ttt Vatiot tE . dint WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 9,' 1883 0. BARRETT & 00., PROPRIETORS Vonnnuniestlona will not be published in the PATRIOT an Timor unless accompanied with the nut* of th f. then_ N.. $7 Park Raw. N.Y., and s State St., Belton, .alai OW its for the PAM°, AN UNION in those @lliac Sad are atithodoed to tike Advertisement" and abierfottonse for as 4 our Lowest Rates. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. FOR 00VBENOR, HON. GEO. W. woODWARD, OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, WALTER H. LOWRIE, or *MAMMY COUNTY_ I Ao 0€ • T C:N ; . CI ;) k. - TEE. The levelai County Counuitteee of Superintendence are reineirtedlto communicate the amass end pat efitee address of their members to the Chairman of the State Central Committee. CHARLES 7. BIDDLE, Chairman. At ', (11.1CIL 11.1 1 0 30, TEE. nOlOlll5 144 S. Sixth Street, Second Story. .v CliairMa*--11011. CBARLICS J. BIDDLE. Hecroury—Panno P. tillittsz, Rag- Treasoret--Col. Wria.tan H. Rincamos. The officers are in attendance daily at the Committee Rooms. DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. Wednesday, Sept. 9. Chandlerville, Chester county. Thursday, September 10. Frankford Springs, Beaver coturtv. [To be addressed by Hon Wiliam Hopkins, K M. Gibson, Eel, and Hon. William Glenn, of Washington county, and S. B. Wilson. Bsq , and N. B. Dougherty, Beg., of Beaver county.] County Line, Crawford and Mercer counties, near At lantic and Great Western R. R. [Severed eminent speakers will be in attelloaddree.) Taylorsville, Greene county. Bast Waterford Juniata county. [To be addressed by Hon. Wm. H. Miller.] Manheim, Lancaster comity. [To be addressed by Hon. Isaac N. Mester, H. B. Swan., and Samuel H. Rey nOlds ] Leiperville, Delaware county. Saturday, September 12: Hamburg, Berks county. Newton, Omens county. Kraemer, Snyder county. [To be addressed by Hon. W. H. Miller ] Milleessille, Lancaster county. [Te be addressed by Samuel H. Reynolds, F.sq., and others ] Monday, Septesaber 14. Bncbbora, Columbia county. Tuesday, September 15. Brookville, haulm cQSBty, [To be addressed by /lon. Rideable Clymer.] Montrose, Susquehanna county. Jolleytown, Greene county. Jerseytown, Columbia county. Hilton, Northumberland county_ [To be addressed by HMI- All4Oll T. Parson, Judge Findley and George Northrop, sal of Philadelphia, and Gen_ Wm. H. Miller, of Harrisburg, and des C. Bucheriof Lewis burg.] Wednesday, September 16. Leek Haven, Clinton county. Bloomsburg, Columbia county. Tinundayr September 17. ' 1 City of Lancaster. ITo be addressedby Hon. T. bilancy donee, Hon. Henry Clay Dean, Hon. Wm. A. Porter, . B. B Monaghan, Bra s and others.] Philadelphia. Williamaport, ITc:coming county.. [To be addressed by Hen A. V, Paraoda, Hon Mester Clymer.-George Northrop, Bag , $Oll. Wm. H. Miller, and others ] Meadville, Crawford -county. iTe be addressed by Hon. Will B. Reed and Hon. Chas. W. Carrigan.] Scranton, Luzern. county. To be addressed by Hon. Wm. H. Witte, Hon F. W. Hughes,itobt..p. Rene, and others ] Murray e School Home f fireene emtnty_ Aaron Horner's, Frederick township, Montgomery eo. Orangeville, -Columbia county; Berwick, Columbia county. Friday s September 13. Slibtown,oolUulble eellnty- CatawineryColumb a county. Union Corner, Nortnumberland county. Saturday, SepteMber 19. Mauderbaoh , s, Barks county. Cheater Springs- Chester county. fTo be addressed byy Hon. Wm. Sigler and Ron. Richard V ann, John C. BiGlitt,ll.4,B. Markley Boyer. llsq., T. U. oat_ anger, hog/ Dingman, Pike munty. [To be addressed by Dr. P. N. Fulmer, Thomas A. Haller, Seq., and Hon. G. H. Rowland.] Clarkemille, -mono county. Thursday, September 24. Washington Equate, Wbitepain township, Montgomery county. Benton, .13elombia county. Orford, Chester county. Venango county. Friday, Septembe-r 25. Cookstown, Payette county. jThe several meetings in Payette county to be addressed by Hon. john L. Dawson, Hon_ Samuel A. Gilmore. Daniel Heine, zsq., Oat. T. B. ileeright. John Fuller, Bog 0 B. - Boyle, Req., Wm. H. Pleyford, Seq. , tad ethers.] Saturday, September 26. Kutztown, Berke county. Monongahela City, Washington county. Perryopolis, Payette county. Pleasant Grove. Washington county. Monday, September 28. Stroudsburg, Monroe county. [To be addressed by Thos. 3. Mlles, Hon. W. A. Porter, and others.] Tuesday, September 29. M'ddleburr. Snyder county, [To be addressed by Hon. Wm. H. Miller_] Wednesday, September 30. Uniontown, layette county. Thursday, October 1, ColihrooN Mflls , Washington enmity. Friday, October 2. Saltlick township, Payette county. Saturday, October 3. Plough Tavern, Berke county. Gant's School Reuse, Payette county. Prosperity, Washington county. Ximbleville, Chester county. Thursday. October 8. Carlisle, Cumberland county. (A grand rally, to be ad- • elr-seed by distinguished speakers.] llownixigtown. Chester County, Friday, October 9. Springfield, Payette county. Saturday, October 10. Yellow Tavern, Beiks county- Dawoon's Station, Payette county. Hatboro; Montgomery county. Monday, October 12. Reading, Berko county. Proystown, York county. [Keening.] The Democratic Ticket. We la ave only time and space to-day to say that the county ticket nominated yesterday by the Democratic County Convention meets with general approbation. We gather this from what conversations with different persona we have had since the nomination. Not only are the Democracy pleased, but the excellence of the _selections is acknowledged by many of our po litical adversaries. We Shall express oar sen timents. more fully and freely to-morrow, and in the meantime we bespeaklor the ticket the good will and active services of even' man wi 0 desires to. Telieve the country from Abolition misrule. The Mate Teroata—Great Damage to the Crops In MEI WOK and Northwest. Through Indiana, tilinois, Michigan, Wis consin, lowa 'and Minnesota the damage done by the late frosts is incalculable. It is esti mated that in Illitrali and Wisconsin the corn crop has suffered on an average, fully 20 per , cent ; in some sections the destruction, mounts to half the crop. In all the States mentioned the loathes been heavy—but Illinois seems to have. - suffered more than any other State. The sorghum _crop will prove an almost .entire far. use, while beans, tobacco, sweet and. tot.eUci tatoos, fruit, &0.. have suffered severely. The ,free cotton, of which, says a letter from Cham paign county, Illinois, thousands of dollars worth of seed has been sold, " warranted to stand the climate," is gone beyond any hope of ever saving the roots. To make things still worse an unprecedented dread' afflicts that whole region. A New' Curtin Organ—Somethlug for ft to do We have received the first number * a new paper—" The Pittsburg Daily Commercial"--ap parently established in the interest of Gov. Curtin, in opposition to the Gazette, and in tended as an antidote to the virus which the latter paper has BO plentifully ejected against His Excellency. As the new paper—the western organ, we presume we may call it without offense—seems to Consider Gov. Curtin a very innocent and a greatly injured man, a patriot, a etatcomen, and a gentleman of the strictest integrity in his of ficial capacity ; we think it not amiss to call its attention to the following article, copied from the Pittsburg - Gazette, July =, in order that if injustice has been done the Governor by that journal, (a Black Republican paper of the deep est dye and highest character,) its allegations may be dieproved, or such explanations given as will relieve His Excellency from a portion of the guilt which is charged against him, and which, otherwise, he must justly bear_ Webelieve the Gazette has not overstepped the bounds of truth—we believe its statements are drawn fairly from . the record and that every thing charged is true. If this be so, we ask the Deity .Commercial, Is this man worthy the up. port of an honest people—is he fit to fill the Gubernatorial Chair of this great Common wealth 2 If the charges are not true, it will ba ese y foe the Croonnweill/ to disprove them, That task we now impose upon it. We do not intend to let it escape—as it imagines it can— from the performance of this task by any de titration on its part of disbelief in the authen ticity of the article to which we call its atten tion. The Gazette will not, propsbly, 1, avow the authorehip," but it will not deny it ; and to remove all doubts, if any exist, from the mind of the Commercial, we assure it that it will find the article, verbatim as we have quoted it, in the Gazette of the following date ; 'From the l'ittsturg. Gazette, Wednesday, July 22 j THE GOVERNOR AND THE TONNAGE TAX. —We have already treated our readers to a curious chapter in the history of the administration of public atiairepf this State under the auspi ces of Governor Curtin. Whether it was cal culated to recommend him for a second term they will be able to judge for themselves. But there was another act more damaging by tar, and that was hie signature of the infa mous bill to repeal the Tonnage Tax. He knew and confessed that it was atrociously wrong. He could not but know that it was procured—as has been since shown by the re port of a Committee of the House-.-by corrupt and illegal influences. He was solemnly ad monished, as was the Legislature, that it would be ruinous to the party and himself, and that the men (Who -voted.for it—outside of Philadel phie—wonld be left at home by their constitu ents. He admitted the probable consequences, as to the party and himself, and was solemnly and repeatedly pledged to refuse his assent. He signed it with indecent hatite, during a re cees of the Legislature, under the pressure of his principal counsellors, ThOmas A. Scott and A. K. MiClure, in opposition to the remon strances-of his Attorney General (the Hon. S. A..Purviance, now of this city,) and his Secre tary of State, andifter having given to those gentlemen the most positive assurances that it should be vetoed. He signed it, too, immedi ately after these assurances were given, with out the knowledge of the former gentleman, who was his constitutional adviser, and upon a private meriting, made by Thomas A. Scott, for the company, to pay the sum of $75,000 per annum into the Treasury, which agreement he concealed from the people, and afterwards ourrendered to the company, with. out even preserving a copy of it. When in terrogated at the next session upon this point, he admitted the Tact .of the agreement and its surrender, and excused his conduct on the ground that the company was actually paying more than that amount in taxes to the State already, and that.ef course it was of no further value to the people. The record showed that .they had net .been _pay* the half of