THE, TIELEGRAPII PUBLISH ri#3( DAY„ 13y GEORGE7,I3.RqNER. PERMS...—Si • Rbuitmayorgipzr.. _he DAILY TELEGRAPH Efferv*l to .subsutibers th :or ugh at Byi, cents per week. ',Yearly. -Zubsuriher 111 be charged 24.00. .-i. ...... ......... WZNICLY AND 9131;1-W.IIIILY . 3 tit' IaTLINIRAPIi to also `published twloe u Week during :Le session of the Legielatureottld weekly during the der of 'the year, eadThrnished to fnibsOriberss at the Seth i:ig rates, viz: tt. 1 -1 1t:giu Subscribers per year Seven C 4 TC7I CIES Val LAW OF WIWEIRAPIRB. , suoscribers order the' dliiscontiMainee ;Of their nem, pupers, the publisher may continue to Send them , unit) tia arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to .--e their ne %- Jou from the office to which they ara directed, tlasy,are 73,!iinsible until they hay* settled the -Nibs and (((((((((( dig discontinued tine 9 of (I.ravel 8z gransportatielt PENNSYLVANIA RAIL' ROAD': SUMMER TIME TABLE TRAINS DAILY TG AND FROM,PHILADELPHIA- ON AND AFTER I,WDAY, APRIL 15th, 1.861, the Pi trains of the Pennsylvardaltaihnad Com. pony will dopart from and arrive at frallisEstrg :and Pkolao.oll4o, follows - ST W &HO. . . rtifti.ilßlEl EXPREO TRAItt - leirVes 'Aarrisbarg as 1.15 a. m. akiltiTe . at - Wcilfi*hicipliip4t 6.10 a. m. FAST LYNN: looTewdairg--,6-6 , -4 0- - m —mr. i -mOl arrives at Wept nuladelpl4l4 at 10.05*. m. . - FASO k1.4)11= WC* EtiMilisburg , - arrives at pailacklyalikst_6./. 0 -P.-m• • • the New York Uses. . • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No.. 1, via Mount Joy, leaves. flarrAborg at TAO 4u:di:, and= arrives- at' West Plilladalcanaintl2.3o=p. „.. - - CACHO. VRO- ACCOIMODATION 3114111 .vta Colum bia, leave§ Errrksblikg atetAg P.4ll,•*ialknivps:alt Waal Phitadelphtk 926"p.'iyr." Accotticitatogetis',uN, via Mount Joy, leavtis Siarrii% at 4.20' connecting -at Diller vine w.ioll ,•9., BM. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; - and' arriTes at West PailadePtilt. • WESTWARD • . fyiaol3,4 .Ptilladaiptua at 10.45‘'d „Varkl , stitirg. at 44toona' rives at , littOttrg. aft2.4o m:' - • .61..erf''' - teayea', philactelPbla ,•at 7.30 a- • my:; Hirrlsburgl..lo AltOonit, and ,arrives at P4iatiarg at 1240 p. - ' " P.4.. , .r:14: , Pir loaves Piallattalphle: ' . 'll:ACi a:Ebirris;. burg 4.11,5 Altoona - Shlp. arrives at Pitts-' bur g 63 1:99,9- , ft AP..IcIBIIT-14G z i ACCOMMODATIO.II.• TRA.114.-lesvea trittdeifialti'2.Bo..p.; : nl, ; LanApalgrz .oolt umbraB.4oP. tte',' arritta ay Illarriabm:4,4 8.04 p. tn. ..I.CC&StiOVA'tlakfg, ' Mayo] Philadelphia, at 4.1,10 p. LdtiaahterlA p.'n4. - Namit_Jok 8:28 p: la., Eliza: betotowa, BA& p. mad , tirriMar at ' HaiilAttarg at ; „ • Affection la to tha, j fagt, that, paaszagers lei - iltng Plailattelphfir trt 't.tte 0. m., connect at lanbaster With MOUNI',..FOY-ACCOMMODATION TRAIN; and arrive at RarriabAtg at 9.415i.p,m, • ' BAILIJEL D., YOUNG, t aptEigt Riv. Retina. Elitrpack Epl2 ktiAttr.' f i. - r•omsTE ~,.:. DlARRllitrild IiOLEAA ANTIDOTE, For the cure'd.these distressing maladieS44lo4 4l * Every soldier should procure a bottle of this valuable medicine before they take up.thoir lbw of march. ifoi sale at "e • , ''':if t;i.' ; C. 'A'. EtOiNV:iitT'g;lYrug 81Airi3 my2-dam : • Harrisburg, Fa, .FAIMER'SIiOTAL; J. rintE subeoriber - bege leave to in orm A friends and the putdm-tnat he hae taken theseaftal 'Ewa HOTEL, in Marker;etreelihili . ptsiti tee.a fficej txuaerla J. Stahre:Vhere - he is prepare V) accommo date them on reasonable terms. Having rentted and farnlshed , the•lfouse•entirekrdew,-he Itopea b etriof itt; tentlon to:basinese, to receive i:hbirareAre or. ninon. age. EtiP l4 mirl" :R G:TE'reitß", PROF. ADq4fll-p. , TE - Qps-a7 W 0111,1) . reErpec:tfullX3gfirlik patronatstitithe continuo to give Instructions, on the 40(0 TQIITE; LODEON, fsibisafeactfor THOROUIaIt EAEsz . He VIVI:YIP re wait upon pupils at Wear homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given at Ws residence, is Third street, a few doors below the German Renamed church. deolboatf liii/ . . . • z- .- I 6 ..,. ~ . , • .-_,::,-,\ , v ,--_______-_,- ER, • • Ai J. IR t '' ' . • .. • '-' •• ' ---------:--- . 7.7 • C ,'----------- i) .: . , ---,-- • *',6 \ iltifil>. 49' - ~. - MIZE 2. 2.00 12.00 18.00 VOL XV. HARRISBURG, PA,. SATURDAY. AFTERNOON, MAY 18, 1861.. NO: 15 New 20nertisimbitit NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS; PECIFICATIONS a:dopted by. the. Coen- Commissioners of the counties of-Dauphin and' tltiiy, for the building and coustructinn of a' Public goad, as recited in the Act of Assembly, hi the &B&W -inewords, to wit .. • nOILON _That , the Commissioners of- the several . coun ties of Dauphin and Perry are her•eby 'authartied and Instrunted,..lmmediately atter the passage -or-thiii Act, to lay out and construct a good'andsubstantuill road, commencing at a point near where the Turnpike. Bridge crosses the Sus.qtretiannierrial„. In Watts township, Per ry county,. and.r.unnlng along Towing Path of said Canal, such distance as will enable them to strike the Turnpike iwßeed townshiDauphin coumy, near Duncan's Barn, lint! not to.i.interkere;witlriardT6wing Pdth4scoas•to ob. arrant navigation or otherwise. SzarioN 2. That the several counties through which this :Road passes will' be 'entitled to pay' for thems.kiug of enty: as much - of-4hp same as•passes , - through its own territory. "APPROVED, April 13th, 1860." _ Therefore, In - pursuance of the - aboVe reoltedlci, .Ronitnissioners of Aaitf countles;its aforesdid,laaVe adopt ed tue following Specifications, to wit : ..Ist. That the said Road shalt be made aneconstruct: ed in strict accordance with the Plan or Prefile eh* on tilein the ottLes of the County Comdthishinerti resteot. tvely named. The material used must' be of 'a 'substan tial description, such as earth, graverm tiOth; . ht which stone may form a componeat part. grid. The said Road will be let hithe - loweSi, teepee . - Bible bidder or bidders, by thirOubic yard • rip: rapping 3d, Proposals will be receilVed by the'Corillnissictueri of Perry county, at their oilleVin Bloomfield, and also at the office of the Commiseibleis'bf Danphitrehinity; Harrisburg, up to MONDAY,':THE 20th DAY-OF May, at 6 o'clock, P. 51 , 1861. 'All proposals 2.0 . 12 e. on W,blank specification, which may biblidfill applica, Lion to either of said officeS, - byletter or othniwise. - Efaitl i contract will be awarded on the 21st day May; at 101 o'clock, A. 21., at the Junctiiicr House, on - Duncan's Is land! "All proposals must be sealed:" -- 'Teems Will be agreed upon on the day of Letting. • - Fi nin -rag np in Dauphin county: ..... 2, 218 • ppping " up in Terry 1,991 Rip-rapping in " ' 2.53 Aggregate The following communication ie herebLerdered tobe published, and to be annexed to the s4l..lipeollioetiens by the Commissioners oforesaid : „ - . . , Omos OF 13rENERAL-SUPERINTENDESE OF:' --- - WHO: BSANOII AND SUSQUEHANNA CANAL.COMPANY-, , - --- Northumberland, Nara 18, A. D , 1881. . -- COMSUESIONEBS OF DAUPHIN CULT:NTT : - - '.' . '-- - - Gentlemen :—J. A. Gamble; Pitaidentot thib Go - iiiPatiy,'. has boael a permit to the foolt-tliiider; at Nbin"Huitalo,... to all* you to boat material tIU freoitat a: tbad - oirer Eluting's Gut, at the Junction-. 'He has al9o diracttiTme 3o:1111:np the embankment at the Turmilie'l3tidgb". at samelplace, which will be done tit soon 'as 'the Canal . Is: - navigable: Hospecitally yours, ato7,'-' :" - - ' J. DIFIFFENSAOHER :. ''. I . Qprtoral S.apolintendent. . ; JOHN S. MTJSSER-- -' - , • .. • JACOB BERM; -- -'- GEO. 4ARVERIO.Ef, ~, . .. . . . .. CommissipperB of Thauphin-Co.- - . . -Atteot—Jonnt Muiagn, Clerk:- - -,,- Lap3o-deiwtd • . . .. - . . STEAM WEEKLY_" BETWEEN NEW YORK - - . . AND LIVERPOOL:, '; ..... _ LANDING AND 'EMBARK.INCI: PA,D, _LA SFNGEItS at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver.. poet, New f ork and rittlaaelphia hteantatdp company idteiU despatching their full powered CLyde-budt it on Sitalniships as fo.lows CIO' OF Sttturday, 1801 May ; RAN 61AlittO, Saturday, 25th Mayg_. ‘ hTNA, Saturday, tat ;ti n e;; and every Saturday, at Noon, ,frcim Pier _44, North River. I ,b71t511 CABIN $76 03 LEBRA.Gi.... 880 00 do Ito London $BO 00 ,_ ; 49 to Inwion.„l3B 00 Steer* Return Tickets, good for .Bix - 00 . Paseengers forwarded tci.,P4is, Havre, Hamburg Bremen, Rotterdam, Autwerki, 4c., at reduced through " i r9 s d ersons wishing to brlttg 'Out their friends can buy tickethere at the following .rates, to New York From livertioin or gzeoostown; IstOabin, $76, *SA and, slo.s, 4zetalie from LiTZfiloo/ $4O 00 From Queeristown; 30 " - The.e Steamers have superior accommodatiene. for,. paesenOers, and carry experkenodd Surgepue. _They are built la Water-tight iron Soctionsi,and have Bateut Fire anntrulztors on board. for fdrkmer infermation ,apfdy,.• at the Company's 0111 cos. INCE. G. DAIE, rig4t, myl 41 1b liroadwaL.,l4ew Or O. 0. Zimmerman, Agent,gareisiarg. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- ••• • • - /IE4I, undersigned having been.appo,inta I;: . atditor to distrioute among creditors , thUtaliiion'te? mainin in the hands of C. B..Miiier, assichneV Job Sueely, of Millersburg, Dauphin countyy.wilt -attend- to . the dut -s of his appointmeat at his office near Market ; street Harrisburg, on ihursday Jane -6M- next:- eV .o'clock!A. M., where partieslu interest may atterid: , l; they. Manic proper. ROBT. L. MIIENCR.-- , ---- myRI-dit&w. Tle West Chester_ Adri WEST CHESTER, PA.,:within two 'hour's ride from Philadelphia by.tliaLFisinsyli'a- , Oa Central or the West Chester direct railroad, will re- Rime the duties of the t..l3,l[Mtin•TA'Rlt oitthiimaincnAr ov Mavitzarr, and close them on - the Lesr,stavot , Sfalfirhi; HER. The school, therefore,ls '.in session,zduring4tiei suggirat MONTHS. Pupils are received atiatij , tine at. .pidPortionate charges. The average number cif-students: is 85; under the charge of nine. teachers. The French; German and Spanish languages are taught I.l4.lsiativw Iteetdedt , instructors. For catalogues, apply. to . • . WM. F. WYESS, A. M., Principal, L. apl.-2rad At . West Chester. Pa. REDUOTION PRICES ! MERtNaal, Plain and Figured. OASESIERtS, Plain and Figured. . ALL TOOL PELAINES, Extra . Styles and Quality, 13.1t00A LONG SHAWLS, different price; FINE' STOCK OF BLANIiET The prices in all the above HoodA, ou exannttaitint,.wl . ll be fount' "lower than ever," at ... =24, Next doorto the Hart4tolrgjEtealr..i.:;. HARRp-Bußa, 3Tay_ QUANTITY of Bags , Checks and Ging hams for sale by the dozen-and pleca ; cheap for caele 4 at the DAUPHIN COUNTY PRISON:- myS,Stn - . NOTICE. a . 1 tterelestaretentary:to,ol4 I : O IEREAS estate of JIILIANN.S. C. RLSHE_Fc Me of the Ornittrisburg, have been gratitedTo the sitba4o4P,.4ll peril:Me; Indebted to the said eatato are r g erPleled make immediate payment, and thbie . ci/Htes.,ex, eMand.a against the estate of the said decedent wUi makesnown the same without" delay to . ap+2 fS'ar d-oaw .101 IN H. HRlGPS.•,Exeontor., - - BOARDISS Single and married gentl enter( accommodated With boarhidt, 'with. 61ngie. opeOm - muralcatine rooms at the N. E. corner of Ifiirket and SeCond street, 19 the honstrforme'rlyesc.iiMed,ky k.ol. Wells Ceverly. Terms rtiodOitte. „ . myl4l,4l.wci SAMUEL . , SOHEFFERIS: - .1001( STORE, ELARRIsBugG BRIDGE.) ITNIO N ENVEL-6:PES. OTE PAPER, of six differtirift . ii:sjitiii N printed ILL two colors, sold" by thsAiisnnCand„, am at City Cash prices. - c - aa FlagsrCeion. Breast I..s . „,gailles, ynion.Atnga: -and-Badges at very low prices. Cali at myS SOBICFST4 , B fiCcirgßoAE.,) :TIAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET;_ ST I',Lf - ' EURRlSign!liii4telit for 14LLIE'SATENTZL .:;: ' :' ; Otighi and Chilled Iron 1 7 Tre 'and 'burglar Prool 151.406.1 7° Mfi1i. SLiotly the ONLY Mercantile Safe made, that la both Tire and Bargtar ?roe mar294ly RE 44 INDEPENDENT IN ALL THIN . ,O-S-7,NiEtTRAL IN NONE." The Governor of Pennsylvania bas- received 4rom the War Department, at, ashing ton, the following announcement, in .reference to the second:requisition.of made by the Gen eral Government. i!Ten,Regiments are assigned to Penney' va- Dia, making, in addition to the thirteen regi inents of three months already called for, twerity,three. regiments. it is important to , rediwe rather than enlarge this number, And in no event to exceed it.' P,entusylvania has already furnished to the United States service twenty-five regiments.— Of Ibl,s number at least ten regiments —the amount of the second requisition—have sip& 'fled a willingness to change - their term of ser- Tice, from three months to three years: -- No more companies, therefore, from this Common wealth can now be received for the. United States Government. By order of the Governor, Commander-in- Chief,- - - ' • E. 11:-BIDDLE, . , . Adjutant Generii, The . Cortimander-In-Chief P. M., directs the following circular tothe-different Railroad com panies in the State of Pennsylvania, to be pub lished for the information of all parties con _ °ern's& To., 4,750 garae," -, • The following Rules are - established to facili tate the settling of accounts for Transportation over your Road, of Troops and Munitiona of Tirar : First--The State will not be Jespon,sible for the coast o(Traosportation of any Troops or 'MOnitions of War, — tmle,ss your Ciirripafiy; ihkotigh its Agents, has been instructed to pass' •theni,.orthfiofficer_ in_ command produces au thority, (a telegraphic dispatch to be considered authority;) from the Governor, directink such ,Transportation, or ti . pass from the Governor be produced and handed over. • • • -- - Sei•ond,. = -That the proper Agents of.. your Road be instructed to require the Etignatures of r ,the officei- in" command to a certificate, a copy of which •is annexed, copies of Which' Will' be furnished: you, certifying to amount of services Psiformed ; to ,which must be. annexed .thei _order under which the troops moved, or, an, order to yOlit agents to furrilsh the transpcii ttitiop. certificates, add - orderit attach,. .eci, will bedonsidersd by, the r proper Auditipg, DepOrtments;rWheii ap - provectbithe Governor, as - vouchers in the settl'ement of pant accounts. account for the Transportation of, Tioops must be produced andsertled. to and inchide the last day of each month, or as early is each suciceeding mcinthas Possible. order takes effect on the . first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixtytone. • By; order 'Of the Governor and CoMmatider- _ • FORM. OF CERTIFICATE. I hereby certify, that the. . , •.• ... Railroad Company has furnished iranaporta.tion Pmr to ON STATE GOVERNMENT SERViOE Pk order of -which order is Iter'ewith' attach-ed.' . -..,.1., ..,.,..1861.1 ._fll - . B. The number . olic;idlers, Horses ... welg t cif 'Pfeld Pieded'and Animunition Inuit be w tten-nt length Itol. A SHORT—TTIVIE—ONLY ! e'''''' - '" -" . ms .til• I* FRANKLIN. , , - - , Optician from „Philadelphia. ,: Ogre In 1 -Factoryl:l2•S9uth 4tle Streit, below Cheetßut.) 'Pikers 40 tlie,pub.lio.of . garrieburg a - 0. IL/vicinity: for a short time longer his g . etterally,ep : 00 0 i . . .: .. -.- • 'CRYSTAL -. SPECTACLES, with the finest Elliptic Lenses, mounted in Gold, Silver or Steel, and suited to the eyesightwith - the utmbet ac _ 1 - MiCrOSCOPeS. — ' :OPIj .4 AND .MARIATE ,OLASSE S. E if 4 . COPES,'esnecially' for the use of officals of . the A EQSCOPEB and .STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS , in. the . 03titest possible variety. ),lATEIEMATICAL, PHYSICAL and SURVEYORS' IN STRUMENTS, as low as in his, establishment in _the city: EI UMANARITFICIAL - EYES Inserted. _ • r:ee Third Street, near Walnut, idieM Shil ini the-Tele- Sro.4"-Office. , .. .. - - . • ' .myl7 FREIGHT REDUCED..- HOWARD & HOPE EXPRESS 00. Short and Quick Route to and fioin 1W YO . ' GOODS ORDERED ,114 THE. "MORNING, _ME , TURNED ' THE SA.EtE NIGHT.... • iwavel brew York at I„ti t by Fast Through' Ex press Trail], arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M., WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS : Order GoWsp .marked via. HOPE EXPRESS CO., ' • - Geileral office, 74 Broadway, New :Todr,, BraiabE r" -- •!` For,furt4inprixet;ionlnquire of _ fpq GEORGE BERGNER, Agent. CI andSusqueharuitv a eie j ADJOURNMET) MEETINI, .AND etion of the :tockholders of the Schuylkill arid E u s q uehinxls.Boilroad company pill , be heldlt.T.l,. A m a mi Haepit tbccity, of Philatielpl2l4,,Tentisy v rd, Deitley, assi; 11, , 0 7 e10c1e lityfor srput:" pose of choosing a President and six managers, to serve fe the ensuing year, and also for the consideration of such other business as may properly be brought before said meeting. FRANK a. BOND, my/741W Segretwy, New 2Duertkeitmuts GENERAL ORDERS, NO: 2, ADJUTANT. GENERAL'S OFFICE, 4 1 1 7 4bur9, 111 aY 16 , / 861 . I. JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de-Camp HEAD QUARTERS, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, Harriaburg, May 15, 1861 .Aid-de•Camp.: The Confessions and Exoerienoe of -a3l ' • • PUBLISHED for: the..lwnedt and , as a warning and a,caution to young mcu who ,sctfer from Nervous Deblitty,Prefinitur6 Dedi'y, etc.; supplying at the' same time,. the means .ork Self. Core, by,one. who cur, a himself, atter being pinto great expense through medical imposi lion'and quackery:. ' Sinktoseeplesinay be had of the' au . = thor, (9,rnextet, litercem, gcq„Bociford, Sings, county, N. Y., by eucl&ing a postpaid addressed envelope. apl9.Bmd.. , • , ,:MANHOOD. HOW. LOST ; HOW- RESTORED ; JUST -PUBLISHED ON THE - NATURE; TREATmAtiT.APD...RADNAL CURL .OF SP.EAMATOS RHSA or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervous ness, ItivoluntalTiEMissions -and' Impotency, resulting floni Self-abuse, &e. By ,Ilobt. J. Culvtrw,ell, g. D.-. Sent under seal, in ei - plaiii - enveliiPe, to anyititdiess, post Dahl, on,. receipt two ,stainps,.by.Dr.:CHAS.• J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office Box, No ' ' ' ' • m2O-ornclaw - PURIFY TEE BLOOID sionAa'staps Paw AND P.Hpux Preefrani MirrerrePotticitti.LLif clitei of lle,roful'a - Ulcers„Sonxvy, or,Freptionsof..:inti,Skni,-the operation Of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing in, a few-days, every vestige of these loathsome diseases by thelr purifying elfects ou the blood. - flillious Fevers, FeSer and Ague; Dyspepsia,_ Dropsy, Fires, and In short, TOE all diseasesi.soon yieldAci.theirourativeproperties mily should, be without them, as by their timely use,rhuntriiiifferi* and expense may be Saved(' Preparld gpfTAT, 4 New. York, and r Bah) by all Driggisia covOw -ly _ . Coua.u.s,‘The eaaddenchatiges Of , our -Climate ar - d'sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial_ and :Asthmatic factions. Experience that‘sitiipfil'etitie. dies often aelispeedtly. u_ertainly ,when taken iwthe early stages of the disease, recourse should, at once be .had to ,4 13rowesiitroncbial -Troches," at -Lozenges, - let the Gold, Cough "or irritotlon . of thu,Throat be. ever, so, slight, this priMailtion a more sartous attack may be lOrded: off. ,1 3 ublic Sfieskers-and-Singers -wilt Sod theihieffectnal for clearing and s trengtheriing the voice. SeCktlYdrtisement,' • - deld-d,swaiwfiai TH E '_. DR. KANE REFRIGERATOR. -getter superior, .4EFAW,BIaTOR,, . to ,. walk - eeveral other cheaper styles, may lie !baud, atahe , manufacturyi at exceedingly low pricei. • Also, a groat variety_ of, WAT.4II. GpWq#4!, of , aupp- Aorllnish ' • - • ftprlll6-Llsor " A CARD TO . 11 P LA DIES. . DRS DUPONOO'S GOLDEN, PILLS FOR FEMALES, Midhble n •correcting, regulating; and renioving ;obstructions, from whatever cause, and id., " wAYS' - Sucoessfur ti" Priven live. rpfftlS.F.; PILLS _RAVE. BEEN USED .2.1( . ca) `doctors` for many years,. both in France ane Amerwtyviithmtharalleled success tn •eivery-case rein !fumy thoussha ladies who used them tc make he fctr - the alleviaftsid of those rildfeAni' f rom yjrcagglarities_whattiver,,as well as.ta prevent. an indrease of family where health will not permit it:— Females partichlarlysithated; or -those supposritg thein• set - oes so, are cautioned,against„ these gale while 11&111! conditlonoisthey produae miscarriage, ono the prOPYietor assumes no reaponsibility-after this-admit nitlon; although their mildness would prevent any mis chief So health—:•otheiwitle. the Villa are 'recohnnended: Full sod explielt directions accompany each hot. ~ Prise $l.OO per bbx. Sold wholesale and retail by . ' , ..; , CHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, • • No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg,,Ra,; , "Ladles,"' bythinding hittilL'oo - to 'ttiC Bitrrisburg Post 45alpe, can have LgieFills seri tfree..of observatiOn•tc , loay4irt of the country (confidentially) and ,"Tree of pos tage!, by mail,• Sold , also by 'S. Sxsvnrs t - Reading; - JoureiO; SOI.I . .AWAY & COYMAIN, BERGER; Lebanon, DenIEL H..HBrtsau, Lancaster; J. A. Wout,:lYrightsville and-'by one' 'druggist in every city and villagein the, littioh ao and by 4,l).;flolvx,'olieproprletbr, New Teirie ' • N. fi.,,,Ltyslt., outfor counierfeitsi—Bny. no Bolden Pilot of- tixt hind unless'every box is signed S. D. Howe. ,40 others are a • basei imposition' 'and-ton Mel' therefbre,'''ag - ' Yhtliollue yourlives and health„(to say nothing :of;, bs.,, ing huintitigged out of your money,) buy Only of those who show the of -S. •D. Howe on , every box, whichhas rece4ly been added on account of . the Pjly, being cOnnieribiLed• 'de34ll4olY. Officers and Acia, Horses. .....Field' Pieces. :Ammunition. TILE,GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR. JAMES rtaidatilm,s . . CELEBRATED - - FEMALE' - PILLS. • " Prepared.from. 'Pres-on:pHs» of Sir .f. Clarke, M. '.0.; Phystc , ian.Fotrnordinory, to ktiolettgert. , Thin niVainable medicine ie unfailing ha the cure el all those painful mid dangerous diseases to which the female constitution , Is subject.- It moderates all &cease Mid re ! all. obstructions, Anil. a. speedy cure mar be relied qu. LtOitllgs itcni'penuliarly suited. — It will 'ln a `nlaisre the monthly period V with.reguLarity.l,...--- Stamp bottle, m - 1 ice 1:.110 to M rue Atamp Of GFeat Britain, prevent couniertena. I CAUTION.. Them Pill" should'not be ' &ken Ai female:l "the FIRST W1T.W.410217.TH8g,f Pregwaucy, as they arestr't to bring on Misoorrnspe, but at any ; other time they are tu all (wasp(' Netyous and Bplattl Aftoptitaia,Fain In the:Back 'Aia firlibe, Fatigue on slight exertion , Palpita lien °lthe Heart,. Hysterick mid Whites; +hese' Pine wit effect a; cure when all other means have; failed ; and al . Mot& poweilut remedy; - do' dot cOlatafti lion, eiloinel, a n t iin° 4.Y , 9LanTOllng Itartfutto.tha constitution. Full turections in the pamphlet around each package w hielt should be carefully preserved. N. B.'—sl.oo and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Ageht, Will'insure a bottle, containing - 60 Pills, by return.maii. , , , 9'o. cola by C. A. asetkvAki. iy9 . . IMPORTANT TO FEMALES .„ DR. 1 .O .ELKE SA,A L -Preptlied by COzierius L. Cheeeeman , M. p • E'W' "'Y T Y T:combination:of ingredients in t thti6e th, i ARA° requiter ailong ant extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting:ell Irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all'Ob • structiorm whether from , cold or otherwise, headache, pain in th; side, palpitatiOn of the heart . , whiles, all ner• volts . affeetiens, hysterice,. fatigue, pain , in the bank and 4c., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption • • T 3 11 44.). - i-ADDIE, Dr. Cireaenian's Pills are invaluable, as say will brine 'on the tuonthly period with regularity.- 'Lr.dies who have been disappointed In the use of, other Pills can place the utmost confidence itine."Chbeiterdiullayilis doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE • .Thfrels ens coattitiors or MS female system an telt Ote PiTts.,.tinnet , be-tcaten- ustliot;S -predacity aI'EqUIZIR 'RESULT. The condition referral to is iteIiGNANCY—. the, —vesutt, fISCARRIAGA. &eh is the wrens/Zit tentiencitof 'the at-edit:lite to restore' he serual, fiatatioreeio a iw rnic a c0n" 1 51 , 7 . 4 hal , Tt!e 7 t. ;Pie . rePrtid4r4ive -Palter of stature cautforresn't Warranted purely yegetable r and -free -from anything hijurioios. Explicit directions, which should be read, as each box. ' Price - '4l! ' sent by mail dri 'enclosing 11 to Da Am. -1031, _Post °Mrs, New York Cify. fold by one-G, %mg - Latin-every town In the-United niates , HUTCHINELE, , Garieral Agr.cit for the United Statei, • 191 Broadway; New York, ToitahoM code s should bc add,' 4.4 gold in Harrisburg: ;•nov29-d &No y 7 47 9.49,?0' 11 P411 ROYAIiIOUARO , DIOTIO.N ABU - 4HE be- deft ' Jest defining and pronouncing - Mb- I.iien' taken by the U. S. sloop-o) tionary of the English language ; Also, Worcester's Lords for the Federal Government. School Dictiquarjes. Webster 's Pictorial Quarto and The steamer P. H. Webb, arrived at Havana School Dictionaries for sale at scHEEFEws BOOKSTORE, from New Orleans under the U. A. fiag, but Near theElarrishurg Bridge. was sold and transferred to other ti p 19134 NOTICE: s .B; rS..FARSON Ar, Gor• Dock and Pear streets, Philadelphia BY TELEGRAPH. From. Washington. ARRIVAL OF THE LOCHIEL GREYS. -a- MOVEMENT OF .SOUTHERN _TROOPS. The North Carolina, Election'. TEXAS RANGERS AT ItICHNOND. THE NIAGARA BLOCKADING CHARLESTON• Winans not Released Unconditionally, THE REMAINS OF WASHINGTON Seizure of Ada`m's Express Goods. Ex-Gov. 4eeder Appointed Brigadier General. CAPTURE OF PRIgE STEAMERS. WASHINGTON, May' 17- There are all sorts of speculations as to the coming beginning of active - operations against the Smith. - 'Silt no one knows positively what is the programme.' - - Virginians arriving- here declare that no at tack on this city is designed. 'Ben hi'Culimb, with some of his Texas Ran gers, is Said to be lit Richmond, and proposes grand' exploits' against the Federal forbes. Inatin,Wbowell has received his com mission as Brigadic; QeneTal, and will have an Important command. He is from Ohio, and one of 'the beet officersthe army. The Harrisburg imehiel Greys arrived"bere at midnight last night and were quartered to day. ..The,y also, paraded_ in front of the White _ 'Hottse. , Priytite letters'front Southerners now in Eu rope, speak :very discouragingly •of the pros pects,of. the Southern Commissioners now there, endeayorlng to procure the recognition of the. Monigoinery Government by the European .powers:::; Mayor ,General Bntler has been ordered to cOnkmandnf am_ important ~ e xpedition. to ttielikottitwardrbitt - its - eracttlestination, is not, known. The Charleston , Courier. 'bays that off - Sunday lait Gen. , Beatiregafft went to visit the different 'part; onAhe corittt .191,,50uth., ,Carolina, to make locations for batteries. . -The Savannah giuli rzah ea:34llf has good rea son. to -believe . thet; if `not - 'already - done; - a change will soon be effected - ln -the Cabinet-of President Davis. ID will extend to the War' and'Attorney, General's offices - and it - is under- _ stood i liv, Walker arid Benjamin are- to change places. -- The Stauraton,(Va.) xitectotaz says that '.:the consecrated remains of General Washington_ -have been removed from Mt" Yern6n to Lei ingtoa, to prevent them from being desecrated by the Hyena-like Vandals of the North."' -- The Richmond Tapers, announce the 'arrival there of the advance guard of the Texas Ran ger& ...The North Carolina election, on Monday,- re sulted in favor of the Secessionists-everywhere. rti Murfreesboro, prepino - t, ,Kennethltayner, re.. ceived 100 Totes, W N SMith 6 and G. C. Moore 4. Aolespatch from Charleston to the Savannah' Rebublican says : "Wagner:s improved rifle can-_ hOn!bas been tested and. found to throw . a shell. seven,thileii. Prepaations are on foot to com pliment the Niagara with a few." - " SECOND DISPATCH The, stateinerit that Mr. Bess Winans of tral timore was uneonditionally'released•is unfoinid; ed. There is authority•for•stating- that he was only ipleased,by order, of the. Government on giving his parole of honor that he would do no act openly or, covertly hostile to, the, govern. , meat et the Milted Stales: • kgeneral array order has been issued stating that there will be added to the general staff of the artny.four quarter,Masters and eight assis-_. tants, to be promoted and elected according, to theoxisting laws and regulations. Therd'ivill be added to the 'medical depart: meat two , surgeons and twentrassistahts. The surgeons will be promoted from assistant sur .geon and the assistant appointecbfrom civil life, after haTving passed an examination by a board frem the itledierildePartmentof the armY. Die public; notice-ofnppointment; and' time - and place otmeeting of the board will be given. .Mr. Sterbert, Superintendent of Mount, Ver-, non, saysitere is no foundation for the report that the remains of Washington have been re moved from their - resting placer - This is in ac ,cordance with* statement emanating frotrlthis • corresPondence.. •• • ~.. Brigadier General Mansfield. to-day, issued, orders; as follows : «I'ordered . by telegraph 'the agents Of . the Adams Express, at 'New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore that in future no express -mat ter, inclusive ofi letters, will be ,permitted to. go soutii'of this city in 'Virginia.' Last even ing Col. Stone seised; by my order, the express' matter, and stopped all contraband gOods, and . allowed the go ;forward.- •_ Ez:;Gov. A. H. Seeder, of Pennsylvania, well known in conneetton witlitlie - early history' of Kansas; lras to-day appointed — Brigadier ,General by the :President. I :There-opening of the line of :travel from Baltimore north and north-west has been the signal for "a rush -of 'travel'" to Washington. Yesterday and to-day's trains brought hundreds of passengers.. • •The Irish brigade, over oue thousand strong, tendered by Major Mulligan was to-day accept ed by Secretary Canierbn for 'service during the war. 'lt is•probable that their • destination is . Washingtm., , . • - griv Tomr, Pi! : steamer apohe arrived this evening . trom Havinis;'Orribk 'nth' Mk Nassau On'the 18th. The health , of 'both plrices 'Was good.'" ' ' stearner.Ordsailery 4.kievane, from tit - Nest reports that,: the yacht Warster by thiit. S. slow- if fttam tinting Hating procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper that it eau be done at any other es: :ablist intent TD the country stATES OF ADVERTISING 00 - Four lines t.r less constitute one-halt square. Fig mee or more than lour constitute a squard., ITO Square ono day one Week. one month.: three months six months one year..., One One S Nara cthe day 4. one one month._ three months EiX months._ one year 407- . TlOSiness notices inserted in the Lied coftsmn -- ,ei nsfore Marriages and Meatifs, - FIVE Cwl's . PER IXlet or, each ic:iertion: • 44 -Marriages and Neale tt , be charged as . regulat advertisements.., , , „: THE BLOCKADE OF CHARLESTON HARBOB. CHARLESTON, May 17. The Charleston Courier reports that on the 12th inst., the - British Baft'Hilgh'frkneLffei: pool was refusedentrance into that port by the 11. S. •steam) frigate Niagara.' The Britiith'shiPs Monmouth and Gen. Parkin. were also ordered off. The British ship A. was pursued but she ran into shoal water, and was towed up to the city: The British ship Susan G. Owens, bound for Liverpool, was boarded by the Niagara and then permitted to pass. ' CAPTURE OF STEAMERS The steamer City of Richmond arrived from Fortreils Monroe, reports that last 'evening When thirty miles sfiath fd Cape Efenlopert; saw the steamer Live Yankee with thies prize steamers in tow, bound North. - Orders for building one of, the new seven sloops of war have been received at the Pkila delphla'Navy Yard. • The ships will be pushed rapidly forward to completion. MISCELLANEOUS , . A COLORED 80ENE ON. T.= ROAD . Wassrusa - TON.—Wh the New York SeVenty-first were at the Junction, between Aunapoliwand Wash'. inglon, a very dilapidated darkey, whose -gar ments were of all imaginable hues and.a perfect labyiinth of rags, had coma into camp to sell a feyv eggs ; while he was there amither ebony hued individual came in, vastly important in his demeanor, attired in clean, checked Shirt, blue jacket, aud jean pants, with cowhidefshoes and felt bat, and in every respect a perfect Tur , veydrori in deportment. "Stan' back, you free nigger," said the last comer; "de gemman don't want nuffin out ob Oat baskit ; why don't you poor free 'niggers" work and do suflin—(aside)—lazy debblls, aka wufl der salt," '• , Soldier="Are you a slave ?" ,Darkey (with a • broad grin)—"YaaS, bod, ain't nuffin else I Never seed a. free nig wid sich closes as dein on, yah, yah 1," and he jerked back the lappet of his blue jacket a k Una worth: _ "S b' Mugs to Misms, ober on - de ridge dar. Nlake ..plenty money now 'mong de'roger mans." Soldier—" But you have to give the money to your mistress, don't you r , . Darkey—"llM:m ! me! Missue to do wid dat money, boss ! I ain't 'gwine to keep heti ari.havema lay eggs for - Missus. Missus don't pant 'em. 1 you onlyjokin' wid nigger now." Free Nigger (with a dolorous whine)---' "Spoae old Golo'ner wece dead, an' left too free: nigger, dat my 'u:;, eh ?" _ • • • - - • .51417.0 (with dignit3)—''Don't back, man; _ . go "viay; g'long sell dam dugs ob your'n— .T. know you're'hungry.” SIDES 301.D.—Certain_.leading Union Men in, 4-eltti;t l- 4 tkPlae-tt: to Piave fallen - jut° _ linOn consenting to recommend the arming of the State., vibMil&ier ties,• reitt esay to fee - that - all the behefit - of • this bargetit wi 1. inure to the disunionistar-by ,ylttuenf the certain law of, ,r,evnlution,_which, always gives the advantage to the extreme With the Btate--iu the lands-of a Military` ComMissi .n, presided. User by Governor= lira there can be but little doubt that the. : Unionists of Ileamo'sy will have been guilty of. taxing thermelves to put areas in tbellands of their enemies. -- - _ _ That the secession of Kentucky will involve the immediate destruction of slavery in that State,. - even the distinionists themselves freely admit. This- result,• with keen fore Sight, Is now clearly announced by -the anti-secession <moats in that State. The Louisville Journal, ,in a recent editorial onthe - subjedt, -- sayi "1' . 13e - passage by the Legislaturo di a - law - of unconditional emancipation, within , threa Months, of all.such.slavts as.should accept the boon of freedom, would not extirpate slavery front - soiT either more utterly or, more speedily than the guing of Kentucky into the Southern Confederacy.would produce , that re init. !Many evenof our secessionists feel this great truth in spite of themselves. We know of ,scoree, We'have heard hundreds, of ar dent_ secessionists in Kentucky, who, in- eX.• peotation.of iher secession, have sent off or are making arrangements to send or take off their sle - ves, into the Cotton States, as the only hope of not losing them." Thtis in Kentucky, as in disrupted Virginia, slaverY is woundesl in the Lionise of its friends, and receives its death-blow from the hands .of- Men who would murder Liberty in its defence: Of - all,, the Marvels of history there is none that equals this, and no more signal vindica tion of tne ways of God In man.[New'Yiiriv Sent JAPANESE . PltahNTS.—The Japanese-hive Sent home in the Niaaara, the vessel thatconveYed the Embassy .to Japan last , year, a number of presints to the President of. the United States, May Ors of„, cities, and other civil and military officers, in return' for the,riunierdus; gifts'iihOw ered upon them by the American people: Fos the President, they sent one- set of -armor,ia roll of: striped velvet, tbitty.rolls of ouzo, . teen rolls of red and white silk ribbon„ ten pieces of laclter work"of different kinds, a very large -punch boOvi, two pieces • of furniture, seven pieces of,. very fine crystal, ten pieces of orna• - mental gilt bicker boxes, five pairs of bronze flower : vaces, fifteen rolls of colored satin, twenty pieces of flowerer craps, and twenty pieces Of •red and white crape. The other 're-' eras .arbrtiostly pieces of crape and a few swords. SornmitS' CLontmo.—...The "btotlil 'ng for the United States arnarand the navy is all inapec te a l by competent persons. • No. cloth • Can. 'pass. that is not of the required fa.brio and strength. PantS' or 'coats made of army or nay 4 0 th wear like iron. A gentlenittii Informs toi that he wore a pairof pants made of it an entire year in traveling through California, and • did not: wear them out. Soldiers in the fdeAinan wAr Wore siogle suits all . through the war, and brought - them out whole: It'rquires'a Severe rain to, wet through one of the-army overeoate. And it is economy, ix two reasons—its durabili iy is such as to make it cheap in the end ; and it protil.cfe - the soldiers inthe worst of weather, so as to greatly presertelheir good 'health: 1 4 A ThiarrOlt/inset —We are dbi i f ed that'somii .1 hetiy bUys who are sinking an oil=-well ; of fe.r.abwe tun mouth of Dankard etee.k,;lateene ecuuty, seized and strung up the by ;utterance of treasonable . sentiments- The traitor v$ as quite ffirpie - Whlia mime of h li is friends ran to the rescue and saved him from a traitor's doom. We must say however that we do not approve of this summary lynching. It smacks too much of soot 91 -war St, „sot , I. G- 4 0 ....... 2,00 .. .. 9.00 f 00 10 00 PHILADELPHIA, MAY 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers