1 t iiii)(l,ll„gra 1~ I. L .3 i% TOPS:I3j Aliernoon, June 11, TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the DAILY TELEGRAPH is FOUR TIMES LARGER than any other daily published or circulated in this city, and it therefore presents greater inducements for the patronage of advertisers than is offered to them through any other medium. Let those who want buyers, try advertising in the TELE GRAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tains THE LATEST TELE GRAPHIC DISPATCHES re ceived during the night. INDEPENDENCE DAY! TOWN MEETING. A meeting of the citis ns of Harrisburg will bo held A the Court Hmse on THURSDAY EVENING nest, at o'clo.k, to devise means for celrbrating the Fourth of July in au ap propriate wearier, and to appoint committees to awry the plan Into execution. The present state of public feeling and the affairs of the nation demand that the public should show their respect for and appreciation of the senti menti Implied by a Fourth-of-July Celebration, and hence it has been determined to make the day in Harrisburg one which will be long remembered. Everybody is invited to attend this meeting and add their efforts towards the accomplishment of the object. MANY CITIZENS Y. M. C. A.—A stated meeting of the Young Men's Christain Association will be held at their room this evening at eight o'clock. Noun ins Win —A libel upon humanity, bamed . JaCob Stiner, was arrested by officer Cole for abusing bis wife. He was bound over for his appearance at the next Court to answer the charge. APPOIRTBD.—We learn that the Hon. John S McCalmont, President Judge of the Clarion Ju dicial Dlitrict, has been appointed to a Colonel cy by Gov. Curtin. Col. McCalmont is a regu lar graduate of West Point. ON Derr AGAIN.—The Chief of Police, who was confined for several days by a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism, is now convales cent. The Chief is one of our most efficient officers, and we are glad to see him on duty again. COMM TO CAIIIP °MIN.-A Philadelphia company of Zonaves, commanded by Capt. Simpson, have been ordered to Camp Curtin, and will arrive here on Thursday at noon. They have been assigned to Col. Brady's regiment. TBAXSTZIIB Worm.—The government ad vertises for two hundred and fifty teamsters, at twenty dollars per month, to be furnished with rations the same as regular soldiers. All men employed in this capacity, when honor ably dimharged will bo returned to their homes at the expense of the national govern ment. Application to be made to the United States officers at the Novelty Iron works build ing is this city. YODACCI3 ADVANOING.—The lovers of the weed e b rim id begin to smoke and chew sparingly. The Pa' iladelphia Gaulle supposes tobacco %rill " d es ? in Philadelphia, la a shun time, as it is in Lot: don. It state , that Richmond sup plies the Paladelphia and New York markets with nearly a'l it whole stock of plug to. bacon, mid since the war commenced tuataufac toting is alaw,t suspended. Over flee thou• sand uegroes usually employed In the tobacco I'A:tortes ,re tither idle or engaged in work oinnccted with fortifications. tiluce the hitt k o d e of the port the prices have still further ad van c. , cl.—Exclutnge. tAlly t long before our present stock of to bacco runs out, the Federal flag will be flying in triumph over Richmond. I=l CREATING A A r lßANCll.—Complaint was made to the Mayor yesterday against four fish dealers —Jacub Nicola, Jobn Dingle, John H. Hausa anti Juba Wise—fur creating a nulgance In the market place. Messrs. Nicola and Dingle had a hearing last evening, and were each fined three dollars and costs. The bearing of Messrs. Haase and Wise was postponed until this even ing. The complainants are constables Cole and Wickert. As these officers seem to have turned their attention to the abatement of nuisances, we would suggest the propriety of their exanaluing Into the condition of certain hog -plus eithin the city limits, which are a source of great annoyance to persona residing in their vicinity. Tel TEGASON Cass.—We stated yesterday t 4 Ntt Captliugh Dl'Donald,of the Elk Rifles, had murk a intortuation before Alderman Kline k cwt. Lorain, of the Clearfield Wash ington .__,, ‘ule to ta, for the utterance of treasmable r1:1181;:a;e, the effect that he " would never pull a trigger against the south." The infor mation.i thus ma, ein wr iting, and sworn to by Capt. ld'Donald, i, .ay taken by him for the pur pose, as he stated, in . submitting it to Governor Curtin. There the mt. titter rests, no warrant having yet been issued , or L , 3 rniu . k arrest.— If common rumor be true ). here 16 goon reason loyalty, and the affair for suspecting Lo rain's should be investi gated. The e:Lcuee made by ble friends that he uttered the t:easonable am timents imputed t o him when dri.mk, will not answer. It ie an old and true saying that "'Alien wine Is in Nrit is out ;" and a drunken man generally' expresses his real sentiments, 'when la that condition. Thie ie no time to tolerate even the semblance' of treason, And . Capt. l l'Donald will be held criminally cut- LeutFable if he does not push We matter to -a sieelj , arid full investigation. ' 1 Mona FLAG.—This morning Mr. George W. M'Calla flung to tho breeze a large and beautiful American flag, from the pole in front of hit jewelry establidment. It was manu factured in Philadelphia out of the very best material of bunting, and is one of the finest epecinarns nf the national emblem that floats in our city. US SCARLET Fula prevails to a considerable extent io some sections of our city, and a num ter of families have been robbed of their household jewels by this aptly-styled " red demon of the nursery." Mr. Jacob Barnhart, of Verbeketown, lost two children in quick succession, and the little ones were burled side by side in the same grave on Sunday last. "In satiate archer, would not one suffice t" A CHRISTIAN 31Iontasx Ls being organised in New York, composed of members of the vari ous city churches without distinction of sect or creed. The dest4n of the projectors of the movement is to enroll a body of men who will enter the battle-field under a deep conviction that they fight from principle and for the sole puipose of maintaining right. A number of recruits have already enlisted, and for two weeks past have been under drill. ........,,,....... Wen Tons —A battalion is a body smaller than a regiment—say two or four companies— and is commanded by a Major. A regiment is composed of ten companies, and is commanded by a Colonel, also a Lieutenant Colonel and a Major. A brigade is composed of two or more regiments, and is commanded by a Brigadier General. A division is composed of two or more brigades, and is commanded by a Major General. Lieutenant General is an office created, in honor of General Scott, after the war with Mexico, and is in this country peculiar to him. THE Doo Law.—Lazarus Barnhart was "put through'"last evening for permitting his dog to run at large without a mauls, in violation of the ordinance. The Mayor fined him one dollar and costa. In the progress of our daily reportorial perambulations we notice packs of worthless canines roaming through the city, without any restraint upon the freedom of the bite. In every instance where' the • names of the owners can be ascertained they should be promptly returned. All offenders against the ordinance should be treated alike. After writing the above, information was made against Henry Albright for letting his dog run at large unmnsaled. A hearing of the case will take place before the Mayor this even ing at seven o'clock. Tax Omura - Neimiez. ANNIVERSARY. - Throughout the country, beyond-the pale of rebellion, extensive preparations are being made to celebrate the approaching anniversary of our National Independence. This year, of all others, it should be celebrated with more thin usual "wrap and circumstance," and we regret to find our neighbors of the Patriot and Union throwing cold water upon the movement to that effect about to be inaugurated in this city. In all the cities and large towns eve daily, where wealth is concentrated, should money be expended in celebrating the Nation's birth-day. Every poluilbie effort should -be made to recall the earlier heroic days of the nation, when, to secure the independence and the blessed privileges we still enjoy, our fore fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honors. Now, indeed, should these soul stirring events, commencing at Lex ington and ending with the acknowledgement of our independence, be revived in all their brilliancy and glory. We trust that all loyal and patriotic citizens will participate in the meeting to be held next Thursday evening. Let the work of preparation be commenced at once, so that we can say, as they do in Phila delphia, that "the coming Fourth of July will be a day long to be remembered by our people." We have the material at hand for a splendid demonstration, without mush expense to any class of citizens. By the fourth the several regiments of the State Reserve Militia now in Camp Curtin wilt probably be fully uniformed and equipped. These in connection with the various die compauies, Free Masons, Odd Fel lows and other civic associations, will make an imposing pageant. With little trouble, and a trading expenditure of money, we can get up a celebration that will be creditable to the city and worthy of the octagon. Let us do it I DIMLY= OtIT or CAMP.—MTEISMID BOIOEDI.— The report that a volunteer was to be drummed out of camp at six o'clock last evening, at. tracted a large crowd of people to witness the operation. Several days ago one Yobannes Steinmets, a member of the•lron Artillery com pany, of Montour county, was guilty of an act of insubordination, in disobeying orders and personally asiaultiog one of the officers. He was arrested and committed to prison, where he was coufined for four or five days, and dieted on bread and water. This punishment having no salutary effect upon the fellow, he was or dered to be dismissed from the service and drummed out of camp. Accordingly at six o'clock last evening Yobannes, with. his hair closely cropped, was escorted coat of ,camp, in presence of the entire command, to the tune of the "rogue's match." Humiliated by this public exposure and punishment, and fully realizing the disgrace attaching to him, the man rushed to the river and plunged into the water with a view of ending his miserable ex istence by drowning himself. In this he would have succeeded, but for the timely intervention of some persons who happened to be close at hand and went to his rescue. He was taken to the lock-up and confined during the night.— This morning, being in a more tranquil state of mind, from the effects of the cold bath, which superiuduced a rsfreshing sleep, Yohan nesconcluded to live a little while longer, and gathering up his "traps" made a speedy exit from the city. The example made of this man was absolutely necessary for the good of the service, and made as impression upon the minds of all soldiers who witnessed it that will not soon be forgotten. We sincerely hops that Camp Curtin may not be disgri!ced by any mok . ;! ) pucb exhibitionelluting the contirt of the war. poinspluania lair t elegraph, Qtraesbati itfttrttaan, tune 11, iStil llforta WAGONS GOAL—Tills forenoon thirty or forty more camp wagoaa left the gortrn ment depot in this city for Chamberaburg, to accompany the troops from that point on their southern expedition. His Coumnox.—The ioldier who was severe -1.9 injured by falling offthe roof of the Arsenal building yesterday, was removed to the board ing house of Mrs. Johnson, in Third street near Pine, where he it still lying in a critioal condition. ligamtarr TROOP.—This splendidly equipped body of mounted clvalry, recently organised in Philadelphia, have tendered their services to the Governor, a Committee of the company having visited our 'ity to-day for that purpose. They provide thiir own equipments and horses. Dzen.—A few wieks ago, as our readers will recollect, a Mrs. llawley, residing near the rolling mill, was setionsly injured by the acci dental burning of bir clothing. The lady lin gered in great agon of body and mind until yesterday, when dealls put an end to her suf ferings. ANOTHER. Mai Sat.—This afternoon e. sob. dier in Camp Curtin, whose name we did not learn, was shot in the leg by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of ens of his comrades. He was brought to this dty. The nature of the wound is such that the limb will probably have to be-amputated. TKO Gamin Longs of Good Templan of Penn sylvania meets atDnncannon to-morrow. Dele gates left here to-day to represent the Wash ington Lodge of this city. The order 18 repro ,vented to be In &flourishing condition through out the State, the membership and number of lodges hating largely inciwased during the year. VIOLLTENG THB Kumar Oanorapros.--A ger man butcher, . John Panlis, was complained against yesterday for selling meat before the hour designated by law for opening the market A hearing was ord.:red for seven o'clock last evening, but John was too drunk to conduct his case, and It was postponed until three o'clock this afternoon. CHANGS oa PROGRAMILB.—On the occasion of the flag raising at the Lancasterian school house to-morrow evening, Col. A. J. Herr will deliv , er the address, owing to Mr. Lumberton having been called from the city. An address will also be delivered by one of the pupils, and the members of the State Capital Band have volun teered to furnish music for the occasion.- Tus Dun* or SOLDISRIL—The past month has been one of inactivity among our volunteers so tar as active service is concerned, and yet much has been done in the way of instilling into their minds the theory as well as the practice of dis cipline; and when discipline with its inexorable . iron rule is fully enforced in an army, it is them ready for duty in the field and not before. The fact is, it is a difficult task ta take free, in telligent men from the plough, from the work shop, from the desk and from the otlice where they have been as free to go and come as the winds above them, and then put on them mid around them the stiff, unbending harness of military life, compelling them-to walk 01:1 sti line carefully laid down with square and com. pass, And to eat their meals, exactly weighed out to them, and to be permitted to go here or there, only by special permission ; this leans hard, but the duty to be performed is a hard one and the soldier must first learn to "endure hardness" before he is fit for a soldier's duty. Order was "God's first, law," and we see the sparkling worlds above ue, the silent woods, the glassy river, and grand old hills about us, only because each atom and each world forever moves in its appointed place, firmly held by the hand of the Almighty. Only "When the burly burly's done, When the battle's fought aid won," can the soldier lay aside his oast iron garments and strttch forth his arms With the indepen dence,of a free man. Many of the boys, with out looking philosophically at the matter, think it rather dull business to be shut up in camp, anxious, nay even spoiling for a fight, and yet are "not in at the death." They even imagine that they are becoming rusty for want of contact with the'rebels. Now all this Is very proper and shows their hearts to be in the right place, but they must recollect that it re quires as much bravery and more prudence sometimes to hold back than it doss to go for ward. • Ir sante all the rage at present to have every thing Philadelphia in our city, M. H. Lee, 69 Market street, has oonciuded to call hie store the Harrisburg cheap umbrella and parasol store, where guods cau be bought in hie Hue cheaper than in Philadtlphts both whoicssie and retail. Prompt att•ntion paid to toe pre paring and covering of umbrellas and parasols. Norton.—Lisso S. WATUBSIUM, aid to Gin. E. 0 Williams, from Camp Slifer, was in toivin yesterday, paying a flying visit to his family. the Col. looks gay and every Inch the soldier, speaks cheerfullyand confident, and thinks the Secession troops would be well satisfied to t have the privilege of buying their goodaat the`cheap cash store of limos & l3owite.s. Lost I— A Poe= Boos containing a Dia mond ring ; two ?lain Gold Rings, stamped 22 and 16 caret, and over Five Hundred Dol lars in gold and bank notes. Among the money was one $5O note on the Danville Bank, and one $2O note on the Harrisburg Bank ; two $2O gold pieces, and $BO or $B6 in smaller coin. A number of papers were also in the pocket-book. Twenty-five dollars will be paid, and no questions asked, if the finder will leave the same at thia office. jell--dtf New Goons PROW New YORK ADOTION.-60 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, 121 and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 8, 6 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavelle Cloth for 7 cts. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs' for 121, worth 25 cts. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 81 and 87 cts. 15 dozen towels at 121 cents a toweL— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 25 cta.. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. ItiO pieces of the best Calico ever sold for si cts. 50 pieces Broche Bordering very cheap. A large lot of bleached and unbleached Mnslki. Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. Iswir's, Ehoad's old corner. ROM One to Five , Hundred Dollen r i ck at cm ear -told:re or ~ a a zarmitaim, - o tia. 9a Elenthilleeend street. -.- FOR SALE. A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DIIPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. nialiible u cornnuing, regutanng, and remolivg a . obstructions, Isom whatever cause, and I. ways auccaudsl id a Anus tire. rt - IHESE PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in France an. America, with unparalleled success In every case ; an . he is urged by many thousano ladies who used them, I. make the Pills public for the alleviation of those auder ' in. from any irregularities wha..ever, as well Sc to preven an increase of family where health will not person it.— Females particularly situated, or those supptving them selves so, are cautioned against these Pills While In the condition, as they are cur to produce miscarriage, am the proprietwr assumes no responsibility after tins admit. nidon, although their mildness would prevent any mls chief to health—other:was the Pills are recommendeo Full and directions accompany each box. Prirs Al 00 per box. :fold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BARN VAST Druggist, No. 2 Jones Bow, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladies," by sending him $1 00 to the Eiarrisbarg Post Oilice, can have the Pills sent tree of übserValloll it any part of the country (confidentially) and "free or pm lags" by mall. Sold aso by ri. S. Slums, Beading Jothems, HOLLOWAY A COWDEN!, Philadelphia, J. L. Dm Iteellia Lebanon, DANIEL M. Harmiti, Lancaster; J. Kum Wrightsville • IL T. Hamm, York • and by on. druggist Is every city and village in the Hilton, and 03 S. D. Holes, ole proprietor. New York N:ls.—Look out for uounlerfettf. Bry no Golden Pill of any kind unless every oux trsigned D. Howe. A. others are a base imposititut and ululate; th..raloro, a yen value your lives and health, (to say bottling of bi • lug humbugged oar of your muney,) buy , only of thus. who show the signature of S. D. Howe' on every but. rehich has rapidly been added cit acconst o: the pill. being counterfeited LINO-taw/early. THE GREAT EN GLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES uularB CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Prepared front a Preemption qf 3r ✓. Clarks, X. D., Physician hbaraordinory W the Queen. This invaluable inedisino Is Quailing in the cure et al those painful and dangerous diseases to wistab the temak constitution is subject. It moderates all mesa and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy care 'may be relied on. TO It&RRLEO it is peculiarly milted. It will in a short limo, brtng OD the monthly period with regulsrtty. Each bottle, price One Boller, bears the Government Stamp or Great Britain, to prevent. counterteits. CAUTION. These Pats should riot be taken by /males dexiby tke MST TIMM MONTII39f Prwf 4m447, as they are sirs to brin' an Max' wrists, but at aary Wow time they are tale. In all cases of Nervous and sp inal Affections, Pain ie the Beak and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, ralpita tlen 'of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, hese run aril effect a cure when all other moans have . failed ; and at though a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions In the pamphlet around each package which should be carefully preserved. ' N. 11.—k1.00 and fl postage stamps enclosed to any an. thorized Agent, will Insure a bottle, containing 60 MB, by return mall. Fe' .111111 by C. A. BLIMVAIICT. tyli lowly LOWORTANT it FR. RAKES DR. CITEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheesemaa, Id. D., SEW YORK CITY. 11 .11L combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice y are mild In their operation, and certain In correcting allirregulatitiee,Painiel hihruarnatkma, removing all oh Mrtictions, whether 'from - cold or otherwise, headache, Pain in the chte, Plaphation of the heart, whiles, SW ner. vote affections, hysterics, Istigne, pain in the Dann and limbs, ho., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature . TO MAULED LADIES, Dr. cheeseman.s PUIs ;ire invaluable, as Amy will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Wiles who have been disappointed In the ase of other Fills can place the utmost eOrifidence In Dr. Cheesemaa's PtDa doing all that they represent to do. NOTION, Share is one condition of Ma totals system in which the rats cannot be takes =thaw nrodnetng a P/COLLdit mum. the oondition t eferted to to PRBON4NOI" the mult i 111.40ARALIGA. Oink is the srresisitZte tendency of dia sondadiss to mans ko sexual flanstions to a norinal oondstion, Aca toss the swooned*: pawn. of nations tossed ram Warranted purely Vigetabl*, said ltee from ehythlng Work* Sqllicit direettemi,' which kboold'be road, so companyeach box. Pries SI. Sent by mall on enclosing $1 to Da Cmoration i. lasonesmix, Box 4,634 Post Macs, New Tort City. • Sold by MP i VOS to every town to the United EMU* B. B. HUTCHINGS, • General Arat for the United States, 14 Broadway, New York, lo whom MI Wlttinata orders thorild be add, u..d„ Sold In Harrisburg by 0, A, Hamases"., novWdawly HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE! Wm. A. Batchplor's Hair Dye The Original and Best in the World All others are mere toutationa, ar.d shoald be avoided if you %Witte taupe rub ete. ' GRAY, RED , OR Roan' HAIR dyed Inatattly to a beautiful and Natural Startle can Blue,, without , Injury to Hair or ditto. - FIP'PEZDI stEbAis and DIPLOWAB have been award ed to Wm. A. Hatobelor al/x*1859, ant orer 80,000 ap plioetieue hsve been made to she Lir of his pAroas ut his bosons dye. • WE: A. BATCHRLORI HAIR DYE prodnoes a color not to be distinguished from nature, said is warrutoso not to injure In tooeast, however lung it may os oontu• ned, and the ill Ohms of Bed Tet es i emeweeti; the Hair invisorata far llfe by Oda solenoid Dye. Sold la al cities sad town. of Um United Relates,. by Dinulats and Fancy Goods Dealers. The Genuine use the na.ue and sdims upon • smut plate engriviug on tour aides of eath box, of W.L. LottA. BATGBALOR. Addreiti CHART M Basicanol, Proprietor, Jerl•d&wiatr St Barely street, i.e. York. W. A;BATONELOR'S HAM DYXI SPLENDID HAIR DYE has no oqul—lostoutaneons to eto.a.—Bealutrul Moot or Asuuld Brawn—no staining .the cola or injuring the Hair—remedientheabliord ace iB effect at B.d Dial, and Insigoratee the'Hair rot Mb. No ua are seuaion Wen. signed'"W. A. Batchelor." `Sold tverywd«ro. CRAB. HATCtinlOtt, r'morletor, btrett t a* To dawtagl L Clamor:limn of the Siecle Paris . , the gave Wllalit 0,011 of kraut:a wri.ss trout Tunis, 411111/ 6, ii 1011110.8 "Our college of Philosophers at home, may, awl pro eati,y de ROD mplialt a greet neat for the amt.e o. sale Lee but the Americo' are the words to.turn the n 0t.c00..r. ma to , tactical account. Meurer t to moderu.i.Vsatauk - In here aro Awed= and o At:Qom:an cimmia, Dr. J. U Aias , of loins% a minks m .isti of tb • tnedt.:ibe coubumen to Una OOttatry. Els worry PeOtOrat, tHin, darsawirtilit any Ague Vara cuut.tituto the maple ream- . 4.04 tiara, because .hey are of easy application, sure fu" their re..alts, and have 'be cobildeace of ink peupo While the a.loros of Mental°e is osrr len to a I gh , r ter. T,ctionin err own country (Wrauco) hru wale u her, .1 'nista a Frenchman/Pi a nude tuaul r tbat emetic:to Phyalclin shown tarnish tae minittal ilUt end rclttedies fir our . Pnocipal ?roving... A e are happy to Inform our reader; that these t ape. der men, Wines wniob lee SIIII.cgOeS Principal l'rovinue Is °biked to get from emetics nay be had oy our neigh. bore, at O. A. Dannvarl'a, C. K. Koller% D. W. Gross h. Co.'s, J. M. Lots's, Holman & Co.'s, Armstrong, Bar. taburg, am dealers everywhere. J.B.dawlin PURIFY THE BLOOD. Moines rail arm sap PH(MRIX Eros 'rows alt Mineral Poison.—ln 0.305 of amoral& Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Sian, the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing in .a few dayn, every vestige of these loathsome disease by their purifying eftota ou the blood. Whoa Fevers, Fever andAgne, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and In short, most ail diseases soon yield to their curative proper ties No family should be without them, as by their timely use much suffering and expense may be saved, Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New'York, and ital. by all Druggists notretr.ty MANgoop. HOW LOST, HOW = RESTORED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPEREAf oR BREA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous ness, Involuntary Embalms and Impotency, resulting from Sed-abase, Stis, By Bobt. J. Colverwed, M. a— gent under mad, to a Pala eqvipopt to any padres:l, peat raid, on receipt of two stamps, by Dr. miss . J. O. KLINE, 12.7 Bowery, New York. Poet Office BOX, No 4,686. m2o.6cadaw THE DR. KANE REFRIGERATOR. I= superior REFRIGERATOR, W WWI several other cheaper meg be d at the nouteteetory, et eireeediests low Ipritel. Also, Vest variety, or WAVOI COOL/0/44 or sup , dor Web. ' 8. FASSON & 00.0 • Dock end Peer streets, Ptdlidelehle s spe2lo.sm 33 fro 2burrttgernents TO CONTRACTORS FOR SUPPLIES. We hereby give notice to all those who may be contracting to furnish supplies to.tbe State, under the recent appropriat on of three mil lions, that, having received the power under that Act of appointing inspectors of all sup plies, and other poser also in reference to . the settlement of cliims, which was not delegated to us under the previous Act of April 12,tts, we shall hold every contractor to the most rigid iccouutability in the settlement of his clairie, and the inspection of his supplies roust be of that character which shall prevent any imixe -ition upon the *ate, and protect the volute seers who have so nobly responded to Its call ; and DO supplies will be paid fur until they have been insp-cted by I fficera who shall have been duly appointed for that purpose. HENRY D. MOORE, State freaanrer. THOS. B. COCHRAN', Auditor General. NOTICE TO TUE PUBLIC. THE UNDERSIGNiII CultiMir3SlON. j„. of Dauphin twuoty, lu pursu Ince of an let of the 'fleas al A..a.inoly of the Commons alba of Penn -ylvania. approved the led) day of ea), .1801, t witted `Ali act to itUlhO 'll4 tae Cu amt ...loners 0 otUphin men. ty to appropriate IL certain sure of looney for the sup. port or the smith= of Volunteer. derma Its pretuut war," do he., int wto the Imolai that [bey will matte a .o in to tee amount et &Md. n t 'soma g Ism thousenu do lam, for 'Allah bin a will l e I see t f...r a term not ea ceding cou s attached, ltp the pay west o ha f yoi.rly It Grew, t'syabfe at the Comity Treasury se d er mot said Loads are to i.e el-ar of a i l talattoo. to therefore booed wet the: • aid • no ins le will ate ueb amounts as he lead re wit. deem t i will be t ty takeu by the pat 1 ti, elpit dots - 0 • others, without resorun4 to 'postai talatiat at the tune. JOU I ,utia BFH3l , mlsolosent f • Attest—JoespE bi gpat 6110 3lat, LIME. s‘Cutrk. my29-daw SPECIAL ORDER,' NO. 1. muLD Quarry:as, P. M. Berruhtny, May 27, 1881. Quarter Master General R. C. Hale is ordered to forward the clothing, as per requisitions dated 28c1 May last, by Colonels Harhamft and irDowell, of the Fourth and Fifth Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteeis, in place of sending it as heretofore directed; The Fourth and Fifth Regiments being now in actual service and in great need of proper clothing. By order of the Qoutmatuder-in-chief, • JOHN A. WRIGHT, my2B Aitlde-camp. GENERAL ORDERS, NO, 12. BRAD Queargaa, P. M. Harrisburg, May 19, 1861. I Major General George A. fil'Calt is assigned to the command of all the military forces of Pennsylvnuie, raised or to be raised under the provisions of an Act of the General ASsembly of the Oummonwe ilth of Pennsylvania, enti tled " an Act to create a loan, and to provide for the arming of the State." . He will, without del4,lrrnosed to organise these force., according to the provisions of said Act, and to select convenient locations for suitable encamping grounds, for the instruction of tbe troops. By order of the Commander-to-Ch)ef, JOHN A. WRICIT, Aid-decamp ORDERS 'NO. 2 Hz&n QUARTIMS R. V. Co,RPS liennesnuaa, June 6, 1861. I. A Department of Ordnance and a Depart• ment of Transportation and Telegraph alit be established at these Head Quarters. 11.- will have charge of the Ordnance Department, and Lieut. Dol. John A. Wright will in like, manner have charge of the Transportation and Telegraph Department. 111. The chief of the Ordnance Department will receive and receipt for all Ordnance and Ordnance stores required for this corps. It will be his duty to see - their all State property placed under his charge and appertaining to his Department is pieserved in condition St for service. He will issue the same only on requl siii.ms countersigned by the Commanding Gent eral ; and he will perform such other duties as may be assigned him In connection with the °ideate( e Daps' tatent. IV. To Lieut. Col. John A. Wright, Chief of the 'l'raiaste•rtation and Telegraph Depart- ment, is committed all arrangenteeta and con tracts with Railroad and letegraph companies. He will have prepared all nez. stay forms, and I make ouch arrangements wl h the different Trausportalon and Telegraph companies, as will secure a regular and eurrect settlement of their aceounte, and devise and prescrtbe all regulations requisite to give emtiency to the but-iness of tue Deportment V. All coders for the transportation of troops, bu Signed by (tit Cm/moulding, General. The order of the Lfricer in cba.ge•of thin Depat talent, together with the certitiotte of the officer in command of the troop, that the setvitut has been performed, will be the proper vouettere for the settlernent of the account, and ail pass-it to individuals, will be. signed by Geueral McCall or Lieutenent Colonel Wright. VI. 'lbe Chief of Onizmuce, Quarter Master Geueral and Cumasise uy General are authoitg ed to make requisitious for transportation of freight over the rdilroads of the State by form prescribed by the Chief of the "fransportation end Telegrlph Department Such rtclui,iti , na, with certitic4te of service performed auitexed will be considered a aufdt.ient voucher Iu the ,ettlement of amounts. VII. All laid or ao.ounts oraervice perform ed by re.liciad or trlugrapb cowpaniee will be forweided to tue Ctdet of the Depertaueut of transportation and Telegrepb Mutably, and Inupt have hie a, proval before-they are paid. 1,3 y order of . Ovs..GllOl3OE L. bIoCALL. EIENILY A. tiurtetra, Captatu and kid.de Camp HEM VV ORCtitiTEß'd ROYAL QUARTO DIOTIO beat deliutug aud pruuo , ttoaary et the Ragheh i.ugaaga ; Smote lactleaarare. WeoetWa Pieto vaaot inctianattea for tale at SCREFIrEit , B Neer melt ap13.11. . . . HENRY- B[IA 1i../kbfGER S Frop door above in lant street. rttooded to. sa-.PapPr hung for 1S cent; • wiry, wit:mated. FUR 8.9 A BUILDING LOT, si .111 l risiburg, fronting on lire ug ba. k .181 feel, more or lowing on ode ride the g rope - For pardoulur enqcdre et Bergner's BoOtatOrei ' May 8, 1884. , FREIGH7 HOWARD & Short and Quic' • NEV GOODS 011DEP Ttißl* Lem 1101 Ir Presa 'bath, arr WJTIA Order Good thmere " :Bract For Carat WOO Etna of travel SA' 'armpit:lt ..et Northern Central Railww CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TOO T 2& D 4LT TO £MD moll 33 T I 1.1 0 12,E u . N AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 9th, the hummer Thihw 404 ""wr. way will leave Harrisburg audAhl tutors as earn a— (10 IPLO SO U TH. • AIL TRAM will leave Harrisburg at.... 1 90 P EXPRESS" " • ....AI OU a. it[. EIaaHLEURG ACCOIIHODATLAI V all • asi my'2B d2w RET II N 4. %CAM 'TRAM will leave Baltimore at..:.,1.15 A. Pi LIPRFN , TR4IN33 i P. EIAARIBBURG ACCOIIMODATION IM pg O P. ag GOING NOl ' l4 All TRAM *yes Rarriablarg P.M um 8 &06 " Tat ooty !rile burin r earl&Aug OR Sonar WII the tilith, It 3OJ A. a.; and "you, Nary,at CO P. Y. For fortbar mamma= stpilly - it Om clittika gosh oteltroed Depot • C.lo3tidttl., tem ri.rpahmv. Nay !Q.' Tl6l.4tir Hit MR LIAR ROM THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NSW IORIL TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, v . ls6la l Nazi:ger Trafturwiltr ri le o r P r ladelp Yolat"at NlZelpbls, ; 41 01a4: t ett : 4 EASTWARD. EXPRIa LINE leaves Harrisburg. at 910 s. a. on er rival. of Penes) Iseult Railroad Shoran Train him the Went, arriving lo New York at 4 p. in. A sleeping oar Is attached to tim tram through from Pittsburg withod shau,se. malt. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. at.. arrivleg New Yak at 4p. m ad/ PhiarirdPbet at 1.26 p. cu. FAST LING haves Harrisburg at 1.40 p .en wag of Pennsylvania Rallresd Fast Wall, arriving la Neat Tork. at 9.46 p, tn., and Philadelphia p. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New Tom at Ea u a. shit Natalie, phis. at 8 a. a., arriving lat Harrisburg at I p m. NAIL TRatN leaves New York at 12 00 nova, and Plall adalphla at 8. 16 p. na., arriving at Harrisburg at g p.m. RIOT Ita LINN lances New York. at g p. m., an 4 ving at Harrisburg at a 8Q a. m., and oolumetlng with the Paansylvauut Sumas Tree for Pittsburg. A slapping car ie also attschal to lute rain. donseebons are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Penns, LVELII64 Hartman Central and taimiserland TaOq Railroads, and at Re [or Philadelptin, Rottsville Widisabarre, Allentown, ebcaWn. Baggage checked through. Faro between New Tor and lie. rlsburg, $5 00; bemoan Harrisburg and Yeti delptda, $8 26 in No. 1 cum, end $2 TO In No. S. For dokeis or other informatisaap a dy to J. J. CLT DIA Hensral Agertt p Harrlsba taylb PENNSYLVANIA RAIL RO ;" SUMMER TIM TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY 'T FROM PHIL' ADELS ON AND APISH MONDAY, JUNE lOW .Phe peaseesee hates of she rehaept pany will depart trona aed &Mel, Philadelphia as tallow; EitSTWA LINS leaves Hartiabarg Dioaday) al. 11k a. in, and rm. 614.1. , a. al rH'WUGH EM:P101229 TEAM at 9.20 .. m., And Arrives P so. RAIL TRAIN leaves Nan day) at 6 /.5 114 Orr Lu.l6 p. m. itsse malls makeelleerss he ~New York Lime M.OOIOIIODATION r Mavis Ilarrobarg ' .411111410110111 at 12 0%) HABilleHlate Af leaves darri, rtutevielpttir e. 0 ii.ol.ol4lrjj leavv- Firer, vine wittA Y phis ai 10 r V ✓, `' } J -4 -4 crl -.-, , MO 'NOTICE. IB OE q i ~~ . I v 1 OE • F.b_., t ~~ EE t4,rt MS EZIM t o 1 • 4 t ... , . fr • ..) EMI , , M I Ell Ell Li 13 IS e +;,iNk, MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers