dir / 4 = 4 4- 4 1 4 , < # • vs. .e 4 - t • k t Amommemi BY GEORGE BERGNER. T 1 I E TELEGRAPH. Is PIIBLIEHED MORNING AND EVENING, By GEORGE BERGNER. Ofcce Third Street, near Waltitg. TERMS OF SUBSORIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION The Deity TZLIGHAPII is served to subscri ber 3 in the Oity at 6 cents per week... Yearly Subscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. Winorix TELNORAPH. • Thu TaLacraern le also published weekly and furaisbged t 8 subscsibers at the following cash tabu , : Single copies, weekly Ten copies, to ...Ins .r postofflce 'Twenty ' c •i 1 At V 1111T113,110 Pares .- The followbig are the 't ate lor a dvertising b 3. the Tationsm. ,Those i Itavita ,, advertising to do wilt find it convenient for reference. • f Four lines or less constitnte one-half square. Eight lines or more than four , consti tutes a square. WIVOVROVen? ,1:8111 6 4174iit :.54, 1 goesgpgWrElf.; rrig-g:_r„ RR' .. - . M 0 r.i.P 4 51i , 41",7 1 ectebo.calkal-.1- , ~ ..... oosooopoootrogge S. Z 9..?_r00c.0. . 5 CI .-. too, 0 129 v“.- cr .1.4 . il. 0,1., ...A. , A *4 /0. c.oc....scnengcn-atooosv. 1 ; 6 ...op o o 0 ...Q. .a. , ...1 Cr tl r ,' - 69,_. 5° :i,...*06-...P.C.,,..• • . fo-Vs , StnSBBSS l2l .cs L.go gm Z , -.- <0...wt.:A.:1-A. , : . -,... 3 0 A tZ6BEI.IIBgESS I tt r. --,- ,1 TO ,•-• to c... - 0• , ~ .O-CO Mr-. b. o v.8. , 0.g0.0.12.-a 211 -,- ~,, ...0 0.0 0 000. l-111. ..., . .. . . ► •• .-C.c0atZt0.....1-, " V r e . ,IT, ... 0 -ye., -.I .0 g toB .g> .9 . 02 , 0. Ot le 1,. , ... S Q. ,tr..C.4011.-AWI.4 ggfSBViISTSS „ , 8 8 ak 0.. , 0 0 .V. . talatrationNottees, 1 Hole a week, Eli tl 'age Notice: ...... . Adm Mar oios NoLica MEI run . cest Notices each insertion t r Business notices inserted in the Los4l Colusp, or before Marrhtgisi and Deaths r Atonic aids PER Liss for each insertion. , , As an advertising medium the TraaiontipLiasis no kqual, its large circulation, among busi t upes men and families, in city and country, placing it'beyond co'mpetition. illiottUantortc JONES HOES CORNER OF MARKET ST AND DIARIEBT SQUARE , • HARRISBURG, PA. JOSEPH P. NeCLEL'UN, PROPRIETOR. (ENCINTLY CONDUCTS= BY WILLS 00VIttLYJ This is-a First Class Hotel, and located in the central part of the city. It la kept in the best manner; and its patrons will find every Recoil'', modstion to be met with in the best houses in the country. . . se3o-dtf B. T. BABBITT'S• Concentrated Condensed 'or Ralverlied 80FT T HREE SOAP,- gallons of handsome' white sow SOAP made in five minutes. No grease required. , • . NusortoNs.—Dissolve one pound of B. T: Babbitt's Concentrated Condensed or kulverised Solt Soap in one gallon of boiling water, then add two, gallons- of warm water. When cool youirill have three gallons of Handsome White Soft Soap. Ten pounds will make one barrel of soft soap: The soap thus made is an excellent wash for trees, shrubs and plants of alllkinds. Just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO., 1 . Market st., opposite the Court House. I=ii THE c , KING MICROSCOPE," DOUBLE , LENS. PROF. HORSFORD, of Harvard University,:, .1 says, "it works very well, and you have got, it up very neatly." Magnifies 26 dianaders: 55 cents in Postal Currency. The " BOWEN MIOBOSOOPE," 28 cents. The "S. WOOD= WARD MICROSCOPE;" 38 cents. Or one each of the three kinds for $l. All-free of postage. Address T. EDWIN KING, . ,mr26-dawBm Box 330; Boston, Alas& VISITING, WEDDING-, • IMITATION, AND " • AT HOME CARDS. B Y • a spe F ial arrangement with one of the best engravers in the country, cards of any diisotitition will be executed in the bizhest style of art, conformable with:the latest faiihion; and supplied promptly,ut lower Prices an are charg ed by the stabonenOn New York, or Philadel phia. For samples and , prices call at nach9tt .111=NER'S BOOKSTORE. TATINDOW SHADES of linen, gilt-bordered; V V and PAPER BLINDS of an endbvs vari ety of designs and ornamente ; also, CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low price& Oallat SOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. Bps~ HERMETICALLY- -SEALED. , pmeimnrAF TOMATOES, PINE APPLE, SALMON, OY WES, SPICED OYSTERS, LOBSTER, SARDINES, DOCK. Jr. & CO: For Sale by. • BIBLES AND '.117.11N BOOKS 1 A LAKIN and splenrllii*W_Of Pocket and, .011, Family - 131131a5. ,1 ' _ - rieebyterian, Methodist, Leahemu, German Hetormed, eta other Hymn Bookkkitgttlecetv at:,..e•PEXONEß'S CEIHAP BUOKSTOM CQ4II OIL, a further reduction Coat 01 11 shpertorigticle of_ non-exphielveleog Oil, for saie.vw,lunr,. by :.NICHPLS & .110WMA$ ' -.oor. Fnint and Marke,Cl34:ll tllllo'igalaßli ALBUMS chastely 11641 and clasped—for sale at SCRKFFER'S BOOKSTORE, p 18 Market threat. DR. JOHNSON 33A.zermwOrtm LOCK HOSPITAL, srv 4le most ce rtain , speedy andlrefmlmediesinteworlhfor DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. =ran a "ors io hvici'vm norms. NO MERCURY DR:- NOXIOUS DRUGS. A Cure Warranted, _0r...N0 Charge, in front One to Moo Dap. Weakness of : -the. Back, Affections of the Kidneys and Alladder, Invokntary, dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Ner votisness;_ Dyspepsia,. Languor, • Low Spirits, Conftiition of -Ideas, . Palpitation of, the Fie art, Timidity, Tremblingi, Dimness of Sight or- Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat . , Nc.se or Skin.„ Affections of the Liver, Latie, -Sternttch •or Bowels—those 'terrible disorders sibling from the Solitary Habits of Yonth- 7 those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Dlysset, blighting . their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage; Ste• impossible • • YOUNG MEN 9. - 00 Mpecially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which i annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the, most wilted talents and brilliant intellect, 'Who might otherwise have, entranced listening Sen ates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. M Married Persons,' or Young Hen contemplat= big marriage, being aware of, phySical weak= nese, organic debility, deformities, &c., sPeedili mired. He who places himself under the care of Dri J. may religiously confide in his honor as ; a gen t Heinle, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WItAIrIIESS Immediately Cured, and full'iigor restored: l ' This distressing affection—which renders lif e miserable and marriage impossiblo—is the_penj alty paid by the victims,of improper indulgoncei Young-persons are too apt to coniMit exmsea from not being aware of the dreadful' comet qualms that -may ensue,' No*, -who , that unj derstands the subject, ill pretend. to,deny that the power of procreation kt lost ; sooner by,thos4 falling ink improper habits than, by the prui dent: Raffles being deprived the pleaktitret4 of lealthrolfspring, the most serious and:41881;6c; live symptoms to both body and ,mind asfsei .The system hecomes deranged,fihe physical mental functions weakened, Loh! of procreative power, nervous irritability, dystiepsia, palpitsj lion of the heart, indigestion, constitutional debility. a wasting ofethe - f frame, cough, coas sumption, decay and death. t. • t. es..;s2 ?A' 1 Onricia, I:1o. 7 Barra Femmes his; Left hand ae going from Baltimore street, a' few doors hi: the corner. Fail not to observe name amt nninber. . • Letters must be .paid and contain a stamp; The Dostor's Diplomas hang in his office. ' . D$ JOHNSON . , Member of the RoyalOollege (if Surgeons, Lon; don, graduate from one of the meet - eminent colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hasp'? this of London, Paris, Philidelplda and elsof Where, has effected some of the mostestiinishing cures that were ever knoWn ; many troribled with ringing in the head and ear's when asleep; great" nerveusness, being alarmed at Kidded sounds,- baslifulness, ' with '= frequent blushing' 'attended semetbnes with derangement of mind were cared immediately. TAKE PASTICITLAR NOTICE These are some of the sad and nielancholy, effects produCkr by early habits of youth, viss weakness of the back and lin:the, pains in th head, dimness of sight, loss of muscular power , palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, symptoms of . consumption, &c. ' 1. MUMMY. —The fearful effects on the nihul are much to be dreadnd—loss of memory, coni fusion of ideas, deprission, of spirits; will knell bodings, aversion to society;' , self distrust; love of solitude, timidity; &n.; are some of the evilsi produced Who have injured' themselves by a pertain practice indulged II when alone,' a habit fro. quently learned from evil companions, or at school; the' effects 'of whitdi are nightly felt' even when asleep, and if not cured render marriage impossible, destroys both mind and body ; phonld - apply-lierriediately: - s What a pity that-a youngt min, the hope of his country, the:darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating froni the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons BECISTi beforecontem . plating MARRTAGE, Reflect that a sound mind end 14.50 y, are the Most necessary requisitetidd promote' connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the jonrio through life becomes a weary pilgriniage : the prospect s hourly darkens to the view the mind becomes shadoWed with despair and filled with the , melancholy reflection that the happiness of another-becomes blighted with our own. DIBRARP. OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and; mprudent votary of pleasure finds lm has imbibed "the Seeds of this painful diseaie; it 'too often 'hapirets that an illtimod sense of shame or the dread of dis covery deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can slate befriend kW. `:Hii falls iilto the handa're igno runt and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep him .tkifiint racuith after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave' him with inine4')Malilk to sigh „over his galling disapliaintment; or„lay,gro . ; use, of' the deadly poisoo, Mercury , ' haste n the. constitu tional symptonif of this terrible disease, mohair affections of the, Head, Throat, Nose,.Skin v etc. progressing with frightful rapidity till, death puts a perklto, his dreadful , sufferings by. send ing him to that undisooyered country from whencii - no trireller returns. -INI)Q=MNT ;THE TRW& thousands cured t this inst Won - The many th o .7 - I.thi - numerous huportant year after year, . 13 .. performed by Dr. 'Johnson, surgical opnations parlors of-t he Sun, Olippar, witnessea hY there notices of which have and many other p ap er s, again before the PuldicielY 3- appeared again and gentleman. of character aides his standing as a h eoffinient.etaranlee to and resPonsib A 114 ' - a the atE1,44‘'4,... S KIN 1;11,51%A:11Z SPEEDILY MUM 0111011,' NUM FREDERICK sr. JUt taL BIABB,IAGE YOUNG NXN HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1862. New ltrertigtments, The Great "American Remedies," KNOWN AS "Rgrdif_BOLD' S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ : lIELMBOLD EXTRACT " BUCHIJ," " SARSAPARILLA, " IMPROVEED ROSE WASH. rigrarßOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED' COMPOUND.. • FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU, A POSITIVE AND SPECIFAC.IIEMEDT, For Diseases-ofithe - BLADDER, KIDNEYS, DRAY. ' AND DROPSICAI., SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the ;power Of Diges tion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into heal thy action, by, which the WATERY or CAL CEROUS deposi i tione;rinid all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are-mini:4d, as well as pain and inflammation, end is good for MEN, WO 6 MEN,or CHILDREN. HE * ACBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCEV FOR WEISE . PASSES Arising frdni. Excesses, Habits- of Diserpation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING IMIRTOES Indisposition to Exer-Drynetvi of the Skin, , tion, Lose of Power, Loss of .Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, '- Rorror of Disease, ..., Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, • Pain in.the Universal Lassitude ofElushing - of the Body, the Muscular Systern,Eruptions on the Face, Hot Sande, - Pallid ,Countenance., These synaptoma, it allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follmi TM - POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently 'followed • by those "direful diseasus," INSANITY AND CONSOMPZION! Many are aware of he cause of their suffer ings, but none will confess.: ;The records Insine Asylumwand'thdinelinicholy deistic's' . by Consumption, bear ample-willieas to the truth of the assertics • f•_[ 27/1' CONSTITUTIO2W,' ONG'S' AMOTED WITH ORSrA2ll — q WEAKNESS,. Iliiiiffred the - didl& ifedieine tiststreligihentiiid invigorate the system. o .which Efelnabold's Ex 4 tract Bupliu invariably does. A trial will con 4 viflasthe 4; t tkoDti • FEMAT,ES—FIMALES:-:-FE,tilk:a s , - 1 olib'Oß'lroUlm, Nam,P, , OONXEMRLATING:KARR.O94, - : In many affections '‘Lecnliffi to lenialealhe Extract 'Buena is ,rrequOlefl'lly' Lify*Plher remedy,adin Citioroeis or Retention, Irrigtri bath' Pai4fffiness, or snriprission of the ;cue- thinary Evacuations,: Ulcerated or Sadirons state. - pf the •Uterus , ; Leneforthea or Whites; :stannt, ao.foetal complaiilginddent'tli the sex, vilietheirialeg from Indiscretion, Habits of Diesipation-or ih the . DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE;WITROUTIV_ Take no Balsam,Mereury,or Unpleasant Medli cine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HE MBULD'S EXTRACT B UCHU, Cuyes Secret Diseaserin alltheir stages; at lit, ile expense ; little or no change in diet ; no in-: convenience and no exposure. It causes fre4 quent.desire, and, epee .strength to Urinate; Thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictuted id the Uietfira, “allaying pain, and inflammation-, so frequent in this class of dioeases,. end.. expellieg Poisonous, Diseased, and Wornout Matter. Thousands:uponthousande who hare been the victims of quaCks, and whd 'have; 'paid heavy feed to' ber cured ina short' 'tithe, hive found they were deceitedi and•that the "Poison" has by. the Mite of"poWerfht Astringents," been dileLfripin the syktire, to break out in an aggravated form, and `perhaps aiterrmaitiage. ; Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT; lITTOEIW fort all Affections and`Diseased of the Ifilhary•&-i gaps, whether eadstingefirEhrict or Female, from: whatever cause originating, and no matter ofl 'hew ionk . standing. - 15lieases of these Organs, require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMSOLD'S4 EXTRACT- /SWUM is'the .Great Dieretic. and' ii `is "certain to desired effect in a Diseases for which it, is recommended.. ; Blood--BloOd—Slood. Heinibeldfallighly Concentrated Compaind..ELUlD EXTRACT; SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. This is an affeed, tion of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Or gaiuVlinings of the Ears, Thidat, pipe, and other Mucurflurfacee, making its ae-11 pearanes :the, form- of :Dicers. Heimbold's Extract Sarsaparilla, purified the Blood, and removes all Sealy Eruptions of the Skin, giving, to the Complexion &Dinar and..liealthy Color.[ It being prepared expressly for this class ofd ,complaints, its:Blood-Purifying Properties -aid preserved -,to greater extent than any other! preparation of Sarsaparilla. •; • ;.• ITRI:VROLD'A BOAR WASH. An. excellent Lotlim.for diseases of a Syphi-[ title Nature, and as an injection in diseases of 'the Urinary Organs;. arising, from habits. of f ' •dissipation;' used in connection with then Ex tracts Buchn and Sarsaparilla, in such diseased, ; as recommended. Evidence of the most. rel spcinsible and reliable character will acocnnpairY the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CUBES! from eight to twenty years 'standing; names known to Science_ and Fame.. For Medical, Properties of Snob; see Dispensary of the United States. See Professor DEW-RE'S valuable works on the Practice of Physic- Sad remarks made :by the late: celebrated Drt , PHY-; SIGH, Philadelphia. See remarks madeby Dr{ EPHRAIM . MoIX)WELL,n celebrated Physician and member otthe Royal College.of;Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the Transactions- of the Hinge and Queen's JournaL „See,Medico4 Cirurgical Review, ,published bY BEM% TU.', VERB, Fellow of the IloyalCollege ci:Buileonsa see moat °Ellie late standard .worksion.liedif cine. .Extract of Blichu-Lsl,oo per:bottle;or six for : ssoo. Extract of Sarsaparilla; SL,OO Per bottle, JR six, for $5 00. .Improved Row) • Wash,.6o,..centaper bottle, or six for $2 50, or hall a:dozen each for $l2 00,. which will.bnsufi Relent to, cure the moat obstinate cases, if direbr ,tionaare adhered to. Delivered to any addriossi securely packed from observation. L Describe • symptoms ins)." communications. Curedguart anteed. Advice gratis. • „ AFFIDAVT.: Teisdnally appeared. •before me an 'Aldermen of the city of Piladelphia, H. T. • Helintroldi ;who; being duly 'sworn, Both-say - his ItteePat* tiona contain no narcotic, toJnierernry, or-other injurious drugs, and are purely , vegetable. ; 1 1DIP. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before -me, this 28d day of November:ll3,s4.l=- IWILL4'..IIIIIBARD, Alderman, Ninth street ab. Race, Phila. Addrivai letters information, in confolelitat EL - T. lii.tadeow,ggeuit4. I '-be"pot 104 Senth 19ttol t ieet,14v OWni.tt, Philadelphia. - ' Nevi 211trertirtmento AN ASSORTMENT OF OVER 100 STYLES -oz- . POCKET -BOOKS, POSSES MI PO4TIKONIATE I S 'FOII :LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, SaSL-LEH.'B Ding ad' Fancy' . 'Onais Core, 7• i .` t. No. 91 Market Street . • A FINE LOT OF ,BANOO, CANES. : LARGE WALLETS lEltiffielßidendid. New Patterns of • - A.D . I s VOMP.ANIONB. The beet Motpeoo SATCHELS, ; 'Anil of FANCY GOODS, snit; able for Pimento', now on Band `at ' K.U.LER'S thyli] bnig Stote, No. 91 Market Ptreet. New. Goods—inst Opened! ex BIER-44 N E-110 S 4KfNDPIATIRNEWTq I I I 9BA i ~t. tr acijilierrnew and improved style 'Of „POIPELF:Jr ,Boo.lkß, **Gib Vorib*On'opias j i", ; CALF SKIN '.POCKET BOOKS, 1 BUCKSKIN PURSES, ITORMION'AIF , S, at prices to suit alloircrunstances -VdithEtto tired igaT, ' Qonsisting of a firinattettiont of Westenholm's .11.0BuperlotrEocketjadves. GOLD' PENS, Pen sold tufa ef guarantee. FOLIOS, WRITING OASES, 3 ROSEWOOD DESKS, • , 7 PARETERIES, &AL! Tngethatxlyitheiinry found `Aria olitießodk 'and - StailminfilatnEllnirnent, at • - ; 'BERGNER% ' 61. J bfarlcot Street. 353 R 111314. MILS. 355 •8.58 and 855 iirashingion Street. New - York City. • •. • . GOVERNMENT COF P DT up in tin foil pound: paper's, s, 48 in boi, and. hi bulk. Our prices rauge from 7AotBo cents. We put .up the followitig•kinds: JAVA; MARACAIBO,' 1110 *ND 'VARIOUS OTHER-BRINDS,OF StIPERTOR COFFEE. . '*o"bsiithre our COffeekte be better than' any . ground Coffee now-in use. All ordeni addres sed to tic or our agents,' - Messrs. Paco : I SL Tomo, 182 Chambers Eltreet, - Arner WeeOteg- ton Street; New litirivOity; wilts weiye prptl attention: : The retail trade supplied by first class houses in the 'Various ;cities: TATIPPIL 'PLACE: rwm-..1.-4keise; ' - • • • 14:15: —Trade Price'lliat r 'firubified upon tsp.! 3)11. tion. ' '-'declB2dBm-rilmr2B" -HABISA - Ut .20000--m—nipopec of the following brands, just re- txdved - • • 'Nstisom'e,'sekbredal. - Msw Jsassz, .adected. ' OD &hies, suporior. MA:munne Eliosittos,cgavassed. Munnsunt's Examen; tkt ateaneasaai.. Nos Cy!, canvassed. hors Ora not canvassed: Pre ni Heads, *id" it piny. . 06Intny very fine. End hain seld'lSill tie guaranteed as • mina. seated. ' DOCK, Jr.. & QO. lATRITING. FLUlDS.—lices' , Ameilean Writ- V V mg Fluid, a .eplendid at: 62 centii per quart ; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid; HARRISON'S Columbian Writing Fluid, L&IIGHLIN & BIISHFIELD'S Ink, Copying Ink;ioarmine And Redlnkii Of the liest Bine Inli t 'lluoilage, &43., at ap& SOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. COAIt oti.di) not metal any chimney,,a4,no wind will put the light C ont. 041 and examine, at NIGHST. & ` BOWMAN, i jl3 Clor.eFront and Market Ste. `PHOTOdit'APHIO ALBUMS, Of any size net in did standard styles will be =WO to order,: fiIEAGNE*O ' Cheap 'Bookstore. CIEiEFI3E, old, and new, from prime Dairies; 'for side 10 • ITICHOIA a BOWMAN, myl6 Oor. Front and Market.Steets. '-heinietleallt•scialed; in eausquid jail), of alideesitptions,-and!of ;the most delioions cbarsoter, for sale by - f 6 DOCg t ,4., & CO: TUMOR and ENGILISEL BLADIUNG, 'Wars 1- ranted not ordy t.o, retain. the, polish of but inpreserieV:ieleatheiltielf:" For sale by f 6 . 7 6.111 I)tX3lE„'in., & . el °REHM AND SUGARS of all grade= .end jit reasontibld prices for dee by 1142,` D()CIE. ~.a► A itricKAs, . Different colored double varieties Fringe, PurpleiFringeou Mist. Tree, and othet shrubbery, at Keystonn „I.lnr4ery. , J. 11114a. 1 ; y4EDS,- .lfort4Plges, Power', of *, Atforney l ponds and JusticeslfatllPl for Pale •r - ) DApb,y:'sMFOß'Plk4A9re- TITALL PAPBA, :BORDERS,AO, a dvance:. 11044 vv l as t wa :s_pnceo, without any itdvance'? 4( ttild ' '5O/131MirE3 kocaspiez. Eljt CettgraPt FROM WASHINGTON APPAIRS AP POOLESVILLE The ,Rebels Retreat Ito the. Nouutaing WasaraWoir, June 12. ' Information;received to-day show that all is quiet in the neighborhood of Pooleaville. Moeeby'e raid into Marylapd ;afBs of short duration. - , , special dispatch from Limburg says his force was at Carter's Mills, on Goose creek, London county, at daybreak to-day, hurrying back to the mountains. - The Union trcops were In pinsuit. : Chief. engineer Sewell has been detachrd, from special duty at New York, and ordered to the Boston navy yard as chief engineer. THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG BMWS FROM REBEL. BOVRCES WASIEUIVITON, J one .12. The Richmond Dispatch , of the. 10th contain the following : Moms, June 9th.—A special dispatch to the Askerliser and Register. froin Jackson orothe Bth says _a courier from Yicksburg,reports affairs as Cheering ; our men are fatigued, but in good Spirits f - Our less is a little over 600 ; Colonel Mash, of Lothian& ' is mortally wounded Noddles' battery,lostl2 killed and 23 wramded.i Nine trains of troops, believed to be froni flosecrans' army, arrived at Memphis en Satur day. There is merely a garison et Memphis. i JACKSON, June B.—A scout just : in froufficks 7 burg. reports all working welt. *Therrien are in good spirits, but are somewhat wearied front' lying iu the trenches arid 'cayenneto the sun. l Glint" as slowly advancing by building parellels,i viihich are' four hundred Tara from the outisr t works. Our entire 'loss does not exceed ala i hundred. . Jana, 3.—A, privtitp dispatch from ontheSili inst., ieporie - Vicksbarg tight. •Kirby Sisfith its in possession of Mtlli ken's Bend. . • EOM NEW .ORLEANS,' MrATER NEWS PROM MEXICO • • Rim Tose, May •12. . • Tohe.steaneship Mississippi, frpm New Orleakiti„' has,a,tred. ; "SpeafrdispatclerZthe 4Jltb ffß'Er dated tkruthweit P Jtme 6th and 6th. say the schooner Deariftlisertived frOm Gera Ortm lEcnr officentreport that - the Mexicans retreated from before Puebla. They are said to have spiked and titandolied 'their guns. ,The French have taken! • possession of the city. It is also said that the French bad arrested , the AmetiPattsconsul. No reason is given for. thhi.proceedkig. . The advices from Miens state that President Juaiva has removed Cien. Cornonthrt from the command of the.Mextban army of the Centre.l' for failing-to suecor l the garrison at Pueblo., and puttleneral Tefarza , in . his place—the Litter. would at once `take commandof the troops at the Capitaland make' 'every disposition for its. defence. • The New Orleans Era, of June sth, 4;ontairpi an Important. order from Gen. Banks, to thei effect that no interference le to be allowed with', plantation property and article - 0 heretofore takem area to be restore& '• ' . t • FROM FORTRESS 'monoE. Eg9 ll PO of BWgotifedertte Officers.! Forams Mossos, Tune 12. Toe flag of truce. steamer New York, in of Capt. J.qh,n E. litulfotd; general flag of truce officer, left for City rant this morning. She took up about 1,600 rebel prisoners, including tuteen , The propeller . Thomas , Sparks sailed to-day for New York. • - . The propeller Wm. Whilden left for Baltimore this.aftemoon. Maj. Gen. Dix and Staff returned from up, ,the York river this afternoon oil She steamer B. W. Thomas: On Wednesday thestearner Maple. Leaf, Cap tain William H.- Deal, left Fortress Monroe for . Fprt Delaware, for the, purpoie of conveying, ninetylebel commissioned officers to that post. These men were nearly all from the extreme., Southern States, seemingly well educated, wore new and costly nufforma, and; according to the' statement of the officers of the Maple Leaf, had plenty of money about them. The guard on ;bared consisted of twelve men, who, with the Captain and , crew, were surprised' just as the steamer was rounding the light-house off Cape Henry. It seems that the prisoners` perceiving the guard could be easily captured; divided themselves into squads of four each; and gradually advancing towards them, soon Compelled them to surrender, as any attempt . tn-resist, under the circumstances, would have been futile. The captain, crew and guard were.confined.* such parts of the boat as prevented them from seeing the direction of the steamer, whilst, the meantime, theliket officers took charge of her and managed the - piloting themselves.F After running for . about, forty-five miles beyond the Capes they stopped, ..and lower ing Abe yawl boats very soon aucceededin effect-. inga landing on:the ,senthere-Pirelda shore: During the_trip ther Amsted their'. prisoners in 'a civil, manner, and,assured the-. Captain that they would not injure the boat. Of the officers twenty-slx refused to land, saying they preferred to return to Old Point ;and await the,time for thefr regular mole and exchange. Theboats were retained and the steamer =4 der full headier steam turned and madelor the' Fortress; • A report of the affair was -made to General biz, and rahortlY afterwards ,a:strong I"detachment of cavalry, commanded by Colonel Pike°, was in pursuit of the fleeing parfir.r -_ . The contrabandlnty lit.fiSt.,D9miuga? N1MY 45 4 3 4 ?um 1 2.-.)! jiTfivrprass pubfianesf4 letter from Havana g that Inforitationiourrettched there free theibt•fitraband botany in the; 'South! aide of St: Domingo,. that fifllyonelhalf of the five inu* th:edmltirecf soot tt:grs, from liArfoikhaVe 494 Amongst ihe rindigrami swamps and ifrwM Saila the'reet wotdd scoff foltow the witnennitr- PRICE ONE CENT FROM THE SOUTH The Richmond Whig of the Bth contains the ollosving : Till YANK KS IN ICING WILLIAM 00IINTI. On Friday morning a Yankee gunboat and three transports came up the hiattiponi as far as Walkerton, and landed a force of infantry, who proceeded through the county of King William on a depredating and burning expedt tiou. They' burnt a saw mill at Weikel-tut, and all the barns on the way from that place to Aylett's, stealing horses as they went, and mounting then:twilit'. At Aylett'a they burntd some thirteen houses, together with Ajlett's and 'Gregg's mills in the neighborhood. Here they seemed to have turned back, for we do not hear that they went any further towards . the Court House. Theyseduced some six hundred negroes to leave their owners and go with them.. - - The following editorial from tbe Wh'gis very significant. It protobly refers to the invasicn of the North cmtemplated by Lee and so op portunely prevented by Hooker. THE HILT OF DEBOL&TION Day by day- the track of the destroyer be comes broader. Two-thirds of 'Virginia, two thirds of Tennessee, the coasts of North and South Carolina, part'of Georgia, nearly all cf Florida, Nbrthern Miseiatippi, Westera and Southern Louisiana, a great part of Arkansas and Missouri have already been laid waste, and every hour brings tidings of fresh destruction. Dispatches of Saturday informed us that the enemy had, destroyed a million dollars' worth of property on the Combahee and stolen. a thousand negroes ; it was but a few days ago that they ravaged the counties of Matthews in this State, and even.while we write, tidings come to us that they are burning private houses and destroying every grain of corn they can lay their hands on in the counties of Sing and Queen. Enough has been said of the barbarism of this mode of warfare, and too much has to be con fessed of the entire impunity with which it is carried cn. Our outcries and our admissions of the weakness or the imbecility of our forces in the field but add to the hellish_ jdy of . the foe, without stimulating troops, Government or people to, the pitch of retributive vengeance. The belt of desolation widens hourly, nor is there Much prospect of an abatement of the evil. Citizens complain- of the-.-Government, which in turn complains of thecitizens. Mean time common inquiry is made as to the exist ence and-present whereabouts of the organized forces of the Confederacy. . We may be sure this state of things will coa tings so long as the war is waged exclusively On Confederate soil. Every day the enerny.re mains in our territory will add to the width of the belt of desolation, and they who now fancy . themselves out of , d anger will soon discover their mistake.,a thousand Yankee cavalry n ride entirely 'through the State of Mls,is t natilestation what hi to hind a Pura through Prrginia, North and South Carolina to Port Boyal? Cer tritely uotirmcd and utrargamin-d. not hittdet them. The belt of desolation serves many purposes of the Yankee softie. It opens a way to free labor and Northern settlers; it diminishes pro ductions and concentrates the Southern popula tion within limits inadequate to their support; it prepares a place for Yankee emigration if peaceon the basis of separation ladeclaned. But this is not aIL. It answers the purposes of war as well as peace; by interposing a country des titute of' supplies between 'our own and the Yankee bord.r. Thns msafegirard against thvasion. If Lee would advance, be must prove through a desert, dragging immense trains of food behind him. The arse is the same with Bragg, with Johnston, with Price. Indeed, - we hear that Price will find it diffi cult, if not impossible, to muter Missouri. In front of all our large &toles lies a waste, where there is food for neither man nor beast. Girded 'by a beltof desolation, -the North is safe from -invasion ; the broader the belt the greater its security. As the months wane and the years roll on, the South, unless something be done, will become, In the language of Scripture, " the • abomination -of desolation:" We believe that something will be done—the necessity of the case demands it imperatively ; would that we could be sure that it will be done speedily. The cup tan be returned to the lips of the North dragged with ten-f Old bitterness. Mercy to ourselves demands this act of retributive justice to them. STORK ON ME FLORIDA COAST The gale which prevailed for several days last week Is said to have been very destructive of life and property on the Florida coast. All along the coast an immense amount of the growing crops have been nearly all destroyed. It is reported that in the vicinity of St. Marks, an island was submerged, and a large number of persons drowned.—Richrnond Whig. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Cotton quiet ; sales 3,000 bales. at 55®56c. Flour dull; sales 115,000 bbls. at a decline of 10c.; State $4 6045, $5 . 85®6 for Ohio and $6 15@6 80 for southern. Wheat declining ; sales 170,000 bus. at $1 18(41 88 for Chicago spring, $1 2611 40 for Milwaukee club and $1 50 for red. Corn declining; sales of 97,000 bus. at 75176 c. for old and 72175 c. for new. Lard dull except choice, which is firm at 9® 101-c. Whisky dull at 441 c. Coffee firm. AM &—A —A large invoice of canvassed and 17. nncanvareed hams„ of every choice brand in market. Each ham warranted in good Order. Tor Sale wry low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market St . EMI CIL/GAM — White and brown, of all grades and prime. sand examine, at ITMHOIS & BO W MAN, jeB ' Cow. FrOnt and Market street B novni -STOUT and • • SCOTCH ALE, of the beat brands, always on hand and for; ► a by [apl4] ,Wbf..,DOCK, ,Ja., Sr. CO. NACIECEABL-4 large lot of Mackerel in .IIfJ, barrels, l*alves and quarters, for sale low, by. micuois & BOWMAN, reyB Cor. Front and Market sta. _ _ , Dim AND . UNADITLTE 431i1Clai i ".from the most celebrated 11153Uthe coun try. twit received and for sale , liy -jl4 WIC DOLL Ja.. & CO. ITAMS---Eschilor Hams, in huge and small quantities, which we are atdeto sell lower than any storem town. Qallind examine. ,SIO IIO I-P & et MAN i ts. ' I'oB Corner Front and Mark 4 NSW Yous, June 12.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers