THE TELEGRAPH IS PITSLISEED MORNING AND EVENING, GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SUCGLR SUBSCRIPTION Flit Units TRITZRAPII is served to subscribers in the , : ty at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be 'charged $5 00 in advance. Those persons who pay is advance will both:trod $6.00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tos 7Ellx:turn is also published weekly, and is furnished o subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly.. Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office MUSICAL. . A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER' OF MUSIC. limos AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Third Street. Residence: Third street, above North. dl5-tf VTR, LODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS, TWENTY-SIX FnlsT PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND mii:s ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by Instruments of this class) has been awarded to MASON Jr HAMLIN'S. DISTHIIKENTS. A fall assortment-of these Instruments always on hand et W. KNOCEE'S, Sole Agent, jo4.2lawly] • 93 Market street. HENRYeC. ORTH 7 jACECEE OF THE PIANO, MELODEON ND VIOLIIC—Terrns reasonable 15 Third street, between Market and Chestnut streets. • ja4,3111 PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS. • D R. J. M. CREAMER would respectfully inform the public in general and the diseased in particular, that he has opened an office in South Second greet, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa., where ho will treat all disease! entrusted to his care,in accordance with the system discovered and. taught by Prof. C. Bolles, of Philadelphia, with whose institution he has been con nected, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public for information with respect to his success iu con trolling disease. No *dragging the system with uncertain medical agents. Ali cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism and other modifications of Electricity, without Shdcks tiny , un• pleasant sensations. Atter an Electrical Diagnosis, a guarantee will be given, if desired by the patient. For further information call and get a pamplilet.which con tains hundreds of certificates from medical men, and oth ers praying the superiority of. this system of practice over all others. Consuitalion free. Office hours 9to 12 / to 5 and 7 to 9 P. 3f. DR. J. MILTON CREAMIER feb3.d3taw2in- to-th-sa DR. J. HITE'S WATER POWDER YELLOW FOR. HORSES. DURING a practice of many years in If community, DEL lIITE has satisfied himself that this Powder is vastly superior to any other article hi Use FOR THE CURE OF YELLOW WATEIL, And is of great service to 'Horses that' have - oat their APPETITE AND ARE ' HIDEBOUND, FOUNDERED, DISTEMPERED Also, that it will prevent GLANDERS, COLIC AND THE BOTS, When faithfully used two or three times a week—invigo rating and fattening. . For improving the condition of ,a Horse, he asserts there is no better medicine, as it will strengthen . the stomach and assist digestion, cleanse the intelidines of offensive matter, and regulate the bowels when - costive, purify the blood and promote digestion—thus-the skin is kept loose, the pores ere opened and a lean, scabby Horse becomes fit and comely. The Powder can be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs with good Oben- - - - - Directions with package. '.. . - PREPARED. ONLY AND SPLD AT• KELLER'S DRUG STORE, ' No: 91 Hel.kelt Street, Harrish‘lr& MID GROCgRLEg. NEW GROCERY AND PROvmoig - STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLE SA LE AND RETAIL GROCERIES Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS .OP . _ COUNTRY PRODUCE, HATE just opened a large and*ell ; seleeted stock of goods at their stand; No. 3 Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the public generally. nolo-dly FINE L quo R-S Shissler & Fraz,er; (Successors to W m. Dock, Jr., & Co.) ' • • ' ' ' 9PEALER§ IN FINE FAMILY RIES opposite the Court House r have on. handatthe ctiou of BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON WINES, Qf Every Description. „1- „C.; OLD ; BOURBON, ItIONONGAHEL A IRFINE ISH AND SCOTCI4 Willskys, The best ever brought to this market, OLD WHEAT, 'FAMILY NECTAR, And the 'celebrated Citails'ErT . GROVE WHISKY CHAMPAGNE WINES. JOHANINIMBURG, SCOTCH AND -IRLSH ALES: LONDON BROWN STOUT. • WILD CHERRy, • PLANTATION, WIGWAIrTONIG BITTERS. _ _ With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description newlri the market, and at THE LOWEST HATES. JOHN WISE , TD STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER DI CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS,&C .$ kiube Paste, Boss Paste,. • ' Fig Paste, Marsh Mallow Ginn Drop.s,. Cream Chocolate Drops; Plain Candles, &c., Oranges and Lemons, Omned Fruits, Teas and Spices, all kin s ds, ' ' Paper Bags , Nor 'Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish In sea son. Veeetables in season, . Currants, oN; Citrons Figs, Dates, .P.runes, - Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, ~ . Cream in - 2, - arbund Nets Peca4Ndtßi • ' C 66 4a . friio, Cianberries .11orninyAnd puin*, Cakei and Crackeis, Su:eel:sand Irish Potetees, GrUbn ..Fpotto, And Countiy Produce in V/11E8 of all kixide, 1„.4 Condi:et, Delaware, Diana, Muscadine,_ Louisa, Isa! bells, Catawba, Oporto, Clinton, Creveltne Taylor orßurr a.c. &c., at Kaplan.) Nursery, marl( URIAE.' CIDERI I—Two B els , of f:Seu NJ and pure CIDER just recelSTd taarlB BOYER & ROERPER. ANOTHER lot of choice Catawba Grapes for sale at [mart] JOHN WISR% . ~ _ . . . ' - - • - . . .. . .'. . . • \, I I . - . ~ • ... '' - gitili iirAlAtifit . .. .. , • No, LN ,Ii 1,/,,, 1 ,,,, . . RATith_.A.T. . . The ti .re Meriden f 0 &me GRA.I2. thee° h i i 414813.471 81 4.6 , . . . realm tfprAference; •• : I ••'.. • 11*- four lines or less nonstitide one . li nes 1 mare a... Put coottsoo_ ..,,,, - -------- / :11:\\:-\ ' -'l.[l':///1417.) '7 l -- - -,..'",:- -_-- I : . :: ~, ~, ~ ~. ^ . , , :s, , , , _ ' c... • RAI. SQVARZ, YOH .. 4, -,.... °De d aY $ 21 One :day. ~-• we days •50 Two days : , ~„, : .., ~. -mree days / ~,, . • 76' Three de} --.- - - •,.•,, • ,-0 -I.w. _ . ___ _ ~, . ' One week ... / 28- week ... Ono month ' 3 :__ BlB Onq Fqoat -... Two m0nth5......::. _ , waename. leimiimiwwwwwwwsmieswwwweisoo— liemalwwwwwir...-- Three saonths ....... .. i Titre e tiol , . "THE UN \T A. N - ,Y . .- ' Six mdnil ' s 8 : § 1 *,9%. 1 0.4 1 ! One year 15 ' .04,,yr-- -- 4d4UnOt. mien Nothing $l6O 400 .10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. DR. JOHNSON, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual remedies in the world for DISEASES OF DEPRITDENCE RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE 'ROOM NO WiRCURY OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Owe Warranted, or No. Charge, in from One Weakness -of the Bacl4.Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Diseharges, Impotency, General De bility, Nervonsneas; •TlYlipepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusionof' Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart; Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness - ofSight or Giddiness, - Disease•of the Head, Throat,diose or :Skin,: Affections of the Liver, Lunge, Stomach or Bowes—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practicosixiore fatal to theit victims thanthe song of Syrens to theldliinem of. I:flyable, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible.' Especially, who have becomethe victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit,which annually sweeps to an untimely grave tbdusands' of Young Men' Or the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with full confidenw Mmried, persons; or Youifg Men contemplating marriage, being aware &physical-weakness, °manic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligiously confide in his holier , as a gentlemaN and confi dently relyupon his skill ass Physician: rardediately quad; ind:inifiltoftestored. • • This distvesituraffeaton—Nehibli 'tinders life 'miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vlC tims of improper indulgence. Toting persons are h .. .wept to commit excesses from not being aware •of- the dreadful consequences that may , impne. Now, who that under stands the subject Virriretetd to deny that the power of procreation. Is lost Sooner by 'those falling Into impletkr habits' tharnbylhoprudent. Besides being , deprivettile pleiemrea.ofteilthr otikpring,-the moat Merioutfleid:dri ntructive synaptems to both body and mind:: salsa. The system becomes deranged,- the physical and imentel functions weakened, loss of procreative, power, ;nervous - irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility, a wasting of the frame, cough, con sumption, decay and death. Onnoz No. 7, Soots tREDBRIes. STREET, Left.hand side going Fiera Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to obierke mune and number. Letters must be pMd,and contain a stamp. The . Doctor's Dlplomits'hang in his Oleo. Member of the Rope' College .of Surgeons, London, grad-1 uste from one of themost eminent colleges in the Unlmdi States, and the greater part of Whose life has' been 'spenti In thuhospitals of London, Paris, Philadeltihia 'sad ehlaa•i where, has effected tome of the most a.stonishlrig cures. that were ever known many trembled withvinging in the. head and ears when asleep, great nervousness; 'tieing; alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, ' with =frequent; blushing, attended sometimes with, derangement of mind! were cured immediately. TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE These are some of thri sad and melancholy effects pro-, duced by early habits of youth, viz : weakness of the back; and limbs,.pains Ihn_`.bnad: dimness of sight, toil of, muscular power, mdpitationzof the hyzat, dyspepsia, nor 4 vows irritability symptoms of Cobsumption, &c. , hiserrAmar.