—...-- . . . . . .. .- . . . lik ilb . ... . . __-___--,------,-------- ', g --,---- , I • • ....., i - 1 . . . By GEORGE ]3ERGNER. 111 E I EL ~ E GRAPH EVICRY DAY. aFx.)RGE: BERGNER„, TERMS.--SINCaII BUII9OIIIITION. [he Nor Tattosarti la served to subscribers in the .1 0 4 ,' vets per went Yearly subscribers will be CO) barged $4 00 WWII' AND SICMI-WITICLY TZLICIRATiI. The TICIIGHAPEI IN 4).0 publiebed twice a week during the nolo° of the logmlature, and weekly during the remainder of ihe year, and furnished to subscribers at the itulowmg rates, viz : mesa single subscrbers per year liemr•Weekly ..$1 FO Teo ..12 00 Tie , sty 6. 44 41 ..22 00 t 6lOO logle SUbßeribOr, Weekly RATES OF ADVF.KTISING. Four lines or less constitute one.balf square. Eight ineti or more than roar constitute a square. Ralf square, one day $0 25 one week 1 00 one mouth 2'`oo three montbs. ......... ........ 8 00 o six months ....... .............. 6 00 one year. o t alsqtare, ono day ....... ....... ..... ..... 50 ono week 2 00 one month ..... 8 50 0 three mouths 6 00 six mouths ' 10 00 15 00 if fr 8t15111068 notices inserted in the Loos/ Column, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVN 0614T8 "wit T.lrkilt ro od insertion. Ai- Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular seruseronts intbital. DR. JOHNSON rIT3 "PI 1 / 2 1 . 4 1 ` ., ILO). :IT II :-) LOCK HOSPITAL uAS diecovered the most certain, speed) it and effectual remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. KRUM 01 111 TO TWEVII 1101001, No Illsreary or Noxious Drugs. Wa CIFIUI WABLUITID, ON NO CHARGE, u 110 N ONE TO Two DAIS.EIN Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains to he Lolus, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organk Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physioa Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of dew. fait Ration of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dunnage of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affection, of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible dicer dery arising from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits nt Tenth—those dreadful and destructive practises wide: produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNQ MEN. Young inn especially who have become the victims 01 solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of th_c_most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise litre entranced listening Senates with the thunders of elvenence, or waked to ee key the living lyre, may call with fell coundence. MARRIAGE Harried porcine, or those contemplating nsarriace, be lly aware of physical weakness, should Immediately ooe• tan Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEARNICS Immediately aural and fiat vigor restored lie who places hltassit under the care of Dr religiously gonads in on honor as a gentleman, and con tidently rely upon his skill aa a physician. /FrOffice No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, std., on the left band side going from Baltimore street, tr bore from the cornea. Bo particular In observing the woe or number, or you win .atti0......1n0 ylowat a pur• denier for ignorani, TrOWIF Quacks, with false names, or paltry ~:ftmtsm Cog:4sta, attracted by the reputa tion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use an the *GNI. Da. JOHNSTON Hr. John= member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Landon, gradnatshom one of the most eminent College. If the United States, and the greatest part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila. dolphin and elsewhere, has ellneted some of the moat ar. loathing cures that were ever known. Many troubiee with ringing in the ears and head when seinen, great ner. mum's, being alarmed at sudden sound bashfulness, with itfiqueut blushine,attaniled sometimes with &raki,.. meet of mind were cured immediately, ..TAKE PARI'ICULAN NOTICE. Dr. J. 3. anises all these who having injured them selves by naste and imsroper indulgancies, that secret and settler,' abit which ruins both body and mind, nn lilting them for either business er society. Theer are some of the sad and melancholy eltvets pro duce& by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Bath and Limbs, Paine In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Das of binocular Pewee, Palpitation of thu Heart, Dye eepsie, Nervous Irritability Derangement orth a Digestive t rimctlee, General Debility, Symptoms c t)anantap oni MENTALLY. *MULL; the feartni effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Be. erasion of Spirits, Moil Forebodings, Aversion toftle. ty, Beltdistrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some et the evil WNW, 7110T1111106 of parsons of all ages, can now judge what lithe came of their deollno In health, losing their vigor, becoming wag, pale, nervous and emaciated, have • angular appearance about the eye', cough, and syrup me of consumption. YOUG KKIS who have Injured theta agelv N es by a certain practice, Ib erfl Mind In when along habit frequently learned from Joniqualons, or id school, the effects of which are Wily fell, even when asleep, and if not exited, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and , Mould apply immediately. body pWhat darlingt a young man, the hopew of his mum the of t his parents, ahould be snubbed from respecle mid enjoyments at life by the consequence, M eta% secdeviatinret g from the path of nature, and Indulging In a pl a ti ng habit. Sin lb persons most, before contemn aIARBEAGR, effect that a sound mind and body are the meet necessary ?Millen* to pennon connubial happiness. Indeed Without these, the ;Denny through life becomes a wear) Pilgrimage[ the prospect hourly darkens to the view; thr mind becomes ehadewed with despair, and tilled with th melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. Conies blighted with our own 1:1). JOHNSON'S INVItioItATiNO REMEDY FOR OR; GAMIC WBAN.RMI. By this great and bnportant remedy, Gene of the e are speedily cured, and full vig restored. Thousands of the moat nervous andor debilitated who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. "AU ImPedlments to Marriage, Physical or Mental anon, Nervous, Trembling, Meatuses or Itchiestlon ei thin meat fearful kind, speedily cured. To STRANGERS. Th e mo m , thousands puree at this Instietion within tee bit twelve years, and the s umnerous important Burgica eperatiOna performed by Br. J whitened by the re. porter of the papers, and many ether perinea, notices of ram hare appeared men end agate boor e the public, Now a u s ofgdo4kit ois denaelnericharacter and Co- nutualeids, a s=elent guarantee to the elected. and I VEL9EB OF IMPRUDENCE —When the misguided imprudent votary of pleasure finds he hail imbibed the seeds of thin painful disease, it too °Rim happens that Illekned BONO Of ilhilMe or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re. Theelability can alone befriend him, delaying till the ego,, Kennel symptoms of this horrid disease make their MMearanee, onbctleg the head, throat, nose, akin, tar, Phereentg on wills frightful rapidity, till death mg o Nilo his dreadful sufferings by Sending him to "the% rue from whence no traveler returns. ' is a tool. Matey feet that thousands fall victims to this terrible tinaeo„... owing to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretend. woo, by the Wm of that deadly poison, agereUry, Fair Wllo ntitutlon and make the residue of life miserable. humens.—Tbe Doctor's Dipionuul hang In his Ilithe !Stet med ter' iess musent t eo by ntaa Mail. Stamp to as on the reply, ttNo. 7 Beath Frederick street, Baltimore. TOILET:tO A PS, POMADES, HAIR ,011,,ZOWDER,i, COLOGNC3 sod EXTR ,ACT.I of kon' , Rim sod manutteturee at KELLER ,two seNov ba9NedDRUG STORE is the-place Lines at anted fits aranspartatiat, PENNSYLVANIA MIL ROAD WINTtlt" E FIVE TRAINS , : DAILY TO AND FROM PII,ILADBLPHIA. ox aim arras 4 ;MONDAY 40VBIEBEll 25th, 1861 The Passenger Trains or the Pennsytrania Railroad Company will depart from am& arrMe at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as iellowd;— • IS Al S f• THROUGH !WRVS TRAlNleay.* Harrisburg daily at 320 a. m., and arrives at West. Philadelphia a t 7.49 EL m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 8.45 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m. . MAIL TRAM' leaves Harrisburg 'daily (except Sunday) at 1.15 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 p.m. AOXIMMODATION TRAIN, vis Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at *Test, Phila delphia at 12.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Opium bia, loaves Harrisburg at 4.00 p. m.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.20 p. m. WESTWARD. Taitotical EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.80 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.061 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a. in., end arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. M. NiMAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. ; leaves Harrisb tug at 7.45 a. m., Altoona, 2.45 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 8.45 p. M. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. ra., Harris. burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRISBURG AEOOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphia at 2.80 p. m., and arrive% at Harrisburg at 8.05 : p ni. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION vii Mount Joy,leuveo Lancaster at 1134 a. m. l arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 p. m SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, thy. Penna. Railroad , Harrisburg, November 41,1861 —dtf WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. NEW AIR LINE,ROUTE. THREE TRAINS MIT TO NEW YURI, AND PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM BER 4,18134 the Passenger Trains Will leave the Yialladelphie gum Reeding Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Phihidelpbla, as - follows, viz 2. EASTWARD. IMPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 8.80 a, m., on ar• rival el Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 11.5 a.m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car le attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.86 s. m., arriving in New York at 5.80 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mall, arriving in New York at 9.50 p. m., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New York at 6 a. in., and Philade 1- pals at 6 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelpina at 8. 16 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 P. m. LYRES= LINE leaves New York at 18 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg 148.10 m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. Aaleeping car Is also attached to this train. • Connections are made at Harriaburg With trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Raton, ho. Baggage checked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, $6 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phtla dolphia, $3 26 in No. 1 cars, and $2 70 in No. 2. For Llama or other Information apply to nos J. J. CLIMB, Genend Agent, Harrisburg R. INGERSOLL'S FOUNT AINPATENT HAIR-BRUSH. It dresses the hair without soiling the Angers. It effects a sating of 000 ltalf In the use of hair Welter' aliens. It does away with greasy hair -011 bottles. It is handsomer article than the common hair-brush. It It is regu perfectly lates the quanitty of hold aged, to a drop. or on the toilet. nuns, and cannot Spill over in the trunk age lt or carries enough long journey, of any prerursuon to last (or YO7- it rke Is Modenge, and It ems Its oft. coot telkr months. For salo.ot Nolier's Drog ond J'aziof mom, 9 1 Kirke& ootle Arestmi,dooro east of Fourth street, moth, aids : HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, 1862. Inistellantons. SOLDIERS' NICK NACKS, 'DOR Bale at KIRLER 2 B DREW AND meg (:amp Writing Oases, %wile or Sewingilleeen„ Shaving or Boor Olisee, Caste, ,Ifiteh Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, 'Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Pocket °OMNI, Tine Combs, " 'Camp Mirrors. BrYer,' .• • Ames, • ; Rubber Tobacco Pouches, • Isether & Plating Piseks, Leetber Drinking Cups. , lienKTenteettera r eendls, Paper, andSnvelepos. Soldiers Will seta* a glance that the place to set an outfit in small wallesis at lie. 91,-itarket street. Wine "Fort Pickens" In the Window. n 0541 COALIH ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. to 1H ESE Weight Carts are certified by the j. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Consumers oat) weigh their coal at their own doors. It ht of great lm• penance during these hard times for every one to know that they OW Taint /SILL HON= WZIGHT. a. large supply of Coal always to be found on hand, LYKENS VALLEY all sizes. HALTS. CO'S WILICSBABRI, all sizes. LORHICRRI COAL, (the genuine artiole,) Sold by the car loader single ton. All coal of the beet quality, delivered free from all im putitiee At PRIM TO BIM Tall TIM®, by the boat or car load, single, half or third of tons and by the bushel. JAMES 11. wniumEß. Harrisburg, Nov. 6,1861.—y GENTLEMEN& WEAR. A large assortment of Under Shirts and Drawers, ( Biased GesUemena' Tr all aveling Shawls and plankets, Every glad of Gents Ho qery, Cloths, Cassimers, and Vestings, (la great variety,) & Cashmere Neck Ties &Cravats, Large Stock of Gloves dc Gauntletta, Every kinder Suspenders, Hamra Baas Gwyn. A Large Stick of these Goods, to select from can be found at OATEICAktIII nol3 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY 1 No. 69, Market Street, below Third, HABSWEBUBo t PA. M . L , E.E , MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PABSOLS and WALKING DANES, will furnish goods at lA)WER NIMES than can be bought in anv of heEastera clone. Octentry 'in 'reboots will do well to all and examine prince and quality, and convince them elves of this fact an23-dly OUR newly replenished stock of Toilet and Fancy Goods is unsurofffewi in this city, find feeling confident of rendering Satlatnetion, we would res pectfully Invite a call. en Yu. Market street, two doors east of gourth *reef. south . PAREssawlE YOUR LEATHER AND KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. ONE BOX OF FRA.NK. MILLER'S LEATHER PRESERVATIVE AND WATER PROOF OIL SLACKING WILL LAST AN OUT-DOOR MAN ONE Y'-JAR, WCOST AR CENTS,-eg A ND save more than four times its cost JOIL in the durability of leather, and greatly contribute to wealth and comfort. FOR HARNESS, see inside... Label on the cover of large else. Alt For solo in Harrisburg by D. W. Gross k Co., No. 19 Market street; Eby & Kande, corner of Fifth and Mar ket streets ; Wm. Dock, Jr., &Co-, marionstreet Jacob Buehler, No. 2J 9 , Second street, and J. 0. Kimball, Mar ket swan. del9Alm-w415 W E OFFER TO CUSTOMERS A Now Lot of LADIES' P11R1338, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made. A Splendid Assortment of etANTLEIMIN'A WALLET:B A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put up In Cut Mass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, Of the best Manufacture. A very Handsome Variety of POWDMR) PUFF BOXES, HELLER'S DRUG STORE, aepiS 91 Market Street PORT FOLIOS 1 VRITING DESKS, TRAVELING. BAGS, PAM, PORTMONLIES, And a gdneral assortment of, 'FANCY GOODS.' . have just been received at BFAIGNEWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, W01:ILD respectfully :, inform hie old patron' and the public generally, that he will' continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUNN BASS. Be will w'th plesumre waft upon - mile at their, homes at any hour desired, or- lesson' will be given W his residence, in Third street, a few doors below th German Reformed Ohrtredt. derafwi t I CIDER 1 VINEGAR I 1 I MADE from choice and selected Apples , and guaranteed by us to be strictly pure. er./4 WM. wag & db. BLACKING 1 11/1 - ABON'B."CHAILLENGE BLACKING.' 111 100 Gran, assorted eizen,juet received, and for sale at Whokaale pries!, dell WY. DOGE, Jr., & Co. DIARIEB FOR 1862.—A great variety at exceeding low prices; at n2O SHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE- GOLD PENS 1 GOLD PENS 1 Vlargest and moat varied assortment of OLD PENS Is for sale at BERGNER'S DEW BOOKSTORE. orALL Pan Wamirszso. HAY I HAY 11-Superior baled 1191 for ule by wis2o 11. WHEELER HAIR TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, HAT, MA'AM BRUSIII Atz . t great, viriety E DRUG ANDYADOY MR& ii 411040 4446411411441441411_Via 0.1.3 ;0":0:444, WA. DOCK Jfk 4 04 i filiscrilemeons. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN! 41 new and larga assortment of BOOICS suit able for Children, has just been opened at SHORES'S BOOKSTORE. Among the mod leant; will be foetid an endlee variety of ~:TOy BOOK. 13! • hilestmotible Pleasure Books with Oobized Pictures. A full assortment 'of these popular Children's Woks printed online linen, consisting of Stories from the Scriptures—Ruth, - Stories from the Scriptures David, Stories from the Scriptures—Samson, Childs Piottirild Reader, I •• := Rouse that , Jack Onekliiiiiin-and Jenny Wren, Oki Woman and Pig, Farmer Boy's Alphabet, or "Speed the Plough," Old Mother Hubbard, • I Little Man and Maid, Little Bopeep, Jenny Wren, &c., &o. In addition to the above I have a large as sortment of bound JUVENILE BOOKS. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS Re. BIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 50 cents, BIBLES for 76 cents, BIBLES for $l, BIBLES for $1 26, BIBLES for $1 60, • BIBLES for $2, BIBLES for $B, BIBLES for $4, BIBLES for $5, BIBLES for $6, BIBLES for $7, BIBLES for $B, BIBLES for $lO, BUMPS for $l5, BIBLES for $26. PRAYER BOOKS AT ALL PRICES. All the latest Books published are daily re ceived and sold at the lowest publishers rates. Examine the stock. CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. MME DANDELION COFFEE now offered 1 to the public, is prepared from the fresh roots. In submitting this valuable article to the public favor, the manufacturer only complies with the urgent and In ,creaebig demands of the public. It is unquestionably one of the most reliable and effectual remedies yet dis covered for the diseases it is ap died. It is strongly re commended by the Faculty as a skerlor nutrious Dever age for General Debility, Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver, BONS Affections and Irritable condition of the Stomach. Tbd deny thotisands who have been reluctantly compel led to abandon the use of Coffee, owing WAe injury done to their health, will find this superior to the best Java Cof fdo to say nothing of its great, and acknoWledged medi cleat hatpins. Tne intelligent portion of the community -areso well acquainted with the medicinal properties of 'the Dandelion, that they require but the assurance that the article offered to them is the pure Dandelion Root. Any , fine pound or" this Coffee will make as much as two pounds of the beat Java. For sale by nob Wit. DOCFC, Jr., & Co. HYMNBOOKS! HYMNBOOKS! New Mod Presbyterian Hymn Books Old School Presbyterian Hymn Books. Lutheran Hymn Books. Methodist Hymn Books. German Reformed Hymn Books. In various styles of Binding can be had at BERGNER'S BOOS STORE. Select 6ohooln for Boys and Girls :FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall term - of ROBERT M'EL WEJNI'o . School for boys, will open on the firm Monday in September. Its room Is well ventlhited, comfortably furnished, sad In every respect adapted for school par. Od.THARINI WELWRIFB Bohool for girls, located n the mine bending, will open for the Foil term at the some time. The room has been elegantly fitted up to promote he health and comlbrt of scholars. aug22dtf DR, T. :J. SURGEON DENTIST OFFERS his sorviooe to the citizens o Harrisburg and lie vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives %nuance that his best endeavors shrill be given to rend: ritatisfactkm in his pro fession. filing =old, well tried dentist, he feels safe in nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, office N 0.128 Market street, in the howls formerly oc cupied by Jacob 8. , Eby, near the United States Hotels Harrisburg, Pa. myll•dly BLEACHED MUSLIM (at old prices.) LANKETS, SHEETINGS, • B Flannels, Ticking, Drillings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Towlingo, Ail kinds of Domestic Goods, A splendid Line of Shawls. • All kinds of Ikea and Boys wear, • In great variety to be found at CATHOART'S, nov4 Market Square. FURS! FURS 1 FURS I parts Sable Furs, Überian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Furs, Silver Marten Fars, Water Mink Fars. WPB, ems AND =PM 'mean assowriatsr. Great bargains in these Goods. Every article warren ted to lie exactly as represented, at CATHOART dr BROTHER, noil Next to the Harrisburg Bank. • WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO -DICTIONARY rbest defining and pronouncing Dio iTnary of the deli language ; Else, Worcester's School Dictionaries. Webster's Pictorial Quarts and School Dielloearies for sale at SOHEPFER'S BOOKSTORE, aplittt Near the Harrisburg ridg ETWIFUCK.WECEAT FLOOR 4,500 w's. FAMILY BUCK 2bsTuequerg irniiitperraor, b aying se selected expressly for oar retail trade. Nor sale kw by stell WU. DOCK, Jr., afflo. 1;000,000 ENVELOPES N immense stock of -ENTELOPIE of every 3 is now °penile . • BERGNER'S CHEAP Booxsroßß. • 11 .2N=; 4 ;"Iiiii Of Wide sad, ALUIFFMISIIIXIIMMIL BY ITIEG FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Arrival of the Burnside Expedition. I+lo:l47*A 4:4B) 41410)dr40:71c4 A 01. FORTRIBIIifONRON, January 10. The long expected Burnside :Expedition has arrived here. The advance, in ocatuzsand oaf General Poster , nail-Wks* Blempton' Beads at about one o'clock tee sirtem6on and the re maining vessels ham been arriv ing up to the present time. The' - greatest enthusiasm was manifested here when it became known that the expedition was coming up, and' the shore, wharves and ramparts of the Fortress were soon crowded with spectators. Enthusiastic cheers were exchanged between the troops on the transports and the crowd on the shore, and the various bands of the regiments comprising the expedition performed - a number of patriotic airs, "Dixie" being the most prominent. , The unusual excitement at the Roads this of ternoon woke up the curiosity of the enemy, and a steam tug was sent out to reconnoitre. She came out some distance, and, after taking observations of thefleet, returned. The desti nation of the expedition is as much a secret, as ever. It will probably remain here a few days, or until the final arrangements are com pleted. • General Burnside will arrive here this even ing. The fleet was detained some twelve hours in the bay by the heavy fog prevailing. Gen. Foster and staff paid their respects to General Wool this afternoon. .Christmas and New Year Days were cele brated at the Inlet in an appropriate manner, and the Bth of Janiary, was signalized by a general display of bunting. Some of the soldiers at Hatteras are employ ing their leisure time in conducting an adult school for the instruction of the negroes. The schbol is under the eaarge of Patrick Kelly, of Company 0, United States Artillery, a man deeply interestid in the scheme, and every way qualified for his difficult post. .[Prom the Norfolk Day Book, '9th inst. GEO. BERGNER. :11 .i' it YY 1 1 1,1 Information reached this city last evening to the effect that a federal fleet had made its ap pearanos in Pamlico Sound. The fleet consists of twenty gunboats, drawing from five to six feet of water, and earlllng, some of them, five guns. They were first discovered by Captain Hunter, who, while teconnoitetiag, was shot at by them. On his return to the island he re ported the fact; and our force proceeded at once to place themselves in a state of readiness for an attack. Twa is supposed to be a portion of the Burn side Expedition, and it is thought by some that it; object is to prepare fur an attack upon Nor folk from the rear. Howe. er this may be,one thing is certain, and that is, that should this be their programme they will fiud it a hard road to travel before they get.to the end of it. we trust that our ftiends at Ikanoke Island will make every preparation to successfully resist the foe; and that when he shows battle they 'will keep themselves cool and their powder dry, and by their valor cause another "master ly retreat" upon the part of the Hessians. [By telegraph to the Daybook.] RIINTBBSWILI BAPORTSD BU lOW BY TIIB YKDBB RIMMOND, Jan. B.—Pasiengers from the mountains say that HuntersvWe has been burnt by the Federals. Also, that heavy 'Air missing continues above Winchester. There is nothing official corroboratieg these reports. FROM KENTUCKY. Confirmation of the Victory near Painsville. RUMORED CAPTURE OF TWO STEAMERS. Munitions of War, Clothing and Pro- Visions Seized. The Democrat of this city received advices this evening which corroborates the account telegraphed frorn Cincinnati of the disbanding of Humphrey Marshal's forces near Painesville. No further particulars have been received. The Bowling Green Courier of the 2nd says that Gen. Floyd arrived at liaahville on the ist inst. en route for Bowling Green. A correspondent writing from Paducah on the sth complains bitterly of the treatment of the Union men there by the Federal General Smith, and demands his immediate removaL • Rumors prevailed at Lebanon that the Fede oral troops have taken tivo steamers, which were proceeding up the Cumberland river with munitions of war, clothing and provisions for Zollicoffer's forces. The locality of the seisure is not stated. THE NEW WASHINGTON RAILROAD' ISSUE OP DEMAND NOTES. A bill is before the House Committee on Mil itary Affairs providing for the construction of a new railway from Washington to New York, the rates of fare to be low, and the bonds guar antied by Congress. .The opponents of measures of direct taxation in Congress are decreasing in number. The tax bills will be reported early next Week. flow4f4„CiumOreiiiaking,Takedigements for the , dall# bine of tfiree-qUartian of a' Million of 40111 m Worth- of deman Ussery motes. One-third of,,wiersafithwt, 414 h. Ntbn.rfLO r Mien sued daily. ---~•..- I=l BOUND• I= Lowsvima, Jan. 11 THE TAX BILLS. WASHINGTON, January 11 PRICE ONE CENT. The Western Expedition. ITS PASSAGE DOWN THE MISSISSIPPI. Formidable Character of the Expedition. The advance of the expedition, composed of McClelland's brigade, landed eighteen miles down the Mississippi, at the month of Mayfield Creek, on the Kentucky side, where they pitch ed their tents for the night. General Giant and staff went down during the afternoon and returned in the evening. The remainder of the force will move in the morn ing. POBALIDABLE CHARACTER OP THE EXPEDITION We glean the following particulars of this bong talked of expedition down the Mississippi rivet, and judging from its formidable charm ter, is destined to strike a terrible blow to re beldorgbe The moat extensive preparations have been made for this expedition, which has been planned by the most skilful military and naval authorities in the Western Department. Next to the overpowering numbers of the expedition is -the formidable character of the floatting batteries, which will form a compo nent part of it. These have been prepared with great care,.and consist of boats of the most substantial construction. The total num ber of boats is seventy-eight, of which twelve are gun-boats, thirty-eight mortar boats, and twenty-eight are tugs and steamboats. The gun-boats are as follows : Guns 18 Pittsburg Benton Essex . . St. Lonia . . Caron&let ._ Monad City . Cairo . . . Cincinnati . . 16 Louisville . . . 'l6 Conestoga . . 16 Lexington . . 16 Tyler . . . 16 Seven of these boats cost eighty-nine thou sand dollars each to build. They are one hun dred and seventy-five feet in length, fifty-one feet six inches in breadth, and draw five feet when loaded. The bows and bow bulwarks mishits of about` three feet of oak timber, bolted together and sheathed with the beet quality of wrought iron plates, two and a half inches thick. The sides have the same sheathing, with less bulk of tim ber. Each boat is pierced for fifteen guns, four on each side, four on the stem. and three at the bows. The bow-guns are eighty-four pounder rifled cannon; the others are eight inch columbiads. The sides of the baste, both above and below the knees, incline at an angle of forty-five degrees, and nothing but a plung ing shot from a high bluff could strike the stir (See at right angles. The boilers and machine ry are so situated as to be perfectly protecreel and may be considered quite out of danger. The iron plating has been severely tested by shots from rifled cannon at different distances, and has shown itself to be utterly impervious to any shots that have been sent against it, even at a range of three hundred yards. The Benton is the flag ship of the expedition. She is one hundred and eighty-six feet lung on deck, and seventy-five feet wide at the b.am. Her hold is eight and a half feet in depth; and with a loavy armament and crew on bo ii rd, will dravi about five - met. She has a double hull, with wheels working in the recess, near the btern. Her bull is of four inch plank, mad timbers eighE by ten inches. The bull is divi ded by five lore and aft bulkheads, and thirteen cross bulkheads, maki, g lorry five water tight corn partrnente. The deck frame beams are ten inches square. The main deck is planked with four and .a half inch plank. Tue forward defence req. down to the two feet water line, and is of twee y-four inch timber, all sheathed with two and a half inch iron plating. entire boat is sealed with three and four inch oak plank, caulked and made perfectly tight. Casematts extend around the whole boat, and are male of twelve inch timber. At the knuckle on the main deck the timber is from toree to tour feet in thickness, sotto. The Benton is pieteed for and will carry eighteen heavy guns, which are trom 82-pounders to 42-pounders calibre, some rifled and some smooth bore, and there are two 9 inch Dahlgren guns. The principal part of the armament is disposed in the forward part of the boat, there being two guns only at the stren. The machinery, boilers &c., are all under the deck. '1 be cylinders are 20 inches in diameter with 7 feet stroke. There are four boilers, 24 feet long and 40 inches in diameter, double fluted. The wheels are 20 feet in, diameter, with 91 feet bucket. The wheel-house is pro tected by timber from six to e ght inches in thickness, and so- athed with heavy iron. The pilot house is protected by 12 inch oak timber placed at an angle of about thirty degrees with the upper deck, is conical in shape, and of very ingenious construction. There are two magazines, one on each side, just forward of the.wheels. They are each ca pable of carrying one hundred rounds of am munition for every gun, and afford ample room for the necessary evolutions within them. The magazine can be flooded with water in a mo ment from the main deck, and are furnished and arranged in true naval style. The mortar boats are built of heavy timbers, the sides of boiler iron, loop-holed for musket. ry, and are so arranged that they can be used for bridges. They will each carry one fifteen inch mortar. The mortar boats will be towed into position by tugs. With this formidable armament, and a force of seventy-five thousand men, the onward march must be comparatively resistless. The progress of the flotilla will probably be by the Mississipi to Columbus and Memphis; by the Tennessee to the mouth of the Sandy river, and by the Cumberland river to Nashville. Within a few days we shall make history very fast. WHEAT COFFEE.—The Niter's J:otarric4 says During the week we have been drinking coffee, made of wheat and coffee combined—one-quar ter pound of coffee mixed with two quarts."( wheat. The wheat is boiled about twenty min utes in water, and then . placed in a pan and browned the same as coffee. So far, we prefer it to the genuine article, and it certainly is more healthy. With a pound of coffee and eight quarts of wheat, which costs from three to four cents a quart, this beverage is produced so cheap, that it makes up all the difference in the advance in price, of both tea and coffee. Realm roe nis Barron Quese.—All of the foreign ministers at the English Court, as well as many of the native nobility, paid a ceremo nious visit to Buckingham Palace, on the 16th ultimo, to read the bulletin from Windsor, that "The Queen passed a quiet night and elept several , hours ; her Majesty continues . Among the nanies •of the vittitore,Av cordedin the papers are those of the ; Arsierion Mhdster fled *O. Ada>ss. CMOAOO, Jan. 10. Guns
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers