Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, October 15, 1860, Image 3

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    pait g Ettegrao).
Monday Afternoon, October 15, 1880:
Dm best assortment of oval and squire gilt
frames to be found at W. Yxoornes•b2 Market
" END, Warm AND BLDN."—A young and chi
valric contemporary says-4st the red cheeks,
white teeth and bine 'eyes of a lovely Ame
rican girl is as good a flag as a young soldier
in the battle of-life need fight for."
"LNOTIIBEff TO MARRIED MEN," is the title of
a sprightly book just published. The author
made a mistake in supposing that there was
any lack of such lectures. They are very abun
dant, but generally delivered behind curtains.
Ova LADY BUMS who are about making
purchases of fall and winter dress goods, should
visit the handsome store of the Messrs. Cath
cart, whose stock comprises all the latest and
most recherche styles in market.
Itercaoan Commorms.—The connection be
tween the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville and
the Mine Hill railroads having been completed,
forming a direct line from Sunbury to Philadel
phia by way of the Reading road, a large ex
cursion tatty will pass through from Philadel
phia to Sunbury on the 18th inst.
pleasure to announce that this distinguished
citizen of the old Keyatono State,: will shortly
favor the people of Harrisburg with a lecture
on "Life in the Arctic Regions." His reputa
tion as a public lecturer will not fail to ensure
him a cordial welcome and a full house.
Christian Intelligencer has
discovered that Phrenologic study leads to
theologio error. It remarks :
" It if a curious circumstance, that the editor
of the Churchman, the representative of-fossil
medituval ecclesiasticism, and the Rev. H. W.
Beecher, the most latitudinarian of Congrega
tionalist preachers, are both avowed and hearty
believers in Phrenology, a pseudo•science which
has long since bean utterly exploded. Philoso
phy, or what passes for such, sometimes, like
misery, makes strange bedfellows."
A Foaomr ILLUSTRATION.-A friend relates
a pretty good hit which a Teutonic citizen
inadvertantly made the other day, in giving
itUi reasons for voting the Republican ticket :
"1 finks I leaves the Dimmicrats long time
ago, but every year dey pulls de wool ober
mine eyes, and so I goes mit dem agin ; but
die time dey pulls it so tam far dat sees rtgla
ober de top 1 Dat ish vy I voles de Bepublicaner
There is a good deal of condensed truth in
that obsetyation.
Wersmo Ktrannas.—* distinguished "sen
sation" clergyman says of those men who have
no care or thought for others, but are content
ed with looking after their own ease and enjoy
ment, that they ought to_ba put-1.-“ein., for
their Iffe's work - Is ended. When God wanted
sponges 'and oysters, He made them, and put
one on the rock and the other in the mud.—
When He made man, He did not make him
to be a sponge or an oyster ; He made him with
feet and hands, and bead and heart, and vital
blood, and a place to use them, and said to
him, "Go to work !" But if a man has come
to that point where he is content, he ought to
be put into his coffin, for a contented live man
is a sham I If a man has come to that state in
which he says "I do not want to- know any
more, or do any more, or be any more," he is
in a state in which he ought to be changed into
a mummy Of all hideous things mummies
are the most hideous ; and of mummies, those
are the most hideous that are running about
the streets and talking.
evening the gallant first Lieutenant of the
Wide-Awakes,l Mr. ALEXANDER. Bosse, hand
somely entertained the members of the club,
and other Republican citizens, at his residence
In Second street below Mulberry. Not less than
two hundred and fifty persona were present on
the occasion and partook of Lieut. Kosta's hos
pitality. The rooms were brilliantly illurainat_
ed, elegantly decorated with evergreen, and
,gracefully festooned with American flags, -in
the folds of which were recognizable the like
nesses of the Republican Presidential nominees.
The tables were supplied with all the delicacies
and luxuries of the season, and fairly groaned
beneath the weight of good things so profusely.
and temptingly spread upon them. All the
guests partook bountifully of the feast, and
still there was enough and to spare: One com-.
mendable feature of the entertainment was the
absence of liquor, excellent coffee being substi
tuted. As crowd succeeded crowd at the at
tractive and richly-laden festive board, enthn
elastic cheers were given for . Lieut. Kona and
his amiable wife and daughters, who did the
honors of the occasion in Inch a way as to make
all feel " at home," and win increased respect
for their kindly feeling and generous hospital
ity. Among the many large and gorgeously
frosted cakes which ornamented the main ta
ble, was one containing the inscription, " TRIM
CRIMBI For ABM" Cuesix." When the dissect
ing knife was inserted in this cake, the cheers
and " tigers" that accompanied the act made
the welkin ring. The feslivitietr t Were kept up
unlike late hour, the excellent music of the
State Capital Band and Wide Awake glee club
adding greatly to the Interest of the occasion.
The party separated with three enthusiastic
cheers for Lieut. Kona, three more for his wife
and daughters, and three for LISIQOPS andl /434-
iarr, the whole clinched with a tremendous.
"tiger" of the real Bengal stripe. The oc
casion was one of unusual interest, did Credit
to the liberality of the worthy host, and af
forded a high degree of satisfaction and. enjoy
ment to all participants. Lieut. KM= is a
whole-souled gentleman, a model Republican,
and a universal favorite among the Wide
Awakes. " May he live a thousand years, and
hie shadow never grow leas."
Norm the late daily and weekly
papers, Magazines, cheap publicationi and new
books, are. for sale at Bergner's Cheap Book
store, No. 61 Market street.
A Riatrian kltenNG of the People's City and
Wide-Awake Clubs will be held this evening at
Exchange-Hall. Let there be a full turn out.
A Matron of the Managers of the Friendship
Bail will be held at the engine house , this even
ing, at half past seven o'clock.
A Tucuman PARADE comes off in Lancaster
this evening, to be participated in by the Wide-
Awake clubs of that city and county. Most of
the Republican houses will be illuminated. _
THE Maim PRAYER Rearnio will be helil in
the Presbyterian church, corner of Market
Square, to-morrow afternoon, commencing at
four o'clock, as usual.
CHAIM of Sonmax.—A alight alteration has
been made in the running time of the fast line
and mail train on the Pennsylvania Railroad,
as will be seen by reference to an advertisement
in another column.
Tun Loort-Up contained three tenants last
night—regular "trampers" all the way from
Texas, and bound for New York. upon a
hearing before the Mayor this naotning they
were discharged.
COON }lmmix—This morning ,a Coon—not
that "same old coon," but a young and fat
one—was killed on the premises of Mr. Jacob
Mish, near this city. Coons are said to be abun.
dant this season and in good condition.
A Itsagnmettri OX-ROAST le to come off at
Marietta shortly. The Wide-Awakes will pa
rade on the occasion, and an invitation has been
extended to the club of this city to participate
in the demonstration.
COMMON Council. meet this evening, when a
Superintendent of the Water House for the en
suing year will probably , be appointed. There
are several applicants for the position. With
the new engine but one engineer will be re
qUired, thus 'saving to the city the salary of
an assistant.
lavrrivroa.—The Wide-Awakes of this city
have been invited to participate in a triumphal
procession at Mount Joy next Thursday. 'Owing
to the preparations to be made for a parade in
this city on Saturday night, it will be impossi
ble for our boys to accept the invitation. They
may probably visit Mount Joy on some future
occasion during the pregress of the campaign.
formerly of this city, the / champion banjo player
and jig dancer, advertises an entertainment at
Masonic Hall, in Tanner's avenue, to-morrow
evening, at the close of which a cotillion party
will come off. "Old Jake" will not fail to at
tract a large crowd of colored people, as ticket
holders-are to be admitted to the cotillionTartY
without additional charge.
Tau You IN LANCABTIR COUNTY, at the late
election, was truly a remarkable one. While
the city went for Foster in every ward, the
whole county, except two districts, gave major
ities for Curtin. Of the forty-nine districts,
rentr-rieVen gave Curtin majcirtues:4 tus—n-e
-majority in Lancaster county is five thousand
nine hundred and eight ! This noble county
has done wonderfully` well for the good cause
this time. The good old Whig strength seems
to have been thoroughly recovered.
MADE A FOOL Or HrummT--On Saturday. .a
man who hold& an official position to which he
was • elevated by the people of this county, a
year or two ago, visited our sanctum in a some
what dilapidated condition, told - us that he
"had been drinking liquor and made alool of
himself," and requested us not to any al
lusion to the matter in the columns of the
TErsosepa. Men generally make fools of
themselves when intoxicated ; and our official
friend, occupying the position he does, ought
to set the people a better example when he
visits this city. A public man, above all others,
who gets drunk, lies around loose, and makes
himself ridiculous, deserves to be exposed and
rebuked. Should the offence be repeateii, we
shall feel it to be our duty to apply the scor
pion lash of reproof. •
Ws CONGRATULATE Tilsm.—Three Republican•
candidates for the Legislature—old ilme-frlends,
in wiiOse success . we felt a deep interest, haVe
been elected. They are FRANK Boon, the
young and gallant champion of Republicanism
in Northumberland county, elected to the State
Senate; and Wm.H., Aameramso, • Esq.,' of 14 , -
coming, and Col. Hiprair,CLAY Bawarauf, of
Clinton, elected to the HOWIE of Repredenta
'Lives. The `people of no section of the Brett)"
will be more ably , or faithfully represented
than the respective constituencies of the almive
named gentlemen. All of them ismiese
tied of a high order, enjoy reputations for hon
esty and' integrity above suspicion, and we con
fidently predict that they will do creditto them
selves and honor to their districts in the Le.gis
lative halls. We congratulate the party uOl2
the election of .young, talented :and reliable
Republicans so eminently worthy public respect
and•confidence. •
'Seam IN A BAiLlinkit CAB.—On Wednesday
last the subject of 'con4ersation ta a crowded
puisenger car going west, was on the result of
the election the day previous. The Republi
cans, of whom there was a majority on the car,
Were of course quite jubilant A couple of
passengers sit by quite chop-fallen and sad,
not to tuty,angry. At last one of them called
the condictiir, and said'to him : "Sir, we are
gentlemen from New Orleans • this talk which
We ale obliged to listen to, is xeryjoilensive to
andqre demand that you , should have it
siolVed atonce i" The condnetoi answered
that our folks in this State, and in general all
about here, say just what they: like, and it was
no Part of his business to try and stop it. "I
min a Democrat siaid•.voted for Foster, and
would hive been pleaeed with his election, but
I have neither the power nor the disposition to
interfere with the congratulations of the
friends of the successful candidate." Th e
"two gentlemen from New Orleans" lapsed in
to a gloomy silence, chewed the cud Of discon
tent, and doubtless-swore. vengeance on the
first white man that dare venture into the ffee
and enlightened regions Where'll:ie. - anger canes
groiy., This free way of speaking is so un
pleasant to the "chivalry." 4.
pennoptuania Illailp iCelegraplb ftionbap afternoon, October 15, 1360.
Aricimorr Brmins.—We "invite the attention
of housekeepers who want venition blinds or
household furniture, to the advertisement of
Mr. Sharp, in ansither column.
Ansirrioal Caay.—A special meeting of the
Clay Debating Club will be held to-morrow
(Tueeday) evening. Every member ia request
ed to attend, as business of vital importance
will be transacted. By order of the President
FEVER AND Aura having made its appearance
we advise all afflicted to get BANNVARVE ANTI
kER/ODIO, which is ikposifive cure. Sold only V-
C. A. 13ANNvarr who will also send it poet paid
to ar y address on receipt of 17 letter stamps.
GONE Uspaa.—The publication of the "Daily
Sentinel has been discontinued-fccwant of pat-
T94ge. 114 DernoCiatie — finttnciers, having
suspended payment,, the Union- News will also
go under in a few.days, if it has not already
done so. Requiescat in pace !
THE WEATEtht.—Jack Frost has laid his icy
fingers on thelender vines, and they wither
he has touched the green leaves, and they are
rappidly putting on the tints of Autumn. <Sum
mei., with its luxuriant robe of green, is rapid
receding friStn view ; and chilling winds ad
monish us of the rapid approach of the Winter-
King, with his snowy robe and icy sceptre.
Irauxn ox TES Rejmnoen.—On Friday night a
man was killed at Braddock's Field,on the
Pennsylvania Railroad. The body Wait recog
nized as that of John O'Nell,a coaltminer. lie
fell off a freight train, and his head was crushed
by the wheels, killing him instantly. The ac
cident was the result of his own , carelessness.
His Counrrom.—The physical condidion of
Mr. Daniel Gardner, who recently attempted
to commit suicide, is somewhat improved, and
hopes are now entertained of his ultimate re
covery. He is still laboring under great de
pression of spirits, and his mind seems to be
'affected to some extent. He has '
no desire to
and so expresses himself when talked to
on the subject.
HENRY WARD BUCHER'S latest "crotchet" Is
that the clergy ought to preach only once on a
Sunday. He says that no preacher who is 'fit
to preach a sermon is fit to _preach more than
'one, a day, and no man is fit to hear more, or if
le does he is not fit for much else Sermons
are like boy's pop guns ; however many wads
you put in, it's the last wad that drives the
others out."
EXTENSIVE ROBBERY.—On Saturday night.
Chief Morgan arrested a German Jew pedlar
named Isaac Kengherty,. charged in Philadel
delpida Withr• the robbery of ,eighty dollars in
money and $1,200 worth of jr;Welry.' The fel
low arrived here in the cars on SatUrday even
ing, was eaptrired . atßarrihard's lager beer sa
loon, and Committed to prison to await the ar
rival of an officer from Philadelphia. Among
the articles of- jewelry stolen was a diamond
ii — oe - rairerc"
Philadelphia to-night.
KEEPDIG APPLES.-It is well known, says, the.
Working' "army, that apples keep longer after
having parted with a portion of the water they
contain. When first taken frop the tree, if laid
in a heap eighteen inches in depth, and covered
with a light, cloth, or a little straw, they will
soon sweat ; when this operation has succeeded
fairly, thwcover or straw should be taken:off,
the windows opened, end the apples suffered to,
dry as suddenly as possible. ' By this oberation
they will loose five or six per cent: of weight,
and if packed in barrels and shipped, arriving
at their port of destination tefere a second
sweating shall occur, they will be all sound,
unless bruised in the poking and carriage: If
dried immediately after the second sweating,
Instead of being left closely. acked while damp,
they are again - prepared . for, a - still longer voy-,
age before'dicay Those who ship
epples to 'Bombe are well aware of these-facts,
and use the necessary preventive against decay.
, ,
TZLIGHAPHIO Lirenwrons.—Amemg the best
examples of ' brevity ; in ,telegraphic dispatches
we have met with is, the following, related by
George B. Prescott, who has written an in
teresting book on pie iuhject.., A lady in a
neighboring city, desirous of ascertaining when
her huaband . would return home, sent him a
message-malting the inquiry; to which he re
sponded that important buinessAetnined * him,
and that he could not leave for some days.--
The lady immediately replied by sending him
sinother laconic clispalch as fq9ws:
"At Home,' August 1860.
To F. C., P.—Despatch received, Deuter
onomy xxiv, 6.. . Lim"'
The gentleinan "to whom the dispatch. was
addressed, upon referring to the passage in the
scriptures alluded to, obtained%Die following
suggestive epistle :--
"When a man hath faken a • new wife he
shall_not go out to, war, neither shall he be
charged with any business; but he shall be
-free, at home one ..,year, and shall cheer up his
wife which heath taken." • -
DIANAOEXENT OP A Hovsauo ladies
cut this out and pin it in your bonnets ;—"NO
young woman ought to feel herself qualified to
become a wife until she is sure she understands
how to do the most that can bpdone with her
hushand'Smoney. The mausgemeat of a house
hold is not a thing to be properly and safety
entrusted to hireling hands. A servant is a
broken reed for the head of a family to lean
upon. There are a thousand little ways in
which money must' be expended, in which real
shrewdness and enterprise are requisite in order
to UM it to' the best 'advantage ;. and there are
a thousand,other ways of saving; money known,
only to those who have studied aright the art
of economy. Thp,TuMsb proverb has it, tba
"a prudent woman is a mine of jewels," and,
like many other Oriental sayings, this -is beau
tiful for the truth it embodies. A wasteful
housekieper not only actually robs those for
whom she undertakes to manage, of the com
forts it is, 'her duty to provide for' them, but
keeps her husbspd'sXatid oyeytartr*detit; and
makes the domestic life of a poot man &cough':
series of experiments in shinning it from'one
day to the-next ; in keeping the stomach full,
.theugh the purse be em
THAT CANIII.-A friend sends the ' fighting
editor" of the TELEGRAPH a mammoth hickory
cane, with which to club Locofocos who may
assault him. We appreciate the kindness of
the donor, and thank him for the present, but
it is riot likely we shall have any use for the
formidable weapon. The Locofocos are badly
whipped already, and it is not in our nature to
make war upon a fallen foe.
Naw GOODS ! New GOODS !=Having returned
from New York, I have received now a large
lot of goods, all of which I bought at auction.
100 peices of beautiful set flowered delaines, at
20 cents ; 50 pieces unbleached muslin, tlie
best in town, at 10 cents; 160 pieces of easel
netts, Satinetts and Casimers, from 25 cents up
to 125 cents ; 25 pieces of white Bitumen cotton
mixed, at 16 cents ; 25 dozen of white Merino
Stockings, at 15 cents ; 60 dozen of :gentlemen's
wool Socks, at 20 cents a pair ; 10 dozen gen
tlemen's all linen Pocket Handkerchiefs with
colored borders, .61 cents ; good Merino Under-'
shirts and Drawers, at 65 and 76 cents. Best
Calico, 10 cents;'and a great many other bar
gains, and a large assortment of Traveling
Baskets. Please call at Lewy's, old stand of
John Rhoads, Esq., deceased.
frQueen, of Bradford county, has just arrived
on the Gazelle canal boat, baying onboard a
fall cargo of sound picked apples, principally
Rhode Island Greenings and Itambos, with a
few;barrels, of cider, for sale. The beat lies at
Boas • & Foster's warehouse, foot of State
Plc:Turin raemixt made to orderat the shorter
notice and at the most reasonable prices, at W
KtaNhe's Music Store, 92 Marhet street. -I-
Nattst bg Etlegrap4
Snow in Schuylkill. County.
- Pox'Byrum, bet. 15.
Snow fell last night in this Vicinity, and the
hills are covered to the depth of half an inch.
SPOIV 111 New York Eitate.
Braonaaterori l N. Y. , Oct. 15.
Three inches of snow fell last night but it is,
fast disappearing.
Sailing of the Steamer Saxonia.
NEW YORK Ootob'er 15
The steamship Saxonia sailed to-day for
Southampton with 170 passenger and $150,000
dollars in specie. -
Another Republican Senator.
Reliable information has been received here
t at Geor : • eV. Lawrence t: •
• on • 'strict. The vote
was close. A jollification will come off to-mor
row evening in Washington in honor of the
Burning of a Medical School Building.
Lotasv - Tram, October 15
The interior of . the edifice occupied by the
Kentucky School of Medicine, corner of Fifth
and. Queen streets, was 'burned 'this morning.
Loss five thousand dollars. The Museum and
Cabinet were saved. The lectures will be con
tinued at the hospital without interruption.
The, edifice,wabe.restored in a few. weeks.
A Duel Between two Politicians.
A duel was fought near here yesterday morris
ning between Isaiah J. 'Porter, E 5 9 .., President
of the Democratic Club, end Chanman of the.
Executive) Committee of St. - Joseph, and Col.
Harlem, of Boonville. • -
Mr. Porter vas addressing a political meet
irig Nodaway, when Col. Haden called him
a liar. Both parties were •serionsly, though
nlit' fatally wounded.
Kidnapping and Murder.
CHICAGO, Oct. 15
An outrageous case of kidnapping occurred
at Galena, the latter part of September. ,
negro named Jerry Boyd, forty-five years of
age ; his wife, a mulatto-of thirty-five years ;
and daughter-:aged fourteen, were induced to
go to lowa to work on a farm. On the eighth
of this month the than was found near lowa
city; murdered. It is supposed that becoming
suspicious . was killed by,the kidnappers,
that they mightretain possession of the women.
The citizens of Galena have offered a reward of
five hundred dollars for the appfehension of
tlie kidnappers.,
An Arkanaas Dillienity.-4. Family .
Three Men
ITAN Bum?, Ann. October 13.
After a - regimental muster which was held
haralo-day, a difficiatytccurred;dnring'which
three men, Rnfus-and Jackson; brothers, and
Richard Covington, aeon-of the latter, were
killed by two brothers named Silas and Ben.
Edwards. 'Several ethers were beelly cut and
injured on both sides. An old fried existed be
tween the parties, but' the Edwardseii, who
have long been the terror of this pait of the
State, were the aggressors.
While they were trying to make their escape,
they were overtaken a short distance fronttown
by the constable and' his posse and lodged in
the jail. A large trowd nearly succeeded in
taking the prisoners from the constable and
hanging them, upon 'the' street. They after
wards surrounded the:jail for that purpose,
bat were finally pacified. The people are very
much excited, and it is feared that the prison
ers will yet be lynched The affair was one
of the most atrocious that ever occurred here..
Monwes List PE= AND Pniatax. Brrnms.—.
Free frorit ail .Mineral Pow' ons.—ln cases of Scrofula
Ulcers, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation
of the Life Medicines Is truly astonishing, often:removing
In 4 few days every vestige of these loathsome
by,,their 'purifying effects on tho blood. Dillloas Fevers,'
Fever and.Agee, Dysperisia„Dropsy, Piles, and in short;
most all diseases soot; yield to their curative properties.
No fandlY*ithtint -by their finely
use minksuffering and almanac may , be saved:
Prepired bYI9II. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, end
for, s t ale by.all:DAu4siptal
or inflammation of the throat, is very prevalent during
the Spring and Fall of: the year. Thousands of persons;
have 'immediate recourse to these medicines on the filet—
symptoms of attack, and thus not only save Uncle , bit'
even dispenseleith the advice* attendance of
clan. the aniiirnquent changes
.of the atmosphere during this season, are speedily mitred
by the•ptils: Tliesememedke fortify the body against
tint inalemencies of the winter.
Sold bk,ull druggists, 'at 250 ! , 620, and
. $l, per box or
of oepiT
/3 trial Notices
WIGS 1-WIGS! 111
are elegant, light, easy and durable.
Fitting to a churn—no 'turning up behind—no shrink
ng the bead ; indeed, this is the only Establishment
where these 'things are properly understood and made
n Bond street, New York., marl 2• dewly
Da. Jas. licermerroom's PEcronex, SYRUP.
Are your lungs weak? Doea a long breath give you pain?
Elave you a - backing cough? Do you expectorate bard,
ougtuiatter 4. Are you wasted with night sweats and
want of sleep? If so, um is roan - 11.1111131 Y. It will on
questionably save you. - Price la 00. - Sold by GEORG:2
equal—instantluiedna in-effect—Beautiful Black or
Natural Brown—no staining the skin or injuring the
frair—remediestto gourd and ill effect. of Bad Dyes, and
invigorates the Hair for life. None are genuine unless
signed "W. A. Batchelor." Sold everywhere.
CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor.
Si Barclay Street, New York.
The Original and Beat In the . World!
ALL others are - mere imitations and
4DL. should be avoided, if yOu *lab to escape ridicule.
GRAY, 'REP or austr HAIR DYED instantly to a
beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, withoutinfury to
the Hair or Skin.
ed to Wm. A. HgetainCia since 1889 . and. over . Bo,ooo ap
plications havelmen made to the Hair of the Patrons of
his famous dye.
WIS. A. BACHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color
not to be distingulituid from nature, and is wAsattrrso
not to injure in the least, however long it may be con
tinued, and the ill-effecte ot'llad, Dyes remedied; the
Hair invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye.
Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. "
Arne Genuine has the name and address upon a
steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box, of Wm-
marl2-48terly 81 Barclay street, Now York.
How TO PitESP.RVII Brairrr .—Nothing is more
becoming to a man or woman than a luxuriant head of
hair, and a woman's beauty.iecertainly incomplete with
out a fair complexion, and she or be who neglects these
greet and important adornments of nature must expect
to suffer the mortificaticm of premature baldness, and a
wrinkled face and a sallow skin. Nothing is necessary,
to, preserve these essential attractions but the use of
Prof, Wood's Restwatitre.—LottistaTlx Tones.
PROF., WOOD'S Ham Itzeronasivz.—We have had oc
casion to me this famous preparation of Prof.,Woo
and after thoroughly testing its qualities, we And that
where the hair is thin it will thicken it, if gray it will re
store it to its original color,. likewise, it gives a. glossy
appearance, as well as keeps the hair from falling off.—
This invaluable ingredientis for aaloat "Chinanian'a Tea
Store," south-east corner Frederick and Baltimore Ste
by Mr. J. C. Given.---Baltimere Clipper,
Sold by , all good Druggists.
lielomints, READ Tar s .- The following is nn
extract from a leiter written by the pastor Of a Baptist
church- to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati,
Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-re
noWned medicine—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup tbr
Children Teething :
"We see an 'advertisement in your column of Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup Now we never said a word
in favor of a patent medicine before In our life, but we
feel Compelled to say to our readers, that thirds no hum
bug—Lye haw fried if, and know ft 'to be al it claims. It
is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the
day, because ills one of the best. And those of your
readers who have . babistrean't - do better than to lay
a simply. au22
From Frank Leslle'o Illnearaned• Newepaper, New York
July 83,1859.
TEN HOUSEICKEP2II . 6 - FR ENI ).- Srernurct's
PmerastiM Gtim:—Thls admirable additidit to our stand
ard household economical will-be held by all good house.
- wives as a boon long wished for, but hitherto unattained.
Spalding's Prepared Gins is perfectly adapted for those
timely repairs to household wares, furniture, crockery
and for fancywork, that -is almost daily demanded by
the esperionce of every hodsekeeper. It is chemically
held in solution u ntill withstand the action of climate and
a - snug.
convenient bottle, with a !brash, all for twenty -live
cents. On being applied, the chemicals readily evapo
rate and 'the -glue beconies firm quickly, and adheres
with the tenacity of the beet cabinet. maker's glue. For
wood, leather, or other articleg Where glue is ever used,'
it is just tbe"thilig. We have tried it, and speak by the
card. In' the country it will be invaluable, and 'nobody
the city : W[lllloA' of &deg without it. If Mr. Spalding
desires to beemrie a candidate for the Presidency, and
his frimidkitleir like 4i3 glus,,he will be sure of an elec
the attended:la our readers to an
article advertised in another ccilurin, called &crop FOOD
It is an entirety new discovery, and mustnot be confound.
ed with any of the numerous- patent medicines of the
day. It is food for theblood, alreadrprepared for ab
sorption; pleasant to the taste and natural In action, and
what one gains he retains: Let all those, then, who are
suffering from poverty; Impurity or deficiency of blood,
and consequently iv - tth some chronic disease or ailment,
tare of this Scoop Foon,and be restored to health. We
notice that our Drogglitto have received a supply of this
andniso.bfi the world-renowned Dr. Kerow's
. 7112 C9BDIAL, which every mother should have. It
Jig said to contain no paregoric or opiate of any kind
whatever, and of course roust beinvaluabls for all lain
tile complaints. It Is also said that it will allay all pain,
and soften the gums in, proCess of teething, and at the
same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and
n urses,.who have endured anxious days and Sleepless
nights, procure, a supply and be at once relieved.
gre-bee adiertisement. ari2-tfebti C. A. Beinneart, side agent., Harrisburg, Pa
Prepared from a Prescrfplion of . Sir J... Clary A'Ayncitim liktraordinary to the.Quefn.
This invaluable medicine Is unfailing in the cure of all
those painful end dangerous ingeasaito whiph the female
constitution is subject: It moderates all miaow and re
moves all oblatructions, and a speedy- cure may be
relied on.
it 18 peculiarly suite& it will, in a short time, bring on
the monthly peritAwithlregularity.
Each;bottle, price . One .Dollar, bears the Goverrunent
stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits.
These Pals should net be taken. by troupes during be
FIRST THREE .710H.THSof Frefineouem, at they are sire
to bring on eliisearriage but at any - other time they are
In akcasea of Nervous and: Spinal.Affectiens, Pain in
the Back and Limbs ; Fatigue on Might exertion, Palpita
tion of thelleart,,Hysterice and. Mack, these Pills will
effect a cure yiten all other means have failed ; and al;
though a powerftd remedy, do not contain iro n,
antimony, or any t*gjinriful to the oOnetitntion.
lull direotions in.llt pamphlet around teak package,
which Should be carefully preserved.
N. 8.-61.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any att
thorised Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Pills,
by return mail.
: libesaleby Cz A. BA/INTART.
Prepared by' I,:Cheessilin, M., D.,
NEW YORE 931'-Y :-
TirHE combination . of -ipgrediente in- tiiene
Pills am the resultof a long aiiikexteusive practice.
ey are mild in their operatiOn, and certadivin correcting
au irregularities, Painful Manstruationa, removing all ob
structions, whether fro/11%001d or. otherwise, headache,
pain In the side, walpiettiott of the heart, whites, all ner
vous. affections, hysterics , fatigue, pain in 'the baok:and
limbs, am., disturPedaleepywhich arise from interruption
Of i nature.
. . . . . . .
, T.O EtAttanzro .74,ititE13 7
Dr. cheetadn'illnliCare invalbable, as they-mill b r i ng .
on the monthly period-with regularity. ' lailies who have
been disappointed , irrlthe use anther Pills aan!place the
"utmost eonrldtmce in Dr. Cheesemates Pills doing all that
they represent to do, - . . .
Thereir tostddien of the feints/tem/en in which the
Mx Cannot, without "prodtming a PEOULL4.B
RESULT. 21selAnhUon referredlte ts PREGNANCY—
the result, AtisuilthLAGE. Buck it the ..wrisisstidi
tendency of theyeolian" e.for restore he sexual functions w a
normal condition,. that even the reproductive . power !)f
nature cannot ins - sarit. • -
"jgarraatedlitrelir,iregetablei,and 4a3:trom anythan
Ritgat "CtireeNOni, which should be read, ace.
oaxopaayeitabOLi . Triee $l. , Sent be mailpa eiadtialog.
4/49 ,0 E. 99 1 °, 1 ! 1, 4gA. ga*Fsiourf, Box 4 ,0 3 11, 81. 0 1 fica;
New,YerkAlty., . .
Sold Prgo,4l ei r jritimAinAlle , Uilited StMed
Gtonentl Agent fortifeErnitedfltites,
, . 14 Broadway Now York
intim ken - za ' '
To whom a Wholesole r cuplrmgd.
add in Harrlsbnrg by C. e. BAinnuas. •
TT is compormded entirely from Gums,
Jl_ and has become an established fact, a Standard Medi
cine, known and approved ,' by all that have used it,
and Is not+ . resorted to IR with confidence in RS the
diseases for which It is re- vomm e n d e d.
It has cured thousands within the last two years
who hadgivenup allhopescerehef, as the numerous
unsolicited certificates in " ...I 4
my 1 ,, , ,,,, 5e55 i 0n show,
The dose must beadapt- • ed to tte temperament of
the individualtaking it,and ri, . :.ed in such quantith a as
to act gently on the bowels. 7 i
Let the dictates of your u judgment guide you la the
use of the LIVER TNVIGO- BATOR, and It win cure
loIhARRRozA, Sum= Cox- .. PLAINTS, DimiLlyrms, DR of ,
on Soua STORLOH, Hasa- GAL COSTIVINESR, en,,c ,
Ittnnnor.,. PARMA W_WL- NESSE; and may, be aged
successfully as an ORBINA- . Ry FAMILY MIDIOINE. .;
willcure 'SICK HEADACHE (as thousands can testily
IR TWENTY leinturw, IF TWO on rinses Teasmosruts ACa
sum at commencement o .7, attack.
Au, wito triEetT ARI - GIY. - ING their testimony in its
sar-• Dlix , -Witter In t e-month with theln
vigorntor, and !swallow both together.
active Cathartic which the W
practice more than twenty
The constantly increas-
have long used the ELLS 14
all express in regard to Ft
to place them within the n,
The Profession well know
on different portions of the
Terence to this well estab• 1.4
dad from a variety of the if
which act alike on svery
nBl, and are good and safe 1 1 4
thorn° is needed, such la t el
Sleepiness, Pains in tai
Pain and aorerseu over
or weight in the head, all _
Worms is Madras or. Ad- es
Purifier of the Blood, and
flesh is heir, too numerous -.11
haement. Doss, Ito 8. )
Trui Ltvan Isrviaoamon AND Fauna CATDAR
IO Elms are retailed by Druggists generally,and
sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large
Manufacturer and Propr ie tor, Proprl'
je2B-dawyt] 835 Broadway, New Yor k.
feet in length by 4K feet in diameter, with 24 inch
Hues, manufactured by the late James Ilenniog, dec'd.
These boilers are entirely new, made of the best char
coal iron, (warranted,) and will be sold on reasonable
ternas. Apply to J. T. BAkNITZ,
sepl7-dlm No 109 Market Street, Harrisburg.
PACTICAL Timer and Repairer of
Pianos. Melodeons, km, &c., will receive orders in
future at AVM. KNOCHE'S Music Store, 92 Market street.
AU orders left at the above named place,or at the Buehler
House, will meet with prompt attention.
First class PIANOS for sale. seplB-dly
o stilso, not ,
2 s 2 t Eo
117.1 DYSPEOI6
To the Citizens of New Jersey and
Apothecaries, Druggists, Grocers and
Private Families.
WolresPure Cognac Brandy.
Wolfe'm Pure 'Aladerin, Sherry and Puri
Wolfe , s Pure Jamaica and St. Croix Rum
Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky
I beg leave to call the attention of , the citizens of the
United States to the above Wl:canna 'Lioness, Imported
'by Ildolpho Wolfe, of New York, whose name is fami
liar in every part of this count-y for the purity of hi.
celebrated acimaneat SCENAPYs. lir. Wolfe, in his Ittier
to me, speaking of the purity t Chia WINES and
says : ....I will stake my reputation as a man, my st.,nd.
mg as a merchant of thirty years' retYdenee in the City
of New York, that all the Bratair and Walla which I
bottle are pure as Imrorted, and of the brut quality, anu
cur be relied upon by every purchaser." _Every bottle
bas'the proprietor's name on the 'sax, and a fec simile
of his signature on the certitiotte. The pubic are e.
spectftilly invited to call and examine for themplves.—
Por side at Retail. by all, ApothecarPs and Grocers in
No. 83.! liatkt.t rt , Philadelphia.
sole Agent for "Philadelphia.
Read the renewing from the 1 , 4 w York Coo, tar
- .
Mt =nova BramWs YOE ONE Nsw Your diIrACHAHT.
We are happy to inform our fel ow-citizens that were Is
one place in our city where the physician, apothecary,
and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines
and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the beat qUalty.
We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this
merchant's extensive business, although it will well re
pay any stranger or citizen to v lebtdolplo Wolfe's ex
tensive Warehouse, Nos. 18. LO and 22. Beaver street,
and Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Mark ettield street His stock of
Schnapps on band ready for shipment could not have
been less than thirty thousand Wes; the Brandy, some
temthousand cases—Vintages of /Ott to 18.58 and ten
thousand cases of Madeira, Sheri 7• and Port Wine,
Scotch-and-Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum,
some very old and equal to any in this country. He also
• bad three large cellars, fllied with Brandt , , Wine, ate., in
IMilf.cunder Custoin Ronan key, ready f;or Bottling. Mr.
White's sales of ischaapps lass:Sear amounted to one
• Ininiirantid eighty tboussod - desert; and we hope in Liss
than two years he maybeequaily successful with his
Brrndies and Wines. -4
His business merits theistireinage of every lover of his
speecies. Private families who wish pure Wines and
Liquors for medical use should send their. orders direct
to mit.. Wolfe; until- every Apothecary in the land make
updheir.sabide to discard the poisonoes stuff from their
sheiyasond replace it with Wo fe's pure Wanes and
Iv o>tde, -
/We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of
small dealers in the country, puts- up assorted cases of
Wines. and Liquors.: Ruch a man, and such a merchant,
ebould.beAmtained against his tens of thousands or op
ponents is thethliked States, who sell nothing but imita
tions, thinons alike ko health and human happiness.
C.,IC. Keller 91 Market street, sole agent for this city.
.:, -''f: . :'.' : ~.. 'bit dawl,
±j: For Diseases of the [Bladder, Sidrioy, Gravel,
HEJ3dEOLD , S•Extract Sticha. for Secret and Delloate
Moises;' - ' •
BELEBOLD'S Extract of Buzim for Nervous and De
bilitated subereri. -
HELMBOLDS Extract or Bitchn for Less of Memory,
Pisiii,ofßower, Dimness ofinsioniDiEculty of Breathing,
Weak - Nerves ant Universal Lissiftide - of the muscular
HELMBOLD'S Extract of EnChii,for all' disireewhig air
thent-,ObstruOtibtii, Trregolarities;ltlitdera "in married
or-early indiscretions, - aft diselses of the
'sexual organs, whether existing iii.*ide.cir Ammo, Prom
whatever cause they may. have_oriQinsted; dnd no MU
ter of bow long stantling.; -•- • = • -• •
BELMBOLD'S %%WU& BIJOBIT •le pleasant in its
taste and odor, muLlinmediate in its salon. Price it per
bottle or Sikh* SE: Delivered to any - address, &cocoa
patidt Wridablexeitltleater. Sold by all •Brliggitui •
• au2l.3m —Depot. 104 South Tenth St Pleladeipbia.
. .
. A WAGE Asmrvicurr OB ri
initizinult:a FANCY ANIICLES.
gdrf.OIC4BRANDS of Segapi-:Norinandi,
Earl Sari; Sabrina, La LencAlet, - La Union, Gart.
i,-lar. •Eure-lquors for 7.1441410iiii44-ilii.oses. Mi.
fetinottod Wine,. warranted ddt I.ureluice of the Catawba
Gr6pto-Olity needs a trim.tot uGy• recommend ttseX—
Ptleoriperne compounded with great, enia;l4.,
RitilUe4tin - No. 6 Narita Square.
TIC PILL is a gentle b
proprietor has used in his
ing demand from those who
and - the satisfaction which
their use, has induced me
reach of all.
that MffereatCatbarties act
TIC PILL has, with due re.
llshed fact, been compous.
purest Vegetable extracts,
part of the alimentary ca
in all cases where a ca-
Derangements of Starnack,
Back and Loins, astternen
boxiy,llestlessness, Headache
Infiammwory Dasease3.
Mintaddisn, a great
many diseases to crhich
to mention in this s War-
S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D.,