pailp i,ttegrapb,. BARRIBBURG. . .; Monday - Afternoon, March 4. MM. Etc - PTY.—The Lock up was tenantless last night, the mild weather doubtless inducing the "vega" to "rough" it in the open air. =I FAIT Datvinek—Two cases of fast driving in the city in violation of the ordinances, will be heard before the Mayor tbis evening. i=cm= Wun Dtlo/o.—Theflusquehanna for the last few days has been teeming with wild ducks to the great delight of our sportsmen who "bag" a number of them daily. == THR CITY Svavar Coroussuonms have nearly completed their labore, and we understand 'a plot of the city will be submitted to the Court for approval some timeihis week. New LooOMOTIVB.—A - 4splendid new locomo tive came over the Readingßailroad yesterday, destined for the Combeiland Valley Railroad. It is named "Cal. Giber,'" after a prominent citizen of Chambersburg. =rzza V BAY 111.-'-We regret to hear that Mr. . Wm. Colder; Sr., h extremely . lll - and that very little hope is entertained of his recovery. Mr. Colder has been one of our most esteemed and enter- . pitting citizens for the past forty years. Tae SENLTZ and Representative chambers of the Capitol just now look like "banquet balls deserted," all the members having either gone home or to Washington to assist at the inaugu ration: Bryn Cum.—Several board and timber rafts' toti"Ti - this city, last Saturday, on the Susquelmiims, en route for Chesapeake Bay.--- We may soon look for ad inundation of "red shirts." Fats 08 THE GOOD WILL FIRE CODIPANT.—The committee of ladies who are interested in the fair. of the Good Will Fire Company, are re quested to meet at the store of Mr. William Yerheke; Walnut street, at seven o'clock this evening. LICOTOIUI ON TN Caens.—We again remind our readeis that Col. Worrall's reading of .. the Rev. Mr. Mercer's lecture on the Crisis, "Aiie rican Citizenship its Faults and their Renie dies," contes.offin the Rail of the Rouse of Re presentatives this evening at half past seven. ~~~ Tan Snore of the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany at Parkeburg are-about to -be closed, and . their Contents removed to the new shops of the company in this city. We rmderatand that( a large number of the 'wor4Men conteMplite removinijikewith their families this Spring. Soso Tuarres.---A dilapidated looking newooflialejoiceth in the cognomen of "Yan kee AO*" was arrested this morning byuf -441e/ptic":44uiiigod with stealing turkies from a tertaiir 4 :4lMidf . ,litiller," residing near this pity.„ Yankee was s dersited in the Walnut street in stitution:lu bbiwer the charge. . • •Mnirinn.,-N4 ostler% that a uninblr,..of our niefutligett ars 'tinder thit„ , lutpression that the bill for the .sipPressiort of• fortune telling (which inoludei a penalti for *stilling' spiri- Ind rapping) has become - 4.1a". This is a mis- The hes:mlk pljtised the House 04 tiePrilitetthitives, and. has not yet been acted upon •by the Senate. • niII FAIR for the benefit of the Good Will Fire Company will commence is the:Exchange building on. Wednesday, the 13th in:9%ot, and conticiue until the Saturday evening following. A large number of ladies have interested them solve" in the success , of this Fair, and have _ mannfactuted a great quantity of fancy arti cles for sale om Hie occasion. As , the proceeds are to be applied' o the benefit of a very de. serving fire company, we hope our citizens will not neglect patronizing the Fair. How TO Awsnon.—The advance of the world depends upon the use of small balances of adifintlitebSet disadvantage, for there. is compensation everywhere and in everything. No one discovery resuscitates the world--ver- Mjzily no physical one. Each new , good thought . oft word, or deed, brings its shadow with: it, and as we have just said, it is upon the small balances . 9f 4ain that we) get: n at all; how imPoriant then it is to make your purchase of dry goods at num & Eowxstes, sonth east corner of Front and Narket streets where the awiftest it large and at.the lowest cash pries' 2t QOOD TOR mss SONS OF Mears..The:Soni of, Malta, in New Orleans, havegiven evidence, OA although they niay , like the - 'treason that the seethm profits by, they despise the traitor. Witiiess the following communication whiOh has bled - received by Minn ha-ha Lodge, of Philadelphia : Ciumn Lovas, I. 0.8. M. Niw Oitistars. February 25, 1861. Ward Ninne-ha-ha Lodge, I. 6. I beg leave to notify your Lodge, thWat meeting held !sit evening, at the: Grand 'Clanunandry, in this city, General Twiggs, of , thell. - 8 A., was expelled from the Order tmasistwats. name in now "Inscribed with "O. 8. A." Notify; all the brethren in' your circle to shun him. -- - • BROOKING ACOIDINT ON TUN DINNIT/MANIA BAUNO6D.—DNA Friday night, about tinarter past eleven o'clock, a shocking accident occur? i t ed i on the Pennsylvania Railroad .between Arch allfeet and Powelton avenue, In West Philadel phhi, jut beyond the Market street bridge.- 'Tie through express train coining west uti over a inawreatting off his head and one foot, and mutilating him in a shocking manner. The' body was conveyed to the West Philadelphia Station House, where the remains were recog nised se those of Clement L. B. M'Closky, the son of a Presbyterian clergyman of .thatltame, who reeldee at Thirty-sixth and Hatallton streets, TWentv-fourth Ward. The deCaaaed was about 245yearg of age. He 'wawa law stri dent in' thicifflce of Thiodore Cufler, Eeq It is not knotm how the deceased got npon Pie track; or haw the sad accident occurred. 4 CZTIZBN, ATTENTION ! - -A stated meeting of the Citizen Engine and Hose Company will be held at their hall this (Monday) evening, at seven o'clock. The Punctual attendance of members is desired. By order. 4,, TEI FLAGS AltiLYING.—The flags at l3ailey'll Rolling Mili r Fennsylvania Railroad Shops; Cotton Factory, Harrisburg Car Company, Xrice & Hancock's Fnrnaoe, Friendship FireVoinit, pany, Hope Fire Company, State House and several other places are flyingin honor of the irmuguara flan; and 'the pasilage of .the Tariff bill. IBNONIATION;7-KInd reader, , we are entrusted with a delicate cornmiiition, .which we know not how to broach to yoi,- , except by Simple Proposal. Will you forgive our abrupt brevity,- if we inform yon, withant farther °refs:eel that. Damn & BOWIL4II's cheap Dry Goods Store is at the South East corner of Front and Market streets? 2t t =I MI/EILINS MUSLIN& ! Musussl-1000 yards • of the very best unbleached' Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of beautiful' bleached Muslin, 10 cents ; 2000 yards of the best long cloth Mus lim 127 cents, which I will sell'by the piece at 117 cents; 2000 yards of remnant of Calico De Laine, to be sold very cheap; , remnants of, ,colored Silk, cheap ; De LaMes and other dress goods at cost ; Broche Shawls and other Shawls at coat ; Ca:Rawer° for Pants; Black Cloth, Cassketh3, and a large,,lo,t of,pants stuff at cost; a splendid assortment of•Canabrics, Jac° , netts,i Cambric . Bands, Memstiched Handlti3r chiefs, which 'I will sell at auction prices; white and colored Flannel at cost. For cheap gdOds call at S. 'Lamy's, Rhoads' old corner. FROM THE FEDERAL CAPITAL. [Correspondence of the Telegraiih.] . Wlexuserron, March 2, 1861. There is an undensianakig to-day cabinet hiss - bear filralik'AxUrl upon liy M 1 Lincoln. He willlsear nofurther conversation on that subject, Ind has peremptorily refused, to listen to any suigestfonsi in regard to any of his other appointments until after the inaugu ration. This resolution gives Mr. Lincoln time fully to digest his-inauglral address, ail affords him some small share of repose to In vigorate hini for the burdens_ and excitement which Will attend hbrposition after Monday next. The cabinet will be coniposed of, the following gentlemen .: Secretary of State—William H. Seward, N.Y . •!." Treasury—Solomon Chase, 0. - " • War—Sitnon Camercon,-Pa. • " Ifeiry—Montgomery Blair, Md. If Interior—Caleb Smith, Indiana. Post Master General—GideonJ:Wells, Conn. Attorney General—Edward Bates, Mo. The great contest was for the Treasury De partment, and had it not been for the courtesy of 'General Cameron'in complying with the•ur gent requeskof . Mr.. Lincoln, much iimbariess ment might - lave arisen from the struggle for this position. It wasa-mell known- fact that the President elect had tendered the Treasury D6partrrient to Gen. Cameron, who bad the tender u nd er consideration, end; tlie - straggle which. grew .out, of this 'circumstance on the dart of IlloinfWhriorodosedtienlearneron•rather strengthened Mr. Li ncoln'Aprecieliction for than spinet him.. I know thie , to Alan fact, and I also know that Mr. •Lincoln, scorned , 'to . , give credence ' to any of the' . tally : slanders w hich . , . were put in th is city for th e pia: pose of iiiiinagingthe''Ciareater of Gen. .. Cam eron. The great difficulty which embarrassed Mr. Lincoln for a.-few,days, was the position which Mi. Chase, 'of Ohlo,'hisiilWaysalnanned and maintained towards him . . For many years the most cordial intimacy.' has ed between Mr. Llniioln and Mr. Chase. Professionally, politically and socially, the friendship has •been unabated and the devotion firm and sincere: . With the reminiscences of each an intercourse and alliance, it 'is not strange that Mrcoln. became embarrassed by the contest fo re Treasuryilrom which-he was only relieved by 'the: 'withatairal of the name andclaim of Gen: Caincon. At the urgent solicitation' of the President eleuti.atukaiter4 ‘. had made a personal appeal Gen. Cameron withdrewlisimme,and then was induced to ae. 'iiipt the , War, .Department This acceptance was;iiisted on by Mr. Lincein, who frankly declared that he would not consider his atiaiia=. Istration a perguin&t * eueceds'‘vithout the sup port and'eounsel of Gen. Cameron. The fact, too, ikaithe success - of' the Tariff during the late session of Congress, fixes the policy of Mr. Lincoln' a administration, makes it a Matter of little difference who is in-- tie treasury De partment Without' the preserit Tariff, Gen. Cameron would' scarcely have been willing to, give up his claims. - With our reyerme lava; -11 4/ 1 Y glOiAß* l hePin 8119# to , the administra tion of &r :- Linco l n with:the - inilestamfidence that the great industrial intifiata 'of 'the • country are entrenched behind Ihat ' jest pro- Motion which has eo king 'be:en tl-04.'du. Eon: Edgar Cowan',' t3enatorelect from Penn sylvania has been in the_city for several diya, and to=day was on the door gf the 'ROOM, re ceiving the congratulatihns and compliMenti' of his Republican. friends. - He Ims. created a very favorable impression on all with whom be has come in contact,, bilth c : Ourtititif 'dignity of hie demeanor and- brilliant ,00nver satidialk his debut in_the 'Senate hi anticipated as a auccdas„while hiti more mate ands ilettOnal friends twedicte_for him a highly useful and-htiliNtt freer.. Mr. Cowan la certainly a mandr attainments and pOwerfalintellecf.'. ktidwleilite` Is all:of a piactical and scientific order, while his tastes run in clutruiebtot real use and baldficence. After a fit}ii-j-milzith'il acquiti tanctE) With the bu sbisii of legislation and a`more extensive in tercourse with public Men, than • Mr. Cowan has bad the ,opportnnity - of phloyMg while in the practice of his irciliitaion; he will prove, himself equal to his position in'every respect. A ' NEW I LOT OF LADIES WOPPING & •,TRANELIN. BAGS 11,11MbIliqe - taw lityieri, o stas,G Mciaay Parsesf - ind (Ina -war,eu t ; jitsi iPthiand kalit 1011101011r8,01110:143001MORNe - ?: - 16114101011:01121a. - • • '1 Ptiirt4luctitia IDaly etitgrapt); .ttliinottp ltternoim, March 4, 1861. On Sunday evening, March 8, 18131, by Alderman Per fer, Mr. Horan Wray/ and Misa-Mmumaar Rmm, both ofthe city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Perina. " This morning, Mrs. SARAH Meads, relict of Matthias - Nichols, lathe Oath year or her age. (The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock; from the raeldence other son, in Second street above South. All her friends and those of the family are 'wilted to attend without fdrther notice.] * A VERY superior article of BOURBON 11 WHISKEY, In quart bottles ; in store smiler sale by JOHN H. ZINOLER, .mar 4 ' 78: Market Street. FOR RENT .—The House an Store Room to Market 'Eggers, adjoining property of Dr. Jacob 131 . Triosiling anif - Rnifolph*F.'Kelirer. Puma:3ton gives on the first et'Aprtl. :APPIY.te. Boss, ltda' ' Attorney at Law. • FMK FRIJIT _ 01 , every deaniiption 'in cans and: jars, each package warranted. znar 4 Wit. DOCK JR. .k 00. WASHING MADE (113IOIC &DEASY. HARHISONI HOUSEHOLD SOAP. TT is DETERSIVE. It removes, all dirt, and washes with or without rubbing. at is 116A9141. It removes all steins by 011, Paint, Printers , Ink, Wagon or Machine Grease. It IS a truteusa. It bleaches brown clothes white, and white clothes whiter. It is mouthy. It gives a rich paimanent lather, and makes the betide soft, white and elastic. It IS a mils& wasnaa, in any water, hot or cold, hard or :soft, salt or fresh, of finestlawns, and all grades, to the coarsest clothes. It is Lorrnsa. It does much weiblng with hale cost. It is zoogoinc.u. : It saves wear and tear, timb,:labor and money. It conibineeall the good, and [MO 'if 'the bad prOiler ties of every other Soap, therefore it is arkitsioi soar. it is a Peffect Soap for all uses of the Hedseliold.' In the Laundry, for clothes of every desorlptionfor the Wash stind-46r cleaning paint, glass-ware, porcelain, crockery,' table, kitchen and dairy utensils.; ' , Directions accompanyeach cake. Samples can be had- FREE OP CHAMP, upon application, ,tie; - our `store: The .cakes weigh about one pound, and'dOciot Cost mere than 'lnty - otthri. ordinary soaps now in the market. ".• • : • .Wai. DOCK JR. - is 00., m 4:4 /igen& for Hartiabbeg.. 4 HARRISBURG BANX ' mAxon 1, IsBi. ; ASSETS: Loananii&Diseowitti;...' Stock of the Commonviealth-.:.... 60,506 United 19000_. ; ' „ Specie ' - 72 123 *OB Due by other•batike:.sl6o;4l37.B2. • Notes of other banks.. 24;696 168,633 82 _ Stocks, (at present marketysanp,) 28100(r - Bends, „ do 6,000 Real .. . ... 14,600 Ciroulation........ DepOsits.„ Due to other banks. $682,85093 The ',love statement is correct , td the best of my knowledge and belief. ' „ J. W. WEltt, cixinkr. Swett and subscribed before Me, m4dlt DA:yrn Haulm J. P. ELECTION PROOLAtib lON., .TN COMPI lANCE with the City Charter, j_ mince is hereby given to the volition voters of the • several wards of the said city, that an election for per to fill the 'various offices of the said city; will be, held at their usual places,un thalami) Famax op Maros, ze st' being the lath day of ~...*, month,lB6l; between,the hours of 9 o'clock itiN , .Ns ning and 7 o'clock in the evening of said dit , ••!.; "`9 • r Li the Mille , ' .;:'.' ~? '. Riled voters will =Midst the Sctiookrl„o i t ..i . ,—,., . ontitroet and 'Mary's il l. • ley, in e' ` 4, "'";kl &vote for one person ior.Nember of Coro =elk one person for Constable, 'one ', poison. for Agitator, one persontor 41Vdge,- and. two persons for InspeCtors of Election oriaie ward , and School Directors. in the - SECOND WARD the qualified voters will meet on , said day at the West Window of Herr's hotel tizilifir2. ket street,' and'ideot one person for Conimon - Councif,Cne person for Oonitible, one person. Dlr. Assessor, one per son for Jridge, and:two persons for Inspectors of Election of said .war d ' and - School DireCtois: ' ' In the TELRAWAROthqulified voters will meet on .said day at tho School Renee,, corner or Walnut street and River alley, infield city, and' vote for" one per for e Comiton Connell, one person for Constable, else - person ior Asia/tier, one person for Judge, and-Limo persons for cif Inspectors Elections of said ward; and School . Di... rectors. . In the FOURTH WARD the qualified voters will meet on said:oak at the School House in West State street, and Tot!) for one person for Common Quixoti c one person for Conttable, one person for Assessor, one person for JUdge and two persons for Inspeotors of Kiectskins• of said •srard, and School Directors. • - ' .Ia the FIFPR WARD the qtralified voters will meet on said day, atl4ofo r. Fosterk corner of Ridge 11.0MVP , ,1„ -- n? On vote ' for one person tor 1. , & rto ...ra.ofeerror, one person for Judge; .. 5 1Mipeotore of Election of said wardi Iu tee voters will meet. at -the School Rouse, on Broad Millet tof Ridge . • nue; and vote for one person for Common Co , ens palm for Alderman, one person for Constable, onoperson fur dimmer, one personfor Judge, and two persons for In-- spec or of 'Elections of raldward, and. School Directors. - G.Ven u nder MY hand at the Mayor's Mee. WM. IL KEPNER 1140 r. itinusamul, Neb. 28, 3861. f18.60w 8t FOR THE SEASON, FLAVORING' EXTRAUFA. Vaultla, beat:ln market, . Roos, Lemma, '" • . • Pill. Apple, 1 : 1 , 11 99 6 / 1 1, • Celery. Pure Distilled Hose. ater, _ _ • "ltelet:ltitelsh •--- Pure Cream Tartar, Extra Pore Bpices, - • - • Fr rY Her bs. , d2O t r2-± :9rlMarket)34.Bl3t.:' DYOTVILLE :01 1 iASS— WORKS, 40TPILE ; Demijohns, Ivy Wine i 'portei;ifintral Bottpjs - ot everr leserippotti„ ~f • H.B. agsta. , w.inerarigs, Oct24.lyw 207 SpathFrp t gtmetrrhiladelphla. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS :OF: COAL. .11'F' PATENT wtao-axilITS :. tested 114 , certifiest to by theigtittElit bi WEIGHTS Waisszi—iiaiing this day testedamir . Patent Weigh Oarts, anMfound them.pertectly corre ct, therefore put my seal upon them his& TRACE, • Sealerof Wein!! and Measures. Harrlsburg,laniutry 17,1881. , IitDITCAMTONAL.--- coNT.tiolitaNl4",zi.llVANT 4 ' OF. NA TION.SUTY 18. the aystenvoteducatigninit corm try. : Ii proportion an the structrtr,e of e t government gives force to public opinion, thit:Piblle opieion . slio4 be enlightened."--W:ashinpfoit's Ittreoo 1.4.1re5t.: this end the people in general , should beeduoatedintO correct and bonnie acquaintance with the nature and' prlnCiples of our =reorient and civil institutions. . . . “01.1 R, GOVERNMENT An explanatory statement of the system of Government, of the Country, an A MANS aL FOR ,SCHOOLS, AOADBMIFS AND POPULAR USE," 113 a work which, with proper, histbrical Ices, gives the conserection of the - provisions of ,the Co elution of the United. States aud . of these of the sev er . States, as deteridned byjudicialnutlarity, or derived from stand ard-wrlters, including some reierencesto administrative Way and practice, so as to phew the actual working of our general system of Ooverninent. It 1.3 free frosespecula. rive conservative In its tendency, and calculated to Cultliateihe lerVe of our Wintry. It has used' to a comdderahleTeStiA.kathittpoomortor Yount i n different ; States ,,, and is recommended , by .Turials e Statesmen and Presidents, auddNoinseerabflOolleges.7, Price $lOO. -filiold:by M. WEINNET, • del „ zrifttarliblintil'a; , • - , ':j3QUIRBE. Rlartitb. IDieb New 2Ul3ertisemtnts. BQIIRBON WHISKEY! STATE/ENT OP THE LIABITA'rIES. ....$480,155 .... 161,700:15 40,795 78 HERR'S HOTEL! NEWLY REFITTED THE UNDERSIGNED having teased this well khown and popular hotel, in the city of Harrisburg, la now re fi tting and furnishing the same with NEW FOHINTf USE in the very beet modern style. It is located in the Most.' central part of the city, within a short distance of the depots' of four different railroad and also near the State Ca pitol buildings. The house ie large and the sleeping apartments are well ventilated. The TABLE is well Provided with all seasonable aril cies This city is well known throughout the State as haying the best market outside of the Atlantic cities, an? consequently no complaints Audi be made on that score, The BAR has also undergone changes and will be kept stocked with the best and purest Liquors in the country No exertion Will be spared to make the traveler and sojourner comfortable in every respect. A continuance Or the patrOnageof the old customers, together with new additions is respectrully solicited, J. H. BENFOREP & CO. Harrisburg August 28-ti' FAMILY DRUG STORE. KIS .lINDERSIGNED ' HAS _ OPENED , . - a Wholesalkand'ftetitil,DrAgehd PrescriptlonStore, int e Iron Front Builifing;NO.l2B Market street; lately occupied by Mr. Eli wohre can be found an enti renew stock of Fresh and tire Drugs, Perfumery, Semis COAL OIL, COAL OIL rj. PS, Burning Fluid, Ale «bra Patent Meakines, Stationery, Fancy Artiolee, an., am. We have the agency for the male of Kline% Celebrated 41411- Octal Teeth; to which' we 'would invite the attention of Dentists. By strict attention to butane's, and desire to please, we respectfully askshare otPubße . Patranage. • . • N. B.—Prtme Demme began and. Tobacco constantly on hand. • aprt3-dly "OUR GOVERNMENT." "TIIHE unity of Government, which con j.. atitutoa you one people, is now dear to you."— 'Washt ll o 67oB Foresroli Address. 4 nationality is essen. tialto the enduring prosperity of our country. Trite pa triotism must arise from knowledge. It is only a proper understanding of our civil institutions that can induce strong and settled attachment to their prirctples, and impart ability fur their maintenance. "OUR GOVERNMENT : An explanatory statement of the system of Government of the Country," contains the text of the .Constitution of the U nited States, and the Con stitutional provisions -of the several States, with their meaning and construbtion, -- as determined by judicial art shorn y, nnd. precedent and practice, or derived from standard writers; digekted and arranged for popular use Price $l.OO. Sold by - M. kpifiNnimv. del Harrisburg, Pa. CITY LIVERY STABLES RI,,4OKRERRY ALL.EroIFT THE REAR O,F , ERRIESEIO27X. E.uhdersi g ned has recommenced the . E very business in his. NEW and SPACIOUS STA BLEB_ located as above, with a ler& and varied stock o HORSES; CARRIAGES and MINIBUSES, which he wit hire at moderate rates. F. a. SWAR-T7 sep2B4lly - 'NOTICE. •D ETER S MOUNTAIN TURNPIKE I_ ROAD COMPANY.—The President and Managers '.or the Peters' Mountain Turnpike Road Company have this day declared a dividend of sixty cents per share on the capital stock of Said company, say three per cent per amain, and'directed the same'to be. at this office of the stockholders;atthe public house Of J. D. HOFFMAN, lathe city Of Htirrisbetg, to tbestockhoiders or their le gal representatives after the 10th. • feb6.3tw* • - J. S. MERARGOE,- Treasurer. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS .$1,017,527 48 Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. Patent Medicines. Family Medicines. patent Medicines. Family Medicines Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Bradee. Trtis43Bl3, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES FANCY AND TOILET ARLICLES. VANCE AND TOILET ARTICLES. PRIM HAVANA. CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIMP, HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME ‘. HAVANA • CIGARS . TOBACCO. We endpaVer to buy and sell the' very best of nvery thing in our line, and always luivitt good assortment in 'store from which 'customers may cboose. And selling at Stir prices we do command' fair share of patronage. C K. KIM Ii rP'S DRUG STORE, NO. R Market street. BTJEHLER HOUSE, MARRE'T SQUARE, I:IAARISBVILEL PENN'A. faEO. J. 1301 MN, PROPRIETOR. The ab avd well known and long established HLtel is now undergoing a 'thorough .renovation, and being in a great degree newly furnished, under - the proprietorship of Mr. GIONGII J. Berton, who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to *guests. • • -•• • . Thankful for the %fiend . patronage Which , • it has en.. oyed I cheerfully. commend . Mr. Bolton to He vor. wtfi da : . WILLIAM BUEHLER. • • •JUST -RECEIVED, A LARGE AND :WELL' SELECTED STOOK OF BRAIsIDrt'SI CONSISTING OP' PINET, CABTILLION & CO. BISQUET, TRICOCHE,& CO. JAMES 'HENNESSY. & CO. • . OTARD DUVET & CO. &_F. HARTLE. MULES ROBIN & CO. *AftETP & . . _ For age' r tiy : „ Jont,r.k.EG m. 17d - : _ AUDITOR'S' NONCE. • T HE, 'Auditor appointed by the , Orphan's :reedit county, to'dietribute the balatice rentailibt gin the hands of 'Asunset Bowitatii"Aduilalic trator:.'of 'Meattria.'Fitiatc, late of Jaelekai townahip, in sad Cifinty; will meet the Parties interested, at his 01E0, in the city of Harrisburg, on Tub SDA Y, the 19th day ofilhtrob.' next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which timeitlid — placa"lrOy, are 'hereby notified to attend and present their claims..j H. M. art. Airoox, • febl9 ltdailtw Auditor. Nutmegs, Parsley NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby giyen that an associa tion is fanned , tbr the-purpose of establishing a alma% dlsCountund deposit under the provisions of "the. Act Yestablishing a :system of Free Banking in . Peintaylaid• NU& to be called the "The State Bank of-Pennsylvania," to be It noted at Erie, Pa., with a; capital of FIFTF , TIIOIIISAND DOLLARS,t with the pre. vilegenf incretudbi,tbe same to Five HuittirectThousand BEST: ' GET .THE BEST I/ WEBBTxrcS. ,u/stABRIPG.ED, D I 01 1 110 N AR - • NEW PICTORIAL EDITION. DICTIONARY is aoknowleciged to be the standard wherever the English language is spoken. It is a•work of , extraorcUnary merit and value, and no scholar should be without it, as it is the best Co-, fining dictiaitty of tge English Language, and a necessity to everreducated The NEW EDITION has many Improvements over met 01d;;....- I "4ligat in.additioula all previous editions, NINE THOUSAND NEW WORDS, ONETHOUSAND FIV E BIN, DRED fICTOIttirILI.I7STRATIONS,EIWITTHoUSAND BIOGRAPHICAL NAtIiffEB,...TWO- TEDIUSAND THREE HUNDRED WORDS SYNONYIIIISED, and other new fea .tures contained in no other dictionary published, making! it decidedly the mat complete and the best in email respect. One volume quarto, bound in SHEEP, BUFF LEATHER 'ARABESQUE RUSSIA and. IURKEY MOROCCO BINDI. INGS, including all the styles manufactured. Having re, ) ceived a large invoice direct tram the publisers, I am\ enabled to offer them colt BALI WHOUSAIN AND 'AVAIL AT THEIR maze, at - BERQNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 0m032.• 51 Market Street. LIQUORS. AT COST ! AVING. concluded` to discontinue the . ~ . ' bistzteat'aieoffer our larletuld peelpiete_aelort, meat of kee wpm%Xiix'siiiii, stunquons or every dch• ecripsso et cost, withdutieberve: ::, ~ "; I' ,: 7 7; i`; F :, 3 ~ ',' Wit WOK •JR.IAt 09.; OPI stti;the ciibit,7lo4o. ' =I E=Ml=l 3111 "Mr PERFUMERY. PFRFUMERY. PERFUMERY. CARD Stioutianeons. 1 - SHE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN is solicited to our very large assortment of NDBIZSRMIS arm DEstrzus of every size and quality. Gurus' Jour= KID GIAVM, best article manufactured. All the different kinds of Wien= Grans. largest assortment of Rogow In the city. CRAVATS, &WINDERS, NANDINRCRIDII, Beady Hemmed. And everything In Gents' wear, at CATHCART'S, jan2l • Next to the Harrisburg Bank. ALDERMAN HENRY PEFFER, OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut Street near Fourth. CITY OF HARRISBURG, rioneA. GLEANINGS FROM THE HARVEST-FIELDS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART I . Melange of Excerpts Curious, Humor -1 c . . D. The Instructive. Collated by O. C. B01113.&IIGH, The ahove interesting Work has just been received at BERGE - IE I S 6 . 1!= 1 4P BOOKSTORE. .STORR PRICE ii 25 OATS ! OATS ! I 2,000 BUSHELS ON HAND. A prime lot ror sale very low for cash, by - JAIL 111. mruiciaLzu, Dealer in Coal . Wood, Powder, dm. Arr All coal delivered and weighed at conimmere door by the Patent Weigh• Carte. Prices to snit the times.- Wholesale and Retail. jan2 Desirable. Property for Rent. A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE AND STOREROOM, situated in Market street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. to the Third Ward. ALSO.—A LARGE TWO STORT BRICK MOUSE, situated in Second street below Mulberry In the First Ward. AL.9O.—A. THREE STORYBRIM BM HOUSE, situate in Liberty street, in the Fourth Ward. . . O. 0. ZLIE4HEMAN, No. 28 South Second street, Harrisburg, Pa Apply to Janlo CHAMPAGNE wins. Duo DR MoBITRERLIO, Hamm= & CHABLIS RKIGIIIRCK, GiiaLßß & CO., ANGRORLSILLERY biODINEVX., SPARKLING MIIBOARIEL, MITNEK & CO. siao V ERAY.2, ISE'S,AR Im store obi for sale by. JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 419 73 Market Street. ALL PERSONS \iv() HAVE any Affection of the Lunge or Throat, or Chronic WOMB and wish to be cared should consult, Dn. SISWART, who has had many years experience in different sections of the Darren Duna and C.W.0.!, and has cured cases which had been treated without benefit by what are.estee mad the best Paxmormta In the Urnork He has been in Harrisburg bar many months an y" -- restored 'to health, invalids who had expended hurl . .. • of dollars with Physicians and Patent Medicine", can refer to some of the best bungles in Hanisbut can give the names of persons' in the city and parts of •the State,Nrhom he has cured of almost• ': 11.0N10 Disease • • Be doesnot profess to cure all diseases niter the man ner of some wherein:tip &wick; but will give a outdid opinion in regard to curability after examination. The medicines of Dr. S. are vegetable, and derivedfrom more then a hundred sources while traveling. In LUNG and THROAT DISEASES he has had great success by means of his Ca mow Cons which may be taken by the Stomach and Dream. • Beware of CAUSTIO and the Threat Burners of the old school. In Oometaprra or MUM his success ban been re markable, and he' has cared affections of the Era and EAR said to be incurable. BIZWART £loildbil oases or the following, given up by others Naunama, Rinitrmavain, Sonoma, Dwarfs, EWER COMPLAINT, SWELLED Nana, Sexual. Dle[aurr, DROPSY, FALLING FOS, PRIYATS Daisesa, DYSPEPSIA, Datum. Cancers removed by anew remedy peocursdin Canada. When so requested Dr. Draw.= will , visit patients at their residence. U 11413 S9DEIZATZ. In regard to gualffteatio' Pr. S. refers to Profbasors Paucoast, Dunglison and Melgs, of Phlledelphla. He alati begs leave to refer to Senators Chase and Pugh, and Hon. 'Mamas Corwin, of Ohio. Patients or their friends should call at the BUEHLER Hong from 9 a. in. to 0 p. letters promptly attended to. febl9-das2w DL T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST CIFFERS his services .to the citizens of j Harrisburg and its vicinity: ' He solicits a share of the public patronage; andiives assurance that his beet endeavors shall be given to render satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist he feels safe in nvittng the public generally to call en him, assuring hom that they will not be dissatisfied with his services Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oo copied by Jacob R. Eby, near the - United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. inyti-dly FALL ANDWINTER_OLOTHING PHILAHRISFLA. FASHIONS. CAR Alehit3 BTOKEEr' ONE PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM No. 607 CYMSTNOT A, superb stook of flue Wench, English and American CLOTHS, CASSIBIEMES, and VEttiTINGS, . For City and Country trade, with an unapproachable as 19,.!ttoent of 'RUDY Mans Cunnnio at the lowest cash /garnet..,PßlCE is asked, and a OUT of intrinsic wor th- an d 080,p 's agentedwilh each article Bold. . Partiuular attentiorilkid to the Customer department, and garments made tuadstiat to order-to any address. In inisuguratine this new\sYstem. of doing businets, GRANVIUASTOKES s wou ld \hopres on the minds of the patrons of his establishment:ll/411M the Mat of Mallet is deducted from, and sox addedto_lbe price or the aril cle sold. His immensely incretuda sales enabling am to act thus liberally, and at the saiP° tha e remunerative profit. • satisfaction. all articles gliaranteed to give etotriiit GRANVILLE 4 ONE PRICE CLOTH,PiiiiEMPORIM 607.-TABIONITT STREW. octl9-Gmd 1 4 OR RENT. - - 4 TWIO STORY FRAME HOUSE AND :(1,. LOGE STORE ROOM, situate on. Market street be-, tweeu 4 th and 6th streets, Sd ward, city of . Harrisburg. Also, number of DWELLING HOMES in different parts of tit city. Apply to , / . ' O O. ZIMMERMAN, , I I . ExcbangeOtlice lau2o-tf No 2s, SonthSezondStreet. • is VAN INGEN & SNYDER, iesign' era and Ennavers . on Woods N. E. CO R. N7HTH & CHESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. VIECUTE all kinds of Wood Engraving ,12A with beauty, correctness eind dispatch. Original . designs furnished fitr• Fine .Book !Illustrations. Persona wishing cute r ' by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store- Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &0., engraved as well on per sonal application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Rawlings, Show Bills, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of art, and at tee lowest prices. • For specimens of fine engraving. see the- illustrated works ofJ. B. Lippincott & Co., B. B. Butler & Ca. • oct2s-lyd NOT/CE. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of MICILiEL'EHRISMAN, dee'd , late of Elwatara township, Dattphin county, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having clams against the es tate of the said decedent are requested to mike known the same without delay, and thosellidebted to said estate aro rtqueshid - tb mate payment: "beforethe lit AO' of April, 1861.. longer indulgence can be GEORGE PrniTAMAN, . t jauggsugr,, _ .1304arg Datila Exeosios. itioullantous. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW ! STILL SOMETHING WHICH )EtAl3 WOOD THE TEST OP YEARS AND STILL mows MOH AND MORE "POPULAR EVERY DAY IT IS PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. I=l OTHERS SAY OF IT, A Distinguished St. Louis Physician Wrists Sr. Loom, July 10,1860. 0. J. WOOD,Req.:DearSir:—Allew me the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects of your Hair Restorative, after a trial of Ave tears commenced using your Restorative in January, 1851, sdnmetwhich Urns I have not been without a bottle on band. When I commenced the nee, my hair was quite thin, and at least one-third gray. A few applications stopped its turning, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be notioed, neither has there been up to this time. After my hair was completely restored, !continued its use by applying two or three times per month. My hair has ever c Manned healthy, soft and glossy, and my scalp perfectly free from dandruff. I do not Imagine the fasts above mentioned will be of any particular advan tage to yen, or even Batter your vanity at this late day, as I am well aware they are all known already and even more wonderful ones throughout.the Linton. I have oc copied my time in traveling the greater part of the time the past three years, and have taken pride and pleasure in recommending your Restomtive and exhibiting its effects in my own case. In several instances I have met with people that have pronounced it a humbug; saying they have used ft and without effect. In every instance, however, It provel, by probing the matter, that they bad not used your article at all, but bad need some new article said to be as good as yours, and selling at about half the price. I have notieedawo or three articles my self advertised es above, which I have no doubt are humbugs. It Is astonishing that people will patronize an article of no reputation, when there is ono at band that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently some of those charitaus have not brains enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have copied yours word for word In several instances, merely inserting some other name in place of yours. I have, within the past five years, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that have used your preparation with perfect success—some fbr baldness gray hair, scald head, dandruff, and every disease the scalp and head are subject to. I called to see you personally at your original place of business here, but learned you were now living in New York. Yon are at liberty to publish this or refer panto] to me. Any communication addressed to me, care box No, 1,920, will be promptly anitwared. Yours, truly, JA.IIID3 WHIM; M. U. Waits Braman, Perry Co., Pa., June 7, Mu. Prof.-WOOD, Dear 81:—.1i was bawled more than - year ago to try your valuable Hair Restorative for the purpose of cleansingmy bead of dandruff. I had suffered with It upon my hoed for years, and had never been able to get any Mktg to do - me any good in removing it, al though I bad tried many preparations, until I saw your advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at the time, I called at Gross & Gankle's drug store, and bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it to universal for it has completely removedali dand ruff from my head, and an application once In two weeks keeps it free from any itching or other unpleasantness.— I must also state that my hair had become quite whits in places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been restored to its original color. Ia m now 50 years of age, and although I have used two bottles of the Restorative, no one has anyknowledge of it, as I allow a few gray hairs to remain in order to have my appearanos com port with my age. My head is now of less trouble to ma in keeping it clean, &0., than at any time since I hat a been a child. I consider your preparation of great value, and, ahhoughl do not like to expose myself, I consider it my duty to do so. You cau use this or any part of it to any shape you think proper, if it is .worilt.nnYAMPH. you. Yours he., H. H. kin*. Btookuterrow, Ind., July ue , 1859. DEAR Sts : I here send you a statement that I think you are entitled to the benefit of. I am a rAident of Bloomington, and have been here for over thirty years. I am now over fifty years of age. For about twenty years past, my hair has been tunting considerably gray, and was' lmost entirely' white and veryitiff and unpiLint I bad' seen a number of certificates of the very wonderful effect of your Hair Restorative but supposed there was more fiction than - truth in them: but entertaining a strong desire to have my hair, if possible, .restored to its origi nal color and fineness, as it was in my younger &Isla beautiful black, I concluded "I would make the etperi: ment commencing in a small way. I purcnased one ol• ,year !Mail bottles, at one dollar, add commenced following directions as nearly as I could. I aeon discov end the dandriffremoved, and my hair, that was falling ofi' in large quantities, was considerably tightened, and a radical change taking place in the color. I have smiths- Ina to use it, WI I have used three of your small bottled and just began on the fourth. I have now as , pretty a head of dark brown or light black hair as any tam, or sal had in my youthful days, when a boy in the bins or Western Virginia. My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and the hair ceased entirely falling off and ts as soft and tine, and feels as oily, as though it wan Jug from the Banda of a wench champooner. Many of my acquaintan ces frequently say to me "Butler, where did you gettbat fine wig?" I tell them It was the effect of your heetora - live.' It is almost imamate to convince them that it is the original hair of the same old gray head. • • ' Yours, truly, FREDRIUCE T. BU'fi.Rit, Bloomington, Monroe Co., lad 1700 D'S HAIR, Rsdroaarrvs has arquired a repuinuot from actual test and experiment which cannot be been binned by newspaper puffs. In our vicinity it has been extensively used, and we believe in every case with every .desired result, and received the universal endorsement of 'all who have tried it. We therefore 'recommend it as one 4:Obese few nostrums which accomplishss all it profess is, and all the bald and gray c.intri deeire.—aistmai, PROP. WOOD'S ETIIR RERTORNEWI3.-14 another cola ma will be found an SdVellisemellt*Of this well known a nd excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to Its orig. mieolor. The Bair Restorative also cures entaneoca eruptions, and prevents the hair falling off. : We have seen many authentic testimonials in proof of 'Nese Raw' Rona some of which are from gentlemen whom wa have known for many years as person' of the kost; reliable character. Don't dye till you have tried this Restorative. Boatora Olv Branch. WO6D'IS Lima lissreiterivx.—We are not in the baba of puffing 'very Low discoyery, for in nine cases out of ten they are quack nostrums out we take great pleasure in m ai omending Proßissor - ii'cod's article to all whoschair is falling off or turning gray. ,Our well known contribu tor, Finley Johnson, Esq., has experienced the banelit of its application, and joins with us in spealdagof Its virtual. Let all try it, and bald heads will be as rare as snow in shiiimer.—Baltintorr Patriot. WOOD'S Bun Bzwroiteuvu —Unlike Most specifics, WA; is proved, by 'wimps icbablo eiiden ce, to possess groat efficacy as a restorer of the hair to pristine vigor. Where the head bad become almost bald becausent eieknosa, the use of this article has produced a beaotffel.stowili of thick, kleiWy,litair. It Sr thereforna ; valuable, prepare Lion for etiolating. Its ingredients are such a 6 to effectn . ally eiudicateit dandfult and ether .impiirities, Which operate SD injuriously to the hair... It also has curative properties of another description. In, many cases pim ples and other disfigurements of the akin disappear when over ills used. There is no hazard attaching to.the trial - -his remedy, and its-effects cao only be- beneficial, es the ~w nponnd if it does not cause a mrnlfest improve ' '4l:Capable:of doing harm, .as _nn ciimsPenent:4.6 ment is -4rfectly innocuous. —Bohan Transcript, ..4prff meats are p- T „:„ • • •s' ' ' A Gasunot Boos.iribur capacity as ci nd actor of A public journal, we are called upon to adverilas the curt ails of the day each of Which claims to be uoaddlterwed in Its compos ition. and infallible in its curative create,' with4hat joshes we leave our readers to deterEeine_hi one Instance;- however—Prof. Wood's Hair llesioratiiiia —we are so welt assured of the notable qualities of the article, that we &eft our Indorsement as all that, its its ventor and vender claim it to be. Its effect upon a tilling head of hair b universally known to be zottginaLjake, lima or guano on exhausted laud, it brings-its crov wtier- - ever applied. tan own thatch is fortunately very heal thy, but we advise our friends with , apansMy.grogipg hair to try the Restorative --Columbia Spy, • • . •,• Ali HAIR Drss ABANDONs.D.--;Word's Great Article line Dere° the 114E' d.—ProtesKor Womistands °win/eminence no chemist, whose attention has been turned to Inventing a hair tonic, ban ever before readied,- ,. H Nine ie sod. den but world-wide, Mid thousands ihritivelvorn wigs or beau bald for years are now, through the use of his prep/ration, wearing their own natural and luxuriant bead covering. So much for chemistry, the chemistry of human life, and the laws Which apply to the lunotions of the evasion. Wood stedied out the human hair, its charreitei, ile - -; . iroperties and diseases, to re store-the decaying-I°lBE4le that Ornament ;he saw, as in, his own case, that , grayhair is unnatural runless the age of the individual has reached Your scdre, and he be lieved that the hair could be naturally-revitalized. Be tried his own case—almost bald and quite grsy, at the age of thirty-seven—he - restored his own nor in color, strength and luxuriance, and the article he did it with he gave to the- world: !Get.Walli'dcfiatlit itE3TORat -1:11/11 and take nothing else.—/Vesi TteirDayßook. . - No. 444 BroOdtwOy,vYfi*P4 • - :Mo. 04 pitreet, St- Lgt..3 0 6 , 13 0 11 0 n ,I *. P. 0, G°"'w A - Tl. , !' - . AMR & 00. • , 0 . ) •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers