montgomery
.13elombia county.
Orford, Chester county.
Venango county.
Friday, Septembe-r 25.
Cookstown, Payette county. jThe several meetings in
Payette county to be addressed by Hon. john L.
Dawson, Hon_ Samuel A. Gilmore. Daniel Heine,
zsq., Oat. T. B. ileeright. John Fuller, Bog 0 B.
Boyle, Req., Wm. H. Pleyford, Seq. , tad ethers.]
Saturday, September 26.
Kutztown, Berke county.
Monongahela City, Washington county.
Perryopolis, Payette county.
Pleasant Grove. Washington county.
Monday, September 28.
Stroudsburg, Monroe county. [To be addressed by Thos.
3. Mlles, Hon. W. A. Porter, and others.]
Tuesday, September 29.
M'ddleburr. Snyder county, [To be addressed by Hon.
Wm. H. Miller_]
Wednesday, September 30.
Uniontown, layette county.
Thursday, October 1,
ColihrooN Mflls , Washington enmity.
Friday, October 2.
Saltlick township, Payette county.
Saturday, October 3.
Plough Tavern, Berke county.
Gant's School Reuse, Payette county.
Prosperity, Washington county.
Ximbleville, Chester county.
Thursday. October 8.
Carlisle, Cumberland county. (A grand rally, to be ad- •
elr-seed by distinguished speakers.]
llownixigtown. Chester County,
Friday, October 9.
Springfield, Payette county.
Saturday, October 10.
Yellow Tavern, Beiks county-
Dawoon's Station, Payette county.
Hatboro; Montgomery county.
Monday, October 12.
Reading, Berko county.
Proystown, York county. [Keening.]
The Democratic Ticket.
We la ave only time and space to-day to say
that the county ticket nominated yesterday by
the Democratic County Convention meets with
general approbation. We gather this from what
conversations with different persona we have
had since the nomination. Not only are the
Democracy pleased, but the excellence of the
_selections is acknowledged by many of our po
litical adversaries. We Shall express oar sen
timents. more fully and freely to-morrow, and
in the meantime we bespeaklor the ticket the
good will and active services of even' man wi 0
desires to. Telieve the country from Abolition
The Mate Teroata—Great Damage to the
Crops In MEI WOK and Northwest.
Through Indiana, tilinois, Michigan, Wis
consin, lowa 'and Minnesota the damage done
by the late frosts is incalculable. It is esti
mated that in Illitrali and Wisconsin the corn
crop has suffered on an average, fully 20 per ,
cent ; in some sections the destruction, mounts
to half the crop. In all the States mentioned
the loathes been heavy—but Illinois seems to
have. - suffered more than any other State. The
sorghum _crop will prove an almost .entire far.
use, while beans, tobacco, sweet and. tot.eUci
tatoos, fruit, &0.. have suffered severely. The
,free cotton, of which, says a letter from Cham
paign county, Illinois, thousands of dollars
worth of seed has been sold, " warranted to
stand the climate," is gone beyond any hope
of ever saving the roots. To make things still
worse an unprecedented dread' afflicts that
whole region.
A New' Curtin Organ—Somethlug for ft
to do
We have received the first number * a new
paper—" The Pittsburg Daily Commercial"--ap
parently established in the interest of Gov.
Curtin, in opposition to the Gazette, and in
tended as an antidote to the virus which the
latter paper has BO plentifully ejected against
His Excellency.
As the new paper—the western organ, we
presume we may call it without offense—seems
to Consider Gov. Curtin a very innocent and a
greatly injured man, a patriot, a etatcomen, and
a gentleman of the strictest integrity in his of
ficial capacity ; we think it not amiss to call its
attention to the following article, copied from
the Pittsburg - Gazette, July =, in order that if
injustice has been done the Governor by that
journal, (a Black Republican paper of the deep
est dye and highest character,) its allegations
may be dieproved, or such explanations given
as will relieve His Excellency from a portion
of the guilt which is charged against him, and
which, otherwise, he must justly bear_
Webelieve the Gazette has not overstepped
the bounds of truth—we believe its statements
are drawn fairly from . the record and that every
thing charged is true. If this be so, we ask the
Deity .Commercial, Is this man worthy the up.
port of an honest people—is he fit to fill the
Gubernatorial Chair of this great Common
wealth 2 If the charges are not true, it will
ba ese y foe the Croonnweill/ to disprove them,
That task we now impose upon it. We do not
intend to let it escape—as it imagines it can—
from the performance of this task by any de
titration on its part of disbelief in the authen
ticity of the article to which we call its atten
tion. The Gazette will not, propsbly, 1, avow
the authorehip," but it will not deny it ; and to
remove all doubts, if any exist, from the mind
of the Commercial, we assure it that it will find
the article, verbatim as we have quoted it, in
the Gazette of the following date ;
'From the l'ittsturg. Gazette, Wednesday, July 22 j
have already treated our readers to a curious
chapter in the history of the administration
of public atiairepf this State under the auspi
ces of Governor Curtin. Whether it was cal
culated to recommend him for a second term
they will be able to judge for themselves.
But there was another act more damaging
by tar, and that was hie signature of the infa
mous bill to repeal the Tonnage Tax. He
knew and confessed that it was atrociously
wrong. He could not but know that it was
procured—as has been since shown by the re
port of a Committee of the House-.-by corrupt
and illegal influences. He was solemnly ad
monished, as was the Legislature, that it would
be ruinous to the party and himself, and that
the men (Who -voted.for it—outside of Philadel
phie—wonld be left at home by their constitu
ents. He admitted the probable consequences,
as to the party and himself, and was solemnly
and repeatedly pledged to refuse his assent.
He signed it with indecent hatite, during a re
cees of the Legislature, under the pressure of
his principal counsellors, ThOmas A. Scott and
A. K. MiClure, in opposition to the remon
strances-of his Attorney General (the Hon. S.
A..Purviance, now of this city,) and his Secre
tary of State, andifter having given to those
gentlemen the most positive assurances that it
should be vetoed. He signed it, too, immedi
ately after these assurances were given, with
out the knowledge of the former gentleman,
who was his constitutional adviser, and upon a
private agreement.in meriting, made by Thomas
A. Scott, for the company, to pay the sum of
$75,000 per annum into the Treasury, which
agreement he concealed from the people, and
afterwards ourrendered to the company, with.
out even preserving a copy of it. When in
terrogated at the next session upon this point,
he admitted the Tact .of the agreement and its
surrender, and excused his conduct on the
ground that the company was actually paying
more than that amount in taxes to the State
already, and that.ef course it was of no further
value to the people. The record showed that
.they had net .been
_pay* the half of <that amount,
and the whole statement was contradioted by
the testimony of the Attorney General himself,
who swore before the Hopkins Committee that
the paper was given by Scott, and placed in
his hands as an official document; that it was
afterwards demanded of him by John Edgar
Thompson, President-of the company, on the
ground that Scott had no right to give it ; that
he refused to surrender it for the reason that
it was a public record ; and that it disappeared
from Ms office, without his privity or any know
ledge ian his part as to .the way in which it was
withdrawn ! These facts were before the Hop
kins Committee, and ignore ft o their report, the
Chairman (Mr. Hopkins) consenting reluc•
tautly to their suppression, for the purpose of
securing a unanimous report, which he could
not otherwise have get from -a committee, whose
good will the Governor, if not gtsatly
represented, had spared no pains to secure.
We enjoin haste upon the ,Commercial, as we
have other tasks, not less laborious, for it to
perform The charges against Curtio are nu
merous, serious, and we fear all true.
We are not sure that the above extract, or
parts of it, have not already been published in.
oar paper—but it matters not, the charges are
very grave, very well grounded, and cannot be
too often repeated.
The Price of Coal.
The Lincoln press is busily engaged in an
effort to fix the high price of coal upon the
disaffection of the miners, who, it is alleged,
are perpetually troubling the innocent propri
etors for increase of wages. Now, if these pa
pers were honest, or at all inclined to give the
people correct information, they would go be
yond the alleged cause to the real one, and
state fairly that the high price of everything
is owing to the wretched policy of the Govern
ment, depopulating the country of its white
laboring population to carry on a war for the
emancipation of the negro, and the abundance
of cheap currency issued by the Government
to facilitate -its operations. The rebellion
might long since have been suppressed if the
administration had confined it to that single
purpose, at one half the cost of men and money
that have been expended—but conducted for
the purpose of negro freedom, there is no tell
ing how much longer it may last,•or how many
more men or thousands of millions of dollars
may be required to carry it on. With every
fresh draft, (drawn principally from the work
ing classes,) more money is demanded, and
labor becomes scarcer and dearer. With every
fresh inflation of the currency, too, prices ad
vance, and they who expect the mechanic or
miner to labor for the same wages when food
and raiment are high as when they are low,
are neither Christiana nor philanthropists, but
brutes, who have no feeling Or the working
classes, and , care not that they and their fami
lies should half starve end be lothed in Ilr,
so long as themselves can fill their purses, fare
sumptuously and clothe theinselvea in fine
linen from the proceeds of shoddy contracts or
other Government employments which the ad
ministration makes abundant to serve the
scoundrels who have rallied around it, and who
cry on themar for the negro for the sole pur7
pose of ph:oilier.
Let the administration terminate this bloody
war--this negro wer—and send back to the
pursuits of civil life the men whom it has
drawn from the workshops and the mines—let
it curtail the enormous expenses which are
rapidly hurrying
the cation to bankruptcy—
let it atop its shinplaster mills and come down
nearer to the constitutional currently of the
country—make its paper dollars worth a dollar
in gold—and the price of coal and every other
commodity will soon accommodate itself to the
new and sound condition. As it is, let not
those in power, who have perverted that power
to bad purposes, expect to escape the censure
and odium which May belong to them, by at
tempting to throw the blame of high prices
and other grievances upon the laboring men of
the country.
Judge Woodward.
The Boston Post, the leading Democratic
paper of Massachusetts, pays the following
handsome and deserved aompliment to Judge
Judge Woodward, the Democratic candidate
for Governor of Pennsylvania, is one of the
most patriotic men in the nation as well as one
of the most able and pure. When Governor
Curtin called for troops to resist the Confede
rate army, he said:
"There ought 0 b Such an instant uprising
of young men, in response to this call, as shall
be sufficient to assure the public safety, and to
teach the world that no hostile foot can, with
impunity, tread the soil of Pennsylvania."
In his decision affirming the constitutionality
of the soldiers' lien law, which protects their
property daring their term of service, and
thirty days after, from executions issued by
superlatively " loyal" creditors, he says :
Yet it is impossible to separate this ques
tion of reasonableness from the actual circum
stances in which the country itself at the date
of the law. Eleven States hail seceded or re
volted front the Federal Union, and had set up
an independent government within the juris
diction of the Constitution of the United States,
and armed possession had been taken of forts,
arsenals, onetom.housee, navy yards and Ober
property of the United States, within the bound
aries of the revolted States. In the judgment
of the President and Congress, who were the
duly constituted authorities, the occasion re
quited an immense increase of the army and
navy, and the active employment of both of
these strong arms to subdue the rebellion and
restore the Union. Accordingly, Congress au
thorised the President to accept volunteers,
and to call upon the States for their militia. He
did both, and a vast army has been in the field
for many months.
Now, if a stay of execution for three years
would not be tolerated in ordinary times, did
not these dreamt:moat constitute en emer
gency that justified the pushing of legislation
to the extremest limit of the Constitution ? No
citizen could be blamed for volunteering. rie
was invoked to do so by appeals as strong as
his love of country. In the nature of things
there is nothing unreasonable in exempting a
soldier's property from execution whilst he is
absent from home battling for the eupeernacy
of the Constitution and the integrity of the
Union. And when he has not run before he
was sent, but has yielded himself up to the call
of his country, his self-sacrificing patriotism
pleads, trumpet-tongued, for all the indulgence
from his creditors which the Legislature have
power to grant. If the term of indulgence
seem long in this instance, it was not longer
than the time for which the President and Con
grese demanded the seldier's services. It was
sot for him, nor is it for us, to rejudge the dis
cretion of the President and 0041%03 in this
regard.. Basing ourselves on what they did,
constitutionally, the question for us is, whether
the stay granted by one own Legislature to our
citizen-soldiers was unreasonable. in view of
the extraordinary circumstances of the case,
we cannot pronounce it unreasonable. We see
in it no wanton or careless disregard of the
ohligablen of the contrasts, but only a sincere
effort to enable the General tlovernwent to
prosecute with success a war which, in its ex
clusive right of judgment, it resolved to wage.
Another circumstance which bears on the rea
sonableneee of the enactment is the provision
which AnspendS all statutes of limitation in fa
vor of the soldier during all the time he is ex
empted from process. The provisions were
reciprocal and both were reasonable."
Now the Democratic party have nominated
Judge Woodward as the representative of their
principles, the twelfth resolution of their plat
form declaring :
"That while this General Assembly eon
demns and denounces the faults of the admin
istration and the encroachments of the Aboli
tionists, it does,also, most thoroughly condemn
and denounce the heresy er sfeeessieit as un
warranted by the Conetitution, and destructive
alike of the security and perpetuity of the gov
ernment and of the peace and liberty of the
people, and it does hereby most solemnly de
clare that the people of this State are unaltera
bly opposed to any division of the Union, and
will persistently exert their whole influence
and power ; under the Constitution, to main
tain and defend it."
These sentiments are in secornante with
those expressed by the Democrats of New York,
Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, lowa, and by Demo
evade Conventions generally, and are the same
as those unanimously adopted by the great
Democratic Convention hoiden at Worcester on
the 3d instant. They are the sentiments which
all the honest Democratic heart of the coun
try, aid which will find expression in the suc
cess of the Democratic nominees at the next
national election.
Some native Africans of Speke and Grant's
discovery, describbd the distance at which their
s overeign lived as follows; "If any one sent
him a cow as a tributary present, the way to
hi s palace was so long that the cow had time to
have a calf on the road, and the calf had time
to grow into a calf and have a Calf of its own!"
Life in Uganda is thus dagnerreotyped:
Uganda is thus described as a most surprising
country, in the order, fleetness, civility and
politeness of its inhabitants. It would be a
pattern even for Zanzibar; but M'Tese's reign
is a reign of terror. It is an established cus
tom that there should be one execution daily.
The ceremonies and rules . of precedence of the
Court of Uganda, as in that of the other
Wahuma courts, are minutely defined, and are
exacted under penalty of death. The first
among the dignitaries of State is the lady
who had the good fortune to 'have 'acted as
monthly nurse to the sovereign's mother. After
this Mrs. (lamp, follow the Queen's sister
and the King's barber. Then 0011103 governors
of provinces and naval and military command
ers;, then the executioners (who are busy men
in Uganda,) and the superintendents of tombs;
lastly, the book. In a
thelower grade are juve
nile pages 46 look after e Women, and to run
u p on errands; they are killed if they dare to
walk. In addition to therm is an effective band
nf , rtugicians, wilt) arum, r.rtle Fourds with dry
peas inside them, play flutes, clarionettes,
wooden harmoniums, and harps, besides otherg
who sing and whistle On their fingers. Every
person of distinction must constantly attend on
his sovereign, or his estates are liable to be
utterly confiscated. He must be decorously
dreesid in a sort of toga, made from the pound
ed bark of the fig tree, for he is fined heavily
or killed outright if he exhibits even a patch of
bare leg. What a blessing trousers would
be to them! These bark cloaks are beau
tifully made, and look like the best cor
duroy; they are worn over robes of small an
telope skins sewn together with the utmost
furrier's art. Every courtier's languagp must
be elegant, and his deportment modelled upon
established custom. Even the King is not free;
Wahuma taste exacts that whbnever he walks
he should imitate the gait of a vigilant lion, by
ramping with his legs and turning from side to
side. When he accepts a present from a man,
or orders a man a whipping, the favored indi
vidual must return thanks tor the condescend
ing attention, by floundering flat on the ground
and whining like tr happy dog.
CINCINNATI, Sept. S.—Four white men made
an attack on a negro,in his house, near Goshen,
Claimont county, on Saturday. The negro
fired, killing two instantly and wounding a
Masses were said in the Catholic churches,
yesterday, at the request of Gen. Rosocrans,
for the success of the Federal army.
It is supposed Rosecraue made an attack on
Chattanooga yesterday.
NEWARK, N. J., Sept. B.—The 33d New Jer
sey regiment received marohing orders to-day.
As many of the men were deserting, the Colonel
of the•regiment was compelled to call on Gen.
Dix for a guard of regular soldiers to maintain
discipline. The guard did not give entire sat
isfaction, so the Third Vermont took their
place on Sunday. The Vermonters had never
seen ilervice, 6134 49 not know anything about
blank cartridges, or firing in the air, so that
when a crowd of new recruits attempted to run
the guard, last night, they were fired upon.
Three were killed and four wounded.
BALTIMORE ' Sept. B.—General Schenck has
issued an order suppressing the substitute
business in this State 6114 in his department,
it having been found that agencies for procu
ring substitutes to go*out of the State and de
partment iuterferes with the operation of the
The Tribune has the following special dis
patch :
HEADQUABTERS, Aug. 7.—The Third Army
CMS, under the temporary command of Major
General French, was reviewed to-day by the
commanding General of the army. This splen
did corps, enlarged at the time of the Gettys
burg fight by the addition of the troops then
at Harper's Ferry, presented an unusually fine
appearance. The brilliant red uniforms of the
Zouavee variegated the blue lines of the other
division. At the close a collation was parta
ken of by Gen. Meade and staff. A number of
invited guests were present.
Twe sutlers, Charles S. Sigle, 43d Pennsyl
sania, and F. FL Jones, 29th Ohio, have been
ordered from the army for lending their rail
road passes to unauthorized persons.
Lee's army, from all accounts, continues
widely scattered. Desetters still report that
the chances of another aid across the Potomac
are the prevalent army talk.
CHlCA4o,September 7.—The steamer Planet
arrived here this forenoon, bringing the news
that the steamer Sunbeam foundered in Lake
Superior on the 28th of August, and that . all
on board, except the wheelman, were lost.
The wheelman lashed himself to a piece of
wreck, and after floating for thirty hours was
washed ashore at Portage, twenty miles from
the scene of the disaster.
He reports that the Sunbeam left:Superior
City en Thursday. Early the next morning,
during a terrible gale, the steamer was struck
by a heavy sea, which rolled her over on her
side. The small boats were immediately got
out and the passengers and crew were put into
them, When the steamer was struck by another
heavy sea and commenced breaking up_
The wheelsman soon afterwards saw the
boats tiled with the passengers and orew lea
ving the wreck. but it was impossible for the
boats to live in such a gale, and they were
swamped, and he is certain that all on board
were lost.
The Planet picked-up portions of the wreck
which were floating about for two miles around
whore the vessel went .clown.
The passengers and crew numbered thirty
five. The names of those lost, as far as aseer
tainetl, are as follows:
Passengers.—A. Sherman and son, A. Cohen,
of Ontonagon.
Crew.—Captain Dougal, Mr.. Gardner, clerk;
Thos. d. Heftily, first engineer; Patrick and T.
O'Donnell, first and second mates, of Detroit ;
W. IL Collins, saloon keeper; Meschel, cabin
boy, of Chioago; James Butlers. fireman.
The scene of the disaster is located a little
northeast of Eagle river, ten miles out.
CHICAGO. September 7.—A egeolai dispatch
from St. Paul, Minnesota, says : News has
been received here that a fiat-boat, coming
down the Missouri river, net, far from the scene
of Gen. Sibley's battles, was attacked by In
dians, and all on board, twenty-eve in number,
were killed.
LOII/SVILLE. Sept. 7.—A special dispatch to
the Journal., dated the 6th, save that a rebel
force, under Hamilton and Hughes, had come
into Columbia, with six hundred men. Haw
thorne, with two hundred and fifty or three
hundred men, was eight miles from Glasgow,
and small squads were two miles nearer the
latter place: The Touratt/ is of the opinion
thut the numbers have been exagerated.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7.—The wreck of the
steamer Ruth is to be raised by government.
More of the money, supposed to have been
burned, has been recovered.
The Court inquiring into the evacuation of
Winchester and the conduct of Maj. Gen. Mil
roy, completed its examinations to-day. It is
understood that the original inetrnotiona to the
Court, which required them to assign the
blame where it might properly belong, were
so modified that it only became the duty of the
Court to collect the evidence in the ease and
lay the same before the President. This the
Court has done. The Court has been in ses
sion three weeks to-day, during which time
they have heard an immense amount of oral
testimony. It is understood that Gen. Milroy'e
counsel, F. P. Stanton, will submit a written
argument to the President in the case.
The receipts into the Treasury from taxes
on the 3d of September are the largest ever re
ported in one day from the same sources. They
were, on account of the internal revenue,
$297,549 ; on account of the customs, in United
States notes, $58.770, and in coin, $351,107
making in all, $707,462.
The following banks have been authorized
to commence banking operations:
First National Bank, Canton, Ohio ; capital,
First National Bank, Scranton, Penn.; capi-.
tal, $200,000. •
Second National Bank, Franklin, Ind.; capi
tal, $lOO,OOO.
General Burnside's official dispatches are of
much length, detailing his advance and occu
pation of Knoxville, Tenn., and are so inter
woven with information of his contemplated
movements as to render them improper for pia
The East Tennessee valley is cleared of rebels
down to within a short distance of Chattanooga.
It is expected ere this that our cavalry has de
stroyed the trestle-work on the Virginia and
East Tennessee railroad, where it epand rivers
and valleys in that mountainous region.
Captain Sharrar, with a portion of the Ist
Indiana cavalry (Gan. Howard's body guard,)
made a reonnoissance to Aldie and vicinity.
Near Coals Spring Gap he encountered a body
of Mosby's men, had a skirmish drove them
off. and brought in [Our as prisoners. These
guerrillas had received new uniforms Last Wed
nesday. Part of the band it is known being
to different cavalry regiments, but the majority
are citizens. These men report Mosby woun
ded in the thigh and hip, but not mortally. lie
is at Culpepper, and will probably be St for
duty in about six weeks.
lieutenant George W. O'Malley, Co. E, 115th
Pennsylvania volunteerat Attempting to com
mit a rape on a lady from Camden,.N. J., who
was on a visit to one of the hospitals of the
Army of the Potomac, to see her son. Guilty.
To be dishonorably dismissed ; to lose all pay
and allowances to be deelered forever incapa
ble of holding any office of trust, honor, or
profit under the Government of the United
States ; and to be confined as a convict, at
hard labor, for as years. Approved, and the
prisoner ordered to be sent to the Penitentiary
at Albany.
The following communication contains a
narration of facts for which our correspondent,
in a note to the editors, vouches, and which
we are inclined to think highly probable :
Editors Patriot and Union :
Gummi - EN : —You will remember during
the latter days of the last Legislature—say a
week or two before its adjournment, Governor
Curtin announced by message to that body
and to the people of Pennsylvania, his inten
tion or retiring from the political arena—or,
in other words, he declined emphatically a re
nomination for Governor at the hands of his
party. You will also remember that just before
the Senate of Pennsylvania adjourned, it elects
a new speaker, to that as such ad interim, until
the meeting of the next regular session of both
Houses of the Pennsylvania Legislature.—
These two particular points established, I pro
ceed with a narrative of facts which will as
tonish and dumb=found those interested, as
as well hold up to the world the conduct of as
precious a set of political rascals as it yet saw
since the advent of this "gruel war !"
Three years ago, when Curtin was first nom
inated, and before that nomination was se
cured, Curtin had made certain compromises
which he then pledged his honor to carry out :
that is, he gave his word he would use his in
fluence for Simon Cameron for President of the
United States, and that he, himself, would
not again be a candidate for Governor. He
forfeited his honor in both instances. Why he
played, what may be supposed by many a very
sharp game, in obtaining a re-nomination will
be ascertained presently.
Mr. Penney was elected Speaker pro tempore
of the Senate. • Mr. Penney was anti-Curtin,
and a friend of the Washington administration
and Mr. Cameron. I say Washington admin
istration so as not to confound it with the Rich
mond administration. • Both, however, are bad
enough, and neither has " grace sufficient" to
save it from perdition. Mr. Penney having been
elected, a plan or plot was at once conceived
to make him ex-officio Governor of Pennsylva
nia. Curtin always complained of bad health
and onerous duties. He was to be persuaded
to resign. But bow to trap the wily Curtin
into a resignation took many days of cogita
tion. The administration at Washington dis
liked him—hated would be the more proper
term, and first suggested the thought of put
ting the Governor hors du combat—which end
of the administration—Lincoln or Ste nton—did
this is an immaterial fact in the premises. Cur
tin was invited to Washington. He came, and
Was offered the mission to Spain. The ofer was
accepted, and Curtin returned to Pennsylvania,
wrote out a special message, announcing the
fact, as before remarked, to the Legislature and
the people of Pennsylvania. Following the
essage declaring his intentions not to be a can
didate again, it was expected he would also re
sign, and thus gine Mr. Penney the reins of the
State government. This accomplahed, the
" sick" candidate would have been driven from
public life forever. But he did not resign ! The
promised mission not coming immediately after
his return home—he suspected treachery—and
so held on the tighter to his place. The "mis
sion" affair was a ruse—a glittering allure
ment—no more !
To give the details of what followed this
dit-appotntmEnt, would take too much time and
space ; and to give the names of the big and
little actors in this delectable plot to decapi
tate the "sick" governor, is deemed, also, un
necessary. It will suilioe, when I say that the
enmity between the rival factions of the Re
publican party in Pennsylvania is now more
wide spread and more fierce than ever.
• Curtin having been played false with, in
turn, played false. He put forth all his ener
gies and means—and, secured a re-nomination.
His election, however, is not so certain. The
nomination having been obtained by base
means and dishonest stratagem, cannot be
ratified by the loyal clizens and soldiers at the
Lately—after the sword presentation to Gen.
Meade, near the Rappahannock—ten days ago,
Curtin was in Washington, accompanied by
M'Veagh, Chairman of the Republican State
Central Committee; Colonel Alz. K. M'Clure ;
Morton Mllichael, of the North American; our
mutual friend Coneuelo Forney, of the " Con
tractors'" organ ; and other lesser lights and
weights, when , past differences were arranged
satisfactorily. with the Washington Administra
tion. That "mission" to Spain ruse, resulted
in having foisted upon the Republican party for
their support, the "doh" man for Governor
Will he be supported and elected ? R.
Sown Yonso MEN, traveling on horseback
among the White Mountains, became exceed
ingly thirsty, and stopped for milk at a house
by the roadside. They emptied every basin
that was offered, and still wanted more. The
woman of the house at length brought out an
enormous bowl of milk, and set it down on the
table, saying--.6one would think, gentlemen,
you had never been weaned."
On Feptfmber 7 . th, Mrs. MART TAYLOR. aged 74 years.
F unera l on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, from•
Wastington avenue. 2t
Dr. Branon's Concentrated Remedies.
No. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER speedily eradicates
all the evil effects of SELF-ABUSE, as Loss of Memory,
Shortness of Ereath,Giddiness, Palpitation of the H'eart,
Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements
of the eystem, brought on by the unrestrained Judea
g"" of the P ee4l ..e. Acts *Meson either sex_ Price
tine Dollar.
No. 2. THE BALM will cure, in from two to eight
days, any case of GONNORMICBA, Is without taste or
smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For
either sex. Price One Dollar.
NO. B. The TEREB will cure in the Shortest possible
time any mum of GLBET, even after all other remedies
have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste er
smell. Price One Dollar.
No. 4. THE PUNITER le the only Remedy that will
really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how
long standing or neglected the case may b e . p r i c e One
No. S. TUE BOLUTOR will nye any saes of GRAVEL,
permanently and speedily remove all affictione of the
Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar.
No. T. THE AMARTN will cure the Whites radically
and in a much shorter time than they can be removed
by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy
that will really correct Me Moonier, rioallont to take,
Price One Dollar.
No. 8. TELE ORIENTAL PASTILR are certain, safe
and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correct
ing any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price
Two Dollars.
Either remedy seat Jam by mail on receipt of the
price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a circu
General Depot North-East corner of York avenue and
Callowhill street. Private office, 401 York avenue,
Philadelphia, Pe,
For sale in Harrisburg by U. A. Ilawrivsicr and Louis
WYBTH • where circulars containing valuable informa
tion, with fall descriptions of each case, will be deliv
ered gratis on application. Address
July 28, 1163-15 , P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa
New "Abuertisernents.
VOTICE.—The subscriber, on North
LI street, between Spruce and Filbert, clean, re
pairs and dies up Clocks. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Harrisburg, Sept. 7, 1863.
Much delay having unavoidably occurred in
the payment of the militia called out by the
proclamation of the Governor, and by the au
thority of the President of the United' States,
dated September 11, 1862, for the reason that
the formalities of muster required by the Uni
ted States regulations had necessarily been
omitted in putting them into service; and a
form of roll, having been approved by the pro
per Department at Washington as a sufficient
Yetleher at the Treasury for their payment,
captains and officers commanding organizations
of troops nod& the said call will immediately
make application to this Department, dis
tinctly stating their post office address, that
printed blanks of the approved roll and tito
proper instructions may be at once furnished.
By order of the Governor.
- Adjutant General Pennsylvania
The undersigned having been appointed auditor to re
port distribution among creditors of the money arising
from the sale, bythe sheriff, of the real estate of JOHN
H. BICKEL, hereby notiSes all persons interested that
they will be heard at biO ace, in flarrioborg, on HON
DA v, OCTOBER 8,1863, at Z o'clock p. in., if they see
proper to attend.
Sept. 8,1883-59d&ett R. A. LAMBERTON
The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dau
phin county, to distribute among creditors the balance
in the hands of A. 0. Biester administrator of fiDNRY
WALTDRS, dcc'd, as exhibited by hie third supplemen
tal account, will meet the parties interested, at his
office, in the city of Harrisburg, on TUESDA.. the 6th
day of OCTOBER next, at 10 o'clock a. m., of which
they are hereby notified. R. M. GRAYDON,
Sept. 7. doaw2w Auditor.
I) IC -N 1.0 .
For the Benefit of the Company.
of any of the Committee of Arrangements.
aepti.dtd G. W. DAVIS, Chairman.
The gee bill presented on the first hist must be
paid on or before the 10th day of the month, otherwise
the flow of gas win be stopped,
Ettinger & 1711man , a, 92 Market street, a con re
tent man to carry on the /hoe business, Good refe .
finals required.
808 BALE —One Rowe 's Original Leather, and sae
family Dewing machine, together with lasts and other
shoemaker's natures. aep2-fwd.
In room formerly occupied by Dr. Carman,
Persons liming legal claims to exemption froin *be
draft can have their cases prepared and presented to the
Board on application to R. B. FERGUSON, Attorney-tit-
Law, Second street, opposite Buehler House. Office
with Win H. Miller, Beg. Aug 27-tf.
Be it resolved by the Senate and Howe of Re
presentatives of the Onmmonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in General Aesernbly met, That the following
amendments be proposed to the Constitution
of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the
provisions of the tenth article thereof:
There shall be an additional section to the•
third article of the Constitution, to be designa
ted as section four, as follows :
&mon 4. Whenever any of the qualified
electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any
actual military service, under a requisition
rom the President of the United States,
or by
.he authority of this Commonwealth, such
electors may exercise the right of suffrage in
all elections by the citizens, under such regu
lations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law,
as fully as if they were present at their URIC
place of election.
There shall be two additional sections to the
eleventh article of the CObStitulion,
to be de
signated as sections eight and nine, as fel
Sacrum 8. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature containing more than one subject,
which shall be clearly expressed is the title,
except appropriation bille„
SECTION 9. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature granting any powers, or privile
ges, in any case, where the authority to grant
such powers, or privileges, has been, or may
hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of thi s
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate,
Harrisburg, July I, 1868. s
I do hereby certify that the foregoing and
annexed is a full, true and correct copy of the
'original Joint Resolution of the General As
sembly, entitled "A Joint Resolution props:
sing certain amendments to the Constitution,'
as the same remains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the seal of the Seeretary'o
office to be affixed, the day and year above
written. ELI surER,
jy7- law6m Secretary of the Commonwealth