New abratietmtnts. GREAT SALE AND FREE DISTRIBUTION ! DR. W. BARR, OF HARR/BRURG, hiving purchased the entire right and'htttifeit fS manu facture and sell !„- •. M'CONNELL''B OOLDEN.. ILEOTRIO OIL, gal" bpdy,•, ought to join in oiroUlat. jui big fa'.4. - ; ire represent are so. All aro in Wetted the well and afflicted. • Aliel o3 3lll.SlEMOnt.lo 4IL I s . unfit' la 9 1, 4 001 n and Net each RhentnatlBo.l", edialglts BropchitkOatarrat, Scrofula, Mee, Fresh or Old Sores T Glatidelar Swellings, 'Female Complaints, • Sore Breasts, Am. -I fact there is no family medicine that seta With such 3 Zit& power as the Golden Electric Oil. MUldreda can Wy hilts virtues. L . l'Or the purpose of introduckg It Into every family, ith,two of my own vu' noble preparations Ms .Cobgne, Croup, Break and inflamed Eyes, Bad as an induccinent to those who :mist me to dispose of •20 gross; I' place in possession of a committee of honorable gentlemen the follo=uablearttcles, for FAKE distribution amongst Finethe p e.oclavo Plano_ ....... 1 FlarDressing;Bureau • 1 FladOultate itedstead 1 Fine flesh Gold. Lever Watco.„ 1 Fain Ladien,..' do-... ..... 2 finseStliii Wishes, $6 00' I. Old Viola) and Bow ' ' • 3tlinesDouble.batrelled. Gun 1 Fine Semitone Accordant...-. 4 Gold Bracelets, 21 00 son Boxes Valuable Pills, 25 cts „OM Igo, keg Tooth Powder, 26 els 100 EDOilesiLitetof Dan nice, lhabellished, 26 Ms 60 Ohrtstia*Union, 00.... 0 I_l a press..... 20 I , Fini Defnine Dress-. . 3 2 Me Lawn Brewed 23 00.— • 6 6 aloe Gold Pendia, ;1 00 8 g 6 ,1 Floe Sleeve Bulimia, 12% .............. 26 24 lion Ladles' Gitards, 25 ma 6 l2ll'Fine Setts of Jewelry, $1 00 .... 20 IFS Fluelllouble Medallions, 1 00 • 20 60 Floe Locket Pins ' 50 eta 26 000• Fine Fens Studs, 25 Ms 150 600 Vino 10-karat kings, 26 cis 12.6 200 Sloe Genle' Sleeve duttona, 12X eta 26 100 Fine Allen's Razor Powder, 25 cur.... 25 I Gilt family Bible ...... Barrel . 70 On the pkymoot of 25tmitti fog ealh s fo*ol-, _licet of She Bishelne, ibie • purcluiser;• •• will el ' if fidiefot ; and an order for an envelope, which will contain the nude of ode of the above MU. Oh • the day of the distribution of gifts, the envelopes will be placed in a boxer wheel, with a battle piss (behind into d, the entrelopellaiMpiat Into the wheel, well shook up and scoured, each purchaser will dravr out his, or her own envelope; the gift named therein will be given as Been as the drawing closes. No.. given to agents, iostlM the papers,- of, the day of'dhitribution: !PirrenaseM at it distance wall na i ve an equal share with UMW residing in Harrisburg. On re ceipt, of, the money" for one or more dozen, the medieine,. ivianerificete Aud orders, Will be Ibrwardied by express, Elinor charge. In ail cases the medicine is warranted to Mire orglire relief , or no charge. Bee certificated. W. Bums-Dun Sot I. have learned that you have poraballed the right to intieufactare and sell • nail's Golden Electric Gil, foftite benefit Of the afflicted, I send the following have boon afflicted with a mo lting:6ora on my fait leg for ten years. During that time bate been under the treatment of ten or the best Dee na" in Harrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberland doubly ; :hut allcould not effect a cure. A little overa year past, plug lino blacksmith Addy:after dark, -I hurt my rig* lug also, below the knee. - ,ltsprewl alt around the leg. and became a running Sere. ' *vend Dictum told 'me l" most have my leg tattoo of, mortnicatien having taken plate. fortunately I got a bottle of your Goldon Weenie Oil for my child's sorenseuth. It eared 'so soon that I du:might I would try it on my lege. I have been using it about six weeks, and my lags are now Itfaleo up •nousicr and wee. ELISHA T. HOUGH. W), . the undersigned, who are well acquainted with illent T. Heeds, do certify to the fact as stated abdve, an the beneticitl einem of liPtionneles Golden Electric OA on many of our. neighbors. HENRY ANDREW, O .FiltaßLY, Ball, (Bridgeport Hotel.) BENJAMIN CLAY, J LONGLNLOKER,Eaq. I have been using Dr. Barr's Croup Syrup fa my family•for the past two ye trs. I would not be without etsnE 'Price, as day children axe tantdectio to snd Group. I believe I have saved their lives by the use of ; the mettleitio.. No family with children ...ought to be :Witheut P. K. SWAUTZ, Vfvl34",S Harrisburg. ~ .CAme Cum), Decomber 6;1861. „ , thank ypa,mort sbu N ireiy,:for Xlint ' `'ltatit YOU garothe for my eyes. hive ly, coedit a lew 3 - Untie; and am now entirely tree 'from Internet& Mid peon which 'ammo than „I haveMeen fol. the last, nye yeare,— hopeGqo. wl I Mem ;you for the freept. No person .644004 1 Wil t lit s re4 or inflamed sore ,pygo ought, to bo, Being wall acquainted with J. C. Mlles; that he ' Cern- Bee to above is normal and true, .as singular '.!as it may seem. . o.:tor Bedford, gqyad hwe have Only, Oren the P 1166 T tfer , Poison, Itch, Look' Jati; Ctendirhcea; : Gleet, Leueorrhm t and ati street dimmed; out ed with enure Km• elMoinrho charge. . . • ; ; • ; Ten per cent. will be paid,to all peraons selling one or more dozen. • ;CV Nit • •. NEWS. , , SOW DIAN having just re - gust with AU extensive and we I selected Mode . 6t goodk pnikitiasee ter tas respee fully ;Wl* the etlimms of Harrisburg and vieinityltAiall and examine their New Geode at the o/d Mend lormerly go 3 - copied by V. Enamel, corner. Front and liantet streets, laaiilaborg; Fa. 'Priceis as lew as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; 'SUGAR of all-grades ; ' • VOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; ' "FLOUR, in Barrels and' Sack . ; RUCK-WHEAT and CORN-ML 4.L ; • RICE,' BEANS. I'OTATOESI. FISH, of ankh:di ; SALT, 'Coarse end flue • ' OM, Coal Oil and WhalnOil ; ' SPICES, ailltridiGronnd'and I:raground, fresh 'filen the Mill. ' Green and'Dried ; "RAISINS, CURRENTS, 'NUTS, • "' ' 'DRIED' FRUITS,' ' • ''SOAPS, Coon and Fancy • ' • ' ' 'WILLOW and CEDAR-WIRE CIGARS, best of Imported rands; ' TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew- InikiliWAßE t CarEENSWARti 1 • ---• Exienalve•aanortment,ot ail Myles, and patlerral and prom -C4l and enandan oar tiwpt., wnuhunits ardciiry, gran and Provnenn Store, . pro& gomttaltd Harker moat, Elarriaborg, Pa, ' country prquao, taken, , . . w .. dasTsn GOODS, L-DIES NDISIAS; • ,Misses Head Dresses, - Ladies' Hoddif • ' • Misses Hoods, • Ladies tiontags, Misses Mitts, &c. &c. het& InvoleeJuat opened st. ci.Tkici4l"B, ~Next 404 to the Hertieburg Baelft • ALMANACS 1 ALMANACS I VII — PECS, GERMAN AND ENGLISH AL JUP•MANIACS in every quality can be had at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE: DOC= FOR CHILDREN.!; IE you wan t t o get suitable BOOlfal for your Children go b BEitONER'S CHEAP BOO=OllE. • .GOLD.. PENS GOLD PENS I ?PEE largest and most varied assortment o GOLD PENS is for sale at • • • ' BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE ! oreu. Pao Warmarrran. • FM& FOR 1862.— . A . greai v4i(3 . 0 loW.Ortce4, at • SaKFFEWS BOOKSTORE- 'V TORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. 4. - 14 oldie new assortment of these useful ar tides just at • EEGNFAVBS Cheap Bookstore, . ET.J.R.N Cider Vinegar, for sale at & so widely's, . °Taff Front &Market innate PIPER 1 1 1 WIAViAIt.I I; - est i trfrom ohstoe, and iclifet4qAMeis d'by 115 to he imatry * • ILC9' .1 1 0TIONSQuite-4 444iniert•Potalliesat • „Walla% /36°.F.#704, MEE - !!!!!=e2= LADIES' WINE. PEER'S BAMBINI WlKrb, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. no° • TV - 16 8 ...... 85 Every Family Should Use.. SPEER'S SAMBUCI. WINE • CiEL EBRATED for its medical and Witte ki finial (Manilas as a genuine St imulant, Tonle, it, 'Mir and Sedorlflc, highly esteemed by eminent phyal :tans, and acme or the first families In Europe an' 4merica. SPEER'S SAMBiljel WINE is not a Withlre or pianutaotured article, bot I. pure, 'row cultivated Portugal Elder, recouiniended einem etc and Phlyeiclankan tosseeeing medictiCtiroOertiiia au parlor to any. other :Wines in nee, and an eaten ; Arti le for all Weak. and debilitated persons,And the aged .nd infirm, linprovbig the appetite, and benefiting lads and children. . . ' A LAU D . & INE; because it: will not intoilosle As other wines, sa it non tales no mixture at spirts or other liquors, and In to • mired lbe Its slob jimonliar Rarer and nunitive properties, impartangn healthy time to the digestlie organs, and a blooming, soli and healthy SKill and comoielion. .en.thse anises the signature of ALlfltitt; STIOIR, Rennie, N. .1 's (Nen 'he writ of a cb bottle, M MIR ONR TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A.Proprietor. srikß" , : Piessla, N. J. :Office 208 Broadway, New .Itork. J. IL BATON, Agent, Pitiladelpnia Poe m-1‘ By. D. W. 'Groan, & 00., C. H. Kellar, Joh n Wyetit and br &agitate generally INSURANCE AGENCY. THE .DXLAWARE MUTAL SAFET 'Nova i kNcE CO,VIP4NY. QF PHILADELPHIA. IN00)1FOBATED 1886. CAPITAL AND ADIENTS $904,907.61. THEANBURANCE • • COMPANY : ' OF NORTEI AMERICA. PHILADELPHIA. INOORPOBATED 1794. OAPITAD AND . ... . we. Inad,etsigned, as Agent for . the ll - anowa Companies, will 'Amite Daduranoe , agalnat.loce damage fire, either perpetually or an nually, on properly Other town .or country. ilartneend Inland Tranaportatton Maks also taken. Apply potiookutllyr Or toy letter Co . , stnnwp., • Dirrieburi, Pa. oct4ltl-deWl7 JOAN WALLOWERI JR ' Agt.' „ • GENERAL FORWARDING .. • COMMISSION MERCHANT. l' l l l ooD'a AND . MERCHANDISE promptly, fmtivaideil bY Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Oninberland Valley end Pennsylvania asthma& ,nd Canal. HAULING AND DRAYIND to and from MI parla ot the city to the dl i tlerent RAllroad depots will be done At the very lonfeig Patna: . FAX.IIMO removing' will' be promptly attended to. Orders en at DranVe Rttropean Hotol, l oi at the 'store el L R.W eilli.,reaeive prompt attention. i:Con signmema rtilinker, got respeoquilly sollottlxi• • TORN WALLOWEIR JR., Alt aid ' OlUde Readles Deno,. Select !Bohooi for Boys and Girls FRONT/ STREET ABOVE' LOCUST. THE Fall terthbf ROBERTA(' ITGW2E I B I &MOM for boyMorill,open on the flint Mondaj in Septembei.l - .fhe . room is well ventilated, comfortably furntehedowd . every respect adapted for school per- Nom. GiglikßlNll WEIMER'S School for glilg; the 51103 bonding, .iiiiibpon for the Fall term 'tithe same lime. This:room has hewn elegantly flttedmplo proniote he healtheml ppgurt,9r enholars • euradlf SPEQI.IIO:, HOMMPATInO \Art have. received a fresh stock et. these valuable, remedies--suitable for all zoluineri of disease -forllst of Specific Remedies see Almmian i ror . . In single boxes, with directions, for 2 eta. and 60 :01a In case of six tames VI pools. of directions 81 00. In case of fifteen boxes with bodk of directions $2 do. In case or twenty larg6 vials with book of directions E 4 00 , I e ; e i a d 'ld di r .1.14 00 W.S Kee now prepareil to fill case vials Of any of, the Remedies frofo tfo • 1 - ,to 20, and to furnish Mumphreys , Remedies as gastoLLerp,may desire. FOND'etrpftkiffr: OF HAMA ti NUS, or Vosetlible Pain Destroyer;-ProPatid by F. Humphreys, •M. D., ban be purchased ay Irtieleiale or retail at f pc . 414/ R's Drug and Fancy'. store, I j2l . 91 Market' Wee . ANOTHER, NEW STOOK 1 portable 'W,citiat Desks, 13aekgiaiaen Boards, • -Thaeling Bags, Parses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general woktment of 2 4 /SOY ARTICLES, • Call at BNRYiN '8 CHEAP BOOKSTORE: SCHEFFEAS BOOK STORE. - .olpaltAltNtlialtrUSßLina linunan.) UNION ' ENVELOPES x1'01'0,41'1; of six different designs printerel& ..;;' 9 lors sold by the' thousend - dui by the rain atOityqUeb prices, • • • Also, Flags,. Union: Breast Pins, Eagles, Union Ithip and Badges et very low prices. Call at myg soEmFrxwe BooKsTon. D - "4 - PINE, gr*Nate of the altielorioildife4 Dental durgaiy, laving perma neatly idialediti i 203 1 13 Ol Harrisburg and taken the :office lormeriybeaujitekby Dr. Gorges, on Thlrd street, between Market an4liralnut, respectrupy Informs his friends and We publla in general, that tip is, prepared to perform all operettas* the Dental prottestnn, either surgical or mennanical, in a manner that shall mit be surpassed by operators in this or any other, city. Ilia mode of Inserting Ftlanial teeth is uppn thu law., in. pravedsnientlflo pranCiiden. Teeth, Irodi hill set, mounted on the Gold, 311. sex, ?loam phitscor the Vulcanite Wise. i raoommending tae moors gen: I take Peat; 0"BM in nem= to all rf Mfr* Palteata of Harrisbiirs and yi ; Unity t andinel Confident that he will perform olome R . d ons In a igdontincionlier t Irom my knoSwledgp':•4oti+ bli ability. im '; ; s 001113.413. D. likj o.l' IMAOSERAL in Kittawhalf rdis;taxiiithe Meer Gerocii:y sand itrovi elan Store, Itgent. ene.jgerket streets. - '4 IT • , NIOHOI U 14164 -The Loges/ and tae ' • ' t - t filioullautorts HIIMPHREXB' REMEDIES: DENTISTRY. valitrinpf /piing & trortego. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES! ore NEGlmgrirr lit Etntrt HOIJSEHOLD JOHNS SE CROSLEF American 'Cob:writ Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD THE CHEAPEST GLITE.IN TUB WORLD. THE MOST DIIR&RIX' GLUE IN TEIE WORLD. THE ONLY RBI Tam/ GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE EIFST GLUE IN THE WORLD. . , AMERICAN CEMENT:GUM Is the only twiddle of the kind ever prcidnded which WILL WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furnlturl IT WILL: END LEATHER, Mend ydor Haitians, Straps, Belta,'Boms, &c IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of ,that expensive Dmt Glass 110aMio WIITLL MEND IVORY, ' Don% throw away that broken Ivory tan, It la &Ali re " paired. .. . . LT 'S ILL MEND CHINA., Your broken China Raps and Saucers can be made as rood an new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE;: • • That piece knocked out or your Marble Mantle din be • put oivas strong as ever.' ' , IT WILL "MEND PORCELAIN, • No matter. if that broken Pitcher did not cost but a ahli- hog, a shilling paved Is a shilling s.arird. .IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, ; That costly Alabasteir Vase ts broken iad • yea - caul match it, men* 14 lt*ll never show when put together: It will Mend Bent), Coral, Lave, sin in fact eveothing but Matals.'" • Any article ()oriented yith kIiE.RIOAN camEr f . will•notliletw where it la offended. "elsrery Housekeeper should have • saPply'cgr - johns & Croaley'a American Clement Glue."—N. 2 Jigger.: : gqt 93 omit ebegotio have In tae home."—N4 Y. i&frier . . • • "It is elagys ready ; this commends itself to every , body."—indepaidaggdi• "Re have tried it, and nod it as useful in our bornes as water."—'Puke' Spur& qf the Them ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per year saved in every amity by One' Bottle ADEEICICAII OEMENT GLUE. . Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per t l%ttle. I Price 24Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. • Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Ltheral Reductions to Wholesigie Buyers: TERMS CASH. ; , se-For salo by all Druggists, and Storekoopern gninkat . • ly throughout the country. ;, • JOHNS & CROSSLEY, (Sole ifinufacturere,) , • 78 WILLIAM STREET, „ Corner of titierty street, NEW Y 04. Important to House Owners ! ' Important to Builders. • Important to Rail Road *patties ; Important to Parma 2b all whom this may concern, and ite'cononme edgy r. . ' 4pEirrs cßosLig4T7s DIPEGYBD GUTTA PBRCHA CEMENT ROOtING; The Cheap*:ost durable Roufbag irituae. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It Cali be applied te ilpw and OLD aeon or all Yigila, steep or fLit, and to Hamm Roofs withant' • reanatAng the Shingles. . The Cott Is citify about One•TlaiS that of Tin AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE : „. . • _t. • Thi s artlele . .tatebeettthoroughly tested hi, New tort Qty and all 'Other Parts' of the United Stahut, Canada, West Indies Voiaral and South Ainerick on ;math* at all hindsatuub as pi, 411)1171D; Fomrsuss, Outratutse, , Roan Dipois.'ol3, mat on POEM Huniiireato getter li• OcraimmiciT'ltmuitltaa am., by the prineltail. Billd .' Architects and others;:ifuring the past four years , d ilea proved to be the CHCAPESTAnd MOST DUN' , ROOFING In use; lt, is in every respeat•A Eilti m iN. E, ,T. WEATHER eadTlltE PROW' coverldi tilt' FS' pF ALL RINDS.- This is the o.NLYinatcrial ausitsracitsr/ckiss the Visaed ishiciiiiieshiiieg the very deatiable proiierliktelof Elasticity atilt Dwrabiliii, which are uthsraiiiallyarcichow-: lodged to be possessed by GEITI.4 /ND LLYDLA UJ W.4* , No Reit is required in nniking application .. Theripeosu of aipplibig it is trifling, as afforcunary roof can cottored'abd finished the saute day. It can be applied by any. one, and when finished Millie a perfectly Asia Moir !Furl/ion with an elastio body, Which cannot be ie)bred by EiT4T, ,Coco or s..roaxg, b 4 l/RIRICINO of Boor Hewn*, nor 'any z. t teasel action.whatever. • LIQUID *- GIITTA -PEACHA-- colamovir; For Coating Aletaiii of all Kinds when 4ioe l ed to the Action of "the Wm**, . 1 FOR P REPFA RING RUITAL • ROOFS' OF ALL HIND, This IS the only composition known whilla/uta t meg g . fully resist ,eatrettie changes of :air, climitteli, few any length of time, when applied to awhile ; to Which itl ad heres liriulk,.tonningiktiody equal to coats of ordiairst, paint ; costs muckleatcepd will LAS[ THREE TIMM AS LuNti ; and frau? lL elasticity is "f Narid Oid contraction and expareidn of Tin and Other 111641 Borah, consequent Woe sadden changes erihe weather. It will not &ACK IN COLD LIR RUN IN WAL*M WILL2HAR,...LiViI WILL NOT WtAsztaki. , Leaky Tin mid other Metal Roan - Canlia readtlyrepsiir ed with GUTTA pkEcEr4 CEMENT, and pretreated. ;him further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a Jar featly tight roof 'rot many years. .. . This Cement adapted. for the pieservition is i i a = l7 of IRON RAILINIII, VES, E.& 3; SAPILV AGED CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, am, also for general - Maim. rectums uso• : . • IatITTA 'PHRCHA CIi4E:NT ' For prenrv i ng mnd.repaing Tin and other Metal Bank ;of every chamflption t &Malta great elmatielty,!iiikit Midied by the coutmeticin lad Migansiou of Ifetafa, MA crack In cold or run in warm weather. These = A er ials axe JOATTED TO ALL CLOWN, 'as& we are prepared to supply orders from any ingt of the coin cry, at short nears, for. ,GUITA PERCEIA ROOFING In rolls, ready preptured I'M use, and GUTTA.PEROHA MINT in barrels, with - - fdll printed direction for appal. cation. We will make-literal: and satisfactory arrangemeitis w i th responsible . pities re° would like to aptablialt them. selves in a locraUvo arf,d permanent Impose. OUR •TERMS ARE CASH. • We can give abundant. proof of all we clainitn fa - vor of our Improved Roofing having applied them to several thousand Roofs 111 New 'fork City and vichuty, • JOHNEI & cßosunr MAKOFACTUF t irIsS: Wholesale. Warehouse 78 Wifikini gt, (brat* tit liberty.f3teeet.., NSW YOREF Fall descriptlie fitroalain and Prices' will be Furnished %application. ' . , 0 8 -ay , illailaKlN O. 1 , „,, a, . MASONS f 10EVALLENGE BLAOKING,.' li n Win; Pagortiod Mundt* kiwilvalii isd for awe at. Wholessla f prioar i . • • - dell , •.. ~.,, i WY. DiXlit y Ji.,ji (11, ' ' i's l •&,) .. r ",, L ,t: :.e.J.;;LE BM EM I= AGENTS WANTED. erttoon OfIL titustzugss ELIXIR PRO'YLLAMk;, TIE NEW REALEBY PUS RHEUMATISM; ANEW REMEDY, I py CERTAIN EFARDY, iouTE REINGHATII3*, CHRONIC RHXUMATISH. , SHRUM 4270 f ON. xviar SL.VD; BOW STUBOKs, ho MA7II/lIHOW WHO ETANDDIG, PR OPYLA AIN/ WHAT IT fIAS DONE, If WILL DO AGAIN. THS BEST TESTIMONY, BEST MEDIOaL AUTHORITY. ' HOCTO.RS.KNoW IT, PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, MULTI AND TRUE. • Nsylv' AN Lk HOSPITAL.. [oll9l‘ Ormitiou. Hourrat, B'roil's-) • lair if); 18130—Ellee S., mt. MI, thigh% never was very strong. Two - risme - 4o the bailidranaek aeon% rliennia 118,241u0in VOCE OP was Ca4o444takhnlWod for two weeks Ina sUbstafeai twin a relapse ler (Our more. „Sbe haa been well since then lid bat San* den , whilemengigedin house , cleaning_, the took cold, had manta her beehjelt cold, hot. badno titeldod chill. Two days later 'her ankles be- _gsnao,sprgß,VhiCh fullerrdi by :e welling of the knee Jowls and of the. hands., She has now 'dull pain in her shoulders ; and heiknucktee ire very tender, red and painful ; tmth halals eve aFeckid hot the-,right iinttnt So. then,ls i wee ofecutettieUrnattsm, or, as .it is now feablonably called, rheumatic:lever, - Iris a well remaraed typical ease We will carefully witclithe 'este; andlroml w imoilula ieiiiiitteuttOu the'vari oas symptom wtdch present, thenuastvnt, My thief object In *Malan her before you now, Is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been reconithended in the treatment of rheumatism. • I in ntaPrirriandue• Xor • • Anenarbilt; cif 'St. Peierdhufg; reitommends ft In 'the Wei ternuOtexhubdertved great benefit from its nee in 250 cases which came under his care! Various cdm. Mandatory teeintoulele rbariechug it 'have miti*Orrect our iourpate, au4 props*. therefore to give - .it, trial I'must eakfeee lam always meredulous as to 'the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted airspeed*, ; but this comes to cos recommended so highly, that are bound to glVett'a trial. SAME CASE ,VOIFR DAYS LATER MAY 25,1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient far whom I prescribed Propylamico, and wax the a labor- 1 lig under' nil attack' fir smite rhohaiattail. * ithe has steadily taiterilt iritiliessotthrealgrelint every two hours (Intermitting it at night.) The day utter you Haw her, -I Mond her much more t oomfoiFtable„ bettsr won she ex to he' for week or r eiere, judging fro . fiCher other attune. Mies pittimtAiowitehirde into the 'torn.) The Impreeement tansteadily propeseed, and yea: cannot fah to notice a marked *tango in the appearance of her Mints, which are now nearly all of, their nature! !esti.— Thus far oar experiment would bald Seamed`very tatty OMNI I but gettlerden, we Must wait a Uhl a *tile be. fore *emu give a decided opinion as to what in to be, the. result,. Herei In anoifihr Patient Who was . totaled on thri use or the same Meath* on Einhday she tai long `been' Mitering &Irmchronic rfienaistilimi (band her at .that time with am acute attack. suparvonleg upon her chronic affection. Thewelitts4ritd. knuckles were much swollen Mid tease: the lok,uiechleride Of Propylals mine in three grain doseieveryttird Warn, and you will perceive that the sirellmg at thejoinla hatmuch Miran- II —MAT the, case of. acute rheumat ism treated with propylamine, the, bre d , of these to which I dialed rut attentlon at our last clinic. The is still very ,00mibriable, arid is noWlaking three griffins thrice daily. In this case it -NU seamed to be foll Owed by vary eat. ,isfactay,r t esultis. , The setxonl.°4lo to wnloh your attain thiw was called at our buttlecture, has also continued to de weft Wog bens* you very character- WM omelet acute rhatiiire; tf the result be sat factory, I thinly as goodjorymen,; we shall justly render aar r .L.,,a1./avareffOrtWAti, - He ill "...spay , who was admittnd a few days ago. Has hid id.thieniatki pall* but hot so as to keep his bed, lonia eight, days age: The pains began bilk right knee, subsequently affectedthe left knee, and Ishii the iolnla of the uppenextrtmdties. These joiCla are'all swollen; allie 1 1 / 1 d WOW% Hie tongue le ferrodk higsidn, at Evened , lfryt.4ough there has been rolic ItWeaty, ogr. litinllandu strong, and about 90, He hasmow used uropytandpe Inr twenty-four hours. 'boa gentleman Is what may be called a strictly typ foil " case dr acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this =okra is followed oy • feeling, of °oldness, severe, artiuular pat beginning, 48 It usually done; In lb. lower Joints . Th fever 'and eie'proltise sweating, so generally AIWA t on'acute , thlsumatisra /Alltlldtt briar-Ibis patientbefore you with the; .1 sten. t rjrhe bu thei Pqinta con e eol ti od t again eX trl94 e w remddYwe 'teat*. slid to hlblt tb youthis lypittst oases asiThave ladled it; than whldh thew oo bid rot be fitrer-OPPortuallk for: testing the imedloine In Poluon- We ass t. 'theretorb avoiding the, use of all dr huallitles; even ektodyites, that the may, be no ae Wirliichires the' efficient remedy.' ' You see case ot a fhture THE JESULT. A FAVOR AliT • • 188 1 :1 , v-The mitt of .130 r oonvalestionts la the ease ° 4krus° rikcMsPlulin P.Ooto you 101 11 '0 0 4o at hay . lath, la I :mien called a typical we, and , which iit was. remarked' was a fair opportunily the toiling the worth of °Wittier remedY d -It -was therefore steadily given three grata deees prat's , two Imam for four days. The patientlise got along . very nktely,,, abl e • wilk sliettt;lo yon see.' not: hesitate to ti at I have denten tieen as Severe anise of acute 'rhen,liattim fiotweet motored to :health Settles mail. tun :been'. and Withqut being PreAMI l 0 es to the toil ue of the reeled,' we i lmve used, 1 feel bunnd to state 'that In the auseafn Which' We have. tried the Mora , ' Propyltualoe, :the .patientaltave Oilzalhed their' ;hes Ith ,ranch earlier than under the treatment ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, eit woold . yountelves try It, • ant report thereimite:* For a full report of which the above is a eondemied extract, tun the rhiladniphia. firedical and I , Burgiall 4 4 ' porter. Itjs thrireport:after a fair trial by the boi med - Mal authority in this country, and makes it unnecein c 4rir to *give iMateront Certificates firom aitooidiod rii end rejoicing patients,:' " - • ,' • Ira THE SALE REIWIT . - e. iiele:V Eß y 0 Jim • ; WHENEVER TRIAD, WHENEVER TRIED. WHAT IT HAS Mont • l• ; qmg,thck & Ormittim6 a flrniiiietlikiioAra i 'lte • i&rtneti, by 111 , 115 M the Elie; "I.oVymilie has been hi : troiluced;tairii sold to iii tot:MO:4i, Lure It according , to the" orient - recipe, and we re made ariaagenienti of mica .magnitude as to, enable:us to scatter tt.brostast amongst intro:Ting humanity. A. WO4) Wi*TOlp . . • If yen prefer tomie the same remedy in another' form we Invite yoWr attentioo to the Pose Cantakiiiiekhunioa FITRI.PRWILumiIi 4WD.. • /WU PwamaxontOosmammilwo, PoaalotinzPaphtemose,. t , • t • of Which - We are iha'aiiie manetkotarem. . _ . ilarMe_olalm no other virtue for_ the Elixir Propylamint than is contained in Pare, rysta li zed Chloride of Propr. .- . _ !amine. THE.ELI±IMIE , : • . ' • i '.. MORE OONVWNI‘MT: - - - :AND A.LWAYE 11E* - EOR INIMEDIAIM li • AND MAY MAYBE T SHEDT AOCOEDING TO DIRECTIGiTS, - BY ANY ONI, BY BMX on WHO HASBBI[A'f§Y or ANY =ND. - ' 1 130141 ha JEGirtilburit by •T 75 Ore, • 90111111 Order's may' be addieidied to FRol 4 i/41 11..114 7 / 7 .4027TR1NG CO., Whoa, Room No: 4 3 • ' ' 4 v . 'fourth and Chesnut 'tree* Pnibutelptda, or to tabor ofthedollowl4 Wbolemiile Asada. • 'BULLOCK & 011ENSHili' b. y=-4 11 =, A: . 11 ,;; gratiirn g IF VEMB Ait% MIMI -44 - RENE et= WILL CONQUER IT, WILL CURE IT, 'RS BRAD, 'DOCTORS BILLY/NR, DOCTURS TRY IT. EMI IT WILL DO AGAIN •S .....1 .2. 15. 1862 jflitotiL. AYER'S SAiRSE'ARILLA, FOE PURIFYING THE BLOOD. ANU for the speedy cure of the sub idined varieties; or Disease : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Maims, and all Skin Diseases. OAMMAND, Ind. , etti Jane, 1859. J. C. Ana & Co., Gents : I feel it my duty to ackuowl edge what your thraaparilla has done tbr me. Having inherited a Screfalltig Infection, I bays suffered from it in ya.rious woe tbr years. Sometimes It burst out in Cloys on my hands and arms ; sometimes turned in ward and Mains/fed me at the sternest'. Two years ago It. broke opt on fey head and covered my aoalp and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond deseription I tried many medicines and several physi cians, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse, At length 1 nos reloksed to reed in the Goepel Messenger that' you hid `prepared an alternative (SaritsParills,) for I knew .from your rep utation that any thing you made must be good. I sect to Cinednettl and got ity and used it till it cured me. I Writ, am you advise, in small dean of a teagleomful aver '1 month, and need almost three betties Yew led healthy eke soft began to Men under the Scab, which after a while fell off my skin is now clear, and I knuW by i my feelings that the disease has gone trom m system. You can well bellows UM I feel what I am saying when I gall yolk, that I. bold yen to be one of the of of the age, andremaii ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED B. Tht2.l6Y. St. Anthony 's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tettei -1 and Salt Rheum,' Scald Head Ruarworm, Sorees, Dropsy . . lb... Robert hi:Prattle writes trom Salem, N. Y., 12th Sep., 1859, that he nas cured an Inveterate ease er Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the parss midi nee et . .014 Sarla r and else ; it dangerous it tekik of Nallgnaut . S.Sielpelas by large dans of the same . says he eureetbe nom men Irupttrtui by It oonstaatly. Bronchooelei (Wire or littrelled Neck. Zebukek Sigen'of Prospect, , Testia, writes': 'Three bot tles of your Seresperlas eared me Creme ewes—, tde ecnietweinng on the netk, I/Wok I had sugared from cfyer ;we Jeare,7., Lemerrhola or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration; Diseases. Dr. J. It S. Chiming; 'of New York City, writes ; mast C rnilly: complyieritti the .reepook or your agent in saying I have found your nantaparilia a modem:ellen* alteinatiVo In the tramereari oimiplaints 9br *Mob we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in Anne* Monists of lhe,Shrehllehe thelhceek 1 h cured many, blamer ate 'Maus of Lettookrbina by lc and some' !Mere the com plaint was caused by ulceration Of the/ sterns. The aeration NW was moon cured. Nothing within my knowledge. quals It fsw them female derangements." 'Edward' S. lfarraw , ;Of Newbury, Ala., writes, den. gercend Simian tikiribrotrovie Of the females !rimy Wilily, Which hid de ka all theretneelea we cleekl.emleo7,, has at leogth hem completely cured by your Nutraot of her eaparlil phyMpish thought nothing hut extirpa tion could afford rellel bat he advised the trial 01 your earsaparilla as the last 'keen :belbre add It provectleilectual. After takteg yOurrentody tight week@ no symptoni of the disease remains." syphilis land Mercurial , Disease. Nair Omura, 26th-Atignst, 1960, frpr. J. C. Jorm. jilt, I cheerfully comply with there! must of filar agent, and report to you some of the Wags I have reedineli with yddr &remands. hate with it, 11 my prectite, Most of the cm platuts for "rhich it Is recommended, and. have found its tott'cis truly Wonderful itt Choi cure' of lreneral and 'Mer curial Diseases. One of my padente bad tlyphilltio Maws in his throat„, which were consuming Ws weedily and the .top of hie mouth: Valk Sarsaparilla, taken, mired him in live week. Another was attacked by Sec onditry spriptonaii in his nose, arid the ulceration bad eat en away a cohildiiible part of it, so that I *believe the disorder would soon ream his brain and kill him. }Jut it yielded to my administration of your Seresperilla : the ulceralietled, Mid be is weft again, not of course without somodiallguration, ii 130 Thee. a trauma who had !been treaded forme Moth illsorder,by mercury th is suffering froth this pois on In hex' Nine*: 'they hid 'breeinet so seindtive to the weather Make* a damp day she sneered siszeordeg pew la bar pinta arid:bones. She, 1.00, was (lured entirely by your Sartutparille, in a few weeks. I Waif enOM'its foram* whiM yore agent gave met that Preperitiort hom your lebonitoir must be a ' great remedy ; consequentlyi these truly remarkable 'MOM with it have net IturPrined me.• • Itraternally • urs ye, . i • - - 11. V. triltafEß, M. Itheumatiam, Gout, Liver Complaint. I lonsmasonts, Predon Oo ry Vii„,.Bdauly,'lB64, Da. J. llama: SW, I have been afflicted 'with • pain• lel amide Rhanntallant Ibr along time, which balled the elthlo phyabohipa, and atonal° me In spite of all the `reidnitim' ;Odd An , until I Wed your . , Bansaparil*— Ignibithkreared tde In two weeks; and related My Win. end health ao , much that I am fax better Nage was attaelyni. I think. It a wonderful. mattloine. • J. 48141. ' , li‘etoll * ao of St. Louis. IOW" .1)0 afflicted for years 'with air affection a the Liver, W 4: destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every .Li11eg, 11 4 1 3 0 4 to, some , !pa ; quid 1.4y.e. been W brol4ee dawn man for some years from no their cause ,than ravesiotif Ike Inter. 'Yy bel(Mid past o r; tbd Rev. Ir. lfadvised toe to try your AerWlPitUrnla, because `he a til he kneei'rk, add anything you made Was worth trying.:: By this blessing. of Pod it Das oared meat d leaf young again.' The hest that can be said of you is hot half good onougu."- ' itchirrns, Cinber TbmOO, Pholarg emabt, Ulciratim, dazies cdiation bf ' the'Bones. , A grei . v ariety of caste Mitre been reported_ to as where. oures of . tnesetonaidable . comitutints have teeth. form the use of this remedy,,but one space here will not : admit them. ' Bdms of theta inty befound to our can almitnec,,which the ascots below named are to rumba gratis to all who call for them I I. Dyspepsia,. Heart Disease, Fits, ;ay, Melancholy, Neuralgia. /4 11 7X1934arkable cures of throe affections haelkib, made bythe elterriativepfirei of this medicine. It Wm, dues theirital fent:bons into vigoroascestion,'and thee overcomes disorders which would be sum:weft. beyond itirreaoti. • Bach remedituis beien'rectilred fly the ac coseipes of tha people s , and we are confident that thievrlll do ter them all that medicine can do. Ayek'd Merry Pectoral ' . 3 ' FOR THil 11 AP113 . 0011:11„01 , Coughs, Colds, Influensni ' 'amp, Bronchitis, Incipient Con. • sumption, And for the Relief : of - Vonstunpliva Patients l i c t i dir u l:co x4 dj ugs tagec oThis tea universally known to surpass any other for the cure of Itutalf. and lung complaints, that it is welds Uri to publish the evidence , Ot its Virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and ooldw, and Its trldY - wonddiul cur* of pulmondry ' disease, have made It known Ihrengliont the civilised aationit of the earth.— NM are the communities, or even fiunillee, a m ong them who have , stiot Unie personal experience of its erects.— imme living trophy their anew of Its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the threat and lungs. ds kiwis she dreadful fatality of these disorders, end as they, know, too, the abets of this remedy, we need not &More than to inure thedi that It has now, all the vir tues that itdid have whea.makifigitte cares which have won so strongly upon the mintldsoce 01 =skied. ?Teri,..od by Di: 7.: p.,:i. - 4 , ..FA ,45. ; co., Uweß. itasa. . Sold by . a A. Bannyart, G. K. !Celar, arose & Co 4 Armstroig , Harrisburg, ad deal ers ear,. where. oal4.ernda* rVA V 11) RA ri4125, 111 MARK T, titr. gAßßissus#, Agent for LILLIE'S PA TENT : wrovit *ma abined Iron Pare and Burglar Proof 1 6696.1 0 1M15. stiieuy thd4lll.l" Idercentge Sale made, tbs.& hi l both Ere and Burglar Proof. makle.dly • C . wairictse STocm, mt. aoLuonzta °rpm Ea lima removed from No. ZS Second St To , NO. 130' MARKET STREET HARREIBDEG, PA. • TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. ,144p24-0P , . DIME Fresh. Ground and. Whole Bpiefl 11 Pioiir;'Aspice; Clnnemop, Nutmegs and Iface,, 41 • ' l4lOll Ol/AWBOWMAIed, , . corner E# Frf:. , 4 1F24 steeftt ,C1AL44.111) DANDALION WFF.I4I. Tillego4 .and Livered coffee, 111 newton& weds virile - Iris; • - • MORPLS CIKOMANv derkitr trout aifi arta meal filiscrilaitro us D ikRL/PIG'S LIVERR EGUL kri II i AND LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable ev il . t cure an lnliour disorder s of to. they regulate and invlorst e te , they give tone to the digesttv e ieeretioug, excretions and baton, and purify tho blood. TLU, b " -some of l.: which a re Torpid Lrer, S pepslat Pdee, Chills and Fever,, nA neea—are entirely Qontroledsal dies. DARLING LIVER R EGITLA TOE Remotes the morbid and billion s der t ., sob and bowels, regloates the liver k • - log every obstruction, restore, a tins t he vital organs. It vs a , FAEILLY MEDICINE, Much better than pills, and mach ea, DARLING'S LIFE 1111'1ER Is a superior tonic and diurN ,• • 0x,,. tiee kse . o rman t appetite, side deyb Eatulen , °ism, h. b•it-t bleeding piles, and general del,v aty. A full assortment of thtse p ; Books printed on fine linen. Stories from the t!'criptureA—R,,,. - Stories from the t-criptilres—L,, Stories from the Scupturo,-- • Childs Pictorial lirader. House that Jack Bitir I (jock Robiu and Jtz.; Old Woman it Fanner Boy's "Speed ti,- Old Nl"tib-1 ii,•l• Little ! Jelklik In addition to the above I LC, sortment of bound JUVENILi:b 8i13L.E13, PRAYER BOOKS BIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 60 cents, BIBLES for 75 cents, BIBLES for $l, BIBLES for $1 25, BIBLES for $1 50, BIBLES !or $2, BIBLES 'or ;4.;. BIBLES for BIBLES u , r BIBLEs for IBIBLEs ;!!!! !!! LI! PRAYER BOOKS AT ALL PRI All the latest Books publitbo,l ,t 4 calved and sold at the loe - e,t -; .. Examine the stock. READ THE FOLLOWINti z rrn JIB. L. Brumley, merch.thl, IS4 Fr i Yorit.,lerttes, August is, Ise.° with plies, acconipAnieil with u:l,. years ; t toted . DARI LIVER IN Vit.; LA 1 LIFE BITTER:, And now mender myself avt.r.ity Hon. John A. Oran writes, -8r0, , , n I 1111110Sprillg of 18591 toot a.eccr : ed a violent fever. I took lav dv a • DARLING'S LIVER 121. f.; CLA It broke up my cold and foyer at o. — c. attack, I had been troubled set.:, months • 1 have lest nothing of .t . Otis Thedly, laq., 1:3 East "Augett.l2, 1860—I had a dant plaint three yore with meat w• v, • Ts.. ; cr back. I had used most all klud,w. In-:,:¢•s, so permanent relief with I used DARLING'S LIVER INVICTOII.II, AND LIFE RIITEM. /peaked clotted blood by the ureic a 1,2. ,1 litellY dared, Sad take plemare in ::, reekedfes." MM. C. %bow, 11 Christopher , tr .4 "leb. 20, 1860.—1 bare beau 110/1.10. 1.1 ilt Ma the last twenty years. I bare r equal to Darling's Liver Regulator, n affbrding immediate relief. It it a t or c; . Moos remedy." Young, of Brooklyn, writri, In Mg bat l Dada aware stuck n.• -. ',- al on gab° house. 1 took oo nowt • DARLING'S LIFE BIITEr..- ww, entirely cured. I have h,d , 9:r 111. Westervelt, Fol., of South sth, no,: , ;11 hamburg, L. L, writes : “Augu..4 5, i-du troubled with a dilliculty in the LJC , r , . loos Mucks, I was advised by J. Ir.“ 01 t. , tr, • ' DARLING'S LIVER 131;01:LAL..;. I did so, and found It to operate tidal 7 bile and arousing the Liver to activity''. 1 ro , me a FAMILY MEDICINE. When our children are out of few drops and it seta them nil right. 1 ard • general wants of the stomach and ndwab edtr If you need either or Dot, - Whim Remedies, impure or them et do not And them, Lake uo other, ba: sletter, and on receipt of the bo cent aCeuriliug yL ur dr." malt or express, postpaid. DAN'L S. DARLING , 102 Nassau street, New York. Put up In 50 cent and $1 Bot te Clet24-41113111 - GEu.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers