THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (SUNDAYS EIGISPIZEI,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO TERMS.—SINGLII SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY Tsunami is served to subscribers in the tlerough st 6,ti cents per week.- Yecrly subscribers ill be charged 54.00. WRNILLY AND SINI.'WIRRLY gllgos pa. The TRLIORAPB is also published twice a week during ins session of the Legislature and weekly during there wainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the eallowing rates, viz : . Single Subscribers per gear UM LL OF FIZIOVAMMOL 1 subscribers order`the discontinuance of 'their news papers, the publisher , may continue to BOW' them meth clarrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa• ;,ere from, the office to which they are directed, they are responsible nettilthey" turf• lettlad. the. bills and ordered them discontinued Pennsylvania Legislature. SENATE TuEsDA - r, March 12, 1861. The Senate met at 3 o'clock P. M., pursuant to adjournment on the Ist instant. . . The Journal was partly read, when the fur ther reading of the same was dispensed with, on motion of Mr. GREGG, -•,= The Speakor laid before the Senate the Re port of the Notostowa,,lneurance and Water company, forthe 'yoarienirine Abruail 4th, 1861. Laid !VP 11#!‘01.111: PRIMO:IS, &C., PILESENTED. Mr COIkINELLI presented four petitions of five hundred citizens of the 19th ward, asking for a division of said ward and for the forma tion of a 25th ward: • Laid npon the table. Also,' a' remonstrance of one hundred and silt ty citizens of the first precinct, 23d ward, againet the same. Laid upon the table. Also, one of one hundred and nine , citizens of the second precinct, same" Ward of port. Laid upon the table. Also, the remonstrance of Dr. George Wiley and 76 other citizens of 23d ward, against the same. Laid upon the table Also, a petition of 100 citizens of Frankford, asking for an Ad to authorize the use of steam power on the Sonthwark and Frankford rail road, above Berks street. Referred to.the Committee on. Railroads Also, a remonstrance of citizens of Philadel phia, against the passage of any law prohibiting the importation of fish into said city. Referred to the - Judiciary Committee. Also, a remonstrance of owners 43f property on Broad Street, Philadelphia, itiOnsethe pas sage of the bill authorizing the :use of 'Steam power on,said street by the North Philadelphia Railroad company. Referred to the Cothraittee or Railroads Mr. PARKER, a petiiion of citizens of Phila delphlayfrefaiod of the bill #41,4. frord 'the Supreme Court the, power of certain appoint. meats. Referred to the Judiciall Committee. Also,. the memorial _ of the managers of the Wills Hospital, of Philadelphia, asking -for an appropriation to enable them to erect addition al bilildings: - Ragged to the Committee. on Finance.. • Also, .wpetition of the President and Mana ge= of the Frankford and Bristol Railroad corn pany,_ ag_airust any law authorizing the laying of rails on their.road without first Obtainin:Fegis , lative Itegirit.theretO-.- ileferredto the Committee on Railroads: Mr. YARDLEY presented a petition of one hundred and twenty:fin loitikens of Bucks county asking for a largecuring certain rights to married women. Referred ito_t/ie Canini Übe onableJudlciarY) Also, a remonstrance from citizens of Bucks county against the :repeal of any pact of the Penal Code relative to fugitive slaves. Reariixl.tO the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. PALMER, .a remonstrame of citizen of Philadelphia; against the passage of a bill pro hibiting the importation of fish into the mar kets of Philadelphia in certain seasons' of the year. Referred to the Committee 63i:the-judiciary. Mr. LANDON,liiremonstrance of citizens of Bradford !county, numerously 'signal; against the repeal 'of 'the - 96th and 96th sections of the Penal Code. - Referred to the:Committee on the Judiciary. Alsct, two petitions from citizens of Bradford county in favor of a tax on dogs. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, &c. • Mr. KETCHAM, one from ninety citizens of Pittsburg in favor of the repeal of the. Act widening Virgin Alley, in said city. - • Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, one from pitizens,:of Lfuserno : cennty; favor of the erection of a, new county to be calle&Lackawanria; - Referred to the Committee on New Counties. Also, one for an Appropriation to the Penn sylvania colonization society, Referred to the' ii Oonnxiit a tee:on;Fiiiiice. • Mr. GREGG, ne,ofeigajwimP4rtr ; Referred tii , the o ;COmnitee , OnTin'inice. ; • Mr. prITIBZ,ANO, three :: remonstrances:from, citizens of Lancaster county ; against the pas- sage of a stajr , law. • Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, a petition from citizens of Lancaster city and county,.asking for, the passage of an Act to incorporate a mutual fire insurance Core . Referred to the Committee on . CorporatiOns. Mr. HAMIENON, two remonstrances from citizens of Lancaster county, against the 'm ange of ast.ay,lavr. Referred `to the Committee on the Judiciary- Mr. WHARTON, ten remonstrances from citizens of Bedford county, against the anrcexi, tion of Middle Woodbury township, said county, to Blair .county. Referred -to Committee on New Conntia4 arid Countyleate. Mr. HALL, a petition of citizens of Tyrone towneldpi,Blair county, In. favor of an Act for! the prbtect F dcer in said county., r' ," , .1 WOf Referred ettitituii Committee tutAgrientture; &c. Also, the p,stition of the Conunissitmers Blair county, ailing,for, authority. to ;borrow money. Referred td the Committee oirthe, JUdiciary. Mr. =MAU?, one from citizens of Arm strong county, Laing for an appropriation to aid colored - persons"o - migrate tOldberia„,. ecg1:44 1 :40 cel i t*V. ll l , l..T3 Mr. LAvvittNek, seven pa/ ons of citizens of WaattiMIMAWMAY,..4434 effectually secure the opllection of taxes in said county. i 1) v , , 1 , • Referred to the Committee on, the Judjciary. Mr. P ITElTOnalkin Xtiziritt IC,Pitfalat(t4 asking!fol 4 ariAcelo l'epaidthe ret profilliting the issue of bank notes of , less denomination than five dollars. Referred to the Conunittee on Banks. , Mr. lefat, one from fifti-three citizens of. Pittsburg of similar, import:--: Referred to the. Committee on Ranks, VINW ; a remonstrance of citizens of Philadelphia against.the passage,of an Act pro hibiting the importation of fish into the 'Mar kets of Philadelphiaat improper seasons. laid ripen the table. Mr. I.MOHAII, a petition of citizens adelphialn favor of the Act for the erection of , public buildings in said city. • laid 'upon the table. Also, two remonstrances of citizens of Luzerncounty againstranychange in the mode of lid: vertisintitheillguttles,' Stc., 'in said `county:. Reform/4.V 114;foRdary ODinmittee. \ / A Utd4l;` ellitWol * "•••••.., %, .. _4 ~:-..„/ ( ---) A tint / $ / 1 , 1 tiam i t qr, - , :____ ower ____ $ 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. XIV. REPORTS-OF - STANDING • CO/DrITTEES Mr. HALL, (Estates and Escheats,) as com mitted, an Act to confirm the title 'of the Wes -Ipyan Female College, of Wilmington, Del., to certain real estate located in Philadelphia. Mr. McCLURE, (Railroads,) as committed, a supplement to an Act to incorporate the Iron ton Railroad Company of Lehigh county. = Mr. TTAIIT4 read in plabe "an'Act tO author ize the,Commissibners of Blair' county to bor row money." . _ Referred to the Committee'on the Judiciary. Mr. GREGG, an Act phartering an Insurance Company in Centre county. Referred to the Committee onCorporations. Also, an Act chartering, an Insurance Com pany in Sugar Valley, Centre county. Referred to the Committee. on Corporations. Mr. YARDLEY, an Act for the relief of Lewis S. Coryell. Referred to, the. Committee, on Finance. Also, "an Act_for .the .relief .of Mary Ann T )mbert, CarolineltiMbert; Reuben Mellon and IC B. Johnson." - • Refened. to, the Committee on the Judiciary. Also ' " an. Act supplementary to an Act, passed April llth,l9gE relating to suiti," &o. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. CONNELL; a supplement to an Act to incorporate the Ndititetntrfome-for Friendless Children, , Referred to tin) laoittee- Ori Corporations. Mr. BLOOD, an Act declaring the East Branch of Little Toby's Creek, in Elk county, a public highviayi •-• • • - Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Also, an Act to change the place of holding elections in Highland township, Clarion county. Referred to the Committee on Election Dis tricts. Also, an Act to change the place of.holding elections in Barnet township, Forest county. Referred to the Committee on Election Dis tricts: • ; r. THOMPSON, a supplement to an * Act in corporating the Lackawanna .and Zanesboro Railroad company. Referted to the Committee on Railroads:: Mr. HAMILTON, an Act fixing the tinla'of holding borough elections in. Elizabethteinn, Lancaster county. .......: Referred to the Committee on Election Dis tricts. • Mr. LANDON, a supplement to an Act eto incorporate the Towanda Gas and Water com pany. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Also, a further supplement to an Act to pro vide for the collection of damages on the North Branch Canal; extending the time of the Com mission-era. • = Referred to the Committee on the Tudielary. Dir..I3OI . 7GHTER, art Aetto change tlie of holding elections in the second ward of the city of Harrisburg. • • Referred to the Committee on Election D - tricts. Also; - ,6 supplenient to the. Act'to,ineorpoiate the cit y of /4trxisburg. Refeilid:, to' the Committee On Corporations. . Also, an Act relating to' a certain island in the Susquehanna river, near Liverpool, Perry potmty. . Referred to the Judiciary Committee. onictni.u. nEsourrroxel Mr.' LAWRENCE ofteredthe following, which was twice read : Resolved, That when the Senate adjourn, it will adjourn ~to meet at 10'o'Clock Q, M., to morrow, rand that shall be th'e hour . of meeting until otherwise ordered. . . On motion of i Mr. WELSH, the resolution was 'amended so as to except Mondays. The resolatfon was agreed: to. monks orTas DAY. • ' Senate 14.11,'N0. 123, entitled "an Act relit:. ting to the•accountsof. the Delawaxe and Hud son Canal company," came up in order on sec ond reading, and was'laid °Ver at the sugges tion of Mr. KETCHAM. Senate bill, entitled "an Act to incorporate the Oakland Park askciatlOn - of Allegheny COMO; . 4me :up in.oider,on thild - reading and was laid. over. Bala C9NMZEIHRE,i) Mr. MEREDITH called up Senate bill No. 299; ,entitled "an Act to incorporate the Free port pas and Water company:' Passed finally. Mr. SCHINDEL,caIId up. "a supplement to, ineorpOraleLthe- Ironton Railroad company of Lehigh county,7 c Inpommitte of tho r Whole, IXBRIE in the,Ohair — ,) thei bilnrits aMelkdini; andsOn being so reported, , , Palmed finally. SERRILL .Called Up Senate bill No. 234, entitled "an Act tvincorporate the Media .Gas light company " . In‘Committee of ;the Whole, (Mr. Lama in the Chair,) Mr. SERRILL moved to amend by inserting in the seventh line the name of John M. Broomall. . Theamendment.was alp* to, and-on,being so reported to the Senate, Passed finallS; . ;2o 1 . 11;0 - Mi. SMITII called up Senate bill entitled "an Act'relating error: ' '' " 'Me first sectierl of the bill was read. • I Mr. SMTTRinoved to strike out all after the. word, "resolved!' andinsert the.second section.. Agreed to.' - The title was amended so as to read "an Act to'abolish the Nisi Prins Court of the city of: The bill as amended was then agreed to, and Passed finally. Mr: THOMPSON up- House bill, No. 25, entitled " a supplement to an Act passed 1830, relating' to . linidlords and ten s/VW.? • , 'Laid over , on second reading CONNEI.,I, called up lionise bill, No. 255, eniitled ',_‘.an Att. ektending the provis ions of,an'Aet relativeto•eemeteries and burial placei *York. county to the `city of Philailel Pried finally• , Idrf lARPLEY ealled' up ,Senate bill, No. gp, entitled , "an'fintharkbag surviving gzileators and .kdrainisirttaryto exclute deeds of co_veyance in certain Passell.finia43l:c _Ps .` • - - called up ,aanu.r :bill entitled. "alt .o.ot'reviiiiig the Chafter,of : the, municipal corpoiution of Reading." InCPP. l Tuittee bf.theNhole, Laiwou in the chair. , ' ' 311 1 CL . Y.4ER said : Thhi hill las passed 'the li t reaeoitierela great deal-acme-was taken in its exergnatinn,,ppon. the , recommendation. of the *Film.' and city councils of Reading. I have but two slight improvementenovrAoirialte to it, nd therefore Inovethat,the 'several See tions read by their tunnbere,exceptuig those. to; eh I abalkoffeLamendments. bilkiroethouttaidquill ,agroed to, with, "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE.• HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 13, 1861. the following amendments proposed by Mr gLYMER i At the end of the fifty-second section the following words were inserted : `•`Provided further, That each of'said qualified voters shall vote for one a member of the said board of controllers ; and the two per sOns having the greatest number of votes for members of said board of controllers shall be declared to be elected members of maid board." At the end of the fifty-seventh section the following words were added : "Provided further, That the notice given for the election to be held on Friday, the fifteenth day of March, 1861, shall be taken as sufficient notice under this act for said election." The bill was then reported to the Senate, as amended, and Passed finally. RESIGNATION OF HON. SIMON. CAMERON. The Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth being introduced, presented a message from the Governor announcing that he had received the following letter from Hon. Simon Cameron: "WAsaticrroN, : Narch,ll,l 1861 To his Excellency Andrew G; Cargo, governor of Pennsylvania DEAR. Sta :—Having accepted , the position of Secretary of War, tendered to me by the Pres ident, I hereby resign my seat in.the Senate of the United States. I leave that body with feelings of deep regret; as well because it severs my immediate connea tion with the people of my native State, as be cause it removes me frog► the cherished person al associations of that high and dignified body. But I am consoled by the fact that the change in our Tariff Laws, for which I have labored for more than fifteen years, and which I trust will add greatly to the benefit of Pennsylvania, was accomplished at the close of my Senatorial ser vice. I beg to say to the Legislature, and to the people of Pennsylvania, that in my new posi tion, which a deference to their earnest wishea induced me reluctantly to accept, My .best en ergies shall be exerted for the benefit of the. whole country, of which Pennsylvania forms so important a part. I am, Sir, very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, SIMON CAMERON. Mr. M'CLURE, on leave, presented the;fol lowing joint resolution, which was twice read, considered; and agreed to : Resolved by the Senate and House of .Tleßreserita tives Of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gene ral Assembly met, That a joint convention of the Legislature be held in the Hall of the Mouse 'of Representatives, on Thursday,. March 14th, at 12 o'clock, st., for the purpose of elect ing a United States Senator to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the Hon. Sinion Cameron. M. MOTT called up a supplement to ;an Act to incorporate the Cream Hill turnpike road company:- - Passed finally. Mr, LAWRENCE, for the Speakei, called up House bill, entitled "an Act .to change the place of holding elections in. East grunsWig township, Schuylkill county." , Passed finally. . , Mr. SMITH called up Senate bill; No. 368, entitled "a further supplement to ark - Act re lating to inspections, Passed 16.. th;. 1835." The first section of the bill being:before the Senate, . Mr. SHIM said: The object of the bill , is to allow the use of instruments: peculiar tb the system of inspection, in the cityof similar to those used in the city of New .York, and ; by the United States Government. The Act passed . by the Legislature of this State,rela; tire to the subject, priivided for the *use , e'Ortain kind of instrument which were then• generally used throughout the United States.-- . The practice now, believe, in order to avoid begoi7 charges for tonnage, is to manufacture liquors at as high a proof as pcosible, in order that they may be reduced when they reach, their point of destination. The'comMission men and manufacturers of Philadelphia have petitioned for the passage of this Act,as it will put the delphia market on a level with that of Nev York, the latter being at present the most pre, ferable. The Baltimore market uses the same instruments as are used in Philadelphia, btit it is the only exception 'to - the general use of tl* New York instrumente. The bill then Passed finally. Mr. GREGG called up Senate. bill . No.' 201., entitled "an Act for the protection of sheePand the taxing of dogs in Lycoming county..? " • • Passed finally. Mr. BENSON called Up,Serrate`bill N. entitled "an Act to mithorize the collec_tion of additional road taxes in Horner toumship,- Pot:. ter county." • - Passed finally. Mr. CRAWFORD called up House bill No. 99,'entitled "an Act regtdating the fees of autli.• tires; of the'Peace and Constables in Cumber- - , land' and. Allegheny countles." Laid over on second reading. Mi. BLOOD balled up an Act to change the place of holding electioni in Rarn!ett totrzuddp, Forest county. Passed finally. Mr. IMBUE moved that the Senate a4journ, which was not dgreed to.' ' • The CLERK of aka llOuse of Rep esentatives being introduced, "preiented extract, froin the House Journal, which was read, as follows Resolved, (if the Sent* coma That the two Houses will meet in convention in the hall of the House of Representatives on Thursday, the 114th :inst., at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose' of electing a United States Senator to Blithe va-. cancy occasioned by the resignation of RiniOn Cameron, and that tellers be appointed. The resolution was concurred in by the Sen..7 at ' - Mr. iIfcCLITRE moved that the Senate pro— ceed to make general ,nonsinations . for United. States Senator, and appoint a tellet-on the part of the Senate. • , Mi. PALMER nominated': Hon. Jariaes H. :Campbell, of Schuylkill doility: ' ' Mr. CONNELL nominated Hon. Wirt am' D. Kelley, of Mr. SCHINDEL nominated wpiami Henry Welsh, of "York connty. Alr NlCHOLSnondnatallon. Winthrop W. Ketcham, of Luserne county. I Mr: BENSON nominated H07.1:' -David . N.l l . /riot, 'of Bradford county. •• Mr. GREGG nominated Hon "William H. Armsizong, of Lyoorojn g conn tj . Mr. SMITH nominated Hon. Morton MeMi awl; of Philadelphia. ' Mr. SIERBILL nominated Hon. John M. 7#042 - 11H of Delawart county. ,-; • n . • BILLS CIONSLIDEE-CON'rltiM NOMINATIONS TOR - UNITED STATES ELENATO* The motion was, aueell,4o Mr. HALL nominated Hon. Samuel Calvin, of Blair county. . . Mr. HAMILTON neminated Hon. Thomas E. Franklin, of Lancastereounty. Mr. HELSTAND nominated Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, of lamoaster county:. On motion of Mr. FINNEY the nominations were-closed. The SPEAKER . appointed Mr. Boma) as the Teller on the part of the Senate in the Conven tion. On motion of Mr. YARDLEY the Senate thtin (at 4.65 F. M.) . . - : „Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. TUESDAY, March 12, 1881. The House was called to order at 3 o'clock F. Is., by the Speaker. The Clerk proceeded to.,read the journal of Friday, March Ist, when Mr. GORDON moved that the further read lug of the same be dispensed with. The motion was agreed-to. JOINT RULES. Mr. SHEPPARD submitted the following: .Resolved, That the lit, 2d,ld, 4th, 6th, 7th, Bth, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of the joint rules as printed in Zeigler's .Legislative Manual, be concurred in by this House. Mr. •BIII'LER, (Carbon), called for the read hagiof the rides indicated in the resolution. The Clerk read the rides as follows: "Rua 1. All bills, resobitions, votes and amendments of either House,lo which concur rence of bo,th is,nepessery, , es,wellras - messages, shall be presented to the other by the Clerk of the Howie from which they are sent. Ruiz 2. When the Clerk of either House shall•walt on the other;notice thereof shall be given by the SergetintLat-Arms, or Doorkeeper, to the Speaker, who Shall declare the same to the House. - Rim 8. When either House *shall request a conference, and appoint -8. Committee for that purpose, and the other House shall also appoint a Committee to confer, such conference shall ,be held rat any time'and place to be agreed upon ;by.„their Cliairman;' and in' all cases where a conference takes place, the Committee shill be composed of members - wh0 ... 656a" in - the Majo rity, on the point or, points Of 'differericeT but the Committee shall of have power or control over any . part' of a"Wil.l dr resolution, except such parts= uponWhicii•s•diflerence exists - be- tweeu the two Houses. - ; Roma. No bill -Shall be , passed by either House, containing more than one subject, which- , ENVITATION TO HON. JOHN J. CRITTENDEN. shall be clearly expressed in the title, except Mr. M'DONOTJGH. submitted the following appropriation ' bills, a.kii , bills regulating elec . Whereas, The eminent devotion evinced by tion districts, or grantibe-pensions and gratui ties. , ~ . , .• the Hon. John J. Crittenden, of, Kentucky, to the Constitution the Union of the United and' • States, and the distinguished services Rots b. No bill shall be passed by either dered to the same dining the session of the late Hoine i granting any powers or 'privileges in 'tug case where the' authority to giant such ,Congress at Washington, entitle him to the powers' or privileges has been conferred upon , any of the Courts of thiS•Commonwealth. , gratitude and honor of the people of all the ' RULE 7. Whenever we/din aga i nst th e et at, loyal,States, and of none more so than those of Pennsylvania; - And whereaa, The Legislature of Kentucky have of • any description, has beeri'or shall be pre otittette4, .. ~t 9 a eit4 #4 7 h rt b i l iwiil T4ll - e J a ttee l d) : sha4 referre ha d v t," mad a Co e m a 'unanimoltsly requested him to remain at the Federal. Capital, and by his'mature wisdom aid report; in writing, against the allowance of the ' dfaim, sitting"--fortlitaie 'grohrids of their deci- in restoring peace to the distracted confederacy; sion; and the, same shall; have , been concurred and:have:fartherrequested him to visit such in byisuch Housepitahall , not., be in order t o other States as may desire his Presence, to coon originate again the consideration of such claim Bel witlithem on the dangerous questions of the time; therefore be it , • . .14, 'that Heine, ;either tby bil4 resolution; pet:l-. the tion; or , otherwise, except; upon a memorial of Resolved bYThe &nate and Howe ef,RePreeentatic.e4 the claimant,:first setting forth, upon affidavit, le Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; That an in- , , - citation is hereby extended to_the Hon. John mit: he has obtainecimaterial . evidence in sup ,T. Crittenden, of KentuCky, to-visit,Harrisburg at such time a s ' may suit hia Convenience' dining ;pert of his claim, since the decision against it, which' was not before' . the • ComMittee at :th ---. fernier , .decision, and ,a' statement ',of the sub- the present session. 1 stance of such evidence; or, secend, assigning ' Resolved, That a Committee of ~ on the committee part of the Houie; be appointed 'to to Confer with spdcific errors, in the report of the 1 adverse to it. ar k a similar Committee, to. , be , lippointed by the limn 8. Whena billerfresolution whickshall Senate tonuke arrangementsforthe reception of Mr.. Crittenden, ,should he accept the invite have passed "in One' Bettie is rejected in the tion hereby so cordially extended to him. other, notice'thereof shall be given to the House . in which the tame shall have . passed. ' • Mr lif DONOUGH moved to suspend the , 1 •Ileta•10. That the Committee having charge Tales and proceed to the consideration.- . of.-,the . of the general appropriation bill, Shall be re- resolution. • h MS. I should like to hear some quired to report the same; to the House; on or. The motion: with agreed to ; , ,T , befoie the first Monday of March, and,' when' And the resolution, was read a second time. repelled in either `House, said bill' shall' have mlywri,,T I priority over ;all other •buirlinia until finally reasonsuggeatedfor the adoption of this reso disposed of. • lutiOn. It is certainly to my mind, one of •an unusual character. I can imagine no reason RIILI 11. No new private bill shall be trans ling out Mr. *Crittenden from . all the ratted fibre, OrreceiVed ;by either . Heine, with- .for sing in three days of the "time , fixed on for an ad- other southern gentlemen who are cuPposed to journraent sine die. - -: -47, ~ 4 ._" have expreSsed or entertained some regard for the integrity of the . Union—.unlessit be for Rots 12. No bill or resolution s to which the some purpose winch does not, appear on the 1 signature of'tiniGOVerner . may ' be . `required, face of - the reaolutiOn. Mr. Critterideii la, I be ,shall be paroled by either , Mouse on, the day of ting adjourimlent;•artil , alllaichbwi or reaohi... neve, according to . what the newspapers tell tiOrub after they have been.' duly transcribed'us, a candidate for a very high and responsible 1 and' ; compare d , shall be ` presented ,t o the Go- judicial trust under the goVernment of these United States.- ~Is this resolution intended by vernor for his signature, , by'the proper' Com way, of endorsement on the part of the 'reittee, before eight ecloclOn the morning of Legislature of Pennsylvania ? Do we want his the day 9f final adjournment. , Bum 18: No bill or 'reli.ciliktiOn shall be sent counsels ? Is he the Nestor of the country ? to the Governor for hbrapproAral, unless the What has he ; done for the Union ? No more same shall have been clearly'and fairly engross_ than was his iinty and:the duty of every man. • ad, without obliteration dr•interlineation. There are, I think; other men in the Southern are entitled to equal credit with him- Rum 14. No leint . Rules:Mak:The diSpensed States who with ? but by a concurrent vote of.two-thirds; of.serf - Li my huMblejuiliment, he might have each. House; and if either House shall - violate a done much more thin he has &Me. I ern not; Soint, Rule, the: question of order may be raised, here to endorse the opinions' which, e ;has: ex-, and I think a Republican Legislature 1 1 iii the othev. House, land decided in the same Precccd, of „Pennsylvania is not prepared to do it. I ask Mariner_ as, in.a ; case, of - the,violation . of •the ;Lulea Of such House ; and if itilMll lie decided again, what is the ~ objeo. - of this resolution?, that i - the Jointlulei`have' been violafed, the Has it a political purpose*? - , - ' • , bill inVolving such violation shall be returned Mr. IIeDONOITGIL The gentleman will al - ;hi the" House in which it originated, without low me to ; explain. , The.only object•of the re further action, or, at the option of such House, solution is to show to gentlemen of the Southern the Speaker may direct the. Clerk to mark the States who have done- their duty, that when the section or sectiOnsin conflict with the rules, they thus act their services are appreciated by as non-concurred" in or negatived. • us in the free States.- • , ~ ; Mr. DUFFIELD. ' I would like to have an Mr. DUFFTF , TD - 2 i would like to ask •the exPlanation of, the object. of adopting these gentleman from Allegheny (Mr. Mayors). rules. . - , a question., He• has said that John J. Critter, ' Mr. SMIEPPARD. The object is, that we may den is a candidate for a, high office. I, wish to have some definite course of action marked out know for what office he lis h`candidate.: :rhitie for the two Houses dining the remainder of the. yefto learn-that lie is a • candidate fors any. of. session. It has been customary to adopt the Tice. , , whole of the Joint - Rules at theWraniendrment ' Mi. WILLIAMS , ' , 'Mr.•Crittenden, as I tinder df 'the session. There was a motion - , made to derstand, andibelieve the gentleman must him that effect at the beginning of this session, self have read it in the newspapers, has been an which I opposed, because Leonsider the fithand nounoedaS a candidate fet•the office ofl Judge kit rules objectionabltha 6th particularly as of the . Supreme court of, the United States, to giving, to the ' Seiia,te iii advantage over this , fill the place made Vacant by ' the decease of . ~,. ....... ._ . House; - Judge Daniels.e • - ; ' ' . • , • Mr. HILL.. I arn„unable to see the proprie- Mr. DUFFTELD. I have read in thenews- Wof the motion 'the &Madinat from Phi la- papers that there is a disposition on the part of deli/lila,'(Mr. SHEITA.II.II)J,Icid apposed that the loyal people of thiscountry; to urge upon these joint rules were iiihYptedin-the early part the President the necesaitv perhaps, of appoint of the session. - 1 ,-, : •• ~, , • b"413 Mr.. Crittenden Jo that position. :But .I &imam, Itinungo. . They were liot. ' . have, yet - to lesiL that he is a ) candidate for it. - Mr- AILL. If theYhavenot yet been adopt- ; Mr. WILLIKE.S. That is a distinotion•with ed, I think it proper that we should now adopt out, a difference. If he stands silent while his theni. - I diw not see why, we *Mid make a friends recommend him for the Position,' I take radical change by , excepting a' part of 'theta it for grante4l,l4e is a candidate. , Whether it is rules' So far, ae. d ; IPlRW,sitheYrlitave.{ worked the loyal . . men ',or the country, who" endorse him, well ; and it Is 'not. probable: that any - changa Ido not 1610-! The gentleman is old enough will be concurred in bp.the Senate.. ..I- cannot to Enotikat this , is the 'way in which offices see any objection, either to the 6th or :t o Alit are obtained. An impression is made that a 9th ride. If "we._ adopt" these joint rules-ewe partieulailhditifitial is 141'M' a particular place; shmild,rl think, artlirpt..Ain&ri, ben iiffibleonklear. §,f - Mol urge :thataii, onehalt of the baftlet, The for adilfereiitcticsitliagli•;eoettetrea, • ntleman is-spolitician enough to . understand Dona than have .been- , t ttideent•by thegentlif ti 4 t:''"T 41)7„. 0 I , 5.•::,.. 1-at • Irmo I troin- . Pkiliadal . , (bli. Faincann). -• t rat gentlemari MiladelPliiryWhb.offevid tbb , . certainly think that by the rules which have been specified as objectionable there is no par ticular advantage given to the senate over the House. I consider them good rules ; and I will therefore offer as an amendmentle the Motion of the gentleman from Philadelphia, that :we adopt the joint rules of the last session as noW contained in the Manual. • Mr: SHEPPARD. Then, W. Speaker, I: shall vote against the adoption of the. jcant rulei. I have been here two sessions and I have seen the hands'of this Honse tied' by this ninth rale ;, and I, an not willing, for one, to vote to ,re-eniet it. It provides 'that— "After the first Monday of February, in each session, any bill or resolution, which shall have passed either Heine; shall be entitled to prior ity of consideration by. the other House over any public bill or resolution of the latter; in which greater prokres,i 'shall not 'have been made."::: Now, Mr: Speaker it, is well known that un der the operation of ibis rule, Senate bills have obtained priority over those upon our own m ender ; while the House may pass hundreds of bills which cannot:be got before the Senate un less on a call from a:particular Senator. ' Mr. BARNSLEY. What is the ,objection to the adoption of the sixth rile ? ' • Mr.:SHEPPARD. It provides, "Nor, shall any appropriation for more than one such private claim be included - in any . bill, •except when they shall have been first recom mendeci, by . tho Board of Canal. Commis sioners., I would like to know whether the.gentlemail wishes to adopt a resolution.of that kind? Mr. HILL. I would merely remark that that portion of the sixth rule' which refers to the Cnnal Board is no*, of 'course,' nugatory, or su perfluous, there being no such Board. But there are other provisions in this sixth rule which I think it. well that ir a should adopt. I have no objection to ,striking out the , portion which the `gentletnin from Philadelphia has just read; if he, so desires. The adoption of these rules will not interfere with the regular order of businese. Rule ninth, which, as the gentleman considers, gives preference to Senate bills, only looks toward finishing up our busi ness toward the close of the session. It gives to the ,Senate no, particular advantage over the House. I think we had better adopt all the joint rules. ' The amendment of Mr. An T, was not agreed to; and . • The resolution of Mr. SHEPPARD was adopt- ftsam tiding Offtrt. Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepared to execute JOB and BOOK pEINTING of every description, eheaper that it can be done at any other es tahlishmentin the country 431 F -Four line; or less constitute one .half square. Eig Nees or more than four constitute a square. nalrSquoze, one day" . so I 5 41. 0110 week ....... .......... .....t. 00 one month . a three months 3 00 " six months 4 0 one year ... .............. 666 One Equare one day ~, 50 • " - ono week. ............. .200 .• one month .—• • • • • . 3 00 4,, three months.— ........... .... 6 00 " six months _ 800 one year 10 00 air]kidness notices inserted the Leezi column, of before Marriages and Deaths, 3 T M ORM PEE LOA or 'aush insertion. NO. 58. ,Marriages and Deaths to be charged es rep/bill' advertisements. resolution, has suggested that this is no more thin a reasonable acknowledgment of the pa triotism of Mr. Crittenden, I ask, why not then insert in the resolution the names of other Southern gentlemen of equal merit and equal patriotism, whose services to the country in this crisis of its fortunes have been much greater than his ? lam not prepared, for one, to endorse the resolution ; and I should like to hear some reason why the Legislature of Pennsylvania should endorse it in this: particu lar form. Mr. M'DONOI7GH. If the gentleman will specify any person or persons who have ren dered equal service to their country I will ac cept an amendment to insert their names. Mr. TRACY moved to amend by striking out the name of "John J. 'Crittenden" and insert ing that of "Andrew Johnson," of Tennessee. On the amendnient the yeas and nays were required by Mr. HUHN and Mr. TRACY. Mr. COT , TaNS moved to amend the amend ment by retaining the name of "John J. Crit tenden,' and adding that of "Andrew John son." Mr. COWAN moved to postpone the further consideration of the subject for the present. On the motion to postpone, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. GORDON and Mr. RIDGWAY, arid wete as follows, viz : Yles—Messrs. Abbott, Acker, Alexander, Anderson, Armstrong, Austin, Balt Barnsley, Bisel, Bixler, Blair, Blanchard., Bliss, Bressler, 'Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Crawford,) Clark, Cowan, Craig, Douglass, Elliott, Frazier, Gib boney, Goehring, Gordon, Mapper, : : Hayes, 'Hillman, Hood, Koch, Lowther, Marshall, Mullin, Patterson, Peir Robinson; Schrock, Seltzer, Shafer Tayloi, Tracy, Walker, White, Wilttet and liams- 49. --' NAYS—Mesas. Boyer, Byrne, Caldwell, Col lins, Cope, Dismant, Divine, Donley, Duffield, Duncan, Dunlap, Gaakill, Heck, Hill, Huhn, Leisenring,lAchtenwallner, McDonough, Manifold, Moore, Morrison Myers, Oster hout, Preston, Pughe, Reiff: Rhoads, Shep pard, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Strang, Thomas and Davis, Speker--34. So the question was determined in the af firmative. Mr. SELTZER moved to suspend the regular order of business for'the purpose of allowing the presentation of petitions and the reeding of hills in place. The motion" was not agreed to. THE BOARD OF .PROPERTY. Mr. GORDON, on leave given, read in his place a bill entitled "an Act relative to the Board of Property;" and moved that the rules be dispensed with, and that the House proceed to consider the same. The motion was agreed to; and The first and only section of the bill was read. Mr. BILL. - I am not acquainted at all with this Board, and I would like the gentleman to give me a little information . as to the duties of theßoard and - reasons for the passage of this bill. Mr. GORDON-. It is the business of the Board of Property to take cognizance of such disputes as arise with- reference to the patent ing and' warranting of lands . ; and such disputes always involVe a question of land-titlei.- That Board, as now constituted, is composed of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the State Treasurer, and the Surveyor-General, no one of whoni, I believe, is a lawyer. It will be ob vious to every one at all acquainted with the duties of the Board, that it is absolutely neces sary that one of its members 'should be an at torney, some one whb is familiar with the land titles of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. On the bill, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. MOORE and Mr. THOMAS, and were as fol lows, viz z . YEAs.—Msrs. Abbott, Acker, Alexander, Anderson, Armstrong, Austin, Ball, Blanchard, Bliss, Boyer, Brewster, Burns, Butler, (Carbon,) Butler; (Crawford,) Byrne, Caldwell, Clark, Cowan, Craig, Dismant, Dopley, Duffield, Dun can, Dunlap, Elliott, Frazier, Gaskill, Gibboney, Goehring, Gordon , - flakier, Harvey, Hayes, Heck, Hill, Hillman; Hood, Irvin, 'line, Lawrence, Leisenring,Lichtenwallner, Lowther, McDonough, McGonigal, Manifold, Marshall, Morrison, rMullin, Myers, Osterhout, Patterson, Pugh°, Rieff, Rally, Schrock, Strang, Taylor, Tracy, White, Williams and Davis, Speaker-59. Neva—Messrs. Rube, Moore, Preston, Salt ier Shafer, Sheppard, Smith, (Berka, ) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Thomas, Walker, and Wildey So the question Tas determined in the af ,ftrmative. The title of the bill, was read. Mr. MOORE moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill for the present. ~,Mr.,QORDON. In order to make,a. few re marks, I move to amend the motion by post poning indefinitely. I cannot see why there should be manifested here a spirit of oppcyition to this bill. I eArnot conceive what is the ground of objection. Does any one maintain that there should not be an attorney-upon that board ?_ Soine gentlemen seem to have 'conceived an idea that this measure is intended , as ,a slight upon our State Treasurer. I will say that noth ing is farther from my thoughts than to evince any disrespect toward that officer. He is him- self anxious to be exempt from the duties, of this position.' This measure is introduced at the instance of the lxerd of property them selves, as well as of the attorneys. I consulted, I believe, all but one of the attorneys upon the Judiciary Committee, and . the attorneys of this place, whose duties habitually bring them be fore that board. As have before, remarked, the questions coming before that board'involve land titles, and , gentlemen who are not lawyers cannot, from the necesnitrof the case, know anything' abOut those titles. SiMh investigations are, Its one of the board observed tome, "all darknewl" to - -them, and they, themselves are, artaious;to4noe; the' Attorney General constituted a member , , of the board. The only reason =why i that" officer has not before been made a Mem ber of this board is, that under the old system, the Attorney Generarwasnot required to have his office in Harrisburg, but,,xesislea in any part of the State that suited him; arid. con sequently he was not herelo -act as it member of this Board,of yroperty. `Eve,ry : person .who knows anything about our land-titles will see the importance Of the measure' Which I now propose. It is to meet a-necessity which is evi dept that this bill is,intioduced. It is not in troduced with thelturOse'of . caSting reflections upon any particular individual. The State TrewMier is omitted as a Member of the Board beemiseiheihtts brit' One year td serve in his of ficei.while-the,flecretary, of the Commonwealth and the' Safirepai'Penpriii, 'vyhli- have a three rats' terra t are conversant with thebusiness- of the.,Board. Each of the Voiatinuedon Fourth Page.] t. 4 ISM ~ : Y:' 7 M 7~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers