TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED NORNING AND EVENING, y GEORGE BERGNER .iTICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 3ESt3 LE SU B:tC.RI PTIUN ! 1 N P.OI TEP-Ali is served to suscribers in the at e,nts LEG per r week. Yearly sub b scribers will be i; r zi.,l $5 Win advance. Those persons who neglectto ranee will be charged $6 00. . WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. ILI;: I'm:coitus is also published weekly, and Is furnished E.,l;bscribers at the following cash rates 5 . , 1 0.2 copies, weekly.... fare copies to one Post Oraco j„„ conies to one Post ()dice NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TELEGRAPH steam Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, • HARRISBURG, PA. ITAVING recently added to our, Jobbing Det ailment a large amount of new type, - several 5 0A lot steam presses of the most improved machinery,. ad other material, we are new prepared to execute at :hurl notice, and in the most approved style, AI It KINDS OF MILITARY BLANKS, LETTER SHEET HBADINGS, CIRCULARS; - BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, RAILROAD BLANKS c - .4TET,S. In one or more-colors, PROGRAMMES, BILLS OF LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES LEGAL BLANKS AND JOB WORK . ALL DESCIiPTIONs.,' ; PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Order; from a distance attended to promptly. martO•dawtf A. F. ZIMMERMAX; Practical Watch Mail Kei r .; No, 52 Market Street, HatrisbiirS, rai DEALER - IN FINE WATCHES, : CHAINS, - RINGS, SETS OF JEWELRY. :Yr: SILVER WARE,. . . : .. . PLATED WARE, . • TEA SERVICES; AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY. H. 13 ,•onstantly ou hand ,a well selected and elegantly. ,;:orteti Flock of • ITSTIWATCHE'3, • MAINS, AND FINE. SILVER WARES, AltEnrcAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATOHESi• Both in Gold and Silvis Cases • .;lea. :t tine assortment of LADIES' WA.TCIIES ~ 9 tartly on band. I= ELIE G-A-Nrr CLOCJA.S, Of all deXeriptions; all of which will be sold at the 10 AST CASH PRICES. cz - - Call and examine the goods. l.rocular attention paid to repairing ,ofWatchts,' -lee ea Chronometers, Duplex and °Wei - celebrated Watches, and alt hinds or Jewelry neatly; repaired. None but the most competent worltnien employed, and be whole matter under my own pereonal supervision. - F. ZDSDIERMAN, yr:of9l No. 52 Market street, adjoining Bitttd.'sTall. T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT MANUFACTURER, PIT7CSI3ICTEter, Pa., • • 7; S PREPARED to furnish and coat Cher et,: tenor of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT,. on a ii , rsy-iem. This material is entirely differnnt; from all tenients used heretofore,,and .the buly coating for outside work. Mixed with pro 7,::proportitnis of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solidi dera- :-xahesiceness to Brick or 6Lono Walls, making a beau t flute water proof surface arid 'finish equal to Armin :Loae or any color desired. Among oihcrs for whom I have applied .the Mastic Ce sod, I refer to the following-gentlemen: • -: Slssell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. A DCord, " Sbuenberger residence Lawrenceville. A. Hoeveler, James ti'Candjess, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams," " Third street, Pittsburg.. Joints Wood, owner St. Charles Rotel, `!•' , • Waltani Vohel, Girard House,- Barr A: Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, John M. Cox, residence, Front street,'Harrabitrg, Pa. A J. Jones, is Ple:cse address T. F. WATSON,. P. O. Box 1,306, Pittsburg, Pa_, tim or, Penna. HOLM, Harrisburg,. Pa.. leolSAi' TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS. ollection of Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, MUSTER - 220 . L -LS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE 'OUT: T r- , undersigned, baying been in Ibis eu k t. pioymentof the United States during the last eighteen cootie, as Clerk in the Mustering and Disbursing Office MI Oillce or Superintendent of Reerniting Service of l 'rLoqlvania, respectfully Informs.the Public iliAt he has O MI,I an office in the DAILY TineentAva 'Building for Ahe:- L'Pee of collecting' Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay and ""Claims ; also, making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster 414 and Recruiting Accounts. All orders by mail attended to promptly. tf SULLIVAN S. MLR 3 ITADDEN* MARBLE YARD CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFTH S'TREETS,. Harrisburg, Pa. . THP, undersigned having opened a Marble Yard in this city, beg leave to 'aeon • their' Meads' ' 'lit public in general ; that they are 'preptiblitrto' . . 411BLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION" SUCH AS // onlimenin, Tombs, • • Head. Stones, • Mantles, • 1 1 , -‘1 liouse Work in Marble aiiiißrovli Stone.. ..... CcQ us a call endive will guarantee sacisfacttom • II'FADDEN-dr CO. B.—Letierittg neatly none in English or German. sur2u-dly • "THE WORKING FARMER,* 4 STANDARD authority 'in Agriculture and Horticaliure, 'says: : • Ware S n. ylvester pmduces* 'vei'y superier Wine Oporto Giape. We have - senteut large numbers . . .. . .••.. . . . . . . : , .: . , \• \ 1 •, i ~,,, , • • i , \ 1 1;, 11 lipex)."--- /.. ' "':... —• . ' Ofv/ ' =•-• - - , _ •':. :- .; .- _ ~,':: . . . • •....,„,... '...., \ , , ,//,‘ ' 7 .... . . \ '"' • '' ' ' ... ~ .. , . .. • • •, . . . , .. . ! ~. • - . . .. , • '„ '..:: ._.• ''''..-7--'- ‘7.4; ='-' -..-',-*. ) -.'''',, ,' '.: :'l, .-',,-, ' ; , 1 1 . j . - ; : i .., . . :' '; ''' , W#..,, ,t ---- I• • „ ^ . ~ ... . ... - -. ' ..' ' .4. ...e . "j%:•• • , ... , "..,, 1. 8) -- -- -,.. . ' -1. , - . 1. ~ - 4 ... . • • .......• _.. , . .............. .. ... $1 60 400. 10 00 BY. GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL., DR; Itilbigth; BA_LTIMOiik LOCK HOSPITAI,, • HAS discovered - - the:, . pertsl4)l, speedo" and eltretuarrianddlia in the *Oita -11:T pmuisrs: OF IMPR.6I:IOXiIi!! i?.Rtoxr IN sig To riviiin 'go* N6 . IIFERCURY OR NOXIOUS A' Cure lfcsi•yoi4ea, Or No,.o4; ; .cie; : in ''- froini 0;4 - to' Two bays' Weakness of the Bagk,Affections of the Kidneys and. Bladder, Involuntary Dischargft, ImfloteWy, bility, Nervouanevs, DA*" Langaiire 7 Loiv . : FBOffiti; Confusion of Ideas,.,of be , BOW ;Timidity, Tromblings,'Ditantas el:Bight or:GlafiiiiesiDisease of cite Head, Threat, Nose - Or - the Liver, Lungs, Stomach terrible disorders arising from Sobtfir.V.Aakito of• - ;lrooth4-thoso secret, and.volitaiy;Oreati4ninore,fitiali *eh:victims; than the. voliggSyrent tolhiflifaritiereOf trlyasei, - blighting" niiosthrilltant hopes or tuitloltiatio*reiidefing "urine; f' . . - . 'YOUNG NEEN, Eve Chilly, Wh&-have become the viellmsr of Sol Tice; that dreadful and.destructive habit which amatilly sweeps to an untithely.. //Ewe , ihomfands.• or lco.00g: mow. or: ow incisthudfed"talents who might otheiWitie have tintraratiallisteiabit Siaittee with' the - thim: elo4uencv or waked' to *task:lhal , may' call with full coOdence. . . • :: • • . 31U1ilUEt.G-E . , . garrie4 Yoiing Men oolltenip,latbikpingriage l being - aware '‘veaknei!e p i'tzgitpl i e debit y,:defor- ; 'nkities,' Sm. eit.eozaily ge:Wbo , l3lacas himself ender - Cho cat° or Di': may re nibileiln his. bonen as ajgentlennyky exa coma rly rely 14poii., pgiip ORgINIC • . • • . , .inniedlately cured, and full vigor restored." Thii distressing affectke*lrhieh :i&dientlifit 4 iniserable and marriage the ,vtd; time of Improver; Indulgence.i . • „young persona ere too apt. to commit eicessee fr . One not be ward of itiel'dieldfor, aonsequonces that may ensue. New,"iitio`!thai stands the guktdeckwill pretend AO dayabaL tee'parer of - ProcroOtiPtilosisponer-by,those , falling Into 'improper. , habitithih tttlie - ,fkudetk,..BeSittes being ,demlyed the Meabures of heipktiy, OiNpripg, tad- mpsc . sbripli f .i • structiveJ Symptomsb Ao The system 111004 deringed,, the physlcal:and fink:lions ‘ietAeno . d,,loss pnxnnaliye ,power, ueremul irritability,!dySpepsls;_palp)tation of the'heart„ consatutiotialilebilfty; a wasting of the frame. cough, Ott; gumption, docaY•amtdeatix • • OFFICE No 7, Sow?. FantunuoK Sauer, '• • Left hand aide going front•lfidtimc;ce„streit,.a •reyr, front the corner; not to Oinieive tonne and number . . Letters mUat be!pltid,iinetkentetiiit stamp. - The - Dootorlf -Diptomao Itantinjtie office. ; • DR. JOHNSON. . • 'Member fri the Royal Coil orAtrgeonsi, 14Mionatad: Elate from oroccif the alba eminent colleges in the Milted States, and the greater part of whose life has been vent, in the hospitals of London, Wolk Ptillidelphiii , Attid. else where, has sheeted antri9: 44.04 P9dt.:AntOpLshingi Maw that were ever Ipiticyo ; many trcitibled?with ringing In the , head and 'earsWheri — aateep, :Pair 'nersiMsneqc, b!),4 alarmed at enact' !licintids, .bashfulneee, with frequent. blitehing, attendottioribitimes with i denngtiment ornificl; :were cured immediately.. ,TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. .r s' Ls 'Wass are some of the sad and melancholy, ;effects. pro-; duoed by coyly Mad* of youth iriz . :"wealtliWte cliabholf and limbs, ipains in the' head; ilbraiiss , irof `of mostpular power, palpitation of Shit hearti.:dylpepsia, , Noah nr}*bility symptoms of , constimptionk ko. Maiirrat.r.y.—The feartureffects on the Wkit ire much to be4reatied—loss of memory; - "colithalotrorldelcile= preasion of spinta, ovit forebodings, tveralon tomoiety, self distrait, love 'of 'eollttide, kb., ?are' scene or the OM 'produced. I r I:Y.CqiiAERT,. - ;lli ';'' , `'' t: .:,.. Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in *ken alone, a habit frequently ; learnod evil wmpapidbii or ichciplAtio Ardtt.l;of are' 111'0W -felt, even when asleiti; arid ;margl9ge ntos Bible and destroys both mind and body, shonTdifAy% mmediately. t hat a ypuofmatt,,thwhopeof his conntc-y, the , dariblig of his liarenta, shouldlie 'snatched ficinc. all auldejoymenta of life, by-tbm , consequence of deviating from the path or. ,natine and indulging in a certain 'met WAG": Such personaittfor, before contem plating ' '.; . ' mARRIMig, Rmiecittiat 4,:*ll4eiiiid,suWicodtt n tr; necessary requisites tovrturiciteekeriiiiitilalla ati *etc — kdoedAttli, out these; the punk,* through lire , . • grimage ; tier prospectitourir flharerisi:torthisiclikr;:the gaud becomes shadowed with desiffliiistd;ilLlefllyrlylLthe melancholy reflection that the hippfisms .tbf ituppisr comes Might& -wttli ate own. ' DISUSE OF IM'itIJDWOR. , Wheifthe misgoldniimatiMpriident .vottity, of geom. dads'tie has imbibed Lto too often happens that artilltimed sensecif-sdcmito,nr.tiM dead qf discovery deters him ,from apply B I . 4 . fhose who froreeducation and resikkitmglltyi'oan-mqnetsiMend.hiim pHs into thehandevfignmantana daggnirrgrpretend-i: wlio rocs le cortng, his 'stimmi;:keep hirit trilling month aft filch-tiemon opt fq*l sti .00,amallest fee can be obtained, and In deimairleievelairn', -Rivith• rained health to sigh over hisgallingdiseplionitnikiti or, by tue use of the 4,4 1 Y ..Peeicee,,MeLClUT;, ha/fled-MN. COnStitutiOAldsp o romsofthisterribleduTteemAallageo-. lions Jhe' nedul; throat, Nam, w o. with intbtfti l . del& perlokrto drew= stifteringelly. ,setilfine Um to Lhat miMnoo - vered country from whence no AmyeterAturns, ; :t - • • 4,DORSEkOTT: OF .tiE JitirtSa• Tbeitiany thousands cured at 6,tu; it year after * , ir jolt' 1 the flunkerqus , imloOtitunt_thrgittal! • Miteratione. nerfdfitfed 431).K. i johnso*, !yiwesoic4 ky,,the reprOtera.ou iscsteiletszA ; gthiniany riodies whiati ed spin and again before the ^ Oak ibteideis his hriani swartgentletaan :tbarsalbgaild2x4E4lix . ma bility, la a sufficient guarantee to the 414 . 14 E .; -, (.5 „, : • ;' • • ; • r Ari•aikt .1, Watf PIS SPV4AMOSTEIDA Ogee No. 7 Novak Frederick Street. "TITIE UNION—NOW AND FOR,EYE-.-It."—Webster. AtERICIN REIEDIESI! . - SZVOWN.A.S' • •• " . . • - • cogl LMHp:LI:I Sl9. 1E11•=1 „- ) HY6HLY CONCENTRATED' - - 'COMPOUND •; : . : 10.4141:14'EXTR I ACT OVCHU ro!ctitsztairs i ; , SEDNEETS, GRAVEL : AND .DROPSICAD SWE fliSilledicine increases the power •of Di idsild„n" and iiiiiteeiii"kߧo Itilig power beiir action, b,3%, Vich. die 'WATERY - ter 'CALOEROZdeptiti; Lions; and -811.UNNATRItalt.,11.ENTS . are re asvell as pain and inflaiiimetion,. and, pf good . far 'MEN, - WOMEN or 94ILDREN. , . -11 E, ji.MBOLDT EXTRACT BIMINI, Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In . discretion or Abuse, „ "ATI4aOED Vi`,l3:E. Tax lionickwileiliiiinTords. I • Indispos)t. • .. ' • Exertion, Itrytiessnf the , 'ElLin; Losirzy, mem,ory, Lcrss.of ,WepkAinivee" Difffeklty of Dreatping t Horror, of I L • Trembling, . - ‘Dinritbsd of Vision, Wakefulnew,---- • llnivertal Lassitude, of iqktiPent itrAtio Afro - color Systolic', Fitaiing of tto,Bodir, Bot Himds, • EreptioiLs'dkihe Face, Pallid ,geonienoce, • • 111 • ^.. ..., T1; 4 1, 3 tr , Pt 6 n?ig alio* t0..4 , 5 0 M• w4!ek PIO 1nf 3 41 -, cineltivailablle removes, soonlouow • 'III:POTENCY; g41, , u11. Y, EP - EP+l - 0 FITS, XliVeriekif vidokr :that.gum" are not treqiientlyvikelthwid , pi •thami ;"direfel• diseases, - - • .I.INSOITYAITD: CIiaIkPIAEMONL , =1 , Many hip actare:k *so, of Lb* * 'atitreibifia, but none' win oonreaaWO!' Abe ind . 4 oduma and the Ill s elandboly clematis by Constibiption, bdir[tacipta .npasto the truth of the assertion. i'IIkOONSTITVTION, ONCE 'AFAOTEko . . . W.L.CH ORGANIO-WMAKNEO,- --,.. . ... . 1 s''' ' i ft t I Ilea the aid t ermedizioktit e , ihNorate, Foe d 9 tn, wfdoli giinijiold'stF. . ii&jably, , , , . does. :.,•5: tcikuidll coaybilths - ,a ' -,. 1 • _lg FRlsiALEs=rEm.A..Liz--FEb r AT 4F,s, =ol, OR ''YOURO:SING . L.A V. h IRD i OR 7 • Irt,many. affections lieMillseto females the Eitract 'Bo chu: is unequalled by any other remedy, es 4n Ohlorosis or .Raterktten,!lrregular7ity, Painfulness, or suppression of the eliateirealy;Evacuitiolts;UlberatO•or Scliirrous state of the llteetts,f•LeecorrhearortWititial swinicy,And•-forlaLtmik: tplaintsideidont io thopsx,..yrhqtheroirisingrftomilndikie tion,-pibits of Maiipatlon or to the . - DECEIVE bIethiANCLIC OF z,n2 , z NO FAUX SHOULD' 3E WITHOUT It. 4 . .. • Takelib Balsani,e*Tc67Lfoilliripiesitult Medfcliie foi llllRthigaint, and.Dangeinuir. : ' u:: : z... 0.,. i: - , HELILBOLD!S EXTiLACT.I3I:IOHII,Ii: Cures Secret DIA , ' their stag eiriArt littleeohilse• little or no, chabge in no 44conypnien - aft 844;ackeZp4. Sure: cedes freifuent'dirsire;:atid'giyes •strentOkkr triinaterthereby ivanoving hirstrtietionsipiiiiiireating , and CuningStrietures of the_llo4lo,.aliggitqtrelikand-Whint . math*, so:frequent in this class ofd iperoks,-firgikexpeAlieg_ 'Poisonous, Diseairedfieilicit_nogarm .iffrhoumiktrti; upon thousands filo . lrave - Wifthe victims of quacks, and w* - have paid heavy fees to be cured an it short time, have tbruld.ithey were deceiyed, and that the .".toison'!. ,bn, She use of Meetehilth - d system, to break out in an aggravated parm,sad perhaps 'aftek-pe. ' , fErse!MiliDOUPS EETRAOMOICHLT'fir all Affections and Diseases of Orgrins,,whegrerAlating Male or goinale, fremlibritevii-cabse originiting, , ind"nd matter :f how long standing. Diseases of these Organs require theaid uf a ,Dirmttc.,!.-11EFAIDOJJ:!",5 iXIMAGT SUOMI is the Great DlirreSq,errOt lisprt a into.have the desired eftect In all'Dlbbasas for- - Whip it — lii:Yrebber 7 mended. • .iflii f; '7 r J 7 A.... lancod—Blood—Bleect ::HeitoltenhVallrehly,.eoncitifia. ted Compound FLUID'EXI;ELACT qATSIAKAItLASYPEII LIB Thhi anAffectionthe'Vfood p : Wd L attielifi:ffie Sexual Organic', M.inkiecirthn NOW. l Etin' t pat, Wind pipeand otherifictutAturfines,lmaking , appearance ;the foim of Ulcers. Helmboht , a Extract Sarsaparill' pn, -rifles the Aloed, aallSeinaral ary Eruppotmsd%the -Sabi,retrignkla the'Complaxidne nnd'l4lthr'Nei. - Itlielng iireparett: extrekslylttii le thins •of . coinplahata; tth Blood- - PurilYingProgerties:_are Oresereed to a greatek extent than any Mimi preparation of Sarsaparlla. ill An eicellent Lotion foi^ dues of a S p p ilitic Naiure aridlM,tui injection in diseases of the Urinary oq;ana' artairt from habits of disalpittok used hi cionneetiod with. ,„ Itie,Bitracta Buchu ind Hazeaparild , in Wichrthimaiewasit recommended.. Evideinipf thc respot(sihie.p¢ livable eharacter tieComPantthetriedrcloest: .VITES'OF CURES rrom eight to tweity;s4Wri'itinding, withbafiiae known to; Scdermalid Properties Of_Bnchu, see PlapenSWof the:Mike& SW*: I fikte.Professor DE E'S works On t h e Practice4f. Phyiire: -- Bee remark! "Sande 'br the late - , na•bicK, : Philadelphia. •..;Soti !Mao 'tit Di: - BEPHRAIM , McDOWELL, ncelebrated:Pllysiatuziuntriuinp; her ofd,ii9 Bop'. gonna of; ut'pxtaa; and .published. in thet Transactions crt EWE letirtiaL. gee ItedlOo-Clgrurgleal BAWiew,publlsherltVßENl TI —,13(11.9„ 'Fellow of , the itokel College of _Surgeons Ina:Most of the: late . standard works on Medicine. Extract: of , ,Thicliu;• ;1001 . per bottle, or nix bottles , for.. $6 00. ...Extract. of Sarsaparilla, $1 00. por„hotA ' . .cir r .:alk for $5 00. _proved Bose Wash,'so'conte'per bbttle;--briiix for $2 50, *MARA llozen enchXer. :slam ; will bo . wittleient to .Sure the racwt o l4ins,....te; It;.-OrirAgne.4 ll 3 adhered to. -Delivered:4i .wit!^vetili,,Foo.l=9ll-C2fun?.4l;ll4f, !am . vittllie ' alba -saynniihmi . mums; Cures uaranteed rAdvicO gratis. •f. • Persona* appeared before me an Alderman of the _ city MadeOW, H. T. Rambold, *lib; gang duly sworn, di:l**y ; .. OU preparatkm coRWM ne.tssedeotic; no s ou‘a 9,40; ;Ofluliter luimiddf..."74p t ikud aregel vegetable. 'EtEtwinin and sabsorlbookbifai mu ; thii'ddldruidyt , dlL'No= )"- 1 . 1 Week la t arrVP• For Ihrormillolwrqddlit 44,1 1:19 0 , 7 7 1 .' 1, 10 2 z • Depdt obit 104 Boat /oth dent, below Cheetnut, Pbiladel• Manx HARRISBURG, PA., TfIURSpAYKVE .i5t1NG,..,0101. : Zs 11864. 11131'0Ait. TEE GREAT GENurNE - PwpiVrrots, VIZ liBLIDJOI ! D EXTBACT`"BUCe#," krELAriIoLD. NITRACT lIIMMIffIULLM'AOMD 40M;.W4SIK. ifl:ilt,'iiiifil):a GENUINE, fitpAlATloris. ISM A POT AND SPECIFIC REMEDY •..:•;:t.- , FOR :WEAKNESSES PLATING MARRIAGE aoi nos •A98,F1 WASR AFFIDAVIT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OR SALE. ' Theinbeeriber:OffeillOr sale the Meek... and Ltictures hie -well WHOLESALE - LtiapOlt STORE `AND' RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT.' He will sell the *Wig orpert of the stock, and the entire fixtures. The busi• nesb has been carileckonshout fifteeu; t yeers, and Is einabliabed:'Wlttithe attire earineeted.a'GOod "COgi'T.g. STILL T Wisoltuated Ciuntikreet, between Ptiotkigt vantalallroad and canal, and- name` private aiding , aniteble for forwarding purposes. I.ErneenniciMgiven and lease given for from one. 40 .inn -y7lrs• Terme eta purchasers. Tor Nuttier infornioort the pre mises to [marSktfl -GEO: - ~'itl'C',:A~'~E'.~: ~ ~~:~F~.. NF:. of the beat locations. for IRON O wqmo in I the,swe: forralafikAlYerrredcionablit. price. to anypuir:iiitser, th Who ,wilt improve it, sittadiat in deficit: diatiolCe of e 'city orifarrtsburg btween the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, abont five 'hundred feet wide, and alongside or:thehest.liatecidite quarriestin'tho. Statuand of to a w i dtturnidke read; also, , toote-for waste cinders foffilly years, without paying for'the Apply in DAVID MUMMA; . AttOrley:at-Law, Nu !24 Kurth Second Mice — ' mar 6;ltt:: - - - Harrisbtirg,,,Pa. [PhiledelPhinireafi Insert '*,,'04,51'14' bill to this Wheal - , ' ' • ' A SECOND-HAND PlAiNOlaitilitable A , beemneta AlexioA:Lerge MireiMornered. Show; Window and, • Flag dila r All will be sold va iew,lf ceilidh* beton': thelit of - Alia Enquire at sciiEFFJpR'S Bepketore,..lierriaburg, Penna. mail() REA PATE _ • . SALE. ••- The several #rdpertres aeo titate of WitUAll LISON, deceesed; ihettiir of Vairiabtirt, cotailiting 'ol Houses on Front street and Chestnut atreiitint -and nebir the corner pt Fro* p4l. Cheetnut strololave 'lucent lotory Mulberry: street„nsar Ilid.rd,ltu:efo, and MIX, acres of land ai, Market ferßd . for SalliriFoi:teribblet sale apply to the lindetaignad,' Sevaiittinand Noble streets, Pbiladelphia. . - de2katfl -!:THWAS,CO44IIMa.I.74 : :,_ . kits . tot 4 , 70k , o lavc , 1 . 1;0 .4 , otit On , the JOailiDWil' 16411i;g4":11.11," one Mlle] eital.sof the' Otte of lEtarrisburg, w being sold at low prices To persons desiring to secure a. home for „themselvAlS and to, be relieved, from the presentexorbitant' rents ,'; this: I s : a . rare opportunity A du m ber ' ' ofolots have alreadybden sold and. but o l r aw o, z it main' on Hand.; The,plail of said lota can be, sr to Sheriff's cidlikipllifiwritiburir r where penlopsi purchase are - requested to ball and see the same Harrisburg, Jan. 15, 1864. - - - IVROFOSSION'MA. =.. i EpECTRIcIT.Y. . wairD.ll .L , • DISCOPrgar AND WOND.ER,Fuh DR. 4 . .-tikft ontASTER VtouldViiiiEipeotiallY, , inform the public in general Antb the - ' tuirMoular thet, bellaS opened /14:Aftico in isooth *nowt; street, Mita/ diolienO., EbirO . burg, X*. - ,:liiiere he will . treat till 11130141611*Cligtept3ZhiS'e.00,1i3,t4icp with ~ tne'sys t te M7 i : add itauglit 13r Prof-V. v. Bolles, of - •I s hiladolP in aiii ATiliolin Austin/lion ~ .he;ista <been , con. 143 4 44, 4. . 01414.9. tagollt ) PlM+ircr in referring the plitfli9,To OR with respect to his success in con- Wiling it wise. IMU ' ' tnirritii ..Y.. , r, , - ..) ,;: ,; ',' - r. !;: Ansoutop 4orlitottir t gattobtM - :k'F') .-,r, , • ..• t maflooltoria krAllgotetotty, .ivahoot-. )i•,---- or, ari.rdiuli; I pihingnit ocititititidrik"..'Arter tut` ••NQ icitrtliiigOords•A ~ 1 " 5 "" inghtntse: will be •§lVenj if-deelibill V the 'Fatieot.- Poi ' Airmen.' ion4rmittert Pall • attUor a Oita achlati , con-. tolle:lwroc,,Offt.tftete,q anal nte4iejtAineigrmd•oth4 eras,yror g.'the,suinf _this system int . practice oVertillb erkil-=' •" ,free' Otticilptiuro '9 to . IA A. bi.;11,0',/frand 'it°. ..1'14•1• • ••• ' ' : , DR. J. MILTON CREAMER. feitS•d3(ut9m• tu•tlt,sio . 1 . • r , • . pOJELOWkikEES. - _ . . . ik gROCERY ANT PROVISION ', STORE C OYER 4.-IFOORPAR;, - - W HO - i; E Hk litkiiiY.o:4A. II ij I: I . .' DEALERS .0. 1 t: b, ,;'.. C E la x I E•••,S ~ and - Olass;WiLife ' AND ALIaraNDEI Or C OTT N . TRY PR , ODIIOt, AVE inst'onened'akive and welraeld3cted , st.eck of goo _ tat thet, No: et oare, Hatriaborg;Pa., to which:they hivlteithwatterition , -!of the public immorally.— „; , , I .t * 141 Q UO S e c .Th snccesso c :3 to Wth. Dock,,Jr„ AT . • IN. PINE intiXILY :4E00E 7 : RIES oPP o6 ll4 , _the CothtiepakeMuive on herldafthe selection of eF :• - • of-dfferont, yiptAge?, ,P/NFANS2 COMMON MNSS , : .!I.llo , t,Eveip Ascriptiblv #l l • Etisicts. , OLD .130RBO.141; • • • MOXONedirraA • • 4 2 ,7! Wldskyo The be,st, ever *Wit !q.4oo.thit*: OLD WHEA T, ** ' NE CTAR • ' And he eirAIWPAONE . PILIW.IPEANNE3MThmi, '; - SCO 7 '7. 011 , :i1V)-IBIST/TALES. 7 - . CLONDON =wit stout' ...Ve-D MERRY, PDANTATION- • fir )1 C . r '46644 tdido BinERS: With 0 0 0 0 1 00 - !. E - • Enratigri AND intiradr.j_ -La d d?) , jahnelits 4 !Trr 4, 10 5 1 the andrOti . . TEA LOWEST NAT= [JO J:(i',ll - %;'- ik-Ei; , ...- THIRD STREF,T, NW:i, ,WALNUT, , pLO!,ll . ), , liii MG, PA., vntotniALE AND Ritiii likialiß IN • CONkgetIONEIiY, •,- FRU I TS, '84C.. , g.. i l , , - Jujube Paste, . 1 Citvas, , , • , , Acosyaste, PO; Dates ~ , ... ~g Paste ~Prunes = 1 Marsh Mitilov , Own Dropsi, ; Almonds, Wamts, r Cram Chocolate Oros, Ptaln Candles, &u, f)yanges and Lemons, asml Fruits,: Tetlles~l. t Tea's iilldSi)ie ; 4111 . 404; paper Bags, (War Vinegar; ' • Fresh and Salt Fish In stir.-! . • . vftetibies seaso n , BoU-11413, ' Oarranus, --oeil3 Alberta,-: eats around Nuts,. 4 79mbInte, ;'• Cranb9riii3g, - - It6llloy and Beans, liiikAs'And:qrackers, laws& iiid,ll.6lfPotatoes, - 'GreegamlXtifid Nrutts, • And Country C 813Atnali juit reoe . 4 .E 4 .l4. fn lttt i. miumfaccur d, —) rsmensa &.-Pireztt. fel ouccessots scovi.ixtrveap j w, *Co.) RAPE' .17-03 - p. :s tA Awl s, ; Isa satawba Opdrf flb iett, erlimmtnipor , brste 410,040101±01iimierso tri' 4 ,11V‘ t J. MISR. A NOTHER lot of ohoioe Catawba Lira far saki at I=2l J 1 a, .4 zr bliki EVENING EDITION. REPOTRED The, Senate re-assenibled at 3 o'clock, M. Mr.: %maker Palms in the • ' axioms or cditstasares • • , On leave givenlthe'follooring Reports '.were Mr.! RiOCAVAY, (CorPoration.4,) as con 'mitten, S.intite bill; entitled A stiPplement 'to tin itette-ineorporate the Youghiogheny. Coal ,Holloir'coaloompany. Also, (same,) as conanitted l ,,louse bill No. 529, a - supplement to, an bet toincorporate the 'StusqUelianna, boom company. - 1 Aiso, (sanie,) as cominitted, House bill No. 512; an 'act to incorporate the.Saltsbu.rg coal - Mr..STARK, .(sarne,) as coniMitted, Senate; !hilt ,'erititled' an• act to incorporate the Pros ;.Peetechinetety company.- : : - - Mr. WORTHINGTON called up House bill N. 510, an act relating, to the borough of .West Chester, in 'the ootmty of Chester.' Passed Mr:. GRAIIAM - called! , up: Senate bill No. 636;'5. supplement,,to an act I to incorporate theYonghioghenyCoal Holhiy,,thin company. Naiad finally; ' • ' 1 Mr. REAItDSLEE callect - up.Sentite bill No. 4:52;:an act supplenientary Wan 'act, entitled An act relating to the charter of the Jellbrson „railroad company, approved March 18; 1863. Passed finally. ' Mr. FLEMING called up Senate bill` No. •'644,a'supplement to an act, entitlen_An act in regard to,certainledgers in the ,city t of Pitts . burg and relating lb the publishing of sheriff's `isles, and for other purposes"; ipprOven'Aptil 22d, 1846. .Passed:fmally.' --.-; Mr`..GLATZ- called - up N0.,565,- , an act to incorporate ,the Spring Garden Mu-, teal insurance company of York county.-- Pa'sgied finclly.' • • ' Mr. GRAHAM : called up. Senate bill •No 636, an act to incorporate the. Prospect ceme tety, compfmy, of Allegheny county. passed finally. On leave given, Mr. HOGE read-"in place an act relative to:the compensation of: certain 'officer,, and to increase the pay . of jurors in r Teriango county. - - ' Mr. HOGE called said bill up, and itpasted‘ At 530 r. HOUSE. OF, IIEpRESENTAIIVES: . A.F4RNO . ON *ES ON. . . ralleilrelwevo-assembleit at ..1". i.;House bill , entitled A sulailei4ezit to tin act' ;ooncerpine - the sale 'of 11.1.iltaattsu, - 'turn= bridges; plank-roads, etkk Cussed: 4autpasse.dliv ' The remainder of t/40. aiternoon.was pent I :inrthe consideratiOn and dizjerission o 1 ou.§ e • bill, , ,entitled An act vintble the hiiiiks of the ~ Coinnionwealth hceorad associations for' carrying, on the busioess of banking.under: the:laws of the United . s tat9lr, • ,Th.o.; bill, after being, in Various resjiebta amendedi'Vfas voted down on the- question of final passage. • i , Adjohrned. • BEEMEI J3o ZeicorctA. THE PITII,ADELPIHA, DISASTER trOHTFut. EXPLOSION AND• LOSS 05 LIFE, , •.: I - -Pserusxornextre; - April 6.2 About nine o'clock thisteolning•the Sout4-, : ern:part of-the city- wes thkiiim into tistate of consternation, by a frightful explosion at - the Machine slop of Iliessrs.-Me'rlick &B ens, - lii the-south . side of - Washington avenue; (Prime .street,) between Fourth and =Fifth streets. One:of : the huge hollers which_ supplied the :aeon power for this extensive establishment, • exploded about the hour named, killfet : and , 'w.ouP44g a number ,of the workmen em ployed in the place, and demolishing, eon- . 'eldership pert:ion - of, the establishatentf._::: `! Krther the guidance of officer' Barton, 'Our reporterp visited the immediate scene of the calaroiti. They found one of, the imost ten* ble lef the power of - 'ihe giant, • , SteautWhich.has -eer been teitm• in tis K iA.isiy 'lle- boiletshop ‘ nalonger existed, : a=nt Rot "nine rePresentanglit. ..;Tlie boiler whit* bail' exploded :was,libboiii,lporticituictif ;baying been threiktur titVardtrall vointel ottke ecompase,,thouglx-the; mass , ofS:the,fi retaking. Nrexq to be found almost fifty feetin eal3terly.direction from the original lcitiatiOn.v seefindbeilex, - adjacent to the one: which r exz` plOdesl, and of equal size; - Was lifted bodily; ,komits'positiox4 as.thoughcitrWese.only of leether'd weight. In the quidninglsinivhich ;the boiler shop . was loicatet4 ;the , ground was ..covaga :with; pieces'. - of irbn;kricks, .and , de ,bris of all-kinds.-1. . _ The slate roof of. the immenseAilicksmith.i shop was perforated with a thousimdluilea,; anti= some places greet= plates of ipintl rolled trigetheir like , a Scroll:: 'The'-'xs - sreedre - .- staekrt was , blown - toddy on toltiliePtixif`Jolt one'of the machine shops, its weight - paXtdsfir, orttehing the roof im In the reachinetehniti,t anvils,: liamineas, - aidasvivlte4 , "bridifs,••:&e:; mere.strewri. abontas ifldritans Ite - d-beeitT at play;: . and intheitsiliortliediflunglige met C= lied'projectiles-% arotind 'the- -Werke.= , " li lie' .place w sawve piebe:ot a nutigive iron girder,- , „whichihadkilled inan in . its 601121313, Idtei the: ! girdexautd:been broken to feagmentsliy the ,lorce of the explosion. . , - - THE. EIIi.LOS/ON • - 4:leciiired at fifteen`minutia before 9 4Alciak. .There: were three reports heard and • iiiniestri atelrthe air was . . lilted , with: pieces: Of-:the :boiler,`-bricks arid other articles.- •The boiler and its mates were. situated in a: hollow square .formedtby-the buildings-cOmposing the estab, lishmexit. The boilers were horizontal tubn.:', lar.onois,l and the:one which'esplod r ed was new, and - had.been used but - three . ortne'skilt , :had been testedqviilL.7s V6642314;4 steg i obt it :thitinforning was.runsdng witch 55 •*AAA. , Thelioilerslwere kit.fiet long; :5 feet feel high'ancl44 - seied:2shoibeepnwes9 ILLS, boiler-house, which wasuelitiotft datgeriuslught.totvveraassolioitap imbiuged 3 . - plethiMratilisledratoalatmfatergolibtaitz lug math-Hon girders. Thelattercasite thiltJ tered to pieces and scattered about the pre =s, f.r.IOHN. WISL PRICE TWO CENTS. Pen y van a Legislature Y' FOB Tke. TEL GiAPB SENATE.' AFTERNOW maw Heavy Loss' of - 'Property: STEA 4111411N1 OfPkg. Aremanstro EATMT—DAILY TELEGRAPH. The nalowhig are the rates for advertising m the IEL. - GRAM Those ha:yips:admit:air% to do.will 11nd 1: co..- radon (for redrew* , '. ' - , VI- Pourlines or. las constitute:one-halfware kiEll c lines c 1 more than four constitute sr squitit. " - ' ' ' voR A RALF WARR. FOR ONE WARR One day $ 30 One day ..$ 60 Two days . , . 00 60 Two dun .. 1 ' Three-days 76 Three days .. 125 Onerteek 125 One week,...", 2. sii_ 1 - One month... 3 00 One -,....=,.. Cup T*O months 4 50 Two months 400 Three months 550 Three months. 11 00 ~, Six months - - One year , 15 00 One year Aft.... i f:.,,,; .25 15 7 0 1 - 1 , GO- r Administration Notices' • - '4..2. 2 ,3 :: ldszriagelinticee.... • - - • - lt, = A. ElditoTll NOLROSI - . • 150 liNneral Noticeleachirmertior. Aftir thisinets notional ;In.' tiefere Marriages and f' . each hassytton.... ; - By the, ex p losion 'the! , end %of the patternn-- nhop was itoved in; the side' of the boiler shop' WAut deinolished--the slate roof of the smith-shop i was completely riddled. • The ineitibiildi a, *hick is the fcnnuiry, located at Fearth, and Federal streets, had all the glaasalestroyed and the gable-end was ko.cked lA9_7/2; ; largeathoire Stack ever the boiler, wita • ifirown highin Fthe air and came down in . the'pattdr&shnia, '; . TI4 !establishment of Messrs. Merrick & Sens `is :very extensivie, * .aild% covers the* entire square, bounded.. , by'_ , Viaghiirgton, Federal, - 'Fourth - Au:al Fifth letreets. - I•Some • seven hull . dieirioen.. Were employed - . the place, and- - by the d*Uster are-throwir outefeinpliiyinent • for the Preserit..: The finu4Agfehgaged pri nt .cipally on , Govermrierit ;wOrk; arid: Will-to 'obligedito cease operaiions until & new baler can be put up. • ' • • The oss by the destruction of- property cannot he. estimated asyet, but will probably reach, quite heavy amount:: • ` 1:i nut =Jai& - - ; .TosePh -IVeiser, , who - , :wasvnpleyedin.- - the blaiiksnlithi shop, iwas'etaidnig :Just inside of ' .the door ' Ho, wasa3trinkfttpOn the' head bf a piece ; of one of the ginterti Of trikboiler-hckusei and etas instantly kilfect, DaniAl WLaighlin, the engineei, hiid half of his Ace blown off. He resides in Juniata street, in the neighborhood of 4orirth - and Reed streets. Patilk Brannan, the fireman, was aitio killed. t • He resided-Int Clarper street, be 7 t ween Fifth and Sixth. • ' ' ~crohn! Dougherty , a laborer, "r'esiiiing . Tenthbelow Ellsworth. • Oliiiries ',Webb, a carpenter residing at , ..Fitc . stieet - a,.d Balm's alley. John'HVGewan residing at No 720 Federal • street. EdWer•d Henan, residing at Eighth - .acid' Cross streets, was injured about the bodTaedi had' boil' arms fractured. He was taken to the. Pennsylvania ' Hospital where he 'died aboet Intlf-past ten "eclock. • We-arennable" tb'give, to = day a correct list of all the:persons who were injured by the ab- , cider% 4 A great many were slightly hurt, and.,b, walked away before their names could. be as certained, and others' were hurried off td their hcipes. The ambulandes of deverul fire 6:unpinned weri3. early upon the - ground; and w(lire'en!iployed in ffniov,pg the wounded: . , . 7 / 4 3:.appondo, list of thoe who iwere in • jnr,e,d ad fai as could he ascertained up to the tuyi : of going to .press!'• • • " .13arnat;7:Roden,*- toiler maker, residing in . '' Clare slireetilwas bak.ll,y, cut - in the eideAry a' flying missile:... He, was taken :to the 'Cooper 'Shop Volunteer" Hospital: _Frank Boyce, , a laborer. a '. • - . ' ka: noNaringAvere admitikdintO the Penn' ::' - i ,s3g-T4KOrEctaPitabllgictrael ;Hi eiley, "aged .461 -. 1 yetirs;,' Iver t ,hAy.,_ sTilded4,and. head,ent. , Daft& us'.. A.lemitder. MeLatieW, , age, 41 14D;r1he1 eic i gibi''broken - arta arrn :.r eitialiter . ,parmer6nce Illaeob labeaiik, - ;colored aged i 6o,'arnithrpkep„ anclihpll iraetnred. ;-' . • -.., n, .:' :, . Pattigk O'Veill',, hgllser, ribs, broken, Nl4 ~. -iffniteas ' 1`r,;::4,-41.4,i:Ligke r rons'. Matthew Miskelty, , Arge;d2e7i boilermaker, tlirm, broken and head' '' Onjurac.Li -Alincander.FerriN 'aged 21, formclryL mtm, bgelf..Ankinv.l4. 4 gater.„McGuigan; ..,, 30, single, laborpr,.. 'skulk fractpred„, . Joel 'litippiii,, aged' 27,', single, deptCSsion of: the skull.:. 1 ~- I. , . .... 1.1, - • ~. ,- , 1 +,.,.• . -, Adjourned NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,: .% 'Wo a (E • . • - Wheress;;lettersPetutnelllm t •tethe estate ,of William:. `DoilOr.,;lans of the - city:of Ranisiiing, ileceased, hare t beeii granted to theidubscriber; all lierstnis.iiidebted ~ 10 the said estate are requested to maker immediate-. ,payment, and these - !having chdoisur demands agaipst the estateut . theAtid dleeedint will idake knowiv the mine without de. lay to • • MARY DOCK, Executrix..., 1841.. mar9-Muu6ie • YAW:SI3 *4 cif. the Best= PEAR, joky. I TREESIot trilinHAti ItEdineeitriettes, - etiFeCtraierk thrsnleitrifbnyg, are /now on hand at. %he Keystone NiliserY• PPP Jacorunsw 10R14 _MEAL-A ,fine article. . Just rU- Vj ceivad 4 ' • smStEß"ic FRAZER, - -2:w31 1 ...specimen Ao 'Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) 'DUOS. Just received. A very • I, small lot. Fine choice BUCKWHEAT, at sHISGER - & FRAZER, mar3l - (itiecessors-lo , Win. Jr;11 , Coq' • •t•-- , Vl44l2sTG' WEDDING, INVITATION, HONEC.CARDS.—BP •a Lpecial' tkiarigement witlroneorlhe, best ehgra , /ers the J couhAry_canis i or ••• ' any &Se trotranil be eiedited in' the `highest style of blest . taihtek, •and!anpplieil , • 3 tgemptly at lower primttias are charged by the station mut. in Ile • York or Philadelidda.-- . - ' • aIEAGNER'S BOOK STDRE. ' - mehe-d • - :MMS V IRE by fen' AB 4-d Virt , ; OXES,zOWOES, Splected,frcttpjat44,: , 12,r, t. iEniKirtations, and , ilte toast Empatiar.ever ttroudit -,1"; • !thlo kot at !Ms mason; Jtist . SEMLER & nt.AZER. .„ 'feta . '( sticcessora to Wm : Dacjr; . je: its e6.)' E, § ,AVOlkuvis lost received a thae- L eeler i tiolsAfmtvedp _ el .. ) or wind l er.' For saluby the barrel, bushel ne small Ausialey ,L. • '. b -:".811LISLIDIR &tkr,42=1:,1, 1 . 1 10: 1 3 T , I. , OIC C O g 3" 8 0 WPI. -in O -40 . .. O 9Q, qoanlity IG I X Ir 4A - Strong - TAF fr ES — of beist tOnet&six.yetr' a old:kid - eight to ... uo ten fee !' hi g, mo,r 774,1 5 7 4 gffS.t4 o P9 , Nu.rserh Wholsealeamd 47 ' n77 * ; * 7- Lan JAMIE; MISH: WE 5 C brit' very fine lot yr - . pis'„istet Cider, just received at : : SHISLER & X.R.AZER, - • % imat2B : - (siacce.-s to N. flock, dc cp.) , . . - ..-• e • . ialA d „ lt „" y SG-.• iape AWitKet d ane-N'aairl each , . ors,tsoi ~, 7,,-.., —, ~ 10 . , 4:4%):4 1 %.11/: :; _; ipi:DEREJ CIDER) !..:Titoditariewbf l iorest,e.,: , ..i. " 4 3 1 1 11 49 .CRER siugtr.ece I'Ved•A. 's° . • is • Bayrit „ V. t 0bi ,4 :1 431 15, 4 ',km 1; V. aortmeni - te Tor sod e;•° .01 11 1-Enffivsifs flIT; ; tiv: Al! )7 7 7 7::? • : 3 reiXed and or sle'by !c FRAZER • . . Maar Clomp rat Lem for ENE Nc ) 1 Y: J11.1.1,•Pi• , . eti:resennbles . the &war_ - *spn very ; ?In ininilind 'foliage', but Nil* inutiblanting reb grows more Kapkgy.i,For mks aLlC.eystene,N)*,,, gwl , ,JACOB, POST/ .„, . . 41.. ts ORANGgS„ in. gqocl mder .:Abo Barreli of CHOItt P L F. 3 foi"saie it"' 4 • • :-. 701.11 Fruit , Store. - • Li ':•.ANivi§:kl:lCF;B; , of • die .- most stt or and CliAiCO .oplnds, Au; received awl far 01.4. SE LER & FRAZER, -" '-lstatessow to win: Dock, .11%,k . for sale the'corner of Third and ' -streets. IlEaquire or WM. 0- McFADD.M. G,ES ORANGNB lEt--A large :it of or oranges, and Sicily.llavanajor, in•any jantilr - • -130YERNIVICOIRPER. IEISI 1 ME - i - 122 M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers