• From the Nora/ American Lincoln's Tariff Record. 'TM e is a wilful and labored effort on the in ~f those who have habitually sacrificed le in:t Asti, of Pennsylvania to party, and who ve (.11 all occasions abandoned our rights ,criever the fife niers demand a concession, falsify the po,ition and to misrepresent the n i or , s o f Mr. Lincoln, wbo was always been e of the most thorough, consistent and uu , cbing mends of the protective policy.— :re is tot a man of any party to-day iu this ..onwealdi who is more sincerely attached at grott principle than he is, or who has ;Ic,lnd it more courageou y in a State r e he had to combat preju ingo d e mocratic slang, in favor .f - • en serving as au elector at the ha • • i, e t'cket,in 144, be made the Tali. 1842 constant theme of his discourse, sustaining ith masterly and conclusive arguments to the people of the west thatkthere ,was a ect harmony between their interests and ~—between agricultural and manufacturing •r, and a mutual dependence by which ole Id not prosper without the other. We-have the papers of Illinois examined With bare, are able to state distinctly that in eirery. •ch of Mr. Lincoln as a Clay elector, ha .e the tariff the leading subject of disctUr- en Mr. Foster was indulging his bad tsote on Monday night, by a sweeping dentmoli of his opponents, and endeavoring to pe responsibility by the concealment of his opinions, he took occasion to arraign Mr. .1n on the tariff. Here are his words, as rted in a democratic paper : wonder, also, whether they will not vote Mr. Lincoln, whose opinions on this guns (the tariff) neither they nor anybody else anything about. There is no record of his public life that de any knowledge of his views on Abto don. (Applause.) Mr. Lincoln is help , e friend of the protective policy, yet you of find a vote he ever gave, ift a speeckike made, wherein he favored the doctriftli of ction at all." ese are distinct and positive charges. If were true, Mr. Lincoln would not be en to our support. If they are untrue, Mr. r is unworthy of favor for bearing false We have already stated that, during nvass of 1844, every speech Mr. Lincoln con lained a defence of the Tariff of '42 aster's ignorance on this point may be ed, because those speeches were confined and did not attain much currency d it. There is no justification, however, gnorance concerning the records of Con , which are open to everybody, and Are. .ssed by ex-members like Mr. Foster. He where to turn for the proof of his charges, existed ; and, If he neglected , that duty, . 1 as as guilty in a culpable omission as in a 'nal perversion. Me intend to annwerMr.. l er from the journals of Congress, • placing gicial record against his unwarranted as one. During the Congress in which Mr. oln was a member of the House of &pre-, Wives, various resolutions were introduced' Ling to the tariff, upon which he voted in ably for protection. Passing by those of or importance, we ask atteation to two log examples• cited from theicrtrmele. n the 19th of June, 1848, Mr. Andrew Stew of State—from his °long and° ardent devo to protection; familiarly known- in Coin sas "Tariff Andy"—offered , the following lution : . Resolved, That the. Committee of rays and an be leattuoted to inquire into the expedi of reporting a bill irtoreatiogtheduties gn luxuries • of, all kinds,. and.on such Soy manufactureil its are now coming into ruin ompetition with Ameriattiatum" • o-thirds could not be obtaired to suspend, rules, because the democracy, as usual, nearly in solid colrUktn against viit Bet incolu's vote is found worded int. the. ~a tive, with Mr. Stewlitt Old the PentutiT- Whigs. The proceedings may belaturd' e Cougrestional Globe, vol. 18, Enf_liq 2 ,, the 11th of December, 1848, Dr. lfgekert," l a member from tktib State, welt Ithrttit4S , f the most devoted and able chantPl94B of tariff, and largely identified with the 'iron coal interests, offered the following Maw. deed, That the Committee of Ways and as be instructed to inquire into the expo& of reporting a tariff bill, based upon ;be ciples of the tariff of 1842." is was as distinct a teat as could be made, invilvect the whole issue. Mr. Lincoln the rwiltilion. Congressional, ,e, vol. 9.0, page 26, The Pernilievania :ation then stood as follow{r.• B-atiy, Butler, Dickey, Eckel& Ily, Fmedly, Hampton, 3. R. rtTgeinisH, „ilellivaine, Noss, Pollock, ttewart r . m.-15 Whip, idges, Brcillharl, C. S. logernoll,. - Marin, g, Thompson, Wilmot-7.Thoziocrate.? yin—l American. ery Whig, exceptJ, R. Ingergoll, Stalest , t' Irvin—three of-the strongest tariff mtn it House—who were absent, and ,probably • 1, voted in the affirmative. • Charles J. raoll was the only Democrat whet voted for Charles Brown, Job Mann, James Thonap• and D. Wilmot voted egainst• it, iehlhe ges, Brodhead and Strong dodgedcor.Were enienily missing. The whole Detnoc a few individual exceptions, era - d .reely, and the south demanded that those 'eonsylvania should betray their conatitu• etas, as the record ehbws they did. ' her illustrations might ba produced con ing ih,ge votes, if any beneficial object d he served by multiplying•ptoof of anin table fact. They are to be found watered ugh the journals of the 80th Congreaft. we appeal to all candid. men, upon the of this evidence, whether Mr.. golltet's went, that "you cannot find a Tote .In ever goo; or a Ineath he eleoluade, teat he favored the doctrine of nrotection I," is correct or latterrect? Hating gone' far, we deny his allegation in whole and rt, and demand the proof.- 1. is speech of Mt. •Postter watt not a careless t. It bad been doubtless meditated long , well, and prepared with reference to rte t here and throughout the State. ry of it was considered and weighed. Waen. ndidate of a party can bring himself down .e delibtrate misrepresentation. of an oppo record for partisan or personal ends, he tainly not entitled to credit or favor. Mr. r has deliberately asserted what the Jour of congress solemnly contradict, and we him to his own reflections after this ha ting exposure. It he can thus coolly e charges in one awe, he would not acre in another. The public will now know tly how much confidence to attach to hie hart charges, wherein he audatiettidY lm bee the patriotiem and impugns the tattak. of a large majority of the people of ntonwealth. thig CELEBRATED Warrus says: " No woman be a lady who can mortify or wound , ther. No matt r how beautiful, how ed, how cultivated she may be, she •ia lly coarse, and the inate vulgarity of her ire manifests itself Nerd. 'Uniformly d, courteous and polite treatment of, all one, is one mark of a true woman. ages Paovuse atria lie butte leg. epaulet stud, but it bat vriuge 118 4 01 4" sr end wide. that* arm adse w irr la half 40411ittated otittio, Gr witt, pennovlvaitia IZMIR t &graph, Saturbav afternoon, tieptentber 29, 186L1. Qqation tproclamation. EIFTION PROCLAMATION. DIIRSUANT to an act of the General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en, titled An Act relating to Elections in this Common. wealth," approved the 2d day of July, A. D. one thou sand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, J. M. EYSTER- Sheriff of the county of Dauphin, Pennsyvania, do here by make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in thesaid county of Dauphin, ON TRE SECOND TUESDAY OF OC TOBER, A. D., 1859, (being the 9th day of October,) at which time State and County Officers, as follows, are to be elected, to wit: One person for Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to represent the counties of Dauphin, Leb anon, Union, Snyder and part of Northumberland coun ty, composing the 10th Congressional district, in the . Congress of the United States, One person to represent ihe counties of Ilduphln and Lebanon in the Senate of Pennsylvania. Twopersons kw members of the House oi Representa- Ives of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, to, repro. teem the countrof Dinipitha in the Hangout Represents . Gres of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania. One person kor the Office of High Sheds ofDauphin . °minty. Ono person for Recorder Of'Destds aid 'Clerk of the Orphan's Court. - one person tor CriantiCbniniltiltniOr7 ' One person for Direateeof the Poor. One person nor Auditor: -4 By the SUb itelettorkof the slat Of. AMtembly, hicorpora ting the city of Hairlibuit it ES provided as follows, to wit : "Thai ,all , genet*, metal and municipal _ electrons by the 'quidided smell of the said' ity, (except meet' oni for military 'elliaers,) be : held In; their respective wards as foilowl, tot The electiorf for the Fir's& ward shall be bekka:, the pabliti sehoolAhtse at the corner of Maryts alley and Front street. The election,fer the Se cond ward shall "be held at the Deihl House on Market street, at the place *here the elections for the South ward are now held:. The election- for . the- Third ward shall be held at the Court House, on Market street, at the place where the elections for the West ward a-e now held. Thee for the Fourth ward plug be held at the pubilo school , irc gate street, ttetVden Second and Third streets. e elections of the Filth ward shall I be held at the house belonging to General John Teeter, on the State road, leading from the reservoir grounds to the State road leading fremitheaksquelianna:river to the Pennsyletuda State Lunette Hospital. And the elections of the Sista arartpahail beheld at=the.School house =ln West Harrisburg.. Provided, That the pia cot Otholding the election deft tutted in this section, for the Second and Third warthb in the case of Atii Milling down'of the present COurt Hoeft; and until another be created, shall he held at the follow ing placee;lo - - For the,decondward at the westernmindow of Herr's Hotel, en Markiestreet, and for the-Third ward Wale ached house, Jo Walnut alreet, { between. Second nod Front Streets In said atty. For thetowaship of Su Anaheim?, ay. Mtlior's (now•Nis : : ey'l) Reboot Donee. For,44,,nivine hip of Lower Swetara at the school houSe For the tovrasbablp of SwataraMithe Lewin Grove Inn. ' - Icor the borough of Middlotovin at the Brick 'School hoots, in Flnestreet,Aossid , bormlfh• ' " • ' the township of Londonderry, at the Public Howie of ..loseph Kelm sald3oWnehip. - • Por tho towttalap of West LbWituideriY, at the lands of Violation NW, la said township • • reothe toWnablp of toneWago, erected out of parts of the townships or Londonderry and-Dorm the house of. Chanted Folts, (dear Jno: Foltz) in add tmrmhip, For the township of Derry, at the publie house iol Baum, in Hummelstown, In said township. For fha biamakiPief<Stat IfiltlavarrfOlitallitlthettonatt of George lloeker, esaid enable. Air the townalirof)DMFlßutover, at.thetwibligrkonee of Ma) : Sheri, (now aciirer's,) in said township. For-the tewnehip.of Welt Hanover, at the public house of Jacob Rudy, (eels Sticle's,) In said tem:ship. For the townshipsflowerPaxton( at the Ishii° begnite . of Robert Gilchrist, (now Steel art's,) In said township. For thelownsWof Middl • lit the Marne-hones , ' of Joaeph Cockley, in said township. , -For,tbe township of Rush, at the houlebebaispiat Ca the estate of the late John McAllister, dee'd, now occupied by David 'lineal in said township. For the township of Jelhirson, at the house of Christian Hotlinen. in said township. - • - For the township . of Jackso n , at the homse now,peco pled by John Milder, axler satittownship. For the township of Halifax, at the North Ward School "House; in the town of Halifax. For-the township of ileod t at the new hchool House on Drlncan's.lsland, in said tinstabip. ,F6r,the borough. of Millersburg, at the Frame School - Haase; on the bank of the- Wie.ouladd creek, in the bor or the to 1p of Ilmiel• Paxton, at the h dm of Jacob Huey, now occupied ~by : Samuel- Buck; in gaid, toW1181110:' „pot the township of 111011n,,,at the public house of”.ldh: °heel ll:Marline, (now Benj. BOrdrierd in Berryaburit: to said td y For e 4141 i hil44l ,rith thmi, at the public house ,new , geoPpind „ - twealtArritMalllN• For the township honk e public house of Sol oinoniaMdettsbhmg, :”.(newtolichkirlinAhe borough of Grata . Fdrlbe borough'of Grata, at the public houae of Solo. in* LoudenslagatiOnallagr,Ytarsaid liorough. 'For the township of Wiegaisco, at the School House No. iir4llPl rtirO V' I oleo f or e rmat on e electors of county ,Otir r itityptoo ths,iblicriring secticis of e els ' of the Gen Assembly, enacted during the session of 1853 to Witt_ -3 . tra Warr LONDONDEPT—PIace of Rlectign., - Also. sections 1 and *B, page 104, pamphlet laws, ap• 'provedilfe 18th MITA, , Maroh.4B67cls:= ,, Thattbrieltiz sans of the township of Londonderry, in.the county 01. Dauphin, forfterly anDirsoad in the PortsmonUr election district, another with such other citizens of said town shlP r , dldfiirg *savor the , public.road leading from' Port Royal to liissley'smill, in said township, shall hereafter hold their general and _special elections at the house of Christina lieff, in said township.' Sac. 8. That said . dietrict shall hereafter be' kneta its West Londonderry election district.- _ . . . . RUSH A'ection Wheidas DM place' f bolding the efeettonsib me - mist ship or Audi, Dauphin county,was by law at sohool Romig, number Direerinsisid township: And whereas, there 11.1 natuch §cittpol house, thereffira—Sectica.A. Beg, pada& by Gut &nate and ir.e , e Repaadagimet 4/sMtli arPeensyleaniain General Ammo* met, 4q,."42.14 ereby wild& by - the amthertlY of the nuke, nit" the and township elections of Rush Toarnsb)p, , J;4okis. • ty. Shalt be held et the hoese belonging to the netili . „ • ISO John / 10 0104r1.decoats*aqw 900 . oPlorf tat pod teneut Page 93 mimpll:4 laws, - 1 98. '1 also srmkehnown am! firimasslce, as in aad>byYoke3 eversection of the aforesaid act I am directed, " that y person, excepting justkes of the .peasei bold toy office or appointment of profit or trust under the gevernmeut of the tlpited ages, or,of Ole #loifettkewff otator Incorporated dis t ti4hether a comitibanmed oi -1 Seer or otherwisan-an Iths is ar abate eniployed tut ei &legislative, utt ciary, er executive department of UnsiState,or.thoDokeiNittaintoti or,any city or incorporated district, and aim, that every Member Of Congress and WM" fret gasbag trim *bleat and common council of any city, commlosionemat any incorporated district, is by law mftlit.Ve itinifdditte or exercising at the same time the office or appointment otjudge;inspector or..,edetit,of any. .aligattws 'AL-9 03 4e inonwesttb, and that no Inspector or Judge, or e other 619 oor or any such age shall be eligible to any' oflipe , then to be voted Mn'' . , ! Ito thatinahtrantrth section or We - aolontAlienmhiri *atm "An Act relating to executions, and for other_ purposes,n approvet Aptilta6, 1840f.itisensaltell Ontrothe aforesaid 13th section shall not he so construed is to prevent anyrnilittaAdauer or .boro'ngli offiete frotn iter)r ing a Junge,ituglecter or clerk at any generakor special election irrtnnetconnitith.'! Mak that in the filat of:_said act, it fat,: omen. ,ted that swede ittnerid I .o•alintg b e orgened ketWeen the hours of eig end ten in the and shall continue without interruption or t.even. o'clock in the evenieg when the PO ehealshe closed The !ipotesi election shall beheld. and condnettzi by the napeutorfrandjudgek'thieted iiii ailiresthn 'and by clerks appoutted aa<lest_ cleaner. pravided, , < . , .. No person shaft he . pertilttell to vote at the elation,' as athreaald, but a whits freeman of the age of twenty! , 'one years or more, who shall have resided in stbisttite at least one year, _and in tinestectiort distrint • ,when? he Okra .to vote <at -leer. ten diyisimm.. ptecedhig - . • • •eleellOp. and within tlreYetirlpeid ceteltor Meaty tax, width shall hive heed atuf-~ itlethain WI be tote the election. ,But a citiseoef tho United States who has previously Wen e. qualified' voter 6f tbli State and rii inoved therefrom. and -returnodeed wbehhcil bore beT sided in the election district skid paid tae ins alb toad, a tan bee. 10494 _to- vote after4rnaldh* MAO Sciibikeix Months i PfaMed ; That the White freathA i ellkiiene of thellnitati fltateed*Ween the asteit4,2l y ' 42 ifer,e, Mal hade resided 111 the ilection distri ctn days, tut elblellet.olebtal: be:Stithielt ; le stele, . ithitelibtktllyiliall not have. pa a fazes. 'No person ithAll-be tubelike& 10' vide whose thunewiti not contained in the li-t of tazabla inhabitants furnished by the .-mOpidmem.enless: First,,hetVcdeceeskrebetpt hie the payment wiWn two years, of a state or bounty az, assessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satis ctory evidence, either on his own oath or animation, or 1 the author alliimation of anoUier,thathe hag pad such a tax, or on fillers to prodwe a receipt, shall make oath, ergo). piYintinr Weber., on Secinid. iMe claim lavotetiy' be l t LI plegyxbetween the Niqs ot 21 and 21 years, a demo* an'eath or affirdonithaehe &A reoldedth' the teid l igantooeyear bbl le aratitie, aiWthil '. . !,madgitroot arblioNdence iti the ad 'Oh et i red by ;nut act, and that he does verily believe from the ,ao , counts even thin that he is of the age aforesaid, wittily. snob other evidence as is required. by this act, whereePeei the-name of the perk& so" ' to vote, dual bOinsen tad in the alphabetical list by the inspectors and a nes made opposite Soweto by writing the wordUs? 'lf ha au be etheittetto iota by reason, ofkinvingpaliktha l ,or. third 'site;' if he shall beadmitted to vtotigy nabob (Caches% and shall be called out, to thsteWm,.. who abarmage the like notes in thetit of voters kitht by Wm. --...'l=wlh!liEeth6 Villieilbiebefeeeteletspot to; ...... . don the hat by ... ~ .. As his alibt,,to voie , ,, Mhathof4Mo4..- dAt gigreati=ti its , and Who *Mins to illistetlantotts. have resided within the State for one year or more his oath will be sufficient proof thereof; but shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be a quail fled elector, that he has resided within the district fcr more then ten days next immediately preceding said election, and shall also himself swear that. his bona tide residence in pursuance of his lawful calling Is within the district, and that he did not remove into said district foi the purpose of vottull therein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required, of his residence and pay ment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in he township, ward, or district In which he shall reside. .. . . " If any person shall prevent, or attempt to prevent ' any officer of any election under this act from holding such telection, or use or threaten any violence to any such tal car, or shall Interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, or shall block up the win dow or avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such oleo-. don, or shall use or practice intimidating threats, force or' vkplence, with a design to influence unduly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain the.freedom of choice, sucks rson, on conviction, shall be fined in any sum not eireeding five hundred defiling, and imprisoned for any time not , leas than one month nor . More tints twelve months, and if it shall be shoWn to tne Court . where the trial of such oftbnce_shall be had, that Vie person so °anent was not a resident of the city, ward, or district, or-township where , the said offence Wits committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then, on con viction, hookah --be- sentenced to ; pay _a - sline of DWI: than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dol lars,nadtethaprtsmed not leas than six nusiths• or mere! than two years. ilt - cattatife- person - who shaltlutve received tberneoud highest number of votes for Inspector ahall.not attend.on the diwfir election, then the person who Shall have'-re calved the next highest number of votes for judgwat the spring election shall act as inspector in his 4drice.— , 'And lixcieie the person who ehall have received the high, est numbfir of votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, and in case the person elected shall not attend; theft the inspector.. who received the highest number of votes _ shall 'appoint a judge in his place, or if any vacant" , shall continueAn the board for the spaceqf one hour after. the time fixed 'by lit* for the - opening' of the 'election, the qualified voters of the township, Ward, or thstriet. for which said officer shall have been elected, ; di at the place of election, shall select one of their numb to fill Such vacancy. c , It shall be the duty of the several - assessors, respee tively to attend at th place of holding every general, special ortonaddp election, during the time said, election, is kept open, for the purpose Al giving information t i e the inspectors and judges when valled'on, in relatiOn to the right of any persen assessed by them to vote at such elections, or anch other matters in relation.te the sesetis ..nient of voters as the said inspectors, or either of them, shall from times° time residre.". = Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th section of the ant.firSt aforisaid,-the jiidges 'of the aforesaid.dis lrict shall respectively take charge of the, certificate or return of the elect:l:eV& their respective districts, and :produce them at a meeting of one judge from each die. tract; aVtlse-lioreitigh .of-Harrisburg, on ' the third day. After the day of the election, being FRIDAY the.l2th of flciobisr, • then .and here to 'do and perfOrm the duties reinired by law of said judges. Also, that-citrate a judge bysickness or Unavoidable ac cident, is unable to attend. such meeting ° of judges, then the genticate• or return aforesaid shall - be taken charge of by one_ of„the, inspectors or ,clerta s of the election of said tliittfdt,'Milialiali &aid perfofisi WC duties regfilred judgap Jumble to ftlitend. • Given - andel , my band, in my office in Harrisburg, the' -istday of.Heptember. A. ft neo,, • ;r:ts. syerga, Voirir of iniugtoi co. Sammy%ganisburg• September Ist, 1800. &mg! • • The attention of Invalids, PhYmmans, Ulergymeu , sot ennilcAnon, and the ketiehdly,da rapoitstridly 3011.clied to the merits ofAis chemical preparation ; NM - I talniptirolt,giftihittieid, , Pliitiaphorjui;andithich .ISidenticol !Übe composition . w ith the J . ,ir,caterte Globule, or red•Fixol. !in all:Wseaseracconinmded with • - • Debility, palActaintentilice and ilervcrat deraigenient t analyals of 'the blood thew a:deficleacy of the red globules. Ruddy. complexion and a rosy tint of the skin, is always builibi; tive of, health ; while a pale, wairAlke akin and counte mance •-which"eiriiimie de6t.4lbef oFtliered accompanies disegeed oagarqstrt. Pr:mem/Aiwa) ofatM, have been given fdeitie purpose of "stilitidYit th e feu globtiles, but wo (=tend that Imam one., Sulphur, alone, Or Pholiptionatritienti, will not 'the' dal cletimpia every case; but that ajadlwoui-aombioationqf Av LI. three slernehts ienecaaryle reatore the bleed to i fs normal This pole), never beforeatplinet km. beep feiteheirrn tlia Blood rood arid Ifs discovery rstiks aconeArtbe moatmaenttlic Wit impOrtapt of the a Age. Its iffebtn— Constimption are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostraltbradglit'swe4Whicrease the,phyalcal aad.mtuniel enerigiwieftthtutalecoVbyal. storing the latiking - veirgtabbles,lncreasethe kntoetite; :restore Ake ceder, and clothe :the skeleton Aerge with 'flesh, 'The Blend Peed h% found lodate lii : kV onto Allienses of, tam Throat qr Lung; such as Artheta:Brencliitti,Cough.cate. Public Ipeakers and singers will„tbkd ii of ' great uglily tn. , Owlet and strengthenihg tbh *coil' Organs. In Liver irropry,,pgipsy. Barak*, ' Gravel? St. Vito' Dance, fever and igue, lac., its efficacy is xparkenkind Instantaneous. 4tr no clam* disease,,how ever, are the beneficial Oasis of this remedy so hon.' ITO:mous as iq Moog ImrramOg - Female Oemrailkitt3 de Which the gentler, cox are liable, and: which tend to. wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difiloukt Meit~oft, -, Oveti Sickness,. --SPIISM, • esPecielly when dose complaints arc accompanied , with paleness, . .ii^dhigrhne orpaliiis of thildlif,'OciPreition of spirits, palpitation want want of appetite, and nervous pros , - trationr, 'We have the mtniostconfidence in recommend -I,ing oho Blood Food to all who may be conscious of ; a loss of vitality or energy, and to those whose mental - in' ,bodily powers, are prostrated through ,oner-use, either of the mind or bodyi, and 'we doom it our ditty to say that in all min of Weakness'end Emaciafiory and in all dia.' ifiles'oftheßidneysßiadder, this preparation his earths; vibe the attention of sufferers wbloh °mot be over. ea Unmated. A faithful trial wilt be found the most oonvinc thipproof in regard to its.efficaoy that could baulked ter. With tbe above remarks, and with the numerous teen- Fcola's.de have in . its Planet . ' we oiler the " Blood ood'! to.the consideration . of the-aillittedi!dlowtotllhot Lt wil t be acknowledged as riatmlnent over , ail other prepaiationti, - patrot or &BOB!, in point of usefulness.— giving the Theory upon which this remedy 'is founCed„ alto ,certttittides el remarkable cures, will be gent trio when desired.- We Ibmard the Blood Food to any tdit of the Ifillted,Bidmi or Conan, upon receipt per tittle, en for - sts bottles. , careful all cues to have none , ..but that haviinfour fed.simite *nature upon thews apper: -None other la genuine ti. - Preparedonly , by CHURCH DbPONT, No. 44liroodwity, Now York and by- all ree,oettable Druggists thrOughott country s For sale by C. A ribthaiTial, so e egerdpßerrtsbltril, febttgawly-rd spillage's* . . - =ODE FOREST MibISTRONG & CO DI V!' G9ODB MERCHANTS, 82 84-83 Chtuabers St., N. Y. Would SLOW/ thOSIORAhat they.** opening Weekly, in ileiwOuid bee - Whit patiketme; W .4tAteiV the LLSO THE A NOW Print, 'which WolelitovArhikka in tlie Wintry tor Perklekkin. fir fa Madder „Colom Ocur,Printame theapeet-thin any in marketouid meeting with extenetyeeele. Ordereprocepliy attended to. Itibtirly QUICKSMIS. SMALL pßoFrrs. J-K •• • - - • slifilatVAtis urrE W0131,11. - respeotigill inform our Ilieddsjiatituts; and the public , generally, that we ItticanteelEstore, and olibr wholesale and retail, at theldwestet7aeha'rieee,.a largesed - Very-choice stook of Watches, JeVeley, illver and plated waretof ever 7 va ,rlety and eklis. Every description of Diamond Work andotber Jewelry, ' , made to - Order, at e,ortabtlae. sarAn goofs *amide& ,to be as .represerited. • N. R—particular attentioe given tct.tbs Repstring 9f Watchee and JewfarY,.ol' oval' dasor.lPtan • • ATAIMPER ECITARIXY; No. 622 Marko. ..lived, width 'Ada; Philad'a. sapl2.whin- , , . . - -, imm.. - - HORNS . • . .• . ... .... Pablio, Sale of-harmed 'Short Horne OVA H 1 A. ea. T:T 15.E .. .y • TACOS E. 4 1EARYMILL Will sell at pub-. 2,2 Its tate at his farm Ilear:karitta u nc i ster win . V. on TH I MPAY „tko' 13t K Of • 00A1RK,1330, a One herd pf DIMWir—M SHORT HORNS molding or Cows, Bettor, Young Volk sod pr to de- 7- 1 4 ° 1 .- I , e F t leir i ,W4P l 9o ,1 1 e.. 1 1 11 * , * leA,C 4r t t zvis ~, s /MOW gtmoriv it er*, ---Al2 y,: R 6 Superior sad. Cheap MEW. - Or ju sots on, 1 1 0 ME KELLAR:S DRUG NORF. Bank 2pplications. PPLICATION will be made to the nex jos Legislative for an increase of $400,000 to the espy tal stock of the Iron City Bank, of Pittsburg, Pa. .le27—wijani JOHN iIiIiGUFFIN, Cashier. NOTICE is hereby given, that applies Lion wt i be made by the Mechanics' Rank of Pitts burg, to the Legislature at its next Meeting for an increase of $500,000 to lus capital stock. making $1,000,000. jel3 6inws CEO. D. 14•GRIPWA'a•birr. APPLICATION will liii . made to the next ...Legislature for the incoToratlon of a new Bank with the right toiesue. notes"; 'to be loaded in the city of Harrisburg, with the name or the State Capital Bank, and a capital of One .Hundred Thomand Dollars, with the privilege to increase the same to Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ` jet whin ALL - FM -RENT BANK. VOTICE iaherebvgiventhat - application LI will be made to the next Legislature at Harrisburg ter ibereAse ef'HIOOVeI to the caiiitai *rock of the Allegheny Bank v oj Vittalmeg. By order of the Board. )0.10601 ' ' W. COOK, Cashier. Is HEREBY GlVEN'ilatirpplid'ation will be Made tote nest Legislature of the State of Penn eyorttits, loran act toincorpertite i Billings Bank, to be lled.4l,3l4chayranna Savings Bank, to be located .at 'ca erantort; Lonnie cointyierith a capital of %into Thousand Dollars, mid the right to increase the same to One Thindied ThoWnind dollars, to be a bank Of Deport; for Sr&igit and discount.... .., • Jan- m NOTICE. - NoTicE iS hereby.giveri that application , . • will be 'diode to the Legislature of Pentisylvaniaat its Lent Sesslon - for the cliarkr ofa Bank, Lobe located In tillgintown, in the county of ,Juniata, to be called "The Batik df Junkitft V&ll ey," withtitapital6fFinpYliowiand Dolhuw, with the priv.lege of increasing the same to Two undred.Thousand Dollars, with tuinual banking pri-• vlieges of Juno, discount, deposit, gm. Je2B tha. Extension, of- Bank Charter, XTOTICE GIVEN ' that "The Fahners' and e es , Bank of Allston," a Bank 11 chin! ' of Discount and. Deposit, located in the tweegiutf zaston i *intention county, Penn#lvania hating a eapitil of Four Handred:Thotoand Dollars , wilt apply to the next, Legislatuie Pennsylvani, far "a renewal outs 'chatter for fifteen years, front the expiratiopqf its present, char ter, with its present capital steek;powers and privileges and Without say alteration in, or increase of .thosame.• P. S. MLICIMMR, Preildent. M. 8. YOUNDII, nobler. - - - NOTICE. - 11koumasumw, June 19,1860. NOTICE in hereby given that an aka cation will be made to the Legislature of Penneyl van% at its next meeting, for the Incorporation - 4f a Bank of .Issue, with discount aad deposit privileges; to Gated lithe borotigh of Mechanicsburg, In the county of flumberland, Penni., and to ; he called - the Mechanics hull Bank, with a Capital of One Hundred Thousand. Dollarstwith.thezight to increase the same.to arwn fired.' thousand lkdiars. Josittnimq, ' Joait.Xnazy s tart V.AARII, Jolakeentata, Je...111131mA.- - :AstrlP. PUP Esaaty,-. - .. 4 44inna. , 3XaM..EsSist* t • " • friak P:VbIIOALL - Jane 27--timw, .8A.1131 - NOTIGE.. XTOTICE is . hereby given that the under signedlave formed , anassociattok'ancYprepaied certificate for' the purpose of estahlietdnig a Dank of Is . sue Discount abd Depend provisions under the pvisions of an act entitled "An Act to establish key stem of Free Banking in Pennsylvania; and-to secure toe public against loss from' insolvent Banks," approved the nat day oflnch, A. D. 1860. The - said Bank to be called "THEBANK. OF WIXI` PHILADDLPHIA., ,, . to be located in the city and county of - Philadelphia, to consist of a capital elect of One Han. dred and..Blfty.Thonaand DollarsOn shares of Fifty Dol lars eaelrwith the privilege of flier - P.4*Sn the same to any amount not : exceeding Ose,Million of Oallars. . . - VEIN Riftz t primit, ,Josara..L.,llXl2l, Jens: IPCLOSILIY; Ehtinty 'Bicidir, H. ILliattiater, Armotali Rom is, • &mom L.,lonHaiLat . -16203niveBitawair. . • WPCP.TANT ItNITOII3NORMENTI • . Esau arm tracomsrs Jurors vas;Arritorma I 4R. .STEW4RT., late of Qollliirbus; Ohio, and foitnerly of Canada West, PHYSICIAN gtt CW.II/0 4,FitontlONS, „would • announce to .tbe 'pttbile, that Vie: years of pitlent Investigation, and ha. ving trotted Jihoulasult ea* iti.llifferent portions of therDniteee Staled end - ift• nadi, and iliderstanding tko model of ..treatetent: in • Earansayi Frattess;:and Great Britain, he lie r itecovered TEE reds _ DIAIEDY YOB. DISEASE& or nu mime sE veal discveries, It ts only. an improvemoel onthe labors of others, the result of the observation otikansteicsinl.t - Prautioil account It =sex no pATENT YRLP CoKPOcND, or BALSAM, but Anoded on fichintilleminciplee, ea Dr: S. tan prove from the writings of Mae best Physiologists and Pa' htilogists of Modern Dr. S. observed that all celebrated medicines which have had-their d. y, and *seined to be a curatireagents; contained a large proportion or moms and hems° his theroverg, *blob hothereibre terms his CARBON CURE 808 CONSUSIPTION. Ii can risethy. the most delicate Invalid and atlbidi :Me very pi:aste needed. It is another efninphof the Science of chemistry, and 011ie teachings of the Illustirrious Llebllt. . IT MAY BB RCM leltikLEo4l4D TAKEN BY THE "STOMACH,. • • Dr. W'quis in Prepitiatkni a work on his New The'or ' y and Remedy. in Salmonary'ConsMOMMlL - Dr. S. etn, In nine cases bat of ten, cureßßDNtailirS, os.THROAT gtEi• by,les yerdeble Abalone. Be nereetkila th" rem:4i a CHRONIC CATARRH by means Mlle Illt.ver.',§l4twen/4yoljggeh, Persons having THßOAT' DASKAFE should, by all 'meaner ' beware,of the; eamillazapplications of the old school Adders. • - _ For makturegamtuatorti of thefEsset,:lir. S. has the= MW ISTSIBUITENTS EVER INVESIt TED, and. he , can distermbe- with certainty the : , nlittlit'--•and!, extent , of 'disease. • These whohive enyteriptombottPulthonary Disease,.- snob as Hacking Shutout of-.lfre#74,are4sily Fatigued, Mae ROOM MA AttfiralVekNap Eaft•* , 'the lower part of the:Th roat, hare t:i;rozdeaßy been Wag ..blesh, have •Pdbraboist the•Rheekler B BMW. or Side, de., shOuld at once resort to treatine la nt, des, as _delays intheseaffeethihstrely'alittilteket dangerous, Mail is wellknovin that the system will net core,them. IN FEMALE GOM PLAHSTB heeistif - been relinirkablY successful. Dr Stewart cards of thilbllowing iglven up by other P i tri,o4 l . l liti- trim% -.. 'll4 l ) D lZ e l l i t Walley , rater Dna a ;Sexharfaib , spina Neuralgia.. Dysp,psia, Seethed Neo 2 , masj, ,vi r t Rheumatism; Liter Comp la i nts, Fururulo, vet, Ulcors. _ , , Berms eared alrectlOne etrikelifiandlign for "Which hnitdreds of dollen , litmOrMi expended *44°4 CANCERS removed by a Their RSEEDT, - which was The inedichies of Dr. S. are , deriredtroin the Vegetable Kingdom, are composed of Entrants, Robta,lßudic Berke, Leaves, Seeds, t urns—mostly of North American Plards. .Inihneouranof nnetryeare, travablie tin pro , oared remedies mom the Indiana of this Continent and • olhet emcee, which.wilt cure' toptlidlss generally. con iddered beyond the reach of medicine. Vg-itetahelk ..obsdinsAisit bri'S'ineWAßT - ie zperstaventigis filige_ity, and mil eve eistlYiltW isiseportaial ea those who babe been li hectors ;“ 44 ° 81 t f I T a lO n-a Artier(' nlt Div a,lirtVoreef Inclitainwt*V"all reT P 4- - dlalk s mbiati are net-knowniteanYhthei ptiyitkW' He CEEB 111 many ease,b9rn, Animal , ' amiteliet opinion sheer Awn in regard curability . TERMS vziaxVgipingwrir.. Eitievitt_ 4614 not come Uitirkennishnity with a long me of high aoginitgl "lee Diu well knowing Gel& 'An Ink cum,‘oll be surnOmtl.,roglitUtiat4Wou in•regard qualifttliimmlit. Stewart 'refers to Pro. - Drams klens,. l "aeroketAmd t..!,Bl,Mlit.hoft, of , Phihr4 ,l ,Rktu.. Veleta - In the taloa Pubromaterlertilicates,'but giVe thisteveho reggaes It tbetes.....trem. ram ammo .AD-, oerae OF .XhYT ewe ne - HAS CURED OF ALMOST maxi OluelLou hThsn. • - Inn 41401. tb - h - tirT4''r•o& of the moltCremect able MINIM eißer •,nd, 4 ,4lolniebtr; ; Cineitenati, And. OFFICE WA MR.I4 gt-AtoRSI,, II 4RItiBBiIiG, EA.„ 41, Mt bears MAO 4. shotild - he martini:l'm DR. J. hTEWART. seph-uMmidtt - •••.- • . ATM: 'ROAD. -LANDS' FOR SALE I -:-.46K-LOll6 r, AND AT LOW la.T SAX ST. IFlR.Ellannibil and St.. Jpneßia Railroad. Cominnyibitobig• over *loam AURAS OF LAND 4 1 2f4 the Stele of t h e . 1 0twa8 Logried, by„ Act cgi", ress;t6'aiidirr con onuf Moir Road;dfer the Ininctpol portion thereof for #ll4, on the niobfa; al MONO • - • ; r ag= rav i tr Irteare ond w r ife tt a i l hl i ehNAPlL now com pleted tiljimfor utrougkoOtlntre miles,) ififti country lmilarpasied by any 4 kithecodirirrity of . • o facility :if Of son, as of etlorot or its miner ces. ' 41A 111110e' grtbit - • • . ,•; HUNT, •."."‘ Lard • • k Ef. Jo. Hasathai,lllo fcbtirlyo filisullaneritto LINCO L N, _ = __ • - - 44 . • 1. HAM LIN, CURTIN AND THE COUNTY TICKET ! The Opponents of the present Corrupt National and State Administrations will aseemble in . MASS MEETINGS At the various places designated, and at the. times appoitled, as follows Fir the Township of Wiconisco. on SATUR DAY, at. 8 o'clock P. M., on the 29th of Sep tember, at C. MILLER'S. Hotel, in -LIKENS. TOWN. For the Townshipt of Derry and'Conewago, on MONDAY, the Ist of October, at MARTIN HOOKER'S. Foi the Toying% ip iflaet Ban' ()Vet, 'dn TUES DAY,. the 2d or October, lit BOYERS (Shell's) Tavern. Foi the TOwnthiti eilititorr and Weld Hanover. on WEDNESDAY, the 8d ef,Oetober, in LINGLESTOWN, at the house E. W. AMMON. - • " • • For the Townships . : of South - Ehtnover- and Derry, on THURSDAY, the 4th of October, at GEORGE BOOKER'S, at UNION DEPOSIT For the Township of Lotter Swatart,l)n FRI DAY, the Ztli ofOctober, fu HIGIISPIRE, at the bon& of DANIKE, LEHH W; - For the Township of„Susquebnona, on FRI DAY, the 6th of October, at 11191INLErS SOROOL HOUSE, in said Township; For Middletown„ and ,Londonderry, on SAT URDAY; the 6th of October, in "CENTRE. SQUARE,” in Middletown. - • IN-TIIE CM OF RARTSBITRO, ON 'MONDAY - 'EVENING, OCT. 8. At 4140 autafpuse, Brant 'a IEI4 *mad City Annits following gentlomer—have positively promised, to addresalhe meetings; end their - attendance may con fidently beexpected, viz • . Hon tiger - Cowan, troim Westraiireituiii cooly, BIM. - John W. Kllllnger, Algona fl eongineri AsellhAlvey, John C' 'Kunkel, D. 11 - Mnina; Jr.; B. F. Xner, A. J. ;T a rr, B. C. Altemin4tacid'Fieming and W. gayspEstriG , By order Of the'Connti Coinnafttee. SIBUFARW6t; ofildentsnr, e o SITEMOSt, - S,T*_o - i:V.:ikcji.,.::lll..lk:l',Z;: -'The proprietors and manufacttirere,of'4ofraTEßM: CuanitAMED - ^STOMAIDTBITTBRS 'can *Owl ',Mier notconfidence to pkyrdeltpikood lcitikens &a -noisily to the United Bates; becadse tilefarterelMs attained a potation heretofore. , unknown.. A ;Sew-40k titiorimils , point will Speak more powerfully *him' volumes of bare assertion or blazoning pallery.-.Themenimmtion of Hes letter's Stomach' Bitters for the last year, amounted to direr a half-million , boillesi,and fro* Ica -;ingulitestateady increase` in times past, it is evident that during the com ing year the consumptionivill roach nearly , lme Wilton bottles.' This immense amount could never haVe been sold but ibr the,rare Modanit prppertiessiontainedlti_tbi preparation, and the sanction of the most prominent physlcians Alioselections;mf . th e,coMdi:x-ailiiirellfe • '-artile is best knOwn,' who hot only. recommend the . Bitters to their patients, bill are readyatt alftiudietir e give :testimonials `to its epicaty in all cases of stomachic de rtuigemeets aratthe disameid Winning .therefrok. . 'This is not a taterorat y popularity ; -obtained byeXtlik ordinary _efforts bathe *sty of trnmpetteethe etuditleicif , -Bittere.but a solid estimation of an invaluable medi cine, which iextestir.edio he as eiadnriug as time itself .Itbstetter'e gtomach Bitters have proved a Clothiend to yegionotrdifttleVirsitaagne and various other Whine complaints have wanted their victims by hundreds. be ablettiatititionidently that "Bitters ,, ' are - a oar.' Main cure for the Byapepsta and like. diseases, is tothe. propriehireatioureetf unalleyed - plimiSure:'lt removed all Morbid matter from the stomaue, L purilles thstbhmsti Olhe ;ferrous sysqm, giv ULM tone a nd energy thdispendili defor k tp restos non of ligeth."leriifieratsi lipon the liver, and oter digestive orgals,mildly but pansterrtgy, Attli exel reetoret these tea condition essential' to a healthy dis eharge of the lbpctions of eaters. • Elderly persona maY nee the - Bitters dilly es per diroc- :bons on the-bottle, and they will find - in it' a stimulant peculiarly adapted to - comfort in declining years as it is' pleasant to the palate, invigigating,tothe 'Dowels,:excel lent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evidence of thousands of aged melt and' *oaten who r 'have experienced the benefit of using this; preparation. ' while sufferhig,fromstomach _derangements and• gamin debilityf acting under the advice of physicians they have abalidoned all deleteriouti drugs - and thirty - tested the Snags' of this article. A few words to the There are certain periods-*hen , their cares are salts Lionising that many of them sink ender the trial. The re. lation of mbther and child is so absorbingly tender, that. She mother, especially if she be young, Mapt to. forget her own hazdtliFiti her extreme , anxiety for' her inaid. Should the period of maternity .Arrive .during the' sum mer seastm,the Weir of`body and mind is generally , gravated. Here, then, is a stimulant to.roeuperatethe energies o r the system, arid enable the mother 'to Veer up under her exhausting trials : and responalbilitleit.— Wising methers generally prefer the Bittern to all other. ftrylgtorators that receivethe oudorOmOtt P.billoiltnai because it fiagrecable to the teeth as well as certain to give $ prinit,anentinm~boiltlYttreuitthi Aathcise perioter; to whom we have particularli felted ahove, .0. wit:. samara item RIM mut , muted. by maaria; difirrhcee, dysentery, indigestion,mm and all, diseases, or -derangenientis_ of - the stomach; stiperianuatedlisvalids, persons of sedentary oecitPotteltrand anteing- Melberg ) will; consoWtheinOwn physical welfare by. giving to - ftestetter's Celebrated Stmintohßiliers a trial, - . • CALITION.—We caution the public . against using any of ilta - trUulydEttildkuorMOoniiterteitai-bintaik Hoessir roe's-Csruntassn 57014011 Brims and,. see that, each bottle hasilitsWords"Dr.4. Ectsteffrietetkonitich Batiks" :blown on the side of the ,bettlet, and stampel.., the metallic natricovitifer the-co ihtsolVethat tier autograph. signature Is on the la 1. , „ „ har-- Prepared Andiarild. by it'SMITIE, Pi utg , Pa., and sold y all•z;- dealers gatridly , , thibiathinit' ode 'mum bmtm, South tr F aertetcm K may orsaC. fmin - - and Harrisburg; C. , 'Alleineu,,,pgiumargAmtt. it Pd.:J. 135111 erg litiddietowzr;Gete-Winu, - liturilif W jceepti skim, Ihentimialsland. - n0V16,14Y . Eni ' .A,S I- 13 rOrNI*E 'EI- 11A E OP A FARM : ;AND •-•TATERIC SUM)* TAN - 1711TRMAY, 991V13ER. 4,- 1116.10; kJ_ the' eider:l4od; assignee of Jame Laird, will ex igent to public aalerenitheipreadmo, that, vithatblectdirt: andjavern steid, containing 88 Acres more or less, altnitte in Itinderry• Bfianatilp, Dauphin county, old laamaater and Harrisburg Turnpike, about ftmr rebel laaronifkaratitionetiertoidhksedidli et Middletown * adjoining landaptßenjamitt-Hoffer, house Lynch, Edward Sweeney, 'frontiog thePilarrilitift and caster Turnpike, on *bleb WeimlatiS...l%e li Tiwo-BIimeyBRIOIcrANN HOUP-EiTith'it:lteisdkntaltntattatd4d, , 'Masi souse, aßank Barn,Wagon ; a n EhedkErafr Stable; Iwitb, other-lmed/all , - outhulfdidge ; a well of never failing wa ter near the fioor,* ruing beitataifithathand•uf della p,uit, Trees. About eight acres of the Ind la cov ered Withtbeavy_ timber, witirOakandHialthresthe dor laid or into convenient. fields, under good tep ees, mid.% asgood baits 01 The above property is known as the Drovers' and velerielibt, is a MO els& stand.ftertiltrubllallituse;beleji looted: about midway between Ekhobtebtown and; id. illetoint,tind , Uftigiaatt ermithur-tileThnbikelrenrealt . In !est. Is dPie.Place regidellek the,build lege are jOsatetWalafatesi - gritiMatirrditnif a 'naafi:El emenall in all filmdom, tutdivrititiastght oftbe Railroad. Any peridit - desii mem view this - prepeftY before 'the day of sale. will pleese.calken James,Laird,,sreekilag Ort the premises, or on thetindersigned, raidditupin Bieber: ink of X l 4 llll Btatawa• Rteofeel_fia_ and, PO wi ll . _ Lived on the first deed Salito,opmusenee at rs'efela P. el•srWratattfinnilT.lll madetkikortrbi a 5 atta! .. 13 W4 Eifirt4atififtetkr, OWN SE ND-' 'CV. 's* (siroonsow Tit N. '39 - Booth Beeott - dl3t: blies/nit. 'BUTAMMEIfi t ithg. A 603, .Threa-Ply, - P e E TS or I)eliL and Aiserkan maim liattlogrb 4 0.01411x1a1Arigi brOpi chadag ~them sePll-10,31* TERRA COTTA MANUFACTORY. VITRIF!ED WATER AND HEAT PIPE, Fer DRAPING or FORCING water—For VENTILA TING. HEAT or SMOKE Flume, F COM IIEN1,t1: FE It THEIR IMPEEISH AEI LITY. NON•COBROSION, SMOOIII,NE-S, FACILITY OF LAYING AND cif E.APINESS, (Being s than qua no: the Trice of Lead or /rm.) they nevi; be '-n . d in centurice, and are now used in immense qu addles there. We have all tk e t Ines ft am 2 in. It , 12 in. bore, (made In lengths ofa tt WOW thesseket, toktek 2% flu.) with all tho Bolds Eltrws d , nble and a tingle Branches, (bath right and tbdonv.enK Za le J - nd alittiz.,conneettOns, P. S. and Rwininvnetip ,:-114Yers, . inktilog" the best ar ticle latostn In every teepee( for CULVERTSand MAINS of all finds. (Their nim.terrosism especially adapting them for W.1.er410-ets FOFICING (We brave them Laid in nearly 50 I I ighla, some as high as 70•Ieet, end a di warratet,theasmat sizes:or 150 feet,), 50PPE.41.116 Norm? wrrn nanselPssin i agiving it as pare at tbicharte as untaina,l4 4 =Ot imianyt i (giislass bat.r Lent than ie es, and not aettit.g fire to bun t:um in wood work , ) Smoke. 14 Peal az• We are comtantly prepared and .areipowtohipptliff them to alit:obis; of The Union. NO PACIEJNO Rt QUIRRO. We have sentibena safely • triMisconatn, lowa, 'Jessie, and other Efate*, and newer "netted them. „ LINK & ELeoi, Pactory sth and Germantown Road, - S: EtaIIRIGON, . 4,10 ansdnutftere, Phila. This is en 'Mille to Which every Beiklears attention 'alictild be partimaiarly directed. At this moment from any roof In pot hrae cities pan can • ocnint thousands of brick chkilliktpAioAotopletely EATRN BY , Tillt-011,AL. OAS ANDAIBIRBIBIIt as to demand immediate removal to do wbi. b. seidolo, carts less than $6, at ontsashowing the beceitattelistuM article that will and decay or oe eaten by. gas . %hi- we tow offer in our Ornamental and pain ChinWeps. They are burnt harder than track in fact ly N.juitled. are impervk us to the Wool; aide emitted. by coal, (which eats op brick and. mortar. Intl. : . 1 0.01w three or fur years) <WO are now .making tkottArkee In bend, Lave quantities of several eifferentwaYletrand from 2 feet to 8 ft. 9 in. high, and tom $1.1:9 , to $2O each, (Zest in the first place than a ,tr(ck chiiiney ) Deigns ihrnisbed Altd orders promptly attended to by ,addrenting theiiiitaffactilret* at the ' ' • Factory,lLlNK ht BLACK 7th Road. Office S. A. HAILISUIBON Olielititisfliticet.,lthila: VITRIFIED TERRA ; COTTA -GARDEN VASES, BTATUARY;`FOLINTAINS, ' BUILDING ORNAMENTS, 813Cli AS BRACKETS, C4PI2 ALS, MODILLIOKB, &c. Cheaper then log other Malarial ' Finer DeFigna rban any otti..r malarial. A Largo Stook t onstantly '`on Hand. Any ro desa raWiiiaile no order. by Addreallintdariliirmilic torethe - - notorn LINK le - 131.A.0K, f th and Seri imllerrn En* Office, S. A HABIPSQN, islovhcsinnt Street; Ma. .j3113.8m* , 'LADIES' ONE PRICE P. CY FITIL . • ' - STORE: "40:11I AHIA, Noz.7lBAßlMlST.:,,between In and • litligtreets, Philadelphia. . ' (Late of 818 Market Et.) TYPORTIIiFt„ MANUFACTURER OF AND DEAL. • . • ?p4:4r,t, tINDO Or . • F AN C., Y., F U•R , S I flavisrremtreid to ra* Nero More; 4 „ 718 Arcb Bt., nod being now engsget e • --- z1- .084iely4tirthe e and 81' Athey :Nes ' w blob, in. accorMumme letUrthtemOne Price PrincVd,” 1 him at the loteesepostibleprice °wish tentivitka resiosabloprolt, 1 iictidd solicit a visit from those In want ofFurs for either *Ladies' or Childrens' Wear, and - talnamtlon of ray se ' 'Man of those"goode, sinitied ) as„ .l am, Ofpy ability to Triessek in everYtieeired esscutial. % SirP tbts6as.ata distanee, who mayAnditinnonverdent to call. personally, need only name the artlele thcy wish, tOtatitiarvittli . the.price,, end ipstrostioosSor.sestling,sna forward the order to sly address—money aocompanyine —to hitenina sittlerectorv. tortipliance wlNt ' ttiefr : ~vit l'. araft-wsme, . , . - • • W. • SCOW OR Mtn, rink cir , Watrotrammen a eaten - 7 - ' ORgT.T.AitER'S`VITELRISHENO STORE • • Amp . . - . SHIRT MA NU F . A CTShitt 814 Chestnut &mg, (Newly Oprxisite Oitieirt liatesei) . ~ , Phaadelphia. .I 4 J. W. SCOTT wand remettfully can the atterilloil'of Ida -former patrons and fri nds to Me new Store;fitetillee. pared tout orderi for SHIRTS at abort notice. -perfect acriukraseed. .colasmor PUDE - auPP.StaCirilhAVO4 • SHIRTS and C ) MMIS. octl2-wly For - Bale Wholesale and Retail 1 ! • ROHRER AND DAVIS' PATENT-WASHING MACHINE. . . . • By,its use a great saving is made in time, wear and 'tear of cloths. A week's wash of an.ordinary •ly can be done before breakfast. It is equal in capacity to fear able.bodled women, and a saving of at least4o ,per cent. Hundreds are now in use, and the demand 'continues: 'Cktleand examine for yourselves. For sale by PLIMIXO, at H'1313.1PH, , EfflThlff PHILADELPHIA. .. All persons are cautioned against infringink Upon tb Patent In Penna.,as the law will be rigidly enforced. Hountynightsformle; ' -aprillvwefri - - PHILADELPHIA Virieral AND T AIVELRY • • ,o. - CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT, No. 148 North Sewn& ...15trOot co x eNER OF qvAltax STREET. . MAEIF: 11NDE1321.0341E14_ has Ismail fha share 'printisel, where be wihlteep a large &aeon -pent- of Gold and , tillypr Watches, pt American, English and Setif Mahafietnre aftlit'keUttiliairite'd makers, In Addition to which, fbisaid.,plicays ,on band (and made to - order) arCeatenslie itutetror Jewelry, Silver, and Slicer , mat„eitogettler with 416 commit . at sort ment of 'hen gebds ale arictutntilly ' kept 'nig first close -Wattilt aud4evnilw Store , • • • • The Fithian of 0: Conrad, and those of the-subscriber, *gaiter pcblioasew.. ca Uy, are , ingited to' call, where iiisyleinnisamiriiii.valgiuditOr their money.— ' dam determin4to dostsiotly enishimeiness goods ;aphis min 'airy low. ..1311.u5. Puma' Qtrign 'irate *OW of fhb listablithMti WlN ng T . ,v, BiladatiLL, : 'Fortneilyo. 00NRaD, ; N0.148 North fiecand St., corner Q arry, ' Weepila lIMI VE41131EN:2017 Yon will please take notice that I tare removed my place of *whims from 80. 18741enth,4bomth , 8tritet r to, manufactory 1408. 114 and 118 ItELIFiVikiT, BettOoeu Lombard and South. and Pront and Emend Etc,. Philadelphia, Thanhfol tor,lPaat fauarg l ll4oMtaMteMillenemo of your orient. As I have ergod saimialaoloty so .as to enable me to havoc "ettlyliniffishOggliashortantaa of well seasoned Snipe, all of the best quality and free fro m Aare". • - el PALM Vi RIEGATE:4 2 -XNEUPTE, HONEY, 0,413111iN, and (al kinds of TOILET SOlin., Outizsoati of pure material. BIi*LED, PAlkand,lolol.l4 few, smash Sal,. Bcsia,And_pßom Sum orditantly on hand. SPERM, ADAMAIITINE and -TARDOW CANDLES of all sizes. swag adopted the cash systoailjeLanabled to offer 'my goods at the lowest prices " - EhtiMiliTtat you will -call and examine for yourself hot!! Mr. 1151, prices, Rkfore purchasing elsewhere: anaitgritatiPeettp COMwAY, pauwAyphia. „ H. L. HVJA'OWSLL & BOYS WRIZOISALE AND ggeOtittrotsoyikoncmgoi abaft 411)11abelpliia 2bvtrtistmrnts. PHILADELPHIA VIZIUNID CRUMMY TOPE *Win) - ' Milt Ni fm aabni, winr ci avok iNxt r zre assio iiiikei MIA 0
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