pail)) irielegrapb). 119 RRIBBURG: Wednesday Afternoon, June 26,N1861 A.DVERTISERS. The circulation of the DAILY TELEGRAPH IS FOUR TIMES LARGER than any other daily published or circulated in this city, and it therefore presents greater inducements for the patronage of advertisers than is offered to them through any other medium. Let those who want buyers, try advertising in the TELE GRAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE ORAPIIIC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. BRACELET Lost —We invite attention to an advertisement in another column descriptive of and offering a reward for a hair bracelet, re cently lost between Cosestown and this city. RETURNED.—CoI. Charles J. Biddle, whose regiment is now on the march to Cumberland, according to late advices, returned to our city yesterday, and was still here this morning. We did not learn the object of his mission . to Har risburg at this time. 'tau FAIaASTICALS. — We learn that a number of boys are mailing preparations for a "fantas tical" parade on the fourth of July. For the credit of our city it is to be hoped that no such disgraceful and farcical demonstration will be tolerated on independence day. TDE - UNION CADETS have been furnished with rifle by the Adjutant General, and will parti cipate in the fourth of July parade. A few more b oys ; able to bear arms, will be received into the conWanY, if application be made be t.6en now ant: to-morrow evening. .---•0.---.- .. . .w„ Ames , Womxx.—Some difficulty oc, defied in the s i xt h ~, i ard between Mary Franks A 111 r. a' 1 .. .., is. Good, eu i m 2uating in a trial of pugi .listic skill, and a prosecuilon of the former for assault and battery, before Alderman Caldwell. Mary was bound over for a h%ring at the next. Court. Officer Wickert made the arrest. I=l RAILROAD Accrorsr.—A fireman on the Penn sylvania Railroad, named Cryder, w - as severely injured at Blair Furnace the other day. Some portion of the machinery of the engine giving way, he became frightened and jumpcd off, breaking one of his arms in two or three places, besides sustaining other severe injuries. I=l ATrENrioN, HIVER9.—An adjourned meeting of the Hope Hose and Engine Company, No. 2, will be held in their hall to-morrow (Thursday) evening, at the usual time of meeting. Punc tual attendance of the members is requested, as business of importance will be brought before the meeting Trm CAKRRON GUARDS are pleamintly quarter ed on the fair grounds near Frederick city, where they expect to remain until the expira tion of their term of enrollment, unless ousted by the rebels. The boys are all in good health, and enjoy themselves as well as can be expected under the circumstances. A number of them 7bave determined to enlist for the war. IDE ComstrrrEE OF ARRANGEKENTS for a fourth .4)1 July demonstration will meet this •ffednesday) evening at 8 o'clock in the coun cil room in the new court house. A full at lendance is desirable. The ward committees are expected to attend and make their final re ports J. M. WESTING, Sec'y. of Committee ........-..... REMOVAL OP THE POST OFFICE. — The Post Office is about being removed to Mr. Bergner's book store, which has been elegantly and conve niently fitted up for the purpose. The arrange ment cannot fail to give general satisfaction. 'There are three delivery windows, one design ed especially for. the, ladies. The removal will take place to-night, and the new office be opened to-morrow morning. =E:=2 ASSAULT AND BATTENY.—Yesterday afternoon Samuel Mansfield was arrested by officer Cole, charged with assaulting and beating Enos Dun woodie. He appeared before Alderman Ma glaughlin and entered bail for his appearance at Court to answer. Henry Rahn and Wm. Allen, arrested by officers Cole and Wickert, were before the Mayor for committing a similar outrage upon Hugh McNorton. They paid the costs and were bound over to keep the peace. THE SL us AND STRIPES.—We reget to notice that so many.flags which were lately streaming over our city in their pride and beauty, have been taken down by their owners. This is wrong. Keep the bunting waving until trea son shall have been crushed out and the majesty of the laws vindicated. On the fourth of July, especially, all clams of citizens should contri bute towards making the flag display in our city extensive and magnificent : Vurtirf the flag stripes have streamed in glory, To fees a fear, to friends a festal robe; and spread, In ryllindo lines the sacred story Freedo triumph over all tae globe. AN -ERIK!: BArms.—The rebels have taken a hint from the federal militaryauthorities in wrial tactics, and ave also employed a bal loon to reconnoitre the position of the troops. The employment of ballooOs on both sides may lead to aerial conflicts, and wai".s may hereafter be decided by squadrons of ballooDS instead of fleets and armies. We shall need a code of aerial laws to regulate the new style of warfare, and the question for the five powers will arise, -whether terial privateers will be legitimate.— A balloon would be rather a dangerous vehicle to carry on a contest in ; a rifle ball through the body would collapse and sink the ship, with all hands lost. Unless steel-plated balloons can be instituted, the lentil braucb of the service will not be popular. THE FIRST CITY &EAVES, Captain Kelm, ex pect to receive their equipments this week and make a parade in full uniform on Saturday af ternoon. In appearance and drill the Zouaves will do credit to our city. Paomorzo.—Capt. J. W. Fisher, of the Cook man Rangers ) now at Camp Curtin, has been promoted to the post of Lieut. Colonel in the new Pennsylvania regiment commanded by Colonel Simmons of this city. He is a good man and will make an excellent officer. FEMLLE MlER—Last o evening one Mary Hat ter, who makes her head-quarters at a crib in Allison's hollow, was arrested by officer Fleck for stealing eleven yards of muslin delain, five yards of canton flannel and five yards of mus lin, from Ann Mackison. She was committed to prison by Alderman Kline to await a trial. As ITEM FOR SPORISMEN.-A humber of our city sportsmen are about organizing an associa tion for the purpose of carying out the objects of the "game law." A meeting for that pur pose will be held at the restaurant under Wyeth's building to-morrow evening, at which time all persons who feel an interest in the movement are requested to attend. MORE MooPs .—The twenty-eighth New York regiment passed through Harrisburg this morn ing en route for Washington city. The regiment is composed of over one thousand men, hand somely equipped and well armed, and accom panied by a full drum corps Other New York regiments will follow as rapidly as they can be transported over the railroads. ACCEPTED.—The Big Spring Adamantine Guards, of Cumberland county, have been ac cepted by the Governor, and will meet at Oak ville on the 26th inst. to fill up the company for service. Horses and equipments will be furnished those who have none. Here is an opportunity for young men who wish to join a first rate cavalry company. REGMInAL DJULL.—The Minnesota regiment drilled on the camp ground last evening in pre sence of a large crowd of spectators, residents of our city and soldiers from Camp Curtin.— The men acquitted themselves admirably, going through the manual with the skill and accu racy of veteran soldiers. Col. Gorman exhib ited evidence of a thorough familiarity with military tactics. SENSIBLE MOVEMENT.—The watchmakers jewelers of this city have entered into an ar rangement to close their stores at eight o'clock in the evening from the 26th of June (this even ing) until the 20th of September. This will afford their employees an opportunity for out door exercise and recreation during the heated term. The example is worthy of imitation by other business men. CANNON.-Mr. Ball, of this city, appointed to collect the cannon scattered through this re gion, belonging to the State, has been quite successful thus far. There are now sixteen four and six pounders ranged in front of the Arse nal, imparting to the old building a decidedly war-like aspect. These field pieces are now being put in order for service. Since writing the above paragraph several of the cannon have been removed. We did not learn their destination. J. E. FOUGHT, Secretary, pro tem PIGEON SHOOTING.—The following is the re sult of the trial of skill in pigeon shooting at Frederick P. Haehnlen's, near this city, a few days ago : Another shooting match took place to-day with what result we did not learn. JuvEmin OmMARS. —Six boys were before the Mayor last evening, arrested by officers Cole and Wickert, charged with having insulted and annoyed a venerable and respectable citizen, Mr. Hiram Hants. The old gentleman's object in making complaint against his juvenile tor mentors was to teach them a lesson which they evidently never learned at home—to respect old age. Mr. Hantz finally consented to let the offenders off if they paid the costs and promised to behave better in future. They complied with the terms of compromise tender ed, paid one dollar each, and the case was dis missed. We suppress the names of the lads this time, but should they be arraigned again on a similar charge, they will find us less lenient. A HINT TO GARDENERS.—As OUT houses and gardens are always more or less infested with vermin, it is satisfactory to know that benzine, an article become well-known as a detergent, is no less efficacious as agent in insecticide. One or two drops are sufficient to asphyxiate the most redoubtable insect pest, be it beetle, cock chafer, spider, slug, caterpillar, or creeping things. Even rats and mice speedily decamp from any place sprinkled with a few drops of the potent benzine. A singular fact connected with this application of benzine is, that the bodies of insects killed by it become so rigid that their wings, legs, etc., will break rather than bend, if touched. Next day, however, when the benzine has evaporated, suppleness is restored. • CAPTAIN FumarEa..—Among the late appoint. ments by the Secretary of War, we notice that of Jesse Fullmer, of Williamsport, to a cap taincy in the regular army. The gentleman thus honored is a lawyer by profession, and was formerly one of the editors of the Wil liamsport Press. At the commencement of the war he rallied at the first tap of the drum, abandoned a lucrative practice, enlisted as a " high private" in the ranks of the Woodward Guards, and is now with his regiment in active service on the Virginia border. We have known Captain Fullmer long and intimately, and feel confident that in his new position he will acquit himself gallantly and do credit to his Ttatii.Vo town and State. One thing is cer tain, that if the Captain wields the sword with as much skill and tact as he has always wield ed the pen, he will not fail to win laurels in his campaign, Puttsplvania Mai Zelegraph, 133ebnestrap lfternoon, June 26, 1861. I=l I=l Wm. Ranch, 1000101 3 Edward Curan, 000 0 Lewis Morris, 0010001. 2 Jas. Sprucebank, 0000011 2 Robert Preston, 1011110 5 Wm. Magian&lin, 0100001 2 -,,..---. STATE CAPITAL SECTION, No. 21, Cadets cif Temperance, will hold a regular meeting this evening at their hall. Let every member at tend, as the quarterly election for officers takes place. ARM= OF Dzszearias.—ln our last issue we noticed the arrival in this city of three deserters from a company of the fifteenth Pennsylvania regiment. Their names are Vollmer, Souder and Waechter, all Germans. They descrt.' from Camp Curtin some time in May, and were captured at Scranton, Luzerne county, a few days ago. Sergeant Major Mowry, and the Chief of Police of Scranton, brought the men here yesterday afternoon, and had them com mitted to prison by Alderman Kline for safe keeping. They were taken to Hagerstown to-day in irons, and delivered up to the military autho rities to undergo a court martial. Should these fellows be shot, the universal verdict will be, served them right =:=o FAMILY PorsoNED.—We learn that recently the family of Mr. James Dunlap, in Cumber land county, were suddenly prostrated by sick ness, which resulted fatally to one of the child ren. The attending physician suspecting poison to be the cause, Dr. Zitzer, of Carlisle,'-was. summoned , and by chemical examination dis covered the water in the cistern to be impreg nated with arsenic. Said water had alone-been used by the family. It seems that Mr. Dunlap had determined to destroy rats by inttns-of poison, and as carefully as possible placed it out of the reach of all but the "varmints,'-'hut it is supposed he scattered it on the roof, and it was thus washed into the cistern. The rest of the family are slowly recovering. MogE NUlSANCES,—Yesterday officers Rada haugh and Wickert returned Joseph Pople and Henry M'Clintock, colored residents of Paxton street, and Mrs. Shennisee and Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Blackberry alley, for maintaining filthy hog pens upon their premises. A hearing took place before the Mayor last evening, and the offend ing parties were fined the usual amount. Dan iel Hooker, a member of the City Council from the first ward, appeared on behalf of took, and protested against the enforcement of the law in his case. Comment upon such action is unnecessary. When men who help make our municipal laws encourage their vio lation, others cannot be expected to respect or observe them. The ordinance is a good one, and the public comfort and health demand its rigid enforcement, particularly during the sum mer season. FIRST MINNESOTA REGIMENT.—This regiment, under command of Col. Wm. A. Gorman, ex- Governor of Minnesota, Lieut. Colonel Stephen Miller, formerly of this city, and Major Win. H. Dyke, arrived here yesterday at two o'clock, and pitched their tents on a vacant lot near the Pennsylvania railroad shops, a short dis tance below camp Curtin. The regiment is composed of over one thousand able-bodied men, partially unequipped, but all well armed. Large numbers of our citizens visited the en campment during the afternoon to welcpme and congratulate Colonel Miller, who looks ex ceedingly well, and bears his new honors with becoming dignity. The regiment expected to remain here two or three days until their equipments arrived, but last evening Col. Gor man received a dispatch from Gen. Scott, or dering them to proceed directly to Washington. Arrangements were accordingly made for their departure at three o'clock this morning. POTATOES.—Five hundred bushels of choice potatoes just received and for sale by the bar rel or bushel very lew. NEW GOODS FROM New YORK AUCTION.-50 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 12} and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 3, 6 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavelle Cloth for 7 cts. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 124, worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 31 and 87 cts. 15 dozen towels at 127} cents a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cts. 60 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. DO pieces of the best Calico ever sold for 6* cts. 60 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. Lrbwr's, Rhoad's old corner. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeeeman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY THE combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They aro mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all Irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all oh. structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c., disturbed Bleep, which arise from interruption of nature TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cbeeseman's Pills are Invaluable, as .iioy will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have been disappointed In the use of other Pills can place the utmost conildenco in Dr. CUCCSOMPU% Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE. 2here is one condition of the female system in which the Pills cannot be taken last/tout vroducing a PECULIAR RESULL the conditions4e,red W U PIiBUNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE. Such se the trresisiO/e tendency of the medicine to restore he sevua functions to a normal cosuistion, that seen the reproductive power of nature cannot vessel it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything Injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, ac company each box. Price $l. Sent by nail on enclosing $1 to Da Commune L. ClaxaMELsll, Box 4,551, Post (Mike, New Torii City. Sold by 006 ?....VgglEll la every town in the United States E. B. HUTCHINGS, general .Apciat for the United States, 14 Broadway, New InWir, 10 ichont all Wholesale orders should be addr , ttal. Sold in iiarrisbdrg by U, A. Etatmvaar 119714 Ihwty NOTICE. COUGHS.—The sudden changes of our climate are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Al factions. Experience having proved that simple reme dies often act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may be warded oil. Public Speakers and Singers will find them eo'iatnnl for clearing and s trengtheuing the voice. ace advertisement. delo-d-ssrawBm PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S Lim PILLS AND PIDZNIX BITTERS.— tree from all Mineral Poiums.—bi cases of Scrofula Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing ID a few days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in short, most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their timely nso mush suffering and expense may be moved. Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. 11, New York, and wale by all Drug& el novew-ly THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEBIALB PILLS. Prepared from a Prescription of Sir J. Clarke, Y. D., Physscian Extraordinary to the Queen. ibis invaluable medicine Is unndllng in the cure Cl CLI those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, sad a speedy cure may be relied on. it is peculiarly suited_ It, will in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears tne Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent conntertetta. These Pins shotad not be taken by females during the FIRST THREE MONTESof Pregnaucy, as they are sure to brinron Miscarriage, but at any other time they are sage. In all cases of Nervous and. Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpita lion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese Pills wil effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills, by return mail. Nor sale by C. A. BaitsivAnk DR• DUPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. nfallible n correcting, regulating, and remoltegla obstructions, from whatever cause, and l wayB saaceSafal as a preven live. THESE PILLS HIVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled success in every case ; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those sundae from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills while in that condition, as they are sun to produce miscarriage, and the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this mime nition, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Prise $l. 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. s Jnnes Row.Barrisburg,N. "Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post 011ie% can have the Pills sent free of observation to any part of the country (contideatially) and "free of pos tags" by mail. Sold also by S. S. Sravors, Reading, JOUNSON, TIOLLOWAY & COWDEN_, Philadelphia, J. L. Lae agansm, Lebanon, DANIEL H. HlErralill, lancaster; J. A. Won, Wrightsville; E. T. MECUM, fork • and by one druggist in every city and village in the Union, and by S. D. How; ole proprietor, New York. N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Bey no Golden Pll6 of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. Ai others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives mad health, (to say nothing of be log humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited de3-dw&awly. The Original and Best in the World All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSVY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown and Black, without injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have been awe rd ed to Wm. A. Bachelor since 1859, ant over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous dye. A. , BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature, and is warranted not - to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold In all cities and towns or the United Slates, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of . each box, of sum A. Bescuseson. Aileron CHARLES BATOEIELOR, Proprietor, SI Barclay street, New York. MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPE RMATOR BREA or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility„Nery on Et. nese,lnvoluntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting from Sett-abase, Sic. By Robt. J. Culverwell, M. a Bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest laid, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. CHAS J C. kLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box No, cute.m2o-eradaw The Confessions and Experience a an Invalid, Wm. Doom JR., & CO Pumas= for the benefit and as a warning and a caution to young men who soar from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, ate., supplying at the some time, the MOMS of Self Cure, by one who cured himseh, after being put to grast expense through medical imposi tion and quackery. Single copies may be had of the au thor, NATHANLIL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings county, N. T., by enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope. dit9-Bmd TO MARRIED LADIES (JAUTION. A CARD TO THE LADIES. HAIR DYE! HAM DYE! ! Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye I e6.dawtaug A COURBSPONDENT of the Siecle Paris, the governinent organ of France writes from TUl2i£l, Algiers, as follows "Our college of Philosophers at home, may, and pro bably do accomplish a great deal for the cause of science but the Americans are the people to turn these discover ies to practical account. Many of the modern inventions in use here are American, and oae American chemist, Dr. J. 1.1 AYER, of Lowell, supplies much of the medicine cot suund in this country. His Cherry Pectoral, Pills, Sarsaparilla and Ague Cure constitute the staple reme dies here, because they are of easy application, sure in their results and have the confidence of the people.— While the science of Medicine is carried to a higher per fection in our own country (France) than any other, it strikes a Frenchman as a little aingul rr that an American Physician should furnish the medical skill and remedies for our Principal Province. We are happy to inform our readers that these supe rior medicines which the Emperor's Principal Province is obliged to get Irma America may be had by our neigh bors, at O. A. Bannvart , s, C. K. Seller's, D. W. Gross & Co.'s J. M. Lutz's, Holman Sr Co,', Armstrong, Harrisburg, and dealers everywhere. TO Nttu 2butrtizements. FOR SALE—a second•banded TWO HORFE WAGON at, W. W. Boyer's Wagon and Uoacb Factory, Third street, Harrisburg. je24-dlw LOST.—On Saturday, 15th instant, a BRACELET, composed or dark agate stones, set in gold. A padlock locket and jet cross were attached to it. The finder will receive a suitable reward for leaving it at C. A. BOAS' Jewelry Stoke, Market Square. je24 Std V 0 ,40 . gd 1 tvwg L . .° , 4i ..- ft i ...., . 0.12 v. .t • l .... E.. ... to, 0 el ..., w . 7 r.. coAt tg ~., ........;... ~.., A I g ^ 4 4 Cci 4 .-0 0 5 P104 4° 0 .4 " 2 - ;• is o , e c.) CD ell r=l ce, ~ a PA i V 71 1 e z ni .' ,§ ° Li 14 ..A . O V. 2 ..2ml 0 z ..c. e, .A. 4 s.. 4 Ez.. 0 ,o. kn t e 0 0 mook, t$ 4 o'oo, g 6 1 J glillt'A. 0 1 .E.PO'B - ,i ximmOZ to , tar 4 , , w 13-38..a0T ..g Si it i t VA O,T Horse and Carriaves for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER offers at PRIVATE SALE tho HORSE and TWO CARRIAGES, late of Doctor Orth, deceased. The horse Is a dark bay about seven years old. One carriage is new and well calcu lated for a fatally, salt has a stand top and a small port able seat In front for children. The other carriage is a low swung rockaway, very convenient for aged persons. The horse and carriages can bo seen at the residence of the subscriber on Front street, Harrisburg. je22-d MARTHA V, OATH, Executrix, No) 2thertizemeute. NATIONAL AND Rt.GIMENTAL COLORS. AATEEANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, P. Harrisburg, June 18, 1861. Sealed proposals will be received at the office until three o'clock on the 26th day of June, 1861 for colors deliverable at this office ae re quired, said proposals to be publicly opened at the time and place named, and the successful bidder to be announced as soon thereafter as convenient the right being reserved to the State to increase or diminish the number and quantity of any or all of the several kinds of colors, required, viz : 1 National Color for U. S. Artillery. 40 " " "U. S. Infantry. 1 Regimental " "U. S. Artillery. 40 " " "U. S. Infantry. all to be in every respect as described in the U. S. Army Regulations paragraphs No's 1369, 1370 except that the arms of Pennsylvania are to be embroidered on the National Colors,in the centre of the Union, their size not to exceed one fourth of its area and the 84 stars to be arranged symmetrically around them, and that on the Regimental colors the arms of Pennsylvania of same dimensions are to be embroidered in up per corner near pike ; all to be entirely com plete with pike, spear, ferule, cords, tassels, fringe, ready for use and marked with No. and name of Regiment according to regulations above mentioned ; also for 1 National Color for Rifle Regiment, 1 Regimental " as above described for Infantry colors, except the ho. and name of Regiment are to be em broidered in gold instead of silver and that green will be used instead of blue in all parts except the field of the Union in National Color ; to be complete ready for use and marked as above mentioned ; also for 1 Standard for Cavalry Regiment, 10 Guidons " " as described in paragraphs 1372 and 1373 of U. S. Army Regulations, the arms of Pennsylva nia, of suitable dimensions, to be embroidered on each ; to be complete, ready for use, and marked as above mentioned. Sketches of the manner in which the arms of this State will be inserted in each kind of color and guibion, will be submitted with each proposal. Each propo sal will state the price per letter additional for adding on each flag such other inscriptions in letters of same material, as name of regiment, as may be required. The workmanship and materials must, in every color, be equal to U. S. standard patterns. Proposals for colors on which the decorations are painted, instead of embroidered, may also be presented, and may be accepted in lieu of the above. The material of the paint must not be injurious to the silk. Fifteen per cent, of the amount of each de• Iy9 dawly livery to be retained as a forfeiture, until the contract is completed. Time of delivery to be considered as of the essence of the contract.— Contractors to state in their proposals the time when the goods can be delivered. Successful bidders to give bonds with two approved secu rities. The speedy delivery of a large part will be considered in awarding the contract. By order of the Governor of Pennsylvania, E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General, P. M. jelB-12td GENERAL ORDERS NO. 3. HEAD QUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, Tuns 22, 18 61 In accordance with the provisions of the sixth section of the Act passed the 15th of May, 1861, entitled an Act to create a loan and pro vide for arming the State, the Governor, Com mander-in-chief, makes the following rules and regulations relating to the organized staff of the military force of this Commonwealth now or hereafter to be called into the service of this State or the United States. REGULATIONS. I. The commander of the regiment will ap point the Adjutant from the subalterns of the regiment. He will also appoint the non-com missioned staff of the regiment. He will nomi nate the regimental Quarter Master from the subalterns of the regiment to the Governor for approval and appointment. H. In cases of vacancy, the commander of a regiment may make a temporary appointment of Qaarter Master. The commander of a regi ment may also suspend a Quarter Master, and make a temporary appointment, reporting such suspensions and the reasons thereof forthwith to the proper authority, and all temporary ap pointments shall continue until a decision can be made from Headquarters. These regulations shall be in force until fur ther orders. By order of the Glovernor, ARMY SUPPLIES. HEADQUARTERS, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg, June 19, 1861. Sealed proposals are invited and will be re cieved at my office in the city of Harrisburg until THURSDAY, the 27th lust., at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing by contract the best quality of FAMILY BREAD at a Camp to be estab lished near New Freedom, York county, Penn sylvania. Also, the best quality of Fresh Beef, with Shins, Necks and Tallow taken off. Also, Sugar, Ground Coffee, Tea, Rice, Beans, Vinegar, Pepper, Soap, Candles, Salt, Pilot Bread and liotatoes ; all to be of the best quality, and to be delivered in such quantities and at such times as they may be ordered by the Assistant Commissary during the time the troops may remain in said Camp, and to be in spected by the Ir.spector appointed for the pur pose of inspecting Army supplies. Bonds with approved security for the faithful performance of the above contracts will be required.— Nothing will be allowed for freight, drayage or packages. W. W. IRWIN, jel9 dtd Corn. Gen. York Daily Recorder insert till 27th inst. and charge this office. ARMY SUPPLIES HEAD QUARTERS, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg, Tune 19, 1861. Sealed proposals are invited and will be re ceived at my office in the city of Harrisburg until the 27th inst. at 12 M., for furnishing by contract FRESH BEEF of the beat quality.— Shins, Necks and,Tallow taken off. Also,Brown Sugar, Tea, Rice, Vinegar, Ground Coffee, Pepper, Salt, Soap and Candles. All the above articles to be of the best quali ty, and to be delivered at Camp Curtin in such quantities and at such times as may be ordered by the Assistant Commissary, andto be inspect ed by the Inspebtor appointed for inspecting Army Supplies at said Camp. Nothing will be allowed for drayage or packages. Bonds with approved security will be required for the faithful performance of the above contracts. W. W. IRWIN, jel9-dtd Corn. Gen. Patriot and Union insert until 27th inst. SYRUP A l li ß br B c . lllldr i e N ci S te L epilin W g: S an OO A T LD H ui lli a N, s G e. n PHe L 1C PILLS for headache. A fresh supply received at KEL LER'S DRUG STORE, where you can purchase all the saleable Patent Medicines of the da 91y. Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south side, THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. THE vast amount of property destroyed annually by Lightning ought to be a warning to property holders to secure their buildings. Ap orders far Lightning Rods left at the auction store of W. BARR, will be attended to. Rode pet up in the latest improved style and warranted. jelZ•d Commander-in Chief. E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General New '2Orcertiontents DENTISTRY. . GEO. W. STINE, graduate of the altlmore College of Dental Surgery, having perms neatly located in the city of Harrisburg and talon the office formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third street, between Market and Walnut, respectfully infbrms his friends and the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either surgical or mechanical , in a manner that shall not be surpassed by operators is this or any other city. His mode of inserting artificial teeth is upon the latest Im proved scientific principles. Teeth, from one to a full set, mounted on fine Gold, Sil ver, Platina plates or the Vulcanite Base. I lake great pleasure in recommending the above gen tleman to all my former patients of Harrisburg and VI- Malty and feel confident that he will perform all- opera tions In a scientillc manner, from my knowledge of he ability. imy3-fitf] F. J. S. GORGAS, a D. S. CIDER !! ! VINEGAR !I ! MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by us to bestrictly pure. WM. DOCK & CO. FOR SALE 1 A BUILDING LOT, situate in West Har risburg, fronting on 8r0,.d street 20 feet, and run ning back 101. feet, more or less, to a2O foot alley, ad joining on one side the property of Mr. Blumen.stlne. For particulars enquire of FREDERICK SCHEEF'ER Bergner's Bootstore. May 5,1891., • 9 LIME FOR SALE THE UNDERSIGNED having embarked in the LIME BUSINESS is prepared to furnish to very best article at short notes, mutat the to west pr ices for cash. Be sells the lime burnt at Columb is and also that burnt at home - my29-d3m HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD .Cl for sale, Cll2 TY.I STOVE OR CORD LENG2t TO sun PURCHASERS. ALSO, LOG77S2 PO= AND WIESTNUI RAILS COI TO ORDER - ALSO, STONE AND SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES Inquire of the subscriber at his residence on the Ridge road, opnonte the Good Will Engine souse, or at the Yard, corner of second and Broad streets; West Har risburg, Liny27-tf j G. B. COLE. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that ho will continuo to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also lu the science of THOROUtiII BASS. fie will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or tessuns will be given at his residence, is Third street, few doors below the German Reformed Church. decls-MI City Property for Sale, ALARGE TWO-STORY BRICK. HOUSE and tut of ground, pleasAutly located on Front St., between Mulberry street and Washington Avenue. Also TWO LARGE PIANOS in good osidition and of ex cellent tone. Apply to _ . C. 0. ZI3III.ER No. 28, South Second street P 0 - 101iT MIAMI; DIARRHEA AND CHOLERA ANTIDOTE, For the cure of these distressing maladies. Agreeab,a o the taste. Every soldier should procure a bottle at this valuable mediclue before they take up their line of march, For gala at 1.1. A. BANNVART'S, Drug Store, my2-d3m PROPOSALS WILL be received at the PENNSYL VANIA CANAL OFFICE during the present mouth for the construction of a BRICK SEWSK, (about 600 feet in length,) from the Gang of liarket street bridge to Paxton creek. For particulars enquire at the , office. raw. T. ii/inkrdazi, Engineer and Superintendent. Harrisburg, June 13, 1801.—je13-d STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED REDUCED TO 81.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has established a 1. regular LINE OF STAGE COACHES l om Mechanics burg, connectleg every otter morning with the Cumber laud Valley Railroad cars. The coaches leave every every Tuesday, Thursday and eaturlay, returning every other day. Passovers for Sheppardstown, Ginsburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced rates. jell-dtf W31..J. TATE. JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Itc., of the very best tualities for ladles, gentlemen, and childreus' wear.— Prices to suit the times. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ontl6-dtf JOHN B. SMITH, Harrisburg. B. 7,1 a. GILDEA, D. D. S. STALE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. A II °paragons, Surgical and Mechanical, .rjselestrileally performed. Charges moderate. jeB NEXT OF KIN WANTED Hundreds or Millions Pounds Sterling IN CHANCERY, BANK OF ENGLAND, &c., waiting claimants. A Ca.t4ogne of the heirs, and names of those to whom letters should be addressed In England, will be sent post free, on receipt of 80 cents in stamps, or two for $l. Old claims most be rented at once. Beferenoes:—A. K. Sin, Boston; J. Burxham, Chief of Police, Haverhill. Address W. W. S. ORBETON & CO., Jer7-d4t Box 250, Post Office, Boston, Mass. $l.25An excellent article of Corn merciel Note Paper can be had - taper ream ac BERGNER'S map BuOKS tOßE•for FRESH ARRIVAL OF Rouoriv, Elmore, BART, GRITTY, limos; Saattra CORN, dr= Pr s, BOUT,- - MARROW FAT BRA M, WHoui Pitts, &0., &C Just received and for sale at the I.OIFROT aims stuoss. ebl6 WM. met( JR. & CO. NEW COAL OFFICE. THE UNDERSIGNED having entered in to the COAL TRADE in this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens. 1 will keep on hand Coal of all Edges, from the most celebrated and approved mines, which will be delivered to any part of the city, free from dirt and other impurities. FOIL UTIA/LINTEML, COAL TOR BALE Mr MIR BOAT LOAD, CAir, LOAD OT. aNGLI 2oN. Persons purchasing by . the Boat or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton. Office No. 74 Market street, second door from Dewber ry alley. Yard on the Csnai, , lcot or North Street. Or den left at either place will receive prompt attention. ap-bay JOHN W. HALL, ;gut. PEPS' BERNHIBEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers