=MI PUPINESS CARDS• FEI *kit. MACLAY, A TTORNEY-AZZAW.—P.atriot and Union alaL 'lndia n; Harrisburg. Strict attention pail to all legal bityakmem mmary daltais collected. mYPII-Lilthaltsod Thomas C. •MacDowell, A.ttorney..at- 'Law. OFFIOEIN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARRISBITAG, PA. ALP:manner of Military Olaimet promptly .auenizert to, and claim" &l' si;iridrart ther3euersd or State Governments, either in Congress, the Court of tfiaimirat Washington city, or atMarriaburg, without un- Heceassty debit and on moderate term. ap29-d6m A. C. SMITH, A.TTOitirElr AT - LAW, `VITAS iethitiriiiViilol4, Ce . frinn Third to Wal l". not a trod "neit to the Pcldon An bushing in teusted4telo rithlteelvWot and careful attention. ap4'l. Ct NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE.. 'zirt.OEßPElt, W H OL E SA LE AND RETAIL • • . DIIALERS 4, • 611,..00ER1E5,' Queen's and Glass Warie ) , AND ALL KINDS OF , . ICI ItNTR.Y TiI,ODIOE, IorAVE just opened a large and well selected 4 1,1 L meek of geode at their stand . , No. 3 Itle'rketkeare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention If the ,public generally:. . • nelo-dly JONES TIOUSE, Oorrier of,Market street ; and .Market §9uara, HA ii lan uR a PitivitA.. CHAS. H. MAIVN I ' s' Proprietor. STATE, :C APITAL HOTEL, CORNER ON 'TURD AND WALNUT STREETS, HAILTUESSI44O, PENN'A. wen .1. undersigned Int;ring Fin:aimed tins wep 1. known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovate. it. The rooms haye been re-painted and papered, and thu entire estalichment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea.: sandy and eligibly located, and provided withprerypen ventence, It ogers tq the public all the comforts and luta ries of a Ilrstnlass hotel. TrimtY and obliging servaul.r. always in eittenditiow • Aiblir - lwell stocked with cloth. liquors is poached to the establishment. den-dly W., G THOILPSON, I'voprietor.' TM UNITED STATES 'HOTEL, HARRISBURG, PA. D i H. IlUTttlilSON, Pic.erletok. /11HIS well known Hotel islnow in a, tion to accommodate the traveling public, affording the.atost ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the permanent boarder. TELE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit" tod throughout, and now hail accommodations equal ;in tatctent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Plailedel• phleand Pittsburg. Its location la the beet in the State Opitital; being in eesy access to all the railroad depots, and cicant prodmity to all the public offices and business lo arNUea of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST ("LASH IfOTEZ, and the Proprietor is determined to spare neither ex. pease, time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the traveling public ie fanllent_tullY cited. . _ ijervAltf . . MUSICAL. OTB KE SHEET MU t, ATIOLINS;;FLUT BSDRUMS, , GUITARS, BANJO . STINGS i PLUS, and all MU I CIAL MER R OTLEINDISE,' PICT kinddofUßE FRAMES, LOORTNG GLLSSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDSand ALBUMS, AMBEtC• TYPE GEMS, - -ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, GC. Remember the pl ace, SILAS WARD, No. 12 Third treet, thdlitsgesi, Muffle Store this side of the great cities. Jan2B-dtf ODEONS AND O.LBINET ORGANS. NTY-SIX FIRST PEEMIUMB, . • TWELVE SILVER MEDAL; TEE ONLY GOLONI • lton by Instruments or Oils • .mtbedir ded to • , ; 6ln § WILIMEENTS, A full .ie always on hand r 6 a- Sole Agent, • '"4. Market street; NE*:airan}3PENED B E, R E R 1 S • Boom 804 ,Statiottery Store. Eixibruoing Ofery :itew and fniProved style of POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC =WWII SOLDERS, CALF SKIN . POCKET EOOKS, .. • i BUCKSKIN PURSES, PO RT Sto.l at prices to mitt ellelar e tces. PO) uhri.mity, l Consisting of a Otto assortment of .-Westenholua's Supe ' PoCket Knives. GOLD PENS., From Newton's celebrated manufactory. Eon Pen with a guarantee. POET P0L101 4 .. &DODD DESKS, • - PAPATERIES, I Ttogether with every article usually found ht a first Book and Stationery establishment, at tuyl2].' • • , EEBBEEMA.SI Market street. DANI.E.L A. MUENCH AGE.NT O the Old. Wallower Line, respeethilly in formaltheipablio that this Old Daily ; Transportation Lino (thir Oni3W Willi:mar Line , how in existence in this city,) is in successful.. operation, and prepared to carry freight se:Jew as any other indlyiduil line between Phila. If orphfir, Ilatriebutki Suaburiy,'.LeWisburg, •ilkrselY Kbpre, Lock ,Haven ilia all other points on the orthern•Oentral,Philadalphis and Erie and Williamspbr.t gal • " , ' - . DAN EL A. HHENcH, Agent. . , Harrisburg, Penn's, boodiaent to the Walhl,lowte , Vesara. 'Peacock, hell dr, Olnehman, NQS. 808 'Enid' 810 Rarket street, above Bth, ' Plaibidelphia, by 4 o'olOek,a , ..Ati; tiil.l-.alTive. at rLihrtEis horg.:ready for delivery, next morning,. [ap3o-Kmyl. PIANOS. Ia'SCHMIDII EXOBtSIOIt PLUTO'S. ,504.74 AGENCY ' AT W. .82, 7 00 . 93 fdart**9 o t, Ruff*liurg• VOW z REASONS =lxalectly satisfactory to Antssur E have taken the agency of the above mbet excellentleancm• The public la Invited to come and ea amfae fdr themselves Mew Schomacker dc Co's Plum on hand yet will be Again.' • ' ' '3141'26.-U PHOTOGRAPH -ALBUMS .photograph Albums. Photograph'.Alburns." Photograph Albums. . • Photograph Alban*. nRI3IOE largest and cheapest variety's f PH j.ToGiRK ALBUMS in the city are constantly stir . N or m • BEEGNIER'S CHEAP BOOESTOREI . . FAMILY' FLOUR.--SEITSLEIC FRAZER have made arrangements with one of the Wit-milli in the 'country to supply - the f am ili„, or Hutu: 0 4 0 A4 Aqtgft. ErrY B4l.4kilLeitstlrie tisLEA 7 1T, ta i: f, ae_ Ro defa um l yine,,si, NaFocoos,opPpinto • the Court aula PIOED tftsTEMK - - • this B a lti more S oyaore, JY IB )71 f. WYE& & MERPER.: , TUST BECEIVED--44 gallons pure ou.rrant dd wine, from t.ancaster county farmer the Bneit .made,doweette wizen in this rho $8 00 t per gauge Tor Sid 4' stanza at FRAZEIr t jog B,ucceaaors to Wm. DOCIE. tWM' t) . • I [lnn c i.,,Xx,tra Fine Baliiinoke, G o m m . , 01:040,n81 . 0! fi,iail gamy,. stid Ci . .ti tqCsesit49f , BWMER & Tri , c ,:. rs to W. Dock, Jr.. 1130, +IMO 1 ADMlSt+Attilladi ea of! 244 Siggialorßamtand at DOSyar, BO I mA! JOBRPER ryea --lf—you---wish--leod -Letts Taper; ganduyoop Ink, Peosiiix-octrldne Olio tu the w Ale,. "yew ,will do well by oalllogot- - ; . I .lliyar DOOKSTORTA, Howibboxe IEI RAILROADS. 'Northern ce,p.trai Railway. , Timm TABLE G. OPENING OF THE BRANCH,. , ERIN. FOUR TRAINS DAILY, To AND FROM , ' HALTIMORIE . , . W ASItI.NGT ON - CI rk Y.- Conneatlone,made with cud= onPenneylvandeßaillroab,s to and frowrittahers and the West. FOUR TRAENSF.DAMY to one; fcem the North and; West Rum* Susquebanna,l'enneyiyania and Die, Elmira,* and all of Waltham New-York. ON and after:MONDAY, NOV. 7th,i 1864, the PReamger Trains of the Northern Central, Railway Will arrive at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows; vii: • SOUTHWARD . . MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday) —10.40 A. N. " leaves Harrisburg ..... . .. Y. arrives at Baltimore 5:45,A% HUME TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except ! Sunday) 1145 r: it. " leaves Harrisbrug '(except Monday) • . 2.50 A; 41. . " arrives at Baltimore daily co r o ce o pt A g n onSi eaves ilar: 7.00 a. Y. . . , .bigg...... ~..... 7.4.5 ./.. X. _ SRN:BURY ACCOMMODATION 10f1V013 . Mot- . • . • . . • bury, daily , (except, Son, : J 'day) al 7.80 A. I PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves -. • . Sunbury daily, (except • Sundays,) at :a.,.9.04 P. X • • N 0 R.T 11:1 1 7' ARD 4- NAIL TRAIN leaves Ilalthnore daily (except , Sanday) • ' • • 9.20 A. p 1 . leaves Harrisburg 1.45 P. 11 " arrives at 'Butibuiy _ _ ICII!RESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily •" • ' arilves Vita:C=l6lmm " leaves RarrlNKrg daily (ex cept .Monde y) 230. A. PI. Arrives fitStuibury pt. ERIE EXPRESS TRAlNleavea Baltimore daily (except Sir urdays) at...... 7.80 r. If leaves Harrisbet daily • ' • (except Butlays) at 12.35 A. it. ". arrives at Sunbury - at HARRLSMIRO ACCOMMODATION leaves Dal time* thillylexcept 31411:- • • day)„ . .. S.OO P. IC sieves atHsrrjsburg . r. SONBI7RY ACCOMMODATION. leaves Harris • burg'daily texceptSoday) ' • The Erie Express and Philadelphia Express are throukh trains to; mid -from Erie and- sit intermediate points: Mail and Express trains run throUgh to Elmira tor further Mformation apply at the Office, In Penntril rants Railroad Depot. , . J. N. DuBARRY,. Harrisbilrg,'OoL 1884.-dif ' Gen. Sup Lebanon Valley Branch PHltila4llA Sz. BREADING R. It . . Winter arrangement of Pasasenger Trai.tm' _ _ from Eforriiburit, NOVEIDPER I 7, 1864. THRE4DAILY, =AIM FOit NEW Ycißkt— • • No J EXPRESS at 8 1 00 A ar, Arr. at N. York at 10: 001 Br .No :B - FAST, at .8:15 , 4 N, " " 2:45 7.3 t No 7 MAIL at 1:45 P M, " " 9:20 P The aliefve connect closely viltlr similar trains the Pentisylveida Railivad from Pittsburg and the Wok.: , . . . FOR PIIIIADEiTRIA ratter - 4 T- I The 300 a at Express connects at Reading the. Reading ACCommodation. Train, arriving at Prit lo 4 l 49tia` at 9:25 A No's 3 and . .7_connect at Readingfor Po s. gill , Zunaquit, AllentaTat, Philadelphia, &c., arriving at the latter point at 1:20 and 7:05 r at, and. at, pnitel . illei at 36,n00n, and 7:45 r . „ - Nair POR LOCAL TRAVEL. • q Number 5 Nailat:7:2s A at stopping at 'all 1)41411 rid making same connections atßealting'tts number -3. Ntinaber, 9, Harrisburg Accenam i ltition,' . at '4"FACOPi . at, stCippinknt all points, mil** litttigat 7:10 arsiitn,Sdin:TltelNs LEAVE A$ ilLsWirgt- • , New yo,ii4.4o*tiq':,;„l+2W at 9:09 . A ati,:nuraber =MESS at 7: 00 r 7.4._8411/7)4timber 6 4IL at:12:'00 - it; Pbiladelpllia- Bt 00. A at and 8:80 P Potisidlle-4:60 a ri,and 2:85P Reading—NuMber &EXPRESS 12:00 midnight:. num ber 10 ACCOMMODATION - 7i35 AM; number g MAIL 10:45 Am; number. 2 l'AST:1:88 P a; number 6 1111 L 6:08 . _ Pasaengers fer Lebanon Talley Railroad Way :ttatibas will taketrainiber 6,9, 6, and 10, as the othlirAr4ine, stop only at Lebanan and principal stations. Baggage,checked through, For ttokets or other I in formation ' ' • J: J Cling, no 4 • General Agent, Harrisburg.. 1864 - " 1.8:64 Philadel.pltut RoAd:* riIHIS Great Line traverses the Northern 1 sod Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the pity of Erie, on lake Erie- . It has been leased by the Pstersimvanna RAILROAD COM PANY., end is operated,bygtem. • Its entire length was opined for passenger arid: freight buainess October 17,1884. TIME OE PASSEEtiF,E.TEAIESAT ItIItg72EURG • - Leave .Eastward: - • all Train. :.. ' Elmira Express Train.. " ' . : 2:50 ,Willifiamsport AccommOdation... .. .. Ipo ' Leave Westward: ' • Mail Train ' 12:35 IA 'Elmira Express Train.. ...... : . ... 2:30 Wfillainsport Accommodation. . .. . :1:45 , ''Passenger earn 'run ,throtigh 'on Nail trait:Cs . siithout Change - both ways - betweim .Philadelphia aref Erle and Baltimore and Erie • 'l' lerntsineplag ears Elmira Express" ;trains Both ways bettire r enifi For information respecting pasaen:gor business apply at the corner gbtfl'and MarkeVatreets, Philadelphia. And for Freight fondness of the C'onipany's agents:: B. B. Kingston, Jr., corner 1.211 i and Mafket, *treefs, Philadelphia— , . . J • W.'Reyhtilds;Erie, J. AL brill , Agent 'CR Z 2, Baltimore. H. A. RUSTON; Ge*rat :Freight Agent, Philad'i • • ' ' IL W. GWINNICIR.,- . General Tgc.ket Agent '4"hi/ad'et. JOS. D. POD, • a 4 i 0e29d13r Goieral .HiptuAgor, lyirlianupo#. . _ CUMBERLAM) VALLEY Alen - 4 , R - I 'NT' _L „IL NOP,P . NaNcr 'R A'- I. gAo IVg . ,(I.II.ANGE . HOUBI3."—On and after MOD , qatiiie , the 3l i: lB64 i Buiseager balsa -vtill Flip !WIT, as lbllowe,'(alusla.Viniclelfibs4i) f • --- rex •CHAMBERXBF4.B 41 , 77) RAXitlafigita: Leave .... • • 1,00 2.45 Greeni3astler ... i..- In, 2.35 Arrive • ,•-• "LW. 4. 20 Cluseibereburg, ' . Leave at 88812 58 Leave Shlppensearg ' 9.00' 1.28 31 • '0.82 100 K. Carlisle - 6.30 10.10 2.40 Arrive • . . 42 3.16 at 121003exig 2,20' 1113 3.45 111111 -O'HAMBEREBIIi9 AND , H4GIIIIBIPOWN: Leave Harrisburg .-apa7 - 3.30 416, 64.! Mechanicsburg ' • • i24/ - itto 4.50 .r. Carlisle... ' .9 21' -2'33 - 16 " ... 1.0.02 { -'•1534 " .. clainia at t .. ve at- -nab .4.42 1 • ; Leavviereedfastre ........ - 11.65 '4116 HOYER. & ° t - exar div , ;ia .... '12.36 0.1 9 - t • • • aus • . 1 14 re Itorklreied isfitli with; poibm is 7 ' - • IWO! 21,111 liarlOwarg: at Clf. , iip.bacil inns . only as Ihr he 3 O. N. Lull: 448414 g-31 0111K'ch3IDbendmg, Oct. 31, 18131-arD.--) '..4XD-rac .„ wilseptiwattoow•-I.luttt just '"•feare c e.l 2 alfd f i at =at U & FaAaws. As s iEs. • Pennsyrumbußall,ltuitti.l "Op:, %OW .rbutx TOAS . - / P,Wa :Pllll.tAlitrli , PlAL XXV, . - , MONDAY,. October 51,1884,, , „,,: • Pii*POtii2 'Thai( of this Peli2gylvatia from an'd ' arrive at. Philadelphia and Finishing as follown: ' , lli Al 3 W A Bob'. • THEOIItiInIXFILMI 'MAIM leaves "Ranittiaiprdaili. itt24s atidiskrWeelit Wad Iti3adelphicatia:ss2 s ; r. FAS% LUPE I,llliiettlig daily (iiteept Monday) at .B.* a. :Ir.; add Philadelpinaiutll4o P.,. at. Ainslie take breakfast ' t Harrisburg... Ma TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (eseeptSondtys)_ it 1. r*. aidiarrives at West Philadelphia at 5.35 x FlTFAlifilitO AND ERIE' EXPRESS - leaves 'Harrisburg ,daily (except Sunditis) at 11,55 P. Mt, and arrives at 'West ;Philadelphia att 4.20 s. • ROMFAMURti SODOMMODITION TRAM, leaves Ear-. gandayny i1t4.00 7 r.At., and Arrives at Wed Philadelphia' at 9.80 r. x. , Tiiii train , has ne ,caaniaanfrom the West' -' • '• • " ACCOMMODATION TRAlN;:leaves burg daily (except Sundays) at 7: A.' nrii% and arrives at Lancaster at 945.11. ar.; . eointecting, .(eXcept ohlittaidays) with the FaSt Me Cast. • ''W E>3T W .4.1;1 P,IT'it'ATIRGAHD , ERIE EXPRESS learns Harrisburg daily (exbefk:Stinlits) , at - 12.85.i: M. , Altoona a 59 si., tiace breakfast,` , and saliva at Pittatiingat 1240 P. u. ' RiVIMORE'EXPRESS , TRAIN latiVesltalTisburg daily (400 . 1ifinidny) it 2:25 Altinina;-8.15 • a.''' X.,. take bre&fast;and attivenat PittAboig att4.o P. )1.. :,/' ;!. THROUGH' EXPRESS leatixt HarrislairrOally at 8.25 A. le) Altoona at 8.15 or., take•breakfast And arrives at Pittsburg,iit < l.4o T. • .'• . • FAST - LINE leaves Harrisburg daily. , (eteept :Sundays). at 4'.6oAltoinia at . 9,10 it., take truPpei, :apd arriduice Pittsburg; at 200 a. N. • ; AlailF.4lNlbairgs Harrisburg daily , (except Sunday s) at3:4041 .Altipliorta 1:551t: a., take stipper,.andi Cr. 'rl'¢Witrittlabrirg at I . oo**V.' ' • • • . • ‘llo,l7ler AOOOMMoDATION *en Heaves Lancaster at 21.120* cannaotinirtbOteivith'the Mail West .lear,es Mount Joy at1.1...51 A. Sr atidositives at Hartlsburglat I.OO'P. • SPECIAL NOTION: , • TRAIN' from Pittsburg, wbigkUrriveS d'Haiiisburg at 6'30 P. iio . 4 stops Passergniii Lir. East* Cf Harrisburg ' lay*Oreemitil. , . ' ' ' SAMUEL D. YOUNG; Stipt,-Xiderle Div. retatt l a /2: Marilstini:,. Oct. 27, 1.84,4 if • • • • .. 9.30 r. L5O A: BM BIRSc , ELILANEOUS. ' - ' 3 I.J LIU R OSENTULE, 29 Practical and Scientific No. 29 NORTH ;SECOND. STREET,,NiAR WALNUT; :2 HARRISBURG, PA. , • Particular attention is called to the...celebrated concave COHVOX• Crystal P...pectaclea,•• which .are. rarranted strengthen and preserve the eyes of the, wearer; fent,to last from 10 to.lZyears vrttbout.change. - Lot of .p.r.lq2nt, flee to , any clire9tion. Concave aka oonyex lenses, Set in steel frames, $2. ! Concave tind!ciari3Ok , ctystal lenses, , Wat-ln best steel frames, $B. v... Concave and convey "141:terms, setts' silver franies, Concave and'conVenCl,llenses,setimplatinaframes,! Concave and eorlYeredistlensea, Set in gold (rani* $l5-to $25. '"- . In ordering apeotAolee stattrhow long .glkaset: areduacd. Antrelftif , gbasseeparchaliedi•either here or: sent to kt, der;:cutn•heilchninted if not suited to the eye;'i, ! - AlWays en - liana's large assortment of .aromatic croscopesapl ,twei c es, Opera sad Field glasses, Thermom eters.Ba ll Coldpsesea, Ihrewlnglnstruments, 'StereoshOpee t I thelateet i sirtienmkstamp.for a extuANNO t. • ilia. S. A." .IMXTURE"L eyeeaa • anythingof:the kind imagined .14as Nrery'xnuch troubled with diptices, and could WI :nothing , to help me in the le let, nntii:ltooli year . Igtte:yhu`this Certificate, Wiping that, if mitiWOOpei to usiit, it Ron, be' the zneauSUP eatendingi - reidge -of the-nitatchlens,v,alne of yon; inedicine. • • : Very 4apecifuhy yours, . It: 8., Fallen Zither, eirribria,Co Aug .2T ;1854,!--1840-4if T EA & PERINF,'S NVORONSTEN, SAUCES, L Ake most, populir WOOS 11111* %Ter offe* to de Pamicit just reCeivaig4icttilflAg T,rai 1. 314 Ors (succeos Rile*. 100 IMMO NOTICE lie, ! in A ;pursuance 011ie act oT enrpWly or Pehitiklvahia, mated the Aral clay, of June, 1.889 thestf s ipktioldere of the Franklin Bank, of Washington, Penns., will apply td the' next session of the Legislature. for. a renewal of its char ter,. with an increase of ifs capital ; from $150,0001t0 .$200,000. - C. MED, „President Ju4e' 2 41. 86. *“1 cr .la2T • • PLIOTOGILIAIPITS:. A LARGE. assortapnt.qof tklieralialid 11=0 platurea for !lido at, $1 per ~ B OIELBEFHWArBOOX 11,E, • 'FaY2° sarnatiurg, ?a SOMETHING NEW' • ' MEE, PHLNEAS' LATENT AZT* "Eica-rx , . INKsV A. N D For sale at Scheeler's Bookstore, Harrisburg, Pa. se2f. TO VitE 4 lES CrUR 4tention, is , calle ,to-the splendid' assortment of Extios Note Petilii lDnvetaliea} and #i ie Stationary at ; . SCHE.F.FERB Bookstore, sept 26 21 South Second stieet;'Herrisbutt‘Penn. SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, poFggiE o. gyadeEr Aud.pricesi. r 11 , Successors to W. Deck, Jr, k k,O„ :!. - '.....Veaters.ic,Flue.FAmilyAreseriesi T_ t OTSclor tale on the , oorner)oftiltar.4,,and Broad streets. Enquire of WM. 0. gigt.tiakEN manttlif : • si SPlLENDlDcmoortmept ok. Xi:men shitdias Mid Papa' Blinds; at SCHErFERAt 'Booksrq eop26: 2rSanth - Secaticf street Itairliburg t = Vrall Paper!' Will•Papertt Al. A SLATES, of all sizes and prices , for . . safelat. -- 'boooq.. „ riA.l3oOkStOre; 2l Sotith'Second street, - Harrisburg, Pena.. - • : OOO4 §ECTEDA.TH 4 1 11.t0ET - 13.00)1.t% - • Jlif for sale at Sctletler's, ,f/poWolli,„Flf o;#thBteetid street, Harrisburg, octl QmokErP SAiiktoN.-FINE -..5ig044) 3ALItO.II, Jpee retoeivott et estkoootioto to Win. rrock.)r, A lO.l "IlkT d 2 itsekerel, in, Aitts c just re 1.11 4°. an thig - 'an" Safe low at "R iv— '77 or ; laj o BLEll:St :FRAZEIVS, imccessora tp , V. 'Dock, Jr. ;4;10i IVIRESH CRAOKERS--Boston Wine Bi mit% Beetan i gillt.Bsculte, - 3080); Butter B BOBlii m OptOr Otecireielßostdir Plei , xpe . t rackers, , Orakihr v justiriereireptiat r 1r BOYER Aig.flr" CIjAMVACIESIAATAXIMMtgIingIentitIik Vr.sigeartamtoPatker thwerottctiAeffeek4o4A,ol9, 2 ttix - _,Lt4 Beabidbiteet. liarrisburg,Xs. Axtl TAMED filiflT of allitinds: at • DRIED litiiilo. -1 444EFLOVIVVIiRtrE. 8 7 -4 7 1 ,1, jui, voice at [aul =Jo-Wax a • MIK.XEa , MMCCInfitM",,'Wftf ON Ail) ANNNIt. 29 MEDI. . _ . BALTIMORE LiaGKi'IIOBPITAL= speedy A41041d, eurpaid mnecliee In Zs:world. for **WO ri .3****(l.o. 11BilEtr SlX.tlsllirktVg MOO" NO NEEROtTNY Oil NO);MOS-DROO13. A Cure Warrant e,cl, - or /go. Marge, in from this _1 21b4 Dap& Weakness of Affecti ons the r ...-Bao utbr of the Kidneys and BligitlrdvOliudin7: ges, ImPotency, General De bility; l'iervemaneo,' ar Laugher, low' 41r its, Connate& of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart; Timidity Yrendiilitgoi Dimnes s of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head,..Throst, Nose or Skin, Affections .of the Liver Stomach or Bowels—these, terrible 'disorders arising from the Solitary HabitiOr-Youth—Lttiose secret and solital.prargices snore fatal to their victims than the song of Syrene to the Mariners of,ilßysses, blighting their most brilliant hojpes or anticipations; rendering searriags &c., impossible. YOUNG - MEN Especially, who, have - becogie the'victims of Solitary Vice, thatilietufful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to tut_untimeargreve t/tetemnds. of Young hfen of the most exalted talentki and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thus. Awe' of eloquence or waked to -00%8y the living lyre, may tall with full confidence._ so: _ • Yarded persons;' orlfoung:Maticontemplatang marriage, being aware .of phyffkal weiMpees, organic debility, defor , tOities,'Aie._ , speedily cured. . He who places himself under the infra of br.l.'may're Ilgiously confide in his honor as a genfleinan, mid - cone deafly rely upon his skill .aa a Phyniclam.,:, ORGANIC, WpapFESB 1 _ Immediatelymnred., and . full :vigor restored; This distressing ...ction--whidh. renders AM) .mieerabie 'and marriage the penalty paid by the vie tims of improper indulgesce. Young persons'are too apt to commit excesses from not being 'aware or the dreadful consequences.that: unsay ensue. Now, who that under stands the subject.will pretend to deny that the power of procreatlOn is loet Sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by the prudent. Besidea being deprived the pleasures of healthy oftpring„the: moat serious and de gractiYe. symlttonis to. IK 41 ; body and mind arise. The.ardem becomes deranged, - the phyeical and mental fmMtiona wealceMA loss of recreative power, nervous =frembilien-dysOpsai., palpitation.of the harm, indigestion, eceurlitalional debtlity,lt Westing of theframe, mega, eon. samption, deoeymad ABM. Oman No 7, Hourli Oname, Left hand Mile going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner:., Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp, The Doeforie • Ihrolomnihang in his Vice, • • • DR' JOHNSON, Kentber Of the Royal of Surgeons, London, &sa tiate from, one et the most; eminent colleges in the United Slates, and the veater. part of whose life has been spent in the heaPitall of-London, Paris, Philadelphia and else- Where; bas effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; manyVoubled with ringing in the head and ears Whitt . Whop; great nervousness, being alarmed at midden 'sounds, bashfulness, with frequent, blueing, attended sometimes With derangement of mitlid were cured immediately. - • TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. These Are some of the and 'melancholy effelto pro_ dined of yo uth , Vie :'westaess the bask and limbs, palm the held; dilemma . of str;st y kma of muscular power, litdpitatienef the heart, d'ispopShi, Uff vOutilifitabilltyLsytmilotuir of conaturrptiorl 'lllalevamir. - The'reaiftil-effetitsqui - the njuif u ch to ee dreadtid : = 4 BSB memory 'ltelit s 'asion of ide a s de vressibbt of 'aptrits, 'evil • forebodmgs. , aversion t o society. self distills% love of solitude, thet.dity, ire some of the'evils produced. . YOUNG'. MEN .•- - • Who have iniurod :ttienaiektres by a certain practice in , dulged,•in, when alotte 4 .4 ;habit - frequently learned from' treil9compattiossib or at lichoolidho • effents of 'which. are Idghtlydeltieven Whilltzesleep ; and if not cured renders marriage mpoitilitiel,And - destroys both:mind and body, Bliouldapply.t ntairollay., , . • - •.• . • Whatal h ate young man, the hopeor his country, 4arhug of hia parentity - should be snatched from all prospects and elOyments of life; by the consequence of deviating from. the,. path. of nature and: indulging in a certain secret atti.- • , Buch perseus Auer , before conteM . , • jiff in - RRT AGE,' • ' 1t..& I the a••sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubialhappiness: Ind'eed with out these,the journey throw - n li life becomes a weary pii griroNtp-, theprospeekneurly darkens to the view; the mind b ecomes shwitesed.with despair aud,glied with . the melanchbly reflecitinr that ttie happiness ; of another ha. nonteiblighted . with,ear own, • • DISPIARVI IMPRUDENCE. :When the misguided and (Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed; the. Needs of this painful disease; too often happens that an illtiraed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from educationhndnspertabillty i can alonebeirienditin. He Palle into the hands and designing"pretend era, who, incapable of owing, filch him pecuniary sub , stance ' keePhinttrilling Month after month, or as longss. the /madlast fee can heobtsiiiM, and lin despair leave him. ;with ruined-health tciaigh over hisgalling disappointment; or, bylhe Um of, thedeMly poison, Mercury,' hasten the haillnitillicinalsnaPOlßPrtaisterrNadiaeaas,auchamdrea tions- of ' the ' Read, meat, Nom, Skin, eta, programing with frightful rapidity - till death' puts a period to his dreadful sufferings Jby‘sendirg him to that undimottrod country from whwe Put trmalor - raturns. • • • ENDORSEE* OF: T4tij,PiteESS. The many thousands cured MAI& itudititiott year after year, andthenunterous importing surgical . 'operations Dr._ performed by Johnson , witneesed . by the reporters of the Soli , t 'Tipper 'end many other papek, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and respon9l - Is a sufficient guarantee to the afttioted. SIIN DISEASES SPEEDILY DIJIIED. magi go. 7 floistk Prodorlois. Sts $. 1020414 r Gray's Patent Molded Collars Ware not simply "at pieces of paper cut in the form of a collar, but are Molded and .91aped to fit the neck, having perfect curve Au fir s amiss or breaks, which Is ob talnettlifAinpattitted pngenkCahlithalso'lleittires another _adv~sessotioldby,so othereoliari--•-viti,eBpace forille Caltan 'kit !CU liuol-titrinistyltsdissilainens Inl/191 ca rnarmitiv 1511:412111111/ l Uno mull, making this .agar, frardaseprattneat, and dirabllity, inn:gulled They are made in Turn-down stylam sizes from • 17 and in siattotie -rim= la toil tact* and packed In man blase boa* - rif • 100 , each ;‘ aluktln smaller tones of 10 latioWa Very bandy package for travelers, array and.hary Sttlloers. 4, 97•FM: - ..CPLL.A. I _ t Is ailluped .«graay's,Pstcnt Molded Counx.., Sold' by,p4 ietail dealers In ,Men's .I'll=lol4 Good% 741i. " 44 " PPE t4 y- bEtr_ 627'-aci.p.rimnur St rnunuelphlti. . _ jel-eodfim 'SELLING GUT- ! r rrr e , ' 1: • • °tit StO OF,, LIQUORS . . wE intendlo diseoritintle the Ade of Li quors amt offer our stock at • verrauuillnidvancr from ooat Pricer Wa Ingroparobieattallour•Liquora be fore We lasi Me and have a 4r•• dock on kapdfor three o ribur yens, eividatOtdad' ;ftnotbe'purobaaed how at, pay pica from the Hata:wrens; Our stook consists of WH I.SSICIEs of all grades. . sir We have parts of three barrels pure , RAISR, not colored, and 1.0 degrees above prpol; 23E years 017: WINESof allliades,. Denali and Itpoited 33 N • We fkaie.'Pfirt: o l . :43MOTM*Y._ to which we iipilti*e;t:ParjicOlar'4tehfl9p'of:faaillffor medking PllrllOggli Tljendj. CaPPrPAb,t,Vt*daY, frolgt.) lll2 lWWW, leattnarile per'gallow • .we'“*m sell it'for girper gal lon. BOOTORAIMENGLD3EIiiainJI'. We !mite the IwWlon Merchants generally, ee wa Mend' tal doll, wtthSut re, aerray4ll our WM he a good ,oppertu. 0111BLER FRAM, LNi=gl.4==zl=iiamtiiitixasiimi • 4#:id& Co P,' . ..-Iy#' ..0R1.0f..k,.•ft.i, WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Iki r A.RI,ECET STREET, DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIARS, STORE- . We are dally adding td:onr assortment of goods all andi articles as are desirable, aad would respectfhlly call your attentlon to the largest and best selected aback In this City, of DRUGS, CHEIECALS AND PAINTS, Varnished and Made, Bat Wag fluid and alcohol, FERFIIMRBY ANb TOILET ANTIOLEB 'elected from the nest manufantaten and Perennial! ,n Europe end this country. Bethg very lariti dealers In.. , PA'IN'TS, liioE - 4 1 141); LINSEED OIL, TAIVIBITEI4 WINDOW 6L485, ARTL?B COLORS, PAINT AND Anna" BRUSHES We respeouvily ineite,e aailjgell2g confident that we can oirpply the wants of alCon terms to their &unarm. JONES! 'AND 4921 - PTIP6 PORCELAIN TEETH, Whakecale Agents for Sapsmiller, which we sell o sc low an item be puralisead in tlui gittei lIIDICAL . . FLUID £11741.40T8. Beinglarge perellemere in Clime 011ii,,we, can offer in dueements.te eteee buyers. Coat Oil Lamps of the mos improved pftlorBs o very All kluda of La i1:44 .t hinged - In balm Coal 0%1 Those Of you who' have not given ent HORSE AND CAT MA POWDERS * trial late* not that/ 'superiority, and the Advantage Vier are hi keeplug Home and Cottle healthy a l * -11 /:?Ci aia .00 P , g 140 4 , • elan iie : es4 testify to the profit , they have derived lioin the nbe of our Cattle Poidere, by rite indreseed quad ' .ty and quality of nillk, • besides improtri ng the general health and appearance of their cattle Ow long experience in , the bushman' given nnAtti:lnlvuti two of a thorough knowtedge of the trade, and our ar x egatnesitsiri lie cities are each et we eau, Ins very dutti time : . think& anything tipped, tilling to out business, on the bah of ter= Thankful for the liberal patron age Meowed 9 OW 'hen we hope pp stria ,alneation lio bumblers, a careful , 'rugs DX lied t fity FINN and the delft to plitota merit a con. *loam of tho*Tor of i diocriplinatt4pipotdia • ; MOTH , • ISACIKIP.W7 . OIffI i mErt • • 9 PERFUMING LIMN ;AND PRIVIIV27NO monk TWS gOWDZII--s compound of valuablO . 9 99191491 fee the disetinewoo, of tomme-malribeled ,141,0.32T2r or 413 1 44 * ( mr 1 =Woolons parper,_o_?yo, , paekeiteinty for' non- effocteen4 112 4.ag a / A" 40 4 11 W; iticaablir 'Pethune /Rl* 940 4 1 1 i a 4 P 16.011 . 410Z P~pareditec cannot • ,oyita nee: 4 ° deiNg at . A, l , l .4;biXtbkkoods Store, N0.:19/ *OM street. • ' • f 1-; • - ,N • BM TAIILL) I 4:4 rikatUalmistAnommoassagesaie Rol .Intflao ZMOtifiti . '..lotairAlkoh' tJ re•mr a ; t - -41114140 k: JA.tik .nAssi ot A ____L 1M QS BIG A DLA direirmt oo 'FE kw (Mil /ATM NO. 19 LASAII,I,III7Rd . , PA KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. irmatuffa, elms aid-Patty, anist'l Colors bud Toela, Pure Ground Spleen, Laid, Spam imd Pine, Ons, Settles, Vial ti au,ld Lfur_p filbbee, MAU. Som, Spbilges and Cokes Ise., ace., Sr.'s:, With a general variety of Ilfi ALL THEIR reiumws, massy 421:1 B#ONZAS TEETH: TEETH !! AZDIaINS3, AND ilArs RE3WRATIVZ Of all kiudr , direct front the Proprkolors setotamki AND ,comENTRATED LYE. UOAL OIL I 0114130 N OIL .I. I. ARITERSAND GRAZIERS MISCELLANEOUS. AIL I F ADD EN'S DIAREPLE YARD GOMM OF WALNUT AND firm mum Harrisburg, Pa. ?TM undersigned having opened a Marble _a_ Yard in this city, beg leave to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur. nish MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION sucm Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantles, And House Work in Marble and Brown Stow) Give us a call and we will guarantee satisfactton. IeFADDEN & CU. N. B.—Lettering neatly none In English or German. mareedly AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES POCKET BOOKS, PURSES PORTMONNAI 11.1 FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLEIVS Drug and Fancy Gouda Store' Ho. 91 Market street. The beet Morocco TRAVELING SATk..B. EI. 3 , And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable ior Presents, now on n an d at JYRT.T.YR'S Drug Store, marlo-tf No. 91 Market strcet PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Photograph Albums BOUND in FINE MOROCCO--pa - nellea gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasp ALBUMS WITH 80 Pletureti for 40 " " • 60 It .• tiv together with vrrious other styles of binding , masa .La pricceeq which will be soldchesp. Boldierot you cannot buy a prettier, more durable sae cheaper album anywhere. Cat land see at SCREFFEII , B Bookstore., marl2-dtf. 'Banishers, It BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE PARKER BOY, and hots , ' he became Coramand , er-inAWer, . $1 26 THE PIONEER BOY, lutd how he become President, $1 :Id THE FERRY BOY, and ate Financier, THE PRINTER BOY, orliow Sea. Franklin 'nada his mark, - MB FARMER BOY, and how he became Idemen ant GeneraL In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF 1 REERLIAON, from Fort Sumter. to Roanoke; elegantly illustrated. $ I '2 5 At BERGATER'S BOOS STORE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF. NORTH AMERICA, No /1135 Walnut Street, South Side, East et Third Street, "Philadelphia. amotarr OF ASSETS:, OAPITAI,.. • - CHARTER PERPETUAL. Atartne, Fire and' Wand Transportation In snranen. •-• ARTHUR a. COFFIN, President R-ARLES PLATT, Secretary. • WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent for Pennsylvania. Office Walnut St.; near Second, Ilarrisbirg, Ya ml2l-9m 00 ALL 5ni74.9. JUST REOEIVED, itIOREITER & 00.'3 CELEBRATED SUGAR CURED _ _ _ H - AiVIS ANDI3EXEIi-, myBl THE NEW 1300K8. Q TUMBLING BLOCKS, by Gail Ham ilton. Price - $l5 • HAUNTED HEARTS, by the author of the Lamp lighter. s2 00 DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT, by aim Roane. $1 60 Iv. Eilgteat'S lIIETDRY, a novel, by Aueena Edwards. 80 centa THE SMALL HOUSE OF AI.LINGTOS., by Tn. Hope, 11 25 SEVEN EfrOßlEbi, by LK JeLar , , ri, zutacr of ”Herezies of a Babbelor.". . $.l. t. SPEiCE'SJOURNAL of' the Diecovery of the Eourcee ut the Nile. $3 50 ...THE..WOMAN IN BLACK, by author or "Shut in EtraY." $1 6:3 NOTk.SOrIIOff'ITAL Nov.'6l to Aug. , 6B, $1 00 X_ STORMS OF THE SEA, for Wye; from Coopero writings. $1 00 'Fromm OF THE WOOD, fur boys; from Cooper% writtogo.. $1 03 . A.ll new booke received as soon as jinni - llted et • BERGNER'S BOOK STORM, 6-1 Market street, ALLRI, riat" . 3 CH ARS- PURNITIIitiI FPOLISH does not arient the varnLsb, bet restores the original lustre.' 'lt does not discOlor. It Will restore, with very little labor i every finished surface, either metal Or wood. soanulbobarers and dealers in furniture shOuld use it for eleaning.furniture that has been Stand Ing, covered with dust. A touch and rub hero and there Will make it bright and fresh. Woe sale by .. • S. A. KUNKEL &.BRO., M4-4lif, US . Market street, Harrisburg. LNMI) RENNET yieldi with' milk the 'eteat luscious of all deserM for - the table; the light. est and -most grateful- diet for invalids and .children. Milk contains.every element of the, bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supporta the system with the least:possible excitement. When still greater nutritive power isdesirett cream and sugar may be added.: Aleaspoonful .convert a quart of milk into a. ilrm curd. Prepared and sold. Wholesale and retail by S. A. giNBEL, ejls-ft 118 Market street. • 11PCLINTORE'S PECTORAL SIRUP. rprEts INIALUABLEBYRUP; Villa is an y tirely negotiable in its composition : i has - been en, eployettwitjt wonderful success for xnanyuYears t in theatre of, diseases for the AIR PASSAGES and tr.IXOS. - For any form of the disease, such as COUGH - TICKLING of the THROAT,SPITEDTG-OF BLOOD,DIFFICULT HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE and. HECTIC nee will be attended with the happiest results. It is oue Of the best and safest medicines . for all fervor of BRON CHITIS and CONSUMPTION. lye landuriten or prepare- UOW 4f OPitni is any ihir_glistkistFulx PRICE. $l. .PER BOTTLE. - For sale at BERGIMOS Cheap Book Store. GALITOTOSALS are ; useful to soothe 9)10, albay Tickling in. the Margot, ,to relieve .limaraenees, Catarrh, Sore, They contain Colltifoot, Horeb:road, IpoCarmmlia, Renege and . Seam, (tha twat reliable expectorants knowna are the chief ac tits tionetitnents, so blended.with Gum Arabic gnat ringer, that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant dose. Manufactured solely by a A. KUNKEL 'Ft BRO., Janet apothecaries. 118 Ilarket street, Harrisburg. Irika WEDDING, INVITATION AT. BON ism 1P..0A101-4. 1 4.0°0 11 __lnPu.ollB,3434beldaggprus in: the country, cards of 1,07-060A10.1141.Watiente4 in': bigheSt MI 6 Of art, conformlim lattit the . htteif. fashion, and -suPPlted pielliPtatost atom woos *mod charged by duXelation- MEIJI lien XiKle 4eWlaatipbia,-, For s amples mares osll at • - watinaos 8t.001'9110 _ A -NEW invoice of =hiioheaerlai oolobrataa 4411.4f10g itakatedval tfordati r INN avonstal to IL Palk tat ...::f1,E68,863 5v INCOPBORATED 17K VMS MORNING, A FRESH INVOICE OF b'iIT.SLF4I & lortA.M.li'S VIIL LIQUID RENNET. UJ OU EMI $400,00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers