gaming filmhines. GROVEB 85 BAK'EB’S CELEBRATE!) NOISELESS ' FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING I SEWING MACHINES! $4O AND UPWARD s. PRICES ESTABLISHED FOR SEVEN YEAS THE GROVER B'. BAKER SEWING MACHINE Makes the only seam formed by 8. Sewing Machine, in which each stitch in inflependenlly locked and without dependence upon the other stitches for strength, and the only mum that will admit of the threadbaing cut fit every fourth stitch without injury to the new in wear. THE GROVER Br. BAKER SEWING MACHINE In adapted to all varieties of fabrics, sewing equally well the finest Swiss muslin or the heaviest cloth or leather, and requiring no adjustment for any kind of lowing other than the adaptation of needles and thread. THE GROVER &. BAKER SEWING MACHINE San from ordinary spools without rewinding, and fastens in own seams. thereby sawing time use. thread- It will now common spool cotton, silk and linen thread, with equal kcility. ' THE GBOVER Si BAKER SEWING MACHINE I.- no simple that an intelligent child of ten years cu: readily learn to opente it. It is more easily kept in mar that my other machine, and need not be taken syn-t to be oiled. IHE GROVE'B. 63 BAKER. SEWING MACHINE lake. the only stitch that unnot be injured by washing and ironihg, and the only Ititch that forms in elastic and durable seam. ram-m lint together by this Ititch, may nu- out and drop to places from original wakneu .or In“! uuge, but come apart or give away at the gem they cannot; they will hold. together when the cloth 0:- calico around them hung: in mg: or utters. ;, CHL‘IONEI a WALTER, General Agents, 18 rim: «flit, mulling. ' llr. JAMES B. “BIBLE. Fourth sud Muket streets, Agut for Humming, where the Machines may at .1 times be soon in operation. - QU’SEND FOR A CIRCULARJ‘E “M 11! 1 gotets. UNITED STATES HOTEL”, 30min! cons: or 11:11 An yum mums. ADJOINING THE PENNSYLVANIA BAIL , _ ROAD DEPOT, ‘ ~ :E-nm ADELPEIA— the Maui ed multilregfiecttuily‘infoym thßFublio ms ’5O am #3» up aws Hotel; remedy you, u “ THE MANSION HOUSE," which he has mind an novly furnished throughqnt. _ The Robina a're spacious and commodious, and furnished 1:“: every convenience to be found infing belt Hotell‘ in t eei . ,-". :9" ‘ ,! 7; ,f Thet‘y‘UN mm) 8'! AT BS” is admirably located for the wuvtgiepee of trainees, being under tl'le suns routwith the Eqnnsylj'min. mm Depot, and thus suing both highfhirosndportemgo nf_ 1313333433.}{0 ptins yin.“ lpll'Odto render the 5‘ NITED STATES? splemnt ma Wk residencb' to all who may furor it with their patronage. Charges moderata. ~ _:- «mama, H. W. KANAGA. Prowl-mun, BUEHLER’ «59.053, 2.1 An K'E ‘T so UAR. E, . HARRISBURG, P 4. .. GEO. J. BOLTON, Pnom‘uon cAnn. he then well known and long Jeafiabliished _gotql‘u . no! undergoing n tum-Img]: mnonfion, _nnd hing in a grant degree newly furnished, unfler thg pmprietorship of Mt. Gnomes L'Bonrox, ivho has Been an imaging! the house for the last three years, and is well known to it: g‘uiesta. _' _ . . . 'anl for film limit] patronage yhiqh it has en jé‘ygd, I 'cheerfnfly commend Mr. Boltpn to the public hidr. ' jefl-dkwy _ WILLIAM BUEHLER. 311513 was. INSURANCE AGENCY THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, 4, _ ' or PHILADELPHIA. _ 'INGORPORATED 1835. < canal. AND ASSETS.... . . .. . . . . . . $904,907.51 TEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, {_ , on rmwnnpnu. ' IN_c on? OBATED 1794. CAPITAL m mm::.;..;........5ummm rye‘nnaersigned, as Agent‘for the above #9111210“ Gofipdgs, will make luminance against lons or (image by mI-eheither .perpetnally or . annually, 6: property in alum town or eduntry. - _ ‘ifi-ihé a‘na' Inlazid importatiop Risks also taken Fifiifiyéribfisllf or by letter to MEI «lea—dandy RO4O L AMATlON.—Whereas, the. Honorable Jon: 1 .PIIABSOH, President of the Court of Common flees in the, Twelfth Jndicielfiietzict, com aiding of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the non. A. 0. Exes-r“ and Hon. Fur: Nissan'lsuoei ate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their pre ocpthmring date 3139 10th day of Deeembt-r,1860, to 'me «lii-owl, for 1551111113 1 Com-t el’ Dyer and Termini Ind Genarel Jail Delivery and Quarter Session: of the Fence It Winn-g, for the county of Dauphin, end to can ‘_ , on Inn: 311 Monday of January, being the 21;: $2; 21mm, 1861, and to continue two weeks. ” pace is therefore hereby given- to the Coroner, Jus tieee of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said county 91 mph, that theybe then and there in their pro i‘pe‘ribns, at 10 o’clock in the forenobn of said day, unrem- muginquisifions, emmmetions,end their on «denounces, to do those things whichto their emu eppertalna to be done, and those who are bound in recognizance: to prosecute against the prisoners that are or Ihnll be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then end thereto prosecute against them 9.! shall be juut. _- Given undér my'hzuid at Harrisburg the 15th shy 0! December, in the year of our Lord. 1869,9411! 1.11 the eighty-third year of the independence of' the ‘pniteld Sheet. ' :- » e’: v ~ 1.1). 3015, Shem: V Sunnln’s cruel. », = ._ . a Harrisburg. December 15.-1860.; - (19184}ka Ne-OTIGE.—A”g' fiffil or m Humane, Bonfiom, Mn 3.0? vi -. 'u» gums-run RAILROAD 005, n .\ .7}. ._ ‘ . Ppnnnprnu. Dem, 8,1830; A - -. 7:119 cia'l meeting at the Stockhnlders of the H, R,- - ' _ x 39, PORTSMOUTH. MOUNT JOY AND LAW; 0 g]; RAILEUAD COMPANY will beheldon Thurs .. ' '.Z ”glint; at 11 o’clock, a. mum: Sunny: Skeet, Mfi‘ifinfih‘ street between Sixth and ngenth ntreats,) inn“ citypf phuulelphla, for the purpose ofpcgeptiug oilfifiéfinll 199'th for I.lmm; peg-manna: lease of men- r'dld t'o' the Penal??? 3*;th GWWY : o‘fthe o uecors, ‘ ’3! ‘3'?!" . v ”79 GEORGE run, a “!ng ” , . , V . Secretary. , .. ~vd‘___________———————__.__ STEWART 'B5 M’AEEE, REGTI’FYING,‘ DISTILLERS, mngnpsun mgugmns‘m : . i-BRAZNDIE'S',‘ iGIN’fi, WINES, scowm 3 first; ‘ bLD" BYE “ AND ‘Bomwozv , ,‘W.H,.I S‘K‘SLS, ;: 1'1)". 193" manxxlrg‘égrinnnr, 5:7: c1912] _H‘ARRISB Ina-1’1; [dam L? PHICKO RY WOOD! !-—A SUPERIOR 1,01: :9” just received, and for main nation to unit put; 3: t- , 11313.3(! MEEEL‘EB‘.‘ 2' “W?” ..K mm: ,wnnhtlyrqn hm‘gujhoz 1%" "3.",- L,- -. ‘ ~,..v_.”fl‘9w 53H ; fioflLESJJ.!—Ofi‘fiali‘.£iz9§ ' ‘ 'dOlGl'lPfimua “11-191019” . -- any; (Ei‘iujw ‘..“; a: _.«sMEvDOOKmetom uwiNflmONIflEB-RIINGL : lat-311i; § Just xgoolvod by,mmx é. 9m V .«L s- if . ‘ B’'. t. ' ' V" n,- DENTIS TRY. THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. neapectfully tenders his profebsional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET. OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. «92541ka 5.111 GILDEA 11.3. DR. 0. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCUL IST, RESIDENCE .'I‘HIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the tinting of profnulon‘in all its branches. . A LONG an van! suocnssrm. MEDICAL xnxnmxon Justiflas him in promising full and ample gstlsfaotion to all who may favor him with a. call, be the duoue Chronic or my other uncut-a. ‘ > mlB-dlkwly WILLIAM BUEHLEE Harrisburg, P 8 finsiuess «llama. W’ W . HAY s , ~ . A'I‘JTORJEY-AITkLA‘W. 0 FFI c E, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND Jr, THIRD ups] , ~ ~ mnnxsnuxo, n. V [‘ll, THEO. F. SGHEFFER, \ - BOOK. CARD AND JOB PRINTER, 52118 No. 18 Market Street. Harrisburg. PARKE-ILL, T m _ . 5110035303 I'o 11. S. L"! PLUMBER AND n-niAgisugigngß, 108 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG. BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, madeto order. Amati-n manufactured Load Ind Iron Pipes of .11 sizes. fink-tilts ofevery description mad» and repaired. not and GoldWater-flnathl Shower Baths, Water closets, Gluten Pumps, Lead canine and Lead work or every description done at the shortest notice: on the most reasonable terms. notary and Engine work 1:: general. All orders thank all]?l receive: end puctnaflly ottended to. ehighel rice ineae ivon for old 00 r. 31'8”, Land 11ml Speltgm 5 Pglxadfl‘ J o. MOL T z, o INGINEEE,MAOHINIST AND STEAM nm‘nn, No. 6, North Sim]: 817., between Walnut and Marlin, Harrisburg, Pa wn”: afoul-y descriptigp made and repaired. Brass Cook: of gums, Ind 3 large 'anuonmont of Ga: Fittings constantly on hand. ' , All work done in this pliabliahmont will be under his own film-vision, and wanted to give “Eduction. on . ‘ WM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Once corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUABI ~ (Wyoth’n,) loeond floor front. Intranoe on Market Square. n2l—lyd&_lr RELIGIOUS B OOK~STOR'E, TRACT IND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITOBY, E. S. , GERMAN, _ 21 SOUTH SECOND STREETLABOYI ommwr,‘ Human-li, rm Depot fol-tho me of steuoaeo ' ,stereoseppleVlewl, Music and Musical Installing“ Also, subscription taken for religiouptjlblieptlona’. ‘ . noao-dy FRANKLIN HOUSE, BALIIM‘OBI, MD. ' This pleasant uni oommodioisflotol' In: heen tho roughly ro-fittadrsnd xs-tlhed. It 1! Family shunted on North-Wat col-nai'of, Eon“! In _zl'nnklin streets, g few doors yeat of the. Northefn' Céhtnl Rail vny‘Dlpota Iveryithnflonmdd to the comfort of his gnu“. -21 ‘ , , I .- . Gr. LEISENEING, Proprietor, jun-ti. '? 2;; V , Ham of Selina Grove, Pa.) Lißauk.‘ fivplimtinns. A N K‘ N 0 T I G E.——‘Notxce 1s hereby shoe, that the “dengue! have formed u“: Adso— elation, and prepared and executed a Certificate, for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provisions of the not entitled “An act to establish; system of Free Banking'in Pennsyl vania, and to secure the public ogaihst loss from Insol vent Beaks," approved the 3lat lily of March, A. D. 1860, mid Bank to be called THE DOWNINGTUWN BANK, to be located In Downingtown, to consist of a Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in ammo: Flfty'Dol let: each, with the privilege of increasing _the some to any amount not exceeding in: all Three Hundred Thom sandDollere. ‘ 3 1., 'p Ohm-13a Downing, 1 "David_ ‘sfielmira; ’_ " John Webster, , ' Williamlnogeis, . ; William 33159: J' . K. Eshelmani Richard 1).~Welln, Samuel Bingmflt,’ J . P. flush, Stephén Bldtchfvid. .Septembar‘fi, 1850.—Bep1 «lam \ - BA NK NO T I C E.-—"Notlce : ~13 hereby given that an As'soci’atiou hai been formed mm a. certificate prepared for the put as of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Definite nnder’the pruvi along of the not entitled “An act to establtsh a system of Free Banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pub lic ngains‘tlbss‘from Insolvent Banks,"appruved the3lat day of Marchfi‘lflfio. The said Bank to be called “ The» Bethlehemißank,” and to be located in thn borough of Bethlehem, in the county of Northampton, with a Gapi— tnl Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty .Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the mid Stock to Two Hundred Thousand‘Dollnx-s. .nu2sLdßm B A N K N Q T I GE‘TN 01510313 hereby given, that an association has been formed and a certificate prepared, .for the purpose of establishing x.‘ Bank of issue, discount end deposit, under-the provisions ' of the not, entitled “An Actto establish a. system of free bankinfililn'Pennsylva-nio? andto secure the pnblio Against loss by solvent banks, ‘ approved the thirty-first day of Moi-eh, 1860. The said-Bonk to be called the "FREE BANK,” end~to be located in .the citypf Philadelphil, end to consist of a capital stock of ORE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS; in shares of fifty dollars etch; with the privilege of increasing the some to any unonn not exceeding in all one million of dollars. ij—dGm XTENSION OF BANK CHARTER Notice is Hereby given that ‘I The Farmers" ma Mechanics’ Bank of Eaton,” a. Ban]; etDieeqnnt and Depuaite,'loca.ted‘.in the boroughof Beaten, Northamp ton county, Pennsylvenlehhavlng a capital of Four Hun dred Thousand Dollars, w! epply to the nextLeglsleture of Pennsylvania for a. renewal of its charter for fifteen yen-s, from the expiration of its present charter, with ih present capital stock, powers and privileges, and without any duration in or increase of the same. P’.‘ 8; MIOHLEB, President. M'E. FORMAN, Cashier. je3o—d6m BA N K NQT I C'E.—Notlce ls hereby; given that an lssoclation has been fox-riled and‘ a" Certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing I Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits, under the provi sions of the not entitled. “,An act to establish a. system‘ of free bankingin Pennsylvania, and to secure the'publib against loss from insolvent banks,” approved the 318 t day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the “ State Bank,” and to be located in'the city of Philadel phia, and to consist of a. Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollm, in shares of Fiftypolldri each, With fiho prifi: lege of increasing the some to “ferment“; “Mtg in'ell'Ona Mifiion of Dollars. ' ‘ je29-dBm9‘ for Sale 86 En Rent. FOB. BEN T—FBOM THE Ems-r DAY OF APRIL mum—A U-mm'wdi ous Two—Story DWELLING HQUSE, en Second street,,bslow Pine ) with wide Hall, large'Bap Build 115, MarbleqMantels in Palm-l, Gas In six rooms, all the rooml just palpated and pointed. The» second story divided into seven rooms. one of which is 5 Both. Thh, in connection with the fact that the house has Just been placed in' the moat thorough'repair, makes it one of the most desirable houses inthe city. Enquire of _ E. M.~ BULLOCK, ‘ Market Square; Hm-nnubrg. Also, several SMALL HOUSES for rent, deli-dtf OR B, ENT—From the first of ‘A pril next, the STORE ROOM now occupied by Simuel E. 2011 nger, No. 65 Market street. For terms applv to del]. dlm JOHN B. THOMPSON. ‘ 03‘ S A L E—A Light Spring One- Home WAGON. Apply “Patterson’s Store, Broad street, West Harrisburg. » 7", , ocSl-dtf NOTIGEvTo. SPEOULATORS! VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR. SALE !' A number of large size BUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Round House and Work Shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, ,will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to ' an29-dfin‘l JOHN W . HALL. U L s T‘E'R 1 ‘N G. C. F. VOLLMEE .. In tofio ill kindl of' work in 113 g ; . UPHOLSTERING B USINESS. Pays particular attention to MAKING AND PUTTING DOWN CARPETS. MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TRASSES, REPAIRING FURNITURE,_&O., fine. ‘He can be round IT; all times “his residence; latheiteu of the William Tell noun, comer of Raspberry sud Blmk berry alleys. 7 . , up“: MESSRS. GHIOKERIN-G 85 GO.‘ HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE * 1 GoLDVMaEDAL!‘ ‘ u mm: 1 MECHANICS’ FAIR, BOSTON, ' ‘ nun 'flll rucnnmo Inn, . . , _ 0 Wm _ .51ng .OQJ’IPEIz'I: T 912511 waga;éfz§£.tnaoiizcme PMQA‘p-ifismqg ‘wégwafh'fkmma mango“ “'mmmg‘mnnm filigtellaueous. 1'33 Altai-Quinn»! or LmGUAns.—Them is a. growing tendency in this age to emu-optima 9|" moat autumn words of other langulgel, and liter I while to imam crate them into our own ; thus the word Cephalic, which in' from the Greek, signifying “for the head," in now becom ing poyulan’zed u: cfinnection with Mr. Spalmng'a great Headache remedy, but it will soon be mad in a more gen eral way, and the word 09pm“: will bwome up common as Electratype and many omm 5 whose distinction u for. sign words has been worn away by tommon usage until they seem “native a to the manor born.” ’araly Realized. Hi ’ad ‘1: ’crrible ’eadache this hummoon, hand I stepped into the hnpcthecnries hand says hi to the man, ‘ ‘Can you home me of an ’eadache?” “Does it hache ’srd,” says ’3. “Hexccadingly,” say: hi, hmd upon that ’0 gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand ’pon me ’onor fl cured we a? quick that I 7; nily remind 1 mu 'm an ’eadmhn. V 31TH: moss: is the favorite sign by [which nature makes known sny deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain. and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a suleguard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be reme- ‘ died; and it! indications should never be neglect-d. Head . aches may he cia=silied under two names, viz : Symptom” tie and [diopathi-z. Bymptomutip 'leadsche is ex wadingiy common end a the precursor of a. great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting sick headache, of he patic disease sonstilut‘ng m‘lz‘ous headache, oi worms, constipation on other disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine alfections. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with Headaches; Ar. emit. and pletzoro are slso afl'ections which frequently occasion hesdac he.— loionuthiu Headsehe is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name ofnsvvou: headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state of apparently sound health and pros mating at once the mental end physical energies, and in other instanses it comes on slowly, heralded by de pression of spirits or merhity of temper. ‘ In most instm 1 cos the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; under this class may also be nomad Neuralgm. , For the trestmeut of either class of Headache the Ge phnlie Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relie ving the most acute pain in few minutes, sud‘oy its subtle power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the anon-lug index. Emmott—llium wants you to solid her a box of Oop lnlie Glue, no, a. bottle of Pra'fiued Pith—th I’m think ing than not jut in neither; at perhaps ya’ll be mthar knowing whet it is. Ye see she'n nigh deed and gone with the 816 K Keadmhe, sud wants some more or that game a: telnived her heron. ' Druggist —Von must mean Spalding’n Cephalic Pills. Bridget—Och! sure now and you’ve sad it. here’s the (gist-ther and glv me the Bills and dont be all day about it I 1 9!. , . - Constipation or Cos'tiveness. No one of the “manv'illn flesh in hair to” iaso prevalent, no little understood, Ind so much neglected in Cp~tivenerm Often origin-ting in careleuneaa'orsedentnty habits; it is regarded an n alight disorder or two little consequence to excite amid}, while in reality it .‘I the BMW: And oompnnion of many of the moat fetal lug tungsten: dil euo‘; and union; early endicntedrit will bring the anflerer to an untimel: ggfle. Among the lighter evil: of which conivenu: in the usual attendant no HudnzherColie, Rheum-mm, Foul Brenth, Piles at] other: of] he nature. whilu a lung tram of_ f:- sh'hil dimes such M Malignant Devon, Augean, Duentery, Dial-hm Dyspemin, Apn plexy, Epilepuy, Paralysis, Hysteria, hypochondtluia, Melancholy ud Inunity, first ’ “ ‘ " ' in the system by _ihin alarming ' the diseases named ofiginlle nn independéntexistence mi an early stage. From all th wit the disorder should reeef ever it oconn and Imperial of Gepnglla Pills on th first as their tune], use wili expel disease and destroy this ding! A Real Physician—Well, Mfg: JOnes, h'ow' I'd that headache '! Mrs Jones— Gone ! Doctor. in gone! Ih‘s pill you sent cured-ha in just twenty minutes. and I ‘wiah yo I would send more _ao that I can have Ihem handy. ' . " $3?- " ‘ Physiciau.—You can get them at any Dru; far Cephalic Pills, I find thef‘heyer flail, am' ‘ them in‘all cases of Headache ‘ = ' *3; is; Mrs-Jones —-l umph len: fot.a.'.box'li tell an my Mating 11.191:qu $.90: tugs Twmv “muons or Donmsj'! " {775* .l' : '. > ' :4 has sold two million; of bottles ~lf."|ill‘eo!gpl:at9§ If? 5 Glue am in is estimated that eaglfiwmfflven an 4,, ,‘i dollars worth of broken furnitdiogfihui'tdaklng a 7' _"_"- 7 gate of tw-nty millions 0" mm: molaimed t'romjtg‘al lots, 5] this Vila-4b).: invention Ei'vlng made hiqu‘l I 9‘, household word, he now proposes to do the, woi'ltratilf‘ greater aervlcehy curing all the aching hea‘ I with his GophnlioPills. and if they are as gond as his Glue, 'Héul: aches will soon vanish away like snowiin Jilly: . , - F 0733 axon-Bataan, an i the mentolgéuro-gnd anxiety incident to the close attention to bonineupnnludy, are. among the numeroni causes or Nervous Headache. , The disordered state of mind and body incident. to ghisdi-tress ing csmplaint is a. fatal blow to all energy enql;emb;tltgn all-levers by tnis'disorderpnn always'ohlaio'epuedy rel~ef from these distressinz attacks by using one or the Cephalic Pills Whenever the symptoms appear.. It 'qnietl the over tuked bt‘aln and soothes the strained and'jn'ring nerves, and relaxes {he tension at the stomach whieh always at. Solopenien and emanates the disordered addition of the ram. . . . Inc! wonia momma—,Spalding’a Cephalic Pills are a. certain cure for Sick Esadmhe', Biliou ‘llaaddcne, Nervous Headache, Continues: and Qeaenl nobility. - . -31 f Gnu? lineman—Among the moat important of all the great medical $ll3 awed“ of filth age may he gymflfifid' the eeatam of vaccination 'for‘nroteotion [roln 381 nm 1303, the Cephalic Pill for relief 0: Headache. and”flie “38‘0“ Quinina for the prevention of'Fevers. eithe: ofvwhi‘qlgdgr a enre‘specitlo', whose benefits will be experieneodfby mt; foiing Immunity long otter their discoverer: m‘ ragga}? fljflnn {on ever have the flick Heuflmhel' Do-yo’m remember 1: e throbbing temples, the favored brim, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food? ,How totally nnflt you were -nr pleasure, conversation or ntndy. One of the _Uephnhc Pius won“ I: we relieved you from ell tbs suflering which you then experienced , For this and other purposes you ehonldystys have a box of them on hand. to use as occasion requu'u. ‘ , §%1§%1 oc§gmacsg Nervougllli‘eétdache d’lkinds‘fi v Hgaflaxehe, By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of N". uoua 0,7 Sick Headachc‘mq be prevented; “a if taken :1; the commencement of an attack immedists relief from pain and sickness will be obtained; The] seldom fail in removing the'Nmma “a Head ache to which females ere so subject. - They set um I: on -' ‘ m”. g y p the bowels, removmg cam“ For Literary Men, Students, Delicato Féma‘len’ and all persons of sedentary habits, they 8&9 v,“ M “ Laxative, improving :hé appeh'k, shins £97" and vigor tothe digestive organs, and restoring the natuul Gin-sticky and strength of the whole system. The ORPHALIO PILLS are the result of long inventi getloh and carefully conducted experiments, having been main many years, during which time the, have mounted end relieved I net emount of piln and “fibrin; from Heedmho, whether otigimflng in the nervous ”as“. 9, from t demged mm of the stomach. They,uqelli”l’ yegottblo'ln their composition, and my be “ken It all tunes with pal-taut urety Without m.” him In! my of diet, my! tin Mun“ qfany dull "and”! mm and": if may to admtm'mr them to EWm-i ' ' ' ' I ”#B::qu qr goymnnrnfls ' ‘ no In lush-turd: of K . ouch box. - on" 0. Wilding on Sold by mug-u}!!! ull ofllu- apnea in "adieu... A Box will be in“ by‘liuil would on ”nip: of m. ‘ ERICK; {QWERTY-FIVE CENTS. . 3 : mofioufiouuuum-udu ‘ ..' “Elfiitfir QPAFPING, 491 m» Inuit. HEW roux. non-ab"; ' ‘ ‘ _',' f, n n: .' ’: ‘.‘. .*: . 7 E lEZ ELI): fluilzt. THE ONLY DISCOVERY " WORTHY or my commune]; FOR RESTORING THEBALD A'NDGRAY. 11.3-an since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not. only to imitate his restorative but pro fess to have discovered something that would produce results identlcal; but they have all come and gone, be ing earned own): by the wonderful results of Professor ,Wood-s preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to its reslstless sway. Read the following: _ Barn, Maine, April 18, 1859. Prior. 0. i. WOOD 85 00.: Gents :—l‘he letter I wrote you in 1856 concerning your valuable Hair Restorative, and which you have publlflhed in this vicinity end else where, has glven rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts in the case. The enquiries are, first is it a fact of my habitatlon and name, as stated in the com- 1 municatlon; second, is it true of all‘therein contained- ' 1 third. does my hair still continue to be in good order and of natural color? To all I can and do answerinvariably . you. My hair is even better than in any stage of my life i ' for 40 years pact, more soft,‘thrifty, and better colored; the same is true of my whiskers, and the only cause why it is not generally true, is that the substance is washed of by frequent ablution of the face, when if care were used by unplug the face in close connection with the whiskers, _the same result will follow as the hair. I have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all parts of New England asking me if my hair still confirm“ to be good; as there is so much [mud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt, been basely imitated, and been used, not only without any good ell‘ect, but to absolute injury. I have not used any of your Restorative of any account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with surprise, asl am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my face; and to prove this fact, I send you a lock of my hair tlkeu ofl‘ the past week. I received your favor of two quart bottles last summer, for which I am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try it; many were skeptical until after trial, and then purchased and used it with universal success. I will ask as a favor, that you send me a test by which I can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without authority from you. A pure article will . insure success, and I believe where 399%! 9590‘! do 1.1““ follow, the failure is causedjly the impure article, which curses the inventor of the good. I deem it my duty, as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued effect on my hair, as I assure all who enquire of me of my un shaken Opinion of its valuable results. I remain, that sits, yours, A. C . RAYMOND. ' 1 Aluouls Bull, Ky., Nov. 30, 1858. Prev. 0. J. Woon: Dear Sir :—I would certainly be doing you a great injustice not to make known to the world, the Wonderful as well as the unexpected result I have experienced from using on: bottle of your Heir Restorative. After using every kind of Restoratives extent, but without success and finding my head nearly deptitute or hair, {was finally induced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. Now, candor and justice compel me to announce to‘whoever may read this, that I now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the original was. I will therefore take occasion to recommend this in valuable remedy to ALL who may feel the necessity of it. Respectfully yours, REV. S. ALLEN BROOK. . 12, s -—Tll.l! testimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) Is unsolicited; but if you think it worthy of a place among the rest, insert if you wish i .if not destroy and say nothing. ~ Yours, Jno., REV. S. A. B. Depot 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. . , - . O. J . WOOD & 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Enlist Street, St. Mull, MO- - And sold by all good Druggists and Funny Goods Dealers. nolT-d&w3m HANDSOME WOMEN. I‘o THE LADIES; ‘ . ; HUNT-‘8 “BLOOM 0F ROSES ” a rich and delucete : color for the cheeks and lips, W‘ILL NOT WASH on BUB OFF,'Lnd when once cpplied remains durable for years. mnlled free in bottles for $l.OO. . : _ ‘ HUNT’S “COURT TOILET POWDER,” ungarts at duzlin whiteness to the complexion, and is nnh e any thing (gee used for this purpose,~me.iled free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “BRITISH BALM,” removes ten freeing; sunburn end all eruptions of the Inn, mailed free for 7, cents. ‘ - , ‘ ' ‘ 'HUNT'S “IMPERIAL POM _AEJE," for the heir, strengthens and improves its grow h, keeps it from full ing of, and warranted T 0 MAKE-“THE HAIR QURL, mailed free for $l.OO. . , HUNT’S “ PEARL‘BEAU’SIEIEB," for the teeth and* gums, ’elennles and whitens the tsethhhnrdens the gum, purifies the breath efieetually, PB. BERV ES THE ENE-fawn PBEVENTS TOOTH-ACRE 'meiled free or . . -' HUNT’S “ BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME,” edouhle fits-get of orange blossoms and cologne, mailed free for Thin exquisite perfume wen first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL OF ENGLAND .oxi her, marriage. _fiESSRS. HU'NT in 00. presented'th-e mmonss with an elegant ease of Perfumery (in whlehlell of,-.the above articles were included) in handsome Gut glass with gold stoppers, valued ahSIBOO, partieulers of 'ivhieh appeared in\the {111431.qu film}, .‘élé‘thefiyenrticles sent FREE by ex .‘llteklfle 1.09:2 esh- =_.d_i_;ther‘e.ccompeny the order winner; We.” 'j renlxfit‘omdelivery of goods. ’ LIES .3. _s3l' . A . , n _HUNTkOOn , 3‘ 'F“ ' ' Perfume" to the Queen, ‘ 1 Rimmi- Srnenr, Lennon, Ann 3101 Susoulrnnn, ’_e The Trade supplied. ' ‘ PEILADELPKIA. _H sepi-dly ‘ ($0 fiuustkcepets; (’ Ere ' . .><,§%%:vmii*ev /§gficox~romvf®& 2. Y maid? _ ,Di‘ispmttélhfi % 3‘ U3l “save the ‘Piecbs 1":- 9:. I As accidents will happen oven in well-regulatedfamip lies, it is vex-[desirable to have some cheap“ and conve nient we, for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crookes-y, he. ~ ; SPALDING’S. PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, end no household an effort! to be within!“ it. It is always ready and fipto the stick :gingfipelnt, Though no longer e necessity for limping iefielrpguspiintered veneers, headless dolls, end broken fogeiieer- It‘isjust the afticlefor cone, shell, and other {ogmtel work, so populer with ledlel unrefinen'aeut v!“ “3139!. l , - '- « 1 % ' -"l.‘hié",e¢wiresle prepmflvn is'used eoidi beifig chem; cellfl helfl‘ipdeolurfion‘, efidggeseeeing 3.1 «the valuable qu‘e ‘tle‘s‘of'fhe beet cabine -ulekers’ Glue. It may be used in the Spl'eee 'of ordlnery mucil'ege, being vastly malfeedheeive. . .. ~ . > ._ » ~, ;, - ' 1 ‘ “113 mm. INA EVERY nbugn ” " N. 3.—A Bmh nccompsniea‘ each booth. 'Pntcc, 26 cant-n. . WHOLIBALI Duo-t, No. 48 can“ 313:",wa You: Address HENBYO. BPALDING k. 00., Box N 9. 8,600. New York . Put up for Dollars in "Cases containing lo‘ur, night Ind Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithograph: Shaman-(i sucompsnfing each gnome. ‘ - {F A single b 0 tle 9f SPALDING’B PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to even-y household _Ffi Sold by s 1 prominent Ststionersmrngglsts‘ Hui-drum usd. Furniture Dealers, Grocers. and lune 3. ores. Country merchants should nuke I noge of SPAM)- ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. ‘ . , . fehl4-dkwly . ' . ‘ , V 0 T I C E .—The undersxgned having 1 opened.“ English Ind Olmlul School for Boy: in the Lecture' Room of what WM formerly culled tho “ United Brethren Church" on Front, between Wllnut Ind Loan-t sex-02ft, ll prepmd to receive pupil: uni mm“: them In the bunch“ mull: tonight in school: of that Meter. The number of puplll h limited to twentypflve. For informstlon with “El-Yd ‘0 toms, m., amply-to Rev. Mr. Romano“ Am! B". Mr. CAI-Ina. or personally to [ooZb-dtfl.‘ , ~ ? Hugh 3. Imm. 0 0 or E R’s GEMTIEEkfi-Tlie; be“ 4322‘.“ “" W°"“'..'f"‘°i'wnf';i‘éa¥s‘m KELLER’BDRUG:STQRELWIP'PMG Alebical. AN aperlent and Btomachlc preparation of IRON purl fled of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in HydeeP- Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authoritieshbmh in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pra paratiou of Iron can he command with it. impurities}! the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and othervnse sickly complexions, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. , Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been trial: it has proved absolume curative in each of the following complaints, viz: In Dssmrr, Nsnvous Arno-none, EHAOIA'HOII, Dl3- rsrsu, CONSTIPATION, Dunnuma, Drssnrnnr, marries-r Consumms. nanometre Twasacvnoms. SaL-r liaison, Mlsnssranarxos,Wuu-ss,Osnoaosts. lesaoonrnamrs, Genome Hsamouss, Rssmwl'lsn, Insurances-nuns, Pmrnls on was Fans, to. In cases of Gauss“. Dnsm-rr, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no damfiptmn (ax-written attestation would render credible . Invalids so long bedridden as to have become forgot-ten In their own neighborhoods, have suddenly rmappesrcd mthe busy world as if just returned from protracted _travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Sufl‘erers, emaciated victims of apparent malasmus ssnguineoua exhausn‘on, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to all: “g egg-cine for which the physician has no name. In NERYUUB Armor-lons of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for. unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonle,-without being exciting .snd overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costiveness, without ever being a gastric phrgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is is latter property, among others, which makes it so remarkably eti'eetunl and permanent a remedyfor Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific notion. by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Drsrsrsxafinnumerableas are itscauses, a single box of these Ghaiybeste Pills has often sufliced for the most habitual cases, including the attendant Costimncss. 1n unchecked mammal, even when Advanced to Dress rear, confirmed, smaciatlng, and apparently malignant the efl'ects have been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and rennttent hectic, which generally indicate In otr-rfigsrdOOngui'l-yign, this ism“, has alloyed the alarm 0 en aan p eiana, several ver rah‘f and interesting instances. ' I g yin; In Eosorumus Taanaunhosls, this medicated iron has had far more than the good efl‘ect of the most cautiously balanced prepnratinna of iodine, without any of their. well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confidently invited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly at. fectinggthem. It: "aims-Isis, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latter, however, more decidedly—inns been invariably well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swel laugl and stillness of thejoinis and muscles. In Iguana-rm Ravens it must necessarily to a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress ‘in the ‘ new settlements of the West,.wlll probably be one or high ‘ renown and usefulness. * ’ No remedyhu ever been discovereql in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, herpy, sud fully restorative effects. Good sppelim, comp eta digestion, rapid ucqnisition of strength, with en unusual disposition for active end cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. But up in meat flat metal boxes containing 60 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by druggists Ind dealers. Will be gent free. to my ends-en on seeoipt of the price. All letters, orders, elm, should be addressed to B. B. LOOKE a; 00., General Agents. myZS-dkwly 20 Cadu- Streot, New York. A ~ 0) . ' y ' wgfiofi%mr .( \\ ’_"‘ { fiflfi gig/,3 A SUPERLATWE gomcmlun Img, .MVIWBATING CDHDIAI. 1:1'0 ' THE-7, ' CITIZENS OF NEW JERSEY AND, Aw»; .PENNSYLVANIA. I Q :lj’orfiih‘cmms. DBUGGIS'I‘S enocnns um :g‘.’ cf'éfitri? R IVA TE FAMI'L lE3. : 'fll‘onrm’s‘vune coausc BRANDY. fiwlrh's Pugh-mum“, SHERRY AND rem W'OLFE’S RURE JAMAICA AND ST. CROIX RUM. , WOLFE’S PURE SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKY. . ALL IN BOTTLES” I beg leave to call the attention ofthefitjzgee of the United States “the shgve WINES animations, im-. portedhy Unpnifno Wo‘LrE, o_f New'Yel-ls, whose name is familiar ih'eyery part of this country?“ the purity of his celebrated Scstsmx- Sonurs._' Mi. Wows, in his letter to _xhe,’sp'eaklng of‘th'e‘ purity of hieWmss and LIQUORS, says: “ I will stake my rebutetion as a. mu, my'stsnding as a. merchant of thirty ‘years’ resi dence in the City of New York, that all the films; and wines which I home are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser. ” Every bottle 11“ the propuetor’s name on the ‘wax, mid ame sim’ile of his signature on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and exemine'for themselves. For sale at Rluu. by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. V , ' v ‘ GEORGE E. ASHTON, . No. 832'Market street, Philfidelphil, _Sole Agent £4»- Philadelphia. 1 Bend the following from the New ork Courier : ‘ ‘ Enormous Busmsss son on New Yank Masons-r.— We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and. Liquors. as pure as imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant’s extensive _hnsrness, although it will well no pay any stranger or citizen to visit UDom-no Wonrl’s extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver street end Nos 11, 19 and 21, Marketfleld street. His stock oi” Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cnses—Vinmges of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Bum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, 855., in easks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. My. Wonfl’s sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less thnn'two years no may he equally successf with his handles and Wines, His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to My, WOLFE, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stul! from their shelves, and replace it with WoLra’s' pure Wines and mesons. We understand Mr. Wows. for the accommodation or small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a Inan,_nnd such a merchant, should be sustained against ins tens of thousands of op ponents in the United states, who sell nothing but imi totions, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For sale by 0. K. KELLER, Druggist, role agent for Harrisburg. sens-daswfim MANH 0 0 D , HOW LOST, EOWRESTORED. ' Just Published, at 1 Sealed Envelope A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CORE 0? _SPERMATOBRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debxlity, Nervuuenéee and Involuntuy Emissions, produemg Impownuy , Consumption um Mental end Physical Denility. BY ROB. J . OULVERWELL. M. D . The important fact that the awful consequences of self abnse may be elfecmally removed withontmternalmedicinee or the dangflfllfll applications of caution, instruments, medicated bflugles, and other empirical devices, in here clearly demonshted. and' the entirely new and highly nnuzeasfnl treatment, an adopted by the celebrated author, quy explained, by means of whinh every one is enablad to cnrehimeelf perfectly, and at the least posainle cost, them. by avoidiug nll the udvertierd nontrume or the day The Lecture will prove a boon to Wounds and thousands. sent under seal to any addresl, post paid, on the receipt of two uostnga stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. 0. KLINE’, 480 First Avenue, New York. Post Box 9,566,. IplQ-dkw‘l! ' HNAVAA ORA NGES x I 1 A prime lot just te’ceived by oc3o. 7’ ..WM. 13001:, Jn., 85 Go DRIED PARED PEACHES, Dried UNPARED PEACHES, Dried APPLES, Dried BLACKBEBBIES, just waived by 1 new}. WM. DOCK, .13., 3; co, ' ‘OY-BUOKS of an endless variety, for the unnamed: and instruction of our little oml,‘ . 30 PIER’B Bookworm ‘ - HUMPHREY’S * . HOMEOPA %1310310REMED. ' I “33.," u .: WWI Drusilla? ’- 91 mm: Etn’ut. SMOKE! 5311093 I, SMOKE’! 1 1.15 m“ ‘ AYERBfiISWS¥WifiOSE§Hmwd Luann: nomga-moavmy" ‘ , _ non . '..-noon. 1.., too. - ititbitat. Thx __,__.___ -s ___ _,,,,, n. , . , .. «ne scientific men, and the public generally, is mercifully. solicited to the merits of this chomive.‘ P‘epnratwn. wu minlng IRON, SULPHUR, AN D _I’HOQPHOBOUB, Ind which is identical in its composition With the Hanan}: Glabulc, or red blond. In all diseases accompanied with DEBIL 1 T Y , pale countenance and nervous derangement. analyse; of the blond show a deficiency of the :99 BEN”. Buddy complexion and a. rosy mm or the shin, is _alwsys indies, tive of health; while a. pale, wax-like skin and counte nance,—-whi ch evinces a. deficiency of the red globules,— accompanies adiseased organism. Preparations of IRON have been given for the purpose of supplying the red 31°. bules, but we contend that IBQN alone, SULPHUR alone, ‘ or PHOSPHOROUS alone. ml! {lo‘ me“ the deficiency in every case, but that s. Judleions combination ei‘ all these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This point, never before attained, hm been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, and its discovery ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the age. Its en‘ects in OONSUM 11 T I O N are to soften the cough, brnce the nerves, strengthen the a gem, allay the prostrsnng ngght sweats, increug the pgysiosl and mental snug, am: oh the ulnod by restoring the lacking red globuleS. increase this appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton fssme with flesh. The BL'OOD FOOD will be found a speclfic in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LpNGS, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough-h &.c P“b1"-" ,“Peakfl's and singers will find it of great utnhty in clean-mg and strengthening the vocal' organs. In Dyspepsm, Lwer Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralym, Sccofum. Gravel. 5:. Vi ms’ Dance. chr and 45146 «km, the easiencyismsrkm sud instantaneous. In no eisss of diseases, however, are the beneficial effects of this remedy so conspicuous ss in ‘ those harrsssing - ‘ FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to wards gonsumption, such as suppressed or dimcult Men struation, Green Sickness, Whites, due, es ecisll’ when hese complaints are aceompsniedwith palgnesa, ailing hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spirits, debillty, pavilpitation want of appetite, and nervous prostratlo'u. e have the utmost confidence in recommending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be conscious of a loss of vitality or energy; and to those whose mental or bodily powers are presented through sesauss, either of the mind or body, and we; deem it our duty to say that in all cases of Weakness and Emact'atzon, and in all diseases of the Kidneys or-Bladder, this preparation has I claim upon the attention of sufierers which cannot be over estimated. A faithful trial will be found the most eon vincing proof in regard to its eflieacy that could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have in its favor, we offer the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of the afilloted, knowiu that ltwillhe acknowledged as pre-emiuent over all other preparations, patent or oflicinal, in point of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy is founded, also certificates of remarkable cures, will be sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part of the United States or Canada! upon receipt of price—sl per bottle 85 for six bottles. Be careful u: all cases to'take none hut that having our fac—simile sigo nature upon the wrapper. None other ls genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH k. DUPONT, A 'No. ‘O9 Broadway, New _York, And sold by them, and by all respectable Drufi‘mts. For sale by O. A, BANNYABT, (L K. REL]. ‘ end D. W. GBOEB at 00A, Harrisburg. ' tenfi-wmikwh PURIFYHE BLOOD! MOFFAT’S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND. PHOENIX BITTERS. . The high and avid celebrity which these pMmi nent Medicine: hue acquired for their invalublo afl cacy in m the’ Duane: which the profess to cm, In: rendered the usual practice of pulling not only uncoop my, but unworthy of them.. . ' IN ALL GAMES Of Asthms. Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Ammon of .the Bladder and Kidneys. - ‘ , BILIOUS PEVEBS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, In the South and West, where these diseases prevail they will be found inuluables Planters farmers-end othershwho once use these Medicines, will never liter wu'ds e without them. ' BILIOUS CHOLIC SEROUS LOOBENESB PIDESJJOB TIVENESS, CbLDS AND (30091185 (51101110, CORRUPT RUMORS DROP lES. . ‘ A Drsssrsu.—No person with this distressing disease, should delay using these Medicines lm'mediste y. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelss, Flatulency. FEVER sun Acne-For this scourge or the Western country these Medicines will be found a nefoispaedymd certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a return of the disease; a cure by these medi cines is pei-zugmem.= , V Try them, Be satisfied, and be cured. Founssss or Connnxiox— - ' GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESB, GRAVEL, ' Heminches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflmmuturg Rheumatism, Impure Blood. Jaundjce, Lou of Appetite. Museum. DishAsks.—Nevér fails ha eradicate en. tirely all the effect of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Saraafnrilln. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBIL TY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS 0F ALLKINDS. ORGANIC - AFFECTIONS. Puma—The odgipal pnqpriemx- of these Medicine was cured of Piles 2 of thirty-live {ears’ standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines a one. ' OPAINS in the Head, Side, Beck, Limbs, Joints and rgans. Banana-mm—Those effected with this terrible dis ease, will be sure of relief by the Lite Medicines. linsh‘bf Blood to' the‘Head’, Scurvy, Belt 31mm Swelling. ,~ 2 . Senora“, orlium’s EVIL,in its worst forms. Ulcer of’ every description. ' ' ‘Wosuspf all kinds are efl'ectually expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whaliever their-existence is suspected. Relief will be ccr n.. 1 =.' .= 1. - < ‘ THE LIFE PILLS up; 793(me mums runny THE BLOOD, And thus remove ‘l] disease from the system. PREPARED AND SOLD 3! _ ~Dn. WILLIAM. B. MOFFA'I, 335 Brondway _comgr. of Anthony street, Now York. FRO! sale-13y all nguggiats. 51114141;wa iDuring, ALL ‘WORK PBOMISED IN ONvE WEEK! 336 E LDQDGES DYEHDESE: C“ V 111 ""1104. PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, \ 104'MARKE'1‘ srnnnr, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, HARRISBURG, PA., Where every demdption of Lulien’ and Gentleman’s Garments, Piece Goods, km, are Dyed, Cleaned, and finished in the best mmner and 0.1: the shortest notice. nos-Mlllll _, . DODGE 5:. 00.. Proprietors. 01mm; or mmromnmn CHARLES swnu'rs. ‘BALTIMORE, MD. The lan-gent, Mon Elegantly Furnished, end For!!!" Jommeroiel College in the United States. Dee 3110‘ "presely for Young Men desiring to obtain n Tnonouofl Pam-nan. Bnemnse Enuonlou in the ehorteet pollibl. time and at thetleut expense . ' A Large .and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, con taining upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with final“! or Pia-lumen", and a. Large Engraving the lines“! the kindever made in this country) represenglngthe Intern)! View of the College, with Cstelogue stating term! 8691 wilabe eent to Every Young Man on epplloetlonfilli or amen. . ‘ Write immedintely and you irill recalva the pnekal° by return mail. Address, ' , jisn2s4lly] ”if" R. Losmn. finn'nmul: us. JUST RECEIVED! . INK FOUNTAIN! ‘.INK FOUNTAIN! A very inggniouniattaohment to any metallic poll, by which 01:19 (In; oft ink is numclent to "(I?ch {ofiuc‘l’ I e. or In a a ’ p 51:9 . , scum-m 3 sniffmmrkot :t BITUMINOUS BROADTOP ~ GOAL for Blnchmitha! use. . A superior article for no.l. ”A 313; 825” ton of 12;; mutt: 21% $3881: to ‘ ' e _ u um “um“ ’P" human. wnuun. RI E D APPL ~ '- 1211331011105 Manby E 8 AN!) DR IE D 7 WM. noon, 1‘" ,9 co. Kaemgmsoammwe 21m FINE COfiggflnNTfi !‘ !_E xll R A “LEW?“ ...: ngfifipfirmmggggggg ' u'flll' ' ‘ WH.DOQK,J;_‘¢OO, KELLER’S DRUG STORE? the place. ”Human. wot rum. _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers