TILE TELEGRAPH IS PZBLISESID .3 TOR NING AND EVENING, B y GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. 1 ERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION SEIGLF. SUBSCRIPTION. TELEGRAPH is served to subscrlber3 in the at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be cli,r.vd $5 00 in advance. Those persons who negleetto pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TOE TELEGRAM is also published weekly,and is furnished to subscribers at the following cash rates • Single copies, weekly , ..... Threa copies to one Post ORlce ten copies in one Post Office MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSEL _ TEACHER OF MUSIC. OFFICE AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Thira Street. Residence: Third street, above North. 31ELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. Tl 4 ENTY-SIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE. SILVER WALLS, AIM THE OILY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to - . MASON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on hand at W. &NOME'S, Sole Agent, je4-2Lawlyl . 93 Market . street, HENRY C. ORTO TEACHER OF THE PIANO, MELODEON AND VIOLIN.—Terms reasonable 15 Third street, between Market and Chestnut stseels. jett-Sin PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRIdITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND -WO,DERFUD RESULTS. TIE. J. M. CREAMER would respectfully LI inform the public in general 'and the distinsed`in 'articular, that he has opened an' bffice in' South 'Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa., where he will treat all diseases entrusted to his Gamin accordance with the system discovered mid taught by Prof. C. Bolles, of Philadelphia, with whose institution he has - been coo• sorted, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public for information with respect to his success in con trulieng disease. No drugging the system with uncertain medical agoras. .411 owns purforinecl by. MagnetiSre, GalvAniarrt and Oyer 'noddle:diens of Eleetricity, without - stiocka•or'enren pleasant sensations. After an Electrical Diagnosis, . a guarantee will be given, if desired bq the patient. 'or further information call and get a pamphlet which, con talus hundreds of certificates from medical men intFothll era proving the superiority of .this system of , practice over all others. Con:WU:dim free. Office. hours 9 , t0,12 A. 11. , l to 5 and 7 to 9 P. St. DR. J. MILTON CREAMER. feld3.dlilaw2m- to-titaa DR. J. HITE'S YELLOW WATER P 07, D FUR HORSES, . . ntilllNG a practice of many 7ear&in'thia. _Li community, DR HITE has satisfied himself that this Nader is vastly superior:to any other ifttele in ago FOR THE buitr. OF T. E I. OV7 Air T-ER, And is of groat service to Hones that have °st their APPETI,TE eas" HIDEBOUND, DISTEMPERED Also, that it will prevent' GLANDERS, COLIC AND THEAOTS, • •: • . When faithfully used two or three times a Week—invigi;t .7 rating and fattening.. - For improving the condition of a Horse, he aisiirlittbere" is no better medicine, as tt will, strengthen the stomach and assist digestion, cleanse the intestines of offensive matter, and regulate the botiels 'when costive, purify the blood and promote digestion - thus the akin is keptlooses the pores are opened and.alean;scabbrHorse becomes fat and comely. - " ;. - •' . ~.,. The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs with. good effect. . . Directions with package. PRICPAILED.DIFLT MAD SOLD ICELLER'S DRUG STORE; No. 81 Market street, Harrisburg: ,- A MEI GROCERIES. NEV GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, IV 110 L E SA LE AND RETAIL DEALERS. IN - R 0 C Qu'een)s and Glass Ware, - AND ALL BINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE,, A.VE just opened a large and-well selected I_l_ stuck of goods at their stand, No. t Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invitelheatteotion - of the public generally. • • nolo.dly F I N - E LI quo Hs. -••• . r •,` Shissler &7Fr-azer (Successors toWro. Co.) . „ . . . DEALERS : IN YELSTE . VANEWE;GOOCF.t -I_7 RIES opposite .theCeun.lionee t funrien fiendafilie seiection of BRANDIES, of afferent vintages. FINE AND COMMON Tf7NES, Of Every Description. WHISKYb. OL,D BOURBON, • • • • - • MONONGAHELA • • • • FINEIRISH AN)) SCOTCH Whiskya The best aver brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, NEtt - Alt; And the celebrated mom:7 4ROY yfir. : CIIAMPAG-Ng- c 3V110j.. ; IiBLOSS JOHANNESBURG, .- SCOTCH AND TRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN SXOLIT. WILD MERRY, • P.LANTATION, WIGWAM T.01,1.1gi.131p,* With a complete stock of. ENGLISH AND AXERICAN PICKLEA - And Condiments of every description Mow in the market, end at THE LOWEST 'ROB& J 011 N W Y , S THIRD STREET, NEAR ALINTIITi-- HARRISBURG, PA., • WHOIMALR AND lit'TAM DEALER DT; . 7 1 3 . • CONFECTIONERY; FRUITS, Jujube Paste; . , Lions Paste, •*" ' • Harsh btajlovc Gtinißrops, Cream Chocolate Drops, Plain Candies, &c.., Oranges and"Lemons,' Canned Fruits, TPpan ßgs e, all kind's, Cider Vinegar, Fruit' and Salt Vital in sea. son. Vegetables in season, Raisins, Currants, na11.3 ptrous Figs; Thltesri , Prunes, . Almonds, Walnuis, Filberts Cream Nuts, Ground . .. Nuts, Pecan ,Ncocoa Is, . Hominy and Beans,;:. • ' Cakes and Crackers; SiseetAnd, Irish Petatees, - Green - 18)1d Dried Fruits, And :Country Prbditce psi season. . • -JOHN-WISE' G VINES of au kinds; Lou bailey Delaware, Diana, Musendhie; •Litnhn, • Catiiix - bn, Oporto, Clinton, Creveling ayl Bar' lit; fin. &c. , at Keystone Nursery. . =AA J. mist _ CIEDEW OIDER.,I !--A*o Barrels teeteitit marl Wrap ClDZlkiust Matted at . iNoTriszt lotof whoice 3au,w baomp tm ßOYEß & KORAI.= Eve vale at imar2] JOHN WDIVS, gill 1: i - tik r __,LNTII ~ • •.• ........___ .•_. • • ~.., ........_ iniugnas—,.._ On The Mho , are taus fur ividLy GRAPE. Thoseliaviagt4Mtiaite • N ‘ vile ;,- .„ i: . ~. .-.: . - • ' mien tfor refarapie. 0::).. Four lines orlies Conti{ Vthuotbau.4 --,-,,„,,,,,.________ ~.. , . . _..- • . ,f._......, „. . . --- . -- I v ' -- - ' ...7 ,;_. ~,,,> . , , _ .. . .. . li nes c,..ttbz uL uvainetirk Ka A. Hui Neday - Thodgys .., 1 .25. Ona. sri Vey , . i Tbree days , ' .75 Mr .. . . impel " 4 0- - .., one month _ 0 months h Ona -4:IX Tiiiii _;::„,.,,,,..- ____-_ __-- -.-- , q, ,L,L ;,<4 --. 7,-.: - ._ ' - Three months 5 50. -Three ~. ... I * ~ • . ~ . ' - Mt' nienths . g go gi x - iy . .. One year...:...,... , . ....46 Xidi OW , . . - Administration Notices_ E ' $1 50 4 00 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL: DR. .101INSON, dl5-tf BALTIMORE , . . LOCK HOP:ITAL:, HAS discovered the most ; certain, speedy, and effectual remedies in the world for DIKES OE' I3ItxJI)ENGE` HELM' DT SIX TWELVE HOURS. • NO 11,9119MLY1 . 3 , R NOILIOUSDRUGS... , • • • A Ours Warranted, or Ilivatarge, 'in from Opt' - to , Twor-Day&-; --, ,- - 'Weakntiss of the 'Beek; Affections of the llidn'eys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharge; Impotency, General De bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Cbnfusion;cif, Ideas, Palpitation, of. the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Siilithr Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Shin_Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or BoweLthose terrible disorders arismg,from the Solitary „Habits of .Youth—those secret apd'saliiity Practices more'fatal to their vidlinethan the song of Syrens to the Marinemof Ulysses, hlightiag their most brillimittopes or anUoipationik - rendering marriage, &a; impassible; YOUNG - TIES • • : - - ; : Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave ,thousands of.. Young , Men of the mast exalted talenta • and brillliint' intellect,' who might otherwise have entranced listening ,SOMltes with the thun ders of eloquence or sikea to ectasy the living IYre, may Gall with Cull confidence: MARRIAGE. Married persons, or Toung (*contemplating marriage, being aware of physiml W 7 . ess, organic debility, defor mities, dm, aPeedily Cured. - He who pinky himself Under the care of Dr. J. may re ligiously confide in his-honor as a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon laic age Physician. ORGANTO WBASITESS • mittediately alidlbirviger restored: . • _ This distressing allectionwhickrendery life, miserable kid marilagellmpliaible—Lfs.thltpenallytald iby thisivic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt, to commit eicesses from nOtbelng aware of tile dreadflll.' consequences that may ensue. Now, who that tinder- . stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power. of procreation is lost sooner .by, those felling into improper habits than itident' 9%8165 - being the pleasaretibf healthy; offspring, - the most' sellciusr and de structive symptoms to 'both body and mind arise. Yhe system becomes deranged, the physical- aid - idental functionsweakened, lone of procreatly9 pow .nertous: ayisitepsin, 1:14R . ..ta10n of h theart, indigestion, constitutional **lnn a wasting of tholrame; ctugtOon 7 :- , alunpo9l3,:dtscaY*l464 ' Orrrav No. 1, Soon FAIDIIII.IOIC Bram; Lett ha* sicle,going from- Belgian:ire street, a few doom- from the corner. • 'BU not to observe name and number. Letter* Mad be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor , * Diplomas itangin,hbi aloe. DR JOIMSON, geraber of the Reyal.College purgeons,.London, grad, 14110 .. one of the most eminent celleges in the I:lltited. Sfates, indthe greeter pirt , ot.whose life Isebeep Speti,t , in the hospitals of lionien, .and • else where, hssreflected sortie sir the mosCaitonlehing astonishing " cures that were ilier *Mini.; many troubled with ringing In the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, bemg alarmed at sudden sounds , .bashfulness, with frequent. blushing, attended eometimealtith .dorangement of mind were cured immediately. • • TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE These are same,of the sad and.melandoly effects pro• duced by' early habits of youth, viz :'weakness` of dated and limbs, pains in the head, dimness oriditit; loss •of muscular' poiver, palilitilion Of the heart, dyampaia,.per volts instability: of consumption, &e. • - MatrrAux.=-The Awful' elects on the mind are mudh to be dreaded44osa. ofmtomory ? r earifttsionf of Ideas, de pression of spirits, evil forebodmgs, .aversion . to, adicty, self distrust; love of solitudes timidity arri , simize..9l • .. • youNg'laxti . Who have injured themselves by arcertaiu practice 'in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently laarnod from evil cottipaniohs;or at school; thoieffectss•-Sr which are nightly-I%h; evtinstilien asleep, - audit not cured renders maerinerrrooshible andsdatbroyssboth . mthd2 . arid bod 7 ate:lW) ))1,/s mediatnir = -•." ,Wlte,l4 o f .t hat o,young man,,ihe hope of hiamuntry, the sAarling.nf Me. pareuta, ahould - be_allatnbed. front: all pzospActi And. eitivinonts 9E life; bY:tlifi consequouga. of deviating fret:R.4lo ?Path- or, nahmetand indui,ging.tn, a certain soar othabit. is Such persona hoar, before oontout- MARRIMIE, Reflect that iikbolYl#4# lo most necessary fkeetsttq to . 'lndeed, witb c4A tho Joilk'ney tOelfAlira OM-tdess a Weary - riit- Efißagei.Ou PrAeIStAJOY•darIAA the vie* thp mind becomes shadowed ‘irith despair with - the 'hielatibboly reflection that; the happiness of shatter' be. COMES blighted with Oqr,OWii. DTSEASE `OF IMPRVPE.I.CE. , Wham. the ded and trrPradelle. ef.Pleasura finds he he inib bed 'tite:seedn„ot . ahliiPainfirrthsease ,l, too often happens that . inAltieeed sense of - ghat - ne or the dread Oteascovery daters,him from applying to 410S0 who from education and ban alone barnaisdhim He fails Iniii - the hands of *tenant .and designing pretend eis,.who, incapable' or curing filth his pecuniary sub atance, keep him iddingrneatis r afteiimonthi or as lehela the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over hisgalling disappetintments or, by the use of the deadly-poison; Mercury, hastens the constitutionalsymptonutptthistevibledisease,auchasaffeo tions of the Head, Throat, Nom, Haim, etc, progressing with frightful . rapidly. till death petit: pettedititgbia dreadful sufferings b3t.itendireg. him to that undiaoovated country front whence no traveler morns, 'INDGEMLENT OP Tag PRESS. . Tbaaany thomoimared at Ws insatattoa, yeatiear yeray.antl. Ake .parniql:WimPartant suritleal oPerotheet pedemeA b y D x mum; witnessed by the reporters of the-Brot r eftxr i awkisuidTetbiar pets, notices of which 'NIA APReiretAlatitehditkailk! the Milk ,„_t.00 61 ,Coe Me standing . .ailfleßAlßkkocK - charict 4 M 4. 44;:reaPo* bilityzlAA_ _ tee to the satiated. ~-:,,, „.•;" ..tt, .74;tal. kliN DTREARWS SPEEDILY CURED. ; INlbe No. 7 Booth Frodielok Street. "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREV HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY EVENING; -.APRIL :°'s, MEDICAL. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS, 64 11ELMBOLD S" .q.ENT7I:REPEEPA_Ii4.TIONS, VIZ HElditl3o.L . D EXTEACT "BUCHri,,! RELMBOLD EYTRAOT , SABSAPABILLA, RELMBOLDIMPROVED ROSE WASH. HEL.MBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND PLUM - EXTRACT REICHU, A msmvE AND SPECIFIC REMEDY FORDISEASIO crimps BLADDER, 'KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLING& T'gediolue increases the 'power :of Di gestion; and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALOEROUS deposi tions; and all lINNAtuRAL- ENLARGEMENTS Are, re- dared, as well as pain and eelamination; and Is good for MEN, WOMEN . or CHILDREN: BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BMW, FOR WEAKNESSES. Arising from Excesses , 'Habits.of Dissipation, Early In , discretion or Abuse, A.TrkTDED WITH 'THE FOLLOWING 14pITTOBE3 indisposition to Exertion, . Drynet3s of the Ski; Loss of Memory, — Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of .Disesse, . Trembling, Dimness of• Vision, Wakefulness,_ Uniimrsel • Lassitude .of the Pain in the ack, Hot Hands;, ' nun** of the Body, Hands,, '.: -.. . . Eruptions on the. Face- Pallid : Counumace, . . These syinptoms,.if allowed to go on, which this medd eine invariably removes, soon follow LEPOTE,NCY, FAT ri'Y, EPILEPTIC Frrs, In ono of which'the patient - may expire. Who; can my that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases,,, INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION Many are assare'df the cause of their sufferings, but none ivlll.oonfest i Tho.records of the insane asylums and the melatteholyAleattis by Consumpt.ion,. hear ample wit, mess to the truth of the. assertion..: . THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE. APFECTED WITH. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, RequireS,the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Heimbold's Extract Buchn invariably do* A trial will torivincathe mattnkenticaL FF,NE.,&LEs_FEm A LES--npM ATMS, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, mArtßisi), OR CORTEX- PLATING MARRIAGE In many Creations peculiar to.females the Extract En chSis Yuiequalleit by any other remedy, asin Chlorosie or Retention, Irregularity, PainfulnesS, Or suppression of the customary Reacustions i iicerated or Saharans state 'of the Uterus ? Imuciarrheit iti*, Sterility, and for all. .com plaints incident to the . x.; istether arising' from Indistre tioni Habits of , Diesdpation or in the. DECLINE OR CH.,LNOE:Or LIFE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE 3VITHOUT.IIT. Take no Balm;lifethdry, or Unpleesaht Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases - lIEUIMOLD'S EXTP,AOiBUCHIT, Cures Secret Mimeses bit% their 'stages. ;ri at little expense* li ttle or no change indietmaci incenveniece, mid no expo- sure. It .-esuater..crequent .desire,., and gives strength ,to Urinate, therein , removing ointrpctions„ preventing and curing Strictures of.,the Urethrs, allaying ,pabinnd Mina ; matron; So•Prequent in' this'ciass of diseases; and expelling P01.80111:1118, .Diseasad, and Wornout Matter. Thousands upon th,ourstndirerho hive been the victims of quacks, and who have paid lieaVy fees to be cured to a short time, have founcl•theywaire deceived, and that the "Poison" has by the use of ...'powerful Astrangenbli," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated' feria, and perhaps after marriage. Use BELMI3OLD'S EXTRACT BUCRU for all Affections and Diseases of , the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Feinale from whatever cause originating, and no matter' of how keg standing. Diseases •of these Organs require the aid 'or a'Ditirette. RELAIBOIXPS EXTRACT BUCRU is the Great ;Diuretic, and it is certain to have the desired. elect In all Diseases For 'Which it is recom mended. HelmbOld'sllighly Concentra ted Compound FLUID EITRALT.SAIISAPARILIASTPRI LIS. This is an affection of the-ilibed, and attacks the Sextet Organs, Linings of the Nose Ears, Thrbat, Wind pipe and o th er. Mucus. Surfaces making. its appearance in the form of 'Where. - Relmtiold's mrtract Sinaparilla pa ?likes the.Blood,And.remcivigi all .Saily .ErttEl/Pas. of Me Skin, giviAg.te,t4o COmplexiona:Cleir and flealthy Color. It being prepardd dxpresaty for this alas of.camplaietk, its Blood-PurifyingPropertles are preserved tO,A,greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsapartia; in,TiTTIOLD'S ROSE WASH. An excellent Lotion for diseases "of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchtt and Batsman:Uhl, in such_diseases as recommended. Evidence of thiYincist responsible liable character-win accompanY the medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF CORES from eight .to twenty yeara -standing, with names known to- Science and Tame. For * Medical Properties of Buchu, see Dispensary of the United States. .See .Professor DEWEFAS valuable works on the Practice of ..PttyWc. - See;seniailis made by theihite celebrated Dr. PHYSICS, Philadelphia. Sea reniarlia Made by Dr.* EPHRA MoDOWELL, a celebrated Physician and mam ber of the Royal of Surgeons, and published in the .Transactions of the - King's 'and' Queen's Jiinizat. See. Medico Iteview,published by BENJ. TRAVERS,* Fellow - of the airs' College of Surgeons.. The most oc the late standard works on Medicine. Extract of Bachu,. $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $ 5 00. Extract of Sarsaparilla, $1 - 00 per bottle, or six for ss ' oo. Int" proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six-for $2 50; 'orludf a dozen each tor $12.00, which will boy/sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if afreitions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed , from eh. servation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. ... AVIT. AFEID .• rmeoiMltAr aPPeemikbefere me snaldennan of the OttY 0 r phfig4telohla, IL P. Helmbeld, who, being. dtdit, doth'say, bier preptontiotek.CoMein no natocle, 'my, or other M.1 1 4 -1 1 , 0ruP and me ra Ssiirn end .= bed before me; ; t i er vember, 185 L WY. p .iFEBAAAR d rinan, Ninth street , ill •Piattieelhiitgfoer information in confidence. H. P. HELMBOLD, Chemist. P Depot 1% Booth 10th streot, below Chestnut, [ reilettet• ig& art NEW AVVERtISEMEN'iS: - . ~ 1701tIvittE." . - • . PLOT of Gronitd, frontiiik on Obestriut _CI_ street 62 feet- 4 inobeir;: =whine. along Dewberry alley 210 feet to Cherry alloy; With 4 from., Louses quire of [ma f] WM C. tram.- FOR SALE. NE' Wardrobe; new; 'one , booking - Stove O with appinitue . ; POinter , Hunting Dog one Law,ll - and Book 0190; .ke. .oaitbo seen by calling do mar2s. • - JACOB SHELL F ,S A E The subscriber offers for tade :the Moak. and.fixtures of his well known WHOLESALE LIQUOR -.STORE, AND RECTIFYING ESTABLISHMENT.. He will sell the whole or part of the'steck, and the "entire 'fixtures.' The busil.. ness has been, carried on about fifteen years, - and• establiatted. With the atore:is collimated a GOod "coma STILL It issltuated on Canal street, between Pm:110- vania railroad and canal, and; tuts a private siding it:Utah* for forwarding perposea 'Fbaselision given irantediatelt. and leaSe givewfor, frOm. One lo ten years. :-Termfitomdf purchasers. 'For further information tapply on ,thei p*l- Migektl° Imar24-til • GEO. G. HII.NICAL PURE icoNdENTRATED' -• • COFVEE AND MILK. "DEMONS making pp , boies to send toineiK friends in he army, will lintithis an ,elegadt;artiele; one box making forty , cups of - coffee; equal to any J a va coffee, and with little !abbr. For sale at SHISISR Or-FRAZIiR, - no 24 (successors toz.Wnx...-Dock, Jr., & Co.) _lo2Wrir 11AULINO.; r. MOSES FLECK respectfully announces - to the Public that he is juin - tired to do all kinds of HEAVY HAULING at rummage rates. .Horses and cat furnished by the day or single lea& "All orders left at the Second Ward House, corner.,of Chestnut- and Second streets, will be promptly attended to.. , istar24-41rn PAPER. wAinglititBE.• EA.R.ItEjiL, IRVING er, CO. MINOR STREET, , PHILADELPHIA, ACTURRES.of IVIDOURLE STRENGTH AIANILLS i'APER` OF 'ALL SIZES. ' ROLL NIFRAPPERS" on hand 'or made to' order. Higheit Prim Paid for mpo in Large. or small quantt: ties. ' -Marl-datn- • RE4.mau.karans, ;:, DEPAIMEREIT eV THY Sump:l:KA:lm; Caeibmasinca, PA., March 24,1864 GENERAL ORDERS,.I "- • (=Mum ) AIITHORMhavbis been grented by the War Departtnent, to the ComminuithiGerieral of the Department of thoSusonehanna, the Ist Batt:aloe, Three Year& Pennsylyan ia VolonteersArornerly Months' vote eonsisting of Six CoMpatuds mustered' int&- the pitted States Service for Three Years, or dining the ' , War, is authorized to recruit to Ten Companies' of the;•mairi mum strength. . This Battalion is on provost May in this Department, and ttoteifs a Sood.loppeutnnity to those' persons -Who havedxlW ther,shiylos, ;. barns heed . .honOrabilAttlf. charged„ to roenter i euetto•tlume of good ctuinune.r-who have not been in the- sartiee to enter - the same. Only those known to the:RN:tuning Oldoers; and persons au thorized to recruit, as being rellable_and trustworthy will be teceivist,-arithe nature of the'didy this :Battalion -ie called upowto:perform is such that' It requires' soldiers in whim. the commanding officeis.cert Place coallitilles • Persons taking advantage of the- benefits- artaing from, enlistroentain' this Battalion will receive the bounties paid by the Government as authorized in existing Orders • The oidoem must. be men who hive bad Some: expo rience in the .:military BeirViClN , intelligent and , of; good character; and onlythoSe'lidniging the .rellitittit. 6, Oftimber of man and pssigUsingthe, above qualitleatiemi Wlll•be'reJ commended to the Oorerlior of the 'State - for "coniniis• Sions Recruit; and - *sons haying squads of Waireit.ti will report to (J.*. cp s ,: IV. Merrick, Ist Battalion, Three Years' Va. YOU, and Recrnithikoflicet for the , same, at Harrisburg, Pa. * * * * * • _ * By command of Major General Conan: : - JOHN S. SHULTZE, .inzw2.s4alo ' . Assistant Adjutent,General. PROPOSALS For the Erection of 'Fifty Dwelling &BUS K&8.R12331:1R0. March 1, 1864. PROPOSALS are invited for ,the building of hve blocks of teahouses each, of itrocdor brick, tu be located on the grodnds of the Lochialroll Mill Co. • . Plans and'apecitloations nieT ire seen at• the . 0i1443, of lain Coldei. - ' Proposals wiH received for one oimore bicks until April 12th.. Address proposals to r ;31(XiinAKC01.1:411, marll•dtapl2 Chairman Building Committee. Shade, Trees. FINE Silier.iditple,..Norwak Staple, Telleepl4.Korse Peestout.; • Europeen:Linden, Otdalssio, "'llagtiol,ia CucamberTree acc. -at • • KEYSTONE NASKII.Y.. ' Harrisburg, ' ' • SUPERIOL WINES AND BRANDIES ever offered in. thin market..Anhottlea and by the gni, SEBUM & FRAZER. (successors to:l4'm. Dock. Jr., & Co) lon or quart 6E416 13.TFOLIQS ! PORT.R44.IW ! • PCHESSMEN . and Backgammonßoar%ailinaaasint! mutt, Just received SCHEFFeß'S B ESTORE. . • Recruiting Ageneyw:ll , 's (AFFICE in the rear of Herr'slifetelafariis- Ll' , Fa. The LARGEST LORAL BOIES . paid to recru burg its COMMITTEES from . distr i cts andant:Hits' - hide in the State Will be - pionipty tarnished with MEN to till QUOTAS, - hy applying-to . xearkeim. .. riciedtt. & Co. . _ Blatara.sses Spiliagftedi Goner orta p , ES LEAF HAIR TOY MATTRAS S. .1. Palm Leaf Cotten Top Vitlimases. . . C . Husk, MattalNl . lol4,. *. .. Patent Spring, Slat 6ll •33 Feather Palos* , dada() Cotton . Comforti and Spreads; . .. Lathes' Willow Work Stands. If - Carpet Camp Stools. Da:tramp, Cartad7.l.waseks.. irom Tledataide, puma pagan,. &a, &la N. L -40 i 90 , -I .o l o39ekeueidouse' Mire and AMU= iipairect. Hair:and 9pNag Netirereekidade.to order.. No 109 Market itreeto SarrSal urig, Pa . • mari-dain IPARN.ITZ. Steam kW-Mill:for :Sale ol tent. raldertigiuxt otters for sale a desirable' MIL PROPERTY, situated on the Susquehanna river, at. Dunean's Isbutd, fifteen miles west of Harris burg. This Pioperty bits the, advantage. otli. Timber Market, and is 'accessible by atrial or iallekty.: The Mill in geared in the moat improved style, with a good (Morris Co.) engine, -which drives two Gate Bfiwi, one with forty end the other with eighty leet)Of carriage' also, three circular saws for the 11183111014Ure Das and . . , . The above prOperty for see or rent thireasonablelanna. For particulars address by m&o rl : fle w call iu:fatisell, on • JCISEPp Dunwlsbiland; inarsAllm* - - • nirenue P. CI 'Pa. To- Railroad ColltraCtiOrai' 11011ROPOSALS.are invited for the Graft* j_ Mon, Masonry, Bridge atifewarttoturS Bat _ Cross-ries and Track. Laying or. the FITTSIBuitG ANIi CONITELIMILLE RAILBCAD, between tonzielitrAlla anti Ciumilberiand; . Embracing a distance oi:ationt MIGMIt ..BETEN in MIAOW or About ono milt each:- Sikkilkutieniiiiiii be leinty.at the.CeminkirKOffice isz.ViMetutrigvan and - Atter tlVg t i L lrAitattS" Lil '- BENJ. 8. Lamm, I Office P & C. B. R. Co. President Pittsburg, March 16,1864. • ramlll4l —Webster. R :..' NEW :ADVERTISEMENTS. Steam Job Printing - EsTAßLisilmmirr, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRLSBURO, Pd. HAYING recently - added-to-our Jobbing 11 Departnaent a Large amountof new type, <several new fast steam presses of the most Improved mac finery; and other material, we are new prepared to esee;uto at port notice, and in the mostapproved-style, A 14.. KINDS OF` MILITARY BLANKS; LEITER SHEET MDADINGS, : • CIRCULARS BILL HEADS - - • BUSIkESS CARDS, . ALR' OAD BLANEK POSTERS,-In one - RI or more colors, ' : • PROGRAMMES, •• ' • BILLS OFLADING, ' ' 7' PROMISSORY 1.1 LEGMANKS, JO 13 ,W 041; OF L t C PLAIN OR ORN:kgiENTAL. Orden rrom a distance attended td" promptly. marl6dawtr MASTIC CEMENT MAIV7774ICTURER, PITTSI3URG, Pa., • TS PREPARED to furnish and coat the ex terior of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new system. This material is entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is' the- only reliable, imperishable. coating for outside work. Mixed with pro. per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms ti solid, dorm ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a beau tiful, fine water proof surface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom Ihave applied the liastio,Ce ment; I refer to the following gentlemen: , J: Bissell,' residence , Penn street, Pittsburg: • 3.• IV C o ". . . J H. Sheen rd, berger residence, lAwrencevilla A. Hoeveler, . James IDCandless, " Allegheny city. Calvin 4.112L11115, .‘ Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, „ " William Yohel, Girard House, Barr & Moser, architects Dispatch Buildings, " John' B. Co; residence„ Front street, Hanisburg, Pa. A. J. Tom, " " Please address • T. F. WATSON ' P. O. Bok 1,306 Pittsburg,. Pa, fel)18-dgin or, Perim. House, Harrieburg,.Pa. O ' of the ibest locations for IRON IL/ VORICH in the State for sale, at a - very - Tea' ionidtle price, to any purchaser who will improve iti situated with in a short:distance of the city of Harrisburg between the. Peiinsylviniarailroad and canal, about - five ' hundred feet wide, andalongside of the beat limestone quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike road; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without*payinglor the land. : apply to, DAVID HUMIU, Jr., . Attorney-ail-LaVr, No. 24 Northtecond street 1 . Ilarrisbltrg, [Philadelphia Press insert three times and send bill to this othce.l - ' - • “1 13 4 IvATAKV I .,. . A STANi4RD. aupwrAty Agnarature and Ifortictilture, says: " - ' • "lir; E. Ware Sylvester produces a very siaserioa. Wine. from his Opoifo Grape,: Weliavn sent' out large;numbeis• of this vine as prensiumai.d.nring the past:Year. . r Having. beam appointedagent turahAll vines of the Oporto at from 25 . to 50 cts. each; $2 - 50 Va . $5 per, &nen; 1151.ri $31); Per Mr.' : , - • 10frvross Mumma', Aftirch 16.4864 TO OFFICERS AND- SOLDIERS. Collection of PenOm, *unties, Back Pay OFFICERS , PAT ROLLS_ MUSTER ROLLS :AND RECRUITING ACGINTRTS MADE OUT. rrwm tindersigneiViikujpg .6(34jij _g_•ploymentotthellnited States during•theliit elibtenzt months, as Clerk in the MuStering and DiShunting tee' and Office of Superintendent of Redrafting !Metre*. of Pennsylvania, respectfullrinforms the public thathe,lam opened an office in ..the DAILY, Tru.sosani . Building for the purpose of collecting Pensions, Bduntles, Baltic Parnild War Claims ; aJaa, making out Calicara',N r Pauli ]duster Rolls and Recruiting Accounts. • All orders brmallattended le Pronlittly.• • • = • , novVdtf ' suuavax CRUD' "". TOY BOOKS, GAMES, Stk.—A Large as= sortment of Toy Becks, Games, &c., just received at nol9 sca.F.F.g4w§ :9 . OKSTORE, Rarnabarg. . . Norway. Maiole. THIS tree resembles the Sugar., Maple very closely in form and foliage, but bears transplantin g better and:grows more rapidly. For sale at. Keystone Nur sery . (feb244llwi JACOB MISR ALARGE INVOICE O.I!NTEVT. asrsixs, " • Cl3 ' s°{ANTS bbiE . i . 1 , 768, At . &MIA:A & FRAZER% • . [sp2o] (Successors to 17rm: Doc jr: aCci Soldiers , Poi Milos. • . , A LARGE stasp#makt ikt I jct. Braatipftes._.'efiw. mA.IB Sold at Wtwletiare:flOTtail at grlt7~s 1:000 at " . S Z /a4 = —. Cad (Succfmcws to, Wm_ . flock,4r, k. Co.) HBIIBBFjRYS:= Whit ®? Fringe,- Paarple Fringe, Maticeois, Trfe Bo*, kc. at Keystone kitirsery. ..[ipirl6] . 3,111811. 100 ALBS CODFISH., of the - -eels -1.1. bretkid-.Bi,.'“Gtforge brandy jest. rammed . George . . .. luittfoi ,de by . 1 -.SD:ESLER ti,=TRAZEI, =sen! -.' ('' . oniteeesori,to Mir :Dock, jt,,,ic co. ) • BOXES biturioo, :god. order kJ' also, 100 Barrels tif CHOICE APPLES - for sale MI rebb • I.IOIIN WISE Trutt Store , . . . _. - . „ . CAT S . TYPS AND .SAUCES, 4:4' - ' . t.lie• m ost EfIL _ . . . . - • perk* and 'Choice brands; jusvreceived - and.-formile, by -.: . _ -,' SHISLYZIt k F.ERZE% .- . rebi - (successors to tt m. thx.k.,Jr„,,,!- ), ~. _ • SNICIK93 ); j SALMON.- FINE SlitOrED SAL , • • . Sala= 4c:FRAVZIA: feb 3 toP;ttPoto W1111.0)04, .11%, * Co. ) ' ROTHER ieksjititheitt of Pocket,isid Desk AilLi Diaries for is just received and for see _skimp at feb2 . 1 . Bilspicsrowxiirss . burg. A TPTY.S-200 liditels of New Yilr' lc- &ato ..oL Apples, of a choice variety,- jnat' tooeived; and. ladd, -tow,any quantities, to suit purchases , - at- th el neN grocery of Ido9 BOYER & ROE.R.flat• DVRELA-M • MIISTAip, theibest-inpOitlgi 11 just received andloi ode by • SIIISLEft febl (summon to Wm. Dock, Jr. ) ; nrio Li.DrEaj-If wish good:lLette Paper finvelopee,lnk, Pena, or anything else in the I erettenery lne, you will_4:llreALT calling at • 13°W.WAtik nap LARGE lot of 'best-quality or memo popargainSlvicelPidtandlor littis.W :14 ncth Tdeckwegt.: raCELEBRATBDRIECITiat.emOF t and Day & Malta's Londonßlaoidne celled and for ado by SEMLER & FRAZEII fol - (auccesoora to Wm. Dock, jr & Co.) PRICE. TWO 'CENTS. TELEGE T. F. WAT:SON; PRIVATE SALE. lOW and 'War Claims. DIAUIESI-11 NG 4010 iATLY4IIII3adAt.; 8 42mrtlaing 112 the Das as to-do will find It Abt lte AAqusre. , 4tut timr.sir.suat../ - rdys -- .. 1 to . .. woek 2 25 , tipouth. 8, (.0 tV.-1): 1 1 0 as-months...... 1/ 00 ..- - 'months -- 15 0 —tatete.,?..Z.=l:l ircetra buirrime-Notices - Is Auditor's Notices • oWwf, Poneial Naiceseachlnsertion., • .., ; Akirßazinesa notices insertdin th e 1,;;;;Ii 4. beforemd- Math; Ewa? Cisn 1n124.11M 'for EVENINg EDMON. From our Moirtaing -Edition Pennsylvania Legislature. REPORTED ELFRV.ALE FOR TER TELsoßirs. SEAULT.E. • Mo!u April 4, 1864. Th . Senate met at 7. o'clock, P. nr Seietalpetitlons and bilis were ' presented; one-try Mr. FLEhuxch. relative- to• the - bor otiet of _Millersburg,. Dauphin county. ; of,_Cßet. Wei r P. Brany,4enate ;LD:lrariini; was a nnounced, and the senate, out of respect for his nionnkny, •on rinitiOn of Mr. JOHNSON, 1 - Adjearned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Maim Air, April 4, 1864. 'The Roma met at 3P. M. - lir. LEE offered the following resolution, winch was aclopte,d: Resolved,. Twit the Attorney General be re quested-to furnish this House, at as early a usy.aspracfatable, with hut opinion as ro the comint upon* ngnt of this Legislature to pass a law, prior to PAW adoption of the proposed .tuidenciments to the uunbtitution, provianig the Manner of voting by citizens in tne niihtary service, as contemplated in: said amenamenhi. - ILLt. bIaItIGHT offered tie follotving reso lution: . Resolved, That in the opinion of this House, the recent conduct of a massaohusetta null fury ottiper in .the city of Pzuladelphia, in or dering: and procuring the destruction of jhe property of `a citizen of Pennsylvania, and the arrest' and depoitation or tue owner, was a great violation of law and a wanton contempt tor the sovereignty of • Pennsylvania- ' and wet it is the WAY of the Governor-of the Vommon wealth to demand an immediate et:planation of said Cond r ucti and a speedyiepatation of the injury. - • ' • The resolution was rejected yeas 24, nays On motion of Mr. GLABg, the . House con sidered and passed:an act explanatory of the general bounty law, having reference pardon.. larly.to Allegheny coenty. , Ari act to incorporate the Anthracite coal and iion company was discnsSed, and passed Various local hills were passed. • The SPEAliE,Alaidbefore the Honsea.corn renatication from the burgeon General, in ref: erence to the suffering'Condition of fhe South ern refugets novi in •this city. - • A special committee; consisting of 'Mesita. kfax-AgAN, LEcio and .Boyar,-was appointed. .to inyeatigate.the facts,• and to afford immediate • relief, if necessary. , • After`the Pyesentation of bilis in place, pe- - -* - titibits and TeportS, the HOfiftelidjeffitita MI i. ' :::. , . S.; .:.:.. - R. ' - ~- 54' . . . ,'.....', : . . .. ~ . ~' 7..:.:.: ',- e ttl i . et:, g tr. , g.Supreni.e WAsithityroii, Apfil . Charles Fossat, appellant, - vs. the United States. The opinion of the court was ered by Mr tlnatide Nelteit establish ing the sontlie'rn and eisfeiii - binuidaries, of tFessat's grant as includii* the rhino. Vile southernboundery is thotireat.Sierni,..nidch. defeats-thcprennu3ions,ef • the Naited States,. The eastern boundary is the, straight line, by tt the eastern botuadary of the low hill, UAW throwing;the 'mine (Berreyines) on Fossat's 'ranch! The..nour, orders a.decree confirming:: the,sigvey-of -Deaemher,.lB6o, :and Med Jan nary following. There was a larger attend ance than uthat.this morning, to hear the above decision on 'the Quicksilver case, and eVen before the ;reading of the epinion was completed, parties rushed the telegraph office l , to advise their diqtant friends._ The excite-, ment to-day was equalled only by the whisky and gold bill questions, on former occasions. NEW ADVERTISEMENtS. • A. F. ZIMMERMAN, • Practical Watrch. iSia4ex", No. it Market Street Hartiabarg, FINE WATCHESi . CRAMS, : ' • RINGS FINE SILVER WARE, • - PLATED WARE; • TEA SERVICES, AND ALL KINDS OF. JEWELRY. Ras constantly on, hand a well !I:rim:tad -and ,elw.nt.l.g c m rte4 r lt T ot of , CILIL4S, - • • - . • . • • 41.10 '• . MITE* WARS* AJ(ERTCAN EIYGLESH - A! SWISS - wit IMF:4 Both: in Gold and Sliver Cases. Abo i acne =tort:Moat of • = WATCH/CS constantly on fiaild. • LANGE SARIITY OB ELEGANT Of all descriptions; all of which will be Eidikritikh - LOWEST VAMSC-PAN - ES., „ Uall and examinerthe'gedde. ' • Partmelar attentioipaid to MO Efring ef -11ne.Witchea, =eh as Chronometers, Duplex and - other,-esdebrauet Watcheaf and all kinds of • Toted:Ey' iseesk: i e .0616§ . None put. the moat competent- lorkmen erglesed, !and We Whole matter under my own persoMil stipetsisimi. A. F 5 Zlukrweat ‘l4, -mar 2B l No- 52 1 .49*.at: Stre AlfAdiwY*lg*ADVa /141- BVPADI/i.ENIS' 1111ARBIArAtARD. CORNER OF rtiritCsnmErs, HaFxibutg Pa. • Tultundiectleving opened a Marble diritbia.rityptve..to inform their friends and thlDOliq.irt gelterail , at thepare Prgiutruil .? 2 ! fur . giatt-SiK Of ; EVERY . DESCROS SUCH AS Mgzatmen.ts, " - Head -s tf , Andork P.Mw*Sit#/e• Give risAamilSiiikirenriftwanumf,SiptiatiGNl r' IePADTAR N.B.—Lettering neatly none in Englistt or German. xnar29-Oly ME :q r'll F 3511 Er
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers