THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, (simper EXCEPTED,) BY GEORGE BERGNER & CO. TERMS.—SrsaLs Sussasrprxor The DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the Borough at 63,1 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $4.00. WEEKLY AND SEMI-WIERLY TELEGRAPH. Tun Insasera is also published twice a week during me session of the Legislature, se weekly during the re maiviler or tbo year, and furnished to subscribers at the ollowiag rates, Stogie Subscribers per year Seven a• Ten ==! subscribers order the discontintance el their news peters, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearages are paid. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they'are diiected, they are esponsible until they bay - settled the hills and ordered them discontinued • Marital. R . JOHNSON, 33.i!LIJrZIIVIC 201= L 312 'OCK HOSPITAL. as discovered the most certain, itipee4y ee. effectual remedy to the world for DISEASES OF IMPRIIDNNUE IRMO' IN SIX TO SWIM , ' HOLM. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs.. A VOSS WARHANTRD, OR NO CHARON, IN TROY ORR 10 Two Dais - CB. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In the Loins, Affections ef•the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of the .Physte,al Pow erg, Dyspepsia Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion.of Ideis palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblinga, Dimness ci light or Giddiness Disease of the -Stomach s Affections 01. the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disorders arising from the indiscretion or Solitiry Habits of Yritith those dreadful auddeetructive practices which prodene constitutional debility, render marriage impossible, and -destroy both body and mind. YOUNG. SM. • Young men especially who have become the victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senateswith the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecetacy thelivinglyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE . married persons, or thosecontemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, should ilximediately consult Dr. v., and be restored t 6 perfect health*. ' ORGANIO WEAITNEES. immediately Oured andfull Vigor Oestored He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. 'May religiously confide in his honor as a geutleman, and confi dently rely upon his skill as a physician., Ng- Gibe No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, d., on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 d zits from the corner. Be particular' In observing the ;nal:0 and number, or you will mistake the place. Be particular, for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false navies, or *Paltry rtumbuy Certificates, attracted by the reputation of Dr. Johnston, lurk near. All letters meat contains Foiitigir Ffsmp, to this bn.tiii .era), DR. JonNffroß Vs. JOHNSTON member of the Royal College of Surgeon tLeadtu, graduate from one of the most eminentColhigese I ice U. States, and the greater part of whose life has bees spent In the Hospitals of London, Paris, Balladelphliand .elsewhero, has effected some of the most astonishing curds that were ever knoWn. Many troubled.with ringing drake. ears and head when asleep, great nervousness. being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness,' With' fietilint blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately: ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE J. addresses all those who having• injurodthem selves by private and improper , indulgences, that secre and solitary habit which •rnins both body and mind, no fitting them for either, business or society. , These are some of the sad and Melancholy &acts pro: lluced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness pt the Back and Limbs , Pains in the Head, Dimness 'el — Sight, Loss of Muscular Power; palpitation of the IleastLDyspep bia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement `of tea 'DikektiVe" Functions : Generals_ Symptoms= of 'Conslamp - &c. - MENTALLY.,.,. , - „ Mentally, tbeteirful effects on the Mind are Much to be dreaded ;—Loss of rMemory, Confusion, of Idess,./Mpfts Mon of Spirits, Evil Forebodings Aversion to Society, Self distrust, Love of So li tude, Timidity, &c., are seatemf - evil effects. -- . , Thousands of persons (gall ages, can now judge whatii $ .the cause oltheir cleaning health, losing their "vigor, be: .coming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have a Mugu. Oar appearance about the eyes, cough, and symptoms of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in Bulged in when alone—a .habit frequently learned from *evil companions, or at school, the - effects 'of Which ire nightly felt, even when aaleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both Mind and body h Geld apply Immediately. . What a pity that a young man, the hope of Mieountry, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of `deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in..a certain secret habit. Such persona must, before uontem plating . . . MARRIAGE. Affect that a sound mind and body arc the most, aerie wary requisites to promote connubial happiness: Indeed without these, thejourney through, leo becomes tvweary, /Alternate ; the prospect hourly ilarkens to the'vlew ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with, the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. . DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. itly tins groat and important remedy, Weakness of the Organs aro speedily cured, and full vigor restored: Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated who had lost all hope, have been immediatelprelleved.;Al: Impedimenta to arrlage, Physical or Mental Dlsqualift . aation Nervous rembllng, Weakness or Exhaustion 01 the most fearful kind, speedily cured. F/iiMnr - The many, thousands cured at this Institution within the last twelve years; and the numerous Important Stirgica Operations performes -by Dr. J.-, witnessed by the re. ,porters of the papers, and many other persons; notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a g entleman of character and re .sponsibitity, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and timprudent votary of pleasure finds he has Imbibed the mods of this painful disease it too often happens that an sill-timed sense of shamtsur dread of discovery deters him :from applying to those Whei,"frorti education and re pestability can alone befriend nim, delaying till the constiutional symptoms of this - horrid disease make their -Appearance, affecting the head, throaVnose, skin, &a., . progressing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period i his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence no traveller returns." It is a melan. choly fact that thousands fall•vietims to this terrible-dis ease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretenders,. who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury ruin the constitution and make the residue of We miserable : • fib A'trangers —The Doctor's Diplomas hang In MS Mina 4 Letters must contaba a Stamp to us on the reply. sue- Remedies sent by Mail, • • • • . sr No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore aprl3dettr-1,.' BUEHLER HOUSE, MAII E 7 SQUARE; HARRISBURG, PENN'A GEO. J. BOLTON, PROPRIETOR. C The ab ~ve well known and long` established ) is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being Ina great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorshlp of Mr. GEORGE J. BOLTON, who has been an inn:tate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. . 'thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en— Kea I cheerfully commend Bolton to the public la or. aawtfl • WILLIAM BIJEHLER. 8.1..LV ER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLEY, N 0.1222. Market Street, PEIIADEI.PRIA, Manufacturer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER. of . FORKS, SPOONS, LAMES, BUTTERMFUYE4 CASTuItS, TEA sETS, URNS, KRITLES, WAITERS, BUTLER DISHES, ICE PITCHERS, CAKE BASKETS COMMUNION W ARE, GUS, MUGS, GOBLETS, a 0.,,, _ -- With a general assortment, comprising none butas bes quality, made of the best materials and hastily plate.d, con, gaming them a Serviceable and durable article FON HOTNIN, STRAXBOATI3 AND PETVATZ FAMILINN. AW - Old Ware re-plated in the best manner. teb2o-dawly DR. C. WEICH.EL, SURGEON AND °OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORII3. STREET mar'2l•daw CI. -a. 1 1" , YOB SALE BY JAMES M. WHEET;EIt. 1e213 dtf DENTISTRY_ THE undersigned DOCTOR D.F DENTAL BURGERY, has returned and- resumed `his practice n 6t ate street opposite the "Brady'House," where her will be- pleased - to - attend to all who may desire his nor- TWOS. WWI B. M. GWV4 I D. D. 18. ' •! ". -- ..' fErli'lr.C4: c Its ;H:,11 , I, drlfillolit , fitli, 4 L.i,...',11, 4 1;!,i - . -, .2 ...1.1' , .;:-:..11 - . rrz- , z I .... _ _ ~ ,ovv,ofoii. I 4 . j r,...;-;41,,,,.., ; ....._.-:,-.. . . ~.. . ..., „.. ~, "0" ) . ' r '- f 1 -' ~ :1 9 l';', e 4. -: ~..., ''' 4', ... ' '') . '''' ( 1 ' 1 i' l i' ' , I :: 1 ", - j ../ y . B' ' iil." ' ii_.. -err -- ^ e... ' . • • ' . , , 0 -, ~ : 34- ,- -- 0 ,,> . - - - - =-. ___....." :7141.4" , .1.1 1 -',... ''''',-- ,4 " . ..'' rr • . -• . , - ' r 2 2.00 12.00 16.00 VOL. XIII Iltigteltantotto .u.Ei.x.p4p',§ G*OVI,NI i' ~tok:ii.-A,..,'XI:.(iX, lIELIBSPWS 07•P11,U for itieffiladder: • _ : HELD-MOLD'S BUCHUJor the Kidneys. HETABOLIPS BLIGEItr for tEd•Gtitvell .HEINBOLB'S BUCIIU for the Dropsy. . BBLSIBOLD'B BUCH.Uiforf,Nelwousriess, . BELUBOLD'S BUCHILfor Loss of idcm s erY.• lIELMBOLUS'EUCEIELfeitaritnesi HELSIBOLTY3 &MU for biracial t Breath. g. HEMBOLIA3I3UCHUIei Weas. , Nerves. BELMBOLD'S.BUCHU tor,Gencral Debility. IIEIiMBOLVS BUCHU tbr' Universal Laseitude. BEAM BO_LIYB ttUCHiJ for Horror ,of Lisa IIgrAIBOLD'B BILICHU for Nigbt SWeats. • lIBIABOLD'S BUCIfli for Wakelalness. 111411BOLD'S BUCHU ' for 'Dryness of the 'skin. HEEMBOI,D'S BUCHU for Eruptiops. ILETABOLD'S BUCIIU foc Painin'the Back. ' lIF,L*BOLD'S BUCRU f for,licaviness otthe Eyelids, with TeMporary'Sulfusafri'M 'd sight. HELUBDIAS BIICRIU Ser. Blokdkity: t and Restlessness, iwit6 irant:af AttentiOn Horror'Of Simiety: HELM ROLEV.S BllpftQfor Otatkaoons: I,2I.K . FiIBOUPB TSUCHIErfoi Excesses' arising from cretion,andMl diseases Of; , • r FEMALE'S, FEMALES, FEMALES, ~..,„.FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, ITAXE'NO' MORE PILLS, ',TAKE NO MORE PILLS, • . 'HEY ..SEE OF NO A TAIL. IRE.Y ARE OF,NO ATAIL. Use BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all complaints Incident to the sex.' • .. No Fainily , Shahid Be Without It! . . _ TARE NO MORE B dISAID lor V tilnits and Unpleasant Medicine for Ulf - Pleasant and:Dangerons Diseases.. Use EELMBOLDIS EXTRACT BUCHU for 'Excesses arising from Debits intiniged,in . . - • By Irourig and Old. And Par diseases arislogfrom Habits of Diesipitien.• It re. moves all improper discharges, and will restore the pa tient in a. short time to a 'etirte , of Health and Ptirity. Use DEINBOLD'S =TRACT BUCHU for Diseases and .Affections of-the most Distressing Chafatter. IJsellEiddlioLD'S EX.I . RACT BUCHU for all Affections . , • • • and diseases of the - Urinary Organs Whether existing to Male or Ferriale, from whatever canse originating and no matter of . . Ho* Long Standing:- - • • ft All of the above diseases and symptoms admit,pf the, sable treatment, and may origininate L treie the litnie .01,1380.. READ"`! READ ! READ READ READI `II.III,IIBOLD'S pupau ;is safeirand- ,pleasani in taste and odor, but immediate in its action. Personally. appeared, .I*Pore - me; en Aidennan of the City of Philadelphia, E t T. Helmbold, Chemigt, who be ing, dnlylaworn„doesysay, thatidg .preparation contains no Nara° tie; Mercury, pr injurious drug, but is pnrely Vegetable;,:;; .: ; • ; ELEGMBOD,i, ;11 ,Eole Idanatiteturer.-:., Sworn and subserilied.liefore ineyible •'•23d; day' of Nd rem her, 1". .11113)1AFID,plderman. griee $1 peraioldel ss,'deliveredlorady ;ad dreg.. and "kir be qonvineeds °f l its thleacy,,.., L and aecianpanlpd birbliablelnd eeifilleaes fdoin Professors 'of ltedlcal Colleges,. Clergymen and othera.;,- 77,, , related bj' ' ' , ;11.:2r. - 11,E1SBOIDD, , andAoalytical!dhemlst, „,. 'lo4,graith TemliStreek, below-Obesinuti ; : . Philadelphia:' I .. unprincipled Dealers try to palm offanothe,r artioleorrhich.pgps,a;hetterprofit and worthless. • ASK FOR BELHBOLD'Sf.KXTRACE, MICHEL TAKE ND OTHER. . . Sold by D. W. Gross it Go., and all Druggists every where. Cut this out—send or call for it, and avoid exposure, and Imposition': • i .1' • ' • PROP:' 'ADOLPH - -P.- TEUPSER; w OM]) .resp''eatullyl . .. in patrons and, the public, getter.allyoha_t.ha„. v , w m ili. continue to give initrtictitms' on'the •P.1:010-70itTE , LODEOZI,,yIOLIN, and elso lathe science of Gen, BASS. - wilr veth Ideniure wait Upon' pupilsat . their' homes at any , hour ;desired, or. lessons be en a his' residence, in Third street; tr.' fa* Below_ t tne Gorman Reformed Church. 'O.A.RPERTER :AND . BUILDER. Residen c e ..No. 27 - North, Seem; Sired. ., N. B—JOBBING . ATIENDADIO:` • IRON: •CASTING-Sl.; , • • kindi of IrcinXag,tipgs inacle,tolor. A` der, it tiM veiy best "stook, and all Castings pickled 'to remove the sand and scale. We have the •best and most extensive assortment of Pulley o patterns this side p Philadelphia., apply - Sow .E4PLE.W.ORK„s, Penna. R. Road, Wve State street. pair - ere, Anril_ta%4Bs9l---Av HAYS . • 4.TTOBNEVAT.-L AMT . . OfEce Walnut letv`a'aildepiid` and Third,: Harrisburg, Pa. ar4p diewt DR. T. . J.' MILES . SITRGI-EON -bENTIST . EFERS - his services to the Citizens ..xj- Harrisburg audits Ho solicits 0 shire :of the public patronage and gives assurance that his best 'endeaverashallte given to render satisfaction in his Pro fession. Being an old, veil tried deatist,.he feels safe in inviting the public-generally 'to call on him, asiMing titans that they will dissatisfied with.bis services OfficeNo: 128-Market street, in the houseformerly on cupied by Jacub R. Eby, near the United Slates Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. ' im3B.dly • -MIDERILAN P-EFFER, OFFICE--THIRD STREET,. (6FIFITT.'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. . . . Resiaente 071estnut Street near Fourth: '..;" CITY OF HARRISBURG, FIZNIell: myl2-dtf GEORGE , )-FISHER F -- ATTOIMVV; -- A:1 1 * - LAW. FFERS his professional services • to• ttll I_,lr persons having business .to be, transacted in the several Ootirtit of Damphin-couriti l the 'Lind DePartinent of this State, or before, the Boarrof Property. Having been associated In'the Practice of tfieLaw, with:his Path er, JOHN 4.:kIEHER, tte.prornises „diligent,andpareful at: cation toallprofessional - businesa 'ientruntedr , toettlem Othce.corner of,Second and I.ocnn4.,slreets, (opposite to theigik*ltißialloilarrisbnrt. ' aP26- JOSEPH CASEY .- ' 'JOHN W. BROWN* .CASE i3ROWN; • Ai` OR * RNEYSzAT-LaW II AR RIBBILIIG:, HAYING associated together in the practice'or the- Ltiei, wtlt attend fiiithfully and' promktiy, to all professional' business entrusted: to their ears: " Office. Thi l ot rd.straet three dinars frdn. Market: • - N.' • nsultattons in English and'German. • S ' TE. :CAPITAL BANK. - . CAMERON,. COIDER, EBY . 41 ' CO. CORNER: :SECOND AND WALNII2 $78:,. H A It - lU,a - ,43 1 1 1 t.q.; ..PERN- . FRESH STOCK Of Vanilla Beans, Heckert) , Farina, ...Perfumery and Fancy Soaps : luu3s , Dnua STORE, myB . Market street, below Fiftb„Harrisbnrg, Pa - FAMILY BEBLESI rPHE LARGEST ASSORTMENT:IN THE ILL NITY,AkaII prices . from; $125 to, WS :110100:p.,4c12, i n all tliti tatforeitt, ittirteifof binding, for sale aE BERGNER'S CISIMP BOOK•gigtg,, an46l 6farliit ptreet. • • f r:"...I&DEP'ENT).I' MON - AFPEINOON, ,i6'4Nti3.o", 4; „1§69, Farrow Guiana :—The revplutiens cf, the, year have again brought us to our annual festi. 7 -, yid' of Thanksgiving to Almighty God. , In, hp preceding year have we had more abundant cause for gratittide and praise. The . revolving seasons have brought with thein healitt:.anfl plenty. The summer, fruits and the autumn, Iprivesth have been gathered 'and garnered in univonted exhuberance, A healthful activity hag pervaded all the 'dePartinents of 'life ;' and provident industry has met with a.generous:re ward. The increase of" material- wealth has been liberally employed in sustaining our Edu:-. catfonal and Religious Tustitutious,; and both„, are. making the most gratlfyipg prOgrets3 in en lightening and ,purifying the public iniiid.:— . - Vhde,lnsEnrOPe, central and iallielut l e'gaieriil' ralts,.bY their-prestare on personal - rights and lit, rty; are produeing excitemente,whichthreat: ,f• it ' 1 • en ito upheave, the very foundations of , soc i ety,,, and have led, in Borne instances, tl3, bloody and ,cru6l Wars; we, in the enjoyment of 'coniitit'n: tional libel ty, and under' the protection' of 'roil' and equal laws, are peacefully purautrup the aidpitions i: a , life, sod. engaging, 1n . , - whgeTer._ iiconises to advance our social and indivielnal i imirovement and happiness. "The lines are 7 , -bactigi, l lifallento us in,,pletaarifilleet,'aneig ' 1 a nki ha heritage!' tln this ktrelieellie c l e , . . ~ ! )4 r ringevof , ;kind oindt merciful4rntildencie, IA cle,Otll•hotleraYl fqvittiTormilititin, 1 1 4* on . j _PA3 I I . 9 1 1 1111Y 3 4°1Plkitl-qrlse,-... i , _ ! ..i 3,1 i I - t,• , 4ndertinaconvlction,,l, val., a A itir!ZAM. Eli; 6O 7 Verlor of the 'aorioigieilitil of i OA f . . sylvania, do hereby appoint - THURSDAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF _ NOVEMBESi. NixT, to be observed as a day of,pnhilc Thanks-, givpg and yrayer, and recommendto , all,,opr. .. people, that sgtting aside; on that: day, all: worldly pursuit's, theyeassemble in iheii - respeai' ive places Of worship, ()Willie - i Thinks to God for his raarlifold goothiescr Kidl irip t loring his forgivenesa, and .;thanontinuaace 4 6 ' ei 6 s. • , - 4 - • = GI en under my a the Gieit &Wet% ' liii : State, at , hariisbnig ; thig Twenty4ourth - day of Octobeiiin`the year of our Lord, TOne: 'l'horisand.Eightilundred and :Siafy, and of. the 992 3 :9 1 7e9tY t - I . liEigllt l gfqthi ..,, ...... ..: • iniottilau,toui; UNNM In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, WILLIAM F. PILCKER. Governor of the Commonwealth. PROCLAMATIO? Byitho Governor, Wm. M. Hite Secretary of the Gommonwealth. I,*. SALE. LIL B 1151 pp lOS VALUABLE HOTEL ',PROPERTY In the City of Ifarrisburg: THAT' well=known . •and Va. 1 Me' 'l .l oe property known as}be.,.,; ."SUSQUEHANNA.; HOUSE?! now in the occupancy of Wm. iilpetterman situate on . the east end Of Market. street, endanniedititeirapPeettli Perinsylvanbt Railroad Depot, willbe,effer,ett at PRIVATR, SALKuntillbe 4th of Deceeabernext,snd I rtiot sold fore that date, will be put up at public auctlon on Oat. Alas /s the most desirable property, in the city of filar.. ritiburi for. hetet blisitiesk ' Its proximitY to itue"Dennt i sylvania.Raltroad Depot, and „tho-DePot 05,i1).. the ralk made cellal*to te at Hariisburg,ttliiie it Lore' convenient' acka accessible paha' trayeliog public than any ether Hetet:ill the clty t ' " Fnkther informatiotiln xpgard to tltts property.amt to, the lerme Of sale; may be' hart by epplyttirto • 'WU. ' • - " AtterneVat:l.air, North cor. Market] Settaroy (Wyeth's Buildingi) second, story 'friinta A TTELMBOLD,'S '-EXTRACT `prltSll7 I uur0r . 86%8813. Of "the :Bladder, Kidney,f Gravel, lIKLAtuoLD'S Extritet'Brichu for Secret and ' Delicate' Diseases. , BELEBCLIDS•Xiitract of. Bucherfor:'Ner4ous Sim% De bilitated sullerers,, HBLKBOLD'SlEirtrict Eiichu• (01 3 1:Asa OT 'lderridkyi Los of Deyrer, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing„ Wertie lierves ari Did niuseirler RELMECK,DIS - Extract of•Ducliti• for 'all clistreisloi p ail meats-Obstructions, Irregularkties,..ExceSs inrmerried life; er indicretionsi. rimi diireases the sexual organs, whether eitietingf oiliale or Female, from. irbittiseer• cause iliiiYAn'ailiiiio — origineted;`asid'no fir Of how. long standing: , , • •HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT 'I3IOOIIIT pleastirit:in ire taste and odor, and immediate in its action. *,ltridoi/ Per. bottle, or slit for $5 Delifiefred SOY iiddriiire;necorit- - panied by reliable , certificates.. , 'Druggists, ,- au2l-3in Depot,. 104 South Tenth St. ' CITY LIVERY STABLES. - BLACKBERRY ALLEY, !IN TEN .RILAS OP lINER'S HOTEL. .rpHE undersignealmeme,tommenced the •A 2 livery busineo in his NEW and SPACIOUS STA BLES, located as above, with Oarge and varied stock of VORSES, CARRIAGES and' laktitißtisiS, which he will hire at moderate rates. F. K. SWARTZ. JOHN B SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE CORNER BECONI) , ANDIVALiqtfT Harrisburg, Pa. LWAYS on hand a large assortriii.nt 'Of Boors,,supgp, Gotanas;!,/co„.or, ths,A Yeril PeS, tcalitiee for ladies, gentlemen and ciiildieris' wear.— suit the Mile% ,Allltinda. of WORM ,M.itD! 19 ORDER in the beet styldby superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. , r • JOHN•Ii: 19.111111 TrairLiburg.ll .• ORANGES AND -, LEMONS. - :. , ORTY , BOXESdiiVrinIe 'order:just,ie babiedd and for Sale by r Oka Wlef.:11:061E JEi di rO. MEE --, :.,. UM ...„,..„,„ PRIOR 1 - ,ININALOL CENTS:: ~. L•i;,,.._;,., -..,; ..,..!......„.=! :.: •,,,,:.,,„- , ETERT REPUBLICAN SHOUL D HATE ITS rt - .1 . i .•i : 1 aretVa:, Ayth,ptic—Bditioß. , i ,c i , ~:., ~,,..,...,:: I .i f 1 11-Mv."°! : -.Lir ,;;;: ;:: . iir Ap.A A. li: A. 7 M,i : I.i 1., N, 0 0-IA .N. : ~., : - : . (OKILIZIOIS,) :. ; ~;.; ~ a nd ..i . 1114 ilio :Nniff: -1,13 A. Ir : ill:A AML liN , , y :• f 1,7 , . ii 7:i i '''' ':'-) ( 6 F , MA/0) : . TlietßE4ll34l(4li7ANDlDA'JJEstor..tfielPxestddileitand , vin. Pre:ldeqoy of United Stotts Or 1860, Bound in in i i. -vounini.i. 218 Paton:. .) - : • .* .:::.:.. i': -. , .. . .1 , 1: -, I: PRICE P. .gfiti-T)911 ' ' ; ' . 1 o,. A C ; o:P 4 7 ! / '1 bor . al dtscounts Itonitlin.aBove rico quad° in. ,the (in e liiii.tiov;afteret, - it.:•- -' -- 1 ; • ; ;;:.;'' 1 1 .• '' . - I 1 tii;i2i•Adie-'l3•PR",l!:YEAtrel'ea.''-7 . . ti— - ' - 'l. 'f_„ -- COAL t'l 90 . .* ! i-.' ' ' . - Iri .t 7 164 •!FARDI , Et • f TOWN:'TEIAP )'RS 1 -.- • .1 a . ,_,. . :01ii..i.irka11i . : ..1 . :I;..Lt iirt .. •. • 4R , ATEDit F.W1.4..Q•11-o.4.ltTsEicl;- .. JEltdic 1• , . - f l '. ° 6 li._6 l. ..: T .J l •ll'i.E .i, -• . very a ytog t in theirsupply` • ,41304841.1p4sthewiitterrelghed.latiVear iclotif_ny, .the Patent Weigh-Carni. ,the accurctey'of these Carts no 'one di, tihsliwrukiheYLavornet oultor: order, atis :Ire ,quentl-y-thl case pith the Platierna scales. Resides the coupe bits; Osesstmfaction•orprioring.tbe ~o•eiyht• of : hislce ,at his own house., ~. ...., f 'lbt crairgikolupply oteeitibirlatllittleidsistingnfs i lse : s 111.1CO.A:LYKEAS - VALLEY COAL, t ill sires. KURR'. Vk111.111 , 1 s - ': ' •. ...stt ,'... a . ' , 11141 8 N E LIlltitItoithYrop - , ' .'.: ;.. , . _:f .1 r.,, , ,L , r of,the first quality mined and de l iv e red ; free . i impuritieslat'tbei . lowest rates ; by the boat' er :. 10ad L sitaie l L ,.. t or third st a f A to mys ns f an m dit w y ll ,th n elu r lbel. I i'l arr. l .o4*.E.,PPltt-s. if, 180 0 .- 1, „ ; .,.: • Fop 24 • i " 1,g,..l a r„Ek : 0 T,E)lat r i "? 1• !I NEWLY ''• , REFIT:TEIi I .:' ''' ' - 11 Jin. i lINDERSIG•NEDI - I:havilk.: leased; golutell known and.popular. hotel, in the city of AilidlOVl" ireflitidgirsna.fiirbismnioth'e same. .. ..,,iej SKW FURNITURE. in the very best moderp style., mibmeopitiriltoemoscesiitgilivart:bf tilicity; Within kis ort distance . S.f the depots of fnur eilleyent Famed . an alsTinbitifitewsllitllfealpibtd beildiiii. , • • iv ,'',, e house_is Jane and ; the plettpip 1. g,u / .. partniesq illy? ie iiii,Gulaa6d,si. IV ..1 , :i• i 4 , 1, , -._ ~ p ' aVdirci'47tareggilittegggrianeVilevElLr, .hit ipgAtventwtt,°Atslarf tte lt d ircicPsnaYel so *mot pl aft lb M ont ha - IBM:We, 7;? sel4ll,bge silo NAdergong cheilgep, a* will be i kept s loseiti th lbe liestniiiirpief&t Liguori REM country u egi a l g=b -I fl ß AV ( r=t 9 ! l ik t r llfttlffiki Minimum - or, ,pattociiiggßC thrrplclicytatomfa z if o gellwoyitll firm ad 1 &elk respeoitooyioliated: '-' • -- —. 4 .. • ; -„,, , 2 : .4 It., itsNAkto dz. CO. 1 : ivislit4 Anginal, 2iff ' . .T,IFD - S ts li,' S - . - , , , ,5a;:::-• i - 0 ui. , ,:: ;.1 ...ILL.:: ' .•.U4) :,:,.: = n$ 2 04.11tithl Hems Rills , F, imeAtty.and Jopißufacituf er pi, fly'udr.,. lit 4i - lioiWtieHiktil l ille_, 4 hili !Wilt' the - kreiiir . .0; 1184 % 4 14r 11 14.ii. 1 4..v.44 Vgitsic.lSLeady every.: 4 nAtt . wor ld` I j rat .. !r alt t sir year a u . , Mi t.... i ll ,„ ,4„,..,...,..,,,.......„ wevTheeyeAl. S.' very , 'littfrikti;igatgelletiir.klileMirenteres there,Sta *lll 'Mil fr iar Almanac and Pamphlet. , „ , kenstabliahildlantaliatailldftenties eirt6 rrbtati.. _ -- I.2IPLIKE BLOOD I , . The; IdArlir.i thellifeiLandiGnie tiny" ~ fiireign oo *R.; .heolthy mither gets mixed with ii, is onendistrbuted to liviirtGliganitifhtigiNik..l Wary-illievefeiAilthe poison;;: i Anil all the vitalorgaris quickly complain. Ttiestbreuudr will lint: illifesV tbillbild. Pe' gently: l Slily& ceases ' to todrete a sufficiency of bile.. !Pip ; an on ,of the heart le iviapirilie4 laid arthirairerilsitlim is feiv le'. Thelimgs be i itt nntn. ciogged lab thn p*onoßs mato!. ;.honce a cough; ralPfromrililliiiklinpuritVof the' Inuntain-heini 'of a iii 1 9mptoockl, .0 if ,7,1)11 had, thrown some math,. fer n I nce - ‘ft.ioitirospringilte.Weirhielfriitialin3i rlinifel- U/ Vg j e w alleglrhckke,lof, ,the -.strotua,:w , i co . .. ' ifibscolibrea. . - As geld* doldiniplite bl Apr 09f:Vart,..iuid.leave its,siing f behind. . All ' Alt - a erb -..6 . bbilirlicied; 'and timbals IbbObstrid- do fL tafemaypd A thp-Aatup, 13 . 1 .4. h, - .1 , ..4 adrifillnitet onlniffritytire'biodif,iit regenerate a ll ' ,th iehretiontofitu2, INA ttiey i alte, : lhgeftirl i wisi. yallek , . 1 . ~ 1 CIIRE FOR 111LIOTIS DISEASEG,AI .;... Likr,Complgint,,Gict Rcintriche,[494 1. Mkt, Anti-fillioul m !eine expels i . riihe hilciint'ithe Aiiddein Seetbrcif - disi.`• *mule, find renders all,,the flitidoi..,and secretions wirpAnd -. thOnlobitikidg 'iiid ialiiiicitatitig tbsiiitit en*anc: '. ' ,Plouta4Madoedt,,ia-Mtor Wi r Att we f are , -able to, pines • - , itithileyonriiisictroimedtchielilie - tiibq , MObkilis iria ncs„??, thatpriltpansiiir,octly . Xo thpa6hottdiparts,unroggli-I It bided itinfithidis oil& Vedic iiiiii Wise llio "iffeKer to sightep prlth:thellush of , beauty and health~ O tt. .1 . (11PA:511.9., ate leP-4* Remedy *Y. Lgeisin , . ' 1- 1 ei iipii : the fo loieirg Cqmplaints,: , .. , •'-i ' -.., ' ...:o=l ''.17 2 7:',.." D.:Xi :... ..t.: - .1, .r.) ii(Lji, l' ." ,:: i Boivel Coiiiitaint4Debiliiy, ioward.wcakness Npogllci .r!i7 -'. , ,PayginantlAinkf:AAVer Complithit4- `Colds,_ ''' Female Coniupltints,Ldwness of Spirits, ., ..16.kiekilia211111tadactitis,Ce ~ : 7 eilmc: LI; ~.. , ; , L,, ' OftIVILIeSS, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel, 1, 31 1 6 - 6Phalii ..- c tffitlfichithil -.,.' . i - p•.eadasiy uy.4,;p: Inarrhtea inflammation toms -DrOpky,' , ',lit ...2.siciAP '.., it'..u..., ,- •... a... , .a ' 1 ' Itlieri ii i/aTa l ikitaitftr '' ' iii On:6am iiiii;inGiie IlleAtiiiorild iieviir'ile : Without these. 2 ~,illas They.pinity;the blood, remove obstrtunions, 1! ,kII-kindsVoleatistithileihn OP sit phdples and`blOichek, and'ining.tooler, of health AO : the pale cheek.. , .•, .. I:1 XV The ft:lW iilled'Heitiii br ivlii6hAtilsei Pills are I: were - dipcovereilin a very:porpr_itijngyw among Ilh Tezuiiiiis, airitinnt Ahorfgines in liiiiice. Get the , Imo olourtAger4 will read with ;delight;_ : the very interesting meant it contains of the ~, GILIAT 1 Illitt*lt'fli:l44l**7lNll3:::il '' ,_: '..; :!.. . IA i : `I: UiJclbserve.—i r li Thgvain,Herb Pills axe put nriin a Bea , ntlinl l'irapiGir.;:: FACh box, contains,4ol pills, and .HC , ' likat 26 cents per box. Ali genuine, have the signature. Of IGILaTIDSON &CO.; tirceaciiibok WM. P. PACKER. 4111DSON & CO., S o P r axi r i 7 6 - to , r Not...Sol:Lemma ttreet, ,, 7,- Agents,wantofUllwityte7-Addiyoas'above. lee 6,feblo4.eBltiwP"i ).. NOTICE - TO; SPEOUVATOR& TAMPA-A.I.M! A'A , - , 114,1:1 MbEWOR LARGYETZED BUILD I,IIG.L,OTS adjoinin ,thwiEound .Houserand Work Shoilw"of •Temia."Railrbad 'o3thilially, - Wlll b 6 sold low Amt ,on res , ugolukblo terms, Apply Ace itueo '' ' ' ' JOHN W: HAIL Checker Boards, Dominos, Checkers, Dice and:bioe'Boxeil The largest assortment-in—th 40r-sale - atall-prices. ?MARRIES'S CHEAPBOOKST.OIO9,I nii2l ' - iyr Maiket, street, Barriskurg, FIREDRUSIND.oHtMICALiI PzkirlitArec ..V.40401r ccla 15.10tBRA.NDS,Q1Seggli- I TOVI:Fidill Hie - Kiri,. iritilkiriii47 La Lilialllet, triutia;Gait ba l; ParaAlikuorilat'2t9alietaal'irarilospal::-.UM 7 . retmented ' ted the pureiai9e 9P 11 1 3 °41V" Grape:LA:o itintretompiend triasctiptictakiKapponatlett ;with gittaktogni lo• • , SJILL - VO DRUG SME, tt ffsibtatiati Rairi.77 BNB ~~s~~k~~lLltP'4'~i9: `` o /PM XbRE: cErESEW[EN - , I main . AstiOinileN4ljii EBBE , 4 ;3Dtv- , GREAT ATTRACTION AT TIIE , NEW CITY STOEE! intioit& COWiTRTHWAIT • CORNER FRONT & MARKET STS. . _ 1 1 41 . 011NdE to. the offizens of, rrarrta eurgai SAM - Pub/13 generally; that theyhaitejuit returned from the eastern cities with a large and well so 16,.ted, stock of• Fall li.nd - Wintel; Gockli; which they will sell •st the vo ry lowest prices. DOME3II6 GOODS of every kind. _ . Bleached . Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. -RED FLANNELS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. A large hssorttrient of Welsh Flannels for Skirting. Anessortinent Domestie,Ginsh !imp, Mahchester Oinghams ; f• Satinettl Moths • ; •" - Blac Moths at all priced:" for - La.Otefie, Chesterfields, • BeaVeitottii'lcirthe Arab . ' • ,AIFINEASSOiITMENT OF- BLANKETS., iA large assollinent of;passimeies, esPecially.adipteAlto. Boy's wear. An assortment of Marino Drawers and ign derellirld.., An assortment. of Carpets' from 12% cue a yarit6 $l.OO ptr yard. ALSO LATEST STYLES B.9.IINDEcHENES, PLAID. VALENCIAS, • VELVET - POPLINS, STRIPED AND, LAID - RICH PLAIN AND FIGURED * MERINOS iat RICH PLAIN AND ,FIGURED; FI D, ALL WOOL DELAINES, • BLACK SILKS; ALL WIDTHS. A large assortment of Brooke ainfDlanket &awls, with a full stock of the latest novelties. ; ' An Assortment of Plain and , Figured latshmeres. "LINENS OF ALL KINDS. Particular aDeptioo paid to Ilrat,clats Hosiery and ;P.m broiderlea,:ko.,; lko.', do. • An assortment or Bogard e wove trail spring skirt pat , tern Oxteilslon. An assortment of Ehroudlog and Flannel', t ; COWPERTHWAIT, • • Corner of,Front and Market Streets,Harrisburg, • FormorlroOdupied4SyJ.l.:l3ltiieri i ';- ;oet2(s-19111 84111 M$ FOR' TICE-SEASION; JONES' -", T OBE ? pit received and receiving from Philadelpkda. an. 2. . . . BARGAINS_ in Silksfar oast!. BARGAINS in Rawls, oral! kinda:lni BeENXINDITA:C.IOII.I9I,andTaIman allkinds;pcicis EARGAIN ikidiald - Dress 61/0433, Grill kinds, for cash. B4RGAlNSiin....every variety; of .Seasoiniblce Deena. '-tablidijor'eithart: if BAlL4ALv3in , Bigitlol4? tgLaup.kkuisjoi: cab. - 7. -4 - PARGAIWS lII ' all kinds of Fianneis l , forsook.. , . , Ea.EG4 l .lNSAriici .W.Tinterci Of 011. itdelks;*.ke., tot caslo.".: Aid BA.ROAdES in ?ands of. Dry Roods nsnally kepi . :in Stores;siaid.a &Mee from, a verylergeivirelliselecied' stock, for cash, at , , JONES' STORE, . , Market. Street, Baivisbirgi LE' 81': mgolgras,iw,J : • HAvz l . , F9Nir !I),P.N# Egt, it? A L, - SS R ITE NT.O. F 416 i! Silks, Shawls,, . ..13Oirnotis; Mods/it:kw; ChiiatseeoEmbioldoilds,.* - ~...Handl4rohiefs Noise, ItUralynitet GOODS 9F 'Art; 41,05: WITH A - FULL.:STOCK ALL TRW . . I.ATESV NOVELTIMINIEDJAE D . - . THIS' SEASON. . Xesseasill eilperipplitellitles for taying; atti,lntlits.and. the Eiiiapekk.marketi, - T.W.. E. & Co.'s steelo-aillt be 1et(n . 1 . 1,M3 *lgo_ ii3,avotaNy vittluatti.Other, both iapriee" and amaertfnent and 1320Abeetniit, #hiladeloble, cieti7-dlpt ••• 2. doors below Continental Hotel. STLIRTT .AND • OOLLAII7HOUSEI. !lA.N7A4manma or Whrfe, Fancy, Cheek, , • • .;.11ickory;r:Deriiiriland Flagnel UNDER AND-OVERSHIRTR, 1 ' Overallii, Drawers upd • Gentleriiens% Ffirofshing I Goods: • .BENNETT*RITCH, potl7-arti;'' ' ' '217 , AgeuS ; fpr.the. Beverly India, Rubber Clothing: , • r. i -. LTALL''O I F''; 1860- - ::: ..$.E.cib .. 443-1=2.0' .. 0:P . t,5i -' -• OF . ' FALL AND' WINTER 3121P'Ve.: 9 1r , • CZ/ 131 341:fiiit receivedit, g . r ru3dotmegtperbßY GOCDS, of every' description; to ,which we iniiiittioatiention of purchasers, Hopped:this morning,. at CATHCART & BROTHERS. . No. 14 Market square, Nett door to the Harrisburg Bank: . ,ANOTHER . EXCITEMENT In making selections.among the large and handsome ; 8 .1, 2 1i ,. An ar 1:13R0OA 41. 71 . 1.9 > 'LONG 'Canna - Lim Bacca.SnivrtS 4 New, Sms . Enna= Busy= Seems, - `SUPERB Loma. • ' DO REAL. SCOTCH PLAID DO 1/1793RLDeRr DO ALL. KINDS of . MIS9ES~ SBawtE. DRESS:(3I-(30,0,1:15,L, D'elaldei,)lerinos MitTle olio - Yarableties;'i'l I - n a oi;Plaids ' , Velour Reps, neAtsluper d et3wal h iEs_ m _ e _ 42faufliolne Cl o th e - ma'am' s a i Soli g 'e'r G rno, is Sl C a n d li e • ,Laveuas, Rale no , • Superb Figitred Merinos, , 84 i Oloths,.Lustres, • tosfeam„exico. Madonnas, • Everything new, desirable orndgood, we earlitiriblyiss: the lows it rates. . cATncanTaartwilen, Next door to Harrisburg-Bablc. i gOMESTIC 'G001)§: The cheapest and best in the city can be had at CATHCART ez BRoinitats. Cassimeres, • ' Ginghains, . Flannels, Cloths,' , • Drillings, -TiCkings, Vestiags n , Table Cloths, C a li cos , Satihelts, CounterPalnes, gickeyy, Canton-Flannels. Good 611tuslinaand,Calicpsi Grck us w OS.LL, AP ..;t:,oil 1 ;..No..3.4II4II,KETLSQUA,Rk: FA ILY BIBLES. THOROUGHLY complete stock of all • sizes, styles; for We atr BERCWEIVS MEAT Booss-rou, , AEFWX:4O3OII,74ENT OF, RAgli LAND ,L 7 LT BRUSH)I9,,for solo at low prlcba at c o IL; . . BEIIGNEIVS , CHEd? socircercraEir , . pa 4 61 Idarset Street. ttaz tinting Otte. lIIMIng procured Steam Powei Piesses, we prepared to execate JOB and BOOK PRINTING of every description, cheaper tbat it can be done at any other es. tablishmentln ;he country, ;RATES Or EioVERTISING, iarEoni lines or ices constitute kte:half eigtare. h or more that reef constitute: kvirrato, Half Square' ohtitley . ti .. ... one week i 00 one montb •• ...... • frost • • 0. three months 3 00 tg six m0nth5....... 4 0 One . 500 - thee Square one day 50 " one week 2 00 . 0 one month . 3 00 0 three months 5 00 six months..., - 8 00 10 00 Jurßusiness notices inserted in the Lotal column or .before Marriages and Pesti:ls, FIVE EERIE PER for .each insertion. 52: :se-Marriages and Deaths .to.,be. chsrged as re,k (liar 'advertise enis. - - • . Something about Burning Moantains, Geological`theorists assert that the inequali ties on the earth's surface arise from themplift leg of volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. But the minute seams in sandstone formation indicate that the whole is the effect of depositions and precipitations, while in the submersion, by the sea: ere& the advance and retreat dirring'petlL lielion periods, we have , aqueous. agency requir ed' for the precipitation. About two hundred — tietlie — Yolcanoes are re ported, of which eighty niiniare in the blends. finbmarine volcanoes often throw up The Azores, the Lipari, the Canarie3, etc., Art) eiamples. The -ashes from volcanoes often produce total darkness from thirty to fifty Miles around, and 'are thrown three hundred ' Miles distant l'ieees of rock are ejected with the force of a cannon ball. Cotopaxi once threw a piece, of one hundred cubic yards, eight' Miles. Fish ejected from volcanoes are those of neighboring waters. • Lava is a stony substanee like basalt, and May sometimes be seen at the button; of a cra ter, red hot, like audited iron, ;Babbling as a fountain. When it corerfloWS ilie'Crater it is very fluid. At Vestrviui, a red hot of it was from ten to eight yards deep, two tum, 'dyed or three hundred yards broad and nearly ,a 'mile long. In Mexico, a plain was Ailed up - with it into a mountain one thousand six hundred feet high, by an eruption in 17b9. Its heat *ass° greay. that it continued to smoke for -twenty years afterwards, and a piece of wood took fire three years and a half after it hid been , ejected, at five miles from the Crater. Stones;of immense 'size rise to the height of seven thousand feet, and others, darkening the air, fail one hundred Miles . distant. • Thirty-one great eruptioinfof Atinalirtie oc• aimed within the record of history. In an .eruption in 1699; the city of Canada was over tun/6111M a moment, and 18,900ipoeple perish ed in the ruins. The crater of ',Etna is a ,quar tar of smile high, one plain -three miles across. The mouth: is, a mile in diameter, and shelves cone, lined with salts and sulphur. The cen tral fiery self varies in size, and noises. arise front it,, with yolumes of sthoke. D'Orville descended by ropes near the gulf, but was an• noyed' by flames and Pompeii, was destroyett ls lanwers of ashes, and Herculaneum by hot, mud, over which six streams of lava have sirice'defosunglated. They ledirecentlir been destroyed by an ea,rthqqake, and wenezebuilding. In the barracks of Pom pelt were =found the skeletons - of two soldiers faktopedtsrohains; and in the, vault, of a coin tryliowm,was a perfect cast of a woman with a ohild , Tb4o9 We fietinentlY hear persons - remark that it is a fearful thing to die; but' seldom do we hear them:say 'tis a fearful thing to live. It may be a fearful thing to die' (certainly a solemn line);: but to me it.seems more solemn, more fearful, pp- live. That is rem .sole hour when we gaieiip Ma." the pallid cheek of a loved and dyineorre--when we feel the last pressure of ttiose lips npon Ours----when the last farewell is faintlkivhisperedL—and to the dying'one it may be sialerim to'reave earth and its loved objects, and to enter ther"dread unknown," but surely .one need net 'fear to die who has though; !spoken and acted in the fear of 'God, fsamiiig all his actions with that great flay in view, When all decisions meet remain - as they are Made; when every secretshall be revealed, all mySteries'solved, nothing concealed. .To one who - has thui lived, dying can can only be like .1111apidowtigie drapery of his coach abont And lying doyirn - to pleanmat dreams.". ' Litt)! '0; Life ! whicfs it to lire? Not 'erely to:eat, drink and sleep—it is to love, to rejoice,, to, mourn, ,to feel the lccerwst sorrows, to know the greatest pleasures , “Weaivii in iieeds; not'years; in thoughts;; not breatf In'feelings not in figures cn a dial." , Man dies, but his influence lives; it cents ncit with the pulsations of his heart, but ghat . ' live and be felt even when he is- forgotten. This makes a soletno n yes_ a fearful thing to :live. 0, - who 'dabs not shudder at the' thought of influence, which shall tell favor ably upon an undying soul through all eter mityr Prof.. Hitchcock, in his chapter on 'the "Tele. graph ,4sleni of the Universe," introduces the remarkable theisry, that our words, our actions, pven,our very thoughts, make an indelible im pression ripori„ the universe;, that " not a word has - ever escaped from mortal' lips, but it is registered indelibly upon the atmosphere we breathe." Whether this be true or not, it is certain that we all have an influence, and that 'this4nriuencis is continually exerted for good or ill upon` all around us. Knowing, this, how cautiously should we tread life's tath way; ever keepinka : sentinel at the door of our mind, "that no evil thought enter,, and at our mouth, that no evil word go out.--.7lfoore's Rural New Forktr. Another Horrible Mystery Explained. The. Troy, (N. Y) times says that about three years ago a young woman named Catherine H., employed in one - of the collar factories of the city—a good looking, intelligent and spirited girl—dismearo front her home.. She left in the early evening, saying that she was going to a ball;..and did not return. Her clothing was all left behind uncalled for. , Diligent inquiries were made:. She"had - been seen at the ball un til affermidoight,',but no one knew when she left for home,_ or in whose company. An ad yertiseixient pnbliShed in the Tinte.4 produced-no answer, Time ,passed, and . the minds of her relatives settled-upon the conclusion that she liana have ithandened' hoine-Leloping perhaps, in, company with some• seducer; perhaps going -Off alone to seek.excitainerit and aniusement in a vortexrof dissipation elsewhere. The conclu sion waS fayored - byltdi'hiteWn repugnance to her emplornent here—arid her hive ofdisp'ay and festivitirs: -•- . Buy s withirra, few days,' the almost banished subje7hai - heen: revived' by the receipt of an anonymous letter •Whihti . conveys the starting arliaihricanerti : lbut Catherine was murdered; thaf, i ii leaving the ball Yin tiorupgrry with a young - Man, they precedded*gether to a block above, and took a carriage; after driving a short diStsnce;, three:other. felloWs- got int. tne car riage; that, ,instead of taking the girl home, they Started togetherdor the' Ar,bany road, and when :she'reinortstiatedi stifled 11,r voice by placing, a shawl over 'Elm bead; that, after pt.r.- petit - sing hOrriblii outrages, the ruffians killed :Catherine pn i : Stranglng her, and threw. her body, into.,the, Island Creek, beLosv AU avy- her clothin ," With' exception of the' ininder 'garments, being destroyed, and that the body ; was found three or four weeks after the crime,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers