LIORNE\ BY GEORGE BERGNER filebtial . J 111 N SO 13.a..Larrilvicoam LOCK ROSPITAL. diecoverodho roost cer tam , apood) and. effectual remedy iti the worfii fix DLSLISEd OF IMPRUDI4-INUF, RILOW IN 611 To TWILVI HOURS to Plerc ory - or elusions Drags. sir h Cost Wages: a, Os No Cruxes, et traOsi ONI Ti. two Deira.ll2. Weagneen vl Sao: or Limbs, Striettiree, Paine in the I.oa, Atteocast ul the Icidnoytt and Madder . , °truth Weetees, Nervous Debility, Decay or tharhylac“ Pow era toLgunr, Lqw Spwas, Confusion 01 near, itatioa of the ile trt, Tarmilty, 't ramblings, DIURIOst or Sight or tiltddhere3, irelease of the Stomach, Affectioot of tee Head, Thro•t, St se or riciu—thosu terrible dtoor dere arising trout the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of itrouth—tbu-e drmdiul Hod deetruetio practises whim. produce couentuliebei debility, render marriage Impos elide, and dostroy both body and mind. VOUNO Volum men epeCially who have become the victims el Solititry Vice, that dreodiul and deottliatite habit which atutaitily to an uutitnely grave thousands of young men of the Most exalted talent and brilliant total leer, WOO atipt otherwate have entranced Hamlin, Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to st ump the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE., :lamed persons, or those contemplating marriage, be in 4 aware el physical weannees, ebould Immediately COD salt Ur. J, and be nattered to perfect health. ORGANIC WEARNIS immediately cured and Mt vigor reamed. Be who places himself under Use COO of Dr. J. ma) coulitle in his honor as a geatleautn, anti eon, ddeaily rely upon MB skill as a physician. arOilice No. 7 eolith Frederica street, Baltimeir, NI., tie the left bandaide going (rout Baltimore street doors Iron tile corner. Be particular In observing the same or cumber, or you will mistake the place. Be par ticular ror Irierant, Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbup Centliezles, attracted by the repels. ilea of Dr. Johnsen, lurk hear . All !ellen must oolltaln A pantie Stomp, to use o We reply, Da, JOHNSTON Ur. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeon, harden, graduaiefruaa Cue of kite meat eminent College* of am Coded stating, and the greatest part of wnotte lilt lors boon spent iu the despite's or London, ?aria, delphir sod elsewhere, has elfeoted some 01 tine mottles. tor Ching cores that were ever known. Many troubled wab ringing 10 the ears Ned head when asleep, groat Der. souhuess, bele; ale mod at sudden sounds, thiehruluess, slob frequent nil:wrung, attended sometimes with derange met of mind were cured Immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE: 0r... dresses all thee. who having Injured them. elves UT ir v, , to and imbroper indulgenuies, that secret and solitary sbit which ruins both body and mind, nu dtoug them for either business or satiety. The- are wale of the dad and melancholy ea. cts pro- dorm by early habits of youth, viz Weakness of the Bank and tombs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of eight, lure of Mueuelar Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye pepsle, Nervous Irritability Derangement of the Dige2tivo Functions, General Debility, 13ymptoms of tarinsump. Mai, dal MENTALLY. Mr/TALLY, the fourful elfoine on the mud are mush le be dreaded :—Loss of limitary, Confusion of Idcae, Lk prawn of Writs, L.'S Forebodings, vellum) tonume ty, Sen . -distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., ere some of the evil effects. Thousands ut persons of al/ egos, can uow judge what Is the cause of their decline lo health, losing their vigor, becoming weals, pale, nervous and emaciated, nays s singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp• me of consumption. YOUNG MEN Mho have Injured themselves by a certain practice, In Julred In when alone--a habit rrequenny learned from es II domPanicille, or at school, the elrects of which are Mating len, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immadiately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his soon. try, the darling of his parents, should be suatceed iron. all prospects and innoyineute ei life by the consequences of devating from the path el nature, and indulging in a Certain Secret habil. nu ••iperiona must, before content placing aLARRIAO2, efleot that a sound need and body PTO the moot noCussall requisites to promote connubial happlueos. Indeed without thew), the journey through life becomes a wean pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and Oiled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another he• COllll3B blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING RIIIRDY FUN OR; RAMC WEARNMIL By this peat and important remedy, Weakness of tu rgane are speedily cured, said full vigor restored. ihonsands of the most nervous and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved, all impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental 1)1411411M lotion, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or &halation or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERB Tim many thousands cured at this biennium %cabin tilt laid twelve years, and the numerous important Burgled. operations performed by to. J., witnessed by the re. porters of the papers, and many other persons, minces of which have appeared again and again biters the pubbc, besidet her Wending as a gentleman o/ character and rw• sionaility, le a surdtdent guarantee to the sillicted, DISKASFS OF IMPRUDENCE,—Wbta the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure duds he has imbiber: the seeds ol this painful disease it tou often happens that an ID-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to these who, from education and re • spectating can alone befriend him, delaying till the oor • etitutional symptoms or this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting tbr Quad, wrest, uuse, main, progressing on with frightful rapidity, thi deem puts • period to hie 'treadle! suilerings by sending hurt to wths., bourne from whence YU traveler ?sterile." It Is a me wholy fact that thousands tall victims to tine terrlbit disease, owing to the unskilithuess oi ignorant profane. Off l / 4 4100. by the use of anal acuity pawn, mercury, rut. the *lnstitution and make the residue of Mc ouserable To antasous.—The Doctor's Diplomas bang to obis, fie arLatterklZlUSt CODtaill k Stamp to us on the rep7y. Altir Rumediee sent by Mall. 1t;-ho. 7 South Frederick street, Baltbnore. apria-drwis, JUST PUBLISLL ED. A MANUAL MILITARY BURG E It Y HINTS: ON THE EtaaGESOIF.4 Field, Oamp,"and Hospital Praotioe S. D. GROSS, M. D PAOYI3BBOB, QP BIIHOIRT LY Ta7.71071:89031 XIMICAL COLLkOII AT PHILAIMPtIIA, For sale at BKRONEIPS,CII.IIAP BOOKSTORE, mar 24 C7)li7V DIARIMEA AND CHOLERA ANTIDOTE, to lobe taste. r the cure of thee* Mistrust:lg maladies. Agreeable Inetbeta Every aohller should procure a bottle of this valuable WC at e before they take tip their line of march. Etr, 111 12 -data A. UNMET'S, Drug Store, Rarriablig, Pa ID. LU. tr.rozs 8o (go., • \ • - D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGG ISTS, SO. 19 MARKET STIVEE3T 11A.RR1SBURG,PEAN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, end would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock In this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS da PAIN'TS, Oils, varnishes and Glues, Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, i Artist, Colon and Tool, Pure Ground Spleen, Burning Mild and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 01.le, Bottles., Vials and Lamp Globes, Candle Soap, Sponges and Corks, &c., &c., &0., as , &c., lie., ago. With a general variety of PERFTIMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, aelected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S, COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, N \c ---- ------, ..1"50 t .40 1 12 0 , ~.„, : ...A _ OWHo ~,,,,,a k ?, 0 . ~....,„ 0 "L,,,: ! ;t:at, 0 ;,,.....* 1 0 4,ARR-: :, We respestfully invite a call, feeling, confl. 4 dent that we can supply the wants of all on tonne to their malefaction. ,TEETH I TEETH!! 1414)+0*Pkill'a4; v v •1705:N :4 . 4 +lV V , :I 4 1 : I PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lie 1 Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL I CARBON oar! Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer induoemend to clone buyers. Coal Oil [Amps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. AU kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, ose of you who have not gives our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know not tiros superiority, and the advantage they are to keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g iod condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex patience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we car in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the beet of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the a discrim inating public. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1861. filiattlancous PROPOSALS FOR SIDE- W HEEL STEAMERS. NAVY DEPARTMENT, Bureau of anstrudion, WASHINGTON, Aug. 8,1861. JJ IN CONFORMITY with the act of Congress approVed the bth August, 1861, the Navy Department will receive proposals for the con struction and equipment of Twelve Side-Wheel Steamers. The load drift of water not to exceed six feet nine inches ; to be armed with two rifled guns, of 7,00 u lbs. each, ore at each end of the ves sel ; also, with two 12-pounder howitzers ; the complement to be one hundred persons, with provisions for sixty days, to have two thousand gallons ofyattF in and to be provided with a condenser for &Ming potable water.— To be schooner- -rigged, end have a rudder at each end, properly protected by a post. The Department desires to have the highest attainable speed, which must be stated in the offer, together with the length of time it can be maintained and the' quantity of coal that can be carried in the bunkers for that'Speed, which should not b 3 less than for eight days. The proposals must be for the hull, spars, rig ging, sails, and canvass work, boats, anchors, and cables, tanks, casks, furniture, cooking ap-' paratus and utensils, steam machinery and spare work, with all the equipments for a vessel of war complete and ready in all respects for sea service, and ready to receive her officers, men, armament, stores, provisions, and fuel for -team machinery. The armament, stores, provisions, and fuel will be furnished by the Government. The specifications must fully describe the materials to be used, the method and size of fastening, the detail of the size, material, finish, kind, and arrangement of machinery, and of the various equipments included in the propo sal. - The plans must be working drawings, from which the vessel and machinery. can be built, showing the alio! menta of space for accommo dations, store-j ooms, magazine, and shell-room, disposition of the coal, Bsc. The boilers and engines to be below the deck —the main shaft may be Above ; the boiler pressure not to be leas than thirty pounds per square inch, and a surface be used; the paddle-wheel to be overhung. Upon application to the Commandant of any navy yard the bidder can see the list of equip ments required for the propeller gun-boats, to which, as for as practicable, these are to oon form, and for which convenient stowage is to be provided. The bidders will state the least time within Which they will agree to complete the vessel for sea and deliver her at such navy yard as they may name, without extra cost to the Gov ernment. It must likewise be stated in the of fer the total amount for which they will engage to dO all tam to required - a6..,,Assubra,ced in their specific:ad-las and plans ; and the bid must be a2campanied by name of guarantors that if awarded they will execute the contract The usual conditions of Government contracts will be observed. Payments to be made at tour different intervals, as the work progresses, re tailing one-fifth of the whole amount for ninety days altar the delivery of the vessel, to repair any defects that may be discoved within that time in trial at sea. It is understood that in the contract a guarantee will be inserted of the fulfilment of the condition of speed, fuel, satis factory working of the machinery, &c., with a forfeiture in case of failure. The reputation of bidders as succeseful steam ship builders will have due weight, and the propoial must state the name of the marine en gine building establishment at which they in• tend the steam machinery to he made. , The Department reserves the right to accept propositions made in conformity with the con ditions prescribed which shall be considered most to the interest of the Government and combine the greatest number of advantages, and to reject any or all of them, at its 'option. The specifications and plans of parties not obtaining the contract can be withdrawn by them. The Department will not consider itself un der obligations to receive proposals after the 6th of September 1861. augl2-le.w4w OFFICE OF THE ACTING COMMISSARY. OF SUBSISTENCE, No. 1187 Grusmu Sramrr, PamaDJILPRIA, August 28, 1881. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock M., on Monday, the 2d of September, for furnishing for the use of the United States Army, the following Sub sistence Stores, viz : 226,000 pounds smoked Bacon. Bides. 1,876 barrels extra Mess Beef. 800,000 pounds Pilot Bread. All of the articles to be of the very best quality securely packed ; Bacon in 200 pound boxes, and bread in barrels. Certificates of inspection of the Meat will be required. Seller's name and date of purchase to be mark ed on each package. Contracts will be awarded to the lowest re sponsible bidders, and bids deemed unreasona ble will be rejected. Two good sureties, whose names will be mentioned in the bids, will be required tor Vie faithful performance of the contents. Further information will be given on applies lion. The whole to be ready for delivery on or before the 20. h of September. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for fur nishing Sutsistanee Stores." C. W. THOMAS, an2B4 Capt. A. Q. Mr. A. 0. S. A. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. TO close up the concern the entire stook or SEIuES, Boots, ke n .late of Oliver Be I Men, deoefteed, to the rooms to the Martel, Square, will be nolo at private ergo at ccer; and the rooms will be milted to the purshAner if &laced. The *arms will be made easy. jel7-dtf DANN' 4,1 A-1 Agent NOTIO.E. TI -1E UNDERSIGNED has opened his Li 1101111 orrine, corner of Third steer! audltloolo berry r !ley, Dear Herr 's Hotel. - —Maher of an kinds and qualities. i x sole by W. MURRAY. fhe undersigned will sell Horses: Carnage' and bar .o3 low for oash, and Carriage. to bins atlas name oboe ?RANH A. MURRAY. =aril FOR RENT.—The large brick dwelling house nuw occupied by David Munk= jr. Seq., On Third street near - Ma tet, whb an office stithatole for an attorney. Possentiou given g it aof () o wner next, k n . quire at the Protnonotary's Mos. We, Illacsan. dugro-dit. CIDER 11—Strictly pure, spark %..) ling and sweet--has received a Silver Medal or Dt peals at every State Agrioultural Yak since 1856. par 30114 'int. DOCK & OD. BY TELEG I ;ill. THE WAR FOR THE UNION, THE NAVAL EXPEDITION SUCCESSFUL. =1 TWO FORTS TAKEN. 780 Priaonera--1,000 Stand of Arms, 32 Cannons and Camp Equip page Taken. REBEL OFFICERS MADE PRIS 017E.E.5. OFFICIAL REPORT. FULL PARTICULARS OF THE ENGAGEMENT I= TWO DAYS CANNONADING A SEVERE FIGHT KEPT UP• FLAG OF TRUCE FROM THE REBELS PRISONERS SHIPPED 1V NEW YORK. Traitor Army Officer Taken Priso- nor minus an Arm. = FURTHER PARTICULARS. COMPLETE LIST OP :PRISONERS. THE TRAITOR MURDOCK SERIOUS WOUNDED• THE EN rung NORTH CAROLINA COAST IN 01:711. BANDS Wasmourrox, Sept. 1, 1861 [Special dispatch to the Telegraph.] Gen. Butler and Commodoretkingham's ex pedition to the North Carolina Forts has re sulted in a great victory. They have taken Fort Clark and Fort Hatteras, seven hundred and thirty prisoners, one thousand stand of muskets, thirty two cannons, with a large lot of ammunition and camp equipage. Among the prisoners is Commander Barron, Col. Martin, Col. Thompson, Lt. Sharpe, late of the Navy, Col. Bradford, late of the army and a number of other officers. Terms of sur render unconditional. Gen. Butler is here ; all this is reliable and glorious. The steamer Harriet Lane ran on the break ers in approaching the fort and may possibly be lost, but if the weaker is favorable she can be got off. Our side did not loose a single man. IiZOOND DISPATCH WesixmaTos, Sept. 1 The following official dispatches from Com mander Stringham and other officers participa ting in the naval expedition to Hatteras inlet gives the details of the victory achieved, which it is believed will give the possession of the whole coast of North Carolina to the authori ties of the United States. Orr Harrimus IsLrr , IJ. B. Flag Ship Minnesota, Aug. 30. fb the Am Gideon Wendt, Secretary of the Navy: I have the honor to inform you that we have been eminently successful in our expedition All that could be wished by the most hopeful has been accompl shed. This morning we are taking on board the Minnesota officers and men numbering seven hundred and fifteen of the rebel force which surrendered yesterday after a bombardment from the fleet of parts of two days. I shall forward a full account immediate ly on my arrival at New York, where I have concluded to land them as requested in your communication in reference to prisoners coming into the possession of the navy. After lauding them, I shalkreturn to Hampton Roads. Respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed) S. H. &osmium, Flag Officer Atlantic Blockading Squadron. S. CHAIITIMED STEM= Ammuns, Aug. 81st, 1861.--Sra :—I have to report that the expedition to Cape Hatteras Inlet has resulted in a signal victory over the rebels. The cap ture of two Forte, twenty-five cannon, one thousand stand of arms and seven hundred and fate= prisoners, amongst whom are Captain Samuel Barron, Lieut. Sharp and Dr. Wyath M Brown, alt late of the United States Navy, and Major Andrews and other officers late of the United States Army. The amount of the loos on their side is not numtly known. Rive are ascertained ,to lustre been bliriedand eleven of their wounded are on board this vessel. Many others, were carried away. Lieut. Murdough, late of the United States navy, is among the number, with the loss of an arm. We met with no causality of any consequence whatever. The surrender was unconditional. For all particulars I beg to i efer to the reports of flag officer Silas H. Stringham and Major iltn. Benj. F. Butler. Although the steamers Adelaide and George Peabody were chartered for other especial ser vice, yet to further important operations I con sented to take the troops on. board from New port News and Fortress Monroe, nine hundred men with arms, provisions and munitions of war, and landed part of them, about three hun dred, amidst heavy surf until the boats filled and became ~r. 3 e. The men of war hauled in a heavy cannonade at 10.16 a. in. on the and kept it up at in tervals all day, recommencing on the 29th at 8.16 with increased effect. The enemy's rein forcements endeavored to land, and 1,000 or 1,600 men were driven back, and at 11.80 they displayed a flag of truce and were forced to sur render at discretion. On the appearance of the of the white flag I steamed into the inlet and laid behind the OA ready to throw the remaining troops ashore, either in case of a commencement or cessation of hostilities. The George Peabody, Lieut. Lowery, did the same at the su render. We of ficiated in the ceremonies, after which the prisoners were brought to this vessel. The next day, the 80th bast, placed them on board the Minnesota which vessel sailed at 2.80 P. M. for New York and we left for Annapolis with Maj. General Butler, 11. S. A. and the wounded prisoners. I hope my endeavors in the case may meet your full approbation, and beg to recommend to your consideration the conduct of Lieut- Commanding B. B. Lowery, associated with me in the work, and placed in•charge of Gen. Pea body of Dr. Wm. M. Kin, D. B. Navy, who volunteered for the expedition. I hive also received valuable assistance from my corpse of pilots, and from Dr. 8. C. Steil wagen and James Forsyth, who acted in the place of junior officers. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed) H. S. STILLWAOSO, Corn To GIDZON WELLES, Sect. of Navy. IJarrao STATE Crisman= SIMCBIL A.DELUDS, Aug. 84, lB6l.—Sir in obedience to your orders 4 Loves- thib-homm , 4ierewith tolurnislx.vourioom plete list of the wounded prisoners taken at the surrender of Fort Hatteras ; the whole number is thirteen and eleven of tines were transferred to this steamer by the order of flag officer Silas H. Stringham. The two remaining men were found to be too seriously injured to permit of being moved, and were consequently left in the Fort in charge of a medical officer. From the information which I have received from a creditable source I have formed the opinion that many of the wounded and perhaps all the killed were sent on board the rebel steamers in the Sound prior to the capitulation. Only two killed were found, and these were discovered in the out-houses of Fort Clark on the day of the evacuation . of that work. I understand from Surgeon Wyatt M. Brown, formerly of the 11. S. Navy, and at present holding a commission in the army of the Con federate States, andin chaxge of the medical de partment of Forts Hatter= and Clark, tluit =- Lieut. Murdough, of the 11. S. Navy, was •very badly injured. A fragment of a shell striking his forearm, and making a compound fracture of both bones. This gentleman escaped , from Hatteras prior to the surrender in the privateer Winslow. Gen. Butler accompanied by Commander Stellwagen and others connected with the mili tary naval forces arrived here early this morn ing in & special train from Annapolis. The brilliant exploit on the North Carolina coast soon spread throughout the city and oc caaioned unbounded joy among all loyal people. The government of course was promptly in formed of the gladsome news. The returned party In company with several members of the Cabinet visited the President between ten d o'clock. The result of the expedition" ed to be the pcissesaion of the entire North Carolina coast. A PROMINENT BALTIMOREAN AMONG THE PRISONERS. A Ship Load of Cotton CapUved. THE HARRIET LANE SAFE. The Rebels in Virginia between Two Fires. The Major Andrews whom, name appears among the prisoners captured at the taking of the Forts in Hatteras Inlent, is B. knowden Andrews, an architect of Baltimore. Many of the prisoners are Baltimoreans. Among the prises is a ship load of cotton pre pared to run the blockade. It is rumored that a member of the rebel Cabinet is among the prisoners. The Harriet Dine got ashore, but would soon be relieved. Tee footing obtained in Noith Carolina will be permanently held and Wil iningtou will ultimately be taken possession of, thus giving the rebels in Virginia a fire it 4, the rear. . _ , LATER FROM MISSOURI. Gen. Fremont Strikes a Heavy but Proper Blow. MISSOURI UNDER MaRFHAL LAW THE TRAITORS TO BE SHOT. MB EL PROPEWI Y CO.N F I.BtIA TED Slaves or Rebel Owners Declared free. No Person Permitted to Leave St. Louis Without a Pass NO MERCY FOR L AW BREAKERS e ST. Loom, Sept. 1, 1881. The following proclamation was baited yes terday : READVAIIII2B OR TEX WWII= DFPARTMINT, " SL Louis, August 81 "Circumstances, in my opinion of sufficient urgency, render it necessary that the Command ing General of this Department should assume the administrative powers of the State. Its disorganized condition, the helplesan as of the civil authority, the total insecurity of life, and the devastation of property by bands of mur derers and marauders, who i feet nearly every county in the State, and avail themselves of the public misfortunes and the vicinity of a hostile force to gratify private end neighborhood ven geance, and who find an enemy wherever they find plunder, finally demand the severest mea sures to repress the daily increasing crimes and outrages which are driving off the inhabitants and ruining the State. In this condition the public safety and the success f our arms re quire unity of purpose, without let or hindrance to the prompt administration of affairs "In order, therefore, to suppress- disorders, to maintain as far as now pr.cLcable the public peace, and to give security and. protection to the persons and p operty of loyal citizens, 1 do hereby amend and declare established martial law throughout the State of Idissturi. "The lines of the army of occupation in this State are for the present declared to extend from Leavenworth, by way of the posts of Jef ferson City, Rolla and Ironton, to Cape Girard eau, on the MissisAppi river. Ai/ persone who shall be taken with arms in their hands within these lines shalt be tried by court ruartia', and if found guilty will be shot. The property, real and _persona!, _of all persons in the State of Missouri who inntil take up arms against me ti.itect Statts, or who shall be directly proven to have taken active part with their enemies in the field, is declared to be conftwated to the public use, and their slaves, if any they have, are hereby declared free men. "All persons who shall be proven to have de stroyed, rifler the publicativn of this order, rail road tracks, bridges or telegraphs, shall suffer the extreme penalty of the law. "All persons engaged in treasonable corres pondence, in giving or procuring aid to the ene mies of the United States, in d , sturbing the public tranquility by creating and circulating false reports or incendiary documents, are in their own interest warned that they are expos ing themselves. "All persons who have been led away from their allegiance are required to return to their homes forthwith. Any such absence without sufficient cause will be held to be presumptive evidence against tit( m. "The object of this declaration is to place in the hands of the military authorities the power to give instantaneous effect to existing laws, and to supply such deficiencies as the conditions of war demand. But it is not intended to sus pend the ordinary tribunals of the country, where the law will be administered by the civil officers in the usual manner and with their customary authority, while the same can be peaceably exercised. "The Goinmanding General will labor vigi lantly for the public welfare, and in his efforts for their safety hopes to obtain not only the acqulesence, but the active support, of the peo ple of the country. Provost Marshal McSinstry has issued orders peremptorily forbidding any persons passing beyond the limits of this county without a spe cial peruait from his office, and railroad, steam boat, ferry and other agents are prohibited from selling tickets to any one nut holding a pass 'rom the Provost Marshal. This order is aimed apecially to reach pal ties leaving the city for the purpose of cvmmunicati g inf runitiou to the enemy. A Resigned Officer Permitted to Spend the Watering Season at Fort LbLyettte Lieut. W. H. Ward, late of the nlasedonistn who lately resigned and arrived in Nei York on the on Friday, has been ordered to spend the watering season at Fort Lafayette. The Navy Department had the Pototua river examined last. night between this city and Fort Washington for boas which might be used in the transportation of contraband articles across. Betzotou, Sept. 1 The batch broughtup to the Navy Yard num bered thirteen. Letters to Western Kentucky to the Poet Of &es that are condoned under the reteut order should be addrereell via Louisville. Gen. Martiudale, of New York, having ar• rived here has been assigned to the *nomad skWV& le the pepartukezu of the Potomac rework the other eh . ad's river.. • PRICE ONE CENT. "J. 0. FasmoNr, "Major General Commanding." THE 1 1 010140 DIVER EXAMINED. wAtatiNoToN, Aug. 81. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers