S I'. •J’irs. * thk agitator. LOCAXi Atgp MIByEXiI)AKBOTJB. Welloboro, "Wednesday, 22,1863., - - Sew Advertisements. , Tt» DeHart Reward. —lfra. Bolermsn, Court Proclamation, —Sheriff Btowell. Police.— P. Damon, • ,Sro,ei.—J» BBsy. . ,' Tha Deaft is progtesiing quietly in New England md In Philadelphia. The day for drafting in this diatriet hai not been Bxed. J Joan Mettzs, of Loyalaock, gave one dollar ($3Ol. .jto «fery loldier that left Williamsport for the war.— Hia adranced years alone prerented him from ihoald tring. market, , *«; to the pressapon our columns, we have been janitraiped (o put'the adrertjfoment of the Commie-i ■ doners’Bales of noted and dnseated lands, over until week. ' yfe are glad to learn that treat. Col. Niles is im prering. Hit'wound U assuming » healthy appear ance,’and does not give him, agreat deal of pain.— Be does not yet venture npoi. the street. Lieut. Bodihe is. also doli^well. Tu* President seis apart Thursday, August 6th, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, in gratitude for the signal victories. wbieh hive accrued to our sons within the fortnight. The odstomaiy serviced in the various places, of .worship may be expected. ' Tas draft feU-pmtty heavily upon.the Corning and Eloisburg Kail Koad employees. Two conductors, Jho baggage master, hnd BOTotal ; othep employees were among those who drew the ptires In Bteuben County. Also all the cashiers of the Ranking houses in Corn ing. ' - Wb detire. to direst the dttontion of our readers to two contributed articles ,oa the firaf page. “A Rem iniscence,’’ Is written by one who participated in tho semes he so graphically describes.' We hare read no description of a battle during ’ this war so vivid and life-like. "Hospital Beenes, ; ’>y a lady who baa visi ted the hospitali,' will be'read with interest. One of tho Six Months’ volnnteers,writes ns as fol lows of the estimation in which Capt. Merrick is hold by his command: “There U not a main in onr com pany hut thinks onr Captain all right. Ho has been offered the position of Major of onr hattallion, but would not-accept it, saying‘that ho would not leave his boys.’.’’ This la high, praise for Capt. Merrick,- and wo are glad.that he deserves it. _ How ra it?— "BißClarli,!* arrested some time ago for passing counterfeit- money in this Borough, “leaked out” Of jail sometime during Monday night. Something ought to be doi)S to plug up tho largest holes through which' prisoners escape from our jail, otherwise we shall have rogue in three Counties practising their aids in onr by the ease with which-they can’ get out of limbo if arrested. . Clark made 'a rope ont of bis bedding and sealed tho roof, through the ", Two-Cbbt, Stamps. —NeWy two-cent stamps have just been issued'by tho Department.to meet* tho de mand created by the new infixing the rates on drop letters, circulars, transient 'printed .matter, Ac., at two tents. They arc black in color, and bear a finoly en- graved head el Gen." Andrew Jackson. The portrait occupios'nearly 'tho entiro-.vßUrfaco of tho stamp, and the character of the engrsiipg is such that the pro eui of defacement to whj|S'it mast be subjected, is easily and- effectually.porfS&ned. - LIST SaudMjTabeut attack wm made ■ upon some hous^ r otiU-|a^ s <on the westeta end of Market St, and three or soon cleaned out. The-houae formerly oeeap&dby Qfio. W. Hathaway, deceased, was the most and beat furnished. Sofas, stoves, looking-gUf)****;crockery, chairs, furni ture, bedding mixed up and dam aged at to he of little 'SChe occupants of these infamous house s'.made to the persons who constituted tbe attaclglß party, and who, from their knowledge of locaUtipi;&ad probably been there before. — Corning Journal* ; .- . - hin, youngest son of Her. B. J. Douglass, fovnod on Monday, Bth inst., In a hole* in an yard, back of the ■ Collegiate Institute. It bad gone into the water for the bathing, not suspecting that the water in the was of sufficient* depth to,be darigeroos. 'is Body wap recovered in a short time, bat not until- CV Was extinct, and all ef forts at resuscitation provwlunavailing. '“Ben ny" was about eight 4l? e / a P unusually bright and interesting' ladi.-v lie afflicted father has tiie sympathy of onr enii||j:imniunUy in his end be reavement,—-Bradford Jjtc&,y&T» Deserter Shot.— "last week, officer Hor ton, employed by tlie States Government, at tempted to arrest one L*js|f Underbill, a deserter, in which Underhill whs Shot. We have heard several differenlwer&cus of (he affair, bat be lieve the facts, are and A. A.- Hempstead ureited-Underhill in he asked to go to the house fop his coat; his oul his coat, and alio handed hub a -Eterten knocked .volver out of nis hand free and picked up the revolver andcpcked ijgjiaj Horton drew, bis re volver 2nd shot him in l^^fe4Bt- i jS'u#g'u#Aanno Be publican* ' ’ ,£xplosiok of HVob Park, Pa.— h. correspondent of theljli§fenehannab Republican, coder .date of July ,6th, a dreadful explo sion ettforredln Hyde_Park, that morning at 7 o'clock, death of eight boys and seriously wounding and killing eight zanies Wfid'thm horses. 1 drivers wife their males were entering through to commence the labors of the day, of them had arrived about half way. to the an explosion ' cf Fire Damp ecmired.; .^i^^iplssion was distinctly heard at Scranton. the mouth ofsthe drill, flames were seen from it Two of the bodies of the boys had outside; and por tions of (he harness irbm off the ffeet of (he .taulea, were thrown from the mouth of Um drift Immediately tSfefts wore made to enter the nines. Four men atartecWjt:, accompanied by a dog, who pas sent ahead, apd;p.v& evidence of the exist-. eaee of the damp. The Started to retdm and bnt one was able .to reas| 4he outside. Others then entered and brought t^|fp pa «ntlj lifeless forms of the three out Their immediately hurried in fresh dog earth, remedy resorted te in these cases,) and theyjgv.e new -^covered. Th? PESnaTLYASIA ■ 12J THE GSTTYS irEO eight —A friedd (a native of this county)'writes us from tgtbattle field at Gettysburg, a reiy interesting lentesife statistical information in which we obtained freqj sources, and published , \ by the “Beserves” in the fight, he Baja : ’ fsSii > \ • Uaa4e ( Qod i™!) remarked that his pets, ho Reserves, wei4j| ? rth to him 200,080 men. M wen * * n *° 00 the second day, the theTL ha 4/n alei i. of and - .t, y * en kjHngbaek MSsorder. Theenemy was on capturing a reserves went in un ««there therebols, and drove 1 ■' me^’4awn Strange to say, their wuM.» in sunlight. This was prohabty ow»g tb,fte‘fi|||t tha'ranks are so thin that the officers are about ** numerous as the men.— They have the proud desUnoiion of having saved the day toour anas in that portion of the hotly-contested field'.” Of the treatment oar brave boy* received at the 'hands of copperhead tones after ths battle, he says: “Officers and men ere unanimous in their denuncia tion of the-conduct of the copperhead oitirens of this community. They say that they would sooner fall into the hands ef the rebels in arms, from whom they vould receive kinder treatment. These old 'lop-eared Butch,* are hanging everlasting sham* upon the State. A number of officers and men assure me that they they paid one dollar each' for a loaf of bread, and en ormous prices for everything else. X am almost ashamed to own that lam a Pennsylvanian. It is the unanimous sentiment of the whole army, that (his race of beings need-exterminating, far more than the reb els inarms. Their only desire seems to be to prey upon the hard-earned 'green-backs* of the battle 'soarred heroes, audio speculate out of the starving de fenders of the republic. Buoh creatures would sell the Savior of Mankind for a much less sum jthan did Judas. .Language foils to furnish terms to express the loathing with which all patriots regard stick apol egies for human bungs. They are a libel on their Maker, and worthy of the lowest hell.” Yes, and every one of th£se miscreants will vote for Woodward next October. That is the kind of timber the Woodward and Vallandigbam copperheads rely upon. Our correspondent, like ourself, never knew how to hate traitors until he was forced into duly contact with them. the Six Months Volunteer*. Captain Merrick writes ns from Camp CnrtiD, under date of July 15th, as follows: Friend Cobb. —Enclosed I send yotr a list ef the company, as it now stands. It is nof a muster-roll, bat is sufficient for the present purpose. The aggre gate is seventy-five. We are formedinto a hattallion, called tbe“First Bat talllon, Six Months' Men." There are seven compa nies now; one from Tioga,, two from Lancaster, one from Montour, one from Cumberland, and 1 two from Philadelphia. ; The field officers! are,-Lieut. Col., Joseph Ramsey, ef Montour County ; Major Robinson, of Philadel phia ; Adjutant, Thos. E. Little, of Philadelphia.—- We are at present, doing provost duty in Harrisburg. Ours is company “A,” COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Captain, George W. Merrick; Ist Lieut.. Cecil A. Deane; 2d Lieut., Robert Youbg. WON COMMISSIONED OFFIC^&S. Ist Serg*t, Gerould Denison ; 2d Serg’t., Ephraim Smith; 3d Serg't., Daniel Dewey; 4th Alonzo Mack; Ist Corporal, Lewis Dumaux; 2d Corporal, Lyman Potter; 3d Corporal, Benjamin Clans; 4th Corporal, Samuel Morgan, PRIVATES. • Thomas J. Butler, James Donaldson, Josiah L. Butler, Chauncy F. Dart, Eugene Bowen, Oscar F. Elite, Aruna Bacon, Allen 'Fornwalt, Tunis Bush, Charles Fields, John Bloncb, William Green, Charles G. Catlln, William Griner, William Chase, Martin Gleason, John Cline, Morgan Hart, Truman Chubbuck,- Nathaniel Hart, Edwin Campbell, Wm. H. Harrison, Darius L. Deane, Orville Henry, John Dibble, Rich ‘ard Henry, Amos Hartman, Albert Ives, William D. Jones, Frank Towner, George Kimball; Ozias Webster, Valentine Keller, Edward Webster, Albert Lakey, Michael Walbull, Casper Light, Hiratn Willard, Da vid Lesley, Benjamin Williams, Edward Myers, John Martin, Orren West, Joseph Mosman, Samuel Miller, William Miller/William Moore, Benjamin Naftzger; ’Adam Naftzger, Thomas Oakum, Henry Boorman, Wesley Peterson, Joseph Palmer, David Robins, Hen ry Sears, Peter Suavely, Sterry Starkweather, Charles Shumway, John P. Scott Hiram Spotts, Welcome Shell man, George Tabor, Samuel Trull. SOLDIERS* AID SOCIETY, The following articles have been forwarded to the Sanitary Commission, since last week. Five gallons of pickles, 13 large pillows,' 50 rolls bandages, 3 rolls, rags, 6 bed ticks # 6- new sheets, 1 comb, 6 towels 2 doz. handkerchief, 10 packages lint, 3 pair drawers, 1 large cheese, 9 bottles blackberry wine, 2 bottles blackberry 1 bottle currant shrub, 1 bottle raspberry vinegar, 4 bottles Mononga helo. 6'bottles* red oil, 4 currant jelly, 2 bags dried currants, 1 bag dried beans, U bottles currant wine, 3a. lbs. dried apples, a quantity of magazines and papers. Karnes added to membership since last published list. Messrs. Wm. Bacbc, 0. Bullard, James SofieldW. Sofiold, J. Robinson, M. Duriff. Miss 0. Austin, A. Lowrey, Allie Donaldson, Lizzie Erwin, Mary Cowden, Clara Emery, Anna S. Bache, Mary Bacbe, Eva Dartt, Mary Sturrock, Sarah Bar ker, M. Hiberolle, Kellie WilHston, Josephine Win gate, Mary Simpson, Mary Fellows, Kate Conway. Mrs. Vanvalkenberg, John Dickinson, Calvin Kel ley, Jerome Smith, Lewis Smith, R. Roy, A. Balfour, C. L. Wilcox, Jas. Bryden, Jaa. Kelly. Tbe next regular meeting of the Society will be on Saturday, 25th lust., at the Court-House. By order of the President. Mart C/Ruckman, Sec’y. ARRIBD. In Wellsboro, July 15th, 1863, by A. 6. Brewster, Esq., Mr. CLINTON SLOCUM, of Chatham, Tioga County Pa., to Mias MATILDA SWEET, of Middle bory, Tioga County Pa, Near Tioga,. Juno 21, clt., HARLAND L. PRUTSMAN. late a Lieutenant in Co., A, 130th P. V., aged 24 years ana 10 months. He was the son of. Andrew Prutaman, a farmer, living a short distance beloW TiOga; and was born August 19tb, 1863, near the old homestead, where be died. In 1861, be was among the first to volunteer, and was Or derly Sergeant of Capt. McDonald’s company for a time; when be was discharged on account of ill health. Ever af terwards he was anxious to be in the army, but yielding to fndgment, and the wishes of bis friends, who believed that bis health was inadequate to the fatigue and hardships of the soldier’s life. However, in August 1862, he again enlisted, and was Sergeant of company “A,” 136th Reg*t., P. V. He was conspicuous in the regiment for his success in this position. He passed safely through the. battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13th, 1862, though his clothes were pierced by three- bullets, during, that sanguinary engage* ‘ment. Though not always well, he rarely ever was off du ty. It was a pleasure to him to see things in order. On the 12tb of March, 1863, he was commissioned 2d Lieutenant in the same company, which was a reward and honor due for bis services, and bravery. Let us not wish him back. i ’ Com. NOTICE rs hereby given that S- I. Power, Egq., late Sheriff, has placed bia books in the hands of the undersigned for settlement and collection. Therefore, all persons interested are requested to set tle saictaceonnts without farther delay. LawrenceviUe, Jnly 22, 3863. 3t* P. DAMON. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. THE reward will be paid to any per son thatwill give any correct information con cerning a letter sent te a certain man here in town, signed Mrs. Bolerman; But I hope the author will study their spelling book before they proceed an£ farlfaer. Address the same. Wellsboro, July 22/1863. Tioga go. court proclamation.— Whereas, the Hon. RobertG. White, President Judge for the 4th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Royal Wheeler and Victor Case, Esq.’s, Asso ciate Judges in Tioga county, have issued their pre cept, bearing date the sih day of June, 1863, and to me directed, lor the bolding of Orphan's Cpnrt, Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions ondUyer and Terminer, at Wcllsboro, for the County of Tioga, on the sth Monday of August, (being the 31st day,} 1863, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in and for the county of Tioga, to appear in (heir own proper per sons, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to du those things which of their offi ces and in their behalf appertain to be done, and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any person or persohs, are required to be'tben and there attending, and not to depart at their perils Jurors are requested to be punc tual in their attendance at the appointed time, agree ably to notice. '< Given under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's Office, in Wellsboro, the 22d day of i July, in the year ■ of our Lord one thousand eighi hundred and sixty . three. H. STOWELL, Jr., Sheriff. STRAYED from the enclosure of the Subscri ber, on or about the 25th day of June last, A PALE RE B COW, about nine yeari old, gavo milk from three teats, when she went away. One of lier ears had been slit by a dog. whoever will return said Cow' to the owner, or giva Information where she. can be found, shall be suitably rewarded. JOSEPH KILET. Crooked Omsk, July 22, 1863.* THE, TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. . jar . k . ; * A PLAIN STATEMENT OF FACTS! rpHE SUBSCRIBER is now’selling all kinds of DOMESTIC. AND FOREIGN DRY 'J- GOODS at greatly reduced prices: His stock is all new, and has bcea selected with great care, and BOUGHT AT THE, VERY BEST ADVANTAGES that the Eastern markets afford. Ha does not claim to have a large stock, BOUGHT SEVERAL YEARS AGO, as he has always made QUICK SALES, and SMALL PROFITS Us MOTTO, and has been unable to keep Us GOODS. THAT LENGTH OP TIME, IP HE HAD' WISHED. His ouslomeri have always manifested a preference for NEW GOODS in their proper season, and he.has always mads It bis business to introduce the LATEST STYLES in all kinds ofjgoods usually kept in large Stores. The stock at present is in splendid working order, and he ean supply customers with all the Goods -needed at this time of the year, and at PRICES that CANNOT FAIL to SUIT the MOST ECONOMICAL. We. have full lines in all the several DEPARTMENTS OF DRESS GOODS. We have a very large assortment, tonsil ting of all the VARIOUS NEW STYLES, in EXTRA MEDIUM AND .DOW GRADES, at prices that will correspond favorably with OLD PRICES. IK ■ CLOAKS, , . CLOAK CLOTHS, SDN UMBRELLAS, SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLA SILKS, LACE CAPES AND SHAWLS; —ALSO— TRIMMINGS FOR SUCH GOODS, WE CANNOT BE SURPASSED. isissm m- mjl mps are BXfiOMmoRSi AS CHEAP AS THE CASH CAN BUY THEM, L. C. HANDKERCHIEFS CHEAP AS EVER. HOOP SKIRTS.-'-The largest variety-and at the Lowest Price in the LADIES’ & MISSES’ FLATS—Nearly all Styles, do. do. SHAKERS—CoIored and .White. TRIMMING for each and all of them, in all the styles. BOOT AND SHOE STOCK. In this Department no pains will be spared to keep it op to the mark, to as to have everything called for, and at SATISFACTORY PRICES. MENS’ BOOTS AND SHOES f BOYS’ do. do. LADIES’ GAITERS AND BOOTS, MISSES’ do. do. 1 IT we intend to eell everything at the lowest market ra(e», and to keep everything in that line that wo have been in the habit of keeping. WHOLESALE TRADE. ALL GOODS in any of the above Stocks will be WHOLESALED at a very SMALL ADVANCE on MEW YORK CASH PRICES. Making it the interest of all who bay in that way to call and see what wo are doing. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDERS. All customers are invited to call and look at onr Goode. If not equal to their expectations, we do not expect Co sell. A good many Goods are needed in the Country this season, and they can be sold at reasonable rates. I intend to keep a first-rate stock and tell ALL GOODS CHEAP, and do my" share of the business of the country. J. A. PARSONS, May 27, 1863. Threshing machines and Agri cultural Implements. THE subscriber would respectfully announce to the cittans of Tioga and adjoining counties, that he still continues to sell Agricultural Implements as agent for the old well established firm of Wheeler, Melick A. Co., of Albany, N. Y. They have made several valuable improvements to their former Unri valdd Threshing Machines and large additions to tholr variety. They now manafactnre two different kinds of Rail Road'Horse Powers for one, two and three horses, a six horse lever Power, and three differ* ent sizes.of their celebrated Rake Threshers and Winnowers from 26 inch cyli£der*to 34. Likewise Palmer’s Excelsior, self-sustaining, Horse Pitchfork, Circular and cross cut Sdfc Mills, CloverHullen, Feed Cutters, Horse Rakes do., all of which is offered for sale strictly at Albany prices, adding transportation, for cash o? approved notes on time. All kinds of ex tras for repairing old machines kept on band or or* dered on short notice. Orders solicited and promptly attended 'to. *B.-S. TEARS. Troy, Pa., Jane 17,1863. * Como in, out of the Draft! 1 QQ RECRUITS wanted for the Ist Rifles, (Bncktails) now on doty in defence of Washington. I want 100 able-bodied men for this famous Regiment, whose name is gloriously connected with nearly every battle df the Pototnao army. The Government pays One Hundred Dollars Bounty to each reernit! Rally, boys, to the battle-stained colors of the u Old Bucktails!” Headquarters at Bigoney’s Hotel, Wellsboro. Lieut. L. TRUMAH, Q. M., Ist Rifles, P. V. R. C. June 24', 1863. Reuniting Officer. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad ministration having been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of JOHN H. WILCOX, late of Covington township, dec'd, notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and tko.se having claims to present them prop erly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. BBNAJAH WILCOX, Adm'r. June 49,1863-6 t» WHISKERS! I! . . PELATRE AU’S STIMULATING onguent. OR FRENCH CREAM! S S FOR BALD HEADS AND BABE FACES!!! _ THIS celebrated article is warranted to bring ont a fall set of Whiskers on the smoothest face, or a fine growth of hair on a Bald bead, in less than six weeks, and will in no way stain or injure the skin. The French Cream is manufactured by Df. M. Pila tbeacs, of Pads, and is the only reliable article of the kind. “ Use no other." Warranted in every cafe. One Box will do the work. Price $l.OO. Im ported and fpr sale Wholesale and Retail by THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Druggist, 831 Broadway, New York. P. S. A Box of the Ongnent sent to any address by return mail, en receipt of price, and 15 cents for Postage. July 1,186fi-4t, FOB SALE. WEB last good business losation which can JL be bought in Wellsboro, is now offered for sale; the vacant lot IS by 100 feet adjoining the Dry Goods Store of Bullard A Co,, Main Street. For terms inquire of R. BOY, at the Drug Store. Wellsboro,' June 10, 1803. RETURNED SOLDIERS AND their FRIENDS, can obtain BACK ■PAY, PENSIONS, and BOUNTY, through the subscriber, who has made arangements to prosecute all such claims, with a long established and perfectly reliable PENSION AGENCY at Washington. As the'affidavits must be taken before a judge of. the Court, and as this is the residence of Judge Whee ler, the business can be transacted in an hours time. Lawrenceviile, Jan. 28,1863. £. D. WELLS. Hides and veal skins WANnSD-^rhe highest market price paid in mosey at the BROOKLYN TANNERY near Tioga. July 1, 1863.. OIJB. DOMESTIC STOCK; 1 —SUCH AS— SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS^ BLEACH’D * BROWN, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CHECKS, ' DENIMS, STRIPED SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, CLOTH SPREADS, Ac. was never in better shape to fill all calls than at pre sent, and at a REDUCTION of from 80 to 40 per cent, on early Spriag prices. SHAWLS, PARASOLS, NOTION k WHITE GOODS STOCK is well filled, and we are selling notions of all kinds much cheaper than last month—WHITE GOODS the same-way. Country. We can suit every one. CHILDRENS’ SHOES.— f ]g « 011 3 1 S No. 3, Concert Block, Corning-, N. T. PEOPLE’S STORE, IN CORNING! THE People’s Store is now well stocked with a good assortment of Goods, adapted to the SPRING TRADE, consisting in part pf a good line of Domestic Goods, Alpacas, Mohair, Poplin, DeLaines, and a general variety of Dress Goods, including a good supply of to which particular attention is paid. LADIES’ CLOTHS, AND CLOAKINGS, a fine stock of' SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEEES for Mens* and Boys' wear, for sale by the yard, or made to order. A good assortment of WHITE GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS of every variety, for- both Ladies and children. a large stock of HOSIERY and GLOVES, SHAKERS' HOODS, BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, together with a good assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, &c. The pnrebases for the SPRING TRADE, were made, daring the temporary fall in the ; GOLD MARKET, and as I sell only for READ Y PA Y, I am enabled to take* advantage of the market. I shall keep ay STOCK good THROUGH THE ? SEASON, \ and keep thoroughly posted in to price; s, and when goods decline, I shall fellow the market Without Regard to Cost. Retarning thanks to the citizens of for their kind and liberal patronage, I shall try to merit its continuance and increase. The Store is directly opposite the Dickinson House, on Market Street, J. M. SMITH. Corning, N. Y., April 15, 1863. - s Knox Fruit Farm & Nurseries. For many yean we hare made the cultivation of SMALL FRUITS a speciality, and taking into account variety, qua ntity and jaalfty, our stock of Vines and Plants of GRAPES, BLACKBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, QOOSBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, CURRANTS, Ac., Ao. isuneqnaled anywhere, which we offer on the most favorable terms. Parties,wishing to pnrebase would do well to correspond with at, or send for oar PRICE LIST, which'will be sent to all applicants free of charge. OCR SEED STORE AND HORTICULTURAL HOUSE where all articles belonging to establishment can he had of the best quality. J. KNOX, Box 155, Pittsburg, Pa. Msreh 25,1863-3 m. ; IyTOLASSES and SYRUP— a No. 1. article XU, of both at fair prices at MATHERS’. - Wellsboro, April 22, 1863. FLOUR, best and middling grades, at lowest market prices, at [April 22] MATHERS 1 . rpEAS, COFFEE, and SPICES, beat qnalitiee X and fair prices edfta&s on hand at Wellsboro, April 22,1j63. MATHERS*. CTOP tbit cough by using Cline’s Vegetable tD Embrocation. See advertisement in another coi* uma. Sold by Druggists. [Feb. 18, 1863.] —OUR— / MOROCCO, KID AND CALF, T KIP AND SPLIT, with and without the Copper Toe. NEW SPRING GOODS AT THE MOURNING GOODS, SUMMER BALMORALS, TJOGA COUNTY, I s A T No. 30 Fifth Street, TO THE PEOPLE OF TlOfii A -N D BRADFORD COUNTIES! AGAIN we beg leave to call your attention to our third Stock., of SPRING AND SUniIER GOODS! Qnr rery extensive sales this Spring, have enabled os to take advantage ef the late decline in GOLD AMD COTTOM, and we flatter .nraelvei that no Store in this part of the State can exhibit a CHEAPER OR CHOICER ASSORTMENT OP QOQDSI OCR STORE IS FILLED WITH BARGAINS, wljioh the moit economical and dUßcnlt CANNOT PAIL TO APPRECIATE, We have all the neveltiea of (he eeaion, and by fjur the GREATEST ASSORTMENT IN THESE 1 PARTS. Read the Following Varieties: SPLENDID I NOZkNBniVES, SPLENDID ,5 I ASP A NOZAMBItIVESt SPLENDID HOIR ANTIQUE HOZA2HBIQUES, SPLENDID BLACK & W|IITE CHECK, SPLENDID TWOIL AD NORD, SPLENDID SPLENDID IRISH POPLINS, SPLENDID ■ t POIL Dc CHEVRES, SPLENDID | STRIPED ALPACCAS, SPLENDID*- SPLENDID : CHALLDSS) SPLENDID SPLENDID T ® PLAIN & -FIGURED WOOL DeLAINES, SPLENDID X. FIGURED DeLAINES, SPLENDID SPLENDID SPLENDID SPLENDID At Ferine & Co’s Store TROT, Bradford County, Fa. We have ho hesitancy in saying that we hive the GREATEST VARIETY, FINEST ASSORTMENT, MOST PERFECT GOODS, r HANDSOMEST STYLES, FOR THE LEAST MONEY, of 'any merchant in NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA. In short the ladies well know that wt have always kept the best assortment of ever sold or offered to be sold in Troy. This Spring we have laid in a doable stock to meet the wants of all, and baying for CASH, whb telling at* SMALL PROFITS, gives our customers advantages over Any Other Store. / PERINE A CO. TROT, Job* IT, 1S«3 : . BtnLliABD 'Sc, CO’S - NEW STOCK OF >■ SPRING & SPIMIR GOOBS, V* all the re'ge, end tbatabopt three squats nrflas ef pecpls, is and nroUid WaUsborengfc and rlelnity, KNOW WHERE TO GO TO BUT GOOD GOODS, .asd Btjr them cheap. defy Qompetioit In etyle, variety, quantity, quality and cheapness, of ' LADIES’ DRESS GOODS,- FANCY GOODS, lAGEB, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOSIERY. LINENS, CAMBRICS, BCITONS, LADIES’ GAITERS, SLIPPERS, GLOVIS, and—but why enumerate? They bars everything in the line of goods'that willhe asked for, Come and ate. And then— Those elegant TrayeHrig Baskiti I ’ to cheap and no htat! Bare yoa'eeeu Hum? and those j enough to con nrt Weßiborq and adJoitdAg <e#dahl)to into Shakof settlements. £r«ry body riant* one, aai we mean taselll them at a price that will enable svary one to bny. J NOW GENTLEMEN, yon hero been asking fof SUISII&R OASSIIBSRS; we bare the neatest styles and the largest fariety if patterns erer brought into WellibOrO. TIP-TqP FRENCH GOODS, not " cheap as dirt," because good goods can’t bo arid for a song nhw-n-itfi; bhf it cheap as any lit# quality of got da can bo sold in the country. Also ,■ - SUMMER HATS* ; ALL {styles AND MATBBIAt.. The G rocery Departmt, oompriaes every thing in that lino, all good and at leassnabfo prices. Drop in with the crowd. THE B Almost ever, Many in their very foondatio afe the main sp to teat this priii The next time yon are tempted to pay Thirty Dollars for a Suit of €1) thing, taka a saber second theaght and box jest as good a Salt for Twenty Dollars. Tee, but where 7 at - I ESTELLAS’ and no where else. Thert fon ean find an immense stock of SPRIN6 AND SUMMED CLOTHING, LUSTRES, remarkable for \ i BEAUTY, 1 VALENCIAS, i i • , **• Ike prices aroalf marked on the tickets in JACONETS, ORGANDIES, so that everybody may read them. From then prices there can bs ! TISSUES, BEREGES &c. under any circumstances. , __ ' Any one who likes te deal hi this open banded and straight forward manner will do wail to examine this Stock, and yen will deierre the rIEjFALj TERM of the OseeoleHigh Sohool under th) direction of Prof. Wighlmen, ooßsmen cee on Tuesday, Sept. 1,1803, end coating** M weeks. The Fell end Spring tens* costing* II week* *ech. The put enoccu of thi* Institution bn* bees truly gratifying to ite numerous friend*, and the prospect for the ensuing year !• more flattering than ever be fore. There I* now so want of oemmodlea* room* for a large wmbn of student*. The new building I* designed for ladies exclusively. Gentlemen, or com panic* of Udtts and gentlemen together will roam in th* sohool bonding. A teacher will ream iorfceh building and hare the control of the student*. No institution in this section of .the country offer* any better facilities for ebtaising ds education than this. The range of studies embraces ererythlng neo- Mupy to o&torise colldcto* A leaeher’t Class wilfbe {armed during* the Fall term, using “ Holbrook's Normal Method” and Calk in’s Object Lessons" as tsxt bocks. For particulars u to expenses, regulations, Ae., address tbs Principal or one ef the Trustees end ob tain a circular. WEUSBOBO 1 ACADEMY. Wellsboro', Tioga Counjty, Peana. MARINUS N. ALLEN. A. BL; - . Principal assistsd by competent teachers. The Fell i August, 1883 i Tuition fori Byordi GEIAR MTHE T»A®P ff*HAT ruib to BDLLARD.AGO'B STORE? X mea&i sotta'Ching! * rt ; Of eoum it doot, it mdsns that* * ■: iMLAM & (90s EXQUISITE SHAKERS! pt' One Door above Boy’s Drag Store. ! BCiXABD 4 CO. W.llsboro, May 27,1863. —"Tt' DIKING, 010 TO WEILTO! /bod; desire* to bepome iadepeidetfft mad par suit after wealth ererleek tilt ’ «■ of a fortue. mil Satina tiring of l«go resoiitstt. At ttty ittf iiciple ia to ECONOMIZE IN DRESS. PEEtNB & CO’S, DURABtLITY. f ‘ ; SUPERIOR MANUFACTURE, and EXTREMELY; LOW PRICES. PLAIN Pia^SßS, NO DEVIATION HOAD TO WEALTH. THOT, June .17,18«3. )U HIGH SCHOOL. OSCE' A. K. BOSABD, Esq., I 1 , * ALLEN SEELT, ■ I Trustees, ENOCH. M. STEER,; j Osceola, July 1,1863-tf. ' , ■era will commence on, the 24th of tens, from $2.50 to $O.OO. cuss' Outs will slse bo furmod. wof Trut***, I- 3. In BOBDT6ON, IWt _■* (Jalyl, JSM. Wellsboro, % ’ i
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