—The'rearful effects en •the. Mind:tire &tech; to be dreaded=loss. of memory, confusion of: ideal, as presslon of - spirits, evil' forebodings, aversion to society; self dlsrmst, love of Solitude, timidity, &p., are Some: of, the evils produced. • • Who have injures: themselves. by a' certalu practice In.? dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil compaMens, or at school; the etas 9,f vtliltl?;ClP* 6 nightly felt, ey,eu when aileep, and if not Cured readota 'marriage A t MS slble, and destroys both Mind and body shoulds?tif. ramedtately. • • • , • - - • Whatt I t hat a young man, the hope of his amtryj the darling of his parents, should be snatched from alli prospects and enjoyments otlire;by the consequence otl, deviating from the' path-of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons NUS; before contains plating •• • • • Reflect that a sound mind andhody are the r most necessary requisites to promote connuhildbappineSi: Indeedoithl out these, the journey through life beconies ,atiner,y; grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to thai:viltir the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled - With the melancholy , reflection that the happiness ; of another be. . comes ..11ghted with-our own. OM DISEASE; OF -nrentririrk6i. • . When the mlsgaided'and iMpradent votary or pleasant finds he hats Imbibed the seeds of this painful diseasepi too often happens that an =Med eeheebt. shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who from education an lllty,. can Alone befriend him: He falls into the de of ignorant and designing pretend= ers,who, incapable of -louring,4ffeti his pecuniary,Ecubt stance, keep him trilling montloAfter moan; ores long as the smallest fee can be - obtained, aneln despair leavatins with ruined health to sigh over his gedlingdisappolataienti or, by the Use of the deadly poise'', Mercury, kutiten: the constitutional snoptoms of thbytertiblediseaseisitiffialtaffeci tient ; of 'Oa. Head ! put Nut n s whir Inghtful rip day "t d ptite. to hU &waft sufferings by sending. himatt that uhdiacovred ,eountryzfrons whence no travellerreturns.- . , MOIISPLM OF T H E 'AE4 J ' fihamaaT : hejjigOde year ater year, andthiriMeiehe itelioreet *gloat - ,epertigoa pertbrined by Dr. JObßl3oDi . witziessed by the teLetiersof the soft, GZ.pper , and ma.other papers, notices:of *inch have appeared again and before the public, demise htoeshigsren , . ahrtracter and reopens& bilo:irtreterinelent:guaranteAfthe afflicted. M SKIN DISEAgES SPEEDILY CURED. OlllogNo47goutik Fredorielc Street. MMMMngMM MEDICAL. to Two Days YOUNQ KEN • MARRIAGE ORGANIO WEAKNESS DR. JOHNSON, YOUNG MEN NMMLIGrE, cti I 0 N HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, MARSH 26, 1864. MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DDlESTtirk} GROANS, La& CURED BY • HOOFLANDIS GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, MBESE Bitters have perforraed more rues; A. have and do give better satisfaction ;lave : more Vas timony ; lave more respectable people to vouch for,them Wan any other article in the market. ' ' • W defy any one to. contradict' this- assertion, and will pay $l,OOO to any one that willproduce a•certideste pub lished by us that ismot•genufne. Holland's German Bit 7 tets, will cure every case of Chronic or Neiv us Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising from a dis ordered stomach. Observe the following symptoms, re sulting from the disorders of the digestive organs: Con stipation; Inward Piles, Fullness. of Blood to the head, Acidity of the "Stotinich,*NauSea, - Hostriburn; - Magna, for Food, Fullness or weight hi the StimachiSouttEructations, Sinking or Mattering at the pit o 1 the stouttl Swimming' of the head, Hurried anddillicult, breathing,Fluttering at the heart,' Choking , or suffocating sensations when in lying posture, Dimness of vision,' Dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, .Deflciency_of pers piration, Yellownees ofthe skin and eyes, Pain in the side, back, chest;• lirobs,4ic2; Sudden Mathes of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant imaginations of evtl; and great de pression of spirits. Remember that this Bitters isnot alcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is ,the bust Tonic in the world. ' . HEAD WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. Bock, Pastor of- the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church Philadelphia. I have known lbsonand's German Bitters favbrably for a number of years.. I have used them in:my own family and have been so pleased with.their effects that I was in duced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated in itilklngly- beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly tin:dish/dig this fact, and,cfdllog the attention of these afflicted withkthe dlseaseelor which they are, recommended, to these-411t tem; tnowingfroza!oxporledce Auitinmscommendation will be sustained: do this more cheesfatly as goof land,s Bitters is - intendedno'lleixent4tiPiiillicted, and is "not a rum drink." Yours truly: • , ' From Bov. J. Newton Wept, D.,,Edltor of the En cyclopedia 'of ItellSious Knowledgoand Chrfstlan Chroni cle, Philahelphia. , Although-not disposedlo .favor./orr. reeeMmend Patent Mehicines in general„ through distrust of theirlagredients and effectri,q•yet know 3 0f.n0 sufficient "is:Leona why a man may not testify to the benefits ho believes himself to have received from any sbnple.preparatitmOn the hope that he may thus contribute' to the benefit of others. I do this the morexeadily inxegard to Hoolland'S Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. 3f. Jackson, - of this city because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they - were chiefly , an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my Mend, 'Robert Shoema ker, Esg., for the_ removal of ails prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to_try them when sultbriog from great and' long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these 'Bitters hi the , beginning , orate present year, was followed by.evideut relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental rigor which I 'had not for, six months boforoonad had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. - -Prom- Rev. - Warren,. -Randolph, -Pastor -of- --Baptist Church,. Germantown Penn. " ' ' a Dr. G. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Personal experience enables me to say that I regard the Gorman Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most excellent mbillcintt In Oases of severe cold and generakdebilltyrhave been. greatly bent fitted by the use of thaßJttera and doubt not they will produce 'similar erects on others. Yours truly WARREN RAIs:DOLPH, Germantown, Pa. - . , Prom Rev. - J. IL Turner; Pastor of Redding li. E Church, Philadelphia. • • - Dr. C. IL Jfwkson:—Dear Sir. Having used .your Ger man BitterslnAny family frequently I am prepared to say ”..1 that•it•hite, peen of great service.-..belleve that in most cases of general debility of the.system it is the safest an& valtutble remedy or . whic4l: l 4 l Yeif 4 ro2 :MOP; • You's, iesRO L tfullY, •J T .•"•:•• Mx; 728 i Rinetionth reet. From the Rev. J. IL Lyons, formerly. Pastor; of tha Columbus (N. J.) and Ifilestown (Pa.) Baptist Churchis. Nzw:Abianirissi N. Y. Pr, O.N. feel it apleasure.thua t of IV own aPcoo,,to bear testimony to the excellence o; the German Bitters. Some years- What being much af flicted Math Dyspemta,..j.iitacigkicr with...Yeri:beftff/0 11 1 results ollonreconunended them to .paration en feetdoilhylhattgeme nting disease, and have heaid from them the. Lunt tilsktterring tonimoplals as to their great value. In eases of general debility, I believe it to be a tonic that cannot belmiessed, K LYONS. MMZEiiii=ZU Dr. Jackson:.—Dear Sir:—lrelt. *it due , to :your. tifel lent preparation, Hoofiand German Bitters,:to:.addi: my the.deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder in my - head - and - nervous,. system. I was advised by a , try 'shortie of..3rotinVerthatalitters;'.didso, and have, experienced great,and ulna - rested relief; my hwlth has been very materially benedtted. I confidently reconl mendthenrticle whore I meet with cases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good ef• recta . Respectfully yours, , T. WINTER Boxborough;lPts Prom Rev. J. S. Merman; of Ges Gentian Reformed Chrseh, Kutztown, Berks county, Pa. C. M. .Jackson:ltespected Sir:—l have been troubled with Dyspepsia gnarly twenty years and,have never used any inedlcilisthat did' me as much ,toodias Bonfire/ Ws Bitters' I oni very much impiovedin health, after havint taken five bottles. Yours with respect, . J. B. BERMAN. PRICES. Large Size.(holding nearly double quantity,) $l-00 - per : bottle-44f, doz ... . .. . . . 4 5p.00 Small Siiii4ls ceitia4si bottle-halt 4 00 BEWaUIEOF coumwarErl3l See-that-the SigindiiPeOr-- f‘C. )L JACKSON' , Is. on -the IntAll'Elkt,of each bottle. ShoOld . our nearefAt druggist not ba - vii the article, do notbe pet , orr-by any the intoxicating preparations that mity_pe offered In :pa*, but "nt to us, and sre will forward, seeinely p r incipal co l tr • OM and 1 NO.. 3 1 'AIt C *PitiriADELPHI.A. • , • jOI4EB & EVANt &consort to C. N. Jack= fl Co., fltopurgrotta For sale by Druggiata wad Dealers in every town In the Malted States. mylo4l4w/7 D FOREVER vow INSURANCE COMPANYOF NORTRAMERICA No 232 Walnut Street; South Side, Eastot Third Street. STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS MORTGAGES- All of which, ars first Moil, 4 . .0 . tiiroperty..s372,Boo 00 LOAN .BONDS, • $lOO,OOO Phila. City Loan, per cents.... $lOO,OOO 00 100,000 State Loan, live per cents 100,000 00 '20,000 ,4 Nix per ct., not tamable.. 1 20,000 00 60;000 U. S, Gov. Loan, 7310: per cent.. .. :50,000 00 100,000 " 6-20 100,6*0 00 50 , 000 1881.. 60, 000 00 40,000 " " depcOite sp. C... 50,000 00 25,000 Lehigh C. and:N. C., Mort. limn, 1870 25,000 00 81,000 DeL and Raritan Canal co., andC. and . A. railroad and Transportation co.. 31,000 00 37,003 Chesapeake and Dol. Canal co. Loan,' 1.880 86,890 00 40,000 North Poona fßallroadco. Bonds, 1884 37;200 00 8,890 North Penn. Railroad co. Scrip 2,983 20 20,000 Penna. Railroad co's. Bonds, First Mortgage, 1880 20,000 00 23,000 - Cineignat7Ctty Belida -- 21,850 60 20,000 Schuylkill Imo', 1882.... 17,000 00 15,000 Del. Div. Canal co's. Loan, 1878 ..... 14,550 00 10,000 DeL Railroad co's. Mortgage Loan,. (guaranteed,) 10 000 00 5,000 Union Canal co's. Mart. Loan, 1883.. 1,250 00 STOCKS. 218 Shares Philli.,'Wilinirepin-iuld Bait-" more Itailmuloompany 10,900 00 200 Sham 'Ph_ ,ila. Glermattrown andllor: ristown Railroad company ' 10,000 00 100 Shares Philadelphia Bank 10,000 00 100 Shares Lehigh Coal and Nay. co 5,000.00 63 Shares Lehigh Coal and Navigation company ; (Conditional Scrip) ' 3,024 00 63 ShartA Ger.and Perkiomon Turnpike -ur.. company:. • -- 1,575 00 85 Shares. Chesapeake and-DeL Canal co. 2,450 00 59 Shares Schuylkill. Navigation cora , pariy, preferred, 1882 1,770 00 100 Sharos North Penn. Railroad c 0..... 4 %Ca 00 Sundry Steam - Ntivigatlon and - other - - . „Stocks, worth 1,718 00 . MISCELLANEOUS.. Cash in Bank 85,281 10 Notes RetelVable • • " '" 246,171 81 Policleai' tile Premiums of which areunsettled, and debts due,' (all good) • 95,744 89 Real Estate, Office of the Company, No. 292 Walnut street 22,000 oo By order of the Botiid, ARTHUR G. COFFLN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Secretory. INCORPORATM94.rxR -PERPETri cAPITAL $500,0® Marine; Fire and : Inland Transportation In- DIRECTORS. Arthur G:-Collin, S. Morris Wein, Samuel W. Jones, John Mason, .. John A.-Browny - - George L Harrison, . Charles 'Taylor, ~ ' Francis R. Cope,' Ambrose'White • EdWanl H. Trotter, • Richard D. Wood, Edward S. Clarke, William Welsh,. William Cummings, William E. Bowen, T. Charlton Henry. , James N.-Dickson, : ' . . • Aktinfft ti: - COFFIN, President. CHARMS P4.ll,,SeicietarY -_," • Willitttil . llU. XII . II , 3 ' - ceiitittii•Nireiit imi-Piguisytva'nt a. Office Walnutlear Secand t 'llaVabarg, Pa +LEPI G. BECX. OF CONDEMNED HORSES WAR DIWARTMILNT,CAVALRY BUREAU, OFFICE OF ann . QuearmuLuirse, Wessusrioir, D. D.; Feb. 19,1864. "viTITA., be sold at • Public Auction, .to the T' highest bidder, at the places and:datga named he- low, viz: . At IVilkesbarre, Penna., 800 Horses, Tuesday, 29th March. , . . These Horses have been condemned. as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United-States Army,': - For road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. „ . .Horses will be sold singly. 'Sales begin at 104 3f., and continue daily till all are sold. Terms Cash, in United States -Treasury Notes only. 'Jilll A EMI; feb2o4ltm29 . Chief- Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau. mAstic CEMENT 11427777.111, - PITTI3S;itt-i-leGr, IS PREPARED to-tarnish and coat the ex terior of Buildings wElFthe MASTIC CEMENT, on a new System. This mater al entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Lhiseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a beau tiful, fine water proof surface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. ) - 4 Among others for whoml have applied the Mastic Ca went, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. J. D. M'Cord, " Shoenberger resilience Lawrenceville. A. Bander, - James .:4 , Candless,Allegheny city. Calvin Adams, - Third street, Pittsburg. James Wqod, owner St. Charles Hotel, William Vehel, Qlrsrd Hose, Barr '& Moser, archltecta.Dbmatch Buildings, " John B. Cox, residence;:pont street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, ' " Please address T. F. WATSON, P. 04,80ir1.,3013, Pittsburg, - feblB-d6m or, Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa. PTIOTOGRAPS. ALBUMS. OlibtOgraidi• Aintithu s . Photograph. %Albums. Photograph AIbVMS. _ Photograph Albums. TBE largest and ohetnoest variety of PRO TOGRAPH ALBUMS lathe city are constantly kept at [marl2] Bnanfra'S CHEAP BCKMBTORE. rpoY pocov Glapjs,, &0.- 7 A Large as sortment or Tay .Bookli a last received at nag SL:72I:PFR, R ,S,,BOOMOTtg,' naniaburg. ' . . . f - • *(4I"7"Y #Plyle• - . .. TMat* resembles the,Sugar' Maple very closelyin feria and foliage, but bears-transplanting better and groves rnorerapblly. - For sale at Keystone Nur sery [fbb24.4l. l ,n] . - JAC0.13,11.16/1. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW RAISINS CIT I RON, CURRANTS, PRUNES - FIGS. &C. At ' SHISIJiRAc [no2ol (Successors to Wo.'"Doc Jr., it Co.) IQO 0 L a3B .14 l ga t .' e Codfish, for at & MAZER'S, ~ . * r itrinAlook Tr 'kali) PICKLESIIity the Mgr 1, Halfiltwel,Jar.orDozen,,at ' DER: & ERAZEIII3,,Waxy. Dock, Jr., ;Ty_DO.) SSRUBBERY. White Fringe, Purp le Fringe, Mahout*, Altheas, Magnolias, Tree Boa, ae., at Keystone Nursery. (marls] J. ILLEIN. INSURANCE. PHELADIi, January 12th, 1864. =ZS ATJUTION .SALE T. F. WATSON, —Webster. • FOR SitUR; - HE valtiable property, 'corner of Second IMAM= streets,.beingtifty4Wolust a warren. on Se cond and one hundred and sixty-eight feet. on Pine street, running back two bundred'and tenleeto; Voters alley, there being space for fora full building lots, and a most, de- • &able site for a Governor's Ilinsion or public buildings. For particulars enquire of Mts. -IitURRA.Y, corner of Se cond and Pinest reefs.. mar94f lipEtAT VALUABLE. PROPERTY; No.' 7, ,in 1 this city, adjoining the Jones House pumices, fronting twenty-five feet six inches on: Market Square and extending back one hundred and fifty-seven and a half feet to Rasyberry alley. Teiaie accomthodating. Harrisburg 42w, March 11, 1864. -CHAS: C. ROM. marl 2 . - , • FOB. SALE. • A SECOND-RAND PLINO, suitable for AM, beginners. • Also, a Large Three-Cornered Show Window and HandsonielFlag . StaiL be sold very low, HA:Sired ibr before! the Ist of April Enquire 'at SCHEFFHR'S Bea:Vire, Harrisburg, Penna. marlo • REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The several properties of the Estate of 1931.4 LAM AL URN, deceased, in the city of Harrisburg, consisting of Houses on Front street and Chestnut street, at' and near the corner of Front and Chestnut streets, a vacant lot on Mulberry street, near Third street, and, 19% acres of land at the eastern terminus of Market' Street, are oc fered for sale. For terms of saleapply to the undersigned,- Seventhand Noble streets, Philadelphia. _de2l...dtf] THOMAS COCHRAN. LOTS FOR SALE. —A number of lota have been laid out on the Jonestown Road, about one nine east of the city of :Harrisburg, which are tieing soli, at low prices. To persons desiring to secure a home for themselves, and to be relleVed from the present exorbitant rents, this is a rare opportunity A number of lots have already been sold and but few re main on hand. .The plan of said lots can be seed' at the Sheriff's office in Harrisburg where persons desiring to purchase are requesied to call and see the same. Harrisburg, Jan. 15, 1864. U 1 , SA rN. —That valuable : otelproperty F known as the PARKE HOUSE, situate on Market street, near Third. For terms inquire of- s. .DETWEILER, Harrisburg, Pa. marl2-d2w FOR SALE—A very handsome Two-horse PEDLER WAGON--eliettp for cash. Direct letter to BOX No, 318, Hautbois., Pa merll-11 FOR - SALE.----A. Five-horse-power STEAM ENGINE and BOILER, In good order. Apply to F. GEETY, , feb23•tf Walnut Woof, below Giza $1,556,503'50 Racamraver OFFICE, V. S. IN r.LLID CORPS, t Hanaraninte, Pa., March 1, 1884. f THE attention of Soldiers *rho have been Honorably discharged the United States service, on account of disability contracted while in the line-of duty, and who may wish to enlist' in the Invalid Corps, is re spectfully called to the following letter from the Provost Marshal General's Office, from which it appears that they may receive the bounty offered by - the ward, 'horough, or town, to which they may wish to be credited: WAR DRPARTAIRtiT, Paovosv ILtasnst GENERAL'S OFFICE, ' Bormitr - or Isr.ttro Corms, .WasuurGlOS,,February 23, 1864. The Provost Marshal General directs me to say, that men enlisted for the Pint Battalion Companies of the In vslid.Corpe,, in accordance with the provision of General Orders, Nes. 105 and 212, Adjutant - Generes OfficeTl/363, and theinstructionsof the Provtart.MaridisA General, (see Circulars Noa. 14 and 106, of 1863, Provost Marshal Gen eral's Obloey) will-be credited to the quota to beftunished under the draft, of the ward, borough, town, or city and State from which they enlist. M. N. WISRWEIIL,- Coldnel, and Assistant, to the Provost Marshal General, in charge of Invalid Corps Bureau. . Fertile particulars relative to enlistnient inthat Az•rm,, apply at the Recruiting Office, Invalid. Corps, in Second street, near Pine street,' Hamsburg, - • ' . 'E. L. BARNRS . marl 74 Ist .Lleut 11 & L C., R'eting.oolcer. Recruiting Agency. OPFICE in the rear of Herr's Hotel, Harris burg, Pa. The LARGEST LOCAL BOUNTIES' paid to recruits. COMAIITT'EES from dietrinti and. sub-dis tricts in the State will he promptly furnished with MEN to 511 QUOTAS, byapplying to • • mar4-dim - arimg-EL & “THE. WORKING. PARIKEIti,” A STANDARD authority in,. Agricuiture Ll and Horticulture, says: "Dr. B. Ware Sylvester produces a 'very superior Wine from his Oporto Grape. We have sent out large numberS of this vine as premiums, during the past year. , Having been appointedugent by Dr. S.' I can furnish vines of the Oporto at from 25 to 50 cis, each; $.2 50 to $5 per dozen; $l5 to $ 3O per 100. -J. MISR. . Hamra= NIIREIKBY , March 16,1864. Shade Trees. A FINE assortment of Silver Maple, Norway Maple, Taller Asti; Horse Chestnut, European Linden, Cataia Magnelit'Cor Cuctirober at .-.. KEYSTONE NU BEY. Harrisburg, March 16,166& Proposals for Coal„ : , TILYNBTLVANIA. STATB . LIIBULTIO sosffrAL, March 7,1884. PROPOSALS will be received - until - 6 p. 1 of Thursday, March 31, 1864, for supplying this Hospital with Six HONORED TOSS of A Na 1 Broken Coal, , of the best quality and free from slate and other. impuri ties. The coal to be delivered on the wharf of the Hospital on the Pennsylvania canal, the weight to be dutermined by the weigh lock at Harrisburg. Proposals' to biseitt to marl-td JOMN cl:lßWEN;sivetintencent., PRIVATE ' SALM- TINE of the Vest locations - for ~IRON woltics in the State for, sale, at. a.Very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated. With , in a short distance of the city of Harrisburg between the - Pennsylvaularallread andsaund, about five 'hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarriesin the State and close to-a good teinpike -reed; Mac,. room- for waste. Madera for fifty years, without paying for the land! Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr.; - • Attorney-at-Law, Na 24 North Second street, marlft.dtf . Harrisburg, [Philadelphia Press insert three Sines and send bill to this office.] PRIME CLOVER 'SERI) wT PARSONS' AGRICULTURAL STORE, go. 110 NEAIbLET STREET. mars-dawBw PORTFOLIOS ! _POATFULIOS . : CHESSMEN and Barglin Boards, a fine assort,: went, Ast received at ..yrzEvg BOOKSTORE. FINE' BLACKBERRIrand ELDERBERRY Warranted pure. For sale at - • jan2s W. WOK, Ja., & CO. APPLES. --200 barrels of New York State Apples, of a Choice variety, just ,received, SOW low, in any quantities, to suit purcasers, at the note,. grocery of [deg BOYER Si BOBRPER. O LADIES. —lf you wish good Letts T Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pena, or anything else in the. !stationery yon will do well by calling at - - nol9 - Kliniabur& A LARGE lot of-bed.quality of alezter JCL Potatoes just received and for sale by . BOYER & HOERPER, lid 3 Mar)44.4quare. decl24f • - A BOXES ORANGES,. inzt.order ')also 100 Barrels.of CHOICE Lilltkrt. WI! at 106 . JOHN VOir &hie. . . ORANGES! ORANGES lot of superior Orange; and Sicily Ha for sate ward quantity ai MBE)] BOYER KOERPER. TAVA,Jamaiaa and Lagavra Coffee, at t, [na] NE DOM al* & Cl+3 'PRICE. TWO CENTS. . FOR SALE. FOR` SALE. .1. SHFda.. jaxd6 CSME iverUning in the Tints e-balficiatre. hgbc Blinn • ois sQUARI 60 . 1 GO - • 1 26 2 26 6,. 00 WOO tirt . 22 CO * $ 2 20 Notk7es= • - Auditor's , Notices. . ; Noticeiiisertion. - • . 20. larsaidnesemoti ceß Rtr. M ar n aes suan Deaths, Entirr ems ,PlOl. LEFo r .ftt.• tMa. pviN - _-.:Lumor F - NEW YORK ELECTION. Innnense Majority in Favor of Soldiers Voting. ALBANY, N. Y., March 25. The official majority for allowing soldiers vote is 210,716. . • FROM T°►+4 =IENTIAM VOUNTRY:L The Red Men iDesire-Peae,e: Demands, of the. Yanktonnais. QuaAao, llarc:h 25. A special dispatCh from St.' Paul says that Wasedoreye, a prominent Sisston Indian, has come into,Fort, Abercrombie, and has accepted terms of peace. He states that nearly all the. Sisstons are in favor of pease, and others of their leaders will be ready in a few - days to follow his example. But the powerful tribe- of Yauktonnais„ while they want peace, , require that Uncle Sam shill not penetrate into their territorlt and that steamboats with emigrants shall not nay. , igate the kiissourii The refugees, murderers of the lowe;_bands,. and the evil disposed of other bands are, join ing them preparatory to a springerunpaign. XXXVifith t'ogress--First -Ses§i9p HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WdaItINGTON, March 25 Mr. Clay, (liy.,) .from the Committee on Agriculture, reported back the Senate bill ex tending the time in which to accept land and heretofore donated for agriculttml cot lege purposes, and including West Virginit in its provisions. Mr. Holman (Judiciary) offered an amatid ment- authorizing Indiana to appropriate its share , of the lands for the education •of orphan children of soldiers and sailors. Mr. Wash burn moved that Illinois be also similarly au thorized, and Mr. Windom asked that hrinne allowed to act in the same way. • - Mr. Brooks fN. Y.) asked that the National Bank MUPar.3lponed till Monday,.in Prder to. give. the representatives of the New York an opportunity teile heard on this measure, sti inipbrtalit 'to 'the- financial Mr. Steyeps would not consent to a„ post-_ ponement. Mr. Melaka; hoWever, called the yeag, and nays upon going into committee of-the whole on the state of Union, on the -amendatory National bank bill. This was itereoptto„by 57 against 52. tfooper offered an amendment,' pro viding that- banks with'a capital of not leis than $50,000, shall, with the approval of :The Secretary of the Troasury, be organized Lin any place, the population of which does not exceed six Thousand inhabitantg. -cidointri not voting- on the ainelidraent there *era Call of the House. The doors were closed" and excuses , for absentees heard. Much good tunor prevailed throughout these pro-. eisdings: . On motion of Mr. Stevens, warrants of arrest were ordered tohe issued.for-thoseMlo were not excused for absence. The sergeant-at arms brought seirerid prisOners to the bar, who were discharged'on payment of fine and fees: That officer subsequently the Speaker that Mr. Spaulding, of Ohio, refused to be arrested. Mn Spaulding explained the cause of - his absence from the hall, ...which: was only fora few moments. Ha did-:not consider that-ale had done , anything wrong. Finally , Mr. Spaulding was, by a vote of 61 against honOrably discharged from custody; and` the House at, 5 o'clock, adjourned. -- ; FRQM, W.isHlNGToN,.llarch 25. In addition to the• General Order re-arrang .lWhe n9FPa. therA4 7 ELI of thaßntennaa, and relieving some of 'the general officers, as, al ready 'we learn-- that General Bleasonton hai been relieved Irout = the com mend of the cavalry corps; andis to report to General RO.secrtom; that General Sykes is to report'to General Curtis ''.'Cleneral . Rental Is M report toGeneralSherman; - General Frei'cMh is to report at Philadelphia;-General Mere dith at_Cairo;.Genera,l ..Spinola to a Court martia' General Caldwell -to be relieved to sit on a:Couit-martial;and"Gericiala Ricketts, Gibbon and Wadmorth to-report to General Meade, ifOinseigrunent to Gormand. . The statement made in. several papers.,,that the National taxes will generally be raised one hundredper cent: by Congress isa great en _ aggeration. ;, Grace Greenwood has been having a- - pleasant visit to,the:Array of the, : Potomac, ~431;Ln Aip tured to the soldiers once or twice and : has returned' to :Washington - -The'Coramittee of Ways ana-Means his-itot yet &bided what tax' to impose . npcinipetro lawn, either crude or refincd,Onkt it in p ,T9 bp.- ble that it will be about twenty cents on re- Hr. Bonner, Treasury • Agent - at -St: Lints, was before the Blair Investigating Committee last, night,; and produced the : original order of General Blair for liquors,.:out'of which this dispute has :grown. ' 'Genera Blair elaims that the figures on the- papers-have been eluinged. . . ' 'DIABIES_! DIARIES'' L ANO,THER assortment of Pocket and NSF& • - Diaries for . 1 est received and for see "ebeetiat feb2 BR'S Booskiroltz, wriont.m. -DEAR -TitEES—Dwarf ,and'Siandaxa, of Um boat Wain Tariethot and of.,llllPenazgtowth, can be faraisaed at fair prime atitia Zezetone N a rse y r '- - - for saletthil Corner kir infra 1 4ta" d iß r oirsitreetii .Eagnlioor wick... mougsti. ME WOQ K 5i3914430..-PR DAYS OE SHODDY Just receivellat [4elBl SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. ME ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers