CUPS qtratni & 4franaportatiot, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO" AND FROM PHILADELPHIA, ON AND AFTER SATURD A Y,SEPTESE BER 15th, 1860, the Passenger Trains on the Penn "ylvaula Railroad will depart from and Arrive at Phila delphia and Harrisburg as rnii.)W? : EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPREE TRAIN teivee at 1.15 Harrisburg a. in. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.20 a. in. FAST LINE Waves Harrisburg every morning except Monday, at 6.15 a. m, arrives at West Philnaelphla at 10.10 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. in., arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 p. m. 'I beim truism make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Limes HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Har risburg at 3.50 p. M., arrives at Philadelphia at 9.05 p.m. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Philadelphia at 10.46 p In , arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., ar rives atHarriebnrg at 12.50 p. na. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.60 a. in., arrives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRIEIRUP.G ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.05 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p.m. trALL TRAINS RUN VIA COLUMBIA Al Passengers for Mount dog and Elizabethtown on the Harrisburg & Lancaster and Mt. Joi Railroad, can leave Harrisbnrg by Mail, Fast Lino and Harrisburg Accommo datiom and connect at Lancaster with the Elizabethtown Accommodation train, leaving Lancaster for Elizabeth town at 11.04 a, in., and 7.04, p.m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, opt gam' Division Pentuviaania Railroad. •plbdtC NEW Alit LME ROUTE TO NEW YORK! i4WINNICNNINAININ Sl] OMTEST IN _DISTANCE D QUICKEST IN TIME ELTWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND 11.A....RIZIS3ESTIRG— VIA READING .ALLENTOWIsT AND EASTON. oi I.ING IV. El, lea,. es New York at 6 A M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12 96 noon, only 63, hours between the two cities. Mall. 1.11916 leaves New York at 12,00 noon, and ar tines at Harrisburg at 8.30P.M. e (INNING MAIL LINE. East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M., 6 Miring at Now York at 4.30 P.M. ArikhNIUON EXPREirb LINE, East, leaves Harris- Our g at 1.10 arriving at New York at 9.00 P. M. CO/111/00p0111.9 are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. with the Passeeger Trains in each direction on the Permsylvro. Oa, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad. All trains connect at Pending with Maim for Pottsville and Thlludrlthia, arm at Allentown for brgioah Chunk, Luton, Sc. No dotage or Passenger oars or Baggage between Now York bud Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A ld. Line from New York or tike 1.16 P. M. rem Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, and speed, comfort and acorn. utunatien, this route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVF. DOL LARS. For tickets an , other Information apply to tea J. J. CLYDE, General Agee, Harrisburg. 1860. 1860. orthern Central Railway I NOTICE. et i ANGE OF SCIIEDULE. N AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY .27110860, the Passenger Trains on the Northern i.cutral IL , away will leave Harrisburg, a. follow SOUTH. Kit toss num will leave —.1.40 A. 111. nut UaIII.OOATION TRAIN will leave at.. 7.30 A. M. Malt. TRAIN will leave at ......1.00 GOING NORTJEL tall, TRAIN will leave at 1 NO P. 111, ANtlitni TRAIN will leave at............ 9.32 P. M be only Trains leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be SlXPltitill 'NA'S at 1.40 A. N., going South, widths, &STRAIN at 9.821.. M. going North. I or 'nether Information apply at the °Wee, in PeauVa inroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. klurrotburg, May 26, 1860.—ma26.dtr HILADELPHIA ITEI 1t1,11)1N G RAIL ROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. UN A.ND AFTER NAY 28th, 1860. IWO PASSRNGIOR TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays escepted,) at 8.00 A. M., and 1.15 P. M. for b lad.lphla , arriving there at 1 26 Y. M., and 6.15 P. M. RIOUVILNO, LEAVE, PRILADELPHLi at 8.00 %. and 8.80 P. M., arrndng Ilarrlatorg at 12.45 noon and 8.80 P. M. FAN& Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars, $1.25 ; No. 2On dame train,) $2.70. PALMS :—To Reading, 81.00 and 81.80. A t Iteadleg, comma with trains for PotUrvffie, Moen-, Tale, Tamaqua, Calamine, &c.' FOUR TEA.II4B LIKAVIO READING FOR PHILADEL. ealA DAILY, RIBA. IL, 10.40 A 81.,12.80 noon and 8.48 P. K. IEAVE IPMIL/LDELPEILt FOR READING at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 p, M., 8.80 P. if., and 6.00 P. IL FARM to Philadelphia, $1.70 and $1.46. 1.1114 MORNING FROM HARRISBURG CON NEVIS AT READING with up train for Wilkesbarre, entwine and Scranton. For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. OLYtill, Genera/ Agent. mitiO-dll PHILADELPHIA sun R,EADING RAILROAD RFOUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES. On and after MONDAY, APRIL Rd, 1860. COMMUTATION TICKETS ITH 26 Coupons, will he ifigned he twain any points desired, good for the holder or any member of his flantly, in any Passenger train, and at any Urne—at 26 per Cent. below the REGULAR FARIS. Parties having OCCOUGARA to 030 the Bead trequtunly on business or pleasure, will find the above arrangement convenient and economical; u Pour Passenger trains run daily each way between Reading and Philadelphia, and Two Trains daily between Reading, Pineville and Harrisburg. On Sundays, only one morning train down, and one afternoon train up, rune between Pottsville and philadelplbia, Rad no Passenger train on the Lebanon randy Branch Railroad. Nor the above Tieketa, or any Information relating thereto, apply to S. Bradford, Esq., Treasurer Philadal phis, tothe respective Ticket Agenta on the 'line, or to G. A. NIOOLLS, argil.dtf Nen'i Rapt. ANOTRZE NEW LOT VosF----N.BWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) CELEBRATED GOLD PENS, 4rarrauted to be the ioin quality anitfinagi, of any manufactured. Also a nne *assortment of GueLE - AnD Gana GAM. Just reeelved and lbs sale at BERGH/WS QUA? BOOKSTORE, 6i Marko t SL Miff crilantous BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS DTSPNPSIALE DISEASE - 0f" THE KIDNEYS, LIVEN 41130111 PLAINT, WEAKNESS OP. ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, And the *elms affections consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR. LIVER, Such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Rolland Professor, Boerhave. Its reputation at home pro. duced its introduction bere, the demand commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the time of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and banded down the tradition of its value. It is now off mod to the American public, Naming Mat Vs truly tamtda fed medicinal, virtues must be acknowledged• It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous nse of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it linde its way directly to US seat of life, thrilling and retuning every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, n fact, infusing now healt/rand vigor in the system. NOTlol3.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY I The Genuine highly concentrated Beerhave'a Ireland Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at Gam DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for Pm DOLLARS. The great demand for this truly celebrated Medicine baa induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchaling. itirßeware of Imposition. See that our name le on the label of orrery bottle you buy. geld by Druggists generally. It ean be forwarded by Express to moat points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO MANUFACTURING parmarentists mut gittinisis, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale In Cho city of Harrisburg by D. W. GEces & Co. sepil-dawly TAKE NOTICE That we have recently added to our already full stock OF SEGARS, LA NOBMATIS, MORI KAKI EL MONO, LA BANANA. OF PERFUMERY FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR OF MUSK, LUBIN'S ESSENCE BOQUET. FOR THE HAIR. EAU LUSTRALE, CRYSTALIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM. FOR THE COMPLIWTON„ TALC OF VENICE, ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANC DE PERLES. OF SOAPS. BAZJN'S FINEST Moss Rose, Benjoin, Upper Ten, Violet, New-Mown Hay, Jockey Club. Having the largest stock and 'best assortment or toilet articles, we fancy that we are better able than our com petitors, to get up a complete toilet sett at any Kite de sired. Call andsee. Always on hand a FRESH stock of Drugs, Medicines, ' Chemicals, &c., consequent ol our receiving almost daily additions thereto. KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, sep9 Two Doors East of Fourth St., South Side. 1860. FIRST FALL OPENING OF CRY GO 0 37) IS I E HAVE NOW READY A LARGE and HANDSOME assortment of all kinds of GOO S in our line. New Styles Dress Goods, Superior makes of Silks, A large assortment of Calicos, • Extra quality ?dueling, all prices, Best makes of Flannels, do A large Stock of Shawls, Plain and Barred Sack Flannels. Purchasers are invited to examine our stock, as we are confident we can show them them the best styles at the lowest prices, in connection with the largest stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Satinetts and Cassimeres, Bleached and Unbleached Muslim, Delaines, Calicoes and Ginghams, Drillings, Shadings and (tacks, Pant Steak, Hickory anti Tickings, Best makes of Canton Flannel.-•. Splendid Calicos for six cents, Good quality Muslin, six cents.l Plain and FigureiDelaines, 12.34 cents, Heavy Unbleached Muslins, six cents With BARGAINS in all Goods of this kind, we only ask an examinat ion of our stock, as wo are confident that in pr ices anti goods we cannot fail to please. CATHCARP & BROTHER, No. 14 Market Square, sea • Next door to this Harrisburg Bank. .F.IISI3EEE t 3 Fai9« II I MACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) SALMON, (very superior,) SHAD, (Mess and very fine.) HERRING, (extra large.) COD FISH. SMOKED HERRING, (extra Digby.) SCOTCH HERRING. SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES.I Of the above we, hare Mackerel in whole, half, quo , ter and eighth tibia. Eerring in whole and half bids. The entire Id TIEW-•-DIRECT FROM 155 FlhalddlP, and will sell them at the lowest mai ktt rates. sepl3 WM. DUCK JR. & CO. PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF all persons desiring Blank Book') of • any size or kind, from the smallest Pass Book to the largest Blank. Book manufactured, fa respectfully so licited to my very large assortment, which FOR PRICE AND QUALITY cannot be equaled. Printed and Ruled Blank Books, and everrconeeivablo odd sized Blank Books made to order at short notice.— Books and pamphlets of all kinds bound in any dcatred sylles of binding, at kik:BNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, el Market stre. my2s ALL THE NEW BOORS A S FAST as published will be found for ji sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. cooks, that are wanted and not on hand will be prot cured at publishers usual prices. The largest assortment of STANDARD, RELIGIOUS, THEOLOGICAL, SCIENTIFIC, BISTORICALand LANBOUS BOOKS in the city, many of which will In sold much BELOW FlLlBLlallift'S PRICES, will In found for aslant BaRGNENS CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market St. Sr OW and exttnilwittie kook. my 29 is Dail!) &legrapti, aucsoan afternoon, October 2, la 6 0. prnitsvlvai HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR TII E PEOPLE. II EAR \V 11 Al' E PEOPLE SAY. The, undersigned h.t. ing used Ps reser HUI.IPHREY'S ,PECIFIC 110111(El'X'Ill IG H Ms'ItIF.S in our families with the most satisfactory re. , lllla, :Loa haviae. I 111 confidence to :ill . re conenesit Mani them to win,. tIA to lave , tile, aunt emanation remedies nt head for private or doutt•she The Bev. Win. Itosniel , edam of ••rtl, Northern hide: pen lent," Auburn, N. V.; the Bev. E. 11. Cressy , It. Rector el St Peter's Clt .r. 1,, Atihurn, 1%. 1.; the Rev ft. I. Ives, Chaplain t f the Aliburti StuW Prison ; ti , e Ilea. Spencer M. Mice, Rector. New Redford, NI s.. ; the Rev. Allen Steele, New Vora Conference ; the her. Sa ~,,, el Nichols East Genesee Conference ' N. Y.; the Rev. I'. Pratt., Dorset, Vt.; the Rev. John H. Roble, Bultilo; A. C. Hart, E.g., Utica, N. Y., the Fon. Neal Dow, Portland, Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South Lteml, lud.; the Hon. George Humphreys, N. Y.; Henry D. look, Esq., editor of the Ohio State Journal, Columbus, Ohio; the Hon. R. H. Graham, Moline, ill.; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monticello, Fla ; the Hon..loseph Benedict, Utica N. Y.; Wm. Bristol, Esq., Utic , N. Y;; A. S. Pond, Esq ., Utica, N. V. James Plunkett, hlsq., Nashville, Tenn. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. 1.-For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. - No. IL-,-For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed. No. 3.-For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of intents. No. 4.-For Diarrhea. Cholera Infantum, and Summer Complaints No. 5.-For Colic, Cripings, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. 5.-Fur Cholera, Cholera Mort us, Vomiting. No. 7 -For Coughs, Colds, Intiuenva and Sore Throat. No. 8.- For Toothache, Flute-ache, and Nein oleic No. 9.- , For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the Dead. No. 10-Dyspepria lids-tor'eak and Deranged SW mach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. NO. 11 -For Female Irregularities, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12.-For Leueorrhoa, Profuse Menses, and Bearing Down of Females. No. or Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing No. 14.-Salt Rheu IRIS-For Erysipelas, Eruptions, pitupies on the Face. No. lb.-Rheumatic Pile -For Pain, Lameness, or So cools in the Chest, Buck 'anus or Limbs. A -For Fever stud Ague, Pever, Dumb Alp.; Old Mismanaged Agues. 1•.-For Piles, Wind or Bleeulog, Internal or External; 0.-For Sore, Weak slot Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids ; Fails, Weak, or Blurred sight. C.-Nor Catarrh, of long standing or 'recent, either with obstruction or prol use discharge, W. C.-For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever; Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is obvious, and in all such cases the specifier act like a charm. The entire disease is oficn arrested at once, and in all oasts the violence of the attack is moderntotl, the disease shortened, and rendered less dangerous Coughs and Colds, which are of such frequent occur rence, acd which so often lay the foundation of diseased tuns, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once t red by the Fever and Cough Pills. In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Sto mach, Constipation, Liver Complaints Piles, Female De Wily, and Irregularities, old headaches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics whose pr operi application will allbrd a cure in almost every instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Fetr.ele Weakaess, has more than paid for the case tea times over. Case of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and Book 55 Case of 20 vials, and Book, plain 4 Case of 15 numbered boxes, and 800k............2 Casc of 8 boxes, numbered, and 800 k.... 1 Single numbered boxes, with directions.... .25 cents Single lottere d box* with directions 50 cents Largo case of 2 oz. vials, for planters and physlclans..sls • ALSO SPECIFICS. FOR AMNIA OR Pannato.--Opircesed, Difficult, Labor ed Brenhiug, attended with Cough and Expectoration Price, 60 cents per box. FOR EAR InsoRARCIRS ARD DRAlRlllBl3.—Thilohirgeß from the Esr, tho resultor Smidiot Fever, Measles or Mercer!. als. For Noises in the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and box ßinging in the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, 60 cents per FOlt Scaoverta.—Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and Indura ted Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcers, ticroftrions Cacbexy of Children. Price, 60 cents per box. Foe GENERAL or Nervous Weak nem. Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Medics• non, or Exhausting Discharges. Price, 60 cents per box. FOR DROPSY.—FIuid Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Pries, 66 tents per 1/01.. FOR SEA4tbatxxse.—Deathly Siekneds, Vertigo Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Price, 60 cents per box. Foe OEINARY Dialants.—For Gravel, Renal Caloull,Difil cult., painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys Price, se'...utapar. box, FOR ERMOTAL-REM Diseharg Consequent Prostration and Debilit, Bo 31 Habits. The most su emote] and cdlcient remedy known, and may be relied upou as a cure. •Price, with fall direr tious, St per box. Persons who wish to place theinselveS under the pro. fessiou care, or to seek advice of Prof. numnaurrs, can do so, at his office 502 Broadway, daily from 8 A.M. to 8 or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. ' Look over the list ; make up a case of what kind you= choose, and inclose the amount in a current note or stamps by mail to our address, et No. SS2 Broadway, New York, and the medicine will ho duly returned by mail er ex press, free or charge. • AUENTS. WANTXD.--Wo desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies in every town or com munity in tbo United States. Address Dr F. HUMPHREYS It Co., aprlB-dawly No. 682 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Wholesale and Retail agent fbr Harrisburg and vicinity C. K. Keller. Also sold by Theodore F. Scheirer, and Druggists and stores genorillz. 1860. ONLY PREPARATION STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS, AND GROWS MORE AND MORE POPULAR And testimonials, new, and 'almost without number, might bo given from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society, whose united testimony none could resist, that Prof. Wood's Hair Rester:oily° will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the 'youth to old age, in all de youthful beauty. Bain CREEK, Mich., Deo. 21,18d0. PROP. WOOD :, Thee wilt please accepts line to inform thee that the hair on my bead al - fell off over twenty years ago, caused- by a- complicated chronic disease, at tended with an.eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through file having reduced roe to a state of dependence, I having nct been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I beep able to do them up, in conse quence of which my head• his suffered extremely from cold. This t minced ice to rayariggs & Hodges almost the last - centlliad on earth for s. tiVO dollar bottle of .thy 11a15' HestoraUve about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions and thebald Split isnow covered with hair thick and black, thengh short; it le al so coming in all over my head. Feelingconfident that, another large bottle would restore it entirely and per manently, I feel anxious to persevere, in its use, and be ing destitgle of means to purchase moro, I would ask thee if thee.wouldet not be willing to send me ad Order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the scripture declaration—"the rewardis to those that -are , kind to the widow and fatherless." IMeniza, Noble Co.; Indiana; Feb: 5th,%149. - Par. O. J. Worm: Dear Sir —ln the latter part of the year 1552, while attending the State.. and. national raw School of the State or New York, my hair, from a calla unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in tlie short space of ,sl.lmonthly _Die whole upper part of my scalp was almost: entirely of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not be surprised when I tellyon that upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual ac quaintances were not so much at a lass to disaver the cause of the change in my appearance, as my more inti mate acquaintances were to recognize me at all. I at once made applicallen to the most skillful physi cians in the country, MA, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could'agala be restored, 1 was forced .to become reconciled to my fate, instil, tortunately, fo tte latter part of the year 1857, your itester,ative was re commended to me oyr. druggist, as being the most re liable Hair Restorative in use. I tried oneloitle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Shire that time, I have used seven dot tars, worth of your Restorative, and as a result, bare a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can es a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill' in the production of so wonderful an artiole,l _have re commended its use to many, of my friends and acquaint ances, who, I am happy to inform yea are using It :with ilk° effect. Very respectfully, yours,• •- A. M. 4.4TTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 414 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out ' • The Restorative Is put up in bottles of three sizes, viz large, medium and small ; the small bolds % a pint, and' retails for one dollar. rr bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proporticnthan tileemgU, awl- retails for two dollars per ootl/e - 3 the large - holds a quart, 90 per cent...snore In eroportion, and retails for SS O. J . :WOOD 4 CO., Proprietors, 444 Droadway, Now York, and - 114 Itattet Steeet, And sold by' - alirgotieDrogghis - and:Piney - Mode Dealers se2o-dawSin ittebitai II U M Pll REY' S SPECIFIC PRICE THE TUAT IlikEl EVERY DAY I Thy h lend, BURANNAR KIRBY fitielital DR. MOTT'S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS OF IRON. AN aprr lot :Whig prvi.3l:llilM 4.1 1 all 1 firs if /icy! en ;led ri•11.1,1,111.11 iii 10 de,,,e11. aticaicitaeal Meaiii al A tuba:rate—, 0 , 111 in Eur• po and a e nat. II :tale , . :a at era.-aril in their practice. • • The exierience of thoufand.ii daily prove-4 that no pre paration of Iran can be co allured akb it- Impurities of 11, bitll4, depreLl.ion of vital energy, Pale and other -1.,,C sickly' complexions indicate its neces.ity in almost every conceivable cafe Juno:ions in all nialad es lu which it has been tried, it has proved aleolutety cura tive in each of the following complaints, viz : Debility, Nerr mt. A Neel lon • , E nurnelps lion, C,onatipation, ilia. rliova Dy.entery„ Incipient ConStunpPon, ti rot - 800m Tuber.. fl oat*. Salt Ithetun„ Illismeta.truotion, Whites, ChloroSis, Liver Complaints, Chro uic lientilsches, Ittmtunittlam, Intermittent Fevers, Pimples on the Face ate. lit ease of General Debility, whether the result of acute disease or of the continued diminution of ner vous and muscular energy from chronic, Complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to au ex tent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become fin gotten in their own neighborhoods, have sud denly reappeared in the Mel world as If just returned from protracted travel in n distant land. Some very signal instances of this islint are attested of ferns/0 suf ferers, emaciated victim, of spiel, cut marasutus, san guineous exhaustion, critical Changes, and that complica tion of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exer cise for which the pb3511.111.11 has no name, Is Nervous Affectiuns of all kinds, and for Ma isons familiar to medical mcu, the operation of this pre paration of iron must neceietrily lie salutary, for unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being ex citing and overheating, and gently, regularly aliment, even in the mast obstinate maces o. coetivenetni, without ever being a gastric purgative, or intliciing a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among others, which makes It -o remarkably edbetual and permaeent a remedy for Pile 4, upon vailub it also appears to exert u nod specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Cirfeepepaiti, Innumerable as arc tts causes. asin•le box of these Chalybeate Nits has often sufficed for the most habitual cases, Including the attendant Cosarettest. In unchecked Diarrhoea, even when advanced to Dysentery, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently ma lignant, the effects have been equally decisive and as tonishing. • In the local pains, loss of Beth and strength, debili tating cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indi cate Incipient Vonaramptlasi, this remedy has al layed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting Instances. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, ibis medicated iron has had Mr more than toe good of Wu most cautiously balanced preparations el iodine, witisso, any of their well known liabilities. The attention of female cannot be too confidently In vited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiar ly adectlng them. In Itheuntattent, both chronic and Inflammatory_ in the latter, however, more tieeidedly—it has been in variably well reported, both as alleviating pain and re ducing the swellings sod stiffness of the joined muscles. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, sod its progress in the now settlement of the west, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has over been discovered, in the whole Ids tory of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, complete diges tion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual dis position for active and cheerful exerciso, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing b 9 plus, price 50 cents per box; for soh, by firuggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address OD receipt at the price.— letters, orders, etc., should be ntirlreasto to R. B. LOCKE Sr. CO.. Geberal Agents, 339 Broadway, New York. .p4-dtf MOTFIERS P mast be obvious not only to you, but to every atten tive and intelligent person, that the first diseases of in flints arise chiefly from a disordered condition of their bowels, and in this coonection, we present to your mice fbr the alleviation and Cure el these direa:o4, a remedy known as DR. BATON'S • INFANTILE CORDIAL! Prepared froze a formula used by Dr. Won with re markable success during several year's practice, we know it to boa most reliable and efficacious remedy for Infantile complaints, and ono trial alone will convince ou of its superiority over every other preparation of the rtioularly recommended For dud at Lids period of infantile life, wbe hearts aro pained by witnessing the sufferings o ""' little ones,'lt will be found invaluable In Stiftenante (he Cums, Reducing /refiammarson, and Rehearing ail Pain. For Diseases attending Teething, such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Griping in the Rowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wand, Mae, and Coal in the Head, we con tidently offer this as a certain relief and cure in every case when given in time. It will invariably regulate the stomach and bowels, and its importance in this respect can hardly be estimated. In Convulsions, from which more infants are said to die than from any other disease, the little sufferer is relieved as iris:rattan& away, as If by magic; and in ttlIS dread complaint alone, its intrinsic value Is such that it has bean recommended from one family to another, until the name of Dr. Eat on's 'lnfantile Cordial has become “familiar as a household word." We now ask your attention to a sub ject of vital Interest to portrait', as well as to your suffer ing child. Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cordial contains No Morphine or Opiate, of any kind, or of whatever nature, tor afact which we are fatty warranted in stating mews be said of any other preperation for infantile diereses, at this time before the public:lM We find that throughout the country, Moth ers aro becoming convinced of this , truth, and of the sad and blighting consequences which are. certain to result from the tweet' narcotics disguised in the form of .quiet leg ZOMEMICS; their continued administration being in variably followed by stupefaction, and constipation or the bowels, ending oftentimes in convulsions. herein Ds.- Xerox's lnestrrnat CORDIAL differs from every other remedy. It Does Not Constipate the bowels, neither does it act by deadening the sensi bilities of your children, but naturally, through its rare medicinal qualities, by removing all pain and cause of disease. We earnestly recommend you, therefore, to lose no time In procuring a bottle, that you may have at band a remedy which will never fell to relieve your child in time of need. It is perfectly hamlets, and cannot injure (he most delicate infant. Take none but DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. This' you can rely upon. Price 25 cents per bottle. Prepared only by CHIIIICII. it DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. And sold by them, and by all respectable Druggists. aulOnfeb6 mow SELLING OFF AT . COST TO CLOSE THE BUSINESS. - BEING desirous to close the WALL PAPER business in which I am now partially en gaged, I will sell all the stock I have on hand at COST 10.&S. All d siring bargains in Wall Paper will do well by calling soon. iiiiylB GEO. EERGNER, fil Market street GLEANINGS PROM THE lIARVEST-FIELDS OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND ART I A Melange of Excerpts Curious, Humor -11 and Ipstruotive. Collated by C. C. HOMBAUGH, A. M. 11.1): The above interesting Work bee just been received at 4*.littbiltß'S CHAP RO.ORSTORE. STORE . PEICESI 25 - A NEW, AND FINE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' TRAVELLING SHOPPING BAGS. At all prloes,for sale at BERGNER'S ORSAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market Street . WM. 3. tituus, CARPENTER AND JOBBER, CORNER WALNUT AND 'BONI' s2REE23 OBBING of all kinds done at short tl notice. in gm] style. and on relsoitesble terms. de . LSO R the Genuine English Mustard, go ..1.7 to •,s , s DRUG STORE • THOSE desiring to paper their homes 11 will S awell-teleated atock of WALL PARER fer sate at COST PRICES, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE flicertcat LLEET I MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Phyaltpt•n o presents to the attention of mothers b SOOTHING SYRUP, For Children Teething, which greatly facilitates the prone+ of teething, by son ening the gutna,reducing all inflammation—will allay AIL PAIN, and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS Depend epou it, mothers, it will give toyourseivei kELIEF AND &AVM YD YOURIifIFANTS. We have put up and sold this article Ibr over ten years, and OAR SAT, IR CONFORM - OR ALTD TROTH, WOWS we bare never been able tooter of any other medicine— NEVER HAS TT FAILED, IN A moue INSTANCE TO FIFFECT a CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instance of Mesathiraction by any one who need On the contrary, all are de , ghtod with its opera• lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT we Do IWOW, alter ten years' lape• rienCo, AHD FIRMS OUR REPUTATION FOR THR FtOMUMMI OF WILLI we axes DRCLARR. In almost every Instance where the infant Is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re lief will be fbund in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup isadminiatered, This valuable preparation la the preecriplon d one of the most lOCUKKINRCKO and SKILLFUL. NtiliSaLq kt Now engkind, and het been used with nevelt count, scoasta in THOUSANDS OF CAM. It not only relieves the Child Rom pale, but invig orates the Fixtneab and bowels, cement acidity, and gives tone and energy in the side system. It wi ll al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN • TIIK ROWFJI4, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which if net speedily reme died, end Io death. We believe it the MN and BIIRIST annum is rus WORLD, in all cases of DYHENTRRY AND WARNING:A IN CIIW,DREN, whether it arisen 4WD teettiltN or from any other cause. Wo would say to every (nigher who too a child suffering from any el the 1 . 011:NOIOg cOlOphlitail—DO Nov UM TOM twins tl+, NOR rea PRUDDICRI or MINA stand between you and your guttering child and the tenet that will be SU rtg--yes, AB SOi.UTEI.Y Stiftg—to adiow the use of this aralicirte, It lithely used. Full directiond for tieing will accompany dach bottle. Nom geuuitio unless the fac-simile of MIMS a P gItKINS,New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Ur uggitits throughout the wend. Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar St., New York. Price only 25 Cents per Bettie egrFor Hale iii Harrisburg by C. W. Gross at Co., No 19 Market street, J. Martin Lutz, Nu. =Market .treet.i. M. Heller No. 91, Market street. below Fourth, and G. W. Miles,l2s Market street. aug22 dant). POND'S EXTRACT OF II A M AMELIS OR PAIN DESTROYER, TS tII one of the few domestic remedies which have come into general use and favor, without pu ng. It is the product of n simple shrub, harmless in all cases, and as a domestic remedy unequalled. Fur BUMS CUTS, BRUISW, 80104liSkS,LAEEN SPRAINS., numntArts.v, BOus, Maw, 01.1) 80/tai and WOUNDS, it has not an equal. It is also used with great success, for TOOTHACHE., HEADACHE, NRIJR,tI.• GIA, BORN THROAT, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, HOARSE NS:SS, and other similar troublesome and painful nine- Doas, while it promptly arrests all lIEUMOItitHAGM. Hundreds of physicians use It daily in their practice, and give it their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agents and dealers, and by F. HUMPHREYS & CO., 462 Broadway, Sole Proprietors and lianutacturers Sold by C. K. Koller;Wholesalo and Retail agent for Harrisburg and vicinity, and Druggists and stores gene rally. apl7.4lawly - "Prep ser 40 , 1 , Ati\ \ , A ECONIYIY O! % A v ..; 1 , 0 Diologatelbi ~ ,A; S a) " - --11 ave the Pieces ! _ As accidents will happen, teen Atwell-regulated families It Is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, dm. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIJE meets all such emergencies, and no household can alTbrd to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick . , point. There is no longer a necessity for limping c . rit dies. " hitered ears, beadles toys. and broken ornrineutal work, a P Oarwith-shell and other and taste. pet _ . This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally hold In solution, and possessing Adl the qualities of the beat cabinet-waken , Glue, limey be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. 4 .usavt, IN EVERY Notram. , . N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle.. Price 25 eta. Wholesnle .. Depot, No. 48 Cedar Pirect, Now York. Address HENRY O. SPASM% & CO., Box No. am*, New York Put up for Dealers in cases containing Four, Eight and Twelve Dozen—a.beautifal Litbograrblo Show•card so. companying each package. aa-A single bottle of SPALDING'S PIMPAREDGLIIE will save ten times its cost annually to every bouseboldl. Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists:Hardware and Furniture Dealers Grocers and Fancy littirce. Country merchants Dealers, raske ^ lte of SPALDING'S PASPARFD GLUE, when maks' ap their list It will stand any climate. febl7 dimly COAL ! COAL!! COAL!!! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN COAL! Full Weight and Nothing Short of It! freANIEFUL TO MY FRIENDS AND 1_ CUSTOMERS for their liberal patronage I would now inform them and the public generally, that I am fully prepared, on short nonce to supply them with all kinds of SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. eIe'FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED ATAS LOW A FIGURE AS FAIRDEALING WILL AFFORD: Although my coal Is not weighed in ELTF-WEIGDDIG °ANTS SOT is WEIGHED ON Scars AOGORAMY TESTED ST IRE SEATER or WEIGHTS AND MIXASITRES, and, consumers roar rest assured that they will be 'fairly an d honestly dealt with. I sell nothing but the very best article, and no mixing. ALSO HICKORY; OAR and PINE WOOD, always on band. GEO. - p. WieRTLING. sept3.d3m SCHWERIN'S ANNIHILATING , POWDER, TS THE ONLY. JLKNOWN and best cle to exterminate Roach "lte - A:t..l ee Bed Bugs, Ants. Moths, ; • Flies,Fleas,garden Warms, 'Vine Bugs, be. IT CON TAINS NO roisom. ---_ SCHWERIN'S PILLS & are Bare death to RATS - -Pre , 9 7 /////// ////,,, /4;7 / 4, ' and MICE. Plr. SCHWERIN received CertiScatea from President of Girard College, i [rectors of House of Refuge, Pennayl vania Hospital, and other prominent Public Institutions of Philadelphia. IJ. S. Jail, Washington, LI: C., and Chailty Hospital, New Orleans, La. The original certificates can be seen at the Wholesale and Retail Depot,l24 North Second street, Philadelphia, and for sale in Harrisburg by Charles A. Bannvart, D. W. Gross k Co., G. W. Riley and O.K. Keller, and by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Beware of Spurious Initallona. Remember to ask for SCHWERIN'S Anuihila;Jkg Powder. None Genuine unless signed myl7-d6m HAMS!! HAMS!!! NB WBOLD' S CELEBRATED EXTRA SUGAR CURED (covered* EXTRA SUGAR CURED (uncovered.) PLAIN HAMS EXTRA SUGAR CURED SHOULDERS. EXTRA SUGAR CURED DRIED REEF. EXTRA " " " (coyerea.)q Just received - a large invoice of thiabove, which we oar at unusually low prices. so pa - WM. DOCRJR, Ai CO. •BLA NEE BOOKA ff F - ALL IMAGINASIZ SIZES - PRICAT jj STYLE AND QIIALITTIEhin band andmanuAtelen al to order 14 the Cheapest rates, at BERONER , 'S 011EAP BOOKSTORE MENS' FURNISHING I T , ,„I A N GOLDEN HILL Slll t , AT IV OLESA • LARGE AND EXTENSIVE - ,, 1 VtALT-aia Of the Lttet and most dothaide iiiikanfActorekt eKpremdy for tl:e C. B. HATCH t fir4o3 BROADWA (Ono door above the car, , , r. NEW YORK. Give notice to the Merchants in n t that their stock of Yeas' Frasis;l , „, t .„ Btu, Sews is now ready for r , cEo, t , full assortment, of Undershirts and Drainers, Fig a rhi .• anal Prat" Shirts, 21'es, Scarf, : , Half Hose, Lift% nu-Ring Shawls. Railway R:Ja- Jackets, Muffle, d; Ineloding many new and clet.arald.,rt to be found In any similar cstaldt-I.t, I t All Shirts made at the Gott IP.; till i . FACTORY bt ar on the buck of t!, r I - , BUMP Which is 01 carries with it oar guarantee as 0) Seery particular. These Shirts, comb nine r•TY I F. PERFECTION OF Fir, we wairtro to any made to order P 311148 not 1211e01110g to rasa transmit their orders by mai r them tilled as faithfully and prompt-1 to arket themselves. C. tt it • Jy27 dBm 140, WALTER G. WHITEMAP; FINE GROCERIES, N. W. CORNER 17111 AND AR D CROSS, & BLACKWELL'S ENGLISII PICKELS AN D SA FINE TEAS AND COI' FOR SUGARS always at Re prk I • LIQUORS and SEGAILQ• of lb- , o • t ..r band. STORAGE, H'OI?.;GVATZ,JDINc. COMMISSION BUSINESS E subscribers have leaAell ain() Warehouses and Railroad track • • pied by tberhiladelphla and Reading as a freighting department. No. 248 Sort and will transact a OENRItAI. STORAGI•:, ND COTIMPXION litisiNt>.:6 2 , • . Foreign and Domestic Shipping and Frod, . • not street. They are prepared to receive, stip nca land or by water, all merchandise and pr . , • may bo oared. storage capacity every convenience for receiving and dish Warehouse receipts will be stern her n.l t • storage, with blll3 of landing for shipment. Consignments of merchandise and pr.,d dress will receive prompt minium]. AMU:, Ilititßk .128 Walnut and 2.18 North Bru ailidtblgo.. April 2), 1800.— timd. PENNSYLVANIA DYEING ESTABLISirm OFFICE, NO. 104 MARKET I: Ei I HAItRISBURG. DODGE & Co. RESPECTFULLY inform the Lad Gentlemen or Harrisburg, and the pal.K.: tuas they have ail Inc machinery Bees ,arc I. , I . N CLICANSII.; and FINVHINC, fa a Mort :4 1, and warranted to give satisfaction, rvery Ladles' and Gentlemen's appnel, I.atla:s • • Shawls, Handkerchiefs, :Marra, Bonnot.r, d -211,46 . 14 . 1 ...ta1t,W1C like new , K A \flit • •• 007 ATERED to fort , nver i/1/1 , rt , Gentlemen's to-kTs, Cleaned and I:inhume nu a moat superior 2itlo PANTA LOVINS and N r PING REQUIRED. CARPI:EI CLEAN El to the fabric, removing all all and stain., nu•l i::•: , • colors. Merino, Cashmere and other Ft awl., • pressed: CRAPE SHAWLS blenched and al, !,, style that cannot be surpassed. C00nt.110,,. Blankets arid 'Vohs, cleaned In heat Mahn, r, .o, 1,1 nouee. -WOOLBN and COTTON 0001/S v quantities t at -low prices, and warranted t • Leghorn, Straw Hats and Honnela: Dyed in Merchants and Milliners having unsaleabh...,.t!- of their goods, can have theta dyed and 1,1. I. leaving them for a :•.w days at the olllze. goods dyed at the above emtabbsl.n....t warranted not to smut. 1101 4 . i Iy26.4aWain LIBERTY STOVE Ivo1;K• HOLLOW-WARE FOUNDRY, • PHILADELPIIIA. - ABBOTT & NOBLE, MANUFACTURKRS of the most apprmwit sty, of every deeariptlon. Semple stet Salo R.., -- A6'248 Water Street, New York. AR-410 Brown Street, Philadelphia. N.ll4—fiend for.attaloose. STRAWBERRIES ! rriHE PRESENT WEATHER L favorable for planting Strawberrieq, Boon a fair crop of fruit, angleient to ..r I plants and planting, may be expectc.l I Upwards or 100 VARIETIE:i, Native and Foreign, have been listed by and, after having rejected many, bo is aide in o n..-' that are really desirable, in any quanitty mot 0 prices. -ADVICE GIVEN, as to eboice of varieties, preparation nY , n.l culture. If desired, be will, for a reaFoL , l , ' tionv PLANT BEDS warranting good crops of the best frui , t. For the acc , turned:Mon of the pubde 1... plants for tale In the LOWER MARKET 110U6 I-1, en Tuesday and INlday eveniogs and Wok, !,. Saturday Dion:nap. II A ` 1 ! - ' Kantroart Scummy, Efarriabur ,A , : 20,1560. NEW FIRM, NEW GU(thS NEW PRICES THE BIIBSCRIBERS to the WHOLIMIALR AND RETAIL OTOII. NESS ofMessrs. GROSS at RUNK Rh, " STREET WHARF would respectfully anuou, citizens of Harrisberg and vicinity, that the:. pared to offer for sale a large and couipi,th n> r ' Groceries, Provisions, Fish, Salt, ' Grain, Flour, _gees, in great variety, Queasy/are, Paints, Oils, Fund, Glass, Nails, Cement, &C Our large SPRING STOCK, purchased in and: New York, and now arriving, has been F,.1 1, With much care, and will present great induc , dose buyers. We intend to keep FIRST-CLASS GOODS. suil a ' l ,' NOT BE UNDERSOLD,' and hope by honorable t merit and receive a share of patronage. mar24-de A. ROBINSON X SCHWERIN A NEW LOT OF Ladat SHOPPING & TRAVELING 11.1` Canna'Ming a number of new styles G ai, , t i k MRS' Money Purses and Wallets. A gue assortm• Just received and tor sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKstoilF. 61 Market Sin et filisullantoug I=lE9 PHIL ADEL P IMPORTER OF Particular attention p 461 ti• tESI A N D CS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers