Fin vi de rin a : 3 4 y Hi A : % TE Sew = - ye TRAE — er nim fx gs 12 re ppt Agere Sp ee smog Breve Naaiirn— Cr ie, A BRIE. ay BY tenis fo A AAT A sot Seo Al PE A A A i ENA A = 0 ge te SA arb str git. © tr - WIRE Wr A rn Po MAE Sh Te. RS = py ee - . § : : a 4 * ] Je ae fre Aveporfer het d = 4. 3 9 CY 2 1 7 ? + ge ar: : gy : = EE TE CST Deporte. tr A tN a AA A A AA SAA «BW, FOITE, Editor and Publisher. Brew vee en ue ee A RA ANS { pl anti e EAT 1 ‘Hiltheim, Friday, Mar. 12. 8° Perims—81.25 Per Annum. . Flitting has commenced. © & Don’t make your garden just yet. ow inerimproves with age but kisses don't. CET The ‘sow is disappearing very + Blowly. FR Ak : “The. “ Ground-Hog’s” six weeks “expire next Tuesday. ~ Subscribers who-change their resi- ‘dence should notify us. po Lock Haven has a cat that weighs ten pounds and one ounce. Sisley Now is the time to plant advyertise- “ments for the spring trade. Wark Wes SIH ¥ > Col. W. W. Brown. will repeat -his lecture on the 17th jnst. ha TEA % Sok 5 . The Citizen Hose Company, of ‘Lock Haven, has disbanded. : “Do you think we’ll have a flocd?” §'the current question on our street. + An incendiary fire at Muney, Pa., ast week destroyed $15,000 worth of : & il . & t 7 A f : : eve juke with setting Len. She is ‘er nest; and has no time for foolishness. - . The warm South wind and the sun are winding up the sleighing quite rapidly. : Eo PE ri are “The ice is moving out of Pine and Penns Creeks without doing any se- rious damage. 2 Longress did the best thing on “Thursday last that was done during the whole session. It adjourned sine die. "Robert P. Tuten has retired from the Republican and that paper is now sublished and edited by Edward T. Tyten. . : RE - Hon, W. XK... Alexander spent Saturday and Sunday at home and 18ft for Harrisburg early on Monday Amrengle's- nest was discovered in a felled tree near Osceola, which <éontained: among other things a twenty-dollar greenback. Senator Wallace resigned his seat in the State Senate on the 3d-inst., and ayas sworn.and took his seat in the TJ .°8. Senate on the 5th. We would like to know who pui- chased the * bud-chains.” We are anxious to know whether they will “blossom” aid bear ** fruit.” The Local Option bill, repealing the act of 1672, has passed both Senate and llouse. Ion. W. K. Alexander, we are proud to say, voted the bill. ney NA} All the axes and buck-saws found iu the ruins or Pompeii are of light anakae, as if constructed for woman's use: Those old ancients knew their little business. “Tfessrs. Samuel Sivels and J. FT. Chambers have purchased the prop- Tsim, by the former, from r. John Stoner. They intend to remodel the building. Jf you have any idea that WasH STOVER isn't the happiest man in this neck ’o woods, just ask him a fev questions concerning the health of his family. Is a girl. The Repub.ican is growling at ITon. W..K. Alexander because he voted against the repeal of Local Option, and says he disappointed some of its best fiends. What a pity. “Horace Cawley, of Lewisburg, has beenappointed Ticket Agent and Tel- egraph Manager for Milmont Statian, on the line of the Montandon, Lew- jsburg & Laurelton Railroad. A “woman in Union county cele- brated her one hundred and ninth birthday on Wednesday, ty dancing with her great grandson.— Ez. ‘Does the Telegraph know anything shout it? Next. Wednesday, (St. Patrick’s day) will be the 10th anniversary of the great flood. ‘A great many peo- ple jn this vicinity can remember all about it though, whether we have another freshet or not. : One of our citizens ejected his daughiters’s lover rather forclbly, and as’ the lover declines to prosecute, the daughter is trying to bring suit against her father for assault and battery. ‘Thus far she has been, un- successful. Publie sales next week—Michael cay Penn Sial, on Taesiag, Sauiuel Long, Miles township on oda Fr Ocker, Miles town- shi a Jacob Gephart, Millheiny, on Friday, Daniel Pealer, Soydertown, and Wm Alter, Mill. hetm, on Ratnrdar. |" Hon. Fred Kurtz, of the Centre Hall Reporter, called at our offlce last Friday. : At an election for managers for the Bellefonte. = Aaronsburg and Youngmanstown Turnpike Com- pany, held at Spring Mills on the 9th of March. Jacob Bitner, George Kor- man, Jacob Bower, Jr., D. O. Bower, R. V. Glover, "were elected to serve during ensuing year. ; Newly-clected Justicesof the Peac should bear in mind that unless they notify the Prothonotary within thire ty days after the election of their n- tention to act, their names will not be forwarded to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and consequently no commission will be issued. ; | Aaronsburg boys had a good time serenading a newly married party at the residence of Mrs. Wise, in the above named place. They beat the drum and made music on the porch with sticks, but the old lady made some of them sing a lively air when she used the stove wood upon them. Mr. J. F. Shauer, the traveling Phrenologist who failed to ¢‘ come to time,” last Monday evening, says we charged him too much. We printed fifty date slips, pasted them on bis posters and had them put up: we also gave him a local notice of four- teen lines, in german and english, and charged himone dollar and fifty cents, which we consider very reasonable, Prof. C. II. stoes, Leader of Stoes’ Cornet Band, of Danville, has been engaged by the Brush Valley Cornet "Band and is now on his way to fulfil ‘the engagement. Yiof. Stoes has the reputation of being a first-class Band Teacher, and under his instruction “we have no doubt our Brush Valley friends will make excellent progress. Success to Band and Teacher. | At the meeting of the Building & Loon Association, last Monday evening, one share ef Permanent Loan was sold—it brought 24 per cent. Promium. One hundred and twenty dollars at three months, brought at the rate of 22 per cent. per annum, twenty-five dollars at | thirty days brought at the rate of 39 | per cent. per annum. The first series will probably close at the next meet- ing, and those wishing to subseribe should call on one of the officers or Directors before ‘April 12th. od fo bg i Between 8 and 9 o'clock, on last Saturday evening, a pane of glass was broken in the show witdow of ALE. Bower's Jewelry Store, in Lew- jsburg; and a Lady’s géld hunting case wateh stolen. On fhe same evening a lot of clothing and jewelry were stolen from the store of Koch & Strouse. The goods were found at the residence of Sebastian Searles. who was arrested and lodged in jail, and Wm. Ritchie was arrested as an accomylice. The watch was found at Ritehie’s boarding house. Tom Rote and Sumner Musser had a nice little upset in the snow a few days ago, just opposite J. HH. Mus- ser’s barn. Sumner falling his full length and making a perfect man in the snow. They had hardly got fixed when along came Pail Mersinger, “on aswell,” and over he went, big and fut as he is. However, he was wot so fortunate as the first party, his line broke and his horse left Lim in the snow, sitting on his knees, a po- sition Phil is seldom fcuand in. The horse was soon caught, with nary thing torn or broken, excepting the lines. Tue BEST PIG EVER RAISED IN PrN_syLvAIA.—Col.Jobn A. Wood- ard, the present president of the Centre County Agricultural Society, claims the credit of having bred, fed and slaughtered on his farm in How- ard towuship, the best pig in the state. : Mr, Woodward withholds {the name of the breed and method of fattening, but the data of this Cyclopean pork- er i3 . stollows: At the county fair, last fail, the animal was on exhibi- tion in the “fat pig?” class and won a premium. Since that time, Mr. Woodward has spent his best ener- gies in making him fatter. On Wed- nesday last he was Killed, at which time he was exactly 336 days old. His weight before killing wus 448 pounds ; and his dressed weight (i.e. cleaned and ready for market) was 417 pounds. Now, if our arithmetic is correct, he furnished 1 ib., 3 6-7 ounces—or 1n other words—1% ibs, lacking 1-7 of an ounce, ot meat, for each and every day of his existence; while he lost in killing and eleaing, less than (7 seven per cent. This is a result so remarkable that its verac- ity might be questioned by some, but the facts as above stated can be abundantly verified. With the above showing, we believe that Myr. Wood- ward is justified in claim ng'to have bred the best pig ever raised in Penn- sylvania, at least until somebody comes forward and shows better tig- ures. Now let us her a squeal from other scientific pork growers,— Belle- fonte Republican, | Another foot of snow last Sunday. All who have not paid up their. Railroad Stock, will be interested in ‘the notice of J. P. Gephart, Esq, in our advertising columns. Rev. J. G. Shoemaker, has accepted * + cause him to abstain in the futtire. a call from the Aaronsburg Charge, ' Reformed Church, and arrived with his family on Tuesday last. At the Election of the Turnpike Cornpany, on Tuesday, we learn that the Coburn wing wasagain victorious. We have no further particulars. Mr. C. H. Hassenplug, Union County’s* popular and gocd looking Prothonotary, spent portions of Wednesday and Thursday in our town. Fe Rev. J. G. Shoemaker, the new Pastor of the Aaronsburg Reformed Charge, will preach at St. Paul's Church, next Sunday at 10 a. m. and at Aaronsburg at 2 p m. We were shown, a few days since, ‘a four wheel Castor, for Sewing Machines, the neatest and best in the market Mr. Philip Mersinger, has the Agency for it, and is now in town. It can be attached to any machine and every machine should have it. Rev. If: C. Galbraith: has beeu hold- ing a Protracted Meeting in the M. E. Church, at Spring Mills, during the last four weeks. Twenty-two and many more have been converted, principally heads of families. Owing to the serious illness of his wife, Rev. 1 Leckie bas not been able to assist at the meetin . © Rev. J. W. leckie delivered "iis farewell discourse, in the M. E. Church, at this place, on last Sunday for three years, and at the coming session of Conference he will be assigned to a new field of labor. During bis three years Bro. Leckie ly in the master’s Vinyard, and his labors have been crowned with abundant success. He leaves the Circuit ina very prosperous condition, many have been added tothe Church in the last three years, and we trust that wherever the Conference may send | him, he may 1neet the same success, and may the members of the Church stand by him, and aid and encourage him with their prayers, Land the Master will do the work. a Peans Crask 3plinters. Still in operation—Stover’s distil ery. The maple sugar season will soon be at hand. ; : Settled again—the bridges that were raised by the ice. About the first of April there will inhabitants of Greenbrier. Money makes the mare go. Cosmos, Argus and all the other slingers of the BERICHTER. . We saw a couple of men at Lari- meu’s sale, that haq too much brain, or it was rye. It was one or ’tother. It snowed bad enough on last Sunday to scarea body cnough not to say snow any more for this winter School directors Weiser and Alters, were along the creek, visiting the schools, on last Wednesday a week ago. They had a very nice time of it, as the day was a pleasant one. Come again, say the teachers. The road between Penns Creek with ice the other week. Supervisor Keen and some others labored hard | one day to remove it, as some of it was about two feet thick it require “some lifting. : Somebody borrowed a good wrench from Mr. J.C. Condo when he was not at home and did not say when he intends to return it. Jim. needs it and would be very much obliged to the one who has it, if he would bring it back. We have often heard of human hogs, but never saw any until the other day at Mr. Larimer’s sale. When dinner was served seme did morethanact thehog, tramping bread and other victuals under foot. Shame on you, ragamuflins. ” ATLAS. rey SRA SN A | koraci ci Ae lt a A BH Hl A oe MARRIED. STOVER—WILSON.—On the 6th ult.,by Rev. sloa., J. C. Stover, of Penn townsiaip, and Miss Jennie Wilson, of Roland, Pa. ARMAGAST—OBERDORF.—Iin the M. E. Ciareh, at Miidilinburg, on the evening of the yon inst., by Hey iM. P-Crosthwaite, W. A. Armagas., of Bellefonie, and Miss Jennie C. Oberdort, of Miminburg. EHRHARD—HIETER.—A{ the residence of he bride’s porents, on the 4th insi., by the same, I%.. P. Khrhard, formerly: of Brush Vaiiey, and M iss Ella Hicter, both of Mif- + flinburg. : a Accept our best: wishes for your fuiure happiness, FRANK and. ELLA, and may your . pathway through iife be strewn with as much , joy and as little sorrow as can possibly fall ~ to the lot of any human beings. be a regular change among the | What has becomsa of Jack Plane, | Americans are a Nallon of Dyspeptics. We live fast; disripate and fill early graves. We drink all kinds of alcoholic spirits, and swal- low; without mastication, pork. grease, and ‘| every kind of iife-desiroying;system.cloggin fad Walker's Vegetable ; igestible food. Dr. Vinegar Bitters will remove the evil effects, and the recovered patient, with pure, vital- ived electricdl blood flowing through his veins; will have a elearer read and a cooler judgment, which aaded to expertenee, will Public Sale Register. The following sales are advertised in to day’s paper or by posters print- ed at this office : MARCH. | | 16—Farm Stock, Utensils, &-.; Mi- chael Ream, Sr., Penn Hall. 17.—Farm Stock, Iouseliold Goods, ~ &c., Samuel Long, Miles Twp:, 1 mile West of Rebersbuag. 18.—Farm Stock, utensils, &e., John Ocker, Miles Twp., 2 miles West, of Rebersburg. 19—Farm Stock, Utensils, &ec.; Ja- cob Gephart, Millheim. 20—Personal Property, Wni: Alter, Millheinr. 20—Household Goods, &c., Daniel Pealer. near Snydertown, 25—I). Weidensaul, Executor of the | Estate of George Winkleblech, ! deceased, will sell soitfe very de- sirable and valuable Real Estate, one mile west of Laurelton, Union Co., Pa. 1 25—Farin Stock, Implements, &e., Jacob H. Gephart, Miles Town. ship, one mile East of Rebers- | burg,on Joseph Gramley’s Farm. persons have united with the Church | 1 evening. Ile has been on the Cireunit has labored faithfully and sucecessful- | "and deliver goods for our C. O. D. SALES of ! staple and family goods of all kinds in con- | stant use and wear. ‘in America. \ Only fiveconfectionersat Larimer’s the Millheim Post Office. x sale, located on about six square rods. : J B. SHAFFER, eJ. | . public patronage. . proper order for settlement, to | Mills and Mr, Ebert’s, was blockaded ‘ i ounce and secure your territory. H.J. HALL & CO. 6 N. Howard'Street Ba timore Md. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rR { OTICE is hereby given by the undersignd + that he is ordered by the President of | ihe L., C. & B. C. K. R. 10 18sue summons on | all steck in his hands for colleciion whieh ! remains unpaid, and Kxecutions on all judg. | ments ou his docket entered againgy suo- | scrivers for unpaid stock, within ten days. . P. GRPHART, ". March 12, 1872.-25. of the Peace. 4 H. KISTER, : $ FASHIONABLE BOOT and SHOE MAKER, Alexander's Block, (Second Floor). MILLHEIM, FA, Boots, Shoes & Gasters, of every descrip- tion. made to order in the latest Style and warrantied to give satisfaction. Repairing [49 - $3 to 8926 per day. Agents wanted. All 4% &Y classes of working of both sex- es, youig and old, make more money at work for us,’in their own localities, during their spare moments, or all the time, than at an thing else. We offer employmen: that will pay nandsomely for every hour's work. Full particuiars, terms, &e., sent free. Send us your address at once. Don't delay.. Now is the time. Don’t look for work or business elsewiiere until you have learned what we ofr. &. STiNsoX & Co.. Portlard, Maine. Pry LER E M P L 0 YH E X T. OUTFIT We wantasultable parscnin ev. sent free. fry neighborhood to take orders Theoldest C. O. D. house Sales over half a million in 1874. Large Cash Pay to the right person. A real chauce for all, male or female, at your homes | or traveling. No risk. If you goto work we will send you ERXE and POST-PAIL a line of sampies and a complete outdit. Address at BD 0 ONINGLR TT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. MILLIEIN, PA. £30flice in the room formerly Secuniy by 43 on UNDERTAKER, MADISOX BURG, PA. begs leave to inform his friends and the pub- lic ge erally that he {snow prepared to make Collins and respectfully solicits a share of 1 He has a neat HEARSE with which to attend funerals. [6xtf AUTION !—My Wife ANNA, having left / my bed and beard, without just cause or provocation, I hereby eaution all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I wiil pay no debts of her contracting, from and after this date. Z. P. WEIRICK. Woife's Store, February 1. 1875. Executor’s Notice. Estate of Mrs. Rebecca Harter, late of Pean Twp., Centre Co., dec’d. A LL persons indebted to sald Estate are requested to make immediate payment, anid those having legal ciaims against the , same, will present them, without delay, in Absalom Harter, Millheim, Pa. DVERTISING Cuear: Good: Systemat- ic.—All persons who contempiate mak- ing contracts with newspapers for the inser- tien of advertisments, should send 25 cents to Geo. P. Rowell &Co., 41 Park Row, New York. for their PAMPHLET-BOOK (ninzty-seventh edition), containing lists of over 2000 news- papers and estimates, showing the cost. Ad- vertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a treinenpous reduction from publishers’ rates. GET THE BOOX. [r.40-2.1y J C. SPRiNGE 'S . NEW BARBER SHOP, MILLHE:M, PA. 3x8] + The undersigned has opened a new Barber Bhop in the room adjoining Auman’s Confec- tionery and Cigar Store, where he is prepared to give satisfaction in everything pertaining to the business of a first-class Barber. Give him a trial. [48-tf yr FARMS AND HOMES, 10,000 Maryland RES No ila to. cation healthy. Titles good. Address Wil §. RIDGELY, Attorney, Denton, Maryland. easily made by selling TEAS at Money IMPORTERS’ PRICES Or getting up clubs in towns and country for the oldest Tea Company in in America. Greatest induce- ments. Send for circular- CANTON TEA CO., 148 Chambers Jt., New York. Just Ready ; Entirly New, Authentic,Complete 1.1 AND LABORS OF IVINGSTONE, BY REV. J. CHAMBLISS. This gifted author having free access to the personal writings of Li.ingstone, unfolds clearly the grandeur of his character, magni-- tude of his life-work, the giant-like perils and: thrilling adv’'ntures he met, the gr'nd achieve- mets he won, as also the caviosities, wonders’ and wealth of that marvelous country, its vegetation. minerdls, Yepales beasts, sav. ages, ete. Wide Awake Agents Wanted Kv- erywhere at-Once for the only cheap com- pie work. Over 800 pages, 100 splendid il- ustrations, a superb map. (includes his “Last Jornal.) Price only $3.00. Will sell im- mensely. Millions want it. For particulars address HUBBARD BRU'S, Publishers, 628 Sansem Sireet, Philadelphia. - mend them as gents of honor and Iniegniey, Jeb “A REMARKABLE BOOK.” Arthur’s latest and greatest. Dain | ‘Or. Wouded in the House 1:0, of 4 Friend. The crowning work of this veteran.of American literature, has for its tapic a Saiees affecting the social life of our whole people, and gives a terrible view of the evil it exposes. Extremely fasei- nating sensational, it will be read with avid- ity byali. Illustrated and beautifully bound. e are determined to introduce itintoevery family iand, and offer nnparaielled induce- ments to male and female oanvassers. We want agents everywhere, will send free on application, terms and descriptive circulars. J. M: STODDART & CO., 733 Chestnut St., Phila. HAVE YOU TRIED ARE YHU Weak, Nervous or Debilitared 2 Are you so languid that any exertion re- quire more of an effort than you feel capable of making. Then try JURUBEBA. the wonderful tonic and invigorator, which acts so beneficially on the secretive organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. ar : It 13 no alcoholic appetizer, which stimu- lates for a short time; only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth of missy, but itisa veg- Soe tonle acting directly ou the liver and splaen. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, | and gives such a healthey tone to. the whole system as to soon make the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but is eharae- terized by great gentleness: the patient ex. periences no sudden change, no marked re- sults, but gradually his troubles “Fold their tents, like the Arabs, . Ane silently steal away.” This i3 no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wounderfuiremediul results, and is prononnced by tee highest mecical authorities, “the mast powerful ton- fe and alterative known. pe Ask your druggist for it. For sale by JOHNAON, HoL AY Co, . Philadelphia, Pa. AS ENTS.-Chang Chang solls at sight. Neces- sary as soap. Goods free. Caang Chang Manufacturing Co.. Boston. FREE Samples to Agents. Ladies’ Com- A bination Needl -book. with Chre- mos. Send stamp. F. P. GLUCK, New Bed- ford; Mass. * Ce A ents WANTED for the fastest seiling 4 2 book ever published. Send for specimen pages and our extra terms to Agents National Publishing Co., Philadélphia, Pe. A 000 For a case of Asthma, Cough or Cold july that ADAMSON'S BOTANIC BAL: Gt 1d SAM will not cure. LARGE BOTTLES 0 {0 s5cents. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., Agents; Philadelphia. PP ECGIONARCY, or SOUL CHARMING How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple, mental ac- uirement all can possess, free, by mail; for 25¢, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding- Night Shirt, &c. A queer book, Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Pubs. Phila. FOR C UGHS,COLDS, HOARSENESS "AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE : : WELLS CARBOLIC RABLETS. Put up only in BLUE Boxes. Ad TRIED and SURE Remedy. Sold by all Druggaists Short Postponement—Day Figed— Full Distribution. © | First Grand Gift Concert. Monfpeticr Female Humane Assoeiation, At Alexandria, Va. MARCH 29, 187. LIST OF GIFTS. “in th A ange iS SCARCE, But if you buy your Drugs,Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varaishes. PERFUMERY, Brusuks, Coxss, AND y 1 | FANCY GOODS GENERALLY AT BISERNHUTH'S DRUG STORE, you will save at least FIFTY PER CENT., as the Store Las just been filled with a full stock of everything pertaining to the Drug busi- ness. ALSO Astull ind eomplete assortment of CANDIES, TOYS, and FANCY GOODS "FOR THE HOLIDAYS. In short, the display has never been equaled i section. . The above goods are being sold lower than ever offered heretofore in this vicinity. Call and see tlie goods and be convinced that it is to your advantage buy at EISENHUTIUS, DRUG STORE, MILLHEIM, DA. FOR BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS. J: FRINEaE SHOE, SIORF, MILLHEDN, PAL Where yoii will ind SHOE WOMEN AND CHILDREN, for +f every description. As he makes this de- partment of the business a specialty, he 18 confident that the Ladies can be better suit-. ed with Shoes for themselves and children, than at any other establishment. both as to quality of Goods and prices thereof, One Grand Cash Giit 109,000 One Grand Cash Gift 30,000 One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 10 Cash Gitts, $10,000 each 100,000 i 15 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each 75,000 | - 50 Cash Gifs, 1,000 each 50,000 | 100 Cash Gifts, 500 each 50,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, - 100 each 160,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each 50,000 20,000 Cash Gifts, - 20 each 400,000 22,178 Cash Glits, amounting to 1,000,000 Number of Tickets, 100,000. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets, : $ 20 00 Halves, . 10 00 | uarters, : oD 0: Eighths, or each Coupon, 2 50 5% tickets for 100 00 The Montpelier Female Humane Assocla- tion, chartered by the Legisiature of Virgin- ia and the Circuit Court of Orange Co., pro- poses by a Grand Gift Concert to estabiish and endow a ‘*Home for the Old, Infirm and destitute Ladies of Virginia,” at Montpelier, the former residence of President Madison. Governor's Ofice, Richmond, July &, 1874, - It affords me pleasure to say thatlam wel- acquainted with a large majority of the offi. cers of the Nomins Jer Female Humane Assol ciation, weo resid : in the vicinity of my home- and I attest thei. intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentlemen, as well as the pubiic confidence, influence and substan- tial means liberally represented among them. JAMES L. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874.—* # I com- i 1 i and fully entitled to the confidence of the RR. W. HUGHEF, public. INA | U. 8. Judge East’n Dist. of Va. | Further references by fimission: His | Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Governor of Va.; Hon. Robt. E. Wliners, Lieut.-Gov. ef Va. and U. 8, Senator elec,; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. 8 _ Remittances for tickets may be made by express prepeid, post-office money-order on Washington, D. C., or by registered lester. For fuil particulars, testtmanials, &e., send for Circular. ddress Hon. JAMES BARBOUR, Pres’t M, F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. ENRY N. KREAMER is about open ing a FURNITURE STORE at D. H. Wil lows old stand, Millheiin, Pa., and will keep every description of Furniture, Home and City make. He will be prepared to sell at the lowest prices for CAs. Persons intend. ing to purchase Furniture, of any kind, will save time and money by consulting H. XN. Kremer, at the AlGllheim Furniture Store. Remember the place—D. H. Willow’s old Stand. Work made to order and repairing proinptly attended te. x [48-86 Nj LNERy GOODS. MRS. SALLIE ALEXANDER has just returned from Philadelphia. and is now ready to accommodate her customers with the latest styles of Straw, Silk and Fancy JATS, BONNETS, &e, Velvets. Flowers, Crapes, Sill oods, FEATHBRS, BLONDES, RIBBONS RUCHES.BR 11PS, Ornaments, dc. In short, a full line of all the latest styles of Millinery Goods, which will be sold at the lowest nrices. Call and see the Goods. £F Hats and Bonnet: rsirimmed in the Tatest style, ~@ ¢ mY § MILLHEIM, PA. The Beecher-Tilton Scanda is the general topic of eonversation at pres- : ent, but people who wish to save money, go to the : “FARMERS STORE,” WOODWARD, PA., [HUBLER'S OLD STAND] Where they find the largest and best assert- ment of Goods to be found in Tenn’s Vailey, and at prices that defy competion, DRY GOODY, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Tn short, everything usually fourd in a well regulated Country Store, and a great many articles Nor usually found in Country Stores, will be found at the “FARMERS STORE.’ The highest market price paid for GRAIN AND SEEDS. SALT, COAL AND PLASTER, Reliaale agents wanled everywhere. | Always o- hand. YOUNG, WILSON & DIEHL, 32x3m Woodward, Pa. R. B. HARTMAN, T. G. EHRHARD, : ARTMAN & EHRHARD, 1 3 -» Manufacturers and Dealers in ali Kinds of Agricultural Implements, Mill and other Caslings, Stoves, &e,, We are prépared to do all kinds of FOUNDRY WORK at FAIR Prices; and willaltow allcustomersa Discount of Ten Per. Cent | FOR CASH! L IN ew York Tribune. “The Leading American Newspaper.” The" Best Advertising Medium. | i it is the most compleie machine now oeved, i to the farming conrmunity. : Daily $102 year. Semi-Weekly $3. Weekly $2 Postage Free tothe Subesriber. Specimen Copies and Advertising Rates Free. Week. ly, in clubs of 30 or more, only $l, postage raid. Addeess Tay Tomwsoxm, MN. V. “1CE.—~I have applies’ t the Genera Assembly of Pennsyivania, for an Aes gran ing Ine a Pension. 5 ELIZABETH FRYE: February 19, 1873: ; ' §HOT-GUNS, RIFLES, FISTO1S fy REVOLVERS, BE a i Bo ‘ Bet 1 Of anyand everykind, Send stamp 2&9 for Catalogue, Address Great Western Gun % Pistol Works, PITTSBURG, PA. ~$20- WILL BUY 4 - ois LY First Morteacr PrExivz Bexs, OFTHR » The X.Y. Industrial Feliithien Oo These Bonds are Issued for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of & building in the City of New York, to be used fer a Perpetual World's Fair; A permanent heme, where every manafas turer ean exhibit and sell his goode, and ev- ery patentee can show his invention; a cer- tie of industry whizh will prove 2 vast bene- fit to the whole country, | - . Yor this purpose, the Legislature of the State of New York has granted acliarterto a number of our most wealthy and respectable merchants, and these gentienten have pur- ehased no less than eight blecks of the mosi valuable land in the City of New York. The bmlding to be erected will be seven stories high (150 feet in height), surmounted by a magnificent dome, and will cover a spare of 22 acres. lt will be consti ueted of Iron, Bick and Glass, and made fire-proof. The bonds, which are sold for #20 each, are secuied by 2 first mortgage on the land and building, and for the purpose of iwraklng thert popular; the Siractors aye decided to have quarterly drawings of £150.C00 cach; this money being the interest on the amount oi the who.e loar: Every bondholder must, receive “at least $21.60, apd he may receive : $100,000! or 85.000, or &10,008, ov &I,825 nr 89449, L90 # 4th Series Drawing, Asril 5, 1875.7 Capital Premium, $100,000, These Drawings take place every, TEREE MONTHS, and eventually EVEXY DOND- will participate in them. Address, for Bonds and fall inlorimatioe; Morganthau, Bruno & Co; Finencial Agents, 6 Park Row, New Yor, Post Offiee Drawer 29, Remit by Draft on N. Y. City Banks, Beg. istered Letter or P. O. Money Order. £3 Applications for Agencies réceived. POSTPONEMERNTS Impossible under this plan. 40-3m LE KINGSFORD S 3 FOSWEGO PURE AND. For the Levadry. MANUFACTURED BY T. KINGSFORD & SON, HS BECOME A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. Its great excellence has merited the commen. dation of Europe [or American manufacture. OLVEWIZED ( ORS Starch. MANUFACTURED BY. T KINGS!'ORI ¢& SUN. Expressly for food, when properly made in- For Sale by all First-Class Grocers. BB. I. BALRRII'S Pure Concentrated Potash, R LYE, Cf Doubie the Strength of any other Saponifying Substance. I have recently perfected a new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now pack- ing itsenly in Balls, the coating of which will saponify, and dogs not injure the Poan: Itis JRcked in boxes containing 24 and 43 Hh one 3alis, and in no other way. Lipections in Englishand German for making hard and scfy soap with this Potash. accompanying cash pachage. BT BABBIT, 41.4in] . 64 to 84 Washington Bt N.Y. F OR CHEAP HARNESS = 80 TO I.S. BENDER, M annfaeturer and Dealer in Harness, Flynets, Collars, Wares, Exc. KETC, MIPELINB LRG. PA [41.2m - - £3 Orders from a distanec respecifully so- licited and promptly aitended to.~g3 £3 Repairing neatly done,~¢4 [45-7 The Ashland Combined Double Cylinder CLOVER THRESHER, HULLER AND CLEANER. Manfactured by the ASHLAND MACHINE CO., . ASHLAND, OHIO. This Machine is eonstructed of good, seas. oned material, by skillfu! mechanics of long experience: not liable ot get out of repair; very durable. and will thresh mere seed in day, do it better and work under a greaterp variety of conditions of seed than any Huller in tie market. i Any one intending to purchase a Clover Machine shouid examine the “ASHLAND,” as For a cirenlar containing further inforinz « i tion, or to see the machine, call on GEORGE REBER, AGENT, AR 1TH) Contre L%s, Contre £0. Pa. Silver Gloss STARCH. to Puddings, is a dessert of great excellence.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers