pait g Ettegrao). HARRISBURG . Monday Afternoon, October 15, 1880: Dm best assortment of oval and squire gilt frames to be found at W. Yxoornes•b2 Market street. " END, Warm AND BLDN."—A young and chi valric contemporary says-4st the red cheeks, white teeth and bine 'eyes of a lovely Ame rican girl is as good a flag as a young soldier in the battle of-life need fight for." "LNOTIIBEff TO MARRIED MEN," is the title of a sprightly book just published. The author made a mistake in supposing that there was any lack of such lectures. They are very abun dant, but generally delivered behind curtains. Ova LADY BUMS who are about making purchases of fall and winter dress goods, should visit the handsome store of the Messrs. Cath cart, whose stock comprises all the latest and most recherche styles in market. Itercaoan Commorms.—The connection be tween the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville and the Mine Hill railroads having been completed, forming a direct line from Sunbury to Philadel phia by way of the Reading road, a large ex cursion tatty will pass through from Philadel phia to Sunbury on the 18th inst. LICHIRII BY BAYARD TAYLOIL—It affords us pleasure to announce that this distinguished citizen of the old Keyatono State,: will shortly favor the people of Harrisburg with a lecture on "Life in the Arctic Regions." His reputa tion as a public lecturer will not fail to ensure him a cordial welcome and a full house. ...---01.,-.-- Christian Intelligencer has discovered that Phrenologic study leads to theologio error. It remarks : " It if a curious circumstance, that the editor of the Churchman, the representative of-fossil medituval ecclesiasticism, and the Rev. H. W. Beecher, the most latitudinarian of Congrega tionalist preachers, are both avowed and hearty believers in Phrenology, a pseudo•science which has long since bean utterly exploded. Philoso phy, or what passes for such, sometimes, like misery, makes strange bedfellows." A Foaomr ILLUSTRATION.-A friend relates a pretty good hit which a Teutonic citizen inadvertantly made the other day, in giving itUi reasons for voting the Republican ticket : "1 finks I leaves the Dimmicrats long time ago, but every year dey pulls de wool ober mine eyes, and so I goes mit dem agin ; but die time dey pulls it so tam far dat sees rtgla ober de top 1 Dat ish vy I voles de Bepublicaner ticket." There is a good deal of condensed truth in that obsetyation. Wersmo Ktrannas.—* distinguished "sen sation" clergyman says of those men who have no care or thought for others, but are content ed with looking after their own ease and enjoy ment, that they ought to_ba put-1.-“ein., for their Iffe's work - Is ended. When God wanted sponges 'and oysters, He made them, and put one on the rock and the other in the mud.— When He made man, He did not make him to be a sponge or an oyster ; He made him with feet and hands, and bead and heart, and vital blood, and a place to use them, and said to him, "Go to work !" But if a man has come to that point where he is content, he ought to be put into his coffin, for a contented live man is a sham I If a man has come to that state in which he says "I do not want to- know any more, or do any more, or be any more," he is in a state in which he ought to be changed into a mummy Of all hideous things mummies are the most hideous ; and of mummies, those are the most hideous that are running about the streets and talking. WIDE...AWAKE ENTERTAINMENT.—On Saturday evening the gallant first Lieutenant of the Wide-Awakes,l Mr. ALEXANDER. Bosse, hand somely entertained the members of the club, and other Republican citizens, at his residence In Second street below Mulberry. Not less than two hundred and fifty persona were present on the occasion and partook of Lieut. Kosta's hos pitality. The rooms were brilliantly illurainat_ ed, elegantly decorated with evergreen, and ,gracefully festooned with American flags, -in the folds of which were recognizable the like nesses of the Republican Presidential nominees. The tables were supplied with all the delicacies and luxuries of the season, and fairly groaned beneath the weight of good things so profusely. and temptingly spread upon them. All the guests partook bountifully of the feast, and still there was enough and to spare: One com-. mendable feature of the entertainment was the absence of liquor, excellent coffee being substi tuted. As crowd succeeded crowd at the at tractive and richly-laden festive board, enthn elastic cheers were given for . Lieut. Kona and his amiable wife and daughters, who did the honors of the occasion in Inch a way as to make all feel " at home," and win increased respect for their kindly feeling and generous hospital ity. Among the many large and gorgeously frosted cakes which ornamented the main ta ble, was one containing the inscription, " TRIM CRIMBI For ABM" Cuesix." When the dissect ing knife was inserted in this cake, the cheers and " tigers" that accompanied the act made the welkin ring. The feslivitietr t Were kept up unlike late hour, the excellent music of the State Capital Band and Wide Awake glee club adding greatly to the Interest of the occasion. The party separated with three enthusiastic cheers for Lieut. Kona, three more for his wife and daughters, and three for LISIQOPS andl /434- iarr, the whole clinched with a tremendous. "tiger" of the real Bengal stripe. The oc casion was one of unusual interest, did Credit to the liberality of the worthy host, and af forded a high degree of satisfaction and. enjoy ment to all participants. Lieut. KM= is a whole-souled gentleman, a model Republican, and a universal favorite among the Wide Awakes. " May he live a thousand years, and hie shadow never grow leas." Norm the late daily and weekly papers, Magazines, cheap publicationi and new books, are. for sale at Bergner's Cheap Book store, No. 61 Market street. A Riatrian kltenNG of the People's City and Wide-Awake Clubs will be held this evening at Exchange-Hall. Let there be a full turn out. _-•.....-. A Matron of the Managers of the Friendship Bail will be held at the engine house , this even ing, at half past seven o'clock. A Tucuman PARADE comes off in Lancaster this evening, to be participated in by the Wide- Awake clubs of that city and county. Most of the Republican houses will be illuminated. _ THE Maim PRAYER Rearnio will be helil in the Presbyterian church, corner of Market Square, to-morrow afternoon, commencing at four o'clock, as usual. I=l CHAIM of Sonmax.—A alight alteration has been made in the running time of the fast line and mail train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, as will be seen by reference to an advertisement in another column. Tun Loort-Up contained three tenants last night—regular "trampers" all the way from Texas, and bound for New York. upon a hearing before the Mayor this naotning they were discharged. 4 COON }lmmix—This morning ,a Coon—not that "same old coon," but a young and fat one—was killed on the premises of Mr. Jacob Mish, near this city. Coons are said to be abun. dant this season and in good condition. 1=1::=:1 A Itsagnmettri OX-ROAST le to come off at Marietta shortly. The Wide-Awakes will pa rade on the occasion, and an invitation has been extended to the club of this city to participate in the demonstration. COMMON Council. meet this evening, when a Superintendent of the Water House for the en suing year will probably , be appointed. There are several applicants for the position. With the new engine but one engineer will be re qUired, thus 'saving to the city the salary of an assistant. lavrrivroa.—The Wide-Awakes of this city have been invited to participate in a triumphal , procession at Mount Joy next Thursday. 'Owing to the preparations to be made for a parade in this city on Saturday night, it will be impossi ble for our boys to accept the invitation. They may probably visit Mount Joy on some future occasion during the pregress of the campaign. GRAND ENTERTADUCKNTTOId Jake Hamilton, formerly of this city, the / champion banjo player and jig dancer, advertises an entertainment at Masonic Hall, in Tanner's avenue, to-morrow evening, at the close of which a cotillion party will come off. "Old Jake" will not fail to at tract a large crowd of colored people, as ticket holders-are to be admitted to the cotillionTartY without additional charge. Tau You IN LANCABTIR COUNTY, at the late election, was truly a remarkable one. While the city went for Foster in every ward, the whole county, except two districts, gave major ities for Curtin. Of the forty-nine districts, rentr-rieVen gave Curtin majcirtues:4 tus—n-e -majority in Lancaster county is five thousand nine hundred and eight ! This noble county has done wonderfully` well for the good cause this time. The good old Whig strength seems to have been thoroughly recovered. MADE A FOOL Or HrummT--On Saturday. .a man who hold& an official position to which he was • elevated by the people of this county, a year or two ago, visited our sanctum in a some what dilapidated condition, told - us that he "had been drinking liquor and made alool of himself," and requested us not to any al lusion to the matter in the columns of the TErsosepa. Men generally make fools of themselves when intoxicated ; and our official friend, occupying the position he does, ought to set the people a better example when he visits this city. A public man, above all others, who gets drunk, lies around loose, and makes himself ridiculous, deserves to be exposed and rebuked. Should the offence be repeateii, we shall feel it to be our duty to apply the scor pion lash of reproof. • Ws CONGRATULATE Tilsm.—Three Republican• candidates for the Legislature—old ilme-frlends, in wiiOse success . we felt a deep interest, haVe been elected. They are FRANK Boon, the young and gallant champion of Republicanism in Northumberland county, elected to the State Senate; and Wm.H., Aameramso, • Esq.,' of 14 , - coming, and Col. Hiprair,CLAY Bawarauf, of Clinton, elected to the HOWIE of Repredenta 'Lives. The `people of no section of the Brett)" will be more ably , or faithfully represented than the respective constituencies of the almive named gentlemen. All of them ismiese tied of a high order, enjoy reputations for hon esty and' integrity above suspicion, and we con fidently predict that they will do creditto them selves and honor to their districts in the Le.gis lative halls. We congratulate the party uOl2 the election of .young, talented :and reliable Republicans so eminently worthy public respect and•confidence. • === 'Seam IN A BAiLlinkit CAB.—On Wednesday last the subject of 'con4ersation ta a crowded puisenger car going west, was on the result of the election the day previous. The Republi cans, of whom there was a majority on the car, Were of course quite jubilant A couple of passengers sit by quite chop-fallen and sad, not to tuty,angry. At last one of them called the condictiir, and said'to him : "Sir, we are gentlemen from New Orleans • this talk which We ale obliged to listen to, is xeryjoilensive to andqre demand that you , should have it siolVed atonce i" The condnetoi answered that our folks in this State, and in general all about here, say just what they: like, and it was no Part of his business to try and stop it. "I min a Democrat siaid•.voted for Foster, and would hive been pleaeed with his election, but I have neither the power nor the disposition to interfere with the congratulations of the friends of the successful candidate." Th e "two gentlemen from New Orleans" lapsed in to a gloomy silence, chewed the cud Of discon tent, and doubtless-swore. vengeance on the first white man that dare venture into the ffee and enlightened regions Where'll:ie. - anger canes groiy., This free way of speaking is so un pleasant to the "chivalry." 4. pennoptuania Illailp iCelegraplb ftionbap afternoon, October 15, 1360. Aricimorr Brmins.—We "invite the attention of housekeepers who want venition blinds or household furniture, to the advertisement of Mr. Sharp, in ansither column. Ansirrioal Caay.—A special meeting of the Clay Debating Club will be held to-morrow (Tueeday) evening. Every member ia request ed to attend, as business of vital importance will be transacted. By order of the President FEVER AND Aura having made its appearance we advise all afflicted to get BANNVARVE ANTI kER/ODIO, which is ikposifive cure. Sold only V- C. A. 13ANNvarr who will also send it poet paid to ar y address on receipt of 17 letter stamps. GONE Uspaa.—The publication of the "Daily Sentinel has been discontinued-fccwant of pat- T94ge. 114 DernoCiatie — finttnciers, having suspended payment,, the Union- News will also go under in a few.days, if it has not already done so. Requiescat in pace ! THE WEATEtht.—Jack Frost has laid his icy fingers on thelender vines, and they wither he has touched the green leaves, and they are rappidly putting on the tints of Autumn. tde, - /We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts- up assorted cases of Wines. and Liquors.: Ruch a man, and such a merchant, ebould.beAmtained against his tens of thousands or op ponents is thethliked States, who sell nothing but imita tions, thinons alike ko health and human happiness. sepfi•dawBmi C.,IC. Keller 91 Market street, sole agent for this city. .:, -''f: . :'.' : ~.. 'bit dawl, 131fE Lid BOLD ' B RXTRACP B UCH U I ±j: For Diseases of the [Bladder, Sidrioy, Gravel, HEJ3dEOLD , S•Extract Sticha. for Secret and Delloate Moises;' - ' • BELEBOLD'S Extract of Buzim for Nervous and De bilitated subereri. - HELMBOLDS Extract or Bitchn for Less of Memory, Pisiii,ofßower, Dimness ofinsioniDiEculty of Breathing, Weak - Nerves ant Universal Lissiftide - of the muscular HELMBOLD'S Extract of EnChii,for all' disireewhig air thent-,ObstruOtibtii, Trregolarities;ltlitdera "in married or-early indiscretions, - aft diselses of the 'sexual organs, whether existing iii.*ide.cir Ammo, Prom whatever cause they may. have_oriQinsted; dnd no MU ter of bow long stantling.; -•- • = • -• • BELMBOLD'S %%WU& BIJOBIT •le pleasant in its taste and odor, muLlinmediate in its salon. Price it per bottle or Sikh* SE: Delivered to any - address, &cocoa patidt Wridablexeitltleater. Sold by all •Brliggitui • • au2l.3m —Depot. 104 South Tenth St Pleladeipbia. . . PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS! . A WAGE Asmrvicurr OB ri initizinult:a FANCY ANIICLES. gdrf.OIC4BRANDS of Segapi-:Norinandi, Earl Sari; Sabrina, La LencAlet, - La Union, Gart. i,-lar. •Eure-lquors for 7.1441410iiii44-ilii.oses. Mi. fetinottod Wine,. warranted ddt I.ureluice of the Catawba Gr6pto-Olity needs a trim.tot uGy• recommend ttseX— Ptleoriperne compounded with great, enia;l4., • REMY'S DRUG •UTORB, RitilUe4tin - No. 6 Narita Square. Eja/ -ALSO SANFORD'S FAMILY COMPOUNDED nom TIC PILL is a gentle b proprietor has used in his rum. ing demand from those who and - the satisfaction which their use, has induced me reach of all. that MffereatCatbarties act bowels. TIC PILL has, with due re. llshed fact, been compous. purest Vegetable extracts, part of the alimentary ca in all cases where a ca- Derangements of Starnack, Back and Loins, astternen boxiy,llestlessness, Headache Infiammwory Dasease3. Mintaddisn, a great many diseases to crhich to mention in this s War- S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., A SUPERLATIVE IN BOIVI.ES