pailg (Etitgr*. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, /to., to secure insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Friday Afternoon, October 10, 1862 Tis DRY SPELL ended to-day in what we may truly call seasonable weather, although the change may not be as pleasant as the at mosphere of yesterday. We want rough and bracing weather at this season. GERMAN REFORMED SYNOD. —The General Synod of the German Reformed church will meet in Cbambersburg on Wednesday, the 15th inst. This Synod numbers about one hundred and fifty clerical and lay members. BRANT War Guano, ATTENTION?—An ad journed meeting will be held this (Friday) eve ning at 7i o'clock, at the usual place, Brant's Hall. Every member is requested to be pres ent. E. J, JONES, Orderly. WCORMIOIC GUAM'S, ATTENTION I-A meeting of the company will be held at Wagner's Hotel, corner of Chesnut end Second streets, this eve ning, at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance of the members le requested. By order. A SPECIAL MEETING Will be held by the Young Men's Christian Association at their room this evenieg at 7i o'clock, and all members of the Association are requested to be present, as im portant business will be transacted. By order of the President. ..--............ MARKET STREET PROPERTY FOR SALL—We would call attention to the advertisement under the above beading. This is perhaps the only property on Market street that is for sale, or that could be bought at this time. The purchase of it would be a very desirable investment, either for business or residence. TAX ON BANK DlVlDENDS.—Commissioner Boutwell, in reference to the Excise Tax impo sed on Bank dividends, has decided that a bank declaring a dividend, say of 4 per cent., or $4 per share, must nut pay the whole of that sum to the stockholders, but is required to pay to each stockholder 4 per cent. less than his divi dend, or $3.88 per share only ; and to withhold the remaining twelve cents for the government. He states that the provisions of the law would not be complied with in such case simply by paying the $4 dividend to the stockholders, and three per cent. on the amount to the gov 4nment. I=l THE BRECKEI4BIDGE meeting held in Gettys burg on Friday evening last, was one charac teristic of that party. Miller, the candidate for Congress, had nothing to say against the rebels, but ail against the government and the abolitionists. Purdy was present, but the fellow was cut short in its speech, by the arri val of the night train.' There were not over one hundred Democrats present, excluding others. Three rousing cheers were given for the rebel Breckenridge during the meeting. This meet ing was a miserable failure. It disgusted some who would have voted the whole Breckenridge ticket, but who were cured by the lies and mis representations. SEMI-ANNUAL Maarisu.—The Homcepathic Medical Society of Chester, Delaware and Lan caster counties, held its eighth -semi-annual meeting in Lancaster city on Tuesday last. The following officers were elected for the en suing year : President, Dr. J. G. Stehman, Lan caster ; Vice President, Dr. William B. Fahnes tech, Lancaster ; Secretary, Dr. Joe. E. Jones, Chester ; Treasurer, Dr. R. C. Smedly, Chester. The meeting was well attended, and the live liest interest prevailed, being one of the best since the organization of the society. The next semi-annual meeting will be held in West Chester, on the second Tuesday in May next. Cnsrs.—This kind of coin,says a Philadelphia cotemporaiy, at one time was looked upon with disdain, and in many cases, parties who received large amounts had to sell them at a discount. At present cents are in demand and bring a good premium. Considering the large quantity coined at the Mint, it becomes an inteiesting question as to the whereabouts of the numerous cents which have been distributed by the Government. The Mint in Philadelphia coins daily from one to two thousand of them, all of which are distributed as soon as made ; but still they are scarce. It was thought that speculation in them could be prevented by giv ing only five dollars' worth to each applicant ; but the effort was a failure, as some persons employed a number of boys to wait their turn, and thus accumulate quite a pile, which can afterwards be sold at a premium. A large num ber of the cents made at present go out of the city, to fill orders received some time since. As the Government pays the cost of transporta tion, it is their interest to send them in large quantities ; therefore these orders are kept back until a sufficient number is received to justify the payment of the cost. =l:l=zi FATAL ACCIDENT. —On Saturday last an seri dent occurred on the river opposite Northum berland, resulting in the death of a young man named Theodore P. Barker. It appears, from what we can learn, that two brothers of the name of Barker, who bad been soldiers in M'Clellan's army, and wishing to come to their homes, at Candor, near Oswego, New York, had deserted, and somewhere along the canal procured passage on a boat toWilkesbarre. As the boat was crossing the river at Northum berland, another one was coming towards them, and Theodore cast off the line, but in so doing lost his balance, and fell between the boats, crushing his head almost to pieces. He was taken to a house near at hand, and died about six hours afterward. He leaves a wife and several children. The citizens made up a purse sufficient to defray the expenses of conveying the dead and living blether home. A MONSTER GuN.—We noticed a monster gun, on a double truck, at the railroad depot this morning, from the Port Pitt Works, Pittsburg. This is one of a number of guns which were lately cast at that establishment, and which are intended for the new Monitors now being constructed. We give the weight and dimen sions of the monster : 48 inches. 38 " 26i " Bore • - 14 " Length of gnn 13 ft. 7 " Weight of rough casting 68,000 lbs. Weight of finished gun 42,200 " Weight of solid shot 432 " Weight of ordinary shell 330 " The gun was taken on to Washington this afternoon. Maximum diameter, " ro ugh ... " finished.. Lames' limos Beane Soon:Tr.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs Dr. Bailey's, Market street, by 1071 o'clock. On Saturday, October 11—One pound of butter, eggs, and stewed onions Mrs. James Wheeler, Mrs. Hamilton Airicks, " Gov. Curtin, " J. C. Kunkel, " Sarni. Wilt, Miss Darindo Keifer, Miss Kate Franer, Mrs. Lathrop, Mrs. Martha Roumfort, " John Boyd, Miss E. R. Belly, " J. W. Simonton, Mrs. Richard Hummel, " W. R. DeWitt, " E. Brenizer, " M. J. Colder, " Geo. Buehler, " G. H. Small, " Jacob Haldeman, Miss M. Zollinger, The ladies named will serve On 2hursday, Friday and Saturday. TO VISIT DAMP. TO SIERVB AT TSB BOOM. Mrs. Jane Bryan, Miss Maggie Uhler, " David Eyster, " Mary Zinn, " S. D. Ingram, • Ladies will be supplied with onions, for stewing, at the room, on Friday morning be tween 9 and 11 o'clock. Any ladies who are not members of this Association and wish to become, will please send their names to Mrs. Cornyn. Mrs. E. H. CORNYN, Secretary Ex. Com -,•.__._ Tam LADIES NAMED will send to the Union Re lief Associatioa room, Dr. Bailey's, Market street, by 104. o'clock. Punctuality greatly desired : On Monday, Oct. 13 —. Home-made bread, spread; baked apples. Mrs. R. H. Adams, Miss Hoyer, " E. Cunkle, " Ellen McGee, " John Kinnard, " Jane Richardson, " AgnstusSayford, Mrs. Wm. Seibert, E. W. Seas, " Samuel Sloan, " Wm. H. H. Sieg, " Daniel Wilson, On Tuesday, Oct. 14-1 pair (or more if desired stewed chickens. Miss Julia P. Brooks, Mrs. Caroline Denning Lizzy Houser, " H. Criswell, Mrs. Robt. Lamberton, " L. Griffith, " Fry, " Samuel Holtman, " Mag. Dougherty, On Wednesday, Oct. 16-3 quarts of soup ; apples. Miss Mary Jones, Mrs. X. Miller, Mrs. J. Stewart, " Richard Nolen, " Sarah M.Sheasley, " Margaret Murray, " John Smith, " Joshua Royal, " Jane Swartz, " C. J. Reese, " John Shanklin, " Joseph Sayford. On Thursday, Oct. 16—A large baked riot pudding. Mrs. H. M. Graydon, Mrs. Thos. Mullin, " A. Hummel, " Mary Moity, " Henry Heudehew, es Sarah E. Mitchel, " Semi. J. Myres, " Jane Murphy, " John Martin, Miss Agnes Rowen, " S. E. Morsch, Mrs. Mary S. Beatty, On Friday, Oct. 17-1 pair of stewed chickens. Mrs. R. J. Ross, Mrs. E. M. Pollock, 4 , Dr. Miles, " Dr. J. Wiestling, " Dr. Nichols, " W. S. Wood, 44 Dr. Patterson, " Daniel Yoder, " Dr. Porter, " William P. Sieg. " John Murray, On Saturday, Oct. 18—Butter; eggs; peck of sweet potatoes. Mrs. J. J. Shoemaker, " Jane Wagner, 2' John Wallower, "‘ John T. Wilson, " Mrs. Woodall, " Samuel Wilt. Miss Rearnshart, " Mary tibia, Mrs. Jane Olsen, " Maria Nolen, " William Wykoff, " Jas. B. Thompson, TO VISIT TIM HOSPITALS. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Mrs. Eliza Bellman, Mrs. H. A. Thompson, " Kate Reilly, " E. 0. Mathews, " Hunt, Miss S. M. Rutherford, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Miss Hoffman and Miss Lousla Houser will wait at the reception room to receive prepared food, send back dishes, and see that those re turned in the afternoon are wiped dry by from to 11 o'clock A. IL., and a short time after dinner. Mrs. E. H. CORNYN. To the Afflicted. The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Weethoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. ReferenceS can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (aul3•dlm) MRS. L. BALL. Tan wonderful success which hasattended the use of my medicine, has induced me to say a word through the press in its behalf. My medi cines are prepared with great care, expressly for family use, and are admirably calculated to preserve health and remove disease. I can therefore recommend them with the greatest confidence, and am fully persuaded from past experience that they will give very general if not universal saliafaction. But-at the same time Ido not pretend to assert, that they are "cure alla." I have cured Gravel, Dropsey, Scrofula, and have regulated the female system. Reference can be had at any time with the persons, as they feel a delicacy in having their names• in the paper. MRS. LUCRETIA BALL. WM RAVI received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 76c. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White . cambrics, jaccimetts, nantucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest lot of embroidered French cambric brands ever brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. ladies' and gentle men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of c arpet . to be sold cheap. Kentucky Jeans, sattmetta and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and email wear. S. Lim:. Pennsylvania Mai eltgraph, iribay 'Afternoon, October 10, 1862. • A MODEL BEITABLBILIBET.—Among the many improvements lately made in our city, to which we can point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determination on the part of our business men, no longer to remain behind the •' light house," is the completion of Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Market and Fifth streets, which is alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. The building is not only one of the largest, devoted to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stook challenges competion.— Without going into detail, we may safely say that the firm keep on hand everything usually kept in a grocery store, (liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civil and accommodating, and have strict instructions under no circurru3tanoes what ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer. A general invitation is extended to the public to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase or not. I Saw Him n Naw YORIL—Good. morning, Annie. I saw cousin Charles at the depot as I came through Philadelphia from New York, and he just had time to tell me that it was im possible to procure the all wool shepherd plaid for the dress that you ordered, but said he had met Mr. C. L. Bowman, of the dry goods firm of Urich & Bowman, and handed your order to him, who would no doubt obtain what you want. Mr. Bowman will be at home on Satur day of this week, with a new stock of dry goods for fall and winter use. oct9-2t g I F the Old Wallower Line respect) ully k 5 informs the public tkvit this Old Cramp orta tiOu Line, (the only Wallow-r Line now in exist • non in this City,' I.liB in anceasstal operation, and prepared ,10 Carry Freight as low as any oilier individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Suntiory, Lewisuurg , Wil liamsport, Jersey Shore, Lock Hair , n and all other poiute on the Northern central, Philadelphia and •ie and Wd. Ilamwort and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. Agent. Harrisburg, Pa. _ (ioode sent to the Ware noose of Maser& Finance., Zell 14 r, mailman, No:. 808 and 810 Market Street ea eve Eirlith, Philadelphia, by 4 o'ciock, P. it, will arrive al liarrieburg, ready for delivery unit morning. apr3o-rdmyl B. IT. HARR/13, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO: 112 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. LI AS always on hand a full assortment of 'fin and Japanned Ware, Cooking and Parlor Stoves of the beat taanuracaurtes, tiutte• Spolltin4, KOOS jug and GaiVaidTed Iron amnia'', InanufsatareJ and pa t up at re53i,1310310 rates. Aar Repairing promptly attended to. apr3o-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH HAS removed hie Boot and Shoe Store from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET Next door to Hayue's Agriculture Stare, where he intends to keep all kinds of Hoots a"d Shoes, Gaiters, Sm., and a large stork of Trunks, and everything in his line of bu. sines ; and will be thankittl to receive the patronage id his old customers and the public in general at his new place of business. All kinds of work made to order bi the best style and by superior workmen. Repairing dme at short notice. [apriLdif] JOHN B. MOTH. " Wm. Jennings, " H. A. Kelker, A. C. 81d/Tll, A.TTOBNEY-AT-LAW, OFFIOE THIRD STREET, mylOy) NEAR MARKET. thiPlioVEMliWT LN DICNTISTHY. .1 It_ P. Li. A LLA B ACE!, burgeon 'Deu x." eel, ttauulacturerol talueral Philo Teeth, the only ..Abed that obviates every- objection to the one of are Octal teeth, embracing partial, half and whole sots Cl (ao piece only, of pure Bud 111d85111141410 81111115/111, there tire_, no crevices for the accmumulation of snail particles of iooe end therefore, co ofteaeive oder from the breath, es uo my tel ie used le their couotructiou, there can be no gal Swill action or metallic taste. Hence the Indio ideal Is net al toyed with sore tnrost, headache. acc. Ulli. c No. North riecend street, Harrisburg. oral 1. dig THEO. F. BCH.EFFER, BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. • ypyr Particular attention paid to Printing,. Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Manirests, Polk:leo, Checks, Draft, &c. Owns printed at $2, $3, $9, and •$6 per &mixed In elegant style. 120 SCHIEFFELIN BROTHRRS & CO , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per- Ibmery, Sic. Also agents for the sale 01 Relined Petroleum, Illuminating Oil, superior to any coal oil • furnished Many quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William Street, a27d6ml NEW YORE. PROF. ADOLPH P. THU PSER. WOULD respectfully inform hie old patrons and the public generally, that he will oontinue to give instrnettone on the PIANO FORTE, ME LoligoN VIOLIN and also In the Ilelolloo eI TROIWIRSE HMS I . de will w'th pleaanre wait upon male at Matt homes at any hour desired, or masons will be given a his ckvideneo, in Third str.v.. • lex doors below th Gorman 'Reformed Charon, deolli-d If FOR THE SOLDIERS. ANOTHER new assortment just opened at BERONER'd CHEAP BOOK STORO, consisting of WRITING CABER. Expressly manufactured•for the soldiers• PORT FOLIOS, - VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WAN T LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING CASES, POCKET INKSTANDS, PENS AND SOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assornent at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. Business garbs. DAN'L. A. MIIENGH, AGENT, Xto 'Avertiscmtuts POCKET INK STANDS' PENCILS, PENS AND WRITING MATERIALS OF EVERY VARIETY, SOLD AT REDUCED RATES. COAL 1 COAL 1 COAL I ripHE subsoriber is prepared to deliver to the CiIiZEMEI of Harrisburg, pure LUKENS VALLEY AND WILEESBABBE Coale, either by the car, boat load, or tangle ton, at the lowest market prices going. Order, left at my office, 4th and Market, will be punctually attended te. DAVID MoCORMIOK. Harrisburg, OW. seiKwiew Ntw ainurtistintuts PENNSYLVANIA, : In the Name and by the Authority Olt TEM COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G. CURTIN, Governor of the said Commonwealth, A PROCLAMATION. WII ERE AS , By the third section of the act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the twenty-second day of April, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, entitled "Ad Act to establish a Sinking Fund for the payment of the public debt," it is made the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Auditor General and State Treasurer,Commissioners of the Sink ing Fund, created by the said act of Assem bly, on the first Monday of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and on the same day annually thereafter, to report and certify to the Governor, the amount re ceived under the said act, the amount of inter est paid and the amount of the debt of the Commonwealth redeemed and held by them : Whereupon the Governor shall direct the certi ficates representing the same to be cancelled, and on such cancellation issue his Proclamation stating the fact and the extinguishment, and final discharge of so much of the principal of said debt. AND WHEREAS, By the ninety-eighth section of the act of the General Assembly, passed the nineteenth day of April, A. D. one thousand •ight hundred and fifty-three, entitled "An Act to provide fur the ordinary expenses of the government," etc., it is provided that there after the receipts to the Sinking Fund to the amount that may be necessary to cancel the re lief issues now in circulation under the provis ions of the act of the fourth of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the ' re-issues under the act of the tenth of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty- I nine, shall be applied toward the cancellation of said issues. AND Wneases, Eli Slifer, Thomas E. Cochran and Henry D. Moore, ex-officio Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, in obedience to the re quirments of law, report and certify to me, that the debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, redeemed and held by them from the first day of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, to the first day of Sep tember, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, amounts to the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty-two Thousand Eight Hundred and One Dollars and Sixty-seven Cents—made up as follows Four and one half per cent. loan of the Commonwealth Five per cent. loan of the Com monwealth 211,178 74 Interest certificates redeemed 370 41 Domestic creditors certificate 64 62 Relief notes cancelled 1,188 00 Total 262,801 67 Now Tnxaarons, as required by the third section of the act of Assembly aforesaid, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, declaring the payment, cancellation, extinguishment and final discharge of Two illundred and Sixty-two Thousand Eight Hundred and One Dollars and Sixty seven Cents of the principal of the debt of the Commonwealth, including one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight dollars of the relief issues, which have been cancelled and destroyed as authorized by the ninety-eighth section of the act of the nineteenth day of April, D. A. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this eighth day of Sep tember, in the year of ouLord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. BY Tall GOVERNOR. ELI SLIFER, Starderry qf the aentwontocalth eel-dawBw FgL=a OF SI SUBTONIC NUSSICRY, Eshould not be forgotten that this stablishment la still in successi u I opereatlon, and Can supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, -EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RIES, STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK RIES, &c., &c., &c., 81. c. of as good qualities audyarieties, and at;as reasonable prices as they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION of the nursery—adjoining the city—gives It advantages for transportation to all parts of the country, possessed by but few others. ler All articles, when desired, delivered free of charge, in any part of the city. au3Otf JACOB ifIBH. SALE -OP- ' VALUABLE PROPERTY. WILL be eold at Pablic sale, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1882, at the public house of Daniel Wagner, (old Seven Stare hotel,) the following properly, viz: A certain tract of land, of 12 acres and 16 rods, situated near the city line, in &ratans township, adjoin ing the Keystone Farm, land of Wm. Colder, land of Jacob Reel and the Middletown turnpike. Said land, (known as D. Rhoads' lime kilns,) is well cultivated, and contains two lime kilns in operation. The improvements are, a frame house with out-Windlass, two wells of good and sufficient water, and two lime kilns. also, 2d A. city lot lit Front street, between Washington avenue and Vine street, adjoining Wm. Zimmerman and Charles Bergban's estate, 62 min. and 6 am by 210 min. Thereupon is erected a good two story brink house, with the necessary outbuilding, ; also a tine garden in the best order. Sale to commence at 6 o'clock r. sr.,- when attendance will be given and terms made known by oct6•diw. J. L. METZGER. Mnringer's Patent Beef Tea• A SOLID Concentrkted Extract of Beef .and Vegetables, couvlittible immediately into a nourishing and delicious Soup or Beef Tea. Highly approved by a °limper of our Physicians who use it in our hospitals for the sustenance for our wounded. Memnon IfiCle.USß.—Out up one•fifth part of a cake of the extract, pour on boiling water, about a pint, more or lees, according to the strength desired. In a few minutes it will be entirely dissolved. This adudrable article condenses into a compact form, all the substantial and nutritive properties of large bulk of meat and vegetables. The readiness with which it dissolves into a rich and palatable soap or tea, which would require hours of prepatation, according to thertenal method, Is an advantage in many situaties orbit to ebviotos to need urging. Per sale by WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co. GLORIOUS NEWS. PICTURLS TAKEN AT REDUCED RATES /11HE undersigned has fitted up a new ± and splendid PHOTOGRAPH AND INBROTYPE GALLERY, In Third street, opposite the Patriot and Union office, where he will furnish his patrons with very superior pictures at reduced rates. Call and see for yourselves. sept2o dims A. S. BLACK, Artist FOR SALE. 3.OOOBUSHELS prime Yellow Corn 500 bushels barley malt, Bret quality. 200 bmstiela rye. 50 barrels whisky, first quality. Enquire of RIORARD HOGELAND, se2O-iltr Washington Avenue, Harrisburg. POUNDS Extra Prime Sugar 6.Q00 - &kid' Koine tor sale very low whoiosale or Tots by WM. DOCK JR. 111 00. co all lazes, patterns and prices, just rekwaNd odd for WO br •13 W. DOOM, Jr.,ps COI NtID 2ibtltritglMtlttili. COAL I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. APING lamed thz Coal Yard, foot of North street, lately occupied by o. D. rooter, am enabled to apply the public with* COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF 01..311.436.1%7 Oc La. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respectfully sollefteth—whloh, If left at the office, foot of North street, or at the ,office of Wm. Dock, Jr. a Co., will receive prompt attention. GILLARD DOCK. ./Y29 flyer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed their utamet to produce this best, most perlect purgative which is known toman. Innum erable proofs are shown that there Pius have virtues which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly np in the esteem of all men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful i to cure. heir penetrating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, remove the obstruetions or Its organs, purify the bloon, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs Into their natural action, and impart healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dan gerous diseates that hove baffled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effects they are at the same time, In diminished doses, the .at t est and best physic that can be employed for children. Being sugar coated, the are pleasant to take; and being purely veg stable, are free from any flak of harm. Cures have been made which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to eertity to the public the reliability of our remedies, while others have seat me the assurance a their conviction that our Preparations contribute Immensely to the relief of my afflicted, suffering fellow-men. The agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis our American Almanac, containing directions for the use and certificates of their cures, of the following com plaints : Coslivuess, Bilious Complaints, tiheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising from afoul stomach, Nau sea, Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Bowels and Pain Arian therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all Die eases which require an eracuant medicine. They also, by purifying the blood and stimulating the system, cure Many complaints which It would not be supplied they would reach, such as neatness, Partial Blindness, Neu ralgia and Nervotm Irritability, Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. $50,000 00 Do not be put off by humble Ved dealers with some Other pill they Blake more profit on. Ask for ATER'S Puss, and take nothing else. No other they can give you compares with this in its intrinsic value or curative powers. The sink want the beet aid there is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYlkt k CO., Lowell, Macs. and sold by Druggists everywhere. Price 25 cents per Box, orb boxes for $l. Sold by C. A. Ban .vurt, D. W. Grose& Co., C. K. Kel ler, J. 31. Lutz, Dr. Riley, F. Wyeth end dealers every where MOO OLLOUGH'S LEAD CO., N 0.64 DUANE STREET, KEEP constantly on hand the :ollowing articles: LEAD PIPE, SKEET LEA.I), BUCK SEIQ r, BAB LP. A 1), PIG LEAD, DROP SHOT, IitINNIR AND TUITINTIILATISI ; ~re 11 of which they car et the lowest prices. JOHN WISE'S Confectionery Sr, Fruit store THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEMONS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, And, vegetables of ail kinds, brought direct from th e Eastern Markets, twice a week,and purchased under my personal supervision, thus enaolidg me to sell. a better and cheaper article than any hi the market. Jar Orders from a distance attended to promptly, and roods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. FliKlll CANNED FRUITS constantly on hand. Give me a call. JOHN VIS.E. HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. THE Proprietors of the "PARISIAN CABINET OF WONDERS, ANATOMY and MEDI CINE" have determined regardless of expense, to Mane frie, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) FOUR of their most instructive and interesting Lectures on Mar riage and its Diegualiikations, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decline of Manhood, Indigestion, Weakness or De pression, Loss of energy and Vital Pewers, the Great So da! Evils, and those tialadies which result from youth ful Mlles, Excesses of Maturity, or Ignorance of Physi ology and Nature's Law, These invaluable Lectures have been the means of enllghtning and saving thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamp', by addressing SECRETARY PARISIAN Clamor or ANAIONI AND MIDWIFE, 168 Broadway, New York. jel9-dly LOTS FOR SALE. D J. HALDEMAN will sell lots on juo North street and Pennsylvania avenue. 10 those desiring to purchase. Apply corner Front and Walnut streets. jyBl•dtf LUBRICATING Oil for all . kinds of ma chinery, in convenient packages, for sale very low NICEIOLS 4. BOWMAN, • ' (*nor Front and Market Street. by jel9 FOR R ' T.—A house on South street between Second and Third. Enquire of MRS. SARAH MURRAY, 00r. 2d and Pine St. eept6 d2t Fel HE Up g egrove Lock Property, Canal 1 grocery and Rockville House, situated Bye miles above Harrisburg, is'now offered for sale. See edger gnawed In Weekly or apply to mliki_irjanlatlBo3 • r: E largest and most extensive assort meat of glues in the city Just received, and for ale very tow, by NIOIIOIA a sowicaN, sus Corner Front and Market streets. JUST RECEIVED. IA ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles el different styles of binding, 41,1 900, la 25 , ll::, SS, Si, $b and $lO. Also fooket latttes of MU went styles and priced at SOHMTERII bookstore. febls-y A ppLO, Oranges and Lemons, 4401 AL mum NEW YORK. Ntu) 2tituertistments. 141SUBANCE, Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, . Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE, COMPANY OF NORTH AMEBIC. OF PRILADKLPECIA, Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets sl,2® NO DIRECTORS. Arthur G Ckdlin, Samuel W. Jones, John A.!iirown. Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, John R. Nell Richard D. Wood, Wliltim welsh, William J E. Bowen,Janice N. Dickson, S. fortis Wale, John demon, George L. Rarrisop, Framer R. eitny, 101 ward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. 'COFFIN, President . CHARLES PLATT, Storeictry. • As central agent for the above name company, the undersigned' is prepared to take Fire risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania, either annually orlsarpet tinily, on the most favorable terms. Office Third street between Walnut and Strawberry alley, Bulte's row. WILLIAM. BUEBIEB,, jelO-dly Harrisburg, Pa. %fIGS, Dates Prunes, Raisins, and all abide of Huta, at Jon Stark Third and alnut.. S. WARD & CO. ROUTS FOR STEINWAY'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS• Princes Melodeons &c. VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, FIFES, AC CORDEONS, DRUM, AND MUSI CAL MERCHANDISE, of every kind. HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES' PORTRAIT FRAMES Large Pier and Mantle Mirrors. Photograph Frames and Albums, at the New Music Store of S WARD & CO. auSl4•dly 'to. 14 Market Sinus, near Yelix's CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNEXCELLED BY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRANDS OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! 11 18 MADE OF CHOICE MISSOURI WHITE WHEAT. sar Delivered any plane in the city, free of charge TERMS, Cash on delivery. JO° WM. DOCK, & TO CONSUMPTIVES, THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple rem.• dy, after baying suffered sovrral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, ilonsinm ptkin— Is anxious to make known to hie fellow-sufferers the means of care. To all who desire it, he will sent a copy of the per scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the Dame, which they will find a sure cure br Consumption, Asthma, bowline sc. The only object of the advertiser in sending the per scription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread informa tion which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Panics wishing the per,criptine will please address REV. KDWARD B. WILSON, Willlamsburgb, Ring's County, New York sept2o d&w3m SHOT AND BALLS. 100 TONS MINNIE BALLS OF ALL Goveroment sizes. ROUND BALL AND BUCK SHOT, A full supply constantly on hand, will be gold low, for This company claims no right to patent, and there fore sad at leas price, warrant their goods inferior to nano, Balls pasted In 100 lb. kegs in prime shipping order. ' MGIAILLOUGH'S LEAD septl6-1m 64 Duane Street, New York. CLASS FRUIT JARS!! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST I I CALL AND EXAMINE. WM DOCK, .1 &CO FRESH BUTTER AT MARKET PRIOR. wE, HAVING fitted up a large Refrig erator, and having made contracts with some of our most reliable fanners to furnish ns with fresh and west butter regular' will he enabled to supply oar ustomers with sweet fresh ice cold butter at all UM". my 29 WM. DOCK, Jr. & 00. STRAWBERRIES. PLA.NTS set out in favorable weather, (or if watered when dry,) in August, September or Oatober, will produces fair crop the next Summer, often enough to pay for the plants and p hinting, besides ensuring an abundant yield the following season. All the best varieties for sale at the Keystone Nur sery, Harrisburg. au29. tf CHEESE. AFEW Boxes good Cheese, the balance of a large consignment, are offered at an unusually low rate to closeout the lot. To retail dealers there will be an ind ucement offered. Each box sold will be guar anteed asrepreeented. Will. DOCK, JR., & CO. J7lB FLY PAPER. FANCY COLORED Pawl., ready cut, for covering Looking Glasses, Pidure Iltames, 80. Union and other new patterns for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE POCKET ROOKS, BUCKSKIN PI7RBB8 1 PORT MONA/EST And a general variety of Leather Goods, just received at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. THE - undersigned offers at Private - Sale that valuable tavern stand, (now manors by J, Stober,) sttuated in the village of progress, Dau phin county, Pa., on the Jonestown road, two mites and a half northeast of Harrisburg. This stand has an excellent run of custom. The buildings are entirely new and very substantial. a well of never failing water near the d.or together with a line earietyof fruit and ornamental trees. The prdperty will be sold cheap. • For terms &c., address JOHN Emma, Progress P.O. P. S. Good stabling attached to the premises. septa•dikrwew ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS.. ALL kinds of Second Hand Clothing, boots a nd aims, bought and sold at the Auction store, Second Street next to state Capital Bank. pig _ tola, bottle Imives and gam blankets, a Brat rate artil lery bridle and spurs tor an officer fbr sale, No. 86 Sea. and Street. W. BARB, Auctioneer. ardtkitr 2000 RIFLES FOR SALE AT LEMAN'S RIFLE WORKS, LANCASTER, PENN. PRICES FROM $7 60 to $lO 00 EACH'! address Address HENRY E. LEMAN, Lansaater, PA. BOLOGNA, • ASMALL, but very superior lot of Bologna sausage just received, by rer29 WM. DOM Jr. & Oa. SUGARS, white and brown, of all grades Or Side low, by NICHOLB k BOWMAN, septl2 Oorner Front and 'Market streets NEW mackerel, in halves, guar tars or kits, just received, and for nabs low ac utt - NICHOLI & ko COMO bora and Market Armin 1=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers