THE-TELEGRAPH -.•s la • FUBLIBITED MOANING AND if VANI/VO, Y GEORGiE BERGNER. OFFICE 113;1221) ST., NEAR WALNUT. EBMS OF SpASCRIPTION. &Mae 9/12S9Rippm. Ise Damv TinsiolarnAS 'Served to subscribers in the c ity at 1234 cards per: tree*, :Yearly eubseribers Wm be charged $0 00 In adrannit" Those perilous who fiegleette n ay In advance wAll be }go $. l TELEGRAPH. TVs Tstanalrit Is also published weekly, and le turniehed aubsoribers sd. ; the, following cash rates • 504. 1, c 4 PI L e B , weeklY •• • • .••. • • • . ..... $2 40 . Three zoples to one Post Office . • • ........... 5 00 Tea coping to one Prat Umcr 15 00 MEDICAL DYSPEPSIA. A Cure Warraute.d. Dyspepsia has the following Symptoms: Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. 2d. Flatulence and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of ,Spirits. 6th. Diarrlicers, with griping. • sth. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. NerY,OWAilection, and want of .Sloop at night. , • 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. • 11th. Dizzineae, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering =in walkink,,, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter ,if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr., Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and 'con•• ,- sultations free of charge. Send for a oireti . - . . ler. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. I, ELIZABETH BILANBON, of Brandywino, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Dol., do certify, that, for one year and 'a bait I suffereid l eyery thing but death from that awful disease called. Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the Smallest amount of food, it' would return' just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight π un der this immense suffering, my mind. seemed entirely to give way. I had xiireadild torrot and evil forebodings. I thought everybodyl" hated me, and I hated everybody; I cOullf4VOt bear my husband nor my own childrenoevery thing appeared to be horror-stricken t 6 krie; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost' all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I felt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me; and was often tempted to commit suicide, en max was any whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful. complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends tlibrighti bestlO have me placed in Dr. Kirkbridelf hospitiq, West Philadelphia ; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days'tay dreac/ful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. INtring of the wonderful cures performed by Dr.'Whe harts Great' American Dyspepsia Pins and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to him. He said he had no dOlibt he could cure me. klo in three flays after I called and placed myself.under. the Doctor's treatment, 'and in• two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and ,I continued to recover for .about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect lealtli of body and mind, and I most Inneerely'rettirii my thanks to a merciful God end 1)r. WM, hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia' Pills end Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved nib- from an Insane Asylum and premature graiia. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write; as .I am:willing. to do all the g00d..1 can for suffering law inanity. ELIZABETH BRANSON; - Brandywine, DeL, formerly of Old Rhea r;' Deltware county, Pa. . . Da. WHIHABT'S Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. i DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! , Dm WisHART—I have seen a constant sufferer with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen yeirs, during widen time- I cannot say I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. — Thisieff were times when the symptoms were more aggravateA man at others, and then it seemed it would be a•great - rei , fief tcbdie: l had at all times an unpleasant feeling In my' head; but latterly my sufferings so much increased that' became almost unlit for business of any kind; my mind was continually Ailed with gloomy thoughts 'and Dire.' bodinmand if I attempted to ohange their current by' reading at once a sensation of Icy coldness in connection' with a deadweight, as it were, rested upon my braitiT also, a feeling of sickness would °ricer lathe stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with Which wee the continual seer of listing my reason: also experjek great lassitude, debility and nervousness, which. made it difficult to walk by day or ~sleep at , Rink:. _l. became , averse to society, and disposed wily 14 reclusion; acid having tried the skill of a number of etaletiat physicians of various schools, finally came to the conclusion:that, for title disease at my present age (qtri years) thererwas no cure In existence. ilut, through the interference of: Divine Providence, to Whom! devoutly offer my ttittoks,l at last foundaeovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Oordhil, widen peen', to have effectually removed litt, meet Males' traemof my long list of ailments and "tiil hielkign, and la their place health, pleasure and content; meat are nay everyday companions. JAMES m. sAtrNDmt: 453N0. North SecohdAtrOet„fl4o.oel • ' • • • Formerly of Trtioqflikh : N. J.. - Dr pftehart's Office No. 10 North Second Ettriibt driptoo, . .0 , A Wgitft ClrM FOR DYSPEPSIA: •,• I gior. wake ma..7olin H 17aa000ir No. 1028 Othva Britiorr, ) Philadelphia, January 22d,1883. with much- pleasure that: I on no* able to inform you that, by the use of your-great American Dyspepsia p 1.,. I ilevd betgi!SKtiinly:ol44 of that moat distresisingebnigellit, DYApepsie, I hgAgen grieviously afllicted'fOr the 'last tiviebtfeight Yestrabd for ten years of that time have not been • free fim time. 4, path one week at a I have had Din its worst' and have dragged on a' moat miserable bitistence—Aa paid day and night.• Every kind of 'food -that fate Zed ma' with wind and pain, it mattered not how light, or bow small the quantity. A continuedi-helehing was sale te follow. I had no appetite for any kinds of. meats what ever and my dietrers was so great for several mootha he fore I beard of your Pills, that I frequently shedfor death. I had taken everything that I bad • of lot Dyspepsia, without 'receiving any benedt; bunt Ydui Pills being recommended :to me by ono who had been cured by them, .I conchided to give thena a trial, although 1 had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken, one•fortrtheor. a, box, and after taking half a box, I nest sal/ mai, and cats eat'snythbv I wish, and enjoy a heruty meal three times a day without inconvenience from anything Feat or drink. Ifyen think proper, you are &liberty to make this public and refer to me. I will chterftlly give all tie. 'arable information to any one who tidy call oa mo • .Toselsl4ll, Joßki a:BABCOCK. For. at Dr. - sr/shartrs Medical Depot, NO. 10 North Second street, Philidelphia, l'a. Price One Dollar per box. gent by mall, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA. I DYSPEPSIA !- • • 1, & mo at 5143ff151,, been great =Weser. with Chronic Dyspepela.aral Inflammation of the Kidneys for three years. I employed three or four of the most mut ne n tphysiehunitt•Phliadelphla, also of Burlington (101111 t • N. J.- - erdldwificirtnirthey - boriarth firriur pose. I was coratuktly diled with &Will pain and dis tress, and add, (*awn Waking of wind and sour acid. tongue wee covered with a white coating of mucus MAW 11, aracked targoLienkrowar and-was--4maditgr gore t L AM 1 ordim ee wiehad fog. death" Ar . _ 'Viers Ineeed Ithp,'"for I had Ithirienietre ewer j jming, would`,./ Uhl it a subject' k_prayer.-10, well MIMS Ma io some phyliclaami anwpwilf iiir4 Rai MAU felacial4 f . .. --",, - ... ''. '..(11P , , ,er.el ''. '-i.'• -- • " -:. ' ' . . . . . . , L..j . ,i -, .'• -.. ii ... .". - i:-.--„, ,r 4 t.. 4 _ . i.,...4%.•:-.- ~_ .2 .0 ... ... . _ ... ..„. ......,..:.....,..,,,,\, .--;vs- "...4% • • ••-. ~- , • -, :: ..:",.<,‘,eZr.;..:ktVIIII/71,/, .--..:4e-.:•-•:"-:':::. 2 , - '''.:; :7'.1 • -, . . .. ....,',.: • ''' , o , .., ' - ..,-----.:- .-- • - I ,' ‘ . i 4 i't i : . . , -''' ,‘' • f - . ''\ '1 .:',,, .:., ..,:,, : . -::111k ' ,i: 7 . - ''' -. . - ';. _ 4 r,; ' , .. 1 -' ... . .7.----4'''':.:-_-- ~:. .: .. . .. . . ~ 4 04 - I ' I 11 .... • .. 4 ... • ' . . • , ._. 0'4,4 'r°l° X .i.' vs& ‘ '.:t . • '''' ' . ''''' ' ' ' . '.. , 41-•'',_-'-.. . S. .fi, - 11.' ' , "-. t$ . .7 -;11.4. _- .. ' .. . ... ' ' '(tai ' '•-' ' . i ' • ' • .41.4.; . 4 .... . , , . . ~' 1 . .. • ,j,._" . ~ -- iz..' • , rtt . . - • . BY GEORGE BgEoNER,:_ KEIAOAL. . , Dr. Wisher's in The Philadelphia ./,4per, of a great cure made upon Mr. joins Babcock, of 10211 Olive street, by the Feet AmericanDyspepida Pills. I went tb the fleeter's mem, end PIII*XIMVaeIf under b ' treat ment, andlold him if he failedte.Oure me, It would bathe last effort I weutd rdakfV 1 haithcen six weeks mince 'I commenced the use of his medicine, and I am now a well man, free front all Pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort r and feel perfectly well. Dr. Wishart, I want you to publish my. case, as I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to callow me, and. I will toll them of the great cure I have received from. • your Invaluable medicine. §A,M,DFJ.. D. HAVEN. Corner Venango and 'Lambert streets - near Richmond street, formerly frbm Wrightstown Thirlington. county , N J. , The above area few among the thoUsands which this great remedy has saved'from,en untimely. grave: We have thousands of latent from physielabs and drui-, gists who have prescribed and Sold theTaiCoidlal, saying that they have never used or sold a medical' which gave such universal satisfaction. . Prepared only by the proprietor; BR. L. Q. C. WISRART, •No.flo North Second street, Philadelphia; rilL. Sold by Druggists' oVerywhara .BtatylB'-eed-darw NV.W"O FOR 14 PEING- Fall and Winter Trade JD SCARFS ! FURS! !! The Largest and heist Iselectixl stock in thbs city! at New .Cloak. Store, IN D. •W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK, " IiMiaI3PRG, •;•' 'sep2-t! SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to direr .tothe pahlio a ,large and splendid assortment of SUP.ERIORGINA!) , PENS •, nianitraeluivd by °LEROY W.-FAIRCHILD. These Pons aro :wall bulitbpd; elastic., and give en tire satisfaction. - • ' , PLICASKTRif THEY. • , . • •': SOKSIPPEWS BOOK STORK; Second street; opposite Ptelkyterian °numb, Hsrrikourg :Pa. r . a* , . NEW PHILADELPHIA . 0 -A: • T Zrt agllf4 wßo Mtiire.Harktsbiir g. LUDO DIFFERENT STYLE'S 07 TAMOINABLE OLOA:XPA ND GI I 0 U,L ARS, AliD FINE SPRING SIIKViLS. Will open on the let or April. [tear2l-elly , . ;Almanacs+ !.Almanacs I . Ift. A 3P. S English and JOerspan Lancaster APinatlacs ) • " Cie year 1 '8 'o' 5 . • OW sale, ty the grops,.;Dosen, or singly, at Sohefferha. Bookstore, 21 Soufti &woad street, Harrisburg, Pa. se.2o Li N. N It S:. NEW EATING AND- DRINKING SALOON: Walnut sweet, 4tib . ee)i Third and .Purtii: Vines, Boer and 011;14.o 'quality or liquors constantly on Sand: A share of:thit pelican patronage is rasliestrylly solicited. [ 00111 4 616 ] . JOHN DCRlNgift . , Very Convenient. ~. . JACOB r.rAU6IO., ;WAXES pleasure - to inform his friends and !-11 Customers r and- the public in 'general; that he' has opened a wholesale antt , retail Variety, Notton 'and Jew ' Alry Store, Ne.los3‘..Mafkel street, above Eby te Kunkel's - Budding, Harrisburg, IV. ' .... . It would occupy. a great. amount of apace to enumerate the articles stook. The purchaser will fliid, through my experience bf thirteen years in the business,, that I can sell goods equal to the jobbers in the itlastern cities ' sept26-dam* : TREES I TREESI I TREES 1 ! YIIHE UNDERSIGNED will commence. 'IA planting Shade add Ornamental 'frees, Vinea,,ind such Fruit trees 89 are tltto,plaut in the Fall. . P. S.—Persons . W4O "u . 0,. rntshed with traps last Springi.hat were wartinted*td grow, can havethe mune replaced that missed, .Ipcl.3] vim...T*llllE, INDEED! /PO our fine MA, SSitinsive stook of Rhoto,, - A. graph Album" and-Plotaph Cant Boning Ova• have added a Eltalinina , MnlAWE for the.reoePtir°' Or bard picturen They muotbe seen and will be. admired . 1 Aga-Photographers supplied at the very lowestorhala hake price, and their yard printed upon them for sv, „thousand, wholesale and retail: at may 24• _ .SCHEFIrER'S BOOK TORE. QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a well. as looted assollanoutaust received, oethe lataltatyles• SY/ 8 - BOYER & ICOARPER: CHAP SAGO, Englishbairy, Pine Apple,l , Nittir ).„) meg arid New YMN:.Netaapieeee,Just receive4,l4 . NIRIVR 1#315 e. I , :MMeetega,to W Doak, Jr.; Vii '' KEW SUPPLY irt-nPRESH SMOK.E.I. • HAMS, just, rezeiVe4 pa.ornlng, at ' • - - I WSLEIt & riAket. >`l jOl7 iticcidadrato W. Dock, Jr ::'.* . ING AND Al.4' t. . kro. o 8 HOVER & ictlintygßt VIRENCH CHALK - PENCILS, .11.1 Suitable for Irankii - Officer, Ate., Jit Sehelleris Bookabire; Xltiirieburg, Pa. pre29 E • , NGLISH }3l t E atlitUT TEA.J;lift oelvett, altiliedti*l4 AgligL Breakfast TgA,at . ! • .. , ::'cli-LER & FRAZER'S, IE - Osero to Wro...Dook. Jr.) , : ALPII4.D.XttIiOCKS I A ND HOUSEIIIJIi&DING BLOCKS,•Fait .Cl sale at iscammvs BOOKSTOItk' qua 21 south Seconipareet, klarrisburgrft `t , r,tbaii.'' . :tia • cirDEB, OldOZ • Villegfq, On be.bought brthetaxier or small qqantlty, • as::•'. IylB ignrlrjr,46,lol,spNß. . . • RES.I3 0181 1 41.18.., •;A:. In can, j ust rectamil4ll-02r sale b.. 81118 L F RA z KR . : 0 26 _::'.'„...(o '. emenle'rtr W. Book .11aC0,3 nn DOZEN- Jiagtali ("LISA rup commigio - *3a14,13h, Chow, fc ef, and Pickles:Ger at% WiAuts and Ordensi zr e4 Vardaman and rata b ..,glars.LEß & erys • Goat. -TTALENTIA I NIVAZig - a new inibiae; at: net &tistait Br, rithaEs*: Burr azg, ,-'ortho latest Patent (13 mem Teed PodeutliniB4lBadvai and for aalitia**-„ 8 •A: c, ;Minn BCOMM4 "tHE lINIO'N—NOW AND FOREVER."—Webster. "AMERICAN REMEDIES, KNOWN AS • 44 11ELMBOLD 9 5 9 9 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ: REL,MBOLD?S, . GENUINE PREPARATIONS. "HIGHtYOO-ROENTRATED EXTRACT BITCHU, LOAN S, ircupaltits BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL ,AND DRORSICAL SVIELLINGSi• taS• Medich.le increases the ,power .o.Di ;ges o and excites the ABSORBENTS Into healthy, ‘., - ti n, ' nag, by which the WATERY of CALOERbin dePosi orts, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are 're. need, as well as pain and inflammation , and is good for , WOMEN or OfiILDREN, lIELNEBOLD'S EXTRACT; BUCHU, LOAKS BitO()RE AND 141t..iotvvk .. • H AWLS I • FOR WEAKNESSES Arising Prom Excesses, .flablis of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse, :ATTEND .D FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS. Diallspostifon to Exertion, Dryness, of the Skin, Eoss of Memory, • Loss.of "Power, - . - Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, ,Horror of Disease, • Trembling, ,Dimness Of Vision, Wakefulness, ,Tinivarsal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back; Muscular System, . , Flushing of the .Dody, of Bands,: ENtitione on the Pace, - • • Pallid- Countenaoe,• „ . ' i'hese valpitiMBp, allowed 0"- 1 an, sritich :clue invarisbiyisixi9ves, Eis.aufglitm, 414:2e) ; TEI4i0Y,TATIIITY,. EPILEPTIC! FITO;, . . .In. one of.VM4r,the Oatterit may expire. Who can say: that theypreApt fraquently followed by those "direful ctleeases,*' • Th{SANIIY P4P-WisliktritceTioN. any are aware of the cause of their sufferings,. but abne will confess. The records of the insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by Vousuraption, bear ample wit ;Oka to the truth of the assertion. , 'HE coNsTnarnow, .CINVE• AFfIOTED W171.H O.IIGANIO WFAKNEW_ _ .• Roquires the add of medicine to strengthen and inviiorate *the system ,which Relnabold's Extract Burka invariably 'dime. Andel ladle convince thapoat akeptical„ : . FEUkT.PS-FEIULES-13, . , . . . O t., OR YOUNG, SINGLE, ILIERIED, OR CONTRM PLATING MARRIAGE -' kln many affections peculiar to females the EsLi > ac 6 `But is unequalled by any other remedy, as In CblOintie'or itetention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or snppreSslof4,pfthe mistomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Hchirrous state the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility; end for elf Nityn : : _p ,gaints incident to the whether arisluiLfrilto 'fii4ccu z . tin, Habits of Dissipation' °rill the • ; ..". , • DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LICA • S /JO FAMILY SHOULD• BE WITHOUT IT, I ?rake no Balsam, Mercury', or Unpleasant Medicine 'Mir Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. BELIEBOLD'S EXTRACT 111301111, /Cites Secret Diseaseetntillilieli stages; at little expense; „little or no change in diet; no inconvenience and no expo • causes, frequent desire, and , gives Arength, :14inate, thereby removing Oliefrections, preventing-an tewing S trictures of the Urethra ,PO and hlllanl mpition, so'frequent in this chili of diseases, and expelling 'Poisonous, Diseased, and Wornout Matter. ;Thousands upon thousands who have been thevictims of quacks, and who , ave paid heavy fees to be cured in a short, time, have 'found they were deceived, and that'linf "Poison" Itas by the nee of opowerful Astringentt" been , dried up in the #ntent, Mbreek nut in an aggravated fOrni; and perhaps after marriage: ' • • Use BRIABOLD'S EXTRACt' BUCRC for all Affections, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mele or Femide - ,Worawhatever cause originating, and no matter of how lodg standing. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic; andlit is certain to have the desired etleet in all Diseases fos,which it Is recom mended , „ god•rmoott4B1_00( 1 . ' E AId *tkis concentiti:. telt . Compound FLUID AP„ATULLASYYRI LIR This Is an affection' of "Bided; and attacks the Sekual Orgiu3s,Liniugtof the ,NoseiEarit, 'pipe and other Ruin; Surfaces,Makieg its appearance in thb fctrtssof Helmbold , s Egtraet Sarsaparilialav prtheltood,"and reniOves all SdilY Eruptions of the i giving to the'Complexion a Clear and Healthy 'Color.' It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, Its Blood:PurifyingPreperties are preserved to a greater silent than,apyptlitT prepafittion of Sarsaparila . An excellent Lotion for diseaseia of a Syphilitic Nature, Anil as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, need in connection with. the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the moat responsible and re• liable character will accompany the medicines CERTIFI. COWS OF CUBES fromaight to twenty years standing, With names known to Soiencoand Fame.. For. edical 'Properties of Buchu, see. Dispensary of the , United States, See Profe.ssor DEWEE'S dalueble i works olijthe Practice of WIC ee P remarks lphla. 3"de Se 6 e Y remarks' '.gili T e b te y 4 1:: MoDOWELLi irceletritta Physiebmand mem. of the ReyerCidlitooT Surgeon; arid putairdael in the Lions •of 'ZIMILK.Mg's and • Queen's' rohnial. See ooClainargimilliatzWiPadiratedhYßEN,T. 'TRAVERS, Ow of Mee. Royal College of Surgeons. • The Most of the lautztadard works on Medicine. • Extract of Bucket, $l.! CO per bottle, or 'sir bating for $5 OR Extract of Belelrrithl,-$ 1 Oil per bottle, Or aix $5 00. lm Prov ROW Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six -for $2 50, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be Widen' :re bare the most obstinate . cases , .if directions are adhered tb. Delivered to any' address, Securely packelf from eb fertlolol6 • •DOSCribOirpriptOMS 111 all communicationa: "Cates guaranteed,- Advide gentle, "7 • -41730Atrr. 1 ersonally aripwited.belbro moon Ablerman iit the; -city' er hiladelphia, IL T. Helmbold, who, being duly -Anion; ,gx, j dap,, ld s propialo o_Arnm nn . . contain no narcotic, no mew- 4 o ,Or other Minrfonp andsizikporebr„yegtablei, .. ~..1. ' -N. Z HerVi9LD. e rn not iniaanAbeit benne me = thin - xid 'day ot bta so r, 181$4. - ' ' lilt. P. HIBBARD, ~.i< i Alderman, Ninth street, ab. Race, iinla. , Address letters for information in cOntdence. - . , , .. ~-• 1 - 1 aklliot WillilllOptllpllSAligaw. Imam", . , HARRISBURG, ;PA.„ MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21, 1864 NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS THE GREAT HELHBOLD z,r;TROT "BUCHU," HELMBOLD BYTRAC7 SARSAPARILLA, HMUMBOLti IMPROVED ROSE WASH. COMPOUND A rostrimt., A.N Skorrict REKEtIY 'OR MUM WWI HEI4I33PX.AD'S BOSE NAM 1 IBEII]ni!E;EMIlillillialli m Eine AL. cHErtoKEE PILLS FESIALE REGULATOR FEMALE REGULATOR SUGAR- GI) ATER. I - lean:lt Preserver' CERTAIN AND SAFI.. Jar-1w the Removal of Obstructions and the insurance qJ Repularity Mike Recurrence of the ManOity Periods. • OrThey cure or obviate those numerous diseases that SPfifig from Irregidarity, by removing the irregularity Itself. - Sir They cure Suppreseed, .Excessive and Painful Men struation. tirThey cure Green Sickness (Cklorosis.) frirThey cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in Glenna and lower parts of the body, Heaviness, Fatigue On alight exertion, Palpltatlon of the Heart, Lowness of SMOG% Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, &e., &c. In qq word, by removing the irregularity, they remove the clause, and with it Ail the effects that spring . frine it . leik-Compoeod of simple vegetable extracts; they con tain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delicate, their function being to sobstitute strength for Weakness, which, when properly used, they never rail to do. Dram PIILS HAVE NEVER BEEN KNOWN TO ESTI WHERE THE DIREOTIONS ARE WELL OBSERVED. letters,seeking,mformation or advice will. be promptly, freely and tbscreetly answered. Or Full directionWaccompanying each box.. Or Price $1 per jatix; or six boxes fOr s6.'- ,or Sent byAratil, free of postage, on receipt of price. or, Pamphletaseut by mail, tree of postage, by • • • R: MERWIN & CO., • • Proprietors, nol6-deod4m No. 6.4 Liberty street, New York. • :• REJU=VENA'PLNG E,Taxi.RT Oa, ESSENCE! OP ,LIFE, Prepafed from Pure Vegetable. Extracts, containing no thing injurious to the most delicate. "As tan Phenix rises from the 'ashes of its flee, ani mates with new litte , —so doesithis•Elixtr rejuvenate the system and overcome disease. • , . • Apar The Rejuvenating Elixir , is the, resukt .of modern discoveries in the vieghttibiellingdoin, being tin entirely new andabstractinetliod'of . 'dure, irrespective of' all the old and werilwitsystents. • le- This medicine hart been tested by the most 'emi nent medical men cif the dityi;atid by them pronounced to be weer the greatest medical disceverlee of the age. (me bottlowill enre General Debility. ' Air A few doses cure Hysterics in females. • • • ; sir One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. 'From one to.three bottles ; restore the maul/nese Wit 1' Me vigor of 'youth; '- , • • • • • JggrA Tow doses restore the appetite. : • Threebettles cure the worst case of:lmpotency. -- kr Afew,desee cure the low spirited. or One botife restores mental power. or A. few dosettreotornthe organs of generation; ' ART A few doSee bliprthfrose ro the cheek. : meilite rimer.* tis windy vigor and- rObist, bilititediternitdOwn and despoiling, iFertio usti6sd'eheilda ttoutlf; the over-taskedman of business, the N'ictim of nervous depression, the indi- V,idual sulfertng fromgeneral d,ebillty, or from weaknessdr I, ibinglo organ, 47iltaldict peruuthertt: relief by the use or thisViixtr or Essence of Life. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and r ?elr ued by . .e;:spress, on receipt of money, to any ' CHEROKEE PILLS and REJUVENATING • 111,0ali arnseld by, all enterpeiaingi reggists in the civil i;ed world. Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to still worthless compounds in place of these ; those which they can , purchase at a cheap price, and make more =- 40' 5 0' selling than they can Off these Medicines. Asyou cisme your health— ay, the health of your future off ' stiring—do not be deceived by such unprincipled drug. asts,:ask for these medicines and take no other. If the diuggist will not buy them for you, inclose the money in it:tit:ll,er, and we will send thorn to you by Express, se %tingly, scaled and packed, ;tree from obserilation • ladies:or gentienieu can' address us in 'perfect contl ..4nee, stating fully and plainly their diseases and symp : toms, as we treat all diseases of a chromic nature in male or female. patients need not hesitate because of their itjability to visit us,, as we have treated patients success lOdly in all portions of the civiliited &ha, by correspond- ilatients addressing us will please state plainly= tattle symptoms .0,17. thou' ..00mpltonts, an§l l.wsite post -office, e)unty, state, and made of writer, plain, and p/Ql94e p'stage stamp for reply. • - Wellend otir 32-pitgo Pampllet'free . to any • adttreek--- _Address all letters to the Proprietors, .• ; • • ' • ''" • • Au.. W. R. &MI, • • iu5115-1166110 stre.eji:New Vol*. - iV B A 1.) V EIRTISETILEN TS. STEAM - WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL; big at QUERNSTOWIL, (conk Kanto.): - The. , treir• knOwn steamers of the Liverpool, New York arLd.;,,Phila diiplua Steamship Company, (Inman Line), carrying ine Llt S..l4aila, are intended to sallis follows : !CITY OP RAITIMORte Saturday, November 19. OF LuNbON .tt " , .December 3. and ovary succeeding 'at riooli,`tri‘m Pier 44, Nprth Miver. ' 4 TES OF. ' PARSAGE: Payule in Gola or'attivalent in Currency. FIRST 0.5131.51, $BO 00 l IiTgERACE, $BO 00 do to London,. 85 00 do to Loudon, ' 88. 00 do to Paris ; • 95'001 do to Paris, 40 . 00 - !do_ to Hamburg, 90:001 . do' to Hamburg, . 07 00 iPossongeittalso forwarded to littvre, - Br_men, ,Rotter, dam, iittworp,,ath it ually iow rates. _ , ares fronCLlVerpool or Queenstown: ' Cabin, $75, si3, $lO5. Steerage $3O. Tholte wtiowish 1 . 0 ee&t lor ttitur friends coot bay tickets here at; ttoaa rates:. . !For further locormatima apply , 81,. the Company's °Rhea. .10111sI,O; gui.t:E; Agent w :ael4 • : A .._ . .... ! fiGLOCLAIIIATION. • , W.HI64EA he EfOrtbrablii ',Tonle J.. PEAR.' of the Court of Common Pleas in the a TwelftltJudidial District, consisting o[ thecounties of f.dibanon and Dauphin, and tile Honorable Samotu,Lasois and Honorable Mosey R. Youxti, Associate Judges in Dan pllin ceniity,'heitrig Issuedlheir'precept; bearing date the lad day of August, 1804, to me directed, fer holding a Piga or °Yet' and Terminer and General flail Delivery and. iglartor Spesicinsof thel'eace ilarricburg, for tho county otiDauptilit, end to coannenaeos 'me3o atesii.tx OF gO v/itana -Nam; ',l3eitig the 21st. day' of Noveniher,' 1804, and, trizontinue two weelat. ' ' • - Notice % therefore hereDY Wen, to the. oroner, Justices ,ottthe Peace, Aldermen and Conatablesioll the said county oflDauphin, 'that they be then' aiid there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in' the -forendon of said day, with thpir, records, inutsitions,,oxaminatipus, tout Abejr iown reMenftirantai,le de.,those Aldose athich to their office appertains to beileffie;andtladstrWh.o are inland in recog nizanees to :prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jai( of Dauphin county, be then and there toaroSecute agaiiist the* as . piveti under my hand, at Harrisbuig,the 21st day Of Olober, in the year of ninEord,lBo4,- and in the eighty ninth. year of the independence or the United States. , W. W. JENNINGS Sheriff. • Srmairr , s' ()Fries,' llarriSburg "Oct '2l 1864. J oc2.2.d&wtd . . -U, , GRAPES! 1 11„j1 81118LER, & F RAZER, have just received 180 boxee flue ISABELLA GRA.PES, 6 'muds in a be; lor 41,00 per bo4, Please call and examine. • oct2B , . 1)0()IKET 800.1 15 , Wallets and Parses' for sale cheap at .BqllEFFEA'S.Booltstoto • PEACH;ES," Apples,; Blackberries, currants, cherldic Jia e , at & YitAZER'S, Doi ' ucceracm to W. Doeir Jr., & ALT :SALMON. S• A nee , ' invoice of fine salt Salmon, jiist received and for sale by - SHISIZR a 1 0 11.VhLii, sept2o i(succeseor tol9..Dock it Co.) , , sugar S ci l el fill i fi a ika in of am ikra ried ellak r e , f a a t Odebri464 :, .1025) • - - 'BoYfit HOERPICR. - . _ _ Ap.COSERNBR'S excelsior .bamas, of. this. sea eon' rs curing. Just received and for sale by SILISLES & .1 1 1tAT.Eit t *slit isimeaseoris o . 7iVns & Lo.. MIRACLES! PIONLESII 14 3 By tl4e barrel, ion' tfuri, Jar. ;irrtgrnriitrzit r a ESEII‘T.F.MONtik :just .freoeived. and .for • le by [nol] sgm,y4.4 pump, EVENING EDITION. Enrroa Tassosent—Dear Sir:—After leav ing the train, on Sunday evening, we enjoyed a good night's rest, on the east portico of the Soldier's Rest, near the depot of the Orange and Alexandria railroad. The interior of the building was full, so we were glad to take outside accommodations, sheltered from the wind which rendered our last night's Atv at Manassas a sleepless one. We piled wood, stick after stick, in the bilge fire-places of our Manassas cabins, and tried every way to keep comfortable, but the, thing was, impossible -, and it was no wonder that the boys set fire to them, on the eve of leaving Manassas, and danced and yelled around the leaping, de structive flames, like a party of Indians bent on mischief! , We arose early, performed our morning ab lutions, strolled around the tidy, well-arranged yard, but did not go outside the fence or en closure, for the simple reason that we "couldn't if we would," for a grewlier, with Sunday-soldier's fixings about him, wouldn't let us. After a hearty breAtast'we =relied to the western limits of the city, near Fort Ellsworth, and quartered in the cabins, vaca ted by a portion (three companies) of the 202 d regiment, who were ordered back to Burk - e's Station, a short distance above Alexandria, Va., to guard the road at that point. Among them I saw your.correspondent "Yentas,' who wrote you from Salem, not long .since, and he remarked that he had not seen a copy of the TEM:MA/11 since he left Pennsylvania. I informed himigif the appearance of his com munication in the paper, but had not a copy of that date to give him. After the regiment was ordered to "unsling knalisacks" the boys "made 'a break" for the vacant she-bangs ; but before a choice was , made of "local habitations," heavy details were made for permanent guard duty in the city. So in less than an hour the-best part of the regiment was distributed throughout the city to relieve the, men on duty—men who be longed to the Invalid corps, and were sent to Baltimore or elsewhere for drity.. Yon' can not imagine what an extraordinory military force is thrown in and around the city, to protect it from invasion. Men were detailed for guard duty at the Government wharves— Provost Marshal's office—Military Prison— Slave-pen (used as a guard house)—on the itireets for police duty—guarding "houses of, eath" (ill-fame) to keep soldiers away—at t e depots and soldiers' rests—on the trains 'running out' of the city—everywhere are placed sentinels and picket lines I We are to .remain here. alLwinter, audit is the welfare of all concerned if they conduct themselves propbrly, and keep up a gdy r Soldierly up pearance 1 We lowa held notice to this, effect and I situlerely lutowithe:rhert of the 201st Wilt heed the `lnstructions given them by their ,officers. Our place of duty is on Duke street, :close to Fort Ellsworth.and Head4i:tarter's- Mt the north side, and Slough Barracks Hospital on our left. From the height of Fort Ellsivorth, we have a- magnificent view 'down y- the - To tOmac for miles, with the shipping and steam craft kfull in view. Directly, opposite, southward, forts "Lyon," "Weed," "Fame. worth," "O'Rourke" and " Williard," are perched on the heights, their beautiful flags floating gaily from the flag-staff.s, bidding de fiance to all Rebeldom ! On the north side, and near our corps, is Fort Ellsworth—further on, alOng and above ME; Public road are forts "William," "Worth" and "Ward ;" and there are still some other• impregnable. defences, the names of Which I have not yet placed in my note-book. Up. the river, northward, Wash ington • City, Georgetown. Heights, Arlington .eights, Meridian Hill, the unfinished monu- Wment, and, dome of the capital, are visible. ashington 'is just seven miles distant, and the city of Richmond, the crater of Rebeldom, is located 110 miles S. S. W. of. Alexandria.. This city contains now about 1200Mhabitauts, independent of the military. It formerly con tained 14.,000, and the decrease is attributed to a certain portion of the populace joining the southern army, and the remainder being sent south on account. of their secesh pro clivities. , have no idea, at, this time, how many . soldipp, and officera under the U. S. Government ,are settled here,;, but from the Governmentbutcher,,l learn. that he slaughters 18 head of 'cattle, daily, for the use of the soldiers and the hospitals. I like the city— its general appearance 7 —but I have observed less fashion, less beauty, and less, elegance in general among the ladies, compared,to those of Harrisburg. That's a fact. beyond dispute,. for the boys all swear, to it if neces*y. Several Hartisburgera. have, been liere . al ready, to . see their friends. They, left hope in 3;20 A. train of the Northern Oentral Rail- Way, and arrived here early in, the afternoon. Our friends can now fonverd vs any thing they see proper. But I beg , of, gum to. keep Cap tain Whiskey away from - Alexandria, for the officers here, are nistmatecl ,b.y the Provost Marshal to punish all venders pf,the tangle foot severely, on, purpose to keep : it beyond the reach of soldiers! This is npt only right, but gensible ! ''ls,'Brciarlti:tei,N. It is nearly time for ymir, correspondent, as "Sergeant of the guard AO. .4,'.':to7olose : this letter, and linnt up his team!, „P,ost, on Duke street. ' Business to pick.S.Seven. "beats," put thein in charge of Corporal,linber, and stand at the post in the ,street, in , maim, allowing no person : o pass without a written,or printed permit. Examine them ali. ~Yours, "gloved" lady—yours, you man on , horseback—yours, ye fair inmates of the phreton, and yours, you darks) , driving the ox-cart. Yours, you gay, dashing cavalryman, and, yours, Aunt Dinah, with the market-basket on your arm!. Oh, it is a pkgue of a "sit"—yet we like it for the novelty.of tile thing—this peeping into, bas kets, into wamns, into carriages, em., to see if everything is right as per bill presented, before, it milk pass our post comitryward! More anon, when I will , get permission to run through the oity to,gleari news. All well and hearty at this writing. Truly yours, • The Gale in Lake Erie. - Brwp4o, Nov. The Free Press 'of rietioiti "eslimates the value of the 50 vessel's; deatioye . ,d h - 3 , the recent gale ii D 2: 1 49 Eve r : at a gullign pg . 44ollara." . • ,*. :110111:0 LIONS, the British Minister at• Wash ington, is now said to he.not dangerotaiy , 41. Hr. disease inn** of the hod, PRICE THREE, CENTS From the 201st Regiment. CAMP NEAR FORT ELLSWORTH, t ALEXANDRIA, VA., Tuesday evening, Nov. 15,1861 STEAI PIINTIII6 0111 . t . ADVERTISING RAMS—DAILY 'TELEGRAPH. The following are tin rites for advertising in the nea t:mans Those having do will And R 'con, rnient for reference: ' ' - - Sir Four lines or lees constitute one-half square. Eight lines, or more than four, constitute a - square. FOR A NASA` BQUARR. NOR ONE . SQUABS. One day $ 30 One day • • $ 60 Two days .. 50 Two days-- s ..... 100 Three days 70 Three days 1 25 . One week 1 25 Onsi week;„....... 225 One month 3 00- Ons month 600 Two months 4 50 Two months 9 09 Three m0nth5....... 5 50. Three months 11 00 Six months 800 Six months • 15 00 One year 15 00 One year 25 00 Administration Notices . ' ' ' 2 15 Marriage Notices . Auditor's Notices limners: Notices, each in se r t! , 'Kir Business notices inset before Marriages and Deal' each insertion ---- lon lied in the Local Column, or . hoax CENTS PER LINE for 33t) Tefentapij. From Washington. === pharlestOn Courier on Peace. WASHINGTON, NCii% 19: The President, it is Understood, lifisr.di iectecl the unconditional release of the • Fein, iylvania. Commissioners and Agents of . tions. I It is said here by prominent friends of the yni - stration that the sending of peace- Commissioners to Richmond is not now con-: • iemplated, and that the President, will fully . , indicate his policy with regard to peciOcation iii his - forthcoming annualiitessaae. '• The Charleston Laurier of .the79th inst., in • an editorial on the .subject of, peace says: 4'There is a great deal less talk alpent . peace at- ; the present time thaitthere was drnmith since 7 -this is gratifying. The proffer Orpeace'' Must come from our enemies. It-is theyl. lvho forced us to take up arms . said. We .; Must continue to fight until. ; tre ob- : lige them to acknowledge their in'abiTify tp conquer and enthral us. We can only ex , ' tort this confession by maintaining our posi tion, by thwarting and frustrating their htid plans, by boating their powerful armies, 11$y• wresting our territory from their grasp; and, .if need be, by. carrrying the war- into.. their own borders. j The Commissary General of Subsistence m Washington, has awarded -a. contract to imp for corn meal at $7 00 per barrel. INTERESTINGFROMWAMINGTON i,.rrival of a Distinguished ... Refugee. VIELO3I scourrx-i. geventy Bounty-Jumpers Sent to the front. WASMINGTOII, Nov. kle. ; Mrs. Annie Butler, wife of the absconding Confederate States Treasurer, who succeeded kti. making his way to Norfolk, passed through' , bere•yesterday on her way' to join' heir' hiis- - liana. Mrs. Butler made two attempts to es, Jape from Richmond, the first time she was ~ daptured and taken back, but she finally sue-, Deeded in making her way toToint Lookont, • and was brought up to this city yesterday iii the mailboat Dictator. . . _ . The seventy bounty-jumpers who, deserted, Mid went over to the enemy, but who wetc. iecaptured in Kentucky by 'alit foreA'-iind who arrived here several days lago; WeiWth 4ay sent in irons to General ,Patvek, at. City oint, to await trial by court martial. ,T,b,ey were under charge of Lieutenant George . - W. pton and a detachment of men of - the 30th - Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps.:: • • •• • From Petersburg..,- Rebels Refuse to ExchaUge Pap fS Significant of Sheriuumes SNLeposs 1=13=:11 • WASHINGTO7, Nov. 19. Advices from the Arniy of the Potomac state that the rebels yesterday refused•tei est cplange papers. This is considered positive proof that Sherman is suceeessfully accom plishing his movement southward. The rebels never have suppressed news unfavora ble to us. Markets by Telegraph,. PLinailsi.pErrA, Nov. 19. The movementsin trade . Circles are, of an extremely limited character. Thera is' very little inquiry for Petroleum, and it is nominal at .13 ®l-1c for crude, 66 @,67c, and free at br k ® 'BB. Flour dull and prices hardly maintained;.. sales 800 bbls at $12g12 25 for extra family and $1275 for fancy. Receipts an& itbelcs•' small. Rye flour has declined to .$9..1;000. bbls corn meal sold at *bout $825.._ Wheat comes in slowly and is dull; sales 3,000 bush at $2 5002 55 for red and $2 70@2. 80 for white. Rye sells at $1 70431 72. Corit- hew - declined se. and old yellow is selling at 11,75 and new at $1 5001 60. In naval stores, oils, ‘ , groceries and provisions mithing . Whisky has declined 1c; - sales 250 'UN'S' $1 7601 77. NEW Yong, Nov. Flour has advanced 25e,430c ; sales of. 500 bbls. at $9 15(g.9 401 or State, $lO 80@,._, 11 25 for Ohio, and $lO 25@15 for Sonthein Wheat advanced 2a3c - ; sales nnimportarit'r , Corn advanced I®2o ; sales of 15,000.10., 2 : at $1 Si. Beef firm. Mess pork unchanged.. Lard firm. Whisky drill. B..k.vrimonz", Ndv. 19 Flour dull and heavy, sales 500 bbls.-at.. : $ll for Howard street super. 14 - heat vaned 2®3c. Corn firm ; sales 3000 bushels new white and yellow at $1.75. Whisky is steady at $1 80. Diaries Diaries !I FOR ISi ' ALARGE assortment of Diaries an&Daily Journals for the year 1.865„ for sale nt ,base's; Bookstore, 21 South Second sfreet, Itairisburg,ll. nos* PATENT CLIPS! And Bill Holders; For sale at &babes Bookstore, Harrisburg, Fa. - ae2E- RAGS! RAGS! ! RAGS-! FIVE cents per lb. cash paid for good mid Bags. SCHEFAII'S sept 26 21 South Second "street.'HuetisbfirV. Poona. - DuTTEII, BITITRE:—Fresh roll .1* tier from Snyder county received every Kees , - AAR° egg/ at 121541 POYir "kr. Soldiers' Postlioll!t_sf, A LARGE tugaortment at . BERGNER'S 011 - EiP BOOKSTORE, marlB Bold at Wholesale or retail at lonseleot... AIESS SHAD.—Fine Hess Shad of the sea son, in half barrels and Wrreredite;-Ii AMMO= t0zW....1144.Mepa lONT.F,SI, , FICKLESI-I-L-By the B7ar 8f , ya HaltfinTol, Jar or Dine ;14 , ...dect Macceasorkth Wni Dock 81:01.101-1 ?i.o2g , TMAT° - gatile; et 1 50 WWI MEI rem
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers