THE mLEGIIAIIII MORZaNG ANAAVAIypIG 6V GEORGE 'it E It °meg ramp 5t.,2444 *Auvur. 1.3 IVI OF 151JBSORIPTTON, wroLE sutzativrioN. TEE Nair Tata(aura le served to enbacribere in tiit city et 12 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged 10 00 In advance. ThOSO persons tit° negieetto pay In advance will be charged $7 00. Wit Y TELEGRA - pit. Tay Ttinoaarrilitaltioptibliahed weekly, and is furnished atibeeribers at the following cash rates: Single copies, weekly . 6 0 Three conical to one Post Office . 1 . d6O Ten copies to OHO Post Office lO DO NEW ADVERTISJE4ENTS. CLOSING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AND BELOW COS,' .• MRS. DI MAYER, NO. 3 . MARKET STREET; VI/RING desirous of closing her- Summer Stock of Millinery Goods, &fors for sale at greatly reduced prices, such as SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, HATS AND FLATS, &O. Constantly on hand a splendid asSortmeut of , SILKS • • vavErs, LACES, RUCHES, • HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCLUEFO, GLOVES, . • , COLLARS, . . CUFFS, • BELTS, • . : NETS, - • FANCY GOODS, &C. ' Cutlets will do well to call, as great bargains can be had at wholesale. jel4 CLOAKS•• CIRCULARS AND . • MANTrIALAS • 9 D. W. GROSS' NEW. BUILDING, • - MARKET STREET.'. A • A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a sprendid assortment of SPRING & SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AID NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in .very color and band Comely trimmed, from $7lO to Sib. . 1000 6,1L1C,„ .11.1A11V161.:•. ' - CIRCULARS, ..SACKS AND BASES, F . Handsomely and richly trimmed, Hun $lO upward. CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. my2S Millinery and Fancy cfrOds. MRS. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Mallet Square, next door to Felix's Confectionery, keepstonstant ly on hand the latest styles or Bonnets, Hats, 'Ruches, Flowers, Ribber's, &c., together with a fineassortment of Dress Trimmings, Laces, Embroideries, Collars Cnthi, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves and Variety Goods ip general. An the latest Designs or-Dress Patterns direct from tlre New York Bazaars. Dress and Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestowed since her opening, she trusts, by a strict attenthfin business and her macaroni to give general ratisfacthin; to 'continue to receive a share or the public patronage, jy1.7113m • •• CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATSD LEMONADE is a•p/easant, healthy beverage. . • Very movement and refreshing for invalids having rover or great thirst. Its portability recommends it , o travelers. Its convenience at pic-nics will be apreciatel No sugar required; one table-spoonful simply dissolved In a glass of cold water and it is done. SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jell - No. 91, Market street. NEW PHILADELPHIA 3 . C Ef o srr on , IN D. W. GROSS" NEW BLOC IC,' Market Street ) Ilarrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF FASHIONABLE' ' " O.LONES AND OIRQUL'A.RS, AND A FINE S'PEING SHAWLS. WR open on the let of April. Inatir2l-411y PRIVATE SALE. T' subscriber offers, at private sale, ,ttie . following valuable property, situate in Susquehanna' 'township, 'Dauphin county, on the Jonestown road, about one and one-half milesTrom Harrisburg-. A tract of land, containing 6 acres, bounded by lands of James Colder, heirsof Gen. John Forster and others, thereon , ereet4 a latgb'framo House, neatly new , and Barn, together stiihother netcssary routbulloings....A wellAdis never fillhig water in the batement of.the house; also, .a vari ety of choice font trees, consisting of apples, pears and cherries, Persons deli: one of seeing the property will please call on the - subscriber, residing on.the;premiseS. PETER H. SHAFFER.. N. B.—lf the Above property is not sold befo'e the 3d of September nest, it will be offerodlit public sale on that day, on the premises, PROVOST ALLII3H&L'S OPPICS, 14TH DIBTRIOS, HARRIBAtratI, Pic,llinc 6, 1864. T°nRA rT ED MEN.,-,1. am directed by Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, .A. A. Provost Marshat General, by his ocular, No. fig,of June 4, 1864, to pub lish "That drafted met are not allowed to enlist as volun teers after being drafted; and that the credits for , c 281164 men will remain for the sub-distriati from . Alf they were drafted no matter wbether Ideal trounlyVas or has not been paid to suck men, upon "illegal eitliatment." JNO. KAY , CLEMENT Captain and Provost Marsltal,,l4th , Jere-de • Steam Weekly to Liverpool. i.C:RICH:ENG at (11JEENSTOWN, (Cork Har bor.) The well known Steamers of the •,,foiverpool, New 110 and Philadelphia Steamship Company,.are in- tended to sail as follows: City of Manchestoi. Sattri.laY, Auiiist 13 ; City , of Bos ton, Saturday, okulorti LA); 'City. of - Biattimoro, "Saturdayi August . 27, !wad OVRY. Placmeding Saturday, .at liooni flout Picr, 44, North River. • • ~ RATES OF pAssAnt h '-. ' '., • . - • pAyArme mamaOtt rre atteiVAbrer Ter , orang..inr,. j FIRST CABIN ' $BO :0 0STEERAO , . , ,',....530 90 do to London ' ' S 6 00 do td - LondOnr;..,, .. ,14 0D do to Paris. 95 00 . do to Piiiii.:......:: 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg, ,..' 87 oo Passengers also forward ' to Haiire, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally ion; rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown ; Ist Cabin, $75, $B3, $lO5. Steerage, $B5. Those-who wish - JO:send. for their friends mm buy ttekete here at l lheee retest+. - - !,' .1 . For Outlier Information apply at the Comfoneln 011 1 04$ JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, No Y.; or O. 0 ' znimERHAN Harrisburg. .. if 2 341 19 • , • • PIANOS. , ' AllitECIITt MIMES 41r, • EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE .AGRXCY AT 1:1 7 . Minket , street, Hattiekini OR REASONS pe,rfeetly ..S4ofautorY , MYSELFhave talc (tie agencyOrthelttiOve mpg exce l lent phi n a t Tki,public is tniritelf to moo. • ai34,-4nr. amine for therriSV.: •• • ' A few Sohoina Is Co's Pianos on Wont yet: will. be dsol low; — ‘ • PHOTOGRAPH A.LBU:NiS: Photograph Albums. Photograph 4.ll3akalkk. = ' Photograph tttoms. •Photftantea t lip.i TILE large 41:4 R.k . ;@ r.v i ka of t - 44g TOGRAPR ALBUMS fit city are constaidil; kep et Imiu l 2l BERGNER'S =up Boma ORz. • 1' !N . ! ' J., : .; • - ' , • ' _ _ •A • t • ..„ . . . ,ief"., :•• • • F t. ~ . _ :• ' 7..1( • . _ - - ' t • Zili:;• ft ,IfT1:1,) HF! 7 t :;- L. . ..; ME ' - ';ilf:',4keiGt;;iiioi4t, WIZ I RATLR - oAnivt. AVE' TRAINS -DAILY TO, AND • FOUR FROM riEtrWEARTAFEE.a: .11,X10 , AP191 ; ' ' - • '1i1172 , Mf.4r*1tay.141th,11164,. ' • '1 'TULE Pastlenger Comps depaittrobt and mitre at Aar ,riabt7g A.:Pat TKKOUGM.MpPREt3,9:THALIT leaves Harrisbnig daily at 2.45 At N. and arrives at Vast Philadelphia* &fa A. FART MINE leareafiThrilsburg daily (except , Monday) at 0.00 lL y and arrives at West' Philadelphia at 10.10 A. Y. Passengers takepreakfast at Lancaster. . MOLINT ,1 01' ACCOMMODA.I49I4, leaves Harrisburg at 7.2 A coniteets at Lancaater Kith Lancaster accom nimlntion train, and and arrives at West L'hiladeipliiala ..1210.r.[K.- • •' CULT LBIA ACCOMARMATION. TRAIN; leaves Harris. 'burg at 12.20 P. M. ;polutebui,". x., and arrives at Lancaster 2.80 p. ; _Odnneetang with Past Mall east at Lancaster for Phlladelphtlyead arrives at West Philadel phia at 5.80 P.M. , MAIL TRAINIMAiIs Nifirrisbmf at-1:20 P. x. ; Lanosater at 2.47 r. st., and arriveaat, Vast Philadelphia at LSO P. !r HARRL2I3III4 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Callan leaves' Ltarriebtwg at' 5:25 . P: IL, Rtr . tv, Mreat Philadelphia at 1.0304. - '' 1 • L ic r TWAED. • • - •.'.I3ALTIMOME;WRNBBI , II,O4Ieives Nirristyurg yfAily ((except 1 1 0 1 1da3);10.10 7 A:ar. ; -Altoona, 7:85 • -take • breakfast, antAv i ss at. Pittsburg at,rlg,go ye, ;cad PIIII,AD '1211428 TRAMleuvea •; dilik at 8.10 AM. AMA:lois tir2.2o - + o x:, s' l ' and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 P. M.' " 2 • MAIL TRAIN leaves }Alitrusbme jai - -Atoois at 7.10 r. take siummx* aupwriveg,stpitts/opig a& 12.80 -FASTlaNlelderreeriliiiistiurg it 2.60 r. M. Altooni st 8,35 r. lidth-aUtyper, sitarrivas at Pittsburg at 1.00 /101*1 . Afr..BIt*IMODATION leaves Lancaster at .9.BoAm.,•arrivell'attiprisburtat 410 i. M • 1181122ABOIRM - ACCOMMODATIONTRAINIiivesTiroBt redladeigkia atdl.4B r. 74, and surivesi at Harrisburg it &10 -MO JOY. AodostuorlaTON NO. 2, lisives.l,ausati ter at-0.28 r. x.-,tooXeCting there uithllarilikUmAccoak• nsodidion . West, leaVeS Mount Joy st 1.00 P. mr. and arrives WAsartabiult r. tL' • ; • - ; • • • 1311117 EL D. Supt - Middie DAL Pans'a .R. B • Manisburgi -May 12, 18(lik-dt, - • ,Norther► Ceitral Railway • SUBLIMER TINE TABLE. THREET.I . t.44,,N-If . pl) Axo nox BAL;TIMORE W . : SHINGTO.N CIT Y: Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to mid frith Pittsburg and the West, i THREE TRAINS DAI„f.Y to and from the North and Araotranch - Susquebinins Simir , and all of Northern 'New . g1i•4114 der .AIONDAY, MAY 16th, 2 1 5 the Panifenik Truffle ',Of the Northern C way trill' arrive ;at and depart from Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz &OAT THWARD. MAIL TRAIN haver Sunbury daily (except SultdlY). ! , —10.26 s. • ,„ " •I'sburg arrivestarßaltitebre 5:40 p. =TRESS TRAIN leavesSunbury daily (except . It uaa garris - "51"1! - burg (except likindi4t • ' 2.50 A. N. arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday) 100 A. Ni HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har b A. IL SUNBI7HY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun- 7.00 • bury daily (except Sun . day) at... • t MI A. ar . - NORTHWAR-D. YAIJaTRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except • „ • • Sunday) 0.20 a. 31. as leaves Harrisburg • 1.85 P. N. arrives at Sunbury LOS r IL Rana.* TRAIN wives Baltimore dai1y......1.80 P. M. arrives at Harrisburg..... .. leaves Harrisl 3 Pil doily(ea' Gaut Monday) '&l5 +. arrivesatMunburfl......- .'. 5.53 .11,4 L HARRISSURS ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal. tituore daily (except Mau, .4 arrives aniilri ." aburg.i. SDNBITheir ACCOMMODATION leaves. burgdpily (except Sunday) 4 00 r. For further infOrriiition ' y at the Office, is Pennsyli vania Railroad Depotot. ,, J. N. DuB.A.RMY, Harrisburg, May p t 18 . 64.-dg . ,Gleu. Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE; TIIIIIIIIIVRAINDOALILIc NEW YU** AND PHILADELMA. fIN AND AFTER MONDAVATofember leth, the : PaspngecTrains delpliia't - ding'lUdlibad Pppot a& likairtkikorig, New York arid PkiladelDllia, Y. tolloin4. via ; EASTWARD. , , EXPRESS LENZ leaves Harrisburg at 040 A. mr.,•etr ar rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad - Express Train from the West, arriving in New'4 . (Bl,z' , 7 1 .... A deeply Is attached to the train, OW w 7 e?.Pittebarg t • c) r .TRAIN lames HarrhtsuN ett mat la New Yorker:: 5.20 AL r sett .PhlladelPhis. at 1.50 r; PAST LINE leaVellEarsisbirg at 2.00 r. x., atrieVag•lit New York at 10.25 r x., and Philadelphia at T.4or: it • Ni r ;ZSTWAIL,P. FAST LINE kaitieNavr. YoWit 0. A. Jai aqd Phila delphia at 13.16 A. IL, arriving 1.16 TRAM leaves New irt at 12.00 Vann, 'and Philadelphia at LBO r. al., arriving at Hanistrog at, 5.20 EXPRESS TRAIN learie Now Veriest 7.00. r. r , ar riving atlarrlebartid 100 A. X„ and connecting with the Poninlybranla ExpreniXlid_ fot.PittlibuTS.• A 109114r0110 le aleoittgehed to this gain, ' • it ; Connectione are made at Harrisburg with trains on'this Penritylvania, Northern Centre And Etunberland Valley railroads,' and it.yottatrilis, Wheaton% Allentown, 'Emtolo; hr. • Baggage ohedlaed'thrdngk Pare between Nev York and liarrisbUrg i ;_oB / 6 ‘ betive'St and stria, 42186 in siix lint" and $3 in No: t sasitibtrian or - otharinfornisolon applfrtii' • 1. hi:o4dt! ' General Agebt, RE.AIG RAILROAD. . ; SUMME AkRANGEMENT. fIRPAT: tiCtINIf rANE FROM TILE NORMAnd Northwest for phlladelphia,New York, Reading, PottsvilleiLebanon; Allentown, Eastonoko.,Ate. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Beading, Patitiville cod all Intermediate nations , at 8.00 .A..1f.,/,alll/ P.OO -P. M. - • . ; Now /ark Mmess ,leaves Harrisburg -at 8110 11r.,- Ilifiiipg attiew York at 1,45.131.1111Mdir..... ' A speCial ACcommodation Passengerissitileavaßead: ng at 'f,l6-A. , X., and returns Rem Haniaberg Fara-6'en UsirrhibUriii To Nw-Roo, NI Niti de $8 86 and $2 80. Isqupweebeegeimpou" gemming; leave liWW,lfork at , ll tt.',42 noon,and Ir. It, ,IPtttah_urg i ttiTeell , twitraitig at Hardliners M 124: x.) . 'Le - Ave Philidelp 16 e. x., and 8.80 P. te. . ' Sleeping ears in the New, York Express Traina,through to and from Pittsbueg wilhooAohange. Passengers by the aitiwissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.60 a. and 2.10 r. a., for Philadelphia, New w or k, and all way points. - Trains leave Pottsville a. W., and WM r. i, fur Philadelphia, Harrisburitand.Now,York ? -•An.Aooolinnodation 'Passenger train leaves Realm at 11.00A:miandyeturns IStei ' „wir An the abevelratag run daily. aregtitigited. A gendaylrain leaves-Pottaville ~,e0...,t,-4.o4Phila datradiiist.3.o.walp•, ,~ .; .oramuistionimuiv. NmenslM . 11001 . - Ist 'mimed rotas Wind Mont - 81:* 80 pounds baroptip#olc, I •I: •%Una G. A. . _ Soporhatolat. Kay ; 11111Forif IM=!:=!M1==:0 "THE •JUN I 0 NL-N OV A ND , ,F,-6-,/ft7,E .. _ _ OM HARRISBURG, Pk, - WEDNESDAY, , EVENING, AUGUST , 1 17, 1864 NE* A:DVERTISEIViEN ri`g. C,013. 7 r4: VERMIN N:X'Y`ER'csii&k'Oit S. • • t, "COSTAR'SwEXTERKENATORS. '• EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS . . c' EXTERMINATOR& "COSTARS" EXTERMINATORS , • ' ! EXTERMINATORS,' "0084. R'S" EXTERMINATORS : ETERMINATORS: • ! , . "COS R'S" EXTE.MMATOW • • - •", EXTERMINATORS. ! .',"COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS EXTERMINATORS. - ' "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. !! • • • EXTERMINATORS. ' "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. =TERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATOR& "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. ' !I, EXTERMINATORS . "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS :AR ' S "" • neoffrAws ,, EXTERMINATOItS. • .. • • ' EXTERMINATORS ..."COSTAR'S' . EXTERMINATORS.- "ITEl:M SsTleigglata EXTERIONATORS, • „ EVROKIXATQA& Aittf o lleii Swim, Meal,' Roth' In lenVi, tsfiliee%l , via Fibboisto r leitralliN, 41Litimalsq,c . !e: , .10-3 tarts established In n: 9 31 4 allibiennAidaeo47.4=l,l:: . )... ppree rni:20180114 ice •• ' ' :'Not A agiftionirti3 thomiman ' y "Rattoon*:ololl4M4Vholes to MrSold bY.O/ 1 /68gibtlimarywhere , - •; I iffirl t I sg.•• - lit ofjplsorthlosalinitagqn4..,.. _ x*R Aar " yam's"' Deti0t,146.482 air Sold by D. W. agais ;Wboissatakand rated n And by all Druggists in Harrisburg, tar .Jedo:44rarg THE DAY*BUSHNEJ.I MIHING.t i thiPAN* ,„... _ Attfitsiosirilitabß,. taw' ' I ! •f , Sr:9 . I,`P f • . ritHE, anal:alma of, the- public :is ,efilled to the - ad T antages offitrdd by this pompauy Aor • Prolltableinvestmenti 'The trident iindiralue of itt • coupled with ite:preeras,for working them,. make it the , Most desirable propettLeier,uffered to the public.. : Detailed information in mad_ to its extent and .prat. pests can be had at the !Alice of ' the undersigned, agent Of the company, whowill receive subscriptions to stock. • • JOHN W. NALL, Agt., • Oilioe Third street, nearmahmt. Tholgsburg, Ya a n s4l "4!.. • . • . 1 , • , . Cavalry' .1;10rges• ''Wallted., Assomusr QdaziassuaTAlVA. a A. I " --Rmusuairiza, l'assra4 Jul'l B64. ' ~ . • Trurn, ' fttithei — orA4s, one - tindred tuill. 1 1 4 4 7 11 Li sirty..llve (165) dollani* head will be paid fer . all Cavalry: itiwrigivog, ' del - ered at Ale Govern nt stables atgarri.shurs; . .t 7 s itiea la- be seurZin. 0.1 particulars, not lees . than (14' 11v ., e nor move Mut ffiyhine years old; from 14g to HI toiruithigbiSult .ilesl4l4.cosepattly Wilk bridle wits) and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. - . These arcifications mall be strictly adhered to andrigi d ly . e4,lbiced us every partiettlein 1 Payment made on delivisry of (7) seven borses or over, Hours of inspection from 6 r. tr, The de mand is urgent and an immediate response is solicited. • , c.,zwegENßAca.. ' Jy26-dtf 60*d Asst 9y. Mr s.} $3OO REWARD ' . . -•,:: , , Tel'olt6Nifing Uhited StatAlEiiiee untieshave n lost; viz •• - .• -' ' ~.. $4OOO 73-10 Trembly Note, dated Oct, i,1861, * 22 :; 47 i 500 do do ' 1,363 500 do do ;•- 1,389 600 . . ~ ,4 0 • dil t: r • -.. :-.` 11,379 hi lhel , b e rre have on ttlem the %mix= tb3m_Od6.l;4o6i, $lOO 7 3 : 10 Tyovnir7 Note, dstedAttg, 19,'61, No. 64 pt,o&l - • ioo -, do do - ... 100 , . . do ' ' ' 6 2 0 .4 ,-, 100 ~! !-- do . ' do 'i. , .:1; 64,229 , . 100, do do.. • 64,230 The latter five notes have on Xhenk the 00iL90ns frqth Ireb. 19 1863 hid:naive.• ' . 21,000 . 0110 Year'pertlikate of Innebtedniqu f flup I 1863, No. 3.194 4147 PAYMENT'ON ALL TIE .AllO9l . HAS 'BEEN STOPPED at the Baited States Treasury; and thecholdert of them will not receive payment. The above reward will be paid, on behalf of the person owning them, if left wit J. lir ,- 71r4 1 ,r -caalliery ILtiunt annul; 'July 29, ,1864-413wasiiii • • ; ! GOOD NEWS ! TO THE CITIZENS OF HARRISBURG. r.DVOTION thEride. of-,bresats abei. !it andel:3lo .grAeir Aiaker, of the. Sixth - wardl Starrisbarm Sr* * *Beek een Smirk Ind Third, re: spectrally informs the public: that he will sell his Wheat Bread at the following rates, leaves as large as „them el any other baker In the - din Thrimi:* : , cent itialiest!4br 25 emits; "sirrot 50 cents; toralve for $l. Those wishing to patronize the undersigned; will do well to call at his Bakery, or apply to , Ws wagons and 'make their purl cluisawas they mauve 200er tang. Finales Wafting to bake their ownatt citn obtain a OOPD OI YEAST, pre., pared expressly for'f tpreiredly nad,'OVery a ft ernoon, at foul o'clock, at his bakery. Terms cash. augs-dtf 4011)11 ALCORN, Practical Sakai ' BARGAINS I BARGAINS ! ! N BOOTS AND SHOES. SELLING OFF! Gto close it n. very :short trnie,! pnw all my well selected stock of Boots, Shoes , and Gaiters, at prices Tar below their present value. My.stockmas made for retail, of the best material and workinanabip.' . - i Zit Mose wlittapeity early I will selttreat bana n a Nb. ill :Market Squire, neat torelix's Confectionert.! NOTIC/Z TO SKIPPERS BY - Philadelphia and Reading Railroad: . Tx accordance with the 4.3 f. the NeiarlaternaTTteventia I:9Wcillgoptie delivered: at the above railroad for •abipmeny.tottat-haie a Two Cent §Mum afiLted„to the receipt debended therefor, Raid stamp to beat the :expense Of the atiPPer._, , • For receipts 'taken by the shove VomPahr, Rata Minima will berarnishod and paid for btihe Company anglo-dtsep3o JOBINT: INDS,..agent Draft! Drattll.-I),i'idUt! . - A LIENS and .parsons tindeentaver.the AL, gaited age, who have been enrolled in ttiiii (1.411 i) District, or any ogler District in theStateonm have 'their exemption papers made out at rates Axed by law.: • ". , NOW is the time to put in a substitute , and trwidol the draft. , , Parlous who are-not ,liible to dr a ft : an d vilicrwish to enter the army ea mobatitatea, ean obtain the liiigheet prei Bodeen transacted irfromil at legal" raten, and cold ; : 10'1 travel thereby avoideie. Callar once, or address by - Iznik ,GENR , ar.rrDEß, , k,9i attaraar,sa 3r9-eod2mos. • " , • . C , OUNTRY 80AP—A suudl, bnt impiriciti of 11941 "00 9 &AP Pm rmOvost at ~ t r aal ffirsto4-1,4;111.1.4.j1. eforlk*. vaurra,WHßAtl2l;ol3lL 4 :41411' ieeded White Wheat Feral' Flour, Pat received d male at, Successors to W. DoCk,llWid% IDAN_DIDATES. • REGISTER. ' •, • . • OHN FE LX, of this city, offerathimaelf as a 414144Wif0r McGISTEN et : Dauphin county,,eub g,t i te .. deeiqlop ffie .A.ipkte Coeuty. Convention, ng had sevaiteetryWar'n eljoeiiehee ilittiO•husitiess `of the Mee, he •pf.tfgeg himself' to. gyre 'tvitistaktion. if ofectod, •., • • •,•• .; aulsAidrytte 'Oda ItgaISTEXI,.i• • r:., fI,F44OFi,IIW-111.,..;0f Sigutiv:litinover town. r.-4 - ship, offers himhsif. as:ii\cpiodidatsiroAlse or REGISTER; at' Danulain countt. — ll' dent, Mr. Mark 'pledgee himallf to - perforni the duties of 's . 'Office with fidelity. •Ae29'darartc •ptitrogiwiE 0 7 P, ' ••"• •' 6#lll Pe., June 9,1664; 11TRE ttndarOgfted ttiltpilttfnllytiffetillinala` elf • - .to theaepthlleatna of -the Idtti'~eisiOnal . of penngylven* coMpoat4 of the cOuntimpf, Tan te, JUnieta, Northumberland , Union and )3rirler, for - onnatten-by the several county conyentieht of the skid. 'atrict, —7091&H-FSPY' FOR RE 611 WIER . ...:. f , ,-. . . 114 POL1 1 ,1L : ' 1 ), q t tt s fr_l*,over - I o ft, Nisisexidul withkeill,ce. ef Regkiter. If *inn -te and e ected h In edges hina self to effil the duties of the office with fidelity. ie264l2wnwtc* - RUDOLPH MILLER. 'T SA ',4Ce: ,A.ucT4O,N,w4E CONDEMNED HORSE : ; CAvatav Boman 0 ma Quanaamasnea r .4D.;o,.llgust ; 1864., W IILL be soldlin. Millie auction, to that highest bidder - , at the times and places named be., low: via: - Reading ( Podusylvanityllintvaday, AugustlB, 1864. • Altoona, Pennsylvania, nitisdaY, August 26 , 1864. Leb mon, Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 1, 1864. Harrisbn% Penusylyania, Thyadny, ,Sep,lpfaher 'B, TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Horses at each place.. • These Horses have been condemned as nal for- , the Wel* aessdcwitit the I ' -;- . FOr T9 4 . 1 t4 1 . 1 0 Arla PetVgiest tainty..tibbd hargains may Horses sold singly: ' TERMS: CASH in united-States Currency. - JANES !"' - iit434448E1 itx4vidir. swim NEW' : eADV.MLTISEDIENTKi PROCLABILATTON.. • - liTtrAN EimOtable eliindtWlTEA33-. sox, prgoi4ept,ofi the po,nrCr !Common Pleas In the Twelfth .:,Th,aralfDeitricti'donnisti e ft'bf the counties ef , Lebanon and Dauphin, and the Honorable Sestum Luaus and Honorable Moses R Yritino, Associate Judges in Doti phin 'mantl e lvt*pg liataidneu'APreabAheatirig date - the 2Ttlf day dr May, 1864, to me directed, for bolding la Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery arid Quarter Sessions of the Peaceop.Harrisburg; for the windy of Dauphin, and to commence on THE 4m MONDAY OF A. atom mar, being the--22,d day of August, 1864, and t Ip. o continue one weak. ••• . , of * e therefore hereby:given to theCoroner,Justleas of the pace, Aldermen and Catudanba of the studeountor of Danphlit, tliet-lhey'be then , end.there In their proper persona, at 10 o'blOek •In thelbrerition of •aitid Itlay, with their records, inquialtlans,examinatlikes, and their, own remeinbrarices,AO clb`. those - thing ;t1.0,..tiy their ran appertains' to•be-goi(Otind ThOiewhb are bbd in recol : • niza t e4l l 4° 5 44 9gpralalst. VaPker B . thAVare 'that tie.llitre an'phinzw,„be,then,94 then! , , ultoroseildbietittainatrthent * July July;, inrthe our Lotd, 1864, and ;fry do:eighty rdtith yetiolit.theiuidepondenee of the United States: • • " . W. W. JENI4II4S, Sheriff. - . `.lblatitbnrg, July_ 25,. 18644 • jy26-d&wid ;,A,'o,,T:_l C.TO., let" e • • • i it , -resident. of — 7 --- b!::411 .11a1.3: atvgip, Aq-dilxise - aral Bak that 1 sis - diditt#li r iired, - fii'the" .---.,---,--',, . county off -- . 4. ' - a.41-4• ,4 .. - -; Pa, Mien I glen - resided.; btit ftbxlt I ll)eviAllelhibilreMt the :month ot-....-..:-.—. ' / .intoitititi -, . . .., , ilrat, Ithavis named. I a: -,_....._.-. man; aild bY ocegpation.a —,----,, and hereby disititat that *Tikrullment'May be }giiingeg. to suit Ay.psesent:restdebo; • ', i: I! i D.. , , l , _, /1 0 11 1 'Io-above is adOpled by liselkiard of Enroll- Mem of , the 14th platxictr of Pennsylvimit as a shitabiC form of affidavit W. pe'intuttion an agplication, to change Atte name an'the enriffirtient fiats ifOM one Dlsttir,t or 4ub-District to arfottier:' -.• . .. -; • pro. icky, •CILEMEIIT, s MPS, C. RAWN, . "' - S. T. 'CHARLTON. tliffio-101 . - " 'firsfr of Enrollment. ' 4 ~ t, ” . *4 4 M ( OI* . • • i s i ts' ..., the • ' sa.;? '' . ..ri,filc, ' esertß. for the table. the lip :eat 'mitt 'kiosk giatef .- et Tor • invalids and' offildre4 Milk contains every eleminitWrthe bodily constitution, em , a; coagulatedwithirenlititii is always light and easy of tiell;. 11 0 supports the systeln.with the least possittlf) eitehletit, When still greater,initritli - ewer,isdesiredi area anintagar they be added. .A. - 'lwasgoonful CoMierts a quart of milk into ',' a ' firm mid: .Prepatbil .4thd sold' 'Vr e ill l kl... ll 4.d.r t . / 1 10.ilL •: . • • . i)s 41:,..11111MEL; " o.64f' .- • - ~ . fig Maskatertreet„. TAnnc , finirrict VI , SQLViWrIIicX 4',YA. 4, 4 '9 .. . -4 , 4r , Ail happy tfr. jL' 14 .., ... : 11 ja dra ... .b :; .lao A. and happy L..4.1E351 , iii4al,toA4l, ; And, wilt gliteni - "- - '-, ~.:. • . - .',..i: ,-; f.... 1.1 t P O ia z ...l:j m i rmll lOOK trOltl 1 nd 13 trakflpppOiefillilbYteriatOtaurv/bri__ urg , , . .. al'23 SURNIMIMPES •1.1211 - •:•LiOCAL, ADREOPPR - - • ; FURNISHED. D ASTMS wanting , Substitutes can ;be sup- .1; itt 'beak rates.. Local ereilitit furnished-an d warranted. ' Ifte aid 'dui Rattan disposed tra with all. • I'M .0.1 211MERtstkitat °DA :7 jy 12 Itrio 121 41takicOlstrentrtianiabpag,. E.& Patriot and Union cotdt attloiatut 141 la this office. 1 EIt , I4I.O,NCATZOLIe hereb7 given, that tog : 0' R6llBNNlLigliitol4l.Ofitiosinldi:ot Pennqivaiifs,; tne wit os7 of June, 1.839, thestockhol o_o4 of that Franhita,paajg ; Of. Washington, Penn., agrapOry to the: neat sessiowof the t are for wronewal of its char-i Us with l ad' increase " of its capital from $150,000. toi .11W00,001 ': ',_ • . . C. 11. REED, Preeident, , WASlttScrrow, Pe.:./ope, 1804. Je27 15 . • .DRSERTERS.. t l F b !?: d Pl -in'67ma1 :S4 A 101e bertbkoay 1,:,t U. 8. service, All. commußicitlons; strkejli ebnfidefitiaL Addiees Box 13, Ilaredislitti._ .ass44ll. .r. ..Ap.w.rsAm4; 1. 3 00 a. anit„fixtares of an old:' and A t • Testirealtripunaat, Fpra faer sti Lj dit.6Br l laqlsb,u7l COFFEE, of grades 2 !A Prt"`tii'iliß.i FRAZER. -- SacaaiNSTO - W. Dec Jr., &Ca Jeri t. e:>!p ly Groceries. APPiBRP and SS - PORK.--A ohoig rtillelatß ME Yeas Beef and Pork at itt4 - timnpessors to .WynDAr. Jr_ . . , . • 'QM) OXSTBAS. , -Exgra fine Baltimoie _ • .110 KORRIN4I4j . r . , ~Lkindaof3iatkiin!Tallith wagcusl r ti Miti1 1, 4 1 , 109 Ponniftdone saws on ealiiiriii 4 sitaalittilia ow DRUM LARD.—Fi#y firkins fine kettle *Wired ± neutered (jylB LARD, tbr salt by the Arkin or ROYER & /LOW potted 1 Mil Web&r. nth EVENING EDITION. PENNSYLVANIA - LEGISLATURE. REPOPHIED EXPRESSLY FOR Ping: TELEGRAPH. 'SENATE. - ArrFaoTotqc SESSIO.t. t ,, ,TUESDAY, A 1% ., 16, 1864. The Senate reteonvebed at 3'q'elockp. • .6/otridintskx • hir. STARK. Art'llut4e no business be feire-,•the Senate, I moTe:to aajcnrn. • CONNELII. Let us whatever theyeit'te do.. • ".' - , STEIN. Mr. Speaker ' that the Object for which we met this aftenioon was to'obirliaer this, military bill, and I Under stand. That thellonse has not dispoSed of it as yet consequeully I cannot see how we can take'aCtiOn en it here: iMr. REILLY. , xx, - Spealpr, I . would like to'Adio* 'from the -Judiciary Committee, whether they are prepared to mak e any report. • Mr:JOHNSON. They au),sir.• Mr. STAltit with - dicvi the motion £o ad. PUlt" ,r • • • `, • ' •" i. gEgOßift ' or cOnisix#Ess.„. MelolidiSON, from the'CiAmsniteslM'the Judiciary; reported, with ,aniendments,,Sln atsbilltNo. 13.24, a supplement to an: , act to piovide for the Tosyment of bounties to !ohm tdens'in the ,of 13ntler. Mr TUltlielT4i ii (hame,) With a negatiye re coninieridatiOrt, aet to ,authorize the town ships and VOiptigtfp" ingneks county to bor row inotiey to pay botuities to volunteers. Mr. CLYME4; . ( same ,) , with amendments, an act relatiVe,o the, payment of bounties to volunteers in the r 'borqugh of Freemunsharg, Northampton county .' ' DO::( 1 R-A-M-P 1421r a;'(,, " 1 %1 with an amend ment, an act to inithor4e the commissioners, school direntOS - and superintendents of the county of BiOng to raise mousy to pay bow ties to volithteeti. • scirwruzs ioYnam,.courrrr. Mr: 11001111,182 moved to proceed to the consideration of :Senate bill. No.- 1324, just reported from the Judiciary. Committee. The motion .was agfged,- to, and the Senate, dispensing with committee of:the whole,-pro ceeded to the;cOnsideration of Raid bill. The bill was then : lwice read, considered and agreed to, and passed finally. GLATZ, on leave, read in place an eat relatan . g io bounties in the, borough of Dills btut, in the county of 'York. On motion; the Senate then . . The.-House met at 3 o'clock, andreiMmed the consideration of the bill providing for the defence of the State. /Discussion was contin ue& On -- theAsesticm of ;allowing the soldiers, raised under the bill, to select their own offi cers. Finally the - House adopted an amend ment of Mr. Las, 'fii r cividiiig that the Governor shall appoint all the regimental officers, and the companieEkshall elect the company offi cers. Other amendments, affecting matters of detail, wereitdopted: Mr. SEARIGHT moved 'to amend, 'by in serting in the bill' the following provision: That the militaq force provided for. in this act shall be kept and maintained ezeTasively for the protection of the State, and shall not be..liable.. to draft .by any authority of the United Stilts's. The, amendment, after discussion, was . re iected--yeas 33, nays 47. ~)*. „MEYERS _moved to amend hy.aadins 'the figlowirm:, ,Frovided, That 11 - tithing in this, act eha i ll be so coulitruedlas to confer the power upon the Governoror Iml - officer' of any body of troops raised"under: this law, to send or take such troops beyond. the limits of the State. While the. amendment was under considom . tion thc,House. at 6i P. tt., adjourned until ti-morrow. At) Tefenteap6. THE CAPTURE.OF MQBILE BAY. imETTF44,•OF CONGRATULATION • FROM aRCRETARY,OY:TICE NAVY • AIIMIRAL•FAMRAGUT. •• iyAsnuicerox, Aug. 16. The Secretary ;oft; the, - navy, las addressed the following to-Adiniral Farragul. NATY Dinntrentri, - Atignst"),s, 1864. Sra : Your:- despaieh.of theSth inst., Litating that you had oa the morning of that day enter: , ed Mobile Bay, passing between Forts Morgan and Gains, encountering and overcoming: the rebel fleet, I had th* - SatisfactiOn to receive' this -day. Some preliMinitrY l .-:acconnt of your op etatiOns.had prinriotialf . reached' us through Ihiprebel "clulnuleK. - ! • ' _ Lrligain, it is my Ple*ark:' aid my duty to :congratulate you and your brava tistociates. on an achieybment =walled . in <AN' service - by lily other eiminander,' and only surpassed by that =part:lied - -naval'triumph of the ssnad -kcni under your comniand in the spring of 1862, when, proceeding up the Mississippi,' you passed Forts-Jackson and St. and cvfoE-90/6/4. all. Obstacles captured New' Orleans; 'and restored the unobstructed nevi gatiolAT fo. the commercial emporium of the' great central yalley of the Union. The bay of Motile, was not only fortified and guarded by forts andtateeries on shore and by submerged Obstructions,bnt the rebels find also collected :there - formidable ;fleet on im an & f g their, officer,: a former Captain, whO,' false to the - Govern meet' and thellhiete; hid desert- 1 ed this country in the hourlot - Perk •.and levellid his guns against the'fkat Whielfit was' hikiduty to have defended. The poeseasion of Mobile bay. 'which Ydu have ' acquired, will illicit traffic which has been 'carried on `by blockade in that,part.of the gulf and gives point ,, ind vela , to the. -timers you have achieir e d ; • • 41'r' • " ". [Great results` -in (ire add= - obtained without great thvkii; s and' it was not expected ; that the posaesion A the. harbor 'of While; MndgiltintiMatiVithied"t‘disifistiiV 2 Vhibialis oft the gallant Craven and his brave companions, With, the Tecumseh, a vessel that was mid =able to the guns of Fort Morgan, bya PM ratct Twci. CENTS. 8p.01d3 ;N PLACE. "HOTTSF. OF REPRESENTATIVES. :AFTERNOON .;:.4. - AFTERIiOON SESSION.- Timms; August 16, 1864 g - TIL 4 1 - _ltill' ADVKIMPOTO EATl22—tram_ a TE1MG1..... The following are the• riAskihr-Odrertishg to threszo. seam Those baving#ll2olll l s.l o 40 wilt find 4 emr- Tauten tfor rethrtmoe. ; ' - -:' 4 " ' frr Four lines or lese-tonstitute one-halt square, Mght lines ormore etas deurocamtrft4 a i " " . ' .. ros A Huh etitialth - ' it Oill 01 1 04101 . One day $ 121, 001 - 44: ..... ......$ 40 Two days 50 Two .... f.... - ....:. - 1 Three days ••• , 75- 16 14 16 4111 4,1. ir 4.! • 1 One week 146 One week. .... s . ..... 146 One month soo Onoltronti. ...,... aa a Two months 4 50 Two &mos 9 00 Three months. r.... • . 6 50 Thnmer"l:44l64-14. 11 00 Six 1ai1thi1:2:... , ...:,... 8.00 .), Mx sereitliA AAA - . 15 0 One year /6 00 One year - ''x•96 0 Administration I,Tottem - Mit 50 Marriage Notices 71 Auditor's Notices • ' . • • - 150 Funeral Notioewearhiassitouß.4.-.. I 0 jgg-Baidnimi 4 end Demob; 410oti tuseN9ia fiflibe toed Mlisaut, at before Marriages Emir Qom Mg LENI Mir tech insertion. concealed torpedo,. 'was .a casualty • against which no humen_foresight could guard._ While the nation awards cheerful honors to the living, she - will, ever hold in 'grateful:re membrance the memory of the galUnt and la mented. dead, who-periled their lives for their country, end died in her , crane:: . . • To you and thef brave officers and sailors of your squadron, who participatedin:thiS great achievement. the Department tender* its thanks and those of the Govenumestandoinn try. Very respectfully,. • • - .GIDBON Secretary of the Navy. To Bear Admiral DAVID G. FABBAGI7T, Com manding West Gulf . Blookadingfiquadron , Mobile Bay. Soldiers to Vote in Rhode Island. • PROVIDEIiCE. August 15. Rhode Island, voted to-day uponthrea,pro positions to amend the Constitution Orthe , To allow soldiers to vote; to extend suffrage to natundized citizenarr-aho have served in the war; to abolish the registry tax. Thereturns, so, far, indicate that, they are, all approved. . ' Markets brTelegralsh. PairAramincuctAugastki. There livery little tradedoing . istAiretstd stuffs, and but little change in pc**, ...The stock of flour is very low and it is held :0'04; small sales of superfine at $9 SO, 'all* at $lO 50®10:75, and extra family - at $llOl2. There is very little Rye flour. here. and ,-)t is firm at $9 50. In Corn Meal nothing doing. Wheat is in steady demand; brit 'there it not unteh offering; small soles•of•red at 69 61)(4 2 55; for old red $2 63421 , 6E4 , for'..witite $2 7042 90. Rye,comes.forwd strong,: end commands $1 85. Corn is dull; bogie's mixed Western sold at $1 63@cf• 61: - "Oihrare steady at 900 for new and 95c • fot - AiL" . ^ l In Groceries and Provisions the salet.have been unimportant. Petroleum is active at, 50e for crude, 82®860 in bond, and 86®,89c for free. A brig of 3,000 bbls. was chartered for AntWerp at 6s and 6d; a brig to Antwerp 78, and a schooner to Marseilles at 65. Whisky maven slowly 7741 78. NEW ADVEIiTISiItiIk:NTS. Winner's Perfect Guides Use of Every ,311001 Instfuroprit. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Violin, 40 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Fltite, 60 . cents. ' '- Winner's Perfect Guido for the Guitar,.6o cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Piano, 60 cents Winner's Perfect Guide for the Melodeon, 60 cella:: Winner's Perfect Guide for-the Accordeou, Winner's Perfect ffuide for the Fife, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Glaricmet; 60 centid.: Winner's Perfect Guide for,the Flagolet, 60 cents. - ALSO, 7 Winner's Mite and Plano Duets, 60 contd. • Winner's . l l 9 l iU man9A....AP:cento"-- The instructions in thus books are er adapted to the eendpreheee ton of aft grMed 'of The exorcises 34ustrating .aad,norprehigAlikriespoSgt arfii not drY and tedious, but sprightlk and enlivening, saddle selection of Music; varying froth the simple - to.' titibeln cult, comprises the most p pular melodies of MO tleir,, Oliver Ditson & Co., Publishers ,' Boston . ' uy J. E. Gould, Philadelphia. ,•" ~, • ,:::-sag; Adjourned SELLING OUT -LOW! OUR STOCK OF I QUOR-S! NVBintend to di!' acontintte the sale Of Li quors and offer our gooiest i very. unalLadvana from cost price. We have purchased all oar LiqnorChe fore the last rise and have a large stock on hand for three or four years; which are guaranteed .emmetite parelumed now at any price from the importera . Our stock consists of W S .113. S • of all grades. sir We have parts of three barrels pure RYE, not colored, and 10 degree.; above proof, 2K Tears ej WINGS of aft, Grades, Domestic and Isparta, We, hate part of hi cask HIWBRANDY, to which cto invite the particular attention of families foe medicinal purposes. The Brandy cannot too !mot to-day, from bnpooters, less than $l5 per Miller. We.ill sell it for SLI per - gal lon. SCOTCH AND ENGLISHAIZo% CITAVVAGNEWLIVES , • • • ' CSAlt3+l3, ase. Ws invite the inspection of Hotel Meow, and. Liquor Merchants generally, as, we intend to soil,. without re serve, all our Liquora,• and this edit he tilocal OPPorte lay for bargain& -. • • .W2O • SHIBLEte& iItAZES. • A. F.. ZIMMERNI.A - INTy:.,_, liVattAzthu; Dist* Neer, No. 1% liarket..Stroot, Narriobtrgi DBA , LEda ArA 'PLO WATCHES, BETE OF' 'JEWIfLET. FINE SILVER WABL zh ' PLATED W • TEA SE VICES, AND ALL KINDS OP JEWELRY. Ras constantly on hand a Well selected and eteihntly assorted stock of PINE WA TIM MAWS, SSTS. VINE :WINER WARES. AMERICAN nrazzaz AND swim -'Both In Bold and Silver - Also, a fine assortment of LA-01.ES' W copstautly : Of all descriptions; adllt - Which will be Sold at the LOWEST CABS - rmogs. sir= and examine thngoods. Particalap attention paid to repairing .of Ihte Watches, mich as Chronometers, Duplex and Other celebiatbd Watches, and, all. kind, of ,Towelry• neatly toeing - None but the moat competent workmen employed, and the whole matter under my own personsinumervisim A. F. ZEILILERKAII,,, mar2Bl NO. 52 Market street, adjoining Brant 'e H alt TEST RECEWED-44 galloitq purtikurriliTh tJ wlae, hem a Lancaster county farme,r e. 'ititio' .6 1 M made domestic Wine in tto,city. Price sa Aft For sale at SHISLER • Je9 Stammers to Wl:maze, OROSSE BLACKWEMIT - 101ftirifH PIINELES, a ran aniclalineladoknerantweceivad and for gale by MISLED k EBAZOLP felloMo66oolll IrniA(*Yfesi2.'k 61. t A FRESH supply Sum Cured Beekat_ n 0251 AnTiaß & KORRntR• PHOTOGRAPHS...':' ,-, f:' A: LARGE:assortment of l'hottigiXplis'_bf Genii:all Ind 'citric y pictures for sal, CIWP4 ...$1 per doest,:it ~, •B=nititll B9oitefe, 1n124 , : 7 - ,: FS "rFk' poourr .BOOKa; BIRMEASKIN 7PUBSIBEI PpierzmoNicurts, aitS • nneralfrk , Auf i q Htf , 11111Mf4100118, jut* meiied , at . r tltegi.o €40911415W1 LESS SHAD. —Fine Mess SW of the sea son, in halt barrels and kilts Just received at SIEMER & FRA ff! l 8009011110111 to Dock, Jr.bco Ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers