- ----------_________ I I 1 , , 'FI..4L ~ (7 11., A I . ,- 16 I' I TI;LItill If, t) I.:V , . :1 1).',. , 133; GEORGF, -13;:f,;GNE11. ................................ . . TERSIS.—,r.,;• , . , Ito. PAtur Tea, GR 011 .. s I .. :c,.'l)'''',.7,,,iii:ChP2 City at b,.: , ,‘ a ilts Iftr %,,,. • . . 11 77 ab.,rg,kd *4 CO . . yi.l i ri ,kr.,i. WKIKLY INI, ' • • , , 11 The TgiEG'iAP I 1 ., •'I ' Oa Ee , ,,ioa of lik.) i' ' • • i , . _ , \ , \1! /g' .'' , / ' • • 1, ,'..‘ •EL lfr, . • '' L ' ' C l ' Y' f ite,- .. . . . ',' -4• -: *, -;;, • -` ' ' ",,-..-.:. • . ..„.. , .•',, ;,.,, ,„ ptit.,,r,b.rA it. 1 ....006 l • • •'' 70 `•;-- ..•• . , * ' :. . ' ' - - . ' ' -mlinclir 01 Use), ,r, . • , , ... , 7 L. , - s ' ..7 -",-,=:" ' A ~..-.P1k"..-.1: , ",- ._ - p ~ .L...-?",:-.:-, - • , remain. Ilia tAloynng r,d,.•. I. ri . Cirgie Ellb, r I,cr. 1c: y 4 ar ... 4.... ..... .7..: CO Snvta ....1.2 by Tea 44 " ...... —.1;4 0) ,11,4: i At . OF SI AV:-.I'APEIV. If ribFerWo, or de . the iil•couti al dm , c r CI , Ir [WWI :papers, for tins. hcr may c...tain , 0 Iv e....dcl Lii ru out, Allarrearqc, Aro pd d. If oiC•cliher. c•g' . ' t or rcra - e to t 1 so thelr ncw , Tcr. !per! ft - ton tfw [Aloft to O h . , h t', y; re du•em d. they “rc ire:poo.di o on it ihey have rreul , I I: t: Dos oad erde CO itbeto di c od uoed. filtsteilancous )it . JOlO SO IN I3.~1LTI~~ 7 ;'~.~ OCK HOSPITAL. AS discovered the most certain, and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES Or IMP RD DEN utter IN SIX re Twcyrs !out. No Mercury or ltiollouis Drugs. ,A WARRANTIP, OR 110 CRAW; /24 TWO Dors.-44 ieaknrse of the Back or Limns, Stricture: 4 , Pains Ir I ri c o, Affections or the Kidney •• Anil liadder, tirgani( eitirrifleS, Nervous Debility, Decay of the 1'11)11;i row , II) ~iepent, Lumpier, Low ptrile,l, 1..`9) 111.11,0 Of Lila Lte.ll'l,lll.llldlty, rumfdluis, Phnom fun ht i.r Giddiness, Discinio i I the btom,ii heel Ute licad„'Chroat, fir cc or Hein—Wise et - or re arn-iug from the inilt-cretifh orf-riliirry Latins or dreadful and destructive prartit.e , oducr constitutional debility, rnotbr 10,,ir1.150 impcs lie, ,i,. I dotriiy truth holy and tined. l'OlfSrf ys.,r.. men eepeelMir woo hove become the victims of e, •fre.iifinl and deetructwe habit writer nu.,:fy tit to .01 au t. rely gravc thio„,r,aanna on. ct 1110 , d m tMI erted talent mie sett bralltant tnlc 4.l , lerWthe have umredicen Itatentait „„,,., infante, e ul clone, nor., or waked to en hying I) re, may call wi h tell coundence, HARRIAta. prrsuns, or those contemplating marriage, be. „core physical weakness, should Immetlictely cow he restorsti to perfect health, ORGANIC WEAKNL i , ,,viediaiety cured and tuft vigor rezionvi lic n-iio places himself uuder Oho care of Dr. J., Dies rei3O in I', ton sde in ins honor as it stntleinan, and c gdoiil,, rely upon hie skill as a I.hysintat. sirinliin No. 7 South F, edema street, Italtimeri lad., ea u.e led hand side going From Baltimore street geol. , inn. tee corner. He par tic tiler In observing tin home or new Der, or yen will mistake the place. tae par W. 1 ., Re ignorant, Trailing Quacks, with late* names, ' , r l'ellry llumbup Cettkficata, attracted by the repute. Johntive, lurk near must contain a Postage Stamp, to uno on thi reply. DR. JOIINS f Th. Joanson member of the Royal College of Burgeons, edou, graddite from one el' tee moat ennueut ()Axle, Of tae United otatee, slut the greatest part ul whose lift bail been spent in the hospitals of [.Donlon, Farts Phila. delideu and elsewhere, has eernied ammo of the AVAIL as taubbing eui ea that wore ever known. Many troubles Wan ringing in the ears sad heiid when asleep, great ner vieini e . be , tieing alarmed at muddeu HOULlilti, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meet of mind were cured immediately, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.' Dr. J. addresses all those who having thbereit them ielVel by private and imeroper indulgeumes, that genres and solitary habit which ruins both body and mind, ore fitting them for either husitiessor society. ales, are HOMO of the sad and melancholy in euis-i try early habits ot youth, viz : Weakuese of th lise's and Limbs, Value in the Mead, Dimuess ul Mem. Lava if Muscular Power, hilultatiou ut Lb. 1./y, peOli,NerVous irritability, Deretugeftwut 01 toe Dististiv , 4u.;ticgis, lleaeral Dereuty, sperteno tu Coolump Gee, .1111111/ItlT, the foarful effeoi; on tr,..1TY'5• — ...7.." 2 - 4 _ Wire/Wed —Lore of .11einory, Gnulu3l.ot of If 4. prenstuli of Bpiros, 801 l kuretoydhogs, AVerwo:. to ty, Sail-olstrus4 Love of tionturfe, Aso., ar. et WV ono enema. • Thousands at persons of n.1111!.314, Can 110 W 1.II , 1:;.! ill the amuse of they dechno m bealth, Opook; ihetr sogt,, becoming vreutt, pile , oervoos and uo• • Illohutur appearsoco about thi, tl}eo, couct., .4011: - tos of cousurnpdon. 'MONO lin.? ntin have hlurod tbemaelvee by a ncrtain pra. delved In yoretk PI habit tredtwouy War LA , S. It etU . 0 ,,,..4L101111, Of al lietiodl. tan aIIeCLA of ka 6 uvy felt, even when neteui., ,d it out cured, r frtage uniatealtde and Munro., b ~.! Quid linmerdiatoly. VI pity UkAt a youug DI V?, t oi li try. ule dtailug 01 MS pareuu, UI Prthsimetaanaeqlos'tavlits oi Jiro , LMIN •. , dey attug trom Ito paw c.l ratio secret Mtbil. 4,1 JULIA 001.,r0 :f br'd .11AR .IAG 1 that a salmi nVad am! body ar,' , the tuo-.t r.freFtt reqlll-ItEll to promote cionrobial itapitine43. / e. With ion thee, thejouruey through Lie Omni/.4 awe,, pilarturnria 1.. a prottweet lofa*/ iltratnio to trio View, la, talon bKomes shadowed witu despair, and tilled wile ;Jet rellection Unit tne 6uppmcea of another a...- Coate. , Lliaated with our owa DH, .katisus IN VIGtmA I iNti NON OA IiANIC li , N..aif,N4:,& iiy 1114(freutt Attol Itoportatt ritue,y, oioskaeia ca tt, Orruus are apoodtly ourod, nod lull c0;,,,r ro,t,r, N t. of the wool ourvoo Law , 41,1103: all huiy, h ,vo been toluieduthUy tolloved. Ar la.i.duloUte to Marriage, rtlyziout or SieUt.,l \ereous, Tremulln,c , W0ika...2:3 or Lill:luau Mt Ludt.; fellidut klud, apuedily ourea, STIiANIIKItb. iho many thousands cured at thic lustlutiou Last 1, :Ivo years, and the netnereuu un pOrtant Ope:utl Inn poi lOrlhed by Or. J., wituealud by iit. pore:, at the papers, athl many other pureau4, te. , ber,s. Ithaza beau appeared agouti and itgulu fietOre the rat, bottle. hu flvt/e/ing at a mehiltataa aJ caaracter atth re lirrbuoihy, th u isualculat guarauwo to lb° allltutett, Lkd.6.41.9 OF 1111'3llitlENCE —Wbeu tres4u,l:-. abpruduut Votary ill pules ere tbUld bu h..e of the. patutut iamb, a too of ten ilappolau aw VI timed iiruse cy stinacia or ttrae.t tltals,caly from applytog to those wee, from .11.1e.lisii Use. .4 , apectainiay Coe tilentl befriend bit; tleas,y4o; till the Illtutionat dymptoula td Uhe ilezild duos., u.. t-.... appeuratiee, adoetioa lilt he.ol, tarot, tam', progrehniug ciu with frbauthu rainaity, alt de s !, purled to tun dr,hd, at hadeciug.i by Natrue from wticiwn ma traveler rul,re,." It is :1 OP • laat tile{ 110asatuld lab utetaavto hte 4111.).1•/•• ithimase, OW1,11; I.inorou t preteu. era, who, by the use at teat the coast/Imam aud 111.7110 the rr , blite vi tu.strultie. e1X11110.1143.--T'ue Po.tht , , , Alva, *sir Lettere nu-,t cat.ut,n n Stiv - a., tt , ll, ut, etn,l tiy Aur,to. 7 to4Lti Freubrtet • a1.r1,; .11,1 v I.,STATE OF 1.911. 11. I.OCMIAN; lige; D. OTICIC—AII persons indebted to the e.qt e cd . W. h. !Allman, doc'd, wUI pleas 1 " 1,6 payment to the W..derdiguud, a n.l ebb re having de matte wat ptesaut theca duly autlivtiticatod far rttau Moult. JACJI3 Adralaktrator or ate uunos.ed. N. B —The re mataleg I OCre. or HAI-I vr CM Alt , coartt Ing to part of lochs, Lttch., 80.1 a, Cork rorevtit . .ai td peutkr , Cooper hod too:a, and ciroular rawo, . 1. 0.111jr s . ig..01.3, WeiZLte , 8r.,1 Wattle and 6e te n Razors. Ivnry actives and Plata J Forks, W e Large nailer:a 1,1.04 ai Mom itra .tales and a va riety of HarJvilare want, .1.1 sold be at a great lose Irana rottadelpia.i p. Rea. et. JACOB ti ,Bohle n Surviving Partner. THE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN Is solicited W our re I ry Arg o , 0,0,,n,, ak or UNDIII6IOIIIII7II allia 01i1Wiow d qua ii ty. gin* , jouvul Govits, 141,1 of every ~,, arti:L.l, trtxuaiaLtUrett. Ah the different Was of Witt Largeet amortiteet of Hoetee) tu e ratv.rek seassnieie, ttlutatusaCkinti% Lte o y r i. , nut 0 ditd everything In tient& wear, et CA'f FICA riT', Wnxt In CLA FIarTINSItIrV Ilwnt II L. GODBOLD, DRACTIC.IL Tuner and Repairer of Plat‘oB. Melodeons &c., &C., will receive orders in MAT, at liMittlabllS Music more, 91M:trim& wee' U ardsr.lnit C. the above named place, ur at the Boob ler woe, will meet with prompt attention. First i - tale XeollB dly FLa.GB 1 FLAGS 1 ! NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES with National dvigns, LETTER PAPER with a view at ifty Harriatt Atg, prluted and tor sale at BCIA PFKIPSBQOESTORE, Nom oto Hantibtuit VOL XV. W. 111. Orasg & to., 1-. 1.3.7:•—" l C '''' \ L lc: 7, - . ...-...",._<:•_._';="1.7.—_,-_ ' '. ' . - --- -- - ----- .--.. ' " D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG G ISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PENN'A DRUG GISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND UONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would revectfolly call your atention to , the largest and best selected stock in tbis city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS ds PAINTS, varnlahem and Glues, Dyad flan, Glass and Patty, Artitt Colors and•Toolli, Pare Ground Spleen, Burning Phild and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 011 s, Bottles, MIS and Limp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponge, and Borba, &0.. &0., .llmo,, FDO With a general variety of PERrumpayAug Aracixs, selected from the best manufacturers and Per fumers of Europe country. - y Being very large dealers in PAINTS; 4 411.11ELEAD, OlskED, 9xlArmin% 4sTianit hdansri§ sgtnial!l • • IR ALL TEUXULVAIMMEEI,, COLOlitiilitltßoNZlS 041/ ALTA MEIN;DO, We respectfolli Invite a, oat, inalini4 dont that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their eatisfaotion. TEETH I 'Rat= I I JONES,AND WIG/11313POROBUINIENCE, PATENT MEDICINES AND !LAIR RESTORAMIN ... ot nll kinds, dlr.* from 4441,Pr9PikitoriN Caponifier and Oonootqated -r _ _ • J. , 10 Wholesale Agents forAspostair, sieblehiseesiell as low as it can be virblAed - lik MI " TuAYER's metirott_ lza'sakatt,, vasz, qt#D, a ing largo liumbikw3 .4a.lbese 41114 ala utfer indritetnelFteto'cliTif !iitl l # 4 . : 0:4190 [imps of OmJAM' - 1,.-inptOtelliiiill7 Cheap. /413:HOTOMIS',Ittlk AND . 011041 n 1 • • . 31106 ° of Ton w i!.WrYB l .litfit OM* AND OkTELE POWDERS' is Allikrl4l4, nOtt their superiority, rend thei4ricitege ilitY ire la keeping Horses' and Osttlobsoltisy and 411. good condition. • . Thousands can testgiffilkl,Dt°Ot t at * derived from the use of •uuiptttle , Parlerihp . toe increasing quaotitY '411ift,e4t7,9141/4". besidesdmprovio4 the itrierteit Pearitoce of, *if 644 Oar log 4 peilencein,the tinatnesagtvei4 the admatage.of a thorough imowlaigaot trade, and our arraugemente is Lila such that we am ha a very-ahort time fartileh -4nythlng appertaining tn.tiyar irmancsa l 0 .04 - 1 1 best of terms. Thankful for the lilserelAwitranatwit"°., 17;11! on our house, we hope *044191;141., business, a careful selection of II R E '1:11117-0 at fair 44 4l - I V II4 • 916.0deike OffitOri-': tuovi4.ol;opaiinuaacooLibelavois 44-110. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 19, 1861. BYTElii'll .. THE WAR FOR THE UNION, From the Grand Army. TEE ADVANOE MOVEMENT. Detail' of the Mere to TEE REBELS ,VON IT SIGLIM A PRECIPITATE RETREAT. Ooongation of Fairfax Station. Capture of Rebel*: • The Enemy Still timniiing. HO i FOR AeIANASSAB. TSB REBELS DOOMEP, - la*uilk 2 BTA 2l Qitd .l 47 4., Oa the lin& of the Otaaiire, and Aluzaaddi 1 'E'silhi l adt atztilesirseA.Ahatitachia. • 4 " W eiiare had the pleasure of reingthel ray fljting, before us, but iti klyeahanceor . 4 1 glow march, owing to Qat heavyitun 'li/delimit (=lied ohm& they have aacceadad in. 4414 the& escape 'without a fight. Pi - hive now r-u-p..., N tog L A ws.o*.ctirk WPit aik # l Ol litd thiaif gotitimetied.thliviigat a. tp.adi;.and*viy -;* Cad' road is oocupied.aifes `ai Aiit 14141,011, witiAt ,ikocctspied ay Col Wilout, Who. took elevate priaoriera. flol tffieilailaptoiftfoo.Utrairiai Court House. Ili On Wednesday ZMO Uthg Oar tsoopeprooetried lila MI the rpm mid that stationOntielkixfamederidyfnitittrinen,whett Coli Anuaklirip oarztreand-brasanind-off on the, rcia4 tb Sansgter's, to cut off the railroad mi. municatleii; Wad Col. Wiloot *owed oh the road "'Fairfax station. Col.. lirdittsleurier in the meantime nunnined at corner of Sangster's Cross Ram* two sad di half miles from Fairfax Station, with Colonel lloward'sbripfle turd 0 9tatotiqsr, .eltavott7- About telt O'Clodi. the followlng dispatch was Medved from Ca :Wilcox to 001. Be3W tßieliAfrW.' " bier :thin Inch, eleven prisoners. A, large numoer of Mtaall "4 horsemen tied over towards the darivaad t.ol. rtroaribiteroept them, etc. .AO l 4 Q: liwzt)tostowardbs g 44 ti B;:eiOsio t opy. foltrig of the tfeettennt ot*obsh'ii4e * N'i% otherwise Col. Wilooz might ire Succeeded in %milt); an even more success ful . _ ageditton. pl,tkatirtionbati ifiribea areported jpatavie passed Sangetele station during the &yin full,rotreat before Col. Franklin!' -Mahon% reginiciit twin`eawisiesi two miles of the forks of the road where' ire. 7_ 4 4 .4 R C I V Ai the Ara Of were stilt burning when sr?peeped ,th is after and there was every triblief of their fihstirctreat. Quantities of froth beef, corn, 4.64 , 1 A9g /14 1 4 44 1 4 : 4 1tosi this camp wp,ksind, guar trio an iiitakit at mating *tualiatia tote hem walked over by o Bum. 4etttnnionlintivecUthre theof war. CC: the moat= the lizat..dishiset, under somoutad of *goiter OnnatekTp l ierapoort Aovnads Fairfax. r ' :Al4 Adl's chuckle sion, under Co' wider Col. • - b r/ 0411 1 IP= toed. . 4 taukt' A 4 —-, ..i d .. , witb.. coi: , 'the - 9 2 F. 131 ' i vi p,icAlite, - '• l l.'neadsz_ of Wilma upliy aiow, water 14e tievikith of Colopols ' e+Or ow: thctrOopo 'protoodod diotituce of tivonackt iiisi4u• wr gOlit • . three of - S. ---- - Court House GEN. M'DOWELL'S COLUMN =011=:1 Ali OFFICIAL DISPATCH. =1 Further Details of. the Advance of the Grand Army. PRESENT POSITION OF TEE SEVERAL DIVISIONS APPROACH TO CENTREVILLE. iirsorreaxoN, July 18. The f6llowhig &pitch WIN received ibis al tarneon: ' "Fe Az C. 11., Jury 18. "pent. Col. B. D. Townsend, Assistant Ad pinutt General, Washington: The finst diviskuy. nos* Gan. Tyler, is between Germantown and OsneSeville; the second, Hunter's, is at ibis lila* just about,tn move forward WNW:mike. The ;kith, Miles', is at the crossing of the old /haddock road with., the roe* from this to Fair fax Station, andis ordered forward -: to Centre tile,: by the old. &wide.* road. ' Barry'a bat, tety has joined it. One of 'Heintaleman's bri- P 4 14 W llO O 2 l As et Feirtas. Station. Heintele inaAand hisother brigade are below thestation, `t!td, helms not reported to .me since we have / 6 en 4qt% and_ have not been able to com nut:Oust. with him. I. think they axe at Bangs teen i3tation. ° , le kw men wounded yesterday belong to division, mho had some . slight-skirmish Nl* in reichi4 kis. position. Each column en ensinnued abont, thvenne obatmctitma—trees et* * ol _ o o tk,mi , :roli4 - but the e n s men cleared them' out in a few momenta , There were ex -tendie bresei l ks *Sown - up at the place and 11Kome l of them with embreinik, MR tied Vith A K en ire inpastworks were also tinowA- up *Atka FeArfax•railrowl station; and the road. tp liapgster'a; A great deal of work la bean done by thecn, and the number 'and BIM of their oeinP 13 4 0 W,theY beve been here in great! forces.:, 'Polk _settled". therefore, must tialfe k clgnagisig etlept: upon them. gamy left I* it bMte that they did not draw i n Ak e h. sttke low,ciazwint4 one of our campt 'tiny, 18 it occupied the same place, that it was.; task own. 4±tbstntetkanto is th earth, dettnesiteittrin itlierihouts. TUB teligtsph gees are up . with thlv4fertlet thee /44 trinvingcrailroad $ 11 " 0111 PV I . F°l9=9*effil39 in a very shaff bp!sla Baur / some arms, forage nit*. 4110~ were-almuloned ty them. to have. to =li Vert elowe eller ticw?ps.. eiginssint of Uma found PIS bum ilti and Pillaglag ,yrWt, however, was soft e1ty414.. Igo to Centreville ha &few V*y your OW t. Servant, Lawn MoDownz, Brig. Gen. Comd'g. *****l4 l 3philis lids brought to Wash moon, Including the commis ifry'ri toots of the 'third reginient of South dittakut ; guns, - boOke, • coats, hate and red mettoltaitorn. 'fin litter, as appears from Ate man ths:Aired in Nevi York. All the nitabild'biltteries Sonnet' telite4iabout, and which:iteibred i the: leaden of ette Threes ex thelcirmad tlitivement, tiun be nothing more than Infantry breast ettbenientest 141 e Y.Toonatruction. WS - NOM WASHINGTON' MEI Wetunierolt, July 18. 1 141:'1 tt i lls, w4 l l :2B lou ng ed 11 :t av ii 4 i y e ; fie; in& *4044 to the 'railroad where they iieifillibtrenvd to a fr - eight laid liken a onlie . Washington 'breach , probably for COL Samoa); Mar- 94) boat Freeborn him been .gurithoroughly laid and repaired at the navy yard, and latukjaed - Udeevenlig. - She receive , ant and proilidons, and immediately re du Patin= rivet police. The steam pro. peller t ts7 mine up to the navy yard ibis'oon to be inspected. The owners tottered to sell her to the goterp- tt_for a gun GE N, PATE ON's COLUkN. A cliOrcni *Div ilteitait. March ridCiRT . .01 1 TB; 4.14iEL8: A sniAtOE:ric MOVEMENT WitLelictiltar Ponni(W)ly PeXermied Broom Jinx, hi)! 17. Much to; the sarPrise of the whole army; in stead of iOgittdbxg direct to IG r inchester, we took ap'thiline of march this morning from Beater Ali for Charlestown, and now have fall posseision. The reason for this move is that, Winchester . is defended on the north side by strong breast. works in the form of, a lotter:Vjeaving the town behind the angle. It cannot be attacked from that side irithout exposing - our troops to! destractiva cross fire. The west sidais defandt. ed by a, itallisade, bat the east skink; only cov ered by alreil. On this aide there also an eminence which corm:panda the . town..-This eminence has been left, unoccupied; and Ms thought to be .the design,ot Glen. Patterion to Smirk it as thole& of his operation. Occupation of Cha*tomt, Gallant Charge of She - federal Waft ohm REBELS DISPERSES: Rmnored Retreat of theaebels From Winohotteri • HA PEWS PERM %TAPED. Betinati and 'Utilkidad'gow .ininikattiott Itet•tiiintid.4 , • Ilmaissa% July 18. i New ,xFreetowl*ntr:eniiteil froA9 ll .oPtowlh 404 yestepktyl•es Winds: 'l.! n tspanniostkez with flapped Fatty wilt 136. t#stftru9nwr from *lf -point; Mit forte time*. The whale:. force les - • • here wept the' Au* 43otmeeticnt, ebk giteq , nifft `P*F 2 M/Yvflit Itikeited . liere Sinn& • ilkto-41 i smith% it:Arkin cit .!14 csssiiptuy of was Stertestilbsingylvinia. Bat small force is new stationed ::at Muth* afxo of the provisions left there - . l halme 6 ei • rkuo( l s l, to Williamsport., atpLeill-Ibence. be sent to liarialr's Ferry . by- the card....• Gipt. MOH O= Mok possession ota.quantity of 'corn left at the - depeti at this pohit by the:, enemy; The home:goad here dispersed- to-410. in is ka very . s tyle, as the.seeond cavalry and the t Ws, city troops charged into lite town from i th suks. . • ' Many of the inhabitantawho have heretofore beep *nrderi Se violent , saessionists, we now strong unionitits., Ho eventtf importanoe.oc, coned on the matchtoday.' - Hersittays 'that there 60 earth works of an importantelunacter in the neighborhood of Winchester, and an abet* of forolidable =proportions had been formed on the road lading from Bunker Hill to W Ms, moVement bn tbft 'point *as to' itecrtire :Winchester and the Potomac - road, and 'thus , proteJt the re-opening of the canartufdtthe Arti bnildhig of " the - railreattrbride atTlfarpef Ferry; The latter place *rill bit intablidiately guarded and conirannicatkarthenee with Bal timorit reestablished. E Anon= raspasiom] • Osaimiowzr, July 18, A. 11. - z4itenena: Pd tenicel Oda morning reoeiiad - informatimiltbat farces had TetiaafailliViarrilleii beyond Winchester. The bridge at Harper's Ferryquis been otstpletatintirit.spining com munidation )3etpsea the ~Maryland and Virginia 'Moroi at' this point.. Harper's ,Ferry is :to-day °envie d .hy eor troops. ' • XXXVlltitiongress—Extra Swim L,COAiIITUATION OF fide .§4:02 1 . -2 116 1 1*fOr the ilpeoisa iniOr hai r log arrived, on which A &Too * (poi.) ha 4 the floor , it poepoia till t to - the agtoxi&enis of the Military Committee the hill were considered: ainecdment in regaM to . 6144 vivindelo at Wet Point Academy, fuel a great number Aniner . arfkint+ iliehte were aired. T e mss Yituk, aittle4 by striking out &J that relateatctilifti waennelee. ely en. action' Um aufl exhibition Vtutrter thuhs a further oinni erlditrailFue Officers on iffs4:o:ted Ibitlittedafittioffea riOefitilay . , propeS,lbutisiextrice. gty yossireeasi L A* il l estpart &die :iiert be biseLin faiblote.Orliolif as ObniittertalitorbitNiq sovereign MatiolateliOner of tielTaffe' nor:in'ami:soiereain bne 'Vida Xijitted itbt atijl44% - iii ' ere' with • I ,i l eiga* fry , . Mr 7..anitierld that lie ;enact like to aea;; 4coPt !0-1403Eicta"101/ tend' fiai4 t or *" BEIMMAII (013145yeetAitonistorl snoir ffefef4ndsnent: —le-wishet eer lk -xn4,#crteideotti e A ac n entto subjugateStetes orsao.lh s3sx. tlave t'• se=ter*difibitiliestik, Viand timollig Cabo. Mast* Gen. 11 tO A Am 'not . Ales com Congress, SA the des, fox /While and , 'boa Vardrk ttxdtid .forthei ~`~ cif NO. 67 by the Itebebi ~~~P'~T -i'3 barnefriutav .d toes ilk, p tkm ches e ti o = „ t Salk b " It 114 " RA !ES LF ADVIAMTEING. Ara- Four lines or LIR COLlStitUte otte-halroparet-41.6 tee. or more then fuer eased ute a square. lbw :quote, ooe Gay SO II , SI one week 1 00 one mouth It 00 three mouths ex mouths 100 VDO poor. ..................... 8 00 . One !quer°, one day . c,... OP Cue werk......... .......... ;. .. 100 ' one a.cmto 1..... i 00 44 three ethiths ..... .... ......... . I 00 .. i Si SU IDODUE ..... .... 10 00 "me year--- -- -- -1. .._!. ,* •- • .1. - A0... ---- - ilip Thrown aotk&elikeetted tu th e IS Otte Sludges , or tealre udges andTriths, FrVsTalas PER ' a fa r etch Inroritou. ' 7 10- Karr-gra Auld Deatha-te be.gbaspeties mew ad... 1,. ._ . . _ simply-withed to maianin thoWniatutton. It was only those who wLhed to limit up tho government, thatrw Lion. _ lbs. Lass (Eansas,) moved hb44, Se•f011ows: "Linleis A shall in enforcing the laws or maintaining the Uon stiturion." He , said he rapreaeuhgl, tnelitiAt+ - traricled on by the slave oligarchy. : ... 1 4 ./9414 , ty of all kinds practiced upon therri, Ye Aelrould abide by the compromises of the Um adtutiort. and, permit slavery- teltailist UM& '-' States whme it was, but it bee fen 941911 , 1•94.----, de; AO he did believe that slavery welilst r / _iurtive after the march of the 'Union atin r 7. , ...., be tbnuked Go tt it was so. They& '.. oirintry has been accursed with it. ... , K' :lir. tiAjudgul(VlL) said that he MitetteslAut bitioduction.of the amendment. lie thettght • it injustice to charge the rebellion' to ilia''Laid tutherof slavery. The great and 'goodilibliiii • who Conducted. the war of the ravniustananta • himself a slave holder, and come of • the wawa- • - eat Wends of the Union now were slave onto. fhb wee not a war fur subjugation, and he did not wants...fable inurreashin to pito the 4iiy4 , men , who were *polling to PraPPOW -Aka Union., ..- Mr. &imam Utak& 0 miudilute thAt the purpOse of. the 'military setablishureMetOpro , ' • vide ioetbareservatincoof- i he Untold,* diskolk Prtn e f r q , aud.**.u.,., ~tifie, ,I4e Oeeekt4gisek lin& a u uthority of the nion. ~.. , ; , 1 - 14 Las's EUXiencthwat Was .161 , --)iii, A, ; I =pot .. .. . h 4. Balta.?, IbuL) Add;tisertinkbalitritideoltly, r. ,, , Clued parties in the neuate. He wanted to now, ~ the' amendment. If the 49rthwest .. TA i this' Was a wilefor the itbollthibi If "li"E it . therd would awn be kelt ligeferehdu .1 , . fccum,thece. :. . . I ,r. ^ , ,J..1-6 ~.I,il , 1 .4:- . 111. 01142413,411, (MO/ ); 1 /04 11 3 4eTSW rlfg41001 1 Xv: ~, two parties in the , bents -- VelYgt ,f$ ;• , t•-. :me questicki iris then to conifiblishibtlialir • vistatute, and It-wav agreedvor - .Y . w:iff- 7‘ . . nays, 4. , 81lesaltal- , BroUlduridgee4 . i l . Polk I FIJAPiAivea Toting, 'AI/ 4 1 9 ;- .- , .-. : I iitsrutimuixta moved to inid , !1 40 y• ' am mint tiuitthe aimttaidtkr 'I . .I*. ' I F ,'-' ploy txkuubjugateauyState,or •- ,' •• iii4 it - wry er Preview, Wier liteabolitim it,frY Isist-L., ye* 9, nap 80. itesam, • -_,,. .. Bright; Johnson, (H 0.,) Akin Nesm ! T L , . 'ith, Yolk, Powell and Sitialsburr , .vri t I` , ' the alusedive, „.,. . ~ ~" ~.... suits al . wel .I‘. . 1 „ TlLka elPeedment'ee , ,eineladed,ll4 ;IbiAvriiiiit T i ; .1 growl te, and um, bin Pacßeci.„ , , , ::'4 , ___y- I ffj 1,&:).1,i, :-.-a. hirc. ;immix introduced,,a but.to Pumee lile?4” • 4.1 ;thin"' and kindred ditties. • At if 'erfik f isir" ' - eene4e adjourned. ~' '....... a 2.411E11A 1.:, jb:Strez.—fdr. May-said-these Were raeili rikela thirty 1 49nettedfr!rmee„,, in -1304.10.*1PAY4141 .present oppression shall be xerael a ((hate i their ConstittitiUrtai 'rights. ' tif 't4e. nutuber i and 'plated him al' Wei £J ) `. grOUnd 9f QOantakltiolumi lightet,..ObSOVlDtiadt c, of iodating tymuny and oppressiontarrgik l .; ' gro cl *macerated brdivine right ; , 4 : 4 2.„ mad cy alogruit `the • United Stated kt '' • authorities in illakyland itcP sed b ". .. ' .441.-elins ernmeminaskAimablatiguamaidea t ia., a 1etviY , ,,,,,„ ; , 4 ,N4v4 ' , *. i ,1i,4` - '•' - ' fo.n.p. ll. • I ••• lcions Adiehneufs: " - ' ' ''' ' 7K complained am such greuudirah iiiima thailk" , ' Allride... lo ,Yei and true to the : leagisusko, mas j deralashxl aver ,and-criailied, under Aia4sod, et Mill 7 power . He denounced it as at kimar abet outrage. He knew what 14 , 411044 k til tbali ugliness. He invoked aoriltiny; : Ifti.lolW , .elected as a representatrverot'vence-And-1 - - promise ; br =d a large erby. • , Aa;.ar ' :": ; a w maP. 1 looking to,ule Yelvation. of this glorious l and happy country, he A stoßd p re now mil ts& to such mutating as will u oleinlid ' .gutirOdu. it. He would 14' doirn ' life to secure this object. No frowns not gibeiawcAl , 1 shdtdd.. almke, his. ioTe Of pew. litstri*Araa that lie went to. Virginia, the mother:cd,#W4k which was so closely ,allied to hisiViiiad . in 1 blocufand interest. , , - ,- . lie felt that:ballad s light tolnquierrbute tbs-' .. . . • . tion of theipeople_of .the tiontb,..end. me, , • ; • out the views of -the Government qata,blirk, ed.over them, in order that he might do grapy'. 9Ang MO ambito thil frightful civil 'kaki. Be ' hie tult:that inamotives were , thei-frost-botitora•L ~ babri his life, ..„: Before going to A, : b k .. callecLupon theVireisicut or the_linirm an* *ate*: fr 41 1 1 14 %Pct, fo.HY hit _P.lii%Ftw..%iiik . did not salt him fur his sanction; * dbi apt - wish to ethharrissliiin. He Sakai" his slim to - leave Washingtowancl'oreei Whited i‘ - ' • Virgbila. It was MOot ctistamtly widerstiocid oted,l'i .1 , 4 he went thither on a most pri*attr, pgiebipi,,,_, Ide asked the President for the peceteary ,for• , I . nudity for that 'purpose. The 'PriuddslitleYe ' him permission t 4 obtain a paiisporttroirffim.:' ' " ' Adirott.' On this:rpresentatiOW is yes. inciCalk,, L Jetted OratlPtilSnAldlo tc.'449 1 P394 i% N* - own responsibility :he, thus yiudiustici , these I;44lin:ten from the charges of beingliiiplititted Mani , .way= withOrbohjecs'Of his Alt.' Ali the twill/ loWiltseissm, if it was so mdled r mots. • •• op himself, and he was content ,to - .begs it. Mr.; Comex said that it_tbeieidleman. would" compare the hint past of hiaspericAmsitepould be;printed in to-morrow's eitobe., with the drst„, part of life Richmond letter, he Protildcla lt'' '- ~ strikiegzeseriblancit. if, as the gentlriasei It a-- . Marked, while going m Hiehuperd inlthetgeots ..,.,,, in, parity, of ti; mediator he tuieFi , the sung there that he hied here, denunciator y,. RiNeeoritreartriliaditi offioo re ;; and . if, 'fur Will lo,hesiltated to take. the. oath to -1410p0111-4141u. Cohatitutio; as be also added_ hoTworytaisrad7 - 7 over thirty thousand men to reekkk! miAlidii. rights, be thir. Colfax' shod R9l le simised to hear that the'ichiPEig o w rzmw ,A, • [ l:%94l4reed hhu rather as a iiymbeirdeee yew as itp,:rediator. 1 1 1. Kar replied that_tigima not hear- the cb , nca ,aitet t tt 4; nr4"wi ri tr.4- 2 . 4 0 4. fie Ilalth4iiikes ituater of Weil, ei '. well 'tidies& 44 1 146 , 4i , eteF0f the letter et 'UV"' ' - ' 43 himself . 4.r ,-,, , Ettilateskaisy, that during- eqevereffeio -, , 7 4° ? 't 14 Are* Anfl!erci7r 4er e 0. lit e,... , ken id co' ling eimislon of tyrtineY, but iie, citztVi Anna, he had never h a .i.-"{ ' ' S ti .a.< uapicion. -1f be bad P t t dech4tua Lew, he would never takb them& r , vi, toll finupurt, , the Constitution, he new..n9i44 hiveleen'in this hall. -5.16 CouAl. 1 only referred - tit ithit r * __. , ;.,......1..1i Kr. Mar. Not to - tekihrthirestlx-- - -1-iwre 'Wa n ola twenfr Stateelit theitterAtii4;:i (La ). _az: Ur: '41914 , 4. 1 0.4.1t 1 / 4 iIeNIAL Millf#l . lboodf . i 44L,ilda ad PAW I , R Irv, 9.4 n in kW rm. an he land'e*orlo $ A 0-46.tvie,rb. , ih4-3,iiivi- A , ..,_ .F. i .g ttmxgb..hr g eea, * ztf,„i ^; e ' dent for4lothing4bitibieetenentreetk eral tik. o lllNlChlotetiera Inarti43.4lCllolaliff a: . - ' • diit4 ~ 0 -.•,.' as a iew Iblllbe use , . the tuff bill williriviiit a I ' 5 3° 4 faissitoriel azimulsesnis. Aclitauspod. =2 =EI MEM J L iM !:;tv OM al 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers