ELIXIR PROritaliff% Zia 107, REMXiiir /MR RECiIVbIATIBMg A NNW BRIDIDY, A 011ITADIRIKIDY, I I " Aieri lIIKIALLTDOA L OBRODIO RHRODIATIO, aglignlAllait Of Ammar XIND; PROP No w o f er miL i iir j lIOW STUBBORN, HOW LONG WADDING, wzrz oomatmapze, WILL ODDJI IT, VAT RAFS DON; WILL DO ADAM, TEM SPAT T!!IfIYONY t: pier mADIOAL AUTHORITY.. , • •. • DOOPO RB kNow IT . . PATIENIU lORLUITI IT, gritraD AND TRall. PENNSYLVANIA'HOSPITAI.I Priem Thiertru IMMO.) , , stWIAT 19, 1860,—INen 8., mt. 'A, single, never was very rong.g Two years ago she bad an attack °fame rheum. tism,lrom wtueb she was confined taker bed for ma weeks and sopsepinhy irom "relapse kr four More. Sheba+, been well Mee then last Sava: day, while engaged in bocie seining, she teolt cold, _had, pain in. her back, tilt Cold, bet hid so decided UM: , Two days later her azalea ba gad Well, which was followed by ' svrabg a the knee Nets and of this • bandit he haft new dull , pain in, her shoulders, and her knuckles, are very tender, red and painini ; `both hum are affected, but the 'right lamest so. This, then, is a cue of aralleThettmatilah, or, it is sow fashionably called, rhsaulmie fella 11 re a . well Marled typical ease We will carehilly ; taico mule,and from time to time oellyourattentiken time vari• Gas symptoms which present thetneelyea: lilykluef object In bringing her, before you now, is to call 106 1110 0 to R remedy whlch has receelly been reeenmended in the , irealihera of rheumatism.; . Louchn profiloottoo . ,, ' Agwentritis, of 'fit. Petersburg ;' rfteouloodo ft In the terms, having derivaggeid umiak from its use 44 which mane be Ciro. y2te r Own* tesUmontals It have 'ld in our }onrush, an 4 I propose dkerefore give II another MIL laical ot.uM am always incredulous as to the wormer saw re • which are Vaunted as specifies I bat, Ude Gomm to us recommended so highly, that we eahobotbid gire it • Mid: ' SAME MBE lota DAYS LATER I tur attOlswoo4 Wilt new exhibit Us youths for whom I prescribed Propylassibeeigued wa e then labor ing under an - attack of actitisrhintaatiant. She has steadily taken it in doom of three grims ess? two hears (liiteradttusg it at night.) The day after you seW her, I tound her much more comfortable, better than she ex =lobs LoraWoF her Other (This Wien now Walk into the ream.) :the iwovemant h s steadily nrisgreesedabd yisu cannot all to notice a marked change 111 the•Xppisattnois or her slats, which WO UCW Wier An or ithistr natural else.— nue Mar our isaperitmett would. her allentor* Tg a Y suc •esetul ; but, gentlemen. we Must wait a little 10 .reeftie pre a decided opininn es to wind is to be 1 _, , - Beta b another, patient who was Vitesd Ose MILII4II of CM10440111 on Sunday last ; she has long be en euriering 'from o tannic ritenniatism,nnu. I found her at that tune with as acute attack Inspervening upon! her chronic auction. The minis and knuckles were Much swollen and tepee. Ohs look tie chloride of Prowls,- mine In three grate doses every two hems, and you. will Perceive Wm the swellmg el the ,tolulo has much dimin- THREE DAYS LATER l I _ ~ . „, NAT TO I 18 80 r—ur n.. la the case ' of - sone ' , Mahwah= • IMMO * olsroludaneiztei,,the Ilrat„orthoso to which} Milled TOUr Wthealhat it °titbit clinic. 'Meta still Very moutortable, and.tanow te.klag , three grains thrice daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very sat• istamory results. The second ii.se to which you Macu la= we called at Obr but lecture, hes aliu maimed to do weir I will now bring before you a very charisitut , AO easeet acute theuouttbue4 shet,if alati empdt* be i f i st. ' .dry, 1 titlark, Mt good juryMele„OtisMaim* re er Our verdict id taVor et prOpylaWn Be le a seaman, wt. le, who was admitted a few 'days ego. AM had ocaaslcnatrheumatic paste, but not MI as do keep his bed, until eight days ago. The paint began in his right knee, subserumuy areoted the lett knee . , mid later, too Mints or the upper extremities. These WWI ars.sitswollelowtse Inc tender. - Mt Teague ix fuer ; bls skispOt prelim& dry, dump there has hem m cb aweatteg, •ah $1164111 kli dud etweg, amid about . ?Tahoe now used propyiansine Air tWeaty,tour bAurs. ISM gleedtanale a What Naaf:4lod a strictly typical lais , or mute J'll A Lui= owed eXAOSUra.to Quid attA torei, and IMO . Me . :yr _a *mans, at i nab% eMdlem,asevere articular Am, beglunitig, ea It ually !does, ttl lee Amer Mats. There i s Marotta thepr ofuse • so generally attleAdant OA saute rhe a atiMn t AMIN( bring this Peticittbatbrittou pci t • 41 "tan, - Zeit &Mg you a kieture.oll iii the .110C41113 1 rbau but to again give a . kris! tio the taegt remedy, we are testbajtcaild tereahlUlt Ma . yeiu t i ts ygetagoastp, as 1 have WWII, than widoklhemmoo Id s lll Wht a elk; opportunll.l for wwitag lial,l11•41blud In ethaelloam. . a are t therefore, avoiding the use .or all other luedidale, area anodynes, that there may ” be no mWelas is to which was tba atdolout remedy. You shall seelbe ease of a Mute olluio. THE RESULT. FAVORABLE r. • • 0014.....5uii.xt_ ~4.--,..1amm,1.1 11 e MI, mmterh6mnitient WM , i OO iii mu IM MO 01 y tb, w hich 'I this Gana a typical ease, and which 'lt am ampuod,spaa JI Air opponsaikr for Aestingo worth ot our s othOththedy, It was therefore stea dy . even in„Matie Val tithes every trio hours for fo u r days. uo pops has got along very aide% and iii now able So walk about, as you are. Ido not hesitate to thy that! lamelletes seen as severe a came lif abate theumatis - 0 so soon restored to health as this man has b and without being pimpared to decade pseithe or as to .vld. oe of the remedy we, baveueed o lleel bound , to ke tkintin the gases in wilbilt we, harntrie4 the Oblo de o Pr O P7 l O l / 00 1, it ol imioe 4 4 4z4va.retmued: Wails health Allabitarder (ban under the treatment ordinarily pd.- Wad. I whit gentkunen, you would yourselves try It, and report tbeinoulte. : , -, , . .. - , rOf a IttU repOlet of whkh the above le a extract, worth* Philadelphia Refikat and ***re)* Oar 11.64 " 9 / 7 .* 616161 , 2 ' osill,o444,Bi . Bilsoonniri, and hilleise it annededw' y to give suuneroaa oakum (tom iudouldied dooldra i 1 W leloiebetritatatil• AVIOT CUR, • AB InfliarOAL B OURS. TEUCSAMI usuLT MELT 1T SAS DONS, Ballo** Orteallaw, a grin ;ran known to maths 11. eat me ? b7.botn the ,pizirl'etivianiln joa Wiwi in• 5014i4 iut.the =Amos dot to nianufie tarots wording to ina original rod" end we h►te made i rrenje ta of plait niagnliudo ea to enable a to smarter it broadcast along! staking huramity. . Woßtpro Docr . ona •- it yea Pieter to nee the some einedy in aeether Perm ettr.tiou to the Pzarmaxotu . P,1121111PI*11:413/9 14=4 . Pine tenkruwisaCkwennanne, , , of w4lll we are t.?enole ifirWedahn no other virtue foe the Elixir Preillandzie than la eontalned in Pure Crystalised Clkloride . *Propi• mind. _llll.-13=1,111 AND MAY ISX TAKEN • ACOONANNG 4Q Dlit=lol49, BY ANY MLR & OSYONI Imo EAURIIINATISN OF ANNY=ND. T I SoFl In Hareleburg by £1 15 On. • 107111. Ohtani may Iva addivoid ;!,PaioP TLAJltlairit atterintaorozurre (plioe, Nowa Na 4, W. Cor lough sad(boast dram% Palaidaiyhlai • Iwo either at Ito foUcridni, 44//entrx . maw, RI & .10RN K. Id ARS 11017 DID. D. ,q• swam a INCIR, 11. 11 n .011 W PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. OD AND Anita • MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. I - The E!fdruser, *ha or the Pesuisrluala Railroad Oompany will 'depart tram and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia u follows : EANTW A. D• TEROUGHEEPHIMII TRAIN leaves Hirraburg Wally at 1.16 a. m, land arrives at West Philedelphil,st 6.10 cm. . • ,;===.- FART LlM:learnt Hurishlat,do l P r i d t aig co o lo Nara at 6.80 a. int, and arrives at est &a' 9. s. m. - • ci IMITAtam, Amain leaves Harris Varga gringaiyastilD p. m, and arrives at !Mit phis at L244245ie ACOONVODATION . IMAM, via Modest laves Hor r istorg at 2.00:E. m., and smut, at Weil- Phila. alpha at 12.24,p. , en. -; HARIRIMUNR,AOCOMMODATION TRAIN, vls'eldunt• Ms, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. ant arrives n 4 West puiladelphisiti9 26 p, , ~11r,111114 T WARD- , THROUGH, TYP TRAIN leaves .Pbßadelphli; at 10.86 p. m.,Marrisb* at 8.00 a. m., Altana LAW. m. and arrive-6 at Pittsburg at 12.86 p. at. NAIL TRAIN leavltiPhßadelphla at 716 a.m. ,jvld ar rivesat &kibbutz 1412.30 p. m.; leaves H at 1.00 p. p. M., and arrives st burg at 12.16 a. su PANT LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.801. nt., 's hag L 46 p. m., Altotas at 8.20 p. m., and.arrivink at Pittsburg at 12.45 c M. I • ; HAERDIBUItO ACCIONNODATION TRAIN leave/ • T bil. delphia at LBO p. au, rand arrives at Harriabug p.t. 8.00 MOUNTJOY 400011MODAITON via Mount Jby 'hives LauCasSOr RA 10.20 a. nu, arrives at Harrisburg 5t•22.40 p.m. LINUEL "apt. East, ay. POWs. Harrisburg, May 2, MC • ^ ' DOCTORS MID DOOTORRALLIIINI, ' DOCTORS"TRY IT. -- • eer worts en via berlau2 Va -y Railroads, and at Reading lbr Plillailelpbla, Pot Wilkoibarre, Allentown, Hugon, dos. . Rape*ebeckid tbrosighr Tara between New York and Harrisburg, $6 00; between Harrisburg anf ?Ws. deVbia, 26 in No. rears, and $2 70 in Ho. 2. Whets or other lulortialloa apply to J. J. CLIMB, rops4.ll General great, Harrisburg. Northern Central - Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. OXIX*EIi A.,it/144GEMENT. 1111 M 1311111111 lIAlp SULY,10 . 1111111) MON Close Collection made at Harrisburg , • TO AND FROM NEW YORK,' KEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT - TRAINS. QwN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY dth, 1862, thoProseagor Train or the Northern Goatral z o w: fou sni alb at and depart from MITI/bin aflld itiath dvs• ,GOING BOUTIE, • BUM TRAIN atit•tta at limiabaag 1 1.1 .09 5 .1 ii X. M. and lama " MR= " • anginal II 1245 A. X. and learnt " • GOING NORTH. HAIL TRAIN haven Battimoro at 890 A, N. and arrives at. Harriabum.....l2.4s P. It. and haves North M. 1.16 P. Al. EXPRESS TRAIN Wives addmore at.— .... 9.30 P. 'M. ~ , and arrives at Harrisburg.... 146 A. K. end Lamm North at ' &Oh A.l! LeiAVßltt CEI WIUMW7tit WIZIENIMIt r /WIBIBI3IIRR AOCOMAi' ORATION • TRAIN. eaves Harrisburg Orr Baltimore at ....7.80 A. M. Returning...lmes Baltimore at........ 800 P. M. rr inklwAami, The only train burring Harrisburg on Sunday win b the Harrisburg oesonintedattt nTrain, South. at 1.80 A. )t. For further information apply at the Ms, in Pennsyl * van% Belltead Depot. Harrisburg, Hay 8,1862.17 18432. 13111( 7 / 1 R 1860. AB RANGE-MENU CHANG'S' OF toußs-Ahra d after N or w a y, way rah, 111121Zrengew Train" will rim dat 7, ll az Follows, itinday2 pied a: 'Fat aimberabitie and Ilarrioluxi: 00 2 MORS CONY t NYINY. 4 AND ALWAYS nal FOR IJILIULDUIS USA Leave.HaientOina. " ‘Grenicaatis. • Lanai 0 110'12 06 0111 49906921...iu. ... ... 00' 'l'2l u Nay - with .... 9 111 It 00 u ..10 /41 ..6C . . . Y:.../C4rriEeft Aritye ' At Harrisburg. For chazaborobrirg.andllagerotown: . Necksaloi A. X. r. Leave darrublarg ....0 06 / lAtii `-' - 4 847 2 "I. Carlisle ... " 02 " liblogiebaborg. ....10 '4 " ChaMber.ooB3 . .... dsri ••• Art MIL/1 Oa' -, 4 AllatliibeTelmarg , . • Leave:Al 10 4 ' 1 Greencsiktle. ........ ....... _11 ; 66 0. It E. 01111 oklbainbefsbtii .111114-dly (i Wn)/ft'slaurg; !ENO • U. Se" ainat i Z si ae ft . j a l _AMU=•WAVIAS, ofxsermaikaall No; .Alnurtistnunts RAIL ROADS I ama Omit - 'Oat w ,GR a c oss , 00., " WHOLESALE LED RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET 15LtRRMBURG, DROC/134108 4 - PHYSIC t r kEEPEIIB - AND 00pIETBERIVEI; We - ire ,daily. Adding to our asortrient of goods ali such articles es tit. desl - 4. and world 'respeCtitilly call your iteration , the largest and *Ousted stock in &ilia of DRUGS 01111110 RUM 0n.,-difr. and Gnu% Dysntifdri, Glass and Patty, • tiiiioAlCollora and Toads, Piato . Ground SpteM. Barn!ng and Almahal t . Lard, Spann . and Pine Olik: BiaLtial:itin.Le and Lasiolabtoa,'; Calatift'saap, Spousal and Corks, :41A:4Am., die., dte.,!dsa:;die With kgeneral variety PRRYIMERT - ik TOMEI'''. ARTICLES. selected from the 'beat manufacturers and lie hunenyht Ent*Auld this cou ntry. , „. Behwrery dealers In - PAINTS, :WEITE LEAD, , umEaw, veßmignrs, ,14:•ow GLASS, ABTIS?s - COLORS, PAINT AND Awnsnit.mamss IN A 4 luso vmagnEs, 00/birAND BRONZES *Alai KIND?, We rsaiecitMlYl!u._ -9 teeing. anal dent that we San Supply the waits of all on terms to eath*tlon. TIEPTIX. 1 VIETH. t DONE SAND PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Of all Muds, direct frciiiiliketetai i i; ; • - Elaponifig. and:, Coneentmted Lie Wholesale &genie for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased in WS cities. raeyzais Inimm. num mamas aiAb 01,6 I' OMLBOIV 011,1 w % an ' Being large, midi sae' rs in fus e e offer inducements:lo :close bnyeritOW , Oil Lampe of - the lmproved pattOrns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to bum . Coal Oil. YilinfrIBRPo.LND GILiZIERSI Those of you not gives out 1:10111pc AND at rrflo ftiVVElEifi a teal `know no their superiority,' siid the adVantegi they are le keeping ; ' Eforied Cattle healthy and In g)od condition: .1:1. , .....—= •lii.f) i , . rhousands mutlastlfy to the profit they ha;re derivedffrcird-r .: th4eke of our Cattle Powders by ..- the inereardng quantity and quality of milk, besides improirSeiiie general health andiap . pearance of theinOattle. i - : ' Our longnzlierbarnin the businese gi.vat na the advantage of ifhorongh itnoyiliotte trade s and our, arrangements ihn cithi. l ars such that ive cam In a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our buibxeas, on the : 1 best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage -tiestOira _ on our tulip., tie Atop° by stria litigation p 3 business, a eareftiliaileotion of • • PURE DFAIIGEr: at fidr Prieed, = aird *Le desire to jilagio ... a ?zo merit a contiarteamird the favor of a - Abeam ' -I tit :z a WW l * public . ziatkill7: F I sal lua T.:k.o K . Lkl ~ O V, Ala. mums. ..5,,,,,i, :,-.... Tbreeilinik i anatiev,e,joott Trout, Rada. •.. , • ' Oilk and Halr Trout .104/1. from 10 to 50 yasda . lose. , ! London Patent Trent: Llnips, " 64' ft . 06 T"i6l.4d Silk ."bout' " " " gt , &Anna wogs Line', ! ~I. , 16 Al if µ 1 Linen an I .,Cottou.Linah tr la CI 111 .fl ! . !host Luna tansigibial ineh Reales, Co. , Blass IllutlplPuepieleBo WOO 7 51 4 rk5 11;, 80 '' .., t A lot cr Moms TenenAtisi. • I • ' Elik Wren or taase,,,ottom lines, 85e:Infa' Oalie I , .. 411 .!!&.,,,,,,. .„.,,,,C. •• - ir :1:,. ' 8 Trout BasketidflrisYttt''''''t ..... , I A. Usk Trout aellitlrleAMT_lests, Mad& ilastolopm: Cops. - 11151415115,. o AND FANOW,PQRA 1 rly. 9 .. . . . ~: 9/ Marl* -‘lg. lip" "At_ pawl; Froth:, ' finnd and WPopp', NI CM 18 v" I' 4044ier Frotaikii ll t _ ~, ....... ______,............. HP* 4: 0 ,AYLOR , Bibiow.Eici . IL. ;:,,,, -:. , d high/Y detemilve. ph. Bo geeld 7 . . *DI •'. wage, It 1a i' l ogi t , • Injure the Modal rrlV' Impart an ' . • d is thowesoef mpbegie fat every pa "5" by . „„ _,,,,..... WM. 000 K.: ms s . T AIME luidmilantaiTe sea Wasinnirloamplidt nimbly% • ` -- r ---7 " Howb, ko. ea., imuythlar or DUOS= a mil" law hug lad Medal limb. ittlegr,f),...frittap Ifttntoon, 'August 15, 1862. NO. 19 :71j. RESTORATIVES , glisullaimus Dertrov- 7 -11sts, Roaches, &o. so Destroje-='-r-. Ilfoleft, and Ante. lo Desisoy--I-Bed.Bars, Ziteacw—milothsln Ftms,- Clothes, lb Deekv---Itioteroitoes and Fleas. le Destrog---Inseote on Plante and Fowls. ebneei,l 4 .--- on Aninuds, &a Deetrop---Brirkforin and *tie of Vermin. 66- 6iElitrEtibPSOP VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "ONLY ibiAt4itiU mi Ulll3)llll2 KNOWN.'i mums anuinx , E ‘ Ni: IRY FORM AND SPECIE( OP VERMIN. Tee Preparation (like all °there) ire "Free froark.Polsone.". . • "Not dangerous to the Human Family.l `"Este do net die on the learning." "they come ant of their holes to die." "They , are the 'only infallible remedke known • "12 years and more establkhed in New York Mei 6p--the City Post Office. Badipz—tliiClity Piteous and Station Houma Med 6y--the city Steamers, Ships, &a ~tHeal 6y—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses,, 410. Vied istlie City Hotels-- 4stor'—'St:l4l6lm. illi Ateally—the Boarding Houses, &0., ito. I r eed.6p—more than 60,000 Private families. Sr* one er Gan Braman of what is aperywhere Mit by lA. Pecyle—Rdigoes—Deakrs, ROUSlCUMlTaffroubled with vermin need be so no loam if f thernae " 00ali*S " Eitertainatom We have used it to oar tilitM. faction, and.if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had triedpoldions, but they &fasted nothing; but "OterAx's' at die knocks the breath out of Rats, Moe, ikeichtis and ile&Bugs, qquicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—Nediact (0.) Game*. • ,„, MORE GRAIN and provisions aro destroyed annually hi Grant-county by vermin, than would 1 11 41 0 ;,toneof thie i lle t tand Insect Killer. LancestertWlL) - NieSke =TRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your pittrationsrapidly. Whereverthey haws Wen Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear' Rom & &roma, Druggists, Windsor, Md. Ell L "Costar's" Bat,-Boactr,ga Extorminator. 44 Costar's" - " Costar's " Bed-bug littarminator. " Costar's" 1 ' Costar's'-' Electric Powder, for Insects, hc., is 25,3. 500. AXD $l,OO Boas Swam Am) hum, $8 $5 &mesoa PlANTAllolth v bras, Bone, Homo, ao I To 'eve nt the public from being imposedmpon by ' and RV * Polak= beadles; a new has been prepared; bear ing a fee simile of the Proprietor's signature:-- Umnine each box, bottle, or Bask carefully be , fore purchasing, and take nothing but "COs- WV' Akid Byespeders,,,hy All Wworlear.o 1./luwers In the large cities. • Borne, of the 11Thalesale Agents in New York City. Bali:1601k Brothers & Go. R A. raluiestOok, Hull & Co A. CD:Bands & 00. Hart. /rune 8. Aspinwall. Morgan litfokel & Co. This Tel4c. P. WOrils. HarAVltlslai A Kitchen. Bush Ogle A Robinson. Co. Mamm on & Bobbins. . D. B. Runge & 00. P. O. Welk & Co lamella, Marsh & clardner. Hall, Plxiiii!! Co. °owed Philadelphia, Pa. T. W:likOtt 'EC°. • B. A. Fahnestodt & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. Preach, Richards & Co.,—am *TIMM AXP Davosans, GIOOIIII4 tlitrissamnall and Bararr.- ns generally In all Coruna: Town and 'ywns In the UNITED STATICS. AT HARRI3IIIIIIII PENNAI Er &kJ by D. W. Gross it Co, AND C. IC Keller , Prindpid Wholesale and Rellnkgmabot liarOdnug. andmu Di fly mmum, Own*. KommenndElumagenom. Comrunr.l.Maxams can order .a above. Or address orders direct— or If Price, Ur Terme, &a., `le dadred,, mend for % VW 001 .4. 11 0" Eat"t ii- *4ll BroadirilY—QPP* site the IRI:hobo Hotel,) New Yort. labLlidlaa . BOXIMING FOR' T S Tuns t i gee Naimeanynl Emit Thauanaolax JOHNS & CROSLEY'S AnTriean Clement Glue TM" MONGER OLITZ DT SSE WORLD THE MUNDT GLUM IN TEM WORLD. TRW MOST DIIRA.BLI GLUN IN TRW WORLD. TRW ONLY RILIABLI OLD= DT THE WORLD. ISIE Mr OLDY Di Tax 'mum. AMERDIiki CEMENT GLUE Is the ooly iurtiole of the kind our limhiltal ' , Mob WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, - sive your tinkle Ferselele, IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Lad your lieteeme, Strum Hsiu , Boob, Am IT WILL MDND4LAB3, sari Ito Ammer tied agoutis Out elm BOW WIIML MEND IVORY, DWI threw limy theiiiirtiklik Wry hay It Yeikallyl re- =I ft WILL MEM) CIRLN.A., Yoe, broken ClbbOt: 014311 'ad thinears im beards:as _li Wl►. WILL MARBLE, Thai piece knocked out - of your Marble pet eel o strong es ever. IT WI44 , MEND PoRiagLAIN I& nailer n it that broken PAW. did 'sot eon but attadt. tbm, sAttilbut saved It s shilling sum& IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That: otoUy Alabaster 'Wee - broken mid you 'eau% match it, , MO*ic wlllturrer ithow whoa put together. It will Mend Bone Coral, Lava, and in fast everyt hing but Metals. Anzio!c 66 : : :gi t g„V.,u,; I =V cmn .eum . , wilsory Howtoktotpor r sbadd' bare a" 'apply or Maw ;tWakes Amara= Mono* ehmar-11. Y. lima . 0 11 la so twavaileia is haat In toe house."—to. T. Lit is always ready; tlas oomcsoods Malt to every. Dods n_• "we bale vied It, amillad has metal In oar halm as water."— WOW ,VataV ths rise. ECIONOXY .113 'MULTI& P10;00 per yew imay;4 ;ley Family by Goa. Bottle AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Ciente per Bottle. Price : 2s'omb' per Bottle. Price 25 Oente per Bottle. Priors 26 Orate per Bottle. — Pribe 25 pante per Bottle. Price 25' Cents per Bottle. Very Likrif 10 4 1n00841 - TIMM 0 " & S H: sta-Por sake -Waif iitiLl'eftiiiekeepar• geezers] • Ay thmehihenk the aoadtty JOHNS*. CROZET,. • • eAge Miounmskerovetn 78 WT LTA M STREET, conreA,labortratto!. Haw You Important to Haase Owners. Impartant to Benders. Important to /tail Road Companies. ---ImportogOtjuiplEt!_., lb all mbomMia may amens, awl fai body. JOHNS & CROSLIEY'S ' titisdriD otrrre rime ' OEILENT BOO'FING, The Cheapest and mod durable Roofing in nee. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It tanteappUed to lunrand OLD Joon of an kinds, steep or ,Ilatotad to Sums Room without removing the abhlgloll. The Coatis only &Mit tinoMblrd that of Tin AND IT i 7111,10111 JIM DURAMIdII. Thu artlele baa been thoroughly tested In .New York City end all other sera of the United Omah a Wait Indies Oteitral and South America, on b all kinds, such as Rearonna, Wometuusei Onaucana, Sown Won, Cam, and on Yuma Beaman ItlearallY 'Covrenxin Mumma nebO by Vie prinalpil • pandas, Aroblions pad others, fib ., ig the put law 7 end eft proved to be the WWII!? end NOW ROOFING to use; It is In army radial A M,R, WATS 11, WICMER end ymEs MOON cove in` for BOONS Or ALL VaNDS. - • I t httb As OPLYinataidi muiworattioad i. tAs meted Asks which anabines the tisoisable properties: of and.Diondolity, which are aniresady acknow ledged to be posaewielF by. GOTTA PAT/MU AND INDIA. 141758.111. , • No get is required in ziv‘kwg application. The ettPenee . of applying it is trilling, ate an ordinary roor • ' man be cowered and finished the same day. i . It can be applied by .arry one, and when finished forma a pmfediy Raz PllOOll ear ass wini ea ,wlMoi canixt betijuret by Han .Colb Rip" 1311Fillgir qf Bac. Iblamp6 ow' say bz bina %aka whitaver. • - • - • .G 1 1 4 / 1 1 1‘.A PERCHA 9 CEMENT for Costing Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Anon of the We thee, and yING ANDVeIaItENG METAL . . TIM Is the only Coinposttkie gown fldal VD nom& raga Waren. changes of .aLI Mutates, Re any boilA ef Ulna, IteAnelailt, to , which it ad• tietSlbleiy, tormlng la oar/ equal to coati of ordinary patot, caste mak lawmati will LAU MUM THIMi LoNe ; end from 14 elasticity la not Injured hy the enaiwaritericand expeasion of Thi andether Metal Roofs, renseguent Non sudden changes of the weather ' - * - not ORAir e g_III:COLD BUII LW waltz LArD WILL Nor WAN:IOIf. , tali* Tte'end other Metal Rood dui be readily repair ed with GUITA ?ERMA OBIOINT, and prevented from [wilier corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a per :Ugly tight, root (or many peels. ; Thin Dement trploaaliaAradapted for tee preismoton of IRON RA:WNW, STOP/1, RANG E% um, AGRI. OULTUBAL lIIPIBISINBI, &c also for gentrat mum feotaretr ire. ' 'du KETT& PHA ; CEMENT Torand repair% I% and other Mahal Booth 'or entry ddeoM on,trum li t mitt eleatiottr,M not Mimed by tie oontrachon and upthsion and win not wrack In Gold or ran In warm weather. . These materials are Ammo To ALL tummy sad we era prepared to susiplyroiders from any part of the eons. 1: &holt .uottoe,jor GUM. PUMA ROOFING Ie ready. prepteed to use, end 'OUTTA PlEaCas GE. in barna** with-fdll prtatatdlrestioas for app. 'Udine - We wilt,pate sod satisfactory arraagitiaqiiiii with regiauilblo *des who would like ta establish than. IlliTea la a Wang!. altd parmaatuat baalaam • OUR TERMS AKE cog. . . • , *con jive aboibint Pro" or 00,1 ban apo a au . li„„ ro .ridElgoins wins * • room to several ticausad too bid York Mk ondriliotiltr. sun .KANorAmvaintai :Whalen' , Wareham.* William tit. Corner of Libor , yBtreeL , BMW TOIUC I I dorau 9 1 . 81 r a llir win b. furtiehld §ODAtiscuit- Cktt Oriaeht, justnioo oistioitpas IVOR Qs' kll .1)111)11.1101. . rola Ring sll I AT FP/A/ WOW: AN entire noir irosimosat of those useful tido oponffil_kk_ gifirp Bookstore, I=3l soots or Aii;lo:Km JOEUff as& cacounr, _..._,. DAIPL. A, MUNCH , AGENT O F the Old Wallower Line respeuto Defter= the pub& that oil Oa Illy isms.;!t,' UM Une, Otte only Watberg. Liao oow in exi st ..., --, Ink Qty.) le Is lit sticcesebil operation, ii.o.i prepar.: carry up as low as any otter induridual llee ..etr_:! Ildirsielp Harrisburg, essuoary, Lewis , urg, w• - •thelwtpors, Jersey Store, Loeb Har.o and all Gtzer caz a lorebern Causal, Philadelphu, and K t ,. „ 4 ;;;- and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A.. NUELNCH, ALge. t • tiarriebt4, ?, flooelegent to the Ware EloTt. of ttmsti. ?., ZeU & dinehmau, Nob Es and 8 10 Market sire n , -; lightb, plateeeiphia. by 4 &duce, P. a., will Iv, : Huriaburg, raway ksr delivery next morning . apr3o.rdinyl. 3, Z. HARR/8, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Idanufactre, NO. 112 N.clR2r.E7 STREET ILAILBISBITRG. ETAS always on hand a full assorttnefit of Tin and Japanned Ware, C4Jcog ea..l Ptr,o• Stoees tbe bast taszosaeturtes, Gime lag sad Galvanised Iron uncle', mange 4,41 p, I up at reasonable rat**. ,rgr Repthins prompt/7 attended oepaiii•eir A. a 824/TEI, A TTORNEY-BT-L gw OFFIOE THIRD STREET, mylOy) NUR RABBET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRI DR. P. H. AL LA BACH, burgeon iitc. ths, Mannficturerof Mineral Plate Imo, the 4 1 lambed Uzat obelatee every nblentieti the use 4 ut ,. that testa, embracing pullet, half and whole eels 4 opt Owe only, of pare mid lodestrumisle a:nem, mere e, an creek:es ror socoomuladon of smali panicles ,); r oc r ), cad tberelhare,, oo canal» odor keel Wa breath, e. 30 al Sal la instils their inmetruction, there can be ne piny, : MUM Or Molleillialaste. Bence the India him te to hayed With lama throat, headache, &a Mee N: North &mead greet, Elarriaborg. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEL PSEh, i&TOULD respectfully inform hiE patron; and the publig generally, that Lk: *s as to give inatructioioa dn the PIANO RAIL, arkHe VIOLIN and also in the science of THORiIIA will w"th pleasur w at Lbw 1 110=1011 al any hoer dratted, e or a l t upon pupils :moue win be kresi Isis residua In In Third stroet - for doors bol os ;t Gannon Reformed Cbumh. )eclG-or Itiisatianuus UNION aEs r U INf, IDILIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NE9B EIFFEL THE eubaoribers having erected a larg e budding at the abort wae.:o,,,proatty for toe our,' 0. Ms above In ~ d lottW, beg to cat) too attention of the pub. to the following : Tel Rierratnum cm the dad Um, with a dining room attached, h Med up in Ortst.Chtse style, and it will at all times be suppled with the heat OYSTER.S to be bad w. the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, Hai, and se blade of game In SCIISOa. Oysters served ap In every style, and meals to be bad at all hours.- The Ales or id! the celebrated breweries in the country constantly OD band. The Tel-phi Alley, or Bowling Saloon, Is Is lbe rotr, as contains throe sibyl of modern oosstrocuod, the lovers of thus healthy exercise c a n copy memo; 7.1., 'The Billiard Saloon la up-stairs —43tegtuoy fit.ea a and eoataius three marble top cimibiostiou C‘lov3a bles t equal to any made. Harrisburg has wog ICI the whet of a rasa conMr egoa of this usucl, sad as the proprietors are aCetaiiae i COeldUCt It la a quiet acid orderly mesicr, 411.11.1 rro rythhaii la their power to make it a las koailm Nor they hope to receives hbentl share of pis,. jaii-dtf WILLIAM C. He u,AS a 90. FI.BE SIT RANOE. TEE DELAWARE lIIITILI.L iIAPATI INSURANCE, (1011 Pin itrOORPORA TSB Sapnod and Assets $869,126 3', DIRECTORS. wak.x.arttn, Edmund A. Ponder, Theopinlue Jno R. Penrose, Jno. C. DavisJas. traqualr, WEIL Elm.; Janne C.Band, William 0. Ludwii, Joseph H. k, R. M. Huston, George 0. Leipor, Hugh Craig, Cza-a. KWh, AIM U lE:titaness, J. F. reauitca, Henry -.a Edward Dertagion, /1. Ames Brooke, Spencer M'llru e, Thomas C. Band , Robert Burton, Jacob i'. Jones, Jame: E. ll'Farland, Joshua Y. Eyre, Join B. Semple. nue burs, D. T. limas, Pittsburg, a. 8. Berger, riusuer4. WILLIAM MARTLY, Praraiket. THOMAS O. HAND, Vice Prcielent. `WERT LEISURE, Secretary. The undersigned as agent for the above named cox pow continued to lake /Ira Risks to aerasuarg and Tieinky. WILLIAM 817.1313113.11 1610.414 PORT moos I WRITE% DEM, TRAVELING RAGS, PORTION On, Aid a general assortment of FANCY 0001 A lave Just been received at BOGNER'S CHEAP BOOMTOIA SUGAR CURED DRIED BEEF, I:MOULDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. Oa large and Croak supply jut, receive!, by 026 WA. DOCK Jr. &Oa HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT. FOR the safely of consumers, we have eetabusseu s Coil All Depot al Me oornsr of Fran ant Market streets. All oar olla are tested sod we peep Ms* sell bone except such as prove to be oem•exploure, clear and free from odor as far as prarAlcsble. We oder at present the followingiustly celebrated b, soda- nag t=loatosont Abram. arid Loeser, lower Ul.ll 0111 b. d elsewhere in this plena, either wnolesale or retalL Also an extensive assortment of Lamps, Cam as" Shades, Glass Cones, Somers, &a We will Abe change fluid or eampbeoe lamps, so as to be wed for cost 001. Call and satisfy yours& ies, at NICHOLS & BO CHAN, Corner of From and Market are& LEM BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, FOR covering Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, ornamenting Ceilings, trimming On Pips@ etc., and cut so as to pang over strings to the 'mope u stars, plots, circles or festoons. For sale at my t3l. PANEFF ER'S 800ICSTORE6 RIIBBE.R GOODS I Rubbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BZEGNER'n GIMP BOOKSTOns CI . ..LABS Jars for putting up trait, to celebrated Linville patent, cheap, dupla and ef fectual, w.multed pve a it.sfaciiorto List and for sate by 'MIDAS ar. MiWALx, ,1•19 Corner front and Market Anne. SIIGARS for preserving; call and exam Iwo at NICEDA4 & BOWMAN, Condit Itioz, L:i ----------"-----7— '4MON6, raisons, oucoanuts &c , Jae r received and ter Baia by meow & Boorgl,. JYIII Cor. Front &iv Mar. 11,intat FISH every Tuusday;_,! w l. .1: at .3 owner of air' / and eatertaldlug a rt ictes—eb."7, gp - v Pe ' rrIU.N d.—Aluite a v,,,00:..10 usoial MMLemons and FA t and tar isle low bf WM EN. V gar or retail by 0 011(64r‘Ple Cd. D,Cii J.K.7.4 00. -- for eatt‘vePryr.io: !o u i, see A MALL lot "'choice Dried Fruit, at P,ICHOS & EC, MiN, 000er Front a nd moo wog. _PLR= ghat 1---Trn tierces of these 11"4"eNivel these 7., • -.11.1111 Ju 00 OIDIR.--63561110 Oil bald its 115111?"BINV UV* sr Op m mPOOL ag, Lis. a co. MED just re BOWMAN, d limed ease's.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers