Eritgrapt II A11I; I t; Git U 1 . ) A 1{11111CS(lity Afternoon, August 21, ISB COILN TY COMMIT TEE• ti, L,.uuty Couitaittee of the People's party will meet ;it the Court House in Harrisburg, on 1.:7411 day of Auttust instant, at k p. P. IMl`. Chairman AUc,t, r. Vo No, Secietary. II mi,long. Aug. 19, 1661 N the last week Alderman Kline has nom about four hundred volunteers into the the UnitAl States. i 11'1111 RNLI FUND.—An aujourned meet vi 11.0 committee will be held this evening pt for 11.x(littege at. 6 o'clock By order of Froiilent, 0. EDWARDS ; Seay, 1 et; UCIO LAW. —A number of our citizens are litido . the impro:siou that the dog law expired on !L• 20th inst. This is a mistake. The law (1,0 net expire until the 20th of September, end it will be iitiictly enfurced until that time. SEVIN DIO IN TANNXICS AWAY. —A nelou bell came utt in the Masonic Hall, Tanner's Alley last night, which was kept up until a late hour, and then broke up in a row. The estab lishment should ae returned to court as a nui sance, THE VERY THIM;.--0111.11Weril going to the prO Vide IIieIIISVIVeR with a gum °Ver t:eat, blithliet, cape, cap cover, or thinking cup, all f which articles they can find in great va rlet) at the estAblishment of Wm. S. Shaeffer, oath side of Market Square, near Buehler's tlutel. =ZEE OF VOLUM:MS.-A. general order Lvt been ishued directing that at the end of this mouth, and every two months thereafter, all vonailveri shall be mustered for pay. One copy io the pay roil to be sent to the Adjutant Gon dol', ace, two to the paymasters of the dis or post where the regiment is stationed, the remainder at headquatters. =I A PNOVOSITION.—Are there not Uaion ladies eb,,lgh in this city to equip, without feeling it, d‘.ol.l,auy of cavalry. Let them each melt clown one of their heaviest sets of silver to begin with, and it that don't do let their superlluoui .;‘,l,,ry go till they get enough. If we are to re,kic our glorious Union, as we must du, th,i; Louithinds can afford to get new and fash ,th tole ones; and it we du not, and are doomed t. hick the conquurer's chains, let our spoons aLI mks and jewelry be of the same material. I=== Mciirtrizio BOONTISS.—By an order from the Department the two dollars bounty per bithertopaid to persons obtaining recruits, has been abolished. As this has caused some dirisasistaction, an explanation of the policy that has dictated it becomes necessary. A bib was brought before Congress last ses sion antiinrisiug the War Department to give its bounties to the three months volunteers, on ,he sums of thirty, forty and: tifty (Julius, under certain specified conditions. Fur this was wisely substituted a . law adcli! two dolmas a mouth to the pay oeShe soldier. 'here was no object of economy in the change, ter while wider the first bill the recruit would get otny $3O, unless when enlisting with a com pany or regiment, under the second he obtains by the above addition to bit pay for the three years $72. The difference as against the gov ernment Will be seven millions of dollars— the aggregate amount of the additional pay for the volunteer force for the three years being twelve, while that of the $3O bounty would be only tire millions. Of the moral advantage of this arrangement there can beim doubt. When the soldier gets a bounty he is apt to dissipate it at once, his family deriving no benefit from it ; whereas, by the present system, he can easily be iuilaced to allocate his monthly pay, or a portion of it, to the support of those dependant upon him. The bounty to persons obtaining termite has been abolished, from the belief that the addition made to the soldiers pay will be sufficient inducement to compensate for its ne cessity. l'oucg.--Before the rlloyor.—Peter Nlag laugh lin, a short, htout-set, squabby individual of twenty-rive years or thereabouts, with a pug nose set hi a Ilveu as broad as a full moon, was arraigned for the offence of drunkenness. Peter said he lived in Carlisle and had came here to enlist, but unfortunately got into the ranks of captain whiskey, and was stewed at the first tire. he was discharged. Philip Garret, a jolly looking waterman from the pine regions, belongs to a raft, which ha. add is lodged on a rock somewhere in the river. He was tired of waiting for a rise, and got high himself, in which condition he was piloted to the lock-up. Discharged on a promire to leave the city in two hours, Joseph Wilson, is a "bould soger boy'' and belongs to Col, Black's regiment. Joseph got slightually inebriated yesterday, and observing the poor house mill-wagon, ladened with fiour, he approached the driver and informed him that he had been appointed by the Government to take charge of tne team, whereupon he mounted the wagon and took a seat. The driver took the matter cooly, and turned his horse's head towards the Mayor's office, at which place he stated the position of Whirs, when'Joseph was transferred from theiwagon to the lock-up. The Mayor remande,i him to await the orders of his Colonel. Peter Shilling & Son, brushmakers of ing, were arraigned, charged with selling brushes without a license. The case was finally disposed of by the parties paying the costs and Promising to take out a license. Barney O'Bryan, a pickaynne negro, was charged with disorderly conduct in the lower market house, Sent across the street to mend Lie ways, milkman, named Stevens; esterday brought to the lockup a dilapidated looking individual whom he charged with having columned dePre" dations on his (Stevens') cornfield. We dkrnot hear the result of the hearing, Tax BIDDLE GIJA.B.DB. —We incorrectly stated yesterday that this fine company of volunteeis hailed from the town of Huntingdon. They came from M'Aladery's Fort, Huntingdon county, and aro commanded by Captain G. B. Miles. A XMASES NOTION.-000D ADVICE FOR THE TIMES. —Some persons seem to think they must hoard up every cent they can get hold of, in or der to provide against hard times, and we bear lessons on all sides about economy. This is a most mistaken policy. In fact it is the most certain way to bring about the very evil they fear. The suspension of all enterprises leaves the laboring people without the means of sup port, and the result is the prostration of every branch of business. Every man who has the means should persevere in his projects of im provements which pro nice to be productive. Men will still want houses to live in, bread to eat and clothes to wear. The farmer need not therefore hesitate to purchase fertilisers, to raise stock, and to put up such buildings as are necessary. Those who have wealth should live as heretofore, and men generally should re member that there is such a thing as being " penny wise and pound foolish." If the peo ple cannot get work they cannotpurchase food, and if they cannot purchase it, they must have it given to them. -Persons of means should remember this, when talking about curtailing expenses. In short, if improvements are n%eded, now is the time to make them. Those having means should refit and refurnish their houses, improve their farms, buy good 'Substantial clothing, withott involving thentselves unnecessarily or imprudent& hlid thus keep the tailor, the storekeeper, the butcher and baker, as well as the mechanic and working man employed. If every man should shut himself u in his shell like a tortoise, we shall soon have want and suffering in earnest. Earnest, active men will be the more earnest and active, and while they advance the fortunes of those around them, they will advance their own. There is a pru dent foresight that gathereth while it scatter etha foresight which converts the five talents into ten, and the ten into twenty, while there is a blind economy that places the talent in the vault, allows it, to,lay there and ruf f doing its possessor nor any one else no good. Every man should be a good stewart and not a miser able miser. Iffil Amer or ALLtDOIO Seosssion SKlM—lnfor mation having been received at the Mayor's of fice, that a party of men supposed to be spies from the seceasionists, would arrive today in the eleven o'clock train from Chambereburg, Chief Baciabatigh, and a squad of specials pro ceeded to the depot, and upon the arrival of thu train arrested three men who were pointed out as the suspected party by an officer from the division of the army under General Banks, who was also a passenger in the train. The prisoners were taken to a private room in the Exchange, where they underwenta strict examination by the Mayor. They gave their names as Thomas J. Carson, Walter W. Kelley and Win. M. Pegram and represented themseit yes as being cithlths of Baltimore. Carson io a fine /ooklng,e/deily gentleman, per** gay yeaga, or thareabbiiie — Mi`ftiflW ly done business ieogew York city, but has been living in SaltimoreVor the bet several years. Kelly is a man aillagegalriikatattbirty years, of medium size, and slimly built.. He repre sented himself as a British subject and present ed a passport signed by the British consul at Baltimore, and countersigned by the Secretary of State. Pegram is about the same age of Kelley, and of like proportions and stature, All of the party were *ell dressed, and ap parently men of means. Carson exhibited a "pass" from Col. lieintale man countersigned by Gen. Cooper, dated Aug. 9. Upon his person were also found a number of "passes" from officers in the confederate army, giving him privilege to visit his property in several of the Southern States. In the carpetbag owned by Pagrem were found a number of sealed letters, among which, one directed to Judge Brewer, at Annapolis, and others to Mrs. M. Humphreys and Geo. Brewer, at Baltimore. These were opened and discov ered to be signed by J. W. Brewer, a sergeant in the Washington Artillery of New Orleans, serving in the confederate army. They were ' principally descriptive of the battle of Bull Run, in which the writer participated. Nothing of a suspicions nature was found in the carpet-bag of Kelley; but upon examining hi s person, the officers discovered a large num ber of letters sewed up very neatly between the muslin of his shirt. These were principally of a business 'nature), written by parties at the South, and addressed to friends in Baltimore. An unusually large amount of drafts and bank notes were also found on his person. All the letters were taken possession of by the Mayor, and the circumstances being deemed sufficient to detain the men in custody, they were put in the ()aunty prison for a further hearing. So far as we can learn, the immediate cause of the arrest of the party was owing to a dis patch received in this city from Ragerstown, that the men had secretly crossed the Potomac from the Virginia side, at a point above Wil liamsport, and that one of them was a resident of Charleston, Virginia, and a noted secessionist. There is no doubt, from the letters found in the possession of the party, that they are fresh from the rebel army in Virginia, and were en route for Baltimore with no good intentions. [Communicated.] Masses. Emotes :—I wish to call the atten tion of the public to a certain practice indulged in by the School Directors of certain townships of this county, by promising the schools to this or that individual long before the examination takes place. Now, sir, this is a habit which of ten throws superior teachers back to give place to inferior ones, neuelybecanae he had the pro mise of the school several weeks or months be• fore the examination took? lace• We have more interest in the giving out nt s of schools ve an no any other tax-payer, but we do t • the Di rectors should wait mull they the certifl cant ore ma Gates aad weigh the competency See the each ap befoli re any distinct i on whatever. -P We hope Our worthy Superintendent will ft distinctly understood to the nagmetive Direct ors their duties; in this respect • Luz Parer. Ptungpthania taailp Teltgraph, iUtOtteettaß aftintoon 'august 21, 18b1 THE OHIO VOLUNTFERS.—At a meeting of the Cincinnati Zonave Guard (Co D. 2nd Reg., 0. V.) held afier their return home, the following resolutions were reported by Messrs. Charles liendenhall, L. V. Horten and 'l'. Murdock, Committee, and unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, We have been, together with our comrades of the First and Second Ohio Regi ments, the receipients of many kindnesses from both stranger-. and friends, since our departure from the city, in the s rvice of our country, therefore, Remived, That our warmest thanks are due the ladies, and citizens generally, of Zanebville, Steubenville, Pittsburg, Altoona, Harrisburg, Luicaster and Philadelphia, for their many acts of kindness and hospitality, shown ns, both during our journey to and from Washington, thereby greatly alleviating many of the hard ships of a soldier's life. Resolved, That we will ever remember, with feelings of the deepest gratitude, the hearty welcome extended to us by the citizens of Cin cinnati on.our return home, the approval of his friends being the highest reward a soldier can receive. Resolved, That a copy of the above be for warded to each of the above named cities for publication. • • IMPORTANT LEGAL DECISION. —The Supreme Court has reversed the judgment of the Court below in the case of Wm. Frazier vs. the-Penn sylvania Railroad, and awarded the defendants a new trial. The decision is a most important one, and a brief notice of its chief points may not therefore be out of place. Was. Frazier, while in the employ of the company ass brakes man, received injuries in a collision near Ir win's Station, which he claimed was the result of gross negligence on the part of one of the company's engineers. He brought suit against the road and got a verdict of $5,776,00, but the defendants appealed to the Supreme Court, and the latter, after a careful examination of the questions at issue, reversed the judgment of the Court below, and ordered the defendants a new trial. The position taken by the Court in its decision may summed up thus : An em ployer is not necessarily responsible to- his em ployee for injury arising from the negligence of his fellow servant. But if he knowingly keep in his employ a rash, careless and incompetent servant, and injury is thereby caused to another servant, the employer is responsible for the damage. If, however, the habitual carelessness or incompetency of the employee be known to a fellow employee who remains in the service without giving notice thereof to the employer, and receives an injury therefrom, the employer is not responsible. Character for care, skill and truth must alike be proven by evidence of gen eral reputation, not of special acts. HATING returned from the city I now have on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods : 200 pieces of new Calicos ; 200 dozen of Stockings ; a splendid lot of Black Alapacha; a large lot of .Hoop Skirts; 1,000 yards of Crash for Toweling. All kinds of Summer Dress Goods at great reduction. S. Lswr, fi Rhoads' Old Corner. See Professor Wood's advertisement in anoth er column. 4.ST TO swam 114 1 4 :8i1.1 A N'B I' I. 14 Pte pared i.l Curuallati L. Ohoorteuma td , MALI of etti , , ,{'tile ate the crash of a toug.sud =toaster prkeue. rftli} ore *Mkt is Weir overshoot, star disdain th somecum, all treep Warthogsqat' 101 Meastruattoolit, milsrleir4 t:ifr atruotions, wheeT from old or. stbarstut, hoidombe, pan fu the side, Sottpitatlon dY toe heart, whited, all uar you,. alleutlons, hymoried, fatigue, polo ih I,ho bank and i t aris a &, Matoebed sleep, wltinh grad from inieragdos of aaia re or. t.u.rors :tot .. pule are invaluable, as .toy Will bring ou the Numbly portott with regularity. L.dies who have Dees dissitpotututt is the use ut other I Jllx ass Masa the ettenet eoetitieue.• in lie. Cheosontah's PIM dater all that they reamer:tot to du. Mere ts ow ..ndatth. oe female totem to whitht ate Pala easethq ne taken mahout .trodthmly h ECULJAIi tie TA< conditiort ~4,, . .et1 to is NIRO NANCY— the leash MINA If filArilt. AO is the wrhtistage +erste:44 of the m4seirt.' - to restore he sexual funetios' sa to *Alma emittiotH,, .hat then the reprotteettre power el %lute cannot mu, U. Warranted purely vegetable., atial tree from anything Injurious. ixollest directioua, which should be rend, k ueropsny ,Ach b 31. )'rice $l. Sent by meatus enciaslng 111 4 imuiliUtle L.. ONaleMiAlr, Box Poet Mine, New Yorir. *ad , t‘ 4Volatiu ~ v ery 'own In the United &ANIS it. B. HUTORINOS, sx.llt for the Chnittul &Moo, ti aruadway, New York lo WhoAt 411 hwetair JYYUTi tboubt be etW - "low to H.- J . 0 .1, 1r . k. WM DR. DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. etalllble n correcting, regulating, and remoilag al obstructions, irons whatever cantle, and ways eucceeatul as a preven tive. riIHESE PILLS HAVE BEEN' USED BY the doctors tor many years, both In Prance and erica, with unparalleled seams In every case ; ant be Is urged by many thousanu ladles who used them, to make the Pills public fOr the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an Increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly shoaled, or these supposing them. selves so, are cautioned against these Pills whilein that condition as they are stir to produce miscarriage, anti the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admn nitiOn, although their mildness would prevent any mia chief to bealth—otberwise the PO: are recommended. 1 Full and explielt directions accompany each box. Pries $1 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by 3ELARLI23 A. BANNYARY, No. 2 Jones Row, Barrb Dru itlit Pa. "Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Poet Moe can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of pos tage by mall. Sold also by S. & musts, Reeding, Jonment, HOLLoWAT A Cousin Philadelphia, J. L. Lass. examot, Lebanon, Daumu, Lancaster; J. A. Hour, Wrightsville ; H. T. limn, York ; and by one druggist in every city and village In the Union, and by uown, ole proprietor New York N. S.—Loot out for counterfeits. Boy no Bolden Pike of any kind unless every box is signed 3. D. Howe. Az others are a Mao Imposition and ens ale ; therefore, as you value year lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged not of your money ) buy only of those who show the signature of & D. Howe on every box, whirl has recently been added on account of the Pills Way rout:dark:UM dia-dWild3W/y Mon Ar's 1471 Pius AND Pam= Barna.— tr es frost nil Mineral Poinsts.--In cases of Scrofula. Ulcers, Scurvy, or &options of the Skin, the operation 01 the Life Medicines is truly astunlahlug, often removing to a few days, every,restige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects ou the blood. Moue Fevers, Fever and Arne, Drilmnsla, WNW, Piles, and in short, most ail disuses soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, a, by their timely use mush sugaring and expense may be raved. Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. it., New Sore, end Weir til g,urr e u oev9w•l y ' MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TRBATALRNT AND RADICAL CURL'. Of BPB ItAIATOB. BMA, or Seminal Neaknese, Sexual Debility, Ner veva. Dee., Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting %TOM Sellmbuse, am. By Robt. J. (Mlverweil, M. D. Sent tinder anal, in a plain envelope, to any azi.drOhient per, on ot two stamps, by Dr. ORAS J O. RLINB,I2I Bowery, New Teak . Pose INBoe Box AO 4.101, , . w, **AV' Y Oil - 6r i3 T FY ra fIARKIKM N eIT IC I, A CARD TO THE LADIES PURIFY THE BLOOD• TO CONSUMPTIVES Ina A OVIIRTIBI3I, having been pestered to towth t", few weeks by a very simple remedy, after Us , .us 4everal yearly walla severe lung &Matt Jou. and that drvad disease. Votwatuetlan—l.. noxious to make 111/3WO to hte lellow•pultr. r, the arose, or aura. ro nil wbo desire It, he wih send a c the pim a:melon used (free of charge), with Litt dilections for preparing anti sable the same, which. they .+lll lied a sure cure far Co n sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, arc. The only ohject of the adwertleer In deciding the Prescription I' to helmet the .tillexed, and .pread information which emmeiram to be ovaluabl , , and be brioe...rery suf. f•srer tr) Ms remedy, ash cos: them ornhin;, son may prove a blessing. Part re wishing (ha tweserlptioo will please address RSV. BOW APO A. 91/11.41iN, =ME eattbibatts. FOR ASSEMBLY. TT S. tiCHKEINER, of Graz offers I,blntsell at a candidate for the Sr TN LEGIS:.A KS at the ensuing election, /whim to the action of tbt , People's Unclip Convention. tae pr. tul.ea, if elec., ten to di-chai r the clams of the office With actolity. ettenl-dtco FOR PROTHONOTARY. DA. EL EYSTLR offers bimaulf as a . oandidate for the dace of ekora. Norma, he., at the Made/ elestion, and pledies hie reputation for attrobon 10 beakless as a guarantee Ds the taittafst/ per formates urge awes, If elected. Harrisburg, August 21, 1861.41..* • FOR ASSEMBLY WILLIAM ALLEN, of Woof :141roithip, will be a 'candidate tor the Bra elf: Lik13,81.11:11115 subject to the outioatiou by the Repab licangepra tine of Dauphin county aeglelitd-leee FOIL COUNTY COMMISSIONER. IIEICI BUFFINUTON, Esq. , of Waiflll- JO lawkin • to vuvinp, otters himself us 11, oandidaie for L. MN .h' C dilii , ..l.c irsillt at toe ensuing so election, sub itr i i.„ action of the . eopla'a County Convention. tie pro if eleJted to ditcbar t e tee duties tf ills (Mee *AD t gay aug2l-dst wit FOR COUNTY TREASU rclilß. BIOJAMIN BLOB , of Harrisburg, of tars hhwelf as a carotidal. ref COU fithOSU R ho at the e• suing election, sunmet to too action of the People% Count) Ceoveutien Fie promises. if elected to tUeohonfit the duties of the (Moe with edelliy. sogriAliwoo FOR REGISTER QAktlik.L MARQ,UART, of Harrisburg, ott.ra Otiose al a cAuold .to fo• RSUl,thtt at the ell:111111 irb,ect to the action of the Pt opholt Otataty Co 4 retutoo. He p °e, ses, iC erected to dtactutrge the &glee et the office with filelity. Int n-tta*to TOTHE#UTEIteOF DAUPHIN UutINTY. FELIAMV. lIZENB : I offer myeeli ae j: a isnthd4te fir County Treasurer at toe ensuiag emotion, anbject to the action of he People Gmety's Con venilon rbeu.dl be a s ;ern:male 10 be elected 1 leis° myself t • ilemll,usis too diplaso: said alit o with SA Ai; HACK. Dauphin, Agg. 12 isst.-to FOR PROTHONOTARY. 'pas undersigned offers himself as a oenttletet for th office or proihoi2.o,ry see , or URo pbul county et tee en. Wog eko• ion. H ,o g ,goe ifekw tee to perfoten the ;hake or the office with tigeilty. 111116.1181 - Wll* J. `Oil. NG To THE INDEPENDENT AND UNION VOTEAS ulf DAUPHIN COUNTY. VOLL W CITIZENS—I offer myself as .1 a Untaatiudemadeut atudklste for the oVise of 80. rater of W 4 oft sepia.° rummy. Should Ibe so tar to, aim as Sire sleet a, 1 promise to discharge the duties of t:e oaks with fidelity B. 11U1110.1.. Buannekteen, Judy 81, 1561-aliserie FOR ASSEMBLY. nOL.J as. FR EEL A ND, of Efslifax town. tht,,, Aire tdotoelt as a catodklate tur ASAABLY toe_taeutbig ek9uon , ettloct to toe act oo or the Yea plea Poutokr:Otop , atloo. He promises, V elected to die. charge theesot the oLe with dOrngle. cm r ibtattstments PUBLIC •NOTICE. 'ROBE having claims against the city L belonging to Main:mi. departments, are informed that It will be nemweary to Make separate Whit, charges belonglog to ea h department. By order of Connell. DAVID HARRIS, Clerk August 17, 11361.--ang2o4lBt lAIANTS4r—To rent a house suitable v y4 l , for a aural 'amity. Poe:saute .to be given Octo ber tat, 1031. •Addraus or apply to A. W. WATSON, Third etreemor J. J. Box 106, Harrisburg, Ps ang2Cmitt YitOPO6A 1,8 WILL Bti Re.CIEV eiD BY ; the undersigned Committee of Council on or before the 2d day of September 1861, for the delivery andiortad. log of no or 600 perob of stone for re ttaloadamialeg Market Square between Market street and Blackberry alley. Tte atone not to be larger to pass though a 2% Inch ring. ElFol. B. BELL, JACOB F HaBRNLEN, Committee lst District. DA ..lEL HOOKAH aug2o.6td GENERAL ORDERS, NO 2. MUD QOARTIIIIIB, P. AL Harrisburg, Aug. 19, 1881. JDY DIRECTION of the President of the United States, all volunteer regiments or parts of Regiments accepted directly by the War Department from Pennsylvania, either with or without arms, equipments or uniforms, are to be forwarded at once to Washington. Their commanders will therefore immediately report to these headquarters, stating the number of men and the etationAma which they are to be taken, that transportation may be furnished theta without delay. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. Oasis &DM, A. C. D. aug2o NOTICE ! POST 01710 S, I Harrisburg, Fa. f r m. Post Office Department having issued NEW STAMPS, of all denominations, via:—Orm, THUD, FIVB, Tiai, TIMM, Twarrr-vomr, Tamar and Now: cent, notice is hereby given that an exchange of the old for the new stamps will be made at this office for a period of SIX DAYS from this date, after which time the old stamps will not be received in payment of postage on lettem sat from , this office. Bonner offices in this vicinity can exchange their stamps at this office. GEO. BERGNER, P. M. Aug. 19, 1861.-6td DIVING FEMALE COLLEGE, IfECHANICSBURG, PA. • rjIBIS Inetitution chartered with full col day',elate were , mill Open Its Fall Term on Wellnes the 4th of September. Tbiiiateatmatvf - Parents having edueate is t vireo Indy invited to tide Instantion. For catalogues address. A. G. 11ARLICIT, augl6-2wd President. I M;l7 r► aVI ir FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, ISECHANISCBUBG, PA. REV, 0. EGE & SONS. QESSION commences, September 2, 1861. .1.! per seadua of Aim aitaihs sb, Inoliding Ta• ' ttlaq, , lai r Waahlatica. 81.01. for a cdroubir. • 1 110 PnataW . Books for the Military 1 JUST RECIEVED AT BERONER'S CHEAP BOOKSTO4E, No. 51 Market street. Rise and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer cise and mancenvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Department. By Bre vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARDEE, U. S. A. Vol. I.—Schools of the Soldier and Company ; Instructions for Skirmishers. Vol. 11. School of the Battalion. ===iffn INSTRUCTIONS IN FIELD ARTILLERY. • Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers.— One vol. Bvo. $2.60. Cot. S. COOPER, Adjt.-Gen. U. S. A. Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled by Special Orders No. 184, of 1856, and Special Orders No. 116, of 1858, has the honor to sub mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics and Regulations recommended for that arm. WM. IL FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil lery. WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain That Artillery. HENRY J. HUNT, Bt. Maj. Capt. Second Ar tillery. Published by order of the War Department. First Part—School of the Trooper ; of the Pla toon and of the Squadron Dismounted. Second Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron Mounted Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi ment. WAR DI/PAWN:in, WASHINGTON, February 10, 1841. f The system of•Carairy Tactics adapted to the organisation of Dragoon regiments, having been approved by the President of the United States, is now published for the government of the said service. Accordingly, instruction in the same will be given after the method pointed out therein ; and all additions to, or departures from the ex ercises and manceuvreslaid downin this system are positively forbidden. J. R. POINSETr, Secretory of War. fIi'CLELLAN'SBAYONET EXERCISE. Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for the use of the Army of the United States. By GEORGE B. M'CLELLIaI, Capt. First Regi ment Cavalry, U. S. A. Printed by order of the War Department. Hsanousarsas or Dila A/Llll, Wsseistrroa, D. 0., Dec. 81, 1851. Hon. C. M. Cosaso, Secretary of War. Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit a system of Bayonet Exercise translated from French by Captain Geo. B. M'Clellan, Corps, Engineers, 11. S. Army. I strongly recommend its being printed for distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc tion." The inclosed extract; from reports of the In spector General, etc., show the value. I have the honor to be, sir, with high ;expect, your most obedient servant, WINFIELD SCOTT. Approved. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War, January 2, 1852. R JONES, Adjutant General. Any of the above works forwarded by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of the published price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars and postage stamps. Address GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa. On application to the General Poet office the undersigned has received the following order viz : Posr Omea Dammam, t • Adirointhient Office, July 28, 1861. I The following order has twin made by 'The Poet Qffice Department., for the execution of the new law plipecting soldiers' letters : Postmasters at or near any camp or point oc cupied-by the 'United States forces, will mail, without prepayment of postage, any lettter written by a soldier in the service the United States, and certified to be such by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment to which the water is attached. The envelope should have plainly stamped or written on its face the cer tificate "Soldier's Letter," signed in writing by the Major or Acting Major of the regiment, describing his regiment by its number and its State. The postage due on such letters will be collected at the office of delivery. The certificate and address may be in the following form : "Soldier's Letter. A. 8., Major 10th Reg't, N. Y. Volunteers. Mr. John Jones, Utica, N. Y." Commissioned officers will prepay their post age as heretofore. JoUN A. KABSON, Ffrst Assistant P. M. G. Pour 0111102 Oanza.—The Poet Office Depart ment has issued the following : Postmasters will take notice that all pre-paid letters to soldiers in any regimentin the service of the United States, and directed to them a t a point where they have been stationed, may be ,orvrarded, whenever practible, to any oilier point to which they may have been ordered without further charge thereon for fowarding. J 01124 A. Bassos, Fwat Assistant P. N. Ge n eral. Soldiers at the different camps in or near this city will please comply strictly with the above rule and their letters will reach their destina tion without trouble. argil) DAILY aja LINE! Between Philadelphia, Loa Ravin, J 1512017 880K1, WIILLWLEPONT, IIONOT, UNIONTOWN, WATEIONTOWN, &MON, LIWEIBLINA, Nownrameszumo, r•mtivirr, TINTTONION, GILONTINTOWN, LTIMNITIOWN, 14111JUW ERG, RAWL; DAITITTIN, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A 04nductor goes through with each train to attend to Ms sate delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. Ell Mar. et &set, Phila delphia, by b o'slect P. it, will be I ..livered ill Harrisburg the next inernba. Freight (alw Aye) as Mir as by any other me. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of eh flarrisbur hoods. The undersigned thankful for peat patro: _ e hopes by strict attention to business to merit a oon • m uoe of the .one. T. Pli .• , Philadelol4 and Round. del7 Alt3m Feot of Market. stew I burg T"COMMISSIONERS appointed under the Act of Incorporation of the city of Harrisburg having made a plat or draft of said city, designating the streets, lanes and alleys cow exhaling and opening, and also where avenues, streets, lanes and alleys shall here. after be opened, and also designating within the limits of said city a plot or piece of girouod. containing not lees than twenty acres, for the use of the panne and of said city, for the purposes and uses mentioned in said act and having submitted their draft and report to the Court of Quarter erosions, of Dauphin county, for the approval of said Court • the said draft and report have bees hied by order of said Court in the °dice of the Clerk of Quer lersessions of said county for public inspection ; and un less elospliOns are Med thereto by parties Interested to said city, the same will be approved at the August term of said Court. By outer of t h e Court. myliditw WY. IitTCHELL, Clerk. AQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging= hams for sale by the dome andPiscsi= l,4 * Cathy atltimmma the DAOPEitil Nay LIN TY POMO. • • Slioctllantons Fi A RDE TACTICS. CAVALRY TACTICS. Three vole. 18mo. $8.76 One vol. 12mo. $1.26 NOTICE TO SOLDIERS, [zlovioemitontwvoi;kl GEO. BMIGIIPAI, P. M P11113P1EU113E1,63 ktisullunrAns PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR precisely what its name iodinates, for while pleas. t to the taste, it is ievivifying, exhilaration. and strengthening to the vital powers It also revivide4, re inetatea renews the tlood to all its art, inal purity, and time rrstaree and renders the system Invuirerabio to &Packs of disease it is the onty preparation ever offered to the world in a rpular itirm to as to be within the reach of all. So a' et:laically and ‘ll.lllfully combined, as to the most powerful to. lc, and yet re perfectly adapted en se ro 407 la rsarscr ACOOROANCff IMO TOR LONA OF su,sosk, L ep HINCISO6THE THE WILAILIST and , one Up the tesilve org be, and sllay ell urrrouS Irritation. .t also perfectly exhibit . thug to Its areas, sod yet it is novel folkoired by 6asUde r dt•pretiroo of apt Ate h C M' posed entirely of vegetsbo s. cud those thorcugly cop hieing r creerful tonic and ,"''Ling prop. Wes, and COO• gOeotl3 can never inju e. Asa BUM proven Ire and cure of CONAJMITI IN:, ERI) LNITIESTION, I • RPSIA, U•B. , of APeETIIT ~ FAIN rNA . m., NER VOUS JERI rt KLITY, NKVE I.G t 4 pa,i.eiTa. 'PION • F LIE RKARr, KIEL ASCE .ILY, ilyPo ctioNDRIA, N it:RT SWEAN, ANGER, GIDIALWX. , , Asb ALL THAT CLA , et OF 8 , 1 FEARFULLY FATAL. CALLED FIDIALK IRREGEL firS THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL Mao, Liver rer..egerteate or loriddity, and Liver cena• plaints, Dietsie. of the Kidney, or any 1., ral derange• wont it the uritary organ., It will not only tUre .1.4, debility log wivx , CHILI 3 and Flarlt, but all prevail' all:inks arising tree IdissmaUo tofu ninas, and tura II e dveu,ve at once, it already at. lacked. l'ira voters shou'd have a Witte with them, u It *ld prereoi any dileterie. sou •quence, upon change of ellatate a d eater as 1' prevents miwtvalsts, strengths a itt, dig •atirs organs, it should be in in• httols cif ail iter.ode f !twee tory habits, " Ladles not aceL wounal to until out .1, ' o r enemise tumid +away. use it Moines should use It, fir It tea 1^ rfeet rritrr , ^ans. a month or two before the fleet rlet, see wits th*: dreadful perird with p Itect ease and son ty Taloa IS :to lIVITAICS a 0 .OT U. th MI) Al. 14 ALL ICE CLAIA ralt IT II I Mothers rty It !I Mid to you we appeal, to doteei be warm or lieetise aot ouly of your diugtere before it be rrrr 146, hot also yeur mos std husbaadi, tor will% the former from false dedcacy, ofteu go down to a pr.= tore gray., ratoer thou let their eendiibm be known to tme, the tette. an often so mixed up who the excitement of trusineee, that If H. wire not for you, they too. wo rte trawl . 0 'be :afp dowuwerd path, until It IN too late t r arrest their Etta' ran But the mother is .larayr atm to you We oneadeutiy appeal i for w ore su sl your nevr faliag stiletto"' will uoerrlnhly polo , you u. 'hOF -04.0.0 a lilthToitsfiV. , Wiwi M. mslii t4l.tNtlr r•It• V Mitt ai the route .y trhrao ohuuhl al ways tuy 'mod to time et heed. "'WO, rinprietor,444 Broadway, New 'Cork, and IA4 Barker Street, t• t. Louie, No., ao , , sold by a I good Drnetti.te. Priee One o tar er Bottle IMEME:I THE NEW AMEEPAN QYCLOREDIA.: Dlellonars of General Knowledge. RDI2XD HT GEO. RIPLY & CHAS. A. DANA. 21., ba comple ed is 16 alums , royal octavo, lave doubt e outanua VOL Itob we rea rp, and a sexceedoe velem will oe immed emery Otroc or four wrath& Price in Cloth, $8 ; Sheep, Library Style, $8 60; Half Morocco, $4 ; Half Rutz a, $4 60, each. PLA v OF TUE uYOLO AAA. The New Atem Iran Cycl.pMdta pre,euts a franotamle view of all bumen knowledge ; u it exists at the present moment. Iseetbraree and populariras every autumn that can be thought of la tre =decks lee V , 111121ift to committ ed ao inexhaustible feed of accUrat • altla practmat In formation on art and :e• nee, bt all thotr brisebes, In cluding Meeba des, I ate, m t e-, ASIVQI.I_ , Stiy, p y, Chemistry, and Ph)stelo y ; ou naricuuure, Commerce, and Maeulacteres ; nu Mediate., and Tbeolea jag Illottraphy arm blistery, Geography and Ntlenelagy ; on rodual ecounsinny, the Trae-el, Inventions, Peddles, the Things of Common Life, and Cesare! Literature. OUR Stlßitll4lPTlObi already number twnvr THollsiaD um.; from every section of t h e oeentry, which erldsaces the universal 1,4 ular.ty Orient NATIONAL won. T 9 1Z NEW AMERICAN CTCL.W.SIIIA said eschisive/y by subso,iption, and oaeutu hive been win:dated for almost all rectlons of the Union. in CAN bowev.r, Ages/Mare apt to be mend, we will receive sob seriptions, Cod forward is iMat Viauwolls., Free o pence on receipt of the p ice. Per ens at a nitllooo may send money fur one or mere volumes at a time. it not beteg neceesary-to.tase the whole tweleirrtiomes at once, unless they feel loollued to do su. Tboso living hi the city will floe a sub..rlptlon too 'o at ou• atom whet, their intnitte will be entered and toe volumes, as pub lished, aeot to any part or the city. D. aPPLX ON it C , Publishers, 448 & 446 Broadway, New York. au2l.vrtl dlt PROCLAMATION; WHEREAS, the Honorable Jona J. Pm twos, President of the Courtor Common Plead In the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of the cellulite of Lebanon and Ilatkpluo, and the lion. A. 0. Mazza and Hon. MIT NENLirT, Associate JUOges m Dauphin county, having Mimed their precept, bearing date the fourth day of .140(1 1881, to ate directed lOr holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at tier isburg, for the county or Dauphin, and to commence ON TBX 4111 Han- Day or *noun NM, being the 48re DAY 01 ACCIOrt 1881, end to continue two weeks Notice is Memnon hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the •nace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said comity of Dauphin, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with their tea .rue, toeubittlouo, emotional/oos ' and their own remembrances. to oo those tirtigs wbiob to their Mot , appertains to he done, and those who are bound ih tOCUitIII2IIIC43I4 to p oseeute against the prisoners ibis are or shall be in tee Jell of itsuphin county, be then and there to prosenute against them as shall bejudt. Given under my nand, at Ilarrisburg, the Slot day of lit;y, to the year or our Lord, 1881, and in the eighty flith year or the independence of the United Mates, J. D BOAS, Sheriff, &laurel!, chinas Harrisburg, July 31. 1881. atigl-tgawett A MANUAL. MILITARY SURGERY HINTS ON MS EItIXRGENOLIM Field, Camp, and Hospital Praoti‘e...' $. D. GROSS, M. D 11110YRE9oS 07 SEIRGFAI EN WIN AMMON Kamm At PRIIADRMAA. For sale al BERGNER'S OBLEAP 0001111TORIL may 21 A NEW LOT OF , LADIES' SHOPPING & TRAVELING - 11 A W,,,, comprising a number of new straw WNW and, DM Money Parses and Wallets. Sae aslant — ne noelved and for sale ai BIIIIIIIIIICI3 Cap, IICWIEWtanr4' -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers