done until the cool of the evening. But the rebels did not allow the heat to trouble them, and by 11 o'clock, A. at., having received their artillery during the night, they opened fire briskly on our advancing columns, from about the point whence they had been driven last eveuiug. our men replied splendidly and in a short tin* the engagement on the left and center became general. We could now and then hear the arrival of the trains both from Peter sburg and Richmond, which prisoners told us brought down reinforcements. They also said that General Beariregard had come up from Charleston with troops some days since, and was then commanding the forces in front. While the left and center were engaged for the most part in artillery practice, the right col umns, consisting of one brigade commanded by Colonel Barton, of the Forty-eighth New. York, hurried forward upon a road leading to the Peteriburgh railroad near Chester Station, where also is the junction of the Port Wal hall road. Here they set a bridge on fire and destroyed the track for some distance, but be ing savagely pressed by the enemy, 'the order was given to retire. The damage to the road, I believe, is not thotight to be very great. The fighting continued with unwavering vigor ou both sides until 4 o'clock, when the rebels were reported to be falling back. After fol lowing them some distance an order was given for our troops to return to the line in the morning. The casualties of the day I have been .un able to learn. Gur loss is reported, however, not to have been very serious. Most of the wounds are from fragments of shells. Twelve or fifteen officers are reported to have been killed or wounded—among the latter Colonel Dandy, of the 109th New York, whose injuries are said to be slight. Gen. Heckman's horse was killed, and a ball tore his glove, grazing his hand. The position of our forces here is consid ered impregnable. If we cannot get out of the peninsula which contains us, Ms certain that the rebels cannot get in. The natural defences of the place are perfect, leaving little to be done in the way of entrenching, and the gunboats are depended on to keep the river open to Hampton Roads. We are very anxious to hear from Grant, but beyond the knoWl edge of a battle having commenced near Chan oellorsville, have nothing definite. A negro refugee from Richmond came to us to-day, re porting that Lee and Ricketts had both been seriously wounded. We hear nothing of our cavalry expedition under Kuntz. It was thought that he was too late to cut the railroad at Hicksford in , time to prevent the mass of Beauregard's troops com ing up. Colonel West, with his negro cavalry on the Peninsula, returned to Williamsburg, after frightening the rebels badly, and was sent out again. pail g Cdtgrapll HARRISBURG, PA. TUESDAY HYMN% MAY 10, 1861. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver tisements, Business Notices, Slatiriages, Deaths, ae., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accent. parr4d with the CASH.' Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. TOWN AND COUNTRY. Pante Venilla Beans at Keller's. lay9-2t REV. Janus MaoszT, of Syippensburg, will occupy the pulpit of the Fourth Street Bethel, on Sunday nest. awrso to the crowded state of our columns, with war news, &c., we have Wen compelled to condense our local report, to-day. AUCTION SALE AT VA liiCEr. —MIS Ming er & Adams will sell, to-morrow, (Wednesday,) at market, a large lot of excellent furniture. 111=2 Two hundred and fifty " veteran " horses will be'sold at Altoona, on Thurelay of this week, by public auction. Sale to commence at ten o'clock. Tim Union prayer meeting in behalf of the country, will be held in the Lutheran Church (Fourth street) this evening. The public, of all classes, are invited to attend. DELEGLTE ELECTION IN THE THIRD WLED.-- The election in the Third ward will be held at the public house of Jacob D. Hoffman, in 'Wal nut street, on Saturday evening next. I=MIZEI Hmincoox's National Hall was opened last evening. The performance is highly spoken of. Mr. Hitchcock's effort to please the pub lic should secure him a full house nightly. =MEE THE Harrisburg Bible Society has just pub lished in pamphlet form a very interesting "Historical 'Sketch" of its operatiOns, "from the date of its organization to the celebration of its`fiftieth anniiersary." Tas, Northern Central Railroad Crapany advertise for proposals for the gradation and ballasting for the second track of their road, between Dauphin and Sunbury: Proposals will be received at the compel:l3 , ls office in this city, until the 25th inst. 4- L. E.. BaowN, Jr., a son of Levi K. Br43vn in the eighteenth year of his age, of Goslieia, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, after gearing a horse for use, stepped bask from the stall, when the animal kicked him in• the breast, killing him instantly. He was an intelligent and. Promising boy. _ . Samoan has prepared a grand bill for to night, at the Opera House, the old pioneer place,of amusement, where the best perforna ere in the country appear nightly. Ten gen tlemen and ladies will appear this evening, in a great variety of plays, songs, &e., of the best selection, including the, great opera of Bone Squash, in which Miss Bordwell will appear in a prominent character. Sanford, the great star negro delineator of the world, will appear in his great character of Bone Squash. The hot evenings do not deter the crowds from visiting this Temple of Fun; Novelty is always to be found. Bone Squash drew a large.audience last evening,.and_ gave...great satisfaction. 'We see that Mr. Sanford'has made special arrangements to receive war dis patches, ivhich will be read to the audience immediately on their arrival, from the tiaie. A very, funny act is performed at Semford'e, alone worth the - price of admission. called' The Exempts and their Wit es. It will be.repeated this evening. 'Fsms,E affil be a sale of condemned Goy ernnient horses at Giesboro Depot, on Friday next. • Tnones J. BEACH, for many years the prin cipal editor of the Baltimore Sun, died on Sunday last, of bronchitis. HORSES, HORSES !--The Chief Quartermaster advertises for proposals for two thousand cav alry horses, to be delivered in this city. Full particulars will be found in our advertising columns. The open market will also be con tinued until the day of awarding the contracts, viz: May 16th. SOME of the members of the boot black brigade had a muss on Market street, to-day. There are a number of boys connected wit . the brigade who should receive their dis charge papers, as they are a nuisance. There is a sufficient number of respectable boys en gaged in the business to attend to the wants of the people. I=C :=1 ALTERED GREENBACKS. —We have seen sev eral greenbacks that had been altered from $1 •to $lO, by the figure 10 being pasted Over the 1, and "Ten Dollars" over "One Dollar." The word "one" between the small circles at the top and bottom of the bill had been hidden from view by a coat of green paint. No effort had been made to erase or paint the word "one" within the circles, and which is in very small characters. The alteration in the note is easily detected by an examination, as it contains the portrait of Secretary Chase, which only appears on the $1 notes. Yet in the ordinary mode of doing business, persons are liable to be imposed upon, as many do not take time to inspect Government money. Sev eral.of the altered notes have been passed in our 'city. Look out for - them. SITPItEM& COuaz.—The Court convened in this city on Monday, 9th inst., at 9 o'clock. Present—Chief Justice Thompson, Justices Strong, Reed and Agnew. The trial list,of :the counties of Lancaster, York and Adains Were called Stoner vs. Huusecker—Lancaster, argued. Hickey for plaintiff in error; Fra4lin for de fendant in error. . • Shaffer vs. Geisenberg—Lancaster, argued. Wilson for plaintiff in error; Patherson and Dickey for defendant in error. Gettysburg R. R. Co. vs. Kohler, et al. Lancaster, argued. Wells for plaintiff in error; lßrosnkfor defendant in error:. Adjourned till 9 o'clock to-morrow. TUZaDAY, May 10. Court convened at nina o'clock. Present— Justice Thompson, acting Chief Justice, Jus tices Strong,.Read and'Agnew. Erisman vs. Thomas—Lancaster, argued. Patterson and Franklin for plaintiff in error; Dickey and Shenk for defendant in error. Bowman's Appeal—Lancaster, argued. A. Herr Smith for appellant; North for appel ler. Shroder vs. Mosselmfin—Laneaster,targued. Franklin for plaintiff in error; A. Herr Smith for defendant in error. Guulrle'sAppeaa.ncsater,argued. Brown and Dickey applants; A. Herr Smith, ap pellers. • Dohner vs. Tyson—Lancaster, argued. Landis for plaintiff in error; Brenneman for defendant in error. lliester vs. Green—Lancaster, submitted. Ceurt adjourned:till to-morrow morning, at 9 o'clock. COLLLA.PSE OF THE BOUNTY BROKERAGE. — Bogus Recruiting Officers under the Surveildeuce - of the Military Authorifies.-Red Tape Relaxing for Stern Action.—For many weeks we have„ appealed to the War Department to relieve . this post of the incubus in the shape of an incompetent or derelict officer, who was re tarding the successful progress of the public business. These appeals were unheeded, and in the meantime neglect grew into frauds, until the business connected with' the recruit ing of soldiers at this post became a sort of " Peter Funk" trade, by the operation of which gallant Men were shamefully cheated, a noble service outrageously defrauded, and a confiding government wofully disgraced. On Saturday last we called the attention of the authorities to facts at once revolting, a case in which the State authorities were actually compelled to . Mterpose for the protection of the soldiers of the national government. The action of Adjutant Gen. Russell, in'promptly confronting the rogue Hammer, and com pelling him to disgorge his ill-gotten gains, it seems, put to blush the commandant of the post, Col. Bomford, and we now learn that Bomford has issued an order suppressing these military "Funks," so thit at least in the future the service will be tecied from the pilferings Of, these Cheats. But why did not Bomford issue such an order months ago? Why did he postpone his action untifthe vol unteers had been robbed of thousands of dol lars? Six months ago prominent officers at the post . urged upon Bomford to issue an or der,suppressing the speculators who were 'pH- fering the hounties of the volunteers—and months ago we appealed to him on the same subject: But he"was 'stoical arid indifferent, • and seemed determined to wait until the very life-blood had been sucked from the volun teers before he could be induced to act. All the time that we were urging Bomford to act on this subject, clerks in Ms office we , e engaged in frauds of which tee' complained, charging ex tra for services for which they were handsomely rewarded by the government. We do not as sert that Bomford was cognizant of these facts, but we do insist that his ignorance on the sub ject of frauds being perpetratbd in an office of which he has charge, is the best evidence of his utter unfitness for the transaction of the business of this post. Indeed, Bomford only acted because he was driven by public indignation to do his duty. _ We congratulate :the volunteer on the fact that he will hereafter be protected from the rascals who so long preyed upon his hard- earned funds. The fact is reward sufficient for us, for all we did in the premises, as well as encouragement to continue our efforts to rid the government oflmbeciles and protect the soldiers from rascals• INSPECTIONS of horses for the cavalry ser vice will be held at Bloomsburg, on st and third Tuesdays of each month; at Leba non on the first and third Thursdays; ut Wil liamsport on the second and fourth Tuesdays; at Lewistown on the second and fourth Thurs days. I=o=l ON Wednesday morning hist, a young man named Isaac Bourkey, residing in Centre township, Berks county, went out into a field to spread lime. He was apparently in good health, but suddenly fell down dead. He was unmarried. I===l2 POLICE iv/was—Before the Mayor.—The following cases were before His Honor for a hearing, since our report of yesterday: Alex. Henry, a soldier, charged with as sault and battery, was handed over to the military authorities. William Cole, of Co. I, 25th Penna. Begt., was charged with threatening to take the life of his wife. Cole had in his possession a pass allowing him 16 days' abSence, within the limits of Philadelphia, but he managed to reach this city. He was handed over to the military authorities. William F. Dugan and John Bayard• were arrested as suspicious characters, and gave confused accounts of themselves. The Mayor committed'them for a further hearing. Lizzie Shindel and Annie Shimer, two of the most depraved prostitutes,. had a hearings The Mayor committed them for ten days, and notified them that he would continue to com mit them as often as they would be brought before him. One of them was only released from prison a few days ago. The Mayor has adopted an excellent rule in respect to the nymphs who are arrested, and we hope he will continuo to imprison them. He may eventually at least partially relieve the com munity of the greatest nuisance with which it is afflicted. The soldier who was charged, a few days ago, with passing altered greenbacks (such as we described yesterday) has been handed over to the civil authorities by the military departement, and he will have a hearing be fore the Mayor this evening. 'Slitters which have been brought to light since the former hearing have caused the prisoner's transfer by the military authorities. SPECIAL NOTICES. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! ALL sizes,' kinds and styles at very low prices. quality of Beep skirts from 75 ceats to $2.00. A superior article of white muslin at 25 cents. A good article of lathes' stocking, 25 cents per pair. Al6O, a large and beautiful assortment of spring and summer dress goodia, ladies , and gentlemen's haudger ehiefe, hemmed and plain, cambric and Swiss muslin, cambric and Swiss edging, and a full and complete as. soytment of other goods r to which we inviite attention of purichasers S. LEWY, „Rhoads' old stand, corner Market and Second ant. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE I ! Leateheloes Celebrated Hair Dye LS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The only Hersites s True and .Reliable Dye Known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect=changes tied, Rusty or Gray Hilir instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Broom without iajaring the Hair or staining the skin, leaving the Hair soft ants beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality frequently restoring its pristine color,,,and rectifies the ill effects of tied Dyes. The genuine is 'signed Wilt TAM A. BATCH. ELOR. All °fliers are mere imitations, and litioUld be avoided. Sold by all, Druggists, &a Factory-81.BAR CLAY sr, N. Y. aircznos's sew Thum catue FOR mussatsa THE man je2313% COLGA.TFOS HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, In such uxiverlinl de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and canal:prat in its nature, fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in Its action upon the skin. For nip by all Druggists and Fancy'Grads Dealers jan2s-dewly APHYSIOLOGICAL view of MARRIAGE. containing nearly 800 pages, and 130 fine plates and ingravings of thq,,,Auatemy of the Sexual Organs in a state of Health and Disease, with Treatise on Self Abuse, its Deplorable Consequence upon the Mind and- Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re port of cases treated. A truthful adviser to tho married, and those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, to stamps or postal cur rency, by addressing Dr. LA CROLX, No. 31 Maiden Lane Albany, N. Y. marl-daw3m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. YOURG DOG LOST—S 3 REWARD. A. SMALL RAT TERRIER; color, light brown; with dark face. The above reward will be paid if brought to the store of JACOB WALTERS. corner of North and Third streets. trtylo-It* 'HORSES: HORSES: HORSESS Wait', CAvALRY BUREAU, OrMICE OF Ciltri QIIARTZIMASTaa, • Wasuirierox, May 7, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS wilLbe received at this offio unril 12 o'clock ta Monday, May 18th, for two thousand (2000) cavalry horses, to bo delivered at the Government stables in Harrisburg, Penna.., within fif ty (50).days from the date of contract. Said horses to be sound in all particuihrs, well broken, full flushed, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) hands high, from five (5) to nine (9) years old, in good condition, stud well adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforzed in every p trticular. No bid will be entertained unless accompanied by a guaranty for its faithful performance. • girShould any United• States officer guarantee the pro- posal of a bidder who should prove to beirresportilble, his name will be reported to the Secretary of War, with a ree comtnetidatinn that such officer be dismissed the service. AU bidders and guarantors will be held to the strictest or countabitity, and ecayfaiture to comply wills terms of con ' tract, or to *take the contract when awarded, will be followed by prosecution to the full extent of the law. Form of bid and guaranty can be bad on application to this office, or to the United States Quartermaster, at Harrisburg. Penns_ Su ccesstul bidders will be prepared to enter into written contracts, with good and sufficient security, innmillately on the acceptance of their bids. The oath all glance must accompany each bid. The underszned reserves the right to reject all bids deemed unreasonable. Bids (or fifty (50) horses and upwards will be enter tained . Bids for the entirenumber of Horses required are invited. Payment will be promptly ma to on completion of con tract. No mares 'win be received. Proper s must be endorsed "Proposals for Cavalry Horses,' and addressed to Lieut. Col. James A. Ekin, Chief Quartermas , er, Cavalry Uureau Washington, D. C. Any other iefurmation wilt be proeptly given on appli cation, personally or by letter, to JAMES A 'MIN, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, Cava ry Bureau. 'Purchase in the open market will be continued, at Harrisburg, until the contract is awarde.l. Pric , one hundred and foray-five dollars ($145) per head. Payitieet made in Certificates of Indebtedness for eight (8) horses Or more. mylo-td HORSE 3 FOR SAT.R WAR IMPARTMENT, CAVALRY' BUREAU, °FMCS OF CHIEF QUARTDBFLIENTIA WAsnisorox, D. C., 6th May, 1864, Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder; at Giesbor D.,pot, on FRIDAY, May 13, 1864, beginning at 10 o'clock, a, x.. from 150 to 200 HORSES. - These horses have bedii condemned iiii(undt for the cav alry service of the army; for road and farm purposes m my good bargains may be had, Raises sold singly. Tel nes Cash, in Government fundsJAM. ES A. EICLki, Lieut. Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau. mylo-td E W BOOK S.—THE MOULDER 1.3 snurs ian DAYS OF SHODDY Just received .st (den] SOHEFFER'S BOOKSrita .NIVANTED-; ,, A neat-tidy Irish girl for gen eral iIOUSOWOr k ; wages $2 a week. Also, a aurae. Apply at KAHNWEILEEVS ury goodastOrs,corner Second and Walnut sweets. mylo-d2L* ANTED—a young man as Bar-keeper App,,, at the MANSION 11011i5E, inyie-10 corner Third and Walnut. AVANTED.-A middle-aged WOMAN, who is a perfect House-keeper and a good Cook, wishes a place in a solid private family. Conditions are not b;gh tv, gas, but good treatment. Apply at nuan-gt* THIS OFFICE WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap3o-ef " BRADY HOUSE. AGENTS wanted to sell the Standard His . tory of the War. A rare cbance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 320,00 u volumes already aold. Send for clicutus. Addrealr JONES' BROS. & CO. Publishers, 1314 more, lid. CM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RALPH L.. MACLAY, A TTORNEY.A.T-LA.W. —Patriot an d . - Union buiidiug, Heirlsburg. Strict attention paid. to all legal btat,thesa. Military claims collected. mylo-d6ru.eod • OFFICE Pitovosr . 14'ra DISIRKT.NaYLVAICIA, .b.antossonn, may 10, 1864. TO the end that all persons interested may. have notice, and the object in view, a complete anti accurate revised ouridlatent, be promoted, foilowins in aocurdance with circular order No. 46. A. A. Provost Ma rshal General's office, is hereby published. 1 The different Boards of enrollment, Western Di vision, Pa., ate requested to Immediately proceed to exe cute the said section (*the act of Cot grass, entitled "Au out to amend an act for enrolling and cabling out the na tional forms, and forotnerparposes," approved February 25 1864. h They will at once appoint the necessary enrolling officers for their mmpeetive (Usti lets, with instructions, Ist. To enroll all persona whose names have been omit to by the proper enrolling officers, previous enrollment 2nd. All Omer= who shall arrive at the age of 20 years bete e the craft. Ad. All aliens who shall have declared their intentions to become citizens. 4tn. Al pertains discharged from the military or naval service of the tutted Stat ho have not boon in such fur two years during the'pre,ent war.- • sth. And all parsons exempted' under the provisions of the second section of the enrolling act,npproved March 3d, 1563, but. not exempted under the provisions of the act approved February 24, 1804. 111. The Board of Enrollment will also at once proceed to KUM° front the enrollment, upon satlsfacuiry proof• Ist. The names of all persona Who have arrived at the age of forty-five years. ' 2d. The names of all persons manifestly, physically or mentally unlit for the service. 31. The names of such persons as are at this time ac tually and legally in the military or naval service of the United States. - . 4th. The names of such persons as have served in the military or , naval service two years or more, during the present war, and hive been honorably discharged them. from. JNO KAY CLEM/4T, mylo-2w Cap't and Pro. Mar., 14th Diu. Penna. NOTICE. PROVOST MARSIIAL'd OFFICE, 14th Disrater, PENNSYLVANIA. r HasiusStmel, hify 10, 1864. ) IN compliMice with instructions from the A.A. Ptuvo 4 Marshal General, the several sub-districts La the 14th Congressloual District are hereby uotified to present, without delay, th it claims for credits and r the . all for 700,000 men, which will be heard by the Board of . Enrol/m[llt, at the office of the Provat !Sunhat in Harris burg. The credits will bo assigned "upon the evidence of °rig' al and supp ementary muster In ro ls, or certificates of the Uniud btatea mustering officer or Akers detailed on recruiting service for the regtuar army, or the dfifereut Boards of Hor.alment". Credits not assigned by muster in rolls or supplementary rolls, or by the exhibits fu nished the Provost Marshals from this odice to particular sub-districts, counties or cities at large, may be assi,ned to sub-districts within the respective oiutricts, counties or cities, provided that suffi cient evidence be given in each case that the sub-district claiming the credit has either paid a .ocal bounty to the recruit for which the croon is claimed, or is the actu.,l residence of such soldier, and that the recruit was not paid a local bounty from any other sub-district or county. Credits W will be established as per above claims until May 16, 1864. mylu-tm/6 alfo. K. CLEMENT, • • Cupt. and Provost Marshal 14th District, l'a. A HOUSE AND LOT, containing four acres more or less, situated in East Hanover town.seip, Dauphin county, twelve ifiddieast of the city of Harrisburg, on the Jones town road, known as the late residence of James Corbett, Esq., deceased. atm buildings are a two-story HOUSE, containing SIX. Rooms and a Rail ; a -frame Barn, and other'ddrivent4t'out-bui dings; a shop . suitablater a me chimic ; and-sbmeohoice P soil is deep sandy loam, aadJijiusceptible ritahigh.state ofaultivatiOn. The Lot can be divided into four gaud building lots ; or, if desired, there is land adjoining said lot that can be bought on reasonable terms—from five to fifty acres. The lo cation is very nesirob e and healthy. Payments made to suit purchaser. • Fur further particulars address, through the Harrisburg poet-office, till rho lath instant, • Mrs. MARGAR,KT L BROWN, Administratrix of the estate of lifargeretCorbett, de'cd; nialo-2t 5 or inquire at THLS OFFICE. NOTICE. - aßoposALs will be received by the un dersignod for the delivery and spreading of 500 perches of broken stone, in the 1 bird district , tf the city oi Harrisburg. Proptsals re elved malt the 20th of May. JOHN W BALL, L BERNMULD,Iatreet Committee. 0, RENO, HarEsburg, May 9.-dtw Notice to Contractors. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWLT CO., OPTICS OP THE CHIEP KNOLYEER, HARRIESURCI; Pe, May 9,1884. P ROPOSALS will be received at this-office until Slay 25, for the whole or any part of the grad uation and balloting for the second track of the Northern Central railway between Dauphin and Sunbury. Work to be commenced Immediateiy. Fu.linfortnation maybe bad by, applying to Y. C.' Arms, Esq., principal engineer, at Supbdiy, Pg., or to the undersigned. The company reserve tne right to reject any or all pro, Resale made. H. STANLEY GOt/DWIN, 9-dtm2s Chief Engineer. SPLENDID 'INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS, NO ADVANCE IN THE PRICE OF IM POBrPED GOODS. Raving purchased heavily before the first of May, we have not advanced our prices since the new, tax of 50 per cent, en all imported goods. CATHCART & BROTHER, Next door to the , Harrisburg Bank. DRESS GOODS DT LARGE ASSORTMENT. THE AMERICAN SELEIIETON SKIRT, TIES BEST,NEW STYLE, THE BEST MATERIAL, TITS BEST MADE, AND THE MOST FASHIONABLE SKIRT OUT Any other skirt of the same style is only an imitation. LADIES' AND GENTLERN'S SUMMER UNDER WEAR. Gauze Marino Under Shirts and Drawers, Cashmere do do do Donet Flaunt . 'do do do Cotton Lisle Th'read Finish do do Pure Lisle Thread-Under Shirts do . ALL SIZES AID QUALITIES. CATIICABir & BROTHER, Next door to the Icarsisburg pea. #9.xrit9;0141141 4 1 4 94861. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PtiBLIC SALE. WILL be sold an THURSDAY, the 12th day of stay, 1861, at 10 o'rluck, A 31., at the resi dence of nemnel Bricker, in Mulberry street, near Front, in the city of Harrisburg, the toilowing property, viz: Beds and bdutng, httreatt, tables, cnairs, settee, looking glasses, stoves and pipe, windos b inds, oue gold and one silver watch, carpeting, tubs, stands, and a great variety of household anti kitchen furniture, too numerous to men tion, fie. Conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale by SAMUEL BRICKER, Adm'r of Catharine Bricker, deceased. May 5, 1864 tnys-dts CANNED FRUITS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. SAUCES of all the celebrated manufacturer.... SARDINES, OLIVE OILS, of every dpseription. Also, BROWN SiOUT, FINE TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR and SYRUP.of all grades and prices, and the best selected stock outside of nithule.ptda. All goous guaranteed as represented. Particular attentfoff paid to all orders from a distance. Goods carefully packed and delivered to all pals of the city free of charge. SHISLER & FRAZER, mys successors to W. Dock, Jr., ac Co. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE INSTI TITE Fox YOUNG LADIES, No, 1530 Arch street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. 51., Principals. Ninth . Year. Three - dcpartments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Fu.l college - course In ics, 'Mahe matic=, higher English and Natural Science liar chase who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, .Paintinw and Elocuti..ll by the best masters:. • For mircu.ars apply at the Institute, or address tittX. 2611 P. U., Philadelphia FEL op2o.gro* Open Market for Cavalry Horses. Altar. QUASTRILMASTBR'S 01F108, HARRISBURG, PM= , April sth, 18(. J UNTIL further orders, HORSES, fit Cavalry Service, will be purchased at this place in open market None will be received under five, nor over nine yeare age. Must not be under 7.5 hands in height. For particulars apply to E. C. REICHENBACII, apt-dtf Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster. MOTH SACHET POWDER, FOB . PERFUMING LINEN AND PREVENTING MOTH. THIS YOWL/Ea —a compound of valuable articles for the destruction if insects—distributed among or dusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Clothin .; atu, packed away for summer, will effectually prevcnt moth. Being also a delightful, diffusable perfume it wit im pregnate clothing, kc , with a lasting and pleasant odor. The finest fabric cannot ba injured by its use. Prepared and sold at KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Mario. street ap23 Open Market for Cavalry Horses. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, t limousaura.e, Pa., May 7,186 L f UNTIL otherwise ordered, horses fit for cavalry service will be purchased at this place in open market. Inspection of horses will also be held at the following pla os and uays, viz• Bloomsburg—firscand third Tuesday, each month. Lebanon—first and third Thursuay, " Wilhamsport—second and fourth Tuesday, each month. Lewiktown--serand and fourth Thursday, " " No horses will .be received under, five nor over nine ye ire of age. Must not be under 15 hands high: For further intonation apply to E. C. RELOHENBACII, Capt. and - 4581 Qr. M'r, Maniaburg, Pa. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEPARTMENT, CAVALRY. BUREAU, • OFFICE OP CHIRP QUARTERMASTER, WASHINGTON, D. C., April 20, 1884 WILL be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named be low. viz: Altoona, Penn's, Thursday, May 12th. Penn'a, Thursclay May 19th. Reading, Penn a, Than:may, May zetit, Lebanon, Fenn's, Thursday, June 2d. Northsmberland, Penu'a, Thursday, June 9th. Scranton, Penn's, Thursday, June lath. Wthiamsport, Penn'ar- Thursday, - June . 23d. One Hundred (100+ horses at Gettysburg, and Two Hun dred and Fitty (25u) at each or ttie tither places. These Horses nave been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army. For road and farm purposes many good 'bargains may be had. [Mises will be sold Sales begin:at 10A. 31.; aud continue daily till all are sold. TESMS : CASH in United. States , Treasury notes only. - ,;.+++ - • JAMIS Eff ap2B-dtd Lt. Col. and C. Q H. Cavalry Sanaa. MAGNOLIA BALI% TBIS is the most delightful and extraordi naryj_ article ever discovered. It changes Me Sun burn and Face and- Hands to a pearly, satin texture, of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance au inviting in the city belie or &skis& It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and rough ness of the skip, , leaving me comp.oxion frcsh, transpa rent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by A.tresses and Opera Amgen. It is what every lady should have. Sold wholesale and re tail by S. A . nUN KEL a BRO • ) ap29-dtf 118 Market street, Harrisburg. Thomas C. MacDowell, Attorney-at-Law OFEWEINTBIBD ST., BELOW ME. HARRISBURG; PA. ALL manlier of Military Claims promptly attended to, and claims coilectedagainst theuenerat of State Governments, either In Congrea, the Court of Claims at Westiiniton city, or at Harrisburg, without un uecomary delay, and on molerate terms. ap29-d6m 1864 ROA ir eti T a, 1864 As Spring approaches ' AN I S and RO:d. WES From their hole come aid; And ALICE and RATS', en wile of CATS, Gaily skip about. COSTAR'S EXTERMINATORS For Rats, Mice, Roaches,. Ants, Bed Bugs, Mosquitos, Moths in Furs, Woolens, etc., insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, ete. "15 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from, Poisons." "Not dangerous to toe Unman Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." Agr' Sold by all Drugila le everywhere 44-11 , 1 Brim= I I I of all worthless imitations. Aor" Costar's , ' Depot, No. 483 Broadway N. Y. sirsow. by D. W. tillUSl3 & CO., and retail agents, marl6-daw6m ' ' Harrisburg, Pa. Dr. J. P. KELLER'S Dental Preparations GRANULAR DENTIFRICE! AMERICAN TOOTH WASH! raSE elegant preparations combine the t desitable cleansing- and astringent qualities. They render the Gums hard and healthy; neutralize the acid secretions of the mouth, (thoreby removing the prime cause of decay.) By their detersive properties they Preserve the natural color of the Teeth, without in the least degree injuring the enamel, while they impart to the brea.h a fragrance peculiarly aromatic and pleasant.— in [act they are THE REST ARTICLES in use for the,par poses named, as a fair trial will fully demonstrate, and as has been abundantly proved by their extensive We in this community during.the last 141 ears; and which will be readily testified to bye. many 'who have repeatedly urged the Proprietor to still further extend their sale and usefulness: They are warranted to be free from those destructive acids wh ch so frequently contaminate many of the preparations of the present day. Prepared and sold at the Dental Rooms of the Proprietor, corner of Second and Walnut streets. JOHN P. KELLER, Surgeon Dentist. For sale also by the principal Druggists of the city. ap2l-dtt Greason Seminary. ASELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, fox pu pits of both sexes, located six miles west of Cer ium, on the Cumb. Valley R R. Pupils admitted at any tune, and charged only from date of entrance. • For circular tall at W. Knoche's - Maio Mom; 98 Mai am street, Harrisburg, or address - E. HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS,- Plahitleld, Climb. co., Pa. apl44lm TOY BOORS &o:z=Arlhalge "sa aorta:awn of Toy Book* Games; ` 804j.tult - rticeil43 . it a n ay SCHE.FFER'S BOOKSTORE;," 'Van. _ _ 1W MACKEREL, aFatanict:AND - SAfr ON at -a Aturt) BOYER &Man% SANFORD'S . lIMIAL. THIRD STMERT, BELOW MARKET . REAR - OF - HERR'S HOTEL. GREAT BILL THIS EVENING THE GREAT ETHIOPIAN BONE SQUASH MUSTARDS, pon,ro Together with the great COMIC ACT EXEMPT'S.= Orchestra Beats can be procured in advance M. Bann vart's Drug Store. • • Doors Open at OM. Commence gto 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. Admittance t 5 Mina Orchestra cutura, 50 cents. Private buses. entire. $5 each: single seats. it eant,. IEIITCIICOC3EC'S NATIONAL HAM., CORNER OF SECOND AND SOUTH STS. WM. HITCHCOCK. Sole Proprietor. G. L. HALL Stage Iniager. WHITCHCOCK respectfully informs the public !hat the above elegant inuaeed amuse main w err:venal on MONDAY EVENING, MAY 9THT with an entire new company of pvular artier "ovefuity ee.ected from the principal places lit thecountry;fetnitaga FIRS I" CLASS MINSTREL TROUPE, interspersed with a variety of singiurfand dancing, en en tertaiuiuent superior to any ever plrenOuted to the citizens of Hat 'sour g. Tne Hull has been repainted and fitted up in tha.most costly and eurgaut stye, sod every atteuthin will be paid to Ole comfort of its patrons, tile aitl.:aintilodattons tOr ladies being superior to any place of amusement in the city, it being the intention of toe proprietor to make it A FAMILY RESORT, presenting, as it will, a FLKSS CLASS ENTERTAINALEIN'r. By the following talented company MR. G. L. HALL, MR. RICHARD MYERS, biR. ED ELVEN, Mr. STEFFLXNA, MR. W. NARVO MISS ADELAIDE MILLER and MD'LE ANNETTA FAYOj The fesAanating Dancers. Admission........ Reserved seats.... boxes Seats in Orchestra parrs open at' T. Commence at S preciiely mpg CAN TERBUILT MUSIC H AIL. ,WALNUT ST., BELOW MUM DONNELL OP&N; EYL ErrISDT4.44 With a First-class Company or Mi.thatS, I/A.h.C.ER.* Wa1.E.6.1.a....N.n, &c., &O. Admission.. . ...... ........ ..... I.s,4atna , fiats in Boxes ..... . ........ ...... .. • :25 MISCE L LAN EOUS. C C IJ .1L HISTORY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES. - LIMAS BARB, & Co. respectfully announce Jut that they have in preparation ttßistory of the IN.iatt , SylVitEtlll Reserves from their organiamion to the exi ita- Lion of their term of savim. This History will contain the names of all the Officers and Privates of the Corps—their promotions, casualties and discharger-also, graphic deccriptiora of their camp life and their gallant achievements - In the.many battles in which they have 'taken part—all ilerived-from oraciarand authentic goatee!. The History •of:thn Pennsylvania Reserves will be in Ohs Younts of 600 pages, octavo size, neatly printed on good paper, and substanti,dly bound in black eotti, containing a steel enguying of the lamtimed Reinola&and one of Gilvernor Curtin, (who first retommeDied the formiitton or the Pennsylvania Reserve Ctirtrad and will be so:d only by subscription. it wid be ready in August next. Price —Three dollars per copy. . . The eublishens feel confident that the lost pride which every Peonsylvacim must entertain for the men whose gallant achievements and patriotic sAf-devonou it records, will secure for "Trim Thwronr" a generous and appreciative reception. ELIAS BARR & CO., Publishers, No. 6 East &lug sweet LANCASTER, April 25, 1264. ACES IS WANTED to CaIITIVS for the above work in every district of Peruisywaoia. Re.ponisible re.eret.ccs te.lßLrett. my4-4:ls:wlin SCHOMACKER & CO.'S PIAN,OB SOUR GRAPES TOO well blown in this ci.y to need com mendation. In me by rd.RSIDENT LINCOLN GuVkRNOR CURTIN, JUDGE PEARION, And many other distinguished citizens, The tindersOted. Otters these superb instruments at prices that eguniKtail command public patronage. N. It—No OLD stock on band. Also, Sole Agent for the unrivalled. - STEI-NWAY PIANO. " Also, BRADBURY'S CELBII.II.A.TED PIANOS. Chicaering's and setters' other of the very tiwt. matt*. None but perfect instruments sold. .- • Gail and see largest :dock cut of great cities. - mar/S-tf S. WARD, Thud sueet.atusic Store. 'Fp BUTT4IR.Fresh roll" 41.1:tier from Snyder coutay received every we , k.„4lse es.-0 tiny4] BOYER & KORWit. Q UPE.IiIOB, .11.10 AND CO-F.EE. att. [uay4] BUYER er MILLINERY G:OOlr3S. MR S - J J. - HIBBS , NO. 8 MARKET SQUARE-, ' (Next door to Felix's Confectionery,) WtE'RE SlrE IS PREPARED lip figg . tO he ladies of Harrisburg and vicatity the. Latest Styles of Millinery and: - Fatter Gads, At cheaper prices than any house lathe city. Tliequality of her goods cannot be surpassed: DRESS RAKING IN THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and exandne for yourselves, -.4134-413ri1 PLEASE call at the Subscriber's place of business and be measured .far a, perfect fitting nAIRT. The subscriber also keeps otalnuel a *lg. sup. ply of ready made SHIRTS, and :Also Shirt Puttent‘ fur sale. All kinds or Matching done to ttieshortep:A..D.l9.r_ J. M. RITNEM, apl.94todlni* Walnut street, opposite the Encourage. Bennyll/M and Susqueharula Railro ad Company. _ - . • Ovena, 221 S. FOURTH STREET,/ PHILADELPHIA, aril 4th, 1804; j i MEE annual meeting of the ntodkholdega - , ..L this Company and oat election for Preaklent .It,,mdc 2,. Managers will takaplace at the OM= of the Company Mo a nday, the 2d day of May neat, at 12 o'clock, a. : W. B. WEBS, Secretary. p/3.411m2 • lilkSANCit 13.KAAS--A rare artiele.„ June ceived at SHISLER Si FRAZER, MIR ", x ,,,, m0 s to wn. Mica, jr tr. co_ 101itiLLS.ti BittLeu e AsTALL: Vits*, calved, a One chest of English Breakfast Tea, at SEMLER & FRAZER 7 S„ (4acctissors I to Wm. Dock, Jr.) ,;d T OTS for sakion, the curlier of Third end J:Jzendatieera Faiquhe oirri. C. MDFADDEN. I=l MR W. CallpFtl.S, Sffi. FRANK Lni, BLit. W. WORRELL, BiR• F. t....A.M7BELL, MISS ROSE VOLINTE, The beaugiful GENTLEMEN, 11222:122 E SoleLesse
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers