AmericAn Reimittrees. The London ,Stir, Which is a staunch friend of the loyal States, recently contained an arti cle on the resources of the United States• and their consequent ability to sustain the enor mous burdens of the war, which must have given its numerous English readers. new and enlarged ideas upon the subject. The Star's article is based on a letter of the Hon. Robert ,T. Walker, which shows that the United State's are thirty-two times as large as England, with greater mineral resources than all Europe, 'a greater inland steam tannage than all the rest of the world, more capacious harbors and more water power than all Europe, more. miles of railw - ays and .telegraphs than all.the rest of the world, and gold mines yielding nearly $1,000;- 000,000 annually, wEilithe immense landed do main is one of the most fertile in the world, yielding the productions of the tropics as well as those of the temperate zone in abundance, while only a fraction of it has been settled, leaving a vast field for growth and expulsion, besides all which an immense immigration is adding, almost beyond calculation, to the. . wealth of the country. After rciting these great facts, the Star remarks: Contrasting the condition of England aithe close of the war in 1615 with a debt of £850, , - 000,000, with the present condition of the United States, there canbe ne doubtthat their debt is a "mere ilea-bite," ;compared with their resources. But we hear it said thatthei will repudiate their'debt. We, remember the time when our debt ,bore heavily npon the country there was a, party who advocated re. pudiation here, and that partywere those who had been most benefitted by the war, and passed corn laws to prevent their produde fall ing to peace prices. It is by no means im probable that similar mean spirits may show themselves hereafter in America. But that the people in America have faith in the honor of their Government is evident by the extra ordinary fact that of the loan of $500,000,000 voted by the last Congress, the people have I voluntarily taken already $350,000,000 at par —a larger loan than wavever raised in England. It is true that the loan has' been made m de predated greenbacks, but the largest loan. ever made in England was also made in depreciated Bank of England paper, at a time when guin em were selling at 28s. each, with this differ ence: that instead of the Government receiving par for their loan, as in America, they received only fifty per cent. in a depreciated currency. Monunco DuT:Aus.—There are, pnitty Sun risings, as we arc told, and such like guads, abroad in the world, in summer time especi ally, which a gentleman may see, as they say, for getting up. We hold the good hom.s of the dawn too sacred to waste upon such ob servances, which have in them, besides, some thing Pagan and Persic. It is flattering to get the start of a lazy World; to, conquer death-by proxy in his image; but the seeds of sleep and mortality are in us; therefore, while the busy part of mankind are fast huddling on their clothes are already up and about their occupation, content to have swallowed their sleep by the wholesale, wo choose to linger a-bed and.digest our dreams. We love to . chew the cud of a foregone vision; to collect the scattered rays of a brighter phantism, 'or act over again, with • fumer nerves, the sadder nocturnal tragedies; to drag into daylight:. a struggling and half vanishing nightmare; to• handle and examine the terrors of the airy so laces. We cherigh dreams; we try to spell m them the alphabet of the invisible world; and think we know already how it shall be with us.. Those uncouth shapes, which, while we clung to flesh and blood, affrighted us, have becoMe familiar; we Jeel attenuated into their meager essences; and have given the hand of half-wfty approach to incorporeal being. We once thought life to be something, but it has wale. cotintably fallen from before its , :tbrie., Therefore, we choose toially with The sun has no purposes of ours to light :us to' —why should we get up ?--Okarles Lamb. ' STATES AND PEOPLE OF STATES.—There is a Vast deal of tumecessary 4 cou.fusion of' ideas respecting what is called a'St and the peo le Who compose a .Stat* Been's% it is Of tamed by many that sii_Veral of the . statcs hate, by their own suicidanction, braugh 'bout irreparable changes in their former Y ti.on —a condition which a very large 1-.' iof the people themselves, inhabiting those ti)s, would never like to see restored, even if the Federal Government wished it—the adherents of slavery at once jump at the conclusion that the people of those ''..eonottered tarritories 6 —= as they call them—are going to becOme slaves to the "Yankees," and:we know not what otber absurdities. To justify this view, a recent speech.of Gen eral Butler has been taken by them and twisted into all sorts of aneanings to suit their Piar pose. But,, if these people look into w t tat General Butler really said, they will find while speaking of 'certain rebel States as 'NW.; ing reduced themselves to. the conditions of territories, he never:uttered One Word to lead to the idea that the:loyal people Of those 4ew States, territories—or whatuVer:Other name may be devised to suit the• very , anomalous condition in which such communities have placed themselves—would be debarred 'tine single right or privilege any loyal Northern citizen, of the United. States. We s ay loyal, because we presume' that even the most stolid or unreasonable copperhead is not going to pretend that a traitor haS any right whatever which can be a Gov ernment that he is attempting to overthlow and destroy.—Y. O. Times. . WHY PEOPLE DO NOT SPEA.II. THE THUM- People do not speak the trutk : not .for _,the want of not knowing ;: and'iiieterring it, but because they have not the organ to speak it adequately. It requires at, clear sight, and, still _more, a high spirit, to ideal with false-' hood in the decisive way. Ihave known seve ral honest persona:who value truth as' much as Peter and John, but when. they tried! to speak4t, they grew red and black in the face instead of _Ananias, until, after a 'few' ,at tempts, they decided,thataggiessive truth Was not their vocation, and continued themselves thenceforward to silent henesty,. . except fon rare Occasions; when either extreme .'outive,. cir a happier inspiration, loosened their tongue. But a 'soul is now and . fiie* incarnMecl, whom indulgent nature has nol; any cramp or frost, but mho can speak ,he right word at the right moment, qualify the selfish and hypocritical act with its real naive,' and without any los.s 'Serenity, hold up the offence to the purest daylight Such a tritth, speaker is worth inore than the best police, and more than the laws of Governors ;t.for those do not always.lmow-their own side, but will back their own side for want of this very nth speaker to expose them. That is =the theory of the newspaper, to supersede official by intellectual _influence. But though the apostle - establish' the -Usually'hap pens that, by some strange oversight, Amnpas slips into the editor's chair. If, then, we 'could be provided with a fair proportion of truth-speakers we could very materially and usefullytontractthe legislative and executive functions. Still, the in sphere for'this nobleneils - ir private wherejo many mischiefs go =whipped, ibe-' big out of the cognizance of law, and suppetsfSt? to be'-nobody's business. And society is at all', times suffering for want of judges and hiad: men who will mark and lop these malefactbrs. , --LEnierson. - • ~•~i9r Pennsylvania Rail 'Road ! WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO. - AND FOUR FRO3I FErg.i.A.:DEDFLPHIA. • • - o.ti arD - MONDAT, - Nov. 16tb, 1.663. rtill.E Pamenger Traitis•Citihe Penugylvailia liallroad Company will depart from and arrive at liar. riseurg and Philadelphia as follows: -' "EASTWARD. THROUGH EXP.RESS.THAjNireares Harrisburg daily at 2.45. A. N_ and. arrives at-West Philadelphia at 6.65 A. M. FAST LINE leayesliarrisburgdaily(except Monday) at 6.00 A. 31. E and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.10 a. 31. Passengers talfe breakfast at . WAY ACCOMMODATION; via Mount Joy leaves HarrW build 7.20 I: V, With arrives at West Philadelphia at . , 12.25 FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg -, daily (except Sunday) at 1.00 It at., andArrlves at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P. M. - . lIARRISBURG. ACGOIMODATION- TRAIN, via Colum bia; leaves Harrisburg At 5.30 P. M., and arrives at West _ . Philadelphia 1et10.50 40. st., • ' • WESTWARD. . BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at - 2:211 A. N. , Altoona,' 8.00 A. M., take breakfatt, and arrives at Pittsburg att.oo M. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbuig daily at 3.20 Lar. ; Altoona at 8.40 A. as:, take breulrfant, -- . and arrives at Pittsburg at 130 P. M. . . MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 140 r. x.; Altoona at 7.55 r..x., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 110 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 4.15 P. ss. ; . .Altoona 9.10 r. M., takes supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.40. A. N. _ . _ HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRALN leaves W6st, Philadelphia at 2.41 .r. K., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.110, MOtirl" JOY ACCOMMODATION lames Lancaster at 11.38 A. m., arrives at HarrisbUrg at 1.40 r. • : SAMUEL 1). YOUNG; - • - Supt. Middle Div. Penn's R R.; Harrisburg, Nov. 13, 1862.-de Northern Centnd Railwor! WINTER TYNE TABLE. TUREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND; FROM BALTIMOR . E WASHINGTON CITY Connections made with trains onTennsylvaularailroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. . TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New' York. ON'lad after 14.1.0NDAY; NOVEMBEIpy*, 1863, the Passenger Trains of the Northe ,Cen (rut Railway will arrive at and depart fruit Harrisburg •D'ajOinigo as fulloys, Vii: SOPT uwARD. . • NAIL TRAIN leaves, Sunbury daily (except • • Sunday)- ..10.10T.t.;x4 leaves Harrisburg 1.200.2 N. arrives tt4 Baltimore 5.40 r. , : r st EXPRESS 111.6124 leavesSunbury daily (except Sunday) 11.42 Nat leaves Harrisburg (escept Monday). .... ..... arrives. at 'Baltimore' daily • ((except Monday) HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Har• • burg NORTIIWARD MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except. Sunday) loaves 'Harrisburg 1.45 r fit. . iarrives at Sunbury 0 . 0 P.: IL EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y.......9.30 arrives at Harrisburg ..... 2.90 A-in. leaves Harrisburg daily (ex- • ---cept Monday) .. .... arrives at Sunbury 6.25 a; 3C HARRISBURG ACCOMHODATION leaves Bal (Amore daily (except Sun. day) • - arri%e at Harrisburg 7.5 tr, x. For further information apply at •tho 011 ice, in Pannp: 1 vania. Railroad• Depot. ' . • J. a DuBARRY,: Harrisburg, Nov. 16,1.863.-dif Oen. Supt. . NEW ALEC LINE Raul* THREE TRiaws AULT' fx(l NEW YORK • PHILADELPHIA. AND - AFTER MONDAY, November let 4, 1863, theyamengerTmins will leave the Phila delphia and Reading' Ai/Woad Depot, at Harrisburg, for •Ntriv andPidladOphtioak follows, viz : EASTWARD; - . EXPRESS I.INE leayes Harrisburg at 6.30 A. t., on ar- rival °tthe pentisylvaniii Itailroifd Express Train frowthe Ipest, t arriiinkin it. A sleeping:. car is attached to .thetralatliktiugh from Pittsburg without clianke. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 6.00 A. Sr., arriiing in New York at 5.30 r. sr., run/ Philadelphia at L5O FAST 1 4 LNE leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 r. u., arrivikk In New York,at 3,0.26. P. it., and-Philadelphia at 7.00 r. '•• • WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New :York at 6.00 A. M., and Phila delphia at 8.15 A. M. arriving at Harrisburg at 1.15 r. k. HAIL TRAIN leaves New -- York at 12.00 noon, laki Philadelphia at 3.30 r. ar., arriving at Harrisburg at 13:20 EN-PRESS TRAIN leaves New' York at 7.00 r. ar riVhigirt.Hinishurg at 2.00 A. M. and connecting with the Peansyltanfe'Expreas Train for Pittsburg. A sicepint car ' Is tdso attach& to this train. Connections' are made at Hanisburg with trains on, the Peintsylvanli; Northern Central and Cumberland V ey rail?bads, and, at .Reading for Philadelphia, Potts Will:esinMVAllentewn, : Easton, 3c. Hanege. checked through. Fare between New York and Harrialinig, $5 15 between Harrisburg and Phibidel phla $3 35 iri:No.,l cars,and s3'iu No. 2. For ticket? ' or Other information apply to • J. J. CLYDE,i General Agent, Harrisburg. 1863. 1863' . nol4-dtf Philadelphia and Erie Ra il Road. rilsgreat line traverses the Northern and Northwest - counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. - It has been leased by the RAILROAD PANT, and under their auspices is being rapidly optped throughout its entire length. iris now in use for Passenger and Freight Int4no..e . fromllortsburg - to Emporium (195 miles) on the Eater& Division, end-from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles) onl t4te Western Division; TIME OP PASSENGER TRAINS AT HARRISBURG. Mail Trani idaie6 North 1 45 p. x. xl , ... 6 *... l *±l4cteNclth 3.45. i, x, .r..arirlier. thro.ugh.wrrnorrr CHANGE both ways on these trains between:Philadelphia and Lod: Haven, and: be tween:Balthnore and Look Haven.i - Elegant Sleeping cars on Express trains both tween . Willianwport and , Baltimore, and Williamsporgand Philadelphia: .. . , For information respecting _Passenger business app pat the :K.• E. Comer 11th and Market streets. . _ And for Freight business of tho Company's .Ageuta S. B. Kingston, Jr.. corner 13th and Market str l eei Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. 11:110USTON, General Freight Agenb,PhiTa. LEWIS Tr HOURT,. , • -"l't `• •;. • - .Genertg, redid ..4gentiNVat JO 4D. , POTTS, • I- General dranager,,Wigigmayok uol6 d 1.3 j ~i Ap~I~TG 1 AILR . OAII. . . . . . WINTER . AatitAN NIX _REATTRUNK: . J.IINTE FROM - R, Ul NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphfa,NewYork - , -Reading, - Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton,e2 - 1 &e. Trains leave Ilarrleburg for Philadelphia, - New.,. .orkj Reading, Pottsville and all iiiteiniediateatatibistat 03:00 A. Y. aud 2.00 P. M. • New York Express leaves Harrisburg. - XV arriving, at New York at 1.1.5 ; t1i9 Ammo day. Pares from Harriaburgz To New York, g,5 deluhia $3 35 laid - $3 - 00. Thiglidge clieilkdd*o4l. Returning, leavANew York at o. e. M.._,J4jkitl,..aptl 7 r. N. , (Pittsb . grg.Express) PhikAeydga ra lBp.t. and 3.30 I.:N. • Sleeping cars intliciNew York Express Tr' i,tbriAiglf to add 11'1111-PittsbntgAithoutthp.nge: 0,0 CatipVisSll Railroad leavo TairiluMa at 8.59 and..2,137. - x. 'for 'Philadelphia; Neu, - York, way:points:.:" Trains leave Pottsville,* 9.15 4,3 r., and 2.30 for ! Philadelphia, Harrisburg_and New York. ' - AIL - AcoßWArliogc/la Rli§oopger.:train:/eltvoallegirlB at 0.00•. v., and rtiturnifFoß.ph - thaatui at s:ivr ,-AartAtklaie.opve crigis Siiiidit,e*V... V --- k - y-traMl-kiaVOS-POUSViikt444-81) A. le n -lalld akelflthasit, 3:151r, vv. "T 4 1 /04.10 ;•SiaSon ee *Ws a,t. - rode& pit*to..iO3.l, ' ' I • • '-•—• Genoral Saperintendeht. NOveinber 14, 1863—dezwtf mwzit:v7;twma 1863 *Ayßkg, 186 ARRAXG" t_ Mina . . • CUMBERLAND -VALLEY ANO rRANkt44 RAAL ROADS. • 011. ANGE OF HOURS .— On and after Mon k_/ day, November 17, 1863, Posenger trains will riln daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted:) FOR CHAHBERSBURG AN!) HARRISBURG: A-M., r. 3r. • t.OO 2.45 737 : AITiNT at 817 4 . 21 • Leave HaOrstcils'h GreenenAlc; Leave at... ..... :8.30 1255: Leaves Shippensburg 9OO - .1.28 f NeWvllle - 9.32 .209: "" Catlisle • 10.10. 2.42.,1 " Mechanicsburg , .10.42 3:12 Anii.e, aclian - ISbarg 11:15 3.40: FOR . CHAMBERSRURG Al' .0 HAGERSTOW.ff: t t A. AL P. M. ; . _ Love Ilarrisburg - ' . 805 1.35: • " Mechanicsburg_ 847 2.15 " Carlisle • 9.27 . 2.5,5 i ~ No . wville . • ... 10.06 3.29 i ... Sluppensburg .10.33 . 4.00 , , Arrive at tinarnberiburg ILOO 4:30i Leave Chambersburg 11.10 4.40. " .G•reencastle , " . ..1L55 5.80. Arrive at Hagerstown - -12.35 6110. Making cloke connections at Harrisburg with trains for Philadelphia, New -York and Pittsbura ; and with inxhis for all points West. 41. N. LULL, Supt.' R. R. oMce,• Chambersburg Nov. 13,1862.17 Chambersburg PIIIIADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. I Lebanon. Vall4.l3roneli. ON and after MOIIDAY, DECEMBER 2,Bth, , 1803, an ACCOMMODATION PASSENGER TRAIN Willbe run between Rending and Harrisburg, -in addltien to the other Passenger Trains now running on the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Leaving Reading at 7.13 A. ax., passing I.eabanon at 8.44 M., and arriving at Harrisburg at 10 Leaving Harriaburg at )5 sr., passing Leabanon at 0.15, and arriving at Reading at 7.35 Stopping at all Passenger Stations. Tho Fast Mail Train, leaving Reading at 11.07 i. N., will Stop only at Womelsdorf,lityerstown, Lebanon, Annville, rolmyra and Hummelstown. All Paengers will , procure their Tickets before entering We Trains. An extra charge is mado on all lures paid . in )(lid Cars. G. A. NICOLLS, • General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., Dec. 11, 1863.—de14t,j31 NOTICE. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Iteruixti, Nov. 281 b liit3.„; 'MBE public is respectfully informed Lust up, and after lIONDAY, Dimon= 14th, all nissengere who do not purchase their. ticket:: before culcriug thecare will be charged Su coats extra on each ticket purchased ; on the train, for which they Will obtaiu front the Cho. ductor a check receipt.' 'This' receipt will he redcumed, and d cents paid [bender, in cash, upeu its presentation at any Uicket (Mice:of - the Company. ' :G. A. NICULLSi twit:rut Sup'l. • HOTELS. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, lIARRI. NURG, PA. -• .1 • • col/BATA , ntitclittsciN, rioprieturo. ruins will knOwil liot6l is u:o» iu u condi tion to uccohtmodatc the traveling public, Wonting the mot.t. ample conveniences alike for the transient guests 04 the permanent bbaftler. THE STATES 110 TEL has been entirely refit-, ted throughout, and now has accommodations owlet in extent, comfort anti luxury to any hotel between Milts:lel phis and Pittsburg., Its location is tile brut in the Slide; Capital, being, In easy access to all the railroad depots, end; in cash proximity to all the public Mikes and business le:. calitios of the city. It Itasnow all the conveniences of A PIR Cle A T , and the Proprietors urn determined to' spare neither eiti . pease, -time or labor to ensure the comfort of the guests. The patronage of the. IntvelLug public is respectfully Scd.l; cited. 2.50 A. It 7.00 A. . BIM S,T r ATt . CAPITAI , HPTE-IL, CORSIR OF THIRD -A$1111)70.1%7 STREETS, HARRISBURG, PENIPA. THE undersigned having rirkohluled this well' known house has enlarged and - thoroughly renovated* IL The rooms have &spit re-istinted and papered , and; the entire estalishment. elegantly re-Nridshed. 'Being *ea, sandy and eligibly located, and proliided with every Cork; venience ' It offers togio public 411;tho comforts - and !Ulm ries of afirst claga•l434l, Trusty and obliging servants always in attendance,, a, bar. Nell, stocked with chidco liquors Ls attached to th e de2O•dly THQMPSON, Proprietor. CONI.LADIIOUSE PHILLIPSBURG, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. • • ' JAMES R. GAYLER PROPRIETOR. TTRAYELLNOCOMMUNM will find 1 this a first•clas' House. The table Is alw4ys .pup plied with the dellcaelei.of the season, and the bar ; well stocked with the besit- tiiinfls of liquors. Good Stabiliutititaafed-tO tbb Hotel. nor3.d3m i.. 1 " • I' Offil HOUSE, Corner of Market street and Market Square., HARRISBURG, PENA"A. . CHAS. H . MANN PToprietor. C_U"R,TAIN A:lCfa - 11 S ! CURTAINS. • • , , , ,t• • • 'g. ; *A it A . VE N, (917C0P.13 . 8011. TO W. B. CASUAL;) MASONIC HALL • 109P.he . #l4.t. Street , PHILADELPHIA • • • WINDOW.SHADES. ,FAJRNIZI[TRE eoVARING MI ORTFbEIO'S IFTORtFOLICIS i ! '., PCHESSMEN-and Backgammon Boards, a fine &port moat, Just,receiiro - "OcHEFFEEJS B99g,sTR4E. ijortfTTEItrBIITTER New YOrk:State ButteeNtiii.neoeirdkand:f4rynle bt lhe' Firkin dr - round, ndiv , grocerp.o.C.- - dec4 _ , ENGT:TSH - DAlRralid - - - Ntw YORK STRiE CHE BOYER &:KBERPI BM _ Ano2s] i IiONBY.V4.O,SEMt. !'gotW.l-1 cat diibilkiriti, aE 0 0 01 , • WH. DO% & 0. QpRERIORATM....OII2OI)42IIp7VverI hi_o erect market : " InAktlee4l4,* d gal [decls] WM. DOE JR., co. CURTAINS. ivis.HAßrs.-i PINE TREE .TA1L,:0....n1y..tA.:4 Is the Vital Principle of the Pine Trite, . nBTAINED by a ioectiliar,proopss in „Ate NJ .distillation of the tar,leY Which=itshi,gbina med6i* properties are retained. • It is the.medicine that cures when all others have failed. . A OREATREMEDY FOR CONS UMP APS. . . , . I am constantly receiving such certificates as*the fel rowing. READ IT! J . Dn. Weistase—Dear Sir :—I bad a very (heedful eon& and, sore throat-for one year, and my whole system ems f as t giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed with but little hope of recovering. My disease bellied the power'of all medicines, and in short time I must have gone to my grave, but, thank God, my daughter-110i* would. notriet until she went to-your store, No. 10 N. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your:Ph:Le Tree Tar Cordial, and commenced to use it., and in one w eek I was much better, and after liking three bottlek I am perfectly well, a wonder to all my friends, for they all ; pronounced me past cure. Publish myozse if you think proper. REBECCA HAMILTON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. TAR CORDIAL. AN INFALLIBLE CURE-FOR BRONCHITIS. lie. WARD says: • DR Wistrurr, Sir: —l had the Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath; and Palpitation of the Heart in thew worst forms; I had been treated by several. A mbient physicians in Philadelphia, but they could not 'stop the rapid course of my disease, and I had despaired of ever being restored to health. I was truly on the verge of the . gmve. Your Pine Tree Cordial was highly reedit mended to me by a friend; I tried it, and aro thankful to, say that, after using lour large and one small bottle, I was restored to perfect health. Yon can give reference to My house, No. 968 N. Second street, or at my office of• Re. ceiver of Taxw, from 9 A. re. to 2 P. X , corner of Chestnut and SiSth streets, JOHN WARD: BLEEDING OF THE LUNGE. =AD TOE FoLLOWiNG: Mr. Wlsatirr, Sir:-1 return you my grateful thanks for the discovery you have made in making a medicine that will cure Inflammation of the Lungs and Liver Cern plaint. When I commenced to use your Pine Tree Tar cordial I ass, to all appearances, near my grave. I had been for a length of- time spittig blood, and would, at times vomit it. My physicians (for I emplpyed two) wo. nouoced pasLcure; but my sister had used your POe Tree Tar Cordial, klub did her so much good that She prevailed on me, as a last resort, to try it; and, thank and, I commenced to we it. I have taken twelve bottled and ant perfectly cured, sod um ready and willing that. tiny prawn that is sick should mil on me, and I will tell ttiem -what your cordial has dune for me. All my friends end neighbors were utterly astonished at my, speedy relent to health,' for they had seen me vomit blood in a clotted state freliuently. Publish my case, for I want every perkon that is 'Altering as 1 was to know of your invaluable meth chie. Respectfully, JOHN \TAU:4N - (Waal) divot, six,doora 'there Richmond street Philadel phia. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial will core Coughs, Sore Throat, and Breatt, Bronchitis, Aglow, Croup, ItoopingG i qh,„ Diptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for dieei of the Kidneys , and female complaints. BEWARE OYCOUNTERFEITS. • The genuine has the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown iu the bottle. All others are spurious In tion Irtx - rr Casts liU Ost; Bottle iwa Borrts. Pre pared only by the proprietor. DR. L. Q. L. WISELIVE, No. 10 North Second St.; Philadelphia,"Pa. Fur said by all druggists. • ,deSdarwSwmeeor KIIPOKEL'S LEAL i 'Rita A' T E. , 7 1 1 ) . ••. .• ) B/ 17 E 1 C WiNg, .OF IRON, lIIWER WINE OF IRON WINVOY IRON BITTER WINDPI% IRON, • ; For Ilysrpsiciuld.lndOption; Fornyophisbi said rikiiiieston; For Dpipepslo and . Ladjgestlon; For IlysPeOsistptndlireitioo; ForZe s Stigncrsi-Dfbility;: For W toontbi_lolMnDob y; Fdt Storgitagdid General Dog if For Wea l k.Stomgclis and General Deb tom;. Reliable and Spa to do Good, Renate:and Sure to do Good, Reliable pug Sure to do_ Good, Relliblelaid Sure to ditGoi>d, It Casts but Little and Purifies the • Blood. It Costs but littAtuud,rurifiefi,the Bief:4 It CoSis Vat Utile and:PU/ - 111es the HAW. It Costs but Little and Purifies the:Blood. Or this Triduntiis Medicine, Of LL~s9slnt6l~ Medicine, tt/IfiteMrtelne, Only Sovvgy:livg !Rd Om SgeddY•Aveiancl Oi6,IAAIN,Res:ARtge. Only St3rty-110 lizid On Stlamerßottle. Oialy-Sevelity-llVerAd:die.Dollarpercßottle. COVNTERFEITS. ~....._:, BEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS—As. . ICosscra:/t . toi, 'WErs or boss is the only :, punt., 44 'Orertual.... known in pie world for• the per , irauero cure of . . • • the Debilay, :aid a 4iiire are. iv:number .of_.ftal tgats: °bred to the - publid, welronidAttuKOAti .tont ttp purchase , none but the genuine r articleonaiii*itit - `by 8,, 4.•Kototst, and, hes .hs atiplitlottlttio to:0K th cory„ or every battle: l 7,Ni ferylf4thaV others areidte nog to imitate' this. valuable, , remehyi *over its moil ,tndJ filieoAYcliMes illAil•fsv'tc,v .:-: .: . -,t . • ~ , , OA Pirtsit.W6plrtigt inputt up . in 7fi,eent. end too , bottl;s,latid Sold* all*spectab)o ' Druggists thio t the country . Be "partiaulatthat every bottle beats eine. simile of the proprietor's Signature , =I .S A. KUNKEL BRO., • t•leneralDepotmo..ns Market Street, Marrisburg, Pa. FOR .BILE BY , all respectable dealers throughout the country. , jan4 “THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL.” . TARRANT'S %WOUND EXTRA 1 OF CUBEBS AND — COPAIII, . :This Preearatioa ja, ly meommended the XEDICAXI=FIMBI_O • andthe PUBLIC ferthe pt arid eirtain'eure - ofTIMA:4BEI3 br Mg 4 BLAppi . F . ES _......, NEYS, URINARY,4ItaiNEI;Agei: : • ; '' -- - It may be relied ow as.tiwbeat mode,for the adm ' both don of these reme r dies I:tithe - tame clas"s of disetiSes , sexes, to which they are-applicable. It never in eras • 11 . 104 . 4i dqt 191 41and.41-,itereOrteentLakkri3, the d is ..... am marli redrieN. ~ . , , . . ; tqc. R..—/riithassem are. advised to ask for: •: . :-.1. RODEPOTJ I OEXTRACT.og,curarata, AND. cop :, • alareVkliotlibiCelteras iiiiititibratiiit Worth y etor43'-Zsimalrltet , o,Aftek, ): l :- Y , e 4 *oh street, orner of Warren street, New:York, protT. ~, by Druggists genenzUy. ~...,; Ly I= D. W. WOWS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IMrU G , GIS T = S', lot AatiE Sirß-Bair DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- We are dally adding to our assortment of goods allsuch articles as are desituble t and would respectfully call your attention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes and Burning Fluid and Alcohol Witb a general variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES selected 'from the best mauufseturers end Perfumers of Europe and this country Being very large dealers its PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, 4RTISIFS' BRErSHZS T THE GEEAT TO C, TXE GREAT TEE OBEATT‘') . TnE otrav - v c, We vespectlnUy invite a call, feeling confident that we esti supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfae JONES' dYU WHITE'S PORCELAIN TEETH, Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities Au 1y31101.411 .4.111112a110;40' Mll-12OraTof Bring large purchasers in those Oils, we can offer in demo:tents to close burrs. Coal Oil Lamps of the mast improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds nt Lampi changed to burn Coal Oil ,• We n0w,0,20,..aak a We zkeTt_99,l, Ask , We #ow*OW: trek : Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CAT POWDERS a trisd know not their superiority, and advehtagethey arc In-keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in a good condition Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders, by the indremed qua tity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and appearance el: their cattle tage or a thorough knowledge. of the trade, and our ar. ningements in.tite . cltivr ate snail. that we am,: in a, very 'short time, furnish anything appertalpinoroniNusinem,. on the best of ; terms. -km*• we hope by strict attention to Weil:ion, a carefu selection of at fair priees f. and the desir e to please all, to merit a con-. tinuance of - Vie favor of a diE,crh'itinatingpublic. . - C.-MUTH, Attorney-at-Law, Third IR • street, Harrisburg, Pa. All,businetut entrusted to wfil be promptly attended to.- „Hountiescpenskius aud;Hack Pay of officers eollei4ed . _ . MiEjtiOrl3CENT QF = ler-I*MM Pon ForlO st ciltwapv. BAcKgAubtot; Mums, Received at sclignivps Eserasn DAIRY 'and • Yolt)t - STATE CHEESE. 4 ' • • L 4 92 03 : 445 E. DOCK, -Js.; CCO. xeux. t tiq Houma • BY the yfirrei,halt balioaiord.p. ltdant ne, agg*Pk,ft i Ii y am, e iukt, Dried - Bat ar__ BOY= OW= • imoleg, LOP • = s ` n KW.% ' L'ag•!..SLogitv1 1 .6 10% TV YOU_ a99caQ.. so, akll at • ftwg. 101019 NO. )9 HASRISBERG, PA KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS. Dye-Stuffs, Gime and Putty, A.rtist's Colors and Tools, Lard, Sperm and Pine Bottles, nals and Lamp Globe; Cast:ile Soap, Sponges and Corlas &c., kc., &c., LLVSR&D OIL, V.4B.IVISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, TAINT AND IN Azz,-.T.REIR. EARTEVIES, COLORS 4NZI BRONZES TEETH TEETH PATENT MEDICINES, AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct frana the Proprietors SJ.PONTFIER AND CONCENTRATED LTV. THAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS. COAL OIL! CARBON' OIL ! 'FARMERS AND G-RAALLES Our long experiinee in the business gives us the adran Thankful for the liberal patronage bowed on our p.uBE. DRUGS 0P1,6-dly 7 i 7r7 NEW -GOODS-Mt MINED Book and Stationery Stot t Embracing trvery newt and Unproved style POCKET BOOKS, MAGIC CURRVICI r HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS. BUCKSEDI PVILSW, PORTMONNA - at prices to mat all enema:fiances. PbCILICT CIPMBIL esserkalog of* fine assortment of Westenholm GOLD PENS. From Newton's celel. manufactory_ Er, r wall a guarantee . FORT FOLIOS, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PAPETEME . Togettier with ;every article ttsualy found in a fr.-:t Book and Stationery 113312] PEIPHER'S DAILY LI B BETWEEN PHICLADELPHIA. Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport. N. ry, Uniontown. Watsontown, Milton Lewisburg, Northumberland, San- bury, l ireverton, Georgetown. When' illillenburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally drayage will be at the lowest rates. The Conductor through with each train to attend to the safe delivm. alt goods intrusted to the line. Goods deliretwl at tL pot of FREED, WARD k FREED, 811 Italizet Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock r. will tie delivered ;11 r. risburg the next morning. Freight Always sui Low as by Auy oast-11 Pure Ground Spices, TO OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS Collection of Pensions, Bounties. Bark and War Claims. OFFICERS' PAY ROLLS, .MUSTER ROLLS A RECRUITING ACCOUNTS MADE OCT T UT , undersigned, having been in the : ployment of the United States during the last eirhi months as Clerk in the Mustering and Dishuming and Office of Superintendent of Recruiting Scrv,. Pennaytrania, respectfully inibrms the public that h , opened an office in the DULL MSGRAIII Build lug I , t purpose of collecting Pensions, Dountim, Bork !'a% War Claims • also making out Officers' Pay Roll 4. Rolls and Rt . :Creati ng Accounts. All orders by mall attended to promptly. novl-dtf SULLIVAN S. TA.ItAXACIIM The raimentrateil Juice Of the Fresh Ra A SLIGHTLY TONIC, DIURETIC At 11 APERIENT. It has a specific action upon LIVER, exciting it, when languid, to something, ant solving the CHRONIC engagements. It has been rt. employed in Germany and is a popular remedy wale practitioners In this country. The diseases to whz especially applicable are those connected with the L • and of the digestive orgasm geoandly. It Is the hr-•: - paration over offered to the public for that dise, , . every person that is troubled • with that Aisracr a bottle iminetUately. Price 30 cents pet our own bbolatory from the fresh root October, (the period of Its greatest activity.) S. A- KUNKEL it 11110 118 Market street, Harrisbu7 OF ALL K7ATAK Jan? Steam Weekly to Liverpool. rllOllO3lN GatQUEENSTOWN, (Cork Etz. 11 hors Thet well known Steamer; of the Livery , New York and Philadelphia Steamship Company, '— tended to sail as follows: - AETNA, Saturday, Jantlary 90; CITE OF NEW 17 ,. ,?. Saturday, February 6' EDINIsCROH, Saturday, k 13, and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, Iron. 44, North River. PAYABLE IS GOLD, OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN CURREN , FIRST CABIN $BO 00 I STEERAGE Sat do to L0nd0n ...... 85 00 I do to London n 4 do to Paris 95 00do to Paris 4.0 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 1 do to Hamburg.... :;: Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. Fares front Liverpool or Queenstown; let Cabin.: $B5, $lO5l. Steerage, $3O. Those who wish to seC. their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company'f. JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, 'N. Y., (.r ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg, jr:; ... ITCLINTOCK'S PECTORAL SYRUP. rums INVALUABLE SYRUP, which i "1„ tirely vegetable in its compeAtion ha.; Pawed with wonderful success for many ::ears iu al. of.disesses for the AIR PASSAGES and LEN(_. F ,form of the disease, such as COUGH, TICKLINt; • L OAT, SPITIDIGOF EILOOD,MFFICULT illtEarli - • BOARS&NESS, LOSS OF VOICE and HECTIC YE'. La nse will be attended with the happiest maths. It the best and safest medicines for all fornoz of Hi CHRIS and CONSUMPTION. No laudanum or Hon of Opium in any shape tntJFie synry. PRIOR $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER% Cheap Hook Store. DANIEL A, MUENICH, AGES O P the Qld Wallower Line, respectful)' • form's t he public that this Old Daily'franspori., Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence 0. city,) is in successful operation and prepared to • - freight as low as any other individual I We between i• delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, William -1 JerSey Shore, Lock - Haven and all other points r,l Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and -• and Elmira Railroads. DANIEL A. 111.70:CWAg..nt liarriaborg, Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Per!awl> . & lEmehman, Nos. 808 and 810 Market g treet, ahoy , . • Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. Y., will arrive at IL:. burg, ready for delivery. next morning. thp.4o.rda.: MUST BE SOLD! WALL PAPER, BORDERS. SCHREYER'S BOOKSTORE, Has to be removed on the first of April next. His of Wall Paper must 'too reduced, and will therev sold at very low prices ; although price of Wall r Lp. still going up, Persons desirous of Papering their Will do Well to examine bis assortment and price, December 1,1863. T 1 F. WHEIT: -Five cents cash paid for clear mixed t:._ pound. Old Books wanted for—cash. 13BIAC SCHOOLS. : ..V,HOOL SIATIZ' of different sizes, Willson's ;. , Series of Spellers and Readers, publlsh.hl h - . . i , -:. • , • . , together with all other School y,,,icr,, dee7 , , ing Materials are offered, wholesal egal° 11 " . :d retsg, a! ... FEB'S BOOK-T' ------- MORTON'S GOLD -pEN, 'another le 4f alorton'sUnrivalied Gold hns : SUMTER'S Ina I nIS warranted for one year. LIOCKET BOOKS, BIIC'KSIIIIN PoRraMONNMES, and a general varitly ! TILER GOODS, jolt received at ITRGICER'S BOOK ST, LMAN&CS! ALMANACS ! ! BEAR'S LANCASTBR -t' Ant received and for sale at ..0019 SCHEFFIAPS BongsD'i H AVANA ORANGES, just recieved ,„„ a5 *MEP. At KOERI t~ ty— . • iftg: ,; • quality. 1eK424 Wit DOCK, Jr_ A ' ANA(. $ Ciat.just received at ""IL KV- DOCK, JR.. _ VMIWt• - A fresh lot just reeei" astsbessie by [deg BOYER k KOERMI: ei Nrallantala excelsior Nam of dug • MVO owing. Jeri receirbicei tor aide by 40016 W. DOCK lit WWTEVG CASES, 33 BERGNER'S, 51 11ark*•t .tr Line. SOS- MONTGOMERY & CO_ Philadelphia end Reading Depot. Foot of llartet street, HarnAbur LIQUID EXTRACT RATES OF PASSAGE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers