THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (eI7NDAIII lOCCEPTED,) By GEORGE BERGNER. TEH3 , lB,—Sinicass a/iw=mon• The DAILY TUE:GRAPH is served to subscribers hi th , orough at 6)( seats per week., Yearly snbscriberi 111 be charged 44:00. • ' WiIELY AND KIEH-WEEELY EILEGRAPiI. - Tae Titsoasett Weise publtshed twice a week daring the sessionpf the Legislature, and weekly during the re. ,nalnder of Uct. year, and furnished to subscribers at the %Vowing raise, via: &Ogle Subscribers per year Seven. . -' ion TM LAW OF NEWSP.AFIEfi I,sobaoribera order the ciaseontintmace of their news daiorarthefahhaher may continue to send them oat] Alimmriearsigers areepaid. if subscribers Hoglect or refuse to take their newspa- Perm. Oval tho oillso to with% they are directed, they are resPeSslblo until they hair^ s ettled the Wile and ordered theta.dlisotratinued. lEEE 41i0 4,4 SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER OR GOLD, EM2EM i IT WILL REBIOfIE THE WEAK, .11,1sTATE j TKE IN ALL rrs ORIGINAL 'VD,OR AND PURITY. PROF. 0„ J. WOOD'S REKT'RATIV-E CORDIAL, BLOQII RENOVATOR. • _ , ihalteciaelY, What iisuame indicnto ; for, while pleasan to the taste, it is revi.ii3 log, exhilarating and strength ening to the vital newer.. it also revivifies, reinstates, — and_ Mews ,i the bloo ail its original purity, and thus --reltOtetraild readers the' system invulnerable to attacks oP divasse„. It iS the - o fly preparation over offered to :the wq,rld iniltionular form io es to be within the reach, of chemically and Ekillt ally combined as to be the most powerful - tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act tn.perfeet accordanee with the laws of nature, and lattice soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the di ,gestive organs, and allay all nervous and other Irritation - . ~ „lt le also perfectly In its effects! and yet ills - ,fit by laesitlide or depression of spirits. It sdomposed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining Powerful tunic and soothing properties, and cooseguentiy a a never. lujure. As a sure preventive antautoor CONSUMPTION, BRONCHTILS, DYSL . PEPSIA, LO •S- OE ..f . APPETITE, FAINTNESS, NERVOUS. IRRITABILITY, -.NEURALGIA, PAL - 1 1 11 '4 11 N 'MR HEART, hiEI.,AN ()DULY, HYPOCHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGITOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL TEIAT.CLASS OF CA SESSOFEARFULLY FATAL - • - ' - CALLED :.FEMALE WEAKMS AND TIES. - tHERE IS NOTEUNG rrs "EQUAL Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Livor Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, or any genera ide rangement of the Urinary organs. It will not only cure the debility iollowing canza and lEylltt, but prevents all attacks arising from Miasmatic loflueimes, and cure the disoaies at once, if already at tacked. ',TR/NE=B should have a bottle with them, as It in ' WWI , Orecerits any deleterious consequences following upon change of climate and fritter. - As . it prevents costiveness strengthens the digestive Thrgins; it, shOtild be in the hands of'.all persons orseden ' lAllti9 not accustomed to out-door exercise, should %Ways omit: ' - 'MOTEIER.9 should use It, foi it Is aperient relief. Taken „p month, or two before the final 'trial, she will pass .the treatithl-period with perfect ease and safety. . There is no mistake about It. THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR ' .MOTHERS, TRY IT . And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or deabse not only of your daughters before it be too Iste, but also your sons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather. than let their condition be known in time, the latter are so , bilett-mixed up with the excitement of business, that Bit were not for you, they tco, would travel in the same downward path until it is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we are sure yours:lever-flailing affeetten will unerringly point you to Prefossor , WOOD'S REnTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as tee remedy which should be always on hand in - time of need. • need what the Press say after thoroughly testing the matter, and no one can have a doubt. PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL.—It is ree corded in classics that Payche was once sent to a climate warmer than the West Indies to procure a sample of the beauty of Proserpina in a box. After some delay the messenger returned, and as soon as the lid of the box was removed out flew all the ills that flesh is heir to.— Fortimateiy hope was found In the bottom of the box. Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial revives the recollection of the story, for It invigorates thehlood, aidsthe organs of digestion, imparts strength to the nervous System, and fortifies the citadel of health, so as to bid defiance to the amaults of disease. It Is a healthy tonic, composed en. tirely of vegetable productions and while it is median• tin as pure Wine, tO isjutious results can possibly follow Its use it is a desideratum in the medical world, and thoseeritto are afflicted with lose of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Faintness, giddiness, Neuralgia, Palpita. totter the Heart, &c., will here find an infallible panacea. 4 iitsliauls Daily Espiess. ,, PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL and BLOOD RENOVATOR is, without doubt, the best Tonic Cordial in the w,orld. To thtse who are suffering from general de. batty we Would recoinmend, its use; for, while it is pleas. kilt to the taste, it ls strengthening to the system, and will at once tend to remove all impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of disease. It can be taken by the weakest stomach, while those in good heal h will at once feel its exhilarating power. We are confident that after using one bottle of this cordial none will be for a day without it—u New York Leader.” ' A PURE, HEALTHY TONIC, and one free from th deleterious and injurious effects sure to follow those in ordinary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfully combined from the vegetable kingdom as to aot in per fect accordance with the laws of nature, and thus' soothe the'weakest stomach and at the same time allay ner vous and other irritations, and tone up all the organs. of athiCh the human body is composed, is offered in Prof. Wood's Restorative ordial and Blood Renovator. Hence, It imperfectly adapted le cid and young. Reader; try it. ,Thousands have already cans so, and the testimony is *Venal in its favor.—" New York Am is .' , kItOPEBSOR WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR, for the cure at General Debility, or Weakness arising,from any cense, else 'Dyspepsia, leery , oneness, right Sweats, Incipient Conaneiption, Liver Othplaiets„ Etilioneness, Loss of Appetite, Petiole Weak. nags, in all Its Miles, also, to , prevent the contraction of disease, la certairdy the best and most agreeable oordial tonic audßenovatar ever offered to the aftlicted, and-so chemically combined as to be the most powerful teak I:ever.known to medical science.- Reader, try it. IT wita. 1110 TOO. Coon. We have no heats ion in recommending Singe we itiow it to be a safe, pleasant, and sure re. used, for the diseases enumerated.--" New York LO- W, Before noticing a patent medieing, we have to be car UM that it will prove itself to •be all that it is venom. mended. And We would say that the Restorative Cor dial and Blood Renovator of Prof. Wood will stand the teat fully, and, in rant, it is without any doubt the first article in market for purifying the Blood and strengthen - ing the system. We have no hr •-tation in recommending Its use to all.—" The New-Yorker." . /,00M TO YOORRELF IN maz.--Elow many in dorme r r Mimeo of •a-fslie delicacy altar from suppremeo,, p a i n , tal, or obstructed mensuration, and think hcrlause they are young that hy•and-by nature will work itself clear from obstructions, and all come in right in the end, little dreaming that the seeds of death are already germina ting in the system, because the vital energies are im- Paktnl, and - ihe_entire animal economy deranged, &Mill tatelll and yet, careless of themselves na they are, if a riSUMuIY were tett before them which wonld restore all the nipations of the system, and reinvigornte the body, they WO, Vitiate it, and thus be-in-time to 'save their. lives.- - Parents, think of this, -- and at once give them a b o ttl e of n il Prof. Wodd'e Restorative Cordial an Blood Renovator.— “The New York Courier.” 0.-J WOOD, Proprietor, 444 oadwayi New York, and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Nio. ,-At No. 444 Broadway, aillhe Family and Patent Medicines constantly on hand, always fresh and genuine. . Ford & Macomber, Washington Avenue, Sole agents . or Albany; Dr H. Snell, agent."for Schenectedy. Sold also by A. IL Sands tcro., corner of Fulton and William streets. ' jan2s.eo thaw ANE • LOT OF LADIES' SHOPPING TRAVELING BAGS Comprising a number o new styles,GENTS' and La ms' Money Purses a Wallets, flue assortment last received and for sale BE JOSEPH CASEY. CASE - 11 ATTOR : & BROWN, MS-AT-LAW PENN'A. ciated together in the Law will attend faithfully and onal ' buaineas entreated to their ,HARRIS trAVING as: 1111 practice of t promptly_ to all profe OHSoo In Third N. B. Coalman° 'I Wren doors from Market in English and German. t combw i 11 lie %ic\ tlit i llts 1.1 S 2.00 12.00 16.00 Pennsylvania Legislature. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, April 4, 1861. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock,. A. M., by the SPEAKER. • • Prayer by Rev. Kr. KDICASD, of Freedom, Penang° county. The Clerk read the Journal, of, yesterday, when, On motion of Mr. HOPPER,the further read ing of the same was dispensed with. Mr. RANDALL, a remonstrance against .the Passyunk Road and Penrose Ferry Road, branch of the Lombard and South streets Railroads. -Referred to the Committee on City Passen ger Railroads. Mr. ABBOTT, one of like import. Referred to the Committee , on City Passen ger Railroads. Mr. SHEPPARD, one of like import. Referred to the Committee on City Passenger Railroads. Mr. DUNLAP, one of like import. Referred to the Committee on City Besse - 14er Railroads. Mr. MARSHALL, a petition from citi7goas of Allegheny county, praying that the lalr pro hibitingithe issuing,,of smailnotas by, the banks of this State may be repealed. Referred to the Committee on Banks. Mr. FRAZIER, four petitions from citizens of Great Bend township, Susquehanna county, fora change in the place of holding elections in said township. , Referred to the Committee on Election Dis tricts. Mr. CALDWELL, one from citizens of Phila delphia for the erection of a* bridge Over, the. Schuylkill at South street, Philadelphia. Referred to the Committee:on Roads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. ROBINSON, one from citizens of Venan go and Butler, comities for the location' of '_a State 'Road in said counties. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. , Mr. GRAHAM, one' from citizens of Butler county, for a State road ftbm Franklin' county, to'Hittanning, Armstrong county. Referred to the Committee oil Roads, Bridges and Canals. Mr. TELLER, one from citizens of Erie coun ty, for the repeal of a law relative to ,tolls on I plank roads in said county. Referred to the:Committee on Roads, Bridges and Canals.' Mr. IiARNSTRY, - one from citizens of, the northeastern portion of the twenty-third ward, Philadelphia, asking to be annexed to Bucks county. Referred to the Committee on New Counties and County-Seats. - ' Mr. SMITH, (Berke,) two remonstrances from citizens of Tulpehocken and Bethel townships, Barks county, against the passage of au Act to annex parts of said townships to Lebanon county. Referred to the Committee on New C'ounties and County Seats. Mr. RHOADS, two of like import. Referred to the. Committee on New Comities and County Seats. : Mr. BOYER, one of like import. Referred to the Committee on New COunties and County Seats. Mr. FRAZIER, three_ petitions from Citizens of Susquehanna county, for the passage of an Act taxing dogs in said county. Mr. BUTLER, (Crawford,) one from citizens of Woodcock borough, Crawford county, for the passage of an Act to empower the ,school directors of said borough to borrow money. Referred to the Committee on EducatiOn. Mr. DONLEY, one ,from the trustees 'of the Greene Aostdemy, ' and• citizens of Cannichtel borough, Greene county, for an Act oreatingn normal school department in said academy. Referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. RILEY, one from citizens of Bucki cOun ty, asking for an alteration of the school law with regard to sending Scholars out of Ohe,dis• trict into another. Referred to the Committee on Educatiim; Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia ) ) one from thirty three hundred citizens, tax payers and' i lvork, ingmen of Philadelphia, praying for the passage of a bill for the erection of public public build bags in Philadelphia. Laid on thetable. Mr. DUNLAP, five remonstrances ) same. ' Laid on the table.. Mi. SMITH, (Philadelphia,), the Board of Underwriters of reference to the bill now bet, regulate wharfage and aboPy age. The petition was read/ MOORE; referred to a seven. LVISENRINf erred to Spy Mr. \MEW Beferree - Mr. SHE; 'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Str-at JOHN W. BROWN. "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE•" VOL. XIV. LETTBBS, PETFCIOI , I3, ac the time, dlosion did .4 7 er as had it s tanding at the s have been fear /overhauled, and as water and but eighty the time, the cause of it remain a mystery. 4rsats.—The knights of the de" are sometimes reckoned ss of non-combatants_ Yet we them warlike, and when the that opened the ball with MexiC . to class more fully or more ably )own South they are keeping up as the following article frouirYi of a late date infficateg :-I; o f of Yazoo Minute Rifles whicllaw ;h our streets yesterday molt ' to glory or some other poinkary, iented by members of the "a The entire complement of t mu. was in the ranks—editor t for en The fighting propensity - 1 appreciated in this compan .d ary, ly officered by the typos. Asir', the foreman is a lien the the drummer, while the col k or kis iciates in the capacity of fif Act us who are expected to 'eat re * have a large number of prid mks, three of whom are from t*ary, The Cadets are also represents/ having .-- wing several printers in thei , to also several of them foundigi tive anpany of this place. it was a printer who capttdiciary, 'anJaointo,while he was maki use of a common soldier. Tt °l the ipeal of le-awake—these printers—a a hand at whatever is goliciary, a matter of regret they sho; ignus fatuus misnamed "Sore ; , vnesta. which is at this time playird “ Such fantastic tricks in the make the angela:weep.” 600 of HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY A.FTERNOON, APRIL 6, 1861. Millville, Cambria county, praying for the pas sage of an Act providing for the collection of taxes and the election of Councilmen for -said borough. Referred to the , Cmumittee on the Judiciary, (local.) , Also, a, remonstrance of divers citizens of ,Gambria :Cdurity, against any change in the ;present, of collecting and paying over the peOr'taxes in said county. Referred to the Committee on the' Judiciary, (local.). Also, twoyetitions from citizens of Cambria county praying that the office of Treasmer of the Poor Fund in said county may be abolished. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (local.) Mr. War.l.ll,_a_remonstrance from citizens and tax-payers of the city of Lancaster, against the passage of the bill for opening Mary street, from its present termination to the 'Thirrisburg Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, (local.)' • ' , Also, a petition from Select and ,Common Councils,of thecity-of Lancaster, against 'the bill for.the extension of Mary street. Referred to the COmmittee'on the J,udiciary, (local.) " - Mr. TRACY, one from-citizens =of, Standing Stone township, Bradford county, for, a law to provide for the. pitches(' of farra and: the erection. of , a poor-house thereon. Referred to the Committee on 'the Judiciary, (load.) Mr.- - WILLIAMS, a remonstrance from eti zens of Butler township, Allegheny, county, against the passage of a law to reform the finan4 vial: system of Allegheny county. Laid'on the table. Also, a memorial in favor of an appropriation for the settlement of Liberia. Laid on the table. Ur. H13.111N;:a petition from citizens of Port Clinton,. Schuylkill county, praying for a State road to Albany township, Berke county. Laid ofitlie - fable. Mr. TELLEE;-tiia petitions for the increase of the jurisdiction of justices of the peace. Laid on the, table. Mr. FLLToTT, two remonstrances, Immer onsly signed, from Tioga . county, agamst the passage of a law staying the collection of debts. Laid on the table Mr. PIERCE, a petition from citizensOf Ches ter county, for an appropriation to the Coloni zation society. Laid on the table . Mr. WHITE moved to reconsider the vdte on the final passage of lioruie bill No..o2,'eptitled ``a supplement to an Act relative to bridgiiin Lancaster county." - • .The motion was agreed to, And the question recurring on the ffinatPas sage of said bill, it was discovered that 'thebill had been sent to the Senate. Whereupon Mr. WHITE Submitted a resolution request big the Senarte to : ; which was Agreed to. ' =lora TO inTSDRAW VITIMIONO. Mount. HAYEMuid BLAITCHAII:1) aikedlor and obtained lease to withdraw certain doge, , . manta.' m93rra or ccki.mwmai. Mr. MOORE, (Ways_and Means,) with a -ne gative ram:maw:dation, an Act to reduce the state tax on real and personal estate. Mr. SHEPPARD, (same,) with negative re commendation, an Act for the further mho- . tion of the State tax. . . , Mr. - r,RTSENRING, (same,):with a n6gative recommendation, an Act :to _exempt the Institution of Lancaster from traation. Mr. ELLENBERGER; (sameilwithaniogative recommendation, an Act to exempt,the armory of the Ringold Light Artillery of Reading from Mr. CRAIG, (same,) with a negative kecom mendation, an Act•to exempt the real estate of the Philadelphia City lustitmtion from taxa tion. . . Mr. IRWIN . , (stoned with. a negatimo recom mendation, an Act to exempt certain property of the Spring: Garden Institution of Philadel phia from taxation. 1 . - - Mr. LAWRENCE, (same,) with a negative reCommendation, an. Act to reduce the' State `tax on personal.prOPerty. Mr. ABBOTT, (same, with a negative recom mendation,,an Act relative to State taxes. I Mr. - GORDON, (Judiciary, general,) as com- I raided, Senate bill entitled "a supplenient rola ' tive to suits brought by and- against railroad 4 companies." • , Mr. BYRNE, (same,) with a negative-recom mendation, an Act granting certain rights to married women. ..awn EI:=1311 ==l Also; (same,) with a negative recommenda tion, an Act relative to Attorneys, &c. Mr. BLISS, (same,) with :a-negative ream - Mendation, Senate bill entitled' "a ffirther sup plement to the Act for•the assessment , Arid re covery of damages on the North Branch - and Wyoming canals. Also, (same,) with a negative reocaunenda lion, an. Act authorizing. the several :comity Treasurers of this State , to refund certain • mo nies. Mr. DUFFEELD, (same,) with an nraead ment, an Act for the relief-of-the--securities of F. Knox Morton, late Treasurer of Philadel phia.. Kr. SPRANG, - (same;) as - committed, an Act relative . to the ereCtichi near townships. Mr. ROBINSON, (judiciary, local,) as coin mitted, an Act relative to the assessment .and collection of taxes on unseated lands in Ober ton township, Bradford county. Mr. Ws:IOTA (saine,} - with amegative recom mendation, an extend the Act relating . to sherif63' and prothonotary's costs in Luzerne county to. Dauphin county. ' Mr. COLLINS, (same,) with a negative re commendation, .a supplement to an Act relat ing to liens of mechanics and others upon build- Mr. _TELLER,.. (same,)_ _with amendinent, an Act , relative to hucksters in Schuylkill and IsTortiminlierland dotoities- Mr. COLLINS, (same,) as oommitted.en' -Act to provide for the erection of a house of ena ployment and support of thepoor for Bradford county. - • Mr. BOXER, (same,) as committed, a sup plement to an Act directing the manner' of serving writs of summons in certain cases in Mercier county. Mr. WILSON, (same,) with amendment, an Act to authorize the Erie canal company to perfect a certain contract. Also (same,) vgitij. a. negative recommenda tion, an Act to increase the pay of Supervisors in the county of Clarion. Air-RANDALL; , 01111i10. ail comiiiitted, a suP plement to the. Act. consolidatniV the city of Phibuielphia. Mr. ROBINSON, (same,) with a negative rozorcsaeadatkm, an Act to authorize the ereo- M:COMDICON tion of apoor house by the borough of Hazel ton, and the townships of 'Hazleton and Roder, in Luzerne county. ; Mr. BYRNE moved to recommit, the bill to, the'CoMmittee on the Judiciary, (generals) Agreed to. Mr. B>Ssr TOTT, (same,) as committed, an Act to authoirse the Trustees of Union ; Seminary, New Bertin, Union county, to borrow money.. Considered, and Passed,finally. Mr. BOYER, (same,) as committee, an Act, for the relief of the Tax Collector dif Luzerne county. Mr. WILSON, (same,) with, a negative re- Commendation, a supplement to anAct to in cOrixrrate the American Trust company for the protection of emigrants, &c. t Mr. CIALINS, (same,) with a negative re commendation, a supplement to an Adt, relating to Arbitrations in Lancaster county. 1 , Mr. BOYER, (same,) as committed, an Act to authorize the Overseers of the Poor to; re turn taxes assessed on unseated. lands ,to the County Commissioners for collection. Mr. RANDALL, (same,) as committed, an ,Act relatiye to the Sharon Iron works in Mer -1 cer County. Mr. AUSTIN, (Pensions and Gratnities,) as committed, an Act for the relief of Temperance. Morris, widow of an old soldier. s. • Mr. SCHROCK, (same;) Senate bill entitled , "an Act for the relief of Wm. Griffiths, an old sol dier. Mr: BYRNE, (Estates and Escheats) as com mitted„Senate bill 600. ML OBER, (same,) as committed, an Act to confirm the title of Geo. C. Barber and others, to certain lands. Mr. REIFF, (same,) as committed, an Act for the improvement of.wet land. • Also, (same,) as committed, Senate, bill 417. • Mr. - BLANCHARD, (same,) with amendment, -Senate bill 481. . - .Aiso, {same,) as committed, an Act for, thq relief of the estate of Wm. L. Brown, (teamed; of Erie. ' Also, (same,) as committed, an Act to vest the - title in fee simple of lot No. 60, to Fannets berg. committed, GRAHAM, (Agriculture ) ) as en Act relative to the borough of Franklin. - .(same,) as committed, Senate bill 75. Mr.. BURNS, (same,) as committed, an Act relatiVo to dog tax in Oxford township, Chester Mr. ANDERSON, (same,),as committed, Sen ate bßrerititled "a supplement to the ' Act for tholAittek preservation of game, &c." - Mr. BIXLER, (same,) as committed, an Act for 'the preservation of fish in the creeks of Washington county. Mr. STEHMAN, (same,) as committed, an Act to repeal an Act to prevent catching fish in Can nociuoche Oreek,Franklin. county. 31. r. WAIN, (Banks) as committed., ,an Act tO incoiporate "the Scianton Bank. . j: . - - 'Mr. ABBOTT, (same,) - with amendment,, an Act tasking it ohliwthiry on the banks f_ this State to' keep their notes at par in Philadelphia., and' Pittsburg. 43LAIR. .moved to re-commit the above - Not agreed to. - Mr. LOWTHER, (same,) an committed, an Ad to incorporate the Mechanicsburg Bank. , Mr. HAYES, (Claims,) with amendnient, an Act authorizing the examination of the daiin of Jesse Herbet. Also, (same,) as committed, au Act authoriz ing an examination of the claim of Burke & Gondor. - Mr. DONLEY, (Road, Bridges and Canals,) as committed, an Act relative to a public road in committed , township, Warren county. - Mr. HECK, (same,) as committed, an Act to establish a ferry over the Allegheny river at the mouth of Oil creek, Venango county. Mr. HECK, (same,) as committed, an Aot relative to Belmont Avenue Plank road com an Mr. •Y• . OBER, (same,)as committed,a supplement to the Act incorporating the Manheim, Peters burg and Lancaster Turnpike or Plank road. company. Mr. ALEXANDER, (same,) as committed, an Act• declaring Crooked creek in Armstrong and Indiana counties a public highway. Mr. OSTERHOUT, (same,) as committal, an. Act to layout a State road in the counties of Armstrong, Butler and Venango. Mr. DONLEY, (same,) as committed, an Act relating to plank roads in Crawford county. Mr. DP GONIGAL, (same;) as committed, an Act to authorize the erection of a free bridge. - ever the river Schuylkill at South street, Phila delphia. Mr. OBER, (same,) as committed, an Act providing for the completion of a public road in Tioga count - 5% Considered and passed finally. The Committee on Corporations reported the following bills as committed Mr. M'DONOUGH, a supplement to the Act incorporating the Bethlehem iron company. Considered and Passed finally. Also, an Act to incorporate the Nay Aug hose, company. Also, an Act to incorporate the Pennsylvania oil company. Mr. HIIHN, an Act to incorporate the Liceur oil company. Mr. SMITH, (Berks,) an Act to . incorporate the Lewisburg gas company. Also, one to incorporate the Lancaster home mutual insurance company. • Mr. wrunEY, an Act to incorporate the Sii3pension transit company. iMr. LAWRENCE, an Act to incorporate the society of the Alumni of the law department of the university of Pennsylvania. Mr. HUHN, an Act to incorporate the Mar cus mining company. - Mr. LAWRENCE, a further supplement to the,' Act incorporating the Pennsylvania coal company. Mr. RIDGWAY, a further supplement to the Act consolidating the city of Philadelphia. Mr. WILDEY, an Act to incorporate the Bea, Ver coal and iron company. - Mr: HOFIUS moved to re-commit said bill. On the motion, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. TELLER and Mr. HOMITS, and were as fol low, viz Yms—Messrs. Acker,Austin,Barnsley,Bisler, Blanchard, Bliss,l3oyer,Caldwell, Diviru3,Doug lass, Goehrthg, Graham, Hofius, M'Donough, M'Gonigal, Reily, Ridg - way, Robinson, Seltzer, Sluifer, Thomas, Williams, Wilson and DIVAS-- NAys - 11e8a13. Anderson, Bisel, Brewster, ' .Mewls. Butler, (Carbon,) Butler, (Crawford,) BYrne,Copel,Disnant,Donley, Duffield, Dunlap,, Ellenberger, Yrazier, Gaskill, Gordon, 11apper,Hayes,Pleck, Lawrence, Leisenring, Lowther, Manifold, My ers, Osterhout, Patterson, Reiff, Rhoads, Schrock, Sheppard, Smith, (Berke,) Stehman, Stoneback,Teller,Tracy,White and Wildey--4.2. So the question was determined lin r the ne gative.' Mr. PIERCE, a aupplement.tothelAat 'poor ixwating the Bald Eagle Boom company. • Also, an Act to incorporate the . Epan Associa liion of Philadelphia. . , f Mr. HUHN, an Act to incorporate he Airea ted steam fire company. Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia;) a supplement to the several Acts in relation. to the Green Ridge improvement company. - Also, an Act to ineorporate the Mutual Lem ranee company of Westmoreland county. Mr. WILDEY; a supplement to the Act in corpomthig the city of Erie. , Mr. ROJAT FR, a further supplement to the Act consolidating the city of Philadelphia. Also, an. Act to Incorporate the village of Thernby, Wayne 'county, into a borough. Also, a further supplement to the Act' incor porating the Pittsburg gas company. Mr. SHAFER, an Act to incorporatk the Pot ter county Forest improvement company. Also, an Act to incorporate the Oil Valley telegraph company. Also, a supplement to the Act to incorporate the Frankford Mutual In.surance: company of Philadelphia. Mr. M'DONOUGH, one to incorporate the Sugar Valley Mutual Fire Insurance ic ompany of - Clinton county. Mr. TRACY, a supplement to an Act incor porating the . Mount Zion Cemetery company, of Allegheny 'county. Also, an Act to change the name of the Fel lowship Fire company, of Germantown. Also, a supplement to an Act to incorporate the Towanda Gas and Water company. Considered and Passed finally. Also, a further supplement to an Act consol idating the city of Philadelphia. Also, a supplement to an Act to erect Ham : . burg, Berks county, into a borough. ; - Mr. SHAFER , a supplement to an Act incor porating the borough of Dillsburg, York coun ty. Mr. HARVEY, an Act establishing; a ferry across the Youghiogheny river. Also, an Act to incorporate the Pike county 'Mutual Fire Insurance company. ; • Mr. LAWRENCE,'an A incorporate, ct to the Trustees of the - Fraukl' street - Methodist Epis copal church of Johnstown, Cambria:s.Ounty. _ Mr. ROLLER, an Act to incorporate ithe Ju niata Ina company. Mr. HARVEY; a supplement to the I Act', 4 1 7 eorporitirag the borough of Patterson. Mr. PATTERSONInoved to teu4sind thendes to consider said bill. - - • The yeas and nays were required ! by Mr. WILDEY and Mr. KOCH, an& were 1 as fol low, viz': , YEAS--U - essrb. - Abbott, Acker,Alexander, Anderson, Ailluicen, Austitt;Brheid,, Butler ' (Crawford,)-Byrue - Cope, Craig, , ,VivinS, :Dai ley, Douglass; Diillield, Ellenberger, !Elliott, Frazier, Gordon, :Ondiarn," flapper, 'Harvey, Hayes, Heck, - MB, Willman.; IHofius„ Huhn, Irvin, Kline,. Lawrence, Leilerning, Lowther, ._111:loiligal, Manifold, - Marshall, Moore,Morrison ' Ober, Osterhout c Patterson, Peirce, Randall, Robinson,'Boller, Stanek, Seltzer, Sheppard, Smith, (Becks;) Smith, (Phila delphia,) .Strang, Tayinr, Thomas,_ White, WiDiatna and'Wirson-48.. ,14 . 75-,-. Messrs. Boyer. ; Clark, Cowan; Dunlap, koch, M'Donough ; Myers, Shafer, Wildey and Davis, Speaker-90 ' • So the question was determined in theafirma tive. The bill was tb.eri considered and Passed finally. Mr. HARVEY, a further supplement ti to the Act'incorporating the Bedford Iron company. Mr. LAWRENCE,• an Act to incorporate the Glamorgan Iron company. - .A.lso, ah ACE to incorporate Newburg}. Cum berland county,d.hto a borough. Mr.. ROLTAR, a supplement to an Act to in corporate the Honie for Friendless Children. Mr. 101LHAN, a further eupplemeii to an Act incorporating the Bedford Springs com, Pony- Also, a supplement to an Act ineorporating the Gap Mining company.. Kr: SHAFER, an Act to incorporate the Em pire Hook and Ladder Company of Lanaister. Also, a further supplement to the Act lautho. Az' Mg the construction of a water CO* In Chester county. - Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) an Act toincor porate the Ohio and Mississippi Steam Packet compan Also, y. an Act relative to the, transfer of stock in the Dock COSI company. - Mr.- LAWRENCE, a further supplement. to the . ..kot authorizing the citizens of. Mercer to erect a Union School house in said borough. Mr. HUHN, a supplement to an Act incorpo rating the Second Street Market company of Philadelphia. - Also, an Act to , incorporate the Perry Iron - company. - Mr. ROLLER,- (New-Counties,) as committed, an Act to annex part of Belts county to Schnyl ldll county' ' . Mr. IiTGONIGAL, (same,) as committed, an Act to attach the late townships of Byberry and Moreland, Philadelphia county, to Bucks coun , Mr. AUSTIN, (Militia System,) as committed, joint resolutions to purchase military charts. Mr. COWAN (Raihroins) as committed, an Act to incorporate : the Shawraut and Ridgeway railroad company. Mr. AUSTIN, .(same,) as committed, a supple ment to the Act incorporating the Phillipsburg; and Waterford railroad company: Mr. HOFIUS, (saw;) as committed, an Act to incorporate the South Broad Top railroad company. air. SMITH, (City, Passenger Railroads,r as committed, a supplement to the Act inoorporaV ing the Philadelphia and Olney railroad com.- PaaY• Mr. ACKER, (Railroads,) as committed, an Act to incorporate the Barks and Lancaster County railroads. Mr. PATTERSON, (Banks,) as committed an I,.Act to incorporate the bank of Juniata Valley. • Also,. (same) at; committed an Act to legal ize the suspension: of impede payments by the banki of the. Corrunonwealth, &c. Also, (sane,) as: committed, ,an Act to; alter and renew t,he charter of the Tradesmen t and Loan Association of Philadelphia. . . _ Also, (same,) with a negative recommenda. - tiori, a supplement tQ the Mifflin county bank. Mr. HOFIUS, (same,) with a negative, re commendation, an Act:to repeal an Act incor porating the Mifflin county bank. Mr. 'TELLER, .(judielei7 local) as uurarnit ted, an Act to,authorize the election of afr trim urer in Wlntyre township LycozpiiK , 3374 x ) ,,,„„ 313 ,_ Dsr sKEPiSA.P 4 II moved to recommit thb bill 584, entitled further supplement to the Act to enable the executors and administrators by leave of court to conveybinds and tenememin and Clam livintigi. Haying procured /item PoWrer Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK PPJNITNG of every description, cheaper that it can be done at any other ea tablishmentin the country RATESO7AVISING. /krPour HIM or leas constitute one-half square. 6: it Erma or more than four constitute a ... square. Ilalf Square, one day ..... • • •.. • " one week • . • .• one month three moat,* slx months 600 4 o one dup.e year......: Ono Square on., 6O " ono week. .. ...... . 200 " 6 one month:— . .... .. •• • 00 three unmake . 6 00 " six months..., .... . .... 8 00 one year . .:..............1 0 On . .ta-Buidness notices inserted In the Lead coltaan_ `R orbefore Marriages and Deaths, FIV X =En PER LII`R or each insertion. NO. 79. ementa Marriages and Deaths to be charged as revisit soprerps. for other purposes therein mentioned," to the committee on the Judiciary general: The motion was agreed. to. Mr. WILLIAMS moved te,recommit the bill entitled an - Act to authorize the examination of the claims of I. G. Parrish and others. The motion was, agreed to. Mr. PEIRCE moved to suspend the rules to proceed to the consideration of bills on third reading. The motion was agreed to. House bill No. 64, a supplement to an Act re lative to exemption of $3OO, and to the widows and children of decedents, came up in its or der on third reading and was negivtived. House bill No. 188, entitled "a supplement to the Act to revise the Penal Code," came up !alto order on third reading and Passed finally. Senate bill 463, entitled "an Act relative to the claim of Bell, Johnson, Jack & Company," came up in its order on third reading. Mr. ACKER,moved to postpone the bill in definitely. - 'On them:Lotion, - - - The yeas and nays were required by Mr. PATTERSON and Mr. MARSFATI,, and were follow, viz : YrAs 2 -Messrs. Acker, Anderson, Austin, Barnsley, Bartholomew, Bisel, Bialer, Bliss, Boyer, Brewster, Brodhead, Burns, Butler, (Carbon,) Butler, (Crawford,) Caldwell, Collins, Cope, Craig, Disaumt, DIMES, Donley, Doug lass, Elliott, Goehring, Graham, 11111, Hofius, Huhn, Koch, Leisenring, M'Donough, Moore, Myers; Osterhout, Peirce, Ray, Rhoads, Ridg way, Seltzer, Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Berke,) Stoneback, Teller, Tracy, White, Wildey and Nals----MeaErs. Abbott, Blanchard, Byrne, Clark, Cowan, Frazier, Gaskill, Gordon, flap per, Harvey., Heck, Lowther, Marshall, Mor rison, Mullin, Patterson, Preston, Randall, Robinson, Roller, Schrock, Smith, , (Philadel phia) Stang, Taylor, Wilson"and Davis, Speaker So the question was determined in the af firmattie. House bill No. 94; entitled. "an Act relative , to vagrants, drunkards and disorderly persons in Chester county," came up in its order on third reading. • . • . Mr. PIERCE moved to amend bysubstituting a new bill. . The amendment WES3' then agreeitto, aid the bill Passed finally. • House bill No. 399, entitled "an Act to lay out a State road in Berks and Schuylkill coun ties," came np in. its oider and Passed finally. . • • WILSON moved to pnxecsita. the consid eration of Senate bill entitled "an Act to pro y,icle for the fencing of a rout of the Cleveland and Pittsburg Bailroad , conipany.?. The motion was agreed to, . and the bill was read. • Mr.IMOORE - "m:ovild to postpone its further consideration for the present. • • Not agreed to, - The bill was then Passed finally. The House then : 1 BU.EHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE:, HARRISBURG, PENN'A, GEO. J. BOLTON, PIWPRIBTOR 'The above well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a thorough rencrvation, and' being in great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr: Gsoitcs J. BOLTON' who has been an biniate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to Is guests. 'thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en °yid , I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to 4he public vor. fins will de WILLIAM BUBBLER. MX. 107 A. XL • Manufacturer of and Dealer la.' STRAW GOODS, Nos. 108,106 and 107 N. Second St., PRITADELPHIA. • VA7 E • ARE NOV . RECEIVING our - SPRING STOCK, which will comprise a large and desirable assortment of all kinds of STRAW AND LACE GOODS. Als', a large assortment of Lanus' & Climoitsts's Meas. Our nkfiCk.O.f g..CPWARS and RUCHES, will be unusually large this season, and we would I/WIG) your special at• rentlon'tb t.4at department., Please eau and examine them berciri making your purchases. H. WARD misw4t Nos. 103,105 at 107 N.Secondin.:abirre Arch. -VAN INGEN & MITER, Designers and Enoraveks_on -Wood N. E: CDR. wirrli CIEESTRI3T STS., Philadelphia. VICECUTgaII kinda.of Wood Engraving _Ea with beauty, correctr.ess and irspatch.. Original designs furnished for Fine Book illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograi tor DignerrootYldt, can have- views of Colleges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, btoves, Patsnts, &s„ engraved an well on per sonal application. Fancy. Envelopta, Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting,-Business And other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at tie lowest prices. Forspeclinens of fine engraving, see tile Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott & C 0.., B. H. Butler &Cc. ect2s-lid. • - DR.. T. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST `OFFERS his seryices tq the , citizens of k• Harriebikri and its vicinity. He siiitcits irshare of the 1. Olio patronage, and gives assurance Ahat ins beet endeavors shall be given to render satisfanticinit his pre- Baing an old, well tried dent* , t„ hezfeels safe in writing tbe public generally to 'call - on'lltim. assuring hem that they , will not be diesatlolledwit4 i*Bervices Office No. I•_'A Market street, - irriturbotine fornierly on onpied by Jacob R. Sbyoear the gritted States Hotel. Harrisbtirg. Pa' - novBAlv ANBROTITES : FOX' 5' VEINTS. -THE sub scriber lespdafulfy innounceo to thevatzerm of. Hear,istargund.vioinity, that he has taken - rooms over - 11ELAKEE's - HARDWARE STORE, amen-ram loner of Markettenare, wharahe is prepared to - exOodte'estry' gyfe ot AillittitllPl*l, the lowest prices, from.Y.fatuita ctudvpwarBs. DAGUERREOTYPES cutottilly copied; and Pictitres inserted in leeketa and Plus. eft sea Mall description° constantly oa hand. Giveme a call If you want a good and cheap picture. nadir& gEOAGE, R. PARlCEEtrAmbrotyptet. • --' HENRY 141" FER, OFFIOE—TaIRD M MARKEL EET, CSIIELL'S ROW, NEAR Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth OM OT HARRISBURG, riiiN'a myl2llte MEM ELIZA ON TICCED READING Adjourned. inietellantaits CARD ALDERMAN
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