aijg Oititgrapq, NOTICE TO ACIVEIiTISIGItS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business Botiees, Mar riages, Deaths, &0., to secure insertion in the TBLEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. IiABRISBULG, PA Tuesday Afternoon, September 9, 1862 WANTFD.—An active intelligent boy. Apply at this cffice I=l THE CAMP AT EMS is named Camp Russell, iu honor id the efficient Adjutant General of the State. Tns Commissioners. of Warren county have appropriated $lO,OOO, as a bounty for volunteers under the late calls for troops. WANTED.—Au industrious laboring matt. Ap ply at the European Hotel, Harrisburg. sept7-d3t* JNO. H. BRANT. 1=1::01 Wm would call attention of our readers to an advertisement of L. S. Hoyt, of New York, of Bye Coffee. It is said to be an excellent substitute for pure coffee. =2EI IMPORTANT DECISION.- Chief Justice Hinman, of Connecticut, has just decided that a man who enlists when be is thoroughly drunk, or between sunrise and sunset on Sunday, is not legally enlisted. I=l • THII SABBATH SCHOOL scholars in Beaver Centre, Crawford county, recently resolved to forgo the pleasure of an annual celebration, that the money to defray the expenses thereof might be appropriated to the benefit of sick and wounded soldiers. 1=1:1=1 FRE/GIIT FOB rus WEST.—The Pennsylvania railroad is receiving freight for Pittsburg and all points north of the Ohio river, just as usual. There is no obstruction to travel in that direc tion and has been none, notwithstanding an ab surd report to that effect published on Satur day. Janice E. Itinanoou, the distinguished trage dian, who has two eons in the army, volunteered his own services to Gen. Wallace. The citizens of Harrisburg rememLer Mr. Murdoch as the enchanting reader of the Wild Wagoner of the Alkgheny. If he does as well in the regimentals as he does in the buskins, his services must be come vs.luAble. I:==1 NSW Music.—Among a lot of new music just receivei by S Ward & Co., in Market Square, are three pieces entitled, Skedaddle, Classically Defined and Musically Illustrated, by George Donson ; The Ileroe's Grave, by T. H. Howe ; and Abraham's Draft, 600,000 More, song and chorus, by J. W. Turner. These are all new and elegant compositions, and are worthy a place on every piano forte in the country. ~....--.i..---- Foa ruz war two or three months the rebels have been threatening to invade tbe North with their armies. That old blusterer, Foote, who used to keep the Senate at Washington alive with his noisy boasting, is now urging upon the rebel Congress at Richmond the policy of making aggressive war upon the Northern States. The rebels are trying it now. They have crossed the Potomac, and it will be a curious thing, when the history of this war is written, to see how many of them will get back again. CAPT. Gowax's Cavalry Company is now almost full, and what is astonishing, the company is composed thus far, of material which must make it very effective as rangers. As soon as Capt. Gowan has recruited his quota of men, he will go into camp. Capt. Gowan could have had a full company days since, but he rejects all who are not known to be, or who do not come well recommended, as men of courage, experienced as horsemen, and of established moral charac ter. By such rules, sternly enforced, he is cer tain to recruit a splendid company of cavalry. Tux anion ADVANCE of the rebel army is ex citing the spirit of our people, and we observe everywhere a disposition to be prepared for any sudden emergency. Recruiting progresses ac tively for the old regiments, and a few men are daily being received into the new. The ranks of the Reserve Brigade and Home Guard are rapidly filling up, and preparations to raise new companies are making in almost every ward of the city. Our recent reverses are producing a beneficialiiffect in this city, arousing the citi zens to the iminence of the danger, and causing them to realize to what extent the Gov ernment is endangered. MILITARY ADVISTIBING. —We have freely thrown open our columns to such notices as are necessary for the assembling of men to organise military companies ; and while tendering such age gratuitously, we expected in good faith, that there would be no attempt made to deceive the public or ridicule the service. But in this we were mistaken, as we discovered this morn ing, by a notice in our columns headed "atten tion," and which notice was brought so this office by John A. Bigler, purporting to state that company A, First regirueut Hat risb urg city Militia, had been accepted by the Governor, and would leave for spacial s:outing duty on Wednesday morning. On inquiry at the proper Department this morning, we learn that no such acceptance had been made or such an or der issued, and that the entire story was a fa brication calculated to bring the service into disgrace and ridicule those who are gallantly rushing to the defence of the country. W e leave the public to determine the mea sure of scorn and contempt due to John A. Bigler for thus imposing on them at such an hour as this ; and we leave all loyal men to make up that judgment which is most fitting for the condem nation due such conduct. We think the subject should be investigated by the proper officers as one seriously demanding explanation, for it is an attempt to use the authority of the govern ment on a false pretence, and as such it should be regarded and pi/dated. Tns ANDERSON Thom—Young men will have a chance for a few days yet of joining this or ganization. Ail who desire to enlist will have to decide this week, or it will be too late. There are now over nine hundred men in camp at Carlisle, and they comprise a body of meu su perior to any organization of cavalry in the United States, both for intelligence and physi cal ability. See advartieement. THE PATRIOTISM AND DEVOTION Of the women of the North, in our present troubles are shared by the children, who have taken an active part in the good work of assisting the sick and wounded soldiers, by the holding of fairs, by Which considerable sums of money have been collected. A pleasing incident of the present exigencies of the war has been the industry displayed by the children, in the preperation of lint for our wounded soldiers. SUSQUEHANNA BATTALION. On Saturday eve ning at Hallabachs, two companies, one of c,av airy and one infantry, was partially formed, and the meeting adjourned to meet at Niasley's School House yesterday afternoon, when the battalion was organized by electing L. Nott, Esq., by acclimation, Major, H. W, Hoffman, Lg., Captain of Cavalry, John Olewine, Cap tain of Infantry, Samuel Roland, First Lieu tenant of Infantry; Henry Garman, Second Lieutenant of Infantry. The further elestion of officers was postponed until to-morrow af ternoon, at three o'clock, at the same place and the meeting adjourned for drill. =I Hon. Tames A. Soon arrived in this city yesterday afternoon from Washington city, and was in consultation with the State Administra tion last evening. The council and experience of this gentleman have already been of vast ser vice to the nation, and we anticipate that he will augment this service as the crisis increases. Brigadier-General hates COOP= was in the city lest evening, a guest at the Jones House. It is understood that Gen. Cooper has been as signed for duty to Columbus, Ohio. Brig. Gen. Join: A. ()marry arrived here last evening, and is at the Buehler House. He is still suffering from a wound in his arm, but is anxious to do what he can to contribute to the suppression of the rebellion. -.- THE PEOPLE AROUSED.-Our exchanges from all parts of the state come to us this week filled with accounts of enthusiastic war meetings, from which it Is apparent that our people are becoming more thoroughly impressed with the necessity of action in this important crisis.— There have been enough words spent during the present struggle, and the country now de mands that every qualified citizen should place himself in a position to defend her institutions. We expect to see our citizens generally, • and young, of all classes, forming themselves into military companies for drill, in obedience to the recommendation of the Governor, and the sooner they commence to do so the better. THERE IS A. Faux in connection with those who have volunteered since the enrollment for the draft has been made, which it is important should be announced. Those enroled who have enlisted in companies accepted by the State authorities, and mustered into the service of the United States will not, of course, be subject to the draft ; and it is important that such of these should notify the commissioner where it is possible, of this fact. Those who have enlisted in companies whose quotas will not be filled up, and who cannot consequently be accepted by the State, or mustered into the United States army as such companies by the 16th of the present month, will be subject to the requirements of the draft. These are im portant facts, and in addition it is well enough for those to understand, who still contemplate the organization of companies for nine months' that such companies will be received in lieu of draft, if they are mustered into the service prior to the 15thinst. A strict attention to these facts will prevent much unnecessary loss of time, and equal annoyance to mustering offi cers. Tux Corms COUNTY Rsourszrr.—The One Hundred and Forty-Eighth Regiment is now fully organised and officered as follows : IMMO COUNTY. Col. James A. Beaver. Lieut. Col. Robt. McFarland. Major George A. Fairlamb. Adjutant Robt. Lipton: Quarter Muter J. G. Kurtz. Sutler J. Benford, of Indiana county OBITHE 001:12at Capt. George A. Bayard. Capt. John Patterson. Capt. James F. Weaver. Capt. Robt. D. Foster. Capt. R. H. Foster. Capt. Henry Musser. Capt. Martin Dolan. innusoN COUNTY' Capt. Charles Steward. Capt. Silas J. Martin. It has not been decided on from what locality to take the tenth company, but it is calculated that it will be from Clarion county. Col. Beaver was Lieut. Col. of the 45th P.V. re giment, but was relieved from that position at the earnest request of many prominent citisens of Centre county, to take the command of this regiment. He has made some reputation in the service, by hie gallantry on several occa sions, and is withal a gentleman of rare per sonal qualities and ability. Lieut. Col. Robert McFarland was a Captain in the three months' service, and has a local reputation as a military man, which will be of great service to him in his present position. Major Fairlamb is fully competent fur the command to which he has been assigned, and will undoubtedly become popular in the regi ment and useful to the service. Quartermaster J. G. Kurtz, is the editor of the Central Prase, and is reputed to have peculiar qualifications for the service he assumes. Adjt. Lipton is also spoken of as well quell fled for the position. Ati the Centre County Regiment, we congratulate the officers and men of the One Hundred and Forty-With and anticipate for them a brilliant career of service in the field. Pguttetuattia= Waft teltiiiii : 4_ , ,'irtiiiiitiv_tein„...otinfinbtr__9, 4561 ON TEIN approach of t.:)e confederates to Fred erick, all the sick and wounded in the hospital there who were able to be about, left that place and matched to Gettysburg. Thence they were couveyr d to York by the cars and arrived on Sunday afternoon, between two and three o'clock. They numbered about three hundred. SANFORD'S OPBBA. Housa.—Notwithstanding the excitement about the invasion of our city by the rebels, Sanford is not forgot. The large audiences that iusemble there nightly is con vincing proof that rational amusement is neces sary ; and the entertainments as given by Mr. S. and his heroic men are just what the people like and want. Uncle Tom's Cabin is the fea ture of the programme this evening; and as portrayed by Sanford, it is alone worth the price of ad issi.L.n. Everybody must see Uncle Tom.. On Saturday afternoon a matinee for the accommodation of families. HARRISBURG, Sept, 8. GEORGS Bseossa , E , Dear Sir :--At a special meeting of tht I.adies' Union Relief Association, held Sept. 6th, the following row lotions were unanimously adopted, viz: Resolved, That the thanks of this Associatiou be tendered to the editors of the TELEGRAM and Patriot and Union, for their kindness in making known the objects of the Asssociation, insert• ing notices &c., &c. To the ladies of Halifax, for the liberal do nation of thirty-two pounds of butter and twelve dozen of eggs. To Wm. Colder, Esq., for the horse and wagon furnished to convey the articles of food to the hospitals at Camp Curtin. To the Ladies Society of the Old School Presbyterian Church for their generous gilt of $25,00. And to all who have co-operated with the Association in relieving the wants and promo ting the comfort of the sick and wounded at Camp Curtin. M. S. BEAT EY, Presidia. E. A. BISHOP, Secretary. A Noma MOVEXIINT.—The following petition is now circulating in this and other cities of the loyal States. A perusal of the sentiments which it embodies, and a fair and just consid eration of the purpose which it contemplates, will at once convince all true women that it must either succeed in its object, or still More dire disaster must overtake our efforts to rescue the land from rebellion. The President must heed this petition, if he desires to convince the nation that he is all the nation believes him to be, faithful to his official duties; patriotic in his political desires, and true in all things which relates to truth, virtue and temperance. We trust that this petition will bear the name of every true women in Harrisburg. It can be extrkted from our columns, pasted in a blank book, and in this manner hundreds of signatures procured: Pb the President of the United Stater!' We the undersigned, women of the United States, who have freely given our brothers, sons and husbands to fight for their country in this deadly struggle, and who will seek every opportunity to aid, cheer and uphold them to the end—seeing our army, the flower and hope of the land, exposed to needless danger and sufferings—do hereby ask of you, Abraham Lincoln, that you, as chief ruler of this nation, see to it that the strength which is needed against the enemy, be n©t wasted by a foe within—and that you cane all negligent, incompetent, drunken, or knavish men, who in the first hurry of selection obtained for themselves weighty charges and posts of respon sibility, to be at once sought out and dismissed —and that you give our precious soldiers in keeping to the most honest, the most capable, the most faithful, trusty and zealous officers, both civil and military, that can be found within our land. So that we, waiting at home that kens which the God of attles alone can give, need fear for our soldiers no evils but those inseparable from war—need fear no inefficient or untrusty quartermasters, no careless, ignorant or drunk en officers, no unskillful, unfeeling, or drunken surgeons. We believe that a just severity to such offenders would greatly increase the efficiency of our army, and would strengthen the hands of Government by securing the confidence of the people. It would be welcome to all those others and officials who are now working faithfully. It would be welcome to every. one; for though men are prone to float on the frail platform of "Whatever is, is right," they rejoice when some bold hand breaks it in fragments under them. We have intrusted to you all that we most value—we believe that you will care for it tenderly end conscientiously—remembering that of this host when one man suffers many hearts bleed. We suffer willingly in the cause of civilization and humanity, and to maintain our national self.respect—we suffer willingly but we look to you, our chosen ruler, that we do not suffer in vain. BARRISSUP.Q. STOCK MARYCIT for the week ending Sept. 6, 1862.—Total receipts of live stock of all kinds during the week at the Has risburg Stock Yard : 1,488 beef cattle ; 2,019 hogs ; 2,475 sheep ; 58 horses. The following lots of beef cattle and hogs were sold during Friday, P. M. Philip Carper sold 87 head beef cattle. G. Gorden sold 120 head beef tattle: Phillip Noovis sold 42 head beef cattle. Thos. Lamb sold 34 head beef cattle. J. Schiller sold 42 head beef cattle. A. P. Myers sold 93 head beef cattle. The above averaging 8.80(44.00 per 100 lbs gross. Eli Dwis sold loa head hogs at $4.80 per 100 lbs. gross. Faxon & Wilson sold 245 head hogs at $3.75 @lot 00 per 100 lbs. gross. Making total sale of 418 beef cattle and 384 hogs. Toe following droves of beef cattle were In market this week : E. Holler), "41 4 1 81 John Gill, 181 A. Weaver, 18 R D. Young, 25 Phillip Noovis, 42 1 Sam'! Yingling, 85 Thos. Lamb, 84 Sam'! Hover, 88 1 B. Redd, 60 J. Davis, ' 62 Draw forth your red bandannas, And have them ready shaken ; For Frederick city, Maryland, Was by the rebels taken. While we realize fully the immense destruc tion that must ensue in the event of the rebels visiting Pennsylvania by the way of Hagers town, and marching down the Cumberland Valley to our city, it is to our mind such a fool hardy proposition that we cannot entertain it for a moment. Prudence, however, commands us with our best vigilance to be prepared, and the proprietors of the popular dry goods house corner of Front and Market streets will charge • on them as they strive in the city. d2t Vaunt & Bowngt. •.. • I=l Guckenhimer 8: 8r0.160 , 11.• Kettler, 42 IT. Haynes, 17 IG. Gordon, 168 LA. P. Myers, 136: A.. Dewitt, 80 A. Gilmore, 128 E. Williams, 112 J. W. Hrioninson, 134 Philip Carper, . 87 'AGREEABLY to notice, the citizens of the Third ward exempt from militia duty,(past forty-five years), met at the school house in WAnut street on the evening of the Bth inst., at seven o'clock On motion David Fleming was called to the chair, and Geo. 3. Shoemaker appointed Secretary. The Chairman presented the heading of a company rotifer the signatures of such persons as desired to aid in the formation of a military company to be called the Third Ward Greys, which name was on motion, adopted by those present, and thirty seven citizens attached their names thereto. On motion; Geo P. Wiestling, V. Hummel, Jr , and Geo. J. Shoemaker were appointed a committee to obtain additional names, sufficient to 511 up the company. On motion the Secretary was ordered to give notice that a meeting of .411 such as had signed and such as desired io sign, would be held in the Walnut Street School House on the evening of the 9:h inst., at half-past seven o'clock, and in the Upper Market House for drill at 4 o'clock P. Y. , of the 9th inst. Oa motion of Wm. T. Bishop, A. B. Ham ilton and D. Fleming, the President, were ap pointed a committee to draft and report by laws for the consideration of the company. Gro. J. SHONMANIR, Sect'y. To the Affikted. The undersigned would' respectfully in form those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Consumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines, at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes,Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be f urnished as to their won derful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no apprehension in regard to my com petency in administering it, as I have had it on band for the past Adz years. As they are now sold at reduced prices t no family should be without them over night. They can be Wad at any time at my residence, in .Pine street, be tween Second and Front. , AulB dlm MRS. L. BALL. Mac Bstr.:—My youngest child was a poor sickly little babe. Every person that saw her thought I would never raise her. Finslly, I heard of your medicine, and tried it to the good of my child. She was about three mouths old when I commenced to use it. She is now two years and six months old, and enjoys good health. I would recommend it to all to give it a trial. I kriow several who have Wed it, and all pronounce it good. My it re ia in Filbert street, between Walnut and State. sep 8 Emorrn Worsntoria. Ws nava received a large assortment of hoop skirts, from 75c. up to $2 60. A large assort ment of linen and needlework collars, and col lars and sleeves, at all prices. White cambrics, jacconetts, nautucks, brilliants, and plain and figured Swiss muslin, at:all prices. The finest lot of embroidered Myrick cambric brands ever brought to Harrisbdig—Of infant's waists we keep a large assortment. Ladies' and gentle men's linen-pocket haddierch fiefs, ladies' stock ings, gentlemen's one half hose, and children's stockings of all descriptions and prices. Twenty pieces of carpet to be sold cheap. Kentucky jeans, sattinetta and cassimeres for men and boy's wear. We received 60 dozen suspenders, at all prices. 60 dozen cotton handkerchiefs, with borders, and a great many other notions and small wear. S. LIIWT. TO.THE TOON° OR OLD. Yak or Amide, if you have been suffering from a NOR sodubted in by the .(00711 01 80,111 SEZ&S, WHICH CAUSE BO MANY AL &RILING SYMPTOMS, ft NAL' Hen for AferrtoOdp And it the greatest evil which esti betall MAN Ott WOMAN. See symptoms enumerated In advertisement, and If you are a sufferer, Cut out the advertidement, And send for It at once. Delays are dangerous. Ask for Delmbold's Take no other. Cures guaranteed. Beware - of Countsr/kits and insitations. i346-tl2m HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Wm. A. Batchelor% Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known l All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided iiyou wish to escape ridicule. DUEY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beau' d'ul and natural Brown or Blatt, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. I.IFIREN eieDALB AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. BATCHlllillt elnee 184, and over 200,000 applicattons have been made to the hair of the pigeon' or hie famoua Dye. Wm. A. RATCEfIILOR'S HAIR DYR produces a Wog not to he distinguished from nature and I. Imams° not to initiFe in the least, however long it mi.y be contin ued, end the ill effects of bad Dres remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is prop. arty applied at No. 111 Sand Street New York. Sold In all the cites and towea of the United Suttee, by Druggiiiin and Fancy Goods Dealers The (leonine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the tour sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 111 Barclay St., oct2-dirwly. Late 2011 Broadway, New York Nov 20ntrtistments HAPPINESS OR MISERY ? THAT IS THE QUESTION. rC. Proprietors of the •'PARISIAN ABLNKT OF WONDNES, ANATOMY and MDT OINE” have determined regardless of expense, to Issue her, (for the benefit of suffering humanity) POUR of their meet instruenne and latereetiag Lectures on Mar riage and its thequalifications, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decline of tanhood, Indigestion Neatness or De volition, Loss of emsrgy and YualPsWere, the Greet So. cisil Evil, and those Mal.dies which remit from youth ful fates, Excesses of Maturity, or Ignorauces of POW akin, and Nature's Law. These invaluable Lecture, have been the moue of enlightening and saving thou sands, and will be forwarded free on the reCeitt of four stamps, by eddressing SEGREf ART Petunia CARnart or Ankle= AND Ninienta, 583 Broadway, New York. jel9-aly ASRGNEEII SALE, WILL be sold at public sale, ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1862. On the premises. an elagatt farm. situated in Lykees Vp., Dauphin ee: tee riaoLemwidens n gto t• ott.ville, timing brouadh the tame. eumandog 14 , 5 acres, abou t 90 cares of which are clear und the ba saw I. of the bast timaer. the improv. meats are a large double STONE MANSION ROUSE; a large batik barn, wagon abed, oarrlage house mod aM Lamasery on build ogs, an apple arched d, bee de. plumbs, • peetn, to t a fountain pump of never idling • ontain -wow. 3110 iand is all 1 zoect and In a high owe et en t vat neu ". • - • • .0. 2. about le' "aorta of lend, ad.olning the oboe , abut 10 0108 (f who h are- cm end the helium* lu timber; then on free ed a /mg. stone MANSION ROUGE AND TANNERY With b bout Su vats, a serge Bat k Bougie BMW House aiBl Curryinz bbop, aid all lobe , ne.eas.ry bnl • ; the or nto Is run by Ovate poely. tis one of the be- t lona ties for. balk; time could be got[ ow 6 to 800 cold per Near. No. 3 About NI acres of land, of whiott about one bids is clear, all limed and n a good Mate ce clay t o the balance is of the yelp best oak and chestost timber. best 4 . 69 term of land, 44.10/Idwit the i'boylo , or the best t mber. . - 'No. 6. 2? acre. of woodland, adjoining the above, of the beet timber of different ,Jade 60. 6. 21 ace , Of Water laud, adjoining 'he soul'', all well timbered. No. 7, 23 sorts or timber land, 8111011=g the above, eminent chestnut and oak timber. No. 8 23 acrii, adjoining the above, all well covered with goal timber, No. 9, 46 arms, also adjoining tile above tracts, well con red with &Unlade of good timber. The above property w ill all be told et the same tMe and place. The *hove land fa in a healthy country sad within a short distitoio of the coal rag ens, where there Is al• wage the market threnneyerania. reasons wishing; to see the above property can do 53 be. Oldling on John &oho, on the prombeit,, or on theiabeetibers. Bale to commence at 1 flower., 1% '-- • JOHN' mEr..__i_unt,_ meld -Owls NOWA muullA, Andomee, 9ii en) abnerfistments : _ PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the worst disorders that afflict manki , d arise from corruption that ac cumulates to the blood. -Of all the discoveries tha. have been made to purge it out, none have been ibund which couldo - qual in elect A Tan% COMPOUND brreeor OF allesPatttia..e It clean-es and , enova es the blood, in stills the vigor of henna iuto the -ystsm and purges out the humor which make disEa e. It sti n..latea tie healthy , unctions of the body and expels the disorders that g , ow a d made to the blood. r s e s traordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when Ley are it in no longer tea questlen what remedy to emplo.. in th^ great newt,' of afflicting diseases that require an alterative rem dy. Such a remedy, thus:wild be relied on, hoe long been sought for, and now, tor the firs: time, the public have me on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit oi-rtdica es t show its effects. alit the trial of a single butt o will show to the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers iro o Ecrolula. Peretue,ne Sweringi and ewes, try it, sod see the rapidity with which it cures. Skin pismires, Pimples, Pos;ulee, Blo!ches, Envious sie., are soon cleaned out of the sy,tem. di. Anthony's Fire, Rose Or Erysipeius, 2etter or Salt Rheum, said Head, Kingman/a, do., siould not be bane while obey can be so speedily cured by Salt APaluLti Syphinas or Venereal Diseases Is t xpelled from the aystem by the pr longed nee of this Saaseratuu.e, axri the patient le tuft a. healthy be if be ILIA never tad the disease. Feetafe Diseases are eauved by Bercfula in the blood, endue genera ly soon cured by this Erragor or B.ureg PADILLA. • rice $t per bottle, or 6 triulea WO. Per all th. fur, °sea of a Lindy physic., take Armee CATELakTIO • ILLS, win h are everywhere known td be the b,s purgative than l offered to the American Vee p e Slice go cents per Dos, orb bore • for $l. Prepared by Dr J. t. !LYSOL & 00., Low. l, Ma's. and sod'y Draggle s everywhere. Sold by 0 A. 8.417.irt, U. W Grose& Co., 0. K. Kel lee, J. st. Lutz, Dr. id ay, F. Wyeth .nd dealers eve y wheru VOLUNTEERS, IF YOU WANT LETTER OR NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, WRITING OASES, POCKEt INKSTANDS, PENS AND SOLDERS Of every description and quality, you will find the largest assortment at BERGNWR'S BOOKSTORE. THE MISSES SMITH'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, 1210 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Will be re-opened a n MONDAY, SEPT. EIGHTH. MLLE course of study embraces the .1„, Latin, French and German langiates, Music, Drawing and railcars, together with he clemeutary and higuer branch,. ur a itiorfugh Eoglim Education. She accomummtions are of esocifeut character and weft raltniatei weenie, to the piipl,s the comfort of s home. Owing to pressure oi the times, a deduction of 10 per cent will be te,cle for the ensiling year. WM. A. PARICH/LL, PLUMBER AND GAB FITTER• Third Street, next door to the Telegraph Printing .„,,TOitES, dwellings, churches, public t ‘ ,3 bulldogs, factories, &e., fitted up with gas, less aid trop to a workman like Wanner. Hydrants, Wash basins, Haan Tubs, i it% and Force ?amps, Water Closet s, Lead and Iron rid, for water, gas cad elem. A share of public patronage to respectaully solicited. All work pr raptly attended to. iny3o-d3m. BUR. newly replenished stock of Toilet nue) Goods is unsurpassed In this city, and ieultug confident of rewlerlng sAltstaretiett p we would res pact; idly omite a nail. RP 1,1,10 t, l Hartiet street, two doors east of Fourth street, sant! eds. WANTED. SEVERILL Maohinidts. Also a stop boy in the bleekkinith shop. Apply at the jyls-dtf NAGLE WORKS. POMADE HONGROISE fog FLUNG THY MOUSTACHEtS, ie 6 EIILLEIVEI iRHIIGSTOR 6 NOTIOIII. ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Reading Rad road company, who may sad in the awake of be Leitel titles for the purp ise of crushing the rebellion now tnreatening 4te llbert es of our coun try, are hereby assured, that toetr rkspe tive siunis.das will be kept open and given tham ham da ey on their 'whim; and that the fact of their routs eering to dettiod their e Ant, y In this emereeney, will be consid ered hare tfter as greatly is their favor ter promition to any anitaile positions to the Bavicar of this Company. oaaata-. szana, Preincent. PhisdElplita, August Bth 1862. null dim THE Updegrove Lock Property, Omni gram y ana Rockinlle House, situated five miles above Harrhberv, is new offertd ter sale. Bee miser laameat io Weekly or app y to tulB4lejarilatlB63 W. P. HENRY. •ulna largest and most extensive assort meet of Nl As is the city, jut recaivai, aud for me very low, by NlCtioLik B At , 'IAN, trati Corner Front aUCI Harlot streets. L - GARS of all kinda. white and brown, S lower. thattany house in town, by Mtn .a.s s BOW4AN, an- Corner of Front and Market Arent. RIO, liatidelion and other preparations or cotes, iresh and pore f r -ale low. by ZJCHOL nIfoWbAN, Corner Fro t and Mar. et a nets. plc. general variety of goods for ad Ailing the TOILET, t , be found at Keller's, 13 unsurpasted'au thle city. je6 91 Market Street all sizes, patterns and prices, just received and for We by el 3 WV. DOCK, dr e& GO BREAKFAST BACON ! AVery choice lot, equal to the celebra ted (imported) Yorkshire, Just ret sised• jy 28 . uc ace LOTS FOR SALE RJ.HALDEMAN will sell lots on North street and Pawky'Tanis avenue o the • desiring to purchase. Apply corner Front and Walnut street', jy3l.d,f t' POCKET BIBLES, A FULL assortment of Pocket Bibles /OIL and Testaments for the soldiers, just re reived at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. TOBACCO, Cavendish, Congress and Twist, for sale kw by NICHOLS k BOWMAN, sag Corner Yioat sad Market Oreeta. Abnertiormrnii HUM BALE. I N pursuance of an Order of the Olobaue' Curt or &tur!: county, will be ezposelp tosle. On Sa ematiturday, the 11th Day of October, on thsion 1. All that messnag 3 and tract of laud situate In il'iutt Hat over township iJ esti county, ho inded by lands of Jacob PeMy, Henry 13ckart, J cob ?cry and John LM g,e, containing one hunitrcia ant twelve mores, be the name more or lees, mere In tree ci a late.. two ntury stone cwelliog house. and :ergo bans born, wagon shed, coro Ohba, Smoke itu.rse <nd other buildings ant one other new two story frame too.; with basements t r.s. There is an ems: ient sort. S or never Sllleg v ater at each of the dwe slugs, and a g , x) i . ako at the atone house. This prop rty is situ a”eut bait a tulle front ihe Harrebnr, ant Jones own reed and about 'thirteen miles troun Tnere is a good orchard of exceihnt fruit oa the pi rmiess. and about ten acts of good amber lint. Tht rem der is on. der a high state of cultivail in ant reaps in goof re. p dr. altogether this is one of the meat dealrab'e farms in th, neghborbooil 2. oho at the ea ne time and prsce, a certain tract of land. attests in the sax township, ad irdtbrkg_ lands of William Marts, John Weimer, Matiala Creek and edam Hetrick, containing eleven acres, be the same more or Tula land is wal timbered- and is suse-ptible of being made void farm land, or inradow. 3. also at the same time and plane, a tract of unim proved lan , EFT! t. on the Fecoud mountain in the same township, admining lance of Michael Nnyde- and Eamnel zny der, John Heim, Eamusl Lingle ad others nialuing twenty ac as, mote or less. Ibis land is well timbered. Late tne • ate of Benjamin ' .:elm, dec'd. le 10 c lumen, w i tt ten o'clock AM. of said day, whilt eta imanee be ftv n and ceadltems of sae a.ade ki.own by JiGN L NUL C. • Adtelnidraltr of Penjamin Helm, a.c'd. ilacriqbwg bept. 2,1562. (wawa wit Le .u.ou “Demoerat" picni.' ecpy till sale, sad seed bill to thls office itaLneiiately for rollectiou.- FELL OF 43 S. KEYSTONX lIURSRRY, HARRISBURG , . IT should not be forgotten that this establishment ie still in enoceeldul opereatkin, and CAA supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY, GRAPE VINES, RASPBER RIES, STRAWBERRIES, GKJOSR BERRIE-4, CURRANTS, BLACK &c., &c., of as good quoiges cod wrist es, and at as reasonabie prkee as they are sold at dice.ot nurseries. THE LOCATION of the nuts 'Ty—a-joining ecity—airs it advan'aged for tuansoottatt D to .U pa t of the country: posse cbd by ut few others. igiir n il anklet, wh n desired, delivered free of (Mom; .n any part of tLe city. auntf JACOB KISS. virsoLEa ALE AND RETAIL. 1 Vlsi )eared t bze a IYa oof North e,atelyuoipedbyu. l te ! , lam enabled to supply the nubile with a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF C7.T..aM4:11.. C) CO AL La. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. Orders respotfully solicited—whieh, if left , at the oftee, loot of North greet, or at ,the *Moe of Win. Dock o h. .4 Co., will metre prompt attention. GILLARD DOCK. .13,29 PUBLIC SALE• VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE anti -dim WILL be offered at publio tale, on Thursday, the llth day of September, at 2 o'clock, at Eicant's Hall in the city of .arrisburg. Thirty three acme of land with an exc. Dent frame honed and barn and outbctildiam, situated partly In the Oity uf rlarrisourg and partly in .watara to erdite. Thls property Is situated on the south of tlusiunels tow. turnpike, a portion of chic, hip a beautiful location on a hill, directly busing the city of Harrow burg, to be sold in turfss acre lout. also a lot or pi. ce ofground idtuated la Market %Aar*, adjoining Jones' douse, having a front 01 27 teat and extending beet 157% feet to du lest alley, thereon erected a two story brick house with two story back brick building and having the use of a three feet alley on blanket Sinare, being one of the most deeirsolesttuatiow fo uu.smeas er private riardeuce in the city. Poesension given , dt let of October -ext. o‘aditions of sales are 10 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, the balance of the one half of the purchase money when the title' is made, and the balance in two equal annual psyMents with into , eet, from t_e time posses eion 'sateen. To b• secured by bonds and mortgago, A plan < f tie th, it acre 1,4 i an be seen &Oho boot and shoe store of A. Hummel, next door to Atte Court House, Harrisburg. hue attendance will be given be 64 URGE ROMMEL and ALBcDT HUMMEL, Executor of David Mumma , deed. Jy2B.d( ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS. ALL kinds of Second Band Clothing, boots and shoes, bought and sold at the Auction store, Second Street next to State Capital Bank. Pp. tols, towle knives and eum blanket,, a ILA rata artil lery bridle and spurs far an taker for sale, No. as &c -oact Street. W. BARB, Amotionee. aul6.dtf RARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT FOR the safety of wineumere, we have established a Coll Oil ilppot at the corner of Iron ant Market streets. All our oils are tested and we posi tively tell mac except , uckt as prove to be non-explosive, clear and free from odor as fax Oa practicable. We offer at present the iollowingJustly celebrated be ands. Mag a. He, Ro doson, Nabrona and Lucifer, lower than can be purchase t elsewhere co this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an OXL43I3Si'Ve assortment of Limps, Chim neys, Shades, Glass Cones, garners, &c.. We will change fluid or camphene lamps, so as to be used for coal dal. Oslo and satisfy yourselves at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market street. apell JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE Ab.ORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 900, $1 k 6 st 60, Sk, S 3, $4, $5 554 WA Also Pocket. Bibles of Wl fermi stylee euld prices at SOBILTNERV Bookstore. feblo-y COAL oil and coal oil lamps, of all styles and wises, for kale. by DIICELOt S & Boy/MAN, Corner Font at d biarweatue Is IMI C EDAR 1 U BS, BASKET xxOUM and everything in the line, Jun received in Large OnantitieS and for node vei y lOW by w w DICK. NEWBOLD ii A MS.—A small lot of Cameo tobraed limn • ju-t , ecei,d. tv-VP Wm. DOCK. Jr., &CO. YW-it:Cider Vinegar, which we war ant to be made so.ely from older jasr received and for axle low by NACHO. aet 0 WMAN, fel% Corner Front and Mar cl. streets. 1 CleideGO and segarl of all kinds, for Bala by NICELOLd St BOW SAN, jy2a Corner Ito= and Market :treats, CLL and examine tames new jars' fOr - Fruit, the beet, cheep at kuidecoples , in la istariet, Ca. by Met! , L 3 & uw NA Prom a.. Marko t• opt jtithin. t.heene lrOuu .-.Ow I wk. .U.sirtes just received and for &tie i w y rI HOLB dr BOW HEN, jylA Cor-er From twl 113.rget streets. rIETERSIVE SOAP, something better L./ than Harriunfe Household Soap Just renewed and tor sale by NICHuLS & BOWM SI, jet Corner Vront and M net streets D b;LION COFFES 1--A Frt ab and large supply of this Celebmed Coffees ug received WM. I)pC. Ir . fir 0. quLD PEN 6 l—Tbe largest and beat was, from $l.OO to $4.00..-warranted—at ORM= a 110011111QPX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers