oa4 geltgraP4 EIA.RitinFpURG , FA NOWT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1864. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Business Notices, JUairriages, Deaths, Ste., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably he accom wooed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the rciradur INening Edition aritinserted in th &Horn ng Edition without. extra charge. 0W N AND COUNTRY. ARE YOU ASSESSED not, attend' to it at once. The election takes place in two weeks, and every voter must be assessed ten ;lays before the election. I===:l NEW NATIONAL THEATRE.--MT. J. M. Ward has been re-engaged, and will appeai this evening. A fine bill is presentad. 1 THE lengthy account of the Union meeting, and other matters cortipel us to condense our local report to-day. EAST PENNSYLVANIA SYNOD of the Lutheran Church will hold its annual meeting in Leba non, commencing ''on Wednesday evening , of this week. I=l GRAPES.—A. fine lot of Catawba and Isabella grapes are for sale at Wise's fruit and confec tionery store, Third street, near Walnut. Mr. Wise will keep a supply on hand during the Vf1.9011. GOING lions.--The 96th PeimsylvanlKregi went, (Col. Lessig,) numbering one lifind.red and four men, arrived here to-day, en route for Pottsville, to be mustered out of service-- their term of service having expired. GONE TO THE FEONT.—The 210th Pennsyl vania regiment left here yesterday, !en route for the front. This fine regiment is under command of Cot Sargent, and is composed of good men. AFTER A DESERTER—Quite all excitement was raised in tho Fourth ward 'Yesterday, caused by the pursuit of a deserter, who managed for a time to avoid his pursuers by making good use of his limbs. He . vas'at length caught and properly taken care of. I=l "1.7. S. SANITARY COMMISSION," is-, the in scription on a red flag that floats from the Sick Soldiers' Rest, near the Depot: Xt will be gratifying to know that that noble Organi ation, the Sanitary Commission, has again established a branch in our midst.. THE attention of the reader is invited to the advertisement of Mr. Jacob Tausig, who has opened a variety store at No. 1051 Market street, near Eby & Kunkel's. Mr. Tansig will at all times have a supply of Notions, Jewelry, s:c., from which a selection can be made to suit the taste of every one. I=l FINS, 1117NDItED Dom,Aus reward will i „be paid by D. Eppley & Co. for such information as will lead to the detection of the thieves who robbed the store of said firm, on the night of the 20th inst., and for the recovery of the goods. See card in advertising col umns. • DETECTIVE FRANKLIN.--We bad' the pliziasttre of seeing this officer to-day, at his roomlin the Buehler House, and are pleased to announce that he is improving, and expects to recover entirely.from the effects of his late injuries. His numerous friends will be gratified to learn that he is receiving every attention necessary to render him comfortable. Although still suffering considerable pain, officer F. con= sidered out of danger. TILE VERY LAST CHANca.--The Secretary of War has given authority to raise an Inde pendent Company for one year's service. This may be the last opportunity persons will have to volunteer into a new company, and escape the draft, s and where neighbors: and friends can be together. The bornPairtyt4s filling up rapidly, and when full, may be used for provost duty, or be attached to one of the new regiments, and if so most probably the 201st. : 11111=1:1111 - VOICE OF THE PEACE MARE.us.—A • salute of thirty-four grins was fired from Capitol Hill, on Saturday afternoon, in honor of Sheridan's second victory in the Shenandoah. Yesterday (Sunday) morning one hundred guns were fired at Fort Washington, in honor of the same event. The booming of cannon in honor of our vic tories causes mere trembling among the cop perheads than would the utter defeat of the Union armies in the field. Tun SOLDIERS ORPII.ANS—The following per sons compose the committee of this place, to care for the soldiers' orphans, attend to their wants, and see that they receive the education provided for by the munificent donation of the Pennsylvania railroad company, and the, subsequent action of the Legislature: Dr., Charles Bailey, Rev. Charles A. Hay, D. D.,; Rudolph F. Kelker, Mrs. Wm. Colder, and; Mrs. Jos. W. Weir. Application should be; made to the committee for the nettessary..sit-; tention, by those who have a knowlege: Of any orphans of soldiers. Tm DRAFT.--The following list. of quotas has been furnished us from the ofice of the, Provost Marshal. We were unable to obtain. the credits for each district, brit have ascer tained that the Second and Third wards of' this city have filled their quotas by volunteers, and that nearly all the townships . have.alio'• filled their quotas. The draft will take' phice. to-day at the Court House : NO. OF MEN ENBOT.TiFO A.ND Qti*OT.l.B OF COUNTY. . OIRTRICTS NO. OF MEN =ROLLED. CMOTAi. 1 Conewago 110 18 2 Derry .373 61 3 Harrisburg Ist ward .242 39 A Harrisburg, 2d ward.4l6 68 Harrisburg, 3d ward.s44 88 6 Harrisburg, 4th ward 432 70 Harrisburg, sth ward 248 4O S Harrisburg, Gth ward 530 . . 86 9 Halifax 206 33 10 East Hanover .177 29 11 South Hanover.. ..147 ;, 24 12 West Hanover 113 r 18 13 Jackson 85 ' 'l4 14 Jefferson 76 _ _ 12 15 Londendery 240 - - ' 39 16 Lykens 145 24'„ 17 Gratz born' .. 42 18 Middletown M. 1V..." 81 13 19 Middletown S. W... 61 10- 20 Middletown N. W... 126. . 20 21 Mifflin 218 35 22 Lower Paxton 223 36 23 Middle Paxton 117 19 24 Dauphin ... 87 14 25 Upper Paxton 163 26 26 Millersburg .121 20 27 Reed 27 -4 28 Rush 8 1 29 Swatara 209 34 30 Lower Swatara .162 27 31 Susquehanna .214 • 35 32 Washington 148' - 24 33 Wieotamo 265 - 48 TEE Zgra. Dev.-40-night we are to haire the first peep at the greatest drama ever pre sented to the people of Harrisburg—a drama which had an unintwiptecl run of four hun - died and fif iry consecutlue'nights in the city of London. It is entitled PEEP 0' DAY, or, Savour ' neen Deelish, in which the scenery and deco rations are of the grandest description. It will be presented in all its grandeur on this occasion, mid by the fall strength of the Star Combination 'troupe, and numerous auxil iaries employed specially for the piece. The original music and songs belonging to this 5 grg,4 :drama will , be, performed by.„Weber's optilllheittria,.o 'Miss Bella Golden appear as Kethld'en tavanagh; and Wilriing a number of appropriate songs. Mr. Martin Golden I will appear as Black Mullins. Miss Fanny Denham, Miss Nellie, Sprague, Miss Wilton, Messrs. Meeker, Rouse, Fisher, Crossen, and every member of the company will sustain prominent parts. We would say to all, go and see 'this grand drama,. the , beauties of which are beyond description. Secure seats at Bannvart's. BUSYNESS ITEMS. FEVER AND AeuE cured in one to three days, (never Jails,) by using Dr. Rogers' sure cure. It is purely vegetable. Call and get a box this week at White Hall Hotel. Circulars free. sep26-Iw* SELLING OFF AT, COST.—Persona in want of Dry Goods will find it to their advantage' to call on Mr. Augustus Lochman, who is selling off his stock at greatly reduced prices. See advertisement in another column. sep26-3t , TER STATE MEDICAL BOARD Or PENNSYLVA NIA; meet at 10 o'clock, this ' morning, (Monday, Septa 26, 1864,) in the Senate Chamber of the State House, and continue in session three days, to examine candidates for the post of Medical officers in Pennsylvania regiments. JOSEPH A. PHILLIPS, sep26-30 • Surgeon General Pennsylvania. To nin LADEES. —Every lady should have 'a package of the TVcrld' s Sovereign Balm for the teeth. No toilet 'table is complete without it. I win remain this week at the White Hall Ho tel, Twhpre you can send for it. (Circulars free. DR. S. RODGERS. sert2 6 -dr* The Greatest Invention of the , Is the Pearl Cement Ag e, manufactured by S. Rogers,£oB Chestnut street, Philadelphia.± It is truly wonderful. Mr. Rogers is now in our city, and w ill remain a few days at the White Hall Hotel. Orli citizens should avail them selves of thiil oportunity to call on him and procure a . aup ply of it. (Circulars free.) sep2C-lwo DECLINE IN .PRICES.—The New York Sun says : The prices of dry goods and provisions are_ going down in. New York. A large, aue li 'on sale of domestic goods, on Tuesday last, showed a decline of from 10 to 15 per cent.; the, retail market has not yet, been sensibly affected, but that must sympathize soon with the downward tendency in prices, asthe Fed eral victories increase and the premium on gold grows beautifully less. C. L. Bciwman, No. 1, cornier of Front ...and. Market streets, has just returned from New York with a handsome Stock et -ladies' seasonable dress goods and a general assortment of dry goods, including fine cloths; cassimeres, over-coat ings, ladlete•Cloakings, shawls, Foc.— These goods have been bought at the decline prices and will be sold at' small profits. C. L. Bowmairrespectfullyreminds and says to the.publie that, he has at all times used his besf - efforts to *attire for the patrons of his - establishment dry goods at the very lowest prices, and his efforts and dis position have been ~assisted in that direction by the fact of purchasing one or two stocks of goods from persons who desired to go out of business. Having some ten or twelve thousand dollars ,of these goods in, amount on band, which, when purchased, at one-third less than the wholesale rates at that time, he now pro poses, and will sell, commencing this day, (Mondal;) Sept 26, 1864: Fast colored mad= der calico, 'at 25,cents .per lard, worth 35 to 40 cents at wholesale; delaines and poplins , at' 25 Mid 35 centiS l per yard, worth 40 and 50 cents at whplesale; .and all other , goods in.; eluded in this lot of ten or twelve thousand dollars at the same rate of low prices. (He will make. a liberal abatement in price to those who suffered by the late rebel fire at Chem bersburg. ) , The public can depend upon the conditions of this advertisement being strict ly adhered to. We challenge any dry goods house in the city of Harrisburg to compete in low prices. Cloaks and FUrS ! Cloaks and Furs! We will open next week the cheapest and largest assortment of Cloaks and Furs in Har risburg, all bought at greatly reduced prices. Beautiful mnffs- at 4.50 and 5 dollari. Splen did cloaks as low as 9 and 10 dollars. Black 'cloth for cloaks as low as $2 - 50. White all wool flannels as low as 65 to 70 cents, worth 90 cents. 4 by 4 bleached muslin 55 cents, worth 75 cents. French merinos, black al paccas, black bombazines, all at reduced prices. 500 doz of woolen and cotton stockings, children's wools stockings as low as 15 cents. Cassimereforboy'swear. The greatest bargins in black silks. We have - now in store a very large stock.of goods, - Mid will sell . atless than ,wholesale. prices, in order to reduce onr %tack 'BargainS in 'lrish linen bought at auction. Call and judge for yourself. s.,,LEWY. • Dn. M'Bruou'stKing of Pain shou'd be kept in every family. Will cure Headache, Tooth ache, Earache in three minutes. Diarrhmo, Bloody Flux., pain in the Back and Side,lnflam mation of the Kidneys and Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. Sole agent for the State, ' S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 148 Market street, Harrisburg. All orders from a distance promptly attended sept2o-tf Proclamation by the Governor PANStLTAINTA SS. • A. G. CURTIN. In the Name and..by the Authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ANDREW G. CURTIN, GOVERNOR OF THE. SAID COADIONVEALTH. ' A PROCLAMATION RN+9, By the third section of the act of the General Assembly of this Common wealth, passed the twenty-second day of April, A. D. one, thousand : eight hundred and fifty eight, entitled "Ariact to establish a Sinking Fund for the payment of the Public Debt," it 4 . mtiae the duty of the Sectetarynf the Com m9iiiiEdtlt",, the AnditOrneral and State Treisnier, ComxidasiOners of the Sinking Fandtereated by said act of the General As sembly, on, the first Monday of September, A. D., one dim:maid eight hundred and fifty nine, the name day annually there after, to report and certify to the Governor the ameknit received under the said act, the amount-of—interest ,paid and the amount of the debt - Of the Commonwealth redeemed and 'hellby'them; urh&enpon the Governor shall direct the eertifioatei.sepresenting the same to be, cancelled, and ,on grelk cancellation issue hiSProclamation,:itatint,the fact and the estingaisimlent and final discharge of so much .of thtprinCipal of said debt; *WPM: - .24 Slifer, IMO Sleeker and Henry D. Moore, ex-officio Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, in obedience to the require ments of law, report and certify to me that the debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, redeemed and held by them from the seventh day of September, A. .1).. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, to the fifth day of Septembrr, A. D. one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-four, amounts to the sum of two hundred end sixty-eight thousand five hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents, made up as follows, viz: Five per cent. Loan of the Com monwealth, $268,308 03 Interest Certificates redeemed, 261 47 Total, $268, 569 50 New, therefore, as required by the third section of the act of Assembly first above mentioned, I do hereby issue 'this my procla mation, declaring the payment, concellation, extinguishment and final discharge of two hundred and sixty-eight thousand five hun dred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty..cents of the principal of the debt of this Common wealth. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at Harrisburg, this twenty-second day of September, in .the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-ninth. By the Governor: ELI SLIDER, Secretary of the Commonwealth SPECIAL. NOTICES. Bstniravairtls Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to-speak in public. VP nufacture d only by C. A. Bannvart & 00., Harrisburg, Pa-, LI whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Ilisrasucmo,'Feb. Bth, 1864. 0. A_ Balm. year—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as 'a most alimirable specific for public speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found. them serving in time of need, 11208 L _ Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSON, Pastat of N. S. Prasbytoritut Olturch ffirl agree with . Mr. Robinson as to the value cd Baxaotart's Trophes: W. 0. OATTELL; : • Late Pastor of 0, S. Presbyterian Church. SMITZBITI3O, Jan., .1.864:' To C.A. .B.kruivass:--Dear Sir: In the habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of ,some gentle expect° rant, and that want has Veen supplied in your excellent Troches. • I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice' arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public ac •.• dresses. Yours, ae., JNO, WALKS, JACKS:W. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To O. A. li.t.us - tua—Litar Sir: Having uses your Troches, I um tree to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great, platoon- in recommending them to allpersons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness . of voice arising from public spettAirg or singing. Yours, dm., G. G. ISTRAW, Pastor of &Age Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S °MOE, EIA=PTOSI.O, Feb. 29, 1864. I To C. A. BArniverrx—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HEIM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Great Attraction! NO. 13 A H Al)! 1 MRS. M. MAYER, No. 3.3 MARKET STREET, Eros just opened her new FALL STOCr, or BONNETS, LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS, . . FEATHERS AND .FLOWERS. Also, • THE LATEST STYLES, of CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS. And a fine assortment of WOOLEN HOODS, NUBIAS, dc. =I TRIMMINGS. Constantly on hand, besides everything usually found in the largest, furnishing establishments in the country. . sep2o Army Supplies. HEADQUARTERS PRNESTLVAN.TA 31/LITIA, QUASTNILMASTRE GM:EARL'S DEPARTMENT, Elsrmssuitn, Pa., sept. 22,11364, SEALED PROPOSALS (endorsed Propos sais to supply Wood) will be received at this office up to THURSDAY, 12 at., September 22, 188 t, to furnish the following articles of supplies, to be delivercd at the Camp of the Pennsylvania State uard, at Carlisle, Pennsylva nia, in such quantity and at such time as maybe directed from this office: 300 CORDS. GOOD MERCHANTABLE HARD OAK WOOD, 128 CUBIC FEET EACH CORD. - The same to be inspected as provided for. by,,act of 413. seaibl3i. Two goal Sareticelor the faithfnl performing* of contract will be required. Names to be :giVen,itt pea, posal, and the right is reserved to reject all bids, if deem; ed for the interest of the State to do so. . . . TAXES L REYllO4l*', sep22 dSQ Quartermaster Gaul of l'earisylyania, 7. Three Blackiiniths, 7 4, TO LEARN ART -MAKING, AND SLR OR NOREIELN ASI _ HELPERS, ARE , WANTED IMMEDIATELY AT Mann's Axe Factory, near Lewistown. Blacksmiths can realize from $2 50 to $3 00, and helpers from $2 00 to 0 50 per day. se24:-Iw* WANTED TO RENT. A SMALL HOUSE IN A GOOD NEIGH ti BORHOOD or part of a house, by a gentleman and wtta. Address " HOUSE " at this office. W24-UP E. C. CiOBTN, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE IN THIRD STELE; ABOVE MARKET IMPEEr , • Mi . . Boman* Pensions and Bank Pay collect/slat legal rates. Dep44l3m*. EXTRA VI( tU' l l.l WHEAT FLOUR..---,Se looted White Wheat Family Floor Jut receive and for sale at SRISLER tic FRAZER,. jysSuccessors to W, Dock, Jr., .k -ArS SHAD. —Fine Mess Shad of the sea se; in half barrela and •Wits, pat, received at SEMLER k FRAZER Jai SuceeBad to W. Dock. Jr.. 0_ eJ. BASKETS, BASKETS, in great variety at BILISLER. & AT • Somotora to W. Book, N., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. *,;LIST OF LETTglik,''... REMAINING IN IRE, HARRISBORG POST OFFICE • mam)x - r, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1864. OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEIVSFAE!.ER HAVING THE LARGEST cmcur,Arrox. LETTERS RERAINING:,UNCLAIMp 1N MIX POST orFici. Al HARRISBURG,, 14• L "ro obtain any Of ifieie r letters, Oa apPliemt most call, for ,'advertised tratcrs,'-give the date oft his fist, and pay one cent for adyartiang.•: lirqr hot called for within. ono : month, they .:will be sent to the Dead hettr Office. • • • "FREE DE-LIVERY of Jetters,bg carriers, at the rest denced of baiierli, May he' SECURED by oliserving the following RULES: • • - "1. DIRECT letteraplainlyto the street and number, as weli as the post oftlen and State. • • 2. READ letters 'With the writer's post office and State, street and number, sign them plainly with full name, and request thatanswers be directed accordingly. —•l3. Letterste strangers or transient 'Visitors in. . a town • or eity, Whose special , address may; hellll3h:ism; 'sliould be marked, in the ‘ lowyr left-hand corner, 'with thin word 1 Rub! the postage" stamp on the aziOr, right-hand corner, and leave space between the stamp, and direction' for pott-viarking•withgat lgterf6rMg.With the writing. B.—AN. REQUEST. Ydi . TiffUR,N Of a letter to the Writer, if nidaimed Nc!ttbirc3i);days.or less, written or printed with MO writer's name; poet office and State, across the left-hand end of the envelope,.on the fate able, will be complied with at the usual prepaid , rate. of •postage, pay able when the lettdils a q liye T ed to the - writer.—fist. 28, Law of 1863." . • .j.; A ErLE S' LIST. Adams, Miss Emma L' ' - '. : Kell, Mrs Sarah Anderson, Mrs Hattie - Keller, Mis.s Mettle Anderson, Mrs'lD - • Keller, Miss Ellie Anderson, Miss Jennie 2 Keller, Mrs Camilla B Aldridge, Mies Sarah : Keeth Miss Mary Adams; Miss Kate Morsel, Mrs Henry Atwood, Miss Minnie , ' Kissinger„ Miss Rebecca Barton, Mrs Bathed ' Kishadden, Miss Barbara Barr, Mrs Mary A Lewis, Miss . Nolly Barry, Mrs Joseph R. -. Later:, Miss Annie C _ Bell, Mye Martha: _ , Lee, Prissillia . ~ Billi, Mm. Mary red. Lan, Misr. .Margaret Bishop, Miss „E . ... Loyd, Miss Annie L Black, Mrs S , Long, Miss Mary A Birmingham, .Idrs Bridget Lynch, Lucy • Boyer, Mrs Lizzie J :.. •-• Ltrrejoy,'MinnieJ Boyer, Miss Mary .._. - Lyter, MIS Sarah A. Bower, Miss Sallie , C ri • Louden, Miss Leah.. Bo.bberts, Miss Sarah J ----W6ninai MissiEllen U Boeram, Mrs Catharine - MlLtums, Mrs:Ellen Books, Miss Melinda - Miller,, Miss Mary~ ...• Boyle, Miss Rose. l- , rldease, /Miss Susan r. • • ',. Brower, .Miss . ...A .J 4. ~,. -, :linguine; Annie'' , . Brown; Mary H ' ..-. .: Martin, Rebecca B ro -Bwn, Miss Sarah Jane 'i ' , Meehan, Miss Nancy ' • . Brictcham, Miss Mary •• ~ Mlnech; Sias Lucinda ' Bryan, Miss Addie - • -, Mitchell ' Miss Matte E 2 • Brougn, Bias Angeline • Magee, Miss Annie Burger, Miss Maggie R Moore, Mies Martha B Balder, Miss Harriet M - :Mowby; Miss Maria Ruttier, Elizabeth •'.' ~ •Moor,"Mrs _Ellen C Burnes,, Miss Martha. ~ ;t _.Myers - lira Levine Gerdes, Miss Caroline _• . ' , Mew Mrs Eliza Cider, Sarah : ~ MtuTy, Mies Sarah Chandler,•lars Elizabeth , Nike, Mier Annie A Chandlery, Mrs Elizabeth Osbortdt, - Miss Elizaloth Clark, Mrs Amanda - ....., Ostia, Miss E Clinetop, Miss Luria ,:, . °ler Min Sarah Comealy, Miss ,I : . Poirfen, Mrs Margaret Connor, Miss Catharine Patterson, Miss Susan Crum, miss Arinie - Reiser, Mrs Elizabeth Croft, Mies Elizabeth „4s Rhine, Miss Mollie ' „Denley,...Miss Sarah ......-Bareb,.,Mrs Minide.E 2.- Daimand, Mrs Ida Ricard„ Miss Elizabeth Dirr, Miss Amanda •, ~ . , . "i :Rai:felt,' Miss Eliza „Dickson, Mrs Hannah Robon, Miss Amanda DuAln, Miss Margaret ..... „Rutherford, Mrs Addio , Duna*. kiss Sarah 'A '' L Rudy, MiSs E Douglass, Mrs Rebecca Sehreadly, MIN L E Dutioara, Miss Sally , - &damn, Miss Elizabeth Dougherty, Bridget Scott, Miss Mary Eby, Mrs Adeline, , .., ~ iieig, Miss Fannie A Earl, Mrs Ellen.— ' Seaman, Miss Susanna Eshnower, Miss Margaret Seymore Miss Kate Erb, Mrs ifat . lida, . ''.• . c ,Se ilaillkiiss„, Mary A• '• Efteriger, MietillY Swollen ; Imelz 2 Fisherhart, Mrs Mark •• ;Smith, Mrs Rachael Falter, Louisa . , "Smitb, Mrs Caroline Fitzpatrick, Km , Bridget 2. 'Spang, Mrs Lizzie C Foster, Mrs D:0 • , - ...• ...SaIII,..MIS Elizabeth 2 • Ferida, Miss Herselia 2., ~. ,Stoner, Mrs Clarinda . • . Vurgenson, Mrs -• • z ' ' 'Biciretler, Miss Sallie A FreAse,lfte Mary C - • - Tomlinson, Mrs Sarah Sarret,-,KRAP '.. • ' . . • glialqi.miss Louisa , Garly, lira Mary . Tuttry Miss Catharine • Godmin, miss'S.allie ' : Taff, , Miss Heiletta -, Green, Mrs Ann . + '< , ."lleker,.:M.riV!. • Grue, Miss Husennaii, . • .., 4i3Pnerthl Mrs Base Glaser, Mrs Jane tikkerd, kliss Edmonie Guinn.; Miss Elizabeth WitgirlDS,' Mrs Daniel Hartline, Miss Lyda ' 'WallacWllifiss Mary A - - Hanes, Mrs Lyda, ; . - Watiorgy Mies Maggie Harper, Mrs walker, Miss K L Headley, Mrs Hiner Walters, Mrs Maggie Seidler, Mist Alan E - • .', . , Wardi Mrs Rebecca . Hendricks,. Mragrd, It .„,:,..; ~,Wreae,libsiK.;... Herman, Maggie ,E, , , ., „Weaver, Mrs Rebecca B Hiney, Mrs Hernial .-- ''' Welker, Mary Hipps, Mrs J -r , •• ••• I 'Weitz, mfrs Citharine • Hoover, Mrs Annie • •• .:. Wle.e 'Miss Maggie • Howard 'Miss. Victoria. •- s Witalli, Miss Addeline , Hollins,Xra Feeney ' ' ' Wilted; Miss Minnie Holland,•Mrs Fr•nces • ' • Wilton," Mrs Lucia Hues; Mrs Caroline ' ,--•, Wingerditer; Miss Isabella Hutchins, Mrs Elizabeth , Wilton, AlerArietta, , . leffris; Migs'Liztle Wirminl; - 3lrs Ellen ' ' Jedlkins, Miss .Louisa ~ Windles s Mrs Lizzie , Jordie, Miss Susan- ' Jackson' Mrs Mary Wolf,,Mrs.Lizzio Jordon, Mrs Jane Worden,Mrs Anna-E . - : 11 4 3 5, li.'ii.S.lS EN'S la iE T f - .Aerk.in4.•4ltin! . ., .. : -0- • - • .illeland, Lt Col James Adamson, J B . L , , , Graves, J A Ayers, Samuel P - 2 ' *" ' Gond; Joseph Allerding, Nicolas 2 Green, Jeremiah Anne, Henry Alj, ."- Gray, Samuel Anderson,,, Joseph . JEffiller, IT -.. . .. '. Augur, James , Manillas, Jost ~C.. Arnold, Samuel - litigemen,"Louis Billions, John - • - . 7 ' •HalrtiAdepli . - Bailey, John - Hale, R C'- , ... . Bard, ttobert )1. .., - ~. fiarpllalay Lt Wl' . 'Briughnuin,"2ll' • '''' '- Hanky Jacob Barclay, Dr J B Harrison; Reuben ' Bacon, Asaph , Hanka, AA • Barnhart, .0 W Harngan, Richard S• Bantam, Capt Hendricks, J H ; Balmer, W H • -- ' • ' , lletidlY, Charles Baxter, Jaines • • .‘• " . i Renick, Jacob Berger, Elexander ...• Heisler, Charles M Belam,"J C • - .".. Hegkin, Jacob Beard, George S - Hellerman r Hiram Black, William' , , •' - . ....i.: Wise, Jacob Billie, Henry ' Hensley, Robert Bigger, G W Hempfield, Wm P Black, Adam ' Hendricks, John H Boesshar, Daniel Hiner, Theodore Boyer, reter 13 • . ...' • ' Ilill,: &Mimi H Borger, Charles Hicks, Phil Bollinger, Adam . • Hickey, Oliver Brice, B W Hoffman, Isaac 2 Bannan, George, Holtzworth, Jacob p Burns, flannel >._ ~ ," l • 1. Booker, John 2 Buck, J ' • . ..., .-, , - Hanel,. Alex• 3' Barns, Patrick ',* . Hotrdekler, John 'A ' Burrower, L ..' .", •'• Rocker, Less annis„:David - , lioncir,P S Cade, Robert I, , , " '•• Flhhitl' James cassid,,m , • .'• Hollow, Charley • ' Cady, Henry L x, , . . . -Beam Henry Garle,s, Carpenter , Hunter, Dr 2 CamPbell, Edwin . - Hunt, Taylor J Callahan, Thomas . • • Hudson,.Dr 11 ' Chester, Luther R , . Irvin, Mr '. ' •• ' . Clark, thiiiiip • , Jamety Wm • Clark, Damon P. ' ~ .Jackaeis, Wm' " • Clunk, James • - . Jackson, John ',_ Glees, ',Mut AB . • ;.• Jenkins, John W Clare, Samuel 2 . • • Kelley, John Clark, D A • - .Kiser, J C • - Clark, James A King, Dr W S Coats, Charles - • ..Kirly; Wm' , Coral, John . Kirk Win .1 Crawford, Jacob, ... , •• , Knight; 3 W . 1 Crossmart, Charles Koch, L emus; 13 W ~ , Komp, AB 2 Daniel, Vivian . •••' .. • Koch, Francis E Dares, Samuel id . . Kromer, Edward ,Dare, Charles illinedtrist, Charles W Dean,•John A 2 -. Ranker, Wm F ' • Dean, Samuel . • • Koch, Lewis Dewey,,Danial . r...--. . Koup, Daniel W Deshner, CharlesKerolor, John lDeohne, Gorily • p . Kime, M 8 2 "Deakenbaugh, Samuel - Kobs,,George W • Deatrick, George W `;Lan Jacob F 'Donahue, Frank . .Lo Haniel ' Dimmick, Charlet D - • famtel;loha ,Dodd, Allen ' ' ". ':' Laniard, F F ',Dickinson; it p -' .'' anis; Win H Digs, William - ' ' ' . 'Merl, lacoh Donsick,•Jacob " ' ' /4_ HY, laines Dunlap, Capt George ' Lyon!, R W Dreur, William If Loomis, Francis G' Duke; William s , ." - L uh e l a a, Charles Dyke, Alonzo Long, John Eley, C FM'Farland, Geo H retch , TA kilttcip A,. M'Fhlaney, John K ns,D F .... - " .M'Callum, John ter, Henry , 1, -,1, ',,,,, 14' 011111 M, Will R plembig,'Jalso . 6'" ..-_• ' ' WDOlatell, Dr E Floyd, Lt w . 5.. - .• : • ' . , L xrElee, John thak,, Amos ~ ~. r., M'Cord, John, EPrthOy, Henry; .. - S'Allleter, Jp. .rd, elan ' . - Mackeu, OS orthe,,Georg% Flickinger, William • Mats, 4 H Freese lame .Maxwell, Dr J K Frost, William H , . - ....111aum, Alt Freeman, B - . ' Alger, A. Frey, Samuel , r , • • Metzger, John IaOs; WilliBll/ ', L.. I‘. Mender, Beni rjaperrerelzaacabA,; - . • - Masseramith, Mx ilMe, Wham , •,, ~ ~ . . Mecum, George C hilt, Adrina ~ Miller John C tes, William Morris, George 2 Val'itttiginallel I' ',' .- ' ;.;•-.. Kayla, giemirct 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Molynear, Win S Moyer, Seni Moreland, Hiram ?dumber, A J Morrell, Francis Metherebaugh, IA Jests Noel, JAMB Oliver, Charles Patterson, Capt W H 2 Paters, Fred'k Painter th Cinmingham, Parkhurst, B Parker, Joseph Pollen, John Persons, John M. Peck,-Henry Platter. Samuel J Pete; H C Poist, Geo W Potts, Hugh R Prebble, Abraham Price, Charles Puller, Fravers 3 Prior, Remy Bamberger, L D Randolph, L J Banabher, Abner Ithowrn, Marshall 9 Retcherd, Henry Reese, John L Reed, Edward A Reiley, Wm Reed, Thomas • Rerchard, David Ititman,. Capt iggs, .Jefferson Riddle, Dr John W Richisou, George Richert, John Riggs, Win C oach, John Rhorer, George Robinson, Wm E Runkle, Conrad ' Rowe, John • Roller, Ferdinand Robeck William Royer, 3laurice Rohback, H A Seitz, Harry Shaffer, George Shifrert, Charles Seager, Wm •• Shibely, AB 2 Seifert, C A Shearer, Abram Shaffer, Augustus Shifter, Harry Short, Franklin Shearer, David Singleton, S Snyder, William Snyder, John Smith, John C i•uoddy, W S Sinith, Capt Jacob Sault, Harry Spencer, Montan . Speer, W J - Souders, Ataj J A Stouffer, Jacob G Stall, Thomas H Staybo ugh, Wm Stevens, Andy Stumph, Thomas It Sunderland, William Stone, William 2 • Stockweaitter, Dr . E 0 L Stout, Jacob R. Stoll, George T Stouffer, Daniel IL Taupbticher, John, ' Tafferte, R V . . Taylor Jerome A' Thoni4on; B F Terom, Peter Thomson, H S Thomson, John , Taub, Ulysses Urick, Samuel Watson. II S Ward, Charles Warner, John 2 Wagner. John Walter, David Walters, William Walker, George Warner, William Watson, Nathaniel Weaver, William Wenel, Jason - Whitmyer, John Webb, Oliver H Weaver, Jacob Webster, Edward Weaver, George T White, C C - Webb, EW Wel; Paul West, John Wheaton, J L Williams, Wm Witman, George Winkey, A L Winters, John Wilson, .Wm Woodruff, C L Wright, Oliver Young, Frank Yack, John Young, Sellman . Young, Charles Id Zegler, John GEO. BEFGNER, P, .M, • Public Sale. On Tuesday, stptembtr 27Th, 1864, TE slibscriber. will sell on the preriO . es, in pper Allen, township, Cumberland county;.Pri, on the road leading from Meclumicsburg to Dillsburg. one and a half nines southwest of the former place, the tolloW ing valuable real estate : No. I—A tract of land, well known at the Reserve Farm, containing 77 acres, allin a high state of cultivation, having recently been limed, and under good fencing. The improvements consist of a large TWO-STORY BRICK .11ousg, With kitchen andwash-house, large Bank-bain, of modern style, and all necessary outbuildings. The buildings are all nearly new, having been built within a few years. There Is a well of excellent water, and two cisterns—one at the barn and one at the Rouse. There is , also a splen did young Apple Orchard, in fine bearing conditioo, with peaches, pear; plums, and grapes, in great variety, on the premises. This is in every respect a superiorivroperty, and' its nearness to Mechanicsburg, with all its other facilities renders it one of the most desirable homes iin Cumberland Valley. No. 2—A tract of 11Mo-stone land, adjoining the above, containing 24 acres, of excellent cfiiality, and under good fencing. The improvements are a TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, " With kitchen, Wash-house, Bank-barn, and other neces sary outbuildings, all newly erected. This property is suitable for a retired farmer, who wishes the conveniences of a farm on a small compass. Its nearness to the above 77 acres, Will enable the owner to offer it as a separate home, or anentire tract of 101 acres, if it is found to suit the purchaser.lt will be offered in bath ways. Persons desiring to view the property previous to the sale, will pleale call on the undersigned, residing in Me chanicsburg. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock r. when terms will be made known by 7. H. LONG. sepls-12t • NEW 4- E.INTIN G- Fall and Winter Trade! CLOAKS i CIRCULARS 7 :4 2 :-, , CLOAKS s- .., BROOHE 44 i i i: AND MOURNING .....-- - --- 7, .I- - - SH &WIZ I _- - - BALMORALS AND SCARFS! FURS! PURS:: The Largest and best selected stock in thitteite . at the New Cloak. Stove, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BLOCK. HARRISBURG, PA 80p2-11 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF FICE, • Film Drsgios, - _ WASHINGTON CITY, September 2, 1864. WM sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, at the time and places named below, viz : ' • York, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 16, 1864. Altoona, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 22, 1564. Lebanon, Pa., Thursday, Sept. 29, 1864. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES AT EACH PLACE. These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Talum—Oraffi, in United States cmvency. JAMES A. EKIN, • Colonel First Division, seps-tse2Bi Quartermaster General's Office. • PROVOST M A tgrul2B DITTOS, 14TR DISTRICT OF PRSNTIVI.V.L.TLf, HARRISBURG, September 3,1884 The following notice is published for the inforniation of all interested : TO VOLIasITEERS Volunteers will be accepted and counted on the quotas of thwpresent call, up to the last practical moment before the drafted men are accepted and sent to the rendezvous. Townships and, sub-districts which have not filled their. quotas are urged to do so at once. All time that can possibly be given will be allowed, but the draft will commence as soon after the sth of Sep tember as practicable. Credits will be given, and Government bounty paid to volunteers until further orders, By order of Capt. RICHARD L DODGE, A. A. P. M. General iyu.T.T/i SCHEFFT.ER, Captain and A. A. A. General. JOHN KAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Mazsbal 14th District of Penna. Harrisburg, August 31,1864. sept 5 (WASTER: MASTER GENERAL'S OF. FIOE, FIRST DIVISION, WASHINGTON Cit,y,August HORSES I HORSES! Horses suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service will be purchased at Giesboro Depot, in open market, till October 1, 1884. Horses will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore A. Q. M., and be subjected to the usual Government inspec tion before being &anted. - Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more . TAMES A. ERIN, Colonel First Division, seps-tdj Quartermaster General's Office. • PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that. in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the first day of Tune, 1839, the stockholders of the F ran kli n Bank, of Washington, Penns., will apply to .tho next session or the Legislature for a renewal of its char ter With an increase of its capital from $lBO,OOO to $260,000- C. It. REED, President WAsemravoN, Ps., June 24, 1864.. Je.27 LPERINE'S WORCESTER sAtrott3, LEA the most popular aadthe purest aver offered to the path°, just received and for sale FRMIt, febl pmcceesoreto Wm. Deck, Jr, & Co, j~IIM BASKETS. --Maga' Fra ger, successeorste Dock , it, &CO on hand 86 dawn h ickory baskets.. Price $5 50 Pes scatep. jog VIBUIT JARS, of the latest Patent (Grif thee Test Patent ) ) just received and for sale low at • Jy111" ' • BOYER & KOERPER . BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HAtI, THIRTY-FOURTH NIGHT br Souse's Star Combination Company, Ronse's Star Combination Company, Rout's Star Combination Company, MONDAY EVENING, SEPT, .20,-188t First - night of the great sensation drama, en titled, • PEEP 0' D&Y; OR, SAVOURNEEN DEELISH o(rFor further particulars see programme aug9-dtr New National Theatre New National Theatre COR. OF NORTH SECOND AND SOUUTH STS. So 4 Lessee and Manager, - E.MAR.BLE Stage Manager, - - MARRY 41411.80AtT Re-engagement, for els nights only, of the celebrated Irish Conimedian, MR. J. M. WARD ! MR. J. M. WARD! MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 28, 1.1314; The great play, in five acts, Marble Heart, Marble Heart. J. M. Ward Edwin Marble Dzogiaes, Phidias, Remember the great play, traneltted from the French of "Le Coeur de Marble," by Charles Lelly, Ea% entitled the MARBLE HEART. Novten.--Owing to the great length of this beautiful play, no other will be performed during the evening tar For further particulars, see programme. PRICES OF ADMlSSlON.—Parquetuy, 50 cents., tv. lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chairs, a 00; Private Hose=, $5 and $lO, Doors open at 7). Curtain rises at o'clock. Box Office open aural° till 12 A. at, and" from 2 till 4 P. at., when seats can be reserved without extra charge and kept until end of firat act. au29-Iw* SAN FORD'S HALL pail company consists of the best star pei - 1. formers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN, CO NIRJ)IANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY PORTER, Business Agent. au29d CA.I4 - 7E9F41{.1311:31a - 1 7 _ WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor... Business Agent.... Stage Manager..... Leader or Orchester OPEN every night with a first-,:aas eotu pany of male aad female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety of legicimau: such as SINGING, DANCING, PAINTOICIMES, BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. - Admission, 26 cents. Seats in private boxes 60 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at Bo'clock. jyllidtf WILL BE.SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON the premise; late the Real Estate of George Rff fiebower, deceased, situated in West Pennsboro township, Cumberland county, about two relies southeast of New ville, near the Cumberland Valley Railroad, mid about three-fourths of a mile north of the turnpike, adjoining lands of Brice Sterret, Geo, Rea, Samuel Heffieower, John Byers, George G. Davidson, and lends of the belts or said decedent, a tract of . Good Limestone Land; containing 103 acre; .131 perches-8S acres of which or. cleared, and in a good state of cultivation ; the remit's der is covered with excellent timber. There is erected on the premises a - NEW BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, a nett and large BANK BARN, with all the necessary out buildings to make a comfortable home. Also a YOUtitl APPLE; ORCHARD, with a variety of other choice fruit trees on the premises. Any person wishing to view the property before the day of sale, will be shown the same by calling on Samuel helbebower, residing thereon. Sale to commenceat rd o'clock, ar., on said day, when terms w.ll be made known by ERB MEE subscriber offers for sale, ou the prem ises, a VALUARLE TRACI OF LAND coatalninglut acres, more or less, bounded by lands of LA Soanig, J. Wenrich, A. Ninenger, and others, situated in Bullpens, DEL toy/whip, Dauphin comity, Penusylvacia, one half tails from the city line. The improvements consist of a TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, Frame barn, a largo Carpenter-shop, Carriage-house, and other necessary out buildings. The buildings are all nearly new, having been built within a few years ; also, a well of excellent never-failing water at the door, 'and a stream of running water through theplace. The land is on. der good cultivation and good fencing. All kinds of choice fruit—apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes and rasp berries. Persons desiring to view the property previous to the sale will please call on the undersigned, residing MI the premises. Sale to commence-at 2 o'clock I. sr., when terms or rile will be made known by JOSEPi SHEIpMEN. sep2l.4llw* THE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE and premises, en Front street, in this city, adjoining the REISCOPAL CHURCH, and now in the possession or Charles Bard, Esq. The situation, in all respects, is one or the most des‘rable, for a private residence, in the city. Possession may be had on the let of Octooer, ensuing. Apply to the Trustees of the Old School Presbyterian Church. CHARLES a RA N 7. 1 ,1, Treasurer of the Church. [seplT-d2w Harrisburg, Sept. 17, 1884 Mllib:wry and Fancy Goods. AiRS. J. HIBBS, at NO. 8 Market Square, nest door to Felix's Confectionery, keeps constant ty on hand the latest styles of Bonnets, Hate, P A nctief, „Flowers, !ribbons, Sic together with a line assorttlient of Dress Trimmings, Laos, Embroidenes, Collars, CILIA, `Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves and Variety Gongs in general. All the latest Designs of Dress Patterns direct from the New York Bazaars Dress and Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestowed since her opening, she trusts, by a stria attention to. business hoe her enueavers to give general satisfaction, to continue receive a share of the public patronage, 01-d3ro ii - o - EsEg! FOR RENT, WT extensive and finely located HOTEL AND, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue an boas street, Harrisburg. It Is entirely new, wilt in the midst or the most thriving portion of the city, and froucs on both of the above named streets. It contains 544 spare rooms and all of the most improve-1 modern hotel appliances—cooking-ranges hot and cold v. - ..ter for paths, gas, &c. lite basement is large, commodious, and one - of the veils in the city for a Restaurant For information ' address or MAY to OLIVER SPWARDS, Agent. Sept. 3, 1864.--I.seP3-bn] fo r Gso G. KU:MEL Mx S. A. KUNKEL :- _ . Sir :—.l take pleasure in Etat ing that your "BURRS tE MIXTURE" exceeds anything of the kind that .I ever imagined. I was very much troubled with diarrhoea, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until INN* your ••MLITURE." I give you this certificate, hoping that, if you see prop — .4‘ to use It, it may be the means of extending a know - leap of the matchless value of your medicine. Very respectfully yours, • H. B. JSFFRIES._ — Fsllen Timber. Qunbria co., Aug . 21, 186.1.—fau20:Liti Soldiers' Portfolios. A . LARGE assortment at BEDEWED'S ODRA? DOORSTOPS, 2204/1 Holds*. Ittolotslo.or reudi el mm pricos , QUEENS and GT.A S.SWARE, a well -se . leFted assortment, just received, or the latest style* DU FOYER & KOERPER. AMUSEMENTS. Ile-engagement of MISS BELLA GOLDEN NED WU. HARRY DIESTA.YE,E MUSICAL FARCES, COMIC OPERAS, NEGRO COltiedi LITINv Real Estate Sale. ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1864. SAM EEL HEFFLEBOWER. ADAM FISHBUItNy Agents for the heirs of said deceased. Public 'vase Una Saturdag, October 1, 1864, WO LET, L It. DONNELL ...JOE KILLER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers