J'3'tV t R i b• B'e Re. Friday Afternoon, June 28, 1861. AINERTISERS. The eirulation of the DAILY TFLrGRAPH IS FOUR TIMES LARGER than any other daily oublished or circulated in this city, and it therefore presents greater inducements for the rattronage of advertisers than is offered fo them through any other medium. Let those who want buyers, try advertising in the TELE GRAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE GRAPH fC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. ARMED. —The Ellsworth Cadets, having been furnished with arms by the Adjutant General, intend participating in the fourth of July pa rade. The Cadets will make a very genteel ap pearance. INVITATION ACCEPTED. —The Paxton Hose Company have accepted an invitation to join in the parade on tho anniversary of our national independence. The Paxton boys usually make a fine display on such occasions. Tan Car TOMBS contained four occupants last night, all victims of tanglefoot, and one of them a "bold soger boy." The Mayor dis charged them this morning, and ordered the three "wags" to leave the city. ASSAULT AND BATTED:L-11MT Buck was ar• rested yesterday by officer Wickert, charged with assaulting and beating a girl in the em ploy of one Fisler. He entered bail for his appearance at Court. The prosecution was evi dently prompted by malicious motives. CITY TAXES.—Those who wish to save five par cent. on their city taxes, should pay at once, as the abatement will not be allowed after to-morrow. The Treasurer is now located in his new office in the Court House, where he will be pleased to receive the calls of tax-payers. I=l NEW Man ENGINE.—The new Button engine orderrd by the Good Will company is nearly ready for delivery and will reach this city soon. Arrangements for a parade on its arrival are now in progress, in which the entire fire de partment will be invited to participate. The engine is similar to that of the Citizen com pany, but of smaller size. A GRASD lildraav Pawn is to take place at Gratztown on independence day. An Ameri can flag will also be raised, and patriotic ad dresses delivered. The "lads and rosy lasses" of the upper end, who usually maleo tilt. mast of such occasions, will be out in crowds to see the sights, participate in the festivities, and patronize the "flying horses." The glorious fourth will be a gala day in that region. --• e •- HANDSOMPI MILITABY DISPLAY.- This fore noon the fourth Michigan regiment, encamped near the Round House, marched to Camp Cur tin, and were put through a regular drill. The Michiganclers are a fine-looking body of men, and made a splendid appearance on parade.— Considering that the regiment was very re cently organized, and the men fresh from the field and the workshop, with but little practice in drill, they acquitted themselves creditably. They expect to go to Washington, but no order for an advance in that direction has yet been received. Sou) m -- To Suysar.—The colored man, Joe Bell, formerly a resident of this city,arrested and imprisoned at Memphis, a few months ago, was subsequently put upon the auction block and sold into slavery. Joe wrote to same friends here, at the time of his arrest, to make an effort for hi s restoration to freedom, but they failed to in terest themselves in his behalf. Another Har risburg colored boy, named Dorsey, went to "Disie's land," _As. an employee on a steam boat, was captured in New Orleans and thrust into prison, where he remaintd for several days. Through the instrumentality of the captain he finally regained his liberty, after paying a heavy fine, and made his way home, arriving here a - day or two ago. IN slue Crrr.—Col. John J. Patterson, aid to Brigadier (I.eneral Williams, and . Adjutant Waterbury, are now in the city, and look as if soldiering agreed with them. These gentlemen report all quiet along the Potomac, and the boys in good health. They have orders to be at their posts again to-morrow afternoon, in anticipation of an advance movement. Orderly Sergeant Wm, E. Sees is also here on a visit to his family. Thepaptain of the company with which he is connected having been commission ed in the regular army, Mr. Sees has been so licited to take command of the company, and will no doubt consent to do so. He is immensely popular with the men, and possesses the requi- Nits qualifications for the position. STRONG MM ED WOMAN OS Beam.—The eccentric Mrs. Swisshelm says that a majority of babies are to their mothers what a doll is to a little girl—something to dress—a means of displaying odds and ends of finery, and exhib iting one's tastes. If infants were treated on the principle on which a farmer treats lambs, aoslings, chickens, pigs, etc., viz : well fed and kept warm, they would live and grow just as well cared-for goslings live and grow ; and we never knew one die. Dutch babies wear caps ; and how could any lady of taste have her baby look like the Dutch ? Just so, and the Dutch babies generally live, laugh and grow fat, for they are "smothered in flannel" and feathers, and kept all in "a sweat." Dutch mothers do not keep their babies for model artist exhibi tions. They cover them up, keep them warm and quiet, and raise, a wonderful number -of sturdy boys 'auti TIED UNION PRAYER 111Enrnan will be held in the Presbyterian church, corner of Market Square, to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, com mencing at four o'clock, as usual. MORE TEOOPS.—Another regiment from New York arrived here this afternoon, over the Lebanon Valley Railroad, destined for Wash ington city. The western trains to-night will bring one or two regiments. The rapid con centration of troops at the Federal Capital is indicative of speedy action in that locality. IMPROVING.— The young soldier, Sergeant Snap, recently injured by falling off the roof of the Arsenal, and whose life was at one time despaired of, has so far recovered as to be able to ride out. He has had judicious nursing and the kindest medical attention during his severe illness. With proper care of himself, the Ser geant will soon be in a condition to rejoin his Company. ---...--- Axornsn Row.—At a late hour last night several drunken soldiers from Camp Curtin vis ited a den in Meadow Lane, and got into a quar rel. One of them was cut on the neck with a knife, and another had his head caved in,„ Our informant, who had occasion to pass the scene of this disgraceful row, narrowly escaped being struck with a large stone thrown by one of the rioters. None of the police officers being on duty, no arrests were made. CHAEMING Music. —lf you wish to enjoy a free and delightful concert, just leap from your bed some of these halcyon June mornings, and wander out to one of the neighboring groves. Your heart will be gladdened and your very soul thrilled by the charming music of forest warblers, arrayed in plumage rich and gor geous— " As on feathery wing they rove And wake with harmony the grove., =I THE LAVES are now approaching their per fection—their greenest green, their softest soft ness, their fullest fullness. To the student of nature there is no greater beauty, as there is certainly no more marvelous variety, in any de partment of vegetation, than in the leaves. Witness their unfolding, their thousand forms, their countless hues, their matchless motions. The flowers with their more showy attractions are not more truly beautiful. AMERICA IN ma Fuman.—We look beyond the clouds and gloom of the present, and see America in the future, as the poet Shelly did nearly a century ago : "This land is like an angle whore young gaze Feeds on the noontide beam : whose gold en plu me Floats moveless on the storm, and In tee blize Of sundae gleams when Earth is wrapped In gloom : An epitaph of glory for the tomb Of murdered Etirop may thy fame be made, Thy growth as Zwift as morn, when night must fade, The multitudinous Earth shall sleep beneath thy shade." JL v lona, Puorraers.—Two small boys were arrested and taken to the lock-up yesterday af ternoon for fighting and otherwise misbehaving on the street. Their fathers subsequently called at the Mayor's office to get them released. In the absence of Mayor Kepner, the Chief of P 011.... ll.... liberated the lade. taw payi., costs imposed, Which amounted to one dollar and thirty cents each. The arrest of these lit. tle boys was wrong, their confinement in the lock up an outrage, and the assumption of Al dermanio duties by the Chief of Police an offence which may get him into trouble. THI3 HAY Thkuvrsr.—All around the country the grass nourishes in luxuriant abundance, and an enormous crop is now being harvested. In quality and quantity it is unparalleled— croakers to the contrary notwithstanding. The " oldest inhabitant " cannot bring to mind a more bountiful year. The air is odorous with scents sweeter than those from Vallambrosa or Arabian vales, from the flowers which fall under the scythe, giving out their sweets deli ciously, being a pure article, quite in contrast with that bought in bottles at the druggist's sweet gales from Eastern lands may bless The tailor far at sea ; But of alt the Iragrant giro of earth, The new•mown hay ioe ma." =l= Fon Lanras.—A New York paper, alluding I to the fashions, gives a description of a new style of head-dress which must be very hand some. It says : " The patriotic colors are now the rage, and mingle in some way in the trim ming of almost every hat. One style called the Stars and Stripes,' which we saw in a shop window, deserves mention. A hat of white straw, trimmed inside with a plain ruche, vio lets, blue-bells and red roses. Outside blended strings of red white and blue, pass over the top of the crown, a triangular scarf of blue falls over the crown and cape, on which are embroi dered stars." It also says that " gray is the fashionable color for traveling dresses, trimmed with black. The variety of styles at this sea son is very meagre in comparison with that of last, owing to the fact that our ladies are more intent on aiding in equipping volunteers than in devising novelties." TEE HUNDRED DOITAR Bourry.—lt may not be generally known that those of our volun teers who enter the service for three years, will be entitled, at the termination of their term of enlistment, to a bounty of one hundred dol lars. In general order number fifteen, issued by the War department May 4th, the fact is distinctly set forth. The order provides that " every volunteer non-commissioned officer, private, musician and artificer, who enters the service of the United States under this plan, shall be paid at the rate of fifty cents; and if a cavalry volunteer, twenty-five cents additional in lieu of forage, for every twenty miles travel from his home to the place of muster—the dis tance to be measured by the shortest usually traveled route—and when honorably discharg ed, an allowance, at the same rate from the place of discharge to his home, and, in addition thereto, the sum of one hundred dollars. Any volunteer who may be received into the service of the United States under this plan, and who may be wounded or otherwise disabled in the service, shall be entitled to the benefits which have been or may be conferred on persons disa bled in the service, and the legal heirs of such es die or may be, killed in the service, in addi• tion to all arrears of pay and allowances, shall receive the sum of oue hundred dollars." tlennovlvattia IDailv l'elegraph, Irittav 'afternoon, lone 28, Lifat A lisruxo or THE PAXTON HOSE COMPANY will be held this (Friday) evening, June 28th., at eight o'clock, for the transaction of special bu siness. Members should be punctual in their attendance. POTATOES.—Five hundred bushels of choice potatoes just received and for sale by the bar rel or bushel very low. NEW GOODS FROM NEW YORE AUCTION.--50 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 121 and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 3, 5 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavella Cloth for 7 cts. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 121, worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 81 and 37 cts. 15 dozen towels at 121 cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cts. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. WO pieces of the best Calico ever sold for ei cts. 50 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. Law!' s, Rhoad's old corner. OUR NOBLE SOLDlERB.—Thousands of mater nal hearts beat with quick pulsation at the latest news by the DAILY Trzmaars, for those brave sons whose outraged country has bid them go forth to stay the parricidal hands aimed at the salvation of human freedom. Our country ! Can we deem the natural expression of those natures weak, who drop a tear for the hardships and perils of those they love ? Do they deserve less than our best gratitude for having placed their lives and fortunes to sustain that holy covenant, the Declaration of Independence? In connection permit us to say, Drama & Bow- MAN have received a large stock of new Sum mer dry goods. 2tf. A CARD TO THE LADIES DR DIIFONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. Maltibia e correcting, regulating, and reanr9lagal obstructions, from whatever cause, and I ways successful as a proven. live. riIHESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success In every ease ; and he is urged by many thomana ladles who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of thiyo suffering tram any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or 'those supposmg them. selves so, are caution( I N. - ninst these Pills while in that condition, as they are surn to produce miscarriage, sue the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo union, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to beaith—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price 51 00 per bog. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART H , Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, arrisburg, Pa. "Ladies," by sending him 51 00 to the Harrlabing Post Office, eau have the Pills sent free of observation tc any part et the country (confidentially) and "free of pm Cage" by mail. Sold also by S. S. Sraysss, Reading, JOILNHON H OLLOWAY & COWDEN_, Philadelphia, J. L. Lim. BERGIIII, ' Lebanon DAMS& It. Hume, I4nottater; J. A. WOL W F, rightBVthe j E. T. Mims; York ; and by one druggist in every city and village in the Union, and by S. D, Howe, ole proprietor, New York . N. 13.---Look out for counterfeit. Buy no Golden Pill:, of any kind unis every boa Is signed S. D. Howe. Ai others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money), buy only of those who show the signature of h. Howe on ovary boa, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited de3-dwaswly, siMPORTAWF TO FEMALE:: ()REESMAN'S PILLS, PrepaDAwy Cornelius L. Cheesemaa, M. D., .gEW YORK airy TUIE. umbination of ingredients in these _IL Pills are Clin result of a long and extensive practice. l'new arfirregulargies, nonfat bionstruation s , removing all oh• strife:ens, whether from cold or otnerwiso, headache, pain in the ride, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, tatigue, pain in the hark and limbs, a., disturber) sleep, which arise from titer; ptien of nature Dr. Choeseman's Pills are invaluable, on .c.cy will bring on the monthly period with regularity. LiAles who have been disappointed in ;be use of diner Pitts can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheesernan's Pills doing all that they represent to do. Ihsve ss one owndition, of GU female system on which the. Pais cannot be taken lostbma riaawang a PECULIAR R.FLY UV/. The condlimou i 3 PREGNANCY theresult, Idl-TOARRIAG.L. Bud' Ls the 'wrests/7We tendency of the ;.tedzoine Ile sexual functions to a 1307`811/ 611Wi1a041,• it= men the fieproductine power of nature cannot. rest it. • Warranted purely vegetable, and free IFGUA anything injurious, Explicit directions, witich should be read, an. company each um:. Price VI, Sent by mall on encloalng $1 to Da CIa2Y.SLIUS L. Odasstitas, Rex 4,531, Post Office, New Yore City. Sold by ao. agglx: , tvory town in the United States it. B. HMEHING, tlenoral Arent for the United States 14 Broadway, New York,. 7o irhein ttil Wholesale orders should be adrkezibt, Sold in Harrisberg by C. A. Balan-.kwi THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke', 3f. D Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. Tills Invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female coustitution Is subjeet. It moderates an eaten and re• moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may ba relied on. TO MARRIED. Lfs.DiES It la peculiarly suited. It will in a short time; bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar.. beai.e Use Goverment Stamp ot' Great Britain, to prevebLeoueternoke. These Pas thouid not be take» by tentatts during the FIRST THREE HORTHYqf Pregnaucy, as they are sure to brag on Miscarriage, but at any . Daer time they are ROC. In all oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpita tion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills .wil ca - ect a cure when all other means have failed ; and at though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. • N. B.—SLOO and 6 postage stamps enclosed to shy au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle., containing fai.Pills, by return mail 00 , ale by 0. A. RA1019.621. Iy9 dawly MANIOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CORE OF SPE RUATOR ERFA, Or Seminal Wealiness,'Satual Debility, Nervoufi ness, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting from Sed•sibuse, tke. By Robt..l. Culyerwell; M.-B.— Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest Paid, on. receipt of tern etsalos, by Dr. CHAS. J D. 11.7 Bewery, New York. Post Office BOX, No : 4,535. m.20-Bratiaw The Confessions_ and . Experience 0: ----- an'lnvalid. PUBLISEDID for tae benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who Suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, eta. ' supplying at the gams time, the means of Self Cure, by one who cured himself, atter being put to great expense through medical imposi tion and quackery. Single copies may be had of the au thor, Navamatt ALsvemit, Esq., Bedford, Kings county N. Y., by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope. dul9-amd Col7oBB.—The sudden changes of our climate aro sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic' Al factions. Experience having proved that simple rerae dies often act speedily and certainly when taken In the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be bad to “Browes Bronchial Troches, , ? or lozenges, lei the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so an by this precaution a more seriqua attack they 124 warded off. Public Smii - oys and Singers will find thew effectual for clearing:and s trourheatng the voice. See de2o-114waw6ea .............-,-.. WM. DOCK JR., & CO --0~-- TJ MAXEUE'D LADIES, CAUTION. NOTICE. PURIFY THE BLOOD gOFFAT'S FIFE PELL9 AIM PHCONLX fmh: all ifintrai Poison:..--In oases of Scrofula . . Pitiere, Scurvy, Gr Eruptions of the Skin, the operation ut 1.1.1 v Life Medicines 13 truly astonishing, often removing in a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Favor and Ague, Dyspepsia;Dropsy, Piles, and in short, most ail diteases soon yield to their curative properties No family should. be without them;as by their timely u mush eulferleg .ind expense may be saved, I`re:;ar..l. by WM.. B. MUFF AT, N. D., New York, and t by all Drug& st, nociw-1y THE D. KANE REFRIGERATOR. 11HIS buperior REFRIGERATOR, to t gather with several ether cheaper styles, may be faint at the manufactory, at exceedingly low prices. Also, a great variety or NAME COOLERS', of supe rior finish. B. S. FAP.SON & Cor. Deo§ and Pear streets, Philadelphia aprinG-Ste A COnItNSPONDENT of the Siecle Paria, the government organ of Francs writes from Tonle, Algiers, as follows :-- "(Mr college of Philosophers at hems, may, and pro bably do accomplish a great deal for the cause of science but the Americans are the people to turn these discover. ies to practical account. Many of the modern inventions in use here are American, and one American chemist, Dr J. C Ann, of Lowell, aapplles much of the medicine consumed iu this country. His Cherry Pectoral, Pills, Sarsaparilla and Ague Cure constitute the Maple reme dies here, because ihey are of easy application, sore in their results and have the confidence of the people.— While the science of Medicine is carried to a higher per fection In our own country (France) than any other, it strikes a Frenchman as a little si eget .r tbat an American Physician should furnish the medical skin end remedies fw our Principal Province. We are happy to inform our readers that these enpc dor medicines which the Emperor's Principal Province is obliged to got from America may be had by our neigh bors, at C. A. Bannvari's, 0. K. Keller's, D. W- Gross dt Co.'s J. it. Lutes, Holman .fic Co.'s, Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. J.J3-d HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE 1 I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye la The Original and Best in the World. Ail others are mere imitations, and should be avoided If you wish to escape ridieuie. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown sad Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have been award ed to Wm. A. Batchelor since HO, an t over 80,000 ap plleations have been made to the /lair of his patrons of his famous dye. Wit. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is . warranted not to injure in the least, however tong it may be contin ued, and the 111 effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold in al cities and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. .@a- The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WIL LIAM A. BATCEIELOR. Address CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprietor, St Baraq street, New York e6•ddawtaug W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYEI SPLENDID HAIR DYE has uo _a_ equal—instantaneous in effect—Beautiful Black or Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the Bair—remedies theabsurd and ill effect of Bari Dyes, and invigorates the Hair for life, None are gounias unless sicoad "W. A. Batchelor-" ea.)ld evorywhoro C.flAi. aAfJdr:p hi lar.n dawt gl Wet 2kitrtisel3[r OR SAGE--a second-banded TWO F HORSE WAGON at W. W. Boyer's - Wagon and Leach Factory, Third street, Harrisburg. je24-cllw LOST.. --On Saturday, 15th instant, a BktACELET, composed of dark agate stones, set In gold. A padlock locket and Jet cross were attached to A. The finder wlll receiye a suitable reward for leaving it at U. A. BOAS' Jewelry Store, Market Square. je24otd Horse and Carriages for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER offers at PRIVATE I/"4g TVlPSAiatlinai• snout seven years old. One carriage 13 new and welt calcu lated for a 'family, as it he a stand top and a small port able seat in front for children. The other carriage is a low swung rockaway, very cony: cleat for aged persons. The horse and carriages can be sees at the reslaecce of the subscriber on front street, Harrisburg. MARTHA C. OltTii, Executrix. NOTICE, rpEIE UNDERSIGNED hats his 2. LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third str d berry, e hey, near Herr's Hotel. P. t.amber of all kiude and gaatitte. t : , W . . the ueeeraighed wilt sell Horace, Carriages ace low for cash, Carriages to hire at the eat:..otttae• FdANK .4„ JOHN WALLOWER ,. JR ,, Agt. GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central; Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads, and Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and trout ail parts of the oily to. the'dilleront Railroad depots-will be done at the very lowest rates. ' FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orden .eft at Brant's thropeaa Hotel, or at toe store of E. S. 'lrminger, will receive prempt attention. Con signments of freight respectfully . solicited. JOHN WALLOWER JR., Apt., apt ' Office Reading Depot. DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST • je IFFERS his services to the citizens o Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, be fee's sate in nutting the public generally to call en him, assuring hem that they not be dissatiStled with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oc - copied by Jacob R. Eby, near the 'United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa '• AQUANTIT Y of Bags, Checks and Ging ham,' for Mae by the dozen and piece, cheap for e.Lon, at the DAUPHIN COUNTY ettiSciN, my 8.31,3 Fiinhissuna . iday 8. 1881. NOTICE ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to harbor or:trust my wife, ANN ELLEN GIBSON, on my account, as IwiE pay no debts of her contractmg, .14:21 MIA . WM., G. GiBEGg, FOR . .. O . SALE, FROM, One to Five Hundred DoHain worth of CITY BONDS. Enquire of 0. 0, 7,15,1.11ER,44N, , marl.; Vn. 2H SotithiAcm t street SAVE THE PER CENTAGE. HE time for paying Orr TAXt.S has ± been extended to the last day cf this month. On the 21st of Jniv the seintantinal interest fal!a due, and the abatemont can therefore not be after SATURDAY, the ROM instant The Treasurer's cake Is up stairs In the now Conn Hone—eutr.inee to the same can be bad from the alley in the middle door. All persons desiring t o sive the five per coot. will please call at onto. Je2od 'A. W. WATSON, Treasurer. REMOVAL. 'THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his j_ PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY front Market street to Fourth street above &take', opposite the Defbe church. Thankful for part potrocage, be hopes., by ztrict attention to business, to merit a continuance of it. mar26•3md - Wit . PARIT,Rft . REMOVAL. THE. SUBSCRIBER would respectfully- Inform the nubile that he has removed his Plumb ing and Bruce Founding eetabliihment to No. 22 South Third street below Hartle Hotel. Thankful for oast pat ronage, be hopes by slziet uttenttoa tC bilaJllM - t:0 merit a continuance of It. api2-dtr J. JONIkt. GARDEN' SEEDS. A FRESH - AND COMPLETE BAN ortraen t %)'‘'n."" ll4l4 n't.tut r t iq „„, t 713 Nets 20vertizeineuts. NATIONAL AND REGIMENTAL ADJUTANT CINNERAL'S OHNE, P. M., Harrisburg, June 18, 1861. Sealed proposals will be received at the office until three o'clock on the 26th day of June, 1861 for colors deliverable at this office as re quired, said proposals to be publicly opened at the time and place named, and the successful bidder to be announced as soon thereafter as convenient the right being reserved to the State to increase or diminish the number and quantity of any or all of the several kinds of colors, required, viz : 1 National Color for U. S. Artillery. 40 " " "U. S. Infantry. 1 Regimental " "U. S. Artillery. 40 " "U. S. Infantry. all to be in every respect as described in the U. S. Army Regulations paragraphs No's 1869, 1370 except that the arms of Pennsylvania are to be embroidered on the National Colors,in the centre of the Union, their size not to exceed one fourth of its area and the Slaters to be arranged symmetrically around them, and that on the Regimental colors the arms of Pennsylvania of same dimensions are to be embroidered in up per corner near pike ; all to be entirely com plete with pike, spear, ferule, cords, tassels, fringe, ready for use and. marked with No. and name of Regiment according to regulations above mentioned ; also for 1 National Color for Rifle Regiment, 1 Regimental " " " Si as above described for Infantry colors, except the No. and name of Regiment are to be em broidered in gold instead of silver and that green will be used instead of blue in all parte except the field of the Union in National Color ; to be complete ready for use and marked as above mentioned ; also for 1 Standard for Cavalry Regiment, 10 Guidons " " " as described in paragraphs 1872 and 1373 of U. S. Army Regulations, rue arms of Pennsylva nia, of suitable dimeasiervi, to be embroidered on each ; to be complete, ready for use, and marked as above mentioned. Sketches of the manner in which the arms of this State will be inserted in each kind of color and guildon, will be submitted with each proposal. Each propo sal will state the price per letter additional• for adding on each ft g such other inscriptions in letters of same material, as name of regiment, as may be required. The workmanship and materials must, in every color, be equal to U. S. standard patterns. Proposals for colors on which the decorations are painted, instead of embroidered, may also be presented, and may be accepted in lieu of the above. The material of the paint must not be injurious to the silk. Fifteen per cent.• of the amount of each de- livery to be retained as a forfeiture, until the contract is completed. Time of delivery to be considered as of the essence of the contract.— Contractors to state in their proposals the time when the goods can be delivered. Successful bidders to give bonds with two approved secu rities. The speedy delivery of a large part will be considered in awarding the contract. By order of the Governor of Pennsylvania, E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General, P. M. .1 ,rtoLO r. 6. .1 ?I jelB-12 td GENERAL ORDERS NO. 3. Hist) ABSCA:ra Pg.iNwrixera.t. Mums, ADJUTANT GENDRAVS OHIO; .Harrisburg, Juno 22, 1861 In accordance with the provisions of the sixth section of the Act passed the 16th of May, Is6l, entitled au Act to creates loan and pro vide for arming the State, the Governor, Com mander-In-chief, makes the following rules and regulations relating to the organized staff of - t.nrussaacruTlFLlZl2 lIOW or hereafter to be called into the service of this State or the United States. REGULATIONS. I. The commander of the regiment will ap point the Adjutant from the subalterns of the regiment. He will also appoint the non-com missioned staff of the regiment. He will nomi nate the regimental Quarter Master from the subalterns of the regiment to the Governor for approval and appointment. 11. In =VA of vacancy, the commander of a regiment may make a temporary appointment of Quarter Master. The commander of a regi ment may also suspend a Quarter Master, and make a temporary appointment, reporting such suspensions and the reasons thereof forthwith to the proper authority, and all temporary ap pointments shall continue until a decision can he made from Ifeadauarters. These regulations shallbe In force until fur ther orders. By order of the dovernor, Camntander•ln Chief. E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General. ARMY SUPPLIES. HEADQUARTERS, PANNSTIVANIA. MusTIA., COXHISSARY DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg, Tuns 19, 1861. Sealed proposals are invited and will be re cieved at my office in the city of Harrisburg until THURSDAY, the 27th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing by contract the beet quality of FAMILY BREAD at a Camp to be estab lished near New Freedom, York county, Penn sylvania. Also, the best quality of Fresh Beef, with Shins, Necks and Tallow taken off. Also, Sugar, Ground Coffee, Tea, Bice, Beaus, Vinegar, Pepper, Soap, Candles, Salt, Pilot Bread and Potatoes ; all to be of the beet quality, and to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as they may be ordered by the Assistant Commissary during the time the troops may remain in said Camp, and to be in spected by the Inspector appointed for the pur pose of inspecting Army supplies. Bonds with approved security for the faithful performance of the above contracts will be required.— Nothing will be allowed for freight, drayage or packages. W. W. IRWIN, jel9 did Com. Gen. York Daily Recorder insert till 27th inst. and charge this office. HEAD Quaalline, Pernerrnvems COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT, ilarristrarg, .Tuns 19, 1861. Sealed proposals are invited and will be re ceived at my office in the city of Harrisburg until the 47th inst. at 12 M., for furnishing by contract FRESH BEEF of the beat quality,— Shins, Necks and,Tallow taken off. Also, Brown Sugar, Tea, Rice,Vinegar, Ground Coffee, Pepper, Salt, Soap ad Candles. All the above articles to be of the best quali ty, and to be delivered at • ~ p Curtin in such quantities and at such may be ordered by the Assistant Crimmins,Vd to be inspect ed by the Inspector appor for inspectng Army Supplies at said Camp. Nothing will be allowed for drayage or packages. Bonds with approved security will bereqUiriiidlar the faithful performance of the above conttits. W. W. Patriot I Pl' Com. Gen Patriot and Unioninsert until 27th inst. POPULAR• REMEDIES. for g:SafiSa(lTLlEiggrolYpiltATl.,ire ILLS for headache. A fresh supply received at 13.F.L. L9R'd DRUG STORF,, where you oaa purchase all the saleable Futon: Medicinee of the day. 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south sa* THUNDE4 AND, LIGHTNING. vast amount of propeili °- annually by I.l.ght4bas 00/141 property holdarb to, aeotße 1- 1 "' far Lightning Roda /oft tvill be atieee. o IVO to. Werrebt44, COLORS ARMY SUPPXSZES. THE UNDERST , ' 'NED having entered_ in- Folicit the po' tool° coy J 'TRADE in this city, would reepuctfolly - ...rouses of the citizens. I will keep on band. ~,Catt os , from the most celebrated and approved which will be delivered to Any part of toe city, free Prom dirt and other impurhlea. Fu l a, mnunig GussasTsED. Co AT. Pea aura ar TOO BOAT LOAD, Cati. ..estroyed Duo ox awls 2oR. Persona pm chasing by the Boat: se a warning to or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton, _.,,r buildings. All orders (dike NO- 74 Market street, second door trom Devrbor at the auction store of W. BABE, ry alley Yard on the Canal, toot of North street. Or, Bode put up In the latest Unproved dere lett at either place will receive prompt attention. 16124 ap-tany JOHN W, HALL, spat. New 2Zrvertiontents. DENTISTRY. GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the altimore College of Dental Surgery, having perma nenUy located in the city of Harrisburg and buten the office formerly (mounted by Dr. Gorgss, on Third street, between Market and Walnut, re.tpecrfally Worms bin friends and the public in geoerel, that. he la prepared rn perform all operatioue ±n tno Dewitt professtoa, either surgical or mechanical, in a manner that shall not be surpassed by operators la tills or any other city. $l/1 mode of inserting artillaial teeth is upon the latest Ins^ proved eh/entitle principles. Teeth, from one to a lull set, mounted on fine Geld, M yer, Platina plates or the Vulcanite Base. I take great pleagute in recommending the above gen tleman to all my former p Weal of Harrisburg and vi. 31nity, and feel confident that he will pattered ail operar dons to a scientific manner, train my knowledge of We ability. trrtyB-dtfl F. J. S. GURGAS, D. D. 8. CIDER II 1 VINEGAR !! ! MADE from choice and selected Apple', and guaranteed by us to bestrlctly pure e1l•d WA. DOCK 8: CO. FOR SALE I A BUILDING LOT, situate in West Har risburg, fronting on Bro s.reet 20 feet, and ran tang back 161 feet, more or leis, to a 20 foot slier, ad• joining on ono side the ;Toperty or Mr. Blum.ndtlne. For particulars enquire of FBEBiItIOK BLiELBFF.BH.• Bergner's Boos.store May 8.1861. m • LIME FOR SALE riIHE UNDERSIGNED having enll3-.rked Lin the LIME BITSLNaiS is lvflutred to) I urntsli to very best article at short nut:c.t, atm at En , ' lu nail pricey tbr cash. lie sells the lime burnt at Columbia sod ats• Chet burnt at home my29-dEm ITICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD Xi for sale, rci STOVE OS CORD LENOIR' TV Wit POECITASERS ALSO, LOOM POSTS AND VITESTWO7 RAILS QV TO OROS& ALSu, STONE AND BAND EVA Br7ILDINa PIISPOSIVS. lnquiro of the subscriber at cgs residence on the EWE* road, opposite the good Will engine do.:so, or at the Yard, cornzr of Second and drool atraato. Wait Ear. risburg. lcay27-tf j G. B. DOLE. PROF. IiIIOLPR P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform sio old patrons and the public generally, that he will continue to give instructions OD the PIANO r OEIE, ME. LODWN, VIOLIN and also in the science of utuauuce 111.98. He will wille pleasure wait 0000 pupils at their homes at say hour desired, or Lessons will 00 given 0. his residence, is Third utreL, few doors below unr German ibtiormed Church, daol6•dtl City Property for Sale, A LARGE TWO-STORY BRWK. HOLTSiI Z 13,. and lot of grJuu,l, ploasAucly laa lAA on /rout et., between Mulberry street adU Ilisablugtoa AMU- Also MO LARGE N &NOS in good couctibou and of o cellent tone. Apply to C 0. ZBINIRI4 No. 23, S.Atte Bccorri street ' , towJaittivs; DIARRHEA AND 0110LERA ANTIDOTE, For the cure of theee distreellug maladtm. Igreesh:e o the taste. Every soldier stoull procure n bottle of this vates.bis medielee before ;bey take up their Rae of march. Fa: tale C. d. BANNVART',•3 Drug Stars, my2-43m PitOPOSALS WILL be received at the PENNSYL. MANIA CAN4L °Filen.' during the present mouth for the construction of a 8a1.04 dilW,l;xt, (about 600 feet to length,) from the (mull of aittr...ot street bridge to Paxton creek. For particulars enquire at the office. Trior-L T. .V111,01.4.N Engineer and Sapedattsadclr,t_ Harriaburg, June 18, 1841.—j013-d orAem Lola FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO 81.23 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has established regular LINE OF STAGE CoaCIIRS horn Roumania burg, connecting every other morning 'mita ma Qui:Wor land Valley Railroad para. the coaohe.: lesye every every Tuesday, Thursday and naturday, returning every other day. Fassengera for Shep;ardnovrit.,llslaurd, Petersburg and Liottyabarg are carried at re,tucea rata, WR. 1. Valli. 4TOEEN B. SMITE'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS„ Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large assortment of a„. BOOTS, SHOES, t=.3I7E.ZR, the very beet suanties for lathes ; gentlemen, and thildrens' Prices to suit the times. All Mures or WORE MADE TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. octlei-dif JOHN R. SRITR, Rarrisber,. B. M. GILDEA, D. D. S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE A"opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical,. scientifically performed. Charges moderate. Jet WANTED. -AG ENTS TO SELL PACK AGER of STATIONARY and. JtV/ELRY at Dei ces one third less than can be purcia3.2ed elsewhere Cali on or address (stomp enclosed.) J -L. BAILEY, m2°,-Znad No. lel Court Street, Bostou, Macs, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE . UNDERSIGNED GOMMISSION EHS of Dauphin county, in Punicilea Of an dot the General Assembly of the c,i'searnonweillth of Penn ant/amity approved the latti day. of map Wit, entitled "An AO; to authorize the Coximiißionere at 0111 P nfia Coun ty to appropriate a certain aura of WOO! for the sup• port of the familiee of Volunteers durinz tea present war," do hereoy inform the puulic that they will make a torn to the amount of seam net steeedlog ten thousand dollars, for which bowls will he issued fur a term not ex citedlog ten years, with COTO , OLO attached, for the payment of half yearly interest, payable at the County Treasury as 6 per cent Said bonds are to be clear of Mt taxation. is therefore hoped that the Reid amount in bonds of a m i x amounts as the leader& wilt desire, will t, prompt, ty takes by the pact di., capitalists 0: °than; with Oat resorting to opeouti taxatton at this time. JOHN t. , •. MEESE; JACOB BERM, }Comnalsaleners. GEO. GARY EEIOE. Attest—Jostra liniam, Clerk, NEW COAL OFFICE. PETatit BR'RNHTBEL. my2O-d&w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers