pail D Ctlegrapt. PEOPLE'S UNION STATE TICKET• AUDITOR GENRRAL: THOMAS E. aoaaRAN, of York County SURVEYOR GENERAL: WILLIAM S, ROSS. of Luzern County HARBISIIIIRG, PA Wednesday.ltorning, August - 20; 1861 OOL. PATER S. ALLABACH The One , Hundred and Thirty-first Regiment, composed of companies recruited in UniOn, Northumberland, Mifflin, 'Snyder and Lycom ing counties, will be commanded by Col. Pr( H. Allabach, and leaves Camp,,Curlin tg dY• It is not necessary for us to refer speOlen9 to the Colonel of this regiment, nor to dgcribe the material of which the regimen . ,tAiself is com posed. In selecti n g Cot Al4Olll, Gov. Curtin was controlled, as he i ls in.tho selectiowof every Colonel, by a purpose t, procure for oar volun teer force, the very best and most available military ability: as the object is to secure the discipline and effectiveness of our quota of the present requisition, as speedily as practicable. Col. Allabach is a soldier in every sense of the Word. He has had experience where none but martial merit is recognized, and where men are toted by the sternestdbmiplitie. In the regu lar army, though not reaching the grade of com mission, he nevertheless had the satisfaction of winning the confidence and approval' of those in command. On the bloodiest . of the battle fields of Mexico, and throughout that war, be served with great devotion. In the war which. is now, being waged for the Union; be is bound to win a broader fame and a higher distinction, because he is where his ability and his merits will have ample room tor Atotion and recogni tion. He will not fail to reflect, credit on the Governor who commissioned him and the cause for which he is to battle. Tim Basmersumones must feel a crushing sensation of thatitind of bitter remorse which Is calculated to consume a man, when they read the dispatches of the traitor Breckinridge, deaorthing his part of the affair at Baton. Rouge and the suffering which he inflicted on the loyal soldiers who defended that poet. Of course we do not mean those who were induced to sup: -port tithimioh, Mlsrppreseldatione.Ffi leadint.dbbkhfabe Deniodrats. We mean those leaders themselves. We mean such men as Frank Hughes- Snob men as these whr now hold the organisation of the Democratic party, and who like Frank Hughes and James prich anad, are straining every effort to use that or ionisation for the aid of the rebel cause. Thus whlli Breekinridge banes his dispatches, gloat : , log over the lOyal blood lie, and his followers have abed, Frank linglresiis printing this ad dressee, laying the blame of this unholy war against the Union, at the doors of Ole white laboring mimes of the loyal eta*: there II sometblpg melanchidly and humiliating In this ooincidence. , It•shows, however they may at: , tempt to disguise the fact, that the mbrijs of the south end the dongh-facei of the'north are Acting in concert: The one isittsfire and sword. assail the Union; while the other with fa/se hood and slander denonnce Union men: Both must be humtuatectand crushed ontbifore that Union iian be saved. Sinoe Breckenridge has 'bet an arm, the question becomes pertbkont es , tswhether his friends la the loxid states lose sn nue/imprint of influence or fray eddiltg tain it is, that John U. Breckenridge has been winged—and that with one arm,-if he is not killed hi battle or shot do'OM: atilt l'ugitiVe; is destined some day to be hung as a common malefactor. - Biztukn:MAcrosers'ltancuts.—The Loco Foco Governor, of lientucky, , Beriah Magatlinortiose Hebreurpranomen signifies evil, has committed a desperate tict.of patriotism, : He has resigned the Gutkbatorlil office ,fOr the good of. S t en-, tacky and of the Union. We do not meanito say, that a desire to do good has:tensed him to do what he has done,'but that the act is in A l self meritorious without regard to his inten tions. Ws ao rare a thing to see a Loco Foco resign an office, that the act of .13eriah stands ont in bold relief, and challenges the admira tion of all beholder& It is to he hoped s.hat,he may repent 4AM* stns , and at lie bray never again be led into the temptations of offi cial position. The last act of official life, that of resigning; hi mom to be-praised than all the rest, and if dough-faces everywhere will follow his prudent example they will do their country a service of, incalculable value.. - THB EXECUTIVE COMMIT= Of the:Del:l:2°watt° League of New Toils city toße wriAnaletter to Gen. Gunter, thanking. him for tb.S.Old fm. the negio question which he. has taken ii his letter to the Rev. Dr. Tyng. Tiey think the destruction of slavery necessary before the ,was can be ended, though theY test that before the loyal community can become. united in .that belief much more blood must , be shed. ' Toere is 'Ad dimbtibat the leaiue in York anlicipate the eheddiog of "ntich, more blood" from the conduct of the League in Penugylvaola, where it stems to be the highest purpose of the Slate Central Committee, of which Frank Hughes is chairman, to excite mob law, induce incendlarisin and etre aid and comfort to tialtOn. Such is modern DeMO. gravy. BEE ARMING NEGROES. Whenever a sympathiser desires to give par ticular aid to his rebel coadjutors, he brawls lustily against arming the negroes of the south, or, indeed, using them in any capacity in which they may be able to render assistance in crush- . log the rebellion. Oa this subject there is much honest differenoe of opinion, but those who candidly object to the proposition to arm the negroes of the south, nevertheless are wil ling that they should he used in some capaeity, that of digging ditches, ,the menial work of the camp, 1:1,4 1 e ttiling doges. of, a On the other hand, those who clamor against the arming of the negroes, and become so boister ous in their claim that this is a "white man's war," insist that the national government shall do without the aid of the negro, simply because they know that the moment the negro is made an auxiliary the . liar to put dowp traitors, that instant:not cply the rebellion for slavery, but slatrety itself *lll be put on a ter rible defensive. It i'vontil leave'the rebel lead ers no other alterrative,, but submis:sion.• or complete and,absolnie extermination. It would 'make the material of the rebellion the means of its suppmot‘n ; and as a relief to our sol dieni, it w6Ol afford them the amplest oppor truddep for that perfection in the art of war, of'which their traitor opponents boast so large ainion. e arming of the negro was ope of the great eans used by the immortal Jackson, Who deem:. ed the service of the colored race of sufficient im pottance to solicit their aid dndng the last war with Great Britain. • If they were available in repelling"the invasion of a foreign foe, why should they not be 'equally serviceable in re. slating the insurrection of a domestic enemy ? When' the dough-faces who clamor so passion ately on this subject, answer this question, perhaps they can also be jeduced to give us an opinion with regard to the.following proclama tion? We ask, at least, the Democracy who claim Jackson as their patron political saint, to publish the following proclamation : GEN. JAPK.BOII'S PROCLAMATION. HILIDQUARTEEti Ssvu m iturteßY Marion, Moans, September 21, 1814. To the Free Colored Inhabinnus of Louisiana: Through a tninakat policy,• you have been heretofore deprived of a participation= in the glorious struggle nor national rights in which our country is engaged. This no longer shall ezist As sons of freedom, you are now called upon to defend our most inestimable blessing. As Americans, your country looks with confidence to her adopted children for a valoreins support, as a faithful return for the advantages t njoyed under her mild and equitable government. As fathers, husbands and brothers, you are summoned to rally around the standard of the eagle to defend all which is dear in existence. Your country, although calling for your ex ertions, does not wish you to engage in her case without remunerating you for the services tendered. Your intelligent minds' are net to be led away by false representations. Your love of honor would cane you 'to despise' the man who ehould attempt to deceive you. With the sincerity of a soldier and the language of truth I addreits you. - To every noble-hearted freeman of color vol unteering to, serve during the present contest with. Great Britain, and no longer, there will ibet..paid the same bounty, In money and lands, now received by the white soldiers of the United States, via : $124 in money, and l6O acres of land ANV ; ' 4-2141Ma trrtl - am) Da entitled to - the stale moil-Oi ly pay, daily rations and elothes, l lrirniahed to any American, soldier, ' On enrolling :yourselves in' 'coriapaulett, the Major Getieralvill select officers kir youttOv eminent from your white fellow-citisens. Your non-commissioned. officers will be appointed - . from among,yotuselves.i 't - • Due regard will be , paid to the feelings o freernen, end soldiers. ' Yon-I+4li not, by being assodiated , with white men in the same corps, be'etposed lo..improper comparison or mnjust sarcasm, As a distinct, independent battalion or regiment, pursuing the 'path of glory, you wTli; undivided, receive the applause and 4rati tride of your countrymen, • ' To Ware you,of thoeinoerity of my inten tions, auxisty to: engage your inyak able services to our country, I have cooiniuni rated my wishewto the Governor of Louisiana, who Is fully to thC Telarglet of en iOlt ants. and-will give every necessary matilm on the subject ofothis address... I , ANDREW JACKSON, . Major General Commanding. December 180814, ,I?en. Jackson issued, in the French language, the following address to the colored members of his army "Spromal When,‘ on the beaks of the Mo bile, I called you to take up arms, inviting you to pextlike the perils and glory of your white fellow-citizens, I expected much from you ; for I well not ignorant that'you ptissesSed qualities most formidable to an -, invading , 'enemy. I knew with what. 'fortitude you 'cicala endure hunger and 'thirst, And all the fatigues din campaign. /kw well how you toyed your native earntr y, and.that you, as-well as Otiiieltea; had to &tend what VMS hoick,: most idearhis 'pa rents, wife, children and property.' You Nl* done more than I filikciai. In addition to the previous, qualities I befole knew you to possess, I found among you as noble enthusitiem, which leada4o the, pertormanm-of great things. 4 ,'Sq.diersl.r, The.. President of the United .Statedshall shall. hear how praiseworthy • Was your conduct in the hour of danger, and the sepresen.- tatives of the AMerican ~ p eople will give 'you .the praise your, exploits entitle you to. - Your General antioipates them in applauding your noble' ardor. i • " Ttie enetny.approaches ; his vessels cover oar our brave cinsens inrezunited, and 411 contention hest ceased apsongtbarn. Their only dia' pate is, .who _shall, win. the prize of val or, or who - the ransegfory, its. noblest reward. ".By &ler; T 0 4 3 43 Bulscis, Aide-de-Camp." After , such an opinion, from w soldier ere% as Gen. Jackson. was esteemed to be, we have nothing more to write oi l urge on the subject Of arming Atte negro. • . -46 Iowa;-The republicans of thIS State have .4oarlY Ce*Plebid Opir AnOre import nomi nations dor the enittiog State election. • Bo far as we base board , they are its followS : • Scretail of State—J. ,Wright, Delaware co. State Audi:nil-4. Cattel„ Cedar co. State Treasurer—W. H. Hohnes, Joaes co. Attorney General-4: 1:1. Nourse, Polk co.' Aegister Land Ofike —J. A. Hariey, Fremont co. Representatives in Congress 8d distrtot =W. B. Allison, Dub:ague CO. 4th ". James B. Gainell. • 6th- "' John A. Hasson. Tax corporation "and uadivhinal enhecriptiohe in the loyal efnies, for the Impneht nf t Newly en liatealataal,ata* 042 a 41a4,111 already anion* fere dialare. Ittrateg tveinta 3Dafin Ct[eg aph SECESSION POLITICS IN I ,ggs. The Democrats of Illinois mete, to, the most shameless secessionita outside of the rebel .confederacy. In some places they actually parade the rebel flag, and their journ4ls are foremost in denouncing the vigorous prosecu tion of the war. In Jo. Davis county the fol lowing circular has been issued : " The progress of the rebellion, and its insti gator and abettor, abolitionism, have made and are making towards the destruction of the con stitutional form of government secured to the American people, as tending to the establish mentof• a military despotism, destinclive. of all civil liberty, imperatively demands the as sistance of, every lovet of biScountry to' beat back the enemies of free government, and to maintain the "constitution as it Is, acid re,stOre the government as it was To effect ttils`ob, JecOr, gtaiiirttofriaact opitiation areltbselutf R' c ., 4 1 4 14 7 .•c !, • 1 , 1 Tritteeßt, the ; military authorities of that de partment have put several-places under martial law. ' Heasarixa no appointment of Major General or Brigadier General will be given except tout ficem of the regular army for meritorious and distinguished services during' the isr; or to 'vol unteer officers who, by seine suocessful ahieve ment in the field, shall have displayed the mili tary abilities required for the 4Eiti#l of a general officer. A satisfactory a:awl:26'l.6in as to char actor, fitness, &c., is to be passed. Maxi arras nurses am Wanted in the millp tarp hospitals to take,the places of soldiers who have been performin,gauCh- duties. They re receive $22 a moitiV . inie ration per diem, clothing and medical atiendance. 'Preference is .. given those !rim have served in such capacities in civil hospitals: • Tits mow mamma in North Carolina gives an overwhelming Union majority of votes.-- 1 The secession candidate for Governor was do! hated by 40,000 majorliV,' .Secession in every department is overthrown• The Legislature is almost entirely Union. Flom oar Aveningiletrierday WAN,M. , 1 1 04N.: TEE BATTLE AT BATON ROUGE• Official Report of Admiral Farragnt. Full Particulars 01116 Dedruution Ike The Navy Department ie in At u eipt of volu minous despatches for . 41,41mirul INuaguis among which me frhe iollcming . /11 / 4 . aktinvAD, flaunt /loop!, 'August 7,1862. &a:—lt.: Is one of the happiest momenta of my life that .I am enabled- to info= the Di., pmtment of the. destruction. of the - ram as.' On the 4th inst., I sent Tennessee up 'to Baton. ; Rouge with provisions fot . tziniinatidet Porter and the gunboats Stationed at that platte. On the night of the 6th she retailed with in fiination that the enemy had , tnide a conibin- ed attack on Baton Bangs by the ram tad two tunboata, the. Webb and Music and-candela' assistance.: At daylight the HartfOrewasinn der; weigh: for , the' place, &dere fat' the other,vessels to follow as last as theygot ready. I arrived here to-day at 12'14- in company with! the Brooklyn, West-fieldi-Olinton; JaCkionund' I bad sentthe Cayugattp - before Me; agrteable to a request of Gen. Bntler in - , coitie: quence of the guerillas firing into sortie - of hie . tritosporta. • ° ' • On my.arrival I wag informed -by' Conunitn.' dui. W. A. Porter, that' yesterday morning at' two o'clock, the enemy's forma under - Gel]; Brecitioridge,, attacked .Oen. William 9 drove' in his pickets, etc. , Gen. Williarnsliaving had* 'ample wanting,all was prepated fat him: Tim fight was, continued with treat energy crt hat 4 tildes until..ten o'clock, by . 'which time =the enemy had , been 'driven back- ttr&or three miles_ But antortenately- the &lin General Williams,while:cheering' an his min, received a, minis pall through the . heart." Gelb. Williamahad informed IlettentintiOoth minding XtEtWEIOII, t the. evening :before, of the Plans and requested him not to fire a gen' until' he notified ttirrii-anctwnente %did so our gun-' hoatatAineo and llatandin',Avened with fine sffett4 throwing. them shells direotly 'lit the - midst pg. the. enemy produting • greet dismay add c6nfusfon among them - . . Ransom:Llebt.had. an -.officer on the Stii flouse, yhich. overlooked the adjacent .country; 1 aid 'could direct the Are of .every' she'll - itta' 1 soot its the enemy was repulsed, Comthander Porte went .p., the, ,ntrearn after .theramiAr hinsae, which, waelyingAhOut ilisemlleenbtive, apparently,af_W to takehar shale in the.con- - 'met/ Feordi og .to .the preconeerted-plan,'• 1 ' As he ramp within gunshot- lies-tiptined,...on her auldprolmtbly - ,sooa-: disabled" some of 4ma. 'chinery,orsteerjug apkenttusi for she became unmen4eible, , contain:ens:. .:however„ to!:tre her gtins at the geeer,.. Commander , Porter . . says he took 'eldelittAkii . oL.llec presenting* weak frioiii towards him o and loaded *got with incendiary shells, after hiti_tirst Alscharge , pf this p#/jectile a, lotsir sif. Are, came-outer& her side, and that nionteekitliwas disixererecl that ede was o n . , 4P,ableK .-- - . inundlila exertions to preventn., They backed her ashore . and ma.* last "Veit& soon ti:rnt and idie . : 19.0ng , ' , the river, Where s he Continned49 burn .., .. she blew up, with - is' - treinendpos„ maple/4 2 , 1 .am endiug.. the career ; of the . last tron-clitd.jra, l ,of the liiikeiSSiPpi, . t, There were many . pe*sons on the lattdia . the, river veitnessing the fight,)n which : they All - -. listed a triumph for secession, hntatt the return . of the 'gases. not a soul was 19 Oa*4l l * • : , -.. ' • • • I mill leave a selAcient.l.forca, oi. gunboats 1 here tcl i aupporttinrartny,.4 .- 4 : w ill return to., morrow to NeW Orleans, and - depart „im rued. ; ately fdeAhip - lelarid Wit a 44 heArt, t I hAt hive liifi'no - hog - hear .. ' t.onriAnt . the ,corsk, 3:i/unities' et the'tibilielif; .1n: zgYA4 I .4e4%. ~ (sigil Y e :i i cY rce, iwacti:4 1 . 1 . 7 .11 q 7 4i.. ± 4 4 .4t11 4410.4 ci Vrt f , ' met:officer Corriiiir'67l4#44iNnAnn., To Hon. Gireszlt - Wat** Se4',t_Of4ityy,, . i , .. ' - - Weteldegtnne P- . .4L. , in c t o i. „rjo i r i:re P n ort 6 i , r !.i1i5 r4 ..t 4 , 94 . !wi t:, Ean.',--Tbis morning at eight _co! , . ~..1 steamed up the river acrd et ten a, na„at ,_, the rebel ram 4.ikaniiis, and blew; ; -her I f _ - There is not koow a tragment oLherk::_,Atentit... liansoutand itoe,..and . opo,oo.9grugulezNf. 4:1‘,,, Pc,r , t 1 4 4 0 1 .4VAa 04'9 1 ameC-Wie Agusultlet A 3 : .nixl, - ,,ri l itieltly I . 4Ntigailudier) ec WAULINGTO.!i, Aug. 19 use the oetemittnity dfld ; 0010 4 :ws from North Vitrolina. THE RECENT ELECTION, OTERWHBLIIIING ONION MiSORITY , • The Secession Candidate for Governor Defeated by 40.000 Majority. Overthrow of Dramfon In Every . Department. r • The Legislature Almostitutiteiy- Routed. Every S ecession Can didate De feated. An Emphatic Decision for the Goveziuniiit: Foßims Mox 01, Autgua The Newborn (N.„ O.) Frojra, la. speaking of the eleoth th held in that on the 7th, isYs: ="*. "The , result of the election has been re oeived, Am:Wading the defeat of Johnson, the seceevrion candidate for Governor by= unpar-' onajoritccifluTty thousand. It The kied'MlhO &bele Just as we go to press, of thetamplete'evertbrow of seces sion in every department of this State. " The Union Opposition party have elected nearly every member of both branches of the larglidature by still greatßr majorities. Every candidate who advocated a continua tion of the war and a separation from the Union, has been defeated in every instance. " It his been a fair and square issue, strictly Of a political nature, with no side or local issue of any kind. " Governor Stanley regards this vote as an emphatic deciesion in favor of the Union." From Gen. Pope's Army. Another Mysterions-Plintppear- genie of; . IN OUR NW( Cznez Aux, Aug. 18. Scouts report that there, is no heavy IRMO of rebels within ten this point. It is the belief thitAclospn his gone in some other. tliteilki oll ,.**kizafitYr 01Ppear.. when he is least expected. A slight skirmish took place on 84u day be. tween thei pt iVew ''trim-Cfarilol9llllolls6. 10, at thAllitif. 2 . •s • I Carroll; .Acting arigadier General, was' wounded in bite breed ..lekteritaii, while visit ing the pAkibrat , fbrd Rapidan Sta tion, of the rebel pickets FROM Offsßratvain, gSDERAL Merida ATTAO:ED -- ==l The Rotorioft • GnOrillai• Bob 'Ed:l4;4 • 14114.. 4 dispatch from Gen. KellAlaCCumberland, Md., says that . = picketiiiiere flied on at the bridge on theitomny rOad,,Ytititeplair afternoon, and one men' Was Mitts* wounded, AS throe was sent in pursuit., aid overtook a . party of Imshvisekers ausratteofed'them, : tb*notoricgafillPtillas . 130 b irdwak4f. • , LATER FROM EUROPE. Faiiher News by flip Eurotia. • St Joan, N. F., August 19. The interrnption - 'of Abe Nova Sootia line prevented the transinikdba of a portion of the Enropas news last nignt. !tie as follows: The steamship Pershi;from NeW York arrived at Liverpool at eleven o'clock, A. M. on the 9th. , The Si steamer, Ttismibia, arrived' at Kingston on the 9th. ' - • ' The London limes of Saturday lies an edito rial expatiating on the deminitial Paper cur ram' in Amok*. another article-It reviews to e Oenduat Ameuica in regard to the ism:Quietco or Nassau. It questions tie,pol;tiy oarry , prog,,ont .tAttir powers to the ibn «meat; bill stiPthdeLtiid Raln i eretqoAs iperfectip "right .in - tithwating elaign,witich it .331,3 , 1 J-be hereafter the,lntetest ofd to enfdree: •- • • . Poo4xlezate. steameo3,Aferrinuto anii29o both succeeded , escaping froth ale.'huasuoin.-' AtuickeilßlO -1 4 ot %wit ttone: , 14igi The /Taw 2reme.of thisanotrdngsage we teefultblo , CAL t. %Slope, Vf.4.8: dfefi,Gleneral of volunteers, who has 'hew* ,mom months Mitieedi iholifortaafaylittii, is it ' • W Ind fitasothe Aft. AKETEO-iir Pendimmenit, Aug. 19. 6fa ... • Flobr is very quiet ; sales of 2000 bbls. at $6 for superfine, $5 50 for 'antra, $6 76 (3 $6 for extra family, and $7 for fancy receipts and stock light. l i , Rye flour sells at $8 50 ® 8`76. Mier!) hp demand for prime Wheat, bit damp dote n ot wanted . Rasa of_lo,ooo_ built. red atalli 9 41 41:isi7A9In Ore, Kid:, Weilrertil Rif 031 for ' crb6WMC , ." ‘&011l10‘13 - 152 for whl itro declined te 90 03 4.115X1.2.01M is in g raga , and 80,000 bush yellow sold at 84 cts., inleiloi,,at 60 cis. New Oats dila' fat: 88 340 litiL"*Zele9e Ire AM. Wes of 1000 bbls. snessvit ikt" l -$ll4 - 11' , 60: - ' 400 tierces and bbis. of Lard at 9,1 cts., and 200 bbls Ohl° Whis key:lo)ld at 82 ceuts. . '''' *'''' .' 9 4‘ '' t `. - ' i ---- - -- - Naw - Yoky Aug 19. - ._ Lin+ heavy ; 8000 biiii. sold? / Witeat dull land AfooOrig ; -75,000 bushels mild"; 'Chicago spring 112 ® 120 ;,, it club $1 17 ® 1 28; Itelil l 9 a. ) 2 84, Nntin Ittliptli; ''.40,900 busk& sold fonwqnotationa._ _Pork buoyant; mess i ll II . Lard stem; ; , Whiskey dull. at. 1124 c: BiLvicosicArituat 19. steady, Itowrird a ;fa 62406. Wheat white $1 5501 65 ; red $1 80®1 85. let; - )Whits'66o6ro„ yellow taaoic. d Pernia.46o,s_, 75 - kiavisions 13ork • 910100, t,Whlakey drill at 82c. Tie , active, 'Com' date, o ~~iu . ' : ~'b~ti ' irxisriitts VNTED.-=-1k Volitcdok a gir r l A do gooeiii - fttnagrAlided umoia . =67 • keFirree °boll i t is o . Thlrd and Fourth. ~~ xT - Able. bodied Aneb - -Abi . 0. cblimiluil macs s Regiment. =lo bovs-all—cskise-ixonikle— Cansrse-Chessont beifest, siddit otissa., , I. %,"ti 4r4.4l;kyr4Vl4Skar•ißrig -1; e s,v3e, SLe , s Ares*, Ofiterdit in* Weil' %SW, ice. August 20, 1862 'IIHE Updegrove Look Property, Canal .1 ttnne , y and &petrel° Howse, s!4pese Ere m ile s a wil orrtbore,is row offered for ntW ewe *deer ' t In Weekly Or spp'y to itteklejsulstl6lW NUTS, NUTS, ITS I FOR sale by the bnebel,..4 large lot of a k a bar..., at the th arabatill. Cbritant at wharf, by the soberther. D , a• A. MEMNON, aulB &girt OH Wallower Uoe. be :eel* .la. Bale on the prernitel a certain two dory Crime dweWng borne an. lot of erouud. situate en East :tate 'tree, 'Adjaitlne 1 roperty Of John 1111:er, (groozr,) and othrn, lb. loose is newly new and in good condition, and plewootly loea ed. t eta wil comownoe at 6 o'olock ou Wednesday eve. Wog next, We 20th tog., wlten conditions will be made known by 'U. RAM, Auttkiseeri ". • -xorz, • BUR newly replenished sioeir of Toitet V owl Finer abode Is nostwtostell to thW sty, and isobar cootklent of rendering. eitistsalles, we would res. pectfully invite a all. " el Marked afresh-biro diem led OC, 61 1 Fill 2600450 8.-LEvening, GARDNER AN6 HEMMING'S GRFAT AIBBICAN did . 8. exhibit -in-:Harrisburg on Time - Y day, derernber upon, mu the o sal t po. Wee, together with the educated mater tolll ippear; lernoon sod evening. The pederasts' comprise - the Fta.s of the Prolletioo l at ender the Imintdata super. Tibiae of Dan Gerdoer,- the Peoololl' Fivorite clown. MI extol* afternoon aid evaded— Doors open at 2 aid 7. Pirformente to oommeieei half an boor later. AjMirRaION.. 21k4s. * aolltd4t FOR RALE. THE WAR HORSE OF THE LATE C 0 L. 8111 hi 0 N s Afine blooded animal presented by the regiment to the Colonel as a teettmoetal of their meeeee for hem as a man and an °Meer. Tae bores can be fon at Co'der's livery state ..e where all information coneernlog ;Mee /a, eta be rbtaltoe. ante Ow* U w) Quitman, t Elarrisbi erg, Pa., Aug.Ang. 16, 18112. BY directiod of Abe ()marauding General, Bth Arnly.Oortar t in, Provost Guard'will 414sr rest and bring beftrl tr, e rev every officer and iolditr illTo 1i , d ' this oily withonfpftWrr inflY7' The voat Marshall will Otamine the MOB, and will'send to camp uhder guard every t fficer ..r vidier who baturga there. Those Officer., sod soldiers - shstioned in this city, or here by,, authority, will be, furnished with parses by tbelcoveetlifarshill: 'Wlatiarynn fIeADQUANTIMS, t ° /01111141*Ailaill, Sintoson oghtmouile Ontos, BoniShay, 'liwiruit lirri 1882. STITH itEDIMBoAD OP PEINIOLYAMA riPBE State Medical Board will meet In the Ham. orrne ,Hposaanicßanomevsllgirm, at Harrisburg, on TiII3BISOLY, — SEPTEMBER llth, 1864, and * onadayr4or4hanmsmlnation of Candidates forthe post 43PArisisfinb in Pennsylvania Regiments. kitißiliciatAis will register, Amin names , at the Bali at .8 AY. and, none hat, those .preeent punatualli atth willbiTeFatnined. ditirans of Piiintyliiiiiiii`tof Rood health and capableitt Meath tandifeditilleteld, can alone •he received. .• By order of • , Q. 01:0111IN, Governor and Com:Sander-In Chief. "•":: • ' ' lackdri e lf. • I 8 - 2 e "%Rena* BAU!CIORB, Abg. 19 ALL employees of the Philadelphia and Readierßailroad company, who may enlist In the Varela, of the Wilted state' Or the parpoee of erealting the rebellion now threatening ihe liberty' of our cone. wiare hereby mitred, that their respective sitaationi ll be kept open andgtveratitemAnnatd'll.l . 7 en their retina; and that' the , feet rid vonuneortag. tO defend their eithntrV in Me emergency, will be etmeild• area hereafter as greatly trine's - revue for promotional° any lisitsb!, positions in the 'iserifice , 'hie o,omparty., oIiaRLIV F. sung, President. it Phiktdelphia, August Bt., 1802. . euttAim 'F,RE.1333: BUTTER AT AC L A RK Ei-T- ea . _ WE, HAVING fitted upi a large Rstrig orator, and having made contracts with acnoc%ot cme moat rallaole farmers to tatiaott Ilrith troth ma meet' power - reaularl6 Fill be enabled to 'apply oar oustoomo Wl* sweat avail lop Aoki Matter at alt Itaaaa. 1021) WILaPOOK, k SO. EAGLED I R BOONINDBILW AND PBXS, STANDTN4 PRE138.168; W4l# 11 44 4 &1 B 81WN 2/4PTDM9-54 rXX/Ncirii4II4OIANIVMS. .arortable Cider Ira andleedder Caters, tf3OHOOL FURNITURIC Opera' Machine Work - aid lion and Brass AS T it ! Ow Toßkatmatt.ALLyni:lßANONCs. &Rau NANINGE,-. PLAN I ING, BM., ETC., Or Any:Machine of Wood, Iron or Bram made to order. Gear and Screw 9rdting, ac. PATENT WOODEN SCREW crown.* tpw.' AT Cash pi tyc, (4 Coppoi:BialOpetter, &a. kkr,E jlOll - 4R8,.860. PENNRYDVAiffiI' RAILROAD, ABOVE styli fillijr&T. CELLAR WINDOW 'ORATES, Ot varana patterac tgth etatlyno7 flash Watalita and varietal:lntik Sanding teiting_ t elor - este very dime at the [ tay,24-Iy] ,SACIP , WORK& 17[7 ITEMS,' the ,:.konerabie . Jearr J. I , PSAnsotr, Presblesit'ite.tho, Court of Common Pleas In the feellth.,Joeicial ;; Chntict, chttedsdng of the eedetbaler Lebanon and ;Alan p .. hh~ta, and ahe Hoe. Illant ci,..)gptiantirou. Hahn Yonne', Agaeolate Judge Lin Xlaughin county, having issued' titer precept, bearing gale the lBth' June,. 1882„ to me_ dirested,..-Lar holding k cher. pf.ll — ar and Terminer and, °Menet - Jell Dellverg and errSessiont Other Peabirat Elsolisblut; for thecounty of Dauphin, and to contmenca,p4Fai ‘ 4lll Maln)Apr 01 Annan being •th• ar Aceintr; lee ( 11 , 14: to condole oaq weeks. N tbegetbie hereby-Oita-to the'.oeroaor, flo at:es e Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said canny f Datgthid, that they be then and ' there in their , at4o o'clock to the toreenou odd veYs- • tacit' reotirda, inetdatitions, • eraininetioni, and tit* own remembianeee, to do those things which I. = aloe at il so be done , Who are din recognisances to prosecute againstthi presoullum, are or 'ball be in the Jail of Dauphin COUR % be and there . to proeeeage, bed ag, , _ . Given' ider:ray hind. at Darrisning, 1,44 th day. of August, In the year of our Cord, 1882," and in the eighty 414th year of the indep,l9 ll o4 4l 4l, lll lValw• . CCBOAB, SelabresOnetri. Berrisburg. Attic 4;4862: ' 2 ' itell4nwtd _ - , A9141S g 1 S l ittALD4ll.6.k: sell lots on 2 litridtorth street sad Pososylvsplik W i rtat e lak t%°*"""! APP"kliaL Diem '2Unitrtistments. PUBLIC SALE SPECIAL la= za. diw N OTIO E Harrisburg, Poinglarania. PROOLCIATION. 3)4Tem 2b r Kw. MARY CHANDLER haq returiv,l from Walnut treat tear Third to I , I• 1 ILEFS M mn throe doors below Market e Ne r 7', 11,..,i , h, .: sh, will continue the D t'.-ZING BUS NE.? , iteepecifolly *albite a continuan t . or the II may ei resi dy bestow e d upon Ler ; , r.i . - :- N.N. p.-611klud4 of firedog teatly t., e. ted ~t , , N.. tut 3 i , W. P. HICNRY ATTENTION VOLUNT E ERs, A LL kinds of :-'econd timid II,: xi ; Umber:id aloof, b al it, atom, Second Sneat next Lap ttl tOll, towleAtolves and pa b , anxer , , Lary btldier`and seers for au otll.7tr f T end Street. B Au IRVING FEMALECOLi,EG.ij MECJIANICSBIJRG, PA yEtIS institution will (p t . ! , mutton on Wednesday, the &1 of :. Bow should eater promptly at the o tr,a; c. woo. Ter further parttcrasrs, addr.os aultl.dcolzw A 0. lust %Tr p: ViTECEELER's — CHEAP COAL \ iAI;L) THE undersigned is now prei cold at the rqholtitig tiorberry nut coal IMO " et .re broken " . ..... Wil kitabarbi lump or cup,Sa. eteambort. rag broken Lykes' Valley nut egg" br0ken....... so- Tmleirberry 00311+ elemer cO.O hoes Vslist . ,-Istooles r easy, duea tbd canker. net bars kilns Atli ere more h at. Osslsthl -Oa bout hid, car hau. hi third iO3B Rad b 7 the etmaei. air A h end of the best quahLy mine I and d ii;,.ei nl the PATENT WEIGH CARTS. HArrieburg, Aug - 9th dim JAM 206 DOLLAKS BOEJINTY. hECtIUITS WANTED, TO FILL UP THE 116TH REGIMENT. COL. D. HEENAN, COMWANDINO. NOW ENCAMPED AT EESTONVILLE, Pula, TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED :-FREE OF CHARGE, Pay to Data from Enrollment, 32 Pahl when Mustered lab Pervice ; 30 Prom city Council; 100 from Unitrd3tatts Gttqlonenti 13 One month's Pay to adrance , 41Prtyate Substripti.v. Apply to Capt. WI tam A. Peet, Capt., Thos. B. Ha -1n&, tleartattlng Ole , ea', at Henry Vrl,. Ho el, Fifth and ilarict anew, or Mal. etiCi• R. it 411 DWUL, anl4.dtf hirer's Hotel, Hart-burg, Pa. GAIETY MUSIC HALL. W6lnut street between 2nd and 3d STAR B•IBTERS Fl•at alibi of the Lattgbab'op Ethiopian Fire. of RUNNING THE BLOCK A DE. 'fret Night of the Comic CHINESE DANCE ......I.lll.l,lllght.aL the.— , PERPLEXED TUTOR. First "Night of the Great PRESTIGIDITATOR. New Dow by Mies BATE ARCHER. New Booze EMI Da l / 1 . 1 1 bY Moths Budding, ape the GJIErY MIX NUBIA BAND in the Ciente of Ethio;.eati Ihn-rthy enli 808 EDWARD 3, Pro} retor PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE, REAL ESTATE WILL be offered at publio sale, on nittroday, the 11th day of September, A. 2 Ciobsok, at BranCe gall in the Girl elar debug ' . Thirttmthree acres of land with an excellent frame bona* and barn sad oatbaildiaga, situated partly in the Olty of duriaourg aud pardyin bwatara tO siesta's. This property Li 'United on the douth of Mammals , town' turnpike , a portion of ahloo 11 , 0 a beautiful location on a hill, directly facing the city of Herne , burg, to be sold In taree acre lots. _4150 a lot or pion of ground. altuatedin Ilatket Slaws, ailksicing Jones' Home, having a front of 21 teet and extending beta 107% feet to 20 tett alley, thereon ereeteid a two story bnck house with two airy but brick building and thinly, bolos te ensse of a Mum fbat alley on Market 21 {hare, being of the moat desirable situations for busmen srprivate ridden°. to Co city. POPM•118100 ghee to lst of Octotrer ,ext. Conflitions of Salo are 10 per coot. of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, the balance of toe one half of the purchase money when the title is mie*and the Wanes in two equal en - nal pommel. Sthjuktersit, from m ago, pound= Wean. 'lobe amid by bonds and mortgago, • plan f the tku ee acre 101 l ran be seen at the hoot and aboe Mora of A. Hummel, next doot to the Court Houma, Harrisburg. line attendance will be given by Oh ORGE HIMMEL eon ADULT HIMMEL, Executor of David RUM= dec'd. Iy244ti ATTENTION ACTIVE AND DARING YOUNG MEN. Enlistments for the War Major George H. Bardwell, of the 116th Regi ment P. V., is now at Herr's Hotel, where he will remain nntil Saturday next, August 16th, for the purpose of receiving recruits for his regi ment. The bounty In this regiment amounts to TWO HUNDRED AND SIX DOLLARS—SIO 6 of which is paid by the city of Philadelphia, and the other $lOO by the U. S. Government. The regiment is now in camp near Philadel phia, and only lacks two hundred and slaty.- four men. SqUads or fractions of companies received, and transportation furnished as soon as recruits are received for the camp for the 116th. Apply to MAJ. GEOLiGE& BARDWELL, anl&Jmke, 1a a • 116th Reg. P. V. GEORGE MINIMA ~gRCgALKT TAILOR. NO. .86 MARKET STREET. NOTICE TO MILITARY OFFICER S. nktriNG on hand an assortrae ro l ,nigeriala of god, reliable quality, is Pretale; male u. short notice and in 'be inal v oe; Wipers ttroill. Alit) donne shirts and st. 4( so an wows or oaken ontEit on band. , ----""-., Op CONSTITUTION AND t• .- 3' ' . 1 BOOK FOB, TBB PEOP . i Li !, 441-IIIR GO V ERNIf T," by M: ---.14-7.,_.'mlunnoi. con sire the Stitutoo of the '.'„mac • tiotts, anti . ' t tho.e of th : er! Stews, 01'4 Lao ootte acklim of emir prole as JeterVillii 3V, "WV., eettled praeuee stedhesed auttior.4 got ""3.1 aggillablitjoa .lid W. rof the eillacttt de -11141AIls• of be Gove.ron to:Lath:opt ea Emu,. end 41 Prise Mummies pcatetples sod mode of riddiM • __..." ' Government of our country. Pries SI 00, 1 olint b bib tieginntep, et Eisidisburg, sad et boob Ara acat•dor umovii LOW RATE GREAT SUCCESS OF THE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers