"the (.OPAL ae fc‘ 'ai ifci ;j;b ■Wellsboro, Wednesday, Mar. I*, IBC£. ? •e=>e? Mew Advertisements. f-. Auditor's Notice— [ W. H. Su. itb, Auditor, - p l!s olation— Bennett 4 Vipchcr. •’ iaction Sale—Gnlick i ’Wilson. Attorney at Lair—Jno. I. Mitchell. . . j y{i bad hoped to give the names of: the diuft ed men to our rcndcrs.this week, but up time of go> n £ t 0 P rpss no l*sc oif the luekty lotie had come to’ hand. ',7 V, Twenty Months in Rebel Prisons; Mr. A. D. Richardson, correspondent of ibe Xev York Tribune will delivers Lecture it the Court House, et Wellsbord, on Mondny.cve'n eg. March Cth.-.BCid at Tioga, on .Tuesday even jog, March 7tb, at the Methodist Church, delttj itig his sufferings aid experiences in tho diffe ent Southern Bastiles. Admittance, 25 cents, I , ' Mr. Richaidson was taken prisoner id ;alf tempting to run the batteries at Vicksburg r ; D g the siege of that city, and up to the preset time hns been incarcerated in different RebeJ Prisons. It will be specially interesting to those who have friends’ or there at the present time. Tax Kev. T. B. Hudson and Lady return their sincere thanks to the friends of- WeUabqto and vicinity for the surprise visit and liberal donation on the ffith ult,, at their residence in Mansfield ‘ A Card.— The trustees, teachers and pupils 0 { the Mansfield Stale Normal School* take, this opportunity of tendering to'.the, ,T.; Djer, of Covington, their sincere and heartfelt tbouki for the valuable collection of Geolt ;ieal specimens presented to this institution. “ State Normal .School,” Mansfit d. ’ Hasdsohs doMPLiHiNT. — The patienif 'and oficers of ward 1, Finley Hospital, Wailing-' ton, made their surgeon, Dr. W*. B. Bit of this coonty, a handsome present on the 1 scca tion of his retiring from duly in that ward.— Tbs present consisted of a beautiful case of operating instruments, costing upward ohfifty dollars. It was a testimonial to be propd of, end may be considered a -strong ejtpressiptrof, tbe esteem which his fidelity, kindness iaid skill won for him. Dr. Rich took wiih him file respect of the medical 'staff of the hospital,fas well as that of his-patients. It gives' us plea tare to record this decided triumph of ; a nmn. ( - ' MiKjFiELD State Normal School.—f’he third and last term of the school year of title institution commences on Monday, the 13tb of March. The attehdance so far, during .he tear has been greater than ever before. *Ev|ry ihing appears to be in a prosperous condition. From all quarters see bear tbe most fa rouble coconuts cf the school. Some forty of Prof. Mien's former pupils from Chester and Dela ware counties a’hd from Philadelphia have been in attendance during the year. We begin! to feel now that we bate a Normal School ip- out county ; one worthy of. and deserving tbA pat. renege cf nur citizens. The great qa'.Mkm now if, room lot pupils. Oodet fur March bos just been receive)l[ mil maintains its u!d position as the iqies’ magazine. It is fall of the usual' amojiM of fuhion gossip with illustrated plates aol' ie liene. The stories will fulty meet the el ecta titm uf its numerous readers.; . _> t ■Reefi Priso.vxhs. —We understand, eafia the Elmira Advertiser,- that about two tboasand and fire hundred rebel prisoners* have .signified their wish to take the oath of allegiance, pro viding that Government will release tbeoifrliin confinement. Nobeisiown Seui-Weellt IlEßAtn.)—The enterprising publishers of the ’ " Nortistqjwn Herald and Free Press," have commethced he issue of a semi-weekly edition of their paper, it will be published every Tuesday and‘Satur day, at 54 a year. The Herald has been*mirch improved lately, and now ranks amoTng the first if its class of papers, -- Cobstsspbi?.—A new eounterfeit'Wi tfd States treasury note, of the denomination of Eve'ilullare is now afloat. Itis poorly £*e tated, the engraving* being quite coarse and Kugh in appearance. The'goddess of Liberty on the left band end of the note, and thejj'tonnd w ork around the figure 5 on the upper .jight t«id corner, ufe very poorly engraved pre tent a dim and muted appearance. Tbt green on the back is of an indifferent shade 8 idjin like the genuine FROM THE SOLDIER BOYIV Camp 2d Pa. Cat at bt, Feb. 6, Frilsd Cobb -Thinking - that the {Vb'iade relatives of the members of Compoji I L, Pa. Cavalry Would be anxious to hear rom tbem I ee.id a few extracts from my diary .V Oo Saturday evening last, Major Oerteral ' t6 gg issued orders to his command id accord - tcce with other orders from headquarters of the of tfa» Potomac to move at three o'clock 011 ii l * fullow : ng (Sunday) morning. At the appointed time we left camp,; the 2d brigade, brevet Brigadier General Gregg, ,-oin> fflandiog had the advance, moving on thtfJc tesalem plank road and followed by the rest °f the command. By a circuitous route we Proceeded to Beams’ "Station, reaching %ere' ‘bout the break of day. Leaving Reams' Sta- Uoa, we next moved direct for Dinwiddle Ueuse. Oo arriving before Bowanty Cree/, we ‘“countered General W, H. F- Lee’s division rebel cavalry'dismounted and boated behind “Teaet works on the opposite sideof the stream., ‘he fortified position held by the cnewybena bled him to command the bridge over the ! ;reek where a sharp_ fight ensued, the IStb l *!? om’a “tliag to dislodge them. General ‘he first battalion of the 2d Pa Cavalry tom rounded by Captain E. B. Ferry, p the the bridge, wjien. followed the tposV gallant and daring charge inadd during th.e war. ’ The bat-" t®lion with drawn sabres, dashed np,:io *the bridge and finding the” plank removed from the centre two men were ordered to dismount and; replace, them, when Captain R. B,Terry not waiting for them to be replaced, leaped bis 'horpo over an open snace of several feet; shout ed to his command to follow, waving his heavy; sabre da,.lied furiously on the f-,c followed hy his battalion with such force and "rapidity that the rebels could not stand- but broke andified leaving their dead and wounded in bur hands. We captured about fifty prisoners, several ar my wagons, mules, &c. The casualties of Co. L", were: James .Howlpnd, killed ; Corporal Chaple, wounded in the arm, Nelson Labar, in tho at m ; Adelbert, Scaly, taken pris-' ooer, . . • Cin.pany -L, 2d Penn’it Cavalry was first or ganized and commanded, by Capt. R. ,T. Wood, and .next by. Capt. C, R. T.iyljjr, who gained a reputation for the Company, second to none in tb.O brigade, and wlpoh is uot;iikely. to, be .tar nished, by the present commapder,. Capt. R., B. Ferry, who has the entire confidence of his’ brave;Company, and who was formerly a pri vate of the Company. Fighting Joe. ’ The anniversary of the .natal day of “The Father of his country," awakens more than usual interest in the minds of every patriot, in view'd’ the present- docflict of principles—of wrong against right—jn tho land of Washing ton. This interest concentrating in the mintb of .the ladies composing the auxiliary of the XT. S. Christian Commission of Osceola, it was deemed appropriate to honor the memory of the great soldier, by calling together the friends of those who are following in his footsteps, in de fence of all that is dear to us as a free peoplp. Such was the assemblage convened at tbe : High School Chapel, on .the eveoing of the-22d ult.. Xhe meeting was ordfr by Frpf- Stone, and the Rev.’ Mr. r fiTndar was invited to in yoke ,the di vine .blessing.. This was followed by an qdress from -the Rev. Mr. Graves. Et was then announced that the. jsupper, provided by the ladies of the association, was ready.— This announcement received a hearty response from the company, who at once made an assault upon tire ample arrangements of the committee. The latter had evidently done all in their pow er to meet the expected attack, yet in a shor.t time their works presented a scattered and fragmentary appearance, and ’ with a grace worthy of their cause, .they yielded to superior numbers. The attacking party then retired to tli tir former position, and the evening was passed in a very social and agreeable manner; with manifestations of warm hearts, and earn est wishes of relief for dor wounded,and suffer ing soldiers- . . , • The amount realized on this occasion ,wae over one hundred dollars. This, no doubt, would have been considerably augmented, but for the efforts now being made to raise- our quota. .j i Thus', whilb tnanly hearts and vigorous hands .are moving our fathers, and brother?, and sons, to deeds of noble daring, against a high-handed and wicked rebellion, they are cheered onward arid sustained by the sweet voices dnd kind deeds, the loving hearts and, ardent prayers of mothers, and sisters, and daughters, who stand, ready to hail them victors', over the last foe to God and humanity j'p our land. Sumter mourned when Freedom'*.banner, ; Furled its stars at traitor's nod ;■ - , » Patriots trembled, lest in vengeance We phould feel the chastening rod: ' * j Though we mourn o'er thousands slain, - (tod and Freedom yet shall reign. Hark! the rebel hordes are moving I - j Once again they haste away!" " .! Their about is Dol-lho f ihoal afi freemen, Bat of vassals bating day; * Let them onward lo'.their madness;— / l i Swiftly-oomes their hour of sadness. Again our banner waves o*er Sumter, . | , With itS Btripea and stars pnfurleJ, , , * ■ * . Token of out Father’s kindness. Type of-freedpm to the work!, Prepare the song of joyfuigleo, Columbia lives ! we still ore free 1 In Gaines, on the 20th nil., by ilsv. W. Beach,' JE3SE N. LOCKE, of Wellshofo, to Miss SARAH E. WATROUS, of Gaines. • , In Nelson, on the 19th ult., by Rev. W. E. Pindar, Mr. JOEL R. CHAMBERLAIN, of' Farmington, (o Miss MAKIETTE BROOKS, bf Nelson. ■, ' In Mainesburg, on the 16th ult.; by R.*K. Brun dage, Esq., HENRY CLARK, : of Sylyania, 'to Miss’ H'ENRIETT AMES,-of-Mansfield. In Mainesburg, on fhb iitith by the same,! GEORGE DEWEY, of Sullivan, to Miss HELLEN FOARD, of Mainesburg. In Chatham, on the 26th of Deo., 18C4, ff lung fever and croup, ETIIE EBTELLA, daughter of Bin-, blair and Nancy J. Smith, aged 4 years, 5 months,| and 11 days. - ■; 1 SPEOIAL NOTICES. j Important To Females. f DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS. f The-combination of ingredients in these Pills Is the result of a Jong and extensive practice. They are mild In their operation, and cannot do harm to the cost delicate; certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruations, removing ell obstiuctlons, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of -the heart, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, £c., disturbed sleep, which arise from Interruption of nature. SB. CHEESBBIAN’S PILLS was the commencement of a new era in the treatment ol Itregularltles and obstructions which have consigned so many to a PRtaiATUfiE craV£. No female can enjoy good health unless she Is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes plofc© the general health begins to decline. These Pills form Vie finest preparation ever put forward with IMME DIATE‘and persistent SUCCESS, Don’t b© De ceived. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the BEST and mrst RELIABLE FEMALE MEDJCLJS'E Z.V TEE WORLD, which Is com prised In these Pills. . ' • DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS f "have been a standard Remedy for over thirty years, and arc the most effectual one ever known for ail complainta pecu liar to Females. To all classes they or© Invaluable, inducing, trt th certainty , periodical regularity. They ere known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, through out the country, having th© sanction of some of the'most eminent Physicians in America. Explicit directions, stating whertlhcy should not he used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per Boa, or 6 Boxes for $5, containing from 50 t 0.60 Pills. 1 Pills sent by nail, pwmpSy, secure from observation, by remitting to the Proprietors, or nnv Agent. 1 • Bap-SOLD BT DRUGGISTS OEKERALLT • HUTCHINGS & HILLYER, -Proprietors. „ , *Bl Cedar St., I?ew York Sold In WeUaboro, by. JOHN A. ROY. . yj In Tioga, by IL-H. BORDEN. / In lawrenceville, by W. G. MILLER. • j K March2B,lB64-dy. ■« ■ Editor of The Agitator: » - B£ia S*—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your piper that! will aeniLby'return mail, to all Who wish it (free) A Recipe, with fulfdlrecilona for malting and using a «irople Vegetable Balm that will effectually re move.* in ten days. Pimples. Blotches, Tan, Freckles, ana all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same toft, clear, smooth and Beautiful. j will also mail free to those having -Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that' will .enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair. Whisker*, or a Moustache, in less than thirty da\s. f\ 411 application# answered by return mall without charts; * Respectfully yours, 1 - ' TtfOS. F. CHAFMAU, OhotnUt, r -* ’ Feb.Yi, 1865-€ m. 531 Rroadway,' New^York, Fcstltal at Osceola. MARRIED X? Z E JD . 'C:H?; iT}I.O;G A (UOsU.iS:'! r: A.Cf ITATQR. I'4( PORT AM NQ y*C E . tori' i By the Act o( Congress approved -June 3ft, 1864, *r»d the varibbs a\*ito'whtcli IhotreLitus, it is picvl ded that all person?, .residents United lars jkt annum, arc required to make rcrunu thereof *o the Assistant Assessor of his or her District, on or *u>f..re tlio f ir?t day of May in cacti ami e ery year.. The yr-ar for rcturh'mdat be- made on or ij-iorc Ejoe tp>i day of .Ma.y tins therefore is to dive notice to a 11'ifvrcdi.ant*.’‘Me ehan: Farmers. Lawyers, Physicians. Miners, Deal ers. in j-imir. ’>ll persons in the Sth. and 10th- Divi i.f the iSth 'District of 'Pcnifa. having an Jn come taxtble to make returns as follows, to witV*- 1 - - Felons residing in the townships of Richmond, Covington, V»lqss, Tioga township uqd Boro, Sullivan, Ward, Rutland, Mainsburg, Mansfield, Covington Boro and Fall Brook, comprising- .the Bth Division, "Rill make returns to S. B. ELLIOTT, at his residence in Richmond. , , Those residing in the townships of Delmar/Middle* bury. Charleston, Chatham, Clymor, Elk, Games. Mor-j rts, Liberty, Union, dhippon and Wellsboro, compris-i ing the lOthjDiv. willmake returns to M. BULLARD, ; at his office in Wellsboro, on or before the Ist day .of May nest of their annual gains, profits or incomes from uny and all sources, or we shall bo compelled to m;jke*BU«-fa returns foralFwho neglect ot refuse as iu our judgment'may seem just, and compute the tax and add fitty per cent, thereto. In estimating an .income no person is allowed to deduct frogi his entire receipts for year ahy expenses incurred in support of himself or family, his own wages or .of his wifojind minor children, or any outlay for land, new buildings, carriages, horses, cat-; tie or implements or furniture of any kind, except to replace such implements ; as have, been worn out, . Every laboring man who has received for hTs en tire services and that of his family, and from all other sources oyer six hundred dollars ‘during .the year *64, shquld'make return.’’ Every mechanic whose receips for the year 1864, exceed six'hundred dollars after deducting lb© le gitimate expenses ef carrying on his business, not deducting his own or minor children's labor, and from all other sources should make return. livery farmer, th^-value ’pf whose farm produce of Jay, Jrain/'cattffc, ssjeep, wooV butter, vegetables £ci,' wlthout*deducting anything foe the labqr ofThimself or-family or for any i portion* <#f'-pjQd]4c$ s consuinedp-by himself or family, exceeds the sum of six bundled doll&xsTrtov gether-withal! receipts during the -year other sources should moke return. > • ± Every.Mrnur wb,h|e;receipts for labor after* deduct ing expenses for powder £c. 4 exceed six hundred larsfor the year 1i?64 should make return.- fivery merchant, business or professional man whatever, 1 J whose receipts after deducting the amount necessarily paid, putin carrying on„said busi- not-deducting his own-' labor or that of his fctnily.-'or their sustenance or exceeds the sum of six hundred dollars should make return. All receipts from i4ny source, -such as rents, sala ries, and interest, on notes and judgments, must be included. 1 y i j. : ; • =i. ? An itemized account > should be made out under oath beginning with the first day of January 1864 j and ending on the thirty-first day of Deoember'of said year, t both days inclusive. , T . ; This notice is not required by law, but is given for the benefit of those liable to an income tax, .and fair warning is given that if persona liable do not come forward and'mako their returns by the time required by law, that wo shall do our - duty as officers to the best of our ability. ~ , ’ » All necessary blanks and information can be - bad at any time on application to either of us. - , The tax is upon jthp excess of, six hundred dollars. There arc also certain proper deductions to be made from an income which are'pointed out in the blanks and accompanying instructions. ' < „ S. B, ELLIOXX, A 3’t Assessor, 'Sth Div if, IStB Col'n' Dist. Pa. J M. BULLARD, Ass’t Assessor,- , i Dir’c, 18th District. ■ ’ :i Feb CLEAR THE TRACK! npUfT rush to 0. BOLLARD’S STORE -L ( means . Ot courso it dooi. It moans that BDLLA RD’S ‘ , 'NEW j§TOCK OP . ' PILL A WINTER GOODS, arc all the rage, and that about three square milea'oi people, in and around .Wellsborough and vicinity/ . KNOW WHERE TO GO TO BUY GOOD GOODS, ; AND BUY THEM CtlEAt>. BULL A R D defies competition in ityle/variety, quantity, quality and cheapness, of LADIES’DRESS 0001)8, , . FANCY GOODS., LACES, HOSIERY, . . LINENS,‘CAMBRICS. BDTTONS, LADIES’' GAITERS’; SLIPPERS, GLOVES, and—*but why enumerate? . jHb has everything in'the lino of goods that will be asked for. Come; and see. And then— I I BUY TO: SELL AGAIN, not “cheap as "dirt," because good goods can’t bti sold for a ■'ong 'huw.n-ilaysj hut'as cheap as -any like quality of gbods can be sold in the coiintry. Also; ; IiDEST. BEAVER HATS, ALL STYLES- AND' MATERIAL. , The Grocery Departm’t, comprises everything in thajt line, aU good and at reasonable prices, , ' , - Drop-In witb-the-crowd. - jigt* One Door above Roy's DrugStoro» r ' ' p O. BULLARD^ Nob. 1; 1863. ’ ;. J J)ETBOLEUM! PETROLEUM!— - ' ■ ’ Geologists men unite' in their beliefj and so report that * L -_ . Biscoverv-of Oilia WeUsboro ifnear^hind.rj--;-|y BulX would-say to the people of . . . TIOGA COUNTY & VICINITY, (before investingyour -CopitaliinXOil ■ Stodk) that I have recently purchased the Stock of Goode of M. "Ballard, consisting of ' i i' CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GAPS, £c., all at a great reduction from : , ~ ■ Mew York Jobbing Prices,' and am bound to give to my easterners the 3 advantage OP MY PURCHASE. Being desirous of closing out ithe Clothing part of this Stooh, I now offer the entire Stock ■AT 'COST FOR* CASHI , " HATS AND CAPS, 1 will almost give away; at all events, will sell them so cheap you will hardly know the difference. 7 • Call noon and avail yourself of ‘this ' I RAKE OPPORTUNITY. Remember the place', the-Keystone Store, one door above Roy’s Drug Store. G.. P. CARD. Wellsboro, Jan, 25, 1865—tf- « ‘ LOST;— From the subscriber on the 26th daV of December. 1864, one BOUNTY ORDER of the amount of one hundred dollars drawn by the Super visors of 1 Westfield township, Tioga county, Pa., to John E. Mimonye, a Volunteer for said township said order No 22-of Bounty Orders for said town ship, and dated Westfield, Juno 18,1864, with an en dorsement of thirty-fvUr. dollars. , Whoever will re turn said order will be liberally rewarded.., Westfield, Feb. 8, 1805-31“ PETROLEUM COMPANY.— Notice is hereby given that the anuna] election of officers of the Wollsboro Petroleum Company will be held at the office of said Company, in "Wellsboro on the first Monday in March next, being tho 6th day of tho month, for. the election by ballot of nine Di rectors, one of whom to bo designated as President i a Clerk and Treasurer, to servo for ono year. The. election will be opened at two and close at six P. M. • ■ By order of 1 the Board of Directors;'-' •V 7 J; EMERY, Clerk. Office of the Cotnpapy, Feb.?, 1865r-tf, : J|AE WITH new;, PRICER! :'l ,V-: £. J. .*w CHEAP » 3 T Y li;Er.Pif GOODS HAVE 1 FAtlEil! GOODS ABE CHEAPER! The only question;, among -Ladies is,, where can X get something handsome in the shapi of a Good.Styllahi Dressj OloahJng, &e., and at th.o same time CHEAP ?.. On walking into tba Store of J. A. ROSE & CO’S the Ladies will find this, difficult question. IMMEDIATELY answered. HE BETS' CHEAP! HE SELLS CHEAP I DBSSS GOODS. ' Corded Poplins, Merinoes, Alapaeoas, Coburgj, Rep Delaines, Pacific DeLaines, Ac., Ac. FANG? GOODS. 'Hair Rolls, Head Nets, French and American Cor sets, Breakfast Shawls,'' Splendid Nubia*,- Skating Caps, Hoods, Hood Nubias, Dress 'Trimmings, Collar and Sleeve everything. LADIES’ I CLOTHS, ■ ■ - FLANNELS, . .. ' SOLFERINOES, figured and plain, every color and quality. ' Gentlemen say before leaving home, “ Where do you want to go to trade. Wife ?” ,“ I don’t know." "Well, I wilt tell you. You ■ - , STOP AT ROSE’S. READY MADE CLOTH, I WANT- A, PAIR OF PANTS, j. A. ZtOSB & 004 I ! ‘‘ii : . - ' • S UCH A<N A’SS.O R.TMENTI he has enough to build a telegraph acron the Allan, tie Ocean'; •>' ! ■ i ' 1 -V. I .TWO, WOMEN’S SHOES, for.' .......$1.25 BALMORAL SKIRTS, (full 5ize).....'...; 3.25 25 L ‘kdOP SKIRTS, Xwide'tapes’/..'...;..;. 1 1.25 BIST, KIP BOOTS, (shop made)........5.00 HE- HAS ALL KINDS OF , BOOTS and SHOES I AND THEY ARE CHEAP, TOD, I Know they are Right and* Cheap. i i ’ 'S. „, .HOW HE .GETS HIS GOODS, (pfobably (teals them or boy« then and never pay* ror them) , ‘ ' 3CI WB WON’! ASK HIM, ( AS LONG A 8 THEX ARE CHEAP, LADIES & .GENTLEMEN, i : WE HAVE EVERYTHING; Yes, I say we have everything except wagon tracks and post holes and these yon can buy at the Hard ware Stores.' ~, IT IS WORTH WHILE 0. P. KING., Aim SEE WHAT HE HAS. Don’t bny— only see. Come and examine.* The Goods are to ybor taste, And remember the place. ROSE'S CHEAP CASH STORE, iWAIfSFIEJLfi>, Tioga Comty, Fa., i >' ’ 1 ' - ■ j NEXT DOOR TO MANSFIELD HOTEL. Mansfield, January 11, 1865-ly»' 'i ROSE & GO’S GASH STORE N EI.GDODS *A n d ' -i HE KEEPS THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF AND SO LET’S STOP THERE.’’ “ YOU’RE RIGBT. KEEP . HOOP SKIRTS, '• ; '• and WHY, I DO BELIEVE ,»V‘ r f - • 1 ONE, T E S-, " T'E s;- _ j ." 1 •’ ’ : . We Will Stop .There,. FOR BE SELLS BESIDES ALL THESE , AND ALL PRICES, FOR I HAVE TRIED THEM, AND 1 DON’T KNOW WE WIU BUY.” TO STEP IN THE. INHERENT DISPOSITION " < MANKIND, IEAIs HI9I TO PURCHASE THE NECESSARIES, . AS WELL AS ‘ ‘ -H. ■' . THE LVXURIES OF LIFE, AIJIHE- Lowest (Possible Prices; , ... ! - a4.ND, SINCE Almighty Dollar’ 9 hasjjbeen styled SOUL OF MAN, Bat Ordinary Understanding COMPREHEND £THE TRUE VALUE AN ESTABLISHMENT, THAT FtmmSBES A COMMUNITY SEASONABLE MERCHANDIZE, AT uniform; LOW RATES. When Ferine A Co. located their establishment in Troy, it was for the express purpose of furnishing the public with goods at AS qOULD NOT FAIL ATTRACTING PURCHASERS. We Trill allow the public to judge of their success. Mr. E. Pi FERINE, WHILE Th|nKING THE PUBLIC .' FOR PAST FAVORS, THAT WO EFFORT SHALL BE WANTING {Merit a Continuance OF SAID FAVOR. HAS A LAROE STOCK MERCHANDIZE FILL IP WINTER TRADE fROBABZr LARGER THAN' can be found IN THIS OS Adjoining Counties, WHICH THE PUBLIC !r . * EXAMINE 9 SUCH PRICES (we have the boldness to. affirm) BE TOCND ELSEWHERE. BE BUrS EIS GOODS FOR CASH 9 FOE CASH, and the consumer gets the worth of his money. With qutek Sale* and light Profits,both Parties are » - i enabled to realize the value of the NIMBXJS SIXPENCE. THOY, Oet. 6,1864. ' ;'S ‘ OF the; the I T T.A KE Sj TOl OF withfa large variety of SUCH PRICES WOULD SAT, |ON HIS JPART, TO HE NOW FOR THE ARE INVITED A T AS CANNOT AND SELLS ¥ “TO BOWEN'S!” SEEING a big crowd on Main Street, hurry ing toward a common center, somebody asked Where Are You Going f The answer was “To Bowen's, Wo. 1, Union Block!” To look at that splendid stock of NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS I as? driving irum Now York, “VERY SENSIBLE PEOPLE,” thought Ito myself; you know who boys at a bar gain, end soils so as to give the purchaser a bargain too. Therefore, if yon want anything in the line of DRY GOODS, LADIES' GOODS, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, 4o„ GO TO BOWEN’S, and if you want HARDWARE, . QUEEN SWABE, WOODEN-WARE, and GROCERIES, at prices you can afford to pay GO TO BOWEN’S. If you jjara Cash, or Butter, or Cheese, or Crain io exchange far this I SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS, bring them along, and you will get Satisfactory Bargains; and if you come once, you will be sure to come twite —yea, tbrice, or half-a-dozen times. Don’t forget the place: NO. 1, UNION BLOCK, Wellaboro, Nor. 1,1864. JOHN R, BOWEN. __~===“—' caused by mercurial dis ease, low living, disordered digestion from un healthy food.' impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the vene real infection- ‘Whatever bo its origin, Uls hered itary in the constitution, descending “ Sum parents to children unto the third and fourth generation; ” indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, “ I will visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon their children.” The diseases it originates take various namps, according to tho organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which sup purate and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach, i and bowels, derangements which produce indi- I gestion, dyspepsia., and liver complaints; on the j skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, ' ■ all having the same origin, require the same rem- I edy, viz., purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous dis tempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that “ life of the flesh” healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual antidotes that medical science has discovered'for this afflict ing distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to' - any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial- That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in theitJ effect upon this class Of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cores it ims made of the following diseases: King’s Evil, or Glandular Swelling, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Eose or St. Anthony’s Fire, Salt liheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and. indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Aveb’s A3iep.ic.vn’ Alvian’.vc, wliich is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have ac cess to some one who can speak to him of its bene fits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than arc healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these con siderations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ayer’s Sabsapakilla, although it is composed of Ingre ' dients, some of which exceed the best of Soria partita in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by 3 any compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised uch and did nothing; but they will neither be deoeivednor disappointed inrthis. Its virtues have i been proven by abundant trial, and there remains !no question of Its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a veiy different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is Car more effectual than any other which has ever been availably to them. CHERRY PECTORAL, ' The World’s Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, *nd for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced sta ges of the disease. This has been so long used and so universally known, that wc need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up io the best it ever has been, and that it rosy ho relied on to do all It has ever'done. Prepared by Da. J. C. Aver & Co., ' Practical a>A. Anahitical Chemists, Lowell. Mass. Sold by all druggists ever}’ where, and by Sold by J. A. Boy and P. B, Williams, Welliboroj Dr. H. H. Borden, Tioga j S. S. Packard, Covington: C. V. Elliott, Mansfield; S. X. Billings, Saines: and by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. 23, 1884-ly.j TO THE NERVOUS, DEBILITATED AND DES PONDENT OF BOTH SEXES—A great sulfa, er having been restored to health in a few days, war many years of misery, is willing to assist his suffer ing fellow-creatures’ by sending (free), on the receipt of a postpaid addressed envelops, a copy of the formula of cure employed. Direct to JOHN M. DAQNALL, Box 183 Post Office, Jan. 4, 1365-sro. Brooklyn, N. V. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—letters of administra tion bavins been granted to the ondersJgncd on the estate of H. B. Blanchard, late of jFarwingtoa, dec’d, nolle* is hereby given to those Indebted to make immediate pay ment and those having claims to present them properly au thenticated far settlement to O. H, BLANCHARD. Farmington, N0r.,28, 1584-« t. Adatr. he peculiar taint or infec ion which we call Scsof i,a lurks in the constitu •ns of multitudes of men. either produces or is otluccd by an," enfeebled, itiated state of the blood, herein that fluid become* •competent to sustain the ital forces in their vigorous jtion, and leaves the sys ;m to fall into disorder ad decay. 'X he scrofulous mtamination is variously AYEE’S
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