Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 01, 1862, Image 3

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vertisements, Business Notices, Mar
riages, Deaths, ac., to secure insertion
In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably
be accompanied with the CASH.
Advertisements ordered in the regu
lar Evening Edition are inserted In the
morning Edition without extra charge.
Wednesday Afternoon, October 1, 1862.
ARREST OF VAGRANTS. —Officer Fleck this
morning arreAtd four vagrants—three men
and one female—who werecomnsitted to prison.
the several wards of the city of Harrisburg, are
requested to meet at the Park House, at 7i
o'clock, P. M., on Monday, the 6th inst.
dtd. Prue MEYER, Chairman.
LOST Goons.—A large number of blankets,
quilts, and other articles of clothing used for
%nation has notified all citizens of the fact, and
a rush was made this morning for tickets. So
if you wish to be at this great jubilee, be on
hand in time ; and as Sanford has requested all
his patrons to have the ready quarters. We
make mention of the fact again, have your
quarter ready.
OYSTERS FOR THE SOLDIERS will be supplied to
any of the Hospitals in ihis city, if application
is made with a Surgeon's order, to our friend C.
Eby, on 2d above MillbAry st., on Friday and
Saturday, from 10 A. m. to 3 o'clock P. N. Mr.
Eby deserves great credit for this liberal offer,
and thu spirit in which it is made is in harmony
with the generosity which has always charac
terised the dealings of our friend Christopher.
The Surgeons of the different hospitals will of
course lake advantage of this offer.
MAJOR Jowl( ROBERTS, of the regular service,
has been authorized to recruit a battalion of
heavy artillery, for service at Fortress Monroe,
which will afford a splendid chance to all de
sirous of learning the duties of a soldier. Capt.
Geo. K. Bonen will open an office in this city
for the reception of recruits fur company C.
Due notice of the location of the office will be
given in our columns. Fur p irticulars of the
service, see Maj Roberts' advertisement in
another column.
the Department, are allowed to receive and
credit on the quota of the different localities,
volunteer recruits for nice months. This is
an important fact, and it will afford many COllll
- the opportunity to raise their quota before
the 16th of October, as such volunteers will be
received by the differetitCommitnioners through
out the State up t i that time. Some two thou
sand men, thus received, have already arrived
in Camp Curtin. It must be borne in mind
that these recruits can only be received by the
Commissioners of the Draft.
NOUCB forty members of the 127th
Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. W.
W. Jennings, air reported sick, and greatly in
need of delicacies. Persons having fliends
and relatives in this regiment, are hereby
uotithil that if they will send the articles
they wish to contribute to the residence of the
i.ubseriber, No. 6, South Front street, before
Frid.iy, October 3rd, they will be carefully
packed and forwarded immediately. r Whilst
cheerfully miniAering to the wants tif siitrunded
,deph mart'
" Joseph Black, " N. Brown,
" M. Bark.., " Dr. Bailey.
On Friday, October 3—One pair of staved chickens.
Mrs. Gen. W. Buehler, Mrs. E. Byers,
" Elizabeth Cook, " J. M. Beller,
" Frazer, " Wm. Kirby,
Miss Parker, " Andrew Black,
Mrs. Wm. Colder, " James Colder,
" John Cox, `. E li. Cornyn,
" Joseph Curzon, "W. Cathcart,
uCharles Carson, " Wells Coverly,
Dr Charlton, Miss M. Cunkle,
" Wm. Dock, Mrs. T. H. Robinson.
On Saturday, October 4—One pound of butt er , eggs,
cooked tomatoes:
Mrs. D. Dougherty, Mrs. Elizabeth Fox,
"J D. Cameron, " John Frazer,
" Margaret Elder, Miss Sybil Fahuestock,
" Chris. Duman, Mrs. David Fleming,
Miss Mary Eppley, " R. J. Fleming,
Mrs. M. H. Espy, " Mont. Forster,
" Dr. Fager, " Maria Groff,
" Geo. Felix , " J. A. Garretson,
" Wm. Foltz, " Gillard,
" Gen. Forster, " Levi Grey.
The ladies named will serve
On 2huraday, Friday and Saturday:
Yrs. Samuel Wilt,
I Comm
" N. Brown,
MIAS Fannie Smith,
A. Shoemaker.
Mrs. E. H. CORNYN,
'Secretary Commzuex Gtr
Nan Marfisenunts
Ares, S Lee, E
Adams, If E Lentz, S
Adams, J Lloy, A S
Bettis, K Louden S
Bauchman, H Loy, J
Becker, S Lions, A S
Benson, M C McClintock, H
Berkey, Id McClure, kt
Barkstresser, Ild McCoy, S B
Bernick, S McKeany, S J
Beaty, 111 A McLaimens, A E '
Bentley, J McAllister, Id
Blotter, C McWilliams, E M
Black, K McCollough, kl
Bissinger, E McNeal, Mrs.
Billmyers, E McAllister, T.
Baum, C A L Miller, M A C
Books, H Mater, Id
Barnes, E V Matchett, R A
Bonsill, A Martin, P
Miller, Id A
Mayter, E
Mason, E K
2 Maes, A.
Madden, N H
t Miller, A
Henley, E
J ldadlem, S
Melon, S
Morton, L
Nouns, H
Molson, J
Mollz, C
Morley, H
Myers, S
Murphy, S
Murray, A
Id Nichelson, P
Nunuemaker, E
Nisley, E
Nelson, S C
Parsons. M A
Fennel, Id E
Poalton, E
Potts, H
Devire, K Pople, C
Deal, J A Pugh, A E
DeSanno, E 2 Quinlin,
Diggs, 31 Regan, A
Dixon, E 2 Rolison, J A
Doore, Id 2 Rets, S
Daugherty, B Rhule, Id A
DeVauls ' S Reese, M
Dunbar, A kr Reese, R A
Dechert, H Rai tzel, B A
Ebersole, Mrs Rees, S A
Ebersole, S Riddlebouce, A
Eby, 11 Riddle, S
Elser, hi 2 Riegle, E D
Ellir.ger, AI Reiley, E L
Ensinger, 141 Rohrer, E
Elder, R 0 Russel, M 2
Elbott, M. Roberson, J
Eager, L Santo, Id 2
Epler, M. E Schoffield, S
Eppley, S A Scott, S
Eyester, W C 2 Schack, Id K
Etter, kr Scieradley, L
Faucet, S A Schick, E M
Fries, J 2 Saddler, II
Forney, L Shaugnessy, A
Foster, S E Sholl, S
Fox, M Shultz, S
Fries, I Shafer, A
Freese, M S Saline, K
Freese, S Shettle, R R
Fry, R Shultz, E
Gensler, S 2 Sbaner, M.
Givler, hi Snipe, A.
Garman, if Seely, Id
Garman, B Simons, L
Garet, K C Snow, Id
Gilbert H Smith, L
Garverich, P A Smith, H
Garverich, A Snyder, C
Gries, H Snider ' R R
Grove, lid E Smyth, C
Good, C Siders, Id
Grove, S Sonsler, M.
Hamill, E Souder, E
Hambrain, C S Swope, A
Harris, E Spam, Mrs
Herten, DI A Sturgeon, T
Hackleman, I& Sultzbock, S
Harman, B Stebbins, C
Harman, R Strominger, A
Herr, E Stoner, C
Heiney, H Shattick, C
Heffens, A E Ting, II
Henry or Hinson, 0 Trout, T
Hertes, A Vandiver, Ild
Hornimig, S Van Reed, K J
Homer, Id A Waite, A lli
Horning, E Warden, E J
Hoyler, Mrs. Waugel, ti
Hummel', M 2 Warton, E J
Hunter, W D Welsh, A
Ivans, H Wagner, A E
Jury, K Warford, Z
Johnson, B Walsh, A L
Jones, B Wenrich, JE t
Kern,R Wentze, S
S White,
0 Weaver, 111
H Weiler, A
S. Wilso- u
I', .1 , ilson, S
, S William, A E
M E Wilkshemer, S
r, H A Williams, B M
A Wingert, P J
K Wiest, M A
n, E A Yensler, S 8
L Yake, C
it, J Bilger, S
, J Bowyer, W H
, J 3 Boeshore, B
B F Bowman, B F
J Bowser, W
rs, A Bohl, W if
r Brooke, Capt C H
:eid, J T Bruner, Lieut C
. R Brenner, J
Apdyck, J M Brown,W
Ashton, E D Brookis, J H
Anderson, R C Bradbury, S
Anlenback, J Bower, D
Allen,W G Brook, H T
Battes), F Brown, J 8
Barker, M. Binaker, R
Bangle, J Brown, W H
Barge, C Broomall, C
Baskin, R 2 Brenner, F
Barley, P Brownlee, J
Barnhart, M Bright, W H
Baird, W M Brook, F
Barnette, II Brooks, J R
Earner, E Buck, C J
Backenstos, D • Burk E T
Bally, C D Barns, J
Baum, H Bunting, J S
Bailie, A' D Byrer, H J
Bavaird, A Baokby, J 2
Bell, T Byers, D
Beam, W Barkat, Lieut. C
Beatty, E Burnes, G
Black, T J Cannon, J
Bliss, F F Carver, W
Blessing, J S Cassel, D E
Bidwell, G Cardwell, A
Blanchard, W T Cantu, J ft
Biddle, Col C J Churchill, AB
Bingaman, Lieut J P Carr, T B
Bickel, A L Carmer, W H -
Bildiely, W (BOX, J
Eirlmun, 41) 8 Caldwell, W C • 2
r, T. 6 .- Case, Rev. W
, LielitJ'r ' Ounpbell, H
~ ... -
riennogluania !Daily Celegrapk, itlaneotrap Afternoon, October 1, 1862.
Canders, J Hobbs,B
Crouch, D 0 Honnaons, J H
Carrier. A A . Homing, A W
Clayborn, Capt. J W Howe, B
Clark, Capt. H Houser, H
Cleaver, J R Harris, J
Cline, D B Howard, T
Clymer, H Homer, 0 W
Clearwater, 0 Houghtating, J F
Conrad, J Hooker, Sr. 0
Cotten, 0 F Hopkins, A F
Condrom, J Hutchinson, Lieut. J B
Cooper, C B Hutchinson, Capt. D W
Cole, Capt. J Hunt, T B
Correy, J It Hunaicker, J R
Connolly, W Hunger, S
Crofferd, J T Hughes, M 0
Coffin C 0 Hume, R S
Cosgrove, P Hutchinson, D
Cooper, 3 W Jack, L 2
Colegrove, H L Johnson, G
Cousin, W Jackson, J Y
Cornman, W Johnson, Capt J 1
Colehorner, 0 Jenkins, 0 W
Conway, P Jones, J W
Crandell, H Johnson, F
(framer, A B James, J B
Crosby, Lieut. F B James, 0
Crossland, 0 Johnston, J
Curtin, J C Junkins, J
I Curby, W Jackson, Lient W S
1 Cregar, B N Johnson, W
Cummings, J J Jones, JB
Crum, W Johnson, B
Crist, H Johnston, S H
Chiappa, L Keinne, A J
Davis, F W Kiser, J
Debeck, E Kershaw, 3 4
De Trehn, W Kimmel', 0
Darling, T S Keoedy, R
Davis, T R Kane, J L 2
Devine, W P Kelley, J
Dean, J 2 Kistler, D L
Dehn, ET F Keel, J •
Miller, J Kaiser, D
Davis, Col E W Kanorse, J
Derstine, J Kister, J
Deleney, M Kern, R W
Dean, G T Kulp, J T
Deiker, J P Knox, J C
Detweiler, B H Kime, F
Daigart, JS Kuesthard, 0
Dusenberry, S Kohler, J
Doudes, D Kreider,A
Dugan, M Kulp,
Dodson, F B King, I
Davies, Jr, Capt W Kindig, F&I
Doman, 0 N Knight, W C
Douten, I Kittle, W
Dungan, B B Kirwan, E
Duffy, Id 2 Kimmerer, D C
Dunn, D Kreamer ' J
Dunn, J J Letcher, A
Doane, E Lacey, J C
Downs, R F Levis, J C 3
Donahower, J Lee, R H
Dunn, F A Lewis, W
Doerr, A Lee, R
Dotson, N Lancaster, J L
Dowling, J 2 Landis, Il
Dotys, D Levering, J H
Emanuel, D Little,Lieut J
J Leisac, SS
Eisenhower, N If Leidecker, A
Ehler, H Lowry, P
Eadenbaugb, D Ley, S Id
Earl, J B Lewi, D
Ennis, A F Laning, J T
Elder, J Letcher, A
English, 0 W Leech, A
Ennis, H Lathrop, T R
Eichman, W Lindley, C
Ewing, S Livingston, H F
Ewing, J B Leeser, Sr. J
Evans, It 111 Long, G II
Fellabaum, I Logee, H F
Fitzsimmons, T Loughry, R S 2
Ferguson, J C 2 Lord, Col
Fackler, S • Lukens, F
Fagan, I Lukens, A N
Ferrell, It 2 Lynn, J J .
Ftsber. D Logan, W P
Faunce, G McClure, J
Faseler, R McCo .k, Lient R 8 2
Fisher, A McKee, B W
Fite, J B McMillan, S
Franklin, Capt E McKnight, Col A A
Fleming, F A McKee,Capt J A r .
Frank, J F McCachran, W
Frick, OS McDonald, J B
Franklin, T J McCauley, J H
Fudge, E L McClure, D K
Fulton, R A McKean, T
Fry, CII McCullough, J , •
Fadyen, W McFarlane, J
Fruchlig, J McCormick, W
Fruit, E McLain, C S
Fralie, J McAfee, J B •
Fenster, W McWilliams, J M
Gilbert, H S McDivitt, Lieut.
Goslin, L McCabe, J
George, N S Major, H
Gibson, M B Meads, F 2
Geiser, Capt. W Meeker, Lieut E
Garman ' J Mellow, J B
Gorton, C A Maitland, T Id or WB
Garzware '
BE Markel', T M.
Gamill, A Mayland, R J
Galbraith, W B Mead, D ••
Greer, J Martin, A B
Glenn, T C Martin, J K. 2
Gosline, W H Mahoney, J
Goodwin, E Mathews, C H
Graham, N H Mattsbarger, L
Graham, J AI Mason, C El
Griffith, C C Haycock, J
Griswold, S S ldehany, W J
Graham, A Mateer, E
Granelio, W Mark, K
Gray, J Madden ' L A
Green, G W Merrill, Maj G
Gessler, E Marx, C
Glummer, A C Mao:arta:ley, F A
Hall, C Mackin, P ,
Hagan, B Mahori, J
Hauck, J Mann, R. M
Hante, E Miller, Capt E S
Haldemans, Lieut 0 WMiller, Lieut J M.
Hall, E P Miller, D
Holton, F Miller, 0 H
Hare, H Milton, J W
Halsey, W Milner, G D
Hall, W Mifflin J E
Ham, W H Miller, W
Hale, J C 11411er, J
Haak, A Miler, G W
Hopper, Lieut: A 0 2 Mkthim, W H
Hulett, J Millman, H C
Heisey, J . W Miller, J
Helmer, W Mortimer, W S
Hacker, A Morrison, J
Hasa, G A Montgomery, 3
Hayne, D Morrison, A L
Harrison, B Moder, J
Habn, G Moore, II
Halbert, Lieut. W D Mondorff, J
Rapper. Lient A G Moyer,. 11 C
Hartz, Capt. J L.
Molly, J '
Harkerson, B Meffert, B '
Heys, P Moody, W W
Hirstberg, S Moore, W
Hess, G Moore, F
Heillmer, A E Moore, J B 8
Heisler, Capt. J J Morris, T G
Healer, C If Moore, J W
Heim, J J Morrison, W T •
Henderson. Capt. Morland, H
Henry, J C. Morton, 0 0
Redden, N B Moody, W
Hill, B F Mowry, P II
Bible D Moore, T T
Hinki;on, H If Munyon, D H
Himmilrich, J Murray , G B
Herr J 8r N Myers, Col J C - f
Horton, Dr. G F 2 Mulberry, J
Hoke, P Musser ' 1
Horstick, J E - Musser, Capt A
Hornish, W Murray, 0 F
Mom Capt. J J Mullen J A
Hovllages, J W Mullen, W C
New 2thvertisenetuta
New Zbverfistitiento.
Nicholson, I Smith, D W
Newkirk, S Snyder, 111
Nevilfe, P Shaffer, 0 P
Norm, B F 2 Sillyman, A S 2
Nace, lon
Smith, Capt. G E
Newbold, T B 1 Smith, L C 2
Nisley, El R Smith, R H
Nesbitt, R Smyth, Lieut. lil J
Norman, Adjt W B 2 Smith, J H
Nesbit, W L Smith, W G
Nyce. 0 W 0 Smith, R
Nesbit, D B Snyder & Benzer,
Neuensen, N Snowden, Lieut. J RI
Neely, J M. Sides, Dr. B F
Offendinger, F Siegrist W B
Over, A B 2 Smith, F
Owens, J Smith, H E
Ormsby, J W Snowden, J
Overcashe, M . &were, E A
Olmes, A Sober, A
Oswalt; S Sperier, S H
Orr, J B Sober, D
Pfieffer, C Sommerville, G
Pfile, W Stinson, J
Pass, G Wjr . Straw, Lieut. C
Patton, Capt. B S Stokes, C N
Painter, J Sturgis, L D
Peters, C P Seville, J E
Perrin, J Steel, B P
Phillips, El W Stauffer, E B
Peltier, El Stanton,
Palmer, W F sYPe, P
Peterson, J R Slrock, S
Parker J Stevenson, C E
Parsons, Capt. H Stanton, J J
Pettis, S N Stiles, Capt. K H
Parker, A B Sartain, W
'Parker, C W Studebaker, 3
Patton. S D Sullivan, Lieut. F
Parks, W H H Stahl, L
Patton, S Starett, T
Pent; J Sweny, J
Perry, D Stone, 1'
Pipes, S Stokes, T D
Pierce, H Stewart, W
Plank, J Stekle, M
Potts, II V Stewart, R R
Potter, Gen. J Stone, J L
Potts, W S Starks, R B
P. ttsberger, W Thensown, J
Potz, A W Taylor, E L
Potteiger, Dr. J B Taylor, Dr. W
Parr, J Taylor, J E 2
Porter, T B Tresouthick, Lt. S 11 2
Pommeroy, Gen. T G Thomas, J W
Prescett & Co U Thomas, 8.1
Price, W R Terabery, G W
Price, H Thompson, J G
Prescott, Lient. H Thayer, Gen. L W
Purse, J R Toyer, J
Pugh, S C Trowel, J
Ream, W Townley, T J
Rhadier, L Titlon, J ,
Reabuck, J Tinsiman, S
Reynolds. J W Torrence, Rev. J II
Rhodes, F Utley, Adj. T Id
Remy, G II Urban, J B
R,ed, W H Uphan, W A
Reed, T Vincent, J P
Reigart, A Vieliuger, L
Ramsey, W A Volck, S
Redman ' J Vertz, J S
Richard L Di Vickers, T L
Ritchie, R Tench, J S
Rihl, H Vanbneren, S E
Risk, W H Vastin, J
Rinebarger, H T Vern, L 2
Rittenhouse, Lt. L W 2Watts, J T
Riddle, Dr. J W Warner, H
Riegel, Lient J Walker, B
Rouse, W S Wagner, W
Royer, 0 T Wagner, S
Renolds, W H Watson, E
Robertsen, J C Wallace, J
Raysor, J H Warren, S S
Robbins, C H Wagoner, J 11 2
Rodgen, Capt A Wagner, J
Royer, D Wallis, J
Rodgers, J Warner, C H
Rogers, 8 W Walton, J 111
Roes, W H Waddell, W
Robinson, J Wallace, J
Runk, P Witz, G
Rushton, J S Weaver, G
Hoop, F Wells, J.
Roesen, Dr Wells, I
Roberts, J Walls, C
Roush, J West, B 2
Ross, J ki White, Maj H
Rogers, F Wentze, 8
Royer Dr L Wells,C AI
Romich, J Wenrich, J
Scott, Major hi Weed, Lieut H A
Schultz, L White, Col P S
Schmitt, G Welsh, B E
SatterfLild, E D Weidansol, H
Scott, H A . Weavadore, F
Satter, Capt I D Winton, A H
Save, D Williston, J S
Schollenberger, W E Williams, W H
Schmidt, J Wilson, 11H
Sherwood, J 2 Willard, D
Shannon, 0 2 Wilson, C D
Shafer, P A Wiltbaud, W W 2
Sharp, S 2 Witney, Capt D E
Snyeder, L Winand, W
Shoeinaker, T W Wise, S
Shoop, W Wise, A J
Shell,,,J H Wilburn, J C
Shame; P C 'Winports, D -
Schafuer, Rev'd J Whildy, E
Shultz, Jos W Weist, J
Seal, Lieut W T Wilder, J K
Shoop, H Witmer, J S
Selby, L Wilt, J
Shanebrougb, H Wilson, E
Shannon, J Williams, R D
Straus, B Wimer, H
Stentz, H Williams, A a
Shank, Lient G Williams, H. .
Shearer, J Woodburn, p
Schaffer, H ,13rood ward, J ' S
Shryock, J R J.." — Wolferd, J
:Shingle; E J ii- .. Wood, W J
:Sheets, J . H •-• Wolf, J
Shannon, A W . Wenderly, Capt J H
Sabath, 3 Wright, H B
Smith, J Wright, H
Smith, W C 2 Wright, kt .
Snyder, D 111 Young, D
Smith, W Yoder, D
Sines% E
Armstrong, 0 Boaaface, A.
Anderson, ll Baxter, J W
Auld, J M 2 Beers, SJ L •
Applebaugh, W F. Barrer, G
Alexander, G 2 Bryden, TT B
Alwerth, J . Brady, J
Armstrond, J - Beebe, H D
Amide'', F B Beckwith, S B
Airey, J Byle, W
Avery, C Barmay, J
,Andiews, C G Barnum, B
Bartleson, S Burr, E J
Barnes, G A Burgess, F E
Baughman, G Bible, W
Bower, D Barker, B 8
Braille; J B Brown, L I
Bumpus, E Boyer, C B
Omagh, A Burnham, W
.Burns, J . A ' Baker, L
Burns, J W Carbston, J
Barber, C H Crocker, G W
Burroughs, J L 2 Cameron, J C
Barben, J M 2 Coonrodt, D H
Batty, J . Crawford, J
Burley, L Cunningham, D J
Bigler, S H Croyle, J
Brobet, J 2 Crone, J .
Best, A A Clark, J
Birown, C C- Clark,
Blvens, J Callighan, a
Birnets, J 3 . Crowl, J A
Blattantxrger,,LL, Culver, J . Z
Bters, N , Craroford, B F
Buell, H 2 Carver, W ,
434,u, a N • Cidiiidlider, W
.•, . • W . Clerk, J W
'' . er, H' - - Curry, J B
Nur 2tbvertistments
Cranmer, H
Carman, J T
Curran, T
Caldwell, D
Crommer, H
Chubick, J
Cook, H
Callaghan, J H
Clausen, 0 J
Dunkle, B F
Davidson, R G
Derers, E
Davis, W T
Davidson, J
Davidson, G N
Dougal, W
Dennison, J J
Delcump, W
Dickson, W
Devarl, G
Dale, C
Detwiler, B H
Douglass, J W
Drummond, R
Davidson, J R
Darling, B F
Deavers, E
Dolph, J
Davis, H W
Dilley, C
Davis, D
Davis, B
Eshleman, J B
Ekert, W J
Edwards, S P
Edmonds, J B
Eberhart, W
Ervin, S W
Evans, H
Everitt, F
Erille, D
Frederick, W H
Fowlke, J
Frays, D
Fingt r, W
Farner, T
Freer, A H
Friedline, J
Farnham, S
Fowery, S E
Fox, J
Furman, G S
Finckrod, C
Frantz, P
Felt, J
Fetzer X
Freesyt, H F
Fletcher, W
Fisher, H 0
Furness, H H
Foster, F H
Ford, W R
Foster, R
eirrison, C H
Glennan, E
Gross, E P
Groul, W
Gilfillan, R A
Glenn, T C
Gray, J D
Graham, J W
Groble, R
Grover, A E
Goodrich, A E
Goldin, W C
Gardner, J H
Grigge, W
Gates, E
Guyer, G
Garid, P
Gray, W H
Haugh, N
Hurst, E
Hughes, R H
Yours, S
Liamersley, H P
Hartman, A
Housler, F
Humphrey, T H
Herbert, J
Holman, - W
Haff'y, B
Haas, J
Hancock, J K
Hennirry, W A
Harding, A A
Huwer, J B
Hastings, J
Haris ' B
Hill, N S
Hinton, C
Horner, H
Hartman, H C
Redden, N B
Hamilton, A
says, C W
Hosie, J
Hammer, J D
Hass, S S
Horce, J W
Hanes, G
Housler, F
Hartman, J
Henry, D
Harpeter, W;
Hewitt, J H
House, J
Heindrich, C
Housel, W P
Hindd, J
Hunter, F J
Hagan, W
Howitt, J W
Huber, M. X
Heck, S
Henry J
Imlay, N S.
Johnson, J
Jack, L
Johnston, 8C
James, E
Jones, J.R .
JacoW.; - j G 2
Jaglkn, RS
/Deep a
Bite; E
Kinnan, R 2
Kisne, A
Keenan, X 2
Keeney, B
Kenady, W
Keeler, J
Keim, A
Kepperling, J
Krets, H
Karns, A
Kope, W W
Lowry, S
Loyster, J
Larne, W A b h
Lore, F
Leiby, H
Leimbach, G A
Little, B
Larimer, C
Lytle, W
, ng, G 0
amor, E F
Leitzell, H L
Little, H
Lytle, W
McGuire, W
HcCumbes, C
MCM altey, P
Mcltlichel, T
McLaughlin, W
Malaga, J
McCooly, D
McMunn, R H
Mcßride, S
McLeod, T
Miller, R J
Miller, S
Milner, G D
Mnthhart, L
Morningstar, H C
Mabee, A
Merrell, J
Miller, J
Moriaion, J
Milner, G D
Merrill, L
Millerson, j
Minnich, T J
Milon, i;
3 Moore, A C
Marchand, S
Mader, C E
Mager, A 0_,„%,
MairW .
Ma4haon; 0
Waif I 2
2 Parks, T
Pedditt, A
Potter, J W
Powers, J H
Purch, W A C
Patton, J W
Parson, W J
Place, J H
Price, E
Phillips, J
Ralston, J W
Rankin, J K M
Rodabaugh, G
Ruapp, J
Reynolds, S
Reynolds, J T
Reeves, S C
Robbins, C P
Roberts, W
Remick, J
Rosman, J
Roaland, H
Robinson, D
Rose, G
Richards. J
Rapine, W
Rom ' J
Reed, T
Robinson, J T 2
Roberts, H
Rom, P
Reigart, W H
Russiton, T
Russell, W
Robbe, L
Shoekley, A
Smith, S
Suiurr, R
Snouffer, G A
Bidder, D
Speraw, H
Sunderland, J
Shannon, S
Spiglemyer, H H
Smith, F
Stewart, W H
Schumer, D..
Somerville, C
Sample, W
Smith, G
Shaffer; WE
Shirk, R
Stone, Y A
Sbellenberger, G A.
Smith, J
Shoemaker, J
Thompson, C B
Urbane, B F
Vaudling, A D -
Vendee, H 8 3
Will, A
Weaver, G H
Whaley, C H
Wright, F 2
Wimmer, J A
Wineland, J L
Winn, T
Wilcox, 0 T
Wayne, W
Weeks, C A
Weidensaul, E B
Wilson, G
West, E
Wallace, J M
Weaver, J
Waterman, J V 2
Weast, L
Willimns, B D
Welsh, T W
Wingert, J
Wituar, J
Nttn ibutrtisentents.
Wier, T
Weaver, Xi
Winton, W
Wolf, S S
Walters, J
Wiley, J A
Watson, W
Wire, .1
West, L
Wilson Capt.
Wickersham, E T
Weikel, H i
Young, 9
Young, J B
Young, A A
Yeoman, J V
Awker, H Lanick, H
Beckwith, G W Lynch, F F
Collins, 8 C MoHaham, D E
Cavanaugh, J McKenney, J .
Dougherty, J Morgan, F F
Hammond, H J Mulligan, P
Harrison, W H Moore, J
Hartmann, C Neyer, M
Hawsworth, G H Nearkoof, J
Herwig, A Newton, W A
Haettle, J R Spats, J
Kemp, G Wollman, J
Kerlin, J A
Persons calling for any of the above letters
will please say they are advertised. One cent
due on each.
tism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver and
Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases
arising front impurity of the blood, that she is
prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German
Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates.
I have also on hand a quantity of invabibble
Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and
References can be furnished as to their wo •
derful efficacy, whenever called upon. Th., _
need be no apprehension in regard to my com
petency in administering it, as I have had it
on hand for the past six years. As tbey are
now sold at reduced prices, no family should be
without them over night. They can beltod at
any time at my residence, in Pine street, be
tween Second and Front,
Anl3 dlm
Mas. BALL :—I take this method of testifying'
to the efficacy of your valuable medicine. My
child had Convulsion of the Bowels, and I heard
of your curing children of that disease: I then
gave it a trial, and my child was restored to.
health. When I commenced to use it my child"'
was three weeks old. I then used your Infant
Cordial until my child was six months old, and
my husband and 1 believe that your medicine
was the insane of saving our child's ;ifs. I live
two miles below the city.
Wi nsva received a large assortment of hoop
skirts, from 76c. op to $2 60. A large assort
ment of linen and needlework collars, and col
lays and sleeves, at all prices. White cambric*,
jacconetts, nautucks, brilliants, and plain and
figured Swiss muslin, at all prices. The finest
lot of embroidered French elmbric brands ever
brought to Harrisburg—of infant's waists we
keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle:
men's linen pocket handkerchiefs, ladies' stock
ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's
stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty
pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky
jeans, eattinetts and oassimeres fur men and
boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders,
at prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs,
with borders, and a great many other notions
and small wear. S. LIMY.
TN pormance of an Order of the
O phans' Court or Dauphin county, will be =posed
On Saturday, the 4th Day of 0ct.,.. 1862.
on the premiset,
of all ,Jzes; all of which they cffer at the lowan prices.
4 .Y. SOILS.—The undersigned Assessor of taxes,
under the act approved July 1, 1862, entitled,.
" An act to provide internal revenue tosupport
the' Government, and to pay interest on the
publie debt, for the fourteenth collection die-
Wet, has appointed the following as his mil. *4
tants, viz :
No. 1. Dauphin county—Benjtnin F. - Litt,
dig, Middletown P. 0.
No. 2. Dauphin county--Wiliam a Oaidow,
Harrisixirg, P. O.
No. 3. Northumberland county—Jacob Seas
halts, Banbury P. 0. e
No. 4. Thomas S. Mackey, Milton P. 0. 4 11 .
No. 5. Snyder county—Joint Bilger,
dleburg P. 0.
No. 6. Union county—Charles Schreiner, .
Mifflinburg P.O.
No. 7. Juniata county—E. C. Stewart, ififn
Bin P. 43.
MIDWITOWN, &gt. 28, 1862.