LOOAL NEWS. ...w—A_..———_ _ Tn Dmy Puma! AND Uxmx may be had at iack’a Book Store, earner of Third and Market ‘ tracts. . PArmor Ax» Knox—The DAILY Puma-r 11in than: can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. Flam. Humane Soclnwy.—‘—The regular monthly soiree “I the Harmonic Society will be held this evaning {n the Lecture Room of'the Baptist Church at 7-} a’cloek. Dnrm Hung, President. H. K. PARsoss, Secreury. _._. ‘ .._. _ Pmonn.—We learn that: Gov. Packer has 311130th John Leonard, formerly of Clearfield county, who was convicted in the Court of Centre county, in February, 1858, for passing counter-fen money. He had. been sentenced to seven and ahalf years imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary on :hrao indictments, and has served out nearly three years of his time. _——+ w-w... Smog the introduction of envelopes, the 011 m“ leaf of most letters and notes is useless and wasted. People generally, to avoid the appearance of meanness, use a whole sheet, when half a. one would answer every purpose. What is wanted to remedy the evil is, that paper manufacturers should manufacture letter and note paper in sub— stantial half sheets; also, a stamp might be put in the centre of the sheet, at the top, instead of on the corner es is now done, so as to distinguish it from the whole sheet. A MIIIM=: A Drum xx MARKE'r.—-Phillip Walter, the butcher, had a. tremendous big venison in market on Saturday morning. It was shot by a. son of his in Clem-field county. The meat was not on sale— merely hung up to tempt the appetite of the pub- Talking about bucks, a correspondent reminds us 111% the buck of the Capitol deserved a better 393:]: than he met with. He was lassoed, drawn 21p to the palings, and his throat cnt, whereas he might to have been shot, tyrant as he was. . SNOW.—WeII, we have heard the tintinnabulation 35 the bells, and we have seen the sleighs going it ~bn: it wee-only for a brief period. The snow looked very promising on Saturday morning, but exceedingly nnpromising before the day had passed. So far as the pavements were concerned, it. held its own; but in the street it soon i'esembled a mix ture of pep‘per and salt. The min of yesterday aanhtless pub the finish to anything like aleighing, either in the city or country. Frame. or was. Sure—The meeting of the Electoral College on Wednesday brought all the prominent Repulicen politicians in ~ the State to this city, and an efi‘ort was made to efi‘ect all ami cable division of the spoils . It did not work satis factorily, however, as the applicants were in ex cess of the ollices,and the consequence was that too many were applying for the-same post. It leaked out that Slifer, the present State Trea surer, is to he Secretasy of State under Curtin. We should have felt very much disposed to doubt this rumor, but it comes from such authority as to leave very little (louht of _its entire authenticity. Judge Wilmot, it is said, is to be Collector of Customs in Philadelphia. This will Cause a uni v'ersal howl in that city, as hundreds upon hun «lrecls' had made up their mind to take a snug birth in the marble palace. If Wilmot gets .the appoint ment, the entire Custom House will be in the hangs of our country cousins who vegetate in the intensely dark district of Bradford, Tioga and Susquehanna. Well, it will not be long now before the fun will commence—when we shall hear the exaltant laugh of the successful, and the shriek: and groans of the wounded. ‘ . THE TYCOONS.—At a special meeting of the Ty coons, held in the Council Chamber on the even ing of the seventh day of the twelfth monthfithe Chief Tycoon made the following appointments for the forthcoming parade : Chief Tycoon—ELEn—Finiungus. Grand Adviser—ldo-Tsu-Sima. and NoKumi- Ban-aim. _ ' _ Grand Heraldh-Isawa-Minusuki—Gee‘tyoski Grand Chiefmin—Nokamio-Earnestly. _ Body (hard—Tsoesocki-M’Allistum, Sooroega- Colestumb, Nokami-Grofiibus and Matsmotu Sny alerumdnm. . _ ' Sword Bearers—DzuloJilinuiger, Kuhn-Kin Finigeribus. _ Standard Bearers—lsadem-Johnsmokin,Tataen gsEi-Brennerum, and Sank~Kewchung-Hummels rm . Chief Musician—Phur-I’en Clow-Chaw You— llou-Carsonite. 7 Committee on Reception—Phra-Barrita, Klau ilnmmelsbub, Chan-Earnest”, Hau-Geetyosk’i, Pin-Yon-Millerumdum, Ming-Tnb-Carsnnita. Lime Tommy—Yuk‘foo-Barrdo. On motion, it was resolved that the above pro ceedings be published in the dailypapers of the city,and thata copy of the same be filed among the archives of the Council. On motion, it was resolved that the Tycoon! assemble again in Council at. the order of the Chief Tycoon. I’. FINEGAX, Chief Tycoon. G. W. Gsz'n', Secretary. ‘ Extract from the minutes of the Council CITY Puma—James McCanles is an‘ old-school jonr artist, who operates on cons, pants and rests—— "a, fashionable fabricator of cosmopolitan habili— manta,” as Felix Quinby, of New Orleans, pro fessed to he. McCanles never sponges anything but. the cloth upon which he works, and always sticks to his work like an industrious man ought. Unfortunately for him, however, the tailoringhnsi mess is such a lucrative one that. Jimmy get: rich vary often—too rich—and so goes forth in the hour of his might and recklessly spends a couple of for— tunes every year, in order to put his money in cir culation, and put the balance of trade in the hands of the people. At such times he has an active sym pathy for the gentlemen who stand in a. little pen in their shirt sleeves, and hand out black bottles from which Jimmy pours lihations, and drinks {he}: healths until his own is gone—and he 'wakes Up with a headache next day. This must have been the case on Friday night, for on Saturday: morning he evidently looked as if he felt a small locomotive, with double drivers, making a circuit through his brain. lie was pugnacions, too; for no sooner WB5 11% ushered into the Mayor’s ofiice than he ofl‘erel] to Whip the entire crowd then and there mumbled. either individually or collectively, pm. vion: to taking his hitters. From the last remark it was evident that he still xhuught himself in the tavern, and the Mayor behind the railing the bar keeper. The 15“" opened his eyes to his mistake by fining him a dollar and costs, which he paid, amd trampod. ‘ Lewis Fisher is} a resident of Cumberland county, and follows the occupation of making door mats. As soon as he gets a load finished, he comes over and paddles them from door to door until they an; :1! disposed of. This would be all very well'in it; “i 3 but much to Mr. Fisher’s discredit be it said, as soon a! he is in funds he is also in liquor—in ohieh condition he keeps until he in out of money. [his was the ease during last- week—he come, he E“: and he got conquered. So closely did he set timed that he look up lodgings in the look-up.— Instead “f going home, however, he 'continned lotfiog “hunt the city, relying upon “ floaters” to k“? steam “It On Saturday morning he ills “Em found ‘lOdger in the lock—up, whereupon ‘11! Mayor deemed it aavinbie to send him to jail for twenty days. Physics; Conrunn rs Bounce—The faculty of Amherst College have just introduced a new dc pertinent “of Hygiene and Physical Education," which promises to he of great benefit to the stu- , dents, inasmuch as it keeps up their physical, with 1 their mental exercises. This subject has been too ! long neglected in our educational institutions. E which generally tax the mind at the expense of I the body, till it has become almost impossible to i find a sound mind in a sound body. The Spring— field Republican in a well-timed article on the sub- ‘ jeflt gives .the following account of the Professor of i that department, and the Pm“ 0f “ems“: l They selected a. gentleman at: thorough medical . education, expecting him to give Instruction by lectures and otherwise in anatomy, physiology and hygiene ; to act as the medical advxser of the col— lege ; to employ his knowledge of the human sys tem, its habits and capabilities, In instituting and directing regular physrcal exercises, best. calculated to develop the whole body in a healthy uniform way ; to use judgment and discrimination with re gard to individual cases.in rousing the sluggish, and restraining those who would go too fast. and too far. The science of elocution was deemed to i be only an extension of vocal gymnastics, and in- . struct-ion in this is part of the duties of the deport- ! meet. The choice of Dr. John Hooker. a graduate of Yale College,was happy in his adaptation of all these requirements; and he has already achieved a. succesa for the department, and a reputation for the college and for himself, that will identify them all with the original settlement of this whole ques tion of physical culture on an intelligent and per manent footing. . Having thus spoken of the principles and ideas upon which the “ Amherst physical enterprise” is founded, of its theory. let us look a little at its practice, for alter one term’s trial we may judge . somewhatof its working and its prOSPect- of success. I The gymnasium is now in full operation. It is a ‘ building, in its outward and inner appearance, of i which the college may well be proud. The lower floor is occupied by bowliagalleys,four in number, by a dressing room, fitted up with closets, one for each member of the college, a wash room with bath- 3 ing apparatus, tire. The upper story, the gymna- ‘ sium proper, furnished under the special direction l of Prof. Hooker, is a beautiful room, admirably ‘ arranged, and containing all the appointments of . a first-class modern gymnasium. Besides the sta- l tionary apparatus, its is supplied with a quantity 3 of dumb-bells ranging in weight from five lbs. to ‘ 100; Indian clubs of various sizes, and ash poles 3 about five feet long and an inch in diameter. ‘ These latter,‘bssidcs answering other ends, serve { as muskets in military exercises. Each class is . obliged to meet the professor at the gymnasium for half an hour’s exercise four days in the week. On Wednesday and Saturday, they being half holi day, the students are expected to get exercise enough in other ways. Each class is divided into four divisions, and each devision has its ofiicer, who acts as an assistant to the professor. Five minutes are allowed for changing the dress, as a suitable dress is one of the requirements. The class then form by divisions with their oilicer at the head ; they march up stairs to the drum beat, and answer to the roll call. In order to avoid confusion, to cultivate the habit of order, to give an erect, graceful carriage, the students are under a. regular drill. Each division has its assigned position and each man his assigned place in the division. All moving about in the gymnasium is marching with regularity and precision; ' , Part of the half hour is occupied by company ex ercises, which are calisthcnic rather than gymnas tic. They are executed with dumb-bells, no higher weight than ten pounds being used, with clubs, poles or without anything whatever. It is aston ishing to one, who has never studied the subject, to see how much and what a variety of exercises can be obtained in this simple 'way. The movements ‘ are required to be executed at the word of com mand, with promptuess and uniformity. ’As far as possible, they are gone through with in time with music. By their simplicity and lack of violence, they are within the strength of all. By their va riety, they bring all the muscles into play,£rom the head down, and do not fatigue especially any muscle or set of muscles beyond others. The uni formity of movement imparts an interest and zest, and cultivates order and precision. They are cal culated to give grace and flexibility of motion at the same time with strentgh. After these exer cises, the divisions are marched by their otlicers, under the orders of the instructor, to dilt‘erent por— tions of the stationary apparatus, and go through with different performances, each man keeping his place and exercising in his turn. Besides these hours for class exercise, there are other times when the gymnasium is open for volun— tary, general exercise. The professor, or one or more of his officers always present, however, to direct and superintend, to see that everything is done in order, and to guard against any one inju ring himself, or the apparatus. The corps of ofli ‘ cers hares, special drill twice in the week. The use of the bowling alleys is subjected to rules and I regulations. Each class has its times assigned for the use of them,a.nd all confusion and interference are guarded against. ‘3‘ ‘s'} ”- Students say that even with this short trial they can see benefit; to themselves ; they feel better and stronger; their brains are clearer and better fitted for study. The finality all testify to observing beneficial effects .nmong the students . Too MAXY Inoxs I}: THE Exam—The Detroit Free Press tells, in the following, how a. country man, visiting the city,attempted to carry two pigs under one arm, a coup full of chickens under the other, and. a quart of eggs in his coat-tail pocket: The beginning of his troubles was to drop one of the diminutive porkers, which shot around the cor ner like greased lightning. He laid the coop on the other to hold it doWn, and started in pursuit, returning victorious to find his other pig released by the benevolent notion of an old sow, who upset the coop and freed the prisoner. Imprisoning the other in like manner, he started in pursuit again, and in the course of twenty minutes loomed up with piggy No. 2 under his arm. By this time No. 1 had wiggled out, and was gone again ; whereat he was so much enraged that he sat down on the eggs unawares and smashed them. Descrying the truant in a neighboring street, he dashed after him,tumhling over a gutter plate, and broke his shins, and regained his equilibrium just in time to see both of his porcine tormentors disappear under a. barn with a. dirt of their short tails. Wending his way sorrowfully back to the coop, he arrived in time to see the last of his hiddies disappear over a. picket fence in the distance, released by the mis chief of malicious boys, who sat on the curbstone and asked him whathe was looking for. When last seen, he was using his best endeavors to trade the coop for a bottle of lemon pop—making the best of adverse circumstances. Dernncwrmx 121 mn- VALUE 01' CITY PROPERTY- A few weeks ago, before the panic had fairly set in, or its extent was fully realized, a, property in Third street, belonging to the heirs of Mrs. Bard: deceased, was put. up at public sale at the Euro pean Hotel. The bidding was spirited, and it was finally struck off at $3,000 to Abram Freaner, Esq., other responsible bidders haviugru'n it up to within a few dollars of that amount. For some reason or other Freaner did not stand by his bid, and the executors of the estate put the property up again, at the same place, on Friday evening, when it brought but $2,310, or nearly $6OO less than a. few weeks previous. Will the Opposition still insist that the “ miserable attempt at creating a. panic is played out?” Hume. for Lincoln and the homes for the homeless! If homes are to continue de— preciating so rapidly in price, the homeless will be all able to reach them soon after Lincoln is in ducted into the Presidential chair. Man wrm Tnst.—For the thousandth time since the days of Pliny, the story of the existence of a. race of men with tails has again been set afloat. A Dutch journal, the Veream'giug Christeliike Stemmca for September, canning a lengthy account. of the native population of Borneo. The writer asserts that the Poonangs, a race inhabiting large tracts in the interior of the island, are all adorned, with tails. A mun Houtryp, while in the Box-- neo province, recently saw and examined three of these 1'00“““85. He came to the conqlusion that‘ “1‘“ caudal “Ppe‘dfizes, which are aeecribed an fmm three to five inches in length, hard, Itifi' and 38311! imnonhlefl." neither 3 natural deformity nor the mail“ ofdilease, but a genuine mu! genera] characteristic of the race. Some are to he ought and sent to Holland. TM AGE or Gas—Steam has had its day, it would seem, arid the age of gas is about being in' auguratcd. It appears that a Frenchman named Lenoir has invented a. method by which gas may be applied as a motive power. The pg’nciple re sorted to by Lénoir is by no means new, but has been the subject of repeated, though fruitless, ex- 1 periments. He has only been more fortunate per haps than his predecessors in its application. We find the following general statement of the method in which the new moler is employed, in the ll’arlu': The principle upon which the invention of Le noir is based is by no means an innovation in sci— once. It has been the subject of repeated but Im satisfactory experiments. One part of common illuminating gas to fifteen or more parts of air is‘ allowed to flow into the end of a cylinder. 3! means of a spark of induction, generated by a galvanic battery, an explosion then ensues, which drives the piston to the other extremity of the cylinder, whence a, similar process reapoated on the opposite side of the piston, forces it to return: The constant repetition of this operation moves the machinery connected, in the ordinary manner, with the piston-rod. An increased or diminished flow of gas regulates the energy of the engine. Sev eral machines, of a few horse power, are already at work in some of the manufacturing establishments of France, Belgium, and. Germany, while the Suez Canal company have ordered the construction of others of a. larger capacity. A number of eminent scientific men agree in testifying that the new motive power is free from danger; that it can be instantaneously set in mo tion and as instantaneously arrested; and that its cost, even, at the present high price of gas, is one half less than that of steam. Some of them do not hesitate to paint glowing pictures of the prob able future that awaits it. The .mechanic is to draw the force which drives his machinery, in un limited quantities, from the street mains that pass his door. Locomotives, accompanied by tenders filled with compressed gas, are to run on our rail roads. Vessels manufacturing the elastic fluid on board, are to navigate our rivers and oceans, The intangible element which elevates the aerial ship, is to be used at the same time as a reservoir of the power which is to direct and propel it. ==l A Cum; l-‘OR C‘HAPPED HAXDS.—AS there are 1 many housekeepers who suffer at this season with t: chapped hands, we publish for their information § the following recipe, which a cominuuicamt assures I as is efi'ective as a cure, having made a. pereonal ‘ trial of it : Wash the hands clean in warm water ; I then take common lamp oil and grease them well‘? Rub the oil in thoroughly and wipe with a. dry rag. 1‘ Practice this every morning for a week or- so, andg the cracks will leave the hands, and the skin will} become soft. The remedy is a. simple and inex-r pensive one, and as our correspondent recommends! it. highly, we suggest to thoae eufl‘ering with chap-I ped hands, a. trial 01' its virtues. w,,+_, _._ When liars die and can lie no longer, their epi+ taphs generally lie for them—Em. Ah ! yes, but it is not only the irrespansibltfi tomb stone which lies for the departed. If he ““1 rich and influential, the obituary column of th newspaper lays the flattering unction to the'soul of his relatives, that he lived like an honest Chris tian man, and is now a saint in Heaven—whil every one knows that he daily violated the laws 0 God and man—‘and that “ He robbed the pool‘ and cheated the rich— And went to —, like a -——-, ——~ 2” A lady who had read of the extensive manufacl ture of odometers, to tell how far a carriage ha been run, said she wished some Connecticut geniu would inventtan instrument to tell him far bus] band: had been in the evening, when they “jug stepped hown to the post office,” or “ went out I! attend a caucus." ' . l A 51110226 GENERAL.-H 9 mus't be a strong gen] end who can storm and carry a. fortress. V" W... m.,- A man any be a fool with wit, but never wit judgment. FINE HONEY IN :11“: Comm—S. Hoaglnnd, fro-- Mercer county, has for sale at. the freight depot (1f the Pennsylvania. Railroad, fool; of Third meek? lot of superior honey, in glass boxes of variolfis sizes, containing from 4 to 15 pounds each, in thp oeiginal Gambs as deposited by the bees. He wip dispose of the same on reasonable terms, as he is desirous of leaving Harrisburg 111 the late traiLl this afternoon. We have seen a specimen of {He honey, and can vouch: for its superior excellenfi. I=l Six Tnousnxi) DOLLARS Womn of new goods ram New York auction. The greatest baygaifis ofi‘ered yet. Having taken advantage of the de pression of the New York market, I have nowio lot of goods to offer which cannot fail to please z..— 2,000 yards the best Delaines an 20oud 21 cts ;4,000 yards of Calioos at. S and 10 045.; 500 woolefi Hoods for 37 and 50 cl's., very cheap; 500 pair of gentle men’s woolen Socks at. 12 and 15 cts.; 60 dozél Undershirts and Drawers at 50, 82 and 75 late}. 1,000 pairs of ladies Stockings at 12 and 15 cts‘. 10 pieces of Black Cloth for Cloaks ; a. large 11!:- sortment of ladies’ and gents’ Gloves, and a. great, many goods. To those who buy to sell again: a. liberal discount will he made,S. szr, at Khan ’5 corner. de-TTT SPECIAL NOTICES. v." ,_,,+__ ‘ N 0 'l‘ I C E . 1131300”. The sudden changes of our climate sources of PULMONARY, BnoxcnuL, and ASTHMA lo Aamcuoxs. Experience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily and certainly when takerflin the early stages of the disease, recourse should at 0 so be had to “Brown’s Bronchial Tran/us.” 0:- Down 'B5, let the Cold, Cough; or Irritation of thé Throat he (get so slight, “.5 by this precaution a. more serious attjck may be efl'ectually worded ofl'. PUBLIC Sl'mxsxs ,nd Swans. will find them cfi‘ectual for clearing dud strengthening the voice. See advertisement. u029-w6m :1? IVARR.{;\‘TED IN ALL CASES riff DR. lIARVEY'S CHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS For the prevention and Cure of all those dificulties to wlnc‘ the femwysesytemis peculiar! hb_ule. ars_iig mm _PSTOPAGE OF NATURE 0R OBS PRUGTION 77125: Pills Ixrll's never been known ta fail when Ihe divertiom have been slrmly followed, and they re jicrfectly saf» to take by the most delicate. f To MARRIED LADIES they are particularly recan mended, as they prevent dlfliculties. and restore nat re, no matter from what cause the obstruction may arise. ‘ A few days in most times will produce the desired eflvct; ml although so powerful, yet no injury will ever result f om their use. But those who are pregnant should not se them. as they have an effect contrary in nature. Pamphlets detailing their viruses, with numerous certificates from well known physicians and spothecaries, can be had on applica tion to the agent, who w'ill send the Pills, if desired; by mail,.post-paid, to any address, on receipt of the money. Sold in boxes containing sixty pills. by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT & 00., wholeliale agents, North Second smet, Philadelphia. nov‘Z-eudddcwly l ANEW’ REMEDY. . \‘ Superseding Cunnns, Comm, CAPSULES, or any compound that has ever been before the pat ple. It has been used by our: HUNDRE o PHYSICIANS: D In their priva'e pract‘ce, will; entire success, in all cases. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS. ! For diseases of 3. pr vate nature ; a run is frequently 1?»?- farmed in a weer, and entire confidence may be‘plflcefil "1 lhem. This lemedy is a newly discovered spemfic: “:0“ active and speedy in its effects than Cubebs or Coplrna alone. The pills are ha'f the size of Capsules, and nqver nanseate the stomach ,or impregnate the branth. Slx dolznn pills in a. box—price one dollar, and will be sellt by mall, pmtvpaid, by the agent. on receipt of the money- 1 Sold by a“ fin principal druggifits and dedm‘) “fl by Mom a: 00., won-sine agents, North Second “wet: Philadelphia. 'neV'l-EOdMWIiY _, .. . “_._ E Mothers, read this. _ The following is an extract from a. letter Written by a. pastor of the Baptist Church to the 101 ml!!! qmd Messenger, Cincinmti, Ohio, and men" 7011111193; in favor 0 that worm-renowned medicine—MBB. Wins LOI’B Boounua Sun! to; CHILDREN Tnmmxo: “We see In sidvértiseme'nf in your columns of s. Winslow’s Soothing syrup. New "_never said a; w rd in favor of e peteut medicine before 1:: our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no humbuggwn guy; uxln [l, up KNOW 11' To a: u. n' culls. It is, pfibibly, one of themes“: l'uece. ful medicines of the any, bewue it is one of the best. ‘ mi those of your tendon who have babies can’t do better then m 13y in e supply. ' ”1,2941. th =II HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION Cures Gri ‘ _._}3l3_Bladd>e_r, Drops], Kidnpy ‘Lfiffit‘mi ___‘____ HELJI ‘OLD’fi’eEEx—aé'ifiaffition for Nun-nus amL Dehilitmeu Sufferers, > .7 Hm.MBUITLI’FEEEfiE‘PiEfififiiEfidE Lo‘sé'dr Power, Loss of Memory. 7 HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparition for Difficulty of Bil-gnu, General Weakness. “_._. HELMBWLD‘S Guanine Preparation fdfmii Nerves, Horror of Death, Trembling. _“fl H ~_.___ HELMBFIE’S Genfilno i’re'pnration for Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Dimuesaot‘ Vision. 7”“ _...,.. _ _ V M. 0,”- lIEIJESWOTZBTSTEEiTiET—Freparatisn for Languut, Um vursnl Lnsaitnde of the Muscular “859:1:- ““4. fil'jtlnf“::mw"' ‘Jallid Uonnnu. HOLlS'EEEElE—Kfi'repnation for mace and Emptionl. fl __ HELMfiTg-finuhe preparation for rains in tue Bark, Hvadnche, Sick Stomach. 3.7" See advertisement headed ’ HELLIBOLD‘E EXTRACT BUCHU " m another ctlumn. noH-dklum =:= W E call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD 30011 It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confmmdea with any of um numerous patent medi ciues of the day. It. is FOOD FOR mn- nLoon, already prgued for absorption ; pleasant to the taste and natu— re 11 action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then, who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD Foon and be re. stored to health. We notice that our drugglsts have received a. supply of this article, and also of tile world— renowned Dr. EATON’S Ima- mm 0011 mm, which eqery mother should have. It contains no patagoric or opiate 0‘ any kind whatever. and of course must be invaluable for all infantile complaints. It will allay all pain, and soften the gum; in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure a: supply and be at once relieved. 3:? See advertisement. nul7.d.\:w3m I= FEVER AND AGUE, AND ALL FEVERS are cuN-‘tl by perseverance with BRANDRETH’S PILLS, which takes an poisons, of whatever nature they may be, from the circulufion. ‘ Mr. John Y. Knight, Supervisor of New Castle, West chester county, New York, says, November. 1858: “ I was, two years ago, attach ed with fever and ague, which, notwithstanding the best medical advice, con tinued to sorely afllict me for six tedious months; I be came yellow as saffron. and reduced to skin and bone. Medicine and physicians were abandoned in despair. As on experiment, I concluded to try a. single dose of six of Brendroth’s Universal Vegetable {'ills, on an empty stomach, early in the morning. The first dose seemed to arouse all the latent energies of my exhausted frame. I feared the worst—their purgutive effect was din‘erent from anything I had ever used or heard of. At length this effect ceased, and I seemed lighter and breathed freer. That evening I was indeed sensibly better and slept soundly all night. The next day I followed‘the same course, and continued to‘tnke the Fills in this way about three weeks. when I found mysel entirely cured. My health has been surprisingly good ever since.” Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal street. New York, and by all Drnggists. Also, by GEO. H. BELL, corner of Sec'ond and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by 111 respectable dealers in medicines. noddkwlm A THE JAPANESE, THE GREAT EASTERN, ' 11. R. 11. THE PRINCE OF WALES DE JOINVILLE, - May come and go and be FOR.GO T T E N , But the lustre. the ebony blackness, the rich browns, the natural appearance, the sensation of pride and pleasure, produced by the applicuti on ofthat harmless preparation, CRISTADORO’S EXCELSIOR HA I R Ds: E , _ Will unquestionably be grateful) y R E M E M B E 11. E D By all who use it, inasmuch as ' "A THING OF BEA UTY IS .4 I 0 Y FOREVER.” Prepared No. 6 Astor House, New York. Sold every where, and applied by all Hair Dressers. nofi-d&w‘lm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.—SIr James Clarke’s Celebrated Female Pills, prepared from a prescfipflon of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordi naryto the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cu-le of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions and a spee-ly cure may be relied on. '1‘!) MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will in A short time bring on the monthly per‘md with re%ularity. . Each bottle, price One ollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeits. Tunsn PILLS snonnn 50': en mxsu BY FEMALES numsq my: FIRST THREE MONT £l3 or Pneuxnscr, as mm .421: same To must; on Mrscnnxuaz, Bur AT ANY omen 'l‘le raxr ARE sun. In all cases or Nervous and Spinal Affection, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palgitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills wi 1 efi‘ect a. cure when all other moms have failed, and although allow erfnl remedy, do not contain iron, culomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N . 13.—31,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle: containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by G. A. BA xmmm', Harrisburg. _._+_._._. IMPOR'J ANT T 0 FEMALES DR. CHEESEMAN'S PH. LS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu larities, painful menatrumtion removing all obstruc tions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache. pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interrup tion of nature. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS was the commencement of a. new era in the treatment of those irregularities and obstructions whiehhuve con signed so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the beloved to a. runs-runs- ansva . No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever angbstmction takes place the general health begins to de ine. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are in valuable, induc-Iln g, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at | diflerent periods, throughout the country, having the ; I sanctipn of same of the must eminent Physicians in America. Explicit directions, stating when, and when they should not be used, accompany each box—the Price: One Dollar each box, containiugforty Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents . Pills sent by mail. promptly, by encloling price to the General Agent. Sold by druggists generally. R. B. HUTOHINGB, General Agent, 14 Broadway, New York. Sold in Harrisburg by C. A. BANNVART. - deal ’59-dB2wly . MRS. “’INSLO‘V,_ An experienced nurse and female physieinn, has a. Sooth ills Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing nu infiamnation—will allay all. pain, and in sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per ectly safe in all easel. See ndvertisemcnt in Another col uml‘. . nug19,1859-d&wly - u -. +, A 4.. Mam the Indepenuent, New York, July 28, 1859. GLUE.4OIJI' advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of a new article known as “Spam ing’s l‘repared Glue, = = useful to housekeepers for mending - furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, bywhieh it is: kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to ham-den. We can assure our readers that this article has the excellent phreuologicnl quality of “large mlhesiveness." For sale by C. A. BAKNYAB’I‘, No. 2 Jones’ Row au'l -d&wlm ' Dr. Brnuon’s Concentrated Remedies. No. l_. 'l‘llE GREAT REVIVER. speedily eradicate! all the en! eflecls or SELF—ABUSE as Loss of Memory, Shortness of 13.-em. Giddiness, Palpitetion of the Heart, Dimness ol V ision, or any constitution'nl derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passmns. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight due, any case of G'DNORRHGJA, is without taste or smell, and ”quit” no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. ' No. 3. THE THREE will cure in the shortest possible time. any case of GLEET, even after all other Remediei have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar. ' - No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really cure strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how lfimfi stalldlllz or neglected the case may be. Price One a 31'. No. I”! THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GEAYEL, permanently and speedily rem-we all aflliutions ol‘ the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. . ‘ No. (_5. FOR PARTICULARS BEE CIRCULAR. No. .. THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact. is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar- . No. B'. THE OIIIEN'I‘AL PASTILS are certain, sore and speedy m_u_roduciug MENS’I‘RUATION, or correcting any Irregulanhes of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No 9.301! PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt or the price “mum Enclose vantage stamp and get 5 Circular. Genet?! Ballot Nutty—East corner of York Avenue. and Gallovh‘" Street. Private Oflice 401 York Avenue, runa delplna, Pa} ‘ For sale In Harrisburg oniyby u. A. BANNVAM‘, whore Circn'fls cWhining valuable informnt'en, with full :19- Scr‘vfionfl 0f each case, will be delivered gratis. on nppb cation. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON mil-d 1! P. 0. some. Philadelphia. 15a. FINE oomph—{Eßß 1 1.4:: x T R A FRENCH MUSTARD, 3 choice "not; or SALAD OILS. SAUCRS and KETCHUPS of every description. Inle fig , WM. Deanna k 00. Emma—ms mama; ne.-25'7““ weaved b“; _ .W}!. 11091;, .13., a: co CBANBERRIEfiv—A very Superior lot. ' at [00:26.] - WM. DOCE,Ju. kCO‘S. jy 7—dawly .0— . illebital. SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGDRATDR, NEVER DEBILITA'I‘ES 'l‘ is c dunded entirely from Gums and ha I becomzfl'emmimamt, a Standard Medic.ée,xnou and a raved h d] that ' lime usedifimndisnawm sortedp 1:0 with {onfidenceg M 1m All thadlaemsfarwhicb it in recommended. I O i It has cured thousanda‘ who had given up all hope!!! E'l unsolicited certificates in 4 The dose must be adnptedl individual taking it, I“: m to aqtgently on the bowels. ' Let the dictates of your 0 use of the LIVER IN- [5 will cure Liver Com-i H tacks,” yspepnia, Summer C o m—t > ry,Dropsy, Soul-A 2 C o lti v eness Chol-l In. Moi-bus, Cholera! H lance, Jaundiccy es, and may be used sum! r y, Fami 1y Medig; HEADACHE, (as? twenty minutes, 1f; spoonfuls are lakeni tack. ! All who use it are! in its favor. 9 Til .’> El mx WATER m mm. MOUTH WITH THE INVIG ORATOB, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. —— Al4BO _— SANFORD-S FAMILY OATHARTIG PILLS COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass (faxes, Air Tight, and will-keep 21:. any climate. The Family Gather, ' tic PILL is a. gentle hen native Gathmie, which W the proprietor has uedm his practice more than A ggwentyyearl. The conetantly-mcreas- ' .xnf demand from $O3! who have long used the I: P LLS,end the sa ac “? “23““ t“ 5“”??? “‘ ”fiat? ‘23l’. 3111"" inu me opace ern |-| m in or The Professionwellknow‘ n. lthat dilferent Catharfica ”:1?“ ¥m&x¥°‘2§“ $33332]: PILL h: e ‘ - I g. with due reference to this 0 well established fact, been compounded from a varne- 'ty of the purest Vegetabge Extracts, whiclh actdahke H on 95°" gut ‘2: _a 3:113 mentaly cans. on are goo an 5:! 111 cases where a (Esther-golf: B geeded,hsusoilelea 5:: e.- as; “i?“ etiésfsaifi 9‘ ardngh’u, c 321": ness, Pain and Sore- d nee: ever the whole blzsefrzmademh memes; ippet’imm Creeping m ‘Sensmion oi' Cola over the body, Rest. El :lessneu,fimmm, an Egg; I:;7loirlnsngliué’bfll fife!!!) or A 6113? $331131? lle l . um,s’great rmumnn q ofthe 31.00 th many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this edvertise- o ment. Dose, Ito 3. Price Three Dimes. ' The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic _Pflla are retailed by Bragg“: generally, and sold wholeeme by the Trade in all th; :1; wwffiFORD ‘VI 1) I So I S 5.‘ o a, Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broadway, N. Y. jy'i-dkwly . _- MRS. WINSLIDW, An experigmced Nurse and Female I'hysicim:2 presgnts to the attention of mothers, her S-O'OTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. , l which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums reducing all inflammation—will alley ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOW’ELS. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and BELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other inedi cine—NEVEß HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANGE, I‘o EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter ‘-' WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after ten years’ experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE— CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fisher: or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis ere . This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER RAIL ING SUGGESSCn THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will :11 most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND GOLIO, and overcome convulsions, whi oh, if not speedily reme . died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEBE TERY and DIARRIIIEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething,or from any other cause . We would say to every mother who has a. child sufi'eriug from any of the foregoing complaints—Do NOT LET YOUR PRE— ; J UDICES, NOB. THE PREJUDIOES 01" OTHERS, stand ‘ between you and your suffering child, and the relief that ‘ will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the . use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for . using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless : the fac-simile of CURTIS ii: PERKINS, New York, is g on the outside wrapper. ‘ Sold by Druggists throughout the world. [ meaxmn Ornce, 13 CEDAR STREET, New YORK. 1 PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. , 1 sep29v'danvly ' IT WILL PAY YOU READ THIS. IT WILL PAY' YOU OBSERVE WHAT I SAY !! IT WILL PA 1" YOU FOR A VISIT TO HARRISBURG! ! I TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIOSA‘BLE STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND GENIS' FURNISIIING G ODDS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE,NO. :: JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER. CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER. HOUSES. CHAS. s. SEGELBAUM. p,.s._-Imvme SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT on NO SALE. oct6-ti4m KELLER’SDBUG STORE'is the place to find the but assortment or Pom Mannie}. KELEER’SDRUG’ STOE isfthe place to hug but“; Medic incl , Foam genu'ineENGLlSH MUSTARD g! to KELLER’S DRUG STORE. within the last two you: of relief, as the numerous my possession Show. to the temperament of the used in such quantities as judgment guide you in the VIGBRATOR, And it plain“, Billi 11l At thronic Diarrhoea, IP I aints, Dysentc- Funnel], ll hitual ic, Cholera, Chole- Ilnlnnlum, I" l mu ;Femnle W eakner :cessfully as an Ordina -Icine. It will cure SICK thousands on: testify ) in two or three fea at commencement of gt giving their testimony PID MI fines of grand. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE gag- E FIVE TRAINS'DAILY T 0 a; FROM PHILADELPHIA, ON AND AFTER , MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH, 1850, The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com Pally will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg Ind Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m . FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.55 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at. 5.25 p. m., and ar tires at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. E‘- These Trains make close eonneetion at PhilMelphia with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN , No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 a. m., runs via. Mount Joy, and “five; it Welt Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg It 1.15 p. m., and arrives at. West Philadelphil at 0.40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 5.35 p. 112., runs vie. Mount Joy, connecting at Diller ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia A: 10.50 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. ' ' LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7 .00 a. m. i FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia 31512.00 noon, Ind ar ‘ river at. Harrisburg at 4.15 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.001). m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.36 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at. 4 p. m. connect at Lencsster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m.' SAMUEL D. YOUNG, no23—dtf Supt. East. Div. Penn’u Railroad NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. E”! NOTI C E . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY NOVEMBER 26m,1860, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisbqug as follows 1 G OING SO U TH. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at.. 3.00 a. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at............ 1.401. m. MAIL TRAIN wi111eaveat......... . . .. 1.00 p.m. GOING NORTH. A MAIL TRAIN will leave at... .. ...M. . . . 1.40 p. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at. . . . . . . . . . 7- 8.15 p. m. The only Train leaving Harrinburg on Sunday will be the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 3.00 a. m. For further information apply at the ofiice, in Beam sylvnnia. Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Jim-WU- “fit—“o2* .. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE 'l‘ 0 N E 1" Y 0 RK . beget? *w £122.? Shortest in Distance and Quickest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK ANin AHARRI S BURG , HEARING, ALLENTIIWN AND EASTDM MO BRING- EXPBESS, West, leaves New York at 6 a‘ m., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only 6% hours between the two cities. MAIL LIKE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and or] rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 p. m. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arriving at New York at 4.30 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris burg at 1.15 p. m., arriving at New York at 9.00 p. m. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroads All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Potts ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for MII-nah Chunk, Easton, Bw. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 a. In. Line from New York or the‘llfi p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and macro modation, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Farebetween New York and Harrisburg, Five nouns. For Tickets and other information apply to . J . J, CLYDE, General Agent, Jel Humbug. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD, SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER. MAY 28, 1860, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays e_xcopted,) at 3.00 A. m., and 1.15 P. M., for Phihdelphia, nrrivingthere a: 1.25 P. LL, Ind 8.15 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 AM. and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12 45 noon and 8.30 P . M. Funk—"l'o Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, 8335; Na. 2, (in name train) $2.70. LAKES :-'l'o Beading $1.60 and $1.30. ' At Readinggconnect with trains for Pottsri'lo, Miners— ville, Tamaqua, Gauging, ace. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR 211 a n DAILY, “6 A. M.,10.45 A. M., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. ' LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOB READING It .0 . m., 1.00 P. M., 3.30 P. AL, and 5.00 P. M. > IARES:-P.aading m Philadelphia, $1.75 Ind $1.45. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG GON NEO'I‘S AT READING with up train for Wflkeoburo Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other informafion apply to J. J. GLYDE, General Agent. my24-dtf PHILADELPHIA READINGHR’AILROAD. REDUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1860 COMM UZATI QN TICKETS , with 26 Coupons Will be issued between any points desired, good for the holder and any member of hie family, in any Passenger train,and at any time—at 25 per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occasion to use the Road frequently on business or pleasure, will and the above arrangement convenient and. economical; as Four Pan-anger train: run daily each way between Reading and Philadelphia and Two Trains daily between Reading,l’ottsville mi Harrisburg. On Sundays, only one morningtrnin Down and one afternoon train Up, runs between Pottsville Imi Philadelphia, and no Passenger train on the Lebanon Valley Branch Railroad. For the above Tickets, or any Information relating thereto, apply to 3. Bradford, Esq., Treasurer Philadel phia, to the respective lticket Agents on the iine, or to ‘ G. A. NICOLLS, General lnp’t. March 27, 1860.—mar28-dtf H A; T 0 H &' 0 o_.,' - SHIP AGENTS 1311 V . COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1:18 WALSUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 7 DEALERS ls FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE. COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. norG-dfim , ‘ H L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL 5:11:33 um Run“: or PIANOS MELODEO G. Fm. 13%;) in mgr}: 3:31; tie leff at Wfigfifigé MUSI ' ’ 6t stree or t . no'nm. Alll‘g'rdon loft It the apo’vmmed plwfl will meet with prompt, nflenfiqn. First also» PIAKOB for GIE Um l'a‘D BEEF—An e‘xtm lotpf DRIED BEEF jn'st received by 1 ' ‘ nO9 _. wn. nocx, I:ch co. qTORAGE! STORAGE” k Storage received at warehouse of 11017 JAMES MV “WHEELER. sepl; ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers