eltbitai ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, NZAWENIIDY POE RHEUMATISM& A NNW RSVZ on a KM A 011RTAIN MUIR caißoluo RBK UKA ItEgraiaMM 01 ZVJRY 111 W; oW STUBBORN, No zoom R OW LONG GIARDINI. PROPrmitarii WILL OONQUIBIET, WILL OURR IT, DODIORS DOCTORB DOMINI TRY IT. W HAT IT HAS DONS, IT WILL DO AGAIN. /111 C BM UST MEDDW I A M nDTWEI Y. Douross KNOW IT mums mum! rr, MUD AND TRIM PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Maim Hamm Rarairsed nmAT n, 1800,—Elea 6., let. WI, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheum tism,trom which she was confined to her bed for two weeks and subsamenby from a relapse far four more. Shama been well since then fill last Bator day, while engaged in house damning, she took cold, had pain in her, back, felt cold, hot had ao decided oh= Two days later her ankles be• gem is swell, which was followed by swan of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull pen In her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful; both hands are affected, but the right is most so. This, th en, Is a case of acute rheum/dim, or, as it Is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. IL bs a well remarked typical case . We will carefully, widen the case, and from Unto to time call your attention to the vari ous si mot ores which present themselves. My chief object la bringing her before you now, is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been 1 ecommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I mean ~mina Mr. Awenarius, of St. Petentburg, recommends it In de highest , terms, having derived great bandit from IM MO in il l i. 260 case* which came under his care. Var ' com mendatory testimonials respecting It have i ed In our journals, and I propose therefore to also t another trial I must confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of now remedies, which are vatudsd as eletedkal but this conies to us recommended de highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. . , SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER Mar eg08g0,..4 will paw exhibit to you the pliant fer Whom I prescribed Propylamine, and wa s then labor tog und e r an attack of acute rheumatism. the has steadily taken ii in doses of three grains every two hours onierognieg it at night.) The day after you saw her, 1 tound her f o u r more coniftirtable, better than•slie ex pected to be a week or ladra, Judging from bar Other anent. (The patient now walked Into the room.) The mprovement Ms steadily progressed, and you cannot W to nonce a marked change in the appearance of her debt, which cre now nearly all of their natural else.— nor Go our experiment would have seemed very sue teasful ; but, gentlemen, we mast wait a little while be- ]re we can give* decided opinion as to what is to be .he result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of ...1e same medicine on Sunday last ;, she has long been suffering from a pronto rheurnallato, and I found her at that time 'with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affection. The white and knuckles were much swollen And tense. the took the chkwide of Propyla-• mine in three grain doses every twO hours, mud you will Perceive that the swelling of the Joints has mach dimin shed. THREE DAYS LATER II Mar 98 1860 .—This is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the drat of those to which 1 Galled your attention at our but chola. sbe is still very oomfbriable, and Is now Wang three grains thrice daily. In this case it hoe seemed to be followed by very eat- Mackay results. The second ate to winch your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do weir 1 will now bring before you a very character tide case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat factory, I think, as goodlurymen, we anal) justly render our verdict in favor of propylamin Ho Is a seaman, mt. 96, Who was admitted a few days ago. Hai has ociaslobal rhaumailo pains, but not so as to keep his bed, unul eight dAYS mu. The pains began in hit eight twee, eabasteently Owned the lett tnee, and later, the lotnta ol the upper - extremities. llieSe pinte are all swollen, tense and tender. the tongue is Hissed ; his Min, at present dry; Itlieuga there has been mach sweating. His pulse is foil and strong, and about 90:— lie bits now used propylamme lbr twenty-leer hours, This genUenisn la What may be called a strictly typical ease of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet" and this exposure Is !Wowed by • **Wig of 000/11010, severe articular pain, beginning, as It usually does, In the lower pats. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so generally ahiendant on setae rheumatism. 1 did net bniag this psuan whore you with the Inten ded of giving you • lecture en all the OM consented with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the Ostii remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this voiced case, as I have called ii, than whirl' there co old Out be a laver opportunity the Welting the medicine In quesWon. We are, therelbro, avoiding the use of all other medleteee, even anodynes, that there may be no IttisgtVings sa to which was the eldalent comedy You shall 944) the cam of a tutursOnto. THA :1LT481313,, EZ:I A FAVOW3I4 VINHOT. =I Woes% 1860.-4 he next of oar, consateseents is . the awe of acute rheumatism before you at our clinic Of May Wit 'Mehl Shen called • typical ease, antl'ernlCh' was remarked was a tale 'repentantly foe testing ate worth et our new remedy, It was therefore stea dily pen In Wee grain dome Seery 11/Chelan for four days. The patient has gat along vow Mb*, and Is now able to walk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to sa that 1, have neves neen as severe a cue of acute rheumatism go bow restored to health as this man has bees, and, without babas peepe r ed to dealtbspasitive ay as lathe/WC: as of the remedy we have Med, I Asa booed to eta to that In the sum to which we have tried the Chloride o Eropyhmthie, the parents have regaled their health limb earlier than under the treatment ordinarily per med. Detail gentlemet, yen would yourselves try it, and report the results. ler a full report of which the above is a condensed extract, see the Philadelphia Mafiosi and &typical Be porlir. It le the report lifter a fair trial bithe beamed - eal authority In this country, and mikes It unneuessary to give numerous oorttilosten nrom ationlithen denters and rai1:40 1 34 patients. • iiIPKWY AN OUgh • itIITMIMit. bum ~' WHAT rf RAO DONE, Bullock & Crenshaw, a firm will known to most mail ed men, b; whom the Elixir Propyhunins has been In troduoati havilizoid tow the amalmaive right to manufac ture It mooching to the original recap., and we have side arrangesseats of much mainitideas to enable no to scatter tt broadcast amongst soften% Immanlty. • A WORD TO DOOTOW. U you prole to use the same emedy in another form we limits your stlentkm to the Pose Mumma Ppormesneet Puts l'itornmsum Imam, Peas PlefirmilMot Oomoriurso, Poas lows Plortunto, of which we are the sole mattoßiotareas. ww. ahem io other virtue far the lfll.llr Pr/vileness titan Is ositalied la Pars Crystallise Calloridept Propy anima • tgli NEXUS II AND NAT BE TAKEN AOOOBDING 10 INRIXITIONS. NY ANY OHIO BY inn ONi, WHO HARBIOWATISH OP ANY KIND. Bob b Harrisburg by At II UM • 10111/1. Orders may be addressed te PROPYLANZNI ALINVIAOIIII2INO 00 4 1 Room No. d;' IEL W. Oot , Yount Ind Obeisant street; ur to either of the Istiveldi 1/IKgenin Aosta. BULLOCK & ORINBRAW, GCB, BICHARDS & OU., /1.1118 at az; OW. D. warvinual as Cu, ninat & WIEUOT &4104 BIM; v. mous MOOT e OD „H•a , . PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I FIVE TRAINS . DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Passages Talus of the Pennsylvania Railroad company will depart no and arrive at Banishers and Philadelphia as follows : THROUGH. =PHEW TRAIN harm Harrisburg daily at 1.16 a. m., and arrives at West pitigasulphla at 6.10 a. m.' FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (imnsin Honda/ at 5.90 a. and arrives at Wait Philadelpina at 9. a. m. PART men. TRAIN leaves Barris!)St daily swept Sunday) at 1.20 p. m., and arrive , wast nuaaelphia at 6.26 p. m. 4COOLLMODAIION MAIN, via Mount Joy, Waves Harriabuti as 7.00 .a. 33., and arrwea at Weal nit& &Ohio' at 12.25 p. m. HARRISBURG 400211120114T10N 2241; via Wan -I=tis ilivirbbari at 4.10 p. 50... and aiiivaa at 11505 ph% at 9 25 p. m. . =Rolm KOREN TRAIN lanes Pallrdelphla at 10.35 pAt., Narrbiburg at 8.00 a. m., .Altoona 8.10, a, in. and arrives at Pittsburg 412.85 p. m. math TRAIN leave' Philadelphia at 7.16 r m., and as rivee at Rarriaburg at 12.80 p. a.; Ranee Rerriaburg at 00 p. a., Altoona, 7,00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.15 a. tn. NAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at Jl.BO a. en., Harris. burg 8.46 p. m. , Altoona at 8.20 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1246 a. nt. BARRI/381in AHOONMODATION TRAIN leaner Phil. delphia at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. m.. MOITNTJOY AOOOKNODATION via Mount Joy. leases Lancaster at 10.40 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 p. tn. ELUHIRL D. YOUNG, Sup. Rasa, At. Prima. Railroad Harrisburg, Nay 2, 11162 .—dtf NUM .01 Mt ROHL TEND TRAMS Dill! TO NNW YORK, AND • PHILADELPHIA aN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862 the Paiseager Trains will leave the Ma s an. Readhig Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg', far New Toler awl Philadelphia, as follows, viz • MEWS MR leaves Harrisburg at L2ll L m., on at rival of PenneyWaal'. Railroad Ripsaw Train foes the Neat, arrlvLaglh New Telt at 0.16 a. m., and at Phila. dalphis, at 0.00 a. m. A skoping oar b attached to the train through from Pittsburg without ohmage. YAM TRAIN leave, Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., arriving in New York at 5.80 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAR LINE leaves Harrisburg at L4O p. m. , ou arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Mast Wall, arriving in New Tort at 9.50 p. m. , and Philadelpithi at 0.40 p. m. PAST LIN/Ikea*. Now York at 6a, tn., and Piallade plea at 8 a. at. arriviog at Harrisburg at 1 p..as. 11411. TNAEN kens New York at 12.00 Roan, and Phil adelphia at 3. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at SAO p m. UPRISE LINII leaves New felt at II p m. arri ving at Harrisburg 148.00 a. sod eonneding with the Peaasylvaula Express Train for Mahan. A sleep's 'ear la also attached to title grain . Cioneedkins are made at Harrieburg with trains on the Peensylnuils, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Gallreads, and at= Readini ui Phliadelphla, Pottsville, Wilkesbarrs, Allentown, &o. Baggage checked through. aro between New York and Harrisburg, SS Oh_i_Outs • • hi No. 1 oars, and Sit 70 In No. 2. for Woken or other Information apply to J. J. OL YDI, mi4l.4tf General Agent, Harrisburg. Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE: SUMMER ARRANGENNINT. faun mum DAILY TO AND IiON 10E - 0 R 010111I ,, Go . Mnection made at Harriebtmg PTO AND FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON :ALL NIGHT TRAINS. N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY Atli, 41102, the Passmager Tram Of the Northern Central may will arrive at anddepart from Harrisburg and Balthoore as follows, viz . GOING SOUTH. MAID TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg 1.00 P. M. and leaves .1 1.25 F. M. " arrives ,at a 12.55 A:11. and Moved " 116 A. N. • GOING NORTH. MAIL .TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8.20 A. Y. and arrives at Harrisburg 12.45 P. M. and leaves North at...... ..... 1.16 P. N. MOM TRAIN Mayes Baltimore at ........ 9.80 P. M. end arrives at Harrisburg.... 2.45 A. M. and leaves North at 305 A. 14 • ILAIONBURO- ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. leaves Harrisburg Ibr Baltimore at .... T.BO A. M. Retundaig—leaves.Baltimore ......... 00 P. M. • The only train leaving Harrlabergnn Bunday will be the Harrisburg AmommodidianTrsin, Boiith at 7.80 A. M. For further inibrzaidion analyst the'ollice, in Pennsyl vania Railroad Depot. Harrisburg, Day 6,1864-1 y IN MIRY 0.1181, WHNNWER MIND WIINNYVNII. TRIM: ff WILL DO ADAM MORE ow OD D ALwAY ARAD? NKRINA S TN DU, TRIPOLI RIPOAILIiWOMa eihin Wr g W lt , t U . S o and iki! U tad /balmy O&M ~ MOM ths „ . ra = _ • • p en no g iva—nia -mativ* p, New 2bvertistmarts. SUMMER TIME TABLE. MN AID ANTIS MONDAY MAY sth, 1882. EASTWARD. WEISTW A. R D BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. E.&EITWARD. WESTWARD M. D 3 - f:.ross te lg.; 1) W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRU GGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PRAVN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND OONSEKERS, We are daily adding to our masortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your Mention to the largest and best selected stock In this cagy, of DRUGS CHEMICALS ds PANTS. OILls, wombat** and camea, Dye Staffs, Glass and Patty, !blast Colors and Tools, Pars Ground Spices naming Flsld and Alcohol, Lard, Spann and Pine OILla, litottlea. Vials mad Lamp Globes, Castko Sap, Sponges and Corks, am., &IL, dia., Age., ate., &a., &es With a igeneral variety of PERYWIREY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet mannbaturere and Pe turners of Europe and this country. Being very 144 t dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WLNDOW GLASS, ARTISTS COLORS, PAINT AND ABTESIT'S BINNUIES IN ALL nom VA/DMICS, (MORS AND BRANS ON OF ALL rim . . i IP 0 A HO 1,11V131. ~ ? .„. „ ..... Le -, ; "" 5 .r7 .7 —-..--- : ) 3 ./S•Aq . h Ar . ..5),-. 7..........;,.. We respectftuly invite • call, feeling, coal dent that we can supply the wants of ell on twine to their eatiefaction. TEETH I TEETH II tioßll4llZlDATl:smifrif:l:;oo - spitrie;6ci PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR of all kinds, direct from the Proprietor& Saponifier and Ooneentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low ea it can be purchased in the &lee. [WATER'S KEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS GOAL 011.1 CARBON OIL) Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer Inducements to does buyers. Coal Oil Lemps of the moat improved patterns, very ohesp. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Ooal 011. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Thaw of you who have nio eve* our HOME AND 'U TILE POWDERS a trial know Co their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and In good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived froin the nee of our Caitle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, beiliclee improving the gemeral, health and ap plarinoe of their Oattle. ' „ Our long experlakoaln the builnew gives the advantage of a thoraugh knowledge of the trade, and our i!tntugerueuta the Mies are each that we caa Ws very short *no furnish anything appertainher, to our - buelime s 60,0' Thankfal for the liberal patronage bestow. on Mr honee, we - hope •by strict Wadi= to biudnesty a careful selection of, P,I7RE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to Please all, to merit a continuance of 'the Atior of a discrim inating pntdic. apl6-dly T I IA 7.4:0 ILEI OR ALL FDA. • Tbrea,W)Wir and Ave joist Trout Rada: dilk and Hair Trout thiesartna 10 to 60 yards:long. London Pitentlrbst Lunn, al• 11 TwistedEAr Trout Linss, - N a if China Urcws Isao s a it i IS Linen awl Cotton Linos, 'Float Tina tarnished with Rahn, Voris, &o. " Brass Mottipkywg Biala, 10 to 60 yards. ` AWO ()bolos Trait lEas, - - , = • Elik Wows Hut Leaders, bottom-Mei, 8,60 - 0 - Tae. ' a a: a aroma. . Thwart* Mai, meet, No. 11to 8 Trout Baskets, Kirby Trout and ltivitralloolVimer kat Trout and Blear Hooks, Floats, Nissan and - king Opt& KELLAR'S DAVE AND PANAY ATORA, m739l'llirket atze'at. (I ash t round and ' hole Bpioe, P Pepper, sad Muse, at 'Ura Efll9 earner Front aid MaricWets. Tr P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S ItThW SOAP. xx • It L economkal and highly detains. It con tains no Rosin and will not wage, It is warranted not to injurelhe hand& It will hapart an agreeable odor, and is thendore Witeblo for every PorPolot. for We by Wig. DOCK. Jr. On. ir AMIE and extensive. assortment- of .1.4 G:asware. laoloding TAGINeIIi. Goble% . Rilli9l,ll. • ' Bow* ilia ft., and everyttifit tor prerer T ipear - = . , - JO, • .• -•, i , eiseirlhisit al 141144 . sliftits. -'I Eill IM:MEI liltou DR. JOHNSON XIALLTIBECOMILIM LOCK HOSPITAL ! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and ellbtcost remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE MITT IN ECM TO TRIM HOOPS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Day& Weakness °lithe Back okLitobs, Ski •Mres, Allistioas of the kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary des amely Im potency, General Debility Nervousoess Dyirpy, Lan gur, low Spirits, on of Ides', ka of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblingly Dimness of ur Edda trdnime nem, Di seam in the Head, Mk Nose or Mho- Gone of the Liver, Lamm. or Bowela—t ter rible disorders taking from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those matter and 'ornery practlega more fatal to their victims than the song of : yrent to the Mariners of Mys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes tar anticipations, rendering marriage, /to., Impossible. Young. Ken Bepecially, who bevy become_ the ivkitimsi of Solitary nice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to au untimely grave thousands of Young be. ofthe most malted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced Batwing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to emery the Being lyre, may call witikfu ll liiruig confidence. . Te. Married Persons, or Young Men oontemplattog mar ring%ef WSW aware W PhYlitharwes/these, organic debili ty, dorudties, he., speedily cured. Be who pleas himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Cared, and full vigor Restored.. This distressing Atrectioge- 6. whioh readers t Se misera ble and marriage impassible—is- the penalty paid by the victims of improper Indulgences. Young perms are too apt to commit exegeses trota not being aware -of the dreadfid eonaeqtenoes that may ensue. New, who that understands the sulgect will pretend to deny that the pow• er of procr,ation is bat sooner cy those baling Into Im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prival the pleasures of healthy , the most se rims and destructive symptoms to both and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Nadal Functions Weakened, Las of Procreative Power, Nerd= Irrati_ Witty, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Hears, Indigestion, °postmark:La Debility, a Wasting of the Mary Consumption, Decay and Death. , No- 7 South Frederick Street. Loa hand side going from Baltimore street, a few door. !tam the olirner. Pell not to oblarre came and number. Letters genet be paid and contain • stamp. The Dec. toes Diplomas! hang In his aloe. 1 A Cure Warranted in Two Days. , No Mermwp yr iremeseri Dreg" Melees, _: Dr, Johnson, of the Royal Sofia's of Surgeons, London, Grad nate from one of the most eminent Doling., in the United Mates, and the greatar part of whose Me has been Spent , lit the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing 4111411 that were ever known • many troubled with ringing in (he head eaten. what asleep, great nervoussess,.belng t ahrmed at sodden sounds, bashiblness, with frequent idolthing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were oared ImMediately. Take l'artioular Notice• Dr. J. addrista' $1 'those who havehunrod themselves by improper Indulge. co and solitary habits, white ruin both body and mind, matting them Air either busbies*, study, society or marriage. These are some o[ the sad end meiancluilly eases pro. doped by early habits Of youth, via Wothaem of the ,Baal antLimth, Met the Head, Dimness uf Sight, DNS of Igusaukr Power Pelpluelon of the heist, Dia- Newels Irratlbti ty, Deranges:le/dot theDsteative thwaral Debility, Symptoms of Consamption, b liorrllxv.-4h• fearful abets on the mind are moth to be dreaded-r Lots of Mornay, Othhudon of ideas, De =ur SpLtita, emil for barium Avers on to Socaety, Ir a ust,Love ofacthinite, Timidity , ha., are some of the evils produlied. TIOIDIANDS of pewees or WI ages can now Judge what is the can.. °Melt &chaise health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pa* germs and ethaelated, having a Magnin appearance about the toy es, cough and symptoma of mmeninption. Young lon arbo havefejared themselves Ay a aortae practice to dialged in when.alone, a habit frequenth• learned from silt compacloes, orat ecesea4 the ideate of which are *tiny felt,- even *When salapp. and If not oared renders seeelflego be • • and destroys both mind and body, a pity mat a young ma, tie hope of his coun try, the darling of his parents, should be shatehed lrom all prospects sad enjoyments of life, by the marequence of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging In a main secret habit. Such persons anon, before content 141°Pg retied , theta sound mind moat Meer • mitarri and M are earyrioluithee to promote connubial Inaptness. 'Mead, without these, thalamic's' through Mc becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadowed with "despair and filled with the melstabolly relic man tl*Altelhappiness of another boomer blighted with our Own. - 'Disease of liiiprateme. When the milittided and Impredent votary of pleasure finds that he bait imblbei the'seeds of this painfid dis ease; tit °Morton haloes thane 111-timed sense of shims or dread ef dimoyery, deters hint from applying to those who, frost eluitatlon and-respectability, can atone be friend him, delaying WI the constitutional symptoms on this born d daememeke their apeman**, such as ul aerated sore throat, dimmed nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, Mainers of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin' bones and semi, blotches on the head, floe sad, extreadlies, progressing with rdghtful rapidity, till at but the palate of the mouth or the bones - of nose ill la, sad the victim of this I'l,AM:disease become • horrid otandoroommiserallo o , tfill death puts a period to his dreadflil manilas, by sending hint to "'that Undboov-- vend Country from whams no traveler Tatum." It hi a suhratinily Pet that thousandeltli victims to this terrible disease, owing .lo.the onitittlhiliness of igno rant pretenders, who by the use of that LleadLir Poison, Yercerri,rain the matitutkei and make the rendes o fife miseralde. Strangers. Trust not your UToo, or health, to tha airs or the many Unlearned and Withlem Pretenders, destitute of know ledge; niMie or charaolor, who aipy Dr. Johnson's 'dyer vertimenents, or style tbeamelves In the newspaper,, regalarly.lklucated PhyMdees— Incapable or Curie& they keep yon trifling *oath after mouth taking their filthy and phonemic= commando; or as long os the smaiiest he can be obtained, and In deepek Ware you With nth. eetletleh to sigh over your galling disappointme nt. ...Dr. common is the only Physician adrurlieing. Ms 'credential or diplomas always hang a to his dace. Wa remedies or treatment are unknown to all other, gummed from a Mb spent in the great;hospitals of Eu rope, the firm In the pantry and ,a„ mots =tonal,. Psi rats Practice than any other Phyakdaii In the world. Indcirsemaiit, of the Pass. Mummy Woman= cured et this Institution year af ,teryear, and the numerous Important; Surgical Open. Wane peribrmeKt by Dr. Ohms, witness.= by • the rr later. of t h e "letuip. %Moire! and many other ph pers, notices orwitleh . beee . appeared , and again Wme the betides bis otandlog= a gentleman of • ataractic sad resporsibtlign Is a sufficient guarrantes skin Diseases Speedily Cured. pimps =bin aboakl be witteabir Isk (Orating IheM tatters to bla . thstitunen th e following mamma ; JOHN' JOHNSON. X. D. Of the Baltimore lorli Hourptlal, Baltlmore„ W Et 0 L IBA L B inuairgrxiAJ; MANVFAOTORY I %No; 69 . ' Mark* Street below Third •• ' BIL . • iEr'' "L EE ,. Air ANIIPAOTURBR OF UMBRELLAS, in.goods rABSOLS W and WALKING GANKK will anal& al LO& MOBS limn ain ba bought in any of belasnan dila. Country mennanis wi ll do wall tO 011 and examine Moan find 4 1 *GY. a. 1 411 00 wilbcia Vim - adios or Mk lbot. ' =', ' • an28.411Y . sontmus ,Bitotkims - et co., wiIoLEPiA I . DRUGGISTS, A ND DEALZRE i>r FancLGofda, - Per eod Petzo4,Th 00, sailintla antisZ a bli • llucided hiyingrzokrulAitps4==;l44.• a 274.614 .1: NEW:YORK: . • ' • ‘ilte) supply of fresh 13idtd OIL in barge and mad bo ties, =ad of dilbririg bawds reaidred 'ad dr Adis .by CO. - VlRirrOßAOkift by, che sett'Or box, Julvtaielvitligribissie by- , j _ . , :NI 4 immodurfigmnox . Yr" ! , 1 , - dAbliourraitasilimagodrios. • ,:sv s"eqit i 4 - traidep. sou:mare loit Tu TINES I r . 7U 7 °J:'z'zi 41: 4 0111:1:4: 0) I JOHNS 1 °BOSLEY'S American Cement Glue EU STRONGEST GLOM IN THE WORLD. ME CREAM GUSH IN TEM WORLD. THE NOM DURABLE GLIM IN TER WORM THE ONLY RILLS= GLUE Di MR WORLD MR awn GLOP IN TEN WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE to the Only article of Um Idol &Tor prodoood onion WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Salm year briNoin TurnltoWl. IT WILL MEND LELTHLR, Bead your flumm, Straps, Bel, Boo* Ba rt WILL MEND GLASS, ewe the pleas of that expeolve Cat Enloe Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't throw moray that broken patrol. Ivory Pan, It to washy' is IT •VILL MEND CHINA, Tour broken ebbs Cape ant Einoutea con bounreens geodes sew. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That pane knocked oat. of you Marble Mantle owl* pat on as staving as over. IT WILL MEND POROELMN bki emitter If that broken Maher did net wet beta ling, • ghillie( saved la a abilltag eased.' ' IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That .costly Alabaeter Vue a broken sad yea "aaa't matab it, mead It, it will never abair when pat together. It will ilend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. My olio% Oemensal visa AIRMAN MIZNT GLUM vitll not *bow where ft r minded. 1117,A0116 "Beery Howiekaapers ahookt have a supply of /odds it Crooke! dumdum Cement Glue."—A. nowt. alt ea rearvildeat to hue la too bOaso."—N. T. m alt reedy; tide ootouteode Itself to every body."—dalgoodont. We hare tried ft,- sod dad tt at doetal to oar daimon am Water."..Willke lipbil ef W lbws. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per yeassvf-i et, r•mny b 7 (die, ao►w AMERICAN CE MEAT GLUE. • Noe 25 Orate per Bottle, Price 26 Conte per 13viLle. Price 26 Nate per Bottle. Price 26 Oente per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Oente per Bottle. Very Liberal &Asa= to Whoisak Bien. TERMS °ABEL ar-Yor sale by all Drumlin, rued Storekeepers general ly throt!gbant tkp maim 410112113 & C 11081,111", (sole malmitlicsaf ei s)i 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Übeny strooc. hoportazt to Farmers. lb all whom Ail may cwwww, ani:iteowsoonso " envy . zonms & CROBLEY'S 'WHOM 00111 PIMA OEMENT ROOFING, The Camped feud mod disable Roofing in nee Important-toNanse.Chaners-, Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies. IT IS FIZZ AND WATER PROOF. It east he applied to raw and OLD soon or all ttnde Weep or Ilst, and to Bums Boor' without removing the Meeks. The Cost Is only about One-Third that of Tin ADMIT lit TWICE AN DURABLE. This artiole has been thoroughly tested In New York Qty and all other parrs of .the United Stator, Canada, West Indies Central and Barth Amnon. on budging of all kinds, such as FACJIOIIIIII, Iromms, Ounsonsw, RAIL Raw Dawns, Cans, tad on Pawn Boil ores phonily Oovws.urr Boutoara, kn., by the 'Plioallui Bondi= Arebluots and others, during the past four ye um proved to be the CHWEBT and 1108 T DURABLE ROOFING ill One; 1t u to every respect A BIEWAIRR, , WEATHER and TIME PROOF covering lb: rg' Off ALL MTG. . . illfi * the ONLY' materin staisfliturvd *Ad Malted Saks wbaneombbies he very desirable props**. of glistkeyawdDranditti, which aro ashronally aoknow ladled to be poisoned by OVII4 PAPKWA INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in awing application. The wows of applying It, ts trilling, an en ordinary roof Can be covered and finished the geese It Gan be applied by any one, an d wha t wows forme a perfectly FM Mot ear ace with an &natio bony, which cannot, be *NM by Sus , Own Or Maws, Siterectee of How Homes ow say ex ternal actin wbansw, LIQUID GiIITTA PERCH*, CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Hinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and FOR PRESERVING AND SEPRIRING HULL ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. nee Is the only Composition mown vtdatt will own* haly. resist exerento 'changes ad all climates, ter any length of time, when applied to- metal; towill& It ad heres firmly, lamming a body equal to coats or ordin ary ! till an a dVal k it nrotTBRER Th era,ls LO jt; eontradlon and expandon of Tin and other mew woodZ oenoequent won enddon dumps of the weather At • g!wt_ORLOR IN COLD MI RUN IN MARY WILSW,4ND.WILA NOf MOH OH. Lobby Tin and ether Metal Boob can be readily repair ed Ida GOTTA. PEMBA ClitYiNT, and prevented from farther aciration andletang, thereby emenrlng a per. featly tight roof bar nanny, years. This Conant Is pembtrW Waisted for the et IRON RAILINGS, BTOM, RANG, AGRI CULTURAL she ter pas mane. festurers use. GOTTA PERCHIL CEDIEIfr 1. 9 r m oonin g end roping Tln and other Metal Roofs of miry demtiOon; from Its great ehaticitY is not Mimed b`f tbeemallation and expansion of Meiji, and well not , orsoirlat oold or run In warm weather. _ TM* inatortals are awl= to ALL mum, and we linilint'arcd to supply orders from_alkLpSrt of the Coml. try, at short notice, lot GUM PdHLUO. BOWING In rtitiscrielti PlePdrod for one, and ( MITI PIatiNA wpm In lamb i with fdll printed directlons far app. AGENTS WANTED. We make liberal and sallafactory arrangements With responsible parties who would like to odablish them- Myna 110 a hzaratise and permanent lmina* OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We ran ere abundant proof of all we claim to of our Improved Roodsg_having applied them to ooTerlq, Warearid Roo in New York City and Vidal ty. JOHNS & CROBLErri 80411 btANOTACTURRIUS, , - Whams). Warehonie7ll William Bt., Omer et lawny street. NLW 110.111 C. Fall doonriptive Omahas and hunlehed on ngsfeention. . asdU QODA Biscuit, City Crackers, justreoeiv ed and for era by MOH Is a BOWMAN, , Corner Vs:old ed • . 11... -PORT FULL—WRITino DJ KR. N pojtre new anaciamai of- these useful sr - jad opum4.4 igte:#34 Boalabm, DAN'L. A. IarDICH, AGENT, OF the Old Wallower Line reBtiaa ect:uth Li lab= the public thu. sus Old Dail, tansp,mj Line. ((the sway Wallow 1.1. e cow In exio thh gay.) le Is lti successful 0 . r.n00, and prepare.] t;, awry t low as any other indvidual hue c:etwo, liAtriebUrg, iperisoure, IC 1 ibmap^ Jersey Sbare, Lock Flav-n and all other N 1; on the Northern Centre!, Philadelphia &al Fre and benteport and Mona Railroads. DAI4L A. MUEINCIA, Harrisburz, Pt Goods:me to the Ware House of Messrs. t'emoct /en f birichtsaik, Nos 808 and 810 Market street a ghth, Plasdelphla, by 4 weleek, e. a , sill arr „ Eherlideleg, M' for delivery --.• :=rethug apr3o-rdwyl Be J. EIARRIB, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET S7REEI, HA.B.BISBURG. H AS always on hand a tun a6,;.,:twei, argil and Japanned Ware, 0)0.;!Ig in 1 Stored or the best nianigno:nrien, Guns • : id leg and Gatrasizei Iron Cornish, manors %.:re ; op at reasonable ratea sir Reratridil promptly attended ATTORNEY-AT-L/119z OFFICE TURD STREET, inylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTk:rki It. P. H. ALLAB :-: ACH, tirg,.o l , I ,— . D mmthrt, Yanutadurer or *nem] Maw It u•s, i.,„.., ; , that °bristles every objection to th“ c . ' ~' ihisd tautly embracin g partial, half and wh ,, l e. :,. L pima only, of pure and Maar aci .le miner., t'.. r, ... DO CreVinelll kW We aCCCUOMaIatIon of small panic lad tberetbre, no offensive odor from the breath..., p ha W media their construction, there can b.. c „„ - a , adiotior metallic taste. Hence the Intim ~... ~ IS 7 t.. owed with nary throat, headache. Ss- .Mir.. . .. North fiecood strpet, Harrisburg. mutt- di/ 116 F. ADOLPH P, TEL WOULD respectfully inform I, pisrousand the public generally, n 013111t1nUe tojive instractlone on the PLAN() t. • •, t - LODEON,_ VIOLIN and also in the science m .; RAS& He will w'th pleasure wait upon 03019 homes at any hour desired, cir bosons will ne ,z.vri his nekton., is Third strew few leer, he re c serum Relbrmed Church_ twit- UNION ae...ir, tua BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e btakthig at Ms above plaeo, expreatly for tho pur., NO above lodiatted, beg to call the attoolloo of the pub lie to the hollowing : Tao ItnisaintasT, on the lint dear, with a .finlng room attuned, is fitted up In first.elass style, and it will at all lima be sappied with the best OYSTEaS to be had in the AUantk , cities, together with terrafea, ttiti, and all kinds ed Pole in season. Oysters served ds In every style, and meals to he had at all hours. The Ales of all the eslebraled breweries ID the reentry constantly on hand. The Ten-pla Ailey, or Bowling Saloon, is In the rear, and Captains three allele of modern conatreetion, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon Is upstairs—elegautly Mien no, and oontains tbsee marble top combination out bion is bke, equal to any made. Barrieburshia tong felt the want of a grand combin. shoe of this kind, and as the proprietors are determined to conduct it In a quiet and orderly manner, and do ere. in their power to make It a fns .smable reeor they hope to DeCeilfe a liberal share or public patio Jab dtf WILLIAbI C. blicFADDlibl LBW Y ORK FIRE INSURANOE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1891. Capital and Ands L:69,128 31 DIRECTORS. '0 14 1 ,7 13I.1lsirotIV,)mt7uD a A e S J .o s o m d . e T r,Thee ir ph ,W ilusPa yre n ,kralom m I mwO. Hd,Aßllw i.uc i ilaulsol mosy g , taeor,se Impels, got vraigCuadra Kelly, Samuel E. stokes, J.P. Pecadecort, Heery , Ines, Edward Darlington, H. Janes Brooke, Spencer !Myatt*, Thomas O. Hand, Robert Berton, Jaoob P. Jones, James B. At'Parkend, Joshua P. Byre, Jobe B. &le. Pitts bar(, D. T. llorgao,l'Utsburk, A. B. Berger, Patsbwg• WII.UAM MAIM, Proridelst. THOMAS O. HAND, nos rraidaa. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. The undersigned as agent for the above :tamed eon piny, to take Fire Risks In Harrbourg and ekdnity. o WILLIAM BUEHLER. PORT FOLIOS 1 WRITING DEM, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSER, PORTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FAMY GOODS have just been received at lilifiGNEß'S CHEAP BOOKSTOBE S GAR CU ED . DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE, fage bul sad treat supply jam received by eb26 WA. DOCK Jr.. At 00 . HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT, VOIR the safety of oonsumers, we have estabkshed a Cel Olt Depot at the corner of Free an Market streets. ell our ala are tested sod we post. IlVely sell none except, such se prove to be nonexplosive, atand free Dam odor as far as practicable. W e offer present the followlngiustly celebrated brands. Meg eollllsa,, Robinson, Hebron' and Lecher, lower thin can be parehssad elsewhere In this place, either wholesale or retell. Also an anoints° assortment of Lamps, eblos nays, Shades, Slam Cones, Burnern, te.. Vi r d will else change Mild or campheoe lamp, so as to be (Lied for coal oil (all and satisfy yourselres, at NICHOLS & BOWSUN, april Corner of Front and Market street. . • BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, FOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture hems, oniematteg Ceiling; trimming Gas Piked 1 and cat so as to hang over strings in the shape 0 r star; points, circles or festoons. Par sale a Weil Man EIPS BOOKSTORE RUBBER GOODS! Bubb° Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE- GLAss Jars for putting up iruit, the celebrated patent, cheap, oiMpi 3 sad ef fectual, warranted to gtoe t actfactiOnjust Nocived and for sale by NIOHuLs s suw.tes, Jen corner Vow and Market street. §IIGARS for preserving; call and exam Ina al NICLiutS at BOWMAN, .97 Corner Brant and Barnet steels. VEktONB, rayons, cocoanuts &c., just reoelved and tar aide by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Coy. Front ant Mariet streets. 60 at----MI every daY and Yriday at J 01124 WISS'S Store, corner of third and 14 . , atit • WV! ]V'------—O'floNl3.—Qnite a variety of Lig mad entertaiulrit articles—cheap--A 1:10 FlFlFFiiift,4 VRESH Lemons; and Reis to. Jast To edema and for sale low by hl( 0 0 LS b '' . 7 4 1.14 Oorner Front and On' POUNDS Exto or 6 r: 900 1 2d Ram' for °e va• by Ai A SMALL lot of cho ice awle TERsEy HAM I— , J —Constantly on hand at Wog moon ortkis of ariracat co, • 1 Busiluss earbg A. C. SMITH filtutilantwis eM engar low who'• role .11 e d Fruit, a . ac eo vmAN , and Market street. r.wi o ja f .v:i t_ s hele
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