into of &ape & th-anoportatiou PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA• The Bridge at Conewago having been re-built, the Passenger grams of the Penn. ylvania Railroad Company Will resume their former route. On and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1860, they will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. • THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 a. In. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 6.15 a. in., every day except Monday, arrives at West Philaoelphia at 10.00 a. m. ISIATL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. in., arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. These trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. - MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves at 6.50 a. m., Mt. Joy at 8.02, and connects at Lancaster at 8.60 with Lancaster Train, arriving at West Philadelphia at. 12.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves at 8.50 p. m., Columbia at 5.15, and arrives at West Phila delphia at 9.05 p. M. MT. - JoY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves at 4.00 p. m., Mt.. Joy at 5.11, connects with Harrisburg Accommodatima Train, East, at Dillerville at 5.40, arri ving at West Philadelphia at 9.05 p.m., WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.45 p in., arrives ai Harrisburg at 2.55 a. m. MAIL MAIN leaves :Philadelphia at 7.10 a. m., Ar rives 12.60 p.m. FAST.!LINEieaves 'Philadelphia at 1.1.60 a.' in., arrives at Harrisburg at 4.00 p. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaVes Lancaster on arrival of Mail Train West, at 11.94 a. In., leaves Mt. Joy at 31.42, and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at '2.00 p. m., Columbia 6.10, and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p. m.. MT. JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Lancaster, on the arrival of Lancaster Train West, at 724 p. m , Mt. Joy at 8.10, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9. 42 p. m. ' Passengers IcaviniPhilad Iphia at 4 CO p. m., on Lan caster Train, connect at Lancaster with Mt. Joy Accom modation Train No. 2, at 7,54, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.24 p. m. SA.MGEL. D. YOUNG, Fast DitriSio7l Pentarevania Ras read oetlsdtt NEW AM LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK ! - agmangimay: - SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN TIIE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND I.I.4 O I:RIZISIBT.TRO - I VIA REA.DING. - ALLENTOWN AND , EASTON. ORNENG .EXPEE.F.S; VI est, leaf es Neu Itcrl, at '6 A arriving at Harrisburg at 12.46 noon, only OX boars between the two miss. MAIL LINE leaven' New York at 12.00 noon, and or rives At Harrisburg at - 8.30 P.M. MORNING MAIL LINE East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A: 11., arriving at New York at 4.30 P.M. AktERNOON EXPREI:B'I.INE, :gig; loaves Hari is baretit 1,15 P. M., arriving at New York at 9.00 P. M. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.410 P. M. with the Passtvger Traing in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Culduerland Valley and Northern Central Radioed. All trains connect at Reading with trains Or Pottsville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, Easton, No change of PasSenger Cars or Baggage between Now York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A Is. Line from Now Veit or the 1.16 P. M. nom Harrisburg. ••EOriseanty of scenery, and speed, comfortand accom modatilmi, this route presents superior inducements to tbirtraveliag public. Faro between New York and Harrisburg . I.ltro, DOL LARS. For tickets an.l other information apply td In3l J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Aarristrarg. 1860. 1860. Northern Central Railway 1 NOTICE. CHANGE* OF SCHEDULE. AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAT27th, ur 2700860, the Passenger Trains on the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows : GOING - SOUTH. 'EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at,......,..1.40 A. M. ...;ACCOI.II IO DATION TRAIN will leave at.. 7.30 A. DI. *AIL TRAIN will leave at. ....... LOOP: DI. GOING MAIL TRAIN will leave at XPRESS TRAIN wilileave at... he only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday win be @EXPRESS MAIN at 1.40 A. M., going South, and the ''AtESc TRAIN at 9.32 P. M., going North. er further information apply at the Office, in Penn'a aliroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, May 26, 1860.,-ma26-dtf lIILADELPHIA READING RAIL ROA D . SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MAY 28th, 1860 TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG GAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. IL, and 1.15 P. Id., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1 25 P. M., and 6.15 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PRITADELPRIA at 8.00 A, M., and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Harrisbvrg af12.45 noon and 13.80 P. H. FARES :—Sto Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $3.25 ; No. 2 On same train,) $2.10. PARIS —To Reading, $1.60 and $1.30. A t Reading, connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners: vllle, Tamaqua, Catawissa, &c. IVIDE TICADIS LEAVR READING FOR PHILADM., PHU DAILY, at 6 A. $l., 10.45 A K., 12.30 noon and .3.43 P. AL LEAVE ETEELADELPBEIA FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 P, M., 8.80 P. M., and 6.00 P. M. FARES :—Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1.45. IRE MuttNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG CON. EnTS AT READING with up train for Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other Information apply to J. J. CL'i la; Ge...ra2 Agent. ray23-dtt PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD RFDUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES. On and after MONDAY. APRIL 2d, 1860 COMMUTATION TICKETS WITH 26 Coupons, will be issued be tween any points desired, good for the holder or any Member of his family, In any Passenger train, and al any time — at 26 per emit, below the Rat.GUldli FAILItS. Parties hat tug UCCIIISHIL to use the Rua° irequeutly on :business or pleasure, will trod the above airangement Sops cinient and eetaiumitad , as Four Passeuger trains run daily each way between heading and Phdaueipbia, and Two:Trains daily between Beetling, Punsville and klurrisbtul. Sundays, only one morning train down, and one afternoon train up, runs between Pottsville and IPlallauelpliia, and uu Passenger train on the "Leuttutui Valley Branch Railroad. 1. or the above Tickets, or any information relating thereto, apply to S. Bradford, Esq., Treasurer ' Pinhole] phis, to the respeotive 'Ticket .Agents on the line, or to IG. A, NICULLS, Gen'l Supt. sr2B•dtZ THE ORIGINAL AND Gr.NITINE DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S AR SAPARILLA, THE BLOOD. ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ULCERATED SORES, AND ALL FORMS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASE°. 1 These complaints can be speedily and effectually cured by the use of-this • • WORLD RENOWNED • BAR SAPARILLA. Thousands have experienced its salutary effects, and tens of thousands have witnessed it, until it nas ceased to be a question among the intelligent portion of the com munity. • When the Elood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from the effects of Spring weather, change of climate want or exercise, the use of a uniform saline diet, or any other cause ; this compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, will RENEW the BLOOD, carry off the'puttid humors, CLEANSE the groireas, REGULATE THE BOWELS, And impart a Tone of - Vigor to the Whole Body; TO THE PUBLIC. The public era hereby notified that the preparation ex; tensively known as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Compound tract of Earsaparilla, is now manufactured under my di rection and supervision, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. S. P. Townsend; and I certify that it is compost ed of ingredients PURELY VEGETABLE, and WITHOUT CORY; and also that the ingredients are judiciously compounded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal effect. NORTH. L2O P. , M .9.32 P.M AND pemovluaula Doi eclegrapt ) , Saturbap "afternoon, October 27, 1860. itlistellantous The Great Renovator of THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR JAMES R. MILTON, hi. D., Chemist. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S CaPOUND EXMACT oa Ssaas• yentas, has a reputation among all civilized nations as the beat preparation for Renovating' and Purifying Ethe BLOOD which science nos ever offered to may. In this resides its PECULIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due its world wide renown. - It contains all the vegetable principles which experi ence has proved useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DISEASE, extracted and combined with the highest skill which the.relinements of modern chemistry enable us to employ. Whatever may be said by mortified competitors or splenetic physicians, the fact that this medicine is EVERY WHERE USED, and that its use creates an increased de mand, shows conclusively that it possesses medicinal merits of the first order CAUTION. To avoid imposition it Will be necessary to see that DR. JAMES R. CHILTON'S CERTIFICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. S. P Townsend, Is on the outside wrapper of each bottle. BE VERY CAREFUL TO USE NO OTHER. Proprietor's once, No. 41 Fulton street, N. Y. And far sale by every Druggist in this klty. ap3o-d3taw TAKE NOTICE That we have recently added to our already full stock - OF SEGARS, LA NORMATIS, HAV.I EL MONO, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERY FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR OF MUSK, LUBIN'S ESSENCE BOQUET. FOR THEJIAIR. EAU LUSTRALE, - cR Y sTA L ZED .1"0 MATIT AI MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM. FOR THE COMPLFrrON. - • TALC OF VENICE, ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW .MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANC DE PERLES. OF SOAPS. BAZLN'SEFINEST. Moss Rose, Benjoin, tipper;Ten, New-Mown Hay, Jockey Club. Having the largest stock and best assortment of toilet articles, we Miley that we are better able than our com petitors, to get up a complete toilet sett at any price de sired. Call end see. Always on, hand a FRESH stook of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c., consequent of our receiving almost, daily additions thereto. KELLER'S DREG AND FANCY STORE, 91 bLarket Street, seps Two Nora East of Fourth St., South Side 1860. 1860. FIRST FALL OPENING OF 3Et. far 0 03C10 '\ITE HAVE NOW READY A LARGE V and HANDSOME assortment of all kinds of GOODS in our fine. New Styles Dress Goods, Superior makes of Silks, A large assortment of Calicos, Extra quality Muslin, all prices, Best makes of Flannels, do A large Stock of Shawls, Plain and Barred Back Flannels Purchasers are invited to examine our stock, as we are confident we can show them them the best styles at the lowest prices, in counedion with the 'largest stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Satinetts and Cassimeres, Bleached and Unbleached Mullins, Delairies,.Calicoes and Ginghams, Drillings, Shadings and thecae, Pant Studs, Hickory and Tickings, Best makes of Canton Flannels. Splendid Calicos for six cents, I Good quality Muslin, six cents.' Plain and Figured Delatnos, 12% cents, Heavy lnUleached Muslims, six cents: With BARGAINSin all Goods of this kind, we only ask as examinat ion of our stock, as we are confident that In pr Ices and goods we cannot hill to please. CATHCART & BROTHER, No. 14 Market Square, se6 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. 30 11 .1,0 , 3 E-1 S S FISH MACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and S.) SALMON, (very superior.) SHAD, (Mess and very fine.) HERRING, (extra large.) COD FISH. SMOKED HERRING, (extra Digby.) SCOTCH HERRING. SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. 01' the above we have Mackerel in whole, half, quar ter and eighth this. Herring iu 1.6 hole and half bbls. The entire kt m W--DIREOT FROX IRE MERRIL% and will self them at the lowest mat ket rates. sepl3 WM. DUCE JR. & CO. PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF all persons desiring Blank Books of any size or kind, Iront the imallest Pass Book to the largest Blank Book manufactured, is respectfully lu nched to my very large assortment, which FOR.PRICE AND OUALITY cannot be egurtfteci. Printed and Ruled Blank Books, and every conceivable odd sized Blank Books made to Order at stunt notice.— Books and pamphlets of all kinds bound in any desired spies or biuding, at . • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, my2s 51 ta.rket Street. ALL THE NEW BOOKS' AS FAST as published will be found for sale at lik_RtidvEK'S clikriP BOOKSTORE. uK.ok4, that are wanted and not.on hand Hill be pro cured at puhli,hera usual pricts The largest assortment of STANDARD, RELIGIOUS, THEOLOti,CAL, 6CIEN tIFIC; HISIORICALand IiIISCEL LA/"/°l-1S BODIES in tbe c 4, many of which will be cold much bRI.OW PUBLISHER'S PRICES, will be found for sale at - BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Muket St. ,Call and extuttLue the titook. • my 29 inebitaL HU 111 PH REY'S SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR THE PEOPLE. HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. - The undersigned having used Prc fesor HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC HOMCEPATIIIC RIM EDIES in our families with the most satisfactory results, and having lilt confidence in their genuineness. purity and efficacy, cheerfully re commend them them to all persons who wish to have safe, reliable, and efficacious remedies at hand for private or domestic use. The Rev. Wm. Hosmer, editor of "The Northern Inde: pendent," Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. E. H. Cressy, D. D., Rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. B. I. Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison ; the Rev. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New Bedford, M .ss.; the Rev. Allen Steele, New York Conference ; the Rev. Samuel Nichols, East Genesee Conference, N. Y.; the Rev. P. Pratt, Dorset, Yt.; the Rev. John E. Roble, Buffalo; A. C. Hart, Esq., Utica, N. Y., the Eon. Neal Dow, Portland, Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South Bend, Ind.., the Esq., editor George Humphreys, N. Y.; Henry D. Cook, q., editor of the Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Otno; the Hon. R. H. Graham, Moline, Ill.; the Hon. Thomas .1. Chase,. Monticello, Fla.; the Hon. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y.; Wm. Bristol, Esq., Uttw, N. Y.; A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N. Y.; James Plunkett, Esq., Nashville, Tenn. 'LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. I.—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. No. 2.—For Worm [Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting, 'hi Bed. , No: B.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and. Wakefulnoss of infants. No. 4.—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Hemmer Complaints, No. s.—For Colic, Gripings, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. B.—For Cholera, Cholera Mortus,Voiniting. No. 7.—For Coughs, Colds, Influenza and . Sore Throat. NC. B.—For Toothache, Face-ache, and Neuralgia. No. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, Meat and Fullness of the Head. No. 10 —Dyspepsia Pills—For Weak and Deranged Sto mach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. No. 11.—For Female Irregularities, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12.—For Leucerrhoa, Profuse Menses, and. Bearing Down of Females. No. 13.—For Croup, Hoarse Cough,..Bad Breathing. No. 14.—Salt Rheum Pills—For Erysipelas, Eruptions, Pimples on the Face. " • No. 15.—Rheumatic Pain, Lameness, or Soreness in the Chest, Back, t.,edus,'or Limbs. A.—For-Fever and Ague, C till Fever, Dumb Ague, Old Mismanaged Agues. . . P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or External! O.—For ;Sore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids ; Failing, Weak, or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its. violence and shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflantmations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is obvious, and in all such cases, the specifics act-like a charm. The entire disease is Mtn arrested at once, and iu all cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease shortened, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent 'occur rence, and which so often lay-the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all -be at. once ‘.vred by the Fever and Cough Pills., , In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia,- Weak Sto mach, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female De bility, and Irregularities, old Headachee, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics whose proper application will afford a cure in almost every instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, He attache or Female Weakness, has more than paid for the case test times over. PRICE. Case of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and Book 65 Case of 20 +lab, and Book, plain' '4 Case of 15 numbered boles, and 800 k....... 2 Casc of 6 boxes, numbered, and 800 k.... 1 Single numbered boxes, with directions.... 25 cents Single lettered boxes, with directions 50 cents Large case of 2 oz. vials, for planters and physicians.. $l5 ALSO SPECIFICS FOR ASTEIIA OR PRlRlLlE.—Oppressed, Difficult, Labor ed Breathing, admitted with Cough and txpectoration Price, 50 cents per box. FOR Rao DIBCRARGES AND Dicaysrw.—Discharges from the Est, the reaultof tic;.rlet Fever, Measles or Mercuri ala. For Noises in the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing in. the Ears, and Nar-ache. Price,' 50 cents per box. . Foe SCROFIII.A.--Enlarged Glands, Edlarged and Indura ted Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcers, .crefulous Cachoxy of Children. Price, 50 cents'per box. FOR GENERAL DEBlLlTY.—Physical or Nervous Weak n0.,0 ilither_tho oKsatt nr .xt....b.aoust,_ramcsa medica tion, or Exhausting Discharges. Price, 50 cents per box. Fox DRoPSY.—Fluid Accumula t one, Tumid Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR Sca.Sicxszss.—Deathly Sickness, 'Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sicknessi from riding or motion. Price, 50 cent, per box. FOR URINARY Duatests.—For Gravel, Renal Calctinonm cult, painful Ifrination;' Diseases of the Kidneys, Price, 50 cents per box. Fox GEMINA_L Emisamxs.—lnvoluntary Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Results of Evil Habits. The most successful and efficient remedy known, and may be relied upon as acute. Price, with full direc tion; $1 per box. - ' Persons who wish to place themselves under the pro fession.] care, or to seek advice of Prof. Huatras Ta, can do so, MIAs office 562 Broadway; daily from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M., or by letter; OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list ; make up a case of what kind you choose, and inclose the amount ins current note orstamps by mail to our address, at No. 562 Broadway, New York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or ex press, free of charge. AGENTS WANTJtD.—We • desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies in every town orcom munity in the United Shttes. Addiess Dr. F.-HUMPHREYS At Co., • aprlB-dawly No. 562 Baclanwev, NEW Yeas. Wholesale and Retail agent for Harrisburg and vicinity C. K. Keller. Also ; sold by Theodore F. Scheirer, and Druggists and stores genoralLy. TEE. ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YESES, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DAY 1 And testimonials, new, and almost without number, Might be given from ladles anitgentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimonynonecouldresist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, In all its youthful beauty. Baina CRUX, Mich., Dec. 21.1860. PROF. WOOD : Thee wilt please accept a line to inforin thee that the hair on 'my head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated chronic disease, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through lil6 having, reduced mete a state of dependence, I having not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have 1 been able to do them up, in conse quence or which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This i nduced me to pay Brigge Hodges almost the last cent I haff on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Halt Reiterative about the firSt of August last. I have faithfully followed the directiOns and the bald spot isnow covered with hair thick and black, though' hort; It is al so coming in all over my bead. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently., 1 feel anxious to,per.severe its use, and be ing destitgte of means 'to purchase more, I 'would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me au order On thine agents fora bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration--"the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and fatherless." Thy iriend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. LiGoatra, Noble, Co., Indiana Feb. 541, 1859. PROF. 0..1. WooD: Dear Sir :—ln the latter part mile year 1852, while attending the State and National low Solfool of the State of New York, my hair, front a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short space of six months, the whole upper part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual ac-' quaintances were not so much at alms to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were io recognize me at all. I at once made application to the most skillful physi cians in the country, but, receiving no assurance front them that my hair could agate be restored, 1 was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of tne yearl.Bs7, your Restorative was re commended to me ny, a aruggiat, as being the most re liable Bair liesteratiie in use. I tried one bOttle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired eftbct. Slime that time, I have used seven dot Lars , worth of Your Restorative; and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft' black , hair, which no money can as a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wondertul an article, I have re commended its use to many of my friends and siequaint• antes, who, I am happy:to inform you, are using it with like effect. Very reSPectlully, yours, A. If. LATTA ' Attorney and Counsellor at law. • Depot, 444 Broadway, - and sold by'all dealers through out the world. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz,: large, medium and small; the sinielltiolds X'a pint, and retails for one dollar per bOttle c the - medium holds at least twenty' per cent more in propoition thaii the small, and retails tor two - dollars „per , bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 percent,'more in proportion, and retails for $3 0..1 'WOOD le CO. '444. Breadway, New York, and 114 Market street; St. Louis, Mo. And soldhbytiallogeod Druggists:. and FaXICY Goods Dealers se2o-dow3m illcbital DR. MOTT'S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS OF IRON. As aperient and Storeachic preparation of IRON puri fied of oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned e hihest Medical Authorities, ooth in Europe and the'United g ttates, d prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and other wiseaickly complexions indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all malad es in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely cura tive in each of the following complaints, viz: Debility, Nervous Affections, EtriariclPa' lion. Constipation, Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Incipient Consumption, rofulons Tuber culosis. Salt ..illieum, Illinnien,truatton, Whi les,.Chlorois, Liver Complaints, Chro nic headaches, Itheumatism, Intermittent Fevers, Pimples on the Face, dire. In case of General Debility, whether the result of acute disease or of the continued diminution of ner yens and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial or this restorative has proved successful to an ex tent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have sud denly re-ippeared in the buy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female std. ferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, raft guineous exhaustion, critical, changes, and that complica tion of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exer cise for which the physician has no name, Is Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for rea sons familiar to medical men, the operation of this pre paration of iron must necessarily be salutary, form:dike the old- oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being ex citing and overhbating,"and gently, regularly aperient, even in the mast-obstinate cases in costiveness, without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. . It is this latter property, among others, which makes It so reinarkably effectual and. permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and I specific action, by dispeising the local tendency which forms them: . In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its causes, a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has, often sufficed for the most liabitualeases,lneluding the attendant Costiveness. . In unchecked. Diarrhoea, even when advanceitto Disehtery, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently Ma lignant, the effects have been equally' decisive and as- Mnishing. . Itithe local pains,` loss• of flesh and strength, debili tating cough, and remittent heetic,ivhich generally Indi cate Incipient Consumption, this remedy has al.' layed Hie alarni of friends and' physicians, in several very gratifying and- interesting instances. In Scrofulous Tubereulosis, this medicaledlron has had far more than toe good of the .most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attention ot females cannot be too confidently in vited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiar ly affecting them. ' . In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflammatory— In the latter, however, more decidedly—it has been in variably well reported, both as alleviating pain and re ducing the swellings and stiffness of the joined muscles. 'ln Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its prOgress In the now settlement of the west, will probably be one of high renown and ns.efUlnesS. No remedy bas ever been discovered, in the whole his tory of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy and fullyzrestorative effects. Good appetite, complete diges tion rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual dis position for active and cheerful exercise, immediately bellow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 10 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by Druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price.-- All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to IL B. LOCKE CO., General Agents., ,339 Broadway, New York. an 4 dtf - mOTHERs P most be obvious not only to you, but to every atten tive and intelligent person, that the flint diseases ot in fants arise chiefly irom a disordered condition of their bowels, and in this counection, wo present to your notice for_ th,..a.vinit..,,,,;,114....-.11...a....„&-r0ara.....,r -known as DR, EATON'S INF KNTII.I - 00 lit I AL ) Prepared from a formitla used by Dr. Eaton w - th rn marktible, success during several year's practice, we know it to be a most reliable and efficacious remedy for iniantile•toniplaints,-and one trial alone will convince you of its superiority over every other preparation of the It is partibularly recommenced' For Children Teething. . . And at this period of infantile life, when your anxious hearts are palued 'by witnessing thw sufferings of your little ones, it w.ll be found invaluable in Softening the Gums, Reducing inflammation, and leelierrngaU Pain. For. Diaeaseo attending Teething, such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of . She l Stomach, Wind, tb/ie,aud Coid in the Read, we con fidently offer• this as a certain relief and cure in every case when, given in time. It will,invai lably regulate the stomach and bowels, and its importance in this respect can hardly be estimated:. 'ln Convulsi6n from which more, infants are said to the Wm from any other disease, the little,sufferer is relieved as tnalaniane ously, If by magic; and in this dread complaint aloud, its intrinsic value is such' that it has been recommendea from one family to another, until the name of Dr. Eat on's Imilltnittie Coidlal has become “tamiliar as a house!. old wind." We now ask your attentien,to a sub ject of vital intertAt to yourseb, as well is to you, suffer ing child. Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cordial contains . No. Morplule or Opiate, of any Nastier of- whatever nature, /fir afact which we are fully warranted in stating cannot be mud of any other prepay alien for infantile diseases, at. this time beiore the public:l3 . We find that throughout the country, Moth ers ere beCoraing convinced of this truth, and of the 1534 and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics disguised in the form of quiet log remedies ;- their continued administration being in variably followed by itiMetaction, and constipation of the bowels, ending oftentimes in convulsions. Herein Da. EATON'S lassicrun CORDIAL differs from every other remedy. It • . Does Not Constipate the bowelt, tit.-ither does it ant by deadening the sensi bilities of your children, but naturally, 'through its rare medicinal qualideei by- removing ail. pain and cause of disease. We earnestly recommend you,.therefore, tp 'n lose o . time in procuring a bottle, that you may have at hand a remedy which will never fall to relieve your child in time of need. It is perfectly harmless, aad cannot injure the most delicate infant. Take none btu DR. .EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. This you can rely upon. Price 26 cents per bottle. Prepared only - by CI-lURCEI 8c OUPoNT, • No. 409 'Broadway, New York. And sold by them, and by all respectable Druggists. aulo-tfeb6 eow A NEW. AND FINE ASSORTMENT LADIES' TRAVELLING, AND SHOPPING BAGS. At all prices, for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 61 Market Street SELLING, OFF AT . COST TO CLOSE THE BUSINESS. B EING desirous to close the WALL PAPER business in which I sin now partially en gaged, I will sell all,,the stock I have on hand at CCM PRICES. All d siring bargains in 'Wall raper will do well by calling soon. stylB • •: • GEO. BERGNER, 51 Market street WM. J. MBES, CARPENTER AND'JOBBER, CORNER WALNUT AND FRONT' MERETS. OBBINCT of all kinds done •at short maim, in good style, and on reasonable terms. THOSE desiring to paper their houses, I. will finl a well - selePted.sWok of WALL PARER for s ate at COS T PI-aCES, at BERGNAWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE MORTON'S:GOLD PENS ! - - xv ITH EXTRA. FINE POINTS, and •y v flue quality of material throughout, AT 20 IT.It CENT, below usualprices of other manufacturers BERWILIVS CEIE.62. BOUKSTUIIO, - . . • • • • 61 Market,atreet. ge-Caill and try them No charge for it. ' • ily24 ; WM.= :BRANDIN FOR: PRESERVING =a very superior ar op vicle.on Land 'and for aide M r. kby K co. Illebical CNfL~REN ~l_ MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers ht.r SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething. which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by soft ening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, It will give rest to yourselves AND, RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years; and CAN SAY, iv CORFLDIVOR AND TRUTH, what We have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT •FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CURS when timely used. Never did we know an Instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are deiighted with its opera. Lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation of Its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak to this matter "wan WI DO KNOW, alter ten years' expe rience, AND moon OUR RIPUTATION FOR TER FIIIFILIAPNI OP WHAT WM HEM DWILAPS. RIMO6t every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustlon, re lief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation Is the prescripton of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES In New England, and has been used with NIIIKR FAHMG 0=69 in THOUSANDS OF CAM. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole • system. It.ill al most instantly relieve GRIMM IN THE 'BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the men and seam MIMI" iv womn, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHEA IN ,CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from''any other 'cause. We would say to every Mother who. ban _a' child suffering from any et the Foregoing complaints—no war LET you PHILP3DIOEB., sea Taw mignon:as op °Marna, stand between you arid your sneering childand the.rellei that will be SURE—yes, AB SOLUTELY SURE.-;.to follow the use of this medicine, lit timely. used... Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Nom- genuine. unless the fee-simile of CURTIS a PERECINS,New York, IS on theoutside Wrapper. Sold by, Dr uggists throughout the werld. Irrinclpal Ofilee, No. 13 Cedar St. New York. Prico 0n17"25 Cents per Soule. For Sale In Harrisbarg by D. W. Gross ik Co., No 19 Market street, J. Martin Luta,yo. 22 Market street, O. K. Keller, No. 91, Market street; below Fourth; and G. W. Miles, 125 Market street. aug22 dimly , - le rep ( A N . yoillis - 3 S • ' ' 6 - 4 V - \ m ___Vg • ' / . :c* . ' ' ''cq . 0- / LAIECONOIYIY! - •ks‘ w og i .. 4:3 !"I - . 1 4 ~.1 Or V. 2, Erimipatella g 5 FD 1 S ave a) ....011. , . 1. ' the Pieces !. 1 i Is accidents will hoykn, eren in well-regulatedfarniTies ilia very desirable to have some cheap and convenient Way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &c. SPALDING'S PREPARED ME meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping Chairs, splintered veneers, beadles toys and broken Cradles. It Is just the article for cone, shell atm other orarmental work, so popular with ladles of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi .cally held in solution, and possessing all the qualities of the best cabinet makers' Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage. bolus "vastly more adhesive. - -GT,Lidrou — tre , ernitur - N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price 25 cts. Wholesale Depot, N0..48 Cedar street, New York. Address HENRY C. SPALDING 8c CO., Box No. 8,600, New York Put up fOr Dealers in cases containing Four, Eight and •Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Shotv•card ac companying each package; •, • . Ariy-A single bottle oiSPAIDIN. G'S PREPARED GLUE Will save ten times its cost annually to every household. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fa'ty Stoma. Country merchants should meke ••• "twat SPALDINGI PREPARED GLUE, when Mail op their list •It wit Stand 'any climate • " • - Tab diwly POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAMELIS OR PAIN DESTROYER, S one of the few domestic remedies I which have come into general UBB and favor, without puffing, It is the product of a simple shrub, harmless in all cases', mid as a domestic remedy unequalled. 'For BURNS, CUTS, BRUISES, SORENESS, LAMENM, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, BOILS, ULCERS, OLD SORES and WOUNDS , it has not an 'equal. It is also need, With great success, for TOOTHACHE, HEADACHE, NEURAL GIA, SORE THROAT, COLIC; DIARRHOEA, HOARSE NESS, and other !Similar troublesome-and painful affec tions, while it promptly , arrests all HEMMORREIAGES.— Hundrids of physiclani use it daily in their practice, and give it their - unqualified recommendation.'. Sold by our agents and dealers, and by . . •F. HUMPHREYS & CO., 662 Broadway, • Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. Sold by 0. K. Keller, Wholesale and Retail agent for. Darrtsburg and vicinity, and Druggists and shires gene rally, - -apt ? dawly SCHWERIN'S .ANNIHILATING POWDER Mr. SCHWERIN received Certificates from President of Girard College, Directors of House of Refuge, Pennsyl vania Hospital, and other prominent Public Institutions of Philadelphia. 11. S. Jail, Washington, D. C., and Charity Hospital, New Orleans, La. The origfnal certificates can be seen at the Wholesale and Retail Depot, 124 North Second Street, Philadelphia, and for sale in Harrisburg by Charles. A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross & Co., G. W. Riley and D. K. Keller, and by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere.. Beware Of Spurious hrii Snorts. Remember to ask for. EICHWERIN , S Annihilating Powder , None Genuine unless signed myltAftm H ANIS!! HA - NIS!!! NE WBOL . S CELEBRATED EXTRA SUGAR CURED (covered:) EXTRA. SUGAR CURED (uncovered.) PLAIN HAMS . EXTRA SUGAR CURED SHOULDERS. . EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED REEF. ' EXTRA. t , as " " (covered.)4 Just received a large invoice of the above, which we offer at unusually low prices, seps3 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Patent Medicines. Family Medicines Patent Medicines. Family Medicines Patent Medicines. Family Medicines Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Trusses Supporters, Shoulder Braces. PERFUMERY. PFRFUMERY. PERFUMERY. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICL ES. FANCYIAND TOILET •ARLICLES. FANCY AND. TOILET .ARTICLES. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO • We endeaver to buy and sell the very best of every. {ha ng in our line and always have ' s good assortment in sellingg a t store from which customers may choose . And. e fair prices we do coMmand'a fairehate•of patronage. .CA K.. ICELLER' aBUG'STORE, • No. 91 Market street. BLANK ._BOOKS n-E , ALL ThiItaINABLE 'LA STYLI ANP.RlLanigi on harstaad maneacter `lotto order atothe cheapest ratie, at • • • °MAP BOOKSTORE. MEN S' FURNISHING GOODS AND GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK FOR THE 3PALT-al-6 TRA.DM , Of the latest and most desirable styles, imported an manufactured expressly fur the approaching season's salt. • C. B. HATCH & CO-, fgr4o3 BROADWAY,„gII (One door above the cor. of Walker St.,) .NEIt YORK. Give notice to the Merchants In all sections of the Union that their stock of MAW knitaninou GOODS AND GOLDEN HILL Saws is now ready for exhibition, coronrizing a full aseortnarnt of plidershirts and Drawers, FaU and Winter Gloves, Plain and Fancy Shirts, Ms. Scarfi Mocks, Suspenders, Half Rose, Linen adlars. Robes .de Chambre, Traveling Shawls. Railway Rags, Cardigan Jackets, Mufflers, &c. Including many new and omit-able articlea idtbts Due Dot to be found in any similar establishment in this eietatry. All alibi made at the GOLDEN MIL SFIIRI' MANO FACTORY,,hear on the back of title Yoko the following stamp Which Is our trade mark for this article, and which carries with it our guarantee as to their PERFECTION in every particular. These Shirts, combining STYIN, DURABILITY, anil PERFECTION OF FIT, we warrant equal in every respect to any made to order. Parties not interning to risk New York this Fill, may transmit their orders by mail, anti can rely upon having them filled as faithfully and promptly as though pre cut tom Ica themselves. C. b BATCH. & Cu, jy27 d3m 1403 Etroadw,y, N. Y. FINE GROCERIES , N. W. CORNER 17th AND ARCH STS CROSS & BLACKWELL'S ENGLISH PICHELS AND SAUCES. Particular attention paid to selectiug FINE TEAS AND COFFEES, SUGARS always at Refiners , prices. Choice writ: LIQUORS and SEGARFE- of the best brands always hand. my; lyd PENNSYLV ANIA DYEING ESTABLISHAIENT. OFFICE, NO. 104 ALA RI; E'T t-TREET, DODGE & CO. RESPECTFULLY inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Harrisburg, and the public ge ncr+u y, putt they have all toe machinery necessary for DYEI.NO CLEANSING and FINISHING, in a most superior style, and warranted to give satisfaction, every dt%•cripticc, Lf Ltdies',and Gentlemen's at parel, Ladies Dresses, Cloaks, shawls, Handkerchiefs 'carts, Bonnets, Ribbons, &c.. Dyed and 'Finished tol 'carts, ook. lice new. Sli AND .-"ILK. DRJP PG IF ATEKED to ,oLk like the imported article.— Gentremen's COATS, PANiALOr. NS and VESTS., Dyed, Cleanedrand Finished in a most superior style. NO RIP PING nfiiiltiMED. OARPsTs CLKANED, without injury "theto fabric, removing ail oil and stains, and linpros log ator tao, C.isbwero and other htioirts - etisined - antt . pressed. CRAPE . SHAWLS bleached and finished in a style that cannot be surpassed. Counterpanes, Quilts, Blankets and Ticks, cleaned in best manner, and at short notice. WOOLEN and COTTON GOODS dyed in any quantities, at low prices, and warranted fast colors.— Legtern, Straw Hats and Bonnets Dyed In a few hours. Merchants and Blilliners having unsaleable colors Dually of their goods, can have them dyed and finished, by Leaving them for a raw days at-the office. jar All , goods dyed at the above establishment arc warranted not to smut. DODGE & CO. iy2S dawFm TUE ONLY KNOWN and hest arti cle to exterminate Roach es; Bed Bugs, Ants, Moths; Flies,Fleas,garden Worms, Vine Bugs, &c. rr CON TAINS Nu POISON. SCHWERIN'S PILLS are sure death to RATS and MICE. . M knwhlMN WM. DOCK JR. & CO Jllistellantous AT WHOLESALE WALTER G. ‘7ITHITEMAN, =MEI PHIL,4.DELPHIA, IMPORTER OF FOR FAMILIES iMn:;a HARRISBU.RG STORAGE, F'OR;VNTARDIN-0- Mal .COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscribers have leased the exteli sive Warehouses and Railroad track formerly occu pied by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad compoey as a freighting depnrtment, - .No. 248 Norm Broaa stre, and will transact a GENERAL STURAGE, FOEWA EDING %ND COMbiIESSIoN SQSINIts , in connection nits the Foreign and Domestic Shipping and Produce at 128 Wal nut street. . _ They are prepared to .receive, ship and forward, in land or by water, all merchandise and produce which may be offered.- storage capacity 25,006 barrels, t% every convenience for receiving and discharging. Warehouse receipts will be giv' n for all properly ou storage,-with,bills of landing for shipment. 'Consignments of 'merchandise and produce to our ad dress will receive prompt attention. . . , FOWL'S, HARRIS & CO, ' 328 Walnirt and 248 North Broad street. rhlidielphie, April V. 1880`—Sind. NEW FIRM, NEW G-OODS NEW PRICES TBE 613BSCRIBERS having succeeded NOI3OI Mil AND RETAIL GROCERY BUsl- NESS. . the of Messrs. GROSS At KUNKEL, at WALNUT STREET "WHARF, would respectfully announce to the tins= of Harrisburg and vicinity, that they are pre. pared to offer for sale a large and complete assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Salt, - Grain, Flour, Ropes, in great vaiiety, QueenswaTe, Paints, Fund, Nails, Cement, &c, &e. .Our Large SPRING STOCK, purchased in Philadelphia and New York, and now arriving, has been selected with much care, and will present great inducements to close.buyers. We intend to keep FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, and hope by honorable dealing to merit and receive a share of patronage. mar24-dtf A- ROBINSON Ai Co LIBERTY STOVE.WOR K . •, A,N D, . . HOLLOW-WARE.FOUNDRY, P,BILADELPIILL ABBOTT • & NOBLE, RANUFACTURBRS'Orsthe most approved styles of STOVa of every description. Sample and Sale R00m5.183r2413 .183r24 1 3 Water Street, New Yerk. Jar4lo Brown Street, Philadelphia.. N. 8.--Send for Catalogue. ' jy27-d - - iiSTRAWBERIIIES , r p HE PRESENT WEATHER is highly 11 favorable, for planting Strawberries, and Ii e 0,., soon a fair crop of fruit, sufficient to cover the co t o f plants and-planting, may - bo' expected next season.— Upwards of 100 VOATI.ES Native and Foreign, have been tested by the subscriber, and r after hiving rejected rimby, bets able to furnimb that are really desirable, is any, quantity and at fair prices.' ' - ADVICE - GIVEN, as to cbolee of varieties, preparation of soil-and afters eolture. If desired, he will, for a re.isenabie temper=--- PLANT BEDS, warranting good props of the best fruit. For the' accommodation of the 'public he will have plants for bale in the " LOWER MARKET HOUSE, . on Tuesday and Friday evenings and Wednesday and Saturday mornings. H. A. MISil KIYSTONE NURSER; - Harrisburg, Angaat 20 1560.. • - A. NEW LOT OF LADIF A S' SHOPPING.Bc ,TRAVELING BAGS • Compilsing a number of new styles.GENTS' and LI, MDR lliOney Purses. and Wallets. •A: One assortment just raceiyedand. li tilale ,s CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 5111arket area g:i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers