t ailji(Ttitgra#: 1 NOTIC,2 TO ADVERTISERS.—fiII Ativer• .ixements, flimsiness Notices, Marriages, ifeaths, Cc., to secure Insertion in the inELEGRAPH, must invariably be succour!, 1.4-an , eit with the CASH. 3.dvertiseinents ordered in the regular evening Edition are inserted in the Morn :ng Edition without extra charge. AIREIIBUTti;; TIIPRSDAV EVENING, SEPTEMBER 15, ISIII 1' OAV Ti A. NJ) C 0 A`i ATTENTION iS invited to the advertisement of a middle-aged lady in "Business Item" col arm. Those in need of a seamstress or house keeper would do well to read the notice. CC= NoTioE.--Boyer and Kerper have made ar rangements whereby they receive weekly a supply of fresh butter and eggs, from Snyder county. They promise to supply families with their butter every week. Their custom ers will do well to take notice of this. AGOIDENT.--001.Dermit. of Ebensburg, met with a painful accident on the Pennsylva nia Railroad, on Thursday, the 2d inst. Be ing employed as a conductor on the road, he was adjusting some matters about the train, at the Blairsville intersection, and was caught between the cars, and his leg was broken. He is rapidly recovering. APPLES AZEINDANT.-- Apples nike so abund ant in Westmoreland county, says the Greens burg• Herald, that persons having orchards shake a great many off in order to keep the trees from breaking. And in some parts they are feeding them to the cattle, the supply be ing so great they have no other way to dispose of them. They are now selling at 25 cents per bushel. Tau streets leading to Camp Curtin are be ing badly "used up" by the 'numerous hacks now running on the route. It will require all the money paid for licenses, by the haukmen, to repair the streets. The necessary repairs should be made before the cold weather sets in. •We have been requested to call attention to this matter, by citizens who aro accustomed to drive on the streets above mentioned. I=l THESE grand plays, either of which will test the strength of vest-buttons,are presented to the patrons of Rouse's Theatre, for this evening's entertainment, viz: THE PEOPLE'S LAWYER, MILF.S' BOY, and THE SWISS SWAINS. There is a grand bill for this occasion. Frank Drew will personate two of his best charac ters. Rouse, Meeker and the whole troupe will appear. Go to Rouse's Theatre to-night. KING OF Part—The demand for Dr. Mc- Bride's King of Pain is unexampled in the history of any medicine ever manufactured. Messrs. Kunkel & Bro., the agents, found great difficulty in supplying the retail demand heretofore, but they are now prepared to fur nish it in quantities to druggists, army sut lers, and retail dealers generally, at rens° aa ble prices. See their advertisement in ano ther column. VALUABLE; REAL ESTATE iron SALE. —TWO very valuable tracts of land, situate in Upper Allen township, Cumberland county, are of fered for sale by P. H. Long, proprietor: These farms arc well improved, and in a high state of cultivation. Parties desiring to make a profitable investment of capital would do well to give the advertisement a careful peru sal. The sale will take place on Tuesday, 27th inst. See advertisement in another col umn. NEW DISTRICT. —General Couch has created a new military district in this Department, comprising the territory lying between the Laurel Hill mountains on the west, and the Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroad ; the Susque hanna river from Williamsport . to the inter section of Blue Mountain, and that range of mountains to the Maryland line on the east, to be known as the Juniata District. Brig. Gen. 0. S. Ferry has been assigned to the com mand of the district, with headquarters tem porarily at Bedford. FASTPDING AND DIUTING.—There is a fear ful disposition on the part of the hack - men and those engaged with horses, to indulge in Past driving through the main streets of the city. The police do not seem to regard this dangerous practice as a violation of an ordi nance, as we have on more than one occasion noticed distinguished " stars " who enjoyed the sport and entered lively into a discussion of the bottom and speed of horses as they were rushed at a 2:40 gait along the streets. About the time that somebody's child is killed, or somebody's limb or neck is broken, the police will interfere with a " rush " to abate the evil. MC= AN ODTRAGF. WRIOR DESERVES ABATEXENT. Our attention has just been called to a fact which demands the stern interference of the au thorities. It is of this character: The soldiers belonging to the Barracks on Second street, just above the Cotton Factory, are in the habit of resorting to the river only a few rods above the Water House, for ablution and laundry puposes, washing their bodies and their clothing in the current of water which flows directly into the pumps supplying the reservoir. This is a decided nuisance, and 'calls loudly for abatement. We believe that there is an ordinance relat ing to such an offence. Will the police see to its immediate enforcement? THE COPPERHEADS BY CANDLE-L/GHT—Meet— ing of the Faithful in the Sixth Ward.--Passing by the Forrest House last evening, our atten tion was attracted by the unusual brilliancy of the scene occasioned by the "lurid glare" of four tallow candles. A close scrutiny of the premises revealed the fact that the butter nuts of the Sixth ward were in 'conclave, and that the inevitable and distinuished William Henry, "our Congressman," was enjoying himself at full length in ono of his re markable speeches. The scene, the crowd, the man Miller, and the four tallow candles, would have defied the pencil of Ho. garth or the description of Hood. We could not gather all that was said by our Congress man,but the following in reference to the Chi cago nomination and platform, may be ac cepted as illustrating the spirit of Miller's her rangue. Said he : y n are satisfied with. Ciellan's letter of acceptance, then the resolu tions of the Chicago Convention are not worth ts. cit , s , , and you can vote for the man with an ary mzsc:eace—if yea are satisfied wilh the man, LET THE PLATFORINI GO TO THE DEVIL.' This sentiment was hugely applauded by the faith ful, consisting of five men, ten boys, three inebriated loafers, the landlord, who led the applause, an old lady with a squalling infant in her arms, the officers of the meeting look ing very thirsty, and ourselves very tired after a bard day's work. The next meeting which William Henry addresses, we will endeavor to be present and furnish a verbatim report of the proceedings. —Since the above was in type, we have been informed that as the crowd increased and be came respectable at this meeting, and before adjournment, avote,wastahen,whichresulted in a inority of two for Old Abe. So much for lienry's harangue. Heating of Commaslona/ Coutsrees. The Conferees , of the various oonnties of the 14th Congressional District met at Sun bury, on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 14, 1861, and organized by electing Hon. James Marshall, of Union county, as President. and John B. Stoll, of Snyder, and Charles J. Brun ner, of Northumberland, as Vice Presidents. . The following gentlemen presented their credentials as Conferees: - Dauphin—John J Clyde, J D Hoffman and John Zinn. Juniafa—H H Bechtel, P S Liggett and .John Balsbach. Northumberland—Jacob Seesholz, Fred S Haas and Charles J Brunner. EEO Snyder—Charles Plower, Dr P R Wagen seller and John B Stoll. Union—Wm Tan Gov'', Hon James Mar shall and C C Shoikler. 72; T/3 . On motion, it was Resolved, That the list of Conferees the various counties be called alternately. On motion, the Conferees proceeded to the nomination of candidates for Congress. On motion of John Balsbaeh, it was Resolved, That we hereby pledge ourselves and the candidates we prevent, to a hearty and cordial support of the nominee of this conference. Resolved, That the districts vote in alpha betical order, and the order be reversed alternately. George F. Miller, of Union county: John B. Packer, of Northumberland county; John J. Patterson, of Juniata county, and A. J. Herr, of Dauphin county, were placed in nomination: IST BALLOT. .120TH BALLOT Geo. F. Miller 8 • 8 John B. Packer 3 1 John J. Patterson, ....3 3 A. J. Herr 3 3 Mr. Miller, having received a majority of all the votes cast, was drily declared nominated as the candidate. On motion, adjourned. INCREASED Pnts - sroxs.--The. act of 3uly 4, 1864, increases the invalid ponsions of those who have lost both hands .or both eyes to twenty-five dollars per mon th. it also pro vides for disabled enlisted men, or those tem porarily serving with the regular organized military or naval force, as well as for their widows and other depende - ett relatives ; and for cases where there is no • evidence of mus ter in. hi:PORTANT TO 00AX, CO xstrmEss.—The United States Circuit Court at Philadelphia, have de cided that the weight of a ton of coal is 2,- 240 pounds instead of 2,040 p unds. The Judge ruled that a company of grocers might as well meet and agree to reduce the number of ounces in a pound, and make the smaller number the standard of a pound for their cus tomers, as for coal dealers to agree that the weight of a ton shall be 2,000 pounds, and furnish that amount to their cuistomers. "lIILADELPHIA AND READING RALLEOAD.- We are requested to state that on and after Monday, 19th inst., the passenger trains on the Lebanon Valley Branch of Reading Rail road will leave as follows: NEW YORK EX PRESS TRAINS, 3:00 A If t 7:30 A If and 1:45 r Br; READING- ACOOMMODATION . at 5:30 P Passengers by first three trains arrive at Nee• York at 10:00 A as, 4:40 t. DE and 9:00 P rrt respectively. SINGULAR DEMITC. -A man named Josiah Guthrie, of Highland, Chaster county, died on Wednesday last, and it is supposed by many of the neighbors that it proceeded from the glanders. Some time last spring the de deased purchased a government horse, which proved to be affected with the &riders, and by some, whether correctly or not,, it is sup posed it was communicated to the deceased. His hands broke out with something ,like boils, and other parts of his body were affected in a like manner. The case is a singular one. One of Guthrie's other horses also took the disease. • TILE BIiFILNESS OF THE HACK STAN - D.—We have received a communication, signed "Many Ladies," and another from the business men on both sides of Market and. Third streets, complaining of the rude, profane and quarrelsome conduct of those in charge of the hacks which stand in that vicinity. Such complaints had better be laid before the Mayor or Chief of Police. We can testify to the fact, however, that the conduct of some of the hackman in question is occasionally outrageous. Th^ Fide-\; - alk is not only com pletely obstructed by these men, but the sen sibilities of christian men and women are greatly shocked by the blackguardism and profanity of those thus engaged. The busi ness of the hackman is legitimate and honora ble. We delight to see this class prosper, but while they are reaping their golden harvests, it is not necessary that they should thus vio late the ordinances of the city, and the laws of decency. The Mayor should detail a police man to keep order at the city' hack stand. At Home and Ahroad. There is not a cooper shop in Waynesburg, Greene county. The circus did not reach here until late last night, and did. not perform. The Arabs re mained until this morning. The train was detained at Lewisburg until near five o'clock last evening. Au English steam plow is to be on exhibi tion at the State Fair, at Easton. The Atlantic cable is to have its American terminus in Trinity Bay, New Foundland. The Rev. Daniel Gans, the newly elected Pastor of the "German Reformed Church of the Ascension" in Norri-town, was regularly installed on Sunday week. The grape, buckwheat, tobacco and other crops promise to be unusually abundant in. Erie county. - - - I. H. Humphreys, of Harrisburg, has been appointed agent of Adams' Express Com pany, at Johnstown. It is reported that the sales of the public lands this year are seven times greater than they were last year. • The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Le high County Agricultural Fair will be held at Allentown, on the 30th, 21st, 22d and 23d days of September. It is said that Fremont is about to giya up the race for the Presidency. A PEA= Morro FOR TIIE PEACE PASar. Requiescat in Pace. To be inscribed upon a. tombstone in November. Saturday next, 17th inst., will be the sev 'enty-seventh anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States, and the second anniversary of .the battle of An tietam. The Volunteer, a Union paper published in Madison county, N. Y. , o ff ers t o send i ts paper to responsible subscribers, payable when Abraham Lincoln is elected President. The offer is safe enough. It is stated to be a rule of law in the far western territories that 44a town is a place where whisky is sold." BY means of this role the Courts distinguish real towns from those which exist only on paper plans of land speculators. Both political parties of this district...wilt vote for "Miller" for representative in Con gress. Portmuttely, there are, two Millers on the track—one of them a Unifies nominee, '*ho will be elected. • The soldiers have given McClellan the title of 'fame 4341gET Of the Chiekohoutim." I= Conaramou.--In our notice of the :I:At. regiment, yesterday, we stated that Col:' Gal lopp had been Colonel of the sth Reserves. We should have said that he was Major of the Bth Reserves. -4-- Tau Camp Curtin backmen and livery ram, will wind up the hack business by gtviog a grand pie-nic at Hoffman's Woods, on Satur day nest. The ladies will be conveyed to the woods free of charge. The refreshment stands will be rented to the highest bidder, and proposals for the same be received by the hackmen up to Fri day evening. . TAX ON NAILS AND CASTINGS.--The Commis sioner of Internal Revenue has decided that all articles commercially known and sold as cut nails and spikes, at the time of the pas sage Of the excise law, are subject to a spe cific duty. Railroad and boat spikes, wrought nails and spikes of whatever name, Including annealed nails, wrought by hand or machi nery, are subject to au ad valorem duty of five per centum. Castings of, all descriptions of less than ten pounds weight, whether made to order or for particular instruments, articles of machinery upon which duties are assessed and paid, or for general sale, are subject to an ad valorem duty of five per . centum. Mallea ble iron castings weighing more or less than ten pounds, are subject to the same duty. Tua people of Lancaster are to be favored witn one of the most attractive 'exhibitions ever given in that city. On Friday evening the celebrated American Lyric Artiste, Miss Bella Golden, will appear there, in a number of recitations, songs, c'tc., the same that have Won for her the most liberal plaudits of the press and the public. Mr. Martin Golden will also appear in a number of attractive characters of great merit. They will be ac companied by Mr. D. L. Morris, the greatest stump orator and lecturer of the age, who will take a prominent part in the entertain ment. The people of Lancaster should not fail to attend this interesting exhibition. Of Mr. Morris, the New York Herald speaks as follows: "We have seen the Great Wonder of the Age, Mr. D. L. Morris. And, right here, we confess to an inability to endite anything in seriousness about Morris. There is no re sisting the sway of his amusing' positions. We have seen his auditors convulsed with laughter on 'witnessing his mock indignation at some offence against assumed dignity, and at which his audience on arriving at an appre ciative knowledge of the "position," have gone off holding their sides with laaghter; at the outlandish lingo and earnest declamation of Morris. As a burlesque Dutchman he has no superior; and in French and Irish imita tions he is au fait. If any one expects to sit through the entertainment without laughing, they are assured the thing cannot be done." BUSINESS ITEMS. A MIDDLE-AGED LADE wishes a situation in a respectable family as seamstress or house keeper, or in any other capacity in which she may, for the present, earn a small compen sation for her servias. Apply or address C. H. MANN, proprietor Jones House, Market Square 15-3 t TICE HOTEL AND BOARDING HOTJSE CAPACITY or Hatutssuao Cirv.—We confess that it is beyond our conception to account for the ab sence of accommodation for strangers arriving in our city. It was but last night that we were accosted by two men, gentlemen in ap pearance, having twoladies in company, who, as they told us, had applied to all the hotels and could not get accommodated. Our friend Thompson, of the State Capitol Hotel, must hurry up the new addition to his hotel, and it would be well for Mr. Harry Thomas to have the Thomas House open. We are also in formed that Mr. Rice, of the Parke House, is doing a land office business. Mrs. M. C. Johns, in Locust street, can take a few perma nent boarders, and it would not be out of place to say that dry goods are changing hands with a rush under the cheap control of C. L. Bowman, at his store, No. 1, corner of Front 'and Market streets d :rAL — Osgood's India Cholagogue is not only an effectual remedy for Fever and Ague, bat is equally applicable to Liver Com plaint, Jaundice, enlargement of the Liver, also enlargement of the Spleen, called Ague Cake, and the various forms of bilious indi gestion. These, with the other varied affec tions of bilious climates, arising from a com mon miasmal cause, are only modifications of the same disease, and equally controlled by the same:•entedy. Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers. .----..114bp.-....... Fos.SALF—A four-seated carriage, in ex cellent condition. Also a set of good harness. Apply to - JOSEPH SAYFORD, sepl3-3V) Walnut street. SELLING off the entire stock of dry goods at Brownold's cheap corner, Second and Market, opposite Jones House. seplo•iw SPECIAL NOTICES. STOCKINGS ! STOCKINGS ! STOCKINGS ! WE HAVE .TITSORECEIVED FROM THE FACTORY, 50 doz of heavy white ribbed Cotton Stockings, b 0 cts 50 doz of white ribbed Cotton Stockings, 75 cts 20 doz blue, mixed.and grey Woolen Stockings, 75c bA doz of Woolen Stockings, all colors and prices White Cotton Stockings, good and heavy, all prices We have the largest assortment of Hosiery in Harris burg, for Ladies' and Men's wear 20 pieces of Black Cloth for Cloaks, all prices 3) pieces of Black Silk, all prices. 1 piece of Exti a heavy 11l ink Silk, best quality 10 pieces of New Style Plaid Dress Gsods 5 pieces of Back Bombazine, best quality 3 pieces of Black French Merino 2 pieces of B ack Canton Cloth, bust quality Bieck Alpacas, all qualdies and prices Plain Paramattas in brown, blue and purple. Paramattas in back, stone color and green All Wool Do Lsines, in brown, blue and green Marseilles Quilts, Napkins an, fine Linen Yellow ? red and lino white Flannel bu pieces of Bleached Muslin, at 60 cts ; worth 75 els.' We have now in Store a Complete Assortment of ALL KINDS OF DRY GOeiDS, which we will close out at less than wholesa.e prices. [saps] S. LEWY. HAIR DY.F. Walt DYE ft Batchelor's Celebrated Hair .Drs L 4 THE BEST IN MR WORLD. - .17te only Earm/ess, True out Thtliahle Dye .Bnoutrt.'. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—changes W, Rusty or Gray Hair instantly to a Mot" Black or .670.14.11r0wn without injuring the Hair or Blaming the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectitTes the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR, All others are more imitations, sat should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, km Factory-81 HAB ULAY ST, N. Y, NEW Tll/1311 CZIAN 701 DIIIIISSISIk TM! ELUL jeggiy "A Slight Cold? , Coughs. Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or .'si..rrwr corm" in its first stage; that which in the be ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, 00013 attacks -the lungs. "Broom's Bronchial Troches' , give sure and almost immediate relief. Military 04ficers and Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken as occasion requires. auglo-dawlm EDITOR Ot , TRIXGRAPH Dear Sir:—With youfperraintion I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish lt (IWO a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of-the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautlfhl, I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare. Faces, simple directions and information that will eatable them to Start a fall growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mousuute, in lean than thirty days. • All applications answered by. return mall without charge. ope*_ lly• yours, ROS. Ih F. CJIAPIdAIf, Chemist, 446-adman BBL Broadway, New York. lhuur wart's Troches. 4Por the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., axe specially recommended to ministers, singers mid persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by O. A. Banavart & Clo., Harrisburg, Pa-, tc whom all orders should be ft.thlres4ed, Sold by druggist every where. Beadthe following testimonials law,: lame. of our eminent elere.yruen: H&ERISBITI/D, Feb. Bth, .ISEA. O. A. Berucr Awr—Deor sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your ow as a most admirable specific , for public speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in Urge of used, trios! 'ffeotually. Yours truly, T. H. ROBINSO.N, P4stor oi Presbyterian Church. agree with Mr. Ilobiltiori as to 0.0 value of Bannvart's 'rraqhes, W. C. OAT ELL, Late PuAtnr 91 0. S. .I.'7.:•ol.)ytorian Church. EIAIMBISBUIECi, jun., 1861. To U.A. BANN VAAT -- Dear S:r: In the hala of speaking very frequer and in places where the vocal organA , 1:0 very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expects rant, and that want as beau supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that huskiness of the voice arising from its too frequent use, and impairing. th. effectiveness of the delivery of public ac dresses. Yours, &0., MO. WALKEN JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust brt. Kethettiet Church To C. A. BeiervAirr--Dear Sir: Having usec your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to all persona afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from public speaking or singing. Tows, &0., G. 0. R RESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Dxsraicrr Au-roma:es °MOT:, t Armsauno, Feb. 29, 1864. j To C. A. BANNYMIT—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bone. fit to ail public speakers. A. J. BERR SOLDIERS, TAKE IT WITH YOU 2 The greatest trouble to persons in the Army, especially in this season, is Dysentery, which (by death or by disc bility) weakens the service more taan the Rebels do. Very many have found, upon trial, the DYSENTERY DROPS are among tile verf best preventatives and cures that are to be bed. Every officer and. eve•y soldier should carry it with Wm, and thereby reasonably insure himself against a great danger. It is prepared in Harris burg by MRS. L. BALL, at 27 Pine street, between Second and Front. Take a phial with you. Price 25 cents. PURE VEGETABLE TONIC THE most healthy persons feel more .or lees weak this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. They need a good strong Tonic—one that will strengthen the nervous system and. stomach. This they can get at 60 cents per bottle, at Mrs. L. Ball's, No. 27, South Pine street, Harrisburg. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. augl NEW AD VERTISEIVIENTS. Steam Weekly to Liverpool. TOUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Ogrk Har bor.) The well known Steamere of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, are in tended to sail as follows: Edinburgh, Saturday, September 10 ; City or Wash ington, Saturday, September 11 ; C.ty of Manchester, Sat urday,-September 24, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE, PATAIILA 11f 001.11, Oa IiQVIVAJANT IN OUESILIOY, FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE - 84 $3O 00 do to London 85 00 do to London 00 do to Paris • 05 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg... 37 00 Passengers also fbrward to Havre, Bremen:Rotter dam, Antwerp, Ste., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage, $35. Thom who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further Information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y. or C. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. [123-dly E. C. GOBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFIOF. Li THIRD STREET, ABOVE MARKET STREET. jar Bounties, Pensions. and Back Pay collectedat legal rates. (5ep3413112* H. C. ORTIII, Yet:cher of the P 21470, Melodeon, Viclin and Singing, No, 15, THIRD STIZZEKT, BELOW ELocET. sep3•d6m*. NEW PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORY.. IN D. W. GROSS' KIM BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. • 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES. OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRO U Li ARS, AND FINE SPRING SHAWLS. Will open on the let of April. tinar2l-411y Ms. S. A. Kum= : Sir :—I takepleasure instating that your "DIARREICEA MIXTURE" exceeds anything of she kind that I ever imagined. I was very much troubled with diarrhoea, and could find nothing to help me in the least, until I took your "MIXTURE." I give yon this certificate, hoping that, if you see proper to use it, it may be the means of extending a knowledge of the matchless value of your medicine. Very respectfully yours, H. 11. JEFFRIES. Fallen Timber, Cambria Co., Aug. 21; 1864...-lau3o-dtf FOR SALE, ATEN -HORSE power steam engine and boiler, steam pipes, water pipes, pumps and beater complete; oscillating engine and cylinder boiler, manufac tured by 'Joel Weinman, patent improved oscillating en gine builder. May be seen at Canal shop; foot of Walnut street, Harrisburg. For tenant, lac., enquire at Canal office, Market street, near Milted States Hotel. Haasramota, July 23. 1864 1y23-tf SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS CITY lAM happy to offer to the public a large and splendid assortment of , SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, inanufactiired by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will tore en tire satisfaction, PLEASE TRY THEM. SCHKPFER'S BOOK STORE, Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. BEEF TON G UES.—Fine large beef tongues, cured by J. H. Itichoner & Co., and for sale by FJTTSLER & FBAZER, .coes3ors to W. Dock, Jr, di Co. OLDER VINEGAR.—Pure. Cider Vinegar ran be bought by the barrel or toal quantity, at iyle ROYER k KORRPER• TorST received, this morning, Michener El Co., Fresh Smoked Hams, Beef and Tongues, at Imo SEMLER k FRAZER. YNV rrsg.—Now No. 1 and 2 Ma+!kerel in barrels, ball barrels and kits, and by the pound. taaVi SHTST.FIR & FitAZSIR. ANEW SUPPLY of FRESH SMOILEI HAMS, just received this morning, at SH/BLER k FRAZER. 447 Summon to W. Dock, Jr., A, VX.TRA. FAMILY FLOUR and COl. N NRAL always on hand, of the beet quality, at 88 SOUR & KOSRPNR. EXTRA 'WHITE WHEAT FLOUR—Se leotea 'Whits Wheat FaWly Flour, jest receive and for We at BLER & FRAZER, 19 8 Successoni to W. Dock, Jr., & Co STltults, SYRUPS, 'TEAS, CONYZE, all grades and prices, at 811131.= & FR Successors to W. Deck, .7: 4 &, JOT . Dealers ti: 'ise SW.ly Groceries AIVIIISEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL TWENTP.P.tOnra NIGH t OF Rouse's star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, THURSDAY EVENTRG, SEPT. : 15, 1864 Will be presented, three superb pieces, THE PEOPLE'S LAWYER ! muLv.s Evo - y! THE SWISS SWAINS ivar. _Frank Drew GREAT CHARACTERS* MISS FANNY DENHARI, A , 'ROSETTA, with song:. ROUSE SIEEKER Will appear. FRIDAY EVENING, BENEFIT OF MR. FR/LNK DREW: Kr - For further partioulara see programme augg-d tf New National Theatre ! New National Theatre Coa. OF NORTH SECOND AND SOTHTTHSTS, Sole Lessee and Manager, - B.MARBLIiI Stage Manager, - HARRY GILBERT Look at this Bill DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER TO - NIGAT ! DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER TO- NIGHTI • 1-Isurry Gilbert, AS TOM, THE DUMB BOY, TO-NIGHT ! THURSDAY EVENING, SEPT. 15, 1864 DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER ! JANE WILTON, EDWARD WILTON, To conclude with MISCHIEVOUS DARKEY Tom, - - . - - J. COLLINS For further particulars, see programme. PRICES OF ADMlS: 4 loN.—Parquette, 50 cents• ' Gal lery, 25 cents; Orchestra Chairs, $1 00; Private Boxer, $5 and $lO. Doors open at 73r. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock. Box Office open from 10 till 12 and from 2 till 4 P. at., when seats can be reserved witheel extra charge, and kept until end of first act. la- The management have secured the services of KISS MAJOR PAULINE CUSHMAN ! • THE Famous Union Spy and Scout Due notice will be given of her fast appearance. au2o-Iw* SANFORD'S HALL THIS company consists of the best star per formers, consisting of SINGERS, DANCERS, ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, &C. The managers takes pleasure in announcing that they Intend making this THE Concert Hall of the city. HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietor BILLY PORTER, Business Agent. au29d CANTERBURY lI.AIL WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor..... J a DONN ELL Business Agent • JOE MILLER Stage Manager NED WKAT Leader of Orchester • 14.111 t -If NE,STATER OPEN every night with a first-wass com pany of male and female artistes. The perform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such as SINGING, MUSICAL FARM., DANCING, COMO OPERAS, PANTOMIMES, NEGRO COSIICALITLEo. BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats is private boxes 50 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock. jylbeitf WAN TS. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY—A GOOD COOK. Apply at the STATES UNION ROTEL, sepl4-001 Sixth and Canal streets Wanted Immediately AGOOD COOK, at the Restaurant under Herr's Hotel. jsepB-tf Hands Wanted. CAILPENTERS, Cabinet Makers, .Machin lets and Moulders wanted, at the EAGLE WORKS. awr2ordlmi W. 0. RI(11011. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ! H E undersigned hs t re established a FAC `9RY at . Harrisburg, Pa„ or the purpose of manufac turing; HOOP SKIRTS, t ail styles, sizes, shapes id qualities. We pay par mlar attention to the very test English Steel. We .lep a largo assortment eon- Intly on hand. Oar &Alu im is at No. 24 &cosi, adjoining J. B. Boyd's Chair and Furniture Rooms, where we will sell very low, at Wholesale and Retail. Our Retail Depart ment is in charge of competent ladies. COHEN BROS. & CO., aul6-Im s No. 24 Second street. Harrisburg. FOR RENT, 111. HAT extensive and finely located HOTEL j_ STAND, at the corner of Pennsylvania avenue and boas street, Harrisburg. It is entirely new, and in the midst of the most thriving portion of the city, and fronts on both of the above n.med streets, It contains si.V7 spare rooms and eh of the moat improved modern hotel appliances—cooking-ranges, hot and cold water for baths, gas, Ste. The basement is large, commodious, and one of the best in the city for a Restaurant. For information, address or apply to OLIVER EDWARDS, Agent, Sept. 3, 1864 .—[sepalmi for Gm G. FozogEEL. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, Tilsubscriber offers for sale a valuable avern Stand, situate on the Lancaster turnpike, in the borough of Middletown, consisting of a large two-story Brick Hotel; extensive stabling and all other necessary out-buildings. ototitwo adjoining lots, having erected- on each a two- Prame dwelling. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, on the the premises. SAMUEL DETWEILER je2l-tuasatant* QUEENS and GLASSWARE, a well se lected assortment, just received, of the latest styles jylB BOYER & 'COWPER. Honey. AsIeIALL but superior lot of HONEY, jus ,calved, at SEMLER & FRAZER'S. auglS NENV BOOK S.---THE SHOULDER STRAPS DS OF SHODDY " 4 T er *l' v ea " (dPiEn PAYS tuionroPs. MSILO and FM NEW MACK REL, just received, at iY/8 ROYER k XORRPER. Per Salo or Exam_ age 240 ACREs""c`balce . varwnq (Prai'de) _LAND, Indiffzi", out 840 is ow. APV7 W. F„F.Amiwoc , . s /804-440.450 Dyspepsia, has the following iiymplomer Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of the stomach. ?A. Flatulence and ieidity. 3d. Costiveness and Loss of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarrhcea, with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. 7th. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpita tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 9th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of sight. 12th. Headache and Staggering in walking, with great weakness. Out of the thousands of cases of Dyspepsia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. Wishart's office, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All examinations and con sultations free of charge. Send for a circu lar. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. DYSPEPSIA, DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. 17I , MER I, ELIZABETH BRANSON, of Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del., do certify that, for one year and a halt I suffered every thing but death from that awful diseasacalled Dyspepsia. My whole system was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the smallest amount of food, it would return just as I swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from four and often eight days;• un der tine immense suffering, my mind seemed entirely to give way. I had a dreadful horror and evil forebodings. I thought everybody hated me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children, every thing appeared to be horror-strkken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander from place to place, but could not be contented; I telt that I was doomed to hell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also my mind from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me placed in Dr. Kirkbride's hospital, West Philadelphia; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days my dreadful com plaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of the wonder - tat cures performed by Dr. 'Ma han's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my case to ' He said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and placed myself under the Doctor's treatment, and in two- weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three months, and at the present time I enjoy perfect health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wis hart, and to his great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that saved me from an Insane Asylum and premature grave. All persons suffering with Dyspepsia are at liberty to call on me or write, as I am willing to do all the good I can for suffering hu manity. ELIZABETH BRANSON, Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester. Delaware county, Pa. DR. WLSELAIIT'S Office, No. 10 North Second street, Philadelphia. Mies MINNIE LEHMAN EDWIN MARBLE Dd. WoutART have been a constant suketer v.d, Dyspepsia for the last eighteen years, during which time I eannOt say I over enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when the symptoms were more aggravated than at others, and then it seemed it would be a great re lief to die. I had at all times an unplea.sant feeling in my head, but latterly my sutferings so much inereseed that I became almost omit for business of any kind; my mind was continually filled with gloomy thoughts and tore bodings, and if I attempted to change Weir current by reading, at once a sensation of icy codness in connection with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon my brain; also, a feeling of sickness Would occur tie the stomach, situ great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the continual tear of losing my reason. I also experienced great lassitude, debility and InnVOILMCFS, which made it difficult to walk by day cr sleep at hiffit. I became averse to society, and disposed only te . . - seclusion, and having tried the skill of a number of eminent physici.a.s of varmus schools, filially came to the Cumolusitql that, for this disease at my pre,ent top: ytursi ilmre Wtig Dtt cute in existent,. of Devine Providence, to whom]. devoutly oiler lay 111411.10, I at last found a sovereign reined, in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tar Cordial, winch seem to have ellectuany removed al raostthe last trace of my long list of ailments and bad feelings, and in their place health, pleasure and content ment are my everyday companions. _ . _ JAMES M. SAUNDERS, . No. 453 North Second street ' % "dude:Nun, Formerly' of Weedoury, N..: Dr IVistart's Office No. 10 North Second street, I'l,:a delphis. A. POSITIVE CORE FOR DYSPEPSIA /028 OLIVE SMILER; 1 Philadelphia, January fl3d, 1863. Lie WV:K.LitT—Sir is with much pleasure that am now able to infurut you that, by the use of your great American Dyspepsia Pius, I have been entirely cured or that most distressing complaint, Dyspeptita, I bad been grieviously atfLicted tor the last twenty-mg lit years, and for tea years of that time have nut been free front its path one week at a time. I have had it ill its worst- form and have dragged on a most miserable existence—in pair• day and night. Every kind of food that I ate tiled me with wind and pain, it mattered nut how light, or lion small the quantity . A continued belching was sure to follow. I had no appetite for any kiwis of meats what ever and my dtstrens was so great for several months be hire I heard of your Pills, that I freq .ently wished for death. 1 had takeu everything that 1 had heard of tor Dyspepsia, without receiving any bench but bn your Pills being recommended to me by one who had been cured by them, I concluded to give them a ti ial, although I had no faith in them. To my astonishment, I found myself getting better before I had taken one fourth of a team, and after taking half a box, I am a welt man, and can eat anything I wish, and enjoy a hearty meal three times a day; without ibconvonienott from any Wing I eat or drink. If you think proper, you are at tiherty to make 'hie public and refer to me. 1 will ehuertul y give all de• straws information to any one who may cult on mu - Yours, respectfully, jtiar: IL 138.13C(K:ii_ For sale at Dr. Wlahart . s lliedical Depot, 110. 10 Nary. &cond. street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price One Dollar per cos. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of price. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! S.,etuol D. Haven, have been a great sufferer Stilt Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the itieneys tor three years. 1 employed three or tour of the most emi Wet physicians of. tuitallelphia, also of Burlington county N. J. They did all for me they could, but ad to no pal pose. I was constantly filled with awful pan and dis t/cm, and with constant belching of wind snot sour acid. My tongue was covered with a white coating of mucus until it cracked in large furrows, and was dreadfully sore! Ohl I ofttimes wished for death to relieve me of toy sufferings, for I had lost all hope of ever being well again. 1 made it a subject of prayer to Clot that he would direct me to some phys.man or medicine that would cure me. 1 was told to read an advertisement of Dr. Wishar's in the Philadelphia Ledger. of a great mire made upon Mr. John Babcock, of DM Olive street, Phila delphia, by the great American Dyspepsia Pill.. I wen t to the Doctor's office. and placed myself ender U treat meet, and told him if be fluted to cure me, it would bethe last effort I would make. It has been six weeks since I commenced the use of his medicine, anti 1 am now a welt too , free from all pain and distress, and can eat lbi h ear ty meats a day with comfort, and feel perfectly well. wisnart, I want you to publish my case, es I want every poor dyspeptic suffering as I was, to call on me, and I will tell them of the great cure I have received:ll43'4n your Invaluable medicine. SAiILTEL D. RAVEN. Corner Venango and Lambert streets near Richmond oreet, formerly from Wrightatown, Burlington county, above are a few agiong the thousands which this great remedyy has saved from an untimely grave. We have lbousanda of letters from payslelart3 and drag gb3la who bave pmscribed and sold the Ter Cordial._ mazips, that theyy hive never abed or Bold a medical which giiVe each satisfaction. Propped only by thoproWetor, pa„ wiS 14 - ,?. 10 North Second street, Sold by Druggists iferywiesre MEDICAL., DYSPEPSIA. A Cure Warrauied. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! LlZalc war MA JOILV EL BAUOOCK SAT&
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