rirtil 2bvertismtnts AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOLD PENS ! 7.„. Just bes tatd beenlar o g pe est assortment a of Gold Pens T BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. These Pens are manufactured by 0. F. Newton & Co., of New York, and warranted to give full satisfaction. A trial will satisfy any one. Examine the prices below : Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $1 75. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 25. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 60. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $2 76. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $8 26. Gold Pen and Silver Holder for $3 76. Gold Pea and Silver Holder for $4 25. Gold Pen and Pencil, with Rubber Holder $5 00. Gold Pen and Pencil with Rubber Holder, $7 00. THE NEW EDITION 01 PU it,DO N'S DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN PUBLISHED, PRICE *5 00. AN ENTIRE new edition of this well knowit 44. Law Book has just been issued. It is now distinguished by the following superadded features : The laws contained in the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1858) have been incorporated In the uudy of the work. Many thousand new authorities have been cited; the report of the revisers el the Penal Code has been embodied In the notes to the various sections of It, and the appendix contains for the first time, the Acts of Congress for the Authentication of Records, and the Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The work has been prepared by the learned editor, Mr. BRIGHTLY, and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved by the continuation of the annual Digests, which have given so much satisfaction. For sale at le2B BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. HAREISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT, L - 10R the eetety .rommere, we have eitablieJed I Oil 9ep,i. a, tile corner ol Frou aril Market err ate. all our oils are t. stud and we poshd Lively null coo.. except -.doh as pro► to be non-explosive, Clear and true tram odor as tar int practicable. We offer ■t present the following justly celebrated brands. Mag nolia, Ro N.ihroaa and Louver, lower thou can be purchase elsewhere u this place, either woolosale or retail. Also au .ottutistre assortment ut Lampe, dblm• tier, Shades, dlase Cones , ti”rtielN, ffie. Wa will iiikw change fluid or camphene lamps, so as to be used for roar oat. Call and aatisf, yourselves at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market strata aprll P a AL. 1.11 Mal OF- '43S KEYSTONE: NURSERY, HARRISBURG. IT should not be forgotten that this estabilanment is stiil In succeatul opereation, and oisu supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, BEIBUSBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER IIIItS, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE. BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, so., &c., So., &C. of as good qualities and varlet es, and at reasoo able price' as they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION Of the nursery—adjoinitig the city—gives it advantages lbr transportatiqn to Al parts of the country, pow:band by but few others. XS. all articles, when desired, delivered free of charge, in any part of the city. soma JACOB MM. VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WAN T LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PITS AND HOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. °HARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND S . OFF ERED IN PENNSYLVANIA I. -12 13 MADE OF CHOW& MUSEUM WRITE WHEAT. *fir Delivered my pie 'e in ;be del, free of dielite' TERMS, Cosh on delivery. — boo WM. DOOR, Jr., &Do, POCKET BIBLES. AFULL assortment of Pocket Bibles and Testaments for the soldiers, just re , ved at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. POMADE HONGROISE FOR MINO THU MbUSTAO HES, le6 RILLERtS f.RUGSWR's EXTRA family flour, a superior brand, Wbia We warrant to give a (Wadi at, net re seired and tar Bale by NICHOL' , & BOWMAN, and Corner Front and Market etreeta. TH general variety of goads for &cl imbs, Lbe Sn be (mini eli , r's, is unsurpassed:ht this City. led 91. Market street SUPERIOR Green and Black Lead , - fisr sale by NICHOLS & &MAN, Jel2 Corner &rout and Marq et street,,, NESH invoice of I.emone, Prunes, Pea eta &0., for Nano low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN ' COP. front and Matta Arnett. =EI 500 WALNUT TEEM, HRIFTY and straight, from & to 8 feet high, $2 per dozen ; $lO per 100- -Kolll , ollm Nursery, Oct. 18, 1862. Aker t r uLluo—WHPP4 Nti Dl KB. -NT entire new assortment of theft us e f u l ar _ tkilie lust opened at lIEBONEWB Cheap Bookstore. Busintea Curbs. DAN'L. L ittIIENOR, AGENT, a IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully A informs the public that this Old Daily Transport* tion line, (the only Wailow.w hive now In exisi..noe in this City,) IN is 111 successful operation, and prepared to carry freight as kr, as any ofherindividual line oaten en Philadelphia, Harrisburg, rluubeiry, Lewisburg, Wi I- Wunsport, Jersey Shore, Look Havoc and all other nein ir on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and isle and Wil liamsport and Elmira Railroads. DANL A. MOHNCH, Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. Hood' sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell k dinohman, Nos SW and 810 Market street above Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, r. sr., will arrive at Harridan, ready for delivery next morning. aprlKl•rdmyl 8,, 3. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iran Ware Jitamalaoturer NO: 112 HARKAI AIREE7, HARRISBURG. 1 AS always on hand a fall assortment of and Japanned Ware, Cooking and garlor atom of the best mannfaonarles, Gatti+ Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanized Iron Cornish, manufactured and pu t ep at reasonable rates. Sir SePalling promptly attended to. apr3o-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH la AS removed his Boot and Shoe Store Al, from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Hayne's Agriculture store, where he intends to keep all kinds of Boots erd Shoes, Gaiters, Ste., and a large stock of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu siness • and will be thankful to receive the patronage of his old customers and the public in general at ins new place of hominy's. All kinds of work made to order in the beet style and by superior workmen. Repairing done at short notice. rapaltf] JOHN B. SMITH. 411. C. MUTH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. THEO. F. OCHEFFEE, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, AL4REEI STREET, A'RR SBURG. ,Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and :finding of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies, Cheeks, Drafts, &c. Cases printed at $2, $2, $4, and rifi per housand In elegant sty le. 120' I Litt. ADOLPH F, '11:1 ?SER. woLLD tospeotiully tutorti. nio rte s miransuud tho public onerau), atiottutte to give instructions on the PIANO. i LAWN, VIOLIN and also m the science of BASS: He will notti 'pleasure wait upon pupils at theb names at any hour desired, or iessbus will be gfveu. as residence, in Third strrnt, few floors indos ti Berman Refortned Church. ileolb-dti Stistatuusuus _INSURANCE, Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Amato $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur (1 Cohn, Samuel W. Jones, John A. ;Brown Samuel Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose Whitt,: John R. Nell Richard D. Wood, Will Welsh, Wahiam E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S. Morris Waln, John meau, George L. Harrison, Franca R. Goo, rid card H. Trotter, EdWarB N. Clarke. ARTHUR G. COFtIN , Prestacht CHARLES PLATT Secretary. As central agent for tn.:. slim eater company, the undersigned' >a prepared to take lire risks in any part of .be State et Poairayivatua, either annually er - iperpet way, 'airthe most favorable terms. (Aloe Third street between Walnut and Strawberry' alley, Barite's row. WILLIAM BUJ:ILBR, jeukity Ilarnso erg, Pa. FIGS; Dates, Prunes, &dews, and all Made et Nuts, at JuHN WiBE'i Store, Third and Mout. myl TO CONSUMPTIVES, , I NILE Advertiser, having been restored A, to health in • few week; by a very simple reme dy, after having sudenrd several years with a sevens lung affection, and that dread dines*, Consumption-, is anstkrus to make koown to ids fellow•suiferers the means of cure To all who desire it, he will sends 'copy or the piir scription wed (Moe or charged with the &Teatime for preparing and wing the same, whion tuey will Au d sore cure for tionsoniption, detests, &ouch ,o. The' Indy °bleat of tue advertiser in sending the Ni seilption is to benefit toe aldiaied, and spread lufor toe nail which he couceivitele be invaluable, and he hopeo every sufferer will try hie remedy, as It Will cost tumid nothing wad may prove a blessing. Part ts wishing'thelermniption will pleiwe addrese • ' any. mmweito H. WILSOkIi Willianteborgh, Kings County, New Torii sepl2o Omani PRESS BUTT/8/11 AT MARKET PRICE.' WE, HAVING fitted up a large Itilltrig orator, and ;laving made contracts with some of our most rellahle limners to furnish us with fresh end west butter legated?, will De eimbied to supply our mammies with sweet fresh tee d,W. all Ilaes• ra WiL DOCK, Jr. & POCKET, ROOK% BUOTiRRIN Pllitßßo l PORT MONALTREI And a general variety of Leather Goods, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. FAMILY FLOUR. WE INVITE the attention of families who BASE THEIR OWN BREAD,i to our stook of Flour. Nye have just received SEVENTY-FIVE BARRELS of the choicest (White Wheat) ht. Lou%a Flour that the Western Monet Words. We guarantee every barrel or bag we sell to be 'strict ly superior. Ue26] WM. DUCK, JR., to 00. RUBBER GOODS ! Rubbe Bane, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rat Om, Rubber,' at BRRGNEWIi CH P BUOKVI 01. E EXTRA -FAMILY FLOUR, a choice Idt! or Run Family Flour, ell warranted by bbl., on Uat received .andfor . -sale-low by • NICHOLS & NOWNN, e3O ' Corner rear and Market farads. 01.0431 -NA, A SMALL, brit very superior lot of liologua sausage just rece i ved b e y nay% WIL. DOK, Jr kM . SUGARS, white and brown, of all grades 'it& sale low, by NW & BOWMAN, septa Borner Frontsed Barnet Arms CALL and Examine our Superior Non Expkwivo Coal Jil t for wile low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, acts Corner Trout and Market streets IaTARDELL & LEVIN FAS, Pickles and v v causes, for Rale at BORN wet kJ'. miv Yh§fIGARS for preserving; call and exam Ina at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 7 Corner Front and Market str , et, C 4111 3 CIDER.--COnntantly on hand very superior artiola of artit4 au" wora. AClng r lalltEdH Lenzone Raisins, just re celved and for *ale low by Jolt NICSOLS 4 1 4MWMAN, =- Merger groat and Market stool. Pennolguanin l ll thenteotrav afternoon October 22, 1862 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Passenger Trains or the Penutrirania Railroad Oompany will depart worn and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : THROUGH RIPRERe TRAIN leaves litmlaburg daily et 1.15 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m. EAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Monday,) at 5.30 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.46 a. m. VAST MAIL TRAIN leaves liarriaburg daily (wept Sunday) at 1.20 p, m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.25 p. m. AMOMMODATION TRAIN, ma !Mount Joy, ;oavell Harrisburg M T.OO a m. and arrives at Wert Pllll%- 4010114 at 12/5 p. m. I3ARHISRIIIII4 . ACCOMMODATioN TRAIN, via llolua4 Na, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 t. 1,4 trri,e. ii W.r. ' 191,00100 a at 926 p. sa. THROUGH ECPREBa TRAIN leaves Pbiladelphis at 10.35 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10, a. m. ad arrives at Pittsburg at 12.25 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 a. m. , and ar rives at Harrisburg at 12.30 p. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. in., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Phliadotphia at 11.30 a. tn., Harris. burg 8.45 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 12.45 a. m. HARRISBURG ACOOMMoDATION TR AIN leaves Phil. delphia at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p m. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.60 a. m. , arrives at Eltrrisburg at 12.40 p.m. SAMUEL O. YOUNG, Supt. Gast, tau. Penna. Railroad liarriaburg, May 2, 18132 —di r SUMMER ARRANGEMENT NM lilt LINE ROUTE • 'Mc -- C:4 ;_lMl — =,m.r• -- " - 7 - TESKE TRAINS DAILY TO DIM YOU, AND PH I.LADE L NH t A cIIN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trains will leave the Pbila de phis and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrishure, for New York and Philadelphia, as rollowa, via EXPRINS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. in., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 8.15 a. m., and at Phila. delpbla at 9.00 a. in. A 'sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pitts burg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in., sum itig in New Yerk at 5.80 p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25. p. ro. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad' Fast Maii, arriving In New York at 9.5 Q p. in., and Philadelphia at. 8.410 p. FAST LINE leaves New York at oa. in., and Phi lade I. phia at 8 a. m„ arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 18.00 noon, and Phil. mordant at 8. 18 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p m. EXPRESS LINE leaves Now York at 8 p. m.,- arri ving at Harrisburg 14.3.00 a. m., and connecting will the Pennsylvania Expregs Two for Pittsbarg. A sleeping ear. IC slat attached to thle !rain Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Penneylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkerbarre, Allentown, Easton, itst Baggage checked through. learn hat.taccal New York and Horrisuurg. $b 00; between Harrisburg and Phila. 83 25 in N. i ours, and $2 70 in No. 2. Foe ttektAtK nr Inf.;rnaatiett apply to J. J. CLYDE, mya-dtt General Agent, Harrisburg. 1862. SUMMER 1862. ARRANGEMENT! CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN 011&111Mnb. , 11, 1•7" , _ • CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after Monday, May 6th, 1864, Passenger Trains will run daily, aiitioliowa, (Bcuulaya Eampted For Ohambereharg and Harrisburg : • a. N. P t ar LeavedHagerstowa. 700 2ab ..Greenesatle. ........... . .. .........7 a 85 { Arrive at B'l7 420 Chambersburg, ' Leave at.. ... . . B'Bo 12 65 " Oblppensbort 900 147 ". Neerville. ..... .....:..... ..... .0 82 400 " Carlisle 10 10 4 90 Mechanicsburg 4,2 8 . 14 Arrive at ..... - 11 16 840 For Chamberobtirg and Hagerstown :1 L. as. r. EL Leave , larr - Ottrg ...8 05 1.09 ' 4 : MeObaniCBbUrg ' 847 ilO " ' Carlisle • 9 sa. 266 4‘ Newvtlle ' 10 02 829 " B iitmeasburg...lo 88 4 00 • " Chambereburg ... ... ...... Are. ive:ll 00 • 430 Chambersberg • ' IleaVe..ll 10 440 - " Greencastle ' , ' '......1.1 86 680 arrive at Elmerstown... - ... '• ...'.l 286 810 . .• . . : - O.TI. LOLL, 8.0, ii.-It OttMe,• Chamberebarg, May I v 1862.-dly• ' CROOS & 13LACK,WBLL13 Webrwtod ems.vplig=cigrexatvga,vaelet~ ..kage. Ofidi aid for malogiy po Nam 210utrtistuttnts. ON AND AMR MONDAY MAY sth 1862 EASTWARD. WESTWARD EASTWARD WESTWARD RAIL ROADS I ititbitai HELMEIOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "FUG' iLY COItiCENTRA ntra , COMPS OND FLUID EXTRACT,EUCEW, A positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, (}RAVEL, and 3ROPSICIAL SWELLINGS 'Bina Medicine increases Lilo power of Dgaition, and excites the ABSORBENTS int healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN. NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well to PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness Of Vision, Pain in the Back Universal Lassitude of the Muscular /Vital; Hot Hands, Flushing of tae Body Dryness of the Skin Eruptions on the Face PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, whist' this me d, iciuo invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not frequet by followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their Buffering BUT NONE WILL CONFFSE. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, ♦ad the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, @PAM AMPLE anuses TO TEI MUTH OP THE ABSERT/03. THE CONSTITUTION ()NCR AFFECT= WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorat - the System Which Ibtasmotn EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dos A TRIAL WILL OONVIOII TIM 1106 ff SHIPTIOAL. FMLiI.X3.--FEHALES-BEILALEB, Id/ OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR GONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, .IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Buebu Is unequalled by any other remedy, es in Ohlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppressio nor Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Soirrhons state of the Uterus, Lencorhrea Whites, Steril ity, and tor all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE 01 GDR 1313 EMMONS ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I TAKE NO YOU BLANAN, itsotrity, col UNPLEASANT: MIDI 0131 FOX DNFLISABANT AND DA301110178 DIELILEIE. fiIieLMBOLD'S EX7RACT BOO' 01:31111 SECRET DISEASES. In ail their dtagen, At little Bapense Little or no change in Diet ; No inconvenience And no Brposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Imllainmation, so frequent In the class 01 diseases, and expelling all P0i50140313. Mussed and worn-out Matter. THOUSANDS WON THOUSANDS WHO HAVE IHE vlorims up QUACKS, and who have paid easy MIS to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, Auld that the "POI SON" has, by the use of "POWiltrtit astamosivra, " been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form; and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use EfIUMBOLD'EI Strums Boom for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever peso originatiad and no matter r rerrlrrn'tinvtrinni, DillBB.9eB et these Organs require the aid of c IC 3TRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired oiled in all. DiMMUS FOR WHICH IT .16 RECOMMENDED. Evidence of the most re/la/de and rezpontible character will accompany the medicee. CERTIFICATES OF cuREs, From 8 to ?a yearn standing, What N'Amis icatoir.v. to SCIENCE AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or att. for $b 00. Delivered to any address, rentrely packed from obser ra D M EICRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures GuLeranteed I Advice Gratis AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an alderman of !the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HALL BOLD, who being duly sworn, Both say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely rage table H. T. REINHOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No vember, 1864. WM. P. HIBBERD, Alderman, Ninth 181 above Race, Phila. Address letters for Information in confidence to H. T. HELKI3OLP I Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bel. chestnut, Ma t BEWAREuoUNTEOFFITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALER'S, Who endeavor to dispose "op mats OWN" and ~0 111110 AITIOLIS 01 1 1 TRH BILTITTATION MAIM) Br Helmbold's Genuine Preparation a, ..xtract Machu, Sarsaparilla, Improved Rose Wash. Sold by D, K. seller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, El A, Brant:at. AND .41.1., DRUOILS2I3 RVERYIVHBRA ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TABS NO OTHER. Cat out the advertisement and Rad for AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND FIRE INSURANOE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL BAYOU/ INSIJRANOJ COMPANY. INOORADRATED 1886, Capital and Assets $889,120 37 DIRECTORS. Wm !deride, Edmund A. donder,Theoplallue Pauld i ng, Jno R. Penrose, Jno. C. Davin Jas. Traspair, , Wm. Eyre, Jr James C. Hand, Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr R. E. Huston, George R. Letper , Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, Samuel E. ::•tokes J:F. Pendleton Henry Sloan, Edward Darlingion, H. Jones Brooke; Sp e ncer Wllvalne, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, Janne B. M'Farland, Joebua P. Byre o Johia B. Semple. Pita W burg, D. T. Morgan, Pitishurg, 4erger, Pittsburg. ILLIAM MAREN President. THOMAS C. HAND,' Vioe President. HENRY LYLBUJtN, Secretory. The undersigned as agent for the above named cond. via piny , continues to take Irlre Risks in Harrisburg and WILLIAM BUEHLER. .040-01; PORT FOLIOS wBITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PIIRI3ES, POIITMONAIEt3, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have Just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. sIIGAR CURED HAMS. SHOULDERS, DOLGRA SAUSAGE. I A large and fresh supply just received by 026 Wad. DOCK Jr. &Co ReCLINFOGIVS FERRAN' SYRUP. HIS INVALUABLE 'SYRUP, WHICH Ig , entirely vegetable in its composition, has been employed with wonderful success for many years in the cure of diseases for the AM PASSAGES and LUNGS. For any form of the disease such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, D.TFFI CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, and HECTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended with the happiest results. It Is one of the best and safest medicines for all forms of BRONCHITIS and CONSUMPTION. No laudnam or preparation of Opium in any shape in this ayrup. PRICE $lOO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. oil' SIVE aooortmont of glassware jnst Me red, tkwd for sale low by 's • WMAN, oral ' rtel-striPla. SALAD OIL. tw o supply of fresh Salad Oil, in urge and mail bottles and of different Wands oat rftetred and for eak Wit. DOCK, Js. & Gt) LIRE CRACKERS by the chest or box, j: just jecehrid and ibr side by NICHULS & AMMAN. ieruer Vont and Market mob, ID. ill .;ireas & Ca., W. GROSS & CO., WHOLEaSALE AND ti.K.TAD. DRU GGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET • HARRISBURG, PEIVIVA DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of Goode all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS OILEMICALS & PAINTS. Ott., varnishes and Glues, Gye-Stuirs, Glass and Patty, Artist Colons and Tools, Pure Ground Spiess dimming Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Ode, Battlos, Vials and Lady Globes, Gastide Soap, Sponges and Gorki; me., die., &c.,, Sc., die., due., Ate With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Pe tamers of Europe and the country. Being very kilt t deali.ra in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S. BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, CtOLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL SINEW, We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cone dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH I I JON it' S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PiNTI4.3NT MEDICINES AND 11 &1R RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Oonoentrated Lye Wholesale ke;ents for Saponifier, which i we Se es low as it can ba purchased hi the cities. MAY EB'S ttISDICAL FLUID EXTB4kOTB GOAL Oil J CARBOA , OIL I Being large purchasers In these Oils, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Larnpm of the most improved patterns, very cheap. An kinds of lamps changed to burs Coal Oil. FAttmERS AND GRAZIERs, Those of you who have not given our WIWI AND 0,911.4.@ PONDIAIiii a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are 01 keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g )od condition. rhousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides, improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thaukfial tur tud liberel patronage bestows on our home, we hope by strict attention to badness, a careful eelection of PURE DEI74EI at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuant-0 of the favor of a discrim inating public. apl6-dly CIDER 111 VINEGAR!!! PURE cider vinegar, warranted, for sale low by NICHOLS k BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets. OLABET WINE !! WEare doeinglont a VERY SUPERIOR Lor at /anthem coot 198 WY. TOOL . Jr.. _OO COA.L oil and coal oil lamps, of all styles and sizes, for sale, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, au29 Corner .7.tent sod Market streets,. ILIUM Fresh liTound awl Whole dine; Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace, at NICEIOLS & BOWMAN'S: j 6 corner Front and Marketr gullets. P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S NA W SOAP. It Jo economical and highly detersive. It con. taws no Rosin and will not waste. It is warranted not to injure ale hands. It will Impart an agreeable odor, and is th'brefore suitable for every ParPese. 'For ale by WM. DOOR, Jr. & y Afar% and extensive assortment o f JUGlassware, includlng Tasteless, Goblets, Dishes Betas ; &o sud everythlns lor presesviog, st NICHOLS &-BOWILiN, ''met and %Intel s uns CIAUARA JELLY.— large molly iast 4,„,k reastnd bY WY. DOOR, Ja. aue. ltbital. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NNW RAMEDI FV , II R-HEIIMATIBI►!, NEW REMEDY, I CERTAIN REMEDY. J ACUTE RERMATIBISL CHRONIC RHEUMATISiI IHRUIL4II3II 08 Zrzitr FIND; HOW STUBBORN N o =nut gosr LoNc: PROPPLAIMINI WHAT IT HAS DONE, I WILL DO AGAIN. LIM MST TIISTOWNY EINST NEMIOAL strraolirrY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL [Fame Ovvical. ROSPITII. RIPORTtIA MAY 19, 1860,—Ellea 8., let. 28, single, never war very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rucitat& iism,from which she was confined to her bed for two week& and subseqently from arelapee fir four more. Ate hoe been well since then till last Saturday, while engaged in retie cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt Geld hot had no decided chill. Two days later her ankles be gas so swell, which was followed by swelling of the 'gum pinta and of the hands. Bhe has now dub pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right . is most so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, is It is now fashionably called rheumatic fever. It to & well remarked typical ease We will carefully watch ilk case, and from time to time call your attention to the vac Otis symptoms which present themselves. My enter objvci in bringing her before you now, is to call attention to c remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I mean propytanninc. Dr Awenarius, of ht. Petersburg, recommends it in tae highest terms, having derived great mutat from its use in 260 cases which came under his care. Various cori, mandatory testimonials respecting it have appureci our journals, and I propose therefore to give it anKtier trial. I most confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as spwade. but this comes to us recommended so niehly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYti LATEI3, 1 MAY 2; 1/360.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient :or wham I prescribed Propylamine, and was they lug under an attack ei acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken it In doses of three grains every two bourn linteruditing it at night.) The day after you saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than sue ex pected to be for a week or snore, Judging from her other Attack. (The patient now walked into the room.) lue mprovement has steadily progressed, and you mania nil to notice a marked change In the appearance 01 her )nts, which are new nearly all of their natural sue.— nur far our experiment would have seemed very au, manful t bat, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be. lure we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be We result. Here Is another patient who was placed egt the use same medicine on Sunday last ehe has long been suffering from o tironlc rheumatism, and I round tier at that time with an acute attack supervening upon tier chronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were math swollen and tense. She took the entente of Propyisr mine in three grain dams every two bourn, sod yun wui perceive that the ;wellies of the Mhos has akne.b. THREE DAYS LATER ! I MAT 26, MO.—This is She cue of st:lttt: la eatini with propylamine, the first of r ailed your [Mention at our last clinic. st.f ve , - comfortable, and is now taking three gram', lu chief case U. has seemed to be followed by very 'A. Istactory results. The second oise to wale° your anise lion was called at our hat lecture, has also commuted to do weir I will now bring before you 4 very Goers, • iatic case of acute rheumatism, and it the ros.llt e factory, I think, as good jurymen, wr sash justly our verdict in favor of propylamm He is a seaman, set. 26, who we. admitted a few dr. ;1 ego. Has had °emotional rheumatic paws, out cot so A to keep his bed, until eight days no. Tne pains of:gat in his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, t,e lator, the mints of the upper extremities. these faints are all swollen, tease a.no. tender. the tongue is furred his skin, at present dry, thought. there he. been meet, sweating. His pulse is fall and strong, and about 9e. He He has now used propylamine fbr twenty-tour hours. This gentleman is what may be called a e . ,..„1H.it1y typiem ease of acute rheumatism. There was uplink° to cold and wet, and this exposure Is followed by a feeling 9f Ooldneee,severe articular pain, beginning, as it Usually does, in ite lower joints. There is fever and the profus sweating, so generally atttendant on acute rheumatism / did net bring this patient benne you with the oven Hon of giving you %lecture en all the point& °outwitted with rheumatism, but to again eve a trial tae new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical cue, as I have called it, than when there 4:4 not be a fairer opportunity for testing the raetlic.i.. question. We are, therefore, avoiding the des Labor medicines, even anodynes, that titer. ..e Misgivings as to which WAS the efficient remedy f shall sie the case of a future clink Till RESULT. A FAVORABLE ViCRDICir Juane, 1800.—The nett of our convalea.:euu• case of acuterheumatism betore you et cur oiNie ,i 1 51, 6 , 2dth, which I then called a typical case, aa.,l wtmer, wAa remarked was a fair opportunity fir tentuk the worth at our new remedy, It was thereinto ate i Wen throe grain doses every two hears for four days . The patient has got along very nicely, and is now awe te *Mk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate toe .y mai have neves seen as severe a case of some rheu.nui ire. So soon restored to health as this man bite been, go.: without being prepared to decide posinve uy as to tti, de of the remedy we have used, I. feel bound to that In the eases In which we have tried the Chioriti! eroppatehie, the patients 118.V.3 regained their 11.:a it_ much earlier than mider tha treatment ordinarily fc., emit. I wish gentlemen, you would yourreives try 1: and report the reaulta 0011' a lull report al which the above tea euadv!ii, extract, see the Philadelphia Media& and surysew fe porter. It is the report after a fair trial by the be.. cal authority in thia Country, and makes it unnecosea• y to give numerous certificates from aetaniahed .Iweors and rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY COBS, AR EFFIICITHAL OGRE vHE SAILS Br.SOLT WHAT IT HAS DONE, & Crenshaw, a firm will known to MOIL Medi cal men, by whom the &fixlr Prosylamina ban been in. trodoced, have sold to us the exclusive right to manntae• tore it wording to the original recipe, end we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst angering hmunally. A WORD TO DOOTOBB. It you prefer to use the same entedy in another form we invite your attention to the Pau OsTeTALlen Mumma Paarywuna , Lou Paontriann Lem Pule Phormumm ClowczwritArsh, PORN lona oi Psornaran, of which we are the sole manuteotarere. eap-We claim co other virtue for the Klizir PropyAmin han is oontciued to Pure orystailsed Chloride of Prom • =MC THE SLUM& Eii AND MAY HE TAJIEs, *WORDING TO DIRECTIONS, EY ANY ONE. BY NVY4tY Grl, WHO HAEOUIEUMATIBM OF ANT HIND. bid in Ranisburg by es 76 OM. • DOM& , Orders may be addremeo to • raorriallizsz MANUFACTURING IX., thee, Room No. 4, S. W. Cor Peoria sad Chesnut streets, Puna&lpttla. ur to e:c...eE nr the following nelmi. Arcola BULLOCK & ORNNSHAW, RICHARW & C • JOHN M. MARL'? &CO, GEO. a WATHMELL k 1; , PE?HN T. W&BIOT & 00 .4.1412.11 & SMITH, Mar Maim oo WILL CONQUziriT WILL CORN IT DUOS ,R,s REAL, DOCTURS DOCrrtittit Ties DUCTOM lihoW IT. PATIENTS BilLiEvg TRIED AND TRIM IN EVERY CASII, WHENJEVEN WHENEVER TRIED IT Witt DU AGAIN MORE (X)NV 2:16,NT, 1.) ALW Yzi REAM /OR IIiMEDLiTB U:11,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers