the agitato tiOtlAll AND MI£OEI*I*AWE Wedneld*7t Peo* 9» 1863. Advertisements.' " A'dmimtbattf , »'j&oUc*z4 r (K ParthuhtfAdm’r. , Executor 1 t tfotiet —Stephen A. Leonard,.Executor, Kos®.- Littof tint Office. 68)0p0 Ajenlr Wonted— '-ti. M. Ward 4 Co.' K & 6-20 V-Jay Cooker; , India a Phytician —Dr. Jlckson. ' /'" * . (bForn /or Nate—Wm. E.’Morrii, tod otberf. Chrittmar G ifl* —Mte. Sctield., Owiso to the crowded state of.ur column* wo ate tompelled to learo out the- Secretary’. Report of the goldiW Aid Society of Wsllaboro. It will appear h«t week. 1 • ■ Mbs. Sdrann advertiayiithat she Sat joat received a nice lot of-Chriatmae Gifu.- Wo' hope the good peo ple of Wellsboro and virility will, call and buy a Hocking fall for each of tlTeir .youngsters. •' . ' Jfo, C. B. Fbiob, Dental" Surgeon, who baa for the last year and;a halfbeen practicing in Wellsboro anid vicinity, it- to leave on thetlSd in.L All those need ing hi. aerribea would do well to%ira.him a call, . Dedication. —The dedication of the ’’ Free Obureb House,” Jn Holidaytown, Middlebnry 1 towo.hip, will take place, on Thursday, Deo. 17, 1863, at 11 o’clock a. a. A scrinen will be delivered by Rev. Thomas Eheardowo, of Troy, Bradiird county, Pa. ' Mb. A. M. Pedtskab, 41’Tioga, ha. presented our office with a new broom, tamely manufactured at bis factory, near Tioga; Weginderstand that be intend, to manufacture broom, by: fhe quantity and sell them at wholesale. Wc trust business men will order > supply. - - I) ■ • President Lixcols'b Pequest for Asother ThasksgiyiM.— The Prqndent requests the loyal people to assemble'at tlujr Worship, and giro thanks to Almighty Q?ri for the expulsion of the enemy from East This request was is sued from the Executive hflhd on Dec. 7. 1 ' In con iormty therewith, some remirksTrill be made at the JI, E. Church, inlhii Boriingh, by the pastor, at the close of the morning,.d&i’onrse; on Sabbath next; which remarks will bo flowed by an offering of gratitude. ‘ p 13 'ConJiTpEOCEKDINGe—'iinST Week—-C./ore Grand Jury. —Commonwealth Lee. Larceny. True Bill.-' - ' Com’th v> G. L. Oarl.'Shiaanit and battery. True Bill.-". - , Com’th vs. Javo'Jfonek and Elizabeth Krinfer.— Murder/ TrncbiH ai' tb- 'former. Ignored ai to the latter. - ■ s f # 1 Com’th vs. John E.JbHis. Assault and battery. True bill. „ ' Com’th vs. Job Seduction. True bill. Com’tb vs. John E. Joncl. Tippling. True biil. Cojn'th vs. Leo and Hartj Larceny. True hill. Com’th vs. W. D. MalfoVy. Assault and battery. True bill. " , \~i, Com’th vs. W, D. Malic*;/. Assault and battery. True bill. ‘ " Com’ih vs. Patrick MaHciou*. mischief.—r Ignored. • j£- >. Com%b,vs. Jonas Impstu. -Adultery.' True bill. Com’th ts. Ezekiel Benton and' Peter Jackson.— Larceny. True bill. ’THU case was tried, and Jury returned 1 verdict of guilty, No other Jury trials.— The Bfossborg murder casts were put over until Jan uary Sessions. . ' s,~ Tub Germantown Ttlegrbph't recipS for coring beef or pork, has been-published again and again, though not for several-years past < It is, without doubt, the best recipe for curing meatcxtant, and is just now in season “To one gallon of walcr-‘take li lbs. of salt, i lb. ■of sugar, or. of or of, potash. In this ratio the pickle l£be increased to any quan tity desired. Let these befb.oiled together, lentil all the dirt 'from the sugar. rises to the top and is skimmed off. Then throw into a tub to cool, and when cold, pour it fiver your beef ' or pork, to re main the usual time, say four or five weeks. The meat must b&.well coverfid? with ,pickle, and should not be put down for at lealft two, days after hilling, during which time it should be sljgbtly sprifikled with powdered saltpetre, which' removes all the surface blood, Ac.', leaving the mest fresh and clean. ~ “ Some omit boiling th£|pickle, and find it to an swer well; tbongh the <ffleration of boiling purifies the pickle by the dirt (always to be found in salt and sugar. 4 •“If this receipt is tried, it will never be abandoned* is jtjfco that surpasses it, if so good.” • r :» A meeting of clergym&Q -attending the funeral of the Rev. Samuel B. Dfijn'MPLE, was hold in the .Vwtry Boom of Grace Church, Honesdale, Thursday, Oct. 29.STherfoll0wing£homed persons were present: Rt. -Stevens, , and the 'Rev.- Messrs. Miles, Abbott, Peet,:Qtay and-A&rple, Dr. Paddock, of the Methodist Cburchj Kev. Bfk.* Dunning, of the Presby teriaa.Gburch and the Be&’Mr. GrennoQ, of the Bap-* list Church. - , Bishop Stevens preside -and Mr. Marple was ap pointed Secretary. . " p On motion of the Rev; Mr. Miles, the following resolutions were adopted,jajfler being seconded by Br. Paddock, who bore testimony to. ’thetconsislent life and lovely character of oui| 4l departed hence in the Lord,”: — f j| Whereas, It has picked Almfgbty God, in his wise Providence, to remoT£f;om his earthly labors, oar friend and brother,ltse* Key. Samuel B. Dal bvmple, Pastor of Gratis Church, Honesdale, it is hereby XL* ' Revolved, That we, tbfl;dnergy, present at bis fu neral, (on this 2Uth Qctober* 1863,) tender our heartfelt sympathies &&he family and relatives of tbs deceased and assure ihfta- of our prayers for God's blessing upon them, in deep affliction. itetvlredt That we unUe’wilb the vestry and con gregation of the church, in'our tribute of most-affec tionate regard, to the memory of one so faithful In his preaching, so earnest in bia work, andjo holy in his Ufa,'-and we pray that ] his patience under pro tracted flbess and his tribtnpbaut death—may com mend the religion of 4bat 6kvi«r, in whom be trusted, to the hommuoity—and be sanctified to our own ad vancement, in holiness of life and faithful devotion to oarAUster’s service. j { ’A. A. Sec'y, marirxed. At Fort Scott i Kansas,,on Tuesday, Not. 3d, by the K.t Charles John yf. WEIGHT, ol Rochester, K Y.,io K *"P A., daughter- of E. M. Rodme, WellstS, Pa. sale^ol .*" K ""r il1 *' 00 «i» filth «K.i at 4bi residence Viwnnrar * , P *» nU ’M KIT - 9 Bwjeeß Mr. WM. SWKRT *?’ ° f p,b * rs ’ K - »•. torJ|iM BELC SWEET, joangnt dingier of (!». offleiating cler -7 "o i|btd . ~ Pn P * WT ®W!*i 00 the Vs6th nlt_, of disease of the KEEP, eM of Peter and Jane Beep, *gcd 2 years, 8 months, ihd 22 dayi. . P EU t? t 11U, A IBM - of ron «mptioD V Mr. l AM P ‘ B - V toruMnd e . C o l t- th **> D l B «‘'« feeling it his dqty, T * C4pUi s found tu wfv #° *?£?’’. ? ein S tbai exposed, disease , h mJ B . B e4-“ d * h ? n the regiment «'«reed .i ,D in the Spring.'b'e wei dlss; Cepliio’.nH' C,I ° e inme to did Unlike his worthy * ol °f hit fellow ,pJdie r . who fell «t Wdowed m’ in* dled b ?tW »hete hie companion, over “ d - fr ' Witt »nd weep the neu “P'rmgpoipenu. KowSs aware of for tL JSP B) WS of dp*|h api WM fully prepared *if«MdXii?. W4Bwr- Eli®® dl »4 b *PW> tawing* Tnd 4 ? h . ito monpn.fiiV pqrly loss.:. - try, “ u w„ tip, »IJar pf hi> eopn- BPBOIAL KdTIOBS. SAPOITIUBB. . . Oit OONOENTRATOD LVB iTTH. FAMILY SOA> MAKER. WAR makes high price.; Saponifiai help, to ro luce them. It make. SOAP for FOUR cent, a pound -by using yonr kitchen grease. , fSr CAUTION I As apnriou. Lye* are offered also, be eareful and only buy the PATENTED arti cle put up in IRON can., all other, being COUN TERFEITS. . v PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING 00, Philadelphia— tie. 127 Walnut Street Ptttabnrg-Pitt Street ondDaqnoxno Wav. Nov. 18,1863-om- i ; THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE^ OF A NERVOUS INVALID. Pablitbed for the benefit and as a.cantiop to young men, and olhen, who suffer from Nervons Debility,, Early Decay, and thejr kindred log tbe meana of aeif-'cnre.' By one who itta cured himielf after hieing' a victim - of misplaced donfl dence in medical humbug and quackery. By enclo sing a post-paid directed envelope, .ingle copies may be bad of the’'author, Nathabiel Matfajb, Esq., Bedford, King.county; New York. -f June 1, 1883-ly. ‘ , . . [cQIiatJBICATED.] c ' PULMONARY CONSUMPTION]A CURABLE DIS ■ - - - - EABEJM = ■ A CAR D. ' TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe long affection, and-that dread disease, Consumption—-is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To alt who desire it, he will send-a copy of the prescription used (free of charge/, with tbe directions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find o sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchi tis, Cough's, Ac. The only object of the ad vertiser in sending tbe Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which be conceives' to be Invaluable } and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing', and may prove a blessing. ■ - Parties wishing tbe prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgb, Eings County New York. Sept. 23, 1863—4 m. Madame poster’s curative balsam has long tested the truth that there are first principles in Medicine as there is ln.Seienoe. and this Medicine is compounded on principles suited to the manifold nature of Manl The cure of'Colds is in keeping open the pores, and in creating a .gentle in*, lermjl warmth, and'fhlsis caused- by the use of this Medicine. Its remedial qualities are based on Its power to assist the healthy and vigorous circulation of blood through the lungs, it enlivens and assists the’skin to perform its duties of regula ting the heat of the system, and in gently throwing off the waste substance from the surface of the body, at is not a violent remedy, but emollient, warming, searching and effective. Sold by all druggists at 13 Ind 25 cents per bottle. Sept. 9, 1863. A GENTLEMAN, cared of Nervous Debility, In competeocy, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be bnppy to furnish to all who need it (freeef charge) the recipe and directions for making the simple Rem edy used in bis case. Those wishing to profit by bis experience—and possess a Valuable Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. Bept/16, iS63-3mos. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Kasson Park hurst, late of Lawrenceville, deceased, notice is-here by given to those indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims to present them- properly authenticated for settlement to ~ ‘ J. G. PARKHURST, Adm’r. Elkland, Dec. 9,1883-6 t. FARM FOR SALE, ADJOINING Wellsboro, the county seatof Tioga Co. Pa., 1,65 acres, 125 cleared, 30 woodland. ..The region is remarkably healthy.— Churches, schools Ac., are found in the village. There is a large and commodious mansion, surrounded by ornamental trees and shrubbery; outbuildings large find convenient, bouse and barn supplied by a foun tain of running water. It is well suited for a dairy farm, for raising sheep or bops. Large orchard of apple and pear trees, cblefiy grafted fruit—abont'2oo trees. The orchard alope might be made to pay the interest upon the cost -of the whole property. It is distant about 12mHea from the Tioga Boilroad, which connects with the Erie Railroad at Corning. Leave Corning at 7$ a. m., take stage at Tioga Station, reach Wellsboro about noon. Price of $5O per acre—otfe-fourth cash down, halanceito suit conveni ence of purchaser. Apply W \ . WM, % MORRIS, Harlem B. B. N. Y, City. * JAMES LOWREY, Wellsboro, Tioga Co. Pa, JNO. W. GUERNSEY, Tioga, 44 44 4 ‘ r F. K. WRIGHT, Wellsboro, « “ 44 : December 0,1863-tf, STRAY MARE. BROKE into the enclosure of the Subscriber, on the 16tb nit., a. SORREL MARE f pfaout ten years old, good sized, With a white stripe in the fore head, and one white bind leg, and one fore leg while to near the ankle, very tittle white on tba other two feeL The requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Jackson, Deo. 2, 1863.* JOHN WILSON. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Ellis L. Miller, late of Delmar township, deceased, notice is hereby given to those indebted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly au thenticated for settlement. ISRAEL STONE, Deo. 2, 1863. Executor. HEW IFIliLlIYfiRf SHOP. AT MAINSBURG, TIOGA COUNTY, PA . MISS PAULINE SMITH begs leave to announce te the citizens of Mainsburg and vicinity, that she bos opened a Millinery Shop in the house of John Robinson, and is prepared to do in the best manner, all kinds of work that she may be favored with, - . ) % j Stamping for Braiding done. X also wish to inform my customers of Wellsboro" and vicinity'that I can be found at my shop opposite, Roy’s Drug Store. , Mainsburg, Nov. 25, 1863-fcf. ESTBAY. CAME fnto the enclosure «f the «ab«cribef oner about the 26th of October last. A RED STEER, white tipped tail, 2 yean old. The owner is request ed to prove property, pay*charges end tike it away. ■ sa&iuklTrogers. Cherry Finite, N0r.,18,1863-3L* . |- Administrator's Jfotice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the ■ subscribers on the estate of George C. Marvin, late of' Charleston township, deceased, no tice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and'those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to MAKfAHMABVIN.7 AJmr ,, . ' JAMESKEtUY, jAimr-s. Charleston, Nov. 25, 1883-81. ■ i - AGRICULTURAL IHPLIHENTS. I WOULD Inform Deafen in AgnenUnrol Tmple. meats, that I have Hone Rakes of the moat sp proved styles hntf. superior quality. Also,-Band Rakes of a better quality than Any manufactured in this section, whieh I will furnisb in any quantity de sired, to dealers in the' counties of Tioga, Bradford, and Lycoming. D.jt.A)OBD. Mainsbntg, Nov. lBj 1863-9mos.*- Hear Yel Hear Ye I Hoar Ifes . ALL poisons indebted to tbs subscriber will confer s favor, end save them selves cost, by bis Office, and settling tbs same immtdiattiy. Knoxville, Nov. sth, 1863, 8t J. P. BILBS. SULPHITE OP LIMEfot' ■ norsceeqltorsv X THE TXOG A CpffSTy A&I TAT 08. : Y O UJEt .ATt R N T N is- ufriTio ■ v" V i TO THE LARGE & ATTRACTIVE STOCK NEW FALL MD TOTEB GOODS Now on hand and being received daily at the sub scriber’., (NO. S, CONCERT BLOCK, CORNING, N. T.,)in which great inducement, are offered,a. regard. 1 ‘ QUALITIES, STYLES dt PRICES. Good, of alt kind, are being .old at a. low ‘rate! .. can reasonably bo expected. Tbe Stock I. in much better .hope than ever before to fill all call, or order*. , - . rev WE 'SHALL CONTINUE TO SELL ALL DOMESTICS, STPCS AS BROWN SHIRTINGS AND SHEETINGS, BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, DENIMS' TICKINGS, STRIPES., CHECKS, 1 . COTTON FLANNELS, HEAVY COTTON- ' !'•„ . . ADES, ■“, ,'j • YARNS, S WHITE, RED, ] “■ BLUB AND GREY, j • MIXED WOOL FLANNELS, . j SHAKERS FLANNELS, WRAP-! PERS, DRAWERS, &o.- Ao„ Ac., jfco.. At about the j»me low rates w. bar* been gelling the.past thrae month,.. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD! PRINTS. COMMON, MEDIUM A EXTRA GOODS, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. A very large stock to retail from. miss ®®©ls B This stock is full ot choice Goods, each as ; , DeLAINES, ALPACCAS, MOHAIRS WOOL PLAIDS. WOOL DeLAINES. PLAIN Sc FANCY REPS, Ac. No one should buy a dress before eiaminio- this stock. . , , . , IN SHAWLS We can do well with all; the stock is large; plenty of BROCHG Sc WOOK. SHAWLS, DOUBLE Sc SINGLE, From low prices to extra qualities, Small Shawls, Ac. CLOAKS AND CLOAKINGS* We are doing a LARGE CLOAK TRADE, keep ing all the LEADING STYLES, and selling them at such CLOSE BATES tbat no one can get them ap cheaper, without they can dot and make the garment themselves, and then they can save but a small portion of the costs of making. If par ties prefer to make up for themselves we have the 1 CLOTHS Sc TRIHiniNGS of all kinds at the LOWEST CASH RATES. BALMORALS. Wo can snit'ony one as to price or quaflty/keeping them from the 10 WEST JN MARKER to;tbeEX TEA GOODS, which we sell as low as last season. BOOTS & SHOES. This Department does Us own advertising. I would 'simply remark that customers ' CAN DEPEND on having a full supply of die 4 SAME STANDARD GOODS, nnd that we warrant all articles sold to be as repre* seated. We can suit AIL CUSTOMERS from the best styles of Ladies wear to the heavy DOUBLE SOLE BOOT, and fit any one, from the smallest child to the extra sites. Richardson's best make Boots. In Men's D. 8. A Di S.'Boye* and youths* always on. bifid is fall supply .CHEAP*. ®R®esat'aiu , As usual we odr Grocery Stock in good ord?r, and sell everything lit the;lo»e»rmajket rates. WBOI.EIALI! TRADE. ,r'r-’i / •;* r? i •% ./ . • All goods sold *t Wholesale at lover rates than NEW YORK TIME PRICES.' We e«> do better by all bnyeft of Small''Wholesale Jlilla than most dealers, as wa add'lat a smalt comhrialibh toNew York Cash Prices. . , PRODUCE Of all kinds taken on as favorable" terinl as abj buyer. CASH PA.Ip.foT all marketable articles.,. a ,. , jr. A* parsons, ; k., ■ 7 ‘‘. Corning, N. T, • Voreaibir ilylMJi ■*-, -j_ —OF— wax A RUM DBINK! A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED " YBfiKtABIbE. EXTRACT. A PURE TOIffIC, THAT WILL BELIEVE THE AFFLICTEDj.AND NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS> dr.hooflaids GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL SFFBOTUALIY AND MOST CBMAIHLT CURE ALT, DISEASE^S . ARISING FROM A ' disordered LIVER,, , STOMACH, . j ' ox KIDNEYS. ; BOOFLAND r S OERMAK BITTERS ’ WILL CURB EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Scrvoni DcbllUv, Dli emc «f the Kldnejs, and Dlsea. ;ei arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE’ THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS . Retailing from Disorders of-the Dtgetiice ■- Organs: . [Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness* or Blood totko Head Acidity of thefitomacb, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust .for Food, Fulness orWeigfit in tbe Stomach - ’ >6oor Eructations, Sinking or Flutter tcrlng at the Pit of the Stomach, . , " ' Swimming of the Head, Qnr* 1 Hurried 1 .-and Difficult Breathing. Flntter ingat the Heart; Cbokipgor • - Suffocating L Sen- * eattoba when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision,.Dots or Webs be* J -fore the Sight, • • - % ' Fever and Dull Pain Pain in the Head, De* fleiency of. Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side. Back* Cheat, Limbs, Ac , snd- , den Hushes or Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Con-1 slant Imaginations of EjU, aid' great Depression of Spirits. HQPFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE tOD A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU Strong Healthy Nerves, . ■ .' v r I S‘ ’ • WILL GIVE YOU BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, WILL ENABLE YOU TO SLEEP W E L L, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, Ac. Those Snfferiug from Broken, down and Delicate Conrtitutious, -* From whatorer cansc, cither la MALE OR FEMALE, will find in lIOOELAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, 'a REMEDY ■ That will restore,them to their usual health. Such hu been the cose in thousands of instances, and a fair trial is but required to prove the assertions - . From'Rev. J. Kewtou Brown, D. D., Editor of tha Encyclo pedia of Religious Knowledge. . Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Med icines iageneral, thn ngh distrust of their ingredients and effects, I'yet know of ho sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits be believes himself to have re ceived from any simple preparation, in the hope that be may thus contribute to the benefit of otbers. I do this'the more readily in regard to nonflaude German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M, Jackson, of tbl# city, bscans* I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the Impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal Of this prejndlce by proper tests, and for encour agement try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. Tbo use of three bottles of these Bit ters; at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to o degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of.regalofng. Ltherefere thank God and ihy friend for directing me to the use of them.. Philadelphia, June 20,1861. J. NEWTON BROWN. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER In Noting or Ased, Dalo or Female Are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from MARASMUS, Wastftig away, with scarcely any fiesh on their bones, are cUred in a very short time; one bottle in snch coses, will have a most surprising effect. PARENTS Having suffering children os above, and wishing to raise them, will never regret the day they commenced with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard with'their brains, should always keep a bottle of UUDFLAND’S BITTERS near them os they will find-much benefit froin its uso, to both mind and body, invigorating and not depressing. -• II IS KOI A LIQUOR STIMULANT, - - And leaves no prostration. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS I AND THE , FRIENDS OP SOLDIERS. Wscall the Attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that “lIOOFLAND’S Gorman Bitters' 1 will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and privations.incident to camp life. In the lUts, pub lished almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, It will be noticed that a very large proportion are suf fering from debility... Every case of that kind can be readily cared by Hoofiand’s German Bitters. We bate ho hesitation in stating that, if .these Bitters were freely n«ed among our soldiers, hundreds of lira* might be saved tflat otberwlte would be lost. •The proprietors are daily receiving "thankful letters from sufferers In the army and hospitals, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. . . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS 1 See that the Slsniilnrcof ‘*,o. M. JACKSON” in on the WRAP- PER pi „eacU Boiilc.' PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CTS. OR HALF DOZ. P«R S 4 00. Should yonr nearest-druggist not have the.article, do not be put off by any of the Intoxicating preparations that may be its place, but sefid to us, and we will forward, securely packed by express. , principal Olfioc St MailulUctory, NO., 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & *ftANS, (Saecesaotafo 0. M. JACKSON A Co,) Proprietor*. XO-t OREALSby Brwglsta and Rcalirt In emy ttfwe’ lathe tMtwrStatrt. ’ : : ' W'fbwSatMMr. PERINEA CASH STORE! is now put two yean lines the opening of oar > ■ • - ‘ ' ' i - j READY PAY STORE —AT— TROY;: BRADFORD; CQUNXT, PA., ilnee jrtjich|time public bare awarded to oi a OENCROUB PATRONAGE, I i 1 mu hare beon tigaall; ptoapand. Tba ' PAY AS YOU;GO PLAN has afforded ns ample proiioute our basi nets in such « manner as to ! 1 DEFY COMPETITION. ■ Perhaps no greater comment could be adduced to show t|g value of this plan, than the perfect security affords to the purchaser. Be gets the value it of bis moooy, but has the fqll consciousness that be is % ff«e man* . Duns to him are thinga talked of but not realised. Wc do business i Strictly' for Cash, thereby taring a'heavj. tax which molt ha impoied on the porohatdr,‘where a | . . s CEjEDIT BUSINESS IS DONE. We pnrchaae moit of oor Goods for Caah, offering them at a eery flight advance t PRO IS COST,’ i , !1 preferring as we always bare done from tbe com mencement of oar basiness to do & largo trade for Small Profits, rather thatfrnn the riskswhich thelossesaUen'ding n CREDIT SYSTEM inrolrcd. j We therefore can anddo otter to, purcha. lore of 1 ' * 1 1 DRY GOODS, the best assortment of Qooods to be found In i i |i NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, Tf you want to purchase i BLACS, BROWN, BLUE & GREEN &ICRS, | BROCADE & PEAIIN, f Call! at PERINE’S. j; . of all stylesan<J quality* ' *' Plamrand figured Merino^ English Coburgs Colored and Black Alopaeos, , Brocrado Reps and oriental lustres, Figured Grenadines, Brocade Mohairs, In fact everything in th» Dress Goods line, . { , jAT PERINE’S. 1 CALL'AND SEE ", J P Splendid Broches, and Squartf Shawls, Black Thibet, long Shawls, Black Thibet, square Shawls,. ' Colored Thibets, , j Black Silk Shawls, and Shawls of every kind and variety. ■ AT- PERINE’S. i 1 CLOAKS. : SACQUES, & MANTILLAS, of the newest designs in Block or Colors, ■j, . { AT PERINE’S. FIVE THO JSAND, YARDS Delaine for 3 ebitlinge per Pacific and Manchestei yard, • ‘ • TES THOf|sANi)VXRDS Madder Prints for 1 shi ling per yard, ( AT PERINB’S. A LARQ IE QUANTITY that defy competition, I AT PERINE’S. of Domestics at prices i’ ' !f FIFTY CASES Shop-made Kip and Slogs Boots, for $3,00 per pair, i AT PERINE’S. r , hAts ANd caps of gfdat variety in quality and price, • . |} • V AT PERINE’S. Ladles, Missos 4 Children's fifcqea In, great variety, and cheap, . (I Al FERINE'S. Flont-byth* Sack oil Barrel, , AX FERINE'S. Prlcea reduced on Hoop'Skirts'and Corset,,. , . •. i| ■ AX PEEINE’S.- Opera Flnnhehr.plain, figured, striped and checked, heavy twilled and red, 1 blue, green, Flannels, . (j ‘. AT PERINE g ' jk of CLOTH A new and ebanp ' SejiLW, iskf Ejre stad Ear Institute, DR. UP DE ORAFF, OCULIST, AOKIST & OEN'L SUKOEOS/ ■„ treats all'diseases Of TEE ETS, EAR AND TEEOAf THE EVE—Ho will operat* igxra Cataract, Arti ficial Pupil, Cron. Eyer, Laohrvmai Fi.tni.; - Pterygium, Edtfofsonr,- (inversion of the eye lid,) and . treata all forme of Sore Eyee, «ueh m Granulated Lida, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities of the Cornea* - Scrofulous Diseases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye is subject. -; -" - THE EAR.—Treats saecessfolly Discharges from " the Gar, Noises In the Ear, Difficulty of Hearing* Deafness, (eSon when the DP.VU Is entirely destroyed, trill insert an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of the natural). i THE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with • In all Its forms, permanently enred. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upoU Club Feet, Hare Lip, Cleft Folate, Tumors, CQueers, Morbid GfoWths, Deformities from Burns, - HERNIA, Operated upon by a netr mode- with entire success ; and performs PLASTIC OPERATIONS; irbero that Nose) Lip, or sin/ portion-of the face is destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing them os anew. Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, and Gen eral Surgery in all ita branches, INSERTS' ARTIFICIAL EYES.—Giving them til tho motion and expression of the fiatuntifdcfying de tection. They afe inserted Without removing the old one, or producing pain. The Doctor's collection of Instruments comprises all the latest improvements, and is tfae largest la the State. The superior, advantages be hashed in per- ‘ feeling bittfself in all that is new and valuable in Sur gery, warrants him in saying that every thing witbltf the bound?of the profession may he expected of him, •• Tbe Institute has been greatly enlarged, s» (bat wet. - can now accommodate an increased number of pa* . tients from a distance. ComjfirUblo Boarding Hou ses attached to the establishment. No incurahlt Cam rtettced for treafmfnt or operas ttotu. If a case is incurable, be will be s$ informed; Institute upon Water-street, opposite House, Bimira, K. T. Elmira, N. Y„ > T ov. 4, 1863.~1jr» September Ist, 1863* FROM THIS DATE, FOR READY PAY ONLYiI custom: boots and shoes t leather,’ Findings, &c, - , , CASH PAID FOE HIDES, PELTS, DEStt SKINS AND FIiES. jQR. FRANKLIN SAYS: , “ WAen yon have anything io ndtertUe, t«U til public of it in plain, simple language." I am manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoes which I will sell at fair .prices, and only for READ YPA Y, Such work cannot fie sold h t'as low rotes per pair as eastern made slop-work, lot item* and will be sold at prices which'will enable the pur* chaser to protect bis feet with* good substantia) boot* more cheaply than with- a poor slop-shop article which, oven if it chances not to fall in pieces with tbtf first weeks service, is but a doublfnl protection i* wet and cold weather. Try me. - Fuck and DdeskinsWarited, in the’red and short Woe, for which I will pay cash and a good price. > 'v . . Beef-Hidesand Calftkiht. Wanted, for which I will also pay Cash; Sheep Pclta Wjtntodi for which I will also pay eash and the highest ket price v An assortment of sole,ttppCr, calfskins and pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shoe-hammers, Ao.y Ac., kepV-ooDf tantly .on hood, which I .will sdl-chcap for cash. Shop on Main Street betfrCen Wilcox's and Bullard's. G. W. SEARS. N. B. I can’t give credit, because, to be plain, I haven’t got ft fo give. Wellsboro, Sept, 9, 1863. 1 NEW m AND SECOND HAND SAFES* FOR SALE bEEAPi AT THE i\W York Safe Depot# TI William Slrefcl, N«w Fork* ' S. A. GREGG. Size and Prices of LILLIE' S Fite-proof Safes; No. 1.... 24 No. 2 26 No. 3...:. 30.... V No. 4 32 No. S 34. No. ~40 No.l. .17 Tfo. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. S'. No. 0. No. 6..... Nor. 25, 1863-onroy. WELtSBORO’ ACAbMr. THE next term «f this institution wilLeonimenf© on MONDAY, Nhr. 3D 1 ,1863, under thecborge of- BENJAHIW EGLIN, B. A.; . ns Ptfxieipnli aWisled : X>y S corps of tojppete o* teachers. ‘‘uj- J. i. ROBINSON, Ptcs’t. . J. EMERY ScVy. Wellsbdro, Oct. <M, 1863, * AT PERINE’S. D. HART’S HOTEL. WELLSBORO, TIUG-i CO. PEKXA. TitE subscriber takes ibis method (o inform bis old friends and customer* that bo has re sumed the conduct of the old “ Crystal Fountain Hotel.’' and Kill hereafter give it his entire attention. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a renewal of the same.' , DAVID HART. . Wellsbofo, Hot. 4, 1863--*ly. „ " FLOUR AND FEED STORE. ■- OSGOOD'S BLOCK, MAIN ST., WELLSBORO' I AM receiving, and shall keep constantly on hand, at my store in Osgood’s Block, the best quality of Genesee Floor, which will be s'old at lowest market prices. Alrey FEED, CQEN MEAL, and BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, . ALBERT RUSSELL. WellsEdro, Oct 28, X 563.. FLOUR AND FEED STORED D. BARTS OLD STAND WELESBORO, PA/ I am daily receiving a full stock of Flour anti Feed from the Elmira and Covington Mills, which I will sell et the lowest market prices. Warranted to give satisfaction both In price and quality. A liberal patronage respectfully solicited. “WILLIAM H. ELOCK. Wcllsboro, Nov. 11, 1863, Sm. ■priDES AND VEAD SKINS WANTED Xh* rl b!*he*t- tn»rltet- »rie» p»M in mosey at air BMOKLTX T4SME&T acn S«f», ra'ltlKfc'A .Rimsa, s, T, CATARRH, outside; height. WIDIH, ;.., 31 ctsidb. ' HgIOBT. WIDTH. mm.l! ,18? .j1f i......... 2l ..: 22 ......... 24. St! -T3i ...,; 12 IS 1 -18 JI .'...19 PRICE* .sso on '«o oil TO on B5 (i) wo on uj o(h N0..l 3?o. 2.;... No. 3...;. N«.-4..... No. 6 N IO N >9i .y. -j * dipt*; ...24 ...24 ...24 ...24 i>EPt4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